England is a nuclear power. The most powerful countries with nuclear weapons

North Korea has successfully tested an intercontinental missile, but it is not the only country that threatens the world with nuclear weapons.

The US military believes that another missile launched by the DPRK belongs to the class of intercontinental missiles. Experts say that it is capable of reaching Alaska, which means that it poses a direct threat to the United States.

"A Gift for the Yankees"

The Hwangson-14 missile was launched by North Korea on the morning of Tuesday, July 4. On this day, America celebrates Independence Day. The rocket flew 933 km in 39 minutes - not far, but that's because it was launched very high. highest point trajectory was at a distance of 2,802 km above sea level.

Rocket "Hwanseong-14" before launch. Photo: Reuters/KCNA

She fell into the sea between North Korea y and Japan.

But if Pyongyang had a goal to attack any country, the missile would be able to cover a distance of 7000-8000 km, which is enough to reach not only Japan, but also Alaska.

North Korea says it is capable of equipping its missile with a nuclear warhead. Nuclear weapons experts doubt whether Pyongyang has this moment technology that would allow the production of sufficiently compact warheads.

However, the Hwangseong-14 tests happened earlier and were more successful than expected, John Schilling, an American missile weapons expert, told Reuters.

"Even if it's a 7,000 km range missile, a 10,000 km range missile that could hit New York is not a distant prospect," the head of the nuclear nonproliferation program in East Asia Middlebury Institute for International Studies Geoffrey Lewis.

Approximate range of the Hwangseong-14 missile. Infographic: CNN

The launch showed that no sanctions on the DPRK are in effect. On the contrary, threats only stimulate the country's leader Kim Jong-un to continue to clap weapons and demonstrate the power of his arsenal.

After the test, he, according to the North Korean State News Agency, said that the US would not like the "package of gifts for their Independence Day." Kim Jong-un ordered scientists and the military to "send big and small 'gift packages' to the Yankees more often."

China and Russia issued a joint statement calling on North Korea to halt its missile and nuclear programs and the US and South Korea to refrain from large-scale military exercises.

However, Washington did not heed the calls of Moscow and Beijing. On Wednesday morning, they held demonstration launches of Hyunmu II missiles, which are capable of hitting targets at a distance of 800 km.

The tension is rising and the world is talking about nuclear war. However, North Korea is not the only country capable of starting it. Today, seven more countries officially possess a nuclear arsenal. Israel can be safely added to them, although it has never officially admitted that it possesses nuclear weapons.

Russia is the leader in terms of

The US and Russia together own 93% of the world's nuclear arsenal.

Distribution of the world nuclear arsenal. Infographic: Arms Control Association, Hans M. Kristensen, Robert S. Norris, U. S. Department of State

According to official and unofficial estimates, cumulatively the Russian Federation has 7,000 nuclear weapons. Such data are provided by the Stockholm international institute Peace Research (SIPRI) and the American Arms Control Association.

According to the data exchanged between the Russian Federation and the United States under the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, as of April 2017, Russia had 1,765 strategic warheads.

They are placed on 523 long-range missiles, submarines and strategic bombers. But this is only about deployed, that is, ready-to-use nuclear weapons.

The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) estimates that Russia has approximately 2,700 non-deployed strategic, as well as deployed and non-deployed tactical warheads. In addition, 2,510 warheads are awaiting dismantling.

Russia, as the website claims in a number of publications National Interest is modernizing its nuclear weapons. And in some positions ahead of its main enemy - the United States.

It is on them that the power of the Russian nuclear potential is mainly directed. And Russian propagandists do not get tired of reminding us of this. The brightest in this case was, of course, Dmitry Kiselev with his "nuclear ashes".

However, there are also opposite estimates, according to which the lion's share of missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads is hopelessly outdated.

USA at a crossroads

In total, the Americans currently have 6,800 nuclear weapons. Of these, deployed, according to the data of the treaty on the reduction of strategic weapons in April 2017, 1411 strategic warheads. They are deployed on 673 long-range missiles, submarines and strategic bombers.

FAS estimates that the US also has 2,300 non-deployed strategic warheads and 500 deployed and non-deployed tactical warheads. And another 2,800 warheads are waiting to be dismantled.

With its arsenal, the United States threatens many opponents, not only Russia.

For example, the same North Korea and Iran. However, according to many experts, it is outdated and needs to be modernized.

Interestingly, in 2010, Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev signed the aforementioned strategic arms reduction treaty, also known as the New Start. But the same Obama stimulated the deployment of a missile defense system in the US and Europe, his administration launched the process of developing and deploying new ground-based launchers for long-range missiles.

The Trump administration has plans to continue the process of modernizing weapons, including nuclear,

Nuclear Europe

Among the countries of Europe, the only ones with a nuclear arsenal are France and the United Kingdom. The first one is armed with 300 nuclear warheads. Most of of which are equipped to launch from submarines. France has four of them. A small amount - for air launch, from strategic bombers.

The British have 120 strategic warheads. Of these, 40 are deployed at sea on four submarines. This is, in fact, the only type of nuclear weapons in the country - it has neither ground nor air force armed with nuclear warheads.

In addition, there are 215 warheads in the UK that are stored at bases but not deployed.

Secret China

Since Beijing has never made public information about its nuclear arsenal, it can only be judged approximately. In June 2016, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists suggested that overall, China has 260 nuclear warheads. Also available information indicates that it increases their number.

China also has all three main methods for delivering nuclear weapons - ground-based, nuclear submarines and strategic bombers.

One of China's latest intercontinental ballistic missiles, Dongfeng-41 (DF41), was located near the border with Russia in January 2017. But apart from complex relationships with Moscow, Beijing also has tense relations with neighboring India.

There is also an unconfirmed theory that China is helping North Korea develop its nuclear program.

sworn neighbors

India and Pakistan, unlike the previous five countries, develop their nuclear program outside the framework of the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. At the same time, both countries have a long-standing enmity, regularly threaten each other with the use of force, and armed incidents regularly occur on the Indo-Pakistani border.

But in addition, they also have other conflict relations. For India it is China, and for Pakistan it is Israel.

Both countries do not hide the fact that they have a nuclear program, but their details are not publicly disclosed.

India is believed to have between 100 and 120 nuclear warheads in service. The country is actively developing its arsenal. One of the latest achievements was the successful testing of the Agni-5 and Agni-6 intercontinental missiles, which are capable of delivering a warhead to a distance of 5,000-6,000 km.

At the end of 2016, India took delivery of its first nuclear submarine, the Arihant. It also plans to purchase 36 Rafale combat aircraft from France by 2019, capable of carrying nuclear weapon. The country currently has several older aircraft for this purpose - the French Mirage, the Anglo-French SEPECAT Jaguar and the Russian Su-30.

Pakistan is armed with 110 to 130 nuclear warheads. The country began to develop a nuclear program after India conducted the first test of a nuclear weapon in 1974. She is also in the process of expanding her arsenal.

Currently nuclear missiles Pakistan - short and medium range. There are rumors that he is developing the Taimur intercontinental missile with a range of 7,000 km. The country also intends to build its own nuclear submarine. And the Mirage and F16 planes that Pakistan has are rumored to have been modified to carry nuclear weapons.

Israel's Deliberate Ambiguity

SIPRI, FAS and other organizations that monitor the development of nuclear weapons in the world claim that Israel has 80 nuclear warheads in service. In addition, it has stockpiles of fissile material to make another 200 warheads.

Israel, like India and Pakistan, has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, thus retaining the right to develop it. But unlike India and Pakistan, he has never announced his nuclear program and pursues a so-called policy of deliberate ambiguity in this matter.

In practice, this means that Israel never confirms or refutes the assumption that it has nuclear weapons.

It is believed that Israel developed nuclear warheads in a secret underground factory located in the middle of the desert. It is also assumed that he possesses all three main means suitable for delivery: ground launchers, submarines and combat aircraft.

Israel is understandable. It is surrounded on all sides by hostile states that do not hide their desire to "throw Israel into the sea." However, the policy of ambiguity is often criticized by those who see it as a manifestation of double standards.

Iran, which also tried to develop a nuclear program, was severely punished for this. Israel has not experienced any sanctions.

To begin with, let's remember that nuclear weapons can destroy all living organisms, people, including those in the most as soon as possible. And accordingly, it is this type of weapon that is capable of destroying our entire world within a few seconds.

The second question that arises before the creation of the list is why did these countries still create nuclear weapons, despite the fact that this is an active form of destructive material? The answer to this question is that this type of energy is useful for mankind, but if it is used for peaceful purposes. Basically, the reason for the appearance of nuclear weapons in the country is the desire to protect itself from external aggressors. Interestingly, only the Americans actually used nuclear weapons in World War II against Japan, but the effect of this is still felt in the relevant areas of the country.

Here is a list of ten countries with the largest number nuclear weapons around the world.

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Today, Iran is not a country with nuclear weapons, since there is only one Islamic country in the world that is considered as nuclear - and that is Pakistan. But before that, it was believed that Iran had created several types of nuclear or chemical weapons. The Islamic Republic of Iran signed a treaty with the United States to eliminate nuclear weapons, as more than 1,000,000 people were killed during the Iran-Iraq war.

After the fatwa of Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran stopped the creation of nuclear and other types of weapons, and everything created earlier was destroyed by the UN Security Agency. But all the same, rumors do not cease that Iran still has undestroyed nuclear weapons, but no one knows exactly how many.

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The country's official name is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. We hear about North Korea all the time in the news as it seeks to build up its nuclear weapons. It was also reported that North Korea fired three ballistic missiles at the United States. This country cannot boast of a good reputation, as it is considered the most hated of all countries in the world.

It is rather difficult to determine the level of well-being of the people due to the closed nature of North Korea, but huge amounts of money are regularly spent on defense. This country created nuclear weapons for defense, tests have already been carried out and the Koreans have about 10 nuclear warheads. But for life, this country is considered one of the most dangerous.

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Another popular country in the world, officially called Israel, is also considered a Jewish state. On the other hand, Israel is another one of the most hated countries in the world because of its continuous war with Palestine, which is why it is not only fiercely hated in Muslim countries, but in others too.

Israel has been reported to have a large number of nuclear weapons, but they are mainly being developed with the help of America, which is considered Israel's strategic partner. The state was formed in 1947 and does not increase its territory due to the war with Palestine, so this country still has about 80 nuclear weapons.

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India, officially the Republic of India, is one of the most important countries in the world and is one of the most major countries, the second largest in terms of population in the world with about 1.3 billion people.

If we talk about the defense of this country, then it has surpassed many countries in the world, because last year it acquired a large number of weapons in Russia, now there are from 90 to 110 nuclear weapons - this is the third indicator for all countries in the world. Many nuclear experiments of this country have failed, but they are carried out constantly due to the state of cold war on the border with Pakistan.

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France is an extraordinarily beautiful country that is officially called the French Republic and has about 67 million people; its capital is Paris, which is also the most beautiful, largest and most cultural center in the world. The country itself is also considered the cultural center of Europe and has a dominant position regarding defense.

If we talk about past wars, then this country took part in both the First and Second World Wars. France is known as a country nuclear energy, there are about 300 nuclear weapons here, so the defense capability of this beautiful country is also considered the best in the world, as a highly organized army has new technological weapons.

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United Kingdom

Great Britain is one of the oldest countries in the world, which is also known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In addition, it is a wealthy country with a population of 65.1 million, it ranks fourth among the most populated countries in Europe. The capital of Great Britain is London, it is an important financial center for different peoples peace.

The defense capability of this country is considered one of the highest in the world, this country is also a nuclear power, which has about 225 nuclear or chemical weapons. The army is also known all over the world as one of the best - due to the presence of highly qualified personnel. And this is one of best countries according to the conditions of life, even in spite of nuclear energy.

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China is the most developed country in the world, because almost everything that is used on our planet is produced here. It is the leader in terms of population with more than 1.38 billion inhabitants. This happy country officially called People's Republic China, also the largest electronics manufacturer, ships its products to almost every country in the world.

China is also a country that uses nuclear energy, so there are 250 nuclear weapons here, so the defense of this country is very high level due to the use of new technologies in the manufacture of weapons or other equipment used in the army. China is the world's oldest state and occupies the third largest territory in the world, after Russia and Canada.

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Pakistan - one of the most beautiful and important countries in the world, appeared on the map in 1947, in accordance with the constitution of 1973 is called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It is the second largest Islamic country in the world due to its population of almost 200 million.

Thus, Pakistan is the only Islamic country in the world with nuclear weapons. Defense is priority, therefore, they do not save money on the purchase of weapons. Pakistan's stockpile is about 120 nuclear weapons.

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The United States of America is considered one of the most powerful and influential countries in the world. The country includes 52 states, total strength population - 320 million. If we talk about defense capability, here is the most highly organized army, which has a new and the best weapon, and also this country is number one among the nuclear powers of the world, having almost 7,700 nuclear weapons.

It is the only country that used nuclear weapons against the population - in Japan in 1945 during World War II. The US has many disagreements with many countries including Russia, China and Pakistan hence is also considered the most hated country in the world.

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Russia is also one of the most influential countries in the world, known high quality produced weapons. Official name- The Russian Federation. This is the most big country in the world by area, but the population is about 146 million.

One of the most ancient countries in the world. Russia is the largest arms producer in the world. Its stockpiles of nuclear weapons are the largest among all countries in the world, amounting to about 8,500 units. Russia sells weapons to all countries of the world, so there is no doubt about their quality. This allows the country to claim the title of superpower.

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It was an article about the most powerful countries having nuclear weapons. Thank you for your attention!

Nuclear (or atomic) weapons are the presence of the entire nuclear arsenal, its means of transportation, as well as hardware control. Such weapons are classified as WMD - weapons mass destruction. The explosive effect of the so-called "rusty death" weapon is based on the principle of using some of the qualities that nuclear energy has, released as a result of a nuclear or thermonuclear reaction.

Varieties of nuclear weapons

Everything available on the globe Nuclear weapons can be divided into two types:

  • A nuclear weapon is an explosive mechanism with a single-phase type. In the process of fission of heavy nuclei of plutonium or uranium 235, energy is released;
  • A thermonuclear weapon is an explosive mechanism with a two-phase type. During the action of the first phase, the release of energy occurs due to the fission of heavy nuclei. During the action of the second phase, the phase with thermonuclear fusion is connected to the fission reactions. In the process of proportional composition of reactions, the types of these weapons are also determined.

From the history of the emergence of nuclear weapons

In 1889, the Curie couple committed to scientific world grand opening. They discovered in a piece of uranium a hitherto unknown substance that released a colossal amount of energy.

After this discovery, events developed as follows. E. Rutherford studied the basic properties of atoms. E. Walton with D. Cockcroft for the first time in the world carried out splitting atomic nucleus. And already in 1934, the scientist Leo Szilard registered a patent for the creation of an atomic bomb.

The purpose for which atomic weapons were created is very trivial - this is world domination, with the intimidation and destruction of their enemies. So, when the second World War, scientists from Germany, the Soviet Union and the United States were engaged in scientific research and development of nuclear weapons. These three largest and most powerful states, actively participating in hostilities, attempted to achieve victory at any cost. Moreover, if at that time these weapons had been used as key factor in victory, then they could be used more than once in other military conflicts.

Nuclear powers of the world for 2018

The states that currently possess nuclear weapons are tacitly referred to as the Nuclear Club.

The following are considered legitimate within the international legal framework:

  • United States of America (USA);
  • Russia (which received nuclear weapons from the USSR after its collapse);
  • France;
  • United Kingdom;
  • China.

The following are considered illegal:

  • India;
  • North Korea;
  • Pakistan.

There is another state - Israel. Officially, it does not have its own nuclear weapons. However, the world community is of the opinion that Israel should take its place in the Nuclear Club.

However, it is possible that there may be other participants on this list. Many world states had nuclear programs, but some of them abandoned this idea later, and some still continue to work on them to this day. In some states, such weapons are supplied by other countries, for example, the United States. The exact number of weapons and how many nuclear powers own these weapons in the world is not known. However, approximately twenty and a half thousand nuclear warheads are dispersed throughout the globe.

In 1968, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons was signed. Later in 1986, the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was signed. However, not all states decided to sign and ratify these documents (legally legalize them). Thus, the threat to the world is still real. Moreover, no matter how strange it may sound, but at present the presence of nuclear weapons is a guarantee of peace, a deterrent that can protect against aggression, thanks to which many states are so eager to take possession of them.

Arsenal of the United States of America

Today, the US has an arsenal of 1,654 warheads. The United States is armed with bombs, warheads, and shells. All these are used in military aviation, in the submarine fleet, as well as in artillery.

At the end of World War II, the United States produced more than sixty-six thousand warhead bombs, but already in 1997 the production of new types of nuclear weapons was completely stopped. By 2010, the United States arsenal numbered over 5,000 nuclear weapons. Since 2013, their number has decreased to 1654 units according to the project, which involved a reduction in nuclear potential.

As an unofficial world leader, the United States has the status of a nuclear power and, under the 1968 treaty, as part of five states, legitimately possesses nuclear weapons.

Russia (former USSR) - the second nuclear power

Russia now has 1,480 warheads and 367 nuclear launchers. This ammunition is intended for use missile troops, maritime strategic forces and strategic aviation. For last decade Russia's military nuclear stockpile was significantly reduced, by 12% per year. Due to the signing of the treaty on mutual disarmament, by 2012 it should have been reduced by 2/3.

Today, the Russian Federation, as the successor to the USSR, is one of the main members of the 1968 agreements on nuclear weapons and possesses them legally. In the conditions of the current world political and economic situation, Russia is being opposed to the United States and European states. However, with such a serious arsenal, one can defend one's independent positions on geopolitical issues.

French nuclear capability

France now has approximately 300 strategic warheads, as well as approximately 60 airborne tactical multiprocessors. All this can be used by submarines and aircraft. France for a long time had to strive to be independent in matters of its own weapons. She was engaged in the development of her own supercomputer, conducting nuclear tests until 1998. France was no longer engaged in nuclear weapons.

British nuclear capability

The UK is armed with 225 nuclear warheads. Of these, over 160 are on alert and are located on submarines. No one has exact information about the weapons of the British army. They do not disclose the exact size of their nuclear arsenal. The UK has no desire to increase its nuclear stockpile, as well as to reduce it. It is guided by a policy of deterring allied and neutral states from using these weapons.

Chinese nuclear capability

According to US experts, the Chinese have approximately 240 warheads. Although according to official figures, the Chinese military has about 40 intercontinental missiles commanded by artillery and submariners. In addition, the Chinese army owns approximately 1,000 short-range missiles.

The Chinese authorities do not disclose exact information about their arsenal. They state that the number of their nuclear weapons is supposed to be maintained at the lowest safe level. Moreover, the Chinese authorities say they will not be the first to use nuclear weapons, and they will not use them at all against non-nuclear states. Such statements are only welcomed by the world community.

Indian nuclear capability

According to some estimates, India has a nuclear weapon not quite officially. At present, the Indian arsenal has approximately 30 nuclear warheads, as well as enough materials to make 90 more.

In addition, the Indian army has short-range missiles, medium-range ballistic missiles, long-range missiles. Being an illegal owner atomic weapons, the Indian authorities do not officially declare their nuclear policy, this causes negative reactions in the world community.

Pakistani nuclear capability

From unofficial sources it is known that the Pakistani army has almost 200 nuclear warheads. There is no exact information about the types of their weapons. The world community on nuclear tests reacted with the utmost urgency. Pakistan has been subjected to economic sanctions by almost every major world state. The exception was Saudi Arabia, which supplied the state with approximately fifty thousand barrels of oil per day.

North Korea is a new generation nuclear power

North Korea is a state that officially possesses nuclear weapons, in this regard, in 2012, it amended its Constitution. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea owns single-stage rockets medium-range missile mobile complex "Musudan".

Reaction international community on the creation and testing of nuclear weapons was extremely negative. The lengthy six-party talks are still going on, the state is under an economic embargo. Nevertheless, the North Korean authorities are in no hurry to abandon the creation of their nuclear shield.

Should we give up nuclear weapons?

Nuclear weapons are one of the most terrible sights to destroy the population and economic potential of an enemy state. This is a weapon that sweeps away everything in its path. Fully aware of the seriousness of the presence of such weapons, the governments of many states (especially the "Nuclear Club") are taking a variety of measures to reduce the number of these weapons, as well as guarantees that they will not be used.

Modern scientists, engineers and the military have managed to create unique weapon, which is much more powerful than that used in 1945 by America during the bombing of Japanese cities. After this incident, many countries began to develop nuclear weapons and accumulate them in large quantities. AT modern conditions For some countries, the presence of nuclear weapons is a necessary element of security.
It is interesting to know which countries have the greatest nuclear potential, because they can be considered superpowers. For this reason, the top the strongest and most powerful nuclear powers in the world 2015. Used both official and unofficial information.

10. Iran

  • : Unofficial
  • Start of testing: is absent
  • Completion of tests: is absent
  • Nuclear potential: 2.4 tons uranium
  • : ratified

This country is constantly accused of illegal storage and development of nuclear weapons. Iran has never conducted a test in its history. The government signed a nuclear test ban treaty.

There is a lot of information that Iran is able to produce one unit per year this weapon. At the same time, engineers must spend at least five years to build a full-fledged bomb. Between Western countries and the Iranian government, nuclear issue conflicts are constantly occurring. According to representatives of the country, developments are carried out exclusively for peaceful purposes to support the energy program.

When the first international verification took place in 1979, the Iranian government froze its nuclear program. After 20 years, the program was renewed again. Later, sanctions were imposed by the UN to halt the development of the nuclear program and keep peace in Asia.


  • Status of military nuclear program: Unofficial
  • Start of testing
  • Completion of tests: presumably in 1979
  • Nuclear potential: up to 400 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT resolution): ratified

So far, Israel has an unofficial status as the owner of nuclear weapons. Presumably the first and last tests were carried out in 1979. Israel has at its disposal all the methods and technologies by which nuclear bombs can be delivered anywhere in the world. In 1950, engineers built the first reactor, and ten years later, the first weapon.

So far, Israel has not developed a nuclear program, although many European countries actively support it. Earlier there was information that mini-bombs were created, installed even in small suitcases for transportation. According to some documents, there are also neutron bombs.

8. North Korea

  • Status of military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: October 9, 2006
  • Completion of tests: January 6, 2016
  • Nuclear potential: approximately 20 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT resolution): not ratified

This country has the official status of a nuclear power. The test was carried out in 2006, and the last tests were carried out in 2009. Remarkably, this country has not signed an appropriate agreement with the world community to contain the nuclear threat. The presence of a large arsenal of weapons of mass destruction allows us to speak of this country as a strong nuclear power. There are several operating nuclear reactors.
North Korea has several successful tests, which were reported after careful seismic analysis. The peculiarity of North Korea in aggressive foreign policy and not recognizing a number of rules and international norms, which allows it to be considered one of the strongest nuclear countries in the world. In 2016, the DPRK tested a medium-range ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear weapon, which caused serious concerns of world superpowers. After that, even tougher economic sanctions were applied to the country, designed to curb North Korea's nuclear program.


  • Status of military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: May 28, 1998
  • Completion of tests: May 30, 1998
  • Nuclear potential: up to 90 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT resolution): not ratified

In the ranking of the strongest and most powerful nuclear powers in the world, Pakistan is in seventh position. The first tests were carried out in the late 90s. The government did not sign the corresponding agreement.
The country had to redo its nuclear program to respond to India's tests. It is this situation that is the key to the decision of the Pakistani authorities to create nuclear weapons and thus protect themselves from possible military aggression from outside. A considerable amount of time and money was spent on this program. Ultimately, the country justified all the costs and was able to achieve a positive effect.

For the first time, development began in the middle of the last century, but later one of the presidents curtailed the nuclear program. It was reported that if the situation worsened, it would be possible to acquire weapons from other countries, rather than create their own.


  • Status of military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: 1974
  • Completion of tests: 1998
  • Nuclear potential: up to 95 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT resolution): not ratified

The first time India tested a nuclear weapon was in 1974. AT last time tests were carried out in 1998. The country has a variety of warheads in its arsenal that can be delivered anywhere in the world. In addition, India has submarine fleet capable of carrying nuclear weapons.
After the latest tests against India, sanctions were imposed by Japan, the United States, as well as many other countries in the Western world.

5. China

  • Status of military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: 1964
  • Completion of tests: 1964
  • Nuclear potential: up to 240 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT resolution): ratified

The first tests were carried out in 1964. The last launch was in 1996. Several hundred lethal nuclear weapons are the guarantor of the country's security. The government has signed an international agreement on nuclear weapons. In 1964 the first nuclear bomb. Three years later, in 1967, tests were again carried out, but this time a hydrogen bomb was used.
It is noteworthy that China is the only nuclear state that has given guarantees to those countries that do not have nuclear weapons. There is a special document in which all guarantees are confirmed and extended to many states of the world.


  • Status of military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: 1960
  • Completion of tests: 1995
  • Nuclear potential: more than 300 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT resolution): signed

France is always present in the ranking of the most powerful and strongest nuclear powers in the world. The first tests were made in 1960. The country has signed and fully ratified an agreement that prohibits any testing.

The first developments began after the Second World War, but the weapon was created only in 1958. Two years later, they passed tests that made it possible to verify the quality and reliability of the created arsenal. France has several hundred nuclear weapons in stock.


  • Status of military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: 1952
  • Completion of tests: 1991
  • Nuclear potential: at least 225 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT resolution): signed

The first tests were carried out in the middle of the last century. And the last test was in 1991. There are more than two hundred nuclear weapons in the arsenal. The UK signed and ratified the nuclear weapons treaty. New technologies and developments have made it possible to enter the top three among most powerful nuclear powers in the world 2015 of the year.

With many countries, including the United States, they maintain mutual cooperation on defense and peace. In addition, the secret services of both countries are constantly exchanging a large amount of classified information, which is used solely for security purposes.

2. Russia

  • Status of military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: 1949
  • Completion of tests: 1990
  • Nuclear potential: 2,825 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT resolution): signed

The official launch of the first bomb took place in 1949. The last time the tests were carried out in 1990. A little less than 3,000 nuclear weapons are in storage.
Exactly Soviet Union became the second country after the United States to launch a nuclear weapon. After the first test, several hundred different tests and checks were additionally carried out using new developments and technologies. At the moment, Russia is in the second position in the ranking, with the most powerful nuclear powers in the world. The correct budget allocation policy and the use of our own developments allowed us to take such a high position.

At the moment, one of the bombs is the heaviest of all. The charge was planned for one hundred thousand kilotons, but it was decided to use half as much, because there was a chance of falling out a large number precipitation. And it is worth considering the fact that Russia has the technology to produce hydrogen bombs.

1. USA

  • Status of military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: 1945
  • Completion of tests: 1992
  • Nuclear potential: 5,113 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT resolution): ratified

Many people know that the first launch of a nuclear weapon was carried out in 1945, and the last test in 1992. The total number of weapons in the arsenal is more than five thousand.
Over the course of its existence, more than a thousand different tests have been carried out. This allows us to say that the United States - the most powerful nuclear power in the world on the given time. There are intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) available that can deliver a nuclear weapon to a distance of 13,000 km. It is also worth noting that the United States of America has a year, surpassing its competitors in many quantitative and qualitative characteristics.
Information about several dozen objects that are key to the development of the nuclear program is kept in the strictest secrecy.

Of course we live in Peaceful time, but still some things that are not so peaceful have a place to be.

After all, every country, no matter how pacifistic worldviews its leaders have, must take care of the safety of its citizens. And this is being done, among other things, thanks to a worthy confrontation with other countries.

Of course, there are many methods of confrontation, but it is still very important not to use weapons, but at least let them know that they are available - then you won’t have to “quarrel”.

That is why countries are trying to arm themselves. And arming your people in this context is not very effective - that's why they resort to nuclear weapons. And now it is already capable of inspiring shock and awe to anyone. Therefore, its presence is so valued among countries.

But which countries are particularly successful in this? There are several most protected leaders who have an impressive nuclear reserve. The most powerful nuclear countries in the world included in our top 10 are such that it is better not to argue with them, because in this case it will obviously not be worse for them. This is the power of nuclear weapons. Devastating and very impressive.

10 Canada

While Canada has yet to announce a nuclear capability, that doesn't mean it doesn't have it. It's just that, as it is believed, so far the country's potential, although great, is not enough for it to become a full-scale nuclear power.

But in terms of nuclear trade, Canada is at a very high level, holding a significant position in this area.

9. Israel

Israel also has not officially declared itself a nuclear country, but this also does not mean that it is not, on the contrary, many believe that its nuclear potential is very considerable.

Of course, it is impossible to estimate everything with sufficient accuracy, but approximate estimates give from eighty to two hundred warheads, which, in principle, is a significant enough number so that, in the event of a threat, a country could oppose something to its potential adversary.

8. North Korea

When we think about nuclear weapons, we often think of North Korea first. This is served by various high-profile statements that have been made by this country over the years.

Initially, the country was part of the NPT, but then declared that it was a nuclear power. Anyway, the country is a relative newcomer to this direction, and it is not known how many warheads she now has, but this number is probably measured in tens.

7. Pakistan

If we talk about military power, then few of the world's countries, in principle, can be compared with Pakistan. When he was exposed to India, he acquired, as a countermeasure, nuclear power.

Tests were made that served as a kind of deterrent measures that could deter other countries from invading the territory. Roughly, a country may have up to one hundred and ten warheads that are active at the moment.

6. India

Another fairly large nuclear power. The local nuclear program began in the year when the country was actively developing its independence. Initially, it was argued that all this would be used only for peaceful purposes, in order to maintain peace.

But then large-scale nuclear tests followed, which hinted that, in truth, the targets were not so peaceful. And the country has what is believed to be about one hundred warheads in stock.

5. China

It would be strange that such a large-scale country like China would not care about its security. Hence the need to acquire nuclear weapons. It was purchased in 1964. The country is an active participant in the non-proliferation treaty similar weapons. Weapons, however, China has quite a few - about two hundred and forty warheads at the moment, as it is believed, are active and ready to "use". Of course, this number is approximate.

4. France

Although it is customary to consider France to be something associated with romance and love, one should not forget that it used to be an imperial country, and therefore everything is decided quite seriously regarding military affairs there. Concern for one's own security is placed in France at a very high place. As for nuclear weapons, they have been present since 1960. There are believed to be between 290 and 300 warheads, more than larger China.

3. UK

The UK has been among the countries that have had a sufficient number of nuclear weapons for a very long time, since 1952. You can also highlight the fact that this country most actively called on other states for nuclear weapons. But the United Kingdom also distinguished itself by acquiring a huge nuclear stockpile. Up to 225 warheads are at its disposal and are ready for active use in the event of any emergency. The number is very large.

2. Russia

The United States attack on Japan forced Russia to join the ranks of nuclear countries. As a result, in 1949, the first experiments began. They were successful, because gradually the number of weapons that were at the disposal of the country grew. Now it has become very large. unknown exact amount warheads that are active at a given time, but the upper ceiling is estimated by experts at about eight and a half thousand.

1. United States

This country, no matter how skeptical many are, is still the most developed in nuclear terms. It is, at the same time, the most best example how not to use such weapons stocks. Because the country's intervention in the lives of other countries, including with the use of nuclear weapons, has already become a canonical example. But this does not negate the huge number of warheads, which varies from more than two thousand to about 7.7 thousand.