How to make money as a teenager: simple ideas. Modern business ideas for teenagers

For those who drop out of school for entrepreneurship. But young age is an obstacle to legal business. Russian legislators intend to eliminate this barrier. Observers predict a boom in teen business. The creators of successful enterprises advise not to wait for government approval and to start your own business with the support of your parents now.

Stanislav Yagupov

IT entrepreneur, co-founder of the LiveCover studio and the NeuroSender social mailing service:

As a mentor, I communicate a lot with young entrepreneurs from Young Business: most of the “club” members are under 18 years old, which means they started their business a couple of years before they came of age. The adoption of a law can become a psychological trigger: “Dude, are you turning 14? It's time to do business!"

I launched my first project when I was 14-15 years old. At this age and with the small scale of their own business, a teenager, as a rule, is of little interest to regulatory authorities (unless, of course, he is engaged in licensed activities). And if his business grows, he can do business through friends and relatives. But if the law is passed, there will be no need to hide.

The author of the bill, State Duma deputy Andrei Svintsov (LDPR), is convinced of the relevance of his initiative.“A huge number of young people want to do business - they watch TV, they see how in other countries young people achieve some fantastic fortunes, and, in their opinion, having rather modest starting financial and legal opportunities...” - the parliamentarian in a conversation with Inc.

According to Svintsov’s estimates, there are now about a million teenagers in Russia doing business using “black” and “gray” schemes: with cash payments, electronic money or cryptocurrencies, using the legal entities of their parents, friends and acquaintances. “We would like all these people to be able to do legal business. To do this, they can register a bank account,” added the author of the bill.

According to a survey of Russians aged 18 to 54 years old, conducted by Online Market Intelligence and commissioned by Vedomosti, 33% of respondents earned their first money before the age of 14, and 43% - in high school. There are successful entrepreneurs who started their businesses before reaching adulthood. Vsevolod Strakh founded the online store “Sotmarket” at the age of 17 - his mother helped him, and the company was registered in her name. The founder of Svyaznoy, Maxim Nogotkov, took his first steps in business at the age of 14.

Current edition Civil Code The Russian Federation allows only adults over 18 years of age to engage in entrepreneurship. Under certain conditions (if the citizen’s full legal capacity is recognized by the court) - from 16 years of age. An exception is for minors who are married (in some regions of the Russian Federation you can get married at 14 years old).

An eleventh-grader at Tyumen school No. 62, Danil Shusharin, became Russia’s first legal teenage entrepreneur and director of a company with a million-dollar turnover. To do this, he had to go through the emancipation procedure: government agencies recognized him as capable and gave him permission to open legal entity with parental consent. Venture investor Alexander Rumyantsev has already invested in Shusharin’s GrapTil project.

Emancipation is “a long and difficult process,” says Margarita Zobnina, director of the IIDF ecosystem projects department. “So the law will significantly make life easier for young entrepreneurs and help them emerge from the shadows without bureaucratic procedures. This would also be a good signal to teenage entrepreneurs that they are finally being taken seriously,” says Zobnina.

If Svintsov’s project is approved by parliament, Russian legislation will be at the forefront of this issue. According to the Thomson Reuters Practical Law database, in India, Canada, China, South Africa and other countries of the world, you can only head a company from 18 years of age. In the UK, you can legally start a business from the age of 16, but in the US the situation varies from state to state, with some having no age restrictions, such as California. There are also no age restrictions in Bermuda, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia and Japan.

In some countries, due to age restrictions for entrepreneurs, there is an outflow of minor startups abroad. This problem has become worse in Australia, where the government is aware of the problem but has no plans to change the law. According to research project StartupMuster, teenagers make up only 1.3% of the Australian startup community. According to the project's executive director, Monica Wolf, if legislation is liberalized, this figure could increase.

I don’t think this initiative will encourage teenagers to become entrepreneurs. The problem is not administrative barriers, but the lack of an appropriate level of culture and basic attitudes of society.

To main page school curriculum should be included compulsory course on entrepreneurship, cover both the issues of creating a business (especially in the field of IT technologies) and startups, as well as the potential difficulties that young entrepreneurs may encounter.

I would advise young Russians not to wait for the weather by the sea, but to create something new and interesting now. At 14-18 years old, two important factors are at work: lack of financial obligations (thanks to parents) and maximalism.

Russian businessmen and investors agree on the need to lower the entrepreneurial age. Interest in startup culture among teenagers has grown significantly, confirms the founder of the Qiwi payment service, shareholder of Evotor and Run Capital, Andrei Romanenko (he himself came up with his first business back in school, in the 10th grade). “For me, the situation is already becoming commonplace: I came to visit friends and found myself at the pitch of their children’s project. Moreover, presentations can be very confident, quite high level"- says Romanenko in a conversation with Inc. In his opinion, the adoption of the law will simplify life for young businessmen, but they can start their own business now - by convincing their elders and enlisting their support. “My father believed in me a long time ago,” Romanenko added.

Entrepreneurship among Russian teenagers is “extremely common and popular,” confirms general manager and Global Venture Alliance partner Zamir Shukhov. Evidence of this - large number applications received for the GVA TeenStart program for the development of entrepreneurial skills for adolescents aged 12-15 years. “The bill will definitely lower the threshold for access to legal entrepreneurial activity and will bring some teenage businessmen out of the “shadow,” Shukhov believes.

19-year-old Kazan entrepreneur Denis Shelestov (created in school age micro-venture fund "Shelest Ventures") advises peers to act now. “You need to believe in yourself, think adequately and try to do something - everything else will follow,” he says. Shelestov confirmed that now the most difficult thing for teenagers is to register a company or individual entrepreneur. “I had several friends who worked in the shadows because they couldn’t open a checking account and move away from their parents,” he said.

According to 18-year-old entrepreneur Daler Artemenkov from the Tver region (he started making money on social networks while still in school), many teenagers already earn many times more than their parents. “They hide or don’t tell their families what they earn. My good friend this month he “made” 300 thousand rubles (he is 17 years old). His parents think he plays games, and his company already works with top brands,” says Artemenkov. He also advises teenagers to open their own business without waiting for the law to be passed. “You cannot wait in this matter under any circumstances. Just now!” - added the young entrepreneur.

It's no secret that our wishes do not always keep up with our capabilities, and there is not enough money to fulfill all our wishes. And in order to implement at least some of them, we work and work with you. But what about young people who are not yet eighteen? This is what we will talk about next, we will tell you the most popular business ideas, especially for this category of the population. Indeed, in this article we will tell our readers about what options exist for teenagers today.

Two options to always have money in your pocket

Persons under 18 years of age can have money in their pocket only if one of two options is fulfilled:

  • This is parental support. This option does not require any effort; you simply ask your parents for a certain amount of money. But this amount is not always enough to purchase the necessary thing, and constantly begging is also shameful, and you can get a refusal at any time.
  • This is trying to make money on your own the required amount. But since we are now talking about minors, not every job is suitable for them. And not many people can figure out what to do and how to make money at the same time. On at the moment There are methods of earning money such as working in virtual world, that is, on the World Wide Web, and work outside the Internet. So, let's look at the most relevant ways to get money.

Courier service express

From this publication, every reader will be able to learn about how to make money as a schoolboy. It is worth saying that today there are many ideas for teenagers to make money. But first of all, it must be said that you can get good money if you try yourself as a courier. It must be said that working as a courier is considered the simplest and most uncomplicated way to make money.

Since advertising is the engine of trade, and no business can do without it, many companies resort to the help of young people in delivering and distributing advertisements, for a not very high payment. Teenagers simply carry or stick promotional products on advertising poles, stands. You don’t have to work hard here, and this activity takes little time. This method is suitable for school and college students. But just like in any job, there are difficulties, for example, deterioration weather conditions And Bad mood passers-by

Delivery of goods to a specific address

Often, delivery services that distribute certain goods directly to the customer right to the door of a house or apartment need couriers. And in practice, such couriers become young people from 14 to 18 years old. This is not seasonal work, but year-round. The level of the fee depends on the quality of the work performed. Also, you can agree with your employer on a flexible work schedule, for example, making deliveries either before or after lunch. But the negative aspect of this type of income is that when delivering large items, you will need a certain physical endurance.

Loader and packer

This work is an excellent way to get rid of unnecessary thoughts in your head. It will help you make great money, of course, if you approach the matter with all seriousness and understand yourself, distracting you from depression. For example, for a symbolic reward, help your neighbors move; we think they will not refuse such services. Here you don’t need any experience, you can easily cope with this job. Distribute leaflets stating that you provide this kind of service, and you will see that offers will simply flow like a river.

Performing various tasks

If you don’t know how to make money as a teenager, then our article can answer this question for you. Currently, that segment of the population that is considered wealthy does not want to waste their precious time on doing some small household things. They are ready to pay for it. And then teenagers get great opportunity make money from this. You can go grocery shopping, wash cars, clean, and so on. The main thing here is to advertise your services so that people know about you.

We are organizing the nearby area

This business idea is, of course, suitable for those who live in small settlements and private villages. Often, rich people simply do not have time to take care of their front yard, and they will be happy to use your services for cleaning the area, painting benches, fences, etc. You just look around and find a house with an abandoned area; the owners probably don’t have time to clean it up, so it’s to them that you offer your services. And then you can put up your advertisement on the bulletin board stating that you provide these services.

Help with children

This method of generating income has been developed in Western countries. Unfortunately, in Russian Federation Such services have not yet gained popularity. If a young man likes to spend time with children, why not try himself as a nanny. Surely there are young neighboring families with children, they will be happy to use your services, and they will spend time usefully for themselves (go to the cinema, restaurant). Such services can be provided once or twice a week. Your potential clients will be single mothers who work constantly. Approach this kind of income with all seriousness, because this method requires increased attentiveness and stress resistance from you.

Help with animals

There are pets in almost every home. We enjoy playing with them so much, they make us happy with their presence. And sometimes it happens that we simply do not have time to care for them. Are you a teenager and do you like animals? Then here's another good way to earn some pocket money. You can walk your pets for a fee. Young people from 12 to 16 years old can earn money here. The price for services can be set depending on the area where they will be provided. Be sure to take precautions when walking large dogs: a collar and muzzle.


Let’s say right away that this method of getting money is not very paid if you get a job with someone. And the risk of cash shortage is also great. Here it is better to open your own mobile counter. Buy goods in large hypermarkets and sell them at low markups.

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We implement Hand-made

In the case where young people know how and are engaged in making any things, crafts, etc., all this can be sold through a souvenir shop for a certain fee. Don’t stop at one type of crafts, explore more and more new horizons. An excellent option would be to open an online store for your works.

We make candles

To make candles you do not need any additional education. Candles are a very popular product. You always need them (for a wedding, a birthday, a romantic dinner, or just when the power goes out). The first potential buyers will be relatives, neighbors, friends, and acquaintances. Of course, the income is small, but we think it should be enough for a cafe and a movie.

We create decorative jewelry

U young man great taste and sense of style? Then feel free to start producing decorative jewelry. Watch a few video tutorials and then bring your ideas to life. Make sketches of the planned products in electronic form.

Growing plants at home

Breeding plants for further sale is not a very standard form of income. It consists of growing plants, and at the shoot stage, selling them to flower shops. Once the store sells your plant, you receive money. This type of income is suitable for both boys and girls.

We organize training courses

Young people who are successful in a particular field can feel free to share their skills with others for a fee. For example, teach dancing, learn to play the musical instruments, teach foreign languages ​​and much more. Also, for example, you can teach pensioners, preschoolers and other people the ability to work with a PC. Remember that such activities will bring you quite a bit of income.

Freelance specialist

Earning money online (freelancing), which is popular today, can be an excellent source of income. Therefore, do not immediately reject this way of earning money. Currently in our country there are a lot of people who are busy looking for work on the World Wide Web. But there are almost no specialists among them. Therefore, young people have time to learn something, try different movements and decide what they like. You can sell prepared Internet pages or print unique texts.

We implement accounts

School students from 12 to 16 years old spend a huge amount of time on the Internet playing games. And here's another business idea. Account, account, it is possible to implement it on special forums. But first you need to develop it (about two months). The price of such an account is about one hundred dollars. This is a good income for minors.

We provide online consulting services

Social networks have firmly taken a place in modern world. And people spend there large number time. And you can make money here too. Often, small businesses need promotion and advertising of their product on the Internet. This is where your knowledge can come in handy. Young people, for example, provide assistance in searching best prices for the purchase of certain goods.

Uncommon methods of generating income

In this article, we tried to tell all our readers about what business ideas there are for schoolchildren. There are also business ideas that do not bring money, and spending your time on them is simply pointless. For example, working in the field (harvesting crops) is very hard and poorly paid work, only you can damage your health. Or, for example, work in points fast food. Here teenagers face dishonest employers, low salaries and other troubles. Therefore, choose only proven business ideas that can bring you good profits and a positive mood.

Asking your parents already seems stupid, but earning money yourself can be scary. And then an idea comes to mind: what about business? After all, this is something that can bring real income! And even for teenagers, there are many business ideas that can be implemented without any investment.

How can a teenager make money and what kind of business can he start? What do you need to start your own business and how to achieve success? Read in this article.

What is a business?

In general, business is what an entrepreneur does to earn money. It can be either microscopic, like placing an online advertisement, or huge. To begin with, of course, you will have to work with a small business, but this is even better.

The fact is that any business is a game of roulette. The chances of you going broke and losing the amount invested are not much different from those that promise you a decent profit. So small business will be ideal for starting a career as an entrepreneur to learn how to think correctly.

Ways to earn money

So, what kind of business can a teenager start? The Internet offers two ways:

  1. Instant earnings.
  2. Long work.

No matter how attractive the first option is, it should be abandoned. Doesn't happen fast money. All Internet schemes, casinos, gambling and betting are aimed at extracting as much money from you as possible. more money. You invest in such an “instant” business, expecting success... and get nothing in return. The result is a loss of money, time and nerves.

Long work for a teenager is the only option for earning money and development. Remember that everything successful businessmen started with something small that required minimum investment. It was only later that tiny Subway grew into a huge global corporation. Initially, it was just a microscopic eatery.

How to start a business from scratch as a teenager?

Nothing is impossible. A business from scratch is quite possible if you put all your efforts into its development.

You just need to determine what doesn't require investment. Working on a computer or providing some services are perfect. Today there are many ways to earn money without investing a penny!

If your business idea requires investment, then you need to find it. An investor can be either a close relative or a complete stranger who is interested in you. And you can become an investor yourself! But to do this, you will have to postpone the execution of your business idea and earn at least some money.

Start keeping track of your income and expenses. This will help you clearly plan and organize your cash so that in the end there is something to invest in the business. It won’t be fun at all if you spend the money you earn on chips and concerts, forgetting about the initial goal of finding a job!

Steps to success

So, what does it take to start your own business? There are four simple steps:

  1. Determine the target audience. Who needs you? Who will be interested in what you have to offer? Definition target audience should be the first thing you do. A business without customers is doomed to fail.
  2. If necessary, after eighteen years of age it will be possible to register an individual entrepreneur. Before reaching adulthood, it is better to develop a client base and improve in your business.
  3. If you are working with something that requires special goods or equipment, then it is better to purchase it right away. If you don’t have money, you can save it up and then buy something. Try to choose products of at least average quality: poor equipment and consumables can scare customers away from you and ruin your reputation. You haven’t even started your business career yet, and you can already forget about how to make money. For a teenager, a bad reputation is the main enemy!
  4. Take care of creating your portfolio. Even if you have to complete a couple of orders purely for reviews and portfolio, it will be worth it. Believe me, such “free” orders will quickly pay for themselves with the arrival of new clients.
  5. Advertise yourself! Teaching business to teenagers begins with mastering advertising and marketing. You will not be able to sit quietly in your room and attract clients with the power of your thoughts. Do everything in your power to get noticed and stand out from others!

Think over a plan for the development of your business at least five years in advance. It's okay if you think that what is written is impossible. Just write perfect story how your business has grown into the most popular and in demand on the market.

Why is this necessary? With this ideal plan, you will know what to do next and what to strive for. What is written may be more like a fantasy, over time you will realize that it has nothing to do with reality, or you will complete all the points.

The main thing that such a plan will do is that it will give you motivation and strength to develop further. And to open your own business, just the desire to work and earn money is enough.

Who needs you?

The attitude towards adolescence is twofold. On the one hand, young people are not taken seriously, believing that their childhood is not over yet. On the other hand, they begin to demand from teenagers as from adults.

Such treatment has a very detrimental effect on a teenager’s self-esteem, because it turns out that he only has responsibilities and no rights. This attitude even extends to the opportunity to earn money. The teenager simply does not believe that it is realistic for him to find a source of income before reaching adulthood.

Fortunately, this is not the case. Even small children are able to earn their own ice cream. Some of the most famous business ideas for teenagers include freelancing, working in the service industry, and making money from a hobby.

Internet and freelancing

If you know well foreign language, can type quickly, are ready to learn new information and have good computer skills, then it’s time to register on any freelance server or exchange. There you can find a way to make money on what you already know.

For beginners there is important advice: Start with low-paying orders. The fact is that this way you can avoid getting a lot of negative reviews and get your hands on the requirements of employers. And only then, when you understand the basics of working as a freelancer, you can move on to more expensive orders.

Service sector

What to do if you don't have any business idea? For a teenager work will do in the service sector. This may include:

  • cleaning of premises;
  • work as a nanny;
  • cooking;
  • lawn mowing;
  • car washing;
  • manicure, haircut, massage;
  • assistance with shopping: shopping and delivery of items;
  • walking pets and looking after them in the absence of their owners;
  • tutoring, training in the use of gadgets.

In addition, in the service sector there are many more ways for a teenager to earn money. Just figure out what people need and what you can do for them.

Official work for teenagers

Even work on work book may be necessary if you want your business. How to open your own business for a teenager? Invest in it. Where can you get money if you only have business ideas, but no sources of income?

Official employment is a solution for such situations. In this case, it is important to immediately plan your salary so as not to spend money on unnecessary things. Try to save as much as possible so that you can start your own business as soon as possible.

Hobby or work?

You don't know what business to open for a teenager? Are you not interested in working for others and interacting with people? Do you want to earn money and enjoy your work?

The solution for you is simple: a hobby! And it can become a source of income for you.

To determine whether your hobby is suitable as a business idea for a teenager, you can compare it to ikigai. This Japanese term can be translated as "the meaning of life." If the question concerns any matter, then ikigai says:

  1. It's what you like.
  2. This is what you know how to do.
  3. This is what people and the world need.
  4. This is what you get paid for.

For example, you like to knit winter hats. You do it well. Do people need this if you live in tropical climate where there is no winter? No, you need to look for another hobby to earn money.

But the same situation in Russia will completely pay off due to the cold season. And people will be ready to pay you for beautiful and stylish hats that you won’t be embarrassed to wear even under a fashionable coat.

The worst secret of big income

Now the most important secret of any businessman will be revealed to you. Without this, you will not be able to develop or open your business, no matter how hard you try!

In order to constantly increase your income and expand your business, you need... to study!

Get rid of the ingrained picture of school or university from your head, real life they have nothing in common. You won't need integrals to grow your business, so your studies will be directed in a different direction.

You will need to develop in several directions:

  1. Legal. If you want to get really high, you will need to understand contracts. Understand what is written there and what pitfalls there may be in an ordinary phrase! The ability to decipher such contracts and knowledge of the laws of the country in which you are doing business is a must.
  2. Advertising and marketing are an important part of any business. You need to know how to attract a client, how to keep him and make him happy so that he returns to you. If you don’t know how to differentiate yourself and your products from others, then you won’t see any profit.
  3. Oratory, rhetoric and persuasion skills you will need not only for the initial development of your business idea. It is extremely important for a teenager to be able to put himself on an equal footing with adults.
  4. And, of course, it is important to develop in the business that you have chosen as your income. Constant development, use the latest techniques and consumables will allow you to be the best among your competitors.

School time is a wonderful time when you first realize that it’s time to grow up. Every teenager sooner or later comes to the point of unwillingness to take money from their parents for pocket expenses. They want to earn money themselves, but don’t know where to start. It depends on the individual qualities of the person. Some will take risks for the sake of big profits, while others will gradually, slowly, go their own way. In any case, you can find a large number of business ideas for schoolchildren that will help them fulfill their dreams and earn their first money. There are many examples of how a now successful and rich person took his first steps in adolescence. In this article we will try to answer the question of how a schoolchild can make money.

Leaflet distribution

As you know, advertising is the engine of progress. A large number of companies take this issue very seriously and distribute their products to everyone possible ways. Distributing leaflets has always occupied a leading position in the ratings of business ideas for schoolchildren. This is understandable, since this market is in demand at present, and its popularity will not fall in the next twenty years for sure. Adults are reluctant to stand in the city center in special clothes and hand out leaflets to people. Therefore, this job is perfect for teenagers.

Oddly enough, you can make good money from this. Working several hours a day, promoters receive up to 1000 rubles. Such work will not take much time, does not oblige you to anything, and brings a good income for the student. Having tested this area, you can go further and start your own advertising business. This is not easy to do, but with due diligence anything is possible.

Executing orders

At first glance, this type of business for schoolchildren may seem irrelevant, but this is a common misconception. Modern life becomes more and more fast and active, and against this background, saving time plays a role important role. IN lately Many business projects are being created aimed at helping people solve everyday problems.

Every person has encountered a situation where there is simply no time to clean, cook, walk the dog, wash the car, etc. For a schoolchild, this is a great way to earn money while doing simple work. As a business idea for teenagers, running errands offers good prospects. You can organize a group of schoolchildren who want to earn extra money and give them orders. You should take a small percentage of each call and do the work yourself.

Earning money on the Internet

This type of income is being talked about everywhere now. In front of people real examples when a person earns millions on the Internet, and many try their hand at it. Making money on the World Wide Web is the most popular answer to the question of how a schoolchild can make money. It is necessary to remember that there are a large number of scammers on the Internet, so you should be careful.

For teenagers good option om will be the administration of the group in popular social networks. Moreover, he can act as a creator or hired employee. In the first case, you need to come up with an idea, and there is a risk that it will not live up to expectations. The second option is more reliable and stable.

Freelancing is also considered a good business idea for school students. Many people have achieved impressive success in this field and are now earning huge amounts of money. If you have talent and knowledge of the concept of work, you can make a good profit.

Webinars have been gaining momentum lately. A teenager can give video lessons on a topic in which he is well versed. Schoolchildren are also taught business through webinars.

With your own hands

This type of income is suitable for creative people. This is the case when business can be combined with business. The teenager has the opportunity to sell products made with my own hands, in stores, on various websites, on social networks, etc. And there are no frames here. This business idea for schoolchildren is based on a hobby: some like to do embroidery, some love soap making, some create designer candles.

In order to become successful in this field, it is not necessary to complete special courses; in most cases, your own skills are enough. If a teenager wants to develop, there are a huge number of free master classes online that will allow you to improve your talent.

Loader or nanny services

What kind of business can a schoolchild start? If a teenager has physical strength and is able to do hard work, you can become a loader. Of course, this area is in demand and will always be so. You can find a few strong guys and create your own team. In addition to loading work, it is recommended to learn how to renovate apartments. You can earn good money from this, and it is best to look for clients in new buildings.

As for nanny services, this type of income is popular in European countries, however, in our country it is becoming in demand. If you love children and know how to get along with them common language, offer your babysitting services. Many parents have unforeseen situations when they have no one to leave their child with. Therefore, this area is relevant in our time.

Courier delivery

This area is not always suitable as a business idea for schoolchildren, since it requires a car. But a car is not always needed; there are also deliveries on foot. Distributing newspapers, delivering pizza to offices, etc. are quite popular. Of course, if you have a means of transportation, then there are more opportunities to earn money, but pedestrians should not exclude this option.

If you achieve success in this matter, you can organize small business. To begin with, you should simply invite friends, and then expand as possible.


Oddly enough, at the moment the resale of goods is the most effective look business for teenagers. Chinese goods are very popular among the population. The main reason is low cost. But many people simply don't want to wait a month or more to ship the item. This moment can be foreseen and human needs can be met.

First, you should analyze the demand in a particular region, find out which products are most in demand and popular. This can be done through personal surveys and the World Wide Web. Then you need to order the goods, but not in a huge batch, as there is a chance of going broke. It’s better to sell everything quickly and place a new order than to sell a large amount of goods over the course of a year.

Of course, there is a possibility that the sent products will not meet quality standards; there is a certain risk. This is another reason to order in small quantities. You should think in advance about how to store the goods and, perhaps, create your own online platform for selling products.

This business requires initial investment. To be fair, it brings good returns. Examples of resale business projects for schoolchildren Chinese goods can be found on the net. There are a lot of them, as this area is gaining momentum.


How can a schoolchild make money? Above are the most popular and sought-after business ideas for teenagers. Each of them can be achieved with a certain amount of effort. To begin with, you should choose your field of activity. It is necessary to rely on your interests and hobbies. Sometimes a hobby can be a great source of income.

This article does not present all business ideas. Some especially talented teenagers come up with completely new business, which did not exist before. Here you can win due to novelty and relevance, the so-called noise effect. Even if something doesn’t work out, you should never despair. Experience cannot be bought, and failures allow you to acquire new knowledge and skills. It is worth remembering that at the beginning it is always difficult, everything does not go smoothly. But desire and desire will help a novice entrepreneur achieve his goals and become a successful person.

Adolescence is a time of active growing up, awareness of oneself as part of the world of adults: their relationships, problems, questions and goals.

Doing business and earning money on your own will, without a doubt, help a teenager to assert himself, increase his own self-esteem and, of course, gain invaluable experience that will be useful to him later.

There are many examples successful entrepreneurs who started their business at a very young age. We offer you ideas that will allow a teenager to earn their first money, which can later be invested in a new, larger business or spent on small needs - everyone makes their own decision.

Order service

Modern life is becoming faster and more active, people strive to do more and more things in a unit of time. That is why the relevance of business projects aimed at allowing people to save their time is increasing. It is quite possible for teenagers to carry out small tasks delegated to them. Many people don’t want or don’t have the opportunity to spend time shopping, cooking, cleaning the house, washing the car, walking the dog, etc. Try to find your own ideas for errands that may be relevant to your local area. By performing these small tasks that do not require serious qualifications, you can make good money.

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Earning money on the Internet

Nowadays people are talking about making money on the Internet everywhere. Successful Internet projects that bring multimillion-dollar profits to their creators are in plain sight. As in any popular area, there are a large number of fraud cases. However, for teenagers this should not be a limitation, but only an incentive to be more attentive and thoughtful when participating in various projects. The most popular internet business ideas for teenagers:

1. Administration of a group on a social network. you can be its creator or a hired administrator. In the first case, your task is to independently create ideas and concepts, select content, and promote the group. The risk in the first case is, of course, higher - because if the idea turns out to be a failure, you will lose the time and money invested in promotion. However, if in the end if the idea is successful, all the profits will be yours. The second option is considered more reliable - you complete the administration tasks assigned to you, but you also receive a fixed profit.

2. Blogging, creating your own website. Publishing interesting content and by attracting a large number of subscribers/visitors, you can later use various ways monetization, from simple advertising to more complex - paid content, affiliate programs etc.

3. Conducting webinars. The field of online learning is gaining popularity every day. For teenagers, it is a good option for earning money if they have knowledge in any field. It can be handmade, promotion of an Internet project, etc.

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Handmade (handicrafts)

Many teenagers are fascinated by the idea of ​​being creative. And this may be a good business option. you can sell your own works in specialized stores and at fairs, social networks. There you can look for new clients by doing custom work for them. A business can be built on your favorite hobby: knitting, soap making, sewing, creating designer jewelry, candles, etc. And here it is not at all necessary to complete specialized courses - the main thing is that you like what you do. On the Internet you can now find a lot of free master classes that will allow you to improve your talent.

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Nanny or loader services

Nanny services are a very popular earning option for teenagers in the West and are almost not common in our country. But in vain, because this is a great business for schoolchildren and students. If you love children and know how to handle them, you can offer your nanny services. It is known that parent couples, especially in the absence of free grandparents, are ready to leave their baby with a reliable person in order to do important things or just go somewhere together. For obvious reasons, young people are rarely suitable for this role. However, the following ideas will work for them.

If you have sufficient physical strength, you can easily perform various hard jobs, the most popular of which are the services of loaders. Try to gather a small team with your friends and help people with moves, repairs, etc. It’s best to look for this kind of clients in new buildings. You can also place advertisements on specialized boards in courtyards and entrances.