Obscene love: the true story of Cord and Matilda. Shnurov Sergey: biography, personal life, photo Sergey Shnurov with his wife

Matilda Shnurova - socialite, owner of the restaurant of author's cuisine "CoCoCo", founder of the ballet school "Isadora", whose motto was the phrase "Ballet for everyone!", ex-wife of the leader of the scandalous musical.

Childhood and youth

Matilda Shnurova (real name - Elena Mozgovaya) was born on July 13, 1986 in Voronezh region, in the village of Losevo. At birth, the girl's parents, Vladimir and Tatyana Mozgovy, gave their daughter the name Elena. A year and a half later, the young people divorced, and the mother married a second time to Vladimir Nagorny. New family settled in the village of Livenka, where after a while the younger half-brother of Elena, Igor, was born. The girl attended a rural school, studied for triples and often behaved defiantly.

The reason could be the unsettled life of the child in the family. The mother also left the second spouse, carried away by Sahaja Yoga. The woman moved to Voronezh, where she began to earn a living by sewing. Elena, in turn, settled with own father, and then wandered around grandmothers and lived for some time in Voronezh with her mother. On the threshold of adulthood, she decided to try her luck in Moscow: the girl dreamed of studying at the directing department of VGIK.

The lead singer of the 7b group, who himself was from Voronezh, helped Elena get settled in the capital. The young man invited the girl to live in the studio. Soon, fate brought Elena Mozgovaya to the producer of a popular musical group, who offered the girl a job in the office of the production center.

Soon Elena began an affair with photographer Dmitry Mikheev, who offered to change her name and become Matilda. Mozgovaya liked the idea. After a while, the girl decided to change Moscow to St. Petersburg. In a new place, a new successful period began in the biography of Matilda.

In St. Petersburg, Elena Mozgovaya entered the University of Technology, choosing the most difficult faculty - biochemistry. Elena was bored in the Northern capital, because in Moscow she had “a million friends”, which included,.

In order not to be bored in a new place, the girl plunged into science and, as she herself claims, "studied with insane interest." At some point, Matilda even decided to do scientific activity, but met with her future husband Sergei Shnurov. Therefore, Matilda Shnurova - this is how the heroine now appears - abandoned science. She explained this by the fact that "it is impossible to work in a biochemical laboratory and be the wife of Sergei Shnurov."

Career and creativity

Soon, a spectacular brunette with expressive eyes turned from a biochemist into a restaurateur and head of dance schools, including ballet. Last Matilda Shnurova called "Isadora". The girl explained the opening of the center by the fact that at the age of 16 she became interested in ballet and she liked this activity.

Matilda invited graduates of the A. Vaganova Academy, soloists of the Russian Ballet and the Mariinsky Theater to the school. And model external data (with a height of 170 cm, the weight of the leader does not exceed 52 kg) and graceful plasticity allowed her to participate in productions and theatrical photo shoots.

As for the restaurant business, for Matilda Shnurova it began with the management of a bar that belonged to her husband. The name of the first establishment is Blue Pushkin. The owner of the bar, Sergei Shnurov, had a catastrophic lack of time to control things. Therefore, Matilda had to take up the work herself. In the process, the girl met the chef Igor Grishechkin. The idea arose to create a restaurant where he would be engaged in the kitchen.

And so it happened. At the very beginning of autumn 2012, Matilda Shnurova found and rented a room. And in December 2012, the CoCoCo restaurant opened its doors to the first visitors. For St. Petersburg, this turned out to be a high-profile event. The institution quickly gained popularity. At the end of 2016, KoCoCo already took the 4th most popular place among the restaurants of the city, and chef Igor Grishechkin became the best chef of the Northern Capital according to the Where To Eat award.

The growing popularity of the institution allowed the organizers to change the address of the restaurant's registration: from the basement on Nekrasov Street, KoCoCo moved to the top floor of the W St. Petersburg, where the French culinary specialist Alain Ducasse worked before.

Matilda Shnurova gladly reveals the names of visitors to her own establishment. There are eminent persons here - with,. As for Nicky, Matilda admitted that she is a devoted connoisseur of her culinary talent. Matilda borrowed many recipes from Belonica.

The CoCoCo establishment, which is 100% owned by Shnurova, today is a kind of business card restaurant Petersburg. Matilda is happy to share what she often sees in her own feed. "Instagram" under the photo, the phrase “Petersburg is the Hermitage, the Mariinsky Theater and CoCoCo”.

Matilda considers the impeccable discipline of the staff to be the secret of the popularity of her institution. The work of cooks is spelled out to the smallest detail. Before leaving, each employee receives a memo of duties and an action plan for a period of 2 weeks.

From the suggestion of Matilda Shnurova, the establishment has a clear concept: "CoCoCo" is focused on Russian cuisine, where all dishes are prepared from seasonal products that grow in this area.

In this restaurant, Shnurova was the first in the city to realize fashion trend local cuisine, which restaurateurs of St. Petersburg have been talking about for a long time. At the same time, the restaurant’s menu is distinguished by its particular sophistication and variety: in addition to everyone’s favorite potatoes with herring, here you can order sliced ​​meat, crucian carp, quail, stewed rabbit, and even a farm burger with root vegetable chips.

Despite the popularity of the restaurant, it took a long time to become self-supporting. Only after 6 years, the profit of the institution per month began to amount to 9 million rubles. with an average check of 3 thousand rubles.

Personal life

See you with current husband Sergei Shnurov, Matilda had novels with others famous men. They talk about a romantic relationship with the famous paparazzi Dmitry Mikheev, as well as a short relationship with the leader of the 7B musical group Ivan Demyan and the actor. But Matilda Shnurova herself does not confirm this information.

Matilda was introduced to Sergei Shnurov by a mutual friend who lives in the United States. The first meeting took place in 2006 at a concert of the Leningrad group. Matilda immediately charmed the eccentric musician, who compared the beauty of the girl with the appearance of the beautiful Swan from the canvas. The first acquaintance was crowned with a walk through the clubs of the city.

At that time, the scandalous rock singer had already broken up with and was free. The outbreak of romance immediately captured Matilda and Sergei. Since 2010, the lovers began to live together. Matilda Shnurova claims that she and her husband felt like one and did not get tired of discovering new facets in each other. The spouses always had something to talk about, since both are erudite people and with higher education (Shnurov has 2 diplomas).

The couple officially married and consecrated the relationship in Orthodox church. The wedding was attended sports commentator, actor, opera director Vasily Barkhatov acted as a witness. After the marriage, the young people settled in the center of St. Petersburg, in an apartment overlooking the Fontanka.

The Shnurovs did not think about procreation. Matilda said in an interview that she was not yet ready to become a mother, and Sergei Shnurov either jokingly or seriously pointed out the lack of living space: according to the musician, a family needs at least 500 square meters. In addition, the singer already has two children from previous marriages.

During cohabitation Matilda and Sergei Instagram subscribers of the dancer and restaurateur could not help but pay attention to the changes in the girl's appearance. Matilda never hid that she does not spare money for cosmetics of popular brands, but she did not give any information about surgical operations. However, fans are inclined to believe that the girl resorted to plastic surgery of the nose and lower eyelids.

Matilda Shnurova now

In 2017, Matilda, in addition to previously launched projects and social life, tried her hand at producing. Shnurova helped journalist Maxim Semelyak publish the book “Leningrad. Incredible and true story».

Matilda and Sergey Shnurov divorced

In May 2018, fans were amazed by the news that Matilda and Sergey Shnurov were after 8 years of marriage. The couple did not comment on the reasons for the divorce, asking fans and the media not to touch on their personal lives.

According to rumors, discord in the family was provoked by the betrayals of Sergei Shnurov. Allegedly, Matilda decided to answer with the same coin, but this state of affairs did not suit the singer. In addition, constant showdowns did not add peace to the home environment.

In mid-summer, Matilda gave her first interview after shocking fans of the news. She told Esquire reporters that she did not regret anything, only sad that a great love had ended. Marriage has changed each of the spouses for the better.

In August 2018, the divorce proceedings took place. By this time, Shnurov had already intrigued the public with a new novel, which in the fall. Matilda was not alone either. A video appeared on the Web in which Shnurova emotionally meets an unknown man at the airport.

According to the journalist's assumptions, he turned out to be a St. Petersburg restaurateur Sergei Shponka, a former co-owner of the Onegin club, the owner of the Teatro restaurant, which is located next to the Mariinsky Theater. He is connected with Shnurova by mutual acquaintances - Ksenia Sobchak, Pyotr Aksenov and Nika Belotserkovskaya. Sergey himself did not confirm the affair with Shnurov's ex-wife, specifying that the video was filmed 10 years ago, but did not confirm the information either.

After the divorce, Matilda immersed herself in gastronomy. She visited New York, where she talked with the restaurant elite - chefs, tasters, critics, reporters. Shnurova also arranged an internship for Yekaterinburg chefs in her own restaurant.

Now Matilda continues to lead social life. She has already visited the festival of contemporary choreography Context, starred in a photo shoot for the October issue of Esquire magazine. Instagram of a business woman is replete with pictures of Matilda in exquisite outfits, and there are often beach photos hostess of the page in a bathing suit.

Let's start with the fact that he has them! How many heirs does the outrageous musician actually have, where do they work and what do they do - Woman's Day found out everything!

Swearing, a bully and just an odious person. The leader of the Leningrad group, Sergei Shnurov, does not fit in with the image of a caring dad. He can rather be imagined gently stroking the belly of Vasilisa, a Burmese cat and pet, than changing a baby's diaper.

“If your number of likes on Instagram has begun to fall, then it’s time to get a dog or a cat. For a while, they will be able to raise the rating of your page, ”the musician once gave good advice to his subscribers. And, of course, he listened to his beloved. In Instagram, the musician of the same Vasilisa has several dozen photos. But the photos of their offspring Shnurov pleases subscribers extremely rarely. So rare that fans have time to forget about their existence.

Meanwhile, Cord has two quite adult children at once. By the way, Shnurov recently published their photo on his page, describing in detail why he is proud of his kids.

“My daughter Seraphim drinks, smokes and swears,” Shnurov introduced his eldest to begin with. Then it was the turn of the youngest: “My son Apollo is already drinking, not smoking yet, swearing, but not enough. In terms of maintaining family values and traditions, there are some shortcomings, but I have reason to believe that everything will work out with him over time, and no worse than his father.

Be that as it may, not much is still known about the children of the outrageous musician. We decided to fill this gap and collected all the known and not very facts about the heirs of the star family.

Fact 1: I disowned my father

Seraphim is the fruit of a student marriage. The girl's mother, Maria Ismagilova, is Sergei's classmate at the Religious and Philosophical Institute at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. Shnurov was only 20 years old when the girl was born. It was 1993. The future leader of the Leningrad group was young and careless, and Maria clearly did not feel much enthusiasm for her husband's work. On that they parted.

Shnurov showed no particular interest in Seraphim. The girl reciprocated and even at some point disowned her father. "No you're wrong. That's not my dad," the 19-year-old university student told especially annoying journalists. But soon the hatchet of war was buried, on Sima's Instagram, joint selfies and even reports about the group's concerts began to appear.

Fact 2: Philosopher's Daughter

Having inherited from her father a love for creativity and poetry (albeit without obscenities), Serafima decided after graduation to enter the Institute of Philosophy in St. state university. And she did, despite the crazy competition. At the university, Serafima studied the philosophy and culture of the East. However, the girl makes a living with photography and graphic design.

Fact 3: Cord's son-in-law is a simple bartender

Last winter, Serafima married 27-year-old Vyacheslav Astanin. Her chosen one was born in the small town of Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region, graduated from the Moscow State University named after Sholokhov in Moscow. And, having moved to St. Petersburg, he got a job as a bartender in one of the popular establishments of the Northern capital. Before legalizing the relationship, the couple lived in a civil marriage for several years. The father of the newlywed tried to cast a shadow on the wattle fence, they say, there was no wedding. He even published satirical poems about it.

But Seraphim herself revealed the secret of the Open: “Experience has shown that civil marriage does not differ from the registered one. If the relationship is good, you can’t spoil it with any marriage.”

Fact 4: Cord could become a grandfather

In the fall of 2015, Sima almost made Shnurov a grandfather. She then announced to her few subscribers on social networks that she was preparing to become a mother. However, the child could not be saved: according to media reports, a young woman had an early miscarriage. “It’s true, I didn’t manage to keep the pregnancy. But I would not like to talk about it and somehow comment on it, ”Seraphim confirmed the information to journalists then.

Fact 5: the son has two names

younger child and only son Sergei Shnurov named Apollo - in honor of the poet Apollon Grigoriev. But at baptism, the boy was given the name Paul.

Apollo was born in 2000 already in his second marriage to Svetlana Kostitsyna, the music manager of Leningrad. But even in these relations, Shnurov did not linger: a divorce followed two years later. But with his son, unlike his daughter, the musician had a rather tender relationship. It happened, no, no, and yes, he would call the boy "heir to the throne."

The boy grew up smart beyond his years, learned English, adored the exact sciences. When Sergei was told that the 11-year-old heir of thought, like the young Tsiolkovsky, his father's heart simply melted.

Sergey Shnurov (Shnur) is a popular Russian musician, film actor, TV presenter, composer and film actor.

Sergey Shnurov is perhaps one of the most scandalous and outrageous artists domestic stage. Despite the fact that his video clips are banned on television and radio due to the abundance of profanity, they are well known and loved by the people.

Childhood and education of Sergei Shnurov

The famous musician was born on April 13, 1973 in a Leningrad family far from music. Sergei's parents worked as engineers, his father worked at a military enterprise, had the rank of captain.

Shnurov studied in the usual general education school Leningrad. AT primary school Sergei studied diligently and brought his parents good marks, but in adolescence the young man began to skip classes and come into conflict with teachers, for which he often ended up in the children's room of the police.

He did not think about who he would become in the future. AT school years Sergei was a real fan of the work of Vladimir Vysotsky, Yuri Shevchuk, the Kino and Secret groups, which was later reflected in the work of Shnurov himself.

After graduating from high school, he tried to get higher education at the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, but after a while he dropped out of high school and transferred to a vocational school. There he mastered the profession of a restorer of wood products, but this specialty was not to the liking of the future artist.

Before the start of his stormy musical activity, Shnurov also managed to study at the theological seminary as a theologian, but not for the sake of a crust. Shnurov entered the institution along with a friend and studied there for three years. Family circumstances forced him to leave the seminary - then he had his first child, and he had to earn money.

According to the musician, throughout his life he managed to work as a glazier, a watchman in kindergarten, assistant director, designer, assistant on the set of video clips and even a loader. But most of all, Shnurov was attracted by the work of making fences for graves, since they paid well for it. After a long search for his destiny, he chose the position of head of PR projects at the Modern radio station.

Here is how his colleague at Radio Modern described Shnurov of that time: “A stylish young man, even though he was exotic. Could come in a jacket and blue shoes, bright, club; and yet it was all low-profile and refined.”

First musical projects

When Shnurov became director of PR, he began to change the policy of the Modern radio station, starting to promote the pop station in the completely opposite direction - closer to the rock party. He managed to become an informal leader: they listened to him and took his crazy ideas into account.

While working at a radio station, he was simultaneously developing own projects. In 1991, the Alkorepitsa group was created, which performed in the style of hardcore rap and, according to the musician, the group became an innovator in this genre on the domestic stage. However, this was not enough to win the love and popularity of the audience, and soon the group broke up.

Already from the first collectives of Shnurov, the image of a drunkard and rowdy known to everyone today began to take shape. After "Alkorepitsa" there was an experiment with electronic music and techno in a group called "Van Gogh's Ear". But this team was not destined to last long. Due to disagreements between the members, the group disbanded.

Here is how Shnurov commented on this musical group: “The project was speculative, it was pop art - some songs were minus. Then no one in the alternative did this, because, in theory, we performed in alternative clubs. And stylistically, it was a bullshit pop.”

Group "Leningrad"

In 1997, Sergei Shnurov and his friends organized the Leningrad group and four days later the first concert was given. The first group consisted of 8 people.

At first, Shnurov was ideological inspirer and composer, and Igor Vdovin, who played with him earlier in the Van Gogh's Ear group, was engaged in vocals. According to Shnurov's stories, everything started spontaneously and chaotically. The first concerts were given practically without preliminary rehearsals. “The most important thing is not the music, not the lyrics, but the presentation,” the musician shared.

Being a generator of ideas, Shnurov relied on scandalousness and outrageousness. The texts contained obscene language, and real chaos was created on the stage. Often the artists appeared before the audience in a drunken state, and the performances were accompanied by the nakedness of the musicians. Thanks to free-thinking, the group had a whole army of fans, which they generously presented with new albums.

In 1999, the group released two albums: "Bullet" and "Mat Without Electricity". The debut album included 17 songs and today is practically the only lyrical album of the group, as it does not contain a large number of profanity, like his subsequent discs. The second album of the group differed from the debut in that Shnurov himself became the main vocalist of the group, after the departure of Igor Vdovin, and no electric instruments were used when recording this album. The album "Mat Without Electricity" was included in the list of "85 best albums of the USSR".

This was followed by the album Summer Residents (2000), and in 2001 the group again released two albums. One of them included the immortal singles "WWW" and "I would be in the sky." The songs were in rotation on Our Radio.

The following year, Shnurov released his first solo album entitled The Second Magadan, which was a recording of an imaginary concert in Kolyma, although the recording was made in the studio. Interestingly, this album caused a lot of criticism from listeners. Leningraders expressed the opinion that Shnurov's parody of an even more popular genre - chanson, failed.

Group "Ruble"

The group owes much of its success to its leader, Sergei Shnurov, who kept the audience in check with his ambiguous behavior and catchy lyrics. In 2008, the musician decided to disband the group and create new project"Ruble". According to the musician, new team was supposed to be a counterbalance to Leningrad, which stopped developing and turned into a kind of show.

If bald and drunk played in Leningrad, then hairy and sober Shnurov played in Ruble. Indeed, the musician's fans noted that the performance became more technical and deep. However, the lyrics remained provocative and scandalous as before. So, the leadership of YouTube removed one video clip of Shnurov due to the fact that he starred in it completely naked.

The revival of "Leningrad"

Two years later, the performer announced the reunification of Leningrad. As expected, the group's first clip aroused great interest from fans of Shnurov's work. Then Sergey shared the duties of a vocalist with the spectacular red-haired performer Yulia Kogan. The revived team continued to ridicule the vices modern society in graceful form.

Former soloist of the group "Leningrad" Yulia Kogan

In 2013, Kogan was replaced by Alisa Voks, who stayed with the team until 2016, after which she began to develop as an independent performer. When the first solo video clip of Vox came out, Shnurov commented on it in his own spirit: "they drove the woman away in time." Today there are two vocalists in the group: Vasilisa Starshova and Florida Chanturia.

In 2017, in honor of the 20th anniversary of the group, Shnurov organized a large-scale tour with concerts around the world. After the end of the tour, the performer promised to release a children's album.

In addition, Shnurov actively writes soundtracks for Russian films. AT last years a special place in creativity is occupied by video clips, the views of which break all records, even when they are banned from rotation on TV. The most famous works: "Road", "Vip", "Exhibit", "Ch.P.Kh.", "Ecstasy" and others. Since 2001, Shnurov has also played many roles in films and TV shows.

Personal life of Sergei Shnurov

Vocalist's personal life outrageous group requires special attention.

He met his first wife Maria when he studied at the Theological Academy. At the age of 20, a daughter, Seraphim, was born to young people. Shnurov's career and lifestyle were far from ideal, and he could not devote himself to his family. After the divorce, he did not pay due attention to his daughter, for which she once said that "this is not her dad." However, now understanding reigns between father and daughter, they often travel and spend time together.

Sergey Shnurov with his daughter Serafima

He met his second wife Svetlana Kostitsina a few years later. At that time, she was the director of the Pepsi group and contributed to the development of Leningrad by obtaining permission for the group to perform in Moscow. In 2000, the couple had a son, Apollo. Despite the fact that after some time the marriage broke up, Shnurov continues to communicate with his son.

After that he had long term relationship with actress Oksana Akinshina, whom they met on the set of films. The girl at that time was not 18 years old, which gave rise to a storm of criticism and scandals. This romance lasted 5 years, after which the couple broke up.

In 2007, Shnurov met journalist Elena "Matilda" Mozgova. The meeting of young people took place in 2007, when their mutual friend brought 20-year-old Elena to a concert of the Leningrad group. Shnurov himself said that in childhood one of his favorite female images there was a girl from the painting “The Swan Princess” by Mikhail Vrubel, and Matilda reminded him of this image, and the relationship further developed by itself.

Despite this, the relationship of the spouses can hardly be called romantic. Shnurov made a marriage proposal in the kitchen while he was looking for sausage in the refrigerator, saying: "Let's get married." The musician explained in an interview: “Surely Matilda lacks the so-called romance, but I can’t give what I don’t have.” In 2010, Elena and Sergey got married and registered their relationship.

Not without the help of her husband, Matilda opened a restaurant in St. Petersburg, the management of which she completely took over. After that, independently of her husband, Matilda opened the Isadora ballet studio. According to her, the city has professional schools, but there are no amateur ones, although there is a demand.

Having received the "Person of the Year" award according to GQ magazine, the musician posted a photo with Matilda and wrote: "I received my most important prize when I met you."

Indeed, over 10 years of relationship, Sergey began not only to look good, but became a “style icon”.

According to Matilda, Sergey has an absolute talent to combine things

According to the singer, Matilda is his muse: she goes to a fitness club and talks about the women she sees there. "For connection with the female half outside world Matilda answers, of course. So for the songs "Bag" and "Exhibit" it is worth thanking her.

Divorce of Sergei Shnurov and Matilda

The couple have been together for ten years, and until recently they gave the impression of eternal newlyweds, until in May 2018 it became known about the divorce of Matilda and Shnurov. The news shocked fans. star couple. The spouses themselves did not comment on the reasons for the divorce, asking journalists not to touch on their personal lives.

However, later Shnurov published a poem on his Instagram, in which he seemed to hint at the reasons for the divorce from his muse. Shnurov admitted that there are always a lot of women around him and he cannot remain indifferent to them even in marriage. He added that after breaking up, it always hurts at first, and then it gets better. Earlier, he published a poem in which he admitted that he was to blame for what had happened, but did not intend to change his behavior.

In 2017, Matilda spoke about her husband's infidelity in her autobiography. According to her, Sergei begged her forgiveness for a long time, and she accepted him. However, the union did not last long, and the couple decided to divorce.

Probably not in Russian Federation more outrageous and bright representative bohemia than Sergei Vladimirovich Shnurov. This wonderful and incredible talented actor, artist, host of television programs, musician performing rock compositions.

He paints incredibly accurate pictures, made in the style of brand realism he invented, which indicates that the brand makes a person who he is.

The highlight of Cord are songs that have more foul language than words, as well as statements relating to the death penalty, sexual minorities and politics.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sergei Shnurov

Fans seem to know absolutely everything about their pet, its height, weight, age is not a secret. It is quite easy to find out how old Sergei Shnurov is, knowing his date of birth.

Sergey Shnurov was born in 1973, so he was forty-four years old. According to the sign of the Zodiac, a man is a fearless, stubborn, selfish and outrageous Aries, ready to attract attention by any means.

The Eastern Treaty endows the singer with the features that are inherent in the Bulls, namely, diligence, perseverance, patience.

Sergey's height reached a meter and seventy-seven centimeters, and his weight does not exceed seventy-five kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Sergei Shnurov

The biography and personal life of Sergei Shnurov are simple and outrageous at the same time. Little Earring was born in northern capital USSR, he was a smart and nimble guy. The boy studied well at school and bore the nickname "Shurik" for his cheerful disposition, however, he behaved simply terribly. AT early age Sergei cursed and was a regular in the police room.

As a child, the boy had no authority and ruthlessly broke the system, however, he loved informal rock music. The guy wanted to become a musician or a diplomat, but decided to try himself in a more earthly profession. He studied at LISI, but did not graduate from it and received the profession of a restorer at a vocational school. Sergey did not work in his specialty for a single day, instead he studied for three years at the theological seminary, which he never graduated from.

Before becoming the leader of the Leningrad and Ruble groups, Sergey tried many professions. He was a glazier, watchman, carpenter, radio presenter, loader, assistant director. Since 2000, he began to paint beautiful paintings that were popular with connoisseurs of contemporary art.

Since 1991, he has played in a number of musical groups, including Alkorepitsa, Van Gogh's Ear, Leningrad, and Ruble. He wrote soundtracks for the films "DMB", "Election Day", "Boomer", "Baby".

He was the host of a number of television projects, starred in commercials and films, voiced animated films.

Cord's personal life was quite stormy, he never suffered from a lack of attention from the female. The singer and musician has always been surrounded by fans of all ages.

Sergei Shnurov was married three times, however, he easily changed women. For him, there were no barriers in love, for example, the frontman of the Leningrad group had an affair with fifteen-year-old Oksana Akinshina. The novel lasted five years, and the guys broke up after another drunken quarrel.

They talked about Cord's connection with Yulia Kogan, who was the soloist of the Leningrad group.

Family and children of Sergei Shnurov

The family and children of Sergei Shnurov are quite ordinary people who adore their extraordinary dad and son. Cord's parents had nothing to do with the world of show business, by the way, they worked as engineers and never used obscene language.

Sergey's mother often reproached her son for defiant behavior on stage, nude performances and songs interspersed with obscenities, but he stopped all reproaches. Cord told his mother to try to create her own group and prove that songs without obscene words would become popular.

The family was quite poor, so the boy worked part-time by delivering flyers. He is grateful to his parents and constantly supports them financially.

Sergey Shnur has two children from different women, however, the singer often says that because of stormy youth illegitimate offspring can be much more. Sergey is not engaged in raising children, like a father, he communicates with children, like a friend and adviser.

The son of Sergei Shnurov - Apollo Shnurov

The son of Sergei Shnurov - Apollo Shnurov - was born in a second marriage from Svetlana Kostitsina in 2000. He was named after his favorite poet, singer Apollon Grigoriev.

The guy goes to school, he believes that he is very similar to Harry Potter and loves the cycle of books and films about the young wizard. By the way, Apollo does not have any vision problems.

The guy is not a public person, he is tired of the popularity of his father, and the need to maintain the image of a bad guy.

He claims that he does not want to be a singer or musician, and, in general, has not yet thought about the future.

Daughter of Sergei Shnurov - Serafima Shnurov

The daughter of Sergei Shnurov, Serafima Shnurova, was born in her first marriage to Maria Ismagilova in 1993. From the age of three, the girl lived only with her mother, who tried to turn Sim against her father, so now she does not approve of much in the behavior of the star.

Serafima graduated from St. Petersburg state institute, having received the specialty of a philologist. She writes beautiful poems, photographs and draws. The girl works as an interior designer.

Sima recently married Vyacheslav Astanin, who works as a bartender. The girl does not yet have children, since the previous pregnancy ended in a miscarriage.

The ex-wife of Sergei Shnurov - Maria Ismagilova

Ex-wife Sergei Shnurov - Maria Ismagilova - entered the life of a guy when he was a student at the Theological Academy. Sergey fell in love without a memory and pretty soon invited Masha to become his wife.

At the age of twenty, Cord became the happy father of a beautiful daughter. He never was exemplary father. The guy continued to hang out and drink, he gave all his free time to his offspring - the Leningrad group.

Brought up in Christian traditions, Maria was shocked by the obscenities and terrible behavior of her husband on stage. The marriage broke up, and little Ismagilova was protected from communication with her father for a long time.

The ex-wife of Sergei Shnurov - Svetlana Kostitsyna

The ex-wife of Sergei Shnurov - Svetlana Kostitsyna - long time led the successful Pep-Ci group. This woman, on the contrary, supported her future husband in creative activity.

She became the creative manager of the Leningrad group, she did everything to organize concert tours of the banned group in Russia and the CIS countries. They began to talk about a stormy romance between Sveta and Sergey, and in 2000 his son was born.

The new family broke up suddenly when Svetlana found out about her husband's relationship with an underage girl, Oksana Akinshina.

Sergei Shnurov's wife - Matilda Mozgovaya

Sergei Shnurov's wife, Matilda Mozgovaya, appeared in his life in 2010, when a stormy romance with Ksyusha ended due to a quarrel. Matilda's real name is Elena, however, the girl prefers a catchy pseudonym.

Young people met by chance, it was love at first sight. Matilda owns a highly successful restaurant business to which she attracted her beloved husband. The couple owns the popular Ko-ko-ko restaurant, located in St. Petersburg.

Sergey Shnurov and his wife Matilda, the photos prove that the woman firmly took hold of her husband. She was former ballerina, so Cord went in for sports, almost stopped drinking and began to look just fine.

Instagram and Wikipedia Sergey Shnurov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Sergei Shnurov are available, since the outrageous singer and musician needs to express himself somewhere.

Shnurov's Wikipedia page contains data on the singer's childhood, youth and hobbies. It is possible to find reliable information about his filmography, musical creativity, filming in advertising. There are data on children, parents, wives and mistresses.

Sergey Shnurov's Instagram account is official, however, it is possible to find a huge number of groups that act on behalf of the singer. The page has interesting photos, video and author's comments to posts.

Sergei Shnurov confirmed that he is not free. Information that the artist tied the knot with 27-year-old Olga Abramova appeared at the end of last week. The artist already has three marriages, two children. But the musician was not afraid to start with clean slate and marry again.

First appearance

The romance of Sergei Shnurov and Olga Abramova began in the summer of 2018. The media often attributed Shnurov a new relationship after his divorce. They talked about the fact that the artist and Oksana Akinshina. But, as it turned out, the leader of the Leningrad group was carried away by another girl.

In September, the musician first appeared with Olga in public

Just a month and a half ago, Sergei brought his beloved into the light - he appeared with Olga Abramova at the GQ magazine's Man of the Year ceremony. Then he did not begin to tell the details of the relationship, and called his companion "the poetess Barbara." The girl was also laconic and only smiled in response to journalists' questions.

Who is she - the new wife of Sergei Shnurov

Chosen artist - daughter former leader security services of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company. Olga Abramova for 18 years younger than Sergei Shnurov. The girl was born in Yekaterinburg and moved to Moscow at the age of 14, along with her parents. It is also known that Abramova graduated from Moscow State University with honors and studied in London, at the Institute of Art.

The girl moved to Moscow from Yekaterinburg

Probably, the girl has something to talk about with Sergei Shnurov. The artist is also not indifferent to art and has recently joined the jury of the Hermitage artists' competition.

"Secret" wedding

Shnurov and Olga Abramova were noticed by the media at the registry office in early October. Sergei later said that he really was going to marry again and that his life "does not teach anything." The wedding was scheduled for November 17, but unexpectedly Shnurov got married earlier.

The new wife of the artist

The registration of the marriage took place in the Wedding Palace No. 1 on the English Embankment in St. Petersburg. The artist and his bride did not want to attract attention to themselves - they drove up to the registry office during lunch break and entered through the back door.

The ceremony took no more than five minutes - celebrities refused solemn registration and a wedding banquet.

It is interesting that already last Friday, at a concert of the Leningrad group in St. Petersburg, Olga was seen with a ring on ring finger. In his Instagram profile, Sergei Shnurov posted a photo with Abramova and a poem with a confession - he is not free again.

The artist confirmed that he got married again

The artist explained that he did not plan to "part with freedom", because only a few months had passed since his divorce. However, he fell in love: “I love. The same rake. Something I’m not a bachelor at all, ”wrote the leader of the Leningrad group.

Past Relationships

Recall that the marriage with Olga for the musician is the fourth. His first wife was Maria Ismagilova. She gave birth to the artist's daughter Seraphim. Now the girl is 25 years old, she lives in St. Petersburg and works as a designer. Seraphim does not advertise his relationship with the "star father".

Daughter of Shnurov Seraphim

In the second marriage, with Svetlana Kostitsyna, Shnurov had a son, Apollo. The guy is also related to creativity - he is an artist. Apollo's works are exhibited not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Sergei Shnurov with his son from his second marriage and third wife

With his third wife, Matilda, Shnurov lived for 8 years. The initiator of the gap was the girl. She said that she no longer loves Sergei. The couple parted peacefully, without insults.

As the artist himself admits, he cannot remain a bachelor for a long time. For Abramova, marriage with Shnurov was the first. The editors of the portal site congratulate Sergey and Olga on marriage!

Photo: Instagram, vokrug.tv, 24smi.org, spletnik.ru