Absolute result. Relative indicators. When strength leaves...

A year before the introduction of the professional holiday of oil and gas workers in the USSR, the 100th anniversary of the formation of the domestic oil and gas industry was widely celebrated. In the fall of 1864, in the west of the Kuban region near Anapa, mechanical shock-rod drilling of oil wells was used for the first time in Russia using steam engine. In 1865, drilling operations there ceased as oil exploration began on the Kudako River.

On February 15 (February 3, old style), 1866, the first oil gusher in Russia erupted from a well drilled mechanically in the valley of the Kudako River.

The news of the first oil gusher in Russia attracted the attention of various circles Russian society to the oil business. In August 1868, Siberian industrialist Mikhail Sidorov began drilling the first oil well in the Russian North on the banks of the Ukhta River in the Pechersk region. During the same period, the first exploration work for oil using machine drilling also began in the Ural-Volga region.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia ranked first in the world in oil production.

The production of natural and associated petroleum gas (hereinafter referred to as APG) in the country, according to data at the beginning of 2018, was carried out by 254 producing enterprises.

In 2017, total gas production (natural and associated petroleum) in Russia increased by 8% (+50.9 billion cubic meters compared to 2016) and reached a record level for the entire period of Russian gas production - 691.1 billion cubic meters, including natural gas - 605.7 billion cubic meters (an increase of 8.8% compared to 2016); and associated petroleum gas - 85.4 billion cubic meters (an increase of 2.5% compared to 2016).

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

It seems that to modern man Almost everything is possible. He can move several thousand kilometers in less than eighty days, can go into space, can regulate the temperature in his home, can control and make huge mechanisms work, etc. However, all this would be impossible if in the world there were no people extracting and processing coal, gas and oil.

Oil holiday in the Russian Federation

It's no secret that the work of oil and gas workers is hard. In Russia it has always been highly valued. In 1980, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR supplemented the decree on memorable and holiday dates. On October 1, Oil and Gas Workers' Day was included in it, and the first Sunday in September was set as the “Red” date.

Most likely, this day was chosen for a reason. After all, it is in the fall that the issue of fuel becomes especially acute. But don't think that " black gold"(as oil is popularly called) is used only as fuel. Refined petroleum is used to make chemical raw materials and motor oil. She is the basis detergents, various dyes, plastics and other things that people use in everyday life. Crude oil is used by builders (it is used to fix dune sands). It is thanks to the value and irreplaceability of this natural raw material that we celebrate this holiday every year. On September 7, Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers' Day was celebrated in 2014.

Gas and oil play a significant role in the economy Russian Federation, therefore, the country’s leadership values ​​the people who work for its benefit. Every year, congratulations on Oil and Gas Industry Day are heard from TV screens, concerts are held and state receptions, where the best workers are rewarded.

How to celebrate this holiday

Most often on this day, company management organizes corporate parties for their employees. The oil and gas industry holiday is often accompanied by a variety of sporting events in which both adults and children take part. Concerts are held in many cities, famous artists and singers are invited, and the lights of fireworks and fireworks bloom in the sky.

How can you congratulate a person who has dedicated his life to this difficult profession? We present to your attention several interesting ideas.

Holiday roll call

The presenter enters the hall and reads his text one line at a time. After each of them, the guests in the hall answer “Here!”


So, today we celebrate the day of workers in the oil, gas and fuel industries. I have a toast on this occasion, but is everyone here?

Are there drillers or bulldozer operators here?

What about welders and machinists?

Where are the operators, chemists, technologists?

Are there geologists and metrologists here?

And the KIP members are great?

And the laboratory assistants? And the specialists?

Locksmiths and craftsmen?

Engineers and accountants?

Where are our leaders?

Are the gas station attendants and drivers there?

Are you all here? Well done! I raise my glass to you, experts!

"Combustible" riddles

When the oil and gas industry celebration is in full swing, guests can be asked to solve themed riddles. Here are some of them:

Black as night, petroleum product,

The stokers are waiting impatiently for him.

As all the people say about him:

“It burns so brightly with a beautiful fire.”

It will be delivered to the road workers.

Well? Did you guess it? This is (the answer is fuel oil).

Take the fuel oil and mix it

Be careful with crushed stone and pebbles.

Then they add it a little at a time

When repairing roads repeatedly.

Eh, our route flies into the distance,

What do we need? (the answer is asphalt).

Ladies and men used to get angry:

“I’m so tired of burning candles and burning torches!”

And they filled the lamps (the answer is kerosene).

It is run by KrAZ and KamAZ trucks.

MAZs and BelAZs do not drive without it.

Right from the morning

Refueling the tractors.

Jeep is also happy with it.

No need for any other crap.

There is no better gift for an SUV,

What is good, flammable (the answer is diesel fuel).

I invited my beloved to dinner.

Why do we need chandeliers for light? We don't need him!

I want to create a romantic atmosphere.

We may feel a little awkward at first.

I'll take the candles. Looks innocent.

And they are made from (the answer is paraffin).

I see a brush in your hands, my friend.

So you suddenly decided to do the renovation?

Well, go for it! Move forward.

A huge job now awaits you.

Feel free to add passion!

And oil paints will give you inspiration (the answer is paints).

Tasty and quick food for us

Delicious, filling pizza will help.

You can also eat sausages.

Well, those that you have had since last week.

Your iron horse also wants to eat.

However, your borscht is not appropriate here.

Our car eats what we won’t eat.

After all, the best food is (the answer is gasoline).

So that for many, many years!

How to reveal the beauty of your nails?

So that they always look good!

Just do it! So!

We'll take a wonderful one (the answer is varnish).

Pioneer gas worker

Since Oil and Fuel Industry Workers' Day is most often celebrated by the entire team, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the workforce of gas and oil companies is becoming increasingly younger. A traditional event is unlikely to please them. Young people, as always, are more attracted to humor, dynamism and a minimum of formality.

It falls at the very beginning of autumn, so you can organize a holiday in nature. For example, hold a holiday in pioneer style.

It is necessary to divide all the participants in the celebration into two teams, tie red ties around their necks and put them on their heads. The teams will take part in various competitions, and after active fun they will sit by the fire, prepare a camp lunch, sing with a guitar and dance on the lawn. Such a holiday will definitely leave all participants, regardless of age, with a lot of positive emotions.

Gold rush

Don't delay too much with the official part. After all the congratulations on Oil and Gas Industry Day have been heard, it is necessary to entertain the guests with something. For example, you can schedule themed party. One of the interesting ideas is a holiday in the style of the “gold rush” (after all, oil is called “black gold”). Let the hard-working oil workers become real “gold miners” for one evening. The chief needs to be given a sheriff's star, the chief accountant - big bills made of wood, and the rest of the employees wore wide-brimmed hats and scarves around their necks.

Organize competitions, joke, play - in general, fantasize.

By the way, this theme is also suitable for a corporate event for gas company employees (gas, as you know, is also called gold, only blue).

Where else is this holiday celebrated?

It is not only in the Russian Federation that coal, gas and oil are valued. Previously a holiday the oil and gas industry was celebrated by the entire union. A huge country has collapsed, but some countries continue to celebrate this day. In Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Belarus, on the first Sunday in September they always congratulate their heroes of labor.

IN state register There is a number of holiday dates that is intended exclusively for congratulating gas and oil workers. A similar day is traditionally considered public holiday and in Belarus.

When will Russia celebrate Oil and Gas Worker Day in 2018?

There is no fixed date for this event in the register. In order to congratulate all workers in the oil and gas industry, all ceremonial events are scheduled for the first Sunday of the first month of autumn. You need to refer to the current year's calendar. From the data presented in it, it follows that the celebration in 2018 falls on the second day of the first autumn month. In the production calendar, which is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation, the celebration of this event does not imply the provision of a day off. For the first time in the country, this event began to be celebrated during Soviet power. To enter the date of celebration into the official register, officials signed a special document. The procedure took place on October 1, 1980 - the document was considered by the Presidium of the Supreme Council, which worked on the territory of the Union.

The history of the holiday

October 1, 1980 citizens Soviet Union learned that it was included in the register new holiday. Despite the fact that the SS ceased to exist, the tradition of honoring workers in such serious and important professions was preserved. Now Oil and Gas Industry Workers' Day is celebrated by people who work in this field. September 2, 2018 from professional holiday We can congratulate those who work in the laboratory and study the composition of the extracted products. People who carried out the drilling procedure will also be pleasantly surprised if relatives and friends congratulate them on this day.

How is Oil and Gas Worker Day celebrated in the Russian Federation?

Representatives of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which these resources are extracted congratulate and reward all oil and gas workers who have achieved good results in this area. In the main squares of key cities where oil and gas are produced, preparations for the holiday are taking place. The most popular stars, loved by the residents of the Russian Federation, are invited to the stage. People go out en masse and take part in folk festivities in honor of their professional date.

According to established tradition, Oil and Gas Industry Workers' Day ends with colorful fireworks. Teams of oil and gas workers go into nature to celebrate this event in a noisy company, simultaneously discussing the most unusual situations during labor activity. A person who works in this industry will be pleasantly surprised if a friend or acquaintance sends him a message of congratulations.

IN modern world oil is an indispensable raw material for most industries chemical industry. It serves as the basis for the production of not only fuel, but also plastic, fertilizers, textiles, synthetic materials, pharmaceuticals and even cosmetics. Natural gas used as a source of heat and energy. We can say with confidence that oil is our everything!

The entire territory of Russia is rich in mineral resources, and our country occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of oil production. Therefore, oil and gas fields bring to the country huge income. It is not surprising that a separate holiday is dedicated to people involved in the development of fields and the production of oil and gas - Oil Worker's Day.

When is it celebrated in 2018

In Russia, the professional day of oil and gas industry workers is celebrated every year on the first Sunday of September. In 2018, the date falls on September 2. Oilman's Day was approved at the official level by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorial days.”

Who's celebrating

Everyone involved in the industry participates in the celebrations. These include workers of various laboratories, drilling rigs, distribution stations, pipeline communications, engineers, designers, and maintenance personnel. Students, teachers of specialized educational institutions and residents also consider Oilman’s Day their professional holiday. settlements where the fields are located and oil is produced.

History and traditions of the holiday

In Russia, oil began to be extracted and used since tsarist times. In 1745, merchant Fyodor Pryadilnikov built the world's first oil refinery, the product of which was kerosene, which was used for lighting. Fuel oil production was launched later, in 1823, in the vicinity of Mozdok. Then, in 1864, in the Kuban they began to drill holes mechanically, strengthening the walls with metal pipes. And this year is considered to be the date of the birth of the oil industry in our country.

The history of the holiday dates back to the times of the USSR. This holiday was first established in 1965 in honor of oil and gas workers who developed the fields Western Siberia. The official date of Oil Worker's Day was October 1, 1980. The decision to celebrate Gas Worker's Day was made by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and was dedicated to showing respect and recognition for the contribution of employees in this industry. The collapse of the Union did not in any way affect the tradition of honoring gas and oil workers, and to this day the date remains unchanged.

How to celebrate

Oilman's Day is celebrated with mass festivities. Large oil companies organize entertainment areas for local residents, invite famous artists and even organize pyrotechnic shows. In less narrow circles, workers oil and gas industry congratulate each other and wish each other success and new achievements in the professional field.

Local and national TV channels broadcast films dedicated to the pioneers and heroes of the industry. Newspapers publish materials about outstanding, honored workers. The best employees are awarded with certificates of honor, medals, valuable gifts, bonuses and simply noted for their merits and contribution to this difficult task.

In galleries and cultural institutions organize thematic events. Students studying in non-oil and gas departments often go on picnics in nature, combining them with active pastime.

About the profession

Oil workers develop oil and gas deposits, monitor the smooth operation of infrastructure, provide field development sites with equipment and additional materials. Other employees provide processing, transportation and storage of extracted raw materials, from which finished products are later manufactured.

How to get a profession as an oil worker? To begin, take a training course in a specialized educational institution. If there are plans to take a leadership position, you must complete oil university. Working conditions in mining fields in Russia are quite harsh, because some of them take place in the Urals, the Arctic, Siberia and sea shelves, so the profession can be classified as hazardous to health