What awaits the Sagittarius horse in the year. Rooster-Sagittarius. Description of Sagittarius women born in the year of the Rooster. Horoscope. Why do you dream of a baby in your arms? detailed interpretation

“One foot here, one foot there” is an expression the best way characterizes the restless nature of people born under the sign Gemini. In order to correctly interpret the horoscope for 2017 for Gemini, it is worth delving into the features of their character in more detail.

People born between May 21 and June 21 do not accept restrictions and conventions; with them you can easily relax and forget about the hustle and bustle of everyday work.

Gemini's weakness is punctuality. They are always in a hurry, but never arrive on time.

Such people are the soul of the company; they are always surrounded by many people and good friends. But, unfortunately, there are only a few real friends.

The routine and monotony of an impatient Gemini can prompt a radical change of place of residence or work. This sign rarely “stays” in one position. The only attractive option for him is work with constant business trips, where he can talk and see enough. This is an ideal environment for revealing Gemini's talents.

The gift of persuasion, dexterity and erudition, the ability to infect others with your enthusiasm allow you to achieve heights in most areas of activity. Geminis are most common among politicians, reporters, and senior managers.

The sign suffers from its inconstancy. He is frightened by obligations - love, friendship, business, etc. Gemini will chase the “pie in the sky” without hesitation, sacrificing the “bird in the hand” without blinking an eye. He realizes his mistake too late.

The air element, which takes possession of the sign, endows it with dexterity and alertness of mind. The life of a Gemini is a kaleidoscope of events and impressions that will spin forever.

Horoscope for 2017 for Gemini

Winter 2017 will bring incredible luck and luck into the life of Gemini. Fortune will accompany the personality of this zodiac sign in all areas of life. If you direct all your efforts towards achieving your goals and making your dreams come true, there is a 95 percent chance that your sign will achieve what you want.

Spring will greet Gemini without much enthusiasm. You need to be prepared for the blows of fate. So that negative changes do not discourage you and plunge you into a depressive state, it is important to believe: after a black streak, a white one always comes.

Perhaps this is a payment for arrogance and pride, of which Gemini has more than enough.

Summer per year Fire Rooster will be ambiguous, filled with emotional outbursts. It is important not to be influenced by general irritation, otherwise conflicts cannot be avoided. The ardor of the sign can provoke a split in relationships with loved ones.

Autumn 2017 is the time of love revelations and confessions. A favorable attitude towards relatives will help preserve the family and improve relationships with business partners.

Horoscope for 2017 for Gemini woman

On whole year the fair half of the sign will get bogged down in love affairs. The desire to be the center of male attention will become so strong that it will lead to rash actions. You will have to bear responsibility for the consequences of such behavior for a long time. To avoid becoming a hostage own desires, you should think about conspiracy in time and not talk about love affairs"unverified" people. Excessive directness and a sharp tongue can become an obstacle to promotion.
If the Gemini girl does not learn to smooth out rough edges in her relationships with colleagues, there is a high chance of finding new enemies in early spring.

Horoscope for 2017 for Gemini man

2017 is favorable to those Geminis who decided to change jobs. A little resilience and perseverance will help you prove yourself in better light before the new management. A sharp mind and acumen will help in promotion in the middle of the year.

The stars predict an interest in a new hobby for the fickle Gemini at the end of spring. The hobby will completely capture the minds and thoughts of men and in the future will be able to bring considerable profit. The main thing here is not to overdo it and establish a clear line between what is desired and what is permitted, otherwise passion can turn into addiction, to which Geminis are so susceptible.

What do the stars predict for Gemini in love affairs in 2017?

The beginning of the year will be stormy and dynamic, full of love affairs. Intimate life It is expected to be rich and interesting. It is important to keep your mood and emotions under control; harshness and inconstancy can hurt your partner.

The Year of the Fire Rooster will pamper this sign with romantic surprises both in sunny spring and rainy autumn. Geminis can expect a surge of attention from their partner. The stars recommend accepting gifts with gratitude, otherwise a quarrel cannot be avoided, and you will have to forget about romantic surprises from your significant other for a long time.

If family Gemini is drawn to love affairs “on the side”, it is worth thinking three times about the consequences of such a decision. The stars will make you repent of your committed act in just a few days.

Relationships with husband/wife will be unstable, periods of protracted quarrels and emotional “wars” will be replaced by peaceful days, full of love and tenderness.

You should spend your summer vacation in the company of family and friends, and be sure to take your children to the sea.

Money horoscope for Gemini for 2017

It will be difficult to call the financial affairs of Gemini in the year of the Fire Rooster brilliant and enchanting. The beginning of the year will not please you with large incomes. It is better not to agree to dubious adventures, lotteries, gambling and other methods of “easy” money will only bring disappointment and significantly reduce the available cash.

Which strategy should you choose? Careful and economical use of funds.

The period of financial stagnation will be short; surviving it without significant material losses is quite possible.

In the last quarter of the year, those born under the sign of Gemini may have to spend money on their children's education. This is the case when you don’t need to save, because by paying for your children’s education, you are automatically investing in your future.

By the end of 2017, clearly planned financial schemes will begin to bear their first fruits, defining a bright future.

What changes in the professional activities of Gemini will 2017 bring?

As in financial matters, you should not expect great achievements in the professional field. There is no need to become depressed about this; Gemini’s career achievements are still ahead. Now you need to accumulate strength for one of the most important assaults in your life.

For a while, you can distract yourself from thoughts about promotion and become more active in strengthening your current position.

Particular attention should be paid to establishing friendly ties and expanding your contact base. In this case, any conflict situation will be decided in favor of Gemini.

In business matters, unexpected things may come from relatives financial aid, as well as offering a profitable joint project.

What the stars will tell you about Gemini's health in 2017

Geminis with chronic diseases should be “on guard” from the first days of the new year. The disease can worsen at the most inopportune moment. To eliminate the possibility of such a scenario developing, preventive measures should be taken in advance, and it is better to make an appointment with your doctor.

With the arrival of spring, it would be appropriate to undergo a program of cleansing the body with the help of a healthy diet.

Herbal medicine has great healing power for the sign under the auspices of Mercury. Properly selected herbs will tone throughout the year, relieve the autumn blues, help avoid viral diseases with the arrival of the first cold weather, etc.

2017 will be rich in experiences, stress and nervous tension. It is especially important to keep your psychological health. Baths with soothing essential oils will help you calmly endure a stressful period.

In the summer, when there is an abundance of vegetables and fruits, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of eating them to your fill. By replacing a sandwich for a lunch snack with a handful of fresh fruits and berries, Gemini will immediately feel an improvement in their stomach function.

Celebrities born under the sign of Gemini

Alexander Pushkin, Carl Faberge, Arthur Conan Doyle, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, John Kennedy,

Johnny Depp, Marilyn Monroe, Nicole Kidman, Kylie Minogue, Naomi Campbell.

Eastern horoscope for 2017

Other horoscopes for 2017

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Gemini (21.05 - 21.06)

2017 warns Gemini: this year everything will come to you in double size. Therefore, try to ensure that only good things come.

Moreover, the patron saint of 2017 is the Rooster. It will provide you with an excellent starting point.

Star portrait - Gemini horoscope 2017

Your planet: Mercury. This is the most fast planet V solar system: It moves around the Sun almost twice as fast as old Earth. It’s no wonder that flighty and impatient Geminis can’t sit still either.
Your strengths: contact, sociability, quickness of thought, quick wits. There is no problem in the world from which you cannot immediately find a way out. There would be a desire.
Your shortcomings: the speech and actions of the “twins” are sometimes tinged with impatience and haste, as if you want to say and do everything at once. Don't waste your thoughts and words. Remember that they are priceless.
Your colors: gray or light purple, lemon yellow, sunny orange.
Yours lucky numbers : 2, 5 and all numbers divisible by 5.

Business, career, money - Gemini horoscope 2017

Speaking in the strict language of astrologers, your personal beginning of the year looks like this: from February 19, the Sun moves into the house of career, which has long been ruled by Uranus, the planet of freedom. This means that business affairs will suddenly become the most important thing for you. And at the same time it will pull on global changes.

Do you feel like you have no strength to resist? And it is not necessary. The proposal to change the field of activity, which will be made in the period from February 19 to March 21, will most likely turn out to be extremely profitable and successful. Listen, weigh everything, ask for advice from a person you trust - and go for it!

April-May will bring the opportunity to earn good money (twice as much as usual) and make profitable business contacts (do not refuse business trips, business lunches and parties). However, you should not go on a spree and invest money in unreliable projects: serious financial difficulties are possible at the beginning of May.

In August - the first half of September, your career will slow down a little. This is due to your own behavior: during this period, Gemini can become aggressive, conflictual, prone to quarrels and even fights. Solution: take a vacation. Having let off emotional steam, roll up your sleeves again from October: until the end of 2017, the Rooster, like a train, will pull your career uphill.

Your best business partners: people born under the sign of Aries.

Personal life - Gemini horoscope 2017

The personal life of Gemini in 2017 will develop much more successfully than in the last three years: after all, in 2014 - 2016, the sector responsible for the personal front was occupied by conflicting planets that were not conducive to romance. Since February, truly global prospects have opened up on the love horizon.

Firstly, moon eclipse, promises to connect the “twins” with some interesting character. At first he will seem like an enemy to you, but soon you will realize that this person can become your true friend and perhaps even your lover. Secondly, in July you will suddenly notice that absolutely everyone is fascinated by you. Try not to lose your head though. And thirdly, autumn will give you a stormy love affair at work. Perhaps not even one...

In general, astrologers assure that the best time for love is the end of 2017: Gemini is in for an amazing romantic fairy tale.

Your best partners on the personal front: thanks to their high emotional sensitivity, Geminis are able to get along with representatives of any of the zodiac signs. But still, until the age of 29.5, their best lovers are Libra and Aquarius. Up to 41.5 years - Aries and Taurus. After - Sagittarius.

Luck - Gemini horoscope 2017

The Rooster has only one piece of advice for you: the lighter and more optimistic you are about the events of the coming year, the more generously Fate will give you luck. And the most lucky ones will be those Geminis who decide to spend the year traveling.

Business trips (short and long), excursions, vacations in distant countries - each trip will add bonuses to you both on the business and personal front. Well, in November-December, the Rooster promises to fulfill some long-cherished dream.

Health - Gemini horoscope 2017

The best day to visit the doctor is Wednesday. If you feel unwell, choose something stylish, not homemade. Color doesn't matter.

Geminis are healthy as long as they have life space and freedom of action. Emotional unrest and stress can unsettle them. When overexerted, the stomach gets the most damage and respiratory system. Special gymnastics will help protect the latter.

Zodiac twins tend to hide the symptoms of the disease and work hard. Don’t forget to give your tired body a break.

Menu – Horoscope Gemini 2017

The stars are sure that Gemini does not have enough calcium in this life. Therefore, cabbage and dairy products should always be in Twins’ bins.

Another important substance in the life of Gemini is proteins. Their reserves can be replenished with lean meat, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts and soy. In addition, Gemini's work is often nervous. So that in the end they don’t have to grab their hearts, they need to lean on green pea, asparagus, beets, carrots, cauliflower, corn, celery, apricots, peaches, plums and pineapples.

Making money - Gemini horoscope 2017

Easy-going and cheerful Geminis are the favorites of fortune, so success awaits them in any activity that does not force the “twin” to turn into a beech dissatisfied with life. Geminis manage to realize themselves most fully (and most profitably) in creative professions that require constant creativity, change of impressions and communication with people: politician, artist, journalist, lawyer, teacher, DJs, advertising agent, secretary, public relations specialist...

Geminis also make amazingly successful businessmen, stock market players, casino regulars and all sorts of adventurers. Representatives of this sign are endowed with truly incredible quickness of mind and subtle intuition, which allows them to make decisions with lightning speed and correctly.

The secret of happiness - Gemini horoscope 2017

Geminis are so charming and irresistible that it is sometimes impossible not to fall in love with them. Therefore, representatives of this sign extremely rarely encounter the concept of “unhappy love”, but very often they do not know how to fight off many fans, much less choose their one and only one among them.

True, becoming the “half” of a Gemini is not only a reward, but also hard work: “twins” are quite demanding, flighty and capricious, and cannot live without a constant whirlpool of emotions (including flirting with strangers and quarrels). A restless adventurer can be “domesticated” only by constant demonstration of love and attention.

Attractiveness - Gemini horoscope 2017

These fidgets love to dress lightly, brightly and colorfully in any situation. But astrologers warn: Gemini, like no other sign, is influenced by their outfits. Therefore, if you want to succeed, still choose a wardrobe for a specific situation. Are you hungry for reciprocal love? Wear a romantic dress, a light white shirt, jeans. Do you want to make a serious impression on your business partners? Then please wear a formal business suit. However, you don’t have to give up on bright little things like a colored tie or an unusual necklace.

A pet— Gemini horoscope 2017

One can only envy the energy, lightness and enthusiasm of Gemini. Therefore, if your choice falls on such cheerful and gentle four-legged friends as a collie, sheltie or cocker spaniel, you will find a wonderful companion. A playful tabby or spotted cat is also perfect as a pet.

You will be able to read about Other Zodiac Signs on our website in the near future...

In 2017, not always and everywhere everything will be the way Gemini wants, but you will be successful in finding your soulmate. At the same time, the situation in the field professional activity will not require any participation from you. Read about all this in our horoscope for 2017 for the sign Gemini.

General horoscope for Gemini for 2017

According to the horoscope for 2017, most Geminis will experience a surge in love relationships, which will become possible thanks to the special movement of the planets. However, with the exception of your personal life, luck will not always accompany you everywhere. In terms of professional activity, you will have to face certain difficulties in February 2017, March 2017 and April 2017, however, according to the Gemini 2017 horoscope, in the fall all circumstances will contribute to making a profit.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Gemini

Yours love relationship in 2017 will largely depend on your openness and ability to listen to your partner’s opinion, as well as on what he wants to get from you in return and what he wants to achieve. This is due to the fact that until October 10, 2017, Jupiter will be transiting your fifth astrological house. In this sense, we recommend that you try to act together with your partner and try to achieve common goals in the process of dialogues.

Most likely, when you hear this, you will think that we are talking about constant compromises. Let's try to refute this idea! For example, your desire to tie the knot will largely depend on mutual desire have a baby. In any case, the presence of the North Node in the constellation Virgo until May 2017 will require you to maintain order in literally everything, and therefore we recommend that you devote Special attention planning.

At the same time, the long transit of Venus in the constellation Aries will mean constant changes in your emotional background. This will be especially pronounced in March 2017 next year, when you will have to face a very subjective attitude from others. IN in this case, by others we mean your partners, friends and people with whom you have dealt in the past. It will seem to you that those around you are unfairly demanding unquestioning obedience from you and will try to influence you. In this sense, it will not be easy to cope with emotions, and the Gemini 2017 horoscope recommends that you resolve conflicts peacefully, as required by Jupiter, located in the constellation Libra.

Then the period of the Black Moon (Lilith) will come in the constellation Sagittarius and at this time all your fears will be associated with a lack of honesty in professional relations, formed in the period from February 2017 to November next year, as well as in family relationships. But most of all, you will be annoyed by the fact that others will blame you for literally nothing. At the same time, it is quite possible that in personal relationships you will have to face deception in all its manifestations, however, the presence of Saturn in the constellation Sagittarius will help you even if you decide to live separately or even want to get a divorce.

Business horoscope for 2017 Gemini

Starting from October 10, 2017, significant achievements in your professional activities await you. However, this will only be possible if you can connect your colleagues to a common goal and ensure that they are fully committed to working towards success. This will be most relevant when Jupiter transits the constellation Scorpio at the end of 2017.

But in order for your endeavors to be most effective, you should prepare the ground for this in advance and you need to start in the first months of the next year. Best period in this sense, the day of the annual solar eclipse will be February 26, 2017, as well as in the period from April 3 to April 15, 2017 while Venus is in a retrograde phase in the constellation Pisces.

These two events will have a significant impact on your professional activity in the long term, but for this you should change your attitude towards management and authority in general. If to achieve this you have to sacrifice yourself or neglect important rules, then it’s better to just quit and start over.

Those goals that you define for yourself in February 2017 or April 2017 will have strength and perspective in the last quarter of next year, thanks to the energy of Jupiter. Therefore, we recommend that you approach this issue with all your inherent wisdom and use these planetary displacements only to your advantage.

Well, Sagittarius! While Saturn will be Last year Being in your constellation is the time for you to reap the fruits of success. You can learn about all the prospects and challenges that await you thanks to Saturn from our horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017.

General horoscope for the sign Sagittarius for 2017

All the movements of the planets that will occur in 2017 can only give a hint of what you will have to face. However, according to our data, the only planet that will influence your life in next year- This is Saturn, located in the constellation Sagittarius. It is for this reason that your Sagittarius horoscope for 2017 looks very convincing, because the behavior and influence of this planet will not be as sharp and changeable as it was last year.

We can confidently say that 2017 is your year! It is in 2017 that you can easily devote yourself to self-development and learning new knowledge in a completely various fields, which is quite possible, you already started a couple of years ago (if, of course, you really did it!).

But 2017 will be marked for you not only with an abundance of positive events, because some of the problems that you encountered after December 2017 will still occasionally make themselves felt.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

Thanks to Venus’s rather long transit of the constellation Aries, the spring of 2017 will give you a lot of truly strong emotions. This planet will sometimes have strong influence on your love relationship. At times, you will passionately love your partner, and then suddenly declare war on him simply because he expressed himself incorrectly or offended you with a word.

This is the ambiguity of the influence of Venus at this time! After all, you will radiate not only devoted love and crazy enthusiasm, but also ambiguous behavior and selfishness towards your partner, which can cause various quarrels and scandals. If you are still single, then it is likely that resounding success will await you!

According to the Sagittarius horoscope for 2017, family difficulties await you in February and April 2017. It's about about the consequences of the sacrifices and efforts that you had to make for the sake of own family, considering it the stronghold of your life. And this will happen thanks to the annual solar eclipse and the entry of Venus into the retrograde phase in the constellation Pisces. Such events will shake your self-confidence or simply hide a lack of it. But in any case, you must earn and win back the former trust of others.

Business horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

In the first four months, you will successfully reap the benefits in the field of professional activity, thanks to the favorable location of the stars in the North Node of the Virgo constellation. However, the most significant events related to this have already occurred this year. However, in 2017 you will receive reliable support from friends and acquaintances, thanks to fairly active communication in social sphere and the ability to listen and understand the position of others, very significant prospects await you to change your life for the better and you should use them until next October 2017.

Sagittarians who have many influential partners abroad will be able to significantly improve their position and importance in their professional activities. But be careful in February 2017! During this period, you cannot show your arrogance to others or completely forget about tolerance towards your opponents. At the same time, August will give you a lot of popularity, significance in the face of others, and there will also be good prospects for interaction with foreign partners or even companies.

Other horoscopes for Sagittarius for 2017

The horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius predicts a fairly calm time when the Rooster will take care of him and support him in all his endeavors. Serious problems you are not threatened, but you will have to face troubles face to face. But the Rooster will do everything possible to warn Sagittarius from danger and lend a wing in difficult times. February is great for negotiations with business partners and meetings at top level. You will be so sociable that you can easily persuade your business partners to cooperate with you.

Sociable and optimistic by nature, Sagittarius will make friends with the Rooster. The horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius predicts a sea of ​​fans who will seek his favor. Not surprising, because he is so witty, cheerful and handsome that he takes your breath away. Making people laugh is your calling! Well, who doesn’t want to feel the lightness of life? At the beginning of March, Sagittarius will truly bathe in dates, confessions and romance. Success will be on your side in all areas of life, so you can clear the wall in the room in advance for award medals, certificates of honor and your own portraits with the signature “Hero”.

The 2017 horoscope for Sagittarius promises universal recognition. But for this you need to always be in the center of attention and in the thick of things. The Rooster will do everything possible to ensure that you do not end up overboard in your pursuit of well-being. If Sagittarius works well in April, he can safely go to the boss’s office and demand a salary increase. Believe me, your boss will even give you a bonus for your merits and original approach to work. Lonely Sagittarius will meet in the spring interesting person, with whom he falls in love like a schoolboy. If you don’t want to offend your chosen one and the Rooster, then try to legitimize the relationship if you feel that this is love and not banal flirting.

The end of spring 2017 is ideal for vacation and travel. If Sagittarius has been thinking about this for a long time, now he needs to act and pack his bags. The horoscope for 2017 advises Sagittarius to go somewhere where he will not be bored. After all, the ebullient energy of Sagittarius is needed where high mountains, deep oceans And wild nature. In general, go where no one has gone before - you will be impressed. In June, you should remember about work and plans for the future. Sagittarius will have to work hard and also engage in personal business to strengthen financial position. At the end of summer, the Cockerel advises you to assemble a team of enthusiasts and creatives to realize grandiose ideas in advertising, trade and other areas.
August 2017 is the ideal time for Sagittarius, who cannot imagine his life without camping trips, fishing and barbecues accompanied by guitar songs. By the way, if Sagittarius falls in love this month, it will be forever. It’s as if you’ll find yourself in a fairy tale, where “they lived happily ever after.” Family Sagittarius You should devote more time and attention to your spouse and children. Relatives will also ask you for support, both moral and financial. Do not refuse their request, as the 2017 horoscope for Sagittarius advises. The more delicate and gentle you are in communicating with your household, the calmer the situation in the house will be.

At the beginning of autumn, Sagittarius will want to “build” his own cozy nest. But, not far from his father’s house, but directly in it. The rooster will throw you a few interesting ideas, how to renovate an apartment and arrange your room in the spirit of modern times. The horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius predicts a cloudless life in financially. Therefore, he can safely move to a new luxurious cottage, or buy a dacha near a river. If you have such a desire, then feel free to go into battle! Relatives will happily support Sagittarius, and will even provide tools and building materials for active work. Just don’t forget about your main activity, otherwise you will be left without a means of subsistence.
In November 2017, Sagittarius will finally receive the desired position. The management will appoint you, at a minimum, as the editor of the regional newspaper, so try to meet the boss's expectations. The horoscope for 2017 advises Sagittarius to buy gifts for loved ones in December and arrange pre-New Year surprises. The Rooster also deserved praise from Sagittarius, because he spent so much effort to make his life sunny even in cloudy weather.

Features of the horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius

Sagittarians work hard to change their inner world and their personality, and in 2017 they will not stop doing this. The positive energy of Venus united with Saturn will help them in this difficult task. The 2017 horoscope promises representatives of this sign confidence in solving many problems. But you shouldn’t rest on your laurels right away. Although, Sagittarius will definitely not stop there, they will continue to move towards their goal and develop their success.
However, Saturn will teach Sagittarius lessons in which they will need to remain patient so that dark thoughts do not enter their heads. Sagittarians tend to lose heart and stop noticing their achievements and the opportunities that people around Sagittarius present to them.
Sagittarius should not forget that there is always a ray of light at the end of the tunnel. You shouldn’t get depressed and give up, but take temporary difficulties as motivation for new achievements.

Sagittarius man: horoscope for 2017

Sagittarius men should not waste their energy on various minor quarrels and scandals; it is best to avoid minor conflicts. It is better for representatives of this sign to direct their energy and time in the right direction.
In order to see the fruits of your labors, it is worth making an effort and working tirelessly. At this time, all problematic situations and conflicts will begin to fade into the background and will no longer be so significant for Sagittarius. All misunderstandings and disagreements between Sagittarius and those around them simply evaporate. Thanks to this, the financial situation of the representatives of this sign is stabilized.
Also, Sagittarius men will often delight loved ones with all kinds of gifts and pleasant surprises. However, Sagittarius should be more attentive and cautious, as they can do one rash act, for which they will be incredibly ashamed.

Sagittarius men born from November 23 to November 30

The horoscope for 2017 recommends that Sagittarius spend more time doing their main job rather than their favorite hobby. Moreover, your financial situation leaves much to be desired. In the spring you will have to take on small things so as not to miss something important. Summer will give you romance, a pleasant holiday and pleasant acquaintances. Sagittarius will be invited to some event where he will show himself as a creative person.

Sagittarius men born from December 1 to December 12

If Sagittarius dreams of grabbing Luck by the tail, then you need to put in a lot of effort and ingenuity. Do not be afraid of anything, be more courageous and listen less to the advice of ill-wishers. The horoscope for 2017 recommends that Sagittarius demonstrate talents in April-May general public. Well, at the beginning of autumn you will meet the one you dreamed of and imagined as your life partner.

Sagittarius men born from December 13 to December 21

The horoscope for 2017 advises Sagittarius to be more selective in connections. You communicate too much with those who draw energy from you and give nothing in return. Learn to organize holidays for no reason, find interesting hobby and become more confident. In September, Sagittarius will be in a whirlpool of pleasant events and meetings. Personal life will become brighter and more varied at the end of the Year of the Rooster.

Sagittarius woman: horoscope for 2017

The horoscope for 2017 advises Sagittarius women to pay special attention to loved ones, especially their problems, as well as their family and children. Some Sagittarius women will need to sacrifice a lot for the sake of their relatives, for the sake of happiness in their family. Sagittarius' loved ones will be in great need of support, warmth and care.
Sagittarius women will not experience much happiness from relationships with men in 2017. On their way there will be no worthy men, mercantile, who will do their best to seek the attention of Sagittarius, but very quickly disappear from their life.

Sagittarius women born from November 23 to November 30

The more frivolous Sagittarius is in business and love, the more disappointments and worries await him. The horoscope for 2017 advises Sagittarius to be more serious and specific if the question concerns close relationships or everyday problems. Things related to finances will be great in the summer. Your winter holiday will be great if you go to a camp site or abroad.

Sagittarius women born from December 1 to December 12

The horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius predicts a tense period when you will have to go around, not through a breach. This tactic of behavior is not without meaning, so be careful. Autumn will bring Sagittarius a lot of unpleasant moments associated with one selfish and deceitful person. In winter, gather your strength to resolve an important issue in your personal life. A lot depends on him next year.

Sagittarius women born from December 13 to December 21

Sagittarius can do anything he takes on with inspiration and a bit of enthusiasm. The more excited you are at the beginning of winter, the faster you will resolve all problems. The horoscope for 2017 advises Sagittarius to be more confident in themselves in the summer in order to turn everything planned in the right direction. In autumn and winter, circumstances will work out in your favor, but on condition that you do not dramatically change the course of events.

Sagittarius shopping in 2017

Thanks to a stable financial situation, Sagittarius will allow himself shopping and the most various acquisitions. The main thing is to limit yourself in entertainment and not invest a lot of money in a new hobby. The horoscope for 2017 promises to Sagittarius good earnings in the middle of summer, when it will be possible to buy things at a significant discount or take out on credit. In the fall, you will easily get out of the financial crisis if you become more practical.

Sagittarius activities in 2017

In the year of the Rooster, Sagittarius will not sit at home for a day, but will go to various events, exhibitions and concerts. You can even attend a fashion show and discover your design talents. The horoscope for 2017 advises Sagittarius to go to the premiere of the theater, cinema and circus performances more often. This will allow you not only to enrich yourself spiritually, but also to receive a charge of positive emotions.

Friendship horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

Sagittarius will want to surround himself with not only interesting, but also reliable friends. By the way, negative individuals will leave your life on their own, so there is no need to hint to them about this. The horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius promises acquaintances in the spring that will develop into strong friendships. In July-August, Sagittarius will face a difficult burden when a close friend suddenly doubts your sincerity. Try to dispel his doubts, especially if you value the relationship. In the fall, you better not share secrets even with those with whom you have been friends since childhood. It's not about trust, just "lay low" for a while.