The most famous fashion model of the USSR, Regina Zbarskaya. Regina Zbarskaya: why “the most beautiful weapon of the Kremlin” fell silent

Name: Regina Zbarskaya

Date of Birth: 27.09.1935

Age: 83 years old

Date of death: 15.11.1987.

Place of Birth: city ​​of St. Petersburg, Russia

Height: 1.70 m

Activity: mannequin

Family status: Single

Almost all the men of the Soviet Union went crazy from Regina Zbarskaya, they were ready to throw the whole world at her feet, as soon as she appeared on the podium. The appearance of the girl was considered the standard of beauty, many even compared the fashion model with famous actress Sophia Loren. Regina Zbarskaya, her biography with a photo is still interesting to many.

A strange thing is life, at a time when millions of men were ready for anything, just to achieve her location, her beloved husband decided to leave her. Being a self-confident woman, she did not fit in her head, how this was possible.

Regina was a smart girl and immediately realized that beauty and youth would help her achieve a lot and began to actively use it. But basking in the rays of glory, she somehow lost sight of the fact that youth and beauty, alas, are not eternal. No one could have imagined that the life of a catwalk star would tragically end at such a young age.


Regina Zbarskaya, biography with photo. There are several versions regarding Regina's parents and place of birth. According to one of them, the girl was born in Leningrad, her parents were circus gymnasts, and while performing one of the most difficult tricks under the circus dome, they crashed to death. At that time, Regina was very small, and she had to be brought up in Orphanage. According to another version, the future fashion model was born in the autumn of September 27, 1935 in Vologda. Her mother was a doctor and her father a retired officer.

The girl was named such an unusual name for that time at the insistence of her father. They say that the name affects the fate of a person, perhaps the way it is. Translated from Latin, Regina, means queen. Already with young years the girl stood out among her peers, but at that time, she did not imagine that years later, the whole world would talk about her.

Regina Zbarskaya in her youth

When the war ended, the Zbarskaya family settled in Vologda. Having received a high school diploma, the girl realized that there were no prospects in her hometown, and firmly decided to go to Moscow in search of her place in the sun. Dreaming of acting in films, for some reason she chooses Faculty of Economics VGIKA. Perhaps because it is almost impossible to enter the acting department without any preparation.

A sensible provincial woman realistically assessed her capabilities and understood that in order to stay in the capital, it is necessary to start with what is exactly within her power. This is the only way to "catch" in the city of great opportunities. Regina managed to enter the Faculty of Economics quite easily. She was generally smart in life and achieved her goals.

Already after the second year, the girl's interest in studying somehow faded away. She began to periodically skip couples, which caused dissatisfaction with the teachers. But, despite this, she always passed all the exams and excelled in her studies.

Model Regina Zbarskaya

Regina understood that the bright appearance that was given to her by nature could become calling card to a secure future. She was easily able to meet the right people, and pretty quickly she began to appear in the company of directors, artists and diplomats. Possessing good manners and being fluent in two languages ​​and able to carry on small talk, she was much more than just the decoration of the evening.

The girl often visited the Mosfilm film sets, trying to draw the directors' attention to herself, hoping to get a worthwhile business offer. But, the attempts were unsuccessful until she accidentally, at one of the social events, met Vera Aralova, an artist and fashion designer. So the All-Union House of Models, located on the Kuznetsk bridge, became the place of work of Zbarskaya.

Hard road to success

Before achieving success and fame, the girl had to go through a lot. In those days, being a model was considered obscene. Despite the hard work, fashion models received a very modest salary. But at first, Regina was happy with everything, she liked to demonstrate clothes, walking along the catwalk. Regina's efforts were rewarded. In 1961, a show of Soviet fashion models took place in Paris, after which she woke up famous.

But this event was overshadowed immediately, upon returning to the USSR. Influential people in political circles ambiguously made it clear to Zbarskaya that in order to freely travel abroad, it is necessary to enlist their support. They will be favorable to her only if she renders some help and works for the good of her country. Men are addicted to attractive women, and on this basis, they could well improve the image of the Soviet Union in the West.

Regina had a large number of fans

But there are no specific facts regarding the extraction and dissemination of information by Zbarskaya. Although, Regina had some privileges. She alone was allowed what others were not allowed. For example, she could safely go about her business during trips abroad. Hard instructions did not apply to her.

Models were often compared with girls of easy virtue, many preferred to keep information about their place of work secret from strangers, but Regina knew her worth well and did not see anything shameful in her profession. She was generally a leader in life.

Tough choice between family and career

Regina Kolesnikova (this is her maiden name) had many admirers, but her heart was conquered by one single man, who was the artist Lev Zbarsky. She first drew attention to him and soon they got married. This became a new round in the girl's life. Regina Zbarskaya biography with photo Lev Zbarsky.

Regina Zbarskaya and the leading fashion models of the USSR

Regina knew that the reputation of a womanizer was firmly entrenched in her husband, but deep down she hoped that by marrying her, he would stop noticing other women. For a while it was. They were considered the most beautiful and happy couple. Regina Zbarskaya biography with photo Lev Zbarsky photo in his youth. By the way, the husband of the famous fashion model did not have an attractive appearance, but this did not prevent him from being successful with the female sex. Thanks to Vyacheslav Zaitsev and her husband, the catwalk star met such famous people in the fashion world as Pierre Cardin and Yves Montand.

On the eve of a very important trip to Montreal in 1967, a woman found out about her pregnancy. She faced a difficult choice - a child or a career, the woman made a choice in favor of work. Although, it was not only her decision. It was rumored that Leo did not want to have children from his wife. This was a huge stress for her, firstly, she understood that she was already 32 years old and if she didn’t give birth now, then she might not be able to get pregnant.

Regina Zbarskaya: photo

Regina tried to drown out her pain with antidepressants. The young woman did not have time to recover from one shock, as another blow of fate awaited her. Beloved husband left her for Lyudmila Maksakova.

The news of the birth of their son finally knocked down nervous system fashion models. Despite the facts, she stubbornly did not want to believe that he had put an end to their relationship, and hoped that he would come to his senses and return. Everything collapsed the moment she learned that her husband was leaving the country. Out of desperation, she opened her veins and was admitted to the hospital for the first time. Regina Zbarskaya, biography with a photo after a mental hospital.

Regina Zbarskaya and Vyacheslav Zaitsev

After undergoing treatment, the woman returned to the profession, but not for long. She was always self-critical about herself and was well aware that she could not keep up with young girls and the time of the fashion model Zbarskaya was irrevocably leaving.

A short moment of happiness and another betrayal

The life of Regina Zbarskaya began to improve. At least, that's how it seemed to her at the time. An acquaintance with a Yugoslav journalist that took place in 1973 literally brought the woman back to life. The holiday romance clearly did her good. Soon, the lover returned to his homeland and published a book with the sensational title "One Hundred Nights with Regina Zbarskaya." It is still not clear that this was another betrayal or an attempt by the ex-fashion model herself to provoke a high-profile political scandal.

In any case, given her recent mental breakdown, this assumption cannot be rejected. It is possible that Regina was aware of the forthcoming publication. But judging by the fact that she again tried to commit suicide, for such glory, she was not ready. This again led her to a psychiatric hospital.

Regina with her husband Lev Zbarsky

Latest photos for a fashion magazine

Vyacheslav Zaitsev was the only person who invited Regina to appear in a magazine for the Fashion House. This was in 1984. As it turned out later, this was not a very good idea. Neither the make-up nor the skillfully exposed light saved the situation. In the photo, the former fashion model looked completely different from before. Regina Zbarskaya biography with a photo after a psychiatric hospital.

Departure of the queen of the catwalk

Regina tried to commit suicide more than once, and on the third attempt she succeeded. As Vyacheslav Zaitsev will later say: “Her death did not surprise anyone.” Zaitsev learned about the death of Zbarskaya from her neighbor, who, having called, told him this news. It is still unknown exactly how it happened and where. According to some reports, she died as a result of food poisoning at her home, and she was found with a telephone receiver in her hand, according to others, she opened her veins while in a psychiatric hospital.

Latest photos famous model

Light on what is happening could shed a diary in which she described her thoughts. They say he was found next to the body, but for some reason he was not attached to the case. Perhaps the reason is that the woman knew a lot. Zbarskaya's body was cremated, none of her colleagues were at the funeral.

The place of burial is also not disclosed to this day. This is how the life of a 52-year-old woman, who was once applauded by the whole world, ended absurdly. Whether it was a contract killing or a suicide really took place, it will remain a mystery with seven seals. Not so long ago, the Red Queen series dedicated to the memory of Regina Zbarskaya was released.

Do you like the legendary fashion model Regina Zbarskaya? The biography of the beauty is still full of secrets and mysteries. European appearance and charm raised the woman to the pinnacle of success. But fashion and politics in her life are so closely intertwined that in the end they played a cruel joke on her.

Little is known about the fashion model's childhood. In addition, there is no one to confirm these facts. So, there are two versions of the origin of Regina. According to one of them, the girl was born on September 27, 1935 in Leningrad region. Her parents worked as gymnasts in the circus and died when they fell from under the dome.

Another source reports that the mother, Daria Kolesnikova, was a doctor in Vologda, where the girl was born. And his father, Nikolai Kolesnikov, was a retired officer.

At the age of 17, Regina Kolesnikova went to conquer Moscow. She went to study at VGIK, where she excelled in the study of economics. Nevertheless, the girl was drawn to the bohemian life. Therefore, the future star found time to attend parties.

At one of the events unusual appearance Regina was noted by Vera Aralova, who was then a well-known costume designer for the Model House. The woman invited her to participate in the show, and soon Kolesnikova became the No. 1 fashion model not only in the USSR, but throughout the world.

When fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev made Regina a “pageboy” hairstyle, the press in the West immediately nicknamed her “Soviet Sophia Loren”. And the publication Paris Match called the model the main weapon of the Kremlin.

Interestingly, Regina presented her shortcomings as virtues. Slightly crooked legs did not prevent the woman from making the public admire her charm and beauty. Thanks to her, many Soviet girls got rid of complexes.

At the peak of her career (in the 1960s), the woman married the artist Lev Zbarsky. For her husband, she became a muse and the main inspirer of his work.

Unfortunately, family happiness did not last long. In 1967, Regina Zbarskaya found out that she was expecting a baby. But the husband did not want to have children, so the woman had an abortion. After that, Zbarskaya had a series mental disorders which she suppressed with depression pills.

Soon Lev Zbarsky became interested in young actresses. It is known that in 1970 he had a son from Lyudmila Maksakova. As a result of an unstable state of mind, Regina was sent to a psychiatric clinic.

After leaving the hospital, the woman continued her career as a fashion model and started a relationship with a Yugoslav journalist. The latter decided to use her name for his own purposes, so he published the book “One Hundred Nights with Regina Zbarskaya” abroad, where he described in detail the erotic moments from their life together.

Regina could not stand the humiliation and tried to commit suicide, but she was saved. In 1987, she still managed to finish what she started. At the age of 52, the famous fashion model passed away: Zbarskaya took a large dose of sleeping pills.

The body of Regina Zbarskaya was cremated, and the burial place was kept secret.

Regina Zbarskaya: interesting facts, memory

The busy life of the fashion model was full of events. Here are a few interesting facts about the career of Regina Zbarskaya:

  • The beginning of a long journey.

The heyday of Regina's career coincided with the moment of competition between the USSR and the USA for superiority in everything. This applied not only to politics, but also to fashion. Therefore, in 1961, the House of Models finally became visiting. All of Paris spoke about the collection of Vera Aralova, headed by Zbarskaya.

  • First boots.

Vera Aralova became the first fashion designer to present Soviet citizens high boots with a zipper. Regina Zbarskaya and other models walked the podium in them.

  • Filming.

In 1958, the picture “Sailor from the Comet” was released on television, where Zbarskaya starred. In the credits, she is presented as R. Kolesnikova.

  • International festival.

IN Soviet time Possession of a Western fashion magazine could have landed you in jail. Then this publication was considered akin to pornography. But after the international festival in 1967, a special issue of a fashion magazine was released with Regina Zbarskaya on the cover.

  • Famous husband.

Interestingly, Lev Zbarsky, the husband of the model, is the son of Boris Zbarsky. This scientist is known for embalming Lenin's body.

  • Secret agent of the KGB.

They said that Zbarskaya owes her fame to cooperation with the KGB. The fashion model was fluent in three languages, knew how to maintain an intellectual conversation and often traveled abroad. This gave rise to many rumors about her involvement in the transfer of information to the KGB. However, what actually happened is not known exactly.

In memory of the famous fashion model of the Soviet Union, the series "The Red Queen" was filmed. This biographical tape consists of 12 episodes, and leading role it was performed by actress Ksenia Lukyanchikova. The serial film was released in 2015.

Also, the story of the death of Regina Zbarskaya became the topic for the program "The investigation was conducted ...".

Of course, the famous fashion model made a breakthrough in the field of fashion. The tragic fate of Regina Zbarskaya proves once again that beauty is not a guarantee of happiness. This spectacular and courageous woman became a hostage of her popularity. But still her life path causes admiration.

Being a Soviet fashion model is not an easy task. Indeed, in the USSR there were many prohibitions, the violation of which could cost a career. Today we will talk about famous Soviet fashion models, whose fates cannot be called happy, although for some in the end everything turned out not so badly. They were loved by men and hated by many women, they were famous and very beautiful. They had fame and money, but, unfortunately, this did not provide them with happy life. So, for a reason, it says famous saying"Don't be born beautiful, but be born happy"...

Regina Zbarskaya

"Soviet Sophia Loren"

It is still not known exactly who the parents of the star of the Soviet podium were and where she was born. According to one version, Regina is from Leningrad. She was born into a family circus artists who died during a dangerous stunt. Regina grew up in an orphanage. According to another version, Regina was born in Vologda, in the usual Soviet family: mother is a civil servant, father is a retired officer. The biography of the "Soviet Sophia Loren" becomes transparent only from 1953 - from the moment when the 17-year-old Regina arrived in Moscow and entered VGIK. The girl, like most of her peers, dreamed of being an actress, but for some reason she chose the Faculty of Economics. However, Regina was invited to screen tests several times, but she was never offered to act in films. But the girl got useful acquaintances: Regina was noticed by fashion designer Vera Aralova and invited to work at the All-Union House of Models on Kuznetsky Most. In the early 60s, Regina's popularity went beyond the Union: the French called her "the most beautiful weapon of the Kremlin".

But colleagues on the catwalk called Regina differently - "The Snow Queen". She was reserved, did not make close friendships with anyone, and therefore many considered her arrogant. But perhaps it was not the complex nature of the star, but the problems that accompanied her marriage.

In the early 60s, Regina married the Moscow artist Lev Zbarsky. The couple was happy until Regina got pregnant. The husband insisted on an abortion. At the same time, instead of supporting his wife, he started an affair on the side - with actress Marianna Vertinskaya. And soon he went to another actress - Lyudmila Maksakova, and she gave birth to a son from him. Regina Zbarskaya, who was depressed, ended up in a psychiatric clinic.

After treatment, the fashion model returned to the podium and tried to establish a personal life. Again, no one knows the details. According to one version, Regina began dating a young Yugoslav journalist who used her to become famous. Allegedly, he wrote the book "100 Nights with Regina Zbarskaya", which described in detail the work of a fashion model for the KGB. Nobody saw the book itself, but nevertheless a scandal erupted, after which the fashion model tried to commit suicide. According to another version, Zbarskaya decided to commit suicide because she could not return to form. One way or another, but the fashion model was again in the clinic. There was no question of returning to the podium. Vyacheslav Zaitsev offered her a job as a cleaner - it was the only thing he could do for her.

In 1987, at the age of 52, Regina Zbarskaya nevertheless committed suicide. But again, it is not known where and when - in a psychiatric hospital or in an apartment. No one came to the funeral of Regina Zbarskaya. Where she is buried is unknown.

Leka Mironova

"Soviet Audrey Hepburn"

Leka ( full name- Leokadiya) Mironova dreamed of being an opera singer, ballerina or architect. But in her youth, she damaged her vocal cords and could no longer sing. But she entered the Vaganov School, but even here her health failed: osteoporosis developed. Leka did not become an architect either - due to vision problems. But she became one of the most famous fashion models of the Soviet Union.

But first she entered the theater and technical art school, where she often had to act as a model. The teachers appreciated the beauty of the student and invited her to try herself as a fashion model. So Leka ended up in the House of Models, where Slava Zaitsev noticed her. The fashion designer and fashion model have collaborated for more than half a century.

Leka was not allowed to travel abroad, but she was well known outside the USSR. When the Americans filmed the film "Three Stars of the Soviet Union", Leka became the third star next to Maya Plisetskaya and Valery Brumel. But even after filming, Mironova was never allowed to go abroad. Maybe because she was the first fashion model who dared to talk about the harassment that models endured.

Mironova's personal life did not work out. Leka was married, but her husband turned out to be pathologically jealous, the model left. Then Leka met a photographer from Lithuania. This relationship was broken by the system: the couple faced serious threats ... She never married again.

Galya Milovskaya

"Russian Twiggy"

Galina Milovskaya was the main rival of Regina Zbarskaya: an almost cinematic confrontation between a blonde and a brunette, a dispute between a bright, southern type and gentle Slavic beauty. At the same time, Galya Milovskaya was very different from her colleagues on the podium: with a height of 170 centimeters, she weighed 42 kilograms and for Soviet fashion model was definitely too skinny.

But for a photo shoot in Vogue, Galina fit perfectly. In 1968, the French photographer Arnaud de Rhone arrived in Moscow. The government issued a permit, they planned to shoot on Red Square and in the Kremlin Armory. The shooting took place, but cost Galina a career.

In one picture, Galya is sitting in a free position. But then, sitting on Red Square, spreading your legs, and even with your back to the portraits of the "leaders" - was considered blasphemy. However, the fashion model was forgiven for the first “sin”, but soon Galya took part in an even more risky project: Galina became the first Soviet body art model. Her nude (albeit painted) pictures appeared in an Italian magazine. This ended Milovskaya's career: a fashion model with "anti-Soviet" sentiments could not appear in Soviet magazines.

In 1974, Milovskaya left the USSR. In France, she met a banker, got married and said goodbye to the modeling business, becoming a director. One of her films won several awards at international festivals. It was called "These Mad Russians".

Valentina Yashina

"Soviet Greta Garbo"

classical, cold beauty She may have inherited Valentina Yashina from her father, but Valya knew only one thing about him: he was a Swede. Valentina's mother soon married a man who adopted the girl and gave her his last name.

Before starting her modeling career, Valentina managed to get married, give birth only son and get divorced. Before marriage, Valentina graduated from a theater school, and soon after the wedding she was invited to Riga to play in the play "Silva". Valentina began an affair with a stage partner, which became known to her husband. He filed for divorce, son Alexander stayed with his mother. Valentina did not return to the stage, but decided to try herself on the podium. And she became one of the most successful fashion models of that time.

Many people courted Valentina Yashina, including Iosif Kobzon, but the model was in no hurry to marry again. Only at the end of her career did she agree to accept the proposal of the director of the House of Artists Nikolai Malakhov. The husband idolized Valentina, but happiness was short-lived - Malakhov died. Yashina remained a wealthy widow: her husband bequeathed about $5 million to her. Nobody still knows why Valentina Yashina ended her days in poverty.

Valentina's friends and relatives blame two Alexandrovs for everything - the son and grandson of the fashion model. Allegedly, Alexander Sr. could not find a job and lived at the expense of his mother, spending his fortune on financial adventures. As a result, Yashina spent the last 6 years of her life in the country, and the luxurious apartment in which she lived with her husband evaporated. One of the most famous women The Soviet Union ended her life alone. The son and grandson almost never visited Valentina, so the body was not immediately found.

Regina Zbarskaya I realized early on that beauty and youth can provide her with a decent future. But she did not take into account one thing: youth is a temporary phenomenon, and beauty does not guarantee happiness. The famous Soviet fashion model died in a psychiatric hospital when she was only 52 years old. Who would have thought that fabulous life prima of the Soviet podiums will end so tragically?


September 27, 1935 in the family of an officer Nikolai Kolesnikov daughter was born. Her father chose for her the name Regina, unusual for that time, which in some way predetermined further fate girls, because in Latin it means "queen". Of course, then she was far from reigning on the Soviet catwalks, but already in her youth the future model stood out among her peers.

After the end of the war, the family settled in Vologda. Having received a certificate, the girl went to conquer Moscow. The choice of seventeen-year-old Regina fell on the Faculty of Economics of VGIKA, although in fact she dreamed of acting in films. But the chances of entering the acting department without preparation were practically zero, and the provincial really wanted to “hook” in the capital. But Regina got into the Faculty of Economics without much difficulty.

Regina Zbarskaya. Photo: RIA Novosti

Already in her second year of study, Kolesnikova began to skip couples more and more often, which caused stable dissatisfaction with teachers. However, even with such attendance, she managed to pass all the exams and study well.

Exactly at student years Regina realized that youth and external data are a ticket to a brilliant future. The girl was a frequent guest of bohemian parties, where directors, artists and diplomats gathered. At the same time, Regina was not just another beautiful girl- she knew how to keep up the conversation, spoke two languages, had good manners.

After graduating from high school, Kolesnikova stormed the Mosfilm film sets. But the directors were in no hurry to make tempting offers. Regina did not give up and once at one of the parties her “European appearance” was noticed by an artist and fashion designer Vera Aralova. She invited the girl to work at the All-Union House of Models on Kuznetsky Most.

Dubious profession

In Soviet times, the profession of "model" was not considered prestigious and was paid accordingly. Moreover, the girls were not even called models, they were “clothing demonstrators”. The majority thought so, but not Kolesnikova. Regina sincerely enjoyed her new life, because the podium was made from a simple girl real celebrity in the fashion world. Her finest hour struck in 1961 in Paris during a show of Soviet fashion models.

However, when she returned to the Union, she was immediately made to understand: if you want to travel abroad without hindrance, you will have to “work hard” for the good of the Motherland. During their foreign visits, fashion models actively communicated with very famous politicians, artists, businessmen and elites. Most of them were greedy for attractive interlocutors and under their influence could positively influence the image of the Soviet Union in the West. But these are just guesses. It is still not known for certain what information the queen of the Soviet podium obtained and disseminated. But it is known that she was the only model who, contrary to the existing strict instructions, was allowed to go to the city on business during trips abroad. Her colleagues did not even dream of such "liberties".

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There were a lot of rumors around the Fashion House on Kuznetsky Most. His female workers were often compared to lung women behavior, because they stood out too much against the background of a gray, faceless mass Soviet people. For this reason, many deliberately concealed the profession. However, Regina was not one of them and knew her worth.

Kolesnikova, like any other girl, wanted to get married successfully. Of course with her data to find perfect couple was no big deal. In 1960, a real king appeared in the life of the queen of the catwalk - the artist Lev Zbarsky. It was under his last name that Regina was recognized all over the world.

Family or career?

The newly minted husband was a real playboy. He enjoyed unprecedented success with women, but Regina managed to pacify her husband for a while. For 7 years, the Zbarsky couple was one of the most beautiful couples of the Moscow beau monde. Thanks to my husband and fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev the fashion model met a huge number of famous foreign guests who were visiting at that time Soviet Union. Among them were Yves Montand And Pierre Cardin.

In 1967, Regina had to do a very important choice In my life. At 32, she became pregnant. This news took her by surprise: Zbarskaya had a long trip to Montreal planned. Between a child and a career, unfortunately, she chose the latter. What prompted her to have an abortion is hard to say. However, according to rumors, Leo did not want children, or rather, he did not want them from Regina. The artist left his wife first for an actress Marianne Vertinskaya, and then to Lyudmila Maksakova who bore him a son.

In 1972, the man emigrated to Israel, then to the United States. After breaking up with her husband, the catwalk queen left the House of Models. news of pregnancy new passion She experienced Zbarsky very difficult, but did not lose hope of restoring her family. However, when Regina realized that Leo was leaving the country, she opened her veins and ended up in a psychiatric hospital.

After treatment, Zbarskaya tried to return to the profession. Despite age and excess weight she had such an opportunity, because then clothes were shown not only by young beauties, but also by older models. However, the return was short-lived - looking at her pictures for the magazine and the fresh, young faces of the new fashion models, Regina realized that her time had gone forever.

Bad reputation

In 1973, the black stripe in the life of the ex-model was replaced by a white one. At least Regina hoped so. Zbarskaya met a Yugoslav journalist. A passionate but short romance ensued between them. When the young man returned to his homeland, he published the sensational book One Hundred Nights with Regina Zbarskaya. The publication contained a confession of a woman about her denunciations of colleagues in the shop, candid photos and intimate details of the life of the catwalk queen. Of course, this “work” never appeared on the shelves of Soviet stores.

Regina Zbarskaya and Vyacheslav Zaitsev. Photo: RIA Novosti

What was it - another vile betrayal of a loved one or a deliberate provocation of a high-profile political scandal by Zbarskaya herself? Given the unstable mental health Regina, it is possible that she knew about the forthcoming publication. But the new "popularity" did not allow her to live in peace. She opened her veins for the second time and again ended up in a hospital bed.

In 1982, Vyacheslav Zaitsev wanted to offer Regina a job at his Fashion House on Prospekt Mir. But there was nothing to think about returning to the podium. In 1984, she last time starred for a fashion magazine - needless to say, it was a completely different Zbarskaya. The faded look could not brighten up the makeup and skillfully exposed light.

On November 15, 1987, Regina made the decision to commit suicide for the third time. While in the hospital, the woman drank a handful of pills and fell asleep forever. The Voice of America radio station announced her death, but in the USSR the departure of one of the most famous fashion models of the 60s went unnoticed. Many people who were once close to her still do not know where the grave of the legendary Regina Zbarskaya is located. Could anyone have imagined such a sad ending to such a bright life? Hardly. Apparently not in vain do they say among the people - "do not be born beautiful."

The famous Soviet fashion model was born on September 27, 1935. Her fate was tragic, in the pages of her biography there is a stay in a mental hospital.

For certain, the origin of Regina is unknown. According to the first version, her parents were gymnasts: her mother was a circus gymnast, and her father was an aerialist. The parents of Regina Zbarskaya crashed while performing a circus trick, and the girl was sent to an orphanage. According to the second version, Zbarskaya was born in Vologda and her parents were ordinary servicemen.

Career of Regina Zbarskaya (Kolesnikova)

At the age of 17, Regina moved to Moscow and entered VGIK. She often attended various parties, where she was noticed by Vera Aralova, a well-known fashion designer at that time. Regina began to take part in Aralova's shows and became known to the whole world. Regina has been on the catwalk for many years, participating in the shows of many eminent Soviet designers at that time. Most often, the girl collaborated with Vera Aralova and Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

It was she who was the first model in the world to walk the catwalk in boots with a full-length zipper. This type of footwear was invented by Aralova, however, due to the lack of modeling business such a thing as a patent, Vera's invention was taken away from under her nose.

Vyacheslav Zaitsev suggested that the fashion model make the so-called pageboy haircut. Thanks to the new haircut, Regina became the ideal of the “Italian beauty”, and after that, Western journalists called the model “Soviet Sophia Loren”.

Popularity was not long in coming - already in the early 60s, Regina became the prima of the Soviet podium. With excellent command of English and French, the model was taken into the composition of almost all delegations going to shows abroad.

1961 became finest hour For a girl. Then Regina went with Vera Aralova to Paris, where she immediately attracted the attention of French fashion designers. Then she met Cardin and Dior. Upon returning to her homeland, all fashionable Moscow spoke about Regina - photographs of the girl appeared in Soviet fashion magazines, not a single show of the famous designer was complete without her participation.

Despite the incredible popularity, Regina was not loved in the circle of fashion models. Colleagues called the girl " snow queen”because, as they themselves explained, the arrogance of the beauty. Regina did not try to establish contact with other models and was quite closed, showing herself real only to the closest people.

The girl was admired by Fidel Castro, Yves Montand, Pierre Cardin and even the brilliant Federico Fellini.

Personal life of Regina Zbarskaya

There are also many rumors around the personal life of the famous model. According to one version, Regina was married twice, but nothing is known about the girl's first husband. Regina did not even reveal the name of the first chosen one, since, according to the model herself, he was from the wrong layer of society.

According to the second version, the first and single husband"Soviet Sophia Loren" was an illustrator known throughout the Soviet Union Lev Zbarsky, the son of the famous scientist Boris Zbarsky. The whole capital knew the lion not only thanks to his brilliant creations, but also for his love of wild life. Leo often hosted secular parties and was constantly surrounded by women.

They were considered the most beautiful couple- the beautiful Regina, who shone on foreign catwalks and Leo, who does not lag behind famous wife and often traveled abroad. Leo even called his wife his muse.

But their marriage was not perfect - soon the windy Zbrasky started an affair with Marianna Vertinskaya. Regina turned a blind eye to her husband's betrayal, but Regina's pregnancy became an even greater blow to the couple's relationship, her husband did not want a child, and Zbarskaya had an abortion. She began to suppress her feelings of guilt with antidepressants, and soon her husband left with Lyudmila Maksakova, who bore him a son.

As a result, Regina Zbarskaya ended up in a mental hospital with a diagnosis of depression. After leaving the hospital, she returned to work. Zbarskaya had an affair with a Yugoslav journalist, who soon slandered her with his book One Hundred Nights with Regina Zbarskaya, which described in detail the intimate scenes involving the model. In addition, the book talked about Zbarskaya's denunciations of other fashion models.

Regina Zbarskaya, biography with a photo after a mental hospital.

After the release of this book, the model tried to commit suicide. She became very stout and could no longer return to the podium.

Vyacheslav Zaitsev, at that time her best friend, tried with all his might to return Regina's desire to live. He said that he remembered her as a cheerful and happy girl, participating in any projects with insane enthusiasm, and now she is a pretty old, sad woman who has lost everything: a child, a loved one, glory and honor. She was offered to work as a cleaner in the House of Models, she agreed, because there was almost no money left for subsistence. Contemporaries say that Regina always watched the successes with admiration. young models hoping that a less difficult fate awaits them.

For Regina, this was a new blow: again a psychiatric clinic and antidepressants. The woman was constantly haunted by guilt, she told everyone that she was guilty before him. Due to mental illness, the style icon was once fired from the Model House.

Zbarskaya died on November 15, 1987 as a result of her third suicide attempt at the age of 51. She poisoned herself with sleeping pills. No one came to her funeral, the place of burial is unknown. “I don't know where Regina's grave is. When she died, her neighbor called me and said that Regina was found dead in her own apartment with a handset in her hands. It was said that she had poisoned herself with sleeping pills. This was far from her first attempt to commit suicide after another exit from the mental hospital. So this death, although it was terrible, did not surprise anyone ”- V. Zaitsev.

In 2015, the biographical film "Red Queen" was released about the life of a famous Soviet fashion model, which tells about a woman who knew all the secrets of the KGB. As you know, those who know a lot do not live long. But is this really so still unknown, there is not a single evidence of Zbarskaya's cooperation with members of the KGB.