Human living space. Living space.

Most often, the concept of "living space" is used with the word "organization", meaning putting things in order at one's workplace, distributing working time and other activities related to self-organization. No one will argue that this kind of organization and optimization of living space is very important, because without this it is impossible to achieve success in any of the spheres of life. But there is more interesting definition living space that psychology gives him, and from this point of view we will consider him.

Psychology of living space

This concept was introduced by psychologist Kurt Lewin, who believed that human life passes not so much real world, how much in the world formed by his consciousness on the basis of accumulated knowledge and experience. At the same time, the psychologist proposed to consider the personality and its ideas about the world as a whole, and he called all the factors influencing his consciousness the living space. It should be noted that this space does not obey physical laws at all, a person can sit in solitary confinement, but at the same time its living space will cover kilometers. Its size is influenced by the worldview of a person, and the wider it is, the more living space a person can have.

The dimensions of this space are not constant, increasing as they grow older. Most often, it reaches its maximum by the middle of life, gradually decreasing towards old age. Living space can decrease in a seriously ill or depressed person, he is not interested in anything, there is no craving for new knowledge and acquaintances. Sometimes this process can be reversible.

If there are no serious illnesses and old age is still far away, you can easily expand your living space. You just need to stop being indifferent, there are so many interesting things happening in the world - scientists make discoveries, new music, films and books, archaeologists excavate ancient cities, this list is endless. Our life is a book, and it depends only on us whether it will be filled amazing stories or only dullness and dirt will remain on its broken, faded pages.

In the understanding of the National Socialist leaders) territories in Eastern Europe and the USSR. For the first time this term appeared in the Wilhelminian era, but subsequently the Nazi movement gave it a racial-biological context. The desire to gain vast territories for the "people without space" (German. Volk ohne Raum) served as one of the ideological foundations for the General Plan "Ost" developed by Heinrich Himmler. Within its framework, a large-scale deportation of the "racially undesirable" population, its enslavement and economic exploitation was envisaged.


Meanwhile, it is worth noting that this task in Hitler's main work was not set for the current time, but for centuries to come. And Adolf Hitler considered his main task to be the liberation from the Versailles Treaty, shameful for Germany, and the extermination of the Jews.

Key Documents

Numerous key documents demonstrate how consistently Hitler adhered to his war aims.

  • Immediately after the seizure of power, Hitler presented his living space program at a meeting with the generals in the house of General Hammerstein-Equord on February 3, 1933 (from a note by General Kurt Liebmann):
How should we use political power? It's too early to tell. Maybe to get new opportunities for export, or maybe - even better - to conquer a new living space in the East and its unceremonious Germanization.
  • In a secret text on the four-year plan for armaments, in which Hitler demanded that german army and the German economy was ready for war in four years, they were told:
“The final solution is to expand the living space and the food and raw material base of our people. The task of the political leadership is to resolve this issue soon.
  • On November 5, 1937, Hitler delivered a speech to the chief representatives of the Wehrmacht that the German spatial issue could only be resolved through war (the Hossbach memorandum).
  • On May 23, 1939, Hitler said to the commanders in chief:
Living space, corresponding to the greatness of the state, is the basis of any power. For a while, you can refrain from this, but sooner or later the solution to problems will come by itself. The choice remains between rising or falling. In 15 or 20 years, the solution of this issue will become inevitable. Longer none German politician can't avoid it.
  • November 23, 1939 Hitler said to the commanders in chief:
“The growing population demands more living space. My goal is to create a reasonable balance between population and people's space. This must be fought for. No nation can escape this task, otherwise it is doomed to gradual destruction.

Space is what each of us needs in order not to feel constrained by others.

Observing nature - trees, flowers, all living things on the planet - we notice that everything that lives needs living space in order to be able to develop. This is a natural biological law. Animals have their own ways of defining and designating their territory, their space. If they don't, others take over their land and conflict ensues.

Living space is necessary for every person to be happy and develop, while respecting the space of others. Each of us needs our own space - in terms of physical, emotional and mental. Otherwise, we experience discomfort, an encroachment on our freedom. These three planes are closely related and cannot be separated; therefore, we feel the restriction of space in one of them as suffocation, we experience frustration, a feeling of powerlessness, sometimes even anger. Consider what it means to respect your space in different plans.

physical space covers all the cares that we consider necessary for our physical body (cleanliness, food, clothing, appearance, physical exercise etc.). All this requires attention and care, although not everyone likes it. Our physical space also includes all our material possessions, all our belongings. It is equally important to have a certain space for work, privacy, sleep and other needs. Even in big family where space is very limited, you can always highlight your little corner. If we fail to ensure respect for our physical space, the same will be observed on other planes.


The emotional space includes the decisions we make about own will, - the choice of work, friends, music, leisure, dreams, goals, etc. Even if others do not like it, you have the right to make yourself respected, the right to your own tastes, interests and feelings, different from others.

The mental space includes all our choices regarding knowledge, activities, all kinds of hobbies, reading. The mental space includes our personal mail, all the needs associated with our development and our full realization. This also includes moments of loneliness, peace, silence. Mental space is our personal way of thinking, our beliefs, values, even our fears and doubts. It is up to us to decide when to start them and how to dispose of them. But we should not forget that everyone who surrounds us also needs their living space on all three planes.

Why not everyone knows how to make others respect his living space: First of all, because most of us simply do not know anything about these things. In t< времена, когда люди жили big families, space was limited, cramped, and belonged to everyone at the same time. They all lived together, engaged in common affairs, each was constantly in the space of the other. This way of life was natural / once upon a time, in tribal societies, but in our time it is unacceptable.

To understand if you are invading someone's space, give yourself time to carefully observe what is happening in your life and around you. Do you have a desire to DIRECT the lives of other people, to make them CHANGE, CONTROL and: actions, words, desires and even their internal attitudes (even if you are sure that this< пойдет им на пользу)? Не ловил ли ты себя на желании давать кому-то советы, хотя никтс тебя об этом не просил? Не принимал ли ты решений или обязательств за других, hi посоветовавшись с ними предварительно?

These are all signs of your intrusion into someone's space. Worse than that, this shows a lack of RESPECT.

Another means of becoming aware of these problems is to observe whether others are invading your space. For example, are there any fans of "borrowing" things from you without asking? Do they interrupt you in conversation? Do not interfere in your conversations, tastes, desires,; your decisions? If yes, then this is a signal: you yourself have the same attitude towards others, although perhaps in a different way and in a more subtle form. How others treat us reflects how we treat others and ourselves.

In order to define our living space and gain respect for it, it is essential to understand that every external attitude reflects what we experience internally. The gradual transformation of our internal attitudes has a beneficial effect on the attitude of other people towards us. It is transformed when we decide to do whatever is necessary to improve the quality of life and the quality of our relationships.


Realize what you really want. Take a piece of paper and make a list of your personal needs. Go around all your personal plot". How do you see your ideal space - physical, emotional, mental? Next, ask other family members to do the same. After that, take the time for everyone to define and state their requirements; discuss them together. Respect each other's choices and needs, respect everyone's point of view, and then you will reach an AGREEMENT acceptable and beneficial to all. In other words, learn to COMMUNICATE, ADOPT yourself and respect yourself. And then everyone will take their proper place and space, get freedom have, do And to be being separate and unique.

The term "living space" is used in various fields knowledge. For example, in ecology, it denotes the territory necessary for one individual of a population; in politics - minimum area allowing the state to realize its geopolitical and economic aspirations. What is the psychological meaning of the concept?

Term in psychology

From the point of view of psychology, this is not a physical place at all, which has certain restrictions on the area. The living space of a person is only those elements of the material environment that are reflected in the consciousness of a person.

Expectations, goals, images of desirable or undesirable objects, real or apparent barriers to achieving goals - all this is included in the living space (also called psychological) and affects the behavior of the individual. Therefore, it is said that behavior is the main function of living space.

The author of the term is the German psychologist Kurt Lewin. Living space is one of the fundamental categories in his understanding, based on field theory. Levin proposed to consider a person based on his environment, but the environment is not material or social, but reflected in the consciousness of this person, for which the concept of living space was introduced.

To explain his theory, Levin used topological categories (topology is a branch of geometry that studies mutual arrangement figures and their elements). The living space was depicted as an ellipse, and a small circle inside it meant the personality itself.

What is a psychological field? Simplifying, it can be described as interdependent facts in the life of a particular person at a particular time. Although the emphasis is on the current situation, nevertheless, the field is connected with both the past and the future of the individual.

The past is knowledge, attitudes, feelings about facts, in this moment affecting the personality, and the future is represented by plans and goals, but again, not abstract, but related to what is happening to the person now. It is important that all these aspects are perceived as simultaneous (although in fact, of course, they have different temporal reference) and have the same degree of influence on a person.

Considering time, Levin spoke about the zones of the present, immediate and distant past and future of the individual, and in space he singled out two planes - real and unreal. The first included a reflection of what is actually happening, and the second was based on the fantasies (fears, desires, and so on) of a person.

Sectors of space and internal conflict

The living space consists of many sectors, the boundaries between which are permeable, and the connection of one sector with another occurs with the help of locomotions (real or imaginary actions). The purpose of locomotion is to regulate tension in the living space, and locomotion in one sector is able to reduce tension in another. For example, dreams - unreal actions - can distract from real physical needs, if their satisfaction is now impossible.

The boundaries of space become clearer as the individual matures. So, in an infant, the delimitation of living space is at a minimum level, then the space itself expands, its real and unreal plans are differentiated. Interestingly, hope is seen as the intersection of these plans in the future, while guilt is seen as their divergence in the past.

“Life is the optimal combination

patterns and randomness

rigidity and plasticity,

fidelity to the past and development"

Despite intensive studies of the human psyche, it is still not entirely clear what a person's personality is, what makes up the external and inner reality where he lives and how they are connected, and whether it is possible to describe and predict human behavior in the world around. These questions are important for both practical psychology, and in the sense of a better understanding of the very nature of man. This article presents the author's model of the extended personality topology, which takes into account the universal mechanisms of the psychological field.

1. Topological psychology.

Topological psychology (from the Greek topos - place, psyche - soul and logos - teaching), is a concept of personality developed by Kurt Lewin in the early 20th century.

K. Levin was the first to put before psychologists the question of what environment a person interacts with. modern science proceeds from the recognition of the plurality of options for reflecting the surrounding reality, each of which has the right to exist and be studied.

To build a model of personality structure and its interactions with environment the author used the language of topology, a section of geometry in which the mutual arrangement of figures and the distances between their elements are studied. At the same time, the personality appears as a dynamic system of cells, each of which contains objects that are significant for a person. external environment related to his needs, acting driving force behavior.

Psychic energy is transferred from the personality to the surrounding objects, which, due to this, acquire a certain valence and begin to attract or repel it, to cause "locomotion", i.e. movements in the psychological field. When such behavior collides with insurmountable barriers, the transition of mental energy to other personal systems associated with other activities occurs, “substitution” occurs.

According to K. Levin, the living space of an individual - in the psychological field theory - is the world of mental representations and experiences of the individual; the general psychological environment of the individual, including himself and all other people who matter to him.

Psychological field - a set of actual stimuli experienced by the subject of his activity, characterizing the behavior of the subject in a particular situation, depending on the orientation he has adopted. Social field theory is a theory according to which the behavior of an individual or social group is the result of the interaction of forces that exist in a particular social situation.

The concept of living space, as a key concept in field theory, Kurt Lewin introduced into psychology in order to show that the true habitat of a person is not a physical reality and not social environment, but only those fragments that are reflected in the mind of a person and on which his behavior is based.

In this regard, he proposed to consider a person and his environment as one constellation of interdependent factors, and the combination of these factors was called the living space. The content of this term includes the entire set of real and unreal, actual, past and future events that are in the psychological space of an individual at a given moment in time. These can be expectations, goals, images of attractive (or repulsive) objects, real or imaginary obstacles to achieving the desired, human activity, etc. In general, everything that can determine the behavior of a person.

Proceeding from this, behavior is a function of the personality and its living space at a given moment in time.

It is significant to note that Lewin recognized the existence of the influence of non-psychic events on human behavior. Therefore, even influences unconscious by a person associated with socio-economic and physiological factors are also included in the analysis of his living space. Sometimes living space is called psychological.

The living space was depicted by K. Levin in the form of an oval, in the center of which there is a circle, symbolizing the inner world of the individual. The living space has two main boundaries: the outer one separates the living space from the real physical and social macroworlds, the inner one separates the inner world of the individual from her psychological environment within the living space. The shell of the internal space is the sensorimotor area, which, according to K. Levin, serves as a kind of filter between the internal and external environment.

The psychological space consists of different sectors, regions, which are graphically represented by divided boundaries. Boundaries are permeable. The fact of living space is everything that can be realized by a person. An event is the result of the interaction of several facts. The number of sectors, regions is determined by the number of facts currently in the living space. The closer the sector is to a person's personal space, the more influence it has.

J. Kelly significantly reinforced K. Levin's ideas about the individual nature of the image of the world by developing the theory of personal constructs. It is based on the methodology of constructive alternativeism, according to which each person perceives the world in his own way, through the grid of his coordinate system. The units of this system are personal constructs, i.e. criteria by which a person compares and evaluates the objects of the surrounding reality. J. Kelly argues that we are not influenced by events, but by our interpretation of these events, which depends on our system of ideas.

2. Living space.

In the last decade, in Russian psychology, interest in studying the living space of the individual, his image of the world and his own picture has increased. life path.

Nartova-Bochaver S.K. substantiates a high degree heuristics of the concept of "psychological space of the individual", indicating that the state of the boundaries of one's own psychological world largely determines the attitude of a person to the elements of the environment, i.e. his attitude in general. Depending on whether it is perceived the world as alien or related, man's own activity is built in it.

K. Levin considered the degree of its structuredness and integration, the breadth of the temporal perspective, as well as the degree of permeability of its boundaries, to be the main characteristics of a person's living space.

K. Wilber believes that the problems of a particular person stem from where she draws the line between herself and the outside world. The wider the space of a person's self-identification, the more content man perceives the world as his own. He gives four options for resolving the question of where the boundary between Self and non-Self lies:

A) the level of the "mask" - the narrowest territory of the Self, which is equated only with a part of one's consciousness, with what a person presents to others;

B) the level of the ego - the border runs between the consciousness of a person and his body, while there is a conflict between the spiritual and the physical;

C) the body as a whole - the boundary runs between the body and outside world, the soul with the body are in harmony and unity, but they are opposed to the world;

D) identification of oneself with the Universe, expansion of the space of one's Self to infinity.

According to K. Wilber, any border becomes a source of conflict, so psychotherapy should be aimed at expanding the space of the Self, at achieving consciousness of unity with other people and the world as a whole.

A.A. Bodalev distinguishes three parameters of the subjective space of the world:

a) the volume or extent of this space, which is determined by what is imprinted and actualized in the mind of a person from the objective space surrounding him;

b) the degree of connection of the content of this subjective space of the world with the present, past and future;

c) the dependence of the content richness of the subjective space of the world on the formation of the personality.

As factors that determine these characteristics, the author calls the age of a person, his natural and social environment, profession, lifestyle, education and personal characteristics.

L.P. Grimak distinguishes two realities:

1) information-energy and topological relationships of an individual with the surrounding living space;

2) subjective modeling of the inner psychological space of the individual, on the basis of which interactions with the real world are built.

In his opinion, the primary influence on the subjective comfort of a person is exerted by such characteristics of the internal psychological space as its size and clarity of boundaries. A person can perceive his inner space as too large and empty, and then he will feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, the feeling of tightness of this space leads to the experience of lack of freedom, dependence. A full-fledged "construction" of the subjective model of a person's living space assumes that all three of its components (past, present and future) are available, accessible for mental review and do not close each other.

3. Pentabasis.

Ganzen V. A. believed that "Any reality of the observed world is described by spatial, temporal, energy and informational characteristics." These four general scientific concepts - space, time, energy and information - after many years of searching were taken as a single general scientific basis, the need and sufficiency of a set of elements in which has an extensive empirical justification.

In psychology, the systems approach allows integrating and systematizing accumulated knowledge, overcoming their excessive redundancy, finding invariants of psychological descriptions, avoiding the shortcomings of the local approach, increasing the efficiency of system research and the learning process, and formulating new scientific hypotheses, create systematic descriptions of mental phenomena.

Substratum (from Latin substratum - foundation, foundation) - in a broad sense, the basis of everything that exists. At the same time, the substrate is often identified with matter, substance. In a narrower sense, a substrate is understood as those simple structures or formations that remain stable, unchanged during any transformations of a thing and determine its specific properties (for example, atoms in chemical reactions).

The world we live in is one. Its unity consists in materiality. All phenomena and processes of reality are interconnected and interdependent. The objective forms of existence of the material substrate are space and time. The most important feature of our world is the uneven distribution of matter, energy and information (diversity) in space and time.

This unevenness is manifested in the fact that the components of the material substrate ( elementary particles, atoms, molecules, etc.) are grouped, combined into relatively isolated in space and time aggregates. The process of unification has a dialectical character, it is opposed by the process of separation, disintegration. But the fact of the existence of associations at all levels of the organization of matter speaks of the dominance of integration over disintegration.

IN inanimate nature integration factors are physical fields, in living objects - genetic, morphological and other interactions, society - production, economic and other relations. Descriptions of objects as systems - system descriptions - perform the same functions as other descriptions: explanatory and predictive. But their main function is to integrate information about the object. "... The task of system research is, first of all, the development of an appropriate epistemological technology for studying phenomena as systems and for understanding the system nature of the world itself" .

For structuring, organizing large amounts of information, we use the idea of ​​a basis. A basis is a set of sign objects that are characterized by completeness and orderliness. The basis is determined by the number of elements and the type of relationship between them. The completeness of a basis can be proved, postulated or established empirically.

Basis allows:

1) make sure that the system description is complete,

2) arrange its components,

3) get a stable "support" of the description,

4) use it to correlate different descriptions of the same object,

5) discover the commonality of objects of different nature.

The use of the method of bases plays, among other things, a heuristic role, provides assistance in detecting "white spots", facilitates the transition from studying the phenomenon as such to identifying its patterns.

An analysis of the description of objects of a very different nature makes it possible to make the following statement: the main characteristics of any object are spatial, temporal, informational and energy. These characteristics are possessed by the substrate of the object, which also performs the function of an integrator of the listed characteristics.

On the basis of the foregoing, it is possible to introduce the conceptual pentabasis of the SPVEI, consisting of four adjacent concepts (space, time, information, energy) and one unifying concept (substrate).




This presentation is in line with coordinate axes of the visual system, facilitates pairwise comparison of system characteristics, connects individual characteristics with the quadrants of the plane.

The PVEI tetrad naturally breaks up into two dyads: space - time (ST) and energy - information (EI). Space and time are objective forms of existence of matter, information and energy are objective conditions for the existence of motion. The components of the HPEI tetrad are not independent: there is a complete certain connection between space and time, between information and energy, which allows us to consider the space-time and information-energy continuums.

These continuums are also interconnected, but under certain conditions one can abstract from their connection and consider spatio-temporal and information-energetic descriptions of phenomena as independent. In the same way, under certain conditions, one can abstract and consider the spatial, temporal, informational and energy characteristics of phenomena as independent.

The SPWEI pentabasis can be detailed by making a dichotomy of its components, which is done when it is used to describe real dynamical systems:

substrate - substance, field;

space - internal, external (the boundary between the object and the environment can be considered as the intersection of internal and external space);

time - past, future (the present can be seen as the intersection of past and future.)

information - discrete, continuous;

energy - potential, kinetic.

Such a development of the basis facilitates the projection onto it of a set of characteristics of a particular system.

4. The world as a collection of spaces

From the point of view of the author of this article, who began to develop his system of growth and transformation of the personality "Games in Spaces" from the beginning of the 90s of the 20th century, the whole world can be imagined as a set of countless independent, but at the same time interconnected and interacting cells, which are spaces. This is a multi-dimensional creation that is infinitely divided into many smaller spaces.

The spaces are celestial bodies, vegetable world And animal world planets, civilizations, nations, countries, cities, people, objects, objects, events, natural phenomena and public life. These spaces have different orientations and different relative positions. They can be located relative to each other and sequentially, and in parallel, one inside the other, flow one into the other. Different spaces live different time. Some live for fractions of seconds, others for millions and billions of years. Some of them are located locally in one place, others are scattered throughout globe or by time. Spaces differ from each other in size and properties.

Our planet is also a separate space, and the human body, and every organ of the body, and every cell of the body are all separate cell-spaces.

All this innumerable set of spaces obeys a single law. Each space is a combination of three factors: information, energy and matter (Fig. 1a, 1b).

Rice. 1. Spaces as a collection of information, energy and matter.

Any object, event or phenomenon of the world is always a set of these three factors, which are permeated and united by the fourth coordinate - direction in time.

The law of the trinity of the structure of space is a consequence of the cosmic law of the structure of the universe, according to which it, as a set of an infinite set of spaces, has three levels: the unmanifested world, force and the manifested world. The unmanifested level is the Absolute, or a gigantic potential, the energy and consciousness of which go to infinity. The manifested world is the world of matter, the world of material spaces. Power is what makes part of the unmanifested world appear and exist as the material world.

This law of the structure of the universe has been known to mankind for a long time and is reflected in the religions of the peoples of the world as the law of the triad, trinity, trinity. Moreover, the concept of the triad was known back in the days of Egyptian civilization, and later religions absorbed all this, transformed, adapted and declared it their property. The personification of this law in religion ancient egypt was the triad of Osiris, Isis, Horus. In Hinduism - Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. In Christianity, God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. All this is a reflection of the knowledge of ancient civilizations that the universe consists of information, energy (force) and matter and is a combination of the unmanifested and the manifested world. Since the unmanifested world consists only of information and energy, and the manifested one contains all three components, in this respect the latter is more harmonious.

5. Three levels of the universe.

Aleksandrov N.N. writes that the first of the scientific philosophical European schools that interpreted the specifics of numbers was the Pythagorean. Pythagoras is credited with the following general expression about the triple: "All things are made up of three."

All mythological and theological models use triplicity. The scheme of their appearance is most often similar: at the beginning of the beginnings there is always the One, from which two origins originate, then the interaction of the two gives rise to the third. For example, this is the biblical scheme of Creation, where One God creates angels, appears fallen Angel- and a pair (contradiction) of light and dark forces. It as a potential will manifest itself only in the third - the world created by God.

In the ancient Indian tradition (Raja Yoga), the beginning is the Absolute, which is divided into three streams. They “merge” into a clot or “flow out” of it, although in fact they do not flow anywhere, but exist in general, ontologically.

The first flow is a crude form of energy, Matter.

The second flow is the most complex and subtle type of energy, the World Mind. This is just a "rough form of the mind" (or, more simply, information).

And the third - and there is energy, in general, any duration.

So, in our understanding, the three Indian streams are substance, energy, information. Behind this is the riddle of three times: matter is the past (from which God molds the world), information is the future (the plan that God has, realized in the Word). In order to say the Word that acts on matter (separate Heaven from Earth, light from darkness, etc.), God needs precisely the acting plan, which is himself. Mind in the Indian sense is such information.

The Biblical God connects clay (substance) and the Word (information). Moreover, the Word is himself (in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God). The merger in the act of creation of matter and information produces the life of that new formation that God received from clay with the help of the Word. Creating a whole hierarchy from inanimate to human, God breathed in active energy life.

The trinity of worlds has survived to our time in art, mythology and religion. For example, the three worlds appear in M. Bulgakov's "Master and Margarita" and originate from G. Skovoroda's theory of the three worlds, based on the Greco-Roman basis and medieval theology.

In Egyptian science, according to Fabre d'Olivier, even before the Greeks, the priests used three methods of convolution of information (obviously corresponding to the three principles: Matter - Energy - Mind): “The first method was clear and simple, the second was symbolic and figurative, the third was sacred and hieroglyphic. One and the same word took on, at their will, either its usual meaning, or figurative, or transcendent.

IN ancient india one can observe three hypostases of the one God: the three-faced ancient deities look simultaneously into the past, into the present, into the future.

The number "3" in occultism is expressed in the law of universal trinity. "In the synthesis of the three worlds lies the secret of the cosmos" - words attributed to Pythagoras. These worlds are Heaven, Earth, Man. Behind this, a vertical hierarchy clearly emerges. And the sky is here masculinity, Will, Thought, Word, Fire (number 1), and matter - Earth, feminine (number 2); from their union (1+2=3) everything living on the Earth comes, including Man.

The symbol of the number "3" - a triangle - is interpreted in occultism not only as "future - present - past", but also as "birth - life - death", that is, precisely as a cycle in three phases.

The Christian term "trinity" began to be used instead of the earlier "triad" in the second century. Triad means "three different".

The number "3" in ancient times Central Asia carried the idea of ​​the tripartite structure of the universe: underworld- earth (world of people) - heaven (world of gods). Not only space is divided three times (up, down, middle), but also in the temporal aspect, the world as “cosmos” has three main periods: past, present, future.

6. Characteristics of spaces.

The surrounding world appears from three global primary spaces: information, energy and matter. They interact with each other in the form of an endless transition, or flow from one to another.

Information tends to manifest itself and become matter. This is only possible if there is additional energy. At the same time, we are forced to admit that everything that is manifest tends to know itself. At least this thesis clearly applies to a person who spends years of his life trying to answer the question, what is the meaning of his existence. Therefore, it turns out that information, energy and matter, symbolically forming a triangle, scroll along it in one and the opposite direction (Fig. 1b). Information flows through energy into matter, and matter through energy seeks information to describe and realize itself.

From the point of view of K. Castaneda, our manifested world is just an island in the form of the entire infinite universe, in which stars, planets and other cosmic bodies move. This island is located in the ocean, which consists of a combination of energy and information. This totality selects the occasion and the corresponding situation in order to manifest itself in the form of matter.

When this happens, things, people, objects, firms, groups, nationalities, civilizations, etc. appear in our world.

Transformation of spaces

All spaces, in general, are different and differ from each other in three ways. In the same spaces more information, in others - energy, thirdly - matter.

For example, there are cities where there are many intellectual processes, for example, St. Petersburg. There are cities, such as Moscow, where business events predominate. In some places on the planet, events happen quickly, while in others, slowly. Recent decades there are intensive studies of anomalous places on our planet, which are popularly called "places of power".

But the characteristics of spaces are not given by them. Each space has some fluidity of its internal components - information, energy, matter. These three parameters of each space tend to change. Everything changes, ideas change, the balance of forces that is inside this form changes, the form itself can also change (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Transformation of spaces

The existence of the universe is nothing but a process of constant transformation of different spaces. From one space, some other is obtained. The transformation of spaces is one of the laws of life.

Any event, in the present, future and past, is a space.

Possible space for lunch or dinner. Space for transport or recreation. Space for work or family.

The word "space" is convenient, because it is universal and allows you to find, identify, outline from the general flow of life both individual material structures and individual events. This concept is convenient for describing and understanding the world and human life.

6. Topology of the internal space.

The structure of the inner space of a person repeats the structure of the universe; three levels can also be distinguished in it. The head of a person is an information system, the chest is an energy system, his stomach is a material system(Fig. 3).

Main location information system head from crown to base of neck. It is a place of manifestation of the informational aspect of energy during its passage in the inner space of a person. Additional places - hands, feet and the first phalanges of the fingers.

Place of localization energy system- chest from the base of the neck to the diaphragm and arms. Additional places - forearms, shins, second phalanxes of fingers. In the chest area are the lungs with which we breathe and sustain our lives with the power that we actually breathe into ourselves. The main energy organ, the heart, is also located in the chest.

Place of localization material system- stomach from the diaphragm to the perineum and legs. People stand on the ground with their feet, and life-supporting processes take place in the stomach: the processing of everything eaten and drunk, the elimination of digestion residues from the body is ensured, and the conditions for the reproduction of people are provided. The stomach is the center of life, the quintessence of material processes in the human body.

Rice. 3. The structure of the internal space of a person

The described three systems of the internal space of a person are the place of origin of the corresponding aspects of energy, after which they can be anywhere in the human body. The conscious contact of a person with the systems of his inner space is important, because they define it life strategies, his behavior in life, the nature of his interaction with other people and the world.

Each of the listed systems of the internal space of a person has its own “language”, with the help of which it manifests itself, declares its existence to a person.

The "language" of the human information system is thoughts, images, symbols, concepts, ideas, internal dialogue, flashes of intuition and insights.

The "language" of the energy system is emotions, feelings and desires. Actually feelings are only love and its opposite - hatred. What in everyday life are called feelings are emotions, i.e. power aspects of energy that can be described by the mind. Emotions can be described, love can only be experienced.

The "language" of the manifestation of the material system is sensations, i.e. subjective perception of individual parts of your body from the inside. Feelings, unlike thoughts and emotions, can be described metrically, using concepts such as length, width, height, volume, weight, density, temperature, surface condition and depth of sensation. Feelings are the meaning of life for the body. Sensations in some cultures are considered the language of God, through which He communicates with man.

The described approach to the definition of the internal space of a person is one of the theoretical premises for building the practice of the system of growth and transformation of the personality "Games in Spaces". At practical seminars, exercises are given aimed at increasing a person's contact with his thoughts, feelings, desires, sensations. This allows him not only to remember many moments of his life, but also, which is very important, to consciously experience them totally, and thereby complete them. This direction gives a person a chance to learn how to more adequately manage their thoughts, feelings, actions and, in the end, their life, being in the “here and now” position.

7. Topology of human living space .

The number four has always been one of the main symbols used by mankind, and still is, allowing a person to navigate both in space and in time. The directions North, East, South and West are considered symbols of the cosmic order and have essential in all civilizations and at all times. Entire libraries have been devoted to the symbolism of the cardinal points since ancient times. However, their role in the human psyche is still not entirely clear.

From the point of view of the author of the article, there are four main spaces that encourage a person to further travel through life. These spaces are: family, work, the inner world of a person and the outer world that surrounds him. These four spaces form personal reality person in which everyday life. On the one hand, this reality is created by the person himself, and on the other hand, all other spaces of the universe participate in its formation. It includes all types and forms of activity. Personal reality, as the quintessence of all these spaces, creates specific certain rules and the laws by which a person reacts with other spaces that were born before him and forms his way of life.

This reality is alive and fully reflects his inner world. His life and actions are a complete copy of the state in which a person is inside himself. As a result external manifestations of a person are identical to his internal state, which consists of his thoughts, emotions, desires and perception of his body, and the internal state is identical to the external one.

Such a relationship between the internal and external spaces of a person is a consequence of the law of correspondence, known since the time of Hermes Trismegistus - as above, so below.

The four main spaces of human life are surprisingly located on the Magic Wheel of the North American Indians. The magic wheel of the Indians is a space-time model of any event that people have used since time immemorial tens of thousands of years before our era. Each of the four cardinal directions - East, South, West and North - corresponds to the main spaces of human life (Fig. 4).

Family is located in the East. The East is a symbol of the beginning of any process and event. The family is generated by love and is itself a source of love and positive feelings. Inside the family, everything also begins with love - both the conception and the birth of a person. In a family, a person is brought up and acquires the skills of everything that exists in his life: how to deal with the world, how to live, how to treat himself, etc. The family is a very important dynamic force that gives rise to a person and gives him an impetus, which largely determines a person’s life, his relationship with the world.

In the concept of Family, we put a wide range of concepts that are important individually for each person, for example, this may include relatives, place of residence, personal and family things, household rituals, etc.

All of it future life in the form of personal and social success is completely based on the state of his family, in which he was born. How much love a person had in his family in childhood, so much love is in his family now, and how successful or not very successful he is in life.

Therefore, from the family comes an important aspiration towards the world that surrounds each person.

Rice. 4. The magic wheel of the Indians.

Work located in the West.

The West is associated with the desires and duties of man, with his social activities. Moreover, this type of activity has a different form of communication with people, the opposite form of communication with family members. The result of communication with loved ones at home, in the family, is openness, sincerity, clear acceptance and sympathy. Work is a relationship with another team in which a person is located, where the dominant energy is not love, but duty and responsibility.

Work is a symbol of the corresponding space and includes many aspects that are important to a particular person, for example, performing work duties, receiving salaries, relationships with employees, workplace etc. Work is a set of any kind of activity for its implementation in society or to satisfy the desires or needs, both one’s own and family’s. Work is opposite and polarity family.

The entire surrounding a person external world. In this external world there is everything: people, things, events, natural phenomena, electrons, etc. The main aspects of the external world are social world of our society and the natural world from which we build our society. Everything that surrounds a person and makes up the material basis of the world.

In the North is inner world a person in the form of his thoughts, feelings, desires, state of health. One way or another, thoughts, feelings, desires, specific states of the body, mood, etc. arise in the inner world of a person. There is a peculiarity of perception of the outside world and people through the "glasses" of my nationality, my culture, my religion, my gender.

Internal processes manifest themselves in the form of material processes and spaces, and these processes are sometimes initiated work, sometimes family, sometimes outside world. Sometimes external spaces are the embodiment of what a person dreamed or thought about, or what he did with his activity, sometimes he comes into contact with spaces alien to him. The second case often causes concussion interior spaces and leads to an explosion of internal dialogue, specific emotions and desires, and possible stress reactions.

Curiously, there is a clear link between internal and outer spaces: East - Family - emotions; The South is the world surrounding the person/society/nature; West - Work - desires/duties; North - inner world - thinking / feeling / health. And this suggests a specific archetypal process.

As a result, it turns out that a person's living space consists of only eight spaces (four external and four internal). However, each is influenced by the other seven spaces and in turn affects the other seven.

Thus, we can conclude that the cardinal directions are an obligatory property of our (and any!) culture and psyche. And the topology of living space is completely based on the four cardinal points, as on true archetypes, which, in turn, manifest themselves in each in their own way, creating the peculiarity and originality of a person’s character, and the variety of forms of communication, activities and human progress.

Security, success, happiness and health are the result of personal measures for a balanced balance among the four main areas of living life and the four landmarks of the inner world.


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see also

Strekalov S.A.

Efimov V.A., St. Petersburg.