Profitable business in the garage. Manufacturing of wooden toys and accessories. Restoration of old cars

Do you have a garage? This means you can safely open your own mini-production. The ten ideas below do not require capital investments and large business loans.


Begin own business in the garage - a great idea for those who decide to go on an independent “swimming”. Moreover, there are wonderful examples for inspiration (including the creators of Harley Davidson, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Apple and other world-famous brands). It’s too early to dream about the scale of the enterprise. To achieve large-scale production, a competent work concept is required.

Features of planning a garage business

Mini-business localized in a garage area includes:

  • business planning (first you need to choose a product or service taking into account market analysis, personal skills, financial resources and demand);
  • organizational and legal registration of entrepreneurship (business registration);
  • purchase of possible equipment;
  • possible hiring of employees and their training;
  • monitoring suppliers and purchasing raw materials for work;
  • development of technological aspects of production;
  • provision of services (or sales of finished products).

Top 10 ideas for garage business 2018

Below are ideas with minimal capital investment:

Table 1. Rating 10 best ideas for garage business for 2018

Name of the idea

Sum minimum investment, in rubles

Implementation complexity

Bicycle and small repairs vehicles

Buying tools

Making felt boots

Purchase of equipment, search for suppliers of quality raw materials

Growing oyster mushrooms

20,000 materials + 65,000 utility costs = 85,000

Constantly maintaining the required humidity parameters

Production of decorative stone and tiles

Purchase of equipment, raw materials and molds. Electrification

Production of metal products

Equipment, raw materials, running a special 380 Volt line, work skills

Manufacturing of small stoves

Same as point 5

Foam processing

Purchasing equipment, conducting electricity, mastery of work

Frameless furniture

Selection of materials, purchase of sewing equipment, tools, technology development

Production of chain-link mesh

Purchasing a machine, installing an electrical line, hiring an assistant

Preparing elements for stairs

Carpentry equipment. Might need a helper

1. Small vehicle repair services

A garage is an ideal place to open a small workshop, where customers can bring bicycles of various models, carts and wheeled suitcases for repairs. Cyclists especially feel the need for qualified craftsmen.

No special investment is expected - it is enough to purchase a set of tools (the largest amount will be 20,000 rubles). But you will have to think about promoting your business - and at first very actively. It is possible to leave your business cards in sporting goods stores or post ads on relevant forums. Business is seasonal - in winter time demand is falling.

2. Hand-made felt boots

This product will never lose its relevance, and being handmade with high quality, he will always find a worthy demand. The advantages of such shoes are obvious - they are environmentally friendly, warm and durable (special tribute must be paid to national traditions). Additional incentives should be the still minimal competition in the market and the easy learning process for production.

Initial costs will be about 50,000 rubles. This:

  • purchase of special carding machines and a set of tools;
  • search for raw materials (it is better if it is a regular supplier of high-quality wool);
  • purchase of auxiliary materials or ready-made lasts for felt boots.

An additional emphasis is placed on communications (which is important in a full-time environment). And you must immediately prepare for the fact that the work has a certain seasonality.

Experts say that the daily production cycle reaches 5-6 pairs of felt boots, which can be sold at a wholesale price of 600 rubles. Experimenting with decorative finishes will only increase the selling price of the product.

3. Oyster mushroom plantations

The garage space is “famous” for its special climatic conditions - more precisely, dampness. You can use this to your advantage by growing mushrooms. The unpretentious oyster mushroom is perfect for this, for which only one condition must be observed - a humidity level of at least 80%.

The growing technology is also simple - just fill plastic bags with straw or seed husks (which you can get for free at woodworking factories). The seeds of the future mushroom are placed in them (the starting material is inexpensive - about 50 cents per bag). If the conditions are met, the first mushrooms will begin to appear within three weeks. Now it is enough to maintain the required humidity with a sprinkler tube (or constantly working special equipment) - and in a week the product will reach the required size.

To organize the process you will need:

  • purchase a special machine and a set of metalwork tools - up to 300,000 rubles of investment;
  • hire an assistant (necessary at some stages of work).

Now about profitability: it will fluctuate between 15-25% of the sales value. How quickly the project will pay off will be shown by sales volumes, which means that emphasis must be placed on advertising the product and finding customers.

10. Manufacturing elements for wooden stairs

It is quite possible to start your carpentry career as a staircase builder in a garage. A sufficient square footage of the room will allow you to place machines (for starters, turning, milling and grinding will be enough). Work will be carried out with both wood and plywood). All this can be “packed” into approximately 315,000 rubles. Plus there are certain costs for an assistant.

Certain elements will be manufactured. Future installation is carried out directly on site (preliminary dimensions are also taken there).

The demand for such products is active, and prices range from 40,000 to 250,000 rubles. The cost depends on the type of wood chosen. With a creative approach, the performer will quickly leave the garage and enter the workshop and receive large number orders.

To summarize what has been said

Your own garage opens up great opportunities for organizing small production. Large incomes will not appear immediately, but with some persistence, the client base will grow very quickly.

If you have a garage, why not think about starting a business in it? has not bothered anyone yet, and it is quite possible that it will become the main one in the future. There are many examples of people who started their own business in this way and subsequently became successful entrepreneurs with several of their own firms and companies. In this article we will look at what kind of business to start in a garage is the most reasonable. Below will be offered thoughts and ideas that many people are already implementing and making good profits.


At the very beginning, you should decide how to register your future company: individual entrepreneur or LLC. It is quite possible that initial stage you can do without registration; most likely, the first clients will be friends, acquaintances, relatives, and various other individuals who will not need to prepare any documents.

In addition, there are many intermediary accounting firms that will be happy to take on all the paperwork. It is somewhat unreasonable to register a small business in a garage without receiving the first profit from your activities.

Considering that the premises are limited, it is difficult to create a business that will bring great profit, but it will be your first step in establishing your own enterprise. If you plan to work all year round, then the garage should be insulated, dry, ventilated and well lit. This is enough to start your own business.

Do not forget that it is prohibited to develop entrepreneurial activities in garage cooperatives. As a rule, this stopped few people, because you also had to catch your hand. But even if they are caught, the fine will still be very small. Perhaps the authorities will offer you to install a personal electricity meter, force you to take care of fire safety rules, and then safely leave you alone. Chat with those people who have already opened their home business in your co-op garage. They will share their practice and perhaps give a few useful tips. And reasonable recommendations will always be useful and will even help you avoid many mistakes in the future. There is an Eastern proverb: " wise man learns from the mistakes of others, a prudent person learns from his own, a fool does not try to learn anything and vegetates all his life, wrapped in

Business ideas

Now let’s directly discuss the question of what business ideas exist that are actually feasible in a garage. Their number is constantly growing. It's no secret that the main thing in any activity is to find an opportunity to make more money where there is little competition. Providing services to the population, opening your own store - this can no longer surprise anyone. In business, the more original the idea, the higher the income.

Many people today want to start a business. And often their problems lie in the lack of the necessary start-up capital needed specifically for renting premises. That's when the idea comes to mind - why not start a mini-business in the garage. While other people are calculating rental costs, you will be thinking about calculations for purchasing products and how to sell your goods more profitably. Another question is what kind of business to organize in the garage. A lot of ideas have already been invented in this regard: starting with the sale of vegetables, raising ducks, chickens and ending with the organization of car washes and even car services. To begin with, we will offer in detail one promising and original idea of ​​​​what kind of business to open in a garage.

What is

As you know, you can add a pigment to any paint that glows by itself. Afterwards it can be applied to almost any surface: metal, concrete, plastic, glass, wood and even fresh flowers. The paint composition is prepared in the garage itself. Next, we need to spend money on advertising and convey to the population the information that we can paint absolutely anything our heart desires. For example, automotive casting.

Let's say we have already found the first customer who wanted to stand out with his car against the backdrop of the gray mass. We drive his car into our garage and get to work. The paint itself is mixed in the proportions needed for the specific type of surface to be applied to. We mix one kilogram of pigment with regular paint, and the result is from three to six kilograms of a luminous composition. To process one square meter approximately 50-60 g are used (one layer). Thus, using 1 kg of pigment, you can paint about six sets of car wheels.

Small accounting

Let's say you price your job (painting a set of wheels) at $200 or $300.

  • The finished paint is mixed based on the calculation: 1 part pigment to 3 parts regular paint.
  • 1 kg of pigment will cost approximately $260. Three parts acrylic based car clearcoat is rated at approximately 17 green.
  • To mix luminous paint for one set of discs, you will need 600 g of varnish and 200 g of pigment.
  • Thus, the cost of finished paint (800 g) will be approximately 60 one-dollar bills with American President (60$).
  • It turns out that your income from one machine will be approximately $140.

Not so bad, right?

If you think about it carefully, this idea is far from being limited to painting castings exclusively. You can choose a pigment that is harmless to others and successfully paint any thing: from concrete and facades to furniture and cell phones. Think about how many companies want to look original compared to their competitors. And all of them are your potential clients. Especially if you live in a small city and the niche of this type of business has not yet been occupied. This means you can pick up a bucket and shovel and feel free to go dig for money in this direction. But jokes aside, still think about this type of entrepreneurship.

In the future, you can expand your business in the garage and equip a mini-shop. Sell ​​things made of luminous plastic, wood, etc. in it. You can also sell such paint itself. It looks great in apartments on switches that will glow in the dark. You can apply different inscriptions through a stencil on T-shirts, denim clothes, etc. This will be very popular among young people.

The main thing in such a business is to develop your imagination. And then you will not have a shortage of clients.

What other business can be organized in a garage? Let's look at other interesting ways. This topic is so broad and diverse that you can come up with a great many options, and the ones below are an excellent example of this.

Auto repair shop

Your garage was originally designed to park a car. So why not use it to organize and provide car repair services? What can a budding entrepreneur do in such a room? For example:

Greenhouse production

There are now quite a lot of companies on the market that are engaged in such business. Therefore, if you do not have new ideas for a developed market, then it is better not to go in this direction. Your innovation could be to invent a durable greenhouse that is relatively inexpensive.

To start such a business in a garage, you will need the following tools: an angle grinder, welding machine, rolling machine, milling machine. If you think about it, you can do without welding and rolling if you fasten metal structures with bolts.

Manufacturing of chairs, tables, beds from wood and metal

Very interesting view to earn money. You can come up with a lot different models beds, tables, chairs. A fairly large niche for a flight of fancy.

For example, you can make various grounds frame for chairs and a table from the same having a cross-section of 25 x 25 mm (if there is a welding machine).

Chipboard furniture

A lot of people are now engaged in the production of such furniture in garage conditions. There are not many difficulties in this business, and it does not require expensive equipment. You can order all the necessary parts from large companies who are professionally engaged in furniture production. They will cut everything themselves to the required sizes, you will just have to assemble the structure from the parts yourself.

Production of turning products

If you have experience working on a lathe, you can start making various parts. The business is very profitable. Custom parts are in great demand both among companies and among ordinary people. But large and reputable enterprises do not deal with such trifles.

Various other production ideas

Garage business can be different. You can make carports, garden furniture, gazebos for your dacha, and monuments. It is not difficult to start breeding chicken and quail eggs. The garage can be converted into a collection point for non-ferrous metals, scrap metal, a sewing workshop, or an office. Recently, the production of chain-link mesh, paving slabs and paving stones has been very developed. And also in Russia there are many factories that are aimed at people who want to start a small business. You can order a wide variety of machines from them, ranging from smoking machines for meat, fish and incubators for raising chickens from eggs.

Think carefully about all the nuances and calculate possible expenses and income. Choose an interesting and suitable type of income for you. Start your own business. And, having put effort into it, one day you will wake up successful entrepreneur. Never lose heart and believe in your strength. Good luck in your endeavors!

Mini production in a garage: overview of the advantages and disadvantages of small enterprises + 5 popular directions for mini production + 7 stages of building a business in a garage + 3 working business ideas.

The popularity of small home businesses today is very high, which is caused by the wide range of possibilities of a modern person. People every now and then give up boring and low-paid jobs in favor of organizing their own business, albeit small, but steadily generating income.

It’s easy to start an entrepreneurial career – just organize a mini-production in your garage.

In this article we will analyze why such a business idea is good and how it can be implemented.

What is mini production and what are its advantages?

Mini production is something like a small business. But if business is a very broad concept, implying various types entrepreneurial activity, then the name “production” speaks for itself and implies the production of something, and not just its implementation.

In short, if you are going to become an organizer production capacity, then you will inevitably have to produce something, that is, create something.

IN in this case The prefix “mini” indicates that your enterprise will have:

  • A small area.
  • Not large scale production.
  • Small working team.

This means that it is quite possible to organize such a business even in your garage.

How relevant is this, you ask?

Small productions are now enjoying great success:

  • Firstly, each home business is special and produces unique products, which are now very competitive in the market.
  • Secondly, the organization of small production facilities is possible in a variety of areas, which is certainly beneficial for the entrepreneur and useful for the consumer.

Mini productions can be easily implemented in the following areas:

  1. Printing and production of advertising products: printing business cards, booklets, posters, production of banners and other outdoor advertising. This also includes photo printing and logos on clothing and decorative items.
  2. Sewing and repairing textiles, such as curtains and various home textiles. With a well-equipped garage, you can even open a tailoring shop.
  3. Manufacturing and repair of furniture: creating furniture according to individual sketches, manufacturing small-sized cabinet interior objects, repairing and reupholstering upholstered furniture products.
  4. Making souvenirs: soap and candles self made, decorative pendants, boxes, photo frames, knitted decor.
  5. Production of forged products: fences, fences, decorative elements.

This list of areas for implementing private small productions can be continued for quite a long time. In fact, in almost every industry you can find a suitable one.

But not only this fact makes mini-productions so popular. They have many other advantages.

Let's look at their main pros and cons:

Relatively low starting capital.
Quick payback with proper business management.
Save on renting premises if you have your own garage.
The ability to accept individual orders, which means a constant flow of consumers and the absence of “stale” products.
The ability to work right at home and plan your own work schedule.
It will take time to prepare the garage for organizing production, and there will also be significant material costs if the premises are in poor condition.

If things take a turn for the worse, it will simply be impossible to immediately convert a small enterprise into large-scale production.

Having analyzed that mini-productions really have many positive features, let’s move on to another important issue: “How to create an enterprise in your garage?”

Where to start a mini production in the garage?

You should approach the implementation of home production in the garage in the same way as you would open any other small business.

To implement a business idea to create an enterprise in a garage, you will need to go through 7 main stages.

Stage 1. Analyze the market and demand of the target audience.

First of all, you need to know what the residents of your city or region need. After all, you must admit that in a city where there are 5 curtain sewing studios and not a single furniture manufacturing enterprise, planning a 6th sewing workshop is somewhat unreasonable.

To do this, they carry out so-called monitoring or market analysis in order to understand which enterprises are lacking and what their target audience: women, men or people retirement age. They also analyze the presence of competitors in the market and their supply.

If you already have a clear business idea, you can skip this step. If you have not yet fully decided, then, having studied the sales market, proceed to the search for ideas.

Stage 2. Form a business idea.

When choosing the direction of your mini production in the garage, start from the following:

  • Your skills, interests, hobbies.
  • Education.
  • Experience.

It is important that you love what you do and are good at it. Don't forget about market demand.

Step 3. Make a business plan and find premises (in case you don’t have your own garage).

The ideal option, of course, is when you live in a private house and have your own garage with all the utility rooms. But if you don’t have one, that’s not a problem, you can rent it.

Find the required area in advance to get an idea of ​​how much money you will need to start. All material issues and rough plan outline the development of your business in your business plan. If you are not sure that you can handle it yourself, involve familiar lawyers and economists.

Step 4. Register as an entrepreneur.

In order to legally organize your own mini-production in a garage, you must go through the procedure state registration. After it, you will legally pay taxes for the activities performed.

This is not difficult to do. Prepare a package of documentation and submit an application to the Federal Tax Service at your place of registration.

Detailed information can be found on the official website of the Federal Tax Service:

Stage 5. Set up the premises and obtain the necessary permits.

As soon as you register, start your entrepreneurial activity.

First of all, organize the selected room, that is, arrange the garage according to the chosen direction of production. After this, get permission to this activity at the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire inspection.

Stage 6. Purchase materials, equipment and hire workers.

When you put your production area in order, feel free to buy necessary materials, raw materials, equipment and set up the production process.

Also hire workers if you need them. However, often at first you can handle it alone, especially considering that we are discussing garage production.

Stage 7. Launch your mini production.

Put your business process into action and popularize it, that is, advertise and gain consumers.

As you can see, organizing a business right in the garage is not very difficult, but you need to approach the implementation of such a plan responsibly. Think carefully about what you will do and how promising it will be in the place where you live. Only in this case will you be guaranteed success.

Now let’s discuss a few popular manufacturing business ideas that can be implemented in the garage and will be profitable anytime and anywhere.

Mini production in the garage: TOP 3 ideas

The options below for a garage manufacturing business are among the most popular and quickly pay for themselves. Let's consider all the nuances of their implementation.

Mini production idea No. 1. Production of paints.

Paint production is probably one of the most profitable business ideas in the field of small business. Why paints? Because this material is needed by everyone, everywhere. Such a mini-enterprise will be profitable both in a metropolis and in a small village.

The idea can pay for itself extremely quickly, but it has a small drawback - you will need some. On the other hand, literally anyone can organize such a mini-production, since they do not need to have extensive specific knowledge in this area.

a) What colors are best to start with?

Enamels are in great demand on the market today, but to start building a business it is still better to choose water-dispersed paints. We explain why: their cost is lower and process simpler. In addition, this type of material is in demand among the population.

b) What equipment will be needed and what is the amount of start-up capital?

To start implementing such a mini-production in the garage, you will need the following elements:

Dissolver-mixer (for paint production)Up to 200 thousand rubles.
Raw materials (bases and pigments)Up to 120 thousand rubles.
Packaging materialsUp to 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, the minimum amount initial capital to open such a production will cost from 300 thousand rubles, provided that you do not need to spend money on renting a garage.

If you don’t have your own premises, then add rental costs to the amount.

Do not forget that the garage where you are going to implement a mini-production must have good ventilation, as well as water and electricity supply.

c) How long will it take for such an idea to pay off?

According to experts in this field, the average payback of this production with proper business management and good advertising is no more than 3 months.

As for the paint production process itself, it is very simple and consists of two stages:

  1. Production of pigments.
  2. Their mixing and packaging of products.

The equipment for the production of paints is small and represents a simple production line.

Selling manufactured products is also easy:

  • Prepare small business cards and leave them in public places and local stores.
  • Agree on the sale of products in construction hypermarkets.
  • Create a colorful sign and portfolio of your color range.
  • Agree on cooperation with contractors involved in repairs.
  • Tell us about your business and offer your products to your friends, acquaintances, and neighbors.

Mini production idea No. 2. Sewing home textiles and furniture covers.

Another interesting idea for organizing a mini garage production that can generate a solid income.

Why not curtains, but covers? Because sewing curtains is a very narrow specialization that requires imagination, and even better, education in the field of design. The production of home textiles and covers mainly requires only the ability to sew such products.

This is the only drawback of this idea: you need to know how to use a sewing machine, make patterns, etc. But today this is not a big problem. If you are very interested this direction, you can take a sewing course and within a couple of months start organizing production.

To implement this mini-production, in addition to the premises (garage), you will also need tools and materials:

Cutting tableFrom 12 thousand rubles.
Sewing machineFrom 45 thousand rubles.
Fabric setFrom 5 thousand rubles.
ScissorsFrom 2 thousand rubles.
Consumables (threads, needles)From 2 thousand rubles.

All this will require starting capital, and it will amount to approximately 50 to 100 thousand rubles. Its amount depends on what fabrics you will use, and whether you have equipment and premises.

What can be produced so that it is competitive in the market?

  • Furniture covers – for home furnishings and car seats. Both are very popular, since furniture is expensive, and its owners are trying to prolong its life as much as possible. And for families with small children, this is generally an indispensable attribute.
  • Tablecloths and napkins– are not difficult to produce and are necessary in the kitchen of every housewife.
  • Pillows and bedspreads– decorative textile elements made in the desired color and style are in great demand.

Despite the fact that the market is now overflowing with various decorative elements, including textile ones, your mini production can still become very profitable. Small enterprises in this area are especially good because they allow the consumer to interact with the manufacturer in each case, as a result of which both benefit.

You can sell such a product in different ways:

  1. Create an extensive portfolio with samples of various types of work performed and agree on its placement in furniture showrooms, local souvenir shops, shops, etc.
  2. Sell ​​products in the same furniture stores.

But all the above methods should be additional. The main sales channel for the products of such a mini garage production is the Internet. You can create pages in social networks, where you will post examples of your work and accept orders.

The most positive thing about this implementation option is that you can sell your products directly abroad. Such mini-productions are very popular there.

And you won’t have to spend money on the site itself. You can do it yourself using one of the free platforms:


In a word, sewing covers is a promising idea for mini-production in the garage, taking into account the fact that the payback period for the money invested will be approximately six months.

TOP 9 small business ideas for production
in the garage.

What kind of production can be opened in a garage?
Ideas from Europe and China.

Mini production idea No. 3. Making wooden toys.

is a product that is truly needed everywhere and at all times. And especially now, when store shelves are filled with low-quality plastic products, there is a demand for wooden products.

Wood has long been recognized as an excellent choice for children's games, because... it is an environmentally friendly material, and there are plenty of opportunities to work with it.

By organizing a mini-production in your garage for the production of children's toys, you can create any types of them:

  • Wooden constructors.
  • Cubes, pyramids, sorters.
  • Trains with removable parts.

In addition, if you live outside the city, it will be very promising to realize the production of wooden frames for children's sandboxes. To build such a structure, you need a minimum of money and effort, and you can even sell them in bulk for arranging playgrounds.

Residents of the metropolis can also consider additional method earning money from such production is the production of busy boards (these are wooden planks with attached locks, doors, zippers). They are very popular all over the world among parents and do not require any special skills to make - just a little imagination.

The starting capital for such a mini-production will range from 50-200 thousand rubles. , depending on what products you will produce. Such an enterprise will pay for itself in about one year.

To start production with a small starting capital, first make simple toys - pyramids and cubes.

To create them you will need some tools:

Type of equipmentSamplePrice
DeskFrom 15 thousand rubles.
ChiselFrom 250 rub.
Wood hacksawFrom 300 rub.
Hand plane From 1000 rub.
Woodworking machineFrom 16 thousand rubles.

The latter come in 4 types: milling, drilling, grinding, edge banding. Such woodworking machines are usually called highly specialized.

Garage production began to open in Russia back in the 90s. Despite all the advantages and the apparent simplicity of the organization, entrepreneurs face difficulties in obtaining permits to open a business and connecting communications to the premises. A variety of “garage” business ideas from Europe and China and advice on their proper implementation will help you decide on your field of activity.

Choosing a direction

A garage is not suitable for every type of activity - some will not be profitable, and some industries simply cannot be opened in such a room.

Problems may arise with the following business ideas:

  • bakery;
  • smokehouse;
  • dumpling shop;
  • trade;
  • washing;
  • tire service;
  • car service;
  • tuning;
  • airbrush;
  • seasonal storage.

Some of them (food production) may not be approved by Rospotrebnadzor. Trading will most likely be an unprofitable activity due to the usual location of garages. The car servicing business also depends on the proximity of roads. Seasonal storage as an independent business will most likely be unprofitable.

The ideal garage business option is to create a small non-food business or workshop. These activities are virtually independent of traffic and pedestrian flows.

Currently, Europe and China offer the most interesting ideas for home production. For the beginner Russian entrepreneur the synthesis of European ideas and Chinese raw materials and equipment is the ideal way to start your own business with minimal costs.

The video shows 9 small business ideas from Europe and China. Filmed by the ThirstPro channel.

The best garage business ideas from Europe

The European Union has strict rules for the operation of property; even replacing an outlet in your own apartment requires an electrician’s certificate. However local residents They find ways out of this situation by organizing a business at home.

Production of antifreeze washer fluid

Antifreeze production is one of the most promising ideas small business in the garage. Antifreeze liquid is a seasonal product. Demand increases with the first frost.

Production has the following advantages:

  • available raw materials;
  • simplicity of technology;
  • large sales market.

Seasonality of demand stops some entrepreneurs. To solve this problem, it is proposed to reformat production in the summer - to produce windshield wipers, shampoos (can be produced on the same equipment).

The coolant production process is shown in a video from the Original Ideas channel.


The demand for forging is quite high and currently exceeds supply. Due to the specific conditions of work (working with open fire at high temperature), additional requirements are put forward for the premises. A major garage with reinforced concrete or metal floors is required.

Cold forging is a viable option for garage production. The technology consists of manufacturing individual parts, which are then welded to form a complete structure.

The work of a blacksmith will take quite a long time to learn. It is advisable to hire an experienced master and work as an apprentice yourself during training.

What can be made:

Due to high demand, the business of producing sanding paper will be profitable provided that the production process is properly organized and sales channels are well established. Equipment costs will be approximately 750 thousand rubles.

Details about the production can be found in the video clip from the “Peasant” channel.

Manufacturing of wooden toys and accessories

High-quality wooden toys, especially handmade ones, will be in high demand among a certain segment of consumers. In this type of activity, customer recommendations work especially well, so strict quality control of products is necessary. The cost of equipment and tools will be approximately 400 thousand rubles.

Advantages of producing wooden toys:

  • environmental safety;
  • sufficient consumer demand;
  • low level of competition;
  • simple manufacturing technology;
  • the possibility of an individual approach to ordering;
  • moderate starting investment.

Disadvantages of business:

  1. High prices. Products made from high-quality wood cannot compete in price with cheap plastic toys.
  2. They are not products of constant demand. If the standard of living in the country deteriorates, the choice will be made in favor of Chinese analogues.

What can be made from wood:

Sewing leather accessories

Features of the business idea:

  • compact production;
  • demand is ensured by the variability of fashion;
  • low cost;
  • handmade is highly valued;
  • Branded items are not affordable for everyone.

Handmade magnets

The advantages of making magnets at home include:

  1. Small investment. To produce small volumes of magnets, you just need to allocate a small room where you can place consumables and equipment.
  2. Magnets with certain information about the brand, logos (so-called corporate products) are very popular among companies, enterprises, and organizations.
  3. Simplicity of the manufacturing process. Anyone who wants to start a magnet business by purchasing specialized literature, materials, equipment, studying video lessons or master classes on the Internet.
  4. Demand for refrigerator magnets. Such products are popular among ordinary people, so do legal entities– organizations, companies, enterprises. Therefore, it will not be difficult to find customers.

Production of address signs

Not a bad idea for home business is the production of address signs. Each building has a sign with the street name and house number to make it easier to find a specific address. Setting up the production of signs indicating streets or house numbers is not as difficult as it seems, especially if you prepare an action plan in advance.

Sign with street and name Street sign

Foam processing

Decorative foam products are often used to decorate the interior. In addition, figures made from this material are often ordered to decorate outdoor weddings, corporate events, etc. The growing demand for such decorative products allows aspiring entrepreneurs to seriously think about starting their own business based on this business idea.

Large foam figures Small foam figures

Production of paving slabs

Paving slabs are a practical modern coating that is significantly superior to traditional asphalt in many qualities. The production of paving stones is a simple and inexpensive business, but competition in this area is very high.

The technology for making paving slabs is simple and not high-tech. The business is seasonal with peak sales in warm time. According to regulations, finished tiles cannot be transported further than 500 km. Therefore, you need to carefully choose the place of production.

You can learn how to set up a business producing paving slabs from the video. Filmed by the All businesses channel.

Making blinds

This business idea does not require large investments and quite profitable. You do not need to obtain any special permits for production. The main problem is high competition. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a marketing campaign, as well as carefully monitor the price-quality ratio.

Thread-like blinds Window blinds

Making compositions from dried flowers

In Russia it is becoming increasingly fashionable to decorate your home or office with interesting compositions. Competition in this area is growing every year.

Benefits of dried plants:

  • have an intense aroma;
  • are stored for a long time;
  • unpretentious in care.

For a successful business you need:

  • quality materials;
  • original ideas;
  • development own themes in creativity.

Compositions with a pine cone Arrangement of dried flowers

Growing vegetables and herbs

To generate income from this type of business, it is necessary to produce a sufficient volume of the final product. The quantity must be able to recoup the costs. It is important to have equipment and technologies for the production of vegetables and herbs “out of season,” that is, during the period of greatest demand.

Grigory Cherny talks about the intricacies of the vegetable business. Filmed by Channel 7.

Making accessories for pets

Despite the abundance of companies engaged in this type of activity, the demand for accessories for pets is growing day by day. The advantage is the possibility of production in limited space.

Dog bowl Dog collars Hammock for cat

Production of toothpicks

Purchasing equipment and carefully developing toothpick production technology makes it possible to earn high incomes. It is also necessary to find distribution channels for products.

Main advantages:

  • simple technological process;
  • multiple distribution channels;
  • reasonable price for equipment;
  • no special permissions required;
  • low competition.

You can see how toothpicks are made in the video from Valery Oskol.

Sewing frameless furniture

IN lately Frameless furniture is in demand among consumers. It may be worth studying trending design ideas and features of the production of such furniture. Making frameless interior items is a very profitable business, since they consist only of fabric and filler. At the initial stage, the workshop for the production of such furniture can fit in one room. The only equipment you will need is a sewing machine.

Frameless chair Frameless sofa

How to open production in a garage

In order to organize your own business, you need to decide a number of organizational issues, which are practically independent of the scale of production and planned activities. The purpose of these stages is to launch a mini-production to produce high-quality products that will be used in consumer market high demand.


The main problem of the “garage” business is the controversial legality of this type of activity.

Many “garage” entrepreneurs operate without registering a business, fearing problems with obtaining permits. They find clients through recommendations. Only a small percentage organizes an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

To open an individual entrepreneur in 2019, the following documents will be required:

  1. Form P21001. This is an application that contains the requirements for registering an individual entrepreneur (full name, address, passport details, OKVED codes).
  2. Photocopy of passport.
  3. Receipt for payment of state duty 800 rubles.


  • power of attorney (if the documents are prepared by a professional registrar);
  • notification of the transition to the simplified tax system in three copies.

Business plan development

A business plan for a small enterprise is needed to determine the concept of doing business.

The following key points should be covered:

  • the purpose of creating a business;
  • basic services;
  • result of expectations;
  • managerial potential;
  • model flexibility;
  • exposure to external factors;
  • financial stability;
  • competitiveness.

Preparing the premises

You should start your own business by preparing the premises. This will require financial investments, the size of which depends on the business idea being implemented.

It is necessary to take care of the availability of communications:

  • electricity supply;
  • heating;
  • water supply.

The premises should also be renovated. If interior decoration is a matter of taste and availability of funds, then problems with communications may arise. Sometimes a garage cannot be connected to city networks. In this case you will need local networks, which will increase costs several times. If the garage is used as a storage warehouse, minimal investment is required.

Necessary work to prepare the premises:

  • insulation;
  • interior and exterior decoration;
  • ventilation;
  • lighting;
  • installation of shelving and storage equipment.

Car service requires expensive equipment. For production line serious investments are also required.

Equipment purchase

The purchase of manual mini-devices and machines will require a significant amount. In the absence of start-up capital, equipment is purchased on credit. Price raw material base are calculated individually, since each production requires specific raw materials.

Several rules can be applied to any business:

  • It is better to purchase materials and components in small wholesale quantities;
  • It is better to cooperate with suppliers who are geographically located closer to you.

Cost of opening a production facility in a garage

Investments to start a business:

  1. Equipment. Equipment costs depend on the type of business and range from 10 thousand to 10 million rubles.
  2. Preparation of documents. To get started, you need to register an individual entrepreneur and receive necessary permissions. Costs are about 5 thousand rubles.
  3. Purchase of the first batch of raw materials. The cost of raw materials is included in the start-up capital and ranges from 5 to 500 thousand rubles, depending on the type of activity.
  4. Advertising campaign. The pre-marketing campaign usually includes media advertising and outdoor advertising. Costs range from 30 thousand rubles.


Equipment for home production. Filmed by the To-Biz Business Ideas channel

Many businessmen who own corporations once started with. Even without significant initial capital, you can open a small production of any goods or provide services to the population.

It is absolutely not necessary to then expand your financial activities; you can open a garage business in order to receive additional profit and work for your own pleasure. or in a big city, the main thing is that there is a desire to engage in this type of activity.

How profitable is it to run a garage business?

The profitability of this type of income depends on the direction of activity, on the quality of the goods manufactured or services provided, as well as on the amount of time that will be devoted to this business. By running a garage business, you can save on the following consumable items:

  • Renting premises.
  • Hiring workers.
  • Business registration.

Glass workshop of an entrepreneur from Blagoveshchensk.

If the garage is owned, you will not need to pay monthly rent, which can significantly save money.

Most garage self-employment options can be done independently without additional help.

Although working without registering a business with the tax office is unsafe. A garage entrepreneur may be fined for illegal business.

Production of brooms from plastic bottles- this type of business is described below.

If the sale of goods or services occurs only to a limited circle of acquaintances, then you can do without registering a business activity; the main thing is, in this case, not to “shine too much” and not talk about garage self-employment to strangers.

By minimizing costs, the profitability of this type of business increases significantly. Entrepreneurial activity will be profitable even if if you devote no more than 3 to 4 hours a day to garage work.

The most common areas of this type of self-employment:

  • Repair of scooters and mopeds.
  • Furniture making workshop.
  • Household appliance repair shop.
  • Garage forge.
  • Production of herbal tea.
  • Production of signs and house numbers.
  • Turner services.

When you can't do without hired employees

Some types of garage business will require additional labor.

Options for running a garage business yourself

This category of garage business is the most common. It is impossible to list all the options for such self-employment, because you can invent some new direction in this business at any time. The most common options:

  1. Furniture making workshop- You can do this business yourself. It is enough to purchase woodworking machines and the tools necessary for this type of activity. Garage furniture production can begin with the manufacture of benches and garden benches. After acquiring the first experience, in order to increase the profitability of production, it will be necessary to expand the range of furniture produced and its quality.

Weak ideas

Not all small business ideas can be implemented in the garage entrepreneurship format. Questionable garage business ideas include:

In fact, it is impossible to say how effective the ideas presented in the video are. It depends entirely on who gets down to business and how. They have lost their freshness and are not relevant for those who are looking for something original, but they can work if the idea is supported by an enthusiast.


In order to organize a garage business you need minimal start-up capital and low time costs. If there is a garage that is not used for its intended purpose, then it needs to be done major renovation, and use this site for the described methods of earning money, you can come up with something original and unusual, in this case there will be a complete absence of competition, which will allow short time become a monopolist in this area of ​​business activity.

From China

A number of ideas that can be implemented with only a garage at your disposal - in the video selection.