Responsibilities of the manager in the field of operational management of subordinates. Rules and advice to the manager on how to communicate with a subordinate

If the required duties are presented in the form of a list, then it will look like this:

1. Statement of the problem.
2. Organization of execution.
3. Distribution of duties.
4. Ensuring interaction.
5. Formation of a positive attitude towards work.
6. Building interpersonal relationships.
7. Analysis of the results.
8. Audit of process efficiency.

Responsibility "Organization of execution"

Good work does not start with a big smoke break, but with careful organization. If we want the work to be done with the proper quality and in the required time frame, then it is the organization that needs to be given the closest attention.

We must decompose our task to the level of the simplest work tasks, while taking into account a number of conditions - from the level of qualification of subordinates to the priority of a particular task within the general field.

We also need to decide on priorities, the optimal sequence of work, build a schedule and mark on it both the necessary control points and points for making a decision on clarifying the further progress of work. Perhaps it would be useful to take into account the resources that we will need to ensure an adequate level of performance. It is also possible that the nature of the task suggests the appropriateness of assessing internal/external risks and developing appropriate preventive or reactive measures.

Of course, all these procedures must be coordinated both with the content of the task itself and with the timing of its implementation. No one offers you to "hit sparrows from heavy guns." In practice, most often a different approach dominates, which can be formulated, for example, as follows: "we will rest - we will figure it out." It is believed that in order for the task to be completed in the right time, it is necessary ... to get down to business as soon as possible, and then life will show.

The consequences are quite predictable: after a quick start, participants begin to stumble over unaccounted for obstacles, which dramatically slows down the progress of the task. Moreover, this leads to the fact that some of the important components are not performed at all or they are remembered at the last moment, after which, against the background of general expectation, they are performed in a crumpled mode. The sad result: the tasks are solved too long, too expensive and too poor quality. And it happens that after the end of the work it turns out that the task, the implementation of which, in theory, should have contributed to the achievement of the goal, should have been formulated in a completely different way.

If, on the other hand, you act not as is customary, but as it is right, then the time spent on organizing the execution is repeatedly paid off by the controllability of the process, the optimal use of the resources of the structure and the quality of the work itself.

If you don’t have time to organize your work well, then you are in another “self-tightening loop”, trying to do at the expense of speed what should be solved by changing the approach. Of course, this will first require investing additional time, which is already lacking. But otherwise this seemingly closed circle cannot be broken in any way. Life observations show that well-organized work is carried out quickly, intensively and ... imperceptibly. In turn, loud screams, sweaty faces and general fuss testify not to the enthusiasm of subordinates, but to the poor quality of management.

Responsibility "Assignment of duties"

Sorry for the involuntary tautology. This part of the manager's work is probably the most understandable in terms of its content. Since we believe that the leader should achieve results primarily through the effective exploitation of subordinates, then the work must be distributed among them. Of course, ideally all. But to be honest, it's unlikely. The problem is that without fully fulfilling your previous duties, according to the list, it will be quite difficult for you to effectively fulfill this one.

Indeed, how can one correctly distribute work if priorities are not really clear, resources are unknown, and stages are not defined? How likely is the optimal combination of work parameters with the tactical and technical characteristics of subordinates. Agree, it will be difficult.

So, one of the reasons for overloading managers with insufficiently intensive work of subordinates is precisely this incident. The leader does not distribute duties, because he understands very well that in such a “uncooked” form, work cannot be transferred to subordinates, and in the remaining time only he himself can try to heroically fulfill everything necessary.

In addition, the distribution of responsibilities is also associated with such an obligatory nuance as authority. After all, you can not oblige without stipulating rights. Of course, certain powers are stipulated in job descriptions, but, so to speak, in the "background" mode. The powers of a particular employee in the framework of the implementation of the current this moment tasks in the standard regulations simply cannot be contained. And you should not hope that the subordinate, taking as a basis the list of his official duties, will independently determine the set of his powers within the framework of a particular work, which he will use in the process of achieving goals that are apparently known to him.

Output: if you have not paid enough attention and, accordingly, time to setting the task and organizing the implementation, then you have practically no chance of adequately distributing work between subordinates. Getting into this situation, the leader intuitively chooses one of two models.

Model 1. The main part of the work is done independently, subordinates are used exclusively in the “give-bring” mode. If we can’t do everything ourselves, we fight for reducing the amount of work, expanding staff, improving motivation, and recruiting good subordinates.

Model 2. We “transfer” (distribution such actions cannot be called in any way) subordinate work in the form it is, deep down knowing perfectly well that as a result everything will turn out either not at all as it should, or - in best case- not really
just the way it should be. When premonitions come true, we lose faith in humanity, become disappointed in ourselves, fight to reduce the amount of work, expand staff, improve motivation, and recruit “good” subordinates.
The diverse and unpleasant consequences of the regular implementation of both the first and second models are quite clear, so it seems to me that it is not worth dwelling on this.

Responsibility for Interaction

Let's assume that we have distributed the duties of subordinates within the framework of the project, work has begun. But, no matter how carefully we organize everything, on the way to the cherished goals, some additional introductory ones will certainly appear. It can be like unaccounted for
at the preliminary stage of obstacles, and simply new factors that need to be considered, additional information, and even making corrections to the original disposition.

Naturally, previously distributed powers simply cannot take into account the unknown, and the right to independently resolve any newly emerging issues can only be delegated to the most proven and reliable. Conclusion: employees need contact with the manager, and it would be better if this was somehow organized.

In addition, your subordinates need to interact with their colleagues on a “horizontal” level, both within their structure and, perhaps, with access to other departments.

One can, of course, argue in the following way: employees who are loyal and concerned about the interests of the case will resolve all emerging issues among themselves the best way, and corporate interests will, of course, prevail over both departmental and personal ones.

Such a premise is often also convenient in that it allows the manager not to worry too much about managing subordinates, but to concentrate all efforts on producing results. True, practice shows that one should not rely heavily on the above-described goodness, and a leader who decides to act exactly as his intuition suggests will be in for many surprises.

If your subordinates have high level performance discipline, the task is somewhat simplified. Upon completion of the distribution process
duties, it would be enough to agree that if they encounter any obstacle and / or unexpected factor, they immediately signal this to you. But we must not forget to agree on this, too.

I also advise you to prepare for the fact that one of those subordinates who have a little more cunning will try to use the opportunity provided to push some of the duties assigned to him back to the leader.

Therefore, we must learn to distinguish between those who regularly report within the framework of a preliminary agreement, and those who shamelessly try to relieve themselves of part of the responsibility assigned along with the authority.

We must not forget about another aspect of being. Any work, even one that does not initially cause any surprises and does not require any joint actions, must be controlled. If the leader is inclined to neglect this, then he should not be surprised that at the point where he expected to get some final or intermediate result, there will be none. It is possible, and even very likely, that the reasons for this state of affairs will be the most objective.

True, the question arises how strong this will be a consolation.

Methods and intensity of control to a large extent depend on the qualifications and discipline of subordinates, and in addition - on the characteristics of the task.

Therefore, you should not think that, having distributed responsibilities, you can enthusiastically surrender to your favorite production of results. Everything is just beginning, and ensuring the effective interaction of subordinates needs to be given exactly as much time as is necessary for the optimal fulfillment of the tasks set, no more, but no less.

Responsibility "Formation of attitude to work"

People tend to look at work differently. Someone treats his duties responsibly and honestly does everything in his power, and sometimes a little more, when performing the assigned tasks. Others, on the contrary, believe that “horses die from work” and behave accordingly. For some, work is a great way to have a good time, while others perceive it as a sad necessity that interferes with enjoying life.

People are all different. One of the important differences between humans and inanimate nature is free will. Being engaged in the exploitation of employees, this property must be taken into account as one of the key characteristics of the “intangible” asset entrusted to you. In the old Soviet cartoon "Barankin, be a man!" there is an episode in which two notorious losers, trying to escape from the hardships of school life, turn ... into ants. At first, they happily lay down to rest, looking with mockery at the tirelessly working fellows in the anthill. But suddenly they felt the inexorable power of instincts on themselves and, surprised at themselves, got involved in the work on an equal basis with their colleagues. When dealing with people, one can only dream of such a thing. The attitude to work of 80% of employees depends… on the quality of management. In other words, such a subtle matter as attitude to work is within the jurisdiction of the leader.

Therefore, those various complaints about the inappropriate behavior of employees, which managers so often and in various forms betrayed are absolutely unlawful. The fact that your subordinates do not relate to work as they should is a consequence of your shortcomings, and not their unsuitability.

If this parameter does not suit you, then your direct responsibility is to set it up and adjust it, using the necessary management tools for this, or (as we will say from the next chapter) competencies.

If the process of periodically adjusting the erring one turns out to be unprofitable, as it will interfere with the proper performance of other duties and, for example, will not pay off with the results obtained, then such a character must be disposed of. But after you realize that you have applied a set of notorious competencies necessary for the situation to set up. Prior to that - unethical, with the exception of crisis situations.

As strange as it may sound, it's not your subordinate's fault that your managerial skills leave much to be desired. Let me remind you that in trying to manage others, you should start with yourself. I hope that there is no need to explain that the effectiveness of exploitation depends on the attitude of subordinates to the case in the most serious way. Everyone understands this, but many mistakenly believe that the only key to the solution is the selection of good subordinates. This, of course, may be part of the solution, but not the solution. Until you get them, if you still can do it ... But you need to work today ... So this is your direct responsibility, and not counting on a favorable combination of circumstances.

Responsibility for building interpersonal relationships

I would not like to dwell in detail on what should be the relationship in the team. On the one hand, there are more than enough materials. This topic is described both in the aspect of team building and in the context of the formation of corporate culture.

On the other hand, everything is far from being so simple. The fact is that relationships are not good or bad, except, of course, the so-called extreme states.

Depending on the goals and nature of the tasks facing the company, one or another type of relationship in the team can be both good and bad. This parameter is relative, and by no means absolute, and does not depend at all on complex ethical concepts, but on how these very relationships contribute to effective exploitation.

Therefore, it is a big mistake to strive for some mythical good climate in a collective. And also, perhaps bigger mistake it would be assumed that the better the relationship, the more efficient the work will be.

Why do we often have such an illusion? Consider the so-called direct logic.

If employees are on good terms with each other, then they will easily communicate on work issues, calmly and constructively agree on controversial issues, there will be no quarrels and gossip in the team, in the end everyone will be pleasant and happy to work, people will be less tired, and no one wants to quit.

Earnestly? But how! I may not have covered all the details, but the general idea is clear. What does the reverse side of such happiness look like?

In teams where this style of relationship develops, several additional points inevitably arise:

  • Mutual demands are reduced.
  • Obligations to each other become more meaningful,
    than to the company and immediate supervisor.
  • This or that information is hidden from the manager, and if
    the head is part of the "commonwealth", then - from the higher
    authorities (organizations).
  • Mutual responsibility flourishes.

I don't want to get into details. I am sure that, using your experience, you can easily imagine all the possible details, as well as their impact on the manageability of the workflow. I do not want to say that the relations in the team should be bad.

This will also not bring anything good, and all the consequences of such psychological climate predicted no less clearly. Where is the exit?

The leader must be able to maintain a proper balance between cooperation and rivalry in the team. Interpersonal relationships are not a given, but a controlled substance, while the concepts of “good” and “bad” are rather arbitrary. The whole question is in the rating of your own or corporate criteria, in the absence of which you will again use your own, which often defy logic.

Responsibility "Analysis of results"

Fulfilling this responsibility seems to be taken for granted. But have you tried asking any of your subordinates the question: “How do you rate your work?” If the interlocutor thinks it works well, try asking the following question: “Why do you think so?” Have you asked yourself this question?

The fact is that the results of their work are not always subjected to conscious analysis. This is largely due to the initial lack of correctly formulated goals of the work. But even where there were goals, the analysis of both intermediate and final results is often missing. That is, the analysis of the results of activities, of course, is carried out along the way, but it is not recorded anywhere so that it can be carefully studied. But the human psyche is arranged in such a way that he subconsciously always strives to avoid an undesirable lowering of self-esteem and therefore tends to attribute flaws to various external causes, while presenting any results as optimal and the only possible ones.

In this regard, I recommend to engage in the analysis of intermediate and final results on a regular basis, planning it as a mandatory procedure and arranging everything so that everything is extremely clear and does not require any additional comments.

I assure you that such a habit significantly increases the efficiency of management, although sometimes it spoils the mood.

Responsibility "Auditing the effectiveness of processes"

The essence of the duty is fully consistent with the name and does not contain any pitfalls. The manager is obliged to measure and evaluate the correctness of the organization of work, correlate this with key performance indicators and, in case of discrepancy or forecasting such a possibility in the future, ensure the development of the necessary changes. Analysis can and should be subject to all technologies that affect efficiency, from production to individual ones used by employees themselves in the process of work. This refers primarily to the technologies that managers and leaders should use in their work, or those that should contribute to the best performance of their duties.

So, if the manager, after analyzing, finds that the motivation system does not contribute to the qualitative fulfillment of the tasks set, then he must either organize the development of specific proposals to change the situation, or, if the qualifications in this matter are insufficient, attract the necessary resource for this. If he does not have the appropriate authority, then he must be able to convince a higher manager that there is a problem. In real life, the argument about the lack of motivation of employees is preferred to be used when preparing explanations for the unsuccessful implementation of work tasks.

Another characteristic example concerns the use of such a well-known tool as time-management. It often happens that what is assessed is not the extent to which it is used in everyday practice, but whether employees have received appropriate training.

If passed - put a tick and look for some other miraculous vaccine. I often encounter this situation in the process of organizing corporate training.

When developing a program, I always start with the question of time-management, as I am absolutely convinced that if the manager does not fully use this tool, then it will be almost impossible for him to use all the others. The consolation is that I am not alone in this conviction, and Peter Drucker was of the same opinion. So, when compiling lists of candidates for training, they begin to mark those who have not yet studied.

The question of what trained employees have understood and should put into practice the knowledge gained is hanging in the air. Moreover, often the head of the company himself confidentially admits that he has passed the training, but his hands have not reached the application.

Why am I focusing so much on this issue?

If the manager himself does not use the tool, then his subordinates with a high probability will not do it either. And not only because there is no positive example(although that's why too). The fact is that if you yourself do not use managerial technology, then controlling its use by subordinates will require additional efforts and, most likely, will gradually come to naught. Without constant control, the technology most likely will not be applied, but will only be created
the visibility of its use. And vice versa, if you are “you” with the tools, you can always unobtrusively, without any extra effort, both check and help your subordinates.

The question of the level of efficiency in general, and the adequacy of the tools in particular, becomes by no means idle when determining the optimal number of personnel.

For example, when discussing this topic, I am primarily interested in the audit of the effectiveness of processes. Agree: after all, until we assessed the level of technologies used in the work, it is impossible to clearly answer the question of the adequacy of the number of personnel. Therefore, before evaluating the workload of employees (usually they try to start with this), it is advisable to evaluate the toolkit. If, figuratively speaking, employees diligently, 10 hours a day, dig a trench with paper clips, then how expedient is it to increase the number of people to speed up the process?

Of course, there are situations when this is indispensable. But first of all, the idea of ​​​​replacing the tools of labor comes to mind. True, we must prepare for a huge number of convincing counterarguments about the undesirability of such a replacement: we will have to hear that people are used to it, that it is more convenient for them, such are the traditions of the industry and much more.

Another example: the question is raised that the employees of the sales department are too busy and cannot devote the proper amount of time to customers, therefore the quality of service suffers and, accordingly, customer loyalty falls. A proposal is made to increase the staff. At first glance, the goal is good.

But first, let's analyze two technologies: sales management techniques and how planning techniques are used.

Let's at least check if there is:

  • regulation of customer visits depending on their characteristics
    and significance for the company;
  • the characteristics themselves, which are formalized, are justified
    and entered into the database;
  • a clear and reasonable schedule for visiting clients with prior
    elaboration of the goals of the meeting;
  • linking the schedule of visits to the work plan of each employee;
  • meeting report that allows the manager really estimate
    the quality of the work done.

The word "really" is emphasized because in the above list, I do not mean those who do not required documents, the existence of which is often provided for by corporate rules, but which do not bring real benefit either to the one who fills them out or to the one who, according to their official position, should analyze them. I'm talking about really working regulations that the manager must be able to develop, implement and use.

It is difficult to assume that managers make optimal use of their working time if there are not enough important components in the management system. In addition to the two technologies listed, I would also check the motivation system: I found out how the work to strengthen loyalty is paid, whether there are criteria for evaluating its results, and how the amounts of remuneration for these results differ. Or maybe there are also the so-called "threshold values", when the question is raised about the professional suitability of an employee who failed to achieve them?

But what if it's on fire? There is no time to introduce all sorts of innovations, but it is necessary to save the situation? Then, of course, dial additional staff, but still work on improving the efficiency of processes in parallel, and increase the workload as management technologies are introduced. Perhaps, after conducting an audit, you will come to the conclusion that work on reconfiguring the work processes themselves should be added to the usual work tasks. So the above list of managerial responsibilities can be imagined as a circle or a kind of spiral.

Based on the foregoing, we note that performing an audit of the effectiveness of processes is not a hobby, but a duty. And if so, then its implementation should leave traces in the form of a list of objects of analysis, descriptions of assessment methods and the opportunity to get acquainted with the results. As we have already noted repeatedly, work that leaves no results available for study cannot be considered completed. This also applies to the duties of a leader.

The success of any organization is always directly dependent on its employees. Or rather, from a good understanding of management and subordinates. Falls on managers difficult task: manage staff in such a way as to motivate them to achieve a common goal, provide a friendly, working environment in the team. So how should it be built? management process so that all employees, from the cleaning lady to the chief executive, work for the good of the company?

The main rules of the leader

Personnel management is a whole science. 90% of an organization's success depends on leadership. Proper motivation, a clear definition of goals - the basis of high-quality work. For effective personnel management, a manager first of all needs to remember a number of rules:

  1. Company principles. They must be understood by every employee, regardless of their position. And the manager should listen to the opinion of employees, especially in problem situations. No, this does not mean that global decisions need to be made by the whole team at the round table! The fact is that every employee solves certain issues every day, regardless of whether he makes copies of documents or conducts important negotiations with clients. If everyone clearly knows the principles of the company, understand the purpose of their actions, then the manager can be sure that the right decisions will be made correctly at all levels.
  2. Teamwork. The team needs to be motivated to cooperate. it is necessary to build in such a way that each employee of the company is not tuned in to his own achievements, but all together fulfill one set goal.
  3. Sharing of responsibility. Head big company just physically unable to control every process. It is necessary to appoint responsible persons for various issues.
  4. Initiative is not punishable. Any growing business requires the emergence of new ideas. It is necessary to give employees the opportunity to express their thoughts, to participate in the implementation of a new business. And remember that everyone has the right to make mistakes.
  5. Awareness. If the manager does not want rumors to appear, ignoring his instructions, then it is worth bringing to the attention of the team information about the real state of affairs of the company. Then the team will accept more effective solutions.
  6. There are no irreplaceable ones. This must be kept in mind when managing personnel. It is not necessary to single out specific subordinates and inform the entire team that work will “get up” without them. Appreciate all employees, do not limit yourself to one person.
  7. Proven methodology. Personnel management requires stability. There is no need to make subordinates guinea pigs, testing them with the latest trends in management. Work well where it is comfortable to work.
  8. Discipline. Despite the previous rule, there must be strict discipline and rules of conduct in the organization.

Good example. It is often said: "What kind of leader, such are the employees." And they don't speak in vain. The manager must set a positive example for the whole team with his behavior and work.

Understand the worker

It has already been said above that the team should be aware of current affairs. This is necessary to achieve a uniform result. The manager must not only issue orders, but also communicate with the staff. It is necessary to make the team understand that each employee is important for the company. And that these were not empty words, the manager will have to learn to understand each employee. If problems arise at work, you should not immediately call the subordinate “on the carpet” and blame him for anything. To begin with, it is worth understanding the situation as a whole, finding the root cause of the problem and calmly eliminating it.

Each person has his life principles, priorities and goals. When applying for a job, all this does not go anywhere. The leader will have to work with an already formed personality and to some extent adapt to it. All goals of an employee are usually subject to one of three needs:

  1. material reward. A person joins a company to make money.
  2. social status. The employee wants respect for himself as a person, is tuned in.
  3. Self-expression. The desire to express your opinion on every issue, to work independently on some area.

Based on the goals of the subordinate, the leader must find a personal approach to him. When this goal is achieved, there will be no problems in working with personnel.


In any team that works well, there is a certain team spirit. Most often it all depends on the personal goals of the team members and, of course, the leadership. For mutual understanding between employees and the manager, the latter will have to learn to state the essence of their requirements, the tasks of subordinates in accordance with their goals. That is, personnel management is a kind of psychology. The manager will have to analyze the behavior of subordinates, understand their doubts and fears.

Understanding the goal by the staff and the availability of the overall plan is the basis of properly organized teamwork. It is necessary to let the team know that it is in the team that they will cope with any tasks.

There are also a number of factors that can significantly reduce the ability to work in a team:

  • the purpose of the project is not defined;
  • insufficient provision of workers with resources;
  • conflict situations among subordinates;
  • poor attitude of the leadership to the team performance of the task;
  • changeable goal, frequently changing tasks and requirements.

The Right Motivation

To achieve the best result in the implementation of the project, the most important thing is to properly motivate employees. As a rule, motivation can be material and non-material.

From the first, everything is more or less clear. Most of The team goes to work to earn money. There are two main ways to financially motivate employees:

  1. Rewards. All sorts of bonuses and awards for the quality of work. This will make the person work quickly and efficiently.
  2. Penalties. In general, everything is simple. If you work well, you get a pay raise. If you work poorly, you lose bonuses, you get fines.

Everything is a little more complicated and interesting. Consider the methods of such motivation:

  1. Boost. Rarely does anyone refuse to take a higher position. The employee must understand that good job rewarded with career advancement.
  2. Friendly team. Most of the layoffs own will happens exactly because of conflict situations in service or misunderstanding. The leader must do everything to prevent this.
  3. Stability. The employee must be sure tomorrow. Work must be official wage timely payment of sick leave and vacation.
  4. Collective rest. If the manager wants the team to have a good atmosphere and a positive mood, it is necessary to organize various kinds of recreational activities that enable employees to get to know each other better. It can be corporate evenings, field trips, sports competitions. But it is more effective to do this not on weekends and not by order.
  5. Training. Periodic retraining of employees is required. People need new knowledge for more effective work. If various kinds of courses are paid for by the organization, this will also be a kind of reward.

These are the main methods. In each company, the manager will find his own non-material ways of encouragement. It all depends on the capabilities of the organization and the needs of the team. The main thing is that there should be no understatement between employees, the system of rewards or punishments should be clear.

Quality and fast work of the entire team depends directly on the personnel manager. The secrets of effective work are simple. If a manager simply demands unquestioning execution of orders by employees, he is likely to get work done somehow and a tense situation among subordinates. And with a specific statement of goals and objectives, the right motivation, human attitude - excellent work done in short time, friendly relationships between employees and a trusting attitude towards oneself.

A new position, a separate office, your own staff of subordinates and a “nimbus” of a leader above a proudly raised head ... You acquired all these privileged powers quite recently, having received a place in the administrative department and automatically replenishing the number of the “chosen tower” of your company. But before you had time to move away from the weightless state of euphoria and headache from yesterday's celebration in honor of the promotion, as a fly in the ointment literally fell into a barrel of honey in the form of problems with subordinates who launched whole battles in the department, openly or secretly refusing to accept the identity of the new boss .

The "rebels" ignore orders, dispute information, hinting at its unreliability, criticize management methods, demonstrating their unwillingness to obey with their whole appearance. At first, not all newly minted leaders decide on punitive operations in the form of fines, dismissals and breaking the windows of cars of their subordinates on a dark night (this is, of course, an exaggeration, but what the hell is not joking), and the invisible war drags on indefinitely. An unwanted boss rushes for advice to more experienced colleagues or explores the bowels of the Internet in order to find a way and become a worthy leader. Consider what psychologists advise in such cases.

The thin line between twig and gingerbread

The very first and, perhaps, the main rule - whatever the management method, it should not harm either the employee or the work process. No matter how much you read the literature on the topic, watched training videos, heard plenty of conflicting advice from colleagues during lunch, your management style should not blindly copy the instructions printed in books and voiced by experienced leaders. The psychology of managing people in your interpretation should carry individual imprints of nature, natural character traits, honed by the ability to control your emotions, and your own experience of the path traveled from the bottom to the top of the hierarchical ladder. Your attitude towards subordinates should be exactly what you expected from your boss, sitting in the chair of an ordinary clerk. Try to find a middle ground between a vicious, picky bore who refuses to choke out even the sound of praise, and a soft-spoken follower boss who hesitates to show his displeasure.

"Veto" of the head, or what should not be done

Before finding the desired answer and effective method, how to subjugate subordinates, you should familiarize yourself with the list of prohibited actions, the violation of which will characterize you as an extremely unpleasant and ill-mannered tyrant boss:

  • Transition to personality. Analysis of the personal, unrelated qualities of an employee is a sure way to turn the team against yourself.
  • Raised tone, turning into a scream. Wild op will not frighten employees and force them to obey, moreover, by such behavior you will demonstrate your weakness and inability to restrain emotions, and therefore manage.
  • Regular self-praise and demonstration of self-importance. A boss who praises only himself and does not miss the opportunity to brag about his successes, to show how significant his figure is for the company, will never be able to arouse respect and support from the team entrusted to him, and even more so admiration.
  • Violation of the working day by the right of entering the number of "masters". If a leader allows himself to do things that are forbidden by him (in the form of endless telephone conversations with his passion, using headphones, surfing the Internet, Skype not on work issues, having a snack in the department), subordinate employees will soon begin to take an example from him, quickly turning official bans into formal ones.
  • Sluggish performance, disinterest in the result, lack of bright ideas and initiative. Like the boss, like the employees. A leader who does not advocate for his own enterprise will in any case infect the people who follow him with his indifference.

Categories of management, tricks and tricks

Despite the versatility, the practical psychology of managing people is divided into two categories:

  1. The path to success, sitting astride the neck of subordinates, or Techniques of an insensitive leader.
  2. The path to success as a winner is in the hands of subordinates, or the Power of inspiration.

The leader chooses the appropriate tactics - depending on personal qualities, own experience and relationships with people in general.


Manipulation as a hidden control implies a deft, cunning, aimed at achieving one's own goals impact on a person. In rare cases ultimate goals are good, but manipulation, by its nature, is nothing more than an act of influencing people, imperceptibly forcing them to make unfavorable decisions. Its main difference from voluntary submission is that a person is simply not left with a choice to choose a path other than the one imposed.

In our case, the concept under consideration, depending on the nature of the leader, can be used to achieve their own selfish goals or for the good of the company. Management of subordinates on the principle of manipulation includes skillfully caused resentment, anger, fear, guilt.

Resentment, anger

An unflattering phrase thrown casually or directly by the manager regarding the business qualities of an employee against the background of detailed praise of another subordinate in 9 cases out of 10 reaches the goal, and all thanks to the inherent sense of rivalry in people. The pep talk goes something like this: “Petrov did a great job, but you can’t do that, can you?” or “You are no match for Petrov!”, Or “You are not capable of anything, but Petrov!” The cocktail of explosive feelings that has overwhelmed the employee - anger, resentment, the desire to demonstrate his abilities and prove that he, too, can and can do a lot - pushes the manipulated person to perform a variety of tasks. Without thinking about the nature of their actions, the subordinate, without knowing it, contributes to the embodiment of the ideas of the boss.


It is impossible to accurately determine the nature of fear of superiors: it can be caused by the authority of a despot leader, the weak will of a subordinate, or intimidation in the form: “For disobedience and failure to complete the assigned tasks - dismissal!” A couple of intimidations, ending with the calculation of obstinate workers to confirm the words, will have the desired effect: employees who value their place will follow the lead of the boss. Only in this case, the relationship between the manager and the subordinate will be based not on respect, dedication for the sake of the enterprise, but on the banal fear of losing a job.


Covert management based on guilt includes methods in which the boss announces the deprivation of all employees of the department of bonuses or vacations due to the poor performance of one of them; or one employee is left without a bonus (vacation) due to insufficient zeal of the others. Guilt-based pressure-taking aims to induce motivation to work better so as not to let others down.

The psychology of managing people, based on skillful provocation, can give the intended results, but is applicable in cases where hidden impact necessary for good purposes, and not for their own self-interest, using other people's forces and resources.

Positive influence

To become a good leader, you need to realize that your behavior, actions and relationships with subordinates directly affect the microclimate of the department, the attitude of employees to work and the effectiveness of tasks performed. The leader must be able to take responsibility, inspire his team, infect them with his enthusiasm, set an example and be an ideal for them. A great leader is not the one who causes animal fear in subordinates, suppresses and provokes conflicts. The true leader is the one who, knowing the psychology of each employee, his aspirations, values ​​and desires, directs the flow of energy in the right direction. For him, there are no classes “boss and subordinate”, he gives himself to work so much that he cannot but arouse admiration, he is loved, appreciated, respected by everyone and readily follows him.

Praise, flattery, encouragement

It is no secret that any person needs regular praise, encouragement and approval of their actions. The leader is the one who can give the desired to his subordinates. Deserved praise, a system of rewarding the best employees, recognition of their achievements is an effective tool for gaining trust, respect for the team and inspiring it to even more brilliant results.

An effective method of management is also advance praise, when the boss expresses gratitude to the subordinate in advance, for example: “I decided to entrust this task to you, since only you will be able to cope with it.” Encouraged and grateful employee (or how: “The boss considers me the best, and I just can’t let him down!”) Performs the assignment with redoubled zeal and diligence. In this case, the boss, who clearly knows how to subjugate his subordinates, with one shot puts two birds with one stone: he achieves excellent performance of the task and increases the number of people devoted to him.

Art of inspiration

It is important to be able to direct many people with different goals, different degrees of performance and skills on a single path. To do this, it is necessary to find an individual approach to each team member, find out his aspirations and motives, and, based on this, develop motivation. After all, when the motives are clear, it is easier to move forward, turning a scattered crowd into a strong, friendly team aimed at the end result. The leader must not only be able to inspire, but also maintain a fighting mood, go against the wind, inflating faith in indispensable success when hands involuntarily give up ... In addition, one of the excellent qualities of the boss in his arsenal is the ability to effectively and quickly resolve quarrels between employees without prejudice for both sides. And the conflict "manager-subordinate" in a professional leader happens only once - at the very beginning of a managerial career, and then not always.


Subordinates often pay attention to how competent their boss is in the area entrusted to him, whether he has necessary knowledge and skills. You must be ready for careful assessment, close interest and detailed analysis of your abilities by your charges. Therefore, you just need to know almost everything about your activities, constantly improve and replenish your knowledge base. In the eyes of the team, the leader is the embodiment of perfection, genius and a bright, non-standard mind, otherwise how did he manage to achieve this position? You do not want to disappoint your employees, and even more so feel like an unworthy leader, regularly turning to them for help in matters unfamiliar to you? Study, analyze and constantly learn to become an ace in your field, without dumping your own responsibilities on employees, otherwise what is the meaning of the concepts of "leader" and "subordinate"?

Contact by name

Take advice famous psychologist D. Carnegie, who claimed that the name is the sweetest sound for us. Addressing by name increases the importance of a person in one's own eyes and inspires confidence in the interlocutor. Call your subordinates not by their last names, nicknames, but strictly by their first names, and in no case confuse or distort it. This simple technique guarantees you the location and respect of others.

Listening is also an art

Learn to listen carefully to the interlocutor, keeping an expression of polite interest on your face, without a hint of impatience or, even worse, indifference. In the event that you do not agree with his words, do not rush to interrupt the conversation with your arguments. Listen to the employee to the end, note the value of his opinion, and only then express your vision of this issue. The ability to listen and reckon with the opinion of subordinates will only raise your authority and win the respect of the team.

By applying the methods and tips described above in your own, you will understand how to subjugate your subordinates, and perhaps become one of the best leaders of our time.

The times when workers held fast to their jobs, were afraid of being fired and meekly carried out all the whims of the management, have sunk into oblivion. Now a good specialist knows his worth and is not afraid to change jobs.

Therefore, the success of your business largely depends on knowing how to manage subordinates. Threats of dismissal, increased tone, arrogant attitude of the head towards subordinates bring the enterprise closer to inevitable collapse, because in the 21st century employees need to be motivated, and not tried to be kept in an iron leash.

What is the most important thing in managing subordinates?

For the smooth running of the company, it is vital that employees do their job with maximum return, carried out the orders and instructions of the leadership, were engaged in a narrow specialization, without spraying on several cases at the same time. All these factors depend on the desire and ability of the authorities to fulfill their duties. The more important the administrative apparatus, the more critical is the non-fulfillment of orders or their incorrect interpretation.

The head of a mid-level company gives up to hundreds of orders per day. It is not difficult to imagine what will happen if these instructions are not followed. To prevent this situation from happening in your company, you need to understand in what environment the orders and instructions of the management will be carried out effectively. Organize such an atmosphere at your place, and you don’t have to worry about the future of your enterprise - a powerful core good specialists will lift any company from the bottom and help it survive the most protracted crisis.

How to manage subordinates so that there is a result

1. A competent leader and a professional employee are an ideal tandem

Your employees must meet the following criteria:

Have a decent level of education and knowledge, supported by practice;
Possess a developed intellect, the ability for logical thinking, an adequate assessment of work processes and their work;
Know professional language;
Have the ability to concentrate on the task at hand.

If employees are professionals, you should not save on them, because worthy specialists are the most valuable asset in any company. , toxic atmosphere and inequality must be reduced to zero. If the staff is not properly qualified, you have two options: train yourself or cut and assemble a new team. The second is often more expensive than the first, so it's up to you to decide what to do.

2. Intonation, tone and manner of giving orders

"Intonation of the leader" becomes the cause of most conflicts between leaders and subordinates. Even if the leader says the right things, but does it in a rude manner, insulting or even humiliating the employee, what return can you expect? The question is rhetorical. The boss, who does not follow the manners when communicating with employees, is trying to solve his psychological problems. Such people need to turn to a psychotherapist and remember at what cost to them a dismissive attitude towards the people who ensure the functioning of his enterprise. Illiteracy in the question of how to manage subordinates can become (which most often happens) the reason for the collapse of the company.

3. Clear directions, one meaning, no hints

The order should not carry an ambiguous message. Make it as specific and clear as possible. The work of a leader with subordinates should be built on mutual understanding, and not wandering in the clouds. If the boss himself does not know what he wants, you should not rely on the professionalism of employees - good specialists treat high-flown ambiguous instructions accordingly. And even more so, do not rely on the fact that the orders and instructions of the management will coincide with the vision of the situation by the employees. Orders with double meaning and irony do not lead to anything good, so if you want to get concrete result- give precise instructions, without artistic images and abstract metaphors.

All employees, subordinates and the manager, working on the project, are sailing in the same boat. Imagine a situation where the ship's commander gives the order: "Sail there, you yourself know where." This is what vague, watery formulations look like. Avoid them.

4. Don't personalize messages

Among the recommendations on how to manage subordinates, there is an unspoken rule: do not use the words “I said”, “I want”, “I need” and similar personifications when communicating with subordinates. This causes rejection and an involuntary desire to do something different, "as he said." Rephrase the phrase, remove the categorical and let the employee feel free from the obsessive need. Such things as an adequate attitude of the leader towards his subordinates, restraint and tact are the destiny of a leader who is respected by the team, who tries to earn praise and approval.

5. Address an employee by name

Much more pleasant to hear than a faceless address like “hey you” or “how are you there”. Remembering the full name emphasizes the respectful attitude of the manager with his subordinates, which employees will always notice and appreciate. If the team appears new employee, give him orders on an equal footing with the rest, calling him by his first name (or first name and patronymic, if so accepted in the company). This will allow the employee to adapt more easily in the team, while you, as a leader, will prove yourself a competent and loyal manager.

6. Use tactical cunning

If a confrontation between employees, subordinates and the leader is inevitable, use a simple but reliable tactical maneuver - ask for advice. Start with the phrase: "What do you think, Viktor Pavlovich, what should you do in this situation ..." and offer options, one of which will formally be instructions for action. The employee will receive his share of self-respect, and you will receive his disposition and motivation to complete the assignment. The work of a leader with subordinates according to the “stroking” method is much more effective than “carrot and stick”.

Yes, the latter in the short term can give a tangible increase in productivity, which will fall as quickly as it grew. In turn, building an adequate relationship between the leader and subordinates is beneficial in the long term. You may not get a productivity boost right away, but you will win on a strategic scale.

7. Let a co-worker give you directions

This point is aerobatics. If you can create an atmosphere in which employees make effective decisions, propose concepts and implement them, you can consider yourself an ideal leader. This is possible in cases where the assembled team consists of professionals with capital letter. Gather people who are head and shoulders above you in their field of activity and let them independently come to the solution of operational and strategic problems. It's difficult, but achievable. In the end, the leader does not have to know everything and be smarter than every employee. Otherwise, why hire them?

Your task as a leader is to manage subordinates in such a way that the productivity of work increases, while each employee feels his involvement in the process, and you have built a well-coordinated work system.

Few ordinary workers do not dream of taking the position of a leader. Wouldn't someone be happy about being a boss, giving tasks to subordinates, pointing out their mistakes and enjoying a new position?

However, as you know, a new responsible position is not only unlimited power, but also new responsibilities, great responsibility and the need for constant monitoring of the work of the team.

How can you learn to lead properly? How to find an approach to each employee so that the atmosphere in the team is calm and harmonious, and everyone listens to your opinion without exception? Below we will talk about ten golden rules on how to become a successful leader?

One of the negative traits of many leaders is the inability to clearly formulate and convey the task to the subordinate. When the leader does not know what he wants, then most likely he will not understand what he will get as a result, bringing down his anger on a bad, in his opinion, employee.

Clearly set goals, as well as the order in which tasks are performed, will greatly facilitate communication between the boss and subordinates and speed up the process of doing work.

Scold only in private

If a person has not coped with the task, then in no case should he be reprimanded for general meeting or other subordinates. This move can significantly spoil your relationship with him and offend a person. Express all your claims to him without fail, but face to face. In addition, this will allow you not to make an enemy in the team.


Most managers are very generous in scolding subordinates for misconduct and poor performance, while at the same time forgetting to praise them for a good result. Meanwhile, we all know that praise is usually a better stimulus than censure, and makes a person do a job many times better. If there is anything for it, be sure to praise your employees and you will see how their attitude towards you and work will change.

Friendly atmosphere in the team

The leader sets the tone for the development of relationships between employees. You will definitely succeed if you create a warm and friendly atmosphere in the team, in which there will be no place for squabbles and intrigues. In addition, employees will be very pleased if you hold scheduled weekly meetings with coffee and cookies or pizza.

Teach employees to take control of their work

First, establish a rule: every day at the end of the working day, each employee of the company must make a small report of his work, so that he and you can understand what he did during the day. You shouldn't force people to write tons of explanations. A verbal response will suffice. Soon it will become a habit, and the work will be more productive.

Clear organization of the workflow

Your subordinates should know that with a boss like you, you need to get the job done quickly and efficiently. Let them know that you intend to control all stages of the work, and in case of any problems, you are ready to help.

Keep calm

There is nothing worse at work than a tantrum and a leader shouting at his subordinates. Often it is not entirely justified, and in almost 100% of cases it is absolutely unnecessary. Everything can be settled through calm dialogue. This will help keep a good relationship with people and get the situation right.

Do not be afraid to take responsibility for the failures or mistakes of your subordinates.

In the end, it was you who controlled how the work was done, and since you could not follow the quality, then you need to be responsible for it. You will significantly add points to yourself in the eyes of your subordinates if, when talking with higher authorities, you take full responsibility for yourself, and later, at a meeting with the team, you will work on the mistakes. Nobody likes people who shout about their importance, and when it comes time to answer for work, they hide behind the backs of workers.

Be an example for others

When a person sees in the boss not only a leader, but also an intelligent, developed, charismatic person, he is doubly pleased to work with him. It is very important that authority is earned not only thanks to the position, but also to personal qualities. When workers are proud of their boss, they will try to do better work.


Do not allow familiar references to yourself at work. You are the leader, period!

Constantly improve

If you really want to become a successful leader, you must constantly develop as a person, improve your leadership skills, you must become a team leader who takes responsibility for the productivity and successful work of his subordinates.

Be sure to read business books, books for managers, on the psychology of relationships - a leader is also a psychologist who knows how to find the right approach to his subordinates, knows how to properly motivate his employees, create a favorable atmosphere in the team.

Below are courses and trainings for managers:


  1. Secrets of motivation. 15 ways to keep a valuable employee. Go.
  2. Three point motivation tools. Go.

Personnel Management

  1. Secrets of personnel management in a large company. Go.
  2. How to manage employee engagement. Go.
  3. Development of the company's personnel at minimal cost. Go.
  4. Creation of an effective management team. Go.


  1. Maximum efficiency of the leader. Go.
  2. Leadership Skills 3.0. Go.


  1. Innovation Leadership. Go.
  2. Vertical development of leaders. Go.

Vision of negotiations

  1. Verbal aikido. How to use the strength of the opponent in negotiations. Go.
  2. How to conduct constructive negotiations: strategy and error analysis. Go.
  3. Games and scenarios of tough negotiations in sales. Go.
  4. Effective commercial negotiation skills. Go.
  5. The art of negotiation. How to get the most out of your opponent? Go.


  1. Business e-mail correspondence: rules of the game. Go.
  2. Problematic correspondence from A to Z. Go.

Becoming a successful leader is not easy, however, by listening to some advice and your team, you can find an approach to each employee.

What do you think, what skills, knowledge and personal qualities character must have a successful leader? Share your opinion, and perhaps experience in the comments to this article.

Good luck and see you in the next article.