What animals died out due to the fault of man. Animals that have disappeared through the fault of man. Rare and endangered animals

The population of our planet is increasing year by year, but the number of wild animals, on the contrary, is declining.

Mankind affects extinction a large number animal species, by expanding their cities, thereby depriving the fauna of their natural habitats. Highly important role plays the fact that people are constantly developing more and more new lands for crops and and.

It should be noted that sometimes the expansion of megacities has a positive effect on some types of animals: rats, pigeons, crows.

Conservation of biological diversity

On the this moment it is very important to preserve everything, because it was born by nature millions of years ago. The presented diversity of animals is not just a random cluster, but a single coordinated working bunch. The extinction of any species will entail major changes in the entire ecosystem. Each species is very important and unique for our world.

As for endangered unique species of animals and birds, they should be treated with special care and protection. Since they are the most vulnerable and humanity can lose this species at any moment. It is savings rare species animals becomes a paramount task for every state and individual in particular.

The main reasons for the loss various kinds animals is: the degeneration of the habitat of animals; uncontrolled hunting in prohibited areas; destruction of animals to create products; environmental pollution. In all countries of the world there are certain laws on protection against extermination of wild animals, regulating rational hunting and fishing, in Russia there is a law on hunting and use of wildlife.

At the moment, there is the so-called Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, established in 1948, where all rare animals and plants are listed. AT Russian Federation there is a similar one, where a record of endangered species of our country is kept. Thanks to the policy of the state, it was possible to save sables and saiga from extinction, which were on the verge of extinction. Now they are even allowed to hunt. The number of kulans and bison increased.

Saigas could disappear from the face of the Earth

Extinction anxiety species not contrived. So if we take the period from the beginning of the seventeenth century to the end of the twentieth (some three hundred years) - 68 species of mammals and 130 species of birds died out.

According to statistics managed by international union conservation, every year one species or subspecies is destroyed. Very often, the phenomenon began to occur when partial extinction occurs, that is, disappearance in certain countries. So in Russia in the Caucasus, man contributed to the fact that nine species have already become extinct. Although this happened before: according to the reports of archaeologists, musk oxen were in Russia 200 years ago, and they were recorded in Alaska before 1900. But there are species that we can lose in a short time.

List of endangered animals

3. . The deterioration of environmental conditions, as well as infection from wild dogs, negatively affects the reproduction of sea lions.

4. Cheetah. Farmers kill them as cheetahs prey on livestock. They are also hunted by poachers for their skins.

5. . The reduction of the species occurs due to the degradation of their habitat, the illegal trade of their cubs, and infection.

6. . Their population has been reduced by a change climatic conditions and poaching.

7. collared sloth. The population is declining due to deforestation.

eight. . The main threat is poachers who sell rhinoceros horn on the black market.

nine. . The species is being pushed out of its habitat. Animals have a low birth rate in principle.

ten. . This species is also a victim of poaching, as ivory is of great value.

eleven. . This species was actively hunted for the sake of the skin and pasture competition.

12. . Bear habitat changes due to global warming affects the reduction of the species.

thirteen. . The population is declining due to.

fourteen. . The species has been reduced due to hunting and the danger of bears to humans.

fifteen. . The species is being destroyed due to conflicts with people, active hunting, infectious diseases and climate change.

16. Galapagos tortoise. They were actively destroyed, their habitats were changed. The animals that were brought to the Galapagos had a negative impact on their reproduction.

17. . The view is shrinking due to natural disasters and poaching.

eighteen. . Reduced population due to shark prey.

nineteen. . The species is dying out due to infectious diseases and habitat changes.

20. . The illegal trade in animal meat and bones has led to a decline in the population.

21. . The population suffers from constant oil spills.

22. . The species is declining due to whaling.

23. . The species has become a victim of poaching.

24. . Animals are suffering due to habitat reduction.

25. . The population is declining due to urbanization processes and active deforestation.

The list of endangered animals is not limited to these species. As you can see, the main threat is a person and the consequences of his activities. Exist government programs conservation of endangered animals. And everyone can make a contribution to the conservation of endangered animal species.

For the grandiose successes of human civilization, nature is the first to pay. Providing themselves with a comfortable existence, people become the perpetrators of the death of entire species of representatives of the animal and flora. Extinct animals due to human fault - how many of them have disappeared from the face of the Earth forever? We have compiled a rating of the most amazing and beautiful creatures that a person will never see again.

- a vivid example of the predatory attitude of man to nature. The species was discovered by Bering's expedition in 1741. This animal, extinct through the fault of man, was distinguished by a sedentary lifestyle and apathy. The sea cow, or cabbage, reached an impressive size - about 8 meters in length. One of the features of the animal was complete absence fear of people. Unfortunately, these Marine life possessed delicious meat. By 1768 the modest sea cow population had been wiped out by man. The closest relative of the sea cow is the dugong.

Javan tiger

The list of extinct animals due to human fault continues. He belonged to the smallest subspecies of tigers. Habitat - the island of Java. The reason for the disappearance is active hunting and the destruction of the animal's habitat by humans. By the mid 80s XX century, only three individuals of the Javan tiger have survived. He was last seen in 1979. The species is considered extinct, although there are occasional reports that tigers have been sighted on the island of Java. Zoologists are skeptical about this, believing that a leopard is mistaken for a Javanese tiger.

On the verge of extinction and other subspecies of tigers. For example, the Sumatran tiger population today has only 300 individuals.

(thylacine) is the only representative of marsupial wolves in the world, completely destroyed by man. Habitat: Australia, New Guinea and Tasmania. Europeans first encountered the Tasmanian wolf in XVIII century. At the beginning of the 19th century, hunting was opened for animals. Farmers considered wolves the main enemy for the sheep population. As a result, a few animals have survived only in hard-to-reach places in Tasmania. AT XX century, due to the outbreak of dog distemper on the island, the population of the Tasmanian wolf was catastrophically reduced. Despite this, it was not listed as a protected species and hunting for it was not officially prohibited. The last wild Tasmanian wolf was killed in 1930. Scientists suggest that single representatives of the species could have survived in hard-to-reach places on the island. Despite the high reward offered for the capture of the animal, there is no documentary evidence that the Tasmanian wolf is not extinct.

Mauritian dodo

To the most famous representatives Animals extinct due to human fault include dodo or. It has disappeared so quickly since the discovery of this species. flightless birds European travelers that long time scientists considered the dodo a mythical creature.

Habitat: Mauritius island. The dodo was first discovered by Dutch navigators in XVI century. From that moment on, the bird was subjected to intense extermination and disappeared in the middle XVII century. Dodo gained great fame thanks to Lewis Carroll, who made him the character of "Alice in Wonderland". The writer identified Dodo with himself.

One of the best known subspecies wild bull- another representative of animals that have become extinct due to economic activity man and hunting. The primitive tour was exterminated in Africa and Mesopotamia as early as the third millennium BC. In Central Europe, its population has been declining since deforestation. To XV century animals were taken under protection, but their numbers have been steadily declining. The last tour disappeared in the middle XVII century. Enthusiasts from different countries are resurrecting tours.

(Cameroonian subspecies) - another representative of extinct animals due to human fault. Its name is arbitrary, since the color of animals depends on the color of the soil of the area where they live. To the middle XIX century black rhinoceros was an ordinary inhabitant of Africa. But then, thanks to faith in miraculous power horns, hunting was open for them. Animal horns were also used as material for dagger handles. Now total strength black rhinos does not exceed 4 thousand individuals, but the Cameroonian subspecies did not survive the extermination by poachers and was declared extinct in 2011.

The only representative of the genus, became another sad example of animals, extinct due to human. Lived in North America and became extinct as a result of merciless hunting. The last Caroline parrots were seen in 1926. The species is officially declared extinct.

- giant wingless birds, extinct due to human fault in XVI century. Lived in New Zealand. Some species were gigantic - up to 3.6 meters in height. Moas were herbivores. They ate fruits, leaves and shoots. Died out at the start XVI century. Majori are to blame for the disappearance of these amazing creatures - indigenous people New Zealand.

- an example of how the most common bird on Earth can be destroyed by man. Lived in North America. The population decline began in XIX century. This was facilitated by many reasons, among which poaching was in the first place. Passenger pigeon meat was very tasty, and the inhabitants of the northern states ruthlessly destroyed the birds. The last representatives of the species disappeared at the beginning XX century.

- in 1st place in the sad list of animals that have become extinct due to human fault.

The fate of Lonesome George was followed by many. He was the last representative of the subspecies Abingdon elephant tortoise. Last years He spent his life on Santa Cruz Island, where the Darwin Research Station is located. For many years, zoologists did not lose hope of getting George's offspring by crossing with related species, but the embryos of the eggs turned out to be unviable. On June 24, 2012, the last representative of the giant Abingdon elephant tortoises died at the age of about 100 years. Now this subspecies of the Galapagos tortoises is officially recognized as extinct.

Man is to blame for the disappearance of elephant turtles. For hundreds of years they have been used as living canned food, transported in the holds of ships.

The statistics of endangered animal species are appalling. Due to human activities, we lose several species of animals, plants, birds and insects every day. We are the main cause of the catastrophic death of the animal and plant world of the Earth. Today, 40% percent of living beings are on the verge of extinction, and this terrible figure is only increasing.

Man is the destroyer of all living things. Due to the constant deforestation and jungle, killing for the sake of fur, many animals are on the verge of extinction. Every year there are more and more animals extinct through the vein of man. These are unusual and unique creatures that could exist peacefully if humanity lived in harmony with nature.

Javan tiger

The Javan tiger was one of the smaller representatives of its species. To this day unknown exact time, the extinction of this species. Perhaps in the mid-1980s, the last Javan tigers were exterminated. The main reason for the disappearance of which is considered to be hunting, as well as deforestation where they lived. Some researchers believe that not all Javan tigers were killed. Repeatedly, local residents have seen creatures similar to this species, but most scientists believe that they confuse them with ordinary leopards. Because they look a bit like exterminated Javanese tigers from a distance.


The dodo or dodo is a bird with a very large beak that cannot fly. According to some reports, an adult bird weighed 20-25 kg (for comparison: a turkey weighs about 12-16 kg), it was about a meter tall. Dodos lived on the island of Mauritius. Presumably, this species of birds disappeared because of their tasty meat. Since dodos nested on the ground, their nests were devastated by cats. It is known that in 1680 the last bird was killed. One legend says that a certain girl, the daughter of one of the colonists, found and cared for a chick. However, the parents accidentally found out about their daughter's pet and, despite the girl's resistance, they killed the last kind of dodo bird. In the Darwin Museum in Moscow, you can see everything that remains of the extinct species - these are images with descriptions and just a few skeletons of a bird.

tasmanian wolf

The Tasmanian wolf lived in New Guinea, as well as in Australia. Farmers exterminated wolves because they considered them a threat to their livestock. Some believe that they certainly did not die out at the hands of farmers, but most likely from some kind of disease. And yet, scientists have studied this issue for a very long time, modeling different situations, and unanimously came to the conclusion that complete extermination these wolves only man is to blame.

Sea cow

The sea cow lived near the Commander Islands. She was easily hunted because of her low mobility and the most delicious meat, fat and skin. Boats were made from the skin of the animal, and the fat was used for lighting and for cooking. After about 30 years of the discovery of the sea cow, it was completely exterminated from the face of the Earth. The sea cow was also called the Steller's cow, named after the physician Georg Steller.

black rhinoceros

The western black rhinoceros lived in Cameroon. This subspecies of black rhinos was exterminated literally 10 years ago. It was hunted by poachers because of its horn, which was very valuable and was used in Chinese medicine to treat many diseases. Some scientists did not lose hope of finding survivors of this species, but after five years the search was unsuccessful. The western black rhino was declared extinct in 2011.


Quagga lived in South Africa. She looked like a modern zebra. But the zebra is completely striped, and the quagga was colored only in front. Behind the color was like that of a bay horse. Zebra Quagga is almost the only extinct animal that people have been able to tame. She helped guard the livestock. The animal noticed pests and made the sounds "kuaha", which is why it got its name.

Animals extinct through the vein of man will become more and more over time if people do not reconsider their actions in relation to the environment.

The expansion of man is not in vain. Due to the expansion of arable land, the deforestation of hundreds of hectares of forests and jungles, many species of living beings are on the verge of extinction. This leads to serious violations of the ecosystem, which can cause others, more. Animals that became extinct due to the fault of man are unlikely to return, they serve as a constant reminder of the fragility of nature. Next, the most famous creatures will be considered, in the disappearance of which it was man who played an unenviable role.

Sea cow

One of the most striking examples of the extermination of an entire species is the hunting of sea cows or cabbages. This type sea ​​creatures discovered by Bering's expedition in 1741. Sea cows had a trait that became the main reason for their extinction - delicious meat. In addition, the complete absence of fear of humans only contributed to their destruction, which was used by hunters, along with the indigenous population and poachers. Already in 1768, the species completely died out. Among the closest relatives of the sea cow, only the dugong stands out, but these creatures also balance on a very thin line ...

The Javan tiger is one of the smallest in comparison with other members of the species. Maximum weight males was 140 kg, and females - 115 kg, while they were significantly smaller in body length. The first bell rang in the 1950s, when the number of tigers on the island of Java was suddenly reduced to 20-25 individuals. In the future, the situation only worsened, and already in 1979 only three tigers remained alive. The exact time when the Javan tigers disappeared completely is still unknown. Presumably, this happened in the mid-1980s. The main reason for the death of the species is hunting, as well as a serious reduction in habitat due to deforestation.

However, some researchers are inclined to believe that some Javan tigers may well have survived. locals tiger-like creatures are periodically noticed, but most scientists believe that they see ordinary leopards, which from afar can resemble extinct animals.

This species of marsupial wolves is the only one that has been completely destroyed by man, from beginning to end. These animals were quite widespread in Australia, New Guinea and Tasmania. The first meeting of Europeans with this creature dates back to the 18th century, but already at the beginning of the 19th century, uncontrolled hunting and shooting began for marsupial wolves. The farmers believed that the Tasmanian wolves constantly attacked the sheep, and ruthlessly destroyed them, seriously reducing the number of these animals. The catastrophe happened at the beginning of the 20th century, when an outbreak of a mysterious disease, presumably dog ​​distemper, broke out in Australia, which struck the wolves, endangering their existence. However, they were not even included in the list of protected species. As a result, in 1930 the hunters overtook the last wild marsupial wolf, and in 1936 the only remaining representative of the species died of old age.

Subsequently, scientists found that weak jaws did not give the Tasmanian wolf the ability to kill sheep, and this was one of the main reasons for its destruction.

Many years ago, a little south of the Limpopo River, huge herds of quaggs grazed, the number of which reached several thousand. Quaggas roamed in search of food. Them appearance resembled a mixture of zebra, donkey and horse. The body length was about 1 m 80 cm, and the weight approached 350 kg. However, the shape of the body and head - a short, like a sheared mane, as well as a tail with a tassel at the end, made it clear that this was a zebra, just rather unusual. When the Dutch colonists (Boers) arrived on these lands, they began to consider quaggs as competitors of their livestock and even staged real raids on them. Quagga meat is tasteless, but people made belts from strong skins, and wineskins were made from stomachs for storing and transporting water. The colonists pushed the quaggs further north, built farms and pastures, allocated land for crops. Later, in the middle of the 19th century, the British conquered the Cape Colony, and the Boers went south. When in South Africa were opened large deposits gold, the rapid development of industry began, which entailed an increasing development of territories. In 1878, the last representatives of the endangered species were killed.

This primitive wild bull is considered the progenitor of all large cattle. One of his closest living relatives is the Watussi. Tur lived in the steppes and forest-steppes of the entire Eastern Hemisphere. Tours died out as a result active development Agriculture, expansion of lands and purposeful hunting organized by people on them. These animals were very powerful and looked like this:

  • the height of this tall and strong animal reached 180 cm at the withers;
  • weight large males was about 800 kg;
  • characteristic sharp and long horns;
  • the black color of the body with a white, longitudinal stripe distinguished males from the general herd;
  • females, cubs and young were brown.

AT warm time years, animals preferred to live in separate small groups, strong individuals - even on their own, and by winter they all huddled in large herds. Turs were very aggressive and could cope with a wide variety of predators.

At the beginning of the 15th century, the remains of the once large herds lived in the forested and hard-to-reach territory of Poland, Lithuania and Belarus. They had the status of park animals that were protected by law. But the inevitable nevertheless came, and in 1627 there were no tours on Earth. Now enthusiasts are striving to revive tours. And it can be done. The Spanish bull, bred in Germany in the thirties of the last century, the Heck bull, as well as fighting bulls that take part in bullfighting, have many biological properties in common with extinct animals.

This bird species lived in the deciduous forests of North America, breeding near the Great Lakes. Their name corresponds to the lifestyle that was characteristic of these pigeons. They constantly flew, even over long distances, in search of the best food and places for safe nesting. This was facilitated by the flight speed, which was approximately 100 km / h. Their flocks were huge, and the number reached three and even five billion. Pigeons fed on small insects, worms, seeds of plants and trees. Passenger pigeons were a constant object of hunting for the Indians, however, with the advent of Europeans, especially in the 19th century, the number of pigeons began to decline sharply. But that didn't stop the hunters. The tasty meat of the pigeons was cheap enough, which, along with deforestation, which reduces their habitat, caused the drama to play out in the future. After 1870, a sharp decline in the number of birds followed. The last wild specimen was killed in 1901.

AT recent times around the world, a movement is gaining momentum that unites people who are trying to save small groups of animals already standing by terrible line, and those who are just beginning to threaten extinction. , extinct through the fault of man, serve as a silent reproach for past and future generations of the entire population of our planet. This sad list cannot be allowed to grow again.

A shocking and sad fact. Many species of animals completely disappear from the face of the earth through the fault of man. In the last century alone, several dozen such completely extinct animal species can be counted. I bring to your attention a small selection of extinct animals:

Pinta Island Turtles (Pinta Island Tortoise), the species finally died out on June 24, 2012. Lonely George Turtle was the last representative of its kind. Lonesome George died recently at the Research Center. Its exact age is unknown, but it has been estimated at over 100 years old.

River dolphin Baiji (Baiji Dolphin). This type of dolphin was found only in the Yangtze River. Baiji dolphins were declared extinct in 2007.
The Chinese river dolphin is one of the most rare mammals on the ground. Since 1996, its status in the International Red Book is "species in critical condition." Until 1900, its number was estimated at 3000-5000 individuals; in 1980, 400; in 1990 - 200. In 2007, Chinese river dolphins were officially declared extinct.

Western Black Rhinoceros, species became extinct in 2011.
This subspecies of rhinoceros, the Western Black Rhino, lived mainly in Cameroon. The animal fell victim to rampant poaching, even after the start of official black rhinoceros protection in 1930. There are only three subspecies of rhinoceros left on earth, which are already endangered.

Caribbean monk seal (Caribbean Monk Seal), officially considered extinct since 2008. Although last time The Caribbean monk seal was seen alive in 1952, the seal species was officially declared extinct only in 2008.

The Canarian Oystercatcher was officially declared extinct in 1994.
This species of waders lived on canary islands off the coast of West Africa. The Canarian oystercatcher died out due to the depletion of molluscs, their main source of food. This is a consequence of commercial fishing on an industrial scale. To date, there are only 4 stuffed Canarian waders, which are now in museums.

The white-billed king woodpecker (Ivory-billed Woodpecker) was officially declared extinct in 1994.
The white-billed king woodpecker lived in the South of the USA in the local swampy area. After draining these swamps, the last of this species of woodpecker was seen in 1940. But officially the white-billed king woodpecker was declared extinct in 1994.

The Mariana mallard was officially declared extinct in 2004.
Mariana mallard lived only on three small islands Pacific Ocean including the island of Guam. The bird has lost its habitat as a result of the draining of swamps for agriculture. Second World War was the main reason for the disappearance of this duck. The last pair of ducks were seen in wild nature in 1979. Since 2004, this duck species has been considered extinct.

The Dusky Seaside Sparrow was officially declared extinct in 1987.

The Mexican Grizzly Bear was officially declared extinct in 1964.
The Mexican grizzly as a species was extirpated in the US and Canada by local farmers as the bears attacked their livestock.

The Javan Tiger was officially declared extinct in 1994.
Habitat loss due to agricultural development is the main reason for the extinction of the Javan tiger species that lived on the Indonesian island of Java in the Java mountain area. The last tiger was killed by a human in 1984.

Japanese sea ​​lion(Japanese Sea Lion), officially declared extinct in 1974.
The Japanese commercial harvest of Japanese sea lions ended in the 1940s when the species became virtually extinct. In total, Japanese trawlers received as many as 16,500 sea lions, enough to cause their extinction. Submarine warfare during World War II is even believed to have contributed to their habitat destruction. New sightings of Z. japonicus since the 1970s, with the last confirmed report being a juvenile specimen captured in 1974 off the coast of Rebun Island, northern Hokkaido.

One of the most bitter reminders of human cruelty can be stories about the Steller's cow. Its other names are - sea ​​cow or cabbage. It was first discovered off the coast of the Commander Islands in 1741, and after 27 years the last representative of the species living there was killed.
Yes, yes, it took a little more than a quarter of a century to completely exterminate the population of more than 2 thousand individuals. People tried very hard: they killed at least 170 heads a year, and the peak of this carnage fell on 1754, when half a thousand cabbages were destroyed at once. At the same time, no measures were taken to preserve and maintain the number of animals.
Interestingly, after the extermination of Steller's cow, scientific world several times stirred up reports of people meeting with these unique creatures. Unfortunately, none of them have been confirmed yet. Latest news refer to June 2012: according to some online publications, the Steller's cow is alive - a population of 30 individuals was found in small island belonging to the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The melting of the ice made it possible to penetrate into its most remote corners, where cabbage plants were found. Let's hope that the rumors are true, and humanity will be able to correct its fatal mistake.

The Tasmanian wolf is the only representative of the marsupial wolves, it is also called the thylacine. The species is originally from Australia, in length individuals reached a size of 100-130 cm; height - 60 cm; weight about 25 kg. The first mention of the Tasmanian wolf was found on rock records no later than 1000 BC. e. Europeans first encountered the marsupial wolf in 1642. In the 30s of the 19th century, the mass extermination of the beast by farmers began in order to protect their sheep. Thus, marsupial wolves survived only in remote areas of Tasmania by 1863.