Where to relax in February March abroad. Holidays in February - where to go? Cheap holidays in Goa

1. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  • Air temperature: 25-31°C.
  • Water temperature: 25°C.
  • Visa: not required.
  • Cost of living: from 455 rubles per night.
  • from 46 313 rubles.

Golden beaches, green valleys, mountains and samba-filled nights, this is Cidade Maravilhosa, magnificent Rio. You can’t think of a better time to go there: even periodic tropical showers do not spoil the hot weather.

The beaches of Rio de Janeiro are not just places for swimming. These are venues where local colorful bands perform. So you have the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of an eternal holiday.

  • Air temperature: 30-34°C.
  • Water temperature: 28°C.
  • Visa: not required.
  • Cost of living: from 257 rubles per night.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 37,397 rubles.


The largest Asian island is so large that its territory is already divided between three states: Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia. However, it is the Malaysian part of Borneo that is of greatest interest to tourists: there Better conditions for relax.

In Borneo, you can relax on the beach, visit ancient architectural monuments, and go on a mountain hike. True, there are no direct flights to the island from Russia, so you have to get through Kuala Lumpur or other transfer hubs.

3. Sri Lanka

  • Air temperature: 29-32°C.
  • Water temperature: 28°C.
  • Visa: an electronic entry permit is required.
  • Cost of living: from 268 rubles per night.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 29 317 rubles.


Sri Lanka will be an excellent alternative to Vietnam. But if before January good weather it stood in the northeast, then in February it will be dry and warm in the west and south, so take a closer look at the beaches in this region.

The best place to start your holiday is with largest city the country of Colombo and its suburb of Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, which became the capital, and then drive along the coast to the colonial port of Galle.

  • Air temperature: 25-28°C.
  • Water temperature: 25°C.
  • Visa: american.
  • Cost of living: from 1003 rubles per night.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 22,165 rubles.


February in Florida is not very hot. In every sense of the word. intense heat, like an abundance of people, this month is not. Accordingly, hotel prices are more than encouraging. For the same reasons it great time to visit Disney World or Universal Studios Orlando: holiday season don't push through there.

Of course, Miami is worth a look. Although there will not be as many people as during the winter holidays, you will still be able to find a noisy party.

  • Air temperature: 22-28°C.
  • Water temperature: 24°C.
  • Visa: You need a visa, which can be obtained through a tour operator.
  • Cost of living: from 1480 rubles per night.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 21,093 rubles.


non-trivial direction for winter holiday become Oman. He, like his neighbor the United Arab Emirates, has two advantages: a hot climate and oriental charm. First of all, the capital of the country is interesting, where you can visit the local city beaches and stroll through the sights: historical (for example, ancient forts) and cultural (the most notable mosque of Sultan Qaboos, built in 2001).

However, spending the entire vacation in the capital is definitely not worth it. There are many ancient buildings and natural beauties on the territory of Oman, so it is best to make an excursion route to several places.

  • Air temperature:-4 to 2 °C.
  • Visa: not required.
  • Cost of living: from 5 764 rubles per night.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 94 388 rubles.


In 2018, Pyeongchang was the site of hot sports competitions: there were held winter Olympic Games- 2018. It is worth walking through the places of glory and visiting world-class ski resorts, which are admired by thousands of tourists. Developed infrastructure, impeccable service and friendly attitude of local residents are waiting for you.

Well, you will also have a chance to visit one of the many colorful festivals.

  • Air temperature:-3 to 1 °C.
  • Visa: Japanese.
  • Cost of living: from 1,979 rubles per night.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 37,660 rubles.

Another bright winter holiday will be held in Japanese Sapporo: from February 4 to 11, the annual Snow Festival will be held there. Hundreds of ice sculptures and plenty of entertainment, both cultural and related to physical activity, will await guests.

  • Air temperature: 0-10°C.
  • Visa: Chinese.
  • Cost of living: from 489 rubles per night.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 25 314 rubles.


And another magnificent celebration that Asia will delight in February is, of course, the Chinese New Year, or the Spring Festival, as the locals call it. The celebration will take place February 5-19. On a special scale - in the capital, Beijing. There will be street processions, and performances, and master classes, and exhibitions, and fairs. At the end of winter, cinephiles should definitely go to the capital of Germany to the Berlin Film Festival. The event, considered one of the most respected in the film industry, will be held from 7 to 17 February. As part of the festival, screenings of famous directors will take place, the audience will also see the debut works of young masters.

However, Berlin is magnificent in itself. You can enjoy its attractions at any time of the year, and in February there is a chance to avoid crowds of tourists from all over the world.

  • Air temperature: 10-14°C.
  • Visa: Schengen.
  • Cost of living: from 4,247 rubles per night.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 36,705 rubles.


But if the soul asks for songs, go to San Remo: the famous music festival will be held there from February 5 to 9. The Italians are proud of this event and carefully prepare for it, so the five-day show will be really incendiary and spectacular.

An extra reason to go italian resort- the weather at the end of winter there will obviously be better than in our northern latitudes.

February is one of the most suitable months for winter vacation. From the cold to the south of the Russian depressive landscapes throughout the winter, people run to the beaches, warmth and sun. We have compiled a list of five best destinations rest in the second month of the year. This includes places where you can inexpensively relax on the warm sea while frost is raging here. If you are looking for where to go in February, these ideas will help you make a choice, and the only thing left is to understand.

Five inexpensive destinations with a warm sea for a February vacation

Although holiday ideas in February are not much different from places, and are relevant all winter, we present several interesting destinations for traveling alone and with children.

Cheap holidays in Goa

Anjuna Beach is one of the most popular in Goa. Photo by Justene via Flickr

Goa is one of the states in India, once discovered by ravers, and now a popular resort among Russian tourists. The top season here lasts from October to April, and during this time, someone manages to sunbathe and swim here for a week, and someone - to fully winter. The temperature here often jumps over the thirty-degree mark.

Traditionally, it is considered that south goa more developed and more crowded with tourists, and the northern one is the lot of connoisseurs of secluded recreation, as well as wintering regulars.

With a child in Egypt

Pools at hotels will save in case of a cool sea. Photo by Kikimri from Flickr

In winter, prices for tours to Egypt are reduced: the weather here is no longer summer, other destinations come to the fore. Nevertheless, despite the cool evenings, during the day you can swim and sunbathe even in February. If you have a small budget, and you have to fly with a child or the whole family, Egypt can be a great solution. In February, you are provided not only with the sea, but also excursions, and hotels with water slides for children, and windsurfing. In winter, strong cold winds blow here at night - a reason to take warm clothes.

Dubai Shopping Festival

There are plenty of things to do in Dubai in winter too. Potomo photo from Flickr

Traveling here in February, you can catch a few days and take advantage of big discounts on any product - from gold and carpets self made to electronics and items haute couture. The sea here is rather cool than warm, so few dare to swim. The rest use the pools at the hotels. You can come to this economic center with children and spend time shopping.

Hot sea in Thailand

Don't be surprised if you meet a neighbor in the winter in Thailand. Photo by MarkLeo from Flickr

Thailand is a great place for a February vacation: with the New Year holidays moving away, the ranks of tourists begin to thin out. The temperature this month fluctuates here between twenty and thirty degrees. The period from late October to early May is generally the most convenient for traveling here. If you are planning to relax with a child, choose calm Phuket. If you are traveling alone, take your mind off your ordinary life, you are on your way to noisy Pattaya.

Tropical exotic in Jamaica

After all, Bob Marley was born here. Photo by WanderingtheWorld (www.LostManProject.com) from Flickr

There is no winter, no summer, no spring, no autumn. The island of Jamaica is located just a couple of hundred kilometers from Cuba and Haiti. Here, travelers are always at the service of the warm sea and the scorching sun - the opportunity to swim, sunbathe, and most importantly - forget about everything at the other end the globe. Jamaica is called one of the most popular destinations in the Caribbean. It is safe and calm here, and sun-drenched beaches coexist with mysterious mountains covered in haze.

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February - best time a year to travel. The New Year holidays are over, noisy crowds of tourists have already gone home, and prices have dropped to an acceptable level. Where can you go in February in search of the perfect holiday?

Best countries to visit in February

Of course, at the very cold month year we want to warm up. trip to one of sea ​​resorts- the perfect pastime for a February vacation.

Winter trip to Egypt has already become a "classic of the genre" for our compatriots. Here you can relax on the beach and enjoy the warm sun for a relatively small amount. The only drawbacks to a February trip to the country of the pyramids are the winds that blow on the Red Sea this month and the rather cool nights.

Resorts in Thailand also good for a beach holiday in February. However, not all: at this time it is better to go to the southeast of the country, to Pattaya, Phuket or Chan. In February, it is quite warm here, and the absence of tropical downpours, traditional for Thailand, will make the rest especially pleasant.

In order to spend a holiday in February, you will have to spend a lot of money, but it's worth it. These islands, truly, are a paradise on earth, they are so far from the bustle of the city and the hustle and bustle of crowded resorts. And the February holiday of lovers, held in the Maldives, will be simply unforgettable.

February is the time to relax on, because at this time calm reigns there and keeps Nice weather, and the water temperature does not fall below +27°C. True, unlike December, waves are always observed at the sea at the beginning of the year, but for windsurfers this will rather be an advantage.

Approximately the same situation awaits you in Vietnam, where in February the rest is sometimes overshadowed muddy sea, possible rain and wind. But if you're lucky with the weather, you can enjoy warm sea and white sand beaches. In winter, it is better to relax in the resorts of Phan Thiet or Phu Quoc.

And here in Greece drive in February it is better for walks and excursions, because it is too cold here to relax on the sea (from +10 to +20°С). But you can wander through the museums and sights of antiquity, of which there are a lot in Athens and Thessaloniki.

AT United Arab Emirates you can have a good rest with the whole family, especially with children school age. The resorts of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Korfakkan have excellent service, there are many children's entertainments, water parks, etc. However, be aware that the temperature of both the air and the water of the Persian Gulf in February is quite low - +24°C and +17°C respectively, and there may be intermittent rains.

And those who got bored beach holiday, are waiting ski resorts ! Among foreign countries, you can choose Austria or Belgium, Switzerland or France, Romania or Slovenia. February is not in vain the most snowy month, and adherents active rest often travel to Ukrainian Carpathians: Bukovel, Slavske, Dragobrat or Krasiya. Yes, and in Russia there are several quite worthy ski resorts: these are the Caucasian Elbrus region and Dombay in Karachay-Cherkessia, Bolshoy Vudyavr in Murmansk region, tracks of Baikalsk, etc.

And if you are not a fan of skiing, go to Europe, where colorful winter carnivals are held on the eve of Lent. Nice, Malta, Verona and Venice - the best choice February! And, of course, the enchanting carnival in Rio de Janeiro - colorful costumes, incendiary music, various contests and masquerades.

In a word, the choice of countries for winter holidays is quite wide and depends only on your preferences.

February is not often chosen by tourists as a holiday, but in vain. Even in winter, you can relax in comfort, soak up the sun and visit interesting sights. A nice bonus for those who decide to relax in the cold season is the low prices for accommodation and food. Thus, you can save the family budget. The main thing is to know where to go to the sea in February. There are plenty of paradises in the world, we picked ten the best places where you can spend your holidays with your family or with your loved one. When selecting resorts, the main criteria were taken into account - the cost of living, climatic conditions, food prices.

Kerala means “land of coconuts” in translation, and there are really a lot of palm trees here. Kerala by number cultural monuments, education of the population, cleanliness and natural beauties ahead of the famous and promoted Goa. If you do not know where to go on vacation in February at sea, choose Kerala.

The length of the state is 590 km, the best beaches of the country are concentrated here, and in the east there are kilometers of tea plantations that can be visited with an excursion.

Kerala is the center of Ayurveda in India. Almost every hotel or guesthouse offers Ayurvedic treatment.

It can be quite windy on the coast, but for family vacation you can find bays where the sea is calm and you can relax in comfort.

2. Sri Lanka, southwest coast

If you don’t know where to go on vacation in February, feel free to buy a ticket to Sri Lanka. At this time of the year, the rainy season ends and comfortable weather sets in.

Why is it better to relax in winter:

  • calm sea and lack of wind;
  • amazing weather, after heavy rains the most deep rivers and waterfalls;
  • comfortable climate;
  • peak ripening of juicy fruits - papaya, mango;
  • February - month low prices on products in the market and seafood.

Golden Temple of Dambulla

Another reason to go on vacation to Sri Lanka in February is sightseeing. On the territory of the state there is both.

In February, the largest religious celebration is held in Sri Lanka - Navam Poya or the Feast of Pereha.

Interesting fact! Many tourists ask the question - where is it better to go to Sri Lanka in February? The fact is that at this time the rains end throughout the territory and comfortable weather sets in, so you can relax in any part of the island.

Since 2012, citizens of the Maldives have been allowed to open hotels and cater to tourists. Thanks to the adopted laws, the standard of living has risen local population, and the Maldives became accessible not only to wealthy citizens, but also to people with an average level of income. Now to the question “Where to go to the sea in February to swim?” you can confidently answer - to the Maldives. Thoddoo Island is the 3rd largest in the country and there are already about 30 hotels on it, moreover, over the past three years, their number has doubled.

Thanks to the reef near the island, there are many colorful fish, sharks, turtles and rays. The underwater world here is one of the richest in the world.

To get to Thoddoo, it is not necessary to buy a ticket, you can get to the picturesque vacation spot from Male on your own and fairly budget.

4. Maldives, Maafushi Island

Many mistakenly believe that holidays in the Maldives are sky-high. However, when studying the topic of where to go to the sea in February inexpensively, pay attention to Maafushi, located on the Kaafu Atoll. 2700 people live here. Holidays in Maafushi are considered budget. Breakfast for two will cost only $5-8, lunch - $17-25. A large portion of seafood costs about $10, a fresh vegetable salad costs $5.

The tourist zone, where you can be in swimsuits, stretches between two hotels - White Shell Beach and Kani Beach. The territory is divided into two parts adjacent to the hotels. The coastline is crowded, but the water is always clear. The swimming area is fenced off.

You can go to Maafushi to relax with children - there is a gently sloping bottom and a convenient entrance to the water, in fact, like on others Maldives. There is not much entertainment in Maafushi. Snorkelers head to the sandbanks. There are three diving centers on the island, dive and enjoy underwater world. If desired, in February with a tour you can go to neighboring resorts. Most often, tourists go to rest on Biyadu.

Things to do in Maafushi:

  • go to watch the dolphins from the boat;
  • dive into the habitat of sharks and rays;
  • go to the coral reef;
  • fishing from a boat - day, night.

5. Malaysia, Penang

Penang is a state of Malaysia, which is located in the north-west of the country, and is represented by two parts connected by a bridge: the island and part of the mainland Seberang Perai.

Interesting fact! Penang is known as the "Pearl of the East".

In February, when it rarely rains at the resort, travelers recommend going on vacation to the northern part of the state, to Ferringhi Beach. In addition to a beach holiday, horseback riding and popular sports activities sports.

Popular holiday destinations:

  • Telung Bahang - beach in the western part;
  • Tanjung Bungah - notable for its huge reefs and exotic vegetation;
  • Telun Bahang is a quiet, secluded resort with picturesque bays.

There is something to see in Penang - temples, a butterfly park, a bird park and a botanical garden. The tourist infrastructure is well developed here, a variety of entertainments are available.

Good to know! Here you can climb Mount Penang on a comfortable funicular. The most high point- 830 meters.

You can eat inexpensively in Penang - here a large number of cafes and restaurants for every budget. The cheapest way to eat is in small roadside cafes and macaroons, as well as in the Indian quarter. Here, lunch for two will cost $ 8-12. There are canteens on the island where a full meal costs about $3-4.

More detailed information about holidays in the Penang Islands is presented in.

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6. Malaysia, Langkawi

Langkawi is the largest island of the archipelago of the same name, which is located in the Andaman Sea in the northern part of the country. It borders Thailand and is part of the state of Kedah. The capital is Kuah.

Interesting fact! On the west coast The Malaysian resort of Langkawi is the most popular and far ahead of Penang. People come here to relax on comfortable beaches with really white sand.

Where to go sunbathing in February? Holidays in Langkawi will be a good decision. The coastline here is clean and well maintained. There are many deserted exotic places where you can stay in a bungalow and feel like the owner of an entire island during your vacation. The best beaches the islands are described in .

As for entertainment and outdoor activities, they are here, but, of course, not in the same quantity as in Penang.

There are many waterfalls on the island, tourists are offered to go to the jungle, you can rent equipment by the sea for aquatic species sports. Want to enjoy scenic views? Rent a boat and go on an excursion to the neighboring islands. The main attractions of the island are described.

Good to know! Not in Langkawi public transport, also you will not find historical sights and noisy night bars, discos. main feature- This is a duty-free zone, the cost of many goods here is much lower than in other regions of Malaysia.

Food in Langkawi is inexpensive. In institutions street trading Indian and Chinese dishes often cost $2-3. On average, lunch will cost $15-20 for two. The cheapest products are in local stores, but there are no large hypermarkets here.

7. Phuket, Thailand

Phuket is a popular resort located in the west of Thailand in the Andaman Sea. This is the largest Thai island. It is connected to the mainland by three bridges.

Don't know where to go on a beach holiday in February? Choose Phuket with its impeccable beaches along the entire coastline. Here you can easily choose a hotel for every taste and budget. Experienced tourists recommend not spending your entire vacation on one beach, it is better to take the time and try to visit as much as possible. more places recreation.

The resort also has many opportunities for outdoor activities. First of all, this is diving, because here best schools, sports centers and dive equipment rentals. Do you like extreme rest? Consider going on a jungle safari with elephant rides.

There are many temples built among exotic nature. The resort is well suited for families with children. Read about one of the most popular beaches in Phuket, Kamala Beach.

Useful information! Phuket is a great place to try the most delicious and fresh seafood. To do this, you need to visit the Sunday market, where, in addition to the fresh catch, they sell a huge amount of fresh, exotic fruits.

The highest prices for food are in restaurants located on the first line. If you move further away, the cost of dishes decreases significantly. It is even cheaper to eat in local cafes that are not designed for tourists. One dish here will cost $2-3.

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8. Thailand, Krabi Province

Are you studying where to go to the sea in February to swim and spend time actively? Choose . This is a visited place with a developed infrastructure. Boats depart from here to other resort areas:

  • Hat-Rei-Le;
  • Tham Phra Poda;
  • Ko-Kai - the resort is famous for its sandy spit;
  • Phi Phi - visit the Viking cave and swim in the bay.

You can also go with an excursion group to the hot springs.

At Shell Fossey, the coast is covered with slabs formed from mollusk shells. Swimming in the sea will not work, but the place is definitely worth a visit.

Useful information! In the tourist establishment of Ao Nang, lunch will cost $ 15-20 for two, in a cafe for locals - $ 10-12.

9. Cambodia, Sihanoukville

You can take a walk to the Snake Island, where the bridge is laid. Here they swim in a picturesque bay, and go diving. Boats regularly leave for other, remote islets. Just outside the city is national park Riem, which is considered the most affordable in Cambodia. Families come here to relax.

It is important! The cost of products is relatively inexpensive, a full and tasty meal will cost from $ 2 to $ 15.

10. Vietnam, Phu Quoc

Is in Gulf of Thailand and is the largest in Vietnam - its length is 48 km, width - 25 km. Phu Quoc is dominated by a mountainous landscape, which is why it is called the island of 99 mountains.

Where to go in Vietnam in February? The most suitable place would be Phu Quoc. The fact is that in the resorts of the central and northern parts of Vietnam at this time the weather is not the most suitable for a beach holiday: there are frequent rains and the winds blow.

long beach

There are beaches for every taste - calm, deserted or with a stormy nightlife. However, the island attracts not only with a comfortable coastline. Here unique nature Tropics, waterfalls, mountains. You can go on an eco-tour to the jungle or mountains (but they are low on the island).

It is possible to visit a pearl farm and black pepper plantations.

pearl farm

Useful information! There are few historical sights on the island, but still.

Despite the fact that prices in Phu Quoc restaurants are slightly higher than in the popular Nha Trang, food still remains affordable. You can have dinner for two with wine for $20, breakfast will cost $6 for two.

Boracay is located a few kilometers from Panay Island, its length is 7 km. Despite the modest area, Boracay is one of the main tourist centers in the country. People come here for beach holidays and water sports.

Good to know! You can get from the airport to the island by boat.

white beach

The most popular beach is White or White Beach. Its length is about 4 km, covered with white sand. There is a pedestrian zone along the entire beach line, there are hotels, nightclubs, water sports centers. You can rent sun loungers.

Diniwid Beach is considered the most romantic in the Philippines, they get here along a narrow path that passes through the rocks.

Punta Bunga Beach belongs to hotels, so its territory is closed, only hotel guests have the right to relax here.

Puka Shell Beach

The wildest and most deserted beach is Puka Shell Beach. The infrastructure is poorly developed, but there are small cafes that sell ice cream, drinks and coconuts.

There are 12 dive centers in Boracay, where tourists are offered exciting and extreme dive safaris.

Food prices are quite democratic. Lunch for one in a cafe will cost $ 5, in a restaurant - about $ 15.

We suggested where you can go to the sea in February. As you can see, in different corners planet you can relax comfortably and inexpensively, however, keep in mind that in Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines in February they celebrate Chinese New Year. At this time, housing and food prices increase. In Vietnam and Cambodia on the same days new year holidays, but under a different name. This also affects the cost of accommodation and meals.

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Holidays in February are cheaper than during the peak season (New Year), but for a beach holiday it’s all the same - February high season.
I will disappoint those who hope that in February the ski resorts of Europe are empty and cheap - in February the most wheelchair:
- snow piled up on the slopes.
- schoolchildren and students disappeared from the slopes (both of them go to gnaw on the granite of science).

So I can summarize:
– February is the high season in the resorts South-East Asia
– February is the high season on the ski slopes in Europe

Nevertheless, in February, holidays at sea and in the mountains are cheaper than for the Christmas and New Year holidays.

If not to Thailand, then I can advise Goa or Sri Lanka.
The weather and the sea in February are good both there and there.
There is information on holidays in Goa, about Sri Lanka (I was just there in February).

To the mountains.


Any European ski resorts: - choose according to your taste.
My feedback about ski holidays there is in the Alps.
By the way, in February 2018, a traditional carnival will be held in Venice -.
You can combine a visit to the carnival with skiing in Dolomites, for example, in .

If there is no Schengen visa, then you can again to, or, or Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

About visa-free countries of the Caribbean, South America or Asia.

Today I decided three questions in terms of preparation for the February trip:

1 ) bought tickets Moscow - region/country of holiday- Moscow.
As usual, I bought air tickets using the search for air tickets.
It turned out a little cheaper than on the Qatar website: they have a promo tariff for Pattaya, and it’s more convenient for me to return home from Phuket.

2 ) booked a car rental at Utapao Airport with its return at Bangkok Airport ().
Chose a Jeep. There are no surcharges for returning a car at another airport.

Booked a second car at Phuket airport.
Also a jeep - you need a place for. So far I have booked for a week, and there I may change my booking ().

I searched for and booked cars naturally on the site - for me it’s more convenient and familiar.

3 ) bought air tickets from Bangkok to Phuket.
This is the link between the two car rentals.
I chose so that the departure was in the morning, but not early, and I chose Suvarnabhumi Airport - Thai Airways came across.