Which of these fish swims faster? The fastest aquatic animals. The fastest snake is the mamba

Speech of a child at 1.5 years old

Your child has already passed the age mark of 1.5 years and has become more independent. He can walk, run, dance, tries to eat himself and, most likely, is already saying something.

In this regard, many mothers have questions: “What should a child say at 1.5 years old?”, “Is my baby falling behind the norm?” and “How can I help my son/daughter speak faster?”. I will answer all these questions in this article.

What should a 1.5 year old child say?

So, at 1.5 years old, the child already pronounces almost all vowel sounds and some “light” consonants. Consonant sounds are not always pronounced clearly and distinctly. In some words he softens the consonants. For example, instead of “give” he says “dyay”, instead of “na” he says “nya”. Children aged 1.5-2 years often say their abbreviated versions instead of full words (doll - ku, sleep - pa) or onomatopoeia (dog - woof-woof, cat - meow, and so on). It is worth noting that the same syllable can mean several words, depending on the situation (for example, “pa” is sleep, drink, tomato, and so on). This is normal; over time, such shortened words will be replaced by full ones if you unobtrusively correct the child (For example, “woof-woof” - Yes, the dog ran, the dog says “woof-woof!”)

In some words, the child may skip syllables or replace sounds (car - “maina”, dog - “baka”). Intonations are already appearing in the baby’s speech. He may say something with great enthusiasm or as if he is asking you something. It’s very funny to talk to children during this period, but it’s still better not to repeat wrong words for the child. Because what’s the point of learning to speak correctly if your mother already understands you and speaks “your” language? (but do not use the “misunderstanding” technique to stimulate the child’s active speech - it is better to create situations that will encourage the child to address you with speech; see how to do this at the end of the article).

From about 1.5 years old, children begin to connect words into phrases and sentences. Beginning of phrasal speech - characteristic feature of this period. The child can say “Dai ku” (“give me a doll”) or “Lala pa” (“the baby is sleeping”), and run errands (turn off the light, bring a toy).

Also, from this period, the baby begins to comprehend the grammar of his native language - for example, he begins to change words in accordance with the sentence (“uitsa” - street, “posi na uitsa” - let’s go to the street).

Speech development of children 1.5 - 2 years old (normal)

As for the norms of speech development for children 1.5-2 years old, the indicators are approximately the following:

1.5 years - the child speaks 15-20 words (including shortened and onomatopoeic words), phrasal speech begins.

2 years - the child speaks from 40 to 300 words, constructs phrases and sentences from 3-4 words

I would like to note that all children develop differently. By the age of 2, some are already constructing sentences with all their might and talking with adults, while some at 2 years old only utter phrases and a few words that are understandable to their mother.

For that, to determine which aspects of speech development are worth paying attention to, observe the child and answer the questions:

  1. Does the child respond to simple questions(What is this? Who is this?).
  2. Can he carry out an assignment (bring a book, turn off the light).
  3. Does he repeat words and phrases after adults?
  4. How many and what sounds does the child pronounce clearly?
  5. How many words does the baby use to build a sentence?
  6. How often does a child independently start conversations with adults and other children?

Whatever stage of development the child is at, our task as parents is to help the child master and enrich active speech. And to help unobtrusively, harmoniously - in a word, by playing.

Developing the speech of a child aged 1.5 - 2 years (recommendations)

    Still very important point which many parents miss: create situations in which the child is forced to speak to you. For example, a baby comes to the table and wants to take a cookie. Mom silently gives the cookies, the baby also silently leaves. In this situation, the mother has created conditions when the child does not need to say anything; it would be more correct to ask: “What can I give you?”. If the baby does not respond yet, you can clarify: “ Cookies (point to cookies)? Okay, have the cookie. Eat! Tasty?"

    Read poems, nursery rhymes. Listening and singing sounds and syllables perfectly develops correct sound pronunciation.

    In the period from 1.5 to 2 years, adults should develop the child’s understanding of speech, the ability to repeat sounds, syllables and words. Tell your baby about surrounding objects while walking or at home. For example, show your child a car on the street. Tell “This is a car. The car is big, white. But you have a toy - a car (we show the toy), it is small, red. Here’s a car driving down the road, and this car is standing still.” and so on. Tell your child about the size (large, small, medium), shape, colors, what this object can do (drive, stand, sit, sleep, etc.), do not forget to introduce prepositions into speech (a car is driving along the road, standing on the grass) . It is very important that the baby is interested in listening to you at this time; the object must be in the field of view and attract attention. If a child runs to ride a hill, then your story about the car will safely fall on deaf ears. After your story, ask your child open-ended questions: “What kind of car is this?”, “What color?”, “What does the car do?”. And be sure to pause after the question so that the child has time to think and answer. Of course, first you will answer your questions, but then the baby will join the conversation.

A one and a half year old child is a real explorer. Understanding the world around us is one of its most important tasks, which takes a lot of time. A 1.5-year-old child has no time to sit in one place, because he needs to sort out a lot of questions: “what is on the table?”, “what is hidden in the closet?”, “does the cat’s whiskers hold tightly and is the dinner in its bowl tasty? » etc.

Over the past six months, my physical abilities have increased noticeably. It seemed that just recently the baby was taking his first steps, but now it can be difficult for parents to catch up with the tomboy. This is already a completely independent person with his own desires, needs, tastes.

What can a 1.5 year old child do?

  • Stands up without support, walks and runs independently.
  • Bends, crouches, turns, jumps. Changes the direction of movement when walking, climbs stairs - independently or with the help of adults.
  • He understands speech addressed to him, fulfills all possible requests: “bring the bear,” “give me the bunny,” “show me your nose.”
  • He knows how to drink from a straw and from a mug, he eats mashed potatoes with a spoon and is learning to eat soup.
  • Speaks more than 10 simplified words, some children can already construct phrases from two words.

Speech development in a child aged 1.5 years is in full swing. Some are still just saying their first words “mom” and “dad”, while other kids already know how to say a cat, a dog, a desire for a snack, and many other words. At this age, words are usually babbling or onomatopoeic (dog – “av-av”, cat – “kiss”, car – “bi-bi”, etc.). But these are completely meaningful words that will gradually turn into real speech.

Development at 1.5 years

A one-and-a-half-year-old child’s motor skills are often no longer inferior to older children. He runs around the apartment, climbs on tables and chairs, masters the children's playground in the yard, and rides down the slide. Playing in the sandbox, riding a bike with mom, and wallowing in the snow bring great pleasure. At the same time, the baby can still lose its balance and fall, as they say, out of the blue. Therefore, you cannot leave it unattended even for a short period.

The child tries to copy adults in everything. If mom washes the floor or wipes the dust, the baby will certainly begin to help her. It is important not to discourage young members of the household from helping their parents. Even if it is awkward and inept, he will independently fulfill the “responsibilities he has assumed.”

At 1.5 years of age, passive vocabulary is accumulated. The little one knows a lot more words than he can pronounce. It is important to help your child constantly replenish vocabulary. Adults should clearly and correctly, without distorting, name objects unfamiliar to the baby by pointing to them.

Modeling classes, drawing with finger paints, and crayons are of great benefit for the development of speech. If from the age of one year the baby was taught to sculpt, then at one and a half years he can already make Easter cakes from sand or figures from wet snow. At this age, colors, shapes, and the concepts of “big-small” and “hot-cold” are being studied.

During the day, the baby should sleep around 1 p.m. There is only one daytime nap, after lunch, lasting two to three hours. Night sleep lasts approximately 10 or 11 hours.

Care at 1.5 years

Many children are still fed breast milk at one and a half years old, usually at night. Sometimes a child over a year old refuses to breastfeed on his own; if not, you can continue to feed him for several more months.

Food for children aged 1.5 years no need to grind too much. The baby is able to chew pieces of vegetables, fruits, potatoes, and fish. But it is advisable to give the meat pureed; this product is difficult for a young gourmet to chew. As before, you should not eat mushrooms, canned food, sausages, or carbonated drinks; they certainly will not bring any benefit. Starting from one and a half years old, you can occasionally pamper your child with pancakes or a bun.

It is important to remember to brush your baby's teeth regularly. At one and a half years old, the baby will not yet cope with this task on his own, but gradually he will definitely learn. If you regularly comb your child's hair in front of a mirror, he will soon be able to use a comb independently.

Classes for 1.5 years

Activities for developing fine motor skills are very useful. Pour the cereal into a deep plate and, in front of the child’s eyes, hide small bright objects (beads, balls, etc.) in it. Show your child how to look for these items. The finds will make your child very happy.

It's time to learn how to build buildings from cubes. A child needs to be taught how to play with blocks; he prefers to destroy buildings on his own. At the age of one, the baby has already learned to place a cube on a cube. At one and a half years old, a child can stack 3-4 blocks on top of each other, and with the help of adults he will learn to build a turret, a house, a fence and other structures.

Exercises with a shape sorter are useful. You can buy it at a toy store, or you can make it yourself from cardboard. By playing with the sorter, the baby learns to match parts of a certain shape (round, triangular, square) to a hole of the same shape and size. A more difficult option is to select parts not only by shape, but also by color.

The fastest land animal on earth is the cheetah, capable of reaching speeds of over 100 km/h. But some marine inhabitants have no less speed of movement and dexterity.

Presented to the attention of readers fastest fish in the world- top 10.

10. Atlantic tarpon Speed ​​up to 50 km/h

Opens the top ten fastest fish in the world, which is capable of reaching speeds in water of up to 50 km/h. Tarpon has a distinctive appearance and slightly resembles a large herring. In search of food, tarpon can travel enormous distances in a week. Its food is various mollusks, crustaceans, and young fish of other species that prefer smaller habitats and walk closer to the surface of the water.

9. Tiger shark Speed ​​up to 53 km/h

It is one of the most dangerous and fastest marine inhabitants with a maximum speed of 53 km/h. It is also one of the largest living sharks with a body length of up to 5 meters. Active predators and excellent swimmers, tiger sharks usually patrol their territory slowly, making subtle movements, but become fast and agile when they smell food. During an attack or flight, they are able to instantly develop high speed. Tiger sharks are found offshore, primarily in tropical and subtropical waters around the world.

8. Albula Speed ​​up to 60 km/h

It ranks eighth in the list of the fastest fish in the world with a maximum speed of 60 km/h. This predatory fish, which is found in the waters of tropical and subtropical seas. The size of a large individual can reach 1 meter in length and weight up to 9 kilograms. For the most part sea ​​creature used as a catch in sport fishing.

7. Swordfish Speed ​​up to 65 km/h

It is capable of moving in water at a speed of 65 km/h, which allows it to bear the title of one of the fastest fish in the world. It got its name due to its highly elongated and flattened upper jaw, which has the shape of a pointed sword and accounts for up to a third of the length of the entire fish. The swordfish has no pelvic fins, and the tail has a semi-lunar shape, immediately showing the high speed qualities of its owner. As for the dimensions of the sea creature, it can reach 4.55 m in length and weigh 650 kg. Swordfish are found in tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans, and are found sporadically in the Black and Seas of Azov, where it appears only in summer. It is the target of fisheries, mainly pelagic longline, and a valuable trophy sport fishing - fishing by trolling. No attacks on humans were recorded until May 2015, when a swordfish in Hawaii attacked fishing boat skipper Rensi Llanes, who harpooned it. The sword pierced chest, and the man died.

6. Blue shark Speed ​​up to 69 km/h

One of the fastest sea predators with a maximum speed of 69 km/h. Large predatory fish are found far from the coast, in the ocean, and near the coastline. But it is more common to see these fish on the open sea, as part of a convoy of ocean-going ships and liners, so the blue shark is considered primarily a pelagic fish. Perhaps this is one of the most numerous species among sharks in the World Ocean, along with such common predators as herring and salmon sharks.

5. Southern bluefin tuna Speed ​​up to 74 km/h

With a swimming speed of 74 km/h, it ranks fifth in the ranking of the fastest fish in the world. Pacific bluefin tuna are in constant movement. When they stop, breathing becomes difficult because the gill covers open in accordance with the lateral movements of the body to the left and right. Water through open mouth passes into the gill cavity only when moving. These are schooling pelagic fish that make long migrations. Sometimes they form schools with similar-sized tuna of other species - longfin, yellowfin, bigeye, striped, etc. The diet is varied and depends on food base in feeding areas. It is based on schooling pelagic fish that live near the surface of the water.

4. Yellow tuna Speed ​​up to 75 km/h

One of the fastest fish in the world with a speed of 75 km/h. Sea predator It is distinguished primarily by its enormous size, it is capable of reaching two and a half meters and weighing 200 kilograms. He received his nickname for the corresponding color; his body is colored blue-gray, and yellow-white longitudinal lines run along his back. There are 20 such lines in total. The anal fin of this type of tuna is also colored bright yellow. There is also a long solar stripe running along the sides, but in some individuals it is absent. Lives Yellowfin tuna mainly in schools, it feeds on squids, small fish and various crustaceans.

3. Striped marlin Speed ​​up to 77 km/h

Unlocks the top three fastest fish in the world with speeds in water of up to 77 km/h. It got its name due to the well-defined transverse striping of the body. Extremely rare in equatorial zone, undertakes significant migrations, during which this fish moves to more high latitudes V warm time year and returns to warm-water areas of its range in winter. The predator feeds mainly on squid, fish and crustaceans.

2. Horse mackerel Speed ​​up to 80 km/h

It ranks second in the ranking of the fastest fish in the world. The sea animal is capable of developing an impressive speed when swimming, which is equal to 80 km/h. High speed plays very important role for horse mackerel, because it is a predator and this helps it in short terms catch up with your prey. It is a schooling fish that moves in the water column and forms schools. It lives in warm waters within the continental shelf, often close to the coast. It breeds in the warm season. It feeds on plankton and small fish, sometimes bottom invertebrates.

1. Sailboat Speed ​​over 100 km/h

The most fast fish in the world, which is capable of reaching speeds of over 100 km/h. During a series of tests carried out in one of the fishing camps, the sailboat swam 91 m in 3 s, which is equivalent to a speed of 109 km/h. Unlike the vast majority bony fish Sailfish and related species of the sailfish and swordtail families effectively use turbulence, that is, water flows around the body not layer by layer, as with laminar movement, but forming fast vortices that help them reduce water resistance. The far-protruding pointed projections of the upper and lower jaws allow the effect of turbulence to be achieved at lower speeds. When swimming fast, the sail folds and stows in a special recess on the back. Anal and long ones are also hidden pelvic fins. When making sharp turns high speed the fins rise sharply. Sometimes sailboats drift slowly at the surface of the water with the sail fully extended and protruding above the water.

Let's talk today about the fastest representatives of their kind in the animal world. If there were olympic games for animals, then these species would, without a doubt, win gold medals “in their sport.”

The fastest bird is the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)

This bird of prey from the falcon family, can be seen on almost all continents, with the exception of Antarctica.

In nature, there are about 17 subspecies of peregrine falcons.

On our planet it is not only the fastest bird, but also the fastest living creature.

According to experts, in a fast diving flight, a peregrine falcon can reach speeds of up to 322 km/h.

But it is worth noting that in horizontal flight the peregrine falcon yields first place to the swift, whose horizontal flight speed can reach 111 km/h.

The most fast horse- English racehorses

On at the moment These purebred riding horses are considered the fastest. If you choose a specific representative, then the fastest one is the purebred stallion Beach Rackit.

He was able to set an absolute record among domestic breeds. During a race in Mexico over a distance of 409.26 meters, Beach achieved maximum speed equal to 69.69 km/h. At all average speed English racehorses have a speed of 60 km/h.

The fastest fish is the sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus)

This sea ​​fish from the order Perciformes, lives in all oceans of the Earth, preferring tropical, subtropical and temperate waters.

It is worth noting that the sailboat is an active predator and is capable of reaching speeds of up to 100 km/h.

During experiments at the Long Key fishing camp, Florida, USA, this fish was able to swim 91 meters in 3 seconds, which is equal to a speed of 109 km/h.

Most fast beast(terrestrial animal) - cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)

The cheetah is the fastest land animal. It differs from other cats in that it does not hunt prey, sitting in ambush, preferring to pursue it.

First, the cheetah approaches its prey at a distance of about 10 meters, without particularly trying to be secretive, and then tries to catch potential prey in a short race. During the race, he can reach speeds of up to 110-115 km/h, while reaching a speed of 75 km/h in 2 seconds. It is also worth noting that the cheetah runs in jumps 6-8 meters long.

The fastest dog is the Greyhound

In general, opinions about which dog is the fastest are divided. Some say that this is an English hunting greyhound that boasts very fast running over short distances, which gives them the ability to catch a hare.

If we talk about the wild dog, then it capable of reaching speeds of up to 55 km/h and chasing its prey to the point of complete exhaustion.

And yet officially, the most high speed among dogs was recorded on March 5, 1994 in Australia, when a greyhound named Star Title was able to accelerate to 67.32 km/h.

The most fast cat- Egyptian Mau

This short-haired, medium-sized cat breed boasts high-energy cats that love movement and play. This is why the Egyptian Mau has a flexible and muscular shape.

In Egyptian, "mau" means "cat". This cat can reach speeds of up to 58 km/h. In addition, Mau have excellent vision, hearing and smell.

The most fast snake- mamba

The officially recorded speed of this snake is 11.3 km/h, and that's on the ground. In the branches, the mamba is even faster.

In addition, she is one of the most poisonous snakes on Earth, and in Africa there is no other snake that is feared as much as the mamba.

The fastest turtle is the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)

Among reptiles, this is the fastest - in water it can reach a speed of 35 km/h.

Such a turtle weighs 450 kg, and its body length can vary from 1.8 to 2.1 meters.

However, in 1988, a male leatherback turtle was found in Harlech, UK, measuring 2.91 meters in length and weighing 961.1 kg.

The fastest insect

IN in this case should be divided into speed on the ground and in the air. On the ground The fastest insect is the American cockroach. Its speed reaches 5.4 km/h. It is worth noting that in 1 second he is able to run a distance that is 50 times the length of his own body. If compared to a person, this corresponds to a speed of approximately 330 km/h.

The insect that holds the record in the air is the dragonfly, namely Austrophlebia costalis, to which in flight can reach speeds of up to 52 km/h. Since they exist different ways speed measurements, experts cannot definitely say who is faster, dividing between dragonflies, hawk moths and horse flies.

In this article we will talk about the fastest living creatures that live in water. At first glance, it seems that the representatives water world It will not be possible to even come close to competing in speed with fleet-footed land dwellers and birds. After all, the habitat itself - water, dense and viscous, does not predispose to movement at very high speeds. But it turned out that if aquatic animals still “didn’t reach the fastest “flyers”, then the terrestrial fauna were practically not inferior in speed. It is clear that speed for them is one of the most important qualities that allows them to survive in wildlife, allowing the “hunter” to overtake the “prey”, and the “victim” to escape from the “hunter”. But what maximum speed can the inhabitants of the seas, oceans and fresh water bodies develop? Let's look at the fastest of them...

Tiger shark (lat. Galeocerdo cuvier) – 53 km/h

Tiger shark has a large mouth, in which there are many teeth with beveled tops. This type of mouthparts is adapted for feeding sea ​​turtles. The speed of turtles is about 35 km/h, and the speed tiger shark 53 km/h. Why does she need such a large reserve of speed? Probably so as not to become prey to larger predators.

Killer whale (lat. Orcinus orca) – 55 km/h.
The photo shows killer whales off the coast of Alaska

killer whalemarine mammal, order of cetaceans, suborder of toothed whales, family of dolphins. Sole Survivor modern representative kind of killer whales. This is the largest aquatic predator, which, nevertheless, develops a good speed of 55 km/h. As in previous case The killer whale needs such speed solely for hunting, because no one except humans attacks this animal. High speed qualities and considerable intelligence make the killer whale very fast and dangerous predator.

Atlantic tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) – 56 km/h

Tarpon- a large fish, similar in appearance to herring, but having nothing in common with it. Atlantic tarpon(Megalops atlanticus) can grow up to 2 meters in length, and its speed matches its size - up to 56 km/h. Interestingly, when these fish lack oxygen, they can jump out of the water to literally, take a breath of air.

White-winged porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) – 56 km/h

White-winged porpoise, or Dahl's porpoise- a mammal reaching a length of 1.8-2 meters, and a newborn individual - 1 m. Males have characteristic features, which distinguish them from females (hump in front of the tail, sloping front, and others). White-winged porpoises live in groups (about 20 individuals). They can swim at a speed of just over 56 km/h. Porpoises are predators. They feed on fish and cephalopods, which they hunt at night.

Blue or blue shark (Prionace glauca) – 69 km/h

Blue or blue shark- view cartilaginous fish from the family gray sharks. Widely distributed throughout the world and lives both in the ocean and on the coast, and is one of the most common sharks on Earth. It has an elongated body, with elongated pectoral fins. It is quite large in size and can reach a length of 4 meters. The name of this shark corresponds to its color (blue back and blue belly). The speed that this fairly common subtropical shark can develop is 65-69 km/h.

Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) – 70 km/h

Yellowfin tuna is a fish from the mackerel family that plays a significant role in the fishing industry. It is found in all tropical and temperate latitudes of the world's oceans, but is absent from the Mediterranean Sea. It has impressive dimensions for commercial fish - 2-2.5 meters in length, and weight reaches 200 kg. Its grayish body is crossed by about 20 longitudinal white-yellow lines. These large fish capable of swimming at speeds up to 70 km/h.

Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) – 74 km/h

Atlantic bluefin tuna- one of the fastest fish. It can reach speeds of up to 74 km/h. Bluefin tuna got its name due to its color: the back is blue-gray, bluish in color, and the belly is silver. These fish are warm-blooded, which is quite rare among fish. Thanks to this, fish feel good in both cold and warm waters.

Mackerel – 77 km/h

Few people know that it is so common commercial fish, How mackerel(Scomber), capable of developing very high speed. During spawning or in a cast, it can swim at speeds of up to 70-77 km/h. I wonder what mackerels hold on to in large groups, in which all the fish are the same size.

Marlin (lat. Makaira) – 80 km/h.
Pictured is an Indo-Pacific blue marlin

Marlins from the family of sailfish, their body length can be compared with some species of sharks, as they can grow up to 4 m, but in terms of speed, marlins significantly outstrip sharks and many others aquatic life. These fish can rush at a speed of 80 km/h. It is interesting that it was marlin that was hunted by the hero of the story “The Old Man and the Sea” (E. Hemingway).

Sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) – 109 km/h

The fastest fish also belongs to the marlin family. Sailfish got into the Guinness Book of Records thanks to the incredible speed that it can develop. The fish has a characteristic sail-shaped dorsal fin, which gives the species its name. When sailfish swim at high speed, the dorsal, anal and pelvic fins are folded and tucked into special recesses on the fish's body. The sailboat is active predator and can reach speeds of up to 100 km/h. In a series of tests conducted at the Long Key fishing camp in Florida, USA, the sailboat swam 91 m in 3 seconds, which is equivalent to a speed of 109 km/h.