Fortune telling on tea - what is in store for you by the Higher powers? Fortune telling on tea: the usual ways

ancient tradition Fortune-telling on tea has come down to us from Asia. After reading the article, you will learn how to predict the future and interpret the meaning of the figures according to the English and Asian method of divination on tea thick.

Asian divination on tea

Tea is not only a popular drink in Asia, but also a unique remedy that allows you to get rid of various diseases and even . Such divination is very simple, and even someone who has never had anything to do with magic can take it up.

In order to perform the ritual, you will need to pour one teaspoon of tea with boiling water. Cover the container and let the drink brew for 15 minutes.

During this time, it is necessary to formulate the right question and focus on it. When the tea is brewed, remove the lid and see what happens.

It is believed that when divining, it is impossible to turn over, rotate the cup. Although in some cases it is customary to unroll the tea container, this method is considered by many to be wrong. Therefore, it is better not to touch the container.

If a 2 teapots surfaced on the right side, and 1 on the left, then in the near future the situation will develop as you want. The wish you made will come true, the relationship with your loved one will be strong, probably an increase in career ladder or an increase in wealth.

If a there was only one tea leaf on both sides, then it's not very good sign. Small troubles are likely, which will cause a lot of inconvenience. However, they can affect any area of ​​life. If you do not solve all the problems at once, then they will accumulate like a snowball and lead to major failures.

Two tea leaves on the right and left- the situation will not develop yet. Stagnation is likely, business will be very difficult to develop, enemies will put spokes in the wheel. In personal life, everything is more cloudless, but you can not expect pleasant surprises and gifts.

Tea leaves only on the left There will be both joys and failures in life.

All the tea leaves rose to the surface- this suggests that higher powers are not ready to give you an answer, or this is a sign that you are in too much of a hurry. It is possible that because of your haste, many plans are collapsing, you should think about your attitude to life.

Tea leaves float in the middle of the cup without rising to the surface - happiness and success await you in all areas of life. It is possible to receive gifts, promotion up the career ladder, love union will be strong and reliable.

Many people are sure that such a divination method appeared precisely on the territory ancient england. Although it was used throughout Europe. This method is very similar to, but much simpler.

In order to look into the future, you need to brew tea in a container, drink it, after which the cup turns so that the handle looks to the left. The container is closed with a saucer, after which it is shaken three times. Now look at what figure formed at the bottom.

Experienced witches believe that when interpreting signs, it is necessary to rely not only on classical meanings, but also on their intuition and sensations. However, this requires experience, so it is better for beginners to dwell on generally accepted interpretations.

  • Stone, diamond- success on the personal front, family happiness.
  • Bell or angel- joyful news, unexpected gifts.
  • Harp- creative success, inspiration, perhaps the beginning of a new novel.
  • Butterfly- carelessness, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Learn to take life more seriously.
  • Drum- you are too selfish, because of this, problems in society are possible.
  • Ring- wedding, engagement.
  • Bracelet, circle- the beginning of a new relationship or marriage.
  • The appearance next to the symbol of any letters or numbers- the date or the first letter of the month when the joyful event will occur. The appearance of a symbol at the very bottom of the cup indicates that the event will happen, but not as soon as you would like.
  • Heart, bouquet- happy family life, stormy personal life.
  • one flower- strong friendship, possibly engagement. The flower at the very bottom of the cup is loneliness.
  • Any liquid container- do not abuse alcohol. This can lead to bad consequences.
  • Animal with horns- your character will be the cause various troubles, be very careful. Stubbornness is not best feature which should now be displayed.
  • Dancing figure, fan- too superficial attitude to life will not lead to success.
  • bare branch- strife.
  • branch with leaves- the appearance of friends, meeting with old acquaintances.
  • Grape- warm romantic relationship, happy marriage.
  • Mountains, hills- In order to achieve your goals, you have to work very long and hard.
  • Tree, stars - happy life, Security, Good Health.
  • figure of a woman- Do not wishful thinking. Take off your rose colored glasses and see who is really around you.
  • Mask- do not open your heart to other people, be as careful as possible.
  • Lock- a very joyful event awaits you, a promotion up the career ladder is possible.
  • Snake- beware of enemies.
  • Steel arms- a misunderstanding, you should not spend money left and right, poor health, quarrels.
  • Fountain, key, horseshoe- you will be very lucky soon.
  • Cell(if fortune-telling for love) - marriage, (if other areas of life) - turmoil.
  • Ring crown Success can only be achieved through hard work.
  • Comet- Trouble will bypass you.
  • compass, boat- a long journey, something should be changed in life.
  • Cat- among acquaintances there is a traitor.
  • Chair- friends will come to visit.
  • Cross- to achieve the goal you have to sacrifice something.
  • Bed- stop and rest.
  • Bulb- You will be supported in any endeavor.
  • Bat - the trip will not be successful, various problems.
  • Straight line- Meeting with friends.
  • wavy lines- uncertainty, fear.
  • Planet- someone will sing praises to you.
  • Frog- your strategy is wrong.
  • Car- in life there will be sharp, but positive changes.
  • Bridge- you are on the right track.
  • Bear- do not climb on the rampage.
  • Clouds- Better to do something else.
  • A donkey- stubbornness is not your best feature.
  • Glasses- bad news.
  • Spider- sudden incident.
  • Saw- someone is trying to harm you.
  • Bird- ailment.
  • Arrow- lead.
  • Firearms- too much hassle.
  • Arms- help of close people.
  • Fish- long road, good news.
  • Elephant- the need for a reliable person.
  • Dog- your friends need help.
  • Axe- danger.
  • points- the dream will come true, receiving funds.
  • Triangle- to achieve good luck, you need to think through every move you make.
  • Tube, flag Now is the time to heed the advice of loved ones.
  • Kettle- The family needs your care.
  • Watch- you can make plans for the future.
  • Cup, plate- receiving monetary compensation.
  • Chess- everyday problems.
  • Egg- birth of a child.
  • Anchor- you will be able to get rid of difficulties and hindrances.

How to guess on tea? Everything is extremely simple. To get a clear and correct answer, you only need your desire and a correctly decoded result.

Fortune telling on tea - old tradition that came from the east hundreds of years ago. Asians consider tea not only fragrant drink and important detail local etiquette, but also a means to lift the veil of the future. This method of divination at home can be called one of the simplest and most entertaining, so it has gained immense popularity in the world. There are several types of magic.

Asian tea divination

For Asian divination, you will need a cup with a lid and a spoonful of loose tea. It is better to take tea with large leaves, so the result will be more accurate.

  1. Pour the tea leaves into a mug, pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid and leave to infuse for ten to fifteen minutes.
  2. While the drink is brewing, try to mentally focus on the question that you want to get an answer to.

When the tea is ready, decide on the position of the cup. It is best if it stands the way you put it before starting fortune-telling. If it was not possible to remember the initial position, position the pen to the left. Some people think that it is more correct to spin the cup before looking at the result. There is no single way, so choose the one that suits you.

Interpretation of Asian divination

Pay attention to the location of the tea leaves in the cup. There are many interpretations, so I will list the main ones.

  • Two tea leaves on the right, one on the left. It all depends on question asked, but you can be sure that such an arrangement of tea leaves promises good luck. The wish will come true, success awaits at work and in love affairs.
  • Tea leaves, one on each side of the cup, do not bode well. Relations with loved ones can go wrong, problems await in work and household affairs. Whatever you guess, do not expect good luck in this situation.
  • If the tea leaves are located only on the left, both bad and good events await.
  • Two tea leaves on the right and two on the left say that you are lucky only in matters of the heart. Otherwise, this location is not the best, so luck will not be on your side for now.
  • On the left side of the cup, two wide tea leaves floated up, and on the right, two others closed in the form of rings - a bad omen. If you were guessing about relationships, it is possible that everything will work out, but in everything else, success will definitely leave.
  • If one tea leaf has floated halfway, and several others are kept at a short distance from the bottom, things will go uphill. What is in love, what is in money matters and Everyday life the future promises only good.
  • All the tea leaves that have appeared on the surface say that the fortuneteller does not know how to brew tea correctly or is simply too impatient. Such an arrangement is considered a bad sign and speaks of impending troubles.

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English divination for tea

For many, England is associated with tea, so it is not surprising that the kingdom also has a tea method of divination. True, it is quite different from the eastern one, and resembles.

A fortune-telling cup or mug must meet two requirements. First, the bottom and walls from the inside should be white or light in order to avoid mistakes while reading the drawing. Secondly, you will need a new cup or one that has not been used for everyday tea drinking. Tea should be black and preferably small-leaved; it’s harder to guess from large tea leaves.

When the tea is brewed, drink it slowly, thinking about the exciting problem. Leave some tea at the bottom, otherwise no pattern will work. Take a cup in left hand, shake three times and pour the tea leaves on a saucer.

Interpretation of English divination

When the tea leaves at the bottom of the saucer have formed into a pattern, try to determine what it looks like the most. Each drawing has its own meaning.

  • The egg symbolizes the birth of something new. A new idea, a child, a relationship.
  • Ladder means climbing the career ladder. It is possible that success and promotion in the workplace awaits.
  • If you saw a drawing in the form of a cross, beware of betrayal. In the worst cases, the cross portends illness or death.
  • gemstone promises happiness in personal life.
  • An angel or bell is a symbol of good news or a joyful event.
  • A jug or other container for liquid warns against excesses, and not necessarily in relation to alcohol.
  • Grapes symbolize a happy family life.
  • The drawing in the form of a snake says that intrigues are being weaved against you or about the appearance in the life of a person who wishes evil. Sometimes the snake is considered a symbol of wisdom, the acquisition of new experience.
  • Knife, scissors and other sharp objects mean a quarrel, conflict. In terms of money and in terms of health, problems are also possible.
  • A car or wagon promises imminent changes in better side.
  • An arrow or a bird promise good news. The clearer the picture, the better news.
  • The hand means the support of relatives, loved ones.
  • The spider says that a gift or an accepted surprise is coming soon.
  • A ship or plane - to a long journey or to big changes in life.
  • The stork symbolizes early pregnancy.
  • The triangle is a symbol of previously undiscovered talents.
  • The cat means betrayal, flattery, failure on the personal front.
  • The tree promises security and serenity.
  • The star says that your cherished dreams and wishes will come true soon.
  • Butterfly is considered a symbol of a new hobby, an interesting activity.

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Fortune telling is an unusual, magical ritual, so success lies not only in proper conduct. Exist special days favorable for the process, and this is important to consider.

On Sunday, like on big church holidays, guessing is not worth it, nothing good will come of it. Friday night is ideal for the ritual, especially in matters related to love affairs. Convenient for, the days of the equinox and solstice.

If contacting lunar calendar, 12, 14 and 18 days are considered the most successful. But on the 10th day, it is better to refrain from guessing.

Contrary to popular belief, fortune-telling must be taken seriously. This is not entertainment, but ancient rite, so refer to it if you really need it. And, of course, follow the recommendations exactly - otherwise you will either not get an answer to the question, or it will turn out to be wrong.

The tradition of drinking tea appeared a long time ago, during the reign of the Tang Dynasty in China. Tea drinking was not so much the consumption of liquid as a solemn ceremony. procedure with special rituals. Initially, only very rich people drank tea. Beautiful cups, exquisite teas, water from clean sources, a well-ventilated room with silk pillows - these are the attributes of the tea ceremony.

People noticed that tea leaves remain at the bottom of the cup after drinking the drink, forming intricate patterns. At first it was just interesting to guess figures or events. And when the events began to come true, there was a demand for divination by tea. Divination began to be practiced simultaneously in different parts of the world: in China and England. Both divinations are fundamentally different from each other.

9+Tea drinking in England is so popular that over time the expression "tea time" appeared. This is a time of communication with loved ones, a special procedure in which a table for tea drinking is set in a large spacious room. The tablecloth should be must be white descending to the floor. A service of a large number of items, including a milk jug. By the way, plates for a cup and cups with a handle were also invented by the British.

Rules of English tea divination:

Features of Chinese divination

To experiment with Chinese divination, you need not a cup, but a bowl. Once upon a time, tea was used as a medicine. Therefore, tea bowls were small, and the drink was absorbed slowly in small sips, each sip was savored in the mouth.

Divination rules in China:

Symbol interpretation

In addition to Chinese and English fortune-telling, there is fortune-telling by tea leaves, located not only in a cup, but also on a saucer. To do this, you need to throw the tea leaves left in the cup onto a saucer and carefully examine the tea leaves that have formed into symbols. It is likely that the first time you will not be able to properly tip the cup. It doesn't mean anything, you just need to practice this activity.

On tea brewing, you can guess the same way as on coffee grounds. It will be especially successful love divination on tea leaves. This method is becoming increasingly popular among fortune tellers because it is simple and straightforward.

Fortune telling about love can be done in different ways. One of them is tea divination. Tea has been used in such rituals for a long time, even by the ancient fortunetellers of China. We drink this drink every day, several times a day, so why not combine business with pleasure, and at the same time look into the future, referring to the knowledge of the sages of the East.

Features of divination on tea leaves

For such divination, it is better to use oriental tea, green, with jasmine petals. If you don't like jasmine or green tea, you can buy black, but it is desirable best quality. The fact is that ordinary, simple black tea leaves, as a rule, are prepared from the remains of elite tea, and using it in divination can make the information inaccurate. In elite grade teas, only the best tea leaves are selected, which open during brewing. It is in such leaves that information about the future is contained, which will help to find out the truth about a loved one.

If you are going to tell fortunes on tea leaves, then sugar and other ingredients should not be added to such tea: this will disrupt the process of transmitting and receiving information. But that doesn't mean you have to give up a delicious piece of candy or a piece of cake.

Fortune telling on tea

Take the required amount of tea leaves with your left hand and put in a cup. You need to use your own hand and your own fingers, because upon contact with a spoon, tea will not feel your energy. When it is brewed and infused, you can start drinking tea, during which think about what exactly you want to know. Maybe you're interested in a certain person or maybe you're just wondering when you'll meet your soul mate. The question must be formulated carefully.

In order to get a clear pattern, you should leave some tea at the bottom of the cup. Then take it in your left hand and turn it upside down. Next, put in this position on a saucer and wait a bit. However, you should not delay too much and go about your business, interrupting the ritual, as the tea leaves can dry out and crumble.

When you have done all this, you can proceed to the most interesting, key process of divination. Tune in and focus, and then start looking at the tea leaves at the bottom of the cup. Don't be in a hurry; turn on your imagination and listen to your feelings. Then you will see the answer to your question. As a rule, any decoding of figures and objects in such fortune-telling is generalized and ambiguous, so you should not be tied to strictly defined values. They are given for interpretation when you are guessing to another person, but here you yourself charge the tea drink with your energy. Trust your intuition, and then you can correctly interpret any sign.

Many people think that only the elite or people with a good imagination can find out the truth from the tea leaves, but they assure that everyone can learn to read the future. Tea has many magical, healing and useful properties. And in the business of divination, the main thing is to have a great desire and have a little patience, because practice is needed in any business. Listen to your inner voice, trust your intuition and don't forget to push the buttons and

15.10.2015 00:20

During the celebration of the Old New Year, everyone can tell fortunes and find out what awaits him in ...

Alexander Kinzhinov, one of the strongest participants in the 18th season of the Battle of Psychics, shared his thoughts on...

BUT lmaz - Happiness in love.
Angel - Unexpected joy, good news.
Harp - Roman. lofty ideas.
Butterfly - Social entertainment, which sometimes ends in tears, but is usually resolved with a light joke. Be prudent.
Drum - Avoid pomposity, look for something new and exciting.
Barrel Full, closer to the handle - a holiday in your home. Empty - you better rest. At the bottom - save money.
Bracelet (ring) - A symbol of engagement, wedding, a very important union for you; congratulations follow. For more details, look for numbers or initials nearby. But remember: if the bracelet (ring) is at the bottom of the cup, then due to unforeseen circumstances or due to mutual misunderstanding, the date of the engagement (wedding) can be postponed or even completely canceled.
Buffalo - Man's suffering.

Clearly looming letters mean good news, fuzzy - bad. If dots are located near them, this symbolizes money; if the letters are near the heart, expect an emotional load. Letters (capital or lowercase) also symbolize friends, colleagues, relatives.
And you will win.
B - wealth or power in your hands.
B - harm, grief awaits you.
G - put candles to St. George.
D - no money.
E - conscience is clear.
K - wear a cross (or buy a new one).
N - misfortune, you will be worried.
P - betrayal, insincerity.
R - glass (be careful with alcohol).
X - get married.
Yu is a bad old age.
I - fate turns to your "I", life will get better.

See also the interpretation of the word "Initials".

Bouquet - Happiness in love, in family life.
Bottle - Refrain from excesses. If the figure is located on the bottom of the cup, this warning applies to someone close to you.
Bull - Beware, danger awaits you. Control your temper. On top and clear - you will receive a large amount of money for your work. Below and clear - treatment and health.

AT aza - Reward and peace of mind will come to you through service to people.
Mitten - Obsolete love.
Fan (fan) - Be careful. Don't make a faux pas. Your carelessness can lead to unpleasant consequences.
Bike - Difficult Journey.
Wreath - Success in business.
Camel - Wealth.
A branch without leaves - a quarrel at home or at work will lead to temporary tension. With leaves - will tie new friendship. Birth notice.
Fork - Wealth and chic.
Grapes - Happiness through confidence in a loved one.
Kite- Fate is not on your side, especially in the game. Look at everything calmly and sanely.
Crow - There is misfortune in the house.
Gates open - happy resolution unpleasant situation. Closed - before you come to a satisfying result, you will have to negotiate.
Rider - Help From strong face.

G itara - The desire for stormy love and affection.
Eyes - Change of life.
Dove - Peace, tranquility, good news.
Mountains ahead - hard work, but it will help you out true friend.
Mushrooms - A brief quarrel with a lover. Some complications at work or at home. Apparently, you will have to rebuild a little - both mentally and physically.
Coffin - Bad news. Sometimes it can also mean death.

D believe open - pleasant and unexpected news. Closed - be patient and your wish will come true.
Girl - Sincere love.
Tree - Health and happiness await you, the possession of many things. A lot of trees - you strive for changes and wait for them.
A house with a roof and windows is family happiness. House next to the circle - you get your own house. House at the top - things are for the better. The house is small - need, tightness, if there are black dots around the house, then provision.
Dragon - From now on, start a new business, reconsider your point of view.
Oak - Victory over the enemy.

AND Elud - Success despite difficulties. If the acorn came out very clearly - good luck. If its outlines are vague, you will have to make efforts to achieve the goal.
Woman - A symbol of the desired, masquerading as real; hope and passion.

W amok - Unexpected inheritance. Something will happen in the highest degree pleasant.
Hare - Myopia, cowardice.
Star - Lucky sign. Symbolizes happiness, health and wealth. All your thoughts and hopes are destined to come true.
Building - For the sake of achieving the goal, you will change your views; you may need a change of scenery.
Grains scattered in a straight line are easily overcome obstacles.
Snake - Unkind; someone is plotting against you.
Umbrella closed - you do not fit into the situation in which you are. Open - be careful and do not be afraid to consult with friends.

And va - Sadness, tears, melancholy.
Initials - Mean people with whom these initials can be associated, and if they are located close to the handle, then people close or important to the person they are guessing. Any letters of the alphabet can refer to people you know or will soon recognize.

To amin - Call the guests, communicate more.
Square - good sign, is considered as a means of protection against errors and dangers that can or have been avoided (weakened).
Dagger - Danger of loss due to enmity.
Clover - Whatever the problems, everything will end very well for you.
Cage (large) - As a rule, a cage means a wedding. But it can also mean problems that worry you a lot. Wait - time will put everything in its place.
Cage (small for birds) - Be careful with hobbies: think carefully before making far-reaching promises.
The key is you happy man. All roads and all doors open before you, both in business and in your personal life. Any problems will be resolved, keep looking.
The book is closed - do not make hasty decisions. Open - continue as planned.
Goat - Bad news from a traveler. Do not be stubborn and try to avoid quarrels with others.
Wheel - Working a lot, you will achieve what you want, if the wheel is located at the edge of the cup, you are waiting for a salary increase or dividends.
Bell - Good news. Many bells - significant event. Perhaps a wedding.
Ring - Marriage, love, good wishes.
Comet - Do not worry about what may not happen at all. Relax.
Compass - Go travel. Find yourself a new job.
Envelope - Wait for the letter. In the event that a square or rectangle (envelope) is located near the letter, the news will come by mail. If you see a lot of dots nearby, then the news is related to money problems. The closer the envelope is to the handle and the edge of the cup, the sooner the letter should arrive.
Horse - Happiness, luck, marriage.
Ship - A journey awaits you. If the ship is located near the handle, the trip will be useful both for business and for the family; if at the edge of the cup, you will have to pack your things and get ready for the road in a hurry.
Basket Full - a surprise or a message about the birth of a child. Empty - spend less money.
Box Closed - Something is bothering you. Open - your unstable situation will soon pass, you will gain the ability to communicate as soon as you think about being friendly to others.
Box - joy, success.
Cow - A blonde woman will come with good intentions.
Crown - Good luck will come after a major achievement and honors.
The cat is a bad sign. Betrayal will bring a lot of trouble.
Armchair (chair) - An unexpected guest. Find time to relax.
Cross - you have to give up something significant. At the bottom of the cup - one of your loved ones is in big trouble. Closer to the upper edge - troubles will end soon. Cross in a square - soon you will be able to ward off trouble. Black cross - sad news or death. White cross - family life.
Bed (bed) - Subconscious desire to rest and relax. Dreams can help you forget troubles.
Circle - Usually a circle means money. The larger the circle, the more money. The circle can also signify success after many failed attempts and hard work. Circles without spots. - money. Circles with spots - children.
Pitcher - Soon it will be time to have fun. Avoid excesses and do not follow your own weaknesses. You will find many pleasant meetings with friends.
Chicken - Save money. Good intuition and financial sense will bring good luck.
Bush - Unexpected money; the bigger the bush, the more money.

L ampa, located on the side - means unforeseen support in hard times; located on the bottom of the cup - means that an important event is being postponed, and you will have to endure disappointment; located at the very edge of the cup or on its edge - means happy reunion and celebration; located at the handle - promises a special legacy. Two lamps portend a merger or two weddings.
Swan - Unexpected money.
Forest - Delusions, futile wanderings in search of a way out, mistakes.
Staircase - Your desire to rise, idealism will accelerate your progress. But the demands placed on you will increase accordingly (to fall higher!).
Bat - Troubles from the jealousy of a person who hates you. The journey you have planned may not be necessary.
Lily - Friendship and constancy. Located on the edge of the cup, it symbolizes a wonderful marriage, and on the bottom - a sharp squabble, quarrel.
The lines are arcuate or curved - Evil enemy The one to beware of is near.
Oblique line - Disease. A lot of oblique lines - your business will end badly.
The line is separate, in the middle of the cup - Close good trip.
Parallel lines - Promise a journey, a trip.
Lines broken, wavy - Indecision, uncertainty as a result of a deterioration in the situation; sometimes financial losses.
The lines are straight, short and long - Happiness. Many straight lines - health and longevity.
Lines are straight, uninterrupted - Mean calm, peace, clarity, due to clear planning.
A straight line interrupted or a zigzag line - Adventure and illness.
Fox - Deception or cunning will destroy a good relationship or friendship.
Leaves - If the figures formed from tea leaves resemble small leaves, then this means that you should not give up, start your business all over again.
Faces - New acquaintances will bring you new friends.
Boat - If sailing, do what you have planned. If this is a large ship, fear of travel or a desire to avoid something may change your current plans.
Shovel - Your hard work will be marked by many honors and awards. At the top of the cup - finding the lost where it did not hope to find. Surrounded human faces- envy the situation and try to offend, slander at work. Near the square or cross - the news of the death of a loved one. In the hands of one woman is a dark shovel - a widow, an inheritance from her husband.
Horse - Road.
The moon is a symbol of honors. If it is located near the handle of the cup, it is waiting new novel; if on the bottom, - a trip or a trip; if the moon is in the phase of the first quarter, start a new business; and if in the last quarter, hurry up to make the necessary decisions; if the moon is covered with clouds or is not clearly drawn, your worries will soon come to an end.
People - They want to help you.
Frog - It's time to make changes in business or in communication with others. A sign of happiness, good luck, kindness and Great love. At the top (dark) - you will fall in love with a widower or a divorced man with a position. Near the road - someone will come from afar, from which there will be benefits. Near the cell - recovery from the disease.

M argaritka - love and happiness await you.
Mask - Keep your cherished dreams and secret desires. If a bell or a flower is located next to this figure, a festive celebration awaits you soon.
Machine - Change for the better.
Bear - Warning of possible troubles. Stay at home.
Broom - New prospects will open, new interests will arise; time for a change.
Baby - On the wall - financial difficulties. Closer to the handle - unexpected honors. At the bottom - failure in love.
Young guy - Separation.
Hammer - The path of trial and error will lead you to success.
Bridge - your decision on how to overcome the obstacle that has arisen will eventually turn out to be correct.
Ants - Difficulties, hard times, a lot of work ahead.
Flies - Unpleasant moments that you should not pay attention to.
Ball - Coming changes.

H anvil To achieve the goal, you will need to make a lot of effort.
celestial bodies- It takes some imagination to recognize them. These include: Sun, Moon, Milky Way, other stars and planets. All of them predict happiness and prosperity.
Knife - Bad sign. Watch your health. Do not make business contacts without consulting experts. Monetary misunderstandings may arise. If the knife is located at the bottom of the cup, lawsuits may be brought against you. If the knife is turned with a sharp end to the handle, this may mean a temporary separation from the family or a break in work. If the knife is partially covered by a square, you will be lucky in some way and you will avoid some difficulties. Your relationships with friends and loved ones will be subjected to ordeal.
Scissors - A bitter omen. If they are located near the handle, expect complications in family relationships; if near the edge, there will be a divorce from a husband or wife; if at the bottom of the cup - a conflict at work. Closed scissors - an unexpected need.

O blaka - Bad sign; trouble awaits. The more tea leaves around the clouds, the more difficult the financial circumstances will be. Try changing plans.
Women's shoes - Meeting, danger.
Window - Theft. Window with a cross - fire.
Deer - Be calm, try not to get involved in disputes and not start quarrels.
The eagle is a very large bird. Thus, your desire is more serious and stronger than you think. Try to expand your house family hearth and your circle of friends. Protection needed. Holding an eagle is good luck, a wedding.
Weapon - Material happiness.
Donkey - Develop patience in yourself. Don't be stubborn. Explore all aspects of the issue.
Points - surprise lies in wait. If it happens at work, be careful.

P alma - A sign of good luck, happiness and marital well-being.
Folder - Good good plans. At the top, big things are being done. In the middle - you will be satisfied with life, your fate.
Spider - Although you always hide from everyone and no one knows anything about you, this time it is known that you will receive a lot of money and unexpected gifts.
Hourglass (calculated for one hour). - On the verge of danger. Especially bad if at the bottom of the cup. Don't rush into a decision.
Rooster - Family harmony, well-being, new news. Rooster on the hill - marriage, great happiness. A rooster on top of a cup is amazing, very good news. The rooster at the bottom of the cup is a little harm on the part of some person, after that good luck. Rooster head down big change for the better.
Saw - Someone's interference in your affairs will create you serious problems.
Horseshoe - Promises good luck. See if there are signs specifying which one.
Bed - See bed.
Dishes - Sudden meeting.
A bird on a branch is a quick journey. If there are dots or short dashes nearby, you will travel in company. A few birds are happiness. In general, a bird means news, good or bad, depending on the signs located nearby.

R griddle - Arrest or stalemate.
Rose - Betrothal.
Horn of the moon - Vain dreams.
Mouth - Modesty, diligence, fruitful life. On top of the cup (dark) - Good friends, strong life. In the middle of the cup (clear) - bad or good news.
Shotgun - Be careful - household chores can also bring trouble.
Hand - Someone needs you to the same extent as you need him. Understanding and friendship give you strength.
Fish - Lucky sign. Good news; travel is possible.

FROM airplane (on the bottom) - the trip may not take place; inevitable disappointment. On the wall - I want to run away from existing problems, even to fly away by plane - no matter how strange it may seem. Next to the pen - for yourself or for your family you will have to do something new.
Boot - There is an intention to travel, but it will take some financial aid to make your dream come true. If you have planned a business trip, then it will be successful.
Candle - Dream. A candle around a star is a sacrifice, hope.
Heart - You have a lover or a very close friend. If there is a ring nearby, a wedding is coming soon. Dots at the heart - wait for money. If the heart is fuzzy, you are not serious in your intentions.
Elephant - portends health and happiness, but you need a friend you can rely on.
Dog - You have a very loyal friend. At the bottom - one of your friends needs your help. Dog head - someone from your environment highly appreciates you as a friend.
Sun - Recovery, a secure life, smart children.
Owl - A bad omen, possibly illness or even death.
Old woman- Honest and ardent love.
Table - Feast.
Arrow - A letter will come, after which some kind of agreement will be possible. If the arrow came out fuzzy or incomplete, the news can be unpleasant.
Chair - Greatness and a sign of success.

T ent - If you are upset and do not find a place for yourself - go travel.
Ax - Warning of danger. If it came out fuzzy, the danger is not so serious.
Points (lined up in a row) Mean a journey. Three points gathered together - the fulfillment of desires. Dots (cluster) The accumulation of dots from tea leaves of different sizes means money: than more congestion the more money.
Triangle - Happiness accompanies you, unless the triangle is turned upside down. In this case, you should carefully weigh any step before taking something new. Two touching triangles means that your position is not firm. Three intersecting triangles - love luck.
Tube - Indicates that the time has come to think carefully, to listen to advice. Do not be overly self-confident, try to be reasonable.

At tka - Cheerfulness and optimism will help improve the current situation.
Duckling - the spouse has an angelic character and a good heart.

F artuk - A quick acquaintance with people who will become your close friends.
Violets - A rich marriage.
Flag - Be careful, an attack is possible, act slowly and prudently. At the top and dark - new good luck thanks to someone else's misfortune. Below and clear - the birth of a boy who has a great future. Fountain - your plans will come to a successful conclusion. Joy and prosperity await you.
Fruit - A sign that promises good luck, therefore - act.

X aos - Nothing definite - give up fortune-telling for a while.
Predator - Poverty.
Chrysanthemum - Late love ("Chrysanthemums in the garden have long faded, but love still lives ...").

C vety - Happiness and honors. At the bottom of the cup is a lucky love knot. On the wall - marriage or love. A flower with a cross - marriage. Flower with circles - receiving money. Church Love, betrothal or marriage.

Can represent money, address, date or time (minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years). The explanation of the figures is contained in other figures. The closer to the handle, the sooner the prediction will come true. Can expect good luck in the lottery. See also: envelope.
1 - someone loves you.
2 - illness and failure.
3 - trade deal.
4 - you still hope.
5 - talk, gossip.
6 - wedding, but there will be problems.
7 - family happiness.
8 - quarrel with a loved one.
9 - a new acquaintance.
0 - you were born under a lucky star.
100 - happy life. the sign of infinity - can mean both extreme luck and a vicious circle of problems or an unexpected metamorphosis.

H ainka large on the edge of the cup means a man who has an interest in the person who is guessing.
A small tea leaf on the edge of the cup means a woman who has an interest in the person they are guessing.
Kettle - your goal is to achieve harmony at home. If steam comes out of the kettle, it means struggle and lack of calm.
Clock - Make plans for the future.
Chalice (cup) - abundance. A new acquaintance will bring a lot of joy.
Quadrilateral. The correct quadrilateral is the best sign. Your life will be happy and financially secure, there will be profits.

W chess pieces - Calculate every action many steps ahead. Numerous difficulties await you.
Hat - Money. At the bottom - a balanced and happy family life. On the wall - you have extremely developed diplomatic skills.
Sword - Be careful: conflicts await you - both at home and at work.

E crew - your secret can be revealed. Don't do anything in a hurry.

I blocko - you are able to achieve a certain success in business; work on yourself. Means also good health.
Eggs - A baby was born. Two or three nests is great news.
Anchor - A sign of success. Higher - love and constancy. On the side - you are more interested in business and travel than sex and love adventures. At the bottom - any undertaking involving a journey will be successful. If the anchor turned out to be fuzzy, this means temporary troubles associated with loved ones.
Lizard - Surprise.
