Unknown monsters exist to this day. Scary photos of mutants and strange creatures. And it's definitely not a legend.

Incredible Facts

These photos of strange and sometimes creepy creatures have made many people shudder and wonder: "What the hell is this?".

Their images have spread all over the Internet, which has given many people the opportunity to express their incredible assumptions about the origin of these creatures.

Read also:

Here are some of the most amazing creatures who were discovered and who they actually turned out to be.

strange creatures

1 Montauk Monster

The story began when an unknown creature washed ashore in the Montauk area of ​​New York in 2008. Local youth photographed the carcass and sold the pictures to newspapers.

Since the Montauk monster was discovered, other carcasses have been found in the same area. There were suggestions that this is a turtle without a shell, a dog, big rodent or a scientific experiment that was carried out at a government animal testing facility.


Experts concluded that the creature was a raccoon corpse, which matched the shape of the teeth and paws, but which was missing the front jaw. strange sight due to the fact that his body began to decompose.

2 Louisiana Monster

In December 2010, a deer-hunting camera caught something frightening.

The picture shows a thin, clumsy, fast-moving and, apparently, nocturnal creature that seemed to want to swallow your soul.


The mystery of this creature has not been solved, although many believe that the picture was processed using Photoshop. Two companies attempted to use the image for viral advertising.

For example, the Playstation company stated that the creature was in the game Resistance 3.

There were also those who claimed that this is a "fallen angel" captured on video in the forest, appearing at 45 seconds.

3. Alien child from Mexico

In May 2007, a Mexican farmer Mario Moreno Lopez(Mario Moreno Lopez) discovered a strange creature in a rat trap. He tried to drown him, killing him only the third time.

The creature was small - about 70 cm long with an elongated head, which led to speculation that it was the child of an alien with high level intellect.

However, skeptics have stated that it could be a skinless reptile or squirrel monkey, which explains the presence of a tail and spine, as well as a large head and eyes.

The farmer himself mysteriously died in the car during an abnormal high temperature some time after he drowned the creature, which many ufologists considered the revenge of the aliens for the child.


Scientists argued that the teeth of the creature are not arranged like human teeth, and it itself has a unique tissue that has not been altered, which refutes the monkey theory.

Later, after all, the farmer's nephew and part-time taxidermist admitted that the creature was the corpse of a monkey, which had been skinned and ears removed and placed in the fluids of various animals.

4. Blue Hill Horror

In September 2009, four teenagers playing in the village of Cerro Azul in Panama discovered a strange creature that ran out of a cave. According to them, the monster began to pursue them, and the teenagers began to throw stones at him until they killed him, and then threw the body into the water.

In the newspapers, the creature was nicknamed Gollum (the hero from The Lord of the Rings), as it lived in a cave, and also the Blue Hill Horror.


Scientists have discovered that the teenagers' story was a fiction, and the creature turned out to be the body of a sloth, which began to decompose. Due to his long stay in the water, his vegetation disappeared, giving him a bloated, rubbery appearance.

5. Alien corpse at a ceremony in Thailand

In 2010 in in social networks appeared a series of photographs taken in 2007 at the funeral ceremony of a strange creature that looks like an alien in Thailand. It had a large round head, gray skin covered with white powder, resembling a satyr with tiny hooves and a tail.

Some claim that the ceremony was held to get rid of evil spirits associated with the creature, while others considered that the inhabitants worshiped the creature as a deity.


There were suggestions that the creature was a disfigured cow, although it looked very much like a humanoid. Many point to big number anomalous animals appearing all over the world and believe that the aliens are experimenting on animals, creating strange hybrids that will one day take over the world.

Mysterious Creatures

6 Humanoid From Chile

In October 2002, during a trip with his family to Chile Julio Carreno(Julio Carreno) discovered a tiny humanoid 7.2 cm long in the bushes.

The creature had a large humanoid head, nails and opened its eyes, and died 8 days after discovery. When he was alive, he had pink skin that darkened and his body remained warm before rapidly mummifying on its own.


The body of the humanoid was examined by veterinarians in Santiago, who were divided as to who the creature was. They confirmed that it was not a human fetus or the remains of a feline, but physical characteristics more suited to the mouse opossum. However, the creature did not have small sharp teeth or a possum tail, and the head was twice as large.

7. Chupacabra from Texas

The creature known as the "yeti" Latin America seen several times in Puerto Rico and the USA, namely in Texas. According to legend, the Chupacabra (which translates from Spanish as "goat bloodsucker") kills livestock and drink their blood.

According to the descriptions, this creature had no hair, its skin had a bluish-gray tint.

These creatures have been seen and shot several times in Texas for suffocating dozens of chickens.


DNA tests showed that the animal belonged to a hybrid of a wolf and a coyote, bald due to scabies. Although the ability to suck blood from chickens and goats has remained unclear.

8. Huge boar from A labamas

In May 2007, 11-year-old Jemison Stone from Alabama, USA, shot a huge wild boar weighing almost 480 kg and 2.80 meters long. A boy who hunted with his father shot the animal eight times and chased it for three hours. When the boar was shot, trees had to be cut down to get it. The head of the animal was left as a trophy, and about 200-300 kg of sausages were made from meat.


Many people signed the petition accusing the boy of animal cruelty. Skeptics, on the other hand, consider the whole story to be fiction, and the boar was, in fact, raised on a farm and fattened in order to make a sensation out of history. Also, many thought that this one was just the result of Photoshop processing.

9. Eastern Yeti caught in China

In April 2010, hunters caught a bald bear-like mammal with a kangaroo tail making cat noises. The creature became a real sensation and was called the "Eastern Yeti". According to legend, the yeti had the figure of a bear, which towered far above the man. This creature was no more than 60 cm long.


Experts came to the conclusion that it was an ordinary musang, which had scabies. The animal was sent to Beijing for examination, but the results were never made public.

10. "Alien" from Chelyabinsk

This creature was discovered in an abandoned pit in Chelyabinsk, Russia. He had a hard shell, several limbs located one above the other and a tail. Some have suggested that this monster is a huge shield, horseshoe crab, or trilobite that died out before the dinosaurs.


Apparently, these creatures are shield crustaceans, which are one of the oldest animals, a species that is more than 200 million years old. Usually its size does not exceed 6-7 cm, while the discovered animal reached about 60 cm.

Now it is difficult to imagine that in the existence of such animals as the platypus, gorilla, giant squid and many others, people believed relatively recently. Travelers talking about them, showing sketches and photographs, were accused of lies and hoaxes. New species of animals are also discovered in our time, mostly small or leading a secretive lifestyle. We consider the creatures in the pictures below to be this moment time fiction, but who knows how our descendants will treat them?

1) website Mutant fish caught in Japan and appeared after the Fukushima accident:

2) In Brazil locals Something strange was photographed on the bank of the river. As they say, it was:

3) And this is what sea creatures look like after death. This creature was photographed after it was discovered by fishermen on the ocean. It was subsequently confiscated by the FBI:

Other similar creature in full growth:

4) This fish from human face was caught off the coast of Japan:

5) Photo taken from an airplane over Loch Ness. In the circle you can see the outlines of a body that would fit a dinosaur:

6) Another mutant fish, this time from Australia, which doesn't even have fins.

7) Another miracle from the Green Continent is a poisonous pink jellyfish of an unknown species site:

8) This gnome-like creature was photographed at night in the light of lanterns in South America:

9) We are lost in conjectures, looking at a strange flyer in the cloudy sky of Nuremberg:

10) This is a figure depicting a Japanese water kappa in one of the local museums. The limbs in the box are the kappa's arm and leg, officially on display. Some Japanese still keep such artifacts at home, because the kappa, in their opinion, is still alive, but now it is not so easy to find him. Kappa is also depicted in many Japanese watercolors, ancient and not so:

11) Orbs - living entities or just a play of light? Here we see the orbs in the cemetery:

12) The most famous photograph Bigfoot. As its authors later admitted, this is a common hoax, made by them for entertainment and for the sake of making money from selling the photo site to newspapers. Below it is a much less famous one, on which a bear is visible, but who is visible at the top right?

13) What is Chupacabra - the result of genetic experiments or a guest from parallel world? In each case of the discovery of the corpse of a Chupacabra, it is seized by the FBI, claiming that the body belongs to a sick coyote. Pictured is a baby chupacabra. Please note: there are five fingers on the paws. Below is the head of a chupacabra that was killed in South America by locals:

14) If such a creature, as the author of the photo suggested, really existed, its existence would have been recorded:

15) Could this roe deer stalker caught on camera at night be the mysterious Jersey Devil?

16) Mothman, the progenitor of Batman comics:

17) It looks a lot like a harpy, doesn't it?

18) A mummified fairy handed over to official authorities. Below is a fun flock of live fairies:

19) Strange ridiculous creature filmed in Florida:

20) A creature similar to him, filmed many years ago in London, but with a head resembling a human:

21) Probably, many have seen on our site. The photos below with this character are also very curious:

22) There is quite a lot of evidence that one of the alien races, the so-called "gray", not only actively participates in the life of earthlings, but also in politics:

23) The monster in the photo is waving to the camera. To assure us that there are mermen?

24) Perhaps giant shark monsters are not a Jaws fantasy. Zoologists who studied this photo taken off the coast South Africa, confirm: this is not a whale, but a shark:

25) Japanese cameras captured an animal resembling the megalodon shark, believed to be extinct millions of years ago:


26) Finding the mummified remains of an animal unknown to science in South Africa:

27) Who is this creature caught in the frame by a night camera - or an alien?

28) During archaeological excavations, the remains of a huge human skeleton were found. Perhaps the Titans are not a Greek myth at all.

29) Mysterious creature, sneaking along the fence, finished in Photoshop?

30) The corpse of a toothy creature, similar to extinct marine life, was found on the beach and baffled the experts:

31) We continue the theme of dead animals found on the beach, unknown to science, such as this strange one, which seemed to have risen from sea ​​depths, kite:

32) Another creepy and apparently dangerous toothy fish:

33) Scientists invited to identify this find suggested that it was a sturgeon mutant. But somehow we don't really believe them:

34) And this four-meter monster, thrown out Indian Ocean, the site appears to be a mutant megajellyfish:

35) Who is this wonderful creature - a hybrid of a pig with someone?

36) The creature, which is impossible to look at without disgust, must have escaped directly from the island of Dr. Moreau:

37) Who is this mysterious clam?

Creepy creatures, right?

News about the next discovery of some strange creature periodically appears on the Internet, the press and on television, giving rise to a sea of ​​​​rumors and speculation. Unusual view such creatures strikes our imagination, causing complete misunderstanding and fear. Indeed, how, from where and in what way could these ugly creatures be born? Falsification and staging is, perhaps, the only explanation that most people accept, trying to protect their logical and cozy little worlds from the new, incomprehensible and terrible. Protect from everything that they are not yet ready to perceive. Let's go through this list of perhaps the greatest fakes.

1. creepy monster taken by accident at night in the woods by an anonymous hunter in Berwick, Louisiana. Tellingly, the hunter himself did not see anything like this in the forest, and he discovered this creature in the frame only when he returned to his camp in Berwick and began to look through the photos he had taken. This photo was first shown on television on December 10, 2010 on NBC 33.

Here is an example of videos that began to appear on television one after another and were dedicated to this inexplicable event in that forest:

Some people began to draw parallels with a very strange creature previously filmed on video, which they even named Fallen Angel . Moreover, the video was also filmed in the forest and also at night. The two are indeed a bit similar. And in both cases, these strange creatures have remained an unsolved mystery.

2. Monster washed up on the beach in New York. Local youth took a photo of this monster and then sold it strange photo press. Many versions of what this creature could be were put forward. But they are all unverifiable. Some experts claim that this is a prehistoric mammal that somehow miraculously managed to survive to this day. Another version claims that this is an ordinary turtle without a shell. One Larry Penny, director of the East Hampton Natural Resources Director, along with other experts, claim that it was the decaying corpse of a common raccoon. Although many more adequate people claim that Larry Penny and his colleagues smoke very unusual grass, since this incomprehensible creature with a raccoon has as many similarities as it is observed, for example, with a butterfly with a rattlesnake. Those. and this mystery remains unsolved.

3. alien baby, caught by a farmer in Metepetz, Mexico. Farmer Mario Moreno Lopez discovered this ugly creature on May 11, 2007. It fell into the grip of a trap, which was intended for catching rats. When Mario Moreno Lopez discovered this creature in his barn, it was still alive and the farmer had to throw it into a barrel of water to drown this freak. On the third try, he succeeded.

The creature is quite tiny in size, its total length, including the tail, is no more than 20 centimeters. It had a large elongated head, which probably indicated the presence of intelligence, and its skin had no hair at all. There were several attempts to explain where such a creature could come from, one of the versions is that it is a squirrel or a monkey that was flayed. Another version is that this child of an alien fell into the trap of a farmer. By the way, shortly after this amazing find, farmer Lopez was burned alive in his car. This fact gave rise to fans of the version of the UFO to claim that this was revenge on the farmer for his relative. In any case, the appearance of the creature remained a mystery, since scientists who analyzed the skin tissues of this creature found that they are unique in nature and are not a fake.

4. Terror of the Blue Hills (The Blue Hill Horror). On September 17, 2009, four teenagers play near the famous blue hills of the Cerro Azul volcano on Isabela Island (Panama, Galapagos Islands) discovered a very strange creature that crawled out of one of the caves and started chasing them. Therefore, the guys decided to throw stones at the creature in defense, and thus killed it, and the body was pushed into the water.

As a result, the experts who examined this body came to the conclusion that the boys were lying a little, and that this creature could not chase them, since it had been in a state of natural decomposition of the corpse for several days. Most likely, this strange creature is nothing more than a sloth that died a few days ago, in which all the hair fell out in some incomprehensible way and only a naked body remained.

5. Alien corpse and Thai ceremony. I don’t quite understand how this could be attributed to aliens, if hooves are clearly visible on all limbs, which means that the creature is 100% terrestrial. The image of this creature spread very quickly on blogs on the net, after in a Thai village in 2007 his corpse took part in a local ceremony. His appearance it resembles a Satyr - it has the same head, short legs with hooves, the same tail. Some say that the ceremony was performed to ward off the evil that this creature embodied from the village. Others argue that this creature was for the villagers - a kind of deity, so he was buried with such honors. More adequate people claim that this unseen beast- it's just a deformed calf ordinary cow, which could be injured by falling from high altitude. And they bury him with honors, because in these parts cows are sacred animals. There is also a hypothesis that this strange creature is the result of unsuccessful gene experiments. Therefore, due to the abundance of possible versions, we will consider this riddle unsolved.

Another time, having met unusual photo, a person can not figure out how to relate to him. What is it - a real animal or the result of talented work in Photoshop? Today, there are many who want to realize their desire for the unknown through the opportunities provided by the development of new technologies. On the other hand, I want to know for sure whether the unknown creatures about which there are so many articles and comments are real. What can we encounter on this planet, and what is a product of fantasy? Let's figure it out.


Perhaps, when unknown creatures are explored, they are spoken about publicly, they never bypass attention. This beast appears from time to time in the lake of the same name. Many times, scientists have attempted to catch this unknown creature in order to transfer it to a “different category”. That is, everyone was interested in exploring it, classifying it, understanding where it comes from. Theories were put forward, evidence was sought. Only things are still there. The mentioned "monster", like some other unknown creatures, is considered to come from a parallel universe. The fact is that Nessie, similarly, appears not only rarely, but with a fairly significant frequency. Rumors about him are renewed about once every forty years. There are even photographs that are recognized as authentic. Other evidence of the existence of the famous Loch Ness has not been provided to the public. Although water body explored up and down. But there were no places where the monster could hide. Perhaps the version of a parallel universe is still true?

Tranco and Gambo

When describing unknown creatures that live in the ocean, they always mention all sorts of monsters. Nobody saw them up close. There are several more or less reliable stories of sailors who saw them from afar. For example, off the coast of South Africa in the twenty-second year of the last century, they noticed something huge, white, with a trunk like an elephant. They named him Tranco. It was not possible to classify this unknown creature, since there were no daredevils who wished to hunt him. The fact is that eyewitnesses told how desperately she fought with whales. It is clear that catching such a specimen is a dangerous and extremely difficult business. The name Gembo was given to another unknown fish. According to witnesses, she has big sizes and a huge toothy mouth. That is, it remotely resembles a crocodile. Perhaps this is a representative of some relic species, which, by a strange coincidence, has survived to this day.


People who are interested in unknown creatures that live on earth, and not in the depths of the sea, will certainly come across stories about Bigfoot. This is met much more often than unknown fish (ocean or lake animals). The only catch is that it was not possible to catch a single specimen. Yeti lives in impenetrable thickets and among mountain peaks. That is, in those places where a person appears only occasionally. They even talk about meetings with entire families of these creatures. There are also theories about their reasonableness. Only the evidence is missing. These are all just legends. Those casts of traces of the fifty-seventh size, which sometimes appear in the information space, most often turn out to be a fake. On the other hand, it is almost certain that Yetis are huge and hairy.

Dover Demon

Beings unknown to science are often considered to come from other planets. So they say about the entity that appeared a couple of times in the area of ​​Boston (USA). Demon, by the way, he was dubbed in vain. This creature has shown itself to be non-aggressive, even fearful. It fled from the man. Witnesses described him as white and hairless. Since they saw him only at night, they remembered the brightly burning orange eyes. Needless to say, evidence of his physical presence on the planet has not appeared. It disappeared in an unknown direction (from where it appeared, probably). Scientists conducted who saw this entity, and considered their testimony not fiction. But, judging by the stories of the children, this entity had long fingers, which firmly clung to the trees. This should have left traces of which nothing is said in the messages.


The press of various countries also “remembers” this beast from time to time. An unknown creature (the photo of the statuette below will partly help to understand what in question), similar to a hyena or a wolf, is sometimes noticed in countryside. It differs from ordinary predators in the absence of wool and strange habits. The Chupacabra is said to be able to hypnotize its victims. Others believe that this entity is incredibly aggressive and attacks everything without fear. Only it was not possible to catch her, although many attempts were made. Only the remains of its victims speak of the reality of this creature. Basically, these are goats and sheep with their throats gnawed and blood drunk. There are even witnesses who claim to have fought the Chupacabra themselves. But it probably wasn't real event, and hallucinations caused by fright.


This monster was allegedly noticed in the forests that grow on the northwest coast Pacific Ocean. It was huge and hairy. It moved on two legs and had a gorilla-like snout. Perhaps the Sasquatch is a distant relative of the Himalayan Yeti. But it will be possible to find out only after catching both. In the meantime, astrologer Grover Krantz has been hunting for Sasquatch (by the way, to no avail) for more than fifteen years. He probably thinks that he will help him read information from the stars.


There are quite a lot of creatures about which almost nothing is known. They are often described confusingly, without providing absolutely no evidence. True, there are quite proven cases. For example, in Australia, an unknown creature was found and photographed on the beach, not described in any scientific work. It did not have a skeleton. It was bright red. Often they simply do not have time to explore such finds in order to understand what kind of representative gave birth to a creature unknown to science. They become food for predators or decompose due to natural conditions. It should be noted that information about unknown creatures should be treated with skepticism. Not all of it is true. Someone dreamed something, others came up with. For the sake of a moment of glory, people are ready for a lot. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to sweep aside all the testimony, considering it a fake. The world is multifaceted and varied. It should be borne in mind that, no matter how advanced our science is, there are still a lot of unknown things on the planet. And no one has yet been able to prove that it is not developing. Some directions, forms and methods of evolution may be of which we are not yet aware. And not much is known about other planets (more precisely, almost nothing). So the amazing is near!

Now it is difficult to imagine that people believed in the existence of such animals as the platypus, gorilla, giant squid and many others relatively recently. Travelers talking about them, showing sketches and photographs, were accused of lies and hoaxes. New species of animals are also discovered in our time, mostly small or leading a secretive lifestyle. We consider the creatures in the pictures below to be fantasy at this point in time, but who knows how our descendants will treat them?

1) strashno.com Mutant fish caught in Japan after the Fukushima accident:

2) In Brazil, locals on the banks of the river photographed something strange. As they say, it was a mermaid:

3) And this is what sea creatures look like after death. This creature was photographed after it was discovered by fishermen on the ocean. It was subsequently confiscated by the FBI:

Another similar creature in full growth:

4) This human-faced fish was caught off the coast of Japan:

5) Photo taken from an airplane over Loch Ness. In the circle you can see the outlines of a body that would fit a dinosaur:

6) Another mutant fish, this time from Australia, which doesn't even have fins.

7) Another miracle from the Green Continent is a poisonous pink jellyfish of an unknown species strashno.com:

8) This gnome-like creature was photographed at night under streetlights in South America:

9) We are lost in conjectures, looking at a strange flyer in the cloudy sky of Nuremberg:

10) This is a figure depicting a Japanese water kappa in one of the local museums. The limbs in the box are the kappa's arm and leg, officially on display. Some Japanese still keep such artifacts at home, because the kappa, in their opinion, is still alive, but now it is not so easy to find him. Kappa is also depicted in many Japanese watercolors, ancient and not so:

11) Orbs - living entities or just a play of light? Here we see the orbs in the cemetery:

12) The most famous picture of Bigfoot. As its authors later admitted, this is a common hoax, made by them for entertainment and for the sake of earning money from selling strashno.com photos to newspapers. Below it is a much less famous one, on which a bear is visible, but who is visible at the top right?

13) What is Chupacabra - the result of genetic experiments or a guest from a parallel world? In each case of the discovery of the corpse of a Chupacabra, it is seized by the FBI, claiming that the body belongs to a sick coyote. Pictured is a baby chupacabra. Please note: there are five fingers on the paws. Below is the head of a chupacabra that was killed in South America by locals:

14) If such a creature, as the author of the photo suggested, really existed, its existence would have been recorded:

15) Could this roe deer stalker caught on camera at night be the mysterious Jersey Devil?

16) Mothman, the progenitor of Batman comics:

17) It looks a lot like a harpy, doesn't it?

18) A mummified fairy handed over to official authorities. Below is a cheerful flock of live strashno.com fairies:

19) Strange ridiculous creature filmed in Florida:

20) A creature similar to him, filmed many years ago in London, but with a head resembling a human:

21) Probably, many have seen the video with Slenderman on our website. The photos below with this character are also very curious:

22) There is quite a lot of evidence that one of the alien races, the so-called "gray", not only actively participates in the life of earthlings, but also in politics:

23) The monster in the photo is waving to the camera. To assure us that there are mermen?

24) Perhaps giant shark monsters are not a Jaws fantasy. Zoologists who have studied this photo taken off the coast of South Africa confirm that this is not a whale, but a shark:

25) Japanese cameras captured an animal resembling the megalodon shark, believed to be extinct millions of years ago:


26) Finding the mummified remains of an animal unknown to science in South Africa:

27) Who is this creature caught in the frame by a night camera - a vampire or an alien?

28) During archaeological excavations, the remains of a huge human skeleton were found. Perhaps the Titans are not a Greek myth at all.

29) Is the mysterious creature stalking the fence finished in Photoshop?

30) The corpse of a toothy creature, similar to extinct marine life, was found on the beach and baffled experts:

31) We continue the theme of dead animals found on the beach, unknown to science, such as this strange snake, which seemed to have risen from the depths of the sea:

32) Another creepy and apparently dangerous toothy fish:

33) Scientists invited to identify this find suggested that it was a sturgeon mutant. But somehow we don't really believe them:

34) And this four-meter monster, thrown out by the Indian Ocean, strashno.com, apparently, is a mutant mega-jellyfish:

35) Who is this wonderful creature - a hybrid of a pig with someone?

36) The creature, which is impossible to look at without disgust, must have escaped directly from the island of Dr. Moreau:

37) Who is this mysterious clam?

Creepy creatures, right?