Animals of the eastern horoscope. Affiliate compatibility of signs. Sensitive and patient Cancer

The Eastern Zodiac calendar in China is called “Sheng Xiao” (literally “to resemble birth”). Unlike the well-known Zodiac with the symbols Aries-Pisces, the Chinese horoscope is compiled not according to the solar, but according to the lunar calendar. The eastern horoscope consists of 12 animals, each of which “rules” for a whole year.

But not everything is so simple in the Chinese horoscope! Each of the twelve animals corresponds in turn to one of the five elements: wood, earth, fire, water and metal. That is why the eastern horoscope has a very long cycle - 60 years (12 animals * 5 elements).

What practical benefits does the Chinese Zodiac have? In the East they believe that a horoscope has a significant impact on a person’s character. Some even try to “guess” the conception and birth of a child by the time of the influence of one or another zodiac sign. You can also calculate the compatibility characteristics according to the eastern horoscope - in friendship, in love or in marriage.

Chinese Zodiac Signs

Each of the sacred animals has its own disposition, personal characteristics and characteristics. According to legend, it was these 12 beings who came to Buddha when the Enlightened One was preparing to leave this world...

Rat. Her credo is wisdom. The Rat is not used to acting rashly; it always chooses the best path to achieve its goal. If necessary, she knows how to wait, because the Rat knows for sure that her patience will pay off handsomely! .

Bull. His main trait is hard work. Some people are looking for easy ways and quick money, but for the Ox, a stable income and a confident position achieved through their own efforts are preferable. The love of hard work makes this representative of the Eastern Zodiac an excellent assistant and faithful comrade. .

Tiger. His motto is courage. If required decisive action and courage, then you need to turn to the Tiger, because he does not lack these qualities! Tigers delight others with their confidence and “natural” grace, which will be of great help to them in love affairs. .

Cat/Rabbit. His credo is discretion. In this life, it is not always possible to push through the gap. Some people will try to punch a wall with their forehead, while more resourceful people will look for a workaround. The Cat/Rabbit falls into the latter category. Representatives of this sign are very cautious, but they are also capable of showing will and determination. .

Dragon. His main trait is strength. The wise and mysterious Dragon personifies universal power. This mythological creature most often depicted as a Guardian - of gold, palaces, other material assets, or even the existing world order. The dragon is distinguished by colossal power and the ability to control himself and those around him. .

Snake. Her credo is flexibility. The ability to adapt to circumstances helps not only to survive, but also to achieve success in almost any field. It may seem that the Snake adapts to those around him, but in fact, she imperceptibly changes the world to suit herself. .

Horse. Her motto is swiftness. If the work requires quick execution, then it should be entrusted to the Horse. Representatives of this sign eastern horoscope fast, responsible and efficient. Prompt completion of assigned tasks will not negatively affect the quality of work. .

Goat/Sheep. Its principle is communication skills. The ability to establish social contacts can be considered one of the key skills modern man. It is simply unprofitable to be in isolation, because teamwork helps to achieve the desired goal much faster. In terms of communication skills, those born in the year of the Goat (Sheep) have no problems. .

Monkey. Her credo is changeability. As paradoxical as it may sound, consistency also has its downsides. First of all, constancy makes life predictable and brings boredom into it. The Monkey, on the contrary, always strives for chaos and changeability. It enlivens life, fills it with bright, new colors. .

Rooster. His motto is consistency. This is the complete opposite of the Monkey. If his flighty neighbor is capable of creating chaos “out of nothing,” then the Rooster strives for stability. He will want to “put everything in order,” because it is more pleasant for him to live in an orderly world. The Rooster is a good analyst who knows how to build cause-and-effect relationships. .

Dog. Her credo is loyalty. The trust of people whom the Dog sympathizes with is of paramount importance to it. In return, she expects the same loyalty. Those born in the year of Dogs absolutely do not tolerate duplicity or attempts to play a double game. .

Pig/Boar. Her motto is friendliness. The Pig knows how to find the “key” to the person with whom she is communicating. Would you say this is the ideal quality for a spy? But no! The pig is honest and frank, she is simply not capable of finding out and sniffing out anything. Friendliness is her natural trait, which helps her get along with people. .

Eastern horoscope by year - table

Unlike ordinary tables, this module can calculate which Chinese Zodiac sign is under the control of any year you are interested in! Perhaps you are wondering what chinese year the first flight into space, the founding of the UN or, for example, the birth of Buddha? Or do you want to know which animal will rule the year 2020, 2040 or even the year 3000? To do this, you just need to click on the “previous” or “next” link!


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IN eastern countries To determine a person’s character traits, a horoscope is used, which represents 12 signs in the form of animals. Each of these animals is associated with a specific year and element. People born in the same year have similar temperaments and similar destinies. Each sign corresponds to a specific element, which has its own characteristics. There are certain likes and dislikes between the elements and signs, based on which you can choose the right companion or life partner.

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    Zodiac signs by year of birth

    According to ancient Eastern legend, when Buddha left this world, he called all animals to say goodbye. 12 animals came, to whom he gave rule on Earth. In order to determine who should reveal the list of animals, the emperor of heaven arranged a competition for them: the animals had to reach the opposite bank of the river as quickly as possible. The Rat, realizing that it could not be equal to larger animals, asked the Bull to swim together, he agreed, and the Rat climbed onto his head. The bull is a very good swimmer, so he swam first, and that’s when the rat jumped to the opposite bank and was first. Therefore, the Rat is considered smart and cunning.

    The table below shows zodiac signs by year of birth:

    Rat 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 2020
    Bull 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021
    Tiger 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022
    Rabbit 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023
    Dragon 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 2024
    Snake 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 2025
    Horse 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 2026
    Goat 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015 2027
    Monkey 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016 2028
    Rooster 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017 2029
    Dog 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018 2030
    Pig 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019 2031

    Characteristics of the elements

    If you go in order, the 12 signs of the zodiac start with the Rat, and then comes the Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. These signs are characterized not only by the animals to which the year corresponds, but also by the elements: Water, Metal, Fire, Wood, Earth. The general characteristics only give an approximate idea of ​​a person; to study each sign in more detail, you need to determine your element by year of birth. The figure below shows the annual elements of man:

    Yellow- Earth; white - Metal; blue - Water; green - Tree; red - Fire.


    • Element of Water. People of this element are very friendly, soft, generous, insightful, understanding, able to sympathize, but are prone to frivolity, depression and mood swings. They are distinguished by good patience and calmness, they will always listen to their interlocutor and give good advice, relying on your deep intuition. Because of their kindness and openness, Water people are susceptible to outside influences and dependent on other people. Outwardly, they are distinguished by massive arms, wavy hair and large, plump lips. They should monitor their weight, as excessive obesity can lead to infertility for them. They make good businessmen, artists and poets. The organs of the element are the kidneys and ears.
    • Element of Metal. Those born under the sign of Metal are determined, stable, romantic, lucky, straightforward and a little tough. They are great intellectuals, lovers of everything new and fighters for justice, they do not like it when people interfere in their affairs. They make good doctors, accountants, engineers or designers. They are naturally very kind and balanced, but sometimes hide their positive qualities for the severity. Outwardly, such people have a straight nose, narrow lips and cheekbones. The organs of the element are the lungs.
    • Element of Fire. Such people are very decisive, devoted, actively achieve their goals, persistent, optimistic, but somewhat quick-tempered and stubborn. It is their temper that betrays this element; they are very sensitive and do not like compromises, they fight very fiercely for justice. They know how to set a goal and achieve it, despite any obstacles. They are very attractive to others and many are drawn to them. Those born under the sign of Fire have expressive cheekbones and noses, beautiful thick hair and a powerful physique. Ideal professions for fire signs are lawyers, politicians, teachers and speakers. The organs of the elements are blood and heart.
    • Element of Wood. Sociable, resourceful, patient, forgetful, with a share of pessimism, compassionate and good-natured. These people are very balanced and calm, rarely lose confidence in their abilities, and have a well-developed imagination. All their endeavors are usually successful, but they do not like to work alone, but prefer teams. They have a very high intelligence, which gives rise to innovative ideas, and are the most resilient element. The biggest drawback is the wasteful expenditure of vital energy. Appearance - thin, with expressive eyes and thin hands. Representatives of this element make good farmers, artists, tour guides, etc. The organs of the element are the liver and eyes.
    • Element of Earth. Peace-loving, practical, stable, hardy, logical, reserved, stubborn and conservative. They are practical people who set specific goals for themselves and slowly implement them. They make excellent architects, designers, lawyers and businessmen. People born under this sign have a strong physique, rough features and a deep voice. The organs of the element are the spleen and mouth.


    This is a very sociable, charming, straightforward sign with exquisite taste. Despite his outward friendliness, the Rat is very selfish, calculating, selfish and often uses manipulation techniques. She is inclined to accumulate money, because she loves wealth, she acutely feels the need to protect her inner world, and therefore is often secretive. A very promising zodiac sign that achieves its goals through connections. He has very great ambition and organizational skills; if he does not spread himself thin on many things at the same time, he will achieve success in his endeavors.

    The Rat loves everything luxurious, is sensitive and vulnerable, but if you offend it, it will show aggression, stubbornness and can take revenge at the most unexpected moment. If you win the trust of the Rat, you can make a wonderful friend, because she is very kind to those she likes.


    Characterized by stability, solidity, perseverance, high intelligence and stubbornness. He is very independent and prudent, never interferes in other people's affairs and speaks only about what he knows well. The Ox is an excellent speaker, and also a very serious person (never rejoices without a reason). He is not only demanding of others, but also of himself, very balanced, reliable and is a leader in life.

    It is difficult to change his point of view, as he is stubborn and conservative, but if you provide clear logical information, there will be a chance to change his mind. Sometimes rude and cold-blooded, especially when he is not understood. He is very patient by nature, but he is almost impossible to control because he can get angry.


    Brave, decisive, does not like monotony, is not afraid of danger, has good intelligence and masculinity. He loves to be a leader in everything and hates to obey, he is reckless and easily takes risks. He has artistry and good imagination, and will easily follow a new, untested path. It is difficult for him to pacify his emotions and does not like it when flaws are found in him (he can show strong anger and resort to violence).

    Very romantic and passionate by nature, possessive and very jealous, but not always faithful, the Tiger has a strong need to pour out his soul.


    He is a model of elegance, good manners, kindness, calmness and prudence. He is very diplomatic, thinks very subtly and knows how to enjoy luxury. He really does not like innovations and any sudden events and confusion; for him, happiness is in peace, comfort and stability (by temperament he is most often phlegmatic). He is not distinguished by a brave heart, he tries to avoid difficulties, since the most valuable thing for him is personal comfort. They often do not get married (do not get married), and if this happens, they are indifferent to their family. They are very polite not only to relatives and friends, but also to enemies.

    The rabbit is very smart, can be very cunning and a skillful deceiver. He is very sensitive to criticism and tender in love, but is not very faithful, does not like scandals and intrusions into his personal life.


    A very harmonious, lucky, but impulsive sign that often achieves wealth. A natural leader who has a lot of energy and self-confidence, but lacks open-mindedness. To feel happy, he must be the master of the situation; he loves various grandiose projects; he can be too boastful, but at the same time sincere.

    Dragons have very high intelligence and well-developed intuition. He is very demanding of his environment, he can always find some shortcomings, therefore he is constantly looking for the best. Is irritated, disappointed and angry because of his dissatisfaction. In a rage, he can hurt very badly, but he easily forgives, when he calms down, if he meets an opponent, he will fight to the last, showing courage. Very good friend, whose wise advice is worth listening to. In love he is very sincere, but a demanding lover.


    Very gifted and wise, deep thinker, with good manners and striving for beauty and sophistication. The Snake has natural grace, attracts people, has a good sense of humor and always strives for elegance. She is very secretive, does not reveal her secrets to anyone and mainly believes only in herself. She can be stubborn and straightforward, sometimes envious and allows herself to be drawn into a dishonest game. He waits long and coolly to bite, and does not hesitate to resort to hypocrisy. Despite being sociable, the Snake is very vulnerable, unreliable and easily becomes angry, which can be followed by revenge and even violence.

    Knows when to change her skin, is easy to learn, very jealous, strong possessive, loves to dominate her partner, but at the same time does not always remain faithful to him.


    The horse has a very lively mind, large number vital energy, passion and charm. She leaves her family early in search of various adventures. She is optimistic even in the most difficult situations in life, loves to be on the move and work physically. Has in to a greater extent talents, not intellectuality, therefore, due to sociability, it attracts smart people that help her achieve success. He likes to talk a lot, so he reveals other people's secrets. The horse makes sacrifices for others, always needs support and does not tolerate being ignored.

    She is selfish, but not jealous, possessive feelings are alien to her. Her interest in her partner can disappear as quickly as it appears, and impatience leads to collapse in love relationships.


    The Goat has a very gentle character, she is not touchy, soft, with a kind and loving heart, very fair, but indulges in weaknesses and forgives too quickly. Sometimes the Goat analyzes the situation for a long time before making a decision; he loves nature and everything related to art. He is afraid of difficulties, so he often shifts responsibility to other people. To protect himself, he often resorts to help strong people. She cannot take initiative, she lacks leadership qualities, but at the same time, the Goat is a wonderful comrade and friend. He is a pessimist by nature, so he seeks peace in his dreams. She gets attached to people very easily, but does not seek depth in love, is fickle, she would like a strong partner who will protect her.


    She is very inventive, easily adapts to changes, and often makes grandiose plans. Thanks to her cunning and mobility, she is suitable for almost any type of activity. However, it also has negative qualities, such as strong belligerence, hot temper, aggressiveness, and one cannot rely on it. The Monkey is very confident, witty, sociable, hyper-reactive and friendly. Will never act without having effective plan, very diplomatic and knows how to develop strategies. Always takes on any opportunity to make a profit.

    Can do bad things good deeds with equal indifference if it benefits her. She loves to study various sciences, but as soon as she realizes that she has studied everything, she immediately switches to something else. Thanks to the ability to adapt, he always easily overcomes various obstacles and difficulties.


    Bright, cheerful, sincere, does not like everyday life and routine, so he is constantly looking for something new and unusual. He has an inquisitive mind and lively intellect, is attractive and cocky. Different constant readiness to perform actions, organized and rigid in its directness. He likes to seem like an extraordinary person and stands out with his bright image. The Rooster is prone to selfishness, stubbornness, denial of its own shortcomings, but emphasizing the shortcomings of other people. He often works for himself so as not to be subjected to other people's criticism. A true optimist, he will never give up in case of failure.

    The Rooster is a skilled organizer and manager who has a good financial sense, but often loses inherited wealth. A vain and pedantic person who has many friends. Despite the external brightness, it can experience ups and downs, during which it is difficult to maintain balance.


    A dog is the personification of honesty and devotion. Main traits: intelligence, conscientiousness, honesty, fairness, penchant for travel. The dog is always ready to lend a helping hand to his friends and loved ones, which often evokes a feeling of gratitude. Never makes hasty decisions, analyzes first. They are very quick-witted, but do not tolerate hypocrisy and various kinds of intrigue. Dogs weigh everything from a moral point of view and on this basis can become pessimists.

    Intuition is well developed, but she exaggerates danger as soon as she senses it, so she is constantly worried about something. The dog cannot be called playful, as it takes life very seriously. He falls in love seriously and for a long time if, of course, he overcomes his pessimistic attitude.


    Character traits - honesty, simplicity, kindness, stinginess. People of this sign prefer to have fun, do not like snags in business and immediately begin to make decisions. This sign can be trusted, since the Pig is very decent and has a constant circle of friends. Pig likes big fun companies and feasts, has such bright qualities as naivety, sincerity and friendliness.

    A pig can become a victim of someone else's cunning, since it does not know how to say the word “no” to people. He loves money very much, but knows how to share it without any benefit for himself. If necessary, this sign will never miss its goal and sometimes you need to be extremely careful with it.

    Compatibility of zodiac signs

    The Chinese zodiac calendar involves dividing all zodiac signs by year of birth into triplets, which help to better understand the relationship between people. Each three is harmonious and compatible with each other, both in friendship and in love:

    Groups and elements Signs Characteristic
    1st (Water) Rat, Dragon, Monkey The Rat needs the self-confidence and determination of the Dragon, and the Dragon needs the dexterity and intelligence of the Rat and the cunning of the Monkey. All these animals are energetic, ambitious and enterprising.
    2nd (Tree) Snake, Rooster, Bull The diplomacy of the Snake and the self-confidence of the Ox help smooth out the explosive nature of the Rooster. In reaching heights, the Snake can be helped by determination and many good qualities Ox and Rooster, and the balanced Ox needs the brightness of the Rooster. Signs have high intelligence and great hard work
    3rd (Metal) Tiger, Horse, Dog Impulsive, friendly, able to easily establish friendships. To achieve their goals, the Horse will be helped by the Dog’s ability to act and the Tiger’s energy and perseverance. The dog will help the Tiger balance his rudeness and toughness
    4th (Fire) Rabbit, Goat, Pig The Pig complements the Goat with its gentle, sensitive nature, and the Rabbit with its strategic thinking. The sensual nature of the Goat and the strategic thinking of the Rabbit complement the Pig. The defenseless Goat feels safe with the Rabbit. Signs are very gentle, modest, kind, sympathetic and caring

    Affiliate compatibility of signs

    The table below shows visual compatibility between animals:

    Human zodiac signs Compatible Happy Opposite Contraindicated Harmful
    Rat Bull Dragon, Monkey Horse Rabbit Goat
    Bull Rat Snake, Rooster Goat Goat, Dog Horse
    Tiger Pig Horse, Dog Snake Snake, Monkey Snake
    Rabbit Dog Goat, Pig Rat Rat Dragon
    Dragon Rooster Rat, Monkey Dragon Dragon Rabbit
    Snake Monkey Bull, Rooster Tiger Tiger Tiger
    Horse Goat Tiger, Dog Horse Horse Bull
    Goat Horse Rabbit, Pig Bull Bull, Dog Rat
    Monkey Snake Rat, Dragon Tiger Tiger, Snake Pig
    Rooster Dragon Bull, Snake Rooster Rooster Dog
    Dog Rabbit Tiger, Horse Bull Bull, Goat Rooster
    Pig Tiger Rabbit, Goat Pig Pig Monkey

    When choosing a partner for family life It is useful to take into account the compatibility of the signs according to the Eastern horoscope and date of birth.

Mail Lady invites you to get acquainted with horoscopes compiled on the basis of the Chinese astrological system, widespread in almost all countries of the East Asian region.

Astrology is believed to have originated in China around the third millennium BC. Experts in this field have always enjoyed great honor and respect; both government officials and wealthy merchants turned to them for advice.

Around the middle of the second millennium BC, China developed a 60-year cycle based on the alternation of 12 animals (each ruling one year) and five elements (fire, water, earth, wood, metal) that bring special traits to character person born in a particular year.

The animals that the Chinese have entrusted to control over the years - rat, ox, tiger, rabbit (cat), dragon, snake, horse, sheep (goat), rooster, dog, pig - were not chosen by chance. According to legend, it was these animals that came to say goodbye to Buddha when he left the Earth.

According to another version, the rat was instructed to invite other animals to the emperor, who was supposed to choose stewards for the years; according to the third, a swimming and running competition was arranged between them. All legends agree that the rat achieved the right to open the cycle not by honest means, but by cunning, and therefore people born in the years allotted to it are characterized by resourcefulness.

It must be remembered that the traditional Chinese astrological cycle is based on lunar calendar, different from Gregorian. Therefore, people born in January or early February sometimes “submit” to the sign of the previous year. You can determine in which year according to the Chinese calendar you were born using special tables.

Twelve animals, each of which patronizes its own year, are divided into four “triads”.

The first triad includes the Rat, Dragon and Monkey. People born in the corresponding years are energetic and active. They can be very kind or very evil, but they don't know the middle. The Rat and the Dragon are distinguished by a rather authoritarian style of communication; the Monkey achieves its goal in a more diplomatic way. For the most part, people of these signs are smart, charming, but tend to trust stereotypes.

The second triad includes the Ox, Snake and Rooster. They all achieve success through hard work, constant and tireless efforts. Their hard work is worthy of praise, and their ability to plan their actions deserves admiration. In addition, people born in the corresponding years are usually kind, patient and punctual.

The third triad consists of the Tiger, Horse and Dog. They are attracted to each other like a magnet and are distinguished by a special, humanistic view of the world, which, however, does not prevent the Horse from being selfish. People of these three signs are characterized by the ability to deftly conduct a conversation, convince people, and easily establish contacts. Each of them has many acquaintances, but truly needs only one a loved one who can be trusted with all the secrets.

The fourth triad is Rabbit (Cat), Sheep (Goat) and Pig. They are distinguished by their desire to beautiful life, heightened sense of beauty and expressed creativity. All of them are artistic, have developed intuition and good manners. Their souls are created for love and turn it into real art. But for all their merits, the signs of the fourth triad seem to lack a certain internal rigidity, a special energy necessary for real success.

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Zodiac signs by year are collected in a table, you can easily find your zodiac, birth by year and find out interesting details eastern calendar. But first, let's try to figure out what the Chinese calendar is and how the signs that are widely known to us are distributed in it.

Where did the concept of zodiac signs by year come from?

Eastern calendar exists more than 2000 years and according to legend– Buddha summoned animals before him for the celebration, with the condition that those who were the first to enter the palace would be remembered forever in the memory of people. The last obstacle for the animals consisted of a river in front of the imperial palace - the Bull swam first, but a rat settled on his back and when the bull came ashore and began to shake himself off, the rat jumped off his back and ran first into the palace, so she was given first place, the bull got second place, Tiger swam third, then rabbit (cat), dragon, snake, horse, last to swim were goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig (boar). In accordance with this, the years were assigned to animals, which are repeated with a period of every twelve years.

Zodiac year correspondence table:

Now that we know the history of the origin of the zodiac by year in the ancient Chinese (eastern) calendar, we can take a closer look at each sign individually. To make it easier to navigate in this article, we have provided table to help you find your year of birth and determine the sign according to the ancient eastern horoscope, then go to the description and find out other interesting things about yourself:

Rat 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 2020
Bull 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021
Tiger 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022
Rabbit 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023
Dragon 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 2024
Snake 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 2025
Horse 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 2026
Goat 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015 2027
Monkey 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016 2028
Rooster 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017 2029
Dog 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018 2030
Pig 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019 2031

Astrologer's advice: Without a doubt, consider that individual horoscope from an astrologer gives maximum information that is impossible to understand from general characteristics. .

  • Zodiac Year of the Rat

    (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

They have innate charisma, laconic charm, quite attractive appearance, they always evoke a positive reaction from others. Rats are very practical animals; they always try to find benefits for themselves in any situation. They will never act imprudently; they are cunning, thrifty, and know how to earn and store material resources. People who were born in the year of the Rat are excellent at keeping secrets; they can be trusted with any secrets. They are very careful in their actions, hardy in their work and are able to perform quite specific types of work that other zodiacs cannot do.

  • Year of the Zodiac – Ox

    (1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

Amazing power and greatness are some of the first words that jump out when looking at the Bulls. Undoubtedly, natural qualities, which are inherent in these animals, allow them to show perseverance and hard work better than others, which is why they occupy an important place and one of the first steps in the eastern horoscope. Bulls are very independent, reasonable and stable; the firmness of their position always evokes respect from people. People always count on this zodiac during difficult periods and hope for its help. Individuals born in the year of the Ox are very good-natured and therefore always go out to give to others with an open heart. Some difficulties may arise due to the conservatism that is inherent in them; they are very traditional and therefore are not always willing to accept any innovations and reforms.

  • Zodiac year of the Tiger:

    (1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010,2022)

The main advantages of the Zodiac Tiger are enormous courage, excellent willpower and ebullient energy. They are very tender and reverent about justice and for them, this is not an empty sound or word, but
an important part of life. The tiger is a very strong animal and is always ready to challenge anyone who encroaches on its territory. Those born in the year of the Tiger are always distinguished by their wisdom and great intelligence. In love relationships, tigers are always emotional and very passionate; the response of the partner with whom they are in love is very important to them. The only difficulty for tigers is the desire to rule and moments in life when it is necessary to submit causes a negative reaction.

  • Year of the Rabbit or Cat

    (1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

The Rabbit occupies fourth place in the Chinese calendar; also, according to another version of the legend, it is possible that it was still a Cat, so we will consider general signs for these animals.

The rabbit itself is not particularly aggressive and not very active, it is quite intelligent and even somewhat refined in its habits. A very good family man, always caring and respectful of family traditions and close ones. Main task for rabbits it is to create a good and warm atmosphere, a real family hearth. Those born this year are focused on family and make every effort to realize this task of your life.

  • Zodiac year of the Dragon

    (1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

The dragon, of course, stands out from the general series of the Chinese horoscope in that it is a fictional character - although who knows, maybe there is some truth in this. Basics
The symbolic designation of the dragon in Chinese folklore is of course a guardian who protects people from harmful and bad spirits, he always guards and protects people. People born in the Dragon zodiac always have strong energy, good health, are distinguished by great willpower and the ability to control their emotions. Honor and dignity are not for them empty words, they never exchange these concepts for any personal gain. Their weak point is excessive trust in people and these can be taken advantage of by ill-wishers, so you should be very careful and careful in choosing your social circle.

  • Year of the Snake

    (1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025)

People who are destined to be born under this zodiac sign are characterized by special intuition, wisdom and great insight. When you first meet them, they can evoke a feeling of danger and threat, but there is no need to be afraid, these are only visible external signs, which does not always answer the inner world of the Snake; they are never the first to attack. Great patience and endurance, the ability to quickly recover from heavy loads are some of the main qualities that snakes possess. The ability to steadily, without looking back, go towards your goal is also one of the main and important advantages and allows you to achieve what other Zodiacs in the horoscope cannot achieve.

  • Year of the zodiac Horse

    (1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026)

The Horse is practically one of the most prominent representatives among the other zodiac signs of the Chinese horoscope; it has a large number of advantages and basic qualities that
given to this zodiac are:

Extraordinary cheerfulness, the desire to move only forward, unlimited freedom of action. The optimism that is inherent in people who were born this year gives not only them extraordinary strength, but also the people who are surrounded by them also receive this energy.

In love and partner relationships, they are also very emotional, sensitive, always immersed in the relationship headlong, giving you completely to their partner.

  • Year of the Goat (Sheep, Ram)

    (1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027)

According to the year of the Goat (ram, Sheep), the following can be noted - those born this year predominantly have high artistic abilities and are very charming. If fate turns out that you will not be able to realize yourself on stage, then in any case in everyday life the creative abilities of this zodiac will not go unnoticed, everyone around you will pay their attention to this, in any company and evening they will occupy one of the leading, first places You can also note such qualities as well-developed humor, a sense of tact, and sociability. On the negative side, one can note such a feature as persistence, even sometimes excessive, sometimes this will interfere with the achievement of any goals.

Monkeys are very mischievous, curious and sociable. Outwardly they are very simple, but if you take a closer look, it is immediately clear that this is far from the case. A flexible mind and natural ingenuity make this sign very interesting and unpredictable. Monkeys are very talented, ambitious and have great physical strength. They have a very well developed mind, they love to have fun with them, you will never get bored. On the negative side, we can note inconstancy and the ability to lie - sometimes.

The rooster is an innovator and revolutionary; every day begins with it, or rather, with the cry that notifies the sunrise. Also in life, people born in the year of the Rooster are the initiators of new projects, they are the ones who start high-profile events and affairs. They like to be a leader and lead other people. Zodiac Roosters have high qualities: responsibility, efficiency, reliability and determination. Outwardly, they are often very bright and attractive personalities; the people around them highly value the above qualities and easily give the palm to these people.

The zodiac dog is characterized by activity, endurance, selflessness and generosity. They are always able to protect and defend their home to the last, and for them this is of course very important. They always fight to the end of their strength, against injustice, try to protect the weak, help the weak. They have a very good analytical mind, are very attentive listeners, always know how to find a compromise and listen to the opinions of the people around them. Great romantics, they have their own ideals and often disagree with real life, causes a negative reaction.

  • Zodiac boar, pig

    (1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031)

Zodiac signs by year end with the animal Pig or, in other words, Boar. People who were born this year are characterized by such characteristics as openness and goodwill, sociability, they are quite good friends and will always support any company. Flexible minded, peaceful, they are always the life of the party and are the best companions. One more important characteristic which pigs born in the year have is fertility and frugality. They have a very high potential for enrichment and attraction of material resources. We can say that money loves these people, so they will be very successful in business.

Chinese years and Western zodiac signs:

Zodiac signs by year from the Chinese horoscope in combination with the Western zodiac by month, give quite interesting characteristics
for every person. Interpretation of the characteristics of Eastern and Western cultures allows us to characterize the people around us and ourselves personally in a much broader and more detailed way. I would also like to note such important fact that - all the characteristics are common anyway and of course they cannot fully reveal each person individually. All this can only add nuances to a person’s individuality and his characteristics, which could have been formed precisely in his environment.

More detailed information by zodiac signs, both by eastern years separately and by month - Western astrology, You can look in the relevant sections our website Zodiac

Signs in the year of the European horoscope: Aries zodiac, Taurus zodiac, Gemini zodiac, Cancer zodiac, Leo zodiac, Virgo zodiac, Libra zodiac, Scorpio zodiac, Sagittarius zodiac, Capricorn zodiac, Aquarius zodiac, Pisces zodiac.

There are many ways to analyze the character and fate of a person - Zodiac horoscope, cards, numerological calculations, palmistry and the like. From this extensive list, we can separately highlight the Eastern horoscope by year, which is also quite reliable and can shed light on a person’s entire life, and will also allow us to understand why he behaves one way and not another in certain situations.

I really like the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope because of its simplicity and information content. Let's look at the features of this system together.

Today, the Eastern calendar is more than two thousand years old. An ancient legend says that once the Great Buddha summoned all living beings to a solemn event. It was understood that the one who was lucky enough to enter the Buddha’s domain first of all would be forever preserved in human memory.

The very last obstacle in the path of the animals was the river flowing near the imperial palace. The Bull was the first to overcome it, but he had a rat sitting on his back, and as soon as the bull, once on the shore, began to shake off the water, the rat quickly jumped off his back and was the first to run into the imperial palace.

For this reason, it took 1st position in the Eastern calendar, the Ox is in 2nd position, the Tiger is in 3rd position, the Rabbit (or Cat) is 4th, the Dragon is 5th, the Snake is 6th , Horse - 7th, Goat - 8th, Monkey - 9th, Rooster - 10th, and Dog and Pig (Boar) - 11th and 12th, respectively.

The distribution of living beings in the Chinese calendar occurs in this sequence. At the same time, they move cyclically and again find themselves in the 1st position every 12 years.

Recommendation from an astrology expert. Knowing the characteristics of your personality according to the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope will allow you to fully demonstrate your potential and contribute to a more effective realization of your abilities and talents.

Table of Zodiac signs by year of birth

Now that you are already familiar with the history of the appearance of zodiac signs in the Chinese horoscope, you can begin to understand each individual sign in more detail.

And in order to facilitate the orientation process, I advise you to first study the correspondence table different years animal signs. And only then start analyzing information about each of the signs.

So, in what years do people appear who are patronized by sacred animals, forever immortalized in memory by the Buddha?

  • Rats– they are responsible for the years 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, as well as 2020;
  • Bulls– born in 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 and 2021;
  • Tigers– the years of their birth: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 and 2022;
  • Rabbits– act as patrons of the years 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 and 2023;
  • Dragons– born in 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 and 2024;
  • Snakes– patronize the years 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 and 2025;
  • Horses– their years are 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 and 2026;
  • Goats– provide their patronage to the years 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015 and 2027;
  • Monkeys– correspond to the years 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 and 2028;
  • Roosters– act as leaders in 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017 and 2029;
  • Dogs– provide their patronage to the years 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, as well as 2030;
  • Pigs- take under their care all those born in 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019 and 2031.

Characteristics of all signs of the Chinese horoscope

Having dealt with the years, you can begin to describe each of the signs of the Chinese Zodiac.

Characteristics of Rats

Rat people are characterized by a unique powerful charisma and laconic charm. For the most part, they are quite attractive in appearance and are designed to provoke positive reactions from other people.

In addition, Rats are quite practical animals, capable of extracting personal benefit regardless of the situation. They are not prone to ill-considered actions, they are distinguished by cunning, thrift, and know how to earn money and save it.

Rats also find it easy to keep secrets, so they are not afraid to trust any secrets. The actions of Rat people are always very prudent, they are distinguished by their endurance in work and even perform work that is not acceptable for the majority of the Zodiac signs.

Characteristics of the Bulls

It is not very difficult to recognize a typical Ox man - this is facilitated by his power and greatness, which are sure to catch the eye. It is also undeniable that due to their sign, Bulls are incredibly persistent and hardworking, which is why they are located on one of the highest steps Chinese horoscope.

Bulls are also distinguished by increased independence, prudence, stability, and a stable life position. The presence of all the characteristics described above allows the Ox to gain respect from other people. It is the Ox that you can always rely on in difficult times; you can expect help from him.

Individuals born in the years of the Ox are distinguished by good nature, due to which they always sincerely help others. Difficulties in relationships with them are most often provoked by their conservatism and traditionalism - Oxen find innovation and change difficult.

Characteristics of Tigers

Main positive aspects This sign means that its representatives have enormous courage, amazing inner power and a whole ocean of energy. Tigers are always interested in justice, which plays a very important role in life for these individuals.

The tiger is an incredibly strong living creature; he will always readily attack anyone who dares to stand in his way. People born in the year of the Tiger are distinguished by wisdom and excellent intellectual abilities.

In matters of love, the Tiger is always very emotional and hot, but it is important for him to observe the response from his partner, for whom he has feelings.

The only difficulty for such people is the strong desire to achieve power and those life situations, in which they still have to obey someone.

Characteristics of Rabbits (Cats)

The Rabbit (or Kitty) is comfortably located in the 4th position of the Eastern calendar. Chinese legend in this situation is very ambiguous: it is believed that it was still a Cat, as a result of which we will further provide an overview of the common characteristics of these living creatures.

Rabbits are not prone to aggression, are not too active, are quite educated, and in some ways even have refined habits. They are excellent family men, caring for their neighbors, and also respecting family traditions.

The main mission of Rabbit people is to create a good, warm and sincere atmosphere, a real family home. Those who are born during these years are maximally concentrated on family values, apply all their energy to realize this life task.

Characteristics of Dragons

Dragon people can be separately distinguished from the total mass of all signs in the Eastern horoscope for the reason that they are the only ones who represent an invented character. The main symbolic characteristic of Dragons in Chinese folk art is that they act as guardians, protecting people from evil forces.

Those who saw the world in the years of the Dragon have innate incredibly powerful energy, excellent health, as well as great willpower, and are also able to take control of their emotional sphere. For them, honor and dignity are not just empty talk, because under no circumstances will they replace these concepts with their own personal benefit.

From weak points The Dragon can be called increased trust in others, which may appeal to their enemies, so it is important for them to be careful and careful when choosing their social circle.

Characteristics of Snakes

Snakes have excellent intuitive abilities, life wisdom and insight. At first glance, they can create the illusion of danger and threat, but this should not scare you, because this is nothing more than just a mask, which does not in all cases correspond to the inner real Snake - under no circumstances do they attack first.

The snake is easily recognized by its incredible patience and endurance, as well as the ability to quickly recover after serious stress - these are their typical character traits. And due to their ability to tirelessly pursue their goal, without being distracted by anything else, Snakes manage to do what representatives of other zodiac constellations are unable to cope with.

Characteristics of the Horse

The horse is perhaps the most bright representative from the entire Eastern horoscope, which has many advantages, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • the presence of an extraordinary love of life;
  • aspiration to move only forward;
  • unlimited freedom of action.

And thanks to their natural optimism, Horses not only show incredible strength, but are also always filled with great energy potential.

In love and partnership, Horses are characterized by emotionality and sensitivity - if they enter into a relationship, they fall into it, like “into a whirlpool,” and always give themselves as much as possible to the person they love.

Characteristics of Goats (Sheep, Rams)

Representatives of this Eastern zodiac sign are characterized by developed artistry and personal charm. If, by the will of fate, Goat is not destined to prove herself as an artist, then under any circumstances she will still begin to demonstrate her creative abilities to others. In addition, the Goat is easily recognized by its well-developed sense of humor, tact and sociability.

But there are also negative notes: the Goat is often hampered in life by her stubbornness, which sometimes becomes excessive.

Characteristics of the Monkey

The monkey is unusually mischievous, curious and sociable. She's at our first meeting. It may seem that it has a simple appearance, but if you take a closer look, you will understand that this is not the case at all.

Due to his agile mind and innate ingenuity, the Monkey is distinguished by unpredictability in his actions. She is talented, ambitious, and has great physical energy. She is also highly intelligent, loves fun, and you will never get bored with her. Negative aspects include mental instability, instability and sometimes the ability to deceive.

Characteristics of the Rooster

Roosters are innovators and pioneers, and it is not for nothing that the cry of this bird marks the beginning of each day. Similarly, in life, people born in the years of the Rooster get to implement various new ideas; they are most often responsible for completing significant tasks.

They enjoy the role of leader when they are at the head of a mass of people. The Rooster is distinguished by responsibility, ability to work, reliability and determination. Externally, as a rule, it has a bright and attractive appearance. All the characteristics inherent in the Rooster are highly valued by other people, so representatives of this sign are easily given first place.

Characteristics of the Dog

Dog people are quite active, self-possessed, selfless and generous. They are inclined to constantly defend their home to the bitter end - for them this is of increased importance.

Dogs will fight to the last for their position; they always try to defeat injustice and help those who are weaker than them. The dog is characterized by well-developed analytical thinking, the ability to find compromise solutions and take other people’s opinions into account.

Such individuals adore romance and have their own ideals in matters of love, as a result of which they often encounter a discrepancy with reality, which in turn provokes a negative response.

Characteristics of Boar (Pig)

The mumps is the last sign of the Chinese horoscope. Individuals born in the year of the Pig are characterized by openness, a friendly perception of the world around them, sociability, as well as the ability to be a very good friend, friend and companion.

Due to their flexible mind and natural peace-loving nature, Pigs always play the role of the soul of the company. One more significant characteristic For such people – fertility and the ability to save.

Representatives of this sign have a very promising potential for enrichment; they manage to attract resources from the material sphere into their lives without much difficulty. You can even note that these people like money, so organizing their own business will be successful for them.

What do all twelve signs of the Eastern horoscope symbolize?

The ancient Chinese gave each of the 12 zodiac living beings a certain symbolic characteristic - that is, a sign. All animals are divided into six pairs in such a way that the characteristics of one of the animals in tandem are the opposite of the characteristics of the second living creature. Thanks to this approach, it became possible to achieve harmony between Yin and Yang.

Moreover, the sequence of living beings is also not random: in China the most important always comes first, and all other signs are placed in descending order. Just as the more powerful, dominant Yang principle always comes first, followed by the calming, harmonizing Yin principle.

Now I suggest you familiarize yourself with the signs intended for each of the animals:

  • Rat – associated with wisdom;
  • Bull - this animal is associated with hard work;
  • The tiger is a symbol of courage;
  • The rabbit is the personification of caution;
  • The dragon is certainly the very manifestation of power;
  • Snake - personifies flexibility;
  • Horse - indicates the desire to move forward;
  • Goat – associated with unity;
  • Monkey - acts as a symbol of variability;
  • Rooster - unlike the previous sign, on the contrary, indicates stability;
  • Dog – associated with fidelity;
  • Pig – is associated with friendliness.

This is how animals are placed in the Eastern horoscope and they have this characteristic. Using knowledge about each patron animal according to Eastern Zodiac you will be able to better understand the behavior of your loved ones, and also make it easier to find mutual understanding with them.

And for a snack, you should definitely watch this interesting thematic video material:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: