Maksim Galkin. “She died in the Holy Land”: Maxim Galkin remembered his mother and showed archival photos What school Galkin studied at

Detractors often accuse Maxim Galkin of having achieved success thanks to the patronage of one famous woman, forgetting, however, about his remarkable talent and efficiency.

How many years Maxim Galkin will still have to defend his independence in the eyes of society is unknown, although, in truth, he has long proved it. It is significant that not a single one in Russia can do without it. He sings, plays, parodies, hosts programs and evenings on all channels at the same time, which causes a lot of parodies and anecdotes in his address.

Born on June 18, 1976 in the family of a general and little Maxim, from the age of four he made it clear to his parents and everyone around him that in the future he could claim great stage success. As a schoolboy, he parodied his classmates and teachers so accurately and funnyly that they only breathed a sigh of relief when he switched to politics. His first target was Mikhail Gorbachev. Friends and acquaintances never ceased to be surprised: how old is Maxim Galkin, and how accurately he parodies adult serious uncles!

Graduating from a school with a reputation for the future famous artist, he, however, entered the institute with the intention of studying linguistics. At the time of graduation from the university (in 1998), the humorist was already a fairly well-known artist.

This was facilitated by his acquaintance with Zadornov, who was delighted with his talent as a parodist, especially considering how old Maxim Galkin is. Together they traveled half the country on tour, after which the aspiring artist became a frequent guest of various humorous programs on television.

But real success on TV came with the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, Hosted by Maxim Galkin in 2001. Then there was his fateful meeting with the prima donna Russian stage which predetermined his future fate.

If today you ask a parodist how old Maxim Galkin was when he felt like a star, he will surely name a very young age. This artist is famous for his ambitions, and many ill-wishers even attribute to him. But if you think objectively, it was with the patronage of Pugacheva that his career began as real star domestic television and pop.

A little over twelve years have passed since they met. During this time, they went through a rather long stage of relationship - from baseless gossip about the novel to marriage and the birth of children. Today, this parodist is not only the husband of Alla Borisovna, but, despite how old Maxim Galkin is, she is a show business star equal to her in size. Of course, the young artist could not have made such a career and so quickly on his own, without the powerful support of Pugacheva. However, we must give him credit - he is really an artist with capital letter and deserves those huge fees that he receives today.

In 2013, Galkin's biography was replenished with, perhaps, the most striking record - he became the father of two children at once, whom Alla Borisovna and him gave birth to. And no matter what they say about the abnormality of his family, apparently, the artist is very happy.

Maxim Galkin is one of the most popular Russian comedians. He appeared before the public in the late 90s of the last century and immediately won the hearts of a multi-million audience. Although 20 years have passed since then, our hero does not get tired of sharing with fans new numbers and information about the changes in his life.

The comedian never ceases to amaze the audience with his versatility and originality. He played in films, hosted TV shows, participated in show programs, wrote articles for " Komsomolskaya Pravda", sang songs.

Since the beginning of the new millennium, the artist has become a TV presenter. His show programs are consistently popular. Currently, Channel One is broadcasting the Best of All show program, in which children from all over the country share their talents, causing constant delight in Maxim Galkin.

The personal life of the artist is happy and measured. He lives with his wife and children, not paying any attention to rumors about his romances on the side and a break with his wife.

From the first appearance of a popular humorist on the television screens of the country, viewers became interested in all the information about him. Recently, a program about the life and work of Maxim Galkin was broadcast on the Kultura TV channel. Fans were able to find out all the data about this charismatic and attractive man. He spoke about himself. Admirers of the humorist's talent were able to find out what his height, weight, age is. How old is Maxim Galkin - is a question that is asked by the public very often, but you can calculate the age of a man, knowing his date of birth.

It is known that the artist has already crossed the 40-year milestone. Soon he will be 42 years old. With a height of 180 cm, he weighs about 70 kg.

Maxim Galkin, a photo in his youth and now collected by his fans, loves to play pranks. He often jokes with his friends, especially Nikolai Baskov. Close people are not offended by pranks, on the contrary, they laugh heartily.

Biography of Maxim Galkin

The biography of Maxim Galkin began in the mid-70s of the last century. He was born near the capital Soviet Union, but soon moves with his parents to Odessa. It is this city that our hero considers his native. Father - Alexander Alexandrovich Galkin was a military man. Mother - Natalya Grigoryevna Galkina dealt with issues related to earthquakes. The pop star has an older brother Dmitry, who was born in the family 12 years earlier than him.

At the age of 3, Maxim ended up in eastern Germany, as his father was transferred to the GDR on business. But after 11 months, the family returns to their homeland. It was here that the boy became a student of the school, met his friends, some of whom he still meets sometimes.

IN school years the comedian was loved and popular. He was forgiven for any pranks because of his spontaneity and cheerfulness. Galkin was fond of drawing, he studied with teachers in art school Odessa.

At the age of 10, our hero moves to Transbaikal region. He was immediately struck by the majestic and silent beauty of nature. In particular, he fell in love with walking on the shores of Lake Baikal and looking at its immense expanse.

The boy loved to study. He liked to read poetry and learn the historical details of various events. Already at the age of 4, our hero entered the stage. After that, he played many roles. He liked to transform into various characters. Galkin was not afraid to parody anyone; teachers and the director, as well as students, became the subject of his jokes. The parodies were so realistic that they caused laughter in the audience. At the age of 13, after watching the number, in which the brilliant master of humor Gennady Khazanov shone, the talented guy was not afraid to show even skits about the leaders of the country of that time. Applause after the appearance of Galkin on the school stage invariably caused a storm of applause. Maxim repeatedly showed performances in which he alone performed for all the characters.

Who to become - the young man thought for a long time. At first he was going to connect his life with zoology. But after a while he refused it, seeing what was inside the dove. Then Galkin became interested in construction. He built castles from cubes, thinking that in the future he could also easily do it with natural bricks. Then the show business star dreamed of becoming a traveler. He opened the map and examined it, dreaming of visiting the farthest corners of the world.

In high school, the future star became interested in languages. He decided to become a translator. Having received a certificate, Galkin becomes a student at the Russian State humanitarian university. IN student years Maxim improves his knowledge of English and German, comprehends the subtleties and beauty of the Spanish, French and Czech language cultures. Currently, at his concert performances, the pop star impresses the audience with his pronunciation and knowledge of the history of various countries.

After receiving a diploma, a talented young man studies in graduate school, but does not graduate. He was carried away by other addictions, for which he quits his studies. The guy writes a fantasy novel, but he never managed to finish it.

Galkin began to perform with his numbers, he had fans. The schedule of his performances was scheduled for several months in advance. First, he appears with one of the masters of humor, whom he considers his stage father and teacher, Mikhail Zadornov. For the first time, the artist performed solo at the Vitebsk festival "Slavianski Bazaar".

Since 2002, the star began to host the TV show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. At the same time, Galkin performed in various programs, showing numbers that caused laughter from a multi-million television audience. For example, he appeared in one of the seasons of the One to One show program, becoming the winner of the project. However, the man led various television shows.

A talented comedian begins to perform together with the Russian pop prima donna Alla Pugacheva. He sang several songs that immediately became hits. The audience loved "Be or not be", "Cafe" and others. After that, he solo performed several songs, recorded a solo music album.

In addition, the artist played in several films. For example, the audience fell in love with his adventurer in "Chasing Two Hares" Alesya Chizhov. Galkin starred in several episodes of the popular children's comic magazine Yeralash. In 2015, he appeared in two diverse roles at once in the television series Kings Can Do Anything.

From 2012 to 2014, our hero wrote several articles for Komsomolskaya Pravda, in which he shared his thoughts on a variety of issues.

Currently, Maxim Galkin is actively touring, broadcasting on the first channel “Best of All”, “Older of All”. The comedian recently celebrated his 20th birthday. creative activity. The concert was shown on the main TV channel.

Personal life of Maxim Galkin

Nobody separates Maxim Galkin's personal life from the fate of his wife Alla Pugacheva, with whom he officially married in 2011. In November 2017, the couple got married in a church. Only relatives and friends were at the celebration, including their children - twins Lisa and Harry.

The pop star talks quite frankly about his personal life. He talks with humor about his feelings and his chosen ones.

For the first time, a young man fell in love with his classmate, who for several years sat with Maxim at the same desk. The girl's name was Ksyusha. After moving to the capital of the Galkin family, relations ceased. But for several years there was a pen pal friendship between the young people. But then everything stopped, as the girl moved to the center Russian Federation without giving your address to the guy.

Family of Maxim Galkin

The family of Maxim Galkin often moved from place to place. His father served in the Army, in the armored forces. The man retired with the rank of Colonel General. Was a deputy State Duma Russian Federation. He passed away at the beginning of the new millennium. His grave is located in one of the capital's cemeteries.

Our hero's mother long time was main woman in the fate of Maxim Galkin. The woman was engaged in mathematics, made forecasts when there would be cataclysms in one or another part of the country. After her death, the wife moved to permanent residence in Israel, where she died soon after.

The humor star has an older brother Dmitry, who was a hereditary soldier. After retiring, he became a businessman and producer. The man is married, has three children, the youngest of whom baptized him younger brother Maksim Galkin.

Children of Maxim Galkin

The children of Maxim Galkin were born on a fine September day in 2013. During the entire period, none of the outsiders had any idea about this event. The artist and his wife did not tell anyone about the imminent addition of the family, being afraid to jinx it. After the birth of Lisa and Harry, even the daughter of the Prima Donna and her family were in a kind of stupor, not knowing how to relate to this event.

The comedian loves his son and daughter, he often talks about all their achievements on his Instagram page.

For several years, Maxim Galkin has been running the Best of All show program, in which children from all over the country and neighboring countries share their talent with the public. Our hero never ceases to wonder how the kids of the most different ages read poetry, sing songs, dance, take care of animals, share their knowledge about space. Sometimes a man makes fun of the heroes of the show, but they emerge victorious from the most unexpected situations.

The son of Maxim Galkin - Harry Galkin

The boy was born second. He is a few minutes younger than his sister Lisa, with whom he does not part even for a day. The baby is named after English prince whose mother was the famous Princess Diana. The father himself is very proud of his son and hopes that he will become famous.

The son of Maxim Galkin - Harry Galkin - a copy of the pop star. He captivates with his smile, as numerous subscribers of the comedian's Instagram page can see.

The boy is currently preparing to enter school. He learns to count to one hundred, reads well. Harry loves to build. He recently made a car from a constructor, which he shared about star father with subscribers.

Maxim Galkin's daughter - Elizaveta Galkina

The girl was born on September 18, 2013. Her parents decided to call her Elizabeth in honor of English queen Elizabeth II. The baby is striking in its resemblance to her mother - Alla Pugacheva. On the Internet, you can often find pictures of a pop star in childhood and her daughter.

The daughter of Maxim Galkin - Elizabeth Galkina amazes with her musicality. She is fond of dancing, singing, learns the basics of playing the piano, reads children's books. Currently, the girl is eager to go to school. She says that she will only do A's. On the Instagram of a popular humorist, you can often see musical numbers performed by Lisa.

Maxim Galkin's wife - Alla Pugacheva

Long before meeting with a popular humorist, she was a star. Her work amazed and drove fans crazy. The singer was married several times, but she never became happy. The only thing that did not let her go crazy, according to her, was her beloved daughter and work.

At the beginning of the new millennium, the future spouses met for the first time. At that time she was the wife of Philip Kirkorov. Soon the prima donna left her husband, trying to find solace in music. It was at this time that she saw young guy, with whom she played in the musical "For Two Hares", and then sang several songs. Maxim fell in love in earnest and declared his love. Neither he nor Allah could resist the feelings.

They soon began to live in civil marriage. The people around believed that Galkin did not love a woman. He just uses her popularity for selfish purposes.

In 2011, the lovers formalized their marriage officially. The wife of Maxim Galkin - Alla Pugacheva ended her career. She began to work at home. Soon, babies appeared in the family, whom she gave birth to spouses surrogate mother. At the end of 2018, Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin got married.

Currently, Prima Donna takes care of the house, children and teaches music to talented children in her music center. With her husband, a woman lives soul to soul, despite frequent occurrence in funds mass media data on family discord and divorce.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maxim Galkin

Instagram and Wikipedia Maxim Galkin are replenished very actively. Here, fans can learn about everything that happened in the fate of the comedian.

Wikipedia of our hero contains knowledge about the biography of a pop star. It says where the boy was born, what he did during his school years. On the page you can find out who his parents were, whether there is a brother or sister. Wikipedia gives an idea of ​​the artist's creative path. Fans can, by going to the page, find out in which projects Maxim Galkin took part, what he is currently doing.

The artist actively maintains a page on Instagram. Here he often uploads photos and videos of his children, sharing with fans their achievements, spouses and close friends. There are many video clips on the page from the speeches of the popular comedian Maxim Galkin in different years.

Maxim Galkin is an actor, TV presenter, parodist, whom the whole country knows first of all as the fifth husband of Alla Pugacheva. Born on 06/18/1976 in the Moscow region.

Maxim's father was a professional military man, which could not but affect the lifestyle and upbringing of the child. Mother was a housewife and devoted all her time to the family, which partly moved.

It so happened that the families of military personnel very rarely stayed for a long time in one place, and the geography of moving covered not only the entire territory former USSR, but also the countries of the present near abroad.

In childhood and youth

Born in the Moscow region, from the age of 3, Galkin and his family lived in Germany, where in the 80s there was a limited contingent Soviet troops. Four years later, the family moved to the Black Sea pearl - the city of Odessa.

There, Maxim graduated from elementary school, found his first friends and received his first drawing lessons in a children's art studio. However, he was not destined to stay there.

First stage experience

The father received another appointment, and from the warm Black Sea climate, fate threw the family into the harsh Transbaikalia. Baikal struck Maxim with its extraordinary beauty and he often asked his father to bring him to the lake.

Life in the military camp was quite harsh, there were few ordinary children's entertainments. However, Maxim found an outlet for his energy in school theater productions.

It was children's school performances that became the first creative works of Maxim. Cute, funny and original, Maxim already stood out among his peers. He did not aspire to play only the main roles. He was interested in trying himself in a variety of guises - from the role of a dog to the image of King Solomon.

In addition, it was in the company of school friends that Maxim discovered the talent of a parodist. When the boys got together in a close circle, Maxim so successfully portrayed the teachers, director, neighbors, other guys that friends rolled with laughter.

So the idea of ​​​​the first solo creative evening came up. Maxim staged a performance by one actor, in which he portrayed scenes with different voices with the help of puppets.

Student years

Maxim graduated from high school already in Moscow. After the move, his parents separated, and he stayed with his mother and older brother. In 1993, Maxim entered the Russian University for the Humanities, which he successfully completed and even entered graduate school and was preparing to defend his Ph.D. thesis. However, fate decreed otherwise, creative energy directed him in a completely different direction.

Already from the second year, Maxim became one of the most talented and active participants in the productions of the student theater of Moscow State University. Each of his output is very warmly received by the audience. And a year later, Maxim decided to participate in the program "Debuts, Debuts, Debuts" of the Moscow Variety Theater.

This program was specially created in order to present the work of young artists to the audience.

Galkin's parodies of Yeltsin and Zhirinovsky were met with a thunder of laughter and a flurry of applause. And from that moment on, Maxim's fate was sealed.

Soon he was invited to the pop theater of Boris Brunov, and after some time, the king of Russian humor, Mikhail Zadornov, drew attention to Maxim. He invited the young artist to participate in his tour, where Maxim gained great experience and considerable fame.

creative upsurge

When the studies at the institute were completed and Maxim had more time for creativity. He begins to perform more and becomes a popular favorite. His parodies are heard in almost every home, he appears in television programs and successfully tours.

2001 was a truly triumphant year for Galkin, literally and figuratively. This year brings him the Triumph and Golden Ostap awards, the first solo concert at the Slavyansky Bazaar, the first debut song "To be or not to be", recorded in a duet with Alla Pugacheva and the first work on television as the host of the program "Who Wants to Be millionaire?

It was truly a rapid creative rise of the young artist to the very high peak Russian stage. The following year, he was invited by Pugacheva to her famous "Christmas Meetings". Galkina also invites the first channel to record the New Year's pop program, participation in which meant all-Russian recognition young artist.

In 2002, Maxim Galkin gathers the most prestigious Moscow halls for his concerts. His solo programs are successfully going on at the State Concert Hall "Russia" and the Kremlin Palace. But the young artist's ambitions go much further. Following the example of "Christmas Meetings", Pugacheva Galkin creates his own own program"New Year's Benefit with Maxim Galkin", which gathered viewers with great success for three years in a row.

TV work

Having successfully made his debut on the first channel in 2001, Maxim Galkin worked on it until 2008, being the host of the most popular pop and entertainment programs, such as "Russian Roulette", "New songs about the main thing", "Two Stars". He also actively participates in the preparation and recording of New Year's programs and concerts, acts in musicals and records new songs.

In 2008, Galkin switched to the Russia-1 channel, in which he increasingly revealed himself not as a host, but as an author of new interesting programs. His largest project was the New Year's Parade of Stars, which he led for several years in a row with other Russian pop stars.

Maxim Galkin rarely changes his style. When he recently changed his hairstyle to the now fashionable asymmetry, fans noticed that outwardly Maxim looked 10 years younger.

In May 2016, the artist became the host of the humorous project "MaximMaxim". The show is filmed in the castle, where the star lives with his family - Alla Borisovna and two children. As part of this project, Galkin was visited by many celebrities. They discuss a certain topic in casual conversation and jokes, because each episode of the show is thematic.

The TV show goes on Channel One at the weekend.

And in the winter of 2016, Maxim presented the children's talent show "Coolest of all." He was the leader of this project.

In January 2017, the comedian showed his concert “25 years on stage”. In this concert, all the best and favorite numbers and parodies were shown.

Wife and children of Maxim Galkin

No one can say with certainty exactly when the romantic relationship between a young artist and a Russian pop diva. In one of the interviews, she admitted that from the first meeting, Maxim conquered her with his sincerity and spontaneity.

In the photo: Maxim Galkin with Alla Pugacheva

The seriousness of this relationship for a long time no one believed - neither the public, nor the environment, nor even the Primadonna herself. However, they have withstood the test of time and after 10 years cohabitation the two stars officially registered their relationship on 12/24/2013.

The family is currently raising two wonderful twins born by a surrogate mother. Happy husband and the father successfully continues creative career, but tries to spend as much time as possible with his beloved wife and kids.

The star of modern show business, a brilliant parodist, comedian and popular TV presenter Maxim Galkin for the majority has become a standard and a true model of successful career development. After all, for a dizzying leap up the complex career ladder the stage it took him only a few years. And confirmation of his stage viability are full concert halls, which the artist easily collects.

His performances are highly acclaimed by the people different status and age. And during his solo programs, Maxim Galkin successfully demonstrates his deep talent and incredible sense of humor.

Physical data of the artist

On the Internet and at the artist's performances, there are numerous questions about what year Maxim was born. Also, fans are interested in weight, height and zodiac sign stage performer. And here there is a lot of controversy regarding the biography of the artist between the representatives of the weaker sex.

So, Maxim Alexandrovich was born in 1976, so he was already 40 years old. According to the horoscope, Galkin - smart and changeable, hardy and charming Gemini. And by eastern horoscope Maxim is a cheerful and active Dragon who absolutely does not like to be idle and is famous for his own restlessness.

Maxim Galkin can certainly boast of his rather high growth - 180 centimeters make him a fairly stately and respectable man. But the weight of the artist ranges from 75-80 kilograms.

Biography of Galkin

Maxim Alexandrovich was brought up in the most ordinary Russian family, which is completely alien to show business and social life. The date of birth of the future favorite of the public is June 18, 1976. According to Wikipedia, the first-born in the general's family appeared in the city of Naro-Fominsk, located not far from the Russian capital. Maksim's father, Alexander Alexandrovich, who works in the RF Ministry of Defense, even successfully served as a State Duma deputy in the mid-90s. And the humorist's mother devoted her whole life to the study of seismology in Russian Academy Sciences.

Since the boy's father was a military man, the family often changed their place of residence. Of course, this nuance took a significant place in the formation of the future parodist and his biography. Some period the child lived in Germany. At this time, Maxim was two years old. After Germany, the family moved to sea ​​town- Odessa. Maybe it was this magical place that gave impetus to the birth of the boy's sparkling sense of humor.

Here the boy made his first friends and, of course, the most vivid childhood impressions. Maxim always stood out among his peers with his extraordinary charm and radiant smile, which impressed, perhaps, absolutely all girls. By the way, Maxim enjoyed incredible success girls, but among the boys the child had almost no friends. And the rejection of the child in youthful companies was due to the fact that the child led healthy lifestyle life and closely engaged in his education. A notable personality for Maxim was also his beloved class teacher, whom the young man greatly respected and considered a model.

Upon completion elementary school Maxim's family again radically changed their place of residence, moving to Siberia. However, Maxim soon returned to Moscow, having graduated from high school in his homeland.

When the artist first showed his artistic abilities, he was barely four years old. He was applauded for his skillfully played the role of a chicken. Most likely just from this time and started creative biography Galkin. Indeed, it was at this moment that an extremely talented child was noticed and began to be given more serious roles. At such a young age, Maxim played:

  • drunk grandfather,
  • King Solomon,
  • Ostap Bender.

The young man did not miss literally a single school production. However, perhaps the most memorable moment in the performances of young Maxim is considered to be the dubbing of characters in puppet shows.

The talent of a parodist did not immediately manifest itself in the young man. The boy managed to demonstrate the full depth of his abilities when he was 13 years old. And the inspirers of the young artist were Mikhail Gorbachev and Gennady Khazanov. The comedian liked to portray other people so much that he began to parody many famous personalities, most of whom were well-known political figures.

Of course, Maxim's talent did not escape the vigilant parents, who paid tribute to the skill of the young comedian. It was thanks to parental support and help that the boy reached the peak of parodic skill. Besides that the child was excellent, was fond of drawing, biology and many other school subjects, he had excellent creative data. In addition, Maxim early childhood was an extremely inquisitive and comprehensively developed child.

At the end of school time, Galkin decided to enter the Faculty of Linguistics in higher education. educational institution. During the period of diligent study at the Russian State University for the Humanities Maxim studied several foreign languages and became a graduate student in 1988. Without completing graduate school, the future artist began to write his own fantasy novel, The Power of Darkness. Galkin approached the writing of this book extremely seriously, investing a lot of effort and time into it. True, the young man did not advance much along the scientific path, preferring a stage career in 2009.

Family favorite of the public

The Galkin family, as already mentioned in the biography, had nothing to do with secular life and didn't like to be seen.

Among other things, Maxim is a happy uncle to three nephews: seven-year-old Grisha, nineteen-year-old Nikita and twelve-year-old Alina.

Orientation of the famous impersonator

Among the many various tabloids and newspapers, speculation about the unconventional orientation of the people's favorite has repeatedly surfaced. Maybe the reason for the appearance of such stupid gossip was close communication Galkin with famous Russian singer- Nikolai Baskov. However, despite numerous conversations, these rumors were not confirmed by anything. But the proof of the orientation befitting a man was Galkin's marriage to the prima donna of the Russian stage - Alla Pugacheva.

Comedian show programs

Galkin's first notable performances on stage took place immediately after school - in the student theater at Moscow State University. Despite the youth and inexperience of the artist, Maxim was extremely warmly welcomed in the theater group. After the role, played in the play "Fountains of Love for Your Neighbor", Maxim realized that it was parody that was given to him better than anything else. It was during this period that the career of a young comedian confidently went up. Director of the Moscow theater state university very soon noticed the artist and invited him to his troupe.

In the early 2000s, Maxim Alexandrovich received his first Triumph award. Then Maxim replaced Dmitry Dibrov in the TV show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?", becoming a very successful TV presenter. After the artist received several different awards: "Golden Ostap", "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk" and others. Maxim remembered the next year as the beginning of the first long tour throughout Russia and abroad with a solo program.

According to Galkin himself, the greatest reward for him was positive reviews and approving words from the most famous humorist of that time - Mikhail Zadornov. Maxim was visibly encouraged teamwork and performances with Zadornov on the same stage. In addition, Galkin became a frequent visitor popular humorous TV shows "Full House" and "Laughing Panorama". It is noteworthy that no one was involved in the promotion of the rising star Maxim Galkin, the artist did not have outstanding patrons. The talent of the already noticed artist was actually enough for a wide variety of humorous performances. That is why Maxim at that time became one of the most welcome guests of almost any show.

The cinematic life of the artist is also very noticeable. The famous comedian has played many interesting roles in films:

After Maxim reached the pinnacle of parodic skill, he decided to try himself in a rather interesting new role as a singer. And the beginning of it creative way the well-known song "Be or not be", performed together with Primadonna, is deservedly considered. After the approval of such an unusual duet by the public, a series of joint concerts and projects followed.

Maxim's personal life

In 2005, Maxim also became known for taking the place of Alla Borisovna's new companion. After 6 years, the lovers got married, and two years later, despite busy work schedules, they got kids. Give birth on your own The prima donna did not dare, so the newlyweds used the services of a surrogate mother. And the whole process of bearing and giving birth to a child was controlled by professional doctors.

Now Maxim Galkin very successfully combines creative work and family. After all, in addition to performances on stage, Maxim Alexandrovich is engaged raising small children with his wife. The couple lives in a huge country mansion, located in a village called Gryazi. Here they also arrange secular evenings, although very rarely and reluctantly. After all, now the main thing in family life for both stars were their children.

Maxim Galkin was born on June 18, 1976 in Naro-Fominsk, Moscow Region. Frequent moves for the Galkin family were commonplace. When Maxim was three years old, the family moved to Germany. Then the Galkins moved to Odessa, where Maxim graduated from three classes secondary school. The family also managed to visit Transbaikalia, but the young man graduated from school in Moscow.

Since childhood, artistic talent has manifested itself in Maxim. His first performance took place at the age of 4 on an impromptu stage kindergarten. The artist made his debut in the role of a chicken and even earned the first applause. Already at school, Maxim Galkin received more serious roles: a dog, an alcoholic old man, Ostap Bender, Tsar Solomon, Count Nulin and Don Carlos. The boy participated in all school performances. In the sixth grade, the young artist arranged his first creative evening, where the audience saw a puppet show. All dolls were voiced by the future parody star.

At the age of thirteen, the teenager discovered the abilities of a parodist. He was inspired by the example of Gennady Khazanov with a parody of Mikhail Gorbachev. The young artist himself tried to portray a prominent politician. It came out great. It was with this experiment that the biography of Maxim Galkin began as a parodist.

The boy grew up very creative and versatile. Parents strongly encouraged and supported all his hobbies: perhaps in some of them the son will achieve mastery. Maxim Galkin attended a children's art studio, at the same time he was fond of zoology until he saw a pigeon in a section in a biology lesson.

After graduation, Galkin entered the Faculty of Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities. He is fluent in French, English and German. In 1998, Maxim Galkin graduated from the university and entered graduate school, writing his Ph.D. thesis "The Correlation of Stylistic Systems of the Original and Translated Texts." But in 2009, Galkin left graduate school when the artist broke out.

The creative biography of Maxim Galkin started on the stage of the Student Theater of Moscow State University, where he made his debut with his parodies. The performance was called "Fountains of love for one's neighbor." It happened in April 1994. In the same year, the artist participated in the Debuts, Debuts, Debuts program at the Variety Theater. Performed by Maxim Galkin, the audience then saw very successful parodies of famous politicians. The artist was noticed by the head of the Moscow State Variety Theater Boris Brunov and invited to his theater.

The year 2001 was surprisingly generous for the young parodist. In January 2001, Maxim Galkin received a grant from the Triumph Prize; in February, the popular showman became the host of the intellectual TV game Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? And again the award: in April he was awarded the Golden Ostap award in St. Petersburg. And in July 2001, Galkin's first solo concert took place at the Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk festival. From that moment, the artist's solo performances become regular. With them, he tours not only around the country, but also abroad.

Probably the highest award for the young parodist was the recognition of the master of the humorous genre, the satirist Mikhail Zadornov. Mikhail Nikolaevich called Galkin his successor. Increasingly, the parodist appears on television, he is a frequent guest on Laugh Panorama and Full House. At the same time, the artist never had a producer, he never paid for any of his broadcasts and never used someone's patronage to get on the program.

When the parody biography of Maxim Galkin became rich in events and awards, and the comedian's fame reached its peak, the artist tried himself in a new role - he began to sing. His first vocal experience was the song "Be or not be", performed in a duet with Alla Pugacheva. Subsequently, Galkin appeared with a prima donna in the program " New year's night on Channel One” and in “Christmas Meetings” by Pugacheva.

The personal life of Maxim Galkin is always in sight. It cannot be otherwise, because leading role in this life, the mega-star of the Russian stage, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, plays. Maxim Galkin became the legal spouse of Alla Pugacheva on December 23, 2011.

In September 2013, the couple became parents of twins. Elizabeth and Harry - the children of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva, were born on September 18 by a surrogate mother in the branch of the network medical clinics Mark Kurtser "Mother and Child", located in the village of Lapino near Moscow.

Now the couple live in the castle built by Galkin in the village of Gryazi. The children of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva also grow and are brought up there.

In 2015, he returns to Channel One from the Russia-1 TV channel. From September 20, 2015 to January 1, 2016 - a participant in the new season of the show of reincarnations "Just Like".

In the period from May 21, 2016 to January 2, 2017 - the host of the humorous show on Channel One Maxim Maxim. Since November 6, 2016, she has also hosted the children's talent show Best of All.

Reappeared as host on February 18, 2017 "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" for one issue, changing places with Dmitry Dibrov every two questions.

Since September 2, 2017, he has been the host of the Tonight program on Channel One instead of Andrei Malakhov, paired with Yulia Menshova.