Yuri Luzhkov: biography, family and interesting facts. “The Baturin family was a non-drinker, friendly family friend, billionaire Yuri Gekht says

The youngest daughter of Yuri Luzhkov and Elena Baturina Olga lives in New York and takes her first steps in the restaurant business. The mother of the 22-year-old girl approved her idea of ​​opening the Herba-rium bar next to the Grand Tirolia Hotel in Kitzbühel. Olga approached the matter very responsibly, calculated the budget and studied many aspects of the restaurant business. Luzhkova puts all her strength into her business and takes an example from famous parents.

Olga studied first in Moscow at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, and then transferred to University College London. However, this city never became home to Luzhkov's heiress. She admits that she feels at home only when her loved ones are next to her.

Olga is proud of her parents and believes that their relationship is ideal and fabulous, which few people manage to build. She dreams that one day she will have the same family. The young bar owner never ceases to admire her father.

“He is very wise. No matter what happens, he will always be there. If we talk about their relationship with my mother, then I have not seen people with such a difference in age who would understand each other so perfectly. I have always wondered how one can think and act so young at seventy-nine. Dad still works a lot, travels, goes in for sports: he skis, the other day he beat his mother in tennis, ”said Olga.

Recall that Yuri Luzhkov and Elena Baturina have been married for over 25 years. A few years ago, they got married in a church, thereby demonstrating that they love each other very much. The ex-mayor of Moscow is proud of his wife's talents, not only in business, but also in art, as well as in caring for horses.

Luzhkov's daughter this moment works for the benefit of the bar, while not receiving a salary. So far, Olga Luzhkova is waiting for profit from this institution. Only in this case, Baturina will pay her for the work. The youngest heiress of the businesswoman believes that later she will be able to achieve other heights in entrepreneurship. “It seems to me that if my mother sees that I am a competent leader, she will gladly entrust me with the development of new business areas, and it’s not a fact that they will be part of the family business. But for this you need to work hard, ”the girl said in an interview. Tatler.










The youngest daughter of Yuri Luzhkov and Elena Baturina Olga spoke about herself and the life of her parents before and after her father's resignation (photo)

Olya Luzhkova recalls how exactly one year ago, in September 2015, she came to her mother to defend her first business project - the Herbarium bar next to the Grand Tirolia hotel in Kitzbühel. The hotel belongs to Elena Baturina, and she, the founder and former owner of the Inteko company, bears little resemblance to a person who puts her signature without first drinking all the juice from her partner. For her dearly beloved daughter, Elena Nikolaevna was not going to make exceptions. If the budget is small. Olya disposed of them in the most reasonable way. Walls upholstered in precious woods? I left one where the bar counter was, while others were easier to decorate. Vintage furniture? Why, if in advanced Brooklyn bars there are excellent Tolix chairs for a hundred dollars each. Persian rug? Let there be a carpet for five hundred euros. Drawings of alpine plants were very handy in my mother's archive. That's when things start to spin, when decalitres of lavender rum are poured, when there is no end to those who want to lie down after golf or walk through the picturesque alpine hills to the life-giving spring, indicated in the bar chart as Aphrodisiac or Shipovnik, then we'll talk with mom about what's next .

Maternal wisdom is easy to understand. Firstly, all the Forbes figures (Baturin with his billion one hundred million is in sixty-fifth place) are somehow concerned about the future of their children. The heirs grew up, got an education, but leaving them alone with parental capital is not pedagogical. Secondly, there used to be a gastronomic restaurant on the site of the bar where Olya and I drink a chamomile aperitif. Star chef Bobby Breuer cooked a rack of lamb in Jerusalem artichoke foam here. And no one needed this lamb - the guests demanded reindeer goulash with bread dumplings. Bobby suffered from creative unfulfillment, Baturina considered lost profits. The restaurant was closed, the room with a fantastically beautiful terrace was used for some time for banquets and weddings. I would also not refuse to get married in one of the most beautiful hotels in Europe and ruin the sleek Eichenheim golf course with my heels.

And then the youngest daughter Olya came to Elena Nikolaevna and said that she wanted to open a bar on the site of the restaurant. It is useful to add here that Olya's mother can occasionally raise a glass of wine, dad does not drink at all. And their startup just turned twenty-one six months old, the girl lived in New York, and her experience in drinking drinks stronger than kefir was extremely insignificant.

But Luzhkova Jr. turned out to have flair and marketing ingenuity. “You see, bar culture is dying out in the Austrian mountains. What is a typical local establishment? Bad music, pretty bad drinks. They go there to get drunk quickly, and in winter time- right in ski boots, forgetting where the skis were thrown. We at Herbarium promote the idea that the bar and drinks are craft, art, that they can be enjoyed in a pleasant atmosphere.”

For example, New York is quite a bar capital. Olga, imperceptibly switching from Russian to English in conversation, conducted extensive research there. Deeply explored the Apotheke bar in China Town - coincidentally, it was opened by an Austrian. He revolves around Chinese ingredients - ginseng, mushrooms. The ambiance is like under Prohibition: a back street, a door without a sign, a tiny room inside and a garden on the roof. The menu is not a menu at all, but a prescription, a prescription from a doctor. Or another bar - Please Don't Tell, similar to Moscow's Mendeleev. You go to a fast food place with hot dogs, and there, only for your own people, is a tiny door to a world where complex cocktails interfere. The main thing is don't tell - to anyone ...

Olga, a big fan of Japanese culture and language, was also impressed by Tokyo's Golden Gai quarter. Narrow streets, one after another with two floors of bars, each with five chairs, and you come not only to drink (and the Japanese are masters in part to drown corporate sadness in local whiskey), but to chat with the bartender, who is most often the owner of the institution. Foreigners have nothing to do here - without a language, the essence of what is happening is lost. But Olya understands and speaks, so she explored Murakami's favorite territory in every detail, and she really liked it.

Seriously, with academic excitement, Luzhkova also reacted to the history of the bar business. Covered with textbooks. “You know that alcohol used to be part of medicine and hygiene. If you had to drink ordinary river water, teeming with bacteria, wine was added to it, if possible, in order to disinfect at least a little. Beer could also be a safe alternative to questionable water. Alcohol was the main ingredient in the herbal tinctures prepared by the monks. In India, already in the 17th century, the British solved the problem of malaria by drinking cinchona water (a prototype of tonic water) with juniper vodka - gin.

The result of the inquisitive girl's research was a bar list advanced even by world standards - herbarium-based cocktails mixed in pharmacy beakers.

In September, Olya defended her business plan with her mother, the next two months passed under the sign of repairs (Elena Nikolaevna demanded that the bar be opened by the winter season), in the preparation of the menu and tastings. “You pick up a cocktail with a small tube and try it. There were such terrible options that it was impossible to drink. For example, we tried for a long time to make a cocktail with matcha, Japanese green tea in powder. They make matcha latte instead of coffee. But it turned out bitter and vile.” By the start of the European winter holidays, everything was ready. The first two customers looked at the light. “For joy, the four of us attacked them, they even got scared.” Guests have been arriving since Christmas. The bar is alive. Mom and dad and friends arrived for the holidays.

Olya has been going to Austria since the age of three. Here she was put on skis. In the nearby town of Aurach, where the Tyrolean crème de la crème lives quietly, my mother bought a house. It's almost impossible for foreigners in Tyrol to get permission to own real estate for personal use - but Baturina's business accomplishments convinced the closed Aurakh community to make an exception for her.

Even before buying a house, she bought a golf club here and built a five-star hotel next to it, which means more than a hundred new jobs. The hotel supported the triathlon world championships and received the honorary status of the "House of the Laureus World Sports Awards" At the Kitzbühel stadium, Elena Nikolaevna arranged a concert as part of her Russian Seasons program, which continues the traditions of Diaghilev. The flow of tourists naturally increased.

“My friends and friends of my friends are coming,” Olya says. We try to celebrate every New Year here. This is a very cozy place, the town is small, everyone knows each other. What an incredible botanical garden! I want to talk to them about cooperation.” And what, a cocktail in collaboration with a botanical garden - sounds good.

I ask Olya where her house is. “I thought a lot about this, because I often moved. Home is where my family is: my grandmother (Tamara Afanasievna, Elena Nikolaevna’s mother, eighty-seven, and she stubbornly does not want to move from Moscow), parents, elder sister. Therefore, a part of the house is in Moscow, a part is in London ... Only I don’t feel London itself as home and family. Then I moved to New York ... But when you sit in the kitchen with your dad, mom and sister, you drink tea - whether it's Moscow or London - this is the most dear, the most expensive.

The trajectory of Olya's movement along best universities the world was not planned from the beginning. The mayor's daughter was doomed to receive good Russian education. First - Zhukovka, then - the First Moscow Gymnasium in the village of Lipki. It was created by Elena Nikolaevna, and her daughters studied there. As Baturina once said in an interview with Forbes Woman, “the gymnasium was for the rich, but at the same time I wanted to stuff their heads with something real, different from what is sometimes put into their heads at home.” Olya recalls how many programs and additional classes were at school, for example, on tolerance. Representatives of different faiths came to visit. And there was also an astronomical observatory, and they also went to help orphanages, and also ...

Then the family began to live permanently in Moscow, and my mother said: “You are changing school, but it should be stronger than your humanitarian school.” What could be stronger than a specialized educational and scientific center Moscow State University - schools named after A. N. Kolmogorov? This is physics and mathematics in its purest form, for geniuses. Most of the children at school are nuggets from the regions. “It was unbearably difficult for me. Mathematics is not so bad, but physics ... Then I realized that it's good when there is someone stronger than you, when you reach up. It's a great lesson."

* In 2010, Luzhkova entered the first year of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University - her older sister Lena studied there, at the Faculty of World Politics. On September 28, the mayor was dismissed "due to loss of confidence." And in October 2010… “It was a normal day. I remember walking with friends. Approaching the gate - we lived in a state dacha near the Universitet metro station - I saw many, many cars. Some were sitting at home strangers. And my mother typed on the iPad: “We are leaving. Pack your things,” it was impossible to speak aloud. It was clear that this would be a long time. The next day, my sister and my mother flew away.”

“Mom gives the impression of a person with steel nerves. She cried?" “You are right, my mother tried never to upset us with her emotions. But that day I saw her shed tears. She heard a threat addressed to us. I could not understand how you can put pressure, threatening children. We are the most precious thing for her.”

Olya studied at London's UCL for two years. “Actually, I am a sociable, friendly person, but I did not find my company there. I was seventeen. Everything seemed gloomy, gray ... eternal rain. This is one of the reasons why I was happy to continue my studies in New York - at least there is sunshine there.

She rents a small apartment. Thirty meters, but in Soho. There is electricity, but no gas, the residents cook on stoves, like in a Soviet hostel. Both windows face the wall. But all the same, Olya has her own in the city. At New York University she received a bachelor's degree, the set of subjects was very diverse: philosophy, neuroscience, analog photography and the history of piracy. Now Luzhkova is studying for a master's degree, the diploma will be in hotel business and food sciences, which are poorly translated into Russian. The family is satisfied, considering that Elena Baturina's hotel portfolio is steadily growing.

Olya comes to an interview in her own bar in a simple white T-shirt, black trousers, a leather jacket and white sneakers. He asks not to take pictures of her in elegant dresses and high heels - she says: "It's not me." He puts on a black, military-style jacket of the democratic brand The Kooples and breathes a sigh of relief. Olya is shy, taciturn (remember yourself on the day when you gave an interview for the first time in your life) and very down to earth. Yes, from a non-poor family, but without whims and quirks. “Parents never boasted of their position. In my opinion, this is indecent. I can't imagine how I could behave differently."

Favorite clothing brand? "British AllSaints - discreet, no bright colors." I like Saint Laurent Paris - but "just look": "It's expensive to buy and expensive to maintain, because you have to take these things to the dry cleaner all the time - it's easier to buy a jacket at Zara." "Do you do sports?" - "Yes, I play tennis in China Town, on the street courts."

“Elena Nikolaevna once said that she would financially support you and your sister only while you were studying. And then - not a penny. Do you believe her? “I haven’t finished my studies yet, but my mother keeps her word, so another year and a half and that’s it.” Do you ever plan to take over family business? “It seems to me that if my mother sees that I am a competent leader, she will gladly entrust me with the development of new business areas, and it’s not a fact that they will be part of the family business. But this requires a lot of work.”

I carefully ask if Olya likes the way Moscow is developing today. She replies no less cautiously: “The guys with whom I communicate in Moscow are very inspired, interested in something new, come up with various concepts, generate ideas. I don't want to talk about everything else."

Olya readily admits that it will not be easy for her to build own family, because before my eyes is an example of parents, "their ideal fairy-tale love that lasts for so many years." And he adds: “When so many marriages break up around, and you see such an ideal, you don’t want to exchange yourself for less.”

I ask what most admires in dad. “He is very wise. No matter what happens, he will always be there. If we talk about their relationship with my mother, then I have not seen people with such a difference in age who would understand each other so perfectly. I have always wondered how one can think and act so young at seventy-nine. Dad still works a lot, travels, goes in for sports: skiing, the other day he beat mom in tennis. Oh, she'll kill me if she reads this in a magazine."

I think my mother will endure, she is used to reading everything to herself. In October 2010, the daughters also got hard - from the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, which, when Luzhkov was mayor, had exceptionally warm relations with him. “They exchanged Moscow State University for the University of London”, “failed to pass the exams the first time”, “they don’t hesitate to look funny”, “they know how to relax”. “Not that punks, not that emo” - the author really wanted to write a bad guy. It turned out disgusting, nothing more, but the comments of “kind” people followed, and then the girls, who never hid from anyone and posted their photos on VKontakte, became very hurt. “Children of the bourgeoisie”, “chic on the money stolen by their parents ...” Then, as usual, there were comments about appearance: “fat”, “ugly”, “looks like a man”. Lena, the eldest of the sisters, could not stand it, published the answer. Olya explains: “It was her inner impulse, but before Alena asked her parents. She writes well, composes poetry. No one doubted that she would give a decent answer. She was eighteen at the time, I was sixteen. Reading this about yourself at sixteen is pretty hard to get rid of later.”

A smart mother tried to explain the situation to Olya in almost the same way as Coco Chanel once said: what difference does it make what those who don’t even know you think about you? The main thing is what people close to you think about you. Seven pm. We started talking and, it seems, completely forgot that on the other side of the door, waiting for rum with cardamom and mint, a delegation from Jaguar had gathered, ordering a party at the bar. Dealers are not driving and can afford to toast to the success of their noble enterprise.

“Does your mother pay you a salary?” I ask goodbye.

"No. Not yet. The bar belongs to the hotel. As soon as he returns the investment and makes a profit, my mother will pay me compensation for what I did here.

Ksenia Solovieva

"Rospres.com" , 10/29/10, "What Luzhkov's daughter writes about on her VKontakte page"

Olya Luzhkova was taken to study at Moscow State University by bodyguards, her sister Lena prefers a vulgar lifestyle, she is emo. Photo

The day before, a rumor spread through the media: they say that the daughters of the ex-mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, 16-year-old Olya and 18-year-old Lena, exchanged Moscow State University for the University of London. Even new academic year they supposedly started in England... The journalists got excited. After all, before that, we recall, and another rumor has passed. It was rumored that Yuri Mikhailovich himself and his wife Elena Baturina were packing their things before moving to the homeland of the British Queen. Has the entire Luzhkov family decided to change their place of residence?

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" went to Moscow State University, where both daughters of the former Moscow mayor began their studies on September 1.

Lena Baturina on her page "VKontakte" in different images

Olya was taken to study by bodyguards

16-year-old Olya, who graduated from school as an external student, this year entered the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. Students of this age at the faculty are not uncommon, here 14-year-old first-year students meet.

When they found Olga Luzhkova in the lists of applicants, they even laughed that the name was loud, and then it turned out that this was really the mayor's daughter, - a student of the Faculty of Economics named Suren told KP. - I saw several times that her bodyguards brought her right to the doors of the faculty. True, they were not allowed inside.

This year we saw Olya in September, at the initiation into students, - a second-year student Oksana confirmed to the KP correspondent.

After this celebration, I crossed paths with her several times in the corridors and on the stairs. The guys say that at the lectures, where several groups usually sat, Luzhkova was seen quite often. She did not distance herself from the rest of the students, but she did not get particularly close to anyone either.

The last time I saw her at the university was on September 26, the day Yuri Luzhkov was removed from his post, says 19-year-old student Natalya.

Lena Baturina - about herself on VKontakte: “I love, as my mother says, to lead a vulgar lifestyle”

Classmates say that after the resignation of her father, Olga did not appear at school, and two weeks ago rumors spread around the faculty that she had taken her documents from the university - in connection with a transfer to one of the universities either in Switzerland or Austria. Olya Luzhkova's former classmates have not heard anything about the English "option" that the media is trumpeting about. However, in the educational Faculty of Economics The fact of the transfer of student Olga Baturina to another university was not confirmed to us:

We answer such questions only after official requests, while we cannot say how long its consideration will last, and whether we will answer in the end, - a faculty member who refused to introduce himself told us. - Still, this or that student studies with us or does not study - this may be his private secret.

Elena Baturina - emo

But what classmates say about Elena Baturina ( eldest daughter the former mayor was registered at the university under the name of her mother), who studied two courses at the Faculty of Public Administration, and this summer she transferred to the Faculty of World Politics. Under the supervision of bodyguards, she was never seen: she came to the university alone, she did not particularly boast of her position.

An interesting detail: 18-year-old Lena is fond of fashionable youth trends like emo and punk, she dyes her hair pink and black, and prefers an informal style in clothes. There is a story going around Moscow State University that one of the guys from her stream once came to a concert of a popular youth rock band and unexpectedly met Lena Baturina among the “breaking away”. Such a democratic nature of the daughter of the ex-mayor in the student environment was perceived ambiguously: someone rated it as a "test", someone - that the girl "is mad with fat."

Peers - about Lena Baturina: “Actually, an ordinary girl!”

Really just a normal girl! - says a student of the Faculty of World Politics Mikhail. - Nothing different from others.

At school, Lena went with red hair.

It is also known that the eldest daughter of Yuri Luzhkov did not succeed in studies. Several times she failed to pass the exams the first time.

As far as I know, the last session was difficult for her, because she world politics and transferred, - said one of Lena's now former classmates.

Official representatives of Moscow State University denied rumors about the transfer of daughters to another university. The press service of the Inteko company, owned by the mother of the students, Elena Baturina, also did not confirm this information. They also reported that Elena Baturina herself also does not leave for England, but continues to work in Moscow.

However, you can learn about the personal life of Olya and Lena firsthand. The sisters quite actively unsubscribe on their pages on the Vkontakte website. True, for the sake of conspiracy, they slightly changed their names - so that uninvited guests would not come. By the way, Olya's page is closed to outsiders, but Lena fearlessly uploads photos here.


Lena loves to "crush loaves and cut fountains"

Activity: Lazy image overgrown with moss (:

Interests: Chop up loaves, trim fountains, vacuum the desert, saw down doors

Favorite music: Punk, Alternative, Reggae, Hardcore, Trance, Drum And Bass, House, Rock, Jazz, etc.

Favorite films: Pirates of the Caribbean, 1000000 BC, Requiem For A Dream, Euro Tour, 5th Element, Night Of The Living Jerks, Silent Hill, The Hills Have Eyes, Saw, 99 Francs, Cargo 200, etc.

Favorite TV shows: Lost, Scrubs, FlashForward, etc.

Favorite books Cast: Victor Pelevin, Bernard Werber, Ryu Murakami, Erlend Lu, Frederick Begbeder, Jerome Salinger, Chuck Palahniuk, Roger Zelazny, Dmitry Glukhovsky, Mikhail Bulgakov, Dmitry Lipskerov, Melvin Burgess, Paulo Coelho and others.

Favorite games: Gothic 3, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, The Sims, etc.

Favorite quotes: "All people have the same face"

About Me: I like, as my mother says, to lead a vulgar lifestyle (:

place of work: cafe "Airship", Moscow, 2007-2007

place of employment: CJSC Inteko Moscow, 2007-2007

For small assignments
place of work: magazine "IndiGO" Simferopol, since 2009


Clubs:"Point", "B1 Maximum".

Culture: Paleontological Museum, Moscow.*

*Spelling preserved.

Alexander Rogoza, Elizaveta Pchelkina

Elena Nikolaevna Baturina is the richest woman in the Russian Federation, a billionaire, ex-owner and co-founder of one of the largest metropolitan business empires, Inteco, chairman of the supervisory board of Inteco Management, wife of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, dismissed in 2010.

She is the creator of an international high-class hotel chain, including the Grand Tirolia complex with a golf course in the Austrian ski resort town of Kitzbühel, the New Peterhof Hotel in northern capital Russia, a hotel as part of the business center of the new generation "Moscow-Park" in Kazakhstan (Astana), QuisisanaPalace in the Czech Republic (Karlovy Vary), Morrison Hotel in the capital of Ireland.

In 2016, the businesswoman again, for the fourth time, topped the list of the wealthiest women in the country in terms of Forbes versions. This publication estimated her finances at $ 1.1 billion. In 2008, according to the same magazine, she owned $4.2 billion.

Childhood and family of Elena Baturina

The first Russian female billionaire was born in Moscow working family March 8, 1963, seven years after the birth of his brother Victor. She attended the same school as her older brother. She then entered evening department management institute. Sergo Ordzhonikidze, where Viktor Baturin also previously studied.

In 1980–1982 the girl worked at the largest enterprise of cutting tools Frazer, where her parents spent their working life. Later she became an employee of the Institute for Economic Development Problems. National economy capital, head of the secretarial department of the Union of Cooperators, member of the commission of the Moscow City Executive Committee in the direction of cooperative activities. In 1986 she received higher education, and in 1989 she took up entrepreneurship.

Business of Elena Baturina

The first business project of Elena Nikolaevna was a cooperative, established in partnership with her brother, specializing in the development of software and the introduction of computer equipment at the facilities various areas activities.

In 1991, the sister and brother founded the Inteko company, whose area of ​​​​interest included the production of polymer products, commercial real estate, construction and investment in shares of the largest state-owned enterprises, including Gazprom, Oskolcement, Atakaycement, Sberbank.

The enterprise provided financial support for the implementation of projects in the field of education, culture, art, sports, including international golf tournaments. Elena Baturina was the initiator of the “House for the Whole World” initiative (the program provided housing for those in dire need of Russian families V different cities), a sponsor of equestrian competitions (Elena was the president of the specialized national equestrian Federation). In 2006, she was promoted to Deputy Head of the Interagency Team for the National Affordable Housing Program.

Since 2007, Elena Baturina has been actively reviving the tradition of our artists performing abroad, created in 1907 by Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev and called the Russian Seasons. So, in 2008, with her assistance in Austria, concert performances of domestic dance groups, classical musical works, folk songs, timed to coincide with Orthodox Christmas, took place.

Biography of Elena Baturina

In 2009, Inteko completed the construction of the Moscow-Park multifunctional complex in Astana. The complex included shopping and entertainment and business centers, panoramic elevator, restaurants, cafes, office rooms and 4 star hotel.

In 2010, Elena Nikolaevna opened the New Peterhof hotel complex in the Northern capital; as part of assistance to victims of fires, financed the construction of a preschool educational institution in the Tula region, sold the Russian Land Bank to foreign investors.

Elena Baturina about her business in Europe

In 2011, information was made public about the donation of porcelain from the Imperial Factory from her personal collection to the Tsaritsyno Museum, as well as the sale of Inteco. In 2012 it became known about the opening of the Quisisana Palace hotel in Karlovy Vary, in 2013 - the Morrison hotel in the capital of Ireland. In 2016, she purchased a number of office buildings in the New York area of ​​Brooklyn, near sports arena Barclays Center.

Personal life of Elena Baturina

A successful billionaire woman is married. With her husband, Yuri Luzhkov, they got married in 1991. The husband, for whom their marriage was the second, is 27 years older than her. The couple raised two daughters - Elena, who was born in 1992, and Olga, who younger sister for 2 years. Before Luzhkov left the post of mayor, they were both students of Moscow State University (the eldest daughter studied at the Faculty of World Politics, the youngest at the Faculty of Economics). In 2011, the girls moved with their mother to the capital of the United Kingdom, where they continued their education at University College London.

Olga also earned a bachelor's degree from New York University and a master's degree in hospitality. In 2015, a woman with her usual marketing savvy opened her own Herbarium bar in Kitzbühel, near Grand Tirolia. In the new establishment, Baturina tried out the long-standing idea that such an establishment could be a place where you can not only drink, but also enjoy herbal drinks in a comfortable environment.

Elena Baturina loves equestrian sports, is fond of tennis, golf, skiing, collecting photographs, works of art (in particular, she owns a painting by the English artist Francis Bacon) and classic cars (her fleet has about 50 vintage vehicles).

Elena Baturina today

The businesswoman is engaged hotel business, acquisition and construction of real estate (in the USA, in the UK), together with her husband - managing the Weedern horse breeding concern. She finances a number of charities– "Noosphere" to provide selfless assistance in matters of education, tolerance for a different faith, lifestyle, customs, Be Open to promote the progressive ideas of young creative people in different parts of the world.

Viktor Baturin about his sister Elena Baturina and Yuri Luzhkov

Despite the fact that Yury Mikhailovich Luzhkov has not been the mayor of the Russian capital for several years, his name, nevertheless, continues to be associated with Moscow. It was during his 18 years of rule that it reached its highest peak. Why did he leave this post? Yuri Luzhkov was removed from his post by order of the current President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev in 2010. The reason given was: "Due to loss of confidence."

Further in the article we will talk about childhood, youth, activities former mayor the capital of the Russian Federation and try to figure out what caused this “distrust”. In addition, we think you will be interested to know what Yuri Luzhkov is doing today, where he lives and what he does. Of course, another person of his age would have been sitting quietly in his dacha, fishing or traveling the world, enjoying the years God measured him. However, the former mayor of Moscow is not made of such a test. He can't go a day without work, he's such a workaholic.

Yuri Luzhkov, biography: the beginning

The future mayor of Moscow was born in the capital of the USSR in 1936 in the family of carpenter Mikhail Luzhkov. From time immemorial, my father's ancestors lived in the Tver province, in the village of Luzhkovo, which is now not on the map. Yuri's parents met near Tver at the factory " New labor". Mom was a native of Bashkortostan and worked as a laborer. They soon got married, and when the woman became pregnant, the young family, fleeing hunger, moved to Moscow. Here the father got a job in the oil depot. Then Yuri was born, and when he grew up a little, he was sent to his grandmother in Konotop.


There he graduated from the seven-year school and returned to Moscow to his parents for further studies. 8-10th grades, he studied at Moscow school number 529, after which he entered the Gubkin Institute of the Petrochemical and Gas Industry. In parallel with his studies, Yuri Luzhkov worked first as a janitor, and then as a loader. Naturally, he did not have time to study perfectly, but he was a hardworking and diligent member of the Komsomol, a skilled organizer of various student events. In 1954, he enrolled in a student detachment, which went to Kazakhstan to explore the virgin lands.

Labor career

The life of Yuri Luzhkov after returning from Central Asia, where he stayed for about 4 years, went on a scientific path. He received a position as a junior researcher at the Research Institute of Plastics. After working here for 5 years, he climbed the career ladder to the post of deputy head of the laboratory, which was engaged in the automation of technological processes. In parallel with his work, he was actively involved in social and political activities, headed the Komsomol cell of the institute. In this new position, he was noticed in the State Committee for Chemistry, and a few years later he became the head of the entire automation department. In the same 1968, he joined the ranks of the CPSU. A few more years passed, and now Yuri Luzhkov is already holding the post of head of the control automation department at the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the Soviet Union.

Political activity

In 1975, Yuri Mikhailovich was elected people's deputy Babushkinsky District Council, and in 1977 - a deputy of the Moscow City Council. In 1987, in the midst of perestroika, he was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, and immediately fell into the team of Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, the First Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR. Having proved himself in this field, he is appointed First Deputy Chairman of the City Executive Committee of the city of Moscow. At that time, the number of cooperatives grew in the country every day, and at the same time he headed the commission of individual and cooperative activities, and then received the post of chairman of the agro-industrial committee of the capital

To the cherished dream

In 1990, the chairman of the Moscow City Council, Gavriil Popov, on the recommendation of Boris Yeltsin, nominated Yu. executive body. During the well-known events of 1991, he and his pregnant wife were active participants in the defense of the White House.

Mayor of Moscow

In 1992, throughout the country, and Moscow is no exception, due to spontaneous interruptions in food, coupons began to be introduced. Naturally, this led to discontent among the population. People poured into the streets, and the current mayor Gavriil Popov announced his resignation. The giant city was left without a leader, and then, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin, Yuri Luzhkov became the new mayor of the capital. This, perhaps, was the most significant event in his life, because for the next 18 years the fate of one of the largest cities in the world was in his hands. In this post, he was re-elected 3 times, and always with a huge margin from other candidates - his competitors. Everyone at the top knew and felt that Luzhkov was being patronized by Yeltsin himself. And he, in turn, always supported the president. He was among the founders of the NDR party "Our Home is Russia", and in 1995 he was engaged in promoting it in the elections to the People's Duma.

Treason or political games?

In 1999, in the last year of the 2nd millennium, Yuri Luzhkov suddenly changed his position on the country's president and teamed up with Primakov. They created political party Fatherland criticized Boris Nikolaevich and demanded his early resignation. By this time, Luzhkov was already a member of the Federation Council and was a member of the most important committees on financial regulation, taxes, banking, etc. In 2001, another party appeared in his life - United Russia. And Yuri Mikhailovich, two years ago one of the leaders of the Fatherland party, becomes its co-chairman. Since then, the main focus of his activity has been the support of Vladimir Putin. And he, for his part, took care of the mayor in every possible way, and even personally presented Luzhkov's candidacy to the deputies of the Moscow City Duma as the mayor of the capital. Well, who could go against the president of the country, and Yuri Mikhailovich again headed the leadership of Moscow for another 4 years.

Removal from office as mayor

In the fall of 2010, during the reign of Dmitry Medvedev, suddenly several of the central TV channels came out documentaries criticizing Luzhkov's activities as mayor. Of course, this surprised many in the country, because he long years was under the auspices of Putin, and now those are on! Yuri Luzhkov was indignant and wrote a letter addressed to the president of the country, where he expressed dissatisfaction with Medvedev's inaction in connection with the appearance of such slanderous and compromising broadcasts. The subsequent actions of the president came as a surprise to the mayor of Moscow. Luzhkov was removed from office by Medvedev's decree, citing distrust of him as reasons. Of course, for Yuri Mikhailovich it was a strong blow, but not fatal.

Personal life

Luzhkov Yuri Mikhailovich was married three times. He met his first wife Alevtina at the institute. They played a student wedding, got a dorm room, but soon both realized that they were in a hurry to formalize the relationship and filed for divorce. Alevtina did not have time to give birth to children, so they parted quietly and peacefully.

The second wife Marina Bashilova was also his classmate. As you can see, Luzhkov enjoyed the favor of women, or maybe he knew how to properly care?! Nevertheless, this marriage, apparently, was “for convenience”, because the future father-in-law, Mikhail Bashilov, was a prominent party and economic figure, and soon after that he became Deputy Minister of the USSR petrochemical industry. It is the area where Luzhkov was able to make such a dizzying career. The second family of Yuri Luzhkov was very strong. Marina bore him two sons - Mikhail and Alexander, but in 1988 she fell ill with liver cancer and passed away, leaving Luzhkov a widower.

The third time he married Elena Baturina. For several years she has been the most rich woman Russia according to Forbes magazine. She bore him two daughters - Olya and Lena. They were educated in the UK and today are accomplished "businesswomen". After 25 years of marriage, Baturin and Luzhkov went down the aisle in January 2016.

Luzhkov Yuri Mikhailovich: where is he now?

Abroad, as many people think, Luzhkov did not leave. He still lives in his native country and, despite his advanced age, is engaged in business. Surely you will be interested to know how old Yuri Luzhkov is now? In the fall of 2016, he solemnly celebrated his 80th birthday. On this day, he and Elena Baturina took part in a community work day, during which 450 fruit trees. The event was attended by the most powerful and wealthy people of the country. There is no information about whether Vladimir Vladimirovich was among the guests. However, the day before this significant date awarded the former mayor with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th degree.

But the day before new year holidays something bad happened to Luzhkov. He arrived at the library of Moscow State University, and suddenly, in the presence of the rector Sadovnichy, his health worsened. I had to call an ambulance. Rumor has it that he experienced clinical death that day, but his spokesman does not confirm this information.

But in January 2017, an article appeared in the press about the new enterprise of the ex-mayor for the production of buckwheat and cheeses. That's such a restless workaholic is Yuri Luzhkov - "a man with a cap", as he was called by Muscovites.

Tells a family friend, billionaire Yuri Gekht

- says a family friend, billionaire Yuri Gekht

Why aren't criminal cases initiated against LUZHKOV? - Vladimir Putin was asked at one of the recent press conferences.

It's too early. And why do you think that there is nothing according to Luzhkov? - the president answered slyly ...

The trial of the ex-mayor of Moscow and his slyly@oops spouse is eagerly awaited by millions of people. And among them, of course, Yuri GEKHT - a friend of youth and a former accomplice of Yuri Mikhailovich, and now - his implacable enemy. Once Hecht was a member of the Supreme Economic Council under the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation and a major bourgeois. And now he is a simple Israeli pensioner and, in fact, a criminal wanted by Interpol.

On the eve of the anniversary of Elena Nikolaevna (March 8, she will hit "fifty kopecks"), Yuri Gekht in the Promised Land was visited by the special correspondent of Express Newspaper.

I have always stood up Luzhkov, - assures Yuri Georgievich. - Even in 1993, when angry deputies wanted to remove him from the post of mayor. After all, the capital then writhed in mud and poverty! At a meeting of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, I managed to recapture Luzhkov. In fact, he is a strong business executive. In everything that happened to him then, the hardened boor is to blame Elena Baturina. Previous wife - Marina Bashilova, daughter of the first deputy minister of the chemical industry of the USSR, - Luzhkova created. And this matron made Yura the founder of corruption in Russia! For example, I was personally present when Luzhkov bought land in Sochi for a pittance...

Baturina's parents worked as machine operators at the Fraser plant, and her father was a real alcoholic. Elena, too, after school, did not go to the university, but to the machine. Then only with sin in half she graduated from the evening department. I learned a little and ended up in the Moscow City Executive Committee at the "bread place" - the commission for cooperative activities. As Luzhkov said, he went there on some business. We met. Elena was even less attractive than now, although she was a quarter of a century younger than he was. But she clung to Yura with an iron grip!

According to Hechta Having come to power, Luzhkov made him his close associate. Out of gratitude for an old friend, he had to grit his teeth and endure communication with his eccentric wife.


I not only entered the house, but also personally arranged for Baturina in the best Moscow maternity hospital named after Grauerman! - remembers Hecht. - Due to the already young age, she was terribly afraid of the first birth. A week later, I gave Elena a watch for $ 300 - then it was a decent amount - as a present for a newborn. Baturina never tried on such elegant little things: she wore watches like a child. In those years, there were no stores imported goods and I often went abroad. Baturina girls dressed and shod. I also kept in touch with Luzhkov's children from a previous marriage. And Elena did not let them on the threshold. The younger Alexander could still come to work with his dad, but the elder Mikhail was afraid. Elena arranged this for her husband! Misha was very upset by his father's betrayal. Started drinking. Of course, Luzhkov did not like this. (By the way, my son worked in the gas industry, and as soon as Luzhkov was removed, he was also asked.)

It was Hecht, according to him, who persuaded Luzhkov to start competitive investment in the capital's real estate.

Luzhkov, having become mayor, did not know what to do, Gecht assures. - There is no money, devastation, but the city needs to be rebuilt. In June 1992, at the height of Gaidar's devouring reform, I proposed to him the idea of ​​private investment in construction. Yura doubted: “Who will go? Such a risk!" I say: "I!" And he was the first to take part in the competition for investing in the construction of two prestigious buildings in the capital.

Yuri Gekht proudly calls himself a "hereditary wallet" - since 1740, his ancestors were engaged in the production of paper. He was lucky in perestroika:

The Ministry of Forestry and Pulp and Paper Industry decided to unite the most backward enterprises in the industry that did not feed themselves. And I was appointed general director of Sokolniki. It also included the Serpukhov paper mill. In 1987, I rented it, and in 1989 the association was privatized. The Ministry allowed me, as a director, to receive 49 percent of the shares, the rest remained with the team. But then privatization according to Chubais began, and all and sundry right on the streets began to buy shares from the workers. By decision general meeting people did not sell to strangers, but trusted me to buy the remaining shares. Since then, I often heard a whisper behind my back: "The first Soviet billionaire is coming." But I couldn’t even touch this money, I never used dividends - I directed everything to the development of production. Now the enterprise has been destroyed, more than a thousand people have been laid off. Only one paper mill in Vladimir is working, and the Raiders have captured the Serpukhov Combine ...


Luzhkov was afraid of his wife like fire, - says Yuri Georgievich. - Pulled me home every Saturday. Somehow we sit with them Tsereteli. It's almost midnight and he won't let us go. We understand that another scandal is brewing. Elena comes out in a hastily wrapped dressing gown and says: “It's time to sleep!” Yuri doesn't respond. Then she comes up, takes off her slippers and gives him a ka-a-ak on his bald head!

And at a reception at the Queen in 2004 in London, what did you get up to? Just came to power Tony Blair. Everyone gathered, we sit - we are waiting for Baturina. Yuri is running around, nervous. Finally, Elena enters the hotel with a racket. Luzhkov: "Lena, the queen is waiting for us!" - "Nothing, wait." Seven minutes later, Yuri in red spots jumps out into the hall: “Let's go without her!”

In the USA in mall Elena suddenly shouted at Luzhkov to the whole hall so that we, the whole delegation, burned out of shame. And in Munich, she went to a horse farm. There she was presented with the sperm of one of the best stallions. In the hotel, she immediately hid the priceless flask, but when she began to collect things for departure, she could not find it. City Hall employee Vladimir Lebedev offered to check her suitcase, but she got mad and gave young man a few slaps. In Moscow, after customs inspection, we decided to see if everything was in place, and found a flask with sperm in her suitcase!


Hecht had a serious conflict with Baturina in 2004 in the office of the first deputy mayor Vladimir Resin who supervised the construction.

There I found out: Lena wanted three old residential buildings near the Arbatskaya metro station, which belonged to me. (now owned by Telman Ismailov.) I wanted to build a hotel on this land. I evicted 240 families, personally talked to each tenant - not a single complaint was received against me. He invested $23 million in the facility. But after the default, he could not start construction in any way. I understood: there is a formal reason to find fault, Lena will not back down. I agreed to sign an agreement on the transfer of objects, but only on the condition of payment of compensation: “Lena, return what you spent!” But she told Resin: "Let his friend Luzhkov compensate him." I could not stand it and hit the table with my fist: “Yes, you are just a village boor!” Luzhkov first tried to help me out. But Baturina stood her ground. As a result, she brought contracts for the purchase of all objects, and the amount of compensation - 50 thousand rubles! Realizing that I would not sign, he and Resin offered me three dilapidated buildings on the Arbat: garbage dumps bought up by Caucasians that needed to be resettled. Even 150 million dollars would not be enough for me! I came to Resin and said: “Am I going to resettle all of Moscow at my own expense?” He said that I would not sign the contract until it states that the eviction is carried out at the expense of Moscow. But Luzhkov betrayed me and did not sign me.


In 2004, Hecht had severe kidney problems, and he decided to receive medical treatment in Israel.

And shortly before leaving, three people close to Luzhkov warned that an attempt was being made on my life, - says Yuri Georgievich. - The first to summon the vice-mayor Joseph Ordzhonikidze- He oversaw the hotel and gambling business. Talked about some nonsense. I told him: “Did you call me for this?” Suddenly he gets up from his chair and whispers: “Yura, leave immediately, I beg you!”

Events were not long in coming. First, Hecht had an accident: a truck blocked the way for his car. Hecht and the driver miraculously survived:

Soon I was accused of kidnapping a man, a certain Vladimir Baryshnikov-Kuparenko which was supposed to deliver to my factory german equipment, but deceived: the equipment did not arrive on time. I punched this Baryshnikov in the face and threatened to terminate the contract and recover the amount paid to him and the damages. This scoundrel saw on my desk the Kompromat.RU magazine, in the creation of which I participated. IN fresh issue described in detail how Baturina received land for construction without a tender and how through "Mosbusinessbank" and "Bank of Moscow" were transferred budget resources to finance her ventures. Baryshnikov decided to use my conflict with Baturina and went to see her with this magazine. Elena immediately bought the entire circulation, and they developed a scheme to eliminate me from the market.

According to Hecht, the operation was supervised by former boss Moscow Police Colonel General Vladimir Pronin.

Baryshnikov staged his kidnapping, - Yuri Georgievich explains, - allegedly carried out on my order. He imitated an escape from my office, where the abductors allegedly locked him up on Saturday and Sunday, and he went to the toilet, climbed out through the window and arrived by taxi to the reception of the mayor of Moscow, and then turned to law enforcement with a statement. On the basis of this nonsense, the athletes were arrested, with whom I was seen in a restaurant in the evening after the competition - I supervised sports in Serpukhov. They were made the perpetrators of this pseudo-abduction. They gave me eight years. I did my best to get them out. They were released two years later for a huge bribe.

After successful operation after a kidney transplant, Yuri Georgievich found hope of returning to Russia.

I'm not hiding, says the exile. - I correspond with Interpol, and everyone is “looking for” me. I was denied a Russian pension, a Russian international passport, despite a court confirmation that I am a Russian citizen. Through Telman Ismailov, Baturina took all my property. Since then, I have not communicated with Luzhkov - it is useless: he, in fact, became her hostage. But I must return to Russia to prove my innocence. The only thing I ask the President Putin and premiere Medvedev- give me the opportunity to personally participate in the investigation of a criminal case.