Telman Ismailov with his wife infection. Telman Ismailov: what is the former owner of Cherkizon famous for? From the KP dossier

Telman Mardanovich Ismailov (October 26, 1956, Baku) is a Russian entrepreneur, head of the AST group of enterprises. The story of his success is a vivid example of how the shadow Soviet economy found its current state.

Childhood, youth

Telman Ismailov was the 10th child in a family of 12 children. His parents Mardan and Peri Ismailov were Mountain Jews. My father was a major Baku guild worker. Telman helped him from the age of 14 and after 4 years became the director of the only commercial store in the capital of Azerbaijan.

During 1973-1976. Ismailov studied at the Azerbaijan National Economic Institute. After serving in the army, he continued his studies at the Moscow Institute National economy. This university future millionaire graduated in 1980

Entrepreneurial activity

In the 80s, Ismailov worked as an economist at the Ministry of Trade. In addition, he was an expert at Vostokintorg.

1988 - Ismailov organized the cooperative "Commercial charity company". During this period, he met Yu. Luzhkov, who then held the post of chairman of the commission of the Moscow City Executive Committee on cooperative activities. Telman Ismailov began his business with the trade in consumer goods.

1989 - created a company that became the basis of the AST group.

On the this moment AST is owned in equal shares by its founder, his two sons, and his nephew. It consists of 31 companies. The main income comes from:

  • "AST-Kapstroy" (construction);
  • "Publishing House AST-LTD";
  • "AST-Hof" (hotel business);
  • "AST-TransService" ( transport business);
  • "AST-Shield" (security firm);
  • "AST-Taxi";
  • "AST-Prague" (restaurant business);
  • "AST-Gold" ( jewelry business);
  • "Trading house TSVUM".

The annual turnover of AST is $2 billion. In the past, this group of companies owned the Cherkizovsky market, which was considered the largest trading platform of Eastern Europe and was closed in 2009. official reason closing - violation sanitary norms.

2009 - Telman Ismailov opens the 7-star Mardan Palace Hotel in Antalya (Turkey). The German newspaper "Süddeutsche Zeitung" dubbed it "the most expensive hotel on the continent". And it is not surprising, because Ismailov spent more than $1 billion on the construction of this hotel.

2012 - began construction of an apart-hotel, which will be located on Nikitsky Boulevard.

According to Forbes data for 2013, Telman Ismailov's fortune is $0.75 billion.

Secret of success

Initial capital at 600 thousand rubles. Telman Mardanovich received thanks to the help of relatives and the sale of his own apartment. It was often noted in the press that Ismailov's personal qualities, such as sociability and charm, largely contributed to his success. Good friendships also played an important role. Ismailov's close friends included former mayor Moscow Y. Luzhkov and former vice-mayor of the capital I. Ordzhonikidze.

But nevertheless, the Cherkizovsky market, opened in 1994, became the basis of Ismailov's capital. This market was considered the main haven of illegal immigrants. In addition, representatives law enforcement for a long time didn't even try to get in. The press has repeatedly noted that in addition to the official rent, representatives of the AST demanded additional money, and those who disagree were expelled from the market. In 2009, the market brought in $1 million per day.

Family status

Telman Ismailov is married and has two sons - Sarkhan and Alekper. At the moment, Sarkhan Ismailov is studying at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Telman's sons are co-owners of the AST group of companies.

Telman Ismailov is Vice President of the Euro-Asian Congress of Jews.

The opening of the Mardan Palace Hotel, owned by Ismailov, was attended by celebrities such as Monica Bellucci, Sharon Stone, Paris Hilton, Richard Gere, Tom Jones, Philip Kirkorov and Joseph Kobzon. Yu. Luzhkov and his wife cut the ribbon. Telman Ismailov named this hotel in honor of his father, Mardan, who could have turned 100 years old on the opening day of the hotel. A portrait of Mardan Ismailov hangs on the first floor of the hotel. Immediately after the opening of the hotel, Telman Mardanovich asked for Turkish citizenship.

Ismailov sponsors the Terek football club (Grozny). In addition, he was the sponsor of the singer A. Russo. Ismailov also allocates funds for the construction of a synagogue in Grozny.

Telman Mardanovich is known for his extravagance. For example, he flew to a party in Nice on a gilded plane.

Telman Ismailov collects watches. His collection includes about 2 thousand copies.

Most famous saying Ismailova: “Eat 1 ruble from us, and give 3 back!”

On the eve of her 14th birthday, she loves to look at old photos. These are the only photographs that have survived from her past life. Fifth birthday of Ruslana - Telman Ismailov's granddaughter. year 2009. A dress from an Italian designer that costs almost $50,000. Famous Russian artists invited to the house, a festive photo session. The children's room is full of gifts.

From childhood, Ruslana bathed in gold and luxury, says her mother and common-law wife Sarkhan Ismailov (son of Telman Ismailov - approx. "360"), Ekaterina Romanova. - The girl had all the best. The cheapest dress in the girl's wardrobe costs at least 10 thousand dollars, the most modern toys, in the courtyard of the house there was a large children's attraction, which was made by Italians on a personal order, worth almost a million.

This is the last birthday that the family celebrated together. In a few months, the common-law wife of the son of "King Cherkizon" will collect the children, a suitcase with autumn children's clothes and leave this chic mansion in the Forest City. She thought it was time. In fact, forever.

We celebrated our daughter's birthday, Romanova recalls. - Sarkhan was very happy. Ruslana - long-awaited child. He loved his daughter very much. Spent a lot of time with her.

But in this mountain of gifts, she will find only one doll - this is a gift from her grandfather, one of the richest people in Russia, the owner of Cherkizon Telman Ismailov.

The doll from my grandfather was the most expensive, - recalls Ruslana, granddaughter of Telman Ismailov. - Not for the price, of course. I lost this toy in numerous moves and I am very sorry. I have always dreamed of meeting my grandfather. We were born on the same day - October 26th.

The famous grandfather himself celebrates his birthday on the coast of Antalya in the famous Mardan Palace Hotel. The most expensive hotel in Europe. More than 10 thousand spent on interior decoration square meters sheet gold. The balustrade posts are made of natural crystal. Special sand was specially brought from Egypt, which does not burn the feet in the heat.

The retinue of the oligarch is entertained by Russian pop stars. The guests are mostly foreign businessmen. Gastronomic delights are served from golden dishes!

He saw his granddaughter only as a little one - he constantly gave her gifts. Ruslana herself always really wanted to meet her grandfather. It seems to me that they are very similar, - adds Ekaterina Romanova.

After the demolition of the Cherkizovsky market, the empire of the once richest businessman shuddered and became mired in huge debts. Telman Ismailov and his family moved to Turkey.

Sarkhan always worked with his father. He is like a real oriental man, did not show that there were problems in business. I noticed it myself, - Ekaterina Romanova admits. - He became quick-tempered, irritable. He often raised his hand to me. But I don't hold a grudge against him. I also had character.

The famous grandfather himself knew about the "illegal" family of his son. Was familiar with civil spouse and mother of her grandchildren.

With Telman Mardanovich I had a good relationship. Sarkhan and I have been together since childhood, - says Ekaterina Romanova. - But his wife did not accept me. She wanted Sarkhan to marry a girl of their nationality.

For several months, Sarkhan Ismailov, together with his civil family lived with his parents.

Ruslana was not even a year old, Romanova recalls. - For several months we lived in the house of Telman Mardanovich. In fact, in adulthood, they never saw their grandfather.

When I was 10 years old, my grandfather's driver brought me a birthday present - an expensive watch with diamonds, - continues the granddaughter of Telman Ismailov. - Even when we had no money at all, I did not want them to be sold. This is memory.

After Sarkhan Ismailov, Catherine was forced to take eldest daughter from paid elite school. Now 13-year-old Ruslana goes to an ordinary general education rural school. The family lives in a small room at the temple.

I remember that dad wanted to take us away from mom and send us to live and study in Turkey. We are with younger brother really didn't want to go. We wanted to stay with my mother, - recalls Ruslana Romanova. - I'm even glad that now we live here at the temple. I'm calm here. The only thing I dream about is to meet my grandfather.

How will the meeting between the granddaughter and the famous grandfather go? How did the son react? famous owner Cherkizon for recognition civil wife and daughters? Read the next article "360".

Telman Ismailov is an extraordinary businessman and talented manager. For a long time, the name of this wealthy entrepreneur was associated exclusively with the activities of the famous Cherkizovsky market in Moscow. Today the market is gone, but the career of our today's hero is still going on. Currently, the AST group, owned by Telman Ismailov, owns successful business covering many different industries. Cargo transportation, construction, publishing, restaurant business, and much more - all this is only a small fraction of the assets of a well-known Azerbaijani entrepreneur.

But what else do we know about this extraordinary businessman? Collect everything in one article Interesting Facts from the life of a legendary entrepreneur, we decided today.

Early years, childhood and the family of Telman Ismailov

Telman Ismailov was born on October 26, 1956. Baku, rich in sun and oil, became his hometown. Perhaps it was this interesting fact that predetermined the entire future course of the life of our today's hero.

In the family in which Telman Ismailov was born, there were eleven more children in addition to himself. Among them all, the future famous businessman was one of the youngest (namely, the tenth in seniority). His father was an Azerbaijani by birth. And my mother, in addition to Baku, also had Jewish roots.

As for business and trade, our today's hero has been engaged in them from the very beginning. early age. The thing is that his father was a major Azerbaijani entrepreneur with his own semi-legal business in Baku. Produced in state-owned factories, products were sold under the counter. And therefore, assistants to Ismailov Sr. were needed almost constantly. Telman did not resist this state of affairs and from the age of fourteen he helped his father with might and main in his shadow business. In that period, commerce and entrepreneurship were possible only if there were good connections. That is why our today's hero always willingly made new acquaintances.

How much did Telman Ismailov's hotel cost?

Soon, Ismailov Jr. acquired many important connections and even managed in this way to head the only commercial store in Baku. However, this enterprising Caucasian very soon seemed not enough. In 1973, he entered the Azerbaijan People's Economic Institute named after. D. Buniat-Zade, where he later studied for three years.

The next stage in the life of a talented businessman was the army, after which he again returned to his studies, but this time he entered a Moscow university. In the Russian capital, he began to study at the Plekhanov Institute of National Economy. Diploma Designated educational institution he received in 1980.

My labor activity an extraordinary Caucasian businessman started as an economist at the Ministry of Commerce. In parallel with this, he also worked as an expert on certain issues at the Vostokintorg enterprise.

Career of businessman Telman Ismailov

my first commercial company our today's hero created in 1987, choosing a very controversial name as a brand name - "Commercial Charitable Company". In this company, in fact, Telman Ismailov's career began in the world of big business. Developing it, a talented Azerbaijani entrepreneur acquired friends and serious connections. So, one of the good friends of the businessman was the then chairman of the cooperative commission of the Moscow City Executive Committee, Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov. The Caucasian entrepreneur also had good relations with the notorious Moscow business lady Elena Baturina.

With their active support, Telman Ismailov organized the AST company in 1989, which at that time consisted of only one division. Developing his business, an extraordinary Azerbaijani businessman constantly mastered new directions. At present, the large Azerbaijani-Russian holding includes 31 companies, each of which specializes in its own business area. Thus, the structure of the group of companies includes enterprises operating in the construction and hotel business, passenger transportation, jewelry production, restaurant business and many other market segments. As mentioned above, for a long time, the AST holding actually owned the Cherkizovsky and Warsaw markets in Moscow.

Lezginka at the birthday of Telman Ismailov

According to some reports, the total annual turnover of the holding is estimated at 2 billion dollars. In addition, Telman Ismailov personally also owns the "seven-star" hotel "Mardan Palace" in the Turkish city of Antalya. The grand opening of the hotel complex took place in 2009 on the day when the deceased father of the entrepreneur - Mardan - was to be one hundred years old.

In the second half of the 2000s, our today's hero was in 76th place in the ranking of the richest people in Russia. At the time, his personal fortune was estimated at $620 million. At present, according to some reports, the fortune of one of the most talented businessmen in Azerbaijan is estimated at more than 1 billion dollars in terms of US currency.

In addition to commercial activities, the entrepreneur is engaged in patronage within the framework of the Eurasian Congress of Jews. In addition, he was also a long-term sponsor of the singer Abraham Russo and football club Russian Premier League - "Terek" Grozny.

Telman Ismailov's personal life and third-party hobbies

Telman Ismailov is married. He has two sons - Sarkhan and Alekper, who today are co-owners of the AST holding. Brother our today's hero - Fazil for a long time served as prefect of one of the administrative districts of Moscow.

In his free time, Telman travels a lot (in addition to Russian citizenship he also holds Turkish citizenship) and collects watches. Currently, his personal collection consists of two thousand copies.

The family of businessman Telman Ismailov left the founders of AST-International Invaeronment, one of the largest distributors of alcohol in Russia. The company was one of the few assets that did not go to Ismailov's creditors.

Telman Ismailov (Photo: Said Tsarnaev / RIA Novosti)

The family of the former owner of the Cherkizovsky market and the founder of the AST group, Telman Ismailov, left the founders of the company AST-International Invaeronment, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. According to the register, changes in the structure of the owners of the LLC of the same name took place on June 30, 2017. Up to this point, the owners of the company were five people: the sons of Telman Ismailov Alekper and Sarkhan (they owned 27.5% of the shares of LLC), nephew Zaur Murdanov (25%), CEO of the company Leonid Rafailov and one of the co-founders of the company Simandu Simanduev (10% each). ).

After the changes, the owners of the distribution business on an equal footing are now Rafailov and Simanduev. At the time of publication, they and other representatives of AST-International Investment did not respond to a request about the reasons for the change in the composition of the founders and the terms of the transaction.

Last without bankruptcy

AST-international environment was founded as a distribution company in 1992. Four years later, she received her first major contract - for the sale of Dovgan vodka, popular in the mid-1990s, and in 1998, Russian Standard vodka entered her portfolio. Since 2004, Ismailov's company has received contracts for the sale of Moet Hennessy, Bacardi and other well-known alcohol producers. As Leonid Rafailov said in 2009, the company did not suffer from the economic crisis of 2008 and was one of the five largest alcohol distributors in the Russian market. “We didn’t reduce volumes during the crisis,” he told Forbes, “and I didn’t reduce by one staffing". Telman Ismailov himself was the owner of the company until 2013, when he distributed his 40% stake in LLC among his sons and left the founders.

Currently, AST-International is still one of the largest alcohol distributors. The company's revenue in 2016 amounted to 11.723 billion rubles. (in 2015 - 12.043 billion rubles) For comparison, the revenue of its competitor Simple Company LLC (part of group Simple) in 2016 amounted to 9.645 billion rubles, and Luding LLC - 11.555 billion rubles.

AST-International Invaeronment remained the only asset of the Ismailov family, which was not claimed by the businessman's creditors, Vedomosti wrote in the fall of 2015. Rafailov told Forbes that the problems with Ismailov's main assets did not affect the alcohol business. “I don’t feel any pressure and I don’t feel any unfriendly actions,” he told the publication. According to SPARK-Interfax, Sberbank is now listed as the company's creditor, but only goods are used as collateral. Until 2015 by the lender - also on bail alcoholic products was SMP Bank. In the file of arbitration cases, RBC did not find claims against the company that could be related to claims against Telman Ismailov and his structures. ​

What did Telman Ismailov earn on?

Telman Ismailov started trading in the late 1980s. In 1993, he opened the Cherkizovsky market, which soon became the largest in Moscow. In the mid-1990s, Ismailov's business began to grow rapidly: among other things, his structures opened several textile factories, a taxi company, a printing house, restaurants and cafes in the capital. The AST Group also invested in jewelry and agricultural production. As a result, in 2007, 31 companies directly owned by the parent AST had an annual turnover of about $2 billion. Ismailov himself estimated the value of AST's assets at $3 billion. Construction assets were the most profitable. The entrepreneur himself, until 2015, was a member of Forbes list- then the magazine estimated his fortune at $ 600 million.

Telman Ismailov (Photo: Valery Levitin / Kommersant)

In 2009, the authorities closed the Cherkizovsky market, and the entrepreneur's credit debt began to grow rapidly. To pay off the old ones, I had to take new loans. Among the creditors of Ismailov and his structures were BM-bank (former Bank of Moscow), businessman Vitaly Mashchitsky, structures of the owner of the Mangazeya group Sergey Yanchukov, Deutsche Bank, etc.

In 2014, creditors began to apply to the courts to collect debts: at first, these were Yanchukov's structures, followed by BM Bank, which demanded 17.4 billion rubles. When Ismailov was declared bankrupt, it turned out that almost nothing remained in his direct ownership. Gradually, the Prague restaurant, the Tropicana business center and shopping center AST.

By the end of 2015, the total amount of claims against the founder of AST exceeded 160 billion rubles, and the largest creditors in addition to BM Bank and Mangazeya, there were several Cypriot offshore companies, one way or another connected with the Cypriot service group Menwin Management Limited, which managed Ismailov's assets. A Vedomosti source noted that Ismailov himself could be behind the structures claiming the AST assets.

In May 2017, the court began selling Ismailov's assets. According to the federal register of bankruptcy information, the estimated value of the businessman's property in January 2017 was 695 million rubles, and the amount of creditors' claims was 31 billion rubles. In June 2017, it is known that the Craig Valley Plaza shopping center, which Ismailov's structures acquired in 2014, was arrested in Las Vegas. At the same time, the court arrested the Moscow apartments of the entrepreneur.

With the participation of: Philip Aleksenko

Forbes magazine, known for its ability to rank the world's oligarchs, recently published data on the heirs of the founders of business empires, who managed to succeed in life themselves. But what about ours? What do the sons and daughters of the first Russian entrepreneurs- the founders of domestic business? After all, the children of Forbes and the oligarchs-light, owners of various companies. What do the heirs who were born with a golden spoon in their mouths want? And will the hereditary aristocracy reappear in Russia, and you can see that - the nobility?

Daddy's daughters and sons

Most dads-businessmen act with children according to the scheme: gave birth, raised, learned in the West and left there. The daughter of the "metallurgical" Forbes "Vasily Anisimov Anna, known in America for the stormy social life, tried to do "investment in real estate" - simply bought up luxury housing in New York with my dad's money. And she paid millions. "I want to create a real estate empire and conquer New York," Anna shared her plans. But the daughter, of course, failed to make a business on overvalued real estate. America was discussing the scope of "Russian money" when Anya rented a famous person's house in an American resort for $530,000.

And in Switzerland they still remember the Lamborghini races, in which a German pensioner suffered, arranged by the sons of Telman Ismailov, the founder of Cherkizon. After the scandal, the brothers quickly hit the road to Turkey to the pope and are trying to build the image of respectable businessmen.

The earliest business woman among the children of the oligarchs was Kira Plastinina, the daughter of the founder of the Wimm-Bill-Dann company, Sergei Plastinin, who designs teenage clothes. For the first show of her collection, the main secular party girl of the USA, Paris Hilton, came to Moscow (they say, for a fee of $ 2 million). With dad's money, the daughter opened several boutiques abroad, but Plastinina did not become a sensation in the global fashion industry. Possibly for now.

The daughter of Vladimir Yevtushenkov Tatyana came to work in the empire of her father, AFK Sistema, after graduation. She rose to the position of Vice President of MTS. And after the appointment of German Gref as the head of Sberbank, she began working as his adviser. By the way, Yevtushenkov's son Felix works as vice president at Sistema.

And here is Anton Wiener, Foster-son oligarch Alisher Usmanov (son of his wife Irina Viner, head coach of Russia in rhythmic gymnastics), did not work in his stepfather's thriving business. Anton Viner created a network of solarium clubs in Moscow. How much his stepfather helped, history is silent. But after all, Anton's mother is a super-successful woman.

In her father's Interros, Vladimir Potanin's daughter Anastasia works as a manager at the Sochi Olympic project Rosa-Khutor.

Dad raised me in such a way that I myself wanted to achieve something, to prove to myself and others that I can do a lot too, so that I would be perceived not just as the daughter of a millionaire, an oligarch, ”Nastya Potanina told KP. - We, the children, passed on my father's desire to be successful. We saw how dad created his business, how hard he works, how difficult it is for him. Knowing the nature of brother Ivan, I am sure that he would not be happy with handouts: here you are, Vanya, the company, manage it. Ivan believes that he must win the title of a successful strong manager on an equal footing, in competition, to prove that he has achieved something himself. And if he was simply put on a high step, Vanya will not go for it.

What's wrong with a Chanel bag?

The oligarch Alexander Lebedev bought for his son Yevgeny, who lives in London, a 75% stake in the English newspaper Evening Standard. The son of Yeltsin's draft banker Alexander Smolensky, Nikolai, several years ago bought the British car company TVR with his father's money. But he curtailed production. He recently announced his intention to produce convertible sports cars and even promised to present a novelty in July at an auto show in the UK. True, few people believe in the success of the young businessman's undertaking.

No one in the West is waiting for our oligarchs or their children, - the political scientist and expert believes secular public Alexey Mitrofanov. - Only ours, and even the Arabs, were sure that their money would open the door for them in the West. But there is more money in the West. There, people own the Federal Reserve System, that is, they print money. How will Arab or Russian money compete with this? Not a single business project with Russian money has taken place in the West. Only Mikhail Gorbachev and Masha Sharapova are still known there. I know only one example when the heiress in the West really managed to break through: the granddaughter of Nikolai Guslisty, the ex-deputy head of Gazprom, Natalya. She is successful actress in Hollywood, and soon they will learn about it in Russia. And, mind you, she made her way in the area to which grandfather's possibilities definitely do not apply.

Having studied in the West, the children of businessmen return to Russia, - says CEO"Business Assembly of Russia", a professional club of businessmen, Olga Akmulina. - No matter how pleasant it is to live in the West, ours are still foreigners there. And the children of most businessmen, although they grew up and studied abroad and have homes there, consider Russia their home and associate the future with it. Such is the trend now.

Elena Broom, 27, the owner's daughter big company in the field of telecommunications technologies Alexander Brum, was educated in Russia and London. She returned to Moscow and began working in her father's company. Three years ago she created her own business - she imports polymers.

My friends, daughters of wealthy parents, were surprised by my desire to do business, - Elena Brum told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - They said: well, how to go to work, and when to deal with yourself, gyms and salons? But I am sure that everything can be done - and business, and myself, and family. Children of successful parents are both easier and more difficult at the same time. Easier - because you can get a good education Your parents help you get back on your feet. But it's more difficult - because you have to triple prove that you yourself are worth something. With a handbag "Chanel" it is more difficult to prove, - Elena laughs. “After all, many people think that if you are wearing exclusive items, then you don’t need anything else in life. But it's not like that. An adequate person understands his responsibility both for his parents and for the company. And it’s good if he decides to do business when his parents are still in power, when they can help, insure, and advise. And you know, more and more young people are returning to Russia. Yes, they have Birkin bags, they drive a Ferrari, but at the same time they understand that this is not the value, and they want to achieve their own success, and not rest on the laurels and money of their parents.

I raised my sons alone, my husband died early, and in the 90s my sons and I created a consulting company, helped entrepreneurs set up a business, - said the founder of a large metropolitan transport company Alexandra Muzyr (Alexandra Alekseevna is already over 70, but she works as a vice president of the company). - And then we thought: why not create your own business? At the beginning of the formation of the company, the sons worked as loaders, watchmen, and janitors. Our company was founded 15 years ago, now it employs 6,000 people. At first it was led by the eldest son Oleg, then - junior Nikita. (By the way, Nikita Muzyrya is also the president Russian Federation bobsleigh. - Auth.). If you create a business together with your children, they will never become freeloaders. But in no case should children be forced into your business. I had a high-ranking acquaintance who, by an act of will, got his son a job that he did not like. The guy was asleep. But it can also happen to a tractor driver who may have dreamed of being a gardener.

"Skolkovo" instead of the Cote d'Azur?

The son of my friend, the head of the business, works as an ordinary surgeon for a penny and is happy, - the head of a large steel corporation, Yuri Eliseev, told us. - And I sent my son Denis to America to study under the MBA program (the most famous business education in the world. - Auth.). Paid a lot of money for five years of study. He dreamed that his son would become a financier in the West. Imagine my surprise when a couple of years later Denis returned home and asked to work in my company. I'm not happy, by God. After all, I did not prepare my son to work in, so to speak, the most severe realities of domestic business. The son is by nature too honest for that. But when will the time come in Russia for such people?

I think, yes, it will be in Skolkovo, - suggests Mitrofanov. - It seems to me that Skolkovo is just a way to not only interest young scientists in working in Russia, but also the prospects - the heirs Russian business. That is why it is being created as a fundamentally new business, as an oasis of freedom for money and a career based on the best Western models, and not on the basis of Soviet scientific campuses. If the youth is not drawn into an interesting and promising project for investment and their own growth, they will simply leave for the West.

By the way, they say that in Skolkovo with the oligarch Viktor Vekselberg (he was appointed project manager), it is possible that his son or daughter, who received a prestigious business education in America and lived there for several years, will work.

Don't you think that now in Russia on the basis of the money earned by business parents from their heirs a class of new aristocracy is being created? - we ask businesswoman Alexandra Muzyri. - BUT young man"from the street" it will be impossible to get through at all?

Good question, - Alexandra Alekseevna smiles. - rich family, parents' money can provide a good education and material independence. But! Whatever education a person has received, no matter how many houses he has abroad and money in his accounts, if he has no goal, if he does not know how and does not want to work "ad nauseam" or if only the goal is money or a position - and he is going to spin business so glamorous in between visiting nightclubs, then he can lose everything in an instant.

And when we didn't have classes, when was it different? - asks Alexei Mitrofanov. - Is it in Soviet time high-ranking parents did not promote their children? And Soviet people made their way solely due to their talent? Of course not. It was difficult to break through in the era of Nicholas II, and in the era of Stalin or Brezhnev. Only in an era of chaos is it easy to break through. How, by the way, to make money quickly, which happened in Russia in the 90s with those people whose heirs you are writing about. But, it should be noted, not such bad children grew up with our oligarchs, there are a lot of intellectual people there who just dream of being called "Skolkovo" youth, "children of Skolkovo", and not the offspring of the first Russian oligarchs.

P.S. It is probably too early to say that the heirs of domestic business empires choose Russia. While not everyone chooses. Many live quite comfortably on their father's money in Europe or America (in the same place as their mothers) and even speak Russian with an accent. But here successful careers almost no one did. Realizing that in the West it is not enough to have money to “fit in” with the elite, the heirs who have career ambitions are still trying to realize them in Russia. Moreover, here they have a bonus resource in the form of connections, experience and money from their parents. So far, however, even with such starting opportunities, business heirs have not taken super heights in Russia either. Maybe everything is ahead. At least not all the children of wealthy parents rest in nature. Already good. Still, whatever one may say, these people are creating a certain class in Russia, a certain new elite. Let and "so-called." Let it be peculiar. But what do we have.


kids brands

Emma Bloomberg, daughter of media mogul Michael Bloomberg, has created a fund to help the poorest New Yorkers.

Ivanka Trump, the daughter of an oligarch who made a fortune in Donald Trump's real estate, continued the family business, leading the real estate direction in her father's business empire, and also created her own jewelry brand.

Silvana and Roberta Armani, nieces and heiress of fashion king Giorgio Armani, hold senior positions in their uncle's company.

Andrea Soros, heir to financier George Soros, created charitable foundation dealing with the problems of Tibet.