Powerful spells and prayers for the Annunciation. Folk customs for the Annunciation. Rituals for peace in the family at Annunciation

Conspiracies for the Annunciation have enormous power that can correct life in better side. There are different magical texts intended for specific situations. For conspiracies to work, you must read them, following a number of rules.

Conspiracies for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Church holidays have enormous energy that believers can use for their own benefit. In order for rituals and conspiracies for the Annunciation to work, the following must be taken into account:

  1. You cannot make adjustments to the text, and every word must be read correctly.
  2. Conspiracies for the Annunciation should not involve harming other people.
  3. Before pronouncing conspiracies, it is recommended to read the “Our Father” three times.
  4. It is necessary to carry out rituals alone, so that nothing interferes or distracts. It is important to get rid of extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the goal.
  5. Conspiracies for the Annunciation must be read while in good mood and with a calm head.

Good luck spell for the Annunciation

With the help of special magical texts you can whole year attract good luck, thanks to which situations in life will turn out as well as possible, and issues will be resolved in a short period of time and without much effort. Conspiracies for the Annunciation must be pronounced according to the instructions provided:

  1. First you need to buy fresh honey.
  2. On a holiday, spread the sweetness on right palm.
  3. Connect it with your left hand and rub them for a while until it is possible. Immediately after this, a conspiracy for the Annunciation should be said.
  4. Finally, wash your hands, imagining how everything in life changes for the better.

Conspiracies at the Annunciation for wealth

Many people have financial problems, which directly affects the quality of life. For those who are interested in whether there are conspiracies for the Annunciation, it is worth using a simple but effective ritual:

  1. First you need to prepare a small container in which all actions will be carried out. Also take seven coins and it is best if they are old, since they contain large number natural metals than in the money that is issued now.
  2. In addition, prepare a scarf made of natural fabric and cereal. It is recommended to give preference to wheat or sunflower or pumpkin seeds.
  3. Place coins at the bottom of the prepared container and fill them with the selected grains. After that, pour water in there.
  4. Cover the container with both palms and read the Annunciation.
  5. At the end of the ritual, cover the container with a scarf, and when the coins sprout, they must be transferred to the wallet in the compartment with the money.

Love spells for the Annunciation

The most popular are the rituals that are used to attract love. There are special love spells and rituals for the Annunciation that give single people a chance to meet their soulmate. Among the simplest are the following:

  1. To carry out the ritual, you need to prepare a mirror, a sheet of paper, a red pen, a candle and a box. The main color of love and passion is red, so this parameter of objects is important to take into account.
  2. Light a candle and write on paper the qualities that your future lover should have. It is necessary to indicate the approximate height, weight, age and social status.
  3. Fold the paper and put it in the box.
  4. At the next stage, take a mirror, and, without taking your eyes off your own reflection, say a spell.
  5. After this, the candle must be blown out, and the items used for the ritual must be placed in a box. Hide it in secret place so that other people do not find magical things. It is believed that in the near future you will be able to meet your destiny.

Plot for marriage on the Annunciation

The presented ritual can only be used by girls who have never been married before. Conspiracies and rituals for the Annunciation for marriage are aimed at attracting love, preserving feelings and building a strong and happy marriage. It is necessary to start it before sunrise.

  1. You must wear a loose shirt without a belt and let your hair down. Wash your face three times with cold running water, while repeating conspiracy No. 1.
  2. Open the window so you can watch the sun rise. If this is not possible, then you need to go outside. In this case, you can put a raincoat or coat on top of the shirt.
  3. When the sun begins to appear on the horizon, you need to turn to it, saying plot number 2. After this you can go home.

Conspiracies for the Annunciation for pregnancy

The Mother of God is the strongest protector and patroness of women who want to become mothers. For those who are interested in what conspiracies are done on the Annunciation in order to get pregnant, we offer a ritual that has enormous power, and it is carried out within 24 hours.

  1. In the evening, sit in front of the mirror, place your hands on your stomach and stroke it, making circular movements. At this time, you need to pray to God for a gift. At the end you need to say the phrase “In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!".
  2. After this, take fresh honey and say conspiracy No. 1 over it. Both spouses should try the prepared sweetness. After this you can go to bed.
  3. In the morning you need to go to church and buy a candle and an icon " Unexpected Joy" The second part of the ritual should begin in the evening. When alone, place the icon in front of you and light a candle on the right side.
  4. After this, read magic text No. 2 and put out the fire with your hand. Conspiracies for the Annunciation help to cleanse yourself of possible negativity and get pregnant.

Health spells for the Annunciation

In this great church holiday You can turn to the Mother of God to recover from an existing disease, improve your health and rejuvenate. There are various conspiracies for the Annunciation for recovery, for example, for one of them it is necessary to prepare nettles, which must be collected in clean areas and dried. In the evening before sunset, brew tea, adding a few nettle leaves to the tea leaves, and say a spell. Drink the drink, imagining yourself healthy and young.

To avoid getting sick throughout the year, you can prepare special Annunciation salt. According to reviews, with its help you can get rid of even serious diseases.

  1. Pre-purchase a pack of salt, and on Annunciation Day, before dawn, you need to pour it into a frying pan and heat it for 10-20 minutes. During this, pronounce the salt spell for the Annunciation, which the person must come up with himself and it must come from pure heart, for example: “For health of body and spirit, beauty and longevity.” You can read any prayers.
  2. After this, when the salt has cooled, transfer it to a separate jar or bag and store it in separate place. Salt can be used throughout the year, for example, added to food, using it to remove the evil eye and clean things and premises.
  3. If all the Annunciation salt has not been used during the year, then before the holiday it is necessary to burn it. It is believed that all troubles and problems will disappear with salt. After this, you can prepare new salt.

Conspiracies at the Annunciation for beauty

Since ancient times, girls have used different magical rituals to preserve your beauty, get rid of possible defects and reveal your inner attractiveness. Conspiracies on the day of the Annunciation, which are carried out at home, have enormous power.

  1. First you need to go to church and place it near the icon Holy Mother of God three candles and buy the same amount to take home. You should stand near the image for some time and turn to the Mother of God in your own words to ask for beauty. Be sure to cross yourself, take holy water with you and go home.
  2. At midnight, completely alone, you need to light the candles brought from the church near the image of the Virgin Mary and place a glass of holy water next to it.
  3. Say the spell, and then drink a little and wash yourself with holy water.

Conspiracy for the Annunciation from enemies

In life, people often face aggression, envy and bitterness from others. Some people are capable of going to great lengths to harm and worsen the life of the object of their hatred. Enemies can be defeated in different ways, for example, using the power of magic. In such a situation, you need to know what conspiracies can be made for the Annunciation in order to protect yourself from enemies. There is one simple way to protect yourself from any negativity - read a special amulet text on the evening of the holiday.

Annunciation - a conspiracy for business

People doing business regularly face different situations that require immediate solutions and the right choice depends further success enterprises. Many people are interested in what conspiracies for the Annunciation can be read for business, so there are special magic spells, which are aimed at stabilizing the state, getting rid of negativity from competitors, attracting buyers, and so on. In the morning, you need to pour water into a regular glass and whisper a conspiracy to it. After this, the liquid should be drunk in small sips.

Conspiracy to trade on the Annunciation

The trading sphere is fraught with many pitfalls, so not everyone manages to achieve success in it. The most common problem is an insufficient number of buyers, which directly affects profits. Will help you cope with existing problems conspiracies in the Annunciation for successful trading. Everything is very simple: you need to take water, either ordinary or sacred. Above it, read the plot presented three times. Sprinkle with prepared water trading place before the buyers arrive.

Conspiracies to work in Annunciation

Since a person spends a lot of time at work, it is quite understandable that many different problems are associated with it, for example, some people cannot find a suitable place, others face bad attitude bosses and colleagues, and still others want to advance in their career, but so far they have not been able to achieve what they want. You can read conspiracies on the Annunciation to find a job and to correct other problems in the labor field. It is recommended to recite the text below along with the akathist near the “Quick to Hear” icon.

Conspiracy for the Annunciation for the sale of an apartment

Real estate transactions are almost always accompanied by stress in order to find a good buyer and complete the transaction quickly and without problems. Special magic text for successful sale no, but there is a universal option that helps you get help and support in different situations. The Annunciation plot to sell a house must be read before the image of the Virgin Mary. Be sure to contact the Mother of God and express your desire regarding the successful sale of your home, and also tell us about the reasons prompting you to carry out the transaction.

Conspiracies for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary have enormous power that can change life for the better. There are different magical texts intended for specific situations. For conspiracies to work, you must read them, following a number of rules.

Conspiracies for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Church holidays have enormous energy that believers can use for their own benefit. In order for rituals and conspiracies for the Annunciation to work, the following must be taken into account:
  • You cannot make adjustments to the text, and every word must be read correctly.
  • Conspiracies for the Annunciation should not involve harming other people.
  • Before pronouncing conspiracies, it is recommended to read the “Our Father” three times.
  • It is necessary to carry out rituals alone, so that nothing interferes or distracts. It is important to get rid of extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the goal.
  • Conspiracies for the Annunciation should be read while in a good mood and with a calm head.

On this day, not only conspiracies or complex multi-stage rituals help, but also prayers aimed at one or another area of ​​human life. And on this day it is not at all necessary to run for magical help to fortune tellers or enchantresses, everything can be achieved on your own by correctly performing ancient rituals that help solve problems.

Rituals, conspiracies for the Annunciation Holy Virgin Maria

Good luck spell for the Annunciation

“As honey melts, hand sticks to hand, so that luck sticks to me, God’s servant (name of the rivers). Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

With the help of special magical texts, you can attract good luck to yourself for a whole year, thanks to which situations in life will turn out as well as possible, and issues will be resolved in a short period of time and without much effort. Conspiracies for the Annunciation must be pronounced according to the instructions provided:

  • First you need to buy fresh honey.
  • On a holiday, spread the sweetness on your right palm.
  • Connect it with your left hand and rub them for a while until it is possible. Immediately after this, a conspiracy for the Annunciation should be said.
  • Finally, wash your hands, imagining how everything in life changes for the better.

Conspiracies at the Annunciation for wealth

Mother wheat, you feed both young and old, and ours. From the grain you give ten, fifteen, and twenty. Give it to me too God's servant, money originates like this wheat. Just as it grows day and night and doesn’t let me die of hunger, so let my money grow and feed me. God bless. In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Amen.

Many people have financial problems, which directly affects their quality of life. For those who are interested in whether there are conspiracies for the Annunciation, it is worth using a simple but effective ritual:

  • First you need to prepare a small container in which all actions will be carried out. Also take seven coins and it is best if they are old, since they contain a larger amount of natural metals than the money that is issued now.
  • In addition, prepare a scarf made of natural fabric and cereal. It is recommended to give preference to wheat or sunflower or pumpkin seeds.
  • Place coins at the bottom of the prepared container and fill them with the selected grains. After that, pour water in there.
  • Cover the container with both palms and read the plot for money at the Annunciation.
  • At the end of the ritual, cover the container with a scarf, and when the coins sprout, they must be transferred to the wallet in the compartment with the money.

Fulfillment of desires and attraction of love

The traditions of our people say that after the holy day, Archangel Gabriel descends from heaven in order to fulfill people's desires. On the eve of April 8, before going to bed, people who want their desires and dreams to come true read a prayer standing in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, which sounds like this:

“In the name of the Most Holy Theotokos, I pray: as day follows night, the whole world is before you. You know about the desires of people on earth. Every person is waiting for his dream. Give help, let everyone find what they want.”

And in order to soon meet your soulmate and fully enjoy all the delights of sincere and pure love, there is a fairly simple ritual that every heart yearning for loneliness can do.

Before the holiday, buy four apples. Left alone with yourself, stand in the middle of the room, placing apples on four sides around you, and say the following text:

“This day promises good luck, this day promises love. It means so much to me, I repeat again and again. I want to find my beloved, find my love. Help me, I ask, I want to love so much. In the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Amen".

Afterwards, distribute the fruit to four children, who must disperse in four directions and eat the apples that were given to them at a distance of 50 meters.

Conspiracy to make wishes come true

On the eve of the Annunciation, bring a thin tree branch into your house and place it under your pillow. Make a wish, say it out loud several times. In the morning, look at the twig: if it doesn’t break, it means your request will come true.

Spell for well-being and health

You can prepare Annunciation salt, which will bring good luck and health to your home for a whole year. At the dawn of the holiday, put ordinary table salt (4 kg) in a canvas bag and put it in a warm oven for 10 minutes. You can use this salt as a spice for food, add it to water for cleaning, and perform rituals to remove the evil eye and damage. . Let's look at the rituals associated with salt in more detail.

Establish well-being in the family

There are people for whom family and the health of family and friends are an order of magnitude higher than material wealth and wealth. At the Annunciation there are rituals that can help in this matter. In order to make them, a person does not require special magical talents. And taking into account the energy of this holiday everything becomes even simpler and easier.

There is a fairly simple ritual using salt, which is often used by people to protect their family from illness and other adversities. It is performed quite simply.

First you need to sew a bag of fabric into which the salt will then be placed. The material used is natural fabric with high density. It is best to use calico for such a bag. You need to sew with red thread. The finished bag is dipped into holy water and allowed to dry naturally.

Ordinary table salt is poured into a dried bag. This amulet is placed in the oven, heated to 100 degrees, and baked for 20 minutes.

Customs say that the salt obtained as a result of these simple actions is added to food, and they also put a pinch of salt from a special bag into the water before starting to clean the house.

There is another ritual performed on the Annunciation that can improve family well-being. To carry it out, traditions require a positive and confident attitude, the presence and participation of all family members and the most ordinary honey. The ritual is also quite simple.

During the holiday, the whole family lines up. The palms of all those present are lubricated with honey. Next, household members join hands and stand in a circle. Having closed the circle, you should simultaneously recite the text of the magic prayer. It sounds like this:

“Thank you for everything, for help in trouble, for light in darkness, for joy in sadness. We have known all this a long time ago. Give us luck, give us a smile of fortune. May it bring us happiness and avoid bad weather. We want to live in love and experience joy. We don’t want more tears, grief, troubles and losses. Lord God, you are the only one in the world who can attract this. Let it be as we wish. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the words are spoken, the hands of the ritual participants are washed without using chemicals for cleaning in heated spring water. The water used during the ritual is then poured into the garden or vegetable garden, owned by the owner Houses.

Many years of practice and centuries of experience that our people passed on from generation to generation have shown that the effectiveness of the proposed rituals and rituals is very high, and the result exceeds all expectations.

A conspiracy that relieves sorrows and problems. Or how to ask your guardian angel for help

To get rid of adversity, when going to bed, you need to say:

“I’m going to bed, I have a cross seal on me, guardian angels on my sides, protect my soul from evening to midnight, from midnight to morning. Amen"

During the entire day of the holiday, you cannot light candles and lamps in the house. It is believed that on the Annunciation, Archangel Gabriel comes to every home to look at how people live - whether they are sinful or righteous. They say that when a candle is lit, he will see only sins, and righteous deeds will remain unnoticed by him.

Ritual at the Annunciation to attract money and material wealth into your life

They attract material wealth by giving alms in the morning, without having time to wash. Go to church early in the morning, and when leaving it, give alms, but do not forget that you do not need to wash your face and have breakfast beforehand.

On the day of the holiday, the grass growing near the church is collected. So that the year is happy and rich, and all family members are healthy, it is kept at home behind images.

Prayer for troubles, grief and poverty

This prayer is read on the night before Blagovest:

Conspiracy against poverty, troubles, grief:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Without a wrist, but with a cross under the crystal bridge Sleeps, sits, but hears and sees everything An old saint with a gray beard, barefoot. He sees and anticipates, He helps me in all sad cases: From hunger and cold, from sword and fire, From an irreconcilable sorcerer, From old age and premature old age, From all people of the volost, honest and dishonest, From vain judgment, terrible punishment. The gray-haired saint sits under the crystal bridge, sleeps, but hears and sees everything. Whoever touches me will drop his staff. Whoever inadvertently wakes him up will ruin himself. Keys, padlocks, My words are secret and witchcraft. Lock yourself, not once or twice, my words, with nine locks, nine keys. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen

Prayer protects from troubles, misfortunes, grief, poverty, even during a righteous life all year round.

Ritual “Return of Happiness”

Buy a bird in advance - a titmouse, a sparrow, a dove, etc. Prepare food and water for it, over which you first tell about everything that worries or saddens you, you can cry and lament. Then read over them “Our Father” and “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice...”

Our Father

Our Father, Who art in Heaven! Hallowed be it Your name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in Heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Virgin Mary, rejoice...

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You. Blessed are You among women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

After this, give the bird food and water, and when it has eaten and drunk, release it.

A conspiracy for a quick marriage read on the day of the Annunciation

The Orthodox holiday of the Mother of God in ancient times, and even today, has special meaning for women. Believers believe that on this day the Mother of God gives her intercession and blessing to the fair sex. Prayers were offered to the Most Pure Virgin, as well as magical rituals were performed and strong love spells were read at the Annunciation by girls and young women who wanted to attract great love and dreamed of family and motherhood.

On this bright day, a married woman can enlist the fidelity and love of her husband by calling him beloved and dear 40 times throughout the day. But for those who need it, a strong love spell for the Annunciation. This is a daily ritual, i.e. You can do it without waiting for sunset.

Provide yourself with a calm environment during the ceremony. All love spells are carried out alone, unless you conduct a professional magical practice, which is unlikely, since this article was written by me, the magician Sergei Artgrom, not for professional experienced magicians, but for those who are interested in white magic in general, and strong conspiracies to the love of a man at the Annunciation, in particular. This is not just a conspiracy text, it is a ritual from the practice of white love magic.

To independently carry out a white ritual for a guy’s love, you need to prepare the following items:

  • mirror
  • piece of paper
  • pen with red ink
  • red candle made of natural wax
  • red box

How to make a love spell for a guy on the Feast of the Annunciation

Everything must be done with a lit candle. In order for this home ritual to attract love to give good results, visualization is needed. On a piece of paper, describe your loved one, what he should be like, starting from appearance and ending detailed description the character of this man. Then roll up the piece of paper and put it in the box. Looking at your reflection in the mirror, read the words of the conspiracy for a man’s love on the Annunciation:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I create pure intention. My thoughts are aimed at creating the image of a loved one. I attract love and happiness into my life. Amen".

After this, the candle should be extinguished, but not blown out. Items used in love ritual, put it in a box and hide it in the house. Is it worth reminding you that you shouldn’t talk about the fact that you read love spells for a guy, for his love and attention, on the Feast of the Annunciation.

Signs for good luck

What signs can be noted at the Annunciation for a happy and rich life and not only? Of course, many signs are connected precisely with whether a person will be lucky this year or not. In the villages they said that on April 7, birds should not build nests, and girls should not braid their hair. In our reality, this can be transformed into the fact that it is best not to go to the hairdresser on the day of the Annunciation, regardless of gender.

There is a legend associated with this custom. Only the cuckoo decided to disobey the commandment and began to weave its nest on the Annunciation. For this, the Lord severely punished the bird by saying that today it cannot take care of its offspring and is forced to lay eggs in the nests of other birds. So, in order not to repeat the fate of the cuckoo and not turn away your luck, it is better to postpone all manipulations with hair for other days.

To attract good luck, on Annunciation in the villages, young people gathered together, lit a fire and jumped over the fire. People believed that this action frees a person from sins, sinful thoughts, damage and the evil eye, and returns lost health.

Older people did not take part in such fun, but they had their own signs and rituals for good luck. Let's say they collected the last snow, melted it in the hut and washed themselves with this water. It was believed that such water restores youth and improves health.

About love, well-being

We further consider the signs for the Annunciation for a happy and rich life. Now he moves on to married couples, who should never quarrel on holiday. In order for love to always live in their home, during the Annunciation they need to call each other “beloved.” Moreover, this word should be heard at least four dozen times during the holiday.

Again, so that there are no disagreements in the couple, on this holiday you cannot touch each other’s hair. They said that this way you can confuse the paths human destiny and release happiness from home, which will get lost along these paths and will no longer be able to find the way back.

On the day of the Annunciation, you definitely need to go to church for services, but you will need to get your hair done. On this day, a prosphora is taken from the temple, which then serves as a talisman throughout the year. People who have their own plot can, according to the old Russian tradition, bury prosphora in the ground in order to get a good harvest this year.

You should not borrow or give anything from home on the Annunciation Day. On this day, they didn’t even share salt with neighbors or serve it to the poor near the church. People believed that such an action contributed to the transfer of happiness into the wrong hands.

If there is light on the day of the Annunciation bright sun, stand opposite your shadow so that it lies at your feet, raise your right hand and say:

"Shadow, you are part of my reflection
Go to another world for God's blessing,
And as long as it stays with me,
Fortune will never forget me! "

After performing this ritual, a person’s destiny will become happier and more successful.

On the eve of the Annunciation, every woman can perform rituals that will help strengthen the family and increase wealth. How to attract all this into your life?

Amulet for money

It is very important that before the holiday every woman performs certain rituals and conspiracies in her home. They prepare for festive rituals 3 days before the Annunciation. If the wealth in the family depends on the husband, women make a talisman for the man so that he climbs the career ladder.

To perform the ritual, follow these steps:

  • Take a square of white cloth, a red thread, a clover leaf. Clover leaves are a Slavic monetary symbol that helps to achieve financial well-being.
  • Add oak leaves to a white napkin, which symbolizes strength and confidence. Oak leaves in a talisman will make a man more decisive and persistent. These qualities will be reflected at work, so there will be career growth, and salary increases.
  • The last herb that is added to the amulet is silver wormwood. It symbolizes health, tone energy field. Wormwood is rubbed on the noses of pets to keep them healthy.
  • All corners of the napkin are raised and the bag is tied with red thread. The amulet is tied with 3 knots or a bow.
  • The bag is placed in a pillowcase on the pillow of the person who will sleep on it.

This amulet will help clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts, calm you down and bring a lot of workable ideas. Herbs will relieve headaches. When changing the pillowcase, you need to monitor the condition of the amulet. If the white bag has turned yellow or has lost the smell of herbs, it must be taken out of the house and burned, because it has already served its purpose and has lost its potency.

If on the Annunciation or on the eve of the holiday you notice that there are bugs in your dried herbs, this is a sign of negative energy in the house. The herbs have completed their task and attracted negative force to themselves, after which they need to be burned.

Bread braids

On Annunciation, housewives bake bread braids that will bring prosperity to the house. Braids symbolize unification and cohesiveness. strong family. The combined energy of all family members will attract maximum prosperity, beauty, health, money and success.

Bread braids are baked on Sunday. The housewife gets up at dawn and kneads butter dough according to her favorite recipe. While kneading, salt the dough 3 times and read the plot:

“The first time is a good hour”, “The second time is a good hour”, “The third time is a good hour”.

The dough is mixed and divided; no knife is used when cutting the dough. The portions of the test must be equal to the number of family members. Each part needs to be divided into 3 more parts and formed into sausages, after which the sausages are braided. The plot reads:

“The first scythe - the road is open, the second scythe - the face is washed, the third scythe - illnesses are forgotten.”

The butter braids are baked and placed on the table, where the whole family gathers to celebrate the Annunciation. At the holiday table, every family member must eat their entire braid. Small braids are made for children so that they are sure to eat them to the end.

While eating at the holiday table, you need to imagine pictures of a happy later life how healthy and happy everyone is, that the family has financial wealth and full house friends. All these imaginary pictures materialize after some time.

The ritual does not use complex magical technologies. For the ritual you will need a clay pot, small change and green candle. You need to collect money for the ritual pot during the day when you go to the store. Collect change in the form of small bills and coins; at the end of the week you will have a certain amount of change.

Take out all the money you collected during the week from the pot and place it around the pot in 2 circles. There is no need to select coins, lay out circles of all the coins in a row.

The circles may not be closed, they may be dense, it depends on the pot and on the amount of small change you collect in a week. Next, light a green candle and, moving around the inner circle, drip 1-2 drops of green wax onto the money. Next, you need to say a conspiracy:

“Money in a circle, money around.”

So you need to go around the entire circle, you need to move clockwise - this is very important, such a movement is creative. While counterclockwise movement is destructive.

When you have completed the circle, you need to wait a little for the wax to harden and collect all the coins, moving in the order in which you added the wax. Coins are collected in a pouch or purse to create a money talisman.

The coins that remain in the outer circle must be collected and taken to the church or to the place where they ask for alms.

The ritual is aimed at activating cash flows in Annunciation. For the ritual, a small container is used in which the action itself will be carried out. It is advisable to use 7 old coins in the ritual. Old money contains more natural components (natural metals) than modern money.

Today's money contains alloys that do not have natural energy. You will also need a scarf and cereals, wheat is best.

If there is no wheat, you can use pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds, any seeds that can be included in human nutrition are used. Coins are laid out at the bottom of the container and covered with cereals, water is added to the container. Next, the container is covered with your hands and the spell is read:

“Mother wheat, you feed the young and the old, the beggars and the bar. From the grain you give 10, and 15, and 20. Give me, named (NAME), money to be born, like this wheat. Just as it grows day and night and doesn’t let you die of hunger, so let my money grow and feed me.”

After this, the container is covered with a scarf, and after germination, the coins are placed in the wallet.

On April 7 every year, all Orthodox Christians look forward to one of the twelve holidays - the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Judging by the name of the church celebration, one can guess that we are talking about the good news. It was on this day that an angel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced that she would give birth to Jesus Christ.

The meaning of this holiday is Christian religion huge. This is evidenced by the fact that, despite Lent On this day, Orthodox Christians allow themselves more than usual. Also, the reverence for this holiday is indicated by the fact that on this day it is necessary to free yourself from work and spend it quietly and calmly, rejoicing in Christ.

Although many Christian holidays fall on different days The Annunciation is not one of these. Every year this holiday is celebrated on April 7th. Depending on what day of the week this holiday falls on, a lot will be connected with this day this year.

According to the priests, on this day it is extremely important to devote all your time to spiritual enlightenment, reading the Bible and singing psalms. At the same time, no thoughts, work or vain affairs should distract.

✨ Annunciation in folk tradition

In the Slavic folk calendar, the Annunciation is perceived as the date of the beginning of spring. The Eastern Slavs have a wide spreading received ideas about the annual cycle of the earth, in particular that, from late autumn until the Annunciation, the earth is “closed”, it “sleeps”, etc. p., in connection with which until the Annunciation it cannot be touched: dig, dig, drive stakes into the ground, plow and sow. The “sleep” of the earth in the period from the Exaltation to the Annunciation is sometimes understood as a state of “pregnancy” of the earth, when something is hidden in it that at a certain moment, during its “awakening,” comes out. What sleeps in the ground during the winter and comes out only at the Annunciation includes reptiles, insects, plant roots, etc., as well as rain moisture, so violating the ban on touching the ground before it is “opened” is fraught with summer drought.

The end of the period of “sleep” of the earth on the Annunciation is described in folklore beliefs: its “awakening, opening, unlocking, revival” and the like, associated in time with its blessing by God. Following this, on the Annunciation, snakes, frogs, insects appear on the earth, bees awaken in the hives and animals in the forest awaken. The “discovery” of land entails permission to cultivate it: plowing and sowing begin.

Among the Slavic peoples, the Annunciation was associated with the arrival of birds from a distant country called “Iriy” or “Vyriy”. In Belarus, on this day, children met storks. Mothers baked them cakes in the shape of a stork’s paw, children took the cakes out into the yard, tossed them up and called to the stork (“busla”): “Busel, busel, give me a zhita kopa!” In Russia, on the Annunciation, birds were released into the wild, “so that they would sing to the glory of God” and bring happiness to the one who freed them.

Sometimes bonfires were lit at the same time as singing - in this way they “burned the winter” or “warmed the spring”. Annunciation bonfires were considered protection against disease, the evil eye and evil spirits. Russians burned straw beds, old bast shoes, jumped over fire and fumigated clothes. The Serbs, in order to protect livestock from epidemics, drove cattle between two bonfires on the Annunciation; on the eve of the Annunciation, they extinguished the old fire in the hearths and produced a new, “living” fire by friction.

Magic rituals, fortune telling, predictions of health, happiness, good luck, wealth, harvest, weather, etc. are timed to coincide with the Annunciation. p. They cared about being healthy, well-fed, well-dressed on this day, and having money with them, because this would be the case all year. Among the Eastern Slavs, a penny was baked into one Annunciation prosphora, and whoever received such a prosphora was considered happy and lucky, he was entrusted with starting sowing or other work. Pieces of prosphora were placed in seeds, buried in the corners of the field to protect against hail and drought, placed in the first sheaf, in the bottom so that mice would not eat the grain; prosphora was taken with them when sowing, tied to a seeder, and used to treat fever.

Our wise ancestors believed that the earth sleeps under the snow, the souls of their ancestors fly to Iriy, all evil spirits sleep under the snow, and one cannot destroy the earth until everyone wakes up, one cannot break this law, because until the day the earth awakens, one cannot disturb it. On April 1, the brownie wakes up, followed by the goblin. It was customary to celebrate this day with offerings to your assistant - milk, pies, sweets, porridge.

And after the spirits the earth wakes up. They say the day of the Annunciation has always been special, a day when a lot can be forgiven, a day when everything had to start anew, because nature woke up young and renewed, the eternal wheel of life turned again from the very beginning.

✨ Traditions and customs for the Annunciation

Traditions of the Annunciation In Rus', this holiday was considered a holiday of freedom and tranquility. It was not celebrated with a feast; on the contrary, people indulged in prayer and meditation. Sometimes figurines of birds in the form of larks were baked for the holiday.

According to legend, one of the strictest prohibitions on this day was knitting, sewing and weaving. This tradition is connected with the fact that our ancestors believed that threads are the destinies of people that can be confused and bring partings, quarrels and strife into the house.

At the Annunciation, birds were given special significance. The ritual of releasing birds, often pigeons, was associated with them. For this purpose, there were special catchers, who then sold the birds for the ritual. There was a belief that pigeons would bring news of good deeds man to the angels, who will subsequently reward him for this.

On the night of April 6-7, it used to be customary to “warm up the spring,” so at this time a holiday was held with bonfires, where garbage, old shoes, straw and rags were burned. IN last time they called for spring, danced in circles and sang songs.

As already mentioned, you cannot work on this day, but you could consecrate seeds and seedlings for the harvest. After all, according to legend, God himself opens the sky to bless the earth for a good harvest.

One of the most interesting traditions On this day the preparation of Annunciation salt takes place. This was done in order to take advantage of it in case of any illness. All family members took a pinch of salt and placed it in a bag, which the hostess subsequently calcined over the fire.

If this salt was not needed throughout the year, then on the Annunciation it was burned, believing that with it all troubles and misfortunes would disappear. They did the same with blessed water and prosphora, which the hostess kept all year.

Separately, it is worth noting that many Orthodox Christians after the service tried to purchase as much prosphora as possible, but if they did not succeed, they baked it themselves. Then a festive dinner was held, where the housewives crushed this blessed bread and gave it to all family members; the women saved some of it to add crumbs to livestock feed.

Also, many believed that if you make a lot of noise on this day, rattle basins, ring bells, this will scare away predatory animals and save livestock.

✨ Signs for the Annunciation

The Day of the Annunciation, perceived as one of the most important seasonal boundaries after which spring begins, was considered a very “dangerous” day in many places. On this day, a strict ban on any work and even everyday activities was observed everywhere. As the Russian proverb says: “On Annunciation, a bird does not build a nest, and a maiden does not braid her hair.”

Why you can’t do a lot of things is due to many signs. For example, if you plant seedlings on this day, they will not sprout. In addition, this applies not only to the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but also to the day of the week on which this holiday fell. But the next day after the holiday is, on the contrary, very successful. On the eve of the holiday, many people plant peas. It is the day before that is considered favorable sowing.

  • Look at the weather. If there is snow on the roofs of houses on Annunciation Day, then it will remain there until May 6 - Yegoria. If this day is frosty, then several more matinees will be cold. If it’s warm, then a lot of frost awaits ahead.
  • If you don’t see swallows on the holiday, then spring will be cold.
  • If on the eve of the Annunciation holiday you see a dark sky and no stars to be seen, then the chickens will not lay eggs well. If it's sunny outside, then wait. good harvest wheat. Rainy - good year for fishing, and in the fall it will be successful mushroom season. Thunderstorm portends warm summer and a good harvest of nuts. And frost means a harvest of cucumbers.
  • If you want your whole year to be successful, have good health, happy family, then be sure to go to church and eat the blessed prosphora. Many people bake it for everyone in the family or buy it, and then crumble it and eat it. The crumbs are also mixed with the seeds of the best harvest and given to livestock and birds to eat. This is often done even for bees, only mixed with honey.
  • Since the Annunciation falls on Friday, it is better not to start a new business on this day all year, since it will not be successful.
  • Many peasants carefully monitored the weather that day. If there was rain on the Annunciation, then they prepared for a good harvest of rye, but if there was a thunderstorm, then they believed that nuts would be born this year.
  • The fishermen hoped that on this day there would be rainy weather, because they believed that there would be a good catch all year then.
  • On this day, many families tried not to quarrel and live in peace and tranquility, because they believed that the year would pass the same way as the Annunciation.
  • Thieves had their own belief. If you manage to steal something on this day, then the next year will be successful and prosperous.
  • If swallows did not appear on Annunciation, then everyone was preparing for a cold winter.
  • If you bought it the day before and on the day of the holiday new clothes, then under no circumstances should it be tried on that day, otherwise, according to the sign, the thing would quickly deteriorate and tear.
  • On the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, they under no circumstances borrow or give anything away from home. Otherwise, you will be giving away your health, well-being and peace.
  • In Annunciation you should not go to the hairdresser, and it is also not recommended to do anything with your hair.
  • On this day it is good to guess, ask - the sky is open.
  • On this day, salt is burned in a frying pan with prayer - it is added to food for various diseases. You can light a fire and jump over it (to cleanse your energy).
  • Wash jewelry, talismans, and runes in the spring.

Salt prepared on the day of the Annunciation, according to legend, had special healing powers.
The custom of the ritual use of salt is very ancient, dating back to pre-Slavic times, when any salt was recognized as having the ability to repel harmful forces and protect people.

On the same day you can prepare Annunciation salt (used in the same cases as Thursday salt). To do this, pour salt (at least 4 kg) into a cotton bag and, before sunrise, at dawn, bake it in the oven for ten minutes.

It was considered a universal medicine. In case of the evil eye and various ailments, peasants took it internally, rubbed it with its solution, and gave sick cattle bread salted with it or diluted it in a drinking bowl.

This salt can then be used throughout the year: salt food with it, clean the apartment with it, remove the evil eye and damage, etc. Buns are baked with Annunciation salt, which help cure a child from the evil eye. The child should be given such buns on an empty stomach at dawn for three, seven or fourteen days - depending on the strength of the evil eye.

It is believed that on this day Heaven opens, grace descends on people and they get the opportunity to be cleansed of sins.

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary has long been considered a difficult day. Quarrels, scandals, and all kinds of misunderstandings are not uncommon on this day, so you need to try at all costs to control yourself and not give in to emotions. Otherwise, troubles will stick with you for a long time.

Celebrates the Annunciation magical rituals, to attract good luck, happiness, health, wealth and a good harvest. If on this day you are healthy, well-fed, well dressed and have money with you, then throughout the year you will be just as prosperous and lucky.

1. Buy prosphora for the Annunciation, stick a penny into one of the prosphoras. Then go around all the household members and let them choose a prosphora for themselves. The one who gets a prosphora with a coin will be happy all year, all his endeavors will be successful, everything he doesn’t plan will definitely work out, and he will be lucky and successful all year.
2. The Annunciation prosphora must be dried and ground. Mix the resulting crumbs with seeds before sowing. This mixture guarantees a good harvest.

“Wherever I plant, sit there,
Don't be swept away by the wind,
Don't wash it away with rain,
And don’t spoil it with enemies.
Mother of cheese is the earth, mother of the Holy Church.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

3. Do not give anything to anyone on this day.

“I’m going to bed, I have a cross seal on me, guardian angels on my sides, protect my soul from evening to midnight, from midnight to morning. Amen".

5. If you give alms on this day before washing, then there will be prosperity in the house for a whole year.
6. Burn salt in the oven and store the ash to sprinkle the garden against pests. Ash has the power to cure damage.
7. It is advisable not to comb your hair on this day, your hair will fall out.
8. If you call your husband “dear” 40 times on this day, your husband will have a loved one all year.
9. Grass is collected in the church and stored behind the icon for happiness, health and well-being
10. To make a profit on the Annunciation, sprinkle your store with enchanted water before the first customer enters.

“The Good News announced a miracle.
The gospel leads people to the temple,
And my conspiracy will bring people to my shop.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

11. Buy sugar for God’s dough (for Easter).
12. For good luck, buy honey for the Annunciation, smear it on your right palm and close it with your left. Immediately separate your palms and, seeing how difficult it is to do, say:

“Like honey melts,
Hand sticks to hand
So that luck will stick to me, (Name).
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Annunciation, Orthodox holiday, which is celebrated on April 7, has always been a special day. In Rus', it was customary to carry out rituals at the Annunciation, associated with attracting prosperity and prosperity to the house on next year. People ask for blessings and protection from the Most Pure Mother of God.

It is not recommended to do any physical work, as well as starting a new business on this day. It is better to spend it in peace and relaxation with your family. Rituals at the Annunciation are associated with attracting peace and prosperity in the home, financial wealth, health and love. A talisman made on April 7, the day of the Annunciation, can bring its owner good luck, money, success and peace of mind.

The history of the holiday

Annunciation is one of the main spring holidays in Orthodox calendar. It was on April 7 (March 25 according to the Julian calendar) that God sent the Archangel Gabriel to the husband of the Virgin Mary, Joseph with good news(hence the name of the holiday). The Gospel of Matthew says:

“Do not be afraid to receive Mary your wife, for what is born in her is of the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a Son, and you will call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”

There are several theories regarding the determination of the date of the Annunciation. On the one hand, April 7 is exactly 9 months earlier than January 7, the Nativity of Christ. This means that April 7th is the day of conception God's Son. And also according to Old Testament on this day God created Adam.

In Orthodoxy, the Annunciation is a great holiday. On this day in Rus' they said goodbye to winter and welcomed spring, which is also an act of the birth of a new life. The women baked cakes in the shape of birds and threw them into the sky with the words “Stork, stork, give us life!” Thus, a rich harvest was promised. In the evening they lit bonfires and danced around them. If you believe the signs, then jumping over such a fire would get rid of all troubles and illnesses. A long and strong union was predicted for lovers who jumped over the fire, holding hands.

Ritual to attract wealth

At the Annunciation, you can perform a ritual to attract wealth and prosperity to your home. Signs say that if a person is fed, dressed, and happy on this day, then his entire next year will be the same. It is for this reason that you need to prepare for the ritual to attract well-being the day before.

Anyone who performs magical rituals at the Annunciation must wash and put himself and his clothes in order the evening before the holiday. In the morning, get up at sunrise and wash with fresh water.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • a new handkerchief;
  • church wax candle;
  • prosphora purchased in the church.

It is better to buy a scarf on Thursday without change or give it away in the form of alms. Preference is given to products made from natural cotton or linen fabrics.

A wax candle must be purchased in the temple on the eve of the holiday and the Lord’s Prayer must be read over it. The candle should be wax, not paraffin.

Performing the ritual

The ritual for attracting wealth to the house is quite simple and effective if you strictly adhere to the sequence of actions:

  1. In the morning you need to wake up at sunrise and wash your face with fresh water. It is advisable to collect it from three sources. These can be wells, streams, lakes or springs. In the absence of this, you can get water from the tap, but no one in your household should use the water before you. Water collected from natural sources, has greater strength and carries a powerful charge of vital energy.
  2. You need to go to the temple and at the end of the service take as many prosphoras as there are people living in the house. The prosphora is wrapped in a new handkerchief. You need to return home silently, reading prayers in your mind.
  3. On this day you cannot give away anything from home, or lend money.
  4. At home, you need to light a church wax candle and, looking at the flame, say:

“What I bring into the house cannot be blown away by the wind, cannot be washed away by the rain, and cannot be carried away by a thief. Mother earth to help, Mother holy church to help. Blessing of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  1. The candle is left to burn out near the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos while prayers are read. The remaining wax is collected in a handkerchief that contained prosphora.
  2. Each household member should eat the prosphora, leaving a small piece. The remains of the prosphora are placed on the wax.
  3. The handkerchief is tightly tied in a knot and stored in a secluded place until the next Annunciation. Last year's amulet is burned or buried under a tree with the words:

“My house is full every year. We don’t know anything else about monetary hunger and hunger. The Mother of God protects me and my entire family. Angels stand at my sides, protecting my soul. So be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

For centuries, women have turned to the Virgin Mary for blessings and protection. The ritual to attract wealth to the house, carried out on the Annunciation, helps not to know troubles in the coming year.

“The flame burns, poverty burns, I am the Servant of God (name), prosperity burns. Just as salt does not burn to ashes in a fire, so the wealth in the family does not decrease. I attract good luck and drive away troubles. Amen".

The charmed salt is used for cooking throughout the year.

2 rituals to attract love

Folk customs They say that on the day of the Annunciation, girls can ask the Virgin Mary for help in love affairs. Mother of God It is considered to be a symbol of femininity, purity and fidelity. It is for this reason that she is the patroness of love and family.

At the Annunciation, you can perform rituals to attract a lover or simply to call love into your life. Which ritual to choose depends on the specific situation. If a fortune-telling girl wants to attract the attention of a specific person, then you need to use the first one. If a specific person does not exist, then you can ask the Virgin Mary to send love.

Ritual to attract reciprocity in love

This ritual is performed completely alone. The windows in the room are curtained and all sources of electric light are turned off. On the eve of the Annunciation, the girl needs to wash and comb her hair. In the morning you should not comb, braid or otherwise manipulate your hair.

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • mirror;
  • red wool thread;
  • a sheet of red paper;
  • rose essential oil;
  • red wax candle;
  • small money (coins);
  • red silk bag.

All necessary attributes for the ritual are purchased in advance, preferably on the waxing moon. You need to make purchases without change or give it away to those in need.

It is important that the bag is made of natural silk, and not its synthetic counterpart. You can check the naturalness of the fabric using a match. You need to burn the edge of the canvas. Natural silk does not burn, but chars, forming a dark lump that can be rubbed with your fingers.

Annunciation. Signs. Traditions. Rituals

Traditions and rituals on Palm Sunday

Carrying out the ritual

Once alone in the room, the girl needs to undress naked and prepare all the attributes necessary for the ritual. By performing the following actions, the fortuneteller will be able to attract the attention of her lover and achieve reciprocity:

  1. A mirror is placed on the table. It should be of such a size that the entire face of the fortuneteller can be seen through it. A red wax candle is lit next to the mirror, with rose essential oil dripped onto the wick.
  2. A red one is tied around the waist wool thread, reading conspiracies:

“The red thread winds and winds and the end will be found. Amen”, “Like a snake curls across the earth, the power of love flows into the womb. Strength matures in the womb, our union blesses. I give glory to the Most Holy Theotokos, I tie myself with a red thread. So be it."

  1. When the thread is tied, the girl should close her eyes and clearly imagine her lover’s face in detail.
  2. The name of the beloved is written on a piece of red paper and a candle is burned over the flame with the words:

“I appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos! Servant of God (name of beloved) at me Servant of God (your name) turn around, look back. Just as the earth cannot be removed from the earth, so the wind cannot dispel our love. Just as a fish grieves without water, so you shed tears without me. Just as the sun rises in the sky every day, so you think about me every day. Just as an old stump inevitably turns into dust, so does your path lead to my house. Conspiracies and words do not pass by. My word is strong. Amen"

  1. The ashes are placed in a red silk bag. An even number of coins are thrown there with the words “I redeem my love.”
  2. The bag is tied with a red thread, which is tied around the waist and stored under the pillow until the next new moon.
  3. On the waxing moon, the bag is buried in a place where people do not go when reading prayers.

Since the ritual is of a purely personal nature, attracting outside attention to it can completely destroy the Annunciation magic. You cannot tell anyone about the ritual.

The results of the ritual will not take long to appear if all its subtleties have been observed. Don’t forget that the Higher Powers know best and the lack of results may indicate that this is not your person.

Ritual to attract love

On Annunciation, you can also ask the Mother of God to send love. To do this, you need to buy on the new moon:

  • red candle;
  • red box or casket;
  • a pen with red ink;
  • small mirror

In addition, you will need a sheet of white paper, A4 size. The mirror should be of such a size that it can easily fit into the selected box or casket.

You can make a box with my own hands. For this you can use paper, wood or clay. The finished product must be painted with red paint.

Performing the ritual

A fortune-telling girl needs to prepare pre-purchased attributes for the ritual and retire to the room, locking the door. Conspiracies are read in a whisper, pronouncing the words clearly and clearly. To attract love into your life you need:

  1. Light a candle and place a mirror on the table so that the candle flame is reflected in it.
  2. On a piece of paper, you need to describe in detail the qualities that the future chosen one should have, his approximate height, weight, hair and eye color. The more detailed a person is described, the greater the chance of meeting your ideal.
  3. After looking at your reflection, you need to read the following spells:

“Mother of God and Holy Spirit. I create pure intention. I sculpt the image of my beloved and create his soul, thoughts and deeds. Let others pass by, but what is mine comes straight to me. The hand of the Most Holy Theotokos helps me. Her Protection is in my protection. Amen. Amen. Amen" and "I look into the mirror of the soul. There I see love and happiness. Mother of God, send me my beloved. Amen".

  1. The leaf is burned over a candle flame, saying: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
  2. The ashes are collected in a red box. They also put a mirror, a candle stub and a pen with which to write. Everything is kept in a secluded place. Every full moon they take out the box and put it on the window with the words:

“Here, Luna, look! You are high in the sky and you can see everything. Find me the one I asked God for. So be it!”

In the morning the box is hidden again until the next full moon. It is better to think through the image of the desired person in advance, down to the smallest detail. This will make it easier to put your wishes on paper during the ritual.

If a fortune-telling girl makes a box with her own hands, then this must also be done on the new moon. This should be done in solitude.


The traditions of our ancestors have now taken root well in modern times. Magic has a permanent influence on our lives and helps us attract good luck, success, money, love or health. And we should be grateful To higher powers for this.

The rituals performed at the Annunciation are filled with feminine energy, since the Mother of God patronizes them. Traditionally they are carried out