Why do chickens, chickens and roosters dream - interpretations according to dream books. Consider the vision in detail. Why dream of a chicken and chickens

A dreaming rooster can bring happiness and sadness, profit and loss. Much in such a dream depends on the color and actions of the kochet. For lovers, his singing promises an early marriage. And a feather torn from the tail is the approach of misfortune.

Why is the rooster dreaming? What events does it portend in life? For a pregnant woman, sleeping with a kochet means the birth of a boy. For a man, he is preparing serious problems at work. A red rooster is a harbinger of fire, and a white rooster is great luck.

If you dreamed of a rooster

A dream in which a rooster was seen can be interpreted in different ways. Sometimes the kochet is a symbol of wealth and glory. But it can also mean pride, inflated conceit, snobbery.

Why is the rooster dreaming? What does such a vision portend? Most often, a kochet in a dream brings good news, bright events. It means the dreamer's victory over his fears, overcoming difficulties. The sleeper will earn the respect of colleagues and superiors, will receive a good position.

For a young girl, a dream in which a kochet is present will bring a new acquaintance with a strong, powerful man. If a young woman caught a rooster, it is worth waiting for an addition to the family. And a married woman, having a dream with a kochet, will reveal the secret of her husband.

For a man, a vision with a rooster will bring long-awaited independence, an increase in status, a higher position or headship in the family.

cock crow

What is the dream of a rooster that crows loudly? Such a cry is a symbol of awakening, renewal. For the dreamer, this vision prepares the discovery of new abilities, talents. The sleeper learns something important about himself or loved ones. Such a dream will bring good news and auspicious events.

The cock's cry has another interpretation. It warns that the sleeper will decide on treason out of curiosity. But disappointment lies in wait for him - therefore it is better not to succumb to temptation.

But the hoarse cry of a rooster will bring an aimless waste of strength and energy. The dreamer will spend a lot of time on solving the leading problem. But only if he invests all his diligence and patience - the dream will come true.

Ancient dream books warn against a dream in which the kochet sings along with the chicken. Such a vision marks the approaching apocalypse. Night singing of a kochet will bring tears to the house, and morning singing will bring joy and good news.

Dream: rooster and hen

There are dreams in which the kochet walks with the chicken. it good sign for a married couple - their near future will pass in joy and harmony. For free men and women, a dream predicts good luck in love, harmonious relationships. Perhaps a new meeting will bring happiness in your personal life.

To dream of a rooster walking or chasing a hen means that a new admirer will soon appear on the horizon. He will persistently seek location. But there is another interpretation of such a dream. There will be empty talk, meaningless chores. Don't give them great importance and be upset - they will soon end.

If in a dream a kochet with a chicken pecks grains, it means that material wealth is already on the way. Well-being, tranquility await the sleeper soon. And when the rooster rakes the ground with its paws and calls the chickens, the dream portends a successful purchase.

Rooster color

Kochet with bright plumage, magnificent tail - a symbol of fire. In the near future, you should be more careful, otherwise the messenger of the fire can bring it into real life.

A shabby kochet, with a sparse and faded tail, often promises gossip that the sleeper will have to face.

  • If you had a dream - a white rooster with snow plumage - such a vision will bring great success. The affairs of the sleeper will go smoothly, all plans will be realized.
  • The black plumage of the kochet threatens the appearance of a serious competitor. An insidious opponent will make every effort to disqualify the sleeper. Honesty and courage will help the dreamer.
  • Kochet with a golden sheen will bring joy. All unpleasant moments will be settled, and long-awaited wealth and happiness looms ahead.
  • The crimson color of the kochet - what does this dream promise? A red rooster means incontinence, the anger of a sleeping person. He should be more careful - otherwise the upcoming conflict may bring property losses.

Kochet without a head

Seeing in a dream a rooster that runs around the yard without a head - for the upcoming fight. The sleeper will make efforts to implement projects and plans, assert himself at work and in his personal life. A serious test is ahead, and if the dreamer survives it, he will receive well-deserved dividends. If he refuses to fight, problems may begin at work, in the family.

A wounded kochet will bring turmoil that threatens with negative consequences. And wrong, hasty actions can lead to the dreamer's loneliness. A wounded rooster is a symbol of problems.

The rooster pecked

If you had a dream - a sleeping rooster is pecking, what could such a vision mean? A pecking kochet is a harbinger of betrayal, betrayal by the closest associates. A friend can let you down at the most crucial moment. Or the expected help will not bring satisfaction. In any case, one should not expect much - assignments will not be completed, and friends will not cope with the responsibility assigned to them.

If a kochet pecks painfully in a dream, hasty decisions should not be made in the near future. The interpretation of such a dream says that irreparable mistakes can appear in life. You should carefully consider the current situation before taking action.

If the rooster only thought of pecking at the dreamer and chasing him, this means that the sleeper is losing sight of something. Perhaps he forgot about some important business or appointment. This dream is a reminder of something very significant in the dreamer's life.

dead rooster

A dead kochet means that the time has come for the sleeper to take care of himself. Arrange a short vacation, forget about business. A short break in professional activities will only benefit. But there is another interpretation of sleep. The rooster, if it is dead, will bring deterioration in health, disease.

Dishes from a rooster - cook them or eat them - mean that the dreamer will soon be threatened with parting with the object of sympathy. Or he will reveal an unpleasant secret of a loved one.

If the sleeper killed the kochet - what will such a vision bring? To kill a rooster in a dream - to favorable news, joyful events. The started project or the conceived business will bring unprecedented success. Possibility of promotion career ladder.

If in a dream someone turned his head to a kochet, this is an occasion to start listening to the advice of relatives.

A fat, fat rooster that has been slaughtered promises the approach of illness or death in the dreamer's immediate environment.

Fighting Kochet

Why dream of a rooster who started a fight with other roosters or hens? If a kochet behaves aggressively and wants to fight, such a dream will bring quarrels and contention among relatives. It is best for the sleeper not to intervene in the conflict, observing neutrality.

And if the kochets started a fight with each other - this is a good sign. The enemies will quarrel among themselves and leave the dreamer alone.

If the sleeper separates the fighting kochet, it means that in real life he will have to act as a peacemaker. You will have to restore good relations between conflicting colleagues or friends.

A rooster limping after a fight means true friends. The dream reminds that the sleeper has forgotten about old acquaintances.

Buy a kochet

If in a dream the sleeping person receives a kochet as a gift, unexpected guests will soon come to him. They will bring good news with them. If the dreamer himself gives a rooster, he will receive material support, a bonus. It may be small, but it will bring tangible benefits.

Buying a kochet promises a family quarrel or discord among friends in the near future. While selling it means meeting an influential person. He will patronize the dreamer and will promote him up the career ladder. If the sleeper does not refuse help, then soon wealth and success await him.

Different situations with a rooster

In a dream, seeing a kochet sitting on a tree is an auspicious sign. He will bring great profit from a successfully completed business. Or the upcoming cooperation will bring success and financial prosperity.

An attempt to catch a kochet means that in real life the dreamer will have to face a difficult, important matter. It should be brought to the end - then honor, respect or a material reward will await the sleeper.

If the dreamer caught a rooster, he will be grateful, respected by his colleagues, and recognized by them as the professionalism of the sleeping person.

Plucking a kochet is a financial loss. You will have to spend a considerable amount on completely useless things. Try to limit yourself in spending - otherwise, disappointment in the purchased items will inevitably come.

Washing a rooster in a dream - to a hassle with an official or bureaucratic red tape with documents. It is worth being patient and not running into a conflict - it will bring delays in business.

If it seemed that the kochet laid an egg, pleasant surprises await. The dreamer may receive good news or friends will come to visit. It is possible that the sleeper will receive an inheritance.

Kochet flew up to the fence - to be freed from trouble. All difficulties will be left behind, all problems will be resolved. Beginnings will bring well-deserved success.

Not everyone knows why a chicken and a rooster are dreaming at the same time. It is important to remember what exactly they did in the dream. After all, the different actions of these birds carry a different meaning. Of even greater importance is who exactly such night dreams came to - a single person or a married person. If a husband or wife saw this living creature in a dream, then in reality in real life everything must be done to avoid a family quarrel. After all, the night sign hints that disagreements will soon begin in the family. And they will arise simply because of the frivolity or carelessness of one of the spouses.

But if you dreamed right after all erotic dream from the life of animals, in which a rooster tramples on its corydalis, then in reality the owner or mistress of the dream is waiting for a romantic relationship that will give vivid emotions. After all, love, falling in love, tender feelings are wonderful.

It is important to listen to the warnings of a dream of the following nature: if in nightly vigils a rooster runs after a chicken, chasing it, then in reality you do not need to trust your personal secrets to friends and acquaintances. Without realizing it, they can blurt out too much, and enemies will use this information.

In general, dreams about a rooster and a hen symbolize the character of family members, are related to their loved ones, life. If you dreamed of a chicken without its male half, then this is good news. The family can expect replenishment or long-awaited guests will visit soon. If a chicken came in a woman’s night dreams, then perhaps because the hostess is waking up thinking about arranging her home.

A feathered one may also appear in dreams due to anxious thoughts, misunderstandings with friends, and illness. Ignoring this interpretation in general, dreams about chickens and roosters are favorable.

If a person catches a rooster in a dream, then this portends the appearance of a difficult matter in reality, the solution of which will require the support of relatives or friends, since it is up to you to decide difficult task it will be hard.

Even if in a dream a rooster interferes with sleep, crowing or making noise, then there is no need to apply physical influence. After all, slaughtering a rooster in a dream portends that a person can suffer in real life because of his deceit.

Perhaps you need to reconsider your behavior, views, show greater loyalty and be kinder to people.

It is better not to pluck feathers from a cock's tail in a dream, since in reality such pampering can come back to haunt you. It’s not worth chasing this bird at full speed, as this is a moot point. But for a woman it is important to see a rooster in the kingdom of Morpheus, because then she will meet a pleasant man.

In general, to see a rooster and a chicken in a dream - to good events. This couple can promise the arrival of a romantic relationship, home improvement. By listening to a dream with the participation of birds, you can avoid misunderstandings in the family. But it is better not to run after chickens in a dream and not to pluck its beautiful feathers from the rooster's tail.


Dream Interpretation Chicken, why dream of a Chicken in a dream to see

Idiomatic dream book Why dream about Chicken in a dream book:

Seeing a Chicken in a dream - “Plucked Chicken” (about a sloppy experienced depraved woman); “rushes like a chicken with an egg” - worries only about his own, small, insignificant.

Muslim dream book Why is the Chicken dreaming:

Chicken - Servant.

Children's dream book What does Chicken mean in a dream book?

Why is the Chicken dreaming - In this image, one of the female relatives may appear to you. If the chicken pecks at the grains, then everything will be fine. If a chicken cackles anxiously, she expresses her concern about you, maybe you will get a little sick or get into some kind of unpleasant situation, this is how this dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Women's dream book Why dream about Chicken in a dream book:

Chicken - To see a chicken in a dream - to pleasant meetings in the home circle, to an increase in the family.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why is the Chicken dreaming?

Dream Interpretation: to see a Chicken in a dream - To rain or laundry. If the chicken runs around the yard, guests will soon come to you and you will have to fuss. Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday is a sign that you should be more careful and vigilant, as you may be drawn into a scam; from Saturday to Sunday - remember that it is not always necessary to tell everything to friends, even the closest ones, from Sunday to Monday - soon you will encounter an obstacle in business that you cannot overcome alone.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does a chicken mean

Chicken - Random guest; many chickens - guests, pecking grain - money, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when a Chicken dreams:

Chicken - Chickens are dreaming - big chores; attack. Chickens - a new acquaintance. If a woman dreams of a hen with chickens, she will remain a widow with children. Little chickens - something good will happen; chickens - poverty, poverty. If you dream that chickens are cackling, this is slander. Many chickens, chickens - unexpected chores. A hen with chickens are orphans: the mother dies, the children remain, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why is the Chicken dreaming?

See in a dream

Chicken - To see a big and beautiful chicken in a dream - fortunately in love or receiving a share from illegally acquired property. To see a few chickens - to the troubles or the arrival of friends, worldly worries, a lot of chickens - to hard work. Feed chickens - to a gift, affectionate attitude, meeting a kind person. There is a chicken - for gifts. If in a dream a chicken laid an egg, it means that a joyful event awaits you. To see a chicken with chickens - to the joy of the family, a severed chicken head - to news, a letter. Hearing a singing rooster is a sign that you need to be careful; plucking feathers from his tail - to trouble, to see the persecution of chicken roosters - to trouble in family life. If you dream of a pugnacious rooster - this is a concern. a quarrel with old friends, a lame rooster - to the appearance of true friends, singing - to receive news, a golden rooster - fortunately, red - to danger from fire. Black - to clash with evil forces. Catching a rooster means that you will argue with someone. A cockfight is a harbinger of a quarrel between your enemies. If a woman sees a rooster in a dream, it means that she will soon meet an interesting young man.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why does the Chicken dream:

Seeing Chicken in a dream - A lot of chickens - to tears, losses. But: a pregnant woman dreams of one chicken for the birth of a girl.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Chicken - Woman, wife, mother. Chickens - household chores, chores. Sitting on eggs - waiting with benefit, patience, hope. She laid an egg - false rumors. With chickens - joy in the house. Gray, black - scandals in the house; misfortune with relatives. White - marriage, love, bride.

What does it mean when a Chicken dreams - Like food - a gift; there is - family quarrels; love act.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea Chicken according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see a Chicken in a dream - A symbol of personal sacrifice (black chicken). Good luck sign white chicken). The rooster is a symbol of a boyfriend or a small energetic person. Seeing one beautiful chicken is happiness in love and family life. To see a rooster is to be afraid of someone's desired intentions. Chickens - failure in business, cowardice. Chicken clucking - to unpleasant news, gossip.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why is the Chicken dreaming:

Chicken - Seeing a chicken in a dream - to pleasant meetings in the home circle, to an increase in the family, according to the dream book, this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book If you dream of a Chicken:

Solves the dream book: Chicken - Benefit, profit and happiness in the game

Biblical dream book of Azara Dream Interpretation: To see a chicken in a dream

Why is Chicken dreaming - Profit

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Chicken in a dream

Chicken - Buy - you will be happy; eat - take care of health; with chickens - you will have own family; laying eggs - happiness in love; hear clucking - you will go on the road; pursued by a rooster - do not trust your friends, this is how your dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Persian dream book Taflisi Dream Interpretation: Chicken in a dream

Seeing a Chicken in a dream - This is an indication of a woman who is in your service. If a chicken sits on eggs in a dream, it is possible that your maid secretly became pregnant from you.

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why is the Chicken dreaming:

Interpretation of sleep by a dream book: Chicken Chicken (rooster) - A restless bird that cackles a lot and has a fighting character, often turning into cockiness and pugnacity.

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: Chicken what does it mean

Chicken, rooster - The hen is a restless bird that is famous for its long cackling after it lays an egg. The rooster is the embodiment of courage and fighting nature, although in most cases these qualities turn into cockiness and pugnacity. Seen in a dream, these symbols are related to the household and the nature of the people with whom the dreamer communicates. Seeing a dream in which chickens are looking for food, rummaging through money scattered in a thick layer around the yard, is a harbinger of sad news or an event that may occur due to your negligence, try to focus on the main thing, and everything will be in order. Seeing in a dream a fabulous hut on chicken legs - you will be surprised. To meet a person whose speech you cannot understand, because it strongly resembles clucking - do not believe the rumors; you will be led astray by evil tongues; Don't make hasty decisions under pressure. Seeing a chicken that sits in one place for a long time and unnaturally - they may soon turn to you for help, referring to malaise or disability, but you should not take everything for granted. Help so that later you do not regret participating in the fate of a person. You dream of a chicken with a cow's udder - be careful: they are trying to deceive you, it is possible that the business that you are offered is an empty scam; do not believe those who promise big money and promise mountains of gold. To see a chicken that attacks a stranger who has entered an unfamiliar courtyard - the one who promises to provide support will not fulfill his promise; do not rely on the help of those who have not been personally verified by you. Seeing in a dream a bed that was pecked out by chickens - beware of a dirty trick from careless family members, from children, those who still do not know much. Seeing in a dream a pot of cabbage soup in which an unplucked rooster lies - you are warned of a surprise that will cause you a storm of emotions of the opposite nature. In a dream, saving a chicken that rushes to beat off its chicken from a hawk is a symbol that your defender himself needs help. To dream that a roasted rooster has pecked at you - before making a final decision, weigh all the pros and cons, because the dream portends a surprise for you. If in a dream you want to slaughter a rooster, then such a dream indicates that there are evil, envious people in your environment who harm you very much, even though now you don’t know anything about it. Killing a rooster in a dream that prevented you from sleeping at night is a sign that you are too cunning a person and will suffer greatly because of this. Perhaps such a dream suggests that misfortune awaits you due to the cunning of a person close to you. Catching a rooster in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that soon you will have a difficult task ahead of you, which you are unlikely to be able to complete.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when a Chicken dreams:

Interpretation of the dream book: Seeing the Singing Chicken is a sign of sorrow and boredom; to see a laying hen means profit and profit; a mother hen and chickens together to see such a dream portends loss and loss; to hear her clucking is a sign of joy and pleasure.

Chicken - Cooking all kinds of dishes from chicken in a dream is good news.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of a Chicken in a dream:

Why do Hens dream - Money, winnings, profits, new acquaintances, friends will come, // chores, complaint, misfortunes, hard work; pecking grain - money; cluck - joy // slander; with chickens - loss, widow, orphan; a lot - guests, money // not good; black - quarrel; to catch - a girl will be born (for a pregnant woman); cut - unexpected guests, illness; feed - a good guest.

Spring dream book Why dream about Chicken in a dream book:

Chickens - To the chores.

Why dream of Chicken - Eat chicken - deal with a weak person.

Lunar dream book Why is the Chicken dreaming?

How the dream book interprets: Chickens - Money.

Autumn dream book Why dream about Chicken in a dream book:

Chickens (chicken) - Seeing a lot of walking chickens in the yard is for profit.

Summer dream book

Why dream of Chickens (chicken) - Chickens seen in a dream in a butchered form - to death.

Chicken coop - Average income.

Why dream of Chicken - Cooking something from chicken in a dream - to despondency.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing a Chicken in a Dream

In a dream, why the Chicken Coop is dreaming - Average income

Chicken - Buy - you will be happy; profit, profit - eat - take care of health - with chickens - you will have your own family - laying eggs- happiness in love - hear clucking - go on the road - pursued by a rooster - do not trust your friends


Why is the Chicken dreaming

ABC of dream interpretation

Chicken (black) - a symbol of personal sacrifice.

White chicken - a sign of imminent success.

Seeing one beautiful chicken is happiness in love and family life.

Chicken clucking - to unpleasant news, gossip.

American dream book

Chicken - something will happen in your life connected with the house.

Children's dream book

Chicken - in this image, one of the female relatives may appear to you.

If the chicken pecks at the grains, then everything will be fine.

If a chicken cackles anxiously, it expresses its concern about you, maybe you will get a little sick or get into some kind of unpleasant situation.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

A chicken is an indication of a woman who is in your service.

If a chicken sits on eggs in a dream, it is possible that your maid secretly became pregnant from you.

Idiomatic dream book

"Plucked Chicken" - about a sloppy seasoned depraved woman; “rushes like a chicken with an egg” - worries only about his own, small, insignificant.

Lunar dream book

Chickens are money.

Small Velesov dream book

Chickens - money, winnings, profit, new acquaintances, friends will come / chores, complaint, adversity, hard work; pecking grain - money; cackle - joy / slander; with chickens - loss, widow, orphan; a lot - guests, money / not good; black - quarrel; to catch - a girl will be born (for a pregnant woman); cut - unexpected guests, illness; feed - a good guest.

Muslim dream book

Chicken is a servant.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is the Chicken dreaming?

Chicken - to the chores, many of which will be in vain.

Psychoanalytic dream book

A chicken is a bird incapable of flight, and therefore an imagination with a utilitarian function. If the chicken is kept for egg production, then one can then hope for potential growth, unlike the case when it is kept for meat.

The black chicken is a guide to the deep unconscious.

Someone turning into a chicken - assurances of the unconscious that someone, perhaps the individual himself, is a coward.

Russian dream book

Chickens are a lot of trouble.

Russian folk dream book

A chicken is a restless bird that cackles a lot and has a fighting character, often turning into cockiness and pugnacity.

Family dream book

Chicken - dreams of pleasant meetings in the home circle, to an increase in the family.

dream interpreter

Chicken - singing to see is a sign of sorrow and boredom; to see a laying hen means profit and profit; to see a mother hen and to see together with chickens - such a dream portends loss and loss; to hear her clucking is a sign of joy and pleasure.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of a Chicken?

The dream in which you see chickens is a sign of a happy increase in the family.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Chicken - a reflection of excessive custody of someone (something).

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the Chicken dream about in a dream?

To see a big and beautiful chicken in a dream - fortunately in love or receiving a share from illegally acquired property.

To see a few chickens - to the troubles or the arrival of friends, worldly worries, a lot of chickens - to hard work.

Feed chickens - to a gift, affectionate attitude, meeting a kind person.

There is a chicken - for gifts.

If in a dream a chicken laid an egg, it means that a joyful event awaits you.

To see a chicken with chickens - to the joy of the family, a severed chicken head - to news, a letter.

Hearing a singing rooster is a sign that you need to be careful; plucking feathers from his tail - to trouble, to see the persecution of chicken roosters - to trouble in family life.

If you dream of a pugnacious rooster - this is a concern. a quarrel with old friends, a lame rooster - to the appearance of true friends, singing - to receive news, a golden rooster - fortunately, red - to danger from fire, black - to a clash with evil forces, catching a rooster means that you will be with someone to argue, a cockfight is a harbinger of a quarrel between your enemies.

If a woman sees a rooster in a dream, it means that she will soon meet an interesting young man.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Chicken - profit.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

Chicken - promises an addition to the family and a happy relationship.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Seeing a big and beautiful chicken is happiness.

Chickens to see - petty everyday worries.

There are a lot of them - hard work.

To feed is a gift / you will be treated kindly / to find a kind person.

To stab, catch a chicken - to achieve love.

There is a chicken - gifts.

She laid an egg - a joyful event.

To see a chicken with chickens is a joy in the family.

To see a severed chicken head - to lead, a letter.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

The chicken is a sign of the domestic instincts of the "brood hen". Perhaps this is the right time to transform your home into a cozy, light-filled sanctuary. It may also mean that you are feeling content and satisfied.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Chicken - for rain or washing.

If the chicken runs around the yard, guests will soon come to you and you will have to fuss.

Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday is a sign that you should be more careful and vigilant, as you may be drawn into a scam; from Saturday to Sunday - remember that it is not always necessary to tell everything to friends, even the closest, from Sunday to Monday - soon you will encounter an obstacle in business that you cannot overcome alone.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Chicken - a pleasant pastime in a circle with myi, an addition to the family.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The chicken in your dream always symbolizes household chores and fuss.

Seeing how a chicken laid an egg is a call for patience and a promise of a well-deserved reward. Such a dream means that your efforts will bring good results.

Black chicken - a warning about possible troubles associated with the house, household or loved ones.

A dead chicken is a sign that your irritation and intolerance can jeopardize your family happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Eat chicken - you need to pay attention to your health; to see pecking grain - to do proper nutrition; with chickens - take care of the children.

Chickens - to the chores.

Hearing the clucking of a hen in a dream - to a quarrel with a neighbor.

Seeing in a dream how a hen cackles over her chickens - to the arrival of numerous relatives and your concern for their food.

Plucking chicken - to the guests.

Chickens seen in a dream in a butchered form - to death.

Hearing the clucking of a chicken in a dream - to the care of the family.

Plucking a chicken in a dream means getting into an unpleasant situation.

Seeing a lot of walking chickens in the yard is a profit.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Chickens are a big displeasure.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of a Chicken in a dream?

Buy chicken - you will be happy; eat - take care of health; with chickens - you will have your own family; laying eggs - happiness in love; hear clucking - you will go on the road; pursued by a rooster - do not trust your friends.

Miller's dream book

Seeing a chicken in a dream - to pleasant meetings in the home circle, to an increase in the family.

Chinese dream book

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

A lot of chickens - to tears, losses.

One chicken - a pregnant woman dreams about the birth of a girl.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Chicken in a dream?

Hearing the clucking of chickens in a dream means a sudden shock caused by the news of an unexpected serious illness of one of your good friends.

Dreaming chicken - portends guests from among the friends of your home. An agitated chicken running around the yard - to confusion and mental decline, boredom and despair. A loud cackling chicken is a sign of the upcoming road, which you will have to go against your will.

A chicken laying eggs - portends a rich win and happiness in love. Seeing a chicken trampled by a rooster means that you will enter into a secret love affair. A chicken with a brood of chickens - says that you will regret the lost chance, and for unmarried people this dream - portends your own large family.

If in a dream you buy live chicken- this is fortunately, if chicken legs - you will be left without money. Cooking chicken for soup is an unpleasant but necessary job.

Fry, stew or bake chicken meat - you will be overcome by household chores and chores.

Eating chicken meat in a dream portends a visit to the doctor, possibly a trip to a sanatorium.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

To see a chicken in a dream - to pleasant meetings in the home circle, to an increase in the family.

Medieval dream book

Seeing that you are cooking chicken is for wealth.

Chickens to see or have - for good.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Dream book chicken?

Chickens - household chores, chores.

Sitting on eggs - waiting with benefit, patience, hope.

She laid an egg - false rumors.

With chickens - joy in the house.

Gray, black - scandals in the house; misfortune with relatives.

White - marriage, love, bride.

Chicken as food is a gift; is - family quarrels; love act.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

To see a chicken in a dream is a gift.

If you dreamed that you were feeding chickens, you yourself will bring trouble on your head.

You watched someone feed chickens - you are in trouble due to the fault of one of your relatives or friends.

Catching chickens is a big loss.

A dream in which you watched someone catch chickens - soon one of your loved ones will be in big trouble, and you will have losses as a result.

If you dreamed that you ate chicken, one of your relatives is in danger of a big loss, which will turn into profit for you.

You watched someone eat chicken - the loss of your friends will bring you profit.

If you dreamed that you cut out a chicken, in the near future you will have to take a decisive action that will change your life for the better.

In a dream, you watched someone cut chickens - your life will change for the better thanks to the act of one of your loved ones.

Buying chickens - you yourself are the blacksmith of your own happiness.

If you dreamed that you were selling chickens, you should know that happiness can suddenly smile at you.

If you dreamed that you were stealing chickens, you have a lot of work to do that will bring long-awaited results.

If you dreamed that you were watching someone steal chickens, then soon one of your loved ones will have to work hard, but you will use the results of his work.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The chicken is a random guest; many chickens are guests; pecks grain - money.

Aesop's dream book

The hen is a restless bird that is famous for its long cluck after laying an egg.

Rooster - is the embodiment of courage and fighting nature, although in most cases these qualities turn into cockiness and pugnacity.

These symbols seen in a dream are related to the household and the nature of the people with whom the dreamer communicates.

To see a dream in which chickens are looking for food, rummaging through money scattered in a thick layer around the yard - a harbinger of sad news or an event that may occur due to your negligence, try to focus on the main thing, and everything will be in order.

Seeing a fabulous hut on chicken legs in a dream - you will be surprised.

To meet a person whose speech you cannot understand, because it strongly resembles clucking - do not believe the rumors; you will be led astray by evil tongues; Don't make hasty decisions under pressure.

To see a chicken that sits in one place for a long time and unnaturally - they may soon turn to you for help, referring to malaise or disability, but you should not take everything for granted. Help so that later you do not regret participating in the fate of a person.

You are dreaming of a chicken with a cow's udder - be careful: they are trying to deceive you, it is possible that the business that you are offered is an empty scam; do not believe those who promise big money and promise mountains of gold.

To see a chicken that attacks a stranger who has entered an unfamiliar yard - the one who promises to provide support will not fulfill his promise; do not rely on the help of those who have not been personally verified by you.

Seeing in a dream a bed that chickens pecked out - beware of a dirty trick from careless family members, from children, those who still do not know much.

To dream of a pot of cabbage soup in which an unplucked rooster lies - you are warned of a surprise that will cause you a storm of emotions of the opposite nature.

In a dream, saving a chicken that rushes to beat off its chicken from a hawk is a symbol that your defender himself needs help.

To dream that a roasted rooster has pecked at you - before making a final decision, weigh all the pros and cons, because the dream portends a surprise for you.

If in a dream you want to slaughter a rooster, then such a dream indicates that there are evil, envious people in your environment who harm you very much, even though now you don’t know anything about it.

Killing a rooster in a dream that prevented you from sleeping at night is a sign that you are too cunning a person and will suffer greatly because of this. Perhaps such a dream suggests that misfortune awaits you due to the cunning of a person close to you.

Catching a rooster in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that soon you will have a difficult task that you are unlikely to be able to complete.

Ukrainian dream book

Chickens are dreaming - big chores; attack.

If a woman dreams of a hen with chickens, she will remain a widow with children.

Little chickens - something good will happen; chickens - poverty, poverty.

If you dream that chickens are kudkudakhchut, this is slander.

Many chickens, chickens - unexpected chores.

A hen with chickens are orphans: the mother dies, the children remain.

Universal dream book

One of the main mysteries of our lives is the question of what came first, the chicken or the egg? And yet: which came first, the chicken or the egg? In other words, are you trying to solve an unsolvable question?

The chicken is a wonderful symbol, meaning the desire to give up trying to answer unanswered questions. Do we really need to know absolutely everything?

Chicken - is also the personification of hatched ideas. What ideas, dreams or projects do you have in your life?

If in a dream you see a chicken hatching an egg, it means that you are considering some idea or project.

Chickens dig into the ground and have an amazing ability to find food in it when there seems to be nothing there - maybe you should dig a little deeper to get what you want.

Gypsy dream book

Chicken - profit, significant income.

Chicken with chickens - means that you will receive the patronage that you were looking for.

A chicken that lays eggs is good luck.

If you hear a chicken clucking, this means consolation from some kind of grievance.

If in a dream you feed chickens, it means that minor troubles await you.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Dream book chicken?

According to the dream book, a chicken with snow-white plumage portends you good luck, and with black, you will have to sacrifice your own interests for the benefit of others.

If you pour grain to her - you will meet a person who is good in all respects, they will make you a pleasant surprise.

Trying to catch them - significant losses await you.

Acquire them - your success will depend only on you, sell - you did not even hope, and fate will send you an amazing chance.

The dream in which you are trying to steal chickens portends your worries and labors, thanks to which you will nevertheless achieve what you want.

If you dreamed of a hen with a brood, great happiness will visit your house.

Severed head of a bird - portends you to receive news.

Slaughter a chicken in a dream - soon you will be put in front of important choice By showing firmness, you can achieve incredible success.

Prepare broth from it - you will do what you don’t have a soul for, but this is a necessary measure.

To eat chicken meat - you need to consult a doctor, it is advisable to undergo a course of procedures in a health resort.

Plucked chicken - the results will not be so significant, despite painstaking and thorough work, this will disappoint you. To change the current situation, make a fire and set fire to 3 chicken feathers in it.

To kill a chicken is a dream - hard work is waiting for your accomplishment, you will be very reluctant to take up its execution.

Cooking chicken - your plans will not come true, you will be upset and upset.

I dreamed of carving (chopping off the head) a chicken - some kind of holiday is planned. You will rest from the daily hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Catch a chicken - you will choose an honest way of making money.

Catching a chicken, according to the interpretation of the dream book, is a difficulty as a result of the short-sightedness of the next of kin.

Eating chicken - family gatherings, conversations, meetings. Pleasant company.

The chicken pecked - lucky sign. You will receive some money, which will be very useful.

A dream in which a chicken laid an egg is luck for those who make money on the stock market, on the currency exchange.

Fried chicken - households will demand heightened attention to their problems and desires. We'll have to do as they want, otherwise the rebellion will not be avoided.

I dreamed of chicken meat - some new acquaintance will contribute to obtaining material prosperity.

Fry chicken meat - you will get money illegally.

Someone cuts chicken meat - a split in the family, which will not end soon. And maybe even worsen over time.

Chickens, chickens - an influential person will give you a helping hand. Your dream of partnering with this person will come true. But do not be arrogant and ambitious, otherwise everything will end in failure.

Raw chicken in a dream - experiences associated with additional expenses, unplanned expenses. You will have wasted time. There is a risk of fraud against you.

Live chicken - you are now on the crest of a wave, fortune smiles at you. All troubles bypass you.

Chicken, rooster - symbolize someone from home, close relatives.

The rooster tramples the hen dream book - sexual attraction to a new acquaintance, passionate love. -

White chicken - a luxurious life full of rich impressions.

Dead chicken - some business is waiting for you to work on it. Don't put it off again.

The chicken pecked - a dream is a dream for happiness. Cash bonuses, receipt of large sums of money.

Black chicken - haste in making decisions. Luck depends on whether you choose the right path.

Dreaming of a chicken laying an egg - financial success, cost-effective offer. For casino lovers - to win a big jackpot.


Why is the Rooster dreaming

American dream book

Rooster - pomposity; pride; selfishness.

Big online dream book

If you dream of a rooster, it means that you will enter a time of exceptional luck and the growth of your prestige, especially in the business area of ​​\u200b\u200byour activity. However, treat this with all possible precautions: do not let your happy exaltation turn you into a vain and swaggering person who annoys everyone around you: family members, friends and colleagues.

A dream in which you watch a cockfight warns you of upcoming quarrels and rivalries.

If you happen to hear a morning rooster crowing in a dream, this is undoubtedly a good sign that portends a successful marriage and prosperity in the house for young people.

In the event that you dreamed that a rooster crows in the evening or at night, this portends tears that will well up in your eyes more than once or twice in the coming days.

Just as the apostle Peter remembered the prediction of Christ when he heard the cock crow, so this dream warns you against delusions and mistakes.

Children's dream book

A rooster is someone you know who can be called an imaginary or fashionista (fashionista).

If a rooster crows, it means that important news is waiting for you from the lips of this person.

If he fights, you have to reconcile your friends.

If the rooster is just proudly striding around the yard, wait for a new thing to appear in your wardrobe.

Idiomatic dream book

“Let go of the red rooster” - stab, beat, inflict a bloody wound; "cock" - arrogance, pride, anger, irritation, boasting; “cockfights”, “cocky like a rooster” - a fight; "cock" (as a curse word) - an inadequately dressed man.

Icelandic dream book

Cock to hear singing - to mortal fear.

Small Velesov dream book

Rooster - there will be a groom (girl) / fight, fire, treason, news; cock crow - joy / to the fire, danger; kill a black rooster - beware of fire; to catch a rooster - a boy will be born (for a pregnant woman); cry to hear - news; roosters fight - quarrel, fire; pinching feathers from the tail is a misfortune.

Muslim dream book

The rooster is a servant.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is the Rooster dreaming?

Rooster - to a new lover (lover); teenager - to a fight, conflict.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Rooster is a rooster. Lust, behaves like a "rooster".

Family dream book

The rooster is dreaming - to exceptional luck and success. Your task is to try not to get sick star disease.

A cockfight seen in a dream warns of impending quarrels and rivalry.

The morning crowing of a rooster heard in a dream is a good sign, portending a successful marriage and prosperity in the house.

But if you dreamed that a rooster was screaming at night or in the evening, you would have to cry a little.

Slavic dream book

Rooster - to well-being.

dream interpreter

Seeing in a dream means courage; to see a singing rooster means joy and well-being; to see a rooster laying eggs - marks profit without glory; to see roosters fighting - means abuse, quarrel and contention.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if the Rooster is dreaming?

Seeing a rooster in a dream is a prediction of the fame you will achieve, but this will make you too vain.

Seeing fighting roosters portends rivalry and quarrels.

A dream is favorable in which you hear the morning crowing of a rooster, if you are alone - a dream promises you a quick marriage and beautiful house.

Hearing a cock crowing at night is a sign of despair. In the future, you will have to shed many tears.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Rooster - the need to "wake up" and / or be ready for the new. It is necessary to get rid of the habit of "cocking".

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Rooster - well-being, contentment, joy

Dream Interpretation Longo

A rooster seen in a dream is a symbol of aggressiveness, intransigence, rebellion.

Hearing a rooster crowing - you will receive unpleasant news from afar that relate to one of your friends. You will be so shocked by this that you will not be able to calm down for a long time.

To see a rooster fight - you will participate in the reconciliation of quarreling friends or arguing employees. Your mission as a peacekeeper will be successful.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

The rooster is a messenger of some phenomenon or event / your desire to overcome your obsessive fear, a sense of inferiority / the owner of the house, family / precaution is necessary in labor.

Pugnacious - anxiety / heavy contention with former friends.

Lame rooster - true friends.

Singing - lead.

Golden rooster - happiness.

Beautiful - danger from fire.

Black - a clash with evil forces.

Chasing a chicken is a quarrel.

The feather from his tail is bad luck.

Cockfight is a quarrel between your opponents.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

If someone behaves like a rooster, it means that he puts on airs and bullies. Isn't it time to learn humility?

"Cockerel" is often called the male genitalia, so the rooster can symbolize - male energy and strength.

The cry of a rooster - calls for awakening. Wake up spiritually, wake up to life.

In the Middle Ages, weather vanes in the form of roosters were hung on the spiers of houses and churches - as a symbol of readiness to meet the morning dawn.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

The rooster crows - you have a talent for singing. Would you like to try becoming a singer?

A rooster with a chicken - in personal life, everything is very good in sex.

If a rooster pecked at you - soon someone will remind you of an important matter that you completely forgot about.

If you had a dream on an even day of the week, you will make a discovery that will bring you and those around you a lot of good; if you had a dream on an odd day of the week - be afraid of theft, beware of thieves and robbers.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Rooster - amazing luck in everything.

Hearing cock singing in a dream - in the future you will have a successful marriage and prosperity in the house.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Rooster in a dream - symbolizes arrogance and conflict. A woman to see a rooster in a dream often portends a vain and proud boyfriend.

For a man, a rooster seen in a dream is a warning about a possible conflict or rivalry. After such a dream, try not to get carried away and not respond with harshness to harshness, otherwise it will end in a painful and senseless quarrel.

A wounded or dead rooster is a sign that conflicts and squabbles can eventually lead to dire consequences for you, and then unnecessary pride will suddenly turn into a heavy humiliation.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Rooster - to the news.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

A rooster crowing in a dream - to a squabble.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Rooster - to scream, commotion.

Cock scallop - the husband is cheating on you, and it will open soon.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

The dream in which you see a rooster portends that you will make a mistake, for which you will have only yourself to blame.

If you hear a rooster crowing, this indicates that you decide to cheat on your partner out of curiosity. You're just wondering how people who commit treason feel.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if a Rooster is dreaming in a dream?

Seeing an egg-laying is an unexpected legacy; catch - respect; to see a rooster in general - to fall under suspicion; hear singing - they love you; to eat - greed will seize you.

Miller's dream book

If you dream of a rooster, it means that you will enter a time of exceptional luck and the growth of your prestige, but your happy elevation will turn you into a vain and snobby person.

A dream in which you see a cockfight warns you of upcoming quarrels and rivalry.

In a dream, they will hear the morning crowing of a rooster - a good sign that portends young people a successful marriage and prosperity in the house.

If you dream that a rooster crows at night or in the evening, you will have to cry, and more than once.

Chinese dream book

You wash a rooster - portends a verbal squabble with an official.

A chicken sits on eggs - portends great joy.

A rooster sits on a tree - portends wealth, profit.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Rooster in a dream?

To dream of an important, large rooster at the head of chickens - in reality, this portends happiness in your personal life, but a rooster pecking at you is an accident.

Fighting young cockerels - you will soon receive news from a friend that will sadden you.

A rooster flying up the fence and crowing - heralds that good luck will replace the unlucky streak in your life.

A slaughtered rooster rushing around the yard without a head portends you a desperate struggle for the realization of your goals and the desired victory in it. Slaughtered fat capon - death close relative. Cooking in a dream or eating a rooster - to part with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

A rooster in a dream - portends a time of extraordinary luck and a happy elevation. However, beware of being infected by vanity and swagger.

Cockfight in a dream - portends quarrels and rivalry in reality.

If in a dream you hear the morning crowing of a rooster, this is a good sign, portending a successful marriage and prosperity in the house.

If a rooster cries at night or in the evening, you will have to cry more than once. In addition, such a dream warns against misconceptions and mistakes.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Rooster according to the dream book?

Rooster - dispute, anger, irritability; treason; hot-tempered person, guest.

Red - danger of fire, harm from love passion or a fight.

Golden - extraordinary happiness.

Black - face an evil force in yourself or outside.

Crows - an important event: be vigilant!

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Red rooster - treason, renunciation of the teacher.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

To see a rooster in a dream - to change the boss or the person on whom all your affairs depend.

If you dreamed that you turned the head of a rooster, in the near future you will be able to put your boss in his place.

Pinch, cook a rooster - to advance through the ranks.

In a dream, you watched someone turn the neck of a rooster - you will hear good advice from one of your closest relatives.

Freud's dream book

Seeing a rooster in a dream is a mistake, the only one to blame for which will be you.

Hearing the rooster crowing is a betrayal, to which only curiosity will “drive” you. You will want to experience those sensations that are invariably present in the life of every person who has cheated on a partner.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Rooster - high position, recognition and prestige. But one should not be overly proud of one's achievements, otherwise one may lose everything; gossip.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Rooster - treason, messenger.

French dream book

Seeing roosters in a dream is good news.

Singing rooster - heralds joy and happiness in your home.

Fighting roosters - portend your participation in some kind of fight.

Ukrainian dream book

If you dream of a rooster on the gate - there will be a fire in the house, you must beware.

The rooster sings - to the fire.

Rooster, especially red - on fire, fire.

How a girl dreams of a rooster - her betrothed.

Gypsy dream book

Rooster - pride, success, power.

A fighting rooster is a threat to your position.

Esoteric dream book

Rooster - your ambitions.

The type of rooster is the degree of their satisfaction and justification, for example: beautiful ambitions are justified; pinched in vain try.

Hoarse - a lot of effort will be spent on self-affirmation.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Rooster according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, a rooster promises glory and universal recognition, just don't get proud.

If he crows at night, he will have to go through difficult times.

You dreamed that the roosters were fighting among themselves - there was a tense competitive fight and conflicts.

If the bird is beheaded - in order to achieve what you want, you have to make titanic efforts, spend a lot of strength and nerves.

If the rooster dreamed of being dead, you should be more tolerant of others, not ask for trouble, avoid any showdown, give in now, otherwise you risk remaining defeated and literally trampled into the mud later.

According to the dream book, a rooster with bright red plumage warns that in the near future you may be overcome by negative emotions, and if you do not keep them under control, something irreparable will happen, ranging from assault scandals to serious damage to your property .

If he has a severed head, in order to bring his plan to life, you will have to work hard and hard, win your right to happiness, but if you are stubborn and unshakable, you will succeed.

In a dream, you kill a rooster - in reality you will find long-awaited happiness, achieve what you have been dreaming of for a long time, and all thanks to the fact that you can discard everything superfluous, overcome something negative in yourself.

The bird attacks and pecks you - you run the risk of missing something important due to your own negligence and irresponsibility, which will incur huge troubles.

A dream in which a rooster has black plumage warns that in the near future something or someone will provoke you to manifestation negative emotions, you will fight the manifestation of evil, both around you and in the depths of your subconscious.

If he has a snow-white plumage - you will have a tremendous success, fate will be more supportive of you than ever, so now feel free to take on any undertakings, they are guaranteed to be successful.


Chickens in dreams have many interpretations. For many, this is a symbol of satisfaction, family life, troubles. Women may have a dream when in reality they feel a desire to equip their home. With an unfavorable sleeping atmosphere, chickens promise illness, misunderstanding with friends and disturbing thoughts.

But mostly it's a good sign. He portends profit, meeting with friends, dating. If in your dream a chicken pecks at grain, this is for money. Profit is also promised by chickens walking around in the yard in in large numbers. The same dream predicts guests. Cackling hens - to joy. If the chickens in your dream are sitting on their eggs, this means hope and patience. A white chicken dreams of young people for marriage and love. Black means conflicts with relatives.


Roosters and hens

Dream Interpretation Roosters and Chickens had a dream about why Roosters and chickens dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Roosters and hens in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chicken, rooster

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

(See interpretation: chicken)

Dream Interpretation - Chicken

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

Golden rooster - fortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Chicken

I dreamed - income.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

whoever sees that he has slaughtered a rooster will not answer the call of the Muezzin to Namaz. It is also said: whoever sees that he has turned into a rooster, he will become a Muezzin or possibly die. The rooster also indicates an energetic famous and influential person with a beautiful voice. Another opinion: a rooster seen in a dream is a harbinger of useless conversations and quarrels. A person in a dream who was pecked by a rooster may soon suffer from a foreigner, and perhaps even kill.

Dream Interpretation - Chicken

To see a big and beautiful chicken - fortunately in love or receiving a share from illegally acquired property.

To see several chickens - to the troubles or the arrival of friends, worldly worries.

Many chickens - to hard work.

Feed chickens - to a gift, affectionate attitude, meeting a kind person.

Eating chicken is for gifts.

The chicken laid an egg - a joyful event awaits you.

To see a chicken with chickens is to the joy of the family.

A rooster is chasing a chicken - to trouble in family life.

A severed chicken head - to the news, a letter.

Dream Interpretation - Chicken

Seeing a big and beautiful chicken is happiness.

Chickens to see - petty everyday worries.

There are a lot of them - hard work.

Feeding chickens is a gift / you will be treated kindly / to find a kind person.

To stab, catch a chicken - to achieve love.

There are chicken gifts.

A chicken laid an egg - a joyful event.

To see a chicken with chickens is a joy in the family.

To see a severed chicken head - to lead, a letter.

Seeing chickens is good luck.

Feed them - poverty

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

The rooster is a messenger of some phenomenon or event / your desire to overcome your obsessive fear, a sense of inferiority / the owner of the house, family / precaution is necessary in labor.

Pugnacious rooster - anxiety / heavy contention with former friends.

Lame rooster - true friends.

Singing - lead.

The golden rooster is happiness.

A beautiful rooster is a danger from fire.

Black - a clash with evil forces.

Chasing a chicken is a quarrel.

The feather from his tail is bad luck.

Cockfight - quarrel of your opponents


Rooster egg chicken

Dream Interpretation Rooster Egg Chicken dreamed of why in a dream Rooster egg chicken? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Rooster egg chicken in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chicken, rooster

The chicken is a restless bird that is famous for its long cackling after it lays an egg. The rooster is the embodiment of courage and fighting nature, although in most cases these qualities turn into cockiness and pugnacity. Seen in a dream, these symbols are related to the household and the nature of the people with whom the dreamer communicates.

Seeing a dream in which chickens are looking for food, rummaging through money scattered in a thick layer around the yard, is a harbinger of sad news or an event that may occur due to your negligence, try to focus on the main thing, and everything will be in order.

Seeing in a dream a fabulous hut on chicken legs - you will be surprised.

To meet a person whose speech you cannot understand, because it strongly resembles clucking - do not believe the rumors; Evil tongues will deceive you; Don't make hasty decisions under pressure.

Seeing a chicken that sits in one place for a long time and unnaturally - they may soon turn to you for help, referring to malaise or disability, but you should not take everything for granted. Help so that later you do not regret participating in the fate of a person.

You dream of a chicken with a cow's udder - be careful: they are trying to deceive you, it is possible that the business that you are offered is an empty scam; do not believe those who promise big money and promise mountains of gold.

To see a chicken that attacks a stranger who has entered an unfamiliar courtyard - the one who promises to provide support will not fulfill his promise; do not rely on the help of those who have not been personally verified by you.

Seeing in a dream a bed that was pecked out by chickens - beware of a dirty trick from careless family members, from children, those who still do not know much.

Seeing in a dream a pot of cabbage soup in which an unplucked rooster lies - you are warned of a surprise that will cause you a storm of emotions of the opposite nature.

In a dream, saving a chicken that rushes to beat off its chicken from a hawk is a symbol that your defender himself needs help.

To dream that a roasted rooster pecked at you - before making a final decision, weigh all the pros and cons, because the dream portends a surprise for you.

If in a dream you want to slaughter a rooster, then such a dream indicates that there are evil, envious people in your environment who harm you very much, even though now you don’t know anything about it.

Killing a rooster in a dream that prevented you from sleeping at night is a sign that you are too cunning and will suffer greatly because of this. Perhaps such a dream suggests that misfortune awaits you due to the cunning of a person close to you.

Catching a rooster in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that soon you will have a difficult task that you are unlikely to be able to complete.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

(See interpretation: chicken)

A rooster in a dream is a fan for a woman, a rival for men and a competitor in business. Sometimes a dream about a rooster foreshadows a meeting with a snobby and conceited person, which will be unpleasant for you. Slaughtering him is a sign of a breakdown in affairs. Letting him out of the house is a harbinger of your child's imminent marriage. Fighting roosters in a dream are a sign of quarrels or strife. Hearing a rooster crowing in a dream portends news that will indicate to you that the moment has come that you should not miss. See interpretation: cry.

It is also believed that a rooster in a dream warns of treason or deceit, as well as that the time has come for an important decision to be made. If in a dream you hear the cries of roosters, then you should avoid quarrels and showdowns that can harm you. Sometimes the cry of a rooster in a dream warns against mistakes or warns of betrayal.

If you dream that a rooster laid an egg, then pleasant surprises await you, which means the arrival of pleasant guests or receiving good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts an unexpected inheritance. See interpretation: feathers, an egg in which you pluck feathers from a rooster's tail portends misfortune. To see the bright plumage of a rooster in a dream is a sign of the imminent joyful news of the arrival of a friend or lover whom you have not seen for a long time.

Dream Interpretation - Egg

It is well known that the egg is a symbol of the birth of life, has the power of rebirth and renewal. In dreams, this symbol can have several meanings and interpretations. According to ancient legends, sorcerers and magicians, whose actions were associated with evil spirits, ate an egg in a shell to double their strength. You probably remember that the fabulous villain Koschey the Immortal kept his life in an egg. In some cases, the egg symbolizes immortality, longevity, infinity. The custom of painting and eating eggs is still very popular.

Folk wisdom keeps many sayings and proverbs associated with this symbol. They said about an empty and insignificant matter: "It's not worth a damn." In another case, the egg was considered a symbol of infancy. They said about a caressed and spoiled child: "A stale egg is always a talker." It was believed that no serious deeds should be expected from such a person.

If in a dream you eat an egg, it means that in reality you pay too much attention to an empty and unnecessary business.

The dream in which you dropped and broke an egg means that with your careless actions you can destroy your own happiness.

Seeing broken eggshells in a dream is a sign that you need to take care of your health.

To dream about how you collect eggs in nests means that significant changes for the better will come in your life.

If you saw in a dream how you hatch eggs yourself, it means that someone close to you will need your attention and help.

A dream in which you treat someone with a dish of eggs indicates that a person will appear in your life who will turn your whole life upside down.

See in a dream rotten eggs- a bad sign.

Seeing a two-yolk egg in a dream means a dual situation.

If in a dream you are trying to cook scrambled eggs, and from broken egg a live chicken crawls out - this is a sign that you are unwisely using your chance.

To dream of a huge mountain of eggs - to well-being.

The dream in which you saw a snake devouring an egg means evil and illness.

Seeing in a dream how a pike hatches eggs is a sign that you are overly passionate about your fantasies, which replace real life for you.

A dream in which you are waiting for the chicken to finally hatch from the eggs means that you are too passionate about what has long been in the past. They say about this: "These are hatched eggs."

If in a dream you are trying to break and peel an egg shell, in reality you will have to be more careful. They will try to deceive you and introduce you into significant monetary expenses. People say: "They peeled off like a testicle."

Dream Interpretation - Chicken

A dreaming chicken portends guests from among the friends of your house. An agitated chicken running around the yard - to confusion and mental decline, boredom and despair. A loud cackling chicken is a sign of the upcoming road, which you will have to go against your will.

A chicken laying eggs portends a rich win and happiness in love. Seeing a chicken trampled by a rooster means that you will enter into a secret love affair. A chicken with a brood of chickens indicates that you will regret the lost chance, and for unmarried people, this dream portends their own large family.

If in a dream you buy a live chicken - this is fortunately, if chicken legs - you will be left without money. Cooking chicken for soup is an unpleasant, but necessary work.

Fry, stew or bake chicken meat - you will be overcome by household chores and chores. Eating chicken meat in a dream portends a visit to the doctor, possibly a trip to a sanatorium.

Dream Interpretation - Egg

Eggs in a dream portend success in any new business.

Eggs that you eat in a dream indicate that you are in good health.

The egg symbolizes the birth of a new life, rebirth. A nest with eggs seen in a dream portends wealth and a happy marriage. A woman after such a dream often behaves too frivolously.

If in a dream you ate an egg, then anxiety associated with something unusual may settle in your house. Such a dream is also a dream of a close relationship with one of your associates, whom you have known so far only from a formal side, for example, as a colleague.

When you see broken fresh eggs, know that fate is ready to generously reward you. You will be loved and respected for your extraordinary mind and high sense of justice. In addition, such a dream means that you can offend some already shy person with some careless look or word. Even if you really want to express everything that you think about him, it is better to keep silent.

Rotten eggs dream of loss of property and decline in business.

A dreaming basket of eggs is a harbinger of the fact that you will participate in profitable business transactions.

Bird eggs found in the forest dream of receiving an inheritance from distant relatives.

painted Easter eggs- in fact, you need to rethink your intimate life. Each time you just repeat what was before, without making any changes. It is not so difficult to correct the situation - to embellish the situation, to create something unusual. Arrange a romantic dinner, turn on the music, lower the curtains - and then you will start new round in relationship.

Nostradamus interpreted such dreams as follows.

A young woman watched in a dream how a creature hatches from an egg - a dream predicts a successful birth for her.

If you dreamed that you broke an egg, then you might commit a crime.

If someone breaks the egg, then in the future you will become an unwitting witness to a cruel crime.

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about eggs like this.

A rotten egg in a dream portends a threat to life.

Boiled an egg - a long drought will come.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

For a woman, she will meet an interesting young man.

Hearing a singing rooster is a sign that you need to be careful.

Plucking feathers from a cock's tail is a nuisance.

A rooster is chasing a chicken - to trouble in family life.

A pugnacious rooster - to anxiety, a quarrel with old friends.

Lame rooster - to the appearance of true friends.

Singing rooster - to receive news.

Golden rooster - fortunately.

Red rooster - to danger from fire.

Black rooster - to clash with evil forces.

Catching a rooster - you will argue with someone.

A cockfight is a harbinger of a quarrel between your enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Chicken

I dreamed - income.

If the chicken is with offspring, you have support from above.

The chicken cackles - in difficult times they will always help you.

You feed the chicken - expect trouble.

Chicken - profit, significant income.

Chicken with chickens - means that you will receive the patronage that you were looking for.

A chicken that lays eggs is good luck.

If you hear a chicken clucking, this means consolation from some kind of grievance.

If you feed chickens, then you are in for minor troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Eggs

Chicken. Fresh, whole, light in color (white or light beige) - an unexpected, but welcome guest will appear. Brown - you yourself will go to visit another city. Colored eggs mean that a period of prosperity and well-being is coming in your life. And in personal terms, and in a career, everything will turn out in the best way. If you break eggs in a dream and fry fried eggs (or someone does it in front of you) - in reality you will have to sacrifice something significant to achieve your goal. If the eggs turned out to be rotten, someone is spreading vile gossip about you. Salting scrambled eggs - get a good profit, which will more than cover all your costs, no matter how impressive they may be. Peeling boiled eggs - you will soon meet your secret well-wisher. Knocking eggs into eggnog - meet a person with the help of which you will be able to significantly increase your fortune. To see how a chicken lays eggs - you will find a new profitable job.

In a universal way, a dream about eggs can be worked out by imagining that all the eggs that you dreamed about were fresh and tasty. If you dreamed of rotten eggs, imagine that you are throwing them away, or better yet, burning them. Instead of rotten, you buy fresh. If you dream of scrambled eggs, imagine that you are cooking it for a person whose support you need. Seen in a dream colored eggs- Imagine that each member of your family eats an Easter egg. So you will ensure the well-being and prosperity of your entire family.

eggs of wild birds. Find a nest with bird eggs - a casual acquaintance will help you solve an important problem. If you only see in the nest eggshell(a sign that the chicks have hatched and scattered) - problems will be resolved naturally, without additional effort on your part. see how predatory beast or a bird steals eggs from a nest - you need to be careful and trust strangers less: your problems are not accidental, someone deliberately puts obstacles in your way.

If you dreamed that a predator was destroying a nest with eggs, imagine that more strong predator(for example, a lion or an eagle) drives it away, and the eggs remain unharmed. (see Lion, Eagle).

Dream Interpretation - Egg

The egg symbolizes the birth of a new life, rebirth.

Watching in a dream how a creature hatches from an egg is a sign that you will soon witness the appearance of a living creature on Earth. For a young pregnant woman, such a dream prophesies a successful birth.

Find big in a dream unusual egg- means that in the future an egg of a large unusual animal will be found. Perhaps it will be the egg of long-extinct dinosaurs.

If you dreamed that you broke an egg, then this dream prophesies that you will commit a crime. Perhaps take the life of any living being. If someone breaks the egg, then in the future you will become an unwitting witness to a brutal murder.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

Rooster - if you dream of a rooster on the gate, then there will be a fire in the house, you must beware. The rooster sings - to the fire. Rooster (especially red) - on fire, fire. How a girl dreams of a rooster - her betrothed.


Hens and roosters

Dream Interpretation - Chickens

A very symbolic Dream, telling the Dreamer that she is on the right path (the Rooster and the Hen in the Kitchen, instead of the Dove, are balanced earthly qualities, leaving room for the manifestation of the Soul). The dreamer rides in the Car, and with her again the Rooster, who does not leave the car even when open door, and the Dreamer is afraid that she will catch a cold - this situation in a dream means that the Dreamer in reality, in spite of everything earthly, really lacks the manifestation warmth(Yang - qualities), and she, at least occasionally, should listen to the voice of her Soul. Sincerely, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

A little daughter is your inner self, consciousness, soul. You have protected her from attacks from outside or will protect her in the near future. Everything is fine with you!

Dream Interpretation - Rooster

In my opinion we are talking that the dreamer is trying to protect her daughter's psyche from making public the fact of a relationship with another man. It seems to her so much that it hurts her daughter, that she is ready to part with a man at the first threat to the child's peace ... Something like this. I would guess....

Dream Interpretation - Smokes

This person thinks about you intensely (looks and smokes). Emotionally - excited; either anger, or excitement of a different kind, you caused him.

Dream Interpretation - An animated rooster turned into a dog

It is possible to return to the old long-gone relationship, if you make an effort, you will achieve a positive result.

Dream Interpretation - Cat and Rooster

This dream may portend disagreements, disputes, competitions (gym, animal fight) with a loved one. You both need to try to understand each other's point of view. In fact, your mutual dissatisfaction highlights your mutual shortcomings. Look at each other as in a mirror. If you do not have a loved one, then here you should come and ...

Dream Interpretation - Cat and Rooster

Cleaning the hall is a preparation for some event in real life, "clearing" the space for something new. The gym is a "place for action", i.e. for the implementation of what is planned in life. A cat and a rooster changing habits show that you will have to change your habits and "become someone else." Or are they other people who take turns "changing masks". Take a closer look at your surroundings, is there anyone with the habits of a cat and a rooster? Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Boar for a rooster

Perhaps you will soon have a fan (rooster), but someone from your environment will either “beat off” him from you (if the boar is a woman), or be jealous and build various squabbles in order to also discourage him (if the boar is a man) .

Dream Interpretation - Feed the deer and roosters

The dream in which you see roosters is an omen of fame and glory, headless roosters are missed opportunities, it’s good that you were left alone. If you dream of a deer, then in reality you will soon find reliable friends. For young people, this dream promises a pure and true feeling.

Dream Interpretation - Death of a priest, a singing rooster

Your dream may mean the end of some important period in your life. This may denote the completion of the process of obtaining a certain kind of knowledge, i.e., spiritual enlightenment. I hope there is no reason to despair, and this is just an exit to a new stage of consciousness - such processes go through stages in life. Good luck!

It symbolizes prosperity and family wealth. However, you should pay attention to what this looks like. Domestic bird and how it behaves.

  • Seeing a chicken in a dream is a good sign. We can say with confidence that such a dream means a blessing that should visit your family, prosperity, comfort and tranquility, both in relationships and in your soul.
  • Just think, because the associations with the word "hen" are very warm and homely. So with the dream in which the chicken had a dream - this is a clear hint of family well-being and love.
  • Of particular importance is the dream of a chicken that a woman dreams of. If you suddenly dream of smoking a woman who has not yet had children in her life - this sure sign, indicating that the long-awaited pregnancy will soon come.
Why see a chicken in a dream?

If a woman saw a chicken in a dream, she needs to pay attention not only to the color of the bird's plumage (black, red, white), but also to how the chicken behaves: is it aggressive or calm. Such details are of great importance for the interpretation of sleep.

Many dream books interpret dreams about a chicken as good news that a person should soon visit. If a man dreams of a chicken, this does not mean that he will soon have a child, because this interpretation applies only to women. This may be interpreted as:

  • A quick pleasant meeting with a long-awaited person
  • Good time with family members or relatives
  • Communication with a person from your close circle with whom you have not seen for a long time

Dreamed of a chicken, what does it mean?

On the other hand, a dream about a chicken may not have a completely calm interpretation. AT this case we are talking about the dream where the chicken behaved extremely restlessly or was influenced by some other factors, such as a fox or a person. Such a dream means:

  • Possible troubles and problems in family relationships
  • Possible quarrel with friends through the fault of an outsider
  • Possible unexpected guests or unkind visitors to your home

What is the dream of a chicken laying eggs?

The dream in which you dreamed of a chicken laying eggs has a very favorable meaning. Such a bird is quite calm, which speaks of good relations in a family, with children and a loved one. The fact that a chicken lays eggs indicates a kind of prosperity that you can get in various ways.

If you saw in a dream the eggs that a chicken had just laid, this can be interpreted as:

  • Unexpected receipt of significant material (financial) wealth (bonus, vacation pay, donated amount).
  • Perhaps this suggests that luck will favor you soon and you will win a large sum of money.
  • Perhaps what you have in mind will come true and bring you a win.

On the other hand, if a young girl or woman has such a dream, this may have a special connotation and mean an impending pregnancy.

What is the dream of a chicken laying eggs?

If in a dream you saw a chicken that lays eggs and also collected them, this indicates that in the future you will be pursued by prosperity and well-being. This indicates that you will not experience any lack in the future and will live with enough finances and a completely comfortable life.

Why dream of a chicken and chickens?

Seeing a chicken in a dream is a good sign, and this poultry does not always portend troubles in the family. Remembering exactly how you dreamed of a chicken, you can adequately assess and predict upcoming events. Everything matters: color, her behavior, the presence of other elements in a dream.

Sleeping with chicken in a dream can mean "guests" and "visitors". And if this bird was able to dream along with the chickens, then this may be enough accurate prediction the fact that many guests will come to you and they will be from afar. Depending on what kind of behavior the chicken will have (and the chicken is exactly the embodiment of you), the reception of guests will be so welcoming.

If the bird does not sit still, constantly clucks and is restless towards chickens, then the arrival of guests will be:

  • troublesome
  • restless
  • financially overhead

If a young woman dreams of a chicken surrounded by chickens before her wedding, this indicates that she will be happy in the future. family life where she can give her husband many heirs.

It is also worth paying attention to how chickens behave in a dream. If the chickens are calm enough, clean and in good condition, this is a good sign that your family will be healthy and happy. If they peck grain measuredly and rest, this indicates material and financial prosperity in the family.

Of great importance in such a dream is the ratio of chicken to chickens:

  • If the hen cackles and does not pay attention to the chickens, this is anxiety in the family. It is possible that soon someone will catch the disease. Pay attention to how all family members feel: especially children and people of age. Such a dream is a warning.
  • If you suddenly dreamed of a commotion in the chicken coop and the chicken was anxiously protecting the chickens, this could indicate upcoming merry festivities and fun in noisy companies among friends or relatives. Such a dream does not bode well.
  • If a person doing business has a dream with chicken and chickens, this indicates his successful business and the promotion of his personal business. And if you are a family person, then you should think about whether you pay enough attention to your children and loved ones?
  • If a person sees a dream with a chicken and chickens on the eve of an important event, this can be as important for him as many small difficulties and problems that he has to face and fight. Carefully approach the solution of each issue, pay attention to the smallest nuances. If you are not too careful, your business may end in failure and disappointment for you.

It may also happen that a chicken in a dream will be too aggressive, for example, it will peck at chickens. In this case, the dream is of a warning nature and tries to warn you about domestic problems with parents, loved ones or children. In the very worst case- this may mean a divorce soon. If you saw such a dream and are afraid of losing a warm relationship with your soulmate, then you should take care of your personal life and feelings.

It is worth paying attention to the color of a chicken with chickens, because no matter how positive a dream with a hen is, a black chicken always indicates the onset of problems, and if we are talking about chickens (children, loved ones, relatives, relatives), then this portends a quarrel, illness or resentment in the family. Since it is you who most likely embodies the chicken, then first of all you should pay attention to your behavior and attitude towards relatives.

why dream of a chicken with chickens?

Why is the black chicken dreaming?

Chicken is a good sign that can be present in every person's dreams. But nevertheless, there are nuances that you should definitely pay attention to if you dreamed about this bird. Most important point is her color.

A black chicken in a dream is also completely neutral in nature and may indicate upcoming weather in future. So, the black chicken portends heavy rains, showers and thunderstorms.

If a black chicken rushes down the street in the yard or in the house, she is not calm and constantly clucks - this suggests that completely unexpected guests may come to you soon, whom you are not so happy to see in your house. But nevertheless, you have to organize a meeting and spend some time in the hustle and bustle.

It turns out that you should pay attention to what day of the week you dream of a black chicken. If a dream occurred on the night of Thursday to Friday, it has the strongest and most truthful meaning. He literally "shouts" to you to be as careful as possible, because soon life circumstances can drag you into unpleasant adventures.

If you dreamed of a black chicken on Sunday, this suggests that you should expect a dirty trick from relatives and friends. And if you dreamed about it on Monday, expect failures in personal affairs and undertakings. In this case, you should not try to fix anything on your own - you will not succeed. Seek help from friends and family.

In another case, a black chicken becomes the embodiment of a "black" person. That is, we are talking about a person with black hair: a woman or a man. Such a person will soon appear in your life and change something in it: give a sum of money, improve or ruin your personal life, bring confusion or please you with good news.

A black chicken may portend - a lover or mistress. But just like talking about cheating, she lets you know that love joys will bring you a lot of pleasure in the future.

The dream in which the chicken had a dream, what is it for?

If you dreamed of several black hens at the same time, then all the chores and problems that can take you by surprise should be multiplied several times. Such a dream is trying to warn you of upcoming failures and therefore you need to set yourself up for future difficulties and hard work.

A black chicken can also have a good sign in a dream. This will happen when you feed her bread or grain in a dream. In this case, the chicken will portend for you a serious and long-awaited gift received from a loved one or loved one.

A few more meanings of black chicken in a dream:

  • If such a bird laid an egg, it is a good sign that financial wealth will come to you soon.
  • A lonely and distant black chicken, which walks in the yard by itself, is a sign of loneliness and doom, resentment and a feeling of being abandoned by everyone.
  • Black chicken on the table - good luck in the casino or money betting.
  • If a person in the market buys a black chicken, this indicates that soon prosperity and prosperity will come to him, as well as, possibly, good health.
  • If a dream shows a picture of how you catch a black chicken for a very long time, this indicates that you will have to do painstaking and difficult work.
  • If in a dream you hacked a black chicken, this is a sign that you will skillfully cope with all the difficulties and problems that you will encounter in your life.

Why is the white chicken dreaming?

Sleeping with chicken is always not terrible with fraught and negative predictions. He says that in the future you will find small changes or chores. Often a dream is deciphered depending on the color of the dreaming bird, and this is absolutely true - the color of the plumage decides everything and can drastically change the meaning.

A white chicken in a dream, like any other white bird, is an auspicious and good sign. She always says that something pleasant and positive awaits you, freed from dangers and enemies. One has only to pay attention to the behavior of a white chicken in a dream in order to correctly interpret it.

If in a dream you dreamed of a white chicken:

  • Be careful, a dream in which you really want to catch a white chicken, but you just can’t do it, will serve as an omen of financial difficulties for you. Perhaps he is talking about waste Money or launching them into the wind. The dream is of the same importance, where you want to buy white chicken for the markets, but either they don’t sell it to you or it simply doesn’t exist.
  • If in a dream you watch a white chicken and clearly see how it gets dirty (or do it yourself), then this tells you that a similar situation can happen to you in the future - you will stain your honor and make people doubt you.
  • If in a dream you are trying to thoroughly clean the white chicken of dirt, this indicates that you will strongly prove something to someone, explain the current situation, and try to “cleanse” your honor and dignity.
  • If you see a dream in which a white chicken jumps on your knees, on a table or just in your hands, this is a sure sign that prosperity will soon come to you, and everything will also go up, delighting you with well-being. In addition, nothing will threaten your health and the health of your loved ones.
  • If in your dream a white chicken lays eggs and you see it or even collect them, this is a sign that in the future you will be able to make a profit or financial assistance.
  • If in a dream you tried or fed a white bird, then such a dream has good value. Soon you will provide needed help close person than solve most of his problems.
  • If in a dream you caught a white chicken and pluck it in order to cook it for food, then most likely this situation will happen to you in real life in which you cannot control the outcome of events.
  • If you watch how a white chicken “grazes” separately in the yard, eats separately from its relatives and just silently sits aside, this embodies you and hints to you that you either need to relax a little, or spend time alone and think about deeds.

Why dream of a white chicken?

If you saw a dream in which there were many chickens and clearly noticed one - white. This only means that in the future you are not threatened by any dangers and you can safely continue to live a joyful and measured life.

Why is the red chicken dreaming?

As in other cases, the chicken is a good sign that embodies your business and loved ones. Therefore, the dream in which this bird is present should be interpreted based on its behavior and plumage color, as well as other nuances. If you dreamed of a red chicken - relax, this is a favorable sign that does not bode well.

A dream in which a red chicken had a dream:

  • A red, golden, copper, yellow and orange chicken always embodies a loved one, so be sure to pay attention to the state of the bird - this can hint to you about future events.
  • If you caught and killed a red chicken in a dream, you should sort out the relationship with your loved one or make peace so as not to hold a grudge against him and completely ruin your relationship with him.
  • If you observe a crowd of red hens with chickens grazing in the yard, this indicates a possible approaching big family holiday: anniversary, birthday, wedding.
  • If a red chicken walks on a table or on furniture in a house, this indicates an imminent prosperity and family well-being where everyone will have what they need.
  • The red chicken dreamed of by a man embodies his beloved, and depending on how the chicken behaved (run away, followed you, cackled or snapped), a certain conclusion should be drawn about the meaning of sleep. If the behavior of the chicken is negative, you need to think about whether you are behaving correctly in relation to your woman.

Why is the red chicken dreaming?

Why dream of boiled chickens?

Chicken is a popular poultry that is often kept on the farm and not infrequently eaten. However, chicken in the form of food, or rather chicken, does not always have a favorable value for a person. Be sure that if you clearly remember chicken meat from a dream, this will not be the best value for you.

The meat that you dream about, and especially if it is chicken meat, symbolizes female intervention. Moreover, this interference has unfavorable ground - envy, intrigues, fear and deceit. When you see chicken meat in a dream, be careful and careful so that no one can harm you in real life.

If you accurately understood your dream with boiled chicken meat, this can warn you against future problems. Therefore, in any case, it is necessary to skillfully use your advantage - to remember the dream and be able to interpret it correctly in order to avoid any consequences.

Why dream of boiled chicken:

  • A piece of boiled chicken on a plate in front of you means that you will have to put in enough effort to fight for your rights, your well-being and pleasure.
  • In addition, boiled chicken meat can embody in a dream the bosses that every person has at work. Therefore, you should take such a dream seriously enough to be able to avoid problems at work.
  • Boiled chicken meat may hint that in the future you will have to face many difficulties and even assignments that will not be very easy to complete. This may apply to both your professional activities and personal life.

If you do not just look at boiled meat, but also eat it, biting off pieces, this suggests that all the problems that have arisen in your path will be solved and you can easily deal with them on your own.

What can boiled chicken dream about?

There is one nuance that can turn a dream with boiled meat into a favorable sign. In such a dream, someone else should eat boiled meat. In this case, it will only mean that another person will solve all the problems on your way and they will not be able to touch you in any way. It’s good if in a dream no one treated you to boiled chicken and you were left hungry.

Why do a lot of chickens dream?

A chicken that looks healthy and well-groomed in a dream is always a favorable sign. It embodies material wealth and physical health for a person and his family. It also happens that in a dream many chickens dream at the same time and this dream has several meanings:

  • The chickens that graze in the yard embody your relatives and family members. If they calmly cackle and peck at the grain, then this only means that there will be peace and prosperity in your house, you will not have to worry about anything.
  • Chickens that fight among themselves and make a commotion has the meaning of a noisy celebration or holiday that can happen in your home. Distant relatives can also come to this holiday and give you turmoil about their arrangement.
  • Chickens with chickens, of which there are many around you or in the yard, also indicate the arrival of long-awaited or uninvited guests to the house.

Why do a lot of chickens dream?

Why dream of dead chickens?

You should not be afraid of a dream in which you saw one or more dead chickens, because it has a completely favorable meaning and is not able to portend any negative events for you.

  • A dead chicken, or rather its carcass, only says that in the future you will be lucky to get rid of the boiling problems and anxieties that are present in your life. Such a chicken may indicate your future peace of mind, in which there will be no difficulties and health problems.
  • If in a dream you caught a large chicken, killed it and plucked it, and then cooked it for food, this means that you will achieve your goals and get the profit you were counting on.
  • Pay attention to the chicken that you dreamed about. If this is not a corpse, but a dying bird that makes sounds, then such a dream promises anxiety and possible tears for any reason.
  • If you dreamed of a dead white chicken, then most likely this indicates that soon all your difficulties will be safely resolved.
  • If you dreamed of a dead black chicken, this dream has an alarming meaning, and if your family has a seriously ill person, perhaps the dream portends his death.

Why is a dead chicken dreaming?

Be careful if you had a dream in which you wanted to buy a live chicken, but they slipped you a dead one - this indicates possible intrigues and conversations behind your back. In this case, beware of all unfriendly people and think about your well-being.

A chicken that a person dreamed of in a very aggressive mood has a number of meanings:

  • If a chicken pecks at grain or bread in a dream, this is a favorable sign that speaks of prosperity in the family and a calm family life.
  • If a chicken pecks at another chicken in a dream, this means that there are any conflicts in the family that require immediate resolution so as not to start a relationship and not attract strife.
  • If a chicken pecked at a person, this dream suggests that you will stubbornly and successfully resist all life's adversities.
  • If a chicken pecked at you in a dream, this indicates that you spend little time with your family, which can have a detrimental effect on your life and relationships with loved ones.
  • If a chicken pecks chickens, this indicates that soon conflicts will arise in the family, which must either be avoided or resolved immediately.

What is the dream of a pecking chicken?

What is the dream of a chicken with a rooster?

A chicken with a rooster at the same time in a dream can have several meanings. It all depends on what kind of mood and disposition these two poultry were in, what kind of plumage they had and what they did.

A dream in which a rooster and a chicken had a dream, what is it for?

Why dream of a chicken and a rooster:

  • If any of the spouses dreamed of a chicken that behaved very aggressively with a rooster, the dream embodies the relationship of the couple. In this case, you need to urgently pay attention to family relationships and avoid possible quarrels and conflicts.
  • A dream in which there is a rooster and several hens, which he cares for in equal measure, suggests that the spouse (or lover) may have intrigues on the side, so it is extremely important to take this interpretation into account.
  • If in a dream a rooster tramples a chicken, this dream portends love and a romantic relationship between two lovers.
  • If a rooster is chasing a chicken at all, you should carefully consider such a dream, because it portends intrigues and conspiracies behind your back.

In any case, a rooster and a chicken always embody the relationship of two beloved people. Therefore, a special interpretation of sleep should be made, which will have the meaning of personal relationships.

Video: “Why do chickens act? Dream Interpretation: chickens in a dream "

For most city dwellers, chicken and rooster are supermarket products.

Seeing live roosters and chickens was not often seen by many.

A villager, for whom they are poultry, has a completely different attitude towards this couple. The difference in perception can affect the dream. Only then should you begin to decipher the dream and search for symbols in it when your consciousness is free from seen images.

In other words, if you spent the whole day in a chicken coop, then it is not surprising that you dream of chickens at night.

with chickens

A dream in which both a chicken and a rooster are present at the same time, most often symbolizes a family or an accomplished couple. And if there are still and, then such a dream personifies family life filled with all the joys and troubles.

If a chicken and a rooster are passionate about each other in a dream, then such a dream may mean the beginning serious relationship paired with.

people free family birds can dream when soon personal life is about to change beyond recognition.

There is also a more prosaic one, filled with a clucking family - distant ones will come to you in a very impressive composition.

If, the chicken and their chickens symbolize the family, and most often yours, then the rest of the interpretation of the dream depends on what each character is doing or is going to do.

If the family is on a walk, you will have the whole family.

Chickens in a dream do not always mean children. Often their interpretation is associated with small daily events, deeds, fuss.

If you dream that you are feeding chickens - it's time to share our experience with the younger generation. Such a dream indicates teaching or internship under your leadership.

If you have a dream in which a chicken is lost, and a rooster and a chicken are trying to find it, you feel too weak and inept in front of the world and people. You want to hide and get lost. This condition can be indicated by experienced stress or severe fatigue.

with eggs

If you become an eyewitness in a dream of how a chicken hatches from an egg - then your projects and undertakings will begin to bear fruit. If there are many, and each hatches yellow chick the reality may exceed your expectations.

A hen incubating eggs can be a symbol of motherhood. This dream. It is possible that the instinct of motherhood begins to wake up in you and requires implementation.

If you watch a hen and a rooster bending over their eggs, you have big potential and now is the time to implement it. Much is expected of you, and you must know that you can justify the trust.

Chicken eggs themselves are a very good sign. This a dream symbolizes the beginning of something important and its successful development. If a chicken eggs dream together with a chicken and a rooster, then the meaning of this dream will be important not only for you, but also for your family.

peck me

If in a dream you are attacked by a clucking family, then in real life you will be destined to become the object of gossip, and, perhaps, as to take part in a domestic quarrel.

A dream with such aggressive behavior of birds may indicate that not everything is calm in your family either. It is possible that a family scandal awaits you. Such a dream can be a signal for a lack of close communication with relatives. You need to spend more time together.

If you are attacked as soon as you enter someone else's yard - you and your family will be scammed. Do not trust anyone's promises and always check everything personally.

If you are attacked near the feeder, you will have big expenses, you may have to save a lot.

This dream does not always mean that you are experiencing negativity or aggression, it is possible that your family members just want to get your attention.

chicken coop

If you dream of more than one feathered family, but several at once, then this a dream indicates a hostel or living in cramped conditions. A chicken coop in which it is crowded, and each perch is occupied by an inhabitant, means that your financial opportunities so far below average.

The dream in which you are present in the chicken coop, and there is noise and bustle around, means that you have to find yourself in a place where there are many people and many different opinions. It is possible that there you have to defend your point of view.

If a married woman dreams of a chicken coop, then she is waiting for joy and pleasure.

If chickens fight in a chicken coop, you may have disagreements with your neighbors.

Dream Interpretation Rooster Argument, anger, irritability; treason; hot-tempered person, guest. Red - danger of fire, harm from love passion or a fight. Golden - extraordinary happiness. Black - face an evil force in yourself or outside. Crows - an important event: be vigilant! Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Dream Interpretation Rooster If you dream of a rooster on the gate, then there will be a fire in the house, you must beware. The rooster sings - to the fire. Rooster (especially red) - on fire, fire. How a girl dreams of a rooster - her betrothed. Ukrainian dream book

Dream Interpretation Rooster A rooster in a dream portends a time of extraordinary luck and happy elevation. However, beware of being infected by vanity and swagger. A cockfight in a dream portends quarrels and rivalry in reality. If in a dream you hear the morning crowing of a rooster, this is a good sign, portending a successful marriage and prosperity in the house. If a rooster cries at night or in the evening, you will have to cry more than once. In addition, such a dream warns against misconceptions and mistakes. Modern dream book

Interpretation of sleep Rooster Seeing a rooster in a dream is a prediction of the fame you will achieve, but this will make you too vain. Seeing fighting roosters portends rivalry and quarrels. A dream is favorable in which you hear the morning crowing of a rooster if you are alone: ​​a dream promises you a quick marriage and a beautiful home. Hearing the crowing of a rooster at night is a sign of despair. In the future, you will have to shed many tears. Modern dream book

The meaning of sleep Chicken, rooster The hen is a restless bird that is famous for its long cluck after laying an egg. The rooster is the embodiment of courage and fighting nature, although in most cases these qualities turn into cockiness and pugnacity. Seen in a dream, these symbols are related to the household and the nature of the people with whom the dreamer communicates. Seeing a dream in which chickens are looking for food, rummaging through money scattered in a thick layer around the yard, is a harbinger of sad news or an event that may occur due to your negligence, try to focus on the main thing, and everything will be in order. Seeing a fabulous hut on chicken legs in a dream - you will be surprised. To meet a person whose speech you cannot understand, because it strongly resembles clucking - do not believe the rumors; you will be led astray by evil tongues; Don't make hasty decisions under pressure. Seeing a chicken that sits in one place for a long time and unnaturally - they may soon turn to you for help, referring to malaise or disability, but you should not take everything for granted. Help so that later you do not regret participating in the fate of a person. You are dreaming of a chicken with a cow's udder - be careful: they are trying to deceive you, it is possible that the business that you are offered is an empty scam; do not believe those who promise big money and promise mountains of gold. To see a chicken that attacks a stranger who has entered an unfamiliar courtyard - the one who promises to provide support will not fulfill his promise; do not rely on the help of those who have not been personally verified by you. Seeing in a dream a bed that was pecked out by chickens - beware of a dirty trick from careless family members, from children, those who still do not know much. Seeing in a dream a pot of cabbage soup in which an unplucked rooster lies - you are warned of a surprise that will cause you a storm of emotions of the opposite nature. In a dream, saving a chicken that rushes to beat off its chicken from a hawk is a symbol that your defender himself needs help. To dream that a roasted rooster has pecked at you - before making a final decision, weigh all the pros and cons, because the dream portends a surprise for you. If in a dream you want to slaughter a rooster, then such a dream indicates that there are evil, envious people in your environment who harm you very much, even though now you don’t know anything about it. Killing a rooster in a dream that prevented you from sleeping at night is a sign that you are too cunning a person and will suffer greatly because of this. Perhaps such a dream suggests that misfortune awaits you due to the cunning of a person close to you. Catching a rooster in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that soon you will have a difficult task that you are unlikely to be able to complete. Aesop's dream book

Dream Rooster Rooster: someone you know who can be called an imaginary or fashionista (fashionista). If the rooster crows, then important news awaits you from the lips of this person. If he fights: you have to reconcile your friends. If the rooster is just proudly striding around the yard: wait for new clothes to appear in your wardrobe. Children's dream book

Rooster dream interpretation Whoever sees that he has slaughtered a rooster will not answer the call of the muezzin to prayer. It is also said: whoever sees that he has turned into a rooster, he will become a muezzin or, possibly, will die. The rooster also indicates an energetic, famous and influential person with a beautiful voice. Another opinion: A rooster seen in a dream is a harbinger of useless conversations and quarrels. A person who was pecked by a rooster in a dream may soon suffer from a foreigner, or may be killed. Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation Rooster To dream of an important, large rooster at the head of chickens - in reality, this portends happiness in your personal life, but a rooster pecking at you is an accident. Fighting young cockerels - you will soon receive news from a friend that will sadden you. A rooster flying up the fence and crowing heralds that good luck will replace the unlucky streak in your life. A slaughtered rooster running around the yard without a head portends you a desperate struggle for the realization of your goals and the desired victory in it. A slaughtered fat capon is the death of a close relative. Cooking in a dream or eating a rooster - to part with a loved one. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Rooster COCK - there will be a groom (girl) // fight, fire, treason, news; cock crow - joy // to the fire, danger; black rooster (slaughter) - beware of fire; to catch a rooster - a boy will be born (for a pregnant woman); cry to hear - news; roosters fight - quarrel, fire; pinching feathers from the tail is a misfortune. Small Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Rooster A rooster seen in a dream: a symbol of aggressiveness, intransigence, rebellion. Hear the rooster crowing - you will receive unpleasant news from afar that relate to one of your friends. You will be so shocked by this that you will not be able to calm down for a long time. To see a rooster fight: you will participate in the reconciliation of quarreling friends or arguing employees. Your mission as a peacekeeper will be successful. Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Dream Interpretation Rooster Rooster. If you dream of a rooster, it means that you will enter a time of exceptional luck and the growth of your prestige, but your happy elevation will turn you into a vain and snobby person. A dream in which you see a cockfight warns you of upcoming quarrels and rivalries. In a dream, hearing a rooster crowing in the morning is a good sign, portending young people a successful marriage and prosperity in the house. If you dream that a rooster crows at night or in the evening, you will have to cry, and more than once. Just as the apostle Peter remembered the prediction of Christ when he heard the cock crow, so this dream warns you against delusions and mistakes. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Rooster If you dream of a rooster, it means that you will enter a time of exceptional luck and the growth of your prestige, especially in the business area of ​​\u200b\u200byour activity. However, treat this with all possible precautions: do not let your happy exaltation turn you into a vain and swaggering person who annoys everyone around you: family members, friends and colleagues. A dream in which you watch a cockfight warns you of upcoming quarrels and rivalries. If you happen to hear a morning rooster crowing in a dream, this is undoubtedly a good sign that portends a successful marriage and prosperity in the house for young people. In the event that you dreamed that a rooster crows in the evening or at night, this portends tears that will well up in your eyes more than once or twice in the coming days. Just as the apostle Peter remembered the prediction of Christ when he heard the cock crow, so this dream warns you against delusions and mistakes. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Rooster The rooster dreams of exceptional luck and success. Your task is to try not to get sick with "star fever". A cockfight seen in a dream warns of upcoming quarrels and rivalry. The morning crowing of a rooster heard in a dream is a good sign, portending a successful marriage and prosperity in the house. But, if you dreamed that a rooster was crowing at night or in the evening, you would have to cry a little. Rooster singing can also dream of treason. Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Rooster Rooster: your ambitions. Type of rooster: the degree of their satisfaction and justification, for example: beautiful ambitions are justified plucked in vain. Hoarse: a lot of effort will be spent on self-affirmation. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Rooster "Let the red rooster": stab, beat, inflict a bloody wound "cock": arrogance, pride, anger, irritation, boasting "cockfights", "cocky as a rooster": fight "rooster" (as a curse word): inadequately dressed man. Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Rooster If someone behaves like a rooster: it means that he puts on airs and bullies. Isn't it time to learn humility? "Cockerel" is often referred to as male genitalia, so a rooster can symbolize: male energy and strength. Rooster crow: calls for awakening. Wake up spiritually, wake up to life. In the Middle Ages, weather vanes in the shape of roosters were hung on the spiers of houses and churches: as a symbol of readiness to meet the morning dawn. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Rooster Rooster: there will be a groom (for a girl) / fight, fire, treason, lead the rooster singing: joy / to the fire, danger of a black rooster to slaughter: beware of fire to catch a rooster: a boy will be born (for a pregnant woman) cry to hear: news roosters fight: quarrel, pinch fire tail feathers: misfortune. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Rooster COCK - dispute, anger, irritability; treason; hot-tempered person, guest. Red - danger of fire, harm from love passion or a fight. Golden - extraordinary happiness. Black - face an evil force in yourself or outside. Crows - an important event: be vigilant! Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Rooster Rooster in a dream: portends a time of extraordinary luck and happy elevation. However, beware of being infected by vanity and swagger. Cockfight in a dream: portends quarrels and rivalry in reality. If in a dream you hear a rooster crowing in the morning, this is a good sign, portending a successful marriage and prosperity in the house. If the rooster cries at night or in the evening: you will have to cry more than once. In addition, such a dream warns against misconceptions and mistakes.