Shrimp in an aquarium. Freshwater shrimp in an aquarium How to keep shrimp in an aquarium

Shrimp are, without a doubt, a bright addition to any aquarium. It is a rare aquarist who, having seen this aquatic organism, will not want to have it in his collection. And then the question of the great variety of species of these arthropods arises before him. After all, there are a huge variety of shrimp species for aquarium keeping, although their diversity is often underestimated. All, without exception, types of aquarium shrimp are equally similar to each other in structure, but differ greatly; there are small shrimp (1.8 cm) and truly large specimens (up to 35 cm) from each other in size. Of course, the coloring of the shrimp deserves special attention.

Classification issues

Classification of domestic shrimp is a complex and ambiguous issue because... There is no strict certainty on this issue. Of course, you can divide these aquarium inhabitants by size, color, origin, but this will entail even greater confusion and gossip. Strictly speaking, aquarium shrimp can definitely be divided in only two ways. By belonging to one or another family: Caridina, Neocaridina, Macrobrachium, Palaemonidae. Or by habitat - marine or freshwater, the latter, by the way, will be discussed later.

Within the crystal shrimp variety there is own classification by color.

All types of aquarium shrimp

As they say, it’s better to see once than to hear many times, in our case read, so let’s get to the heart of the matter, so what types of shrimp are there and what conditions do they require?


Caridina multidentata, Caridina japonica, Amano Shrimp.

Peace-loving inhabitant of freshwater aquariums. The appearance is quite primitive - translucent coloring of gray-blue shades with dots (for males) and strokes (for females) randomly located on the sides. An excellent cleaner and simply an irreplaceable fighter against thread.

They live in both small and large groups, but because... The Amano shrimp is quite difficult to breed; it is recommended to keep a flock of at least 10 individuals.

  • Natural habitat: Korea, Taiwan, Yamato River in Japan.
  • The size of the female is 5-6 cm, the male is 3-4 cm.
  • Water parameters - temperature 23-27C, pH 7.2 - 7.5, hardness dH 2 - 20°.


Harlequin Shrimp.

This shrimp is truly miniature and partly for this reason it is very shy. Leads a nocturnal and twilight lifestyle. The complexity of character more than pays off in outstanding appearance- white with red color, outlined in black, reminiscent of the harlequin from DC Comics, this arthropod owes its name.

  • In nature, it lives in Indonesia on the island of Sulawesi.
  • Size 0.6 – 1.3 cm.
  • Lives in an aquarium from a year to a year and a half.
  • Suitable parameters are temperature 26-29°C, acidity pH 7.2-8.4, hardness dH 15-25°.

White Pearl

Snowball, Snowflake, Neocaridina cf. zhangjiajiensis var. White, White Pearl Shrimp, Snowball Shrimp.

This artificially bred beauty is unpretentious in maintenance and is suitable even for beginners. Its quiet and even gentle disposition makes it an excellent pet, provided that there are no predatory, very active or aggressive fish among its neighbors. Any aquarium will be decorated with a greyish-white arthropod, transparent as glass, so much so that distinguishing a female from a male is not at all difficult. In female representatives, the ovaries are visible in the light, and the caviar is completely white, reminiscent of snow, for which the shrimp received the nickname Snowflake.

They feel best in a group of 10 to 20 individuals.

  • Not found in nature. Artificially bred by German breeder Ulf Gottschalk.
  • Length 2 – 2.5 cm.
  • Longevity of life is no more than 2 years.
  • Conditions in the aquarium: temperature – 20-28°C, hardness – 6-20°, pH no more than 7.5.

Blue Pearl

Blue neocaridina, Blue shrimp, Blue Pearl Shrimp, Crystal Blue shrimp, Ice Blue, Ice blue, Blue ice.

It was bred by crossing blue neocardina with white individuals.

The color can change depending on the mood and well-being, and the more the color fades, the worse the arthropod feels.

  • It is best to observe a pearl in a flock of 10 or more individuals in a spacious aquarium, at least 60 - 80 liters.
  • China is the birthplace and region of selection.
  • Standard size 2.5cm.
  • 18-29°C, 6.8-7.5 Ph, dGH 2-25.

Life cycle 2 years.

Atyidae is the common name for aquarium freshwater shrimp.

Blue neocardine

Blue neocardine, blue dream.

  • The result of the work of German and Japanese breeders. First introduced to the public in the United States in 2006.
  • The size of females is up to 3 cm, males up to 2.
  • Lifespan is about 2 years.
  • T° 18-28 degrees Celsius, pH 6.5 - 7.5, average hardness 2-25.

Blue brindle

Blue Tiger.

The most striking distinctive feature of these tigers is their orange eyes, which have not been seen in other aquarium arthropods. Despite the exotic appearance and high price, they are not whimsical in maintenance.

They require frequent infusions of fresh “blood” because due to inbreeding during the selection process they are prone to degeneration.

  • Not found in nature. Bred from ordinary tiger shrimp.
  • They live up to a maximum of 2 years.
  • The average size is 2-2.5 cm.
  • Acceptable water parameters: temperature from 15 to 30, acidity 6.5 -7.5 (they reproduce better in more acidic water), hardness from 1 to 15.

Blue aura

Aura Blue Dwarf Shrimp.

The Blue Aura shrimp is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful in the genus Atyidae, perhaps even the most beautiful of all blue shrimp and at the same time, as it often happens, quite mysterious. Information about the aura can be found at a minimum, this is due to the fact that it has settled in aquariums (especially Russian ones) quite recently; below is the most important information, in our opinion.

They reproduce easily and willingly; an experienced female carries up to 30 larvae under her tail. Despite the rarity, the conditions of detention are very prosaic; for a small flock, a 10-liter aquarium with high-quality water is enough, which will be changed frequently. The aura also has an unusual feature that cannot be ignored! After molting, this aquatic organism becomes almost transparent, but don’t worry, within a week the color will be restored and will delight you again.

  • Origin: Thailand.
  • Life expectancy is maximum 2 years.
  • Size 2-3cm.
  • Options aquarium water 23-25°, pH 7-7.5, medium hardness.

Blue-footed bee

Blue Leg shrimp, Blue Poso shrimp, Caridina ensifera Blue, Caridina Blue Tail, Peacock.

The appearance of the blue-legged bee is more than remarkable and is unlikely to leave any aquarist indifferent. The body is gray, there are blue spots on the tail (for which the crustacean was nicknamed Peacock), blue legs and bright red antennae.

Bees have a peaceful disposition and easily get along with both non-aggressive species of arthropods and peace-loving fish.

  • Natural habitat: Lake Poso, Indonesia, Sulawesi Islands.
  • Maximum size 3cm.
  • Life expectancy is two to three years.
  • Water parameters - temperature 28-30°C, pH 7.5 – 8.5, hardness dH 7-15°, effective aeration is required.

Yellow shrimp

Lemon, Yellow Pearl, Canary.

The canary's calling card is, of course, its bright yellow color. This is the only representative of aquarium arthropods with this color, however, with age, the pet acquires an orange tint, which does not make it any less cute.

If they are undernourished, they can eat all the vegetation around them.

  • Not found in nature.
  • The size of the yellow shrimp is 2.5 - 3 cm.
  • Maximum age 2, rarely 3 years
  • Optimal conditions: water 15 - 28°C, acidity 6.8-8.0 Ph.

Green shrimp

Babaulti, caridina babaulti, Green Midget shrimp.

The bright and active green babaulti shrimp was discovered in India during an expedition and described in 1918. This species has often been subjected to selection; currently 5 color variations are known - blue, white red-nosed, brown, orange. The most common color found in aquariums is green, most of which were brought from India, and only a small part was born in aquariums.

  • Homeland India (small rivers and streams)
  • Size up to 3.5cm
  • Water: Temperature from 20 to 28, hardness – 5-20, acidity – 6.5-8. Aeration and frequent water changes of about 20% of the volume are required.


Cardinal Shrimp and Caridina sp. "Cardinal", Denerli, Caridina dennerli.

Many atyidae have a bizarre, memorable appearance, but even among them, the Cardinal, which recently appeared in aquariums, stands out very clearly. The color ranges from red to cherry, and the always-on-trend white polka dots on the sides. Thin and long legs And sharp nose only add Cardinal Shrimp aristocracy. Despite the apparent simplicity, keeping these arthropods has a lot of pitfalls and therefore this species is not suitable for beginners!

  • Natural habitat: Indonesia, rocky areas of Lake Matano on the island of Sulawesi.
  • Size 1 – 2cm.
  • Water parameters - temperature 26 - 29C, pH 7 - 9, hardness dH 9-15.

Macrobrachnums, Macrobrachium assamense.

The ring-armed shrimp is a relatively large species for an aquarium arthropod. Females reach a size of 5 cm, males are even larger and grow up to 7. The marbled color, like many other species, depends on nutrition and soil. One claw is larger than the other, but this is clearly visible only in large male individuals.

Macrobrahnums are aggressive towards each other and towards other neighbors. Although they lead mainly night image life, are ready to actively hunt down prey at any time. Therefore, forget about the idea of ​​keeping ringed fish with other arthropods or small fish. For these tireless hunters, large fish of at least 5 cm, living in the middle and upper layers of a home reservoir, can become good neighbors.

  • They live in nature in the Eastern Himalayas, in local mountain lakes and rivers.
  • The length reaches 7cm.
  • Longevity is 1.5 - 3 years.
  • Conditions in the aquarium: temperature - 21-25°C, hardness - 10-20°, pH 7 - 7.5. Enhanced filtration and aeration are required, as well as weekly water changes; if it is cold, this will have a positive effect on life expectancy.

A minimum of 10-15 liters is required per individual. Requires school keeping - 1 male and several females.

Halocaridina rubra.

The owner of a non-trivial appearance is a red Hawaiian shrimp in stressful situation stops being red! The color fades and the animal disguises itself as environment. The character is peaceful and accommodating, but the shrimp itself can become the subject of hunting for other inhabitants of the aquarium.

There are companies that sell Hawaiian red shrimp in sealed "ecospheres". The shrimp in them slowly dies before your eyes, and this process can last up to 3 years. All this time, the shrimp feeds only on its shell from molt to molt. Halocaridina rubra is a very tenacious and immensely patient creature.

  • In good conditions, the maximum recorded lifespan of this baby is 20 years.
  • As the name implies, it lives in Hawaii.
  • The standard size does not exceed 1.2 cm.
  • The life cycle is on average 8 - 10 years.
  • Surprisingly, both salt and fresh water are suitable for life. With a temperature of 20 - 23 degrees, although it can tolerate a range of 15-30 ° C, pH 8.2 - 8.4.

Red shrimp

Neocardina heteropoda, Cherry, Cherry.

Most popular and widely known species aquarium arthropods. Bright, unpretentious, readily breeding Cherries have long and happily inhabited the home ponds of aquarists around the world. Read more about Cherry shrimp on our website.

  • Neocardina, the species from which cherries were bred, lives in Taiwan.
  • Size up to 4 cm.
  • Lifespan is about 3 years.
  • T° 20 – 29 degrees Celsius, pH 6-8, hardness up to 15°dH. Be sure to have plants and mosses in which the cherries can hide.

The species obtained as a result of selection of the red shrimp is not much different from it, with the exception of a much brighter and more saturated color ranging from red to cherry.

Also bred in Taiwan from the species Neocardina heteropoda, it differs from its ancestor in that this shrimp is orange from head to toe. Orange fire fry are born lighter in color for their own protection, but as they live, the color becomes more saturated and bright.

Red crystal

Red Bee, Crystal Red Shrimp, Red Bee.

Aquarium crystals are peaceful and have a very memorable appearance, for which they have gained great popularity all over the world. Within this species, as well as among its predecessor the Bee shrimp, there is a whole hierarchy of colors of its own.

  • Thus, some types of red bees, for example, Snow White, which will be mentioned below, are very expensive, and some have a very affordable price.
  • The result of selection work. The first Crystal Red Shrimp was created by Japanese breeder Hisayasu Suzuki in 1993 while breeding classic black-striped bees.
  • Lifespan is about 2 years.
  • The size of females is up to 2.5 cm, males up to 2 cm.

T° 20 -27 degrees Celsius, pH 5.5 - 7, average hardness 4-6. They are very sensitive to dirty water - do not forget about filtration and weekly replacement of at least a third of the volume of the aqua.

Caridina cf. cantonensis "Snow White".

Snow White is a Red Crystal species.

  • Snow white shrimp is one of the types of red bee shrimp. Snow Whites are found in varying degrees of whiteness and, of course, the most valuable are completely white specimens, and the least valuable, in turn, are arthropods with a predominant area of ​​​​transparent body segments. The conditions for its maintenance are somewhat different from traditional crystals: Size adult
  • up to 3 cm.
  • The average life length is 2-4 years.

Required temperature - 25–30°C, hardness - 1–10, acidity - 6.0–7.5 pH.

Red ruby

Caridina cf. cantonensis "Red Ruby".

  • Another representative of the crystal genus. In contrast to Snow White, it is absolutely not whimsical, withstands a huge range of acidity and hardness, but in “home” selection, the offspring may not become as bright as its parents, and so on over and over again.

Size up to 3.5 cm, other parameters do not differ from the ancestor described above - the Red Bee.

As a rule, the higher the class of shrimp, the more difficult it is to care for.

Ruby Red shrimp set a record for high price in 2009 - it was bought at auction for 4,800 euros.

Caridina cantonensis sp. Red Tiger. Red in its natural habitat it is perfectly camouflaged - the light beige body of the arthropod is surrounded by thin red stripes, and the bottom of its native reservoirs is covered with red stones - there the shrimp is invisible, but in an aquarium it is impossible not to pay attention to it! It goes well with peaceful small fish and contrasts beautifully with plants.

  • In nature, it lives in the reservoirs of southern China.
  • They live on average up to 2 years.
  • The size reaches 3.5 cm.
  • Acceptable water parameters: temperature from 25 to 30, acidity 6.5 -7.8, hardness from 1 to 15 dGH.

Red Noice Shrimp, Pinocchio, Rudolph, Rhino, Rhino.

I would compare the red-nosed shrimp to an arrow - thin, sharp, graceful, this ten-legged beauty will not leave you indifferent! The body of the shrimp is almost transparent, but the shade can change depending on the mood of the shrimp. Thus, a milky tint indicates illness in living creatures.

In its natural environment, this shrimp is a vegetarian, so if there is a lack of vegetation in its diet, it will happily consume aquarium plants.

  • Homeland India and Southeast Asia. Reservoirs with standing water or very weak currents.
  • Females reach a size of 4 cm, males 2.5.
  • Necessary conditions: temperature 20-28°C, acidity pH 6.4-7.5, hardness dH 8-15°, water must be brackish 8-10 grams of table salt per liter of water, do not forget about this when choosing neighbors for the red-nosed beauty and plants for decorating the aquarium.

Macrobrachium sp. "Inle-See."

Inle Lake is located in Myanmar (Southeast Asia), it is a truly large body of water, its size is 22 km by 10 km, and the mysterious Inle Lake shrimp lives here. This arthropod belongs to the Palaemonidae species of shrimp and is a carnivore. The appearance is modest - a transparent body with reddish stripes and strokes of various types.

  • In nature they live, as the name suggests, in Inle Lake.
  • Length reaches 3cm.
  • Conditions in the aquarium: temperature – 25-29°C, hardness – 5-9°, pH 6-7.5.

Mandarin duck

Orange Sunkist Shrimp, Tangerine Shrimp, Caridina sp. Orange Borneo, Caridina thambipillai, Fanta Shrimp, Orange Soda Shrimp.

Peaceful and funny, just like its name, the Mandarin shrimp is a typical representative of the genus Caridina. transparent body orange color, sometimes with reddish dots and streaks on the sides. They can only be kept in a flock, preferably at least 8 individuals.

  • They live in the wild on the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia.
  • Life expectancy is no more than 2 years.
  • Length. Females reach 3 cm, males do not grow larger than 2.5.
  • Conditions in the aquarium: temperature - 20-28 ° C, hardness -6-15 °, pH 6.5-8.

Nigerian shrimp

Nigerian shrimp, Atiya, Cameroon filter feeder.

A more than unusual aquarium shrimp Atiya. It is very large for an aquarium, its color is more than modest from grayish blue to bleached blue, but what The most interesting thing is that she has no claws! The thing is that the Nigerian shrimp lives in reservoirs with strong currents and obtains its food by filtration. A peaceful and interesting arthropod that will never offend your fish.

  • Live in western Africa
  • The size of an adult female reaches 18 cm, males are smaller - a maximum of 14.
  • Water parameters: T 23-28°C, pH 6.5 - 7.5.

Desmocaris trispinosa.

You can confuse the Nigerian swimming shrimp and Atia (which was mentioned above) only by name, because outwardly these arthropods are complete antipodes of each other. The NPK is small and transparent in appearance, generally inconspicuous and interesting mainly for its unusual method of movement for shrimps; it seems to hover and float above the surface.

  • Homeland - Africa.
  • Temperature - 25–29°C, pH - 6.0–7.5, hardness - 6–9 dGH.

Another serious difference between the NPK and the Nigerian shrimp is that the latter requires a strong current, while the former prefers completely stagnant water.


Caridina – serratirostris, Ninja Shrimp, honey or Christmas shrimp.

Ninja shrimp have their mysterious name for a reason, and among their many nicknames, “chameleon” is missing. We have already written that some shrimp are capable of changing color during stress, fright, or, conversely, courting a female; a ninja is a completely different matter; it is an unrivaled master of camouflage. Watching a shrimp change color depending on what pebble it sits on is a real pleasure! In addition, there are no difficulties in keeping this arthropod, but the excellent resume of caridina – serratirostris is overshadowed, only by the fact that reproduction in an aquarium requires titanic efforts and, as a result, is almost impossible.

  • Region of origin – Asia, more precisely Japan, Philippine, Polynesian islands, Fiji island, Madagascar island.
  • Life expectancy is on average 2-3 years.
  • The size of the male is up to 2.5 cm, females are 1 cm larger.
  • Water parameters: temperature 22-27°C, acidity 6.4-7.3, hardness dH 6-20°.

Macrobrachium carcinus.

This article has already written about shrimp of the genus Macrobrachium, and the main thing you should remember about them is that almost all representatives of this species are predators, so you should choose their neighbors very carefully, and the long-clawed shrimp is no exception.

Males perform a very entertaining mating dance for females, but due to natural shyness, the arthropod dances only in the dark.

At home in the countries of Central and South America, Macrobrachium carcinus itself is a subject of hunting; local residents eat them.

  • Natural habitat is fast large streams of Central and South America.
  • Average size 30 -35cm.
  • Content requirements are as simple as possible - warm, pure water from 22 to 27°C, and a strong current.


Caridina cantonensis sp. “Bee” – Black Bee Shrimp.

Bees include many other shrimp-bearing different names, but the history of appearance and living conditions of these arthropod relatives are the same. Therefore, when reading about the bee shrimp, keep in mind that it talks about: striped bee, black bee, princess bee, King Kong shrimp, Panda shrimp, Bumblebee shrimp, Black Diamond (aka black tiger) and some others.

The bee has almost equal proportions of black and white, the shrimp Black Diamond, King Kong are almost black, the Panda has white areas at the junction of the cephalothorax and rostrum, as well as stripes on the abdomen.

The higher the class of black diamonds (as well as the red ones, which we have already discussed), the more complex their content, and King Kongs, for example, almost never breed in amateur aquariums.

  • Country of origin: Taiwan (man-bred).
  • Average life expectancy is 1.5 years.
  • Size – up to 3.5 cm.
  • Necessary conditions: temperature 20-26°C, acidity pH 6.0-6.8, hardness Gh 2-5 °dH.


Riley Shrimp.

The light and weightless Riley shrimp was bred from the genus Neocaridina heteropoda by the famous breeder Suzuki Hisuasu among aquarists. The red rili were the first to appear and they were so loved by the aquarium community that soon orange, blue, yellow ones appeared... The value of the Rili Shrimp depends on how large a part of the shrimp's body is transparent. This active little one searches for food all day, swimming around the aquarium.

  • Launched in Taiwan in 1996.
  • Length on average 2 cm.
  • Water: temperature 18-28°C, acidity pH 6.4 - 7.6, hardness dH 4-14°.

Indian, Asian, Thai, Herb shrimp. Ghost, GLASS SHRIMP, Palaemonetes paludosus.

There are 2 types of relatively large glass shrimp, extremely similar in appearance, so we will divide them according to their habitat into Asian and North American. Both are transparent, for which they were nicknamed “glass”; the Asian one has the nickname Grass Shrimp, and the American one is often called the Ghost.

Both of them can build their own shelters if sand or very fine gravel is used as soil. Large individuals can show aggression during the breeding season; to avoid this, stick to the proportion of 1 shrimp: 4 liters of water or more.

  • The average lifespan is 1-2 years, rarely longer.
  • Size up to 5cm females, males maximum 4cm, both in good conditions.
  • Here's a look at good conditions The contents of these shrimp are different:
  • Asians. Water temperature 20-28 degrees, acidity pH 6.5-7.5, hardness does not matter.
  • Americans. Temperature 18-29 degrees, acidity pH – 6.5-7.5, hardness GH – 5-8.
  • For both, it is necessary to have high-quality filtration and aeration, as well as weekly water changes of up to 20% of the aquarium volume.

Filter Anopsis

Atyopsis moluccensis, banana, bamboo, forest shrimp.

The appearance of Anopsis is unlikely to make you fall in love with it. Brown stripes on its yellowish body make it invisible in nature, but this crustacean does not intend to hide in an aquarium. He will definitely occupy some peak and begin to catch food with his paws - fans (which replaced claws). This is a very interesting and even bewitching sight. If the filter feeder begins to spend more time at the bottom in search of food, it means that it is malnourished, because its feeding method is not entirely normal and it is more difficult for it to get enough than others.

  • Homeland - Southeast Asia.
  • Maximum age 2 years.
  • Length 6-10cm.
  • Comfortable parameters: temperature 23-29C, acidity pH: 6.5-7.5, hardness dH: 6-15.

Leander modestus.

This is perhaps the only aquarium shrimp whose native reservoirs are located, including on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The appearance of the Leander is not very expressive - an almost transparent body and very long antennae, sometimes exceeding the length of its owner. But you can watch this shrimp around the clock, because, unlike many of their counterparts, they are active even during the day.

does not present.

Caridina Simoni Simoni.

  • The small, transparent Ceylon shrimp is interesting, first of all, for its active behavior - it actively scurries around the aquarium all day in search of food and does not at all try to hide anywhere. Color varies from brownish and greenish to blue.
  • Homeland Malaysia, Philippine Islands, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Java.
  • Length 1.8-2.5 cm.

Maintenance requirements: strong aeration and filtration, weekly water changes of at least 1/3. water temperature 20-30°C, acidity pH 5.5-8, hardness dH 3-15°.

Macrobrachium nipponense. Very elegant Japanese shrimp

resembles a glass figurine - a transparent, slightly brownish body with a contrasting black stripe a third of the length, brick-red claws in males and orange in females, and beady eyes complete the picture.

The character is nasty and even aggressive, so the only neighbors of this species can be arthropods of similar size and fish that will not give themselves offense.

  • In the group, maintain a balance of 1 male -2.3 females.
  • They live naturally in Japan, which becomes obvious from the name.
  • Size 6-8cm.

Water temperature 26-30, acidity pH 6.4-6.8, hardness does not matter.

Bottom line Whatever type of shrimp you choose for yourself, remember a few simple rules

  1. Copper is contraindicated for any type of shrimp. Be careful, because it is contained in many medicines for fish.
  2. Any arthropod (and fish will be grateful) must live in a clean environment, so think about the issue of filtration and water changes in advance.
  3. The presence of plants in the aquarium is mandatory. It is better if these are mosses and small-leaved ones for small species and larger ones for large-sized arthropods.
  4. If you plan to engage in breeding, crossing is theoretically possible in the following way: Caridina+ Caridina, Macrobrachium+ Macrobrachium, Neocaridina+ Neocaridina, etc. Shrimp belonging to different families not only do not interbreed, but can also conflict when kept together.

However, one should not conclude that any species can be crossed within one family. The issue of shrimp reproduction is delicate and individual, but if you decide to start breeding these animals, you will not regret it.

The world of aquarium shrimp is more than diverse and everyone can find a shrimp to suit their taste.

The content of the article:

Whoever it is not possible to meet in the homes of your relatives, friends and acquaintances. Surely among the people in your social circle there is a person who is a fan of various living creatures living in water. An aquarium is not only a container in which such cute and funny creatures as fish, turtles, snails live and a wide variety of algae grow, but also one of the most beautiful elements of the interior of an apartment, house, office or even a cafe and restaurant.

But everyone got used to fish a long time ago; today these pets are the same, taken for granted, as cats and dogs, even if these are the rarest species and breeds. There are creatures on our planet that everyone knows, but only few people know them as pets - these are shrimp. It is these living creatures that are now very popular and in demand among aquarium owners and lovers of everything unusual and original.

These small “swimmers” can not only be tasty, but also decorate your home; moreover, they are one of the most unpretentious and undemanding creatures. Keeping shrimp in your house is an interesting task, and if you get to know them a little better, it’s not at all difficult.

Origin and natural habitat of shrimp

The shrimp is a wonderful living creature, which, despite its unusual appearance, belongs to the large, vast kingdom of fauna. Also, in the process of studying these “little animals,” scientists who studied the inhabitants of the deep sea systematized them into the phylum arthropods, the class of higher crayfish, the subphylum crustaceans and the order of decapod crustaceans.

The native territories, or more correctly, the depths for these crustaceans are the waters of the seas, lakes and oceans. In order to understand the Motherland of shrimp, you should know that they are conventionally divided into three large groups: shrimp living in cold waters, warm-water shrimp and those that roam freshwater bodies.

The search for more heat-loving arthropods should be done on the Pacific coast of countries such as Kenya, Brazil, Somalia and many others. They thrive at water temperatures above 25 degrees.

Shrimp, which are inhabitants of cool waters, are much smaller in size, but are valued by people no less than those from water bodies Latin America. These smaller creatures can be found in the North, Baltic and Barents seas. In the culinary industry, shrimp caught off the coast of distant Greenland are considered the most valuable.

In the fresh water of the Amur River and in the reservoirs of Transcaucasia, it also lives a large number of these arthropods. Some sources classify freshwater shrimp as a completely different species.

Common types of aquarium shrimp

Despite the fact that for some reason keeping shrimp in the house outside the refrigerator is not very common, there are hundreds of species of these cute crustaceans in the world that you can have as a pet. The most popular and widespread of them are presented to your attention.
  1. Red shrimp, cherry shrimp or red cherry shrimp. This is perhaps the most legendary and famous specimen among its relatives, which can be grown in aquarium conditions. This beauty was helped to gain such fame by her very extraordinary appearance and ease of care; in addition, “cherry” has the ability to reproduce extremely quickly, which cannot be ignored as a positive quality for those who plan to breed these amazing crustaceans. The body parameters of this living “cherry” do not exceed 2–3 cm, but despite such diminutiveness, nature has endowed this shrimp with a fabulous appearance, and the whole secret is in its color. The name of this species does not at all imply that its owner must necessarily have a red body color. This shrimp is the lucky owner of a variety of colors: its body can sometimes be painted in orange, bluish, brown and even black tones. And depending on the conditions external environment, this beauty has the ability to change its color, and the intensity of the color at home can be enhanced with your own hands, with the help of food that contains astaxanthin. This type of crustacean has very well expressed sexual dimorphism, which is manifested in body parameters - males are usually almost twice as large fewer females. The main distinguishing feature of the female sex is a specific spot located in the projection of the neck. It begins to appear in female shrimps together with the beginning of the formation of the ovaries. This spot can be used not only to differentiate between the sexes, but also as a pregnancy test: if such a spot has significantly increased in size, expect a new addition to the shrimp family.
  2. Amano. These natives of Japan are very friendly and peaceful neighbors for many species of fish. In addition, they are also a living “cleaning service” for your aquarium, as they destroy harmful algae and plants. Their appearance is also no less bright - these are not exactly small crustaceans, they can grow up to 3–7 cm, often their body is almost transparent with a slight greenish or red tint. On their body you can see a pattern of black stripes and dots.
  3. Red crystal. It is not only one of the most beautiful views shrimp, but also probably one of the most difficult to keep. This crustacean is painted white, with uniform stripes of rich red color. If you decide to breed these creations of nature, then be prepared for the fact that they need a separate aquarium, because its other inhabitants will not be able to adapt to its conditions. For your comfortable stay this representative of the world fauna requires only clean, soft, slightly acidified water, the pH of which must be strictly within the range of 6.2–6.8.
  4. Yellow shrimp. This specimen is ideal for beginning crustacean breeders, due to its endurance and unpretentiousness and the speed of procreation. This cute sunny creature grows no more than 30 mm in length, its skin is painted a rich yellow color.
  5. Ninja Shrimp. Also known as the honey shrimp or Christmas shrimp, this unusually named arthropod from Asian waters is a champion of camouflage. The thing is that it can not only change shades of color depending on the external environment, but radically change the basic tone - within a few seconds, transforming from red to blue or from yellow to black or brown. As for living this “animal” at home, there are no special problems with it, due to its excellent ability to adapt.
  6. Red nose shrimp. This type of aquarium inhabitants is also a very useful inhabitant, since its favorite foods are harmful algae. In addition to the nose decorated with red spots, this native of India has another characteristic feature with which it can be easily distinguished from its other relatives - this is the ability to swim, because other shrimp move in aquariums using movements that are more reminiscent of running. It is not at all demanding in terms of living conditions, as it adapts perfectly to both fresh and salt water. The main rule of a good life for the red-nosed arthropod is consistency; it is not recommended to suddenly change the temperature and water parameters.
  7. Harlequin- is a freshwater shrimp, which is particularly small and timid. Its feeding process largely depends on a freshwater sponge; with its help, the crustacean can feast on algae and food particles. The coloring of the harlequin is quite bright and catchy, formed by white, black and red shades. If you decide to keep him, be prepared for the fact that your new roommate will hide in a safe shelter for a long period, since he has a fairly long adaptation to new living conditions.

Having made your choice in favor of one or another type of shrimp, you need to take care of where your very exotic fish will live. a pet. Even if you already have an aquarium with fish in your house, it is better to buy separate housing for shrimp, at least for a while, because Cohabitation with other species of representatives of the aquatic world can lead to unpredictable and unpleasant consequences. For example, some fish can simply eat up a new tenant, and you won’t even notice when this happened or who the culprit is.

In turn, the shrimp, which has already become accustomed to its new living conditions, sometimes capable of causing irreparable harm to its other inhabitants, for example, at night, when all the fish are safely sleeping, the crustacean can greatly correct the appearance of some of its cohabitants, especially fish with lush fins and tails, they simply tear them off or thoroughly dishevel them. And the smallest fish can simply be destroyed in an instant.

In addition, shrimps are designers at heart; when the moment comes and they begin to feel like full-fledged owners of the aquarium, its entire landscape can be rebuilt to their taste. After all, large crustaceans (at home, some shrimp can grow up to 14–16 cm) can easily pull out plants by their roots.

If you want to admire several small shrimps, then they can be placed in a small sealed aquarium, which will look great in any corner of your home.

In case you plan to keep many different species or breed shrimp, it is better to buy a regular aquarium, with an approximate volume of 1–1.5 liters per average-sized inhabitant. It is recommended to buy a container of 20–25 liters, as some decapod crustaceans reproduce at an astonishing rate. Some pet stores already have specialized aquariums in stock, you can call them shrimp tanks. Outwardly, they are no different from an ordinary fish home, but the shrimp tank is in no way a marketing ploy, it is the same aquarium, but already equipped with the necessary attributes for keeping these small crayfish.

The water in this “house” should always be clean and saturated with a large amount of oxygen, so the presence of a compressor is a prerequisite for the good health and longevity of your pets. It is recommended to buy this device with good sound insulation, because at night the shrimp cannot do without air, and you cannot live without a healthy sleep, which can be significantly disturbed by the noise of the compressor being turned on.

It is also necessary that the aquarium be equipped with a filter, the intake pipe of which should be covered with a fine mesh, this measure will prevent inquisitive inhabitants of the aquarium and their small children from getting into the filter, such a trip could end fatal for your little comrades.

As for the substrate with which you need to cover the floor, it is best to use coarse gravel or washed quartz river sand. It will be good if you decorate your aquarium in stages. First, you can place stones, various driftwood and shelters, the next step will be to prepare the soil for the plants, after planting the flora you need, you need to sprinkle sand on top of the soil mixture, thus for your crustaceans you will create conditions similar to their relatives and thereby protect the roots of the plants from mechanical damage. Some pet stores sell special soil for shrimp breeders, you can buy it, just make sure that the sand is not too fine, because its particles, when mixed with soil for plants, can negatively affect their development. The thickness of the soil mixture layer for shrimp is directly proportional to the height of the plant stems.

We must also not forget about the temperature of the water in the aquarium, it should always be within 24–27 degrees. It cannot be said that at a water temperature of 17 degrees, your shrimp will die, but you should not expect procreation from it. You can still come to terms with higher thermometer readings for a while by increasing aeration or installing an additional source of oxygen. But not a single shrimp can withstand temperatures above 32 degrees for long.

Diet of domestic shrimp

By their nature, shrimp are considered omnivorous living creatures, but this does not mean that you can feed them dumplings or borscht, it means that there should be no problems with feeding. Pet stores often sell special food for shrimp, but if they don’t have it there, don’t panic, they will also eat mixtures for regular fish just fine.

They also love food of plant origin, and sometimes not even the freshest one. If a leaf of a plant in the aquarium has rotted, your shrimp can eat it. In addition, they like to eat certain types of algae as food, for example, filamentous algae, which are harmful to other inhabitants and cannot be destroyed with their own hands. Also, crustaceans can clear algal fouling from stones and other aquarium decorations over a period of time.

If your shrimp do not share their home with other species of aquarium inhabitants, then from time to time they can be fed with pieces of lightly boiled vegetables, some raw ones, such as zucchini or red pepper, as well as small slices of pasta. But in no case should we forget that such delicacies tend to spoil quickly, so after a few hours, the remaining food must be removed from the water, otherwise not only the food, but also the water will go rotten.

If we talk about the frequency of meals, then it is better to underfeed than to overdo it. On average, you should feed shrimp 2-3 times a week, but this is provided that your aquarium is rich in a variety of plants that the arthropods will feed on. This perfect pets for those people who are often forced to leave home, because they can live without feeding for 1.5–2 weeks, but this is also the case if there is a lot of algae around them.

Buying homemade shrimp

These are very inexpensive “crustaceans”, their average cost is from 30 to 150 rubles, but you should not buy them in large quantities, because they multiply very quickly. A few individuals may soon form a shrimp kingdom.

For more information about the most interesting aquarium shrimp, watch this video:

There are more and more fans of aquarium shrimp every year. They are bred by both beginners and experienced aquarists. However, they, like other types of living beings, can survive only in specially created conditions.

Shrimp are crustaceans that were able to occupy not only the seas, but also adapted to life in freshwater bodies. The latter became the ancestors of those species that are grown in aquariums.


All species differ from each other in size and color. Despite this, the body structure is the same for everyone.

They do not have developed claws; their role is played by the jaws. They serve for walking and also for holding food.

Shrimp are similar to crayfish with a well-developed tail. Relying on it, they can make some kind of jumps and escape from enemies, for example, predatory neighbors.

Shrimp can rotate their eyes in different directions, so they have a wide view. Long antennae contribute to a high level of touch and smell.

The size of adults depends on the species. Small and medium species reach 2-5, and large ones - 15 centimeters.

Types of aquarium shrimp

Most aquarium shrimp enter home waters from Southeast Asian countries. There they are grown in large quantities on specially equipped farms, creating all the necessary conditions for reproduction.

Not all shrimp are cute, small and harmless crustaceans; sometimes real giants appear on sale, for example Macrobrachium Rosenbergii, which grows quite rapidly in an aquarium up to 40 cm. There is no need to talk about the peacefulness of such an inhabitant - this animal actively tears up the soil, hunts other fish and shrimp, pulls out and eats plants. The danger is that the sellers themselves are not always aware of the potential of their goods, and sell them under the guise of ordinary tiny aquarium inhabitants. Rosenberg can be identified by his red, jagged “nose” and long jaws.

In general, they are popular minor representatives genera caridina (lat. Caridina) and neocaridina (lat. Neocaridina), as well as some species of macrobranchiums (lat. Macrobrachium).

Macrobranchium Rosenberg.

Cherry shrimp (lat. Neocaridina davidi)

Very common in home aquariums. The name is due to the red color of the body. This species is deservedly popular, because it is unpretentious to living conditions, and also reproduces very quickly.

The maximum size of an adult is 2.5-3 centimeters. Thanks to this, cherry shrimp can get along in small aquariums, the size of which does not exceed 10 liters. You can start growing experience with cherry trees.

In nature, these shrimp have a nondescript olive-green color. Cherry color was obtained through selective means. In this way, it was possible to breed blue, yellow, white and even black cherries.

The brightness of the color of this shrimp depends on many factors:

  • Lighting. In bright light, the colors of cherries become saturated, and in dim light, on the contrary, they become darker.
  • Stress. The aquarium must have a lot of hiding places and a lot of vegetation planted in which the cherries will feel confident. If the shrimp is afraid, its color will become duller. After transportation, it may become completely transparent, but do not worry, the color will return in a few hours.
  • Background. When choosing a primer, it is better to choose a dark one, because it is on it that the color looks contrasting. Cherry colors may fade on light soil.
  • Feed. To feed shrimp, you can use granules of various red foods with the addition of carotenoids, as well as carrots and red vegetable peppers.
  • Genetics. In captivity, cherries reproduce quite quickly, and often without the intervention of the owner. In such an environment of chaotic and often inbreeding, degeneration of the offspring can occur. For this reason, it is better to promptly cull pale-colored individuals and periodically “renew the blood” with new bright shrimp.

Cherries of different color variations.

Aquarium bumblebee shrimp (lat. Caridina cantonensis)

This small shrimp reaches a length of 2-3 cm, and, like the cherry tree, has become a noteworthy object for breeding. On sale you can find a large number of a wide variety of fancy colors; red and white, crystal wine, blue and white, black and white, yellow, brindle, etc.

Collectors divide these shrimp into classes by color, and the more beautiful the pattern on the body or the more predominant a color is, the higher the class of the crustacean and the more expensive it is.

It is easy to care for and gets along well with cherries. Although it breeds in fresh water, it is problematic to breed it in an aquarium, since the juveniles are very sensitive to water quality.

Bumblebee shrimp color variation Red crystal.

Amano (lat. Caridina multidentata)

The size of this species exceeds the size of the previous two. Females reach up to 6 cm, males are smaller - up to 4 cm.

The species is named after the famous Japanese aquarium designer Takashi Amano. This crustacean is the keeper of the order and cleanliness of the home pond; it eats filamentous algae and various foulings well.

It has a translucent light olive color, over which many dark and reddish inclusions are scattered. A wide golden stripe stretches across the entire body from the rostrum to the tail.

Although it is considered a relatively unpretentious species, it is almost impossible to breed it in an aquarium, since it will require salt water to raise offspring. Typically, Amano shrimp are bred in Asian farms using equipment.

Amano shrimp.

Filter shrimp (lat. Atyopsis moluccensis)

This unusual aquatic inhabitant has special “fans” that help catch a variety of plankton and detritus from the water column. In the aquarium, carefully filtering the water from food residues.

Filter feeders look very attractive - color can vary from olive to reddish-yellow. There are horizontal dark stripes along the entire body, the back is yellow.

Just like Amano, juvenile filter feeders require salt water. In fresh water, the larvae die after a week.

Shrimp filter feeder.

Conditions of detention

For shrimp, it is very important to have a proper aquarium with enough space for each individual. The container must be selected based on a liter of water per shrimp. However, when maximum sizes bodies of 2 centimeters in one liter two individuals can coexist.

Although some shrimp can be kept in small aquariums, it is better to use larger ones - from 20 liters. The larger the vessel, the more stable the biological balance in it.

They can be added to fish or you can prepare a separate aquarium - a shrimp tank. When kept in community aquarium The right neighborhood plays an important role. The fact is that most fish will not miss the opportunity to offend a shrimp. This is not about simple competition. Fish often hunt them, mistaking them for food.

A large number of shelters can provide safety for them. Shrimp can hide both in decorative elements and among plants.

If the fish begin to perceive shrimp as food, then the crustaceans must be removed immediately. Tetras and others are best suited as neighbors small fish, rarely sink to the bottom and have a small mouth.

When choosing, you can pay attention to Java moss. Adults can hide in it and larvae can grow. In a general aquarium there should be more such moss, then not a single fish will be able to get the shrimp from its shelter.

You can use fast-growing plants such as hornwort or elodea. They will absorb nitrogenous compounds from the water that are harmful to crustaceans. But it is important not to overdo it, since such vegetation can compete as food with algae, an important element in the diet of shrimp. In addition to fast-growing greens, you can use echinodorus, cryptocorynes and anubias.

You can decorate the aquarium with driftwood and dried oak leaves. They harbor various microorganisms that will serve as excellent food base for shrimp. It is better to choose dried fallen leaves. To make them drown, they are soaked in water for 2-3 days, after which they are placed in an aquarium.

Shrimp, like fish, are cold-blooded animals, so whether they are active or not depends on the temperature that was created in the aquarium. It should be 20-28 degrees. But even a drop to 15 degrees will not be fatal for them. They will become less active and stop reproducing.

If the water is heated to 32 degrees, protein coagulation will occur in the body, which means probable death for all individuals. In crustaceans increased sensitivity to a sudden change in temperature. For example, a jump of 7 degrees threatens fish with disease and shrimp with death. Therefore, if a change is planned, it must be done gradually.

The amount of water that is replaced in the aquarium should not exceed 1/4 of its volume. This procedure can be repeated no more than once a week. Shrimp can live in tap water, but it should be replaced only when the temperature warms up to room temperature.

The chemical composition of water does not have of great importance. The main thing is that there is no copper in it, otherwise both adults and larvae will die. In addition, the water hardness should be average, otherwise during molting they will have nowhere to get the necessary substances to build a shell.

It is important to siphon the soil frequently as shrimp leave a lot of waste. If ammonia levels rise sharply, they will get sick.

Lack of oxygen also has a detrimental effect on these crustaceans. To enrich water with oxygen, it is necessary to install a special compressor.

It is better to use the filter with a sponge, otherwise small specimens will get inside. In shrimp tanks, a filter is not necessary, but in a general aquarium you will have to install one.

The aquarium must be equipped with a special lid, since many species can crawl outside of it. Shrimp can only survive in air for a few minutes. If crustaceans begin to leave the aquarium en masse, then it’s time to think about changing the water.

Red cherry.

Buying such an unusual animal as an aquarium shrimp should not be spontaneous. Before going to the store, you need to carefully prepare by studying the theoretical basis. Carefully look at the photographs of the selected species so that you buy it, and not a predatory individual, which in six months will reach 20 cm in size.

In the store, carefully examine the behavior and color of crustaceans. There should be no plaque, white or bloody stains on their shell. Transparent shrimp should not be milky-cloudy.

It is better not to take adult specimens, since shrimp do not have a long lifespan and may soon die of old age. It is also better not to buy females with eggs, as they do not tolerate transportation and adaptation in a new aquarium well.

After purchasing, you need to put some aquatic plants in the bag with shrimp for the shrimp to cling to. In hot weather, it is better to ensure delivery to your home as quickly as possible, avoiding overheating.

There is no need to rush and release the shrimp straight into the aquarium. It is better to put the bag in water and wait until the temperature equalizes. This usually takes 15-20 minutes.

If there are fish in the aquarium, the lights should be turned off during release. This is necessary so that they do not notice the new inhabitant and start “pecking” him.

Yellow cherry.


Most species are not picky about food. They eat food left over from fish, bloodworms and tubifex, algae and bacterial fouling.

They can destroy, which fills the entire aquarium (it is very difficult to fight it manually).

Even though they can find food on their own, they also need to be fed. You can purchase special food or feed it with pieces of boiled vegetables. This should be done several times a week, but not more than once a day. Overfed shrimp will not do well. Given their ability to find food on their own, they can be left unattended for 7-10 days.

Overfeeding is dangerous for shrimp, since they are able to look for food on their own, but they cannot escape contaminated water.

Pregnant shrimp.


Aquarium shrimp- bisexual crustaceans. The female stands out noticeably from the males with her increased size and convex abdomen. After the female reaches sexual maturity, eggs are formed under her tail. For this reason, the tail is also larger than that of the male.

To attract a male, pheromones produced by her body are used. After fertilization of the eggs, the larvae develop after 4-6 weeks.

The appearance of the juveniles depends on the species of the parents. Cherries and bumblebees give birth to tiny shrimp - exact copies of adults. All that is required from the owner in this case is to provide the kids with suitable living conditions.

Some shrimp, such as Amano and filter feeders, give birth to larvae, which in nature roll into the sea, mature there, and then return to the rivers. It is extremely difficult to create such an environment in captivity.

Shrimp increase in size only during molting. They shed their chitinous shell, after which a new one grows. There is no need to remove the old one from the shrimp tank. It contains enough nutrients to build a new shell.

You can watch the life of shrimp and their habits for hours, because they are not just beautiful animals. It is not difficult to create suitable living conditions for them, and they will thank their caring owners with offspring.


Types of aquarium shrimp

Cherry shrimp

Very often lives in home aquariums. The name is due to the red color of the body. This species is deservedly popular, because it is unpretentious to living conditions, and also reproduces very quickly.

The maximum size of an adult is 2.5-3 centimeters. Thanks to this, cherry shrimp can get along in small aquariums, the size of which does not exceed 10 liters. You can start growing experience with cherry trees.

Aquarium tiger shrimp


For shrimp, it is very important to have a proper aquarium with enough space for each individual. The aquarium must be selected with a liter of water per shrimp. However, with a maximum body size of 2 centimeters, two individuals can coexist in one liter.

They can be added to fish or you can prepare a separate aquarium - a shrimp tank. When keeping them in a common aquarium, the correct proximity plays an important role. The fact is that fish and shrimp are antagonists by nature. This is not about simple competition. Fish often hunt them, mistaking them for food.

When choosing plants for an aquarium, you can pay attention to Java moss. Adults can hide in it and larvae can grow. In a general aquarium there should be more such moss, then not a single fish will be able to get the shrimp from its shelter.

Shrimp, like fish, are cold-blooded animals, so whether they are active or not depends on the temperature that was created in the aquarium. It should be 20-28 degrees. But even a drop to 15 degrees will not be fatal for them. They will become less active and stop reproducing.

If the water is heated to 32 degrees, protein coagulation will occur in the body, which means probable death for all individuals. Crustaceans have increased sensitivity to sudden changes in temperature. For example, a jump of 7 degrees threatens fish with disease and shrimp with death. Therefore, if a change is planned, it must be done gradually.

The amount of water that is replaced in the aquarium should not exceed 1/5 of its volume. This procedure can be repeated no more than once a week. Shrimp can live in tap water, but it should be replaced only when the temperature warms up to room temperature.

The chemical composition of the water is not very important. The main thing is that there is no copper in it, otherwise both adults and larvae will die. In addition, the water hardness must be high, otherwise during molting they will have nowhere to get the necessary substances to build a shell.

It is important to siphon the soil frequently as shrimp leave a lot of waste. If ammonia levels rise sharply, they will get sick.

Lack of oxygen also has a detrimental effect on these crustaceans. To enrich water with oxygen, it is necessary to install a special compressor.

If a filter is used, it must be covered with a sponge, otherwise small individuals will get inside. In shrimp tanks, a filter is not necessary, but in a general aquarium you will have to install one.


Shrimp - aquarium decoration

Many individuals are brightly colored in almost all shades of the rainbow and look impressive against the backdrop of the green vegetation of the reservoir. But shrimp in an aquarium are very demanding in terms of keeping conditions. They are not only decoration, but also orderlies of the reservoir, cleaning it from numerous organic waste plants or food.

These are peaceful representatives of the aquatic world. Shrimp in a community aquarium can be combined with calm and small fish; keeping them with aggressive and predatory species is not recommended.

In a favorable climate, shrimp produce offspring within one to two months. The young are small, inconspicuous in size, and face many dangers from fish and parents. When Riccia and Java moss are present in the aquarium, the survival rate of young individuals increases. But it is better to breed the population in a vessel separate from the fish.

In a common tank, crustaceans feed on leftover food from fish. Once a week they can add herbal supplements - zucchini, potatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, cabbage, spinach. They can survive for a long period without food at all, feeding on organic microparticles. You can safely leave shrimp alone for a couple of weeks without fear that they will not survive.

Conditions for keeping and caring for shrimp in an aquarium

  1. Shape and size of the aquarium. Shrimp can live in vessels of any capacity, but the most preferred are volumes from 35 to 100 liters. You can purchase up to 10 individuals per hundred liters of volume, so that they do not compete with each other in terms of living area and food.
  2. Water temperature. Shrimp can successfully adapt to water at a temperature of 20-28 degrees. Water renewal should be carried out weekly in a volume of up to 40%. Freshwater crustaceans are quite sensitive to water quality. It should be clean and rich in oxygen, its composition should be soft and neutral.
  3. Aquarium equipment. Equipment for their maintenance requires a system of filtration, aeration, heating and lighting. The stream from the filter should not be directed to the center of the aquarium, but to the side, so that a small internal flow is formed. Shrimp often reproduce, and young ones may end up in the filter. Therefore, it is better to use a sponge filter in the vessel, into which it will be impossible for them to get into. The water intake area can be covered with a fine mesh. Crustaceans are quite sensitive to the presence of oxygen in water, so the compressor must be turned on constantly. Heating and lighting can be adjusted to suit the needs of fish and plants.
  4. Decoration of an aquarium. When setting up an aquarium for shrimp, you should create shelters where they can hide during the molting period. Castles, sunken ships, snags, and tree roots are suitable for this. Young individuals often molt and hide in them.
  5. Priming. It is recommended to use rocky soil for an aquarium, like in streams. Such an atmosphere will bring the shrimp closer to their usual habitat. Once a year, it is necessary to wash the soil, this way you can remove accumulated organic matter from the aquarium and improve the quality of the water.
  6. Holes in the aquarium. Shrimp can crawl out of the pond. Only small gaps should be left in the vessel for air flow between the lid and the aquarium itself. The remaining holes can be covered with pieces of foam rubber. Shrimp live from one to two years.

Proper management of shrimp will allow them to lead healthy life and multiply. Such unusual mollusks will delight the owner for a long time with their bright appearance and will decorate the pond.

Shrimp aquarium

Freshwater shrimp appeared in the collections of Russian lovers not so long ago, and have already managed to win new fans. One of their main advantages is their small size and, therefore, the ability to live in small-volume aquariums, which can easily fit into any city apartment or even on an office desk. What requirements do these crustaceans make for their home?

Volume and type of aquarium

As a shrimp tank (shrimpcaria), a rectangular or cubic container is preferable, but not too high, since shrimp usually swarm at or near the bottom. The volume of water can be from 5 liters (for 10 individuals of dwarf undemanding species). However, only experienced craftsmen can take care of an aquarium of such a small size.

Most often, shrimp are kept in cubes - cubic-shaped aquariums produced by well-known manufacturers with a capacity of 20 or 30 liters (the most popular are Aquael Shrimp Set and Dennerle Nano Cube).

For beginners who decide to start their journey in aquarium keeping with crustaceans, it is better to purchase a larger jar - 40 or 50 liters, in which it is much easier than in a nanocube to create a stable environment that is so necessary for shrimp.

For the propagation of demanding species (for example, crystals) a container of 50 liters is also required.

The shrimp tank must be tightly closed with a lid or cover glass, and the holes for the wires plugged with sponges: shrimp are quite capable of escaping from it, especially if the conditions are not ideal.

What to prefer: a separate shrimp tank or a mixed aquarium?

It depends on the type of crustacean.

Large decapods - amano shrimp, filter feeders and macrobrachiums can live with almost any fish, except for large predatory cichlids (in the case of adult macrobrachiums, fish are more at risk).

Cherry shrimp and other relatively undemanding shrimp are often kept with small or medium-sized non-aggressive fish:

  • viviparous,
  • various algae eaters,
  • neon,
  • rasborami.

Many of them are not averse to profiting from shrimp fry, but if there is enough moss and small-leaved plants in the aquarium, the babies hide well and are not easy to catch.

Small, fastidious purebred shrimp (high-grade crystals, wild Sulawesi) are usually preferred to be kept separately from fish.



Heater and fan

Aquarium contents



Design, scenery

Aquarium freshwater shrimp are very beautiful creatures that you can’t stop admiring. These wonderful pets can decorate your home and also give joy in the saddest moments. Caring for such pets will not be a huge task for you, the main thing is that your aquarium shrimp are not deprived of love.

What do aquarium shrimp eat?

Aquarium shrimp - compatibility with fish

Remember that shrimp can grow and reproduce well only if their neighbors in the aquarium are fish that will not encroach on their lives. The existence of the babies will be threatened by all neighbors who are larger than them in size and whose oral cavity will be able to capture the shrimp.

IN wildlife these cute creatures are common food for various fish. Therefore, sensing danger, they got used to hiding with the help of plants, stones, and soil. It is worth taking note of this fact for owners who are planning to make friends between shrimp and fish. Bettas, goldfish, cichlids, melanotenias, swordtails, platies and many other cute creatures can eat or torture your little ones. Boraras brigittae will be excellent neighbors for tiny pets.

To best set up your aquarium, you should match the shrimp to the fish, and not vice versa. Filter-feeding shrimp, Mucrobrachium rosenberghi, as well as the Palameon species will not be vulnerable targets for their neighbors, and may even become dangerous cohabitants for them.

If you want to create an aquarium in which aquarium shrimp would live together with fish, you should not select neighbors at random, then keeping your pets safe will be at risk. And this can really bother you. It's best to think carefully about your choice.

Macrobrachium shrimp: content features

To diversify the home aquatic world, many aquarists keep not only several species of ornamental fish, but also some crustaceans that lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle. Representatives of this class - shrimp - have long become inhabitants of artificial domestic reservoirs. Their content, however, has a number of characteristic features.



Maintenance in an artificial home pond

Aquaterrarium dimensions. Since Japanese decapod shrimp are quite aggressive by nature, the optimal amount of water for keeping them is 15 to 20 liters per adult.

More dense settlement will inevitably cause a showdown in the struggle for territory. The battles are, as they say, not for life, but for death. The consequences of such fights can be disastrous. This is not only damage or loss of limbs, but also the death of one of the opponents.

Water parameters. For these crustaceans, the purity of water and its oxygen saturation are of no small importance. Therefore, aeration must be powerful and constant, as well as filtration. By the way, shrimp monitor the cleanliness of the aquarium environment on their own and happily eat green algae - the scourge of all aquariums. That’s why, if voracious river shrimp live in a water house, you don’t have to worry about it becoming overgrown with greenery.

The positive point is high degree adaptability of Japanese women (and individuals of other species) to the parameters of the aquatic environment. Although the optimal temperature for them is 23-25 ​​degrees above zero, they calmly tolerate some deviations from the norm. True, in this case their growth slows down. Like most other aquatic inhabitants, shrimp need water with a neutral pH, but in slightly acidic water (at least 6.5 units) they feel quite satisfactory.

Lighting. But these arthropods do not like bright light. On the contrary, the lighting should be dim, and the aquarium must have dark places.

Priming. Shrimp owners usually use gravel or small pebbles as a bottom substrate; small decorative elements (driftwood, shells, ceramic pots with holes) are installed on the bottom. Such shelters are necessary for the normal life of crustaceans: they take refuge there during periods of molting and during reproduction.

Compatibility and behavioral characteristics

All shrimp molt periodically. In a secluded place, they shed their chitinous shell and wait for a new one to grow. The old shell is gradually eaten away. The frequency of molting varies: for females - every 35-40 days, and for males - once every six months.

Macrobrachiums are quite aggressive towards their neighbors, relatives, all living things and, possibly, themselves (as experts joke). That is why, in order to live together with them, it is better to keep fish that live in the middle or upper layers of the aquarium.

During the day, shrimps, as a rule, hide in bottom shelters and go hunting dark night. Of course, these clumsy hunters will not be able to catch a awake, active fish, but they can easily grab their sleeping neighbors with long claws and eat them right away. Unless, of course, the fish is small.

But they can also cause serious injury to fairly large fish by biting off, for example, part of a fin (it is better not to keep veil-shaped fish with shrimp). Moreover, in this situation, the shrimp shows enviable ingenuity - it freezes, becoming completely motionless. But woe to the fish that became interested in this detail of the aquarium interior!

Thus, from a management point of view, shrimp can create quite serious problems.


Features of reproduction

Small, peaceful - cherry shrimp

The cherry shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. red) is without a doubt the most popular shrimp in the aquarium. It is unpretentious, takes root well in different settings and conditions, is noticeable, and is also peaceful and eats leftover food in the aquarium. For most aquarists, it is the cherry shrimp that becomes the first shrimp, and remains a favorite long years. Our story will be about the maintenance and cultivation of cherries.

Habitat in nature



In nature, neocardines are very vulnerable, the same thing happens in the aquarium. Small size, lack of any protective mechanisms, just camouflage. But red cherries lack this too. Even small fish can eat them or tear off their legs. Ideally, keep cherry shrimp in a shrimp tank, without fish. If this is not possible, then you need to choose small and peaceful fish. For example: cuneiform rasbora, common neon, speckled corydoras, otocyclus, guppies, mollies. I have successfully kept all these fish together with shrimp, and there have never been any problems.

But who knocked the ordinary neocardians to zero are the scalars. After a couple of months, there was nothing left of the mass of shrimp! So avoid any cichlids, even dwarf ones, and especially angelfish. The rule here is simple: the larger the fish, the more likely it is that cherry shrimp are incompatible with it. If you have no choice and you have already put shrimp in the aquarium, then at least add a lot of moss, it’s easier for them to hide there.

Cherry shrimp are great even for beginners, the main thing is not to keep them with large fish. Cherry shrimp adapt perfectly to very different conditions and parameters. Neutral or slightly acidic water (pH 6.5-8), temperature 20–29 °C, low content of nitrates and ammonia, these are all the requirements, perhaps. A small number of shrimp can even be kept in a 5-liter nano-aquarium. But in order for them to feel comfortable, they need a larger volume and a large number of plants, especially mosses.

Mosses, such as Java mosses, provide them with shelter and food as they trap food particles. They also eat zoo and fit plankton formed on moss branches, without damaging it at all. In addition, mosses provide shelter for shrimp during molting and for juveniles after birth; a large pile of moss turns into a real kindergarten.

In general, a bunch of moss in an aquarium with cherry shrimp is not only very beautiful, but also necessary and important.

An important issue is the coloring of the shrimp. The darker the soil and plants, the brighter they look against their background, but if you keep them against a light background, they become paler. Also, the brightness of the red color depends on the food; live and frozen food makes it brighter, and ordinary flakes do the opposite. However, you can give special food for shrimp that enhances the red color.

The passion for keeping shrimp in home freshwater aquariums comes from Southeast Asia, in particular from Japan, where they have been cultivated for decorative purposes for many years. They are given special value by the successful combination of external beauty and practical use. Shrimp are not only decoration, but also a kind of orderly for the aquarium, cleaning it from many organic waste (uneaten fish food debris, fallen plants and their fragments, etc.).

The vast majority of species presented in trade networks are the result of artificial hybridization and are not found in their natural habitat. Currently, many bright, beautiful forms have been obtained in almost all colors of the rainbow, and as this hobby spreads, the number of new species is only increasing. The section "Types of shrimp" presents the most popular varieties. Anyone can develop their own unique subspecies; just read some specialized literature or visit thematic Internet resources.

The main purpose of keeping shrimp should be their reproduction. Life expectancy is often only 12–18 months or about two years for professional breeders, so in order to avoid constant expenses for replenishing the population, it is advisable to create favorable conditions for the reproduction of shrimp in your aquarium.

In nature, they occupy one of the initial stages of the ecological chain, which determines their modest requirements for their maintenance. They are able to successfully adapt to a wide range of pH and dGH values, however, the optimum is within the following limits: temperature from 20 to 28 ° C, pH around neutral, total hardness about 10 German degrees. It is recommended to update the water weekly by 10–30% depending on the size of the tank. If shrimp are kept separately in nano-aquariums, then the volume of renewed water will be 1/3, if in a common aquarium, then at least 1/10.

The equipment includes a filtration, heating, aeration and lighting system. The filter system or filter is adjusted to create as little internal flow as possible. All holes where water is sucked in should be equipped with covers made of soft sponge to avoid accidental entry of shrimp and their young into the cleaning materials. Aeration is another important factor; crustaceans are sensitive to the oxygen content in the water, so compressors must work constantly, and spray pebbles must produce small bubbles. Heating and lighting are adjusted according to the needs of fish and plants.

In the design, a key role is played by hiding places where shrimp can hide during molting. Just like crayfish, crabs each period of growing up are accompanied by a change in their chitinous shell. The old one becomes tight and discards, but the new one is very soft at first and during this period the shrimp is extremely vulnerable. Decorative objects (sunk ships, castles, ceramic amphorae, etc.) and natural driftwood, intertwined tree roots, branches, etc. can be used as shelters.
Plants make a significant contribution to maintaining biological balance by removing dangerous ammonia compounds. In addition, they provide shelter for the young and serve as a source of food. However, for aquarists last fact is not good news. To preserve underwater flora, herbal supplements are usually used. For example, once a week add a couple of pieces of vegetables or fruits (potatoes, zucchini, cucumber, carrots, lettuce, spinach, cabbage, apples, pear, etc.).


In a community aquarium they eat uneaten leftover food. aquarium fish, various organics, algae and those same herbal supplements (see paragraph above). And only as a last resort, when food sources are running out, they will switch to ornamental plants. It is worth noting that depending on the species, the diet may be different; there are both vegetarians and carnivores.
They can do without food for a long time, feeding on organic microparticles that are constantly present in a mature aquarium. This property is relevant when kept in a separate tank, where there are no other inhabitants. You can safely go on vacation for a couple of weeks without fear for your pets.


Extremely peaceful representatives of the underwater world. Compatible with many related species and calm small fish. Avoid keeping with large aggressive or predatory fish. Although different varieties of shrimp do not conflict with each other, an undesirable side effect is possible, namely cross-breeding and, as a result, the population degenerates into ordinary, unremarkable shrimp.