Black water rooster compatibility. Characteristics of people born in the year of the rooster. Leadership abilities of the Fire Rooster

The patron saint of people born in 1993 is the Black Water Rooster. The influence of this animal leaves a certain imprint on the character and temperament of a person. And often they get along perfectly with such a person opposite traits. Soulfulness can be replaced by sharp outbursts of anger, having your head in the clouds and a rich imagination combined with the ability to philosophize for hours. This person is able to successfully earn money, but also spend large sums literally overnight.

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    Characteristics of the sign

    People born in 1993 are sincere and straightforward. If the Rooster has something to say to a person, he will definitely do it. Being a very independent sign, he almost never accepts offered help, as he considers this a kind of weakness.

    Representatives of this sign prefer to dress brightly and beautifully, but at heart such people are conservatives and adhere to traditional views. They are true dreamers who simply love flattery. They are not at all interested in other people’s pride: according to the Rooster, those around them should only listen to him.

    The patron element endowed the Water Rooster with a desire to boast. Showing off your best qualities often develops into outright exaggeration, which can lead to negative consequences. Combined with natural temper, this becomes the main reason for the loneliness characteristic of many representatives of the sign.

    Being sociable and honest, the Black Rooster gives quite convincing and well-founded arguments in any dispute. True, sometimes the statements of this nature are too straightforward. Water element instills in such people a love of discussion.

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    Spheres of life

    A person born in the year of the Black Water Rooster is open and honest, hardworking at work, and tries to take a leadership position in relationships. The love of boasting does not always contribute to the formation of friendly relations with others.

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    Roosters are characterized by empathy - that is, they know how to put themselves in other people's shoes. This makes them flexible in communication. Ideas, of which such a nature has many, are considered by others not only grandiose, but also absurd.

    The actions of the Rooster himself often cause bewilderment among people. However, it is precisely these character traits that attract them, and a large company gathers around such a person.

    The ward of the sign will be surrounded by attention, if he himself does not spoil everything with outright boasting. Although this rarely happens, because the Rooster still prefers to expose himself completely in a more intimate setting.


    At work, the Rooster proves himself to be a conscientious performer. He takes the tasks assigned by his superiors very seriously.

    Due to the character traits of this person, he himself often manages to achieve a leadership position. Sometimes the Rooster tends to jump into things indiscriminately, without calculating correctly own strength. This can lead to nervous breakdowns.

    Being a hardworking person, such a person is able to benefit from a business that at first glance did not promise profit. But the Rooster does not keep the money he earns for long, as he spends it at incredible speed.


    If the Rooster likes a person, then the latter will definitely take the initiative. In relationships, this sign likes to take a dominant position. But it is very important for him to feel desired and loved, which is why the Rooster can choose as a mate a person for whom he does not have very strong feelings, but sees admiration in his eyes.

    Such people are very jealous and, if angered, can behave extremely aggressively.


    After a hectic bachelor life, such individuals easily get used to the family atmosphere. The Rooster does not enter into a marriage of convenience, only with sincere feelings.

    Despite the selfish nature, the sign surrounds the chosen one with care. In the role of parents, these people show themselves on the good side, although the authoritative nature does not go away. If a representative of the sign has disputes with children, the Rooster refuses to seek a compromise and acts rather selfishly. However, the sign is ready to make any sacrifice in the name of its family.

    Weaknesses and strengths

    Positive and negative traits, characteristic of people born in the year of the Black Water Rooster:


    Rooster Woman

    This girl is quite attractive, she likes to experiment with her appearance. That's why she changes it often. The reason for these actions is not necessity, but the desire to impress the public. They like to stand out not only with their appearance.

    The Rooster woman never allows anyone to manage her time and life. Therefore, the main goal of this person is to achieve financial and physical independence from men.

    Girls born under the auspices of this animal become excellent housewives. They skillfully cope with household responsibilities and successfully combine them with their careers. Family values are very important to her, and the Rooster woman is ready to bear responsibility for the household. But she should see sincere gratitude for her efforts.

    In relationships with a man, he shows himself to be a jealous nature. And often this feeling crosses acceptable boundaries, developing into outright aggression. Because of this, the family life of the Rooster woman is filled with emotional showdowns. And this is her fault. The girl should understand that it is impossible to completely subordinate the chosen one to her will.

    Rooster Man

    Men of this sign are most often endowed with an attractive appearance. Their natural magnetism and bright appearance make it easy to win favor with the opposite sex. Inside such a person there is incredible energy, but a significant part of it results in nervousness.

    The main problem of the Rooster man is that he cannot set himself a single goal and follow it. Therefore, falls quite often occur on his life path.

    In his personal life, the Rooster can hardly be called constant. He is able to convince the girl of the sincerity of his feelings, and he himself will be confident in the words spoken, but after short period a person forgets the promises he made. Being an ardent man, the Rooster proves himself to be a good lover. However, his passion subsides as quickly as it ignites.

    For the Rooster to be happy in his personal life, he needs a very smart and wise companion who could predict events and gently guide her lover. Only in such a union will a man of this sign be able to realize his energy.

    Compatibility according to the eastern horoscope

    The horoscope according to the eastern calendar, which is also called the Chinese horoscope, contains information about the likelihood of successful relationships between signs.

    With Rat

    A very problematic union. Too much different tempers and outlook on life. Its existence is possible only if the Rat experiences the strongest feelings for its chosen one.

    In marriage, the attitude of partners towards finances plays a significant role. On this basis there may arise serious problems and misunderstanding, because the Rooster is able to spend any available amounts very quickly and without much thought, while the Rat is very sensitive to money and tries to earn it.

    With Bull (Ox)

    Excellent compatibility. Unlike most signs, the Ox will be able to turn a blind eye to the Rooster’s passion for narcissism and the desire to show off. The main thing is that the latter does this not in public, but within the walls of the house. Otherwise, Vol will be pleased with his partner. The Rooster should give up its claims to power in the family.

    In addition, the signs are perfectly compatible in bed.

    With Tiger

    A difficult relationship that is unlikely to last long. Being temperamental signs, they both prefer to command rather than obey. In addition, the Rooster loves to shine, which is why he will look worthless in the eyes of his partner. The marriage of these people quite often breaks up in the first year.

    There is incredible passion in bed, but over time it will not be enough for a successful union.

    With Rabbit (Cat)

    Not the most favorable relationship. The Rooster, out of habit, wants to shine, and it is not enough for him to do this only within the walls of his home. The Rabbit does not like his partner's boasting; he believes that the virtues extolled by the Rooster are somewhat exaggerated.

    Over time, the Cat will begin to build various obstacles for its partner, which is why the latter will not skimp on reproaches and complaints. Often such a couple does not work out and sex life.

    With the Dragon

    These people have ways to create a reliable union. Some people are related to them common features character, including the need for attention and activity.

    Both partners love to be leaders in the relationship, but this time they will be the stronger Dragon. The Rooster will not resist and will be able to benefit from this situation. Marriage promises to be bright and not boring; usually these signs maintain tenderness in relationships even after many years.

    With a Snake

    They are drawn to each other. At first glance, these signs are very different, but in fact, the qualities that are immediately noticeable in the Rooster, the wise Snake tries to hide deep inside. There is no passion between them in love.

    When conflicts arise, the ardent nature of the Rooster subsides quite quickly under the influence of the partner’s natural calm. There is a constant struggle between them, but the effect is more creative than destructive. In sex there is mutual understanding.

    With a horse

    There is misunderstanding between partners. Building relationships for these signs is considered a waste of time. The Rooster pays more attention to his brilliance in society than to the development of relationships. The horse takes love much more seriously.

    Another important obstacle in such an alliance will be the confrontation between the independence of the Horse and the desire for dominance of the Rooster. In bed, partners can surprise each other, but this will not change the overall situation.

    With Goat (Sheep)

    Everything about this couple is very ambiguous. Successful relationships can be built provided there is sufficient security, and the Rooster will have to play the role of breadwinner. The frivolous Sheep spends money with greater pleasure than earns it.

    If the relationship of the signs reaches the stage of marriage, the beginning family life comes from defending your opinion on both sides. Later, the atmosphere between the spouses will become more friendly and they have a chance to live a long life together.

    With Monkey

    These partners have common character traits, but they do not help build a strong relationship. The problem is that the signs have different goals in life and different ways of achieving them. Tension constantly arises between people, developing into quarrels.

    The restless Monkey will try to make the most of the chosen one’s resources and at the same time she allows herself to make fun of him. The Rooster will not be able to forgive that his gullibility is taken advantage of. There is passion between them in bed, but it doesn’t last long.

    With Rooster

    The acquaintance of two Roosters very often begins with a quarrel. If somehow this turns into a relationship, then the partners will live in an extremely tense environment. These people are ready to create drama for any reason.

    Two Roosters irritate each other, and their relationship reveals exclusively the negative qualities of the sign. Marriage is possible only if one of the partners turns out to have a calm character, unusual for the Rooster. In the sexual sphere they have a complete idyll.

    With a dog

    Such a couple has no chance of a future together. The dog is honest and will not want to flatter its partner, in whom it will only see a braggart and a windbag. Most likely, she will even allow herself to make caustic remarks towards her chosen one, which is why the Rooster will be greatly offended and outraged. Therefore, misunderstandings constantly arise between these signs.

    Even in bed, the Rooster will not be able to show off and will remain dissatisfied with the weak attention of the Dog.

    With Pig (Boar)

    This relationship has a chance of success. The huge reserve of patience that nature has generously endowed with the Pig will allow him to tolerate his partner’s excessive aggressiveness and emotionality. She will simply try not to notice these quirks. And taking into account the fact that the Pig, most likely, will not respond to aggression with aggression, there is a high probability that the Rooster’s temper will gradually decrease.

    Partners will definitely not be bored in bed, as the activity of the Rooster will delight the Pig.

    Combination with zodiac sign

    Under the influence of the zodiac sign, the characteristic of the Black Water Rooster is capable of undergoing some metamorphoses.


    Incredibly bright nature with a limitless supply of energy. For this reason, his life will definitely not be boring.

    Aries-Rooster never stands still and continues to move even when difficulties arise. He is sociable and charming, and his natural temper adds eccentricity. Despite his emotionality, when he makes a mistake, he is able to realize that he was wrong and apologize. People love him and forgive him a lot.


    Like any Rooster, this person loves to show off in front of the public, but is a selfless person, very sincere and sympathetic. Taurus-Rooster suffers from mood swings less than his other brothers; he openly shows kindness to people and is easy to communicate with. This tandem of signs is characterized by a desire for simplicity and comfort. Such a person is endowed with conservative views on life and therefore does not strive for strong changes.


    A person with very changeable moods. It is extremely difficult for others to predict what this person’s behavior will be in the next minute.

    Gemini-Rooster knows how to attract attention, but it is difficult for people to understand him. He is easy to spot among the crowd because he prefers to attract attention with bright clothes and unconventional behavior. And only when surrounded by close people does this sign become calm and balanced.


    Sociable nature, endowed with insight, thanks to which it is easy to grasp emotional condition of people. This is a skillful interlocutor with whom it is pleasant to communicate. He knows how not only to speak, but also to listen. These qualities help Cancer-Rooster skillfully manipulate the opinions of others. He is characterized by a craving for flashy things and accessories; by nature, such a person is quite cheerful.

    a lion

    The influence of Leo enhances some of the character traits of the Rooster. Such a person is characterized not only by a regal posture, but also by increased ambition and a craving for power.

    This sign makes truly grandiose plans, especially regarding his personal life. Leo-Rooster loves to give advice to others, but will also willingly come to the rescue in difficult situation.


    The Rooster is very sociable and friendly, which is what attracts people. This combination of signs makes a person more relaxed and interesting in actions and thoughts.

    Sometimes he can be quite harsh and rude in his own judgments, but at the same time the sign is very sensitive to criticism. It is possible to establish a strong friendship with him only with a sincere emotional disposition.


    Being a very charming person, Libra-Rooster easily attracts the attention of others and seems to fascinate them. He is ready to do anything just to receive compliments and see admiration in people's eyes. This personality prefers noisy parties or get-togethers with friends.

    He will spend money on things that bring pleasure without remorse or regret. Loves expensive accessories and a beautiful life.


    A very contradictory combination that gives a person a complex character.

    The Rooster's cheerful disposition and hot temper make the representative of the sign an interesting conversationalist that people like, but the insight and aggressiveness inherent in Scorpio can turn him into a dangerous and strong adversary. In many ways, the reaction of such a nature depends on the opponent’s attitude towards him.


    Energetic, assertive and original, but at the same time able to be gentle when necessary. Despite the sociability of the sign, he usually has few friends. This is explained by the fact that such a person, as a rule, is “on his own mind.”

    Family ties weigh heavily on Aquarius-Rooster, because freedom is very valuable to him. But in relation to children, everything is different; he will never abandon his offspring and will treat them well.


    An unusual combination of qualities. The eccentricity and posturing of the Rooster are in a delicate balance thanks to some of the coldness and softness inherent in Pisces. People of this type are full of charm, love and tenderness. Rudeness is unusual for Aquarius-Rooster.

    This sign is drawn to everything new and needs change. But it is difficult for him to imagine himself bound by marriage. It is with great difficulty that he decides to take such an important step, but he will definitely be happy.

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Zodiac sign Rooster, birth years of men and women: 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029.

Metal Rooster, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/08/1921 - 01/28/1922; from 02/05/1981 - 02/25/1982;
Water Rooster, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/26/1933 - 02/14/1934; from 01/23/1993 - 02/10/1994;
Wooden Rooster, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/13/1945 - 02/02/1946; from 02/09/2005 - 01/29/2006;
Fire Rooster, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/31/1957 - 02/18/1958; from 01/28/2017 - 02/16/2018;
Earth Rooster, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/17/1969 - 01/27/1970;

Metal Rooster, year of birth: 1921, 1981, 2041.

Metal Roosters work hard and with great responsibility. Knowing clearly what they want from life, representatives of this sign act persistently and confidently. Progress towards a goal sometimes makes Roosters of this type of sign too harsh people. They are very well versed in finance and business issues. Being very devoted to their friends, they devote a lot of energy and time to them.
It would be good if the Metal Roosters did not defend their opinions at all costs, but more often compromised.

Water Rooster, year of birth: 1933, 1993, 2053.

The Water Rooster is intelligent, well-read, and loves discussions. His persuasive speeches and accessibility make it easy for him to establish contact with any person. This type of sign is characterized by a huge reserve of energy, the ability to work day and night.
People born during these years are respected by their acquaintances, including due to their developed sense of humor. Water Roosters often worry about little things and waste a lot of time because of this. For them, this is a simple reinsurance.

Wood Rooster, year of birth: 1945, 2005, 2065.

The Wood Rooster is characterized by reliability, honesty, and good intentions. Ambition does not prevent him from gravitating towards working as part of a team. For the most part, these are successful people, but this sign tends to periodically set unrealistic goals for itself. Representatives of this sign are very kind to their loved ones, have diverse interests and love to travel.
To improve their lives, Wood Roosters should learn to set themselves clearly achievable goals.

Fire Rooster, year of birth: 1957, 2017.

Fire Roosters have excellent organizational skills, leadership qualities, and enormous willpower. A strong character allows them to succeed in life and achieve their goals. However, they are sometimes hindered by excessive straightforwardness. If the representatives of this type of sign were more tactful, more attentive to the feelings of others, they managed to make all their cherished dreams come true.

Earth Rooster, year of birth: 1909, 1969, 2029.

Earth Roosters are characterized by insight and deep intelligence. Their great hard work and perseverance earn the respect of their colleagues. Being very intelligent and persistent, they, as a rule, achieve all their goals. Representatives of this sign are quite competent in matters related to finance and business.
The Earth Rooster is an excellent worker. However, he cannot neglect rest either.

Date of publication: 04/05/2016

The rooster is an interesting “cocktail”... Benevolence and some belligerence, categoricalness and reluctance to listen to criticism addressed to oneself, efficiency and a penchant for contemplation - all this fits into one symbol, forming a complex character, which from the outside may seem illogical and contradictory. After all, the Rooster loves to be the center of attention, but at the same time carefully guards his personal living space, he easily makes new acquaintances, however, he can drive a person into a frenzy with his meticulousness and scrupulousness.

However, looking at how all these traits coexist in specific people, we can confidently and with pleasure state: the Rooster endows his “wards” with a set of properties that are favorable for them, which allow them to feel comfortable and behave with dignity in a variety of situations and circumstances. Well, as for liking them, all this, as they say, is a matter of personal taste. But we must always remember that before judging, it would be a good idea to try to understand...


The years of the Rooster are: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005. And, of course, the coming 2017.

In 2017, the Rooster will come into its own on January 28 (the night from the 27th to the 28th). His power will end on February 15, 2018.

Character traits

People born in the year of the Rooster are usually sociable and observant. Although the “specific weight” of such properties may vary among different representatives of this sign, making some of them more insightful and calmly tolerating solitude, while others are talkative and overly straightforward.

Traditionally, this symbol gives a person an attentive attitude towards his own person. It is unlikely that you will have the opportunity to see an unkempt Rooster or something like a “gray mouse” merging with the crowd. On the contrary, such people usually attract attention with their ability to look creative, without going beyond the canons of good taste. Roosters can become a real decoration for any festive event. Moreover, they do not shy away from compliments, and they are never embarrassed that almost all eyes are focused on them. And even in flattery - but only subtle and smart - they see nothing wrong.

We must give the Roosters their due: they are not characterized by excessive vanity. Therefore, attention from others does not make them selfish. You can always expect an adequate response from them both to the suffering of others and to injustice. Roosters are brave, prone to help and mutual assistance. They are convinced that “there is only one warrior in the field.” But they often perceive other people’s help and advice critically, because they believe that they themselves know well what to do and what choice to make.

Areas of success

The very first thing that can be stated with one hundred percent certainty is the fact that Roosters are creative people. And they are clearly shown professions related to art. Moreover, they are able to achieve the greatest results in literature. The creative spirit of representatives of this sign is so strong that many of them, who are by birth professional activity has nothing to do with art, they acquire some hobby related to creativity. This could be, say, participation in an amateur theater, a choir, or a passion for one of the types of applied arts.

Second on this list should be the military sphere. Roosters find great pleasure when they have to command, manage, manage something. Here they find many opportunities for self-realization.

The third area of ​​success for Roosters is politics. Confidence in their own rightness, commitment, meticulousness and methodicality allow them to lead even complicated matters to success and bring ambiguities and controversial issues to a common “denominator”. The politicians they make are thorough, consistent and often tend towards conservatism.

Fourth place can probably be given to sports. Here, too, there are enough points to apply the characters of people born in the year of the Rooster. The most promising sports for them are boxing and martial arts.

They should be careful in the financial sector. The fact is that these people are characterized by periods of waxing and waning luck. And if, for example, in sports or in the arts they can afford to take breaks and go into the shadows, then financial failures can reduce their efforts to zero or even put them in the red.

Personal life and relationships

We have already mentioned that Roosters are sociable and easily get to know strangers. But it is impossible to say that they can strengthen and consolidate relationships with the same ease. People patronized by this symbol often strive to dominate. They do this not out of malice; They simply have too much confidence in their own rightness, which they can try to extend to their other halves.

For their part, these people value personal independence and are unlikely to allow anyone to dictate their terms.

Living with Roosters is interesting, because they even try to arrange their everyday life with dignity and aesthetics. True, this means that you won’t be very relaxed with them. In any case, “defiling” in front of the Rooster in the morning, sleepy with disheveled hair, is definitely not recommended.

Women who have decided to connect their lives with a man born under the auspices of the Rooster need to be aware that their chosen one will invariably try to “fluff his tail” if there is a person in his field of vision who, in his opinion, deserves flirting.

But Rooster women are not so greedy for the opposite sex, so their husbands and fiancés can feel calm. But on the other hand, it is advisable for them to prepare for the fact that the Rooster has rewarded their chosen ones with a great passion for chatting on the phone, going shopping in the company of friends, and so on.

Rooster in the elements

Fire Rooster (1957, 2017) distinguished by pronounced leadership qualities. This person is capable of organizing almost anyone and anything. By setting a goal for himself, he will surely achieve it. At the same time, the element of Fire makes the Rooster deaf to the feelings of other people. This is expressed in a tendency to cut down the “womb truth” completely out of proportion to the feelings of those towards whom it is directed. And such tactlessness sometimes plays cruel jokes on them: Fire Roosters lose well-wishers and gain offenders in their place.

Earth Rooster (1969) insightful and deep. He knows how to be persistent in achieving what seems valuable and interesting to him. By the way, about the value aspect... S Earth Rooster all taboos regarding financial activities. If for people who are patronized by the Rooster, in general, finances are a source of possible problems, then here all this is practically leveled out. Let’s add here the hard work and perseverance of the Earth Rooster, and now we have before us a potentially successful businessman.

Metal Rooster (1921, 1981) quite pragmatic and at the same time hardworking. This pair of properties is quite enough for him to persistently and effectively move forward towards his plans. In addition, the Metal Rooster, more than his other brothers, is prone to collectivism and mutual assistance. If there is some common cause, then he will show great personal interest in it and will not shift his duties or responsibilities onto the shoulders of others. True, at the same time (and in many other situations too) such Roosters can be stubborn, and sometimes - in attempts to insist on their own - they show harshness and rudeness.

Water Rooster (1933 and 1993)- intellectual. He is, as a rule, very well read, has a sense of humor, and can speak beautifully and convincingly. Such people are excellent debaters and willingly participate in discussions, disputes and simply communication. They enjoy respect and authority. The disadvantage of the Water Rooster is unstable emotionality. And he is also a reinsurer. Worried and worried about trifles, this person will mark time, waste time, measure not seven, but seventy-seven times where he can do it the first time and forget.

At the Wooden Rooster (1945, 2005) a broad soul and an inquisitive mind. He enjoys traveling, making plans, and has a large circle of acquaintances. Treats his surroundings with care. Such a person loves to be in a crowded society, and even working in a team is much better for him than individual activity. When he has to do something alone, he begins to fantasize, set himself unrealistic goals and persistently try to bring them to life.

Compatibility of the Rooster according to the eastern horoscope

The union of the Rooster with the Ox, Snake and Dragon is promising and harmonious. Together with the Ox, they will form something like a union of opposites, in which each will occupy their own “niche.” These two will be able to respect each other's strengths and be understanding of their partner's weaknesses. The Rooster-Snake couple will show the world an excellent example of spiritual unity; here everyone will become for their partner not only a lover, but also a friend. For the Rooster, the dragon is a subject of his pride and the feeling that in front of him is a person no less bright and extraordinary than himself; and the Dragon will answer him in kind.

The Rooster and the Pig have a fairly good chance of mutual understanding. The Rooster will play the first violin here. But this will not offend or humiliate the Pig. True, the whole point will be that in almost half of the situations she will not even understand that they are trying to prick her or force her to play by someone else’s rules. But it doesn’t matter, because the Rooster will have enough common sense do not brag demonstratively about your superiority. So both will be happy.

Two Roosters can exist together for many years, or they can stop tolerating each other in just a month. They are invariably interested in each other, however, the reluctance to notice their own shortcomings can lead their relationship to collapse. In order for these two such similar natures, which seem infinitely different to each other, to be together, they must love each other very much.

Only 50% success can be predicted for the Rooster-Sheep couple. In general, the Sheep and the Rooster are doing well, but he will find many reasons for disagreement here. Although, if the Sheep loves the Rooster very much and does not try to demonstratively self-actualize, leaving him without attention for a long time, then “everything can still end very well.” Moreover, the chance of success increases if in this pair the Rooster is a man and the Sheep is a woman.

The Rooster and the Monkey, as well as the Rooster and the Dog, can be together for some time. And then, most likely, they will begin to have disagreements. With the Monkey - on the basis that she will seem shallow to the Rooster, and he will seem simple-minded to her. With a Dog, the main problem will be mutual criticism and attempts to re-educate each other.

A difficult and, most likely, short-lived union will be formed by the Rooster and the Tiger. Moreover, the sooner they part when they feel that they do not like each other, the greater their chances of not becoming enemies later. However, sometimes this couple manages to stay together, but then life path both of them turn out to be by no means covered with roses.

But with whom the Rooster definitely should not connect his life is the Rat, Rabbit and Horse. To the Rat, the Rooster seems superficial; besides, she will be annoyed by his inability (or unwillingness) to save. For the Rabbit, the Rooster is a complete set of shortcomings. It is simply impossible to stand such a strange (in his opinion) person for long; To the Rooster, the Rabbit seems like ordinary mediocrity, and a very evil mediocrity at that. The usual result of relationships between representatives of these signs is a scandalous breakup. Moreover, the moral damage from them for the Rooster usually turns out to be much greater than for the Rabbit. As for the Rooster and the Horse, there are two personalities whose similarity begins with touchiness and ends with pickiness. Neither of them will not only want to understand the other, but will prefer to silently leave the “game”, without bothering themselves with an attempt to explain themselves and understand what exactly is the reason for the misunderstanding.

Rooster and Zodiac

This is in a certain sense Don Quixote. But only without the knightly romanticism and noble forgiveness of his opponents. This person is always ready for open confrontation, to prove his (or someone else’s) rightness and principles of justice. But at the same time, he will not act contrary to his own interests. People often perceive Peuh-Aries as rude and stubborn. And at the same time, they recognize that they can count on him as a defender if he finds himself nearby in a conflict situation.

Usually handsome, always elegant, always responsible. Such a person expresses feelings with all his appearance self-esteem. He completely lacks frivolity, and he is not ready to be content with little. The Rooster-Taurus values ​​comfort and material wealth. Those around him, as a rule, treat him with sympathy.

Gemini Rooster often he doesn’t know what he wants. His mood, plans and even worldview may suddenly change. From such a person one can hardly expect too strong an attachment to people, objects, places... The only important thing is that in this moment of interest. Moreover, this interest can captivate him, forcing him to forget about time and any argument in favor of common sense. And only the need to spend money on it can stop it! In this sense, the Gemini Rooster is more than pragmatic and calculating. And that is why he sometimes even manages to turn an ordinary hobby into a source of income.

Subject to mood swings. And such changes can occur both negatively and positively in a completely unpredictable way. That is, if in one situation he dramatizes events, then in another he will perceive the same problem quite easily, forcing himself not to waste emotions and act in the interests of his own future. In addition, the Rooster-Cancer is a sensitive nature. He is able to give helpful advice, suggest how to act. Although, on the other hand, such attentiveness may result in a desire to arouse admiration for one’s integrity. Yes... Whatever you say, this man is contradictory in many ways...

Harmonious personality. Moreover, first of all, harmonious for yourself. He is not shy about admiring himself and talking about his own importance. But, however, this is partially compensated by his willingness to bestow positivity on those around him, as if allocating to them a little “of his generosity.” The Rooster-Leo is inclined to set significant goals for himself, which, however, sometimes turn out to be divorced from reality, just like he himself, who is often in a world of illusions.

A smart person, out-of-the-box thinker, observant. He is a realist and pragmatist. A bird in his hands is no less (and perhaps more) valuable to him than a virtual crane. The Rooster-Virgo loves to make plans, and, as a rule, these are always achievable plans, which he then implements step by step.

A purely secular person. He knows his worth and loves comfort. He knows how to reach a compromise, and successfully uses this talent not only for personal benefit, but also to the great pleasure of those around him. This man is peaceful, and there is only one point that can wash away all his luster from him - his pride. In this case, he suddenly turns from a good-natured gentleman into a skilled intriguer, cold and calculating.

Scorpio Rooster can be considered a standard of reliability and responsibility. Whatever he undertakes, such a person always completes. And if it happens otherwise, then this means only one thing: there is an obstacle of insurmountable force on the way. Despite his seriousness and even meticulousness, the Scorpio Rooster is a sociable nature. And this makes him even more attractive in the eyes of other people, who often develop such trust in him that they are ready to embark on a risky undertaking with him.

Erudite, charming. He is an excellent speaker, ready to discuss anything with anyone. Because of this, from the outside he seems businesslike and competent in many areas. However, it is sometimes quite difficult to conduct real, practical business with him, because in reality it turns out that in front of you is a pure theorist. However, only half of these Roosters-Sagittarius are; no less than those who know how not to scatter their intellect in many directions, but concentrate on one. And these people are able to achieve really a lot in life.

Purposeful, consistent, objective. He does not overestimate his capabilities, but at the same time he does not underestimate them. In addition, this person is an individualist who strives to be outside the crowd; and if this is impossible, then at least stand above it, stand out from it. Among other things, the Rooster-Capricorn is reliable and very decent. You can always rely on his word.

Rooster-Aquarius does not threaten to get bogged down in the routine of gray everyday life. His thoughts are always somewhere in the future, in the future. He often dreams of the impossible, and his goals are mostly global and aimed at realizing some grandiose or even great idea. Naturally, with this approach to life, the Rooster-Aquarius does not always realize what he strives for. But he can’t do it any other way.

Charming, unobtrusive, modest. So it seems... And in his soul, meanwhile, vanity and a readiness to go almost straight towards his own goal are raging. However, let this not force anyone to be prejudiced towards such a person. After all, it is really pleasant to deal with him, because he is a good organizer, has excellent business qualities - responsibility, flexibility in communication, hard work.

Famous Roosters

Do you remember which field of activity is ideal for Roosters? Art! And it is enough to name just a few of the greatest talents who were born under the auspices of this symbol to be convinced that this is so. So, in the year of the Rooster, actors J.-P. Belmondo and Y. Nikulin, composers G. Verdi and I. Strauss, writers M. Prishvin and F. Cooper were born. And this list can be continued with even more significant names: Vladimir Dal, Enrico Caruso, Alisher Navoi...

Those born in the year of the Rooster, Catherine the Great, Alexander I, Richelieu, became famous in politics; in military affairs - A. Suvorov, A. Kolchak, marshals I. Bagramyan and I. Konev.

There are many people in the world, we are all different, each with their own character. A person's character is influenced by a huge number of factors. This is the name, date, month and year of birth, this is our family and our environment. Many of us believe in horoscopes, read people's characters by month and year of birth, trying them on ourselves and our friends. It cannot be said that after reading about the character of a person born in the year of the Rooster, you will know him inside and out. But maybe this will help you better understand this or that action of the “rooster” person, understand his soul more deeply. Let's study the year of the Rooster and the characteristics of those born in this year.

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Rooster

A person born under the sign of the Rooster has an extraordinary character. He, like the rooster himself, loves to be the center of attention, he is proud and warlike. “Roosters” are very straightforward; they express their opinion on the question posed, without thinking about the feelings of the interlocutor. After all, it seems to them that they are telling the truth, and the truth cannot offend.

“Roosters” are lively and interesting interlocutors. The style of clothing, the manner of speaking, everything attracts attention to them. Roosters have a lot of acquaintances and friends, they easily make contact. But, nevertheless, roosters are very capricious. They do not like criticism, advice, reproaches, but at the same time they calmly give advice to others, with or without reason.

“Roosters” know how to share, if, of course, they have something to share. They do this very willingly, especially in cases where this happens in public. Kindness? Of course, but there is also vanity hidden here.

The Roosters are very good organizers. They think their affairs through the smallest details and always conduct business from beginning to end, and always on top level. But the rooster likes to be capricious while working and, as mentioned earlier, do everything so as not to go unnoticed. Having determined a goal for itself, the rooster will go towards it until the very end.

"Roosters" have a tremendous gift of persuasion. They can make you believe whatever they want. You will change your opinion to the opinion of your “rooster” interlocutor without even noticing. Rooster people are programmed for success, which they will try to achieve by any means. Despite this, "roosters" are easy to deceive because they are very gullible and naive.

Year of the Rooster - characteristics of men and women

“Roosters” are brave, daring and daring, capable of risky actions. Male “roosters” are considered good and brave warriors. They really love female attention, where they can show themselves in all their glory; they flirt, court, and get great pleasure from it. But this does not always lead to any further relationships. If a “rooster” man already has a wife, then he can cheat on her. In public he will be gentle and attentive, but at home he no longer has anyone to present himself in a favorable light, and his wife fades into the background.

Women are "roosters", unlike men, They do not prefer the company of the opposite sex. They prefer to be surrounded by ladies, to be “at ease”, where they can freely carry on a conversation, actively participate in disputes and, of course, give advice based on their extensive experience.

Above we looked at the characteristics of people born in the year of the Rooster. But you shouldn’t transfer everything to your loved one and think that you already know everything about him. After all, character is such a complex and unique thing. People are not alike. Look for answers in the person himself, in his environment. People tend to change, both externally and internally. Perhaps the Rooster, having begun to communicate with you, will be less warlike and aggressive, and will become a more domestic and gentle person.

People born in the year of the rooster think deeply. They are always busy and passionate about their work. They always want to do more than they are capable of, and if they take on a task that exceeds their abilities, they become very disappointed if they cannot fulfill their obligations.

Year of the Rooster - compatibility

  • 2029 earthen - February 13

Year of the Rooster: horoscope, what years of birth, characteristics of men and women

People born in the year of the Rooster

The sign of the Rooster in the Western horoscope corresponds to the zodiac sign Virgo. Anyone born in 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993 or 2005 can be sure that the year of birth of the Rooster corresponds to him.

As a rule, a representative of this sign leaves the impression of a person who is straightforward and free in his actions and words. The characteristics of those born in the year of the Rooster indicate that the true nature of this person is much deeper and more complex than it might seem at first glance.

People born in the year of the Rooster are characterized by sensitivity, attention to detail and the ability to subordinate to their will. What he lacks is diplomacy and tact.

In general, this person believes that he came into this world only for victories. The year of the Rooster influences the desire to always be in the center of attention; what year of birth can produce such an independent, vain person, craving worldwide recognition and admiration?

Chinese horoscope of the Rooster

According to eastern horoscope The Rooster, such an energetic and courageous representative of the sign, will face many ups and downs throughout his life.

It is thanks to life's difficulties that he can learn to appreciate those moments when he is truly happy. The Chinese horoscope of the Rooster reports that this person can achieve emotional stability only when he finds a job to his liking.

Astrologers advise this person to acquire an amulet that will help him achieve his own goals. The talisman must be made of the Rooster stone - topaz, emerald, garnet or ruby.

Characteristics of the Rooster sign

Considering the characteristics of the Year of the Rooster, we can come to the conclusion that the year gives a person a desire for leadership both in the family and in work. It should be noted that he may be friendly, but deep down this person perceives his colleagues as competitors.

This person is very lucky and active and can achieve great success. Nevertheless, it should be understood that routine depresses the Rooster zodiac sign, and therefore he should only do things that really attract him.

According to the characteristics of the Rooster sign, in love this person strives to find a partner for a stable and harmonious relationship.

Video: Year of the Rooster according to the Chinese calendar

In what years were people born under the sign of the Rooster? Year of the Rooster – 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005::

The Rooster is an incredibly cheerful, vain and bright nature, striking everyone around with its optimism, restlessness, and wild imagination. Such interesting, ambitious people are rarely born in any age. The Year of the Rooster brings to humanity vain and pedantic individuals with excellent financial sense.

Representatives of this sign are incredibly charming, which they use to achieve their goals. Like all other people, they have advantages and disadvantages. Roosters are always honest and open, sometimes they can be harsh in their directness. But you shouldn’t be offended by them. It is better to listen to criticism, because these words are not spoken out of malice.

2005 is the year of which animal? Eastern horoscope by year

People born in the year of the Rooster (1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005) are distinguished by loyalty, goodwill and special courage. Representatives of this sign have contradictory character traits. They can be dynamic and outgoing. But at times they are attacked by slowness and languor.

Positive features

People born in the year of the Rooster are known as bright personalities. They are characterized by straightforwardness and sincerity. Those around them value them for their honesty and ability to defend their interests. Rooster people are difficult people. They are generous, noisy, sometimes capricious individuals with the gift of eloquence. IN social life The Rooster man strives for leadership. Entrepreneurship and an active life position help him to be the first in his family and in his professional activities. Many representatives of this sign achieve career heights. This is facilitated by the activity and workaholism of the tireless Rooster.

Negative traits

Some individuals born in the year of the Rooster love to command so much that if they are deprived of this, they can easily fall into depression. As you know, Rooster people love to show off, but if they cross this fine line, they can end up among the braggarts and idle talkers. It is difficult for individuals with low self-esteem. Such a Rooster can hesitate for a long time in making any decision; ultimately, he is inclined to evade responsibility.

A man born in the year of the Rooster. Personality characteristics

Most often this is a conscientious person. Naturally, he tends to act as a commander in almost all areas of life. Despite his activity, his actions are often chaotic and do not always lead to the desired effect. Therefore, such a man needs an intelligent and far-sighted partner who would help him direct his energy in a fruitful direction. The Rooster man makes an indelible impression on the female sex. Take a look at any company where this year's representative is located. You will recognize it by its striking appearance. He is often surrounded by admiring people. This also happens to those whose birth occurred in 2005. What animal can the Rooster attract? He fascinates with his colloquial speech and rich imagination of almost everyone. The Rooster often hides his fears and worries behind a mask of calm and equanimity. Unfortunately, the representative of this year is often fickle in his personal life. He loves the company of ladies, where he can let his bright tail fly. Having achieved a certain woman, he can quickly lose interest in her and disappear from sight. However, if the Rooster man chooses his chosen one wisely, he can become a completely positive family man.

A woman born in the year of the Rooster. Personality horoscope

The lady of this sign tends to be independent. She copes well with her household and work responsibilities. The Rooster woman pays a lot of attention to her appearance. She tends to change her hair color often and loves to improvise with her wardrobe. If she's surrounded interesting people, then the Rooster girl can easily turn out to be the life of the party. She is an excellent storyteller and is able to attract many men. At the same time, she does not ignore women's society. For close girls, she can become a faithful friend, while others will envy her.

The Rooster woman is known for her indomitable temperament. In the family she is quite firm and requires discipline. Despite the fact that she sincerely cares about her household, she can often become overwhelmed negative emotions: jealousy, anger. Astrologers advise ladies of this sign to be more flexible and approach the choice of a partner for family life with particular seriousness.

With whom should the Rooster build a family union?

The eastern horoscope by year for successful relationships promises the representative of the Rooster sign a seductive Snake. She is able to share the habits and tastes of her partner. After all, the Snake is flexible and wise from birth, which is what her straightforward and ardent chosen one lacks. Together they can create enough strong marriage and become a celebrity couple.

A Rooster person can have a promising relationship with a representative of the Ox sign. They are united by practicality and perseverance. The Ox has enormous willpower, common sense and constancy. He will help the Rooster keep the household in perfect order and will not deny the dominance of his partner. This harmonious couple. Sexually, the Rooster and the Ox are perfectly compatible and can give each other amazing love fire.

Who should the Rooster avoid?

These include Tiger and Cat. According to astrologers, a union between the Rooster and the Tiger is extremely undesirable. If these two get together, then they will family hearth will go out before it has time to flare up. The Tiger will very soon become fed up with his partner's boasting, and the Rooster's restlessness will simply irritate the predator. Both signs are selfish and difficult to make concessions.

At first glance, the affectionate Cat and the outrageous Rooster somehow complement each other. But this is a misleading impression. Representatives of these signs have few common points of contact. The behavior of the Rooster will be incomprehensible to the Cat. He will be offended and depressed by his partner’s emotional attacks. The Rooster, in turn, is inclined to react even more to the intransigence of the chosen one. Those whose birth occurred in 2005 will not be an exception in the future. Which animal should they avoid for love relationships? A cat who likes to flirt with the opposite sex. The eastern horoscope predicts by year that the Rooster and the Cat will have to leave each other alone.

Metal Rooster (1921, 1981)

These individuals are recognized as the most responsible among their fellows. They are unusually purposeful and have known what they want since childhood. They have a lot of confidence and perseverance. However, the eastern horoscope advises them over the years to be gentler in their interactions with others. Otherwise, metal roosters are excellent business partners and loyal friends.

Water Rooster (1933, 1993)

This Rooster is very well read. He is able to establish contact with the most difficult personality. After all, the Water Rooster is a good psychologist and knows how to persuade very well. He has an inexhaustible supply of energy. These Roosters work easily at night. However, the stars advise representatives of this sign not to overexert themselves and not to worry about little things.

Wooden Rooster (1945, 2005)

Wood Roosters are known as honest, reliable, good-natured individuals. They are willing to work in large teams. This is inherent in a person born in 2005, the Year of the Rooster. The only thing is that they tend to set themselves difficult to achieve goals. These Roosters, whose birth occurred in 2005, need to decide - which animal should they choose as their companions? Perhaps noble Dragons and purposeful Bulls. Wood Roosters treat their loved ones with great warmth, have a varied range of interests and love to travel. The stars advise this Rooster to learn to set achievable goals for himself. If a person whose birth period fell in 2005 understands which animal according to the horoscope she should avoid in business sphere, then success will be achieved easily.

Fire Rooster (1957, 2017)

These individuals have pronounced leadership qualities and excellent willpower. But his social life is hampered by excessive linearity. Fire Roosters should learn to be more patient and attentive to the emotions of other people.

Earth Rooster (1909, 1969)

This Rooster is reputed to be an insightful person. He was given high mental abilities from birth. The Earth Rooster is very hardworking and persistent in achieving his goals. Despite the good physical health, he should relax in the fresh air more often and communicate with positive people.

Year of the Rooster according to the eastern calendar

People born in the year of the rooster think deeply. They are always busy and passionate about their work. They always want to do more than they are capable of, and if they take on a task that exceeds their abilities, they become very disappointed if they cannot fulfill their obligations.

People born in the year of the rooster - characteristics

People born this year are very eccentric and this is what deprives them of “smoothness” in communication. Rooster people are always confident in their rightness and actions. They do not trust others and prefer to do what they like themselves. Outwardly, they try to demonstrate their penchant for adventure, but in reality they do not have such a penchant; they are always filled with some kind of mysterious plans that never come to fruition.

Although they are ambitious, their thoughtfulness coexists with shortsightedness, and even hindsight. Their fate is changeable: sometimes they live like cheese in butter, sometimes they barely make ends meet. They are selfish and inattentive to the feelings of others, and have a habit of saying whatever comes to mind. They cannot be called modest; on occasion they are quite bold. People around them find rooster people interesting, but if roosters are not careful, their reputation will suffer.

Year of the Rooster - compatibility

The best marriages for roosters will be with people born in the year of the bull, snake, and dragon. Slightly less successful unions will result with those born in the year of the tiger, horse, sheep, monkey or boar. An unsuccessful marriage will happen with a rat person, a rooster or a dog. And it’s better not to try to start a family with a rabbit man.

What year of birth is the year of the rooster?

  • 1909 year of the earthen rooster, first day of the year - January 22
  • 1921 year of the metal rooster, the first day of the year is February 8
  • 1933 year of the water rooster, first day of the year - January 26
  • 1945 year of the wooden rooster, the first day of the year is February 13
  • 1957 year of the fire rooster, first day of the year - January 31
  • 1969 earthen rooster, first day of the year - February 17
  • 1981 metal rooster, first day of the year - February 5
  • 1993 water rooster, first day of the year - January 23
  • 2005 wooden rooster, first day of the year - February 9
  • 2017 fire rooster, first day of the year - January 28
  • 2029 earthen - February 13

Rooster - characteristic of the year

Years of birth of a person according to the sign of the Rooster: 1 909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

People born in Year of the Rooster, by nature dreamers and lovers of truth. They always express their thoughts, but sometimes they behave aggressively and selfishly.

General characteristics of the Rooster sign

The Chinese and Japanese call this tenth sign of the Zodiac Rooster, and the Vietnamese often call it “chicken”. And this is not without reason. There are two different types of people born in the year of the Rooster. Some are quick in their movements, easy-going, impetuous, talkative. And others are solemn and leisurely contemplatives, quite insightful at the same time. The rooster harbors many outstanding, but unrealized qualities, and if he fails to realize them, he will become like a crow.

People born in the year of the Rooster love to dream and hear praise addressed to them, even flattering ones. They can behave quite aggressively and sometimes do not mince words. The Rooster always says what he thinks. He is not interested in the feelings of others, and in communication he is tactless, aggressive and even merciless. The Rooster always expresses to a person’s eyes everything that is boiling in his soul, and thereby naturally provokes resentment and quarrels. The Rooster is insensitive and he simply does not understand how painfully a careless word can hurt him. But there is also good side: those around him are always sure that he “holds no stone in his bosom.” It is also worth noting that under the mask of strength, composure and indifference, the Rooster tries to hide his experiences and worries. He has a rare ability to sympathize with others and will always help those in need. Brave and noble, talented and honest, the Rooster, like Don Quixote, always stands up for the weak.

The rooster is the personification of courage, self-confidence, straightforwardness, and thriftiness. Dresses to stand out from the crowd and lives mainly on appearance. He strives for everything in his clothes and work to be impeccable, and no one around him could doubt his infallibility. In company, the Rooster knows how to present himself effectively. He is sociable, quite talkative, dresses fashionably and carries himself very confidently. In a conversation, he is not averse to boasting and exaggerating, including his many merits, but he does this not out of arrogance, but rather for the sake of a “cunning word.”

It is very important for the rooster public opinion and he is constantly afraid: what if he goes unnoticed or makes an unfavorable impression. The Rooster especially loves to be in the company of the opposite sex. This is explained by his irresistible desire to attract attention. It would seem that the Rooster was created for social life, but they can never completely relax, as if they are afraid of losing control over themselves and the situation.

People born in the year of the Rooster show a lively, genuine interest in everything new. They love to make plans and draw projects. True, alas, they are unsuitable for life. Most dreamers and visionaries were born in the year of the Rooster.

Roosters are hardworking and endowed with a sense of duty. They are not afraid of even the most difficult and thankless work. They are stubborn, stubborn and petty in both the good and bad sense of the word. The Rooster is always confident that he is right and is not averse to giving advice. People born in the year of the Rooster are simple-minded, so they often become victims of deception. But they find it difficult to laugh at themselves wholeheartedly, and this can result in arrogance and selfishness.

The Rooster has to achieve everything through hard work; they have to work hard to achieve their plans. In their life, the white stripe alternates with black. Moreover, Roosters are not able to analyze their mistakes, draw conclusions, and everyone starts from scratch. People born in the year of the Rooster do not trust anyone and are accustomed to relying only on their own strength. They are simply bursting with absurd and unrealistic projects, which, of course, are just dreams.

The Year of the Rooster corresponds to the zodiac sign Capricorn in Western classical astrology.

Metal Rooster: 1921, 1981

The Metal Rooster is a very responsible and hard-working specialist. Whatever he undertakes, he does calmly, confidently and persistently. He knows exactly what he wants in life and goes towards his goal. Succeeds in business and financial activities. Often harsh. You need to learn to find compromises. He devotes a lot of time to social work. Loyal to friends and family.

Water Rooster: 1933, 1993

People born in the year of the Water Rooster have the gift of eloquence. Easy to find mutual language with strangers, love to take part in various debates and discussions, and can speak convincingly. To achieve this goal they are able to work days and nights. The simply inexhaustible supply of their energy helps them in this. They get very worried about little things, which results in wasted time. They have a good sense of humor and are respected by others.

Wooden Rooster: 1945

People born in the year of the Wood Rooster are honest, reliable and full of good intentions. They prefer to work in a close-knit team rather than alone. Despite the fact that he often sets simply impossible tasks, he succeeds in life. Has many diverse interests, loves to travel and learn new things. He is very caring and sensitive towards his family and friends.

Fire Rooster 1897, 1957

People born in the year of the Fire Rooster have the makings good leader and the organizer. These are people with exceptional willpower. The Fire Rooster is a person with a straightforward character, strong and purposeful. As a rule, he always achieves his goal. Compared to other Roosters, the Fire Rooster is tactful and able to understand others.

Earth Rooster: 1909, 1969

People born in the year of the Earth Rooster are very hardworking and have a deep, insightful mind. Thanks to these qualities, the Rooster easily moves around career ladder and is very successful in matters of business and finance. Accustomed to achieving goals. He is very persistent and will not leave the intended path until he achieves his goal.

Year of the Rooster - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the Rooster's personality

The Rooster can make a good soldier. He is very brave and knows how to risk his life with a smile on his lips. Despite the fact that he has to work hard all his life, he is able to get money even in the most unfavorable conditions.

The Rooster's most striking quality is innovation and the desire to look beyond his horizon and expand his knowledge through reading, conversations, and research.

Negative aspects of the Rooster personality

People born in the year of the Rooster tend to show off. They always say more than they can actually do. He likes to spend time contemplating something, so sometimes he can be considered a slacker. But at the same time, he great worker. True, he often takes on a task that is beyond his strength, and, of course, does not complete it.

Also, the negative aspects of the Rooster’s personality include: arrogance, aggressiveness, whims, sarcasm.

Career and money of the Rooster sign

The Rooster always chooses an activity that will be in everyone's sight. He is a public person, even if his audience is his work colleagues. It is vital for him to demonstrate all his abilities and numerous talents. The Rooster has a knack for agriculture and other professions related to working in nature. To achieve something in life, the Rooster needs to be active. Nothing is given to him just like that. But, as the Vietnamese say, as a result of the fact that the Rooster has to “scrape with his beak and paws,” he will always find a worm even in the desert.

The Rooster loves to show himself in all his glory. At the same time, he is very wasteful, and can instantly spend everything that he got through hard work. When it comes to spending, he is capable of broad and not always thoughtful gestures. For example, out of nowhere, a newly-made relative can buy a suit from his last money. new collection. A little later, of course, he will regret it, but in the process he will not listen to anyone’s advice. He constantly exposes himself to financial risk, so it is not surprising that ruin and bankruptcy often await him. When the Rooster is broke, no one ever knows about it. He doesn't advertise his financial difficulties and solves problems independently.

Life periods of the Rooster

Fate has prepared many different surprises for a person born in the year of the Rooster. There may be many ups and downs in his life, however, even when circumstances are not in his favor, he has unlimited faith in himself and in his strength.

Throughout their lives, people born in the year of the Rooster will experience ups and downs, both in the financial sphere and in the area of ​​feelings. The Rooster will go all the way from poverty to wealth, and from ideal unearthly love to its most disgusting manifestations. His old age will be happy.

Stones: aquamarine, emerald, lapis lazuli, topaz.

Plants: gentian, orange, sunflower, hawthorn.

Time of day: from 5 to 7 pm.

Time of year: autumn.

The patron of 1993 is the Water Rooster. This year, very interesting people were born who have a number of characteristics. This outspoken personalities, but thoughts often lurk in their heads that no one knows about. They are quite calm, but it is better not to anger them, because they can be scary when angry. They love to daydream in their free time. They understand very well that they need to put in a lot of effort to earn money, but they very quickly spend it out of necessity and just like that.

The Water Rooster is in the tenth position of the eastern horoscope. If we compare it with zodiac signs, then this is Virgo. This Rooster naturally belongs to the water element.

In the year of the Water Rooster, it is recommended to engage in networking. Most likely, things that are done together with someone will be successful. But to achieve success, you will need to put in a lot of effort and spend a lot of time on it. However, the result will definitely please the whole team.

Those born this year are real dreamers and visionaries. But what is considered interesting is that they take their person very seriously and in some cases even with special trepidation. To the person who born 1993, I really like it when people pay attention to him in absolutely everything:

  • behavior;
  • ability to communicate;
  • tastes in clothing;
  • professional achievements.

Such people very often simply work for the public. It's hard to say why this is happening, but most likely the problem is lack of self-confidence. Such a person will gladly accept flattery from you, even if he knows that not everything said is true. But he himself always speaks the truth and will never remain silent if he doesn’t like something. In such situations, he is practically not worried about what people will think or feel after what they hear.

Any idea this person has is often grandiose, but there are cases when it is considered absurd. In any life situations they show courage and determination. Many even consider their actions to be reckless. It is these qualities that attract people around him and gather around him. big company. Such companies have a right to exist, unless the Rooster himself spoils everything with his excessive boasting. But he strives to flaunt himself in a more intimate setting, and in large crowds of people he prefers to simply get lost in the crowd.

People notice that he works a lot and often earns a reputation as a workaholic. This person can take on absolutely any business. He is not afraid of hard work, and there is nothing to say about small assignments. But due to the fact that he grabs onto everything indiscriminately, he cannot calculate his strength. Such situations happen due to the fact that the Rooster does not wait for the money to fall on him, but strives to earn it himself through hard work.

It is interesting that he finds work for himself and strives to get money where it would seem completely impossible. However, the earned capital is not kept by the Rooster for too long. This is due to the fact that saving is not his priority at all.

Characteristics of a Rooster man

Roosters are very conscientious about all the tasks assigned to them by their superiors at work. However, their character is complex in such a way that they themselves often occupy a leadership position. Often the Rooster's problem is that he cannot set one life goal and follow it. Because of this, losses and falls often occur in his life.

He must have very smart woman, who could think ahead and guide her chosen one. Only if such a girl appears in the Rooster’s life will he be able to properly realize his energy. If a person born in 1993 of the Rooster takes a leadership position, then indeed right decisions he will begin to accept when he is absolutely sure that he is firmly in the director’s chair.

Quite often, Rooster men disappear into the world of their fantasies. They make plans for the future, fantasize and completely forget about reality. He equally enjoys traveling and spending time with his family near a warm fireplace. But in the struggle of such conflicting hobbies, love for home and family wins.

Unfortunately, when it comes to their personal lives, these men are fickle. Today he can assure you of eternal love, and sometimes he himself is sure that this is forever. And tomorrow he will forget your name and all the promises that were made during the last meeting. These are very passionate men In general, the Rooster is one of the best lovers. But his feelings cool down as quickly as they flare up.

Family life with such a man can hardly be called easy. He often becomes irritable and angry, and at such moments a wise woman should avoid not only conflicts, but also any other contact. In addition, he is very jealous, which means that his wife must be very calm and wise woman. Otherwise they living together will turn into hell. In the family, the Rooster should occupy an exclusively leading position. His family life simply cannot develop any other way.

Characteristics of the Rooster woman

A woman born in the year of the Rooster perfectly combines work and home and copes well with her responsibilities in both areas of life. She has masculine character and mindset. She will never allow a man to dominate her. All her life she will strive for financial and physical independence from the stronger sex.

She does a great job with your household responsibilities. There is always order in her house, every thing knows its place. This woman takes family life very seriously and is responsible for her household. But she demands gratitude for all her efforts. All family members must fulfill their responsibilities and be responsible for their actions. Her children are always fed and cleanly dressed. Such a mother always knows what her child wants.

As for the relationship with her husband, the Rooster woman is very jealous, and often this feeling goes beyond all boundaries and turns into real aggression. It cannot be said that this jealousy is not has reasons. It so happens that the husbands of girls born this year love to spend time with other representatives of the fair sex. Very often in families where the wife was born in the year of the Rooster, scandals and clarification of relationships occur in a raised voice.

She herself is to blame for many problems. After all, you cannot completely subjugate a man and control his every action. No member of the stronger sex will like this. This girl really loves noisy companies and feels relaxed there. She tells different stories, jokes a lot and enjoys being around people.

Frequently makes changes in his appearance. But he does many things in his life not because there is a need for it, but simply for the public. And this applies not only to her appearance.

Compatibility with eastern horoscope signs

Union of Roosters with other signs The Chinese horoscope has its own characteristics:

The influence of the zodiac sign on character

The character of the Rooster is influenced not only by the year of birth, but also by the month and date. Therefore, some character traits are laid depending on, under what zodiac sign the person was born:

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