The method contributes to the increase in the efficiency of managerial decisions. Social efficiency of managerial decisions

A managerial decision is the result (product) of managerial activity. Therefore, for SD, the most important indicators used to characterize conventional products are also valid: efficiency, effectiveness and productivity (Fig. 4.1).

Efficiency production is determined by the ratio of the effect (result, increase) and the cost of obtaining it.

Efficiency reflects the organization's ability to produce products that meet or exceed specified time or quantity parameters.

Performance labor is an indicator of economic efficiency labor activity personnel. It is defined as the ratio of the quantity of output produced to the cost of its production.

Efficiency lies at the heart of the formation and achievement of the required indicators. Efficiency comes from the word "effect", meaning the impression made by someone on someone. This impression can be organizational, economic, psychological, legal, ethical, technological and social (Fig. 4.2).

The effect can be observed or formed. Usually, the effect (result) is compared with the costs in comparable terms. For example, in 1994, 30% of the population (120 thousand people) of city N took part in the mayoral elections, while 1.2 thousand activists were involved in the election campaign, and in 1999 - respectively 45% (180 thousand people). .) population and 900 activists. The organizational effect is 60 thousand people, and organizational costs have decreased by 300 activists.

The ratio of the effect (result) and costs characterizes efficiency any activity or event. Efficiency can be positive and negative. In the given example of the election campaign in 1999, there is a positive effect and a reduction in organizational costs. This is possible as a result of improving the technology of conducting a propaganda campaign, the high professionalism of activists.

Thus, we can talk about organizational, economic and other efficiency (Fig. 4.2).

One kind of efficiency can change at the expense of another. Thus, by reducing economic efficiency, it is possible to increase social efficiency. The manager should pay equal attention to all types of efficiency, since in combination they can significantly enhance the resulting efficiency. The effectiveness of the company as a whole consists of the effectiveness of SD, product efficiency, the company's ability to produce it, a high image among suppliers, contractors and customers.

SD efficiency - this is the ratio of a new resource or an increase in an old resource as a result of the process of preparing or implementing a management decision in an organization to the costs of this process. Resources can be: a new division of the company, finances, materials, personnel health, labor organization, etc. As costs - old divisions, personnel, finances, etc. The basis of each type of efficiency is the degree of satisfaction of the needs and interests of a person, team and company in general (Fig. 4.3).

Similarly to the classification of overall efficiency and effectiveness of SD is divided into organizational, economic, social, technological, psychological, legal, environmental, ethical and political (see Fig. 4.2).

Organizational effectiveness of SD it is the fact that organizational goals are achieved with fewer employees or in less time. It is related to the implementation of the following needs:

for a person - this is a need for the organization of life and security, management, stability, order;

For a company, this is a need for labor (demand for products), organization and security.

The result of organizational efficiency can be a new department, an incentive system, a group of excellent production or management organizers, a new order, etc.

Economic efficiency of SD this is the ratio of the cost of the surplus product obtained as a result of the implementation of a specific SD, and the costs of its development and implementation. The surplus product can be presented in the form of profit, cost reduction, obtaining loans. Economic efficiency is associated with the implementation of all human needs in the company.

Social efficiency of SD can also be considered as the fact of achieving social goals for more people and society for more a short time fewer workers, with fewer financial costs.

Social efficiency is associated with the following needs:

For a person, this is a need for creative work, love, communication, self-expression and self-manifestation;

For the company, it is a need for faith and self-development.

The result of social efficiency can be a good socio-psychological climate in the unit, mutual assistance, informal relationships.

Technological efficiency of SD the fact of achieving certain results (sectoral, national or world technological level of production), planned in the business plan, in a shorter time or at lower financial costs. It is determined by the following needs:

For a person, this is the need for creative work, knowledge, information, self-manifestation;

For the company, it is the need for self-development and interest in modern production.

The result of technological efficiency can be modern techniques creative work, competitiveness of products, professionalism of personnel.

Psychological effectiveness of SD the fact of achieving psychological goals for a larger number of workers or the population in a shorter time, with a smaller number of workers or at a lower financial cost. It is related to the implementation of the following needs:

For a person, this is a need for love, family, free time, patriotism, faith, communication;

For a company, this is a need for stability, security, faith, and the development of an organizational culture.

The results of the psychological efficiency can be seen in corporate culture company, mutual aid, patriotism and loyalty.

Legal effectiveness of SD is assessed by the degree to which the legal goals of the organization and personnel are achieved in a shorter time, with fewer employees or at lower financial costs. Efficiency is realized on the basis of the following needs:

for a person - this is the need for security, organization and order, in the organization of life and activity;

For a company, this is a need for security and management.

The result of legal efficiency can be a transition to a legal business, work in the legal field.

Environmental efficiency SD it is the fact of achieving the environmental goals of the organization and staff in a shorter time, with fewer employees or at lower financial costs. It is determined by the following needs:

For a person, this is a need for security, health, organization sustainable development life, physiological needs;

· For the company, it is the need for a surplus product, stability, and the creation of an acceptable standard of living for employees.

The result of environmental efficiency can be the production of environmentally friendly products, decent human working conditions.

Ethical effectiveness of SD the fact of achieving the moral goals of the organization and personnel in a shorter time, with fewer employees or at lower financial costs. Ethical goals realize the needs and interests of a person in compliance with moral standards behavior of the people around.

Political effectiveness of SD it is the fact of achieving the political goals of the organization and staff in a shorter time, with fewer employees or at lower financial costs. Political goals realize the following human needs: in faith, patriotism, self-manifestation and self-expression, management.

The effectiveness of SD is divided according to the levels of its development, coverage of people and companies. They single out the effectiveness of SD at the level of production and management of a company, a group of companies, an industry, a region, a country.

In the company's activities, a necessary condition for effective functioning is the balance of interests of all business participants: owners, managers, staff, contractors, customers, etc. With a common interest, each of them has its own interest, which must be respected and taken into account by its other participants.

SD efficiency management is carried out through a system of quantitative and qualitative assessments based on real indicators, norms and standards for the effectiveness of manufactured products and the activities of the company itself. Such indicators, norms and standards include data in the field of:

the activities of the company as a whole;

meeting the needs and interests of the staff;

the activities of the company in a particular market;

management, maintenance and production activities;

direct production;

production of certain types of products (services, information and knowledge);

use of material and intellectual resources;

public relations companies.

We all have to make decisions from time to time and, I must say, this is not an easy task. But it is much more difficult for those who are forced to make a choice for the entire organization (department of the company). Here without evaluation of efficiency and quality management decisions not enough.

Indicators and criteria for the effectiveness of economic decisions

To talk about the quality of management decisions, it is necessary to define the concept of the effectiveness of decisions and its types. In economics, efficiency refers to the ratio of the performance of a firm. Usually they are characterized by profit and the amount of funds spent on its receipt. But one economic evaluation economic efficiency of management decisions cannot be said, because decisions are made in almost all areas of the company. Therefore, there are several types of efficiency.

  1. Organizational efficiency can be manifested in changing the work functions of employees, improving working conditions, optimizing organizational structure enterprises, reducing the number of employees, creating a new department, etc.
  2. The social efficiency of managerial decisions may consist in creating conditions for creative work employees, improving customer service, reducing staff turnover, improving the psychological climate in the team.
  3. Technological efficiency can be expressed in the introduction of modern technologies in production, the acquisition of new equipment, and the improvement of labor productivity.
  4. Environmental performance can be expressed in providing safety for employees, environmental safety company work.
  5. Legal efficiency is to ensure the safety, legality and stability of work, reducing penalties.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of managerial decision-making

There are many methods for evaluating the effectiveness, they are classified according to the complexity of execution, the nature of the work performed, the accuracy of the results obtained, the amount of costs, etc. That is why the evaluation of the effectiveness of management decisions is entrusted to a group of highly qualified specialists. Let us consider the main methods for evaluating the effectiveness of managerial decisions.

  1. The comparison method consists in comparing planned indicators with actual values. Allows you to detect deviations, their causes and ways to eliminate deviations.
  2. The index method is needed when evaluating complex phenomena that cannot be broken down into elements. Allows you to evaluate the dynamics of processes.
  3. The balance method consists in comparing interrelated indicators. It makes it possible to identify the influence of various factors on the activities of the organization and to find reserves.
  4. The graphical method is used in cases where a visual illustration of the company's activities is needed.
  5. FSA (functional cost analysis) is a systematic approach to research in order to increase the return (beneficial effect).

Methods for improving the efficiency of management decisions

You can talk for a long time about methods to improve the efficiency of management decisions, but by and large there are two of them - improving the development of a solution and increasing control over the execution of a decision.

After all, if the solution does not bring the desired result or does not bring it to the full, then either mistakes were made during its development, or the performers messed up something. And this can only be found out by detailed analysis making a management decision. Evaluation, as we found out, is not an easy and expensive task (especially if third-party specialists are involved), so it is necessary to be attentive to the stages of developing a solution and to monitor the order of its implementation. And you also need to be able to correctly convey the idea of ​​innovation to employees so that there is no misunderstanding.

5. Efficiency, control and responsibility in making managerial decisions




Management decision (SD) is the result (product) of management activities. Therefore, for SD, the most important indicators used to characterize conventional products are also fair - efficiency, effectiveness and productivity (Fig. 5.1).

Efficiency production is determined by the ratio of the effect (result, increase) and the cost of obtaining it.

Efficiency reflects the organization's ability to produce products that meet or exceed specified time or quantity parameters.

Performance labor is an indicator of the economic efficiency of the labor activity of the personnel. It is defined as the ratio of the quantity of output produced to the cost of its production.

Rice. 5.1. The main indicators of management activities in the production (preparation and implementation) of management decisions

Efficiency lies at the heart of the formation and achievement of the required indicators. Efficiency comes from the word "effect", meaning the impression made by someone on someone. This impression can have organizational, economic, psychological, legal, ethical, technological and social overtones. The effect can be observed or formed. Usually, the effect (result) is compared with the costs in comparable terms. For example, in 1994, 30% of the population (120 thousand people) of city N took part in the election of the mayor, while 1.2 thousand activists were involved in the election campaign, and in 1999 - respectively 45% (180 thousand people .) population and 900 activists. The organizational effect is 60 thousand people, and organizational costs have decreased by 300 activists.

The ratio of the effect (result) and costs characterizes efficiency any activity or event. Efficiency can be positive and negative. In the given example of the election campaign in 1999, there is a positive effect and a reduction in organizational costs. This is possible as a result of improving the technology of conducting a propaganda campaign, the high professionalism of activists.

Thus, we can talk about organizational, economic and other efficiency (Fig. 5.2).

One kind of efficiency can change at the expense of another. Thus, by reducing economic efficiency, it is possible to increase social efficiency. The manager should pay equal attention to all types of efficiency, since in combination they can significantly enhance the resulting efficiency. The effectiveness of the company as a whole consists of the effectiveness of SD, product efficiency, the company's ability to produce it, a high image among suppliers, contractors and customers.

Rice. 5.2. Main types of functional efficiency

SD efficiency - this is the ratio of a new resource or an increase in an old resource as a result of the process of preparing or implementing a management decision in an organization to the costs of this process. Resources can be: a new division of the company, finances, materials, personnel health, labor organization, etc. As costs - old divisions, personnel, finances, etc. The basis of each type of efficiency is the degree of satisfaction of the needs and interests of a person, team and company in general (Fig. 5.3).

Rice. 5.3. The idea of ​​evaluating the effectiveness of a management decision

Similarly to the classification of overall efficiency and effectiveness of SD is divided into organizational, economic, social, technological, psychological, legal, environmental, ethical and political (see Fig. 4.2).

Organizational effectiveness of SD - it is the fact that organizational goals are achieved with fewer employees or in less time. It is related to the implementation of the following needs:

    for a person, this is a need for the organization of life and security, management, stability, order;

    for the company, it is the need for labor (demand for products), organization and security.

The result of organizational efficiency can be a new department, an incentive system, a group of excellent production or management organizers, a new order, etc.

Economic efficiency of SD - this is the ratio of the cost of the surplus product obtained as a result of the implementation of a specific SD, and the costs of its development and implementation. The surplus product can be presented in the form of profit, cost reduction, obtaining loans. Economic efficiency is associated with the implementation of all human needs in the company.

Social efficiency of SD can also be considered as the fact of achieving social goals for a larger number of people and society in a shorter time by a smaller number of employees, with lower financial costs . This efficiency is associated with the following needs:

    for a person, this is a need for creative work, love, communication, self-expression and self-manifestation;

    for the company, it is a need for faith and self-development.

The result of social efficiency can be a good socio-psychological climate in the unit, mutual assistance, informal relationships.

Technological efficiency of SD - the fact of achieving certain results (sectoral, national or world technological level of production), planned in the business plan, in a shorter time or at lower financial costs. It is determined by the following needs:

    for a person, this is a need for creative work, for knowledge, information, self-manifestation;

    for the company it is the need for self-development and interest in modern production.

The result of technological efficiency can be modern methods of creative work, competitiveness of products, professionalism of the staff.

Psychological effectiveness of SD - the fact of achieving psychological goals for a larger number of workers or the population in a shorter time, with a smaller number of workers or at a lower financial cost. It is related to the implementation of the following needs:

    for a person, this is a need for love, family, free time, patriotism, faith, communication;

    for the company, it is the need for stability, security, faith, and the development of organizational culture.

The results of this efficiency can be manifested in the corporate culture of the company, mutual assistance, patriotism and loyalty.

Legal effectiveness of SD is assessed by the degree to which the legal goals of the organization and personnel are achieved in a shorter time, with fewer employees or at lower financial costs. Efficiency is realized on the basis of the following needs:

    for a person, this is a need for security, organization and order, for the organization of life and activity;

    for the company, it is a need for security and control.

The result of legal efficiency can be a transition to a legal business, work in the legal field.

Environmental efficiency SD - it is the fact of achieving the environmental goals of the organization and staff in a shorter time, with fewer employees or at lower financial costs. It is determined by the following needs:

    for a person, this is a need for security, health, in organizing the sustainable development of life, physiological;

    for the company, this is the need for a surplus product, stability, and the creation of an acceptable standard of living for employees.

The result of this efficiency can be the production of environmentally friendly products, decent human working conditions.

Ethical effectiveness of SD - the fact of achieving the moral goals of the organization and personnel in a shorter time, with fewer employees or at lower financial costs. Ethical goals realize the needs and interests of a person in the observance of moral norms of behavior by people around him.

Political effectiveness of SD - it is the fact of achieving the political goals of the organization and staff in a shorter time, with fewer employees or at lower financial costs. Political goals realize the following human needs: in faith, patriotism, self-manifestation and self-expression, management.

The effectiveness of SD is divided according to the levels of its development, coverage of people and companies. They single out the effectiveness of SD at the level of production and management of a company, a group of companies, an industry, a region, a country.

In the company's activities, a necessary condition for effective functioning is the balance of interests of all business participants: owners, managers, staff, contractors, customers, etc. With a common interest, each of them has its own interest, which must be respected and taken into account by its other participants.

SD efficiency management is carried out through a system of quantitative and qualitative assessments based on real indicators, norms and standards for the effectiveness of manufactured products and the activities of the company itself. Such indicators, norms and standards include data in the field of:

    activities of the company as a whole;

    the degree of satisfaction of the needs and interests of the personnel;

    activities of the company in a particular market;

    management, maintenance and production activities;

    direct production;

    production of certain types of products (services, information and knowledge);

    use of material and intellectual resources;

    public relations companies.



feature social system is the lack of accurate measurements and calculations. There are only scores and ranges. This greatly complicates the work of an expert or an auditor in drawing up an opinion on the state of any activities in the company. In the field of economics, management, and psychology, schools have developed that oppose each other in understanding the means and methods of assessment, analysis, and recommendations. A variety of judgments is useful for the social sciences because these judgments reflect a very diverse world of companies, attitudes, and situations. The same is the case with the evaluation of the economic efficiency of SD. A feature of SD as a product of management activity is its intangible essence. There are no markets in the world where orders of an unclassified or non-confidential nature would be sold.

The classical ratio, which allows to evaluate the economic efficiency (E e), has the following form:

E e \u003d (The cost of the surplus product / The cost of creating the surplus product) * 100%.

When considering economic efficiency (E e), it is methodologically difficult to reliably determine the cost of the surplus product obtained as a result of the implementation of a specific SD, i.e. its market value. Implemented in the form of information, SD forms the conditions for creating products (goods, services, information or knowledge). In addition, before the specific implementation of SD, there are still many management and production operations, each of which can have both a positive and a negative impact on the final result. Therefore, it is difficult to calculate the direct value of the surplus product (profit from the implementation of SD). And the costs of preparing and implementing SD can be easily represented by costing. The positive economic effect of SD is savings, the negative one is loss. The positive economic effect from the production and sale of products is undoubtedly associated with the positive economic effect from SD. There are a number of methods for measuring (more precisely, estimating) E e, among which the following are more often used:

    indirect method of comparing different options;

    by end results;

    by direct results of activity.

indirect method involves an analysis of the market value of SD and the costs of SD by analyzing SD options for the same type of object, developed and implemented in approximately the same conditions. Before concrete implementation, SD goes through many levels of management and production, so it is necessary to separate the influence of the subjective factor that slows down or accelerates this process.

This method allows instead of the market value of SD to use the market value of manufactured products and the costs of its production. So, when implementing two SD options, the relative economic efficiency for the first solution can be determined from the following relationship:

E e \u003d (P 2T / Z 2T - P 1T / Z 1T) * 100%

Where P 1T - profit received for the sale of goods in the first variant of SD;

P 2T - profit received for the sale of goods in the second variant of SD;

Z 1T - the cost of production of goods in the first variant of SD;

C 2T - the cost of producing goods in the second variant of SD.

So, if the manager only maintains production at the same level by his decisions, then the economic efficiency of SD will be equal to zero, while other types of efficiency may be significant, for example, organizational, social.

Method of determination by final results based on the calculation of production efficiency as a whole and the allocation of a fixed (statistically justified) part (TO):

E e \u003d (P * K) / OZ

where P - profit received from the sale of goods; OZ - total costs; To - share of SD in production efficiency (K= 20-30%).

This method is suitable for company leaders. It allows you to reasonably allocate funds to encourage employees of the administrative apparatus in connection with the profit received (25% of the total profit).

Method of determination E uh for immediate results activity is based on assessing the direct effect of SD in achieving goals, implementing functions, methods, etc. The main parameters in evaluating E e are standards (temporary, resource, financial, etc.). The value of E e is determined from the ratio:

E e i \u003d C i / P i * 100%

where C i - standard for the use (waste) of resource i for the development and implementation of SD; P i - actual use (costs) of the resource for the development and implementation of SD.

Data processing can be done in three ways:

    Of all the efficiencies, the main one is selected; it determines the overall effectiveness of SD;

    With the equivalence of the priorities of all resources (mresources), economic efficiency is calculated according to the following ratio:

    In case of unequal resource priorities (P i), economic efficiency is calculated according to the following ratio:

5.3. Conditions for the effectiveness of management decisions

The problem of choosing an alternative by a manager is one of the most important in modern management science, but it is equally important to make an effective decision. For SD to be effective, a number of factors (Fig. 5.4).

    Hierarchy in decision making – delegation of decision-making authority closer to the level where there are more necessary information and who is directly involved in the implementation of the decision. Contacts with subordinates who are more than one hierarchical level lower (higher) are not allowed.

    Using targeted cross-functional groups , in which the members that make up them are selected from various departments and levels of the organization.

    Use of direct (direct) horizontal links when making decisions. AT this case collection and processing of information is carried out without recourse to higher management. This approach contributes to decision-making in a shorter time, increasing responsibility for the implementation decisions taken.

Rice. 5.4. Factors of effectiveness of managerial decisions

    Centralization of leadership in decision making . The decision-making process should be in the hands of one (common) leader. In this case, a hierarchy is formed in decision-making, i.e. each junior manager solves his problems (makes decisions) with his direct management, and not with higher management, bypassing his immediate superior.

As already noted, the choice of the best solution is carried out by sequentially evaluating each of the proposed alternatives. It is determined to what extent each solution option ensures the achievement of the ultimate goal of the organization. This is the reason for its effectiveness. Those. A solution is considered effective if it meets requirements arising from the situation being solved and the goals of the organization (Fig. 5.5).

First, the solution must be effective, i.e. ensure the achievement of the organization's goals to the fullest extent possible.

Rice. 5.5. Requirements for management decisions

Second, the solution must be economical, those. achieve the goal at the lowest cost.

Thirdly, timely. We are talking about the timeliness of not only decision-making, but also the achievement of goals. After all, when a problem is solved, events develop. It may happen that a great idea (alternative) becomes obsolete and loses its meaning in the future. She was good in the past.

Fourth, justified. The performers must be convinced that the decision is justified. In this regard, one should not confuse the factual validity and its perception by the performers, their understanding of the arguments that prompt the manager to make just such a decision.

Fifth, the solution must be realistic feasible, i.e. you can not make unrealistic, abstract decisions. Such solutions are frustrating and divisive and fundamentally inefficient. The decision made must be effective and correspond to the forces and means of the team that implements it.

In achieving the effectiveness of decisions, a special role is played by methods of bringing the decisions made to the executors. Bringing decisions to the executors usually begins with the division of the alternative into group and individual tasks and the selection of executors. As a result, each employee receives a specific task of his own, which is directly dependent on his official duties and a number of other objective and subjective factors. It is believed that the ability to transfer tasks to performers is the main source of the effectiveness of the decision. In this regard, there are four main reasons for non-compliance with decisions:

    the decision was not clearly articulated by the manager;

    the decision was clearly and precisely formulated, but the performer did not understand it well;

    the decision is clearly formulated and the executor understood it well, but he did not have the necessary conditions and means for its implementation;

    the decision was correctly formulated, the performer learned it and had all the necessary means to implement it, but he did not have an internal agreement with the solution proposed by the manager. The contractor in this case may have his own, more effective, in his opinion, solution to this problem.

The foregoing indicates that the effectiveness of a solution depends not only on its optimality, but also on the form of communication to the performers (formulation of decisions and personal qualities of leaders and performers). The organization of the execution of the decisions made by the management of the organization as a specific activity of the manager assumes that he keeps the decisions in sight, finds a way to influence them, manages them. The command to "start implementing the decision" cannot be given before the leader is confident that all the links involved in the execution have correctly understood their tasks and have all the means to carry them out.

The main meaning of all work on bringing tasks to the performers is to build in the mind a certain image (technology) future work for the implementation of SD. The initial impression of the future work is formed by the performer upon receipt and perception of the task. After that, the idea (task model) is refined, enriched by adapting it to the real and objective conditions of the internal and external environment. On this basis, the solution implementation technology is developed (an ideal model of the performer's activity to fulfill the manager's task).

It should be borne in mind that in order for the performer's activity model to be executed in accordance with the manager's initial idea, a number of requirements are imposed on it (the model) (Fig. 5.6).

Rice. 5.6. Requirements for the technology of implementation of management decisions

    completeness The decision model describes its compliance, on the one hand, with the manager's intention, his decision and the tasks set by him, and, on the other hand, with the content, structure and conditions of performing activities. The ideal option would be such a completeness of the model, in which it will be so expanded that even before the start of work, the performer can mentally imagine all the subtleties of the forthcoming activity.

    Accuracy model is necessary because if the task is set abstractly, in a general way, then it is not performed at all or is performed formally. The control system, in which the accuracy of the formation of operational decision models has not become a law, is essentially disintegrating.

    Reflection depth characterizes operational model from the point of view of representation in it of all dynamics of forthcoming activity.

    Stress tolerance and the strength of the model implies the ability of the performer to clearly implement the action plan that has developed in his mind in any difficult situations.

    Flexibility models - a criterion that, as it were, contradicts all of the above. Obviously, an absolutely rigid, unyielding image can be acceptable in frozen and unchanging structures, which do not and cannot exist in nature and society. The problem is to choose the optimal balance between stability (immobility) and flexibility of the model.

    Consistency decision model is due to the fact that the performer most often performs the decision alone. Therefore, his actions must be coordinated in terms of tasks, time, place, etc. with other performers.

    Motivation solution models. It is known that the understanding of the solution and the assimilation of its ideal model do not fully ensure the proper mobilization of the forces of the performers, and therefore it is necessary to motivate their activities. Impact on the motives that encourage performers to manifestation of activity, internal needs and fulfillment of tasks - the main meaning of the mobilization of the workforce for the implementation of the decisions taken by the management of the organization.

One of the most important characteristics management decision is its effectiveness.

Under effectiveness of management decision understand the ratio of the degree of achievement of the goals set to the totality of time, human, monetary and other resources spent on the adoption and implementation of a management decision.

The effectiveness of a management decision increases if the degree of achievement of the set goals increases and the cost of resources decreases.

An effective management decision must meet the requirements arising from the situation being solved and the goals of the enterprise. To be efficient, i.e. to achieve the set goals, the management decision must satisfy the following general requirements:

be real;

be resistant to possible errors in the initial data;

be flexible;

· to be conflict-free within the enterprise;

received and implemented in real time.

In addition to these requirements, there are a number of other parameters, the fulfillment of which is mandatory for characterizing a particular management decision as effective.

Among these parameters, one should highlight timeliness solutions. It is not only about the timeliness of making a managerial decision, but also about achieving the goal. It should be borne in mind that while a specific problem is being solved, events continue to develop. Sometimes it happens that a proposed very correct idea (alternative) can quickly become outdated and lose its meaning in the future.

Another option is validity management decision. The direct executors of the decision must be convinced that it is justified. In this regard, one should not confuse the actual validity of the decision and its perception by the performers, their understanding of the arguments that prompted the manager to make just such a decision.

The decision to be made must be feasible, i.e. you can not make an unrealistic, abstract decision. The goals and objectives set in this particular solution must be realistic, correlated with the available resources and their types to perform certain tasks, as well as the methods, methods, technologies that are supposed to be used.

You should be aware that unrealistic management decisions cause annoyance and irritation of direct executors. The vast majority of such solutions are ineffective.

The developed management solution must correspond to the forces and means of a particular team for which it is intended. The effectiveness of the developed and then implemented management decisions is directly related to a clear diagnosis of the problems that arise in a given enterprise.

There are two ways to identify problems. According to one, a situation is considered a problem when the set goals are not achieved. In this case, the manager becomes aware of the problem because what should have happened is not happening. Then, when making appropriate decisions, deviations from the norm are smoothed out. In this formulation of the question, quite often managers consider as problems only situations in which something should have happened, but did not.

It is often quite difficult to completely define the problem, since all parts of the enterprise are interconnected.

In a large enterprise, there may be dozens or even hundreds of such interdependencies. In such cases, it can be quite difficult to correctly and timely determine the true problem.

The first phase in diagnosing a complex problem is recognizing and identifying symptoms of difficulty or opportunity.

Identifying symptoms helps to identify the problem in a general way. It also helps to reduce the number of facts that must be taken into account in order to really increase efficiency.

However general symptom(such as low profitability) due to many factors. Therefore, it is generally prudent to avoid immediate action to resolve the symptom, which some managers tend to do. In such cases, the manager should deeply understand the essence of the problem in order to find out the reasons for the inefficient activities of individual departments or the enterprise as a whole.

To do this, the manager needs to collect and carefully analyze the required internal and external (relative to the enterprise) information.

Such information can be collected on the basis of formal methods, using, for example, outside the enterprise market analysis, and inside it - computer analysis of financial statements, interviews with management consultants or interviews of employees who are well acquainted with certain aspects of this production activities. In addition, information can be collected informally, by talking about the current situation and making personal observations.

It should be borne in mind that an increase in the amount of information does not always improve the quality of a management decision and its effectiveness. Quite often, managers even suffer from an abundance of irrelevant information. Therefore, in the course of observations and starting to analyze the situation, it is important for the manager to see the differences between relevant and unnecessary information and be able to separate one from the other.

Under relevant information is understood as data relating only to a specific problem, person, object or a certain period of time.

Since relevant information is the basis of an effective solution, it is necessary to achieve its maximum accuracy and relevance to the problem.

To improve the efficiency of decisions made by the manager importance has an approach to the existing problem in the enterprise. When a manager diagnoses a problem in order to make a decision, he must be aware of what exactly can be done about it. Many possible solutions to the problems of the enterprise will not be realistic, because either the manager or the enterprise does not have enough resources to implement the decisions made. In some cases, the cause of the problem may be factors outside the enterprise (laws, regulations that the manager cannot change, etc.).

A significant obstacle to making effective management decisions are various restrictions. When working on a managerial decision, the manager must impartially determine the essence of the existing restrictions and only then outline possible alternatives. If this is not done, at least a lot of time will be lost. It is even worse if the wrong course of action is chosen. Such solutions will exacerbate, rather than solve, existing problems in the enterprise.

There are general restrictions for making effective management decisions:

Existing laws, regulations, regulations;

· ethical standards and rules;

Intense competition in the market for goods and services;

· inability to purchase resources at reasonable prices;

the need for new and very expensive technologies;

Insufficient number of employees with the required qualifications and relevant experience.

Some restrictions vary depending on the specific situation and personal qualities managers. A significant constraint on many managerial decisions, although sometimes easily eliminated, is the narrowing of the powers of all members of the team determined by the top management. In other words, a manager can make or implement managerial decisions only if top management has given him such rights.

To improve the efficiency of managerial decisions, it is essential to maintain an optimal hierarchy in decision-making. In this regard, it is desirable to delegate managerial authority to make a managerial decision closer to the level at which there is more necessary information and which is directly involved in the implementation of the decision.

In this case, the performers are employees of adjacent levels. Contact with subordinates more than one hierarchical level below is not allowed.

When making a management decision, horizontal (direct) links should be used. In this case (especially at the initial stage of decision-making), the collection and processing of information is carried out without recourse to higher management.

This approach contributes to the adoption of managerial decisions in more short time and increases responsibility for the implementation of decisions. Along with these, it is expedient to centralize management in making managerial decisions.

The decision-making process should be in the hands of one (common) leader. In this case, a hierarchy is formed in decision-making, i.e. each lower manager solves his problems (makes decisions) with his immediate supervisor, and not with a higher manager, bypassing his immediate supervisor.

In achieving the effectiveness of management decisions, a special role is played by the methods of bringing the decisions made to the executors.

Bringing decisions to the executors usually begins with the division of the alternative into group and individual tasks and the selection of executors. As a result, each employee receives a specific task of his own, which is directly dependent on his official duties and a number of other objective and subjective factors. It is believed that the ability to transfer tasks to performers is the main condition for the effectiveness of the decision.

The main reasons for non-implementation of management decisions:

1) insufficiently clear formulation of the decision by the manager;

2) misunderstanding of the essence of the decision by the executor;

3) lack of necessary conditions and means for the implementation of the management decision;

4) lack of consent of the performer with the decision being made.

It should always be remembered that the effectiveness of management decisions depends not only on their optimality, but also on the form of communication to the performers (formulation of decisions and personal qualities of managers and performers).

The organization of the execution of the decisions made as a specific activity of the manager assumes that he keeps the decisions in sight, timely corrects management decisions, and achieves their high efficiency.

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1 Management decisions and their classification

1.1 Management decision and its features

1.2 Classification of management decisions

2 Indicators of quality and efficiency of management decisions

2.1 Indicators of the quality of managerial decisions

2.2 Requirements for the quality of management decisions

3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of solutions

3.1 Conditions for the effectiveness of management decisions

3.2 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the solution using the cost-benefit method

3.3 Methods for communicating decisions to performers




Each of us makes certain decisions during the day. Some of them are very simple and concern Everyday life. Other solutions are more complex and require some time to think. For example, the purchase of complex household appliances, a car, real estate. For a manager, decision making is a day-to-day responsible job. Decision-making is an integral part of the manager's activity, it is a fixed managerial act, resolution, order; the process of developing and implementing a solution to a problem; choice of alternatives in solving the problem. Since the decisions made concern not only the manager himself, but also other people and in many cases the entire organization, understanding the nature and essence of this process is extremely important for effective management. The relevance of the chosen topic in the course work leads to a more in-depth and detailed study of the section of this academic discipline, its concretization.

The main goal of the work is the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills for the development, adoption and organization of the implementation of management decisions. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Give the concept of a management decision, learn the requirements for management decisions;

Consider the types and classification of management decisions;

Analyze indicators of the quality and effectiveness of management decisions, determine how the quality of management decisions differs from efficiency;

Consider the conditions for the effectiveness of managerial decision-making;

Familiarize yourself with the method of evaluating the effectiveness of the decision "costs - profits".

The object of the research is managerial decisions and their features.

The subject of the study is the conditions for making effective decisions. theoretical and methodological basis research was the method of system analysis.


1.1 Management decision and its features

One of the performance indicators of managers is their ability to make reasonable decisions. Managers perform 4 managerial functions and deal with a constant stream of decisions for each of them, that is: planning, organizing, motivating, controlling. Decision making is a responsible process in the activities of a manager, which includes: developing and setting a goal, studying problems, choosing and establishing criteria for the effectiveness and possible consequences of decisions made, considering options for decisions, choosing and finalizing a decision, making a decision, bringing it to up to the performer, control. Korotkov E.M. The concept of management: Proc. allowance. - M.: DeKa, 2006, p.211.

A managerial decision is, first of all, a directive act of purposeful influence on the object of management, based on the analysis of reliable data, which characterizes the managerial situation, determines the purpose of actions, and contains a program to achieve the goal.

On the other hand, a managerial decision is a choice that a leader must make in order to fulfill the duties associated with his position. Decision making is the basis of management. Bashkatova Yu.I. Management decisions Textbook for students of economic specialties. - M., 2003, p.59.

In a broad sense of understanding, a managerial decision is considered as the main type of managerial work and a set of interrelated and purposeful and logically consistent managerial actions that ensure the implementation of managerial tasks.

The main goal of the management decision is to ensure movement towards the tasks set for the organization. The most effective organizational decision is the choice that will be implemented and will contribute the most to the achievement of the set goal. When making a decision, the manager most often chooses from a number of alternatives. Making a decision is easy enough. It is difficult to make an effective decision that meets the goals of the organization, minimizing the cost of resources and the volume negative consequences that maximizes useful results. Management decisions can have a significant impact on life a large number people, so decision-making puts a heavy moral burden on the manager. Tsvetkov A.N. Management. - M., 2010, p.105.

The main requirements that distinguish management decisions are: goals and consequences, division of labor and professionalism. Let us briefly describe each of the criteria.

The target orientation requirement means that the solution is oriented towards achieving one or more goals. The subject of management makes a decision based not on its own needs, but in order to solve the problems of the organization. private choice the individual affects own life and can affect people close to him. The manager chooses a course of action not for himself, but for the organization and its people, and the manager's decisions can significantly affect the lives of many people. If the organization is large and influential, the decisions of the leaders can seriously affect the socio-economic situation of the regions.

To give an example: the decision to close an unprofitable enterprise can significantly increase the unemployment rate in the region. If in privacy a person, making a decision, fulfills it himself, then there is a certain division of labor in the organization: some of the employees are busy solving emerging problems and making decisions, and the other part is implementing the decisions made.

In private life, each person independently makes decisions by virtue of his intellect and life experience. In the management of an organization, decision-making is a more complex, responsible and formalized process that requires more professional training. Not every employee of the enterprise, but only those with certain professional knowledge and skills, is empowered to make decisions independently. In this regard, the manager, whose work is related to making managerial decisions, must be able to correctly approach tasks, on the one hand, without losing sight of the uniqueness of the problems that arise, and on the other hand, without inventing anything new to solve them. To do this, management theory highlights the process of making managerial decisions as a structured process with a specific content and mechanism.

1. 2 Classificationmanagerialdecisions

AT In the process of managing enterprises, a lot of different decisions are made with different characteristics. We single out some general features that allow us to classify this set. When constructing any classification, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for classification features, the main of which are: constancy and materiality and observability. Remennikov V.B. Management decisions Training course Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law educational technologies MIEMP, 2009, p. 29

Management decisions are different:

By complexity: simple and complex;

By frequency of acceptance: one-time and recurring;

According to the degree of participation of specialists: collective, collegiate and individual;

By time management: strategic, tactical, operational;

By breadth of coverage: general (concerning all specialists of employees) and highly specialized.

By management functions: planning, organizational, control;

By importance: strategic and operational;

By the degree of certainty of the situation: decisions under conditions of certainty, decisions under risk, decisions under conditions of uncertainty;

According to the degree of structuring: well-structured and weakly structured;

According to the number of criteria: single-criteria and multi-criteria;

According to the method of justification: intuitive, based on judgment and rational;

By mandatory implementation: directive, advisory, orienting;

By area of ​​implementation: scientific and marketing research, production, sale;

According to the direction of influence: external, internal.

Authors Mescon, M. Albert and F. Hedouri distinguish organizational, intuitive and rational decisions. Meskon M., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management. - M., 2002, p.41. Organizational decisions are divided into 2 groups: programmed and non-programmed. It can be seen that in the process of management a huge number of very different decisions are made with various characteristics. Classification of solutions allows you to study their features and choose the most effective in a particular problem. However, due to the complexity of the conditions, decision goals, requirements and decision structure, it is problematic to create a simple and clear classification of them. Therefore, they can and do exist. various classifications management decisions. Choice and practical use a particular classification is determined by the specific conditions of decision-making.

One of the classifications is presented in table 1.1. Saak A.E., Pshenichnykh Yu.A. Management in socio-cultural service and tourism. - M, 2010.
Table 1.1 - Classification of management decisions

Classification sign

Type of management decisions




Purpose Significance



Sphere of influence



Implementation period

Long term

Short term

Predicted Consequences



Nature of Information



Development Method



Number of selection criteria

single criteria


Acceptance Form

sole proprietors


Fixation method



The influence of the manager's personality on the nature of the solutions being developed supplements the classification with the following varieties, depending on the ratio of the manager's efforts in the two main phases of decision-making: the stage of generating and developing an alternative and the stage of critical analysis, evaluation and control. There are: inert decisions, decisions of a cautious type, decisions of a balanced type, risky decisions, impulsive decisions.

Other approaches to classifying solutions are also possible. This is due to the variety of solutions and factors that are significant for a particular case. The above list of classification features shows the variety of types and characteristics of solutions due to the complexity of the object; characterizes the list of those parameters that should contain the conditions of the decision being made. Knowledge and use of the classification features of managerial decisions allows for the structuring of the task facing the manager. This allows you to more clearly formulate and solve management problems and contributes to the concentration of efforts and more efficient use of time and money in the development of solutions.


2.1 Indicators of the quality of managerial decisions

The quality of a management decision is a set of decision parameters that satisfy a particular consumer and ensure the reality of its implementation. The parameters of the quality of management decisions include:

1. The entropy index, i.e. quantitative uncertainty of the problem. If the problem is formulated only qualitatively, without quantitative indicators, then the entropy indicator approaches zero. If all indicators of the problem are quantified, the entropy indicator approaches one;

2. Degree of investment risk;

3. The probability of implementing the solution in terms of quality, costs and timing;

4. Degree of adequacy (or degree of accuracy of the forecast) theoretical model the evidence on which it was based.

After the preliminary regulation of the parameters of the quality of the management decision and its effectiveness (a limit is set, the minimum permissible efficiency for which it is worth taking up the solution of the problem), the environmental factors that affect the quality and effectiveness of the decision are analyzed. Then the parameters of the problem (“system input”) are analyzed and measures are taken to improve them and improve the quality of the incoming information.

After clarifying the requirements for the decision being made (“output”), clarifying the “external environment” factors affecting the quality and efficiency of the solution, working out the parameters of the problem (“system input”), it is necessary to model the decision-making technology, analyze the process parameters, and take measures to improve them and proceed directly to the development of the solution. If the quality of the initial information for solving the problem (“input”) is assessed as “satisfactory”, then at any quality level of the “decision-making process” in the system, the quality of the decision made (“output”) will be “satisfactory”.

2.2 Requirementstoqualitymanagerialdecisions

The decision-making process is a sequence of two interrelated, but, at the same time, independent stages - the development of a solution and its implementation. In accordance with this, it is necessary to note two modifications of the management decision: theoretically found and practically implemented. In relation to the first, that is, to the development of a solution, the concept of quality should be applied, and to the second, that is, to implementation, the concept of efficiency should be applied. It follows that the quality of a management decision can and should be assessed at the stage of its adoption, without waiting for the actual result, using for this a set of characteristics that express the main requirements for the decision. The quality of a management decision is the degree to which the parameters of the chosen solution alternative correspond to a certain system of characteristics that satisfies its developers and consumers and ensures the possibility of effective implementation. These characteristics include: validity; timeliness; consistency.

Validity managerial solutions . The validity of the decision is determined by the degree to which the regularities of the functioning and development of the control object and the trends in the development of the economy and society as a whole are taken into account. The next important factor that determines the validity of a managerial decision is the competence of the manager making the decision. The manager must have special knowledge in the area in which he makes a decision. In this case, the solution will be effective. The decision will be competent if it sufficiently fully reflects the goals and objectives of managing a particular object in combination with knowledge of the nature and specifics of this object, as well as its development trends in interaction with environment. The competence of a manager should be complemented by knowledge of management and decision theory. A decision can be justified if it is made on the basis of complete, reliable, systematized and scientifically processed information. The requirement for the validity of a decision means that the decision must be preceded by preparatory work, which consists in studying the situation, reflection, and the formation of criteria for choosing alternatives. Tsvetkov A.N. Management. - M., 2010, p.105.

Thus, the validity of the decision is provided by the following main factors:

Taking into account the requirements of objective economic laws and patterns;

Knowledge and use of trends in the development of the control object;

Availability of complete, reliable and scientifically processed information;

The presence of special knowledge, education and qualifications of the person making the decision;

The knowledge and application of the decision maker of the main recommendations of management and the theory of decision making.

Thus, the scientific validity of a managerial decision requires the manager's universal knowledge, which is associated with the increasing complexity and increasingly complex nature of the problems being solved and the consequences of the decisions made. Satisfaction of this requirement leads to widespread collegial forms of decision-making.

Nep inconsistency managerial solutions . The unity of management of modern complex organizations, carried out by a deeply specialized apparatus, cannot be achieved otherwise than by a sequence of complementary, consistent private decisions that are goal-setting, organizing, motivating, controlling and regulating. What actually guides the performers is usually their generalized idea of ​​the decisions, tasks, instructions and standards brought to them by various management bodies and managers and in different time. The situation is complicated by the fact that forecast scenarios development of the control object, as a rule, are absent, and the control apparatus responds only to current problems. In addition, each manager, when making a decision, pursues his own goals and interests, which requires an assessment of each of the developed solutions from the standpoint of the interests of the organization as a whole. All this testifies to the great importance of the consistency and consistency of management decisions. A distinction must be made between internal and external consistency. Internal consistency refers to the correspondence between the goals and the means to achieve them, as well as the correspondence between the complexity of the problem being solved and the methods for developing a solution. External consistency - the continuity of decisions, their compliance with the strategy, goals of the organization and previously made decisions (the actions necessary to implement one decision should not interfere with the implementation of others). Achieving a combination of these two conditions ensures the consistency and consistency of the management decision.

Thus, the consistency of a management decision means that the decision is consistent across all levels of management: vertical and horizontal connections and relationships.

Timeliness managerial solutions . The quality of solving many problems is very often determined by its timeliness. Even the optimal solution, designed to get the most economic effect, may be useless if taken too late. Moreover, it can even cause some damage. Thus, the time factor has a significant impact on the content of the management decision. Timeliness means not only the timeliness of acceptance, but also the timeliness of achieving the goal. After all, when the problem is solved, events continue to develop. It can happen that a great idea becomes obsolete and loses its meaning. Korotkov E.M. The concept of management: Proc. allowance. - M.: DeKa, 2006., S.222.

adaptability managerial solutions . The time factor, which significantly affects the decision-making process, dictates the need to fulfill one more condition that determines the quality of a management decision - adaptability. It should not be forgotten that the solution is always temporary. The term of its effective action can be taken equal to the period of relative stability of the problem situation it is aimed at resolving, and beyond this period the solution can turn into its opposite - not contribute to the resolution of the problem, but exacerbate it. In this regard, the final resolution of the problem “once and for all” is not possible and the quality of the chosen alternative should be assessed taking into account the fact that after some time it may be necessary to correct the current one or make a new decision. You need to manage in such a way that there remains a certain freedom of choice in the future, when the situation changes and a new solution is developed. Meanwhile, the disadvantage of many solutions lies in the fact that they do not take into account the need for such adaptation and are unnecessarily “rigid” in nature.

Reality managerial solutions . The decision should be developed and adopted taking into account the objective capabilities of the organization, its potential. Material possibilities, resources of the organization should be sufficient for the effective implementation of the solution. Unrealistic, abstract solutions frustrate performers and are fundamentally ineffective. The decision taken must correspond to the forces and means of the team executing it.

So, a management decision can be considered a quality one if it meets all the above requirements. Moreover, we are talking about a system of conditions, because non-compliance with at least one of them leads to defects in the quality of the solution and, consequently, to loss of efficiency, difficulties or even impossibility of its implementation.


3.1 Conditionsefficiencymanagerialdecisions

Improving the efficiency of management is almost identical to the growth of the efficiency of management decisions at all levels of the hierarchy, because decision-making is the main tool for managing influence; it is in the development, adoption, organization and control of the implementation of decisions that the activity of both individual managers and the management apparatus as a whole lies. At the same time, the task of determining the effectiveness of managerial decisions is one of the most complex and controversial management problems and, therefore, has not yet been fully resolved. Issues such as performance indicators and factors influencing the effectiveness of managerial decisions need to be further studied. Consider the concept of "management decision efficiency", "management efficiency" and "managerial work efficiency". As a rule, the effectiveness of the management system is determined through the results of the functioning of the managed object, and they, in turn, are determined by the degree to which the goal is achieved. Under these conditions, the assessment of the level of management of the organization is carried out on the basis of such indicators as the volume of production of goods or services, sales, profits, labor productivity, profitability, etc. This method, for all its logic and simplicity, has serious drawbacks. First, management efficiency is identified with production efficiency. Meanwhile, the same technical and economic results can be achieved with different levels organization of management, therefore, it is not possible to evaluate the effectiveness of each specific management system and, moreover, its divisions and individual employees in this way. Secondly, this approach does not take into account the time factor - a certain time lag between the control action and its result (the decision can be made by one leader, and its positive result, which manifests itself after some time, will be used by another). As for the effectiveness of managerial work, the difficulties exact definition its immediate results have led to the emergence of estimates of its effectiveness, based on the use of predominantly indirect characteristics. In this case, the rating system contains such indicators as: the number of processed documents per unit of time, the amount of information and data transfer rate, the proportion of management personnel, the scale of control, etc. Such indicators characterize, rather, the level of labor organization in the administrative apparatus, rather than its effectiveness. When evaluating the immediate results of the management system, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that management can be considered as a kind of production, the product of labor in which is a management decision. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to believe that the effectiveness of the decisions made can serve as a means of measuring the effectiveness of the activities of the entire administrative apparatus. Thus, evaluating the effectiveness of the decisions made, it is possible to monitor the effectiveness of the control system.

The concept of the effectiveness of a management decision (as opposed to its quality) is not considered in isolation from its implementation. The effectiveness of the decision lies not so much in its absolute correctness, but in the fact that, being consistently and on time implemented, it, due to its correctness, will achieve the goal. Consequently, the effectiveness of management decisions is determined both by the quality of the decisions themselves and by the quality of their implementation. As a rule, in practice, far from all the decisions made are implemented on time (according to some reports, their share in the total number of decisions made is about 30%). In addition, some of the implemented solutions do not give the expected result, i.e. turns out to be insufficiently effective. Expert assessments of the leaders themselves show that such decisions in their practice are at least 25%. these are both defects in the decision itself, caused by incomplete information, incompetence of the decision maker or lack of time for careful development of alternatives, as well as poor organization of its implementation and, above all, inconsistency and lack of control.

The effectiveness of managerial decisions is determined by the action of many factors of a technical, organizational, economic and socio-psychological nature, the influence of which is ambiguous and manifests itself on different stages the process of developing and implementing solutions. The main ones are:

Competence and experience of the manager making the decision;

Degree of awareness of the manager;

The level of collegiality in the process of developing a solution;

Share of controlled decisions;

The degree of direct participation of managers and specialists who developed the solution in its implementation;

Motivation of performers;

The nature and degree of responsibility of managers for the results of the decision.

For a managerial decision to be effective, a number of factors must be taken into account: adherence to a hierarchy in decision making, the use of cross-functional groups, the use of direct horizontal links and the centralization of leadership.

Hierarchy in decision-making - delegation of decision-making authority closer to the level at which there is more necessary information and who are directly involved in the implementation of the decision. In this case, the performers are employees of adjacent levels. Contacts with subordinates who are more than one hierarchical level lower (higher) are not allowed. Korotkov E.M. The concept of management: Proc. allowance. - M.: DeKa, 2006, p.223.

The use of targeted cross-functional teams, in which the members that make up them are selected from various departments and levels of organizations.

Use of direct (direct) horizontal connections. In this case (especially at the initial stage of the decision-making process), the collection and processing of information is carried out without recourse to the higher management. This approach contributes to making decisions in a shorter time and increasing responsibility for their implementation.

Centralization of leadership. The decision-making process should be in the hands of one common leader. In this case, a decision-making hierarchy is formed, that is, each lower manager solves his problems (makes a decision) with his immediate supervisor, and not with his superior (bypassing his immediate supervisor).

As already noted, the best way The solution is chosen by sequential evaluation of each of the proposed alternatives. In this case, it is determined to what extent each solution option ensures the achievement of the goal. Thus, the solution must meet the requirements arising from the situation being solved and the goals of the organization, namely: efficiency, economy, timeliness, validity, reality, consistency, targeting.

managerial decision efficiency

3.2 Gradeefficiencysolutionsmethod« expenses-profit»

The same goals can be achieved at different costs, so the main criterion for the effectiveness of a solution can be the ratio of the effect obtained as a result of its implementation, expressed as an indicator of the degree of achievement of the goal, to the amount of costs for developing the solution and its implementation. The problem is that the adoption of many important decisions (for example, the choice of innovative projects, an investment object, or the main directions of R&D) requires not one, but a multi-criteria assessment, because the effect of a managerial decision cannot be expressed by a single indicator. In such cases, one of the most commonly used in practice methods for evaluating the effectiveness of a solution is the so-called. the cost-profit method, in which efficiency is quantitatively characterized by the profit received per unit of costs. At the same time, “profit” is understood as a certain set of criteria that characterize a particular decision. As such criteria, both objective indicators are used, for example, payment flows, payback period, profitability, production volume, etc., and subjective assessments, for example, the image of the company, the social significance of the project, etc. In other words, "profit" is a composite value, which is formed by adding heterogeneous types of effects, the value of which is unequal. Therefore, the main conditions for the practical applicability of this method are:

The ability to sum up the various components of "profit";

Finding numerical coefficients characterizing the degree of contribution of each of the components of the "profit" elements.

But after this problem is solved, the task is extremely simplified. Knowing the values ​​of compound profit P i and required costs C i, it is possible for each solution alternative A i calculate ratio P i / C i, which characterizes the value of profit per unit of costs. Consider an example. The organization has seven investment projects, let's denote them K 1 , K 2 , …, K 7. Each of them is characterized by a certain compound profit. P i in conventional units and costs in million rubles. and certain costs C i (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1 - Determination of the degree of preference for investment objects

The funding limit allocated for the implementation of projects is 3.5 million rubles. It is necessary to determine the list of the most effective projects. To solve this problem, we calculate the profit-cost ratio for each project:

P 1 / C 1 = 2,6;

P 2 / C 2 = 2;

P 3 / C 3 = 2,3;

P 4 / C 4 = 2,25;

P 5 / C 5 = 2,86;

P 6 / C 6 = 2,67;

P 7 / C 7 = 1,2.

Now let's sort the projects in order of preference (in descending order of profit per unit of costs):

K 5 , K 6 , K 1 , K 3 , K 4 , K 2 , K 7 .

Further, summing up the cumulative total of the implementation costs, we select projects for priority financing K 5 , K 6 , K 1 and K 3 . Their total costs? With= 3.3 million rubles, and compound profit? R= 8.5. Obviously, with any other options, this ratio will be worse.

3.3 Methodsbringingdecisionsbeforeperformers

A special role in the effectiveness of decisions is played by the methods of bringing the decisions made to the executors. Bringing the decision to the executor begins with the division of the alternative into group and individual tasks and the selection of executors. As a result, each employee receives an individual task in accordance with his official duties. It is believed that the ability to transfer tasks to performers is the main source of the effectiveness of the decision. In this regard, there are four main reasons for non-compliance with decisions:

The decision was not clearly articulated by the manager;

The decision was clearly and precisely formulated, but the performer did not understand it;

The decision was clearly and precisely formulated, the executor understood it, but he did not have the conditions and means for its execution;

The decision was clearly and precisely formulated, the executor understood it, he had the means and conditions for implementation, but there was no internal agreement with the solution.

Thus, the effectiveness of a solution depends not only on its optimality, but also on the form of bringing it to the performer. The main meaning of all work on bringing tasks to the executors is to build in the minds of a certain image (technology) of future work on the implementation of a management decision.

The initial impression of this work is formed by the performer upon receipt and perception of the task. After that, the idea (task model) is refined, enriched by adapting it to the real and objective conditions of the internal and external environment. On this basis, a solution implementation technology is developed (an ideal model of the executor's activity to fulfill the manager's task).

In order for the performer's activity model to be implemented in accordance with the manager's initial idea, a number of requirements are imposed on the model. This is the completeness of the model, its motivation, stress resistance and strength, the depth of reflection of the original idea, consistency, accuracy and flexibility of the model.


Managerial decision is the main type of managerial work and a set of interrelated and purposeful and logically consistent managerial actions that ensure the implementation of managerial tasks.

The implementation of the decision is the most complex, time-consuming and lengthy stage of the decision-making process. The main goal of the management decision is to ensure movement towards the tasks set for the organization. The most effective organizational decision is the choice that is implemented and will contribute the most to the achievement of a specific goal. When making a decision, the manager most often chooses from a number of alternatives. At the same time, this is also the weakest link in the process of managerial activity, as evidenced by the delay in the implementation deadlines observed in management practice and the insufficient effectiveness of implemented decisions.

It should be noted that the decision-making process in modern organizations becomes more collegial. In this regard, the center of gravity in the activities of a manager is gradually moving from the sphere of developing a solution to the sphere of organizing and monitoring its implementation.

For the successful implementation of the decisions made, the organization must have a mechanism for their implementation, the main tasks of which are: development of an implementation program; implementation guidance; execution control; evaluation of results.

The effectiveness of the decisions made can serve as a means of measuring the effectiveness of the control system. The main criterion for the effectiveness of a management decision is the ratio of the effect obtained as a result of its implementation, expressed as an indicator of the degree of achievement of the goal, to the amount of costs for the development and implementation of the decision. One of the most common methods for evaluating the effectiveness of decisions is the cost-benefit method. An important role in the effectiveness of decisions is played by the methods of bringing the decisions made to the executors. The ability to transfer tasks to performers is the main source of the effectiveness of the decision.


1. Bashkatova Yu.I. Management Decisions Textbook for students economic specialties. - M., 2003.

2. Kabushkin N. I. Management of tourism. - M., 2004.

3. Kabushkin N.I. Fundamentals of management. - M., 2001.

4. Korotkov E.M. The concept of management: Proc. allowance. - M.: DeKa, 2006.

5. Management. Lecture notes / ed. Danilova A.V. - M, 2010.

6. Meskon M., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management. - M., 2002.

7. Remennikov V.B. Management decisions Training course Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law Center for Distance Educational Technologies MIEMP, 2009.

8. Saak A.E., Pshenichnykh Yu.A. Management in socio-cultural service and tourism. - M, 2010.

9. Organization management: Textbook / Ed. Porshneva A.G. - M.: INFRA - M, 2000.

10. Tsvetkov A.N. Management. - M., 2010.

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    Classification of management decisions, their quality. Decision and human factor or individual styles decision making. Stages of making a rational decision. Methods for making and justifying managerial decisions. Efficiency of management decision.

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    Basic concepts, classification groups and types of management decisions. The essence of decisions and the order of their development. Evaluation of the effectiveness of managerial decision-making and methods of their analysis. Making a decision on the example of the company LLC "Your sausages".

    term paper, added 06/19/2011

    Disclosure of the concept and definition of the role and place of management decisions in the activities of a manager. Classification of management decisions and analysis of requirements for them. Evaluation of the stages of the process of making a managerial decision. Evaluation of the quality of management decisions.

    term paper, added 01/06/2011

    Main categories of managerial decisions, stages and methods of their adoption. Modeling as a method for solving managerial problems, their construction and solution. Status and ways to improve the quality and efficiency of management decisions in GUSP MTS "Zauralie".

    term paper, added 06/09/2014

    Control over the implementation of management decisions. Socio-psychological aspects of monitoring and evaluating the execution of decisions. Management decisions. Decision as a tool for changes in the functioning and development of the enterprise. Evaluation of the effectiveness of decisions.

    term paper, added 10/31/2008

    The essence of the concept and characteristics of management decisions, their classification, the main requirements, the process of preparation, adoption and implementation. Methods for optimizing managerial decisions. Features of the economic environment for firms in the Kuban.

    term paper, added 06/26/2010

    General concept and methods of making managerial decisions. Decision-making levels and their implementation. The main elements of a strategic decision, evaluation of its effectiveness. Requirements that apply to the manager in the development and implementation of the solution.

    term paper, added 11/21/2015

    Essence and properties of managerial decisions. Classification of management decisions, criteria for their quality. Characteristics of the enterprise LLC "Ship". Characteristics of the organizational structure of management and personnel. Ways to improve the quality of decisions made.

    term paper, added 09/22/2010

    Theoretical basis decision-making in the organization, the concept, essence and classification of managerial decisions in the management process, methods, Information Support solutions. Recommendations and requirements for the choice of criteria for the effectiveness of decision-making.