What does the bow dream about: the main meaning. What does Luke mean in a dream. Dream Interpretation - Onion

To dream of an onion as a vegetable plant portends an unexpected illness or a dispute between relatives due to inheritance.

Eating raw onions means that you will learn something that will give you trouble and make you quarrel with friends.

Peeling an onion in a dream is a sign of deceit or success in a difficult undertaking.

Cut onions with tears in your eyes - be defeated in the fight against competitors. Frying onions or cooking in some other way portends a calm course of affairs and a small but stable profit.

There are dishes seasoned with onions - you will overcome enemies and cope with difficulties, but at the cost of incredible efforts and using all your savings for this.

Seeing onions in the garden in large quantities means that in reality you will cause envy and anger with your successes.

Planting and growing onions portends that you will only dream of peace, so business and worries will overcome you.

Trading onions in a dream means that you will succumb to the persuasion of ill-wishers and will be embroiled in a bad story.

Buying onions is in trouble with your friends.

If you dreamed of a bow as a type of weapon, then you real life You will need to hire a lawyer to protect your interests.

An ancient combat bow means discord and enmity between loved ones, a sports bow portends that you will take the side of one of the two arguing whom you sympathize with, even if he is wrong.

Homemade bow with hazel arrows - to a public insult and showdown of personal relationships.

If in a dream you shoot from any kind of bow, this means that your prejudice will cause a sharply negative reaction from your friends.

To hit the target with a bow - you will be presented with a chic gift by secret admirers, to miss - see a doctor if you feel unwell.

A dream in which you see that they are aiming at you from a bow means the appearance of new enemies.

To dream of Cupid or Cupid with a bow in his hands and a quiver of arrows on his shoulder means that the denouement is approaching. love story.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Bow as a weapon

A sign of discord and enmity.

Archery - sometimes means consolation, but more often resentment and insult.

Break a bow to a healthy one - lose something.

Find or buy a bow in a dream - you will be protected by a lawyer.

To lose or break a bow with arrows is a loss of honor.

To defend someone with a bow is to defend someone in a dispute.

Interpretation of dreams from

A green onion in a dream portends an unexpected achievement of your goals, for the fulfillment of which you no longer dared to hope. Maybe you have already stopped making any attempts to complete things and settled for less or even completely forgot about them!

Seeing the image of a green onion in a dream, you can be sure that life has prepared a pleasant surprise and will reward you for your previous efforts. In vain you were upset because of the wasted energy and time - everything comes in due time, including the achievement of goals.


If in a dream you saw green onions with feathers, in reality you lack energy and activity. Diversify your activities, do something fun and unusual, otherwise you will get bored, which can lead to depression.

A dream in which green onions were seen in bunches - good sign. Such a dream indicates that you are this moment mentally calm and clean, your health is in excellent condition.

If you dream of fresh garden greens - onions, parsley, dill - you have patrons. In addition, the dream indicates that you have great relationship with those around you.

If you dreamed that you were cutting green onions, carefully watch your words: thoughtless statements can negatively affect you. Such a dream warns you against rash actions.

I dreamed that green onions grow in the garden, and you pick them? With such a dream, be more attentive to the statements of the people around you: one of them is hiding something important from you and lying to you.

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The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in a dream that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

Personal consultation

Why dream of green onions?

According to gypsy beliefs, green onions, like any onions that were dreamed of in a dream, may be an omen that soon the dreamer will have the opportunity to find some kind of material treasure or precious treasure.

For some reason, it is the bow that the gypsy people associate with such an opportunity. It can be assumed that such a possibility can please anyone. But this does not mean at all that you need to urgently purchase a metal detector and go to some distant place in search of treasure. Although for those who consider treasure hunting as a hobby or even professional activity, such a dream can be very encouraging. It can be especially favorable for those who are engaged in archaeological research and excavations. For the rest, this is a sign that you need to carefully look around and not miss the opportunity to make material profits. After all, before a treasure was called any unexpected profit.

But it is worth remembering that according to the legends, each treasure is guarded by a dragon. That is, you will need to be prepared for the possibility of some problems that may arise in connection with an unexpected increase in wealth. In addition, treasures are not given to everyone.

The rest of the dream books have a different opinion about what green onions dream of. For the dreamer, he can bring certain troubles in reality. It is believed that if you managed to see this plant in a dream, this is an omen of an imminent inheritance. But do not quickly rejoice and immediately make plans for spending it. Unfortunately, green onions dream of serious disputes and strife between the heirs over the inheritance. So, if the dreamer in reality has real opportunity obtaining an inheritance, it is worth additionally consulting with a lawyer and taking a closer look at the immediate environment. Unfortunately, only a few can easily get money in this world, without resorting to violation of moral principles and the law.

What portends?

If in reality the dreamer experiences some kind of physical ailment or even gets sick for a long time, then in a dream the green onion that he eats is a good sign. This means that in the near future he will be able to quickly recover and return to good health. physical form. For seriously ill people, such a dream is a harbinger of an early relief and remission of the disease, as well as a faster recovery, contrary to the forecasts of doctors. Perhaps this interpretation is due to the fact that the green sprouts of any plant are the key to new life and spring. The main thing is that in a dream the green onion shoots are strong and healthy. If they are sluggish or dried up, then this is a sign that it will take a long time to wait for relief. If they are rotten, then you need to pay even more attention to health.

And if you have to tear green onions, then you need to prepare for the test. Also, such a bow may dream of the fact that in reality someone from the environment of the dreamer is dissatisfied with him. According to the information of many dream books, green onions portend the possibility of quarrels and disagreements in the family and at work.

When it comes to dreams, you need to remember that any negative omen can be taken not as something irreversible, but as a simple warning. Therefore, even if green onions dreamed, one should hope for an inheritance, and not wait for quarrels.

Interpretation of what green and onions dream of. What does such a dream warn about?

Many dream interpreters claim that onions bring tears not only in real life, but also in a dream.

But, not always the dream of a bow is the cause of trouble and sorrow.

You can find out in which cases the dream brings disappointment by analyzing the details of the dream.

In order to correctly interpret what the vegetable is dreaming of, it is necessary to pay special attention to the appearance of the onion, its condition, location and actions that the dreamer performed with the plant.

In the garden

A dream in which a person grows onions or green onions on his plot is a bad sign. The interpreters warn the dreamer against the possible loss of personal belongings and property.

Perhaps the dreamer will be subject to the machinations of experienced swindlers and thieves who will deprive him of a large sum of money.

A vision in which the sleeper sees beds with onions planted on them portends a struggle with ill-wishers in reality. Such a struggle will stimulate the dreamer to more decisive and desperate actions, give his life a certain touch of excitement and sharpness.

Bow on personal plot also symbolizes the dreamer's unwillingness to accept some kind of loss or defeat. Probably, there is still a hope in his soul to take revenge on the offenders, but revenge will not bring peace and tranquility to the dreamer, but will only bring more sorrow and disappointment into his life.

Onions with heads

When a person sees bunches of onion heads in night vision, then major changes await him in his personal life and in his professional field.

The bow with heads is good sign promising prosperity and success. For people who run their own household, such a dream will bring good harvest and the growth of money capital.

Things are different with a vision in which the ligaments of the heads have begun to rot. In this case, the dreamer needs to pay attention to physical health, as a dream portends a quick and sudden illness.

Harvesting onions in dreams is a good sign that entails achieving previously set goals. But, it should be understood that achieving the goal will not be easy, and the path to the result will be bitter and full of tears. Some dream books say that dreams in which a person collects onions predict resentment and tears in real life.

Sometimes such visions come shortly before a betrayal by a loved one or events in which others begin to show clear signs of hatred and disrespect to the dreamer.

There are other interpretations of the vision of collecting onions. Sometimes a dream in which a person digs up an onion with a shovel promises the unexpected. cash flow in big size. Good and pleasant news is likely to arrive. For men, such a vision threatens rivalry.

There are also likely to be obstacles to the fulfillment of plans, so it is important not to give up own feelings, pull yourself together and try to resolve the situation peacefully.

In hand

A dream in which a person holds an onion in his hands, especially a chopped one that causes tears, portends a big scandal and a quarrel with close friends or relatives. The reason for the situation will be the dreamer's unwillingness to put up with selfishness and selfish motives of loved ones.

Perhaps the perception of what is happening is slightly embellished by the dreamer himself, therefore, before expressing your claims, it is better to analyze your impressions.

If you managed to avoid tears in a dream, then the dream portends an early settlement of this conflict.

Why dream of green onions

Sometimes a vision means quick success in a difficult task that for a long time burdens the dreamer.


Buying onions or green onions in a dream portends the acquisition of valuable property or papers in the near future. Probably, the dreamer will become the owner of a beautiful apartment or an expensive car.

If in the real environment of the dreamer there is a person suffering from a serious illness, then the dream promises quick news about the recovery of a friend or relative.

If a person in night dreams is bargaining for the price of an onion, then in life he will not be able to resist the persuasion of ill-wishers, as a result of which very unpleasant consequences await him. Interpreters recommend being more careful in the period after a dream.


When a person cuts an onion into slices in a dream, he is destined for the opportunity to overcome some ordeal which will soon fall to his lot.

The troubles that have arisen can be resolved without difficulty and unnecessary trouble. All worries about the coming troubles will fade into the background.

According to the esoteric dream book, a vision in which the dreamer cuts an onion warns of imminent retribution for thoughtless entertainment. The interpreter recommends that you consider your actions and analyze your desires, since the retribution for what has been done will be bitter, like an onion.

For young people, a chopped onion in a dream is a symbol of grief, failure and anxiety.

If in a dream you cut the onion into half rings or rings, then you should prepare for a crushing blow from the enemies, which will greatly spoil the dreamer's future life.

Dill, like a storehouse of vitamins, in a dream can neutralize the bitterness and tears that the vision of onions entails. Probably, the dreamer will have to go through the pipe path and do a lot of hard work, but in the end he will get rich and become happy.

Dill and onion growing together predict the intrigues of enemies, which, however, the dreamer will be able to overcome and emerge from this confrontation as an absolute winner.

bow feathers

Like any other bow in a dream, onion feathers promise resentment, tears and sadness. Feathers are dreamed of to warn the dreamer about a conspiracy being prepared against him, based on envy and self-interest.

Probably, in the environment of a person there are people who want to undermine his authority and cause him mental suffering.

Dream Interpretations are advised to prepare for possible life troubles and try to identify those close to you who deserve neither trust nor indulgence.

Miller's dream book

The interpreter claims that the onion seen in the night vision, be it green or onion, threatens the dreamer with black anger and hatred from the people around him.

This indicates that among the close environment there are subjects who harbor negative feelings and emotions for the dreamer, although they still do not show this. You should be careful not to open your soul and not share plans for the future with those who cause even the slightest suspicion of infidelity.

Buying a bow, according to Miller, promises trouble for the relatives and friends of the sleeper. It is better to follow the advice of the interpreters and show more attention and sensitivity to those who need help. Avoiding trouble will be difficult, but the result will be invaluable experience that will positively affect later life dreamer.

Why do green onions dream: the meaning of a dream

It is generally accepted that in reality onions cause tears in a person. Based on this, the seers considered the bow an unfavorable sign. But it is not always the case. In dream books there are various interpretations of the dream. The dreamer must mentally reproduce the picture seen in the dream. It is important to remember what the bow looked like and what actions the sleeper performed. In order for the interpretation to be reliable, the individual qualities of the dreamer are taken into account.

If the dreamer sees a plot of land planted with onions, then the dream symbolizes the unwillingness of the sleeper to put up with circumstances. He is worried about injustice, he wants to take revenge on a person for the pain that he once caused him. According to psychologists, a person should try to forgive his offender. Only then will peace reign in his soul. Otherwise, the situation will only worsen.

A bunch of onions with heads dream of big changes. Everything will work out in the dreamer's personal life and at work. The dream book advises spending more time with family and friends. will appear a great opportunity to increase your capital. If you use it wisely, the sleeper will have great success in business.

If the green feathers of the plant have deteriorated and begin to rot, then health problems will arise. It is worth paying more attention to your well-being and not ignoring the appearance of alarming symptoms. A large onion is a sign that the dreamer attaches too great importance minor annoyances. Because of this, he is often nervous and worried about his future. Such behavior can lead to serious problems With nervous system. For a while, you need to take a vacation and relax in a calm environment.

General interpretation helps to understand the meaning of a dream if the sleeper could not remember other details of the dream. If he remembers his actions in night vision, then you can find out interesting details. Dream plots:

  • Collect a young onion - to achieve goals and fulfill desires. Before achieving success, the dreamer will have to make a lot of effort. His journey will be long and hard. A dream can also portend betrayal or resentment that close person.
  • Digging beds with greenery is a good sign. The material well-being of the dreamer will improve. He will receive a large amount of money unexpectedly for himself.
  • If the dreamer planted onions in the ground, then his efforts at work will be appreciated. The authorities will issue a large bonus or offer a new promising position.
  • Tearing greens from the garden - to the addition to the family. The child may be born to relatives or close friends of the dreamer.
  • Holding chopped onions in your hands is a scandal. A conflict will arise between the dreamers and the person from his environment. Its cause will be the selfishness of a person who does not want to understand the problems of the sleeping person. Relations between them will deteriorate for a long time.
  • If you had to buy greens, then the sleeper will become the owner valuable papers. For a sick person, a dream promises a speedy recovery.
  • Cutting onions is a retribution for your actions in the past. If a person has harmed or hurt someone, then he will have to experience similar feelings.
  • If you dreamed of an onion that grows and reaches giant size in front of the dreamer, he will attach too much importance to the actions of his enemies.

Harvesting greenery is good news. If a lot of onions have grown on the beds, then the news will be directly related to the dreamer.

In Miller's dream book it is found the following interpretation a dream in which a person dreamed of a green onion:

  • Eating it is to get rid of rivals who impede the dreamer's success.
  • If there was a lot of greenery in a dream, then thanks to diligence, the sleeper will be able to make his dreams come true.
  • Cutting greens - to business success, making a solid profit. If a person has money and desire, then he can open his own business.

According to modern dream book, bow dreams to tears. Seeing an onion in a dream and eating it is a sign that the dreamer's secret will be revealed. Peel onions - to success in business. There is also a negative interpretation of the dream. If the dreamer plants onions in his own plot, then he will have health problems. The state of health will deteriorate sharply and appear unpleasant symptoms.

Freud is known for interpreting the dream based on the inner desires and needs of a person. Large bulbs represent rich sex life at the man. If a woman sees such a dream, then she is mentally and physically ready for motherhood.

What is the dream of the bow

Very often in dreams there are objects that a person constantly encounters in Everyday life. An ordinary bow refers specifically to them, so it is always interesting what it is dreaming of. Very often, this natural product is associated with negative emotions, such as anger or envy. But in order to correctly decipher the night dreams in which the bow appeared, you need to remember all the details of the plot of the dream and correlate them with real events.

Why does the Bow dream in a dream?

Only after that it will be possible to use information from dream books.

Most dream books associate onions with sorrows and tears. But what they can be connected with can be said only after the actions that were carried out with this type of natural product are analyzed. Of no small importance for the interpretation of dreams is appearance Luke.

Bow in a dream

onion heads

If you just see onion heads in a dream, then this indicates that in real life you will face unpleasant proceedings over the most various issues. It is noteworthy that they can relate to any sphere of human life. If you happened to see a garden with green onions in your night dreams, then in life you will find rivalry, and it will bring a special thrill to it.

Lots of onions

The number of onions seen indicates how many sorrows the dreamer will have to endure. Also, such a dream may indicate that a lot of hatred has accumulated in the soul of a sleeping person, and he is inclined to blame other people for his troubles and problems. A lot of onions seen in night dreams indicate that an unfavorable period begins in life for any undertakings. For those who are engaged in business, such a dream indicates that one should not expand their activities and develop new areas.

What is the dream of a bag of onions

A bag of onions dreamed of in a dream portends bad luck in reality. On the way to the goal will constantly arise different kind difficulties associated with prejudice. In real life, there will be a lot of ill-wishers.

rotten bow

A rotten bow for men portends problems with potency, and for women - difficulties in relationships with the chosen one.

Onion head - interpretation of sleep

Onion heads, collected in bundles, portend big life changes, usually associated with a deterioration in the quality of life. The exception is the forecast for people involved in agriculture. In accordance with the interpretation of Vanga's dream book, such night dreams portend a good harvest.

green onion

Green onions focus on the dreamers' excessive appetites. Resist the desire to achieve goals by any means, as this will not bring anything good in life. Special attention The appearance of the bow is given in Freud's dream book:

    For a woman, high onion arrows seen in a dream symbolize the desire to find a suitable sexual partner. Large heads bright red indicate a well-developed sexuality of the dreamer. A sprouted onion indicates a person's desire to have children.

Onions with greens - dream book

When an onion is dreamed of in combination with other herbs, for example, with parsley or dill, then this auspicious sign indicating that you have strong patrons in real life. In addition, if greenery is bright in night dreams and it is on it that accents are placed, then this indicates that in reality you can easily find mutual language with the people around you.

Why dream of cutting onions

Very important for the correct interpretation of the dream are the actions that were carried out with the bow. Very often, dreamers are interested in the question of why they dream of cutting onions. If you had a bow in your night dreams and at the same time you could not avoid tears, then in real life you will lose to competitors and rivals. Such a dream can also portend a quarrel with loved ones. In the esoteric dream book there is an interpretation of such a dream as retribution for accomplished deeds and thoughtless entertainment. Therefore, if you are an adherent of an easy attitude to life, think carefully before deciding on anything, because the consequences can be very difficult, and the retribution is very bitter.

Buying a bow

When you have to buy a bow according to a dream plot, then this is a good omen. The dream portends that a sick friend or close relative will recover soon. But if you dream that you are selling this vegetable, then be careful, because in reality you can succumb to the persuasion of a dishonest person. This may be very Negative consequences in future. Other actions with a bow in dreams can be interpreted as follows:

    To plant a bow is not to accept life's losses or one's own defeats, that is, to continue to dream of taking revenge on enemies. But only at the same time it should be remembered that revenge never brings satisfaction. Collect onions - count on a tinned reward from the work done. Digging onions from the ground - get in reality good news. But for men, such a dream can mean rivalry, as well as the fact that the plans are in jeopardy. Eating onions is a good omen only for people who suffer from chronic disease. The more the dreamer in this case eats onions in night dreams, the faster the stabilization of the state will come. To sort out onions - not to believe that close people are involved in life's troubles. Fry onions - get the opportunity to profitably invest financial resources. In addition, such a dream symbolizes life's serenity and luck. To steal a bow - you need to throw all your strength to neutralize the enemies. Throw a bow - expect problems with a partner.

Despite the fact that most dream books interpret the bow as a negative symbol, one should not despair. Before deciphering dreams, you need to remember that this vegetable is very useful, because it is a storehouse of vitamins. Therefore, all forecasts can be changed in positive side if you act wisely in real life.

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why dream and what does Bow mean?

Symbol-model of the Universe. According to legend, David, the patron saint of Wales, taught local residents draw leeks on their clothes so that they can be distinguished from their Saxon enemies. Since then, the national emblem of Wales has been the leek. Often, green onions are associated with false tears, i.e., annoying, but ridiculous situations that have nothing to do with real trouble. From here, in fact, the well-established expression “onion tears” or “onion grief” went.

What did the onion dream about?

At the same time, the bow is known for its healing properties. Seeing an onion or peeling it means good health and success in a difficult undertaking, for more details, if Bow is dreaming, see below.

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

What is the dream of Bow, interpretation of sleep:

Onion cleaning - you need to take a closer look at what worries you the most (what you "cry over"). A bunch of onions has long been considered a good remedy for asthma, bronchitis, the common cold and pneumonia. If one of these conditions is present, then the dream may suggest using a bunch of onions as a medicine, this is how this dream is interpreted, in which Onion is dreamed.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why does the Bow dream in a dream?

Onion). Seeing many bulbs is the anger and envy of enemies because of your success in business; there is a bow - the enemies will retreat. Green onions - meet rivals. Cooking onions - to a small profit, peace and serenity. Cutting, chopping onions, feeling how it stings your eyes - the intrigues of rivals, quarrels over inheritance, as it is said in the dream book about this dream, for details, if Bow is dreaming, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why does the Bow dream in a dream?

If you see a lot of onions, then you can succeed in life, but this will anger your envious people. There is a bow - to victory over all enemies. A dream in which you see an onion growing in a garden means: the tricks of enemies will not upset you, but will only provoke you. A cooked onion is a sign that your life will be calm and serene, despite minor troubles. Cutting onions and crying from it - to defeat in the fight against rivals

Modern dream book

What does Bow dream about in a dream book:

Onion dreams of anger and envy that you will bring upon yourself with your success. I dreamed that in a dream you ate onions, then the enemies will retreat before you. You saw how it grows, you will be surrounded by rivals, the fight against which will give a taste for life. Fried onions - ahead of a serene existence and small profit in business. They cut onions and shed tears - be defeated in the fight against rivals. I dreamed that in a dream you were peeling onions and tears were flowing at the same time - in reality you will go to have fun. Ate boiled onions - to health. Ate fried onions - you make an enemy. Planted flower bulbs in a dream - wait for the acquisition. We admired the bulbs blooming in pots - you have to fork out.

Leek - Ate leek in a dream - there will be both grief and joy. Planted a leek - do a useful deed.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

What is the dream of Bow for a woman:

Onion (plant) - A sign of hard work, which will ultimately lead to success. Peeling onions is a success in a difficult task. Collecting bulbs - to receive a reward that you did not hope for. There is a bow - to irritation, quarrel. Cut onions and cry - be defeated in the fight. Frying onions is a small but stable profit. Onions in the garden - you will cause envy and anger with your success. To plant and grow onions - you will be overcome by deeds and worries. Trading onions - you will succumb to the persuasion of ill-wishers. Buying onions is in trouble with your friends.

Green onions why dream

Why do green onions dream - interpretation of sleep from dream books

green onions in a dream what is it for

If you dreamed of an onion, in particular a green one, you should delve into the details of the dream: the onion grows, you cut it or eat it. In the first case, when there are a lot of green onions, this threatens with anger and envy of rivals, which, however, will only add to your enthusiasm and strength. In addition, having eaten onions in a dream, you will overcome ill-wishers.

dreamed of green onions

Green onions in a dream - a young lover soon. Young green shoots from the bulb may reveal your secret desire to have children.

what is the dream of green onions

Usually, onions dream of tears, green or otherwise. Least - Bad mood on the next day.

green onions in a dream what is it for

I dreamed of a young green onion - this means that you have worked hard and will receive a well-deserved reward.

dreamed of green onions

The interpretation of the dream where green onions appear is as follows: your undertakings will be successful, but there will be those who will become jealous. Eating green onions in a dream means good people there will be more in life. Cook a dish with green onions in a dream - expect profit.

what is the dream of green onions

Green onions, according to esotericists, dream of tears.

dreamed of green onions

Green onions will tell you that you have envious people.

Dream interpretation green onion

Dream Interpretations / Dreams on W / Dream Interpretation green onions

Why do green onions dream in a dream

A green onion in a dream promises an unexpected achievement of goals, for which you recent times already stopped counting. If you plant it, you will soon be able to win the respect of your environment and success in business and in society. To see in a dream how it grows - to fight with competitors or rivals. It will end in your favor, and will give you the necessary vitality. For young girls, green onions often dream of tears.

If he despised, then beware of envious people. Eating green onions in a dream - to the discovery of a secret, the knowledge of which can harm you. For middle-aged people, a dream in which green onions appear in the beds means a tendency to sexual relations with persons of the opposite sex who are much younger. Eat fresh green onions - to the prosperous family relations, prepare it - for household worries and worries. If you tear it from the garden, there is a chance that in real life you will encounter an outright lie.

Why do onions dream: green, onion, bitter, cry from onions? Basic interpretations - why the bow is dreaming

Some dreams portend us pleasant moments in life. But, there are dreams that promise only problems and troubles.

Why dream of a bow? How to interpret such a dream?

What is the dream of the bow - the main interpretation

If you dreamed of a bow, you should think about whether you have a rival. This is a very unfavorable dream, which dream books interpret in different ways. It is important to remember some details of sleep:

Did the onion grow on its own, or did you grow it in a dream;

Where exactly did the onion grow;

Did you rip it off;

Did you eat onions in a dream;

Did you cry from onions;

Who else appeared in your dream.

By interpreting the dream as a whole, you will be able to identify all of its most insignificant clues. So, if you dream that you are tying a bow in a bundle, such a dream means that you will try to neutralize your enemy. You will try to calculate in advance his intrigues and prevent him from harming you.

Why dream of a bow that you tear in your hands - such a dream portends a difficult financial situation. You yourself will not understand where problems arise in your life, where they come from, and why you cannot get rid of them for so long. Such a dream may occur before an important decision, as a harbinger of the fact that you should not rush to make it.

If in a dream you are very worried about the smell of onions, someone is spreading gossip about you. You have become the object of attention for an outsider. He is not aware of your life, but he is trying in every possible way to prevent you from being happy.

To dream about how your house is overgrown green onions- you load into everyday problems and trouble. You will want to change your life for the better, but you will not be able to find the strength to change the current situation.

If you dream about how someone threw a bow under your door - such a dream means that ill-wishers are preparing a surprise for you. Most likely, your reputation is already blackened. You will suddenly learn about the intrigues of enemies and be shocked.

You should not, however, panic after such a dream. It's important to be prepared for surprise attack enemies. The dream book advises not to get involved in conflicts and quarrels. Try to maintain inner balance and not succumb to provocation. Otherwise, you may lose a lot.

If in a dream you see an onion growing on a windowsill - such a dream means that the prospects that you hoped so much for will become pipe dreams. Your inability to negotiate with people around you will be to blame. You will stand your ground, not realizing that flexibility and loyalty are very important now. After such a dream, try to get everything you need - through agreements and mutual benefit.

Preserve onions in a dream - preserve and store grievances. Someone hit you hard. You were mentally unprepared for this turn of events. It is worth rethinking everything that has been done by you lately. Perhaps you paid a lot of attention to yourself and forgot about the interests of the people around you. The dream book advises you not to be angry and not offended. Try to look at the situation from the outside. Wise and prudent.

If you eat onions in a dream, and it seems tasty to you, even sweet - such a dream means that you will triumph over problems, your fears. If you eat onions in a dream and continue to cry, you will be offended by a loved one for a long time to come.

If in a dream you came to the market, and you choose a bow, you want to buy it, you yourself will create a lot of unpleasant situations for others. The dream interpretation indicates your complex character, which even you cannot cope with. Do not expect understanding from loved ones in the near future. Try to get closer to them.

Fry onions in a dream - to profit and alleviate the situation. If until recently you were worried about how your life would turn out with a specific person, now there will come a period of your life when you will happily meet every day.

If in a dream it seems to you that one of the neighbors is frying onions, you smell it - in reality you will become jealous of the success of others. You will be offended and annoyed that your merits have gone unnoticed, but someone's deeds have been extolled. Try to watch your thoughts and actions. Build your life and do not envy other people's successes.

If you dream that you are preparing a salad with onions, such a dream means that you may get confused in making an important decision. Try to initially determine the priorities in the chosen case. Don't deviate from your intended goal.

If you baked an onion pie in a dream, such a dream means that you will have more troubles and troubles associated with your family. It will be very difficult for you to experience all the upcoming events. The dream book advises you to be patient and not count on a quick completion of the case.

Why dream of a bow according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that the bow is a symbol of frustrated feelings, disappointment in personal life. If a lonely woman dreams that she picks an onion from the garden, she carries a grudge against men inside herself. Her previous experience of unsuccessful relationships does not give her the opportunity to build new healthy relationships.

A dream in which a man brings you a bow means that a period of decline will begin in your relationship with him. You will remember all past troubles, all past grievances and sorrows. They will not allow you to objectively evaluate the existing relationship. Try to find a common language with your other half. Don't focus on the past. Try to move joyfully and actively into the future.

The dream in which you see your man cutting onions means that you can make peace with him if you recently had a quarrel. You can also agree on further development relations. If in your dream your man mows an onion field, you will be able to restore peace and harmony in relationships for a long time. Your partner is focused on developing relationships, so that they reach a new level.

Why dream of a bow in the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says that the bow dreams of quarrels and disappointments. You will be swirled by the whirlpool of life, and you will lose your goals in life if you have a dream in which you crumple a bow in your hand.

If in a dream you pickle onions, you will collect troubles, you will attract them to you. The dream in which you put the onion in a bucket speaks of big financial troubles. You have accumulated debts that you have not paid off for a long time. It is worth addressing these issues in advance. Otherwise, financial bondage will not let you build your life further.

Why dream of an onion if you dig it up - you yourself will enter into conflicts and provoke quarrels. The dream interpretation advises to reconsider your attitude towards others. Do not provoke negative emotions in other people. You will have to turn to them for help more than once.

Why dream of a bow in other dream books

The Women's Dream Book says that the bow that appeared to you in a dream promises you hatred and anger. The more onions you see in a dream, the more negative emotions accumulate in you. Try not to ruin your reputation.

If in a dream you eat onions, you will defeat an old enemy. All enemy intrigues will soon come to naught. Do not worry about their intrigues in the future. The main thing is not to retreat at the last moment from the intended goal.

If you cut onions in a dream and shed tears at the same time, your rivals will beat you. At the same time, they will be able to spoil your reputation so much that you will restore it for a very long time. If you see onions growing in your yard, you will have a new rival in an important matter. Also, such a dream may indicate the appearance of a rival in his personal life.

The dream book advises you to take a closer look at other details of sleep. They can tell you how to deal with the situation. Miller's dream book says that a lot of onions dream of hatred and anger of the people around you.

They will undeservedly accuse you of almost all mortal sins. The dream book advises you to draw conclusions from this situation and no longer let people who have not been tested by time into your life.

If in a dream you see an onion growing, you will get a huge number of rivals who will closely monitor your life and try to harm you. Try not to disclose your important plans to others. Try to pay more attention to the financial side of your life. Otherwise, you will suffer huge financial losses.

Whatever the dream, it is important to remember that in reality you can always find a way out and turn the situation in your favor. If you see the same dream several times, then you do not draw conclusions and do not use hints.


What did the onion dream about?

AT various dream books you can find a literal understanding of a dream on an onion theme, which lies in the fact that in the future a person will have tears.

But, firstly, there are other versions that would be interesting to get acquainted with. And secondly, some clarifications can completely change the meaning of the interpretation. Your attention is invited to several answers to the question of what dreams of onions.

Basic meaning

There are several interpretations of the dream:

  • As the dream book testifies, the bow dreams of tears, all sorts of experiences and disappointments.
  • To see a growing onion - rivals will appear in your life, and the fight against them will enrich your life, make it richer and more interesting. Growing garlic promises well-being.
  • A dream in which I happened to see many bulbs has a similar meaning: you will achieve great success in life, but at the same time envious people will appear who will be overwhelmed with anger and a desire to interfere with your business.
  • See this vegetable Gypsy dream book, - to a confusing dispute that may happen between relatives. A dream can mean making a discovery or receiving money, according to the gypsies.
  • Hasse claims that seeing this vegetable in your dream is a surprise.

Let's figure out why onions dream. Dreaming of a bow in the heads - the dreamer's success will cause envy and anger. Bulbs are dreaming, and there are several of them? Remember the approximate number of heads, this number will indicate the number of enemies that you will have to deal with in the future.

It is interesting to know what green onions dream of. A dream portends shame or tears. According to the dream book, green onions dream of quarrels between heirs over the division of the inheritance.

Let's try to figure out why a rotten onion is dreaming. A rotten vegetable portends a deterioration in well-being. Sometimes a rotten onion in a dream indicates a person's problems in the sexual sphere. If a woman dreamed of a rotten onion, the dream speaks of possible problems in a relationship with a loved one.


Different dream books offer their own interpretation of the dream in which you happened to eat this vegetable.

There are onions, according to the version English dream book, means that in the near future you will discover a treasure or find your lost money and other valuables. According to Chinese dream book, there is a bow - to a quarrel or fight. The interpreter of dreams for women says that there are bulbs in a dream - to victory over rivals.

It is considered a positive sign to eat a vegetable to a sick person - in the future he will recover soon, and the more he ate, the faster the recovery will come. A quick recovery is also possible in the case when a person had a dream where he ate garlic.

Onion peel dreams of a quarrel or kitchen gossip. The husk also symbolizes the remnants of lost feelings, ended relationships. Many interpreters warn that the husk can lead you to a conversation with an unpleasant type.

Sweeping the husk in a dream - all problems will find a solution.

“Dream Interpretation Green Onion dreamed of why green Onions dream in a dream”

Paint Easter eggs if onion peel is used at the same time, ill-wishers will appear in your fate, whom you inadvertently trust. To see how the husk flies at you - expect concessions from your leadership.

kitchen affairs

Now let's find out why the bow that you are going to put into action is dreaming of.

Buying bulbs is a positive sign that portends your friend's getting rid of a serious illness. Buying garlic means that your expectations will be deceived.

Cut onions in a dream and at the same time shed tears, according to Women's dream book, will lead to defeat in a fight or dispute with your enemies. Another source indicates that cutting onions is a deterioration in well-being, which can drag on for a long time. Esoteric dream book warns that cutting this vegetable is a pleasure, but be careful, this can end badly.

To peel and cry at the same time - a quarrel with your friends or relatives is possible. Another source indicates that peeling the bulbs is a successful end to the matter. There is also a version that cleaning it is a hoax. To peel off the husk - a dream means a possible betrayal by people you know or the envy of colleagues.

Why dream of onions in the kitchen? Cooking any dish with onions is a quiet time ahead. To fry it, according to Miller, means that a serene life and amendment await you. financial position for the better.

Let's clarify what the onion in the garden is dreaming of. Planting it in the garden means victory over sworn enemies. According to another version, planting this vegetable in the ground means that soon you will take over a large number of responsibilities and concerns. Planting - turbulent times await you ahead. Collecting a bow is a good reward, which will come as a surprise.

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Bow is identified with tears. And indeed - while cleaning this vegetable, it is impossible not to cry. Unfortunately, in the world of dreams, this famous vegetable rarely portends something positive, and its appearance in a dream is a very unpleasant event.

However, do not despair - the best dream books the world will help you understand the meaning of the dream, and you will be able to draw the right conclusions. Let's find out what the onion is dreaming of, its most famous varieties and manipulations with this vegetable.

Plot interpretation

What exactly did you do in your dream?

Try to remember - what exactly did you do with this vegetable in night vision?

    Cutting it - soon you will have to pay in full for the idle entertainment and rash acts that you have loved so much lately. Henceforth, so that you do not have to cry bitterly, try to think ahead possible consequences your behaviour.

    For young people, chopping onions and, because of this, running down their cheeks, prophesies complete defeat on the personal front. It seems that the dreamer will have serious rivals in this area, and all attempts to surpass them will only lead to tears, disappointments and failures.

  • Peeling onions - such a dream symbolizes a serious conflict that is brewing between you and your friends or loved ones. If, while peeling onions, your eyes stung, and tears ran down your cheeks, a quarrel cannot be avoided. But, if you did this without tears, you can miraculously avoid quarrels, and save your relationship. Also, a similar plot promises a difficult and stressful business, which in the end will end in success.
  • Buy - buying a bow is considered a favorable symbol that promises the dreamer the recovery of his friend or his getting rid of problems. If, on the contrary, the bow was bought from you, in reality, ill-wishers will be able to deceive your friend, which will seriously harm him.
  • Plant in the garden - such a dream symbolizes the very life of the dreamer and his struggle with ill-wishers. Moreover, this image is considered positive, because in reality such rivalry invigorates the sleeping person and makes his life bright and intense.
  • Iterate - if in a dream you were engaged in shifting onions, in reality you are too worried about the intrigues surrounding you. The thought that someone close to you may be traitors just kills you and does not give you peace.
  • Eating onions is a dual symbol: for people suffering from serious or big problems, it portends recovery and getting rid of trouble. To healthy and successful dreamers, on the contrary, he promises many troubles in all areas of life.
  • Fry - an extremely auspicious image that portends an idle and serene life to the sleeping person and light enrichment.

What was he like?

Not only actions with a bow, but also its appearance are important in the interpretation of dreams. Remember - what was the vegetable in your night story?

In general, onions are considered a negative sign, portending troubles and problems. Seeing this vegetable in a dream, be prepared for the deterioration of affairs on all fronts: worsening financial situation, problems in your personal life, problems in relationships with friends will be inevitable.

The plot in which you ate onions is especially bad. If you run your own business, bad deals await you.. If you are a farmer, expect a crop failure. For the rest of the categories of people, this image portends serious illness and hints at the need to take better care of your health.

Onion cleaning prophesies disappointment and the risk of becoming a victim of deception. It is especially sad that both can be brought by people whom you trust very much.

It is important to remember how many bulbs you saw at night. Know that the more there were, the harder the troubles that threaten you will be and the more difficult it will be to overcome them.

Chopping onions in a dream is a harbinger of a serious illness that will soon befall either the dreamer or someone in him.

However, onions do not always portend something bad. For example, his collection in the garden means that the dreamer's work will be paid at its true worth.

Add it to the dish - a dream that promises the sleeper a happy and peaceful future.

Seeing boiled onions in a dream - a sign that the dreamer's health will be strong, and life will be trouble-free.

Unlike onions, green onions with feathers in a dream are considered a more favorable way. Most often, it is a harbinger of a large profit or inheritance, for which, however, you will have to seriously fight.

There is him in a dream - healthy person such a dream promises a happy and comfortable family life . To the sick, he promises a speedy recovery.

Planting green onions to gain respect in society and to great success in business.

Tear green onions into pieces - a negative vision that predicts the most difficult test for the sleeper on the path of life.

Cut green onions and sprinkle them on some dish - in this case, higher power reassure the dreamer and say that he can easily defeat enemies.

In general, a raw onion symbolizes the dreamer's tendency to be interested in matters in which he understands little and penetration into which can harm both him and his loved ones.

The plot in which you ate raw onions is especially bad - it means that soon you will learn some secret from the life of a person dear to you, which he carefully hid from you. One day you will give yourself away, because of which the relationship with this person may end forever.

A rotten or missing vegetable symbolizes health problems that are about to appear in the dreamer's life. Moreover, most often such a plot prophesies problems in the intimate sphere. For men, a rotten onion promises problems with erection, for women - a cooling of relations with a loved one.

onion peel

Onion peel is considered a complex symbol, and its appearance in a dream can be understood only on the basis of details.

  • Peel off onions- to in a difficult matter.
  • Eat onion peel yourself or feed it to someone- a harbinger of irritation, quarrels and serious conflicts with loved ones.
  • Boil the husk in a saucepan- in reality, you are doomed to defeat in the fight against enemies or competitors.
  • Paint Easter eggs with onion skins- soon your enemies will manage to lure you into a trap. And, although the losses that you incur will not be fatal, they will still bring you a lot of trouble.

Onion in the garden

Onions in the garden are considered a good sign, but a more detailed interpretation requires details:

  • See how a beautiful green onion grows in your garden- a sign that in real life your enemies will not be able to do anything with you, your position will be stable in spite of everyone and everything.
  • Pick it straight from the garden and eat- soon you will be lucky enough to receive a large sum of money. It can be an inheritance, a prize or a generous gift.
  • Rip it off and throw it away- some problem arose in the relationship between the dreamer and his soul mate. If you do not deal with it in time, the matter may end in parting.
  • If the onion in your garden grew along with other plants(parsley, dill, etc.), in reality fate will give you powerful patrons and a good relationship with people around.
  • Digging up an onion patch or planting a vegetable- a harbinger of rivalry. Dream books warn - the winner will be the one who knows how to be calm and self-possessed.
  • If the onion grew in your garden away from others, in real life you are too prone to perfectionism and obsessed with the desire to earn more. If you do not want to overstrain, you should moderate your appetites and allow yourself a vacation.

It is generally accepted that in reality onions cause tears in a person. Based on this, the seers considered the bow an unfavorable sign. But it is not always the case. In dream books there are various interpretations of the dream. The dreamer must mentally reproduce the picture seen in the dream. It is important to remember what the bow looked like and what actions the sleeper performed. In order for the interpretation to be reliable, the individual qualities of the dreamer are taken into account.

Green onions: the meaning of a dream

If the dreamer sees a plot of land planted with onions, then the dream symbolizes the unwillingness of the sleeper to put up with circumstances. He is worried about injustice, he wants to take revenge on a person for the pain that he once caused him. According to psychologists, a person should try to forgive his offender. Only then will peace reign in his soul. Otherwise, the situation will only worsen.

A bunch of onions with heads dream of big changes. Everything will work out in the dreamer's personal life and at work. The dream book advises spending more time with family and friends. There will be a great opportunity to increase your capital. If you use it wisely, the sleeper will have great success in business.

If the green feathers of the plant have deteriorated and begin to rot, then health problems will arise. It is worth paying more attention to your well-being and not ignoring the appearance of alarming symptoms. A large onion is a sign that the dreamer attaches too much importance to minor troubles. Because of this, he is often nervous and worried about his future. This behavior can lead to serious problems with the nervous system. For a while, you need to take a vacation and relax in a calm environment.

Dreamer's actions

A general interpretation helps to understand the meaning of a dream if the sleeper failed to remember other details of the dream. If he remembers his actions in night vision, then you can find out interesting details. Dream plots:

  • Collect a young onion - to achieve goals and fulfill desires. Before achieving success, the dreamer will have to make a lot of effort. His journey will be long and hard. A dream can also portend betrayal or resentment that a loved one will inflict.
  • Digging beds with greenery is a good sign. The material well-being of the dreamer will improve. He will receive a large amount of money unexpectedly for himself.
  • If the dreamer planted onions in the ground, then his efforts at work will be appreciated. The authorities will issue a large bonus or offer a new promising position.
  • Tearing greens from the garden - to the addition to the family. The child may be born to relatives or close friends of the dreamer.
  • Holding chopped onions in your hands is a scandal. A conflict will arise between the dreamers and the person from his environment. Its cause will be the selfishness of a person who does not want to understand the problems of the sleeping person. Relations between them will deteriorate for a long time.
  • If you had to buy greens, then the sleeper will become the owner of the securities. For a sick person, a dream promises a speedy recovery.
  • Cutting onions is a retribution for your actions in the past. If a person has harmed or hurt someone, then he will have to experience similar feelings.
  • If you dreamed of a bow that grows and reaches gigantic proportions in front of the dreamer, then he will attach too much importance to the actions of his enemies.

Harvesting greenery is good news. If a lot of onions have grown on the beds, then the news will be directly related to the dreamer.

Interpretations in famous dream books

In Miller's dream book, the following interpretation of a dream is found in which a person dreamed of a green onion:

  • Eating it is to get rid of rivals who impede the dreamer's success.
  • If there was a lot of greenery in a dream, then thanks to diligence, the sleeper will be able to make his dreams come true.
  • Cutting greens - to business success, making a solid profit. If a person has money and desire, then he can open his own business.

According to the modern dream book, onions dream of tears. Seeing an onion in a dream and eating it is a sign that the dreamer's secret will be revealed. Peel onions - to success in business. There is also a negative interpretation of the dream. If the dreamer plants onions in his own plot, then he will have health problems. The state of health will deteriorate sharply and unpleasant symptoms will appear.

Freud is known for interpreting the dream based on the inner desires and needs of a person. Large bulbs represent a rich sex life in a man. If a woman sees such a dream, then she is mentally and physically ready for motherhood.