How to deal with a broken energy-saving light bulb. Where to take energy-saving light bulbs after use? Processing technology for fluorescent lamps

Daylight bulbs, or as they are also called fluorescent, have become very popular today and therefore are an integral and familiar part of most people's lives. To buy an energy-saving lamp, today, it will not be difficult, you just have to go to any store in Moscow. Everything seems so simple, however, when the lamp burns out, in no case should it be thrown away in the usual way for you. This light source requires special and proper disposal.

Disposal of fluorescent lamps: why is it necessary

The main disadvantage of fluorescent energy-saving lamps is the content of a very small amount of mercury in their design. Without it, the combustion process of this device is impossible.

Mercury itself is harmful in that it can be converted into a substance that is very dangerous for human health and can accumulate directly in the environment. Therefore, when mercury enters the human body, dangerous poisoning, which can lead to serious violations of the entire nervous system.

That is why, when the expiration date of fluorescent bulbs passes, their storage in a residential area is strictly prohibited, and the SanPin rules for disposal must be taken into account. If LED lamps are thrown into a regular trash can, then a number of negative consequences.

Improper disposal will lead to such consequences as:

  • Pollution environment;
  • The release of very harmful mercury vapors;
  • Poisoning the entire human body;
  • Harm your favorite plants.

The ban on the storage of used lamps has been approved by the relevant authorities, so they are disposed of according to special rules and requirements. It is also necessary to take into account the order of disposal, which consists in a sequence of actions. Namely: in sorting, storing and transporting in the right way.

Contract for the disposal of fluorescent lamps: requirements for its execution

Waste management has become very popular these days. The service is especially in demand - as the disposal of energy-saving lamps. This fact requires a reliable legal approach, namely the conclusion of a contract. The contract is an agreement between the two parties, a sample of which can be found on a special website.

Such an agreement includes: information about the parties, obligations, price, terms, as well as liability that will follow for violation of the agreement. The contract is concluded in the relevant bodies, and its effect ends only after the expiration of the established period.

To conclude such an agreement, you must definitely use some rules, as well as take into account the mandatory requirements.

Requirements that must be observed when filling out the contract:

  • The agreement must be drawn up only in writing;
  • May include additional agreements;
  • The contract itself must be signed by both parties.

At the end of the execution of the contract, it must be certified and recorded in special organizations in order to have a guarantee of the completion of this operation.

Recycling methods: how to dispose of energy-saving light bulbs correctly

Lamps containing harmful mercury vapor must be disposed of with great care. They cannot be thrown away with ordinary waste so easily, as they are highly toxic and belong to the special category. hazardous waste. It is necessary to store and dispose of DRL, energy-saving and fluorescent lamps with extreme caution in a special room, in accordance with all sanitary standards.

Disposal fluorescent lamps consists of several technological processes, thanks to which completely safe waste is obtained. These wastes can then be safely disposed of or later used as raw materials.

All these processes are regulated by two main regulations: KOSGU and OKPD. Firms that are engaged in this process take responsibility for fulfilling the task assigned to them, and must necessarily have a license for independent disposal of fluorescent lamps. The recycling mechanism can be produced by a chemical or thermal method.

Processing options:

  • Amalgamation. This method is based on the transformation of mercury into a semi-solid amalgam.
  • thermal method. It is able to collect all mercury vapor and then recycle it into raw materials that are recycled in the plant.
  • High temperature firing. Founded this way on the neutralization of toxic substances, with an admixture of mercury and air purification.
  • Vibro-pneumatic method. This technology is based on the separation of the processed material into its individual components.
  • Demercurization. This is the most popular method, based on the grinding of all fragments at high temperatures, using some chemical elements. This method can be carried out different ways: dry, thermal, hydrometallurgical, as well as thermal vacuum.

All these methods are very effective and allow you to neutralize harmful substances in accordance with certain points of the law. Clauses of the law testify to the correct disposal of fluorescent lamps.

How energy-saving light bulbs are disposed of: instructions

Some plants use fluorescent lamps that contain a large number of mercury than household appliances. Therefore, the write-off and disposal of light bulbs in production occurs according to special scheme which must be formalized.

All this information goes directly through the accounting department, which helps to capture full control over disposal. Hazardous waste must be sent for disposal twice a year.

The recycling of lamps begins with their transportation to their destination. Such a place is a special point, which is engaged in the reception of these lamps. Such a point is engaged in the proper transportation and sending of waste to enterprises that carry out recycling. The disposal of lamps itself takes place in several stages according to strictly observed instructions.

Disposal instructions:

  • First, all glass parts are sent to a special grinder, where crushing to the desired fraction takes place.
  • Then, using a stream of compressed air, the entire phosphor is blown into a container designed specifically for this.
  • In the container, all small particles are heated to a certain temperature, namely to boiling.
  • After that, gaseous mercury is formed, which in turn is cooled in containers designed for this purpose.
  • The end result of the entire process is pure metal.

In this process, not only metal is formed, but also other compounds that make up the composition during processing. The resulting pure mercury is used in production again.

Where to dispose of energy-saving lamps: delivery and write-off

If you do not want to harm your health, then you need to properly dispose of fluorescent lamps. You need to hand over these products to special services that deal with the transportation, storage and sending of lamps to processing plants.

Today, every city has a reception service for various industrial waste. These are organizations such as the regional DEZ or PRUE. Here you can also donate spent energy saving light bulbs.

You can also hand over broken bulbs to a supermarket located in the city, where special places should be allocated for this. Delivery must follow certain rules.

Delivery rules:

  • All light bulbs unsuitable for use must be collected;
  • Pack neatly in a sturdy box;
  • Pack securely.
  • 0.00 (0 Votes)

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from 1 to 5 hazard class

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Today, at least one energy-saving light bulb can be found in every home. Utilization of energy-saving lamps and activities related to their neutralization is a serious problem throughout our country. Mercury-containing lighting contributes to significant energy savings, but, unfortunately, contains mercury, which is extremely dangerous for humans and the environment.

general characteristics

You can highlight the pros and cons of an energy-saving light bulb over a conventional incandescent lamp. Pros:

  • significant energy savings, at least five times
  • long warranty and operation period
  • choice of lighting shade
  • presence of mercury
  • lack of absolute security due to fragile design
  • the need for disposal through specialized organizations

In 2014, the Russian Federation signed the Minamata Convention on Mercury. According to which, from 2020, the production and import of products containing mercury will be prohibited.

Currently, people are interested in saving electricity not only in the form of lighting, but also heating. More recently, energy-saving heating installations have become popular in Russia, distinguished by their safe and economical operation. Their use is especially relevant for people with Vacation home, where they are often used gas boilers. The heating installation is easy to install and use, which indicates its undoubted advantage over its gas predecessor.

Since 2009, after the entry into force of the law on recycling, the use of incandescent lamps in the territory Russian Federation is gradually reduced. This contributes to energy conservation. When using this type of lighting, the question arises, where should energy-saving light bulbs be disposed of when they fail?


Disposal of mercury lamps is mandatory for both physical and legal entities. Cannot be thrown into ordinary container for MSW due to the presence of mercury vapor in energy-saving light bulbs that can poison all living things. If we talk about how much mercury is in an energy-saving lamp, then we can state with full confidence that its content is insignificant - about 1 - 25 milligrams. However, large volumes of hazardous waste may well pose a threat.

Mercury belongs to extremely harmful chemicals and belongs to the 1st hazard class. After damage to the product, mercury quickly evaporates and enters the airspace.

Her pairs are capable of causing defeat:

  • kidney
  • liver
  • central nervous system

Given the danger of mercury, the question arises: where and how to dispose of energy-saving lamps after they have burned out? They must be handed over to specialized collection points or to your service organization, after putting them in a sealed plastic bag/box for storage of mercury waste. Transportation to the collection point is recommended to be entrusted to qualified specialists in order to avoid contact with mercury vapor.

How to dispose

In many regions of Russia there are no collection points for this type of waste. A light bulb from a lamp or chandelier is usually immediately sent to the trash can, and then to the garbage chute for household waste. Such behavior, according to Art. 8.2 of the Code of the Russian Federation "On administrative violations", is punishable by a fine of 10-30 thousand rubles.

Currently, in the yards of residential buildings, containers for collecting waste of hazard class 1 have begun to be installed, where equipment with the presence of mercury is disposed of. The maintenance and maintenance of such containers is carried out by management companies, TSN (HOA) and other organizations serving apartment buildings. Residential property owners have the right to choose this organization, and payment for services is included in the upkeep and maintenance of the house.

Where to dispose

Of course, at special enterprises involved in the processing of mercury-containing waste. Such plants have specialized equipment for recycling, for example, the installation - "Ecotrom-2". The productivity of such equipment is 300 units per hour.

Neutralization Technology

On the territory of Russia, two companies are known that supply the equipment necessary for the disposal of energy-saving light bulbs:

  1. LLC Venture firm "Fid - Dubna" Installation "URL - 2M". A light bulb is destroyed in the installation chamber, and mercury vapor is pumped out using a vacuum system installation. Pumping out occurs through a low-temperature trap. Mercury condenses on its surface.
  2. OOO NPP Ecotrom. Installation "Ekotrom - 2". The neutralization technology is based on blowing off the phosphor, which is carried out from the inner surface of the light bulb. The phosphor itself is collected by gas cleaning devices (cyclone and bag filter), and then localized in collections designed for this purpose, which are installed under it.

The following equipment is also used:

  • German company Werec Gmbh
  • Swedish company MRT
  • by Scandinavian Recycling AB (Sweden)

It is recommended to take the used energy-saving lamp to a collection point, which in turn has a license for the disposal of waste of the first hazard class and has special equipment for this. Any DEZ or REU is obliged to accept the energy-saving light bulb you brought. This is justified by the Government Decree "On the organization of work on the collection, transportation and processing of used fluorescent lamps." To know where you need to dispose of energy-saving lamps in your city, contact your managing organization or call the Ministry of Emergencies.

Instead of incandescent lamps, energy-saving (fluorescent) lamps are increasingly being used. They are much more profitable, help save electricity. New lamps are also subject to recycling, like the old ones. Only the technology for destroying lighting fixtures is different. You need to know how to dispose of energy-saving light bulbs so as not to harm the environment and people.

Fluorescent lighting fixtures contain mercury. Therefore, energy-saving lamps must not be disposed of with other waste.

Recycling energy-saving light bulbs

Mercury is very dangerous and toxic substance. In energy-saving lamps, it does not pose a threat while it is behind glass. A discarded lamp is not dangerous until it is broken. If the glass is damaged, then poisonous fumes will be released into the atmosphere. For this reason, you can not throw fluorescent lamps into the garbage chute, containers for household waste. Moreover, it is unacceptable to store them at home in an urn or bucket.

Such lamps should be disposed of at special enterprises where the necessary conditions are created.

  • First, the devices are separated into their component parts.
  • Everyone goes through their own recycling path.
  • Some of the recycled materials can then be reused.
  • Toxic and poisonous substances are poured with cement and sent to special burial places.

According to the legislation, failed fluorescent lamps must be accepted in ZhEKs and REU. There are also private companies that collect burnt or broken products. They then send them to factories. There, the phosphor, which contains mercury, is separated, then treated with demercurizing chemicals. Waste is covered with cement and packed in airtight containers.

Delivery of energy-saving light bulbs

The recycling process is quite expensive. Therefore, there are not many companies in Russia that assemble and sell energy-saving lamps, and enterprises for processing products. For destruction, they must be separated from other garbage and placed in an individual container.

Where to donate energy-saving light bulbs?

  • They can be transferred to the service departments of IKEA hypermarkets. These stores have special containers for this purpose.
  • Also, separate tanks are located in some cities in the directorates for the operation of buildings and repair departments. These organizations are required to accept burned out or broken fluorescent lamps.
  • Products are handed over to industrial organizations and enterprises that are engaged in the maintenance of electrical networks or lighting. These companies cooperate with firms for the disposal of toxic and poisonous household waste.

However, not all cities have well-known drop-off points for energy-saving lamps. And most citizens will not go to the other end of the city to hand over one lamp for recycling. Therefore, in many settlements there are special courier services that collect burnt out or broken luminescent devices. Phone numbers of such companies can be found on the Internet. Couriers come on call and pick up failed energy-saving lamps.

  • You can also contact the house management with a request to put special containers next to the garbage bins.
  • Some community members organize the collection of products containing mercury. To do this, they install small containers and then hand over the products themselves to state recycling points.

However, there are companies that charge money for such services, so only large industrial enterprises work directly with them.

You can hand over failed energy-saving lamps at battery collection points. They are properly disposed of there. It is much easier to negotiate with management in order to give products to a full-time electrician. His responsibilities include the transfer of lamps for further disposal.

Disposal features

Before throwing garbage, it must be sorted. You can't put it in one bucket food waste, batteries and used energy-saving lamps. They are packed in separate sealed bags. If there are no special containers nearby, then you can collect several lamps and then take them to collection points.

If the product burned out and crashed at home, you can call the rescue service. Specialists will help to establish the level of security in the apartment and process the place where the surface comes into contact with a broken fluorescent lamp. It must not be thrown into the general waste chute. There is very little mercury in products, but it can accumulate in landfills in dangerous amounts, which will negatively affect the environment.

What to do if an energy-saving light bulb breaks at home?

If an energy-saving lamp breaks at home, you should immediately isolate the room from people and animals. It is enough to transfer them to another room. Next, you need to close the door to a dangerous room or tightly drape the inlet with curtains. In this case, mercury will not spread throughout the house.

In the room where the lamp broke, you need to open the window for 20-30 minutes. During this time, toxic fumes will disappear from the room. It is important not to allow a draft so that the wind does not blow the fragments everywhere. To collect the fragments of the lamp, you need to attach a damp cloth or gauze bandage to your face, and put on rubber gloves on your hands. Take two pieces of thick cardboard. One will be used instead of a scoop, the other is raked up by fragments.

They are poured into a jar of water or in a sealed package, then put into a trash bag. If there is a carpet in the room, it should be shaken out in the open air and hung on the balcony for several hours to air out. The floors are thoroughly washed with potassium permanganate or bleach. After completing these steps, you need to call the Housing Office or the Ministry of Emergencies and clarify what to do with the fragments.

Energy-saving lamps contain much less mercury than thermometers. There is approximately 30 mg of poisonous substance inside luminescent products. In energy-saving lamps - only 5 mg, and in a thermometer almost 100 times more. Therefore, even if the fragments hit the carpet or floor, knocking out, ventilating the room and disinfecting the surfaces in it is enough to prevent the spread of toxic fumes.

Many cities have special brigades who come on call, check an apartment or house for toxicity and pick up lamp fragments for disposal. If such services are not available, then you need to call the housing office or repair companies.

Energy-saving products operate on mercury vapor. Despite the minimal amount of hazardous substances in the lamps, they can cause serious poisoning if the protective shell (glass) is damaged. Poor-quality products that have lasted less than 6-12 months can be returned back to the store. This will solve the problem of how to dispose of the lamp yourself. You need to do this yourself only if the product burned out or crashed after the expected period of operation.

Lamps must not be thrown away with others household waste, since mercury vapor enters the atmosphere, they even seep through the ground. As a result, everyone who will be near this place will have to inhale the poisoned air. From this, the kidneys, respiratory organs, and heart fail. Let's prevent this together by responsibly disposing of hazardous waste.

Few people think about the fact that when energy-saving lamps are thrown into the garbage wire, the environment is polluted with a poisonous hazardous substance. Exist special items collection of waste lamps that properly dispose of these hazardous products. It is important to remember that every time such lamps are disposed of incorrectly, we pollute the ecosystem and put our health at serious risk.

Why is it important to recycle energy-saving light bulbs?

Energy-saving lamps contain mercury, an extremely dangerous radioactive substance belonging to hazard class 1.

Mercury vapor affects the cells of the nervous system. In addition, they are poorly excreted from the body. Many do not know where to put such products after the expiration date and throw them in the trash. Sooner or later the glass bulb will break. And harmful metal will come out. As a result, the soil, water, and atmosphere will be polluted. That is why housekeepers should be specially disposed of.

What are energy-saving lamps made of?

Any lamp consists of a base, bulb and ballast. The base can be varied and have different markings. The flask can be different shapes. In the form of a spiral, arc, ball, candle, pear. A phosphor is applied to the inner surface of the flask or tube, which glows under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet is produced by mercury. Also inside the flask contains an inert gas, usually argon.

The cartridge contains a ballast, which includes a board. There is a diode bridge on the board. It rectifies the voltage of 220 V. The rectified voltage goes to the generator, which converts the voltage and makes it higher. Housekeepers have a high rate of work around 12,000–15,000 hours. And at soft start their burnout occurs less frequently.

The mercury inside the lamp is dangerous to all living beings.

The ballast is used to ignite the light bulb and maintain its even burning, without flickering. Housekeepers burn out less than incandescent bulbs. They also have a higher energy saving rate. Accordingly, their price is higher than that of ordinary ones. Similar in their indicators are LED bulbs, which also rarely burn out.

What is the danger of energy-saving lamps for humans and the environment?

ESL can cause visual impairment and even blindness. They render many times more load on the eye than a conventional incandescent lamp. This applies to children's eyes with an unformed retina. In addition, regardless of power, they emit harmful radio frequency electromagnetic radiation. This is especially true for lamps such as wall lamps, floor lamps, table lamps, night lamps, where there is close contact with radiation.

However, it will not be so bad if you follow some precautions when using housekeepers:

  1. Buy CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps) only High Quality, a trusted company or brand.
  2. When screwing in, do not hold the bulb by the bulb. Otherwise, the tightness will be broken.
  3. Flickering light bulbs should be changed as they are also harmful.

Consequences of improper disposal

Improper disposal has irreversible consequences for ecological systems. . If this metal enters a water body, then under the influence of microorganisms and dissolution, it turns into methylmercury, an even more toxic substance. Methylmercury interacts more effectively with body systems.

Disposal results with household waste

ATTENTION! If the lamp is damaged in the room, mercury vapor is released, which can cause poisoning, and subsequently affect the body's systems: nervous, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, etc.

Over time, there is an accumulation of broken lamps in landfills, which can pollute a wide area. Therefore, it is very important to properly dispose of mercury-containing products.

Where do the used products go?

Burnt out light bulbs should be subject to special processing at enterprises. There, the products are disassembled into their constituent components. The poisonous part is filled with cement and sent to special burial places. Used products can be returned:

  1. In ZhEKakh and REU.
  2. IKEA store. In these stores you can see special containers where you can throw the housekeepers.
  3. In some cities, you can also see special trash cans on the street, usually orange color, to collect such garbage from the public.
  4. Industrial companies that maintain electrical networks or lighting. Such firms cooperate with companies for the disposal of toxic waste, so they can accept such waste.
  5. Courier firms collecting burned-out housekeepers.
  6. Waste battery collection point.
  7. A regular electrician can also accept burnt products.

Reception points for retired LL

Rules for storing light bulbs

The Government of the Russian Federation has developed rules for storing energy-saving lamps. They are stored, collected and transported by specialized firms. The packaging is made in special rooms, which should be spacious, well ventilated, equipped with all protective equipment to remove mercury and prevent damage to the packaging. The main thing is not to violate the integrity of the flask, which contains mercury. During transportation, used products can be stored in packages from new lamps. They are transported as dangerous goods. Housekeepers are sorted by size.

Broken and non-broken products are not stored together. In places of storage there may be an increased content of mercury vapor, therefore, automatic gas analyzers of mercury vapor are installed here. Lamp storage areas should not be overcrowded.

Storage in a carton

Disposal rules

There are also disposal rules developed by the Russian government. Regulations require that mercury-containing waste materials be collected separately from other waste. Self-transportation, neutralization and burying housekeepers in the ground is prohibited.

As the accumulation of waste occurs up to the established norm, the waste raw materials are sent for demercurization to specialized companies (under a concluded agreement). Devices, materials, overalls, personal protective equipment used during demercurization are placed in a special sealed container or bag. This bag is then sent to a sealed, impact-resistant container and secured with a padlock. Further, the container is also packed in a container sealed way.

Recycling process, necessary equipment

Dispose of harmful light bulbs in several ways:

  • Mechanical.
  • Mechanical and chemical.

With these methods, mercury is exposed to cement dust when high temperature, within 12 hours. As a result of this reaction, a harmless precipitate is formed, which is insoluble and can be disposed of.

  • Thermal.
  • Thermal vacuum with cryocondensation.

Factory Disposal Procedure

Thermal way. Housekeepers folded in sealed containers are stored until they are destroyed. Further, freed from packaging, they are placed in an oven, where heating up to 400 ° C takes place. As a result, mercury turns into a gas and is removed by drawing.

  • Thermal vacuum method with cryocondensation.

The technology of this method is as follows. Mercury-containing housekeepers are smashed with a knife in a special chamber. Further, there is heating up to 450 °C with air pumping out. Mercury gas is collected by a special trap, then it is cooled with liquid nitrogen. During disposal, vibropneumatic installations "Ecotrom-2" are used. These are devices that have high rates of mercury vapor capture.

What should companies and firms do?

Enterprises use a huge number of mercury-containing lamps (up to tens of thousands). Therefore, such firms are administratively responsible for their disposal. And in case of repeated violation - criminal liability. To avoid negative consequences, companies must hand over waste of this class to special points.

Lazkov Andrey

The mass accumulation of energy-saving light bulbs in urban landfills will lead to the release of mercury into soil and water. Once in the ecosystem of a river or lake, mercury tends to accumulate in fish. The older and more fish the more mercury it contains. Toxic fumes can cause a wide range of various diseases, including brain, kidney and liver. Mercury vapor can cause increased fatigue, memory loss, sleep disturbances, and pain in the limbs. And long-term exposure can lead to chronic poisoning of the body.

Therefore, it is very important to properly dispose of energy-saving lamps, otherwise we can all face an ecological disaster!



"Utilization of energy-saving lamps"

Scientific adviser: Vlasenko M.V., teacher of chemistry

The choice of this research topic was prompted by the sudden formation of a large number of "worked out" lamps. Throwing it in the trash was somehow ashamed and, after thinking, I decided to deal with this issue.

Why are mercury fluorescent lamps dangerous?All fluorescent lamps contain dangerous substance, which has the 1st hazard class ("extremely dangerous"), as mercury , in doses from 1 to 70 mg. Not recycled mercury lamps It's a ticking time bomb.

Scheme of the structure of CFL.

CFL is a twisted tube filled with a mixture of inert gas and mercury vapor. With the passage of electricity, the connection begins to glow with ultraviolet radiation, almost invisible to the eye. It becomes visible when passing through a fluorescent composition - a phosphor deposited on the walls of the tube.Lamp manufacturers are working to reduce mercury content, and supporters of incandescent lamps are given the following arguments as an argument: halogen lamps consume less electricity, which means that less coal is spent on its production, and the atmosphere is less polluted.

Main advantages of energy saving lamp- longer service life and reduced power consumption. The use of mercury in luminescent technology is perhaps its only drawback.

Ecological catastrophy.The massive accumulation of light bulbs in urban landfills will lead to the ingress of mercury into the soil and water.Once in the ecosystem of a river or lake, mercury tends to accumulate in fish. The older and larger the fish, the more mercury it contains.Toxic fumes can cause a wide range of different diseases, including the brain, kidneys and liver. Pmercury can cause fatigue, memory loss, sleep disturbances, pain in the limbs. And long-term exposure can lead to chronic poisoning of the body.

Therefore, it is very important to dispose of energy-saving lamps, otherwise we can all face an ecological disaster!

Disposal. Unfortunately, there are few ways to properly dispose of energy-saving lamps, but they are:

Burnt-out fluorescent lamps can be taken to your district DEZ or REU, where special containers are installed.

On February 14, 2011, a mobile hazardous waste collection point resumed its work in St. Petersburg - "Ecomobile»

Also, large lamp manufacturers, in cooperation with electronics hypermarkets, hold campaigns for the reception of llamas. As motivation - a discount on the purchase of a new lamp.

I did a poll which showedthat people do not have enough information about how to dispose of energy-saving lamps, although they are aware of their danger! First of all, you need to know that it is impossible to throw energy-saving lamps into the garbage chute or garbage container!

What to do if an energy-saving lamp breaks?

If the lamp is broken, then, in order not to get mercury vapor poisoning, measures must be taken to demercurization premises: it is necessary to carry out mechanical cleaning of mercury compounds and arrange airing of the premises for several hours.

1. Open the windows in the apartment for at least 15 minutes so that the room is properly ventilated.
2.Use disposable rubber gloves to remove broken pieces and light bulb parts. Do not touch the lamp with bare hands!
3.Do not use a brush or vacuum cleaner to pick up the pieces; collect all the broken pieces with a piece of hard cardboard or heavy paper and place them in an airtight plastic bag.
4. Wipe the surface where the lamp broke with a damp paper towel and place it in the same plastic bag.
5. Do not throw away broken pieces with all other trash. Take them to a specialized recycling center.


Maintaining environmental cleanliness is one of the most important moral principles any sane person. Have you ever wondered what is the fate of failed mercury-containing lamps and appliances? As long as the lamp is intact, it is safe, but if you break one fluorescent lamp, mercury vapor will poison all living things in a territory within a radius of 300 meters. Thousands and thousands of lamps are thrown into garbage containers, and even just to the ground! Tons of mercury-containing waste thrown away threaten environmental catastrophe to all living things on earth!

REMEMBER: By handing over energy-saving lamps for recycling, you not only take care of your health and the health of others, but also help nature. You also need to know that it takes much less energy to get mercury, glass and aluminum from waste, clean water and air than for their production from primary mineral raw materials.


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GBOU secondary school No. 688 of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg Scientific adviser: teacher of chemistry Vlasenko M.V.

Energy-saving lamps must not be thrown away!

Time bomb Energy-saving lamps contain MERCURY!

CFL structure diagram

Advantages and disadvantages of energy-saving lamps +Advantages: extended service life saving up to 80% of electricity at the same level of illumination low heat generation, which makes it possible to install high-power lamps in compact lamps and lamps with fragile glass; service life exceeding the service life of incandescent lamps from 6 to 15 times uniform and soft light scattering; the ability to give light of different color temperatures. cost savings -Disadvantages: Mercury and phosphorus, although in very small quantities, are present inside energy-saving lamps Warm-up phase lasts approximately 2 minutes Unsuitable for operation in a low temperature range (-15-20ºC) Lamps "do not like" frequent switching on and off High price. The price of an energy-saving light bulb is 10-20 times more expensive than an ordinary incandescent bulb. The main problem: recycling!

Ecological catastrophe Mass accumulation of light bulbs in city dumps will lead to mercury ingress into soil and water! The presence of mercury in fish can be a health issue, especially for pregnant, breastfeeding women and young children!


Did you know... About the dangers of energy-saving lamps How to deal with failed energy-saving lamps

If the lamp breaks... Ventilate the room Collect the pieces in a plastic bag and sprinkle with bleach wet cleaning with a bleach solution Bury the bag in the ground Take raw egg white or castor oil Do not use a vacuum cleaner! Do not throw fragments in the wastebasket!

What to do if the lamp is broken

Maintaining environmental cleanliness is one of the most important moral principles of any sane person!

Thank you for your attention!