How to properly light a church candle at home. Church candle: signs. Step-by-step cleaning with candles

Church candles - how to use church candles at home.

Is it possible to use church candles yourself and how to use candles from the church at home. Yes, it is not only possible, but also necessary to use church candles at home. Another thing is how to use church candles correctly. It is correct to use church candles at home for prayer. Anticipating independent home prayer to God, the Mother of God or one of the Saints by lighting a church candle at home. What are church candles made of, and how do they differ from ordinary decorative candles? Church candles are made from wax, not paraffin. Typically, church candles are very simple in shape and do not have additional decorations. But this is not a mandatory rule. For example, pilgrims to Holy Places often manage to buy very beautifully designed, decorative, white or colored church candles. Made specifically for pilgrims as useful and beautiful souvenirs.

What is the “wrong” way to use church candles at home? Incorrect use of candles at home would be the use of church candles “for other purposes.” What is meant here is not their use for lighting a room, but the use of candles from the church for divination, magical rituals, witchcraft or similar purposes. Many occult rites and pagan rituals, for example, cleaning a house, apartment, cottage, living space with a candle from negative energy, from the evil eye, from damage, from a curse or negative information, are made with the help of church candles. It is unacceptable for a Christian to participate in any type of witchcraft or divination, and it is unacceptable to use church candles in this way. Fortune telling by a church candle at home is also divination, an esoteric ritual.

Christians light church candles in the house in front of icons, before prayer, or simply place a burning candle, waiting for the candle to burn out completely or partially. This is not cleaning the house from negativity with church candles, but an additional means of repelling evil spirits, evil spirits, demons and calling on the Grace of God. Church candle At home it can be placed in a small candlestick, for example bought in a church shop, or installed without a candlestick. On a saucer, plate, in a glass. The method of placing church candles in the house is not given much, much less doctrinal or ritual significance. Place it as you wish, with an eye to fire safety and reasonable convenience requirements. Church candles that have great value for a Christian (not financial, of course), for example, candles from a pilgrimage, from a monastery, from the Holy Land, are often used several times. Lighting before prayer and extinguishing after it, without waiting complete combustion candles. If a candle in the house goes out, then this is not considered a sign and is not interpreted by Christians as a “answer” from the world of spirits. To protect against witchcraft, in the understanding of occultism, church candles at home are also not used by Christians, but are very often recommended in other religions: occultism, paganism. Sometimes it is believed that it is necessary to light church candles at home if someone has died in the apartment. Not useless advice. You can read more about this on our website.


Quarrels in the family, the arrival of guests, noisy parties, melancholy and loss of energy, family troubles - these are far from full list indications for energy cleaning of the house. Apart from emergencies, cleaning should be done regularly to prevent negativity from stagnating in your home.
Go to the church store and buy several church candles - according to the number of rooms in your house. It should be remembered that the bath, toilet, pantry, hallway, kitchen and other utility rooms are considered separate rooms.
If something in you protests against the use of church candles or there is simply no church shop nearby - wax candles Can be replaced with paraffin ones from your nearest hardware store. Only the candles must be white.

Memorize any prayer. Your affiliation with any concession is not important, since in prayer it is not the meaning and order of words that plays a role, but the energy vibrations that it generates. Even the “Our Father” or simply a sincere request to To higher powers about cleansing your home from all evil.

Light a candle, stand in the center of the room you are going to cleanse and make a request (prayer) to the Higher Powers. While reading, move the candle around you, first counterclockwise and then clockwise.

After the fire has removed all the negativity from yourself, start cleaning the room. Go around it counterclockwise, pausing in places where the candle flame begins to worry and smoke. With this action you remove, burn away all the evil, all the dark that has accumulated in the corners of the room and could harm you and your family.

Then walk around the perimeter of the room with the candle again, but clockwise. This way you saturate the room with the light of fire and positive energy.

Place the candle in the middle of the room and let it burn out. When leaving the room, try to leave so that you are always facing the candle. By the way, when leaving an open fire in the room, take care that cleaning does not turn into a fire.

Clean each next room in the same way as the previous one. The main condition: the candle for each of the subsequent rooms is lit from the fire of the previous one.

Useful advice

As with any cleansing ritual, women are advised to remove makeup and pick up their hair before cleaning the premises.

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Let’s imagine a situation: a joyful event happened in a family that they had been waiting for for many years. Finally bought a big apartment! But not in a new building, but already in use. As soon as the happy new residents entered the purchased apartment, they felt something alienating... This was the remaining sewage from the old owners. Moreover, both in the material and in the ephemeral sense. Therefore, in order to live well and calmly in a new place, you need to clean the apartment. And now we’ll tell you how to do this.


I think a lot of people like cleanliness. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is check the cleanliness of the documents for this. In the future, this will save you from unnecessary problems and judicial red tape. Make sure that the owner really has one, do not skimp on a lawyer who can guarantee “purity” from a legal point of view.

When you enter new apartment, first of all, it is recommended to remove all furniture and carpets from the previous owners. After all, it is not known for certain whether these people were physically healthy and whether traces of their vital activity remained on things. Even if buying new furniture costs a pretty penny, it will be a more reliable guarantee of saving the family.

When all the previous owners are thrown out, it is necessary to make wet cleaning premises. It is advisable to use strong chemical disinfectants. If possible, remove all dust. After all, as you know, dust consists of the smallest particles of skin. And the more thoroughly the apartment is cleaned, the more comfortable you will feel.

But this concerns material world. It is not unimportant to clean the ephemeral space. The easiest option is to invite a priest who will bless the apartment. It is preferable to invite church ministers from rural areas, having previously held a conversation. Unfortunately, in lately scammers and “priests” who do their work carelessly have become common. Naturally, such people are no more useful than sugar in a donut hole. Therefore, preference is given to rural servants, because, as a rule, they really believe in their work and perform it with exceptional quality.

If there is no opportunity, desire or trust to invite anyone, then you can clean the apartment yourself. It's worth stocking up for this church candles. Light a candle and walk slowly throughout, carefully observing the candles. If it goes, it means that there is an accumulation of negative energy in this place, and you need to burn it out using the same candle.

Similar rituals are performed after someone has died. This is considered an all-purpose cleaning. However, if you wish, you can call on psychics for help. However, given the fact that among such a fraternity there are many times more scammers, you can’t help but wonder - is it worth it?

In any case, all available and simplest options for cleaning an apartment are presented. The choice, as always, is yours.

Video on the topic

Everyone has Houses or apartment has its own aura. It depends on the people who live there, as well as on all the events that “saw” the walls of the room. There are such Houses, where the negative and tension in literally hanging in the air. You definitely need to cleanse the house from evil forces, and possibly from damage caused.

You will need

  • - holy water;
  • - salt;
  • - frying pan;
  • - pins;
  • - needles;
  • - icons;
  • - prayers.


Take a sufficient amount of coarse salt and pour it on, add used needles, hairpins and pins. Their number should be equal to the number of family members. Place it on a lit fire, list out loud everything that haunts your family, and stir the contents clockwise. Finish when the salt particles begin to crack or turn dark.

Place the pan back on and light the fire. Now you need to stir the contents not clockwise, but crosswise. At the same time, it is worth saying the following words: “Where it came from, that’s where it went. Everything that they wished bad for us, they took everything back for themselves.” Turn off the fire on the stove and go to the toilet, turn on the water, pour salt into it and make sure it is washed away with water. Wash the pan with special care. There should be no traces of the ritual performed on it.

Install as many icons as possible in your home and pray. In any case, the light force will be more powerful than the dark one, and the negativity itself will leave your home. But if you actually decide to use this method, then do this regularly so that the forces of light do not turn away from you.

Please note

Do everything yourself, do not involve healers, mediums and other potential charlatans in this matter. Cleaning the house must be done independently, otherwise strangers may bring even more negativity into your home.

Useful advice

Evil spirits They are very afraid of sprinkling with holy water, so you can take it yourself from the church and do everything necessary actions or invite the priest to the house.


  • how to cleanse your home of negativity in 2019

Houses and apartments in which other people lived are usually energetically cleansed in order to remove all the negativity they have accumulated. During and after a person’s illness, it is also necessary to cleanse the home of negative energy. Will help you with this folk wisdom And ancient teaching Feng Shui.


Get rid of all old and unnecessary books. These contain a lot of information, so unused books can hinder your development. Give them to those who really need them. Also, under the influence and advice of other people, try not to buy books that you do not need or are not interested in. Keep only the copies you need in your home.

Donate or sell things you don't use more than a year. They carry negative energy that spoils the atmosphere of your home. Cracked or splintered dishes, as well as the last remaining item from a broken set, can cause even greater harm. They should not be given as a gift, just throw them away.

Get rid of old and damaged furniture every five years. Do not buy too much of it, so as not to clutter up the space of your home; positive energy should freely penetrate your home. There are things that carry energy, these are artificial flowers and a headdress that belonged to a deceased person, do not store them.

To rid your home of negative energy, place a little salt in each corner for three days. After this time, the salt must be flushed down the toilet, saying: “Where there is salt, there is pain.” Soak a rag in salt water and wipe it down, furniture, books, etc. This neutralizes the negative energy of objects.

You can make repairs, this also helps cleanse the energy of the house. Instead of repairs, you can simply do a general cleaning. Wash saline solution floors, windows and ceilings. Clean the threshold and all corners thoroughly. Change the water and rinse the rag more often; it is with the dirt that negative energy will leave.

Place one scented candle in each room. Their smell should be the same and appeal to all household members. Give preference to sandalwood and incense, you can use church ones. Light a candle at the threshold and move it clockwise across the room, over furniture and in front of corners.

Repeat simple home cleaning options after the departure of unwanted guests who could bring negative energy with them. The same goes for gifts from people you don’t like. Wash such items with salt water. Try to wash with saline solution any gift that was purchased and not made with your own hands.


  • How to cleanse your home of bad energy?

If you clean the old ignitions after they have been removed and replaced with new ones, they will be useful to you in the future. You can remove carbon deposits from the candles caused by the combustible mixture yourself.

You will need

  • Cleaning agent, gasoline, brush, container, sandblaster, acetone, cloth, cola.


Check for mechanical damage on the spark plug housing. Inspect the heat cone and electrodes.

Take a household cleaning product in the form of a gel to clean rust, limescale and old stains. Pour it into a small container in a layer about the thickness of one finger. Place the candles in the bowl for 30 minutes.

Clean carbon deposits from spark plugs using an old toothbrush under warm running water. You will see that dirt will be easily removed.

Try removing soot from a candle using gasoline. Dip the part into the liquid and scrub gently with a wire brush.

If you begin to feel bad in your own home, if quarrels with loved ones become more and more frequent, and literally everything falls out of hand, then your home definitely needs immediate cleaning. One of the most popular ways is to clean the house with a candle. How to perform this ritual correctly?

Why do you need house cleaning?

In what cases should the cleansing ritual begin immediately? What is this for?

  • Let's start with the fact that, regardless of your general condition, cleansing the house with a candle and prayer must be done several times a year. But at least 2 times. This is explained by the fact that, over time, whether you like it or not, negative energy accumulates in the room. This can happen from quarrels, conflicts, and even just insults towards each other.
  • After guests have visited your home, it is also recommended to clean your home. It doesn’t matter what thoughts and wishes your guests had. There are people who, even without wanting anything bad, are capable of bringing destruction, confusion and quarrels into the house. Therefore, to avoid such situations, it is better to play it safe and clean it.
  • When you have purchased a new apartment or house, cleaning is a must! Firstly, you don’t know what kind of people lived there before you, and how they lived. Perhaps some of them had damage or illnesses, the energy of which remained in your apartment. In order not to take over all the troubles of the previous residents, you should definitely clean the new living space before moving.
  • In the event that, God forbid, such grief as a funeral occurs in your family, after the deceased is taken out of the house, as soon as you have the opportunity, be sure to carry out a cleansing in order to get rid of the “dead” energy.

How to choose candles for cleansing your home

Exists large number candles different colors. And each of them works better in one situation, where a candle of a different color would not be so strong.

  • White candle. It is considered a universal candle for most rituals. Symbolizes comfort, tranquility, spiritual harmony.
  • Red candle. It is used very rarely for rituals. Mainly to gain material well-being and maintaining existing success.
  • Pink candle. Used in romantic rituals to help bring back love.
  • Yellow and orange candles. Helps in finding spiritual harmony, opens flows of positive energy, helps to relax. Most often, church candles are of these colors. It is best to use it for negativity.
  • Purple candle. Capable of providing magical protection. However, it is recommended for use only by professionals.
  • Brown candle. Helps to establish household, helps to get rid of diseases and create comfort in the home.
  • Black candle. Such a candle can very quickly eliminate all existing negativity, however, it is recommended to use it only by specialists.

Negative areas in the house

Every home has particularly negative areas. Those in which all the negative energy especially accumulates. Before cleaning the house completely, these areas will need to be given special attention. What places are these?

  • Places where dirty shoes accumulate. After cleaning your home, it is advisable to get into the habit of washing your shoes when you get home. This way you can avoid the accumulation of negative energy brought from the street.
  • Places where there are dirty dishes. It is advisable to never leave dishes unwashed for a long time, especially at night.
  • Pillow. Oddly enough, a large amount of negative energy accumulates on this bedding item. This is connected with your thoughts, dreams.
  • Places where found things are located. In general, it is better not to pick up, much less bring into the house, things that you found on the street. However, if you already have such things, you must definitely clean the place where they are stored.
  • Mirrors. They are considered magical attributes and carry a lot of energy. And they “see” not only how you smile at your reflection, but also, for example, how you quarrel with your household.
  • Cracked, chipped dishes. To begin with, even before you clean the place where such dishes are stored, get rid of them. Firstly, you are clearly not inspired by her appearance, secondly, such dishes carry a lot of negative energy.
  • Worn out slippers. Same as dishes. No matter how much you love your old worn-out slippers, get rid of them and clean the place where they were stored when you didn’t wear them.
  • Jewelry made of precious metals. Such metals are capable of absorbing a large amount of information, including negative ones. Therefore, not only they are cleaned, but also the place where they are stored.
  • Artificial or dried flowers. Both of them carry “dead” energy. Be sure to get rid of them and clean the place where they stood.

What should you keep in mind before you start cleaning your home? What to take care of, what to do?

  • The cleansing ritual is carried out only in a clean, tidy apartment or house. Be sure to thoroughly clean all areas. Clean up the closets, clean the windows, hang clean tulle.
  • To perform the ritual, you must be alone in the house. No one and nothing should distract you. If he lives in the same territory with you old man or small child, clean empty rooms, and then transfer household members there and continue the ritual.
  • When you begin the ritual you must be in good mood. In addition, you should discard all negative thoughts. Tune in to harmony and spiritual harmony.
  • Before starting the ceremony, be sure to open it slightly front door(if you live in a private house) or a window. This is necessary so that the negative energy you expel can freely leave your home.
  • It is advisable to fast 2-3 days before the planned cleansing. There is nothing complicated about it, but you will be considered spiritually cleansed.
  • Before you begin cleaning, remove all jewelry, including earrings. Wear comfortable, simple clothes that will not restrict your movements. Make sure that these clothes have as few fasteners, buttons and zippers as possible.
  • It is best to start the ritual on the waning moon. This way it will be more effective. However, if cleaning needs to be done immediately, you do not need to focus on the moon.
  • After the ceremony is completed, remove and wash the clothes you were wearing, take out any trash left over from the ceremony (for example, candle stubs) and take a shower. This way you will finally get rid of negative energy.

Cleansing the house with a church candle

How to carry out the ritual of cleansing your home using a candle bought in a church? In what order should all actions be performed?

  1. Take holy water, wet your face and hands with it, and then sprinkle all the corners of your house.
  2. Place paper circles on the prepared church candles so that the melted wax does not drip onto the floor and your hands.
  3. Start cleaning from the outside of the front door.
  4. Light a candle and circle the door 3 times clockwise.
  5. Pass the candle in a cross-shaped motion over the peephole, bell and doorknob.
  6. Then do all the same manipulations, but from the inside of the door.
  7. After the front door has been treated, we begin cleaning the house itself, starting from the left and moving to the right.
  8. Near the walls we hold the candle in wave-like movements.
  9. We trace all sockets and door handles with a candle crosswise. Do not forget that all manipulations are carried out at some distance from objects to avoid fire.
  10. If you notice that in some place the candle begins to smoke, crackle or even fade, continue processing until all these phenomena disappear.
  11. Clean mirrors, bathrooms and toilets especially carefully.
  12. After you have cleared all the rooms, walk through them with a candle again. If the flame is even everywhere, the candle does not crackle or smoke, and you, in turn, feel peace, the ceremony can be considered complete.
  13. Be sure to remove all cinders from the house, wash your hands, shower, and wash any clothes that were used for cleaning.

Possible signs during the cleansing ritual

It is possible that while you are cleaning your home, your doorbell or telephone may ring. Therefore, it is recommended to turn them off in advance, as well as turn off the power to all electrical appliances.

Such situations indicate that there is a large accumulation of negative energy in your home, and cleaning should be carried out especially carefully.

If they start knocking on the door, do not interrupt the ceremony, do not respond.

If the candle goes out, smokes or crackles during the ceremony, this also means a large accumulation of negative energy. Continue cleaning until complete cessation these phenomena.

How to Protect Your Home After Cleaning

And now you have carried out a ritual of cleansing your home with the help of a church candle, you feel peace and harmony. How to maintain these sensations for a longer period?

  • Try to leave all work problems and conflicts with friends outside the door.
  • Get rid of old, broken and unnecessary things without any regret. There is no benefit from them, and the flows of negative energy from them are the most powerful.
  • Make it a habit to wash your shoes as soon as you come in from outside. This way you will get rid of all the negative energy brought from the street.
  • Do not add to your belongings those things that were given or given to you. Wash them, even if they are clean, or better yet, clean them with a candle.
  • When accepting gifts, even from those closest to you, always listen to your feelings. If you feel uncomfortable, it is better to get rid of such a gift.
  • Try not to let serious conflicts in your home. If possible, try to conduct all serious and unpleasant conversations on neutral territory.
  • Keep your home clean. Do not allow dust or cobwebs, debris or dirty dishes to accumulate. Mirrors in your home should be especially clean.
  • Try not to invite unkind, envious people. They will not bring anything good with their arrival.
  • Hang an amulet over the front door. It will help cope with negative energy coming from outside.
  • When you get home, wash your hands immediately. This way you will not only get rid of physical impurities, but also wash away all negative energy.
  • Get some cacti. Negative energy breaks on their sharp thorns.
  • Make it a rule to clean your home not from time to time, but 3-4 times a year.

If you listen to the tips above, you will forever get rid of negative energy in your home, and comfort, grace and peace will settle in it! Be happy!

Hello, dear friends. Today I raise in the article important question- this is an energetic cleaning of an apartment with a church candle. The use of fire for purification purposes has been known since ancient times. Our ancestors believed that the power of the element of Fire would help get rid of negativity and return harmony to living space.

How do you know when it’s time to perform a ritual? How can negative energy manifest itself in an apartment? The answer is below.

  • quarrels began to occur more often in the family;
  • you are haunted by problems or illnesses;
  • your electrical appliances often break down and malfunction;
  • you feel constant fatigue, apathy or melancholy while at home;
  • you feel bad after an unpleasant guest;
  • you feel inner devastation after a home feast or celebration

Preliminary preparation of the premises

To carry out the ritual according to all the rules, preparation for it is necessary. The first and most important thing you should do is general cleaning. First you need to ensure the physical cleanliness of the room, and only then improve the energy.

Minimum plan:

  • wash the floor (you can add a little regular salt to the water);
  • wipe off the dust;
  • throw away trash;
  • clean the plumbing, especially the toilet;
  • special attention pay attention to the mirrors and rinse them thoroughly.

Why do mirrors stand apart on this list? The fact is that they tend to collect all the negative energy. There was a quarrel - the mirror was energized. An envious person came to visit - the mirror again absorbed his bad message.

If time allows and if there is a desire, it is better to organize a complete cleaning of the apartment. Clean windows, window sills, and kitchen appliances. And so on, the housewives will understand me.

Necessary items for the ritual

The ritual of cleaning an apartment from negativity requires certain items. Let's make a list.

  • Three church wax candles.

If you have a small apartment, small candles will do. Well, if you are the owner of a luxurious mansion, then choose the largest ones in size.

I’ll immediately explain why you should prefer wax candles. Wax is a material that contains a natural charge of energy; it enhances your actions during the ritual. And paraffin is a kind of “dummy” that is suitable for decoration, but not for serious actions.

The size of the candle matters, because it should not burn out while slowly walking around all the rooms of your apartment. We buy three pieces in case something unexpected happens: the candle goes out and refuses to burn again or the wick goes bad. You never know. In general, for the ritual we only need one church candle.

  • Matches or lighter.

Have a box of matches or a lighter ready. You will carry them with you during the procedure.

  • Cut out large circles of the largest possible size from white sheets of A4 paper.

Not necessarily perfectly even. They will act as protection for your hands. One such circle is pierced in the middle with a pencil, and a candle is inserted into the hole. It turns out to be an “umbrella”. As a result, wax dripping from the candle will not get on your hands.

  • Pouch.

It will be needed to throw away the burnt-out candle after the ritual.

So, all items are prepared. It's time to choose the right day.

What day is suitable for cleaning the apartment?

The ritual is associated with getting rid of negative energy. And if we want to get rid of something, then it is preferable to do it on the waning moon.

You will need a calendar lunar days— it’s not difficult to find on the Internet. I recommend performing the ritual from the 19th to the 29th lunar day. The most suitable of them are:

  • 19th day;
  • 23rd;
  • 26th;
  • 29th.

But I immediately want to warn those who choose the 29th lunar day. Check which day comes after it. If it's 30, then you have nothing to fear.

But if the first lunar day comes immediately after the 29th, then under no circumstances should your ritual cover the time of transition from one day to another.

The fact is that the first lunar day is the beginning of the month, laying the foundation. And under no circumstances should you carry out cleaning at this time. Therefore, plan to end the ritual at least 3 hours before the onset of the 1st lunar day.

When choosing a suitable day, you should also take into account that you will have to stay at home alone for several hours.

A few hours before the ritual

Before cleaning your apartment with a church candle, you need to cleanse your body so that in the process you do not introduce your own negativity into the energy of the room.

Take a shower and rinse your body thoroughly. Then you should put on such clean clothes that you won’t mind washing them again immediately after the ritual.

Give preference to simple clothes that do not restrict movement. It is advisable that your clothes have at least one pocket.

Remove all jewelry. It is known that metal products attract a variety of energies. And this is of no use to us now.


So, you are ready and morally determined to carry out an energy cleaning of the apartment. The mood is calm and even. Phones are turned off so no one can disturb you.

Open all windows and doors. If it’s winter and cold outside, then it will be enough to open each window a little. But I still recommend opening one window wider. It is recommended to open the entrance door to the apartment slightly during the ritual. If it's not possible, then don't do it.

If you forget to open the windows and doors, then negative energy will circle around the apartment, but will not be able to get out.

Not far from the entrance to the apartment (for example, on a stool) you should have:

  • one church candle with an “umbrella” made from a paper circle;
  • two spare candles and spare paper circles;
  • matches or lighter;
  • pouch.

Light the candle and immediately put the matches or lighter in your pocket. It may happen that the candle goes out due to a sharp blow of wind or for another reason. This way you can light it again.

Hold the candle with the “umbrella” by the lower tip in right hand. Remember not to let any dripping wax get on your hands or the floor. The negativity collected during the ritual is concentrated in it.

If you are afraid, you can wear rubber or disposable gloves, then you will have to throw them away.

Start treating the room from the front door. At first outside doors. Cross the door itself, the locks, and the peephole. Then the inside of the door. Each object must be baptized three times. At the same time, you can say: “All the negative energy, everything bad, all the evil eye - go away!”

Next, you slowly walk strictly clockwise, thus walking around the entire apartment. I recommend thinking in advance about which route you will need to take. Because during the ritual it is not surprising to confuse the direction.

Features of cleaning

You should go through all the rooms, including the bathroom, toilet and closet. There is no need to go onto the balcony, unless it is converted into a living space.

When you process the corners, they must be crossed three times. Particular attention is paid to corners, as energy can accumulate in them and clog the space. When you walk along walls or windows, make wave-like movements with the candle. Door handles must be baptized three times.

If you come across a mirror on your way, try not to look into it. Turn away or close your eyes.

You may notice that in some places in the apartment the church candle begins to crackle, smoke, burn more intensely, and the flame rushes from side to side. This means that you have entered a place of negative energy. Stop there and move the candle until the flame becomes even. It is also good to read the Lord's Prayer.

You should pay special attention to:

  • front door;
  • corners of rooms;
  • bathroom and toilet;
  • kitchen sink;
  • headboards;
  • computer and TV.

Listen to your intuition. You know your apartment better than anyone else. You will immediately understand where you need to stop and spend longer cleaning.

You can open cabinets and move a candle near clothes. Just don't forget about the safety rules. Drawers can be opened in the same way.

How to properly throw away a used candle

So, you are back to your original spot near the front door. The entire apartment has already been processed. Cross the front door three times again, but now only from the inside. Once again, mentally drive away all the bad things. Then close the front door (it was ajar before, remember?). And put out the candle.

If you did not leave the front door open, then open it slightly and do what is written in the previous paragraph.

The question arises: where to put the candle after cleaning the apartment? When the church candle is extinguished, you can put it along with the “umbrella” in a pre-prepared bag. If you used gloves, throw them in the bag too. Within an hour, this bag should be taken out of the house for trash.

Restoring our own strength

Now you can congratulate yourself - you have done a great job! But during the energy cleansing, you yourself became a little weaker, and bad energy could also have clung to you.

Many believers have lit a candle in church at least once in their lives. Everyone did this, but very few thought about the true meaning of the ritual.

To light a candle to the Mother of God in the temple, you need to find her image. It’s the same at home—candles are placed in front of icons. There are icons that are best kept at home, and of course, you can also place a church candle in front of them. Her fire is a symbol of the light of God that Jesus Christ brought to our world. The burning of a candle, like the light of our faith, drives away evil spirits and attracts goodness. The material from which candles are made is pure wax. It symbolizes the purity of Christ.

How to light a candle in a temple

In every temple you will see different icons Mother of God. You need to find out where it is located and simply place a candle next to it in a specially designated place. You need to light candles with love in your heart. When you buy a candle, it transforms from a piece of wax and a wick into a symbol of your faith.

When you need to light a candle for the repose of your soul, this is done on a special memorial table - the eve. For health, candles are placed just in front of the icons of the Savior or the Mother of God. You can light candles to the Mother of God in the temple when you want to cure a person of an illness, restore his sanity, and simply wish him goodness and happiness.

Fire always looks upward, directing itself towards God, showing us that the Creator also sees us from above. A candle is a sign of respect that we show to the Creator.

It is very important to remember some rules inherent in any temple. It is better to follow these rules when purchasing and placing candles:

  • Prayer. Be sure to pray or ask God for what you need in simple words. Without this, lighting candles is pointless.
  • Do not light a candle if you come to church during a service. This is done only before or after the service, although this is not a strict rule.
  • Don't buy or use too many candles. Sometimes just one is enough. Moreover, you should not interfere with people in the church listening to the sermon if it has already begun. Light the candles later.
  • If there is no space on the candlestick, then simply place the candle nearby. You should not take out other people's candles to put your own, as this is fundamentally incorrect and disrespectful.
  • Many people mistakenly think that a candle can be held in their hands, but a burning candle can be held in their hands only at funeral services. You should not do this on regular services and days.
  • If you bought a candle in some temple, then it is best to put it there. Do not carry candles from home to church as this is disrespectful and ethically unacceptable.

How to light a candle at home

You can light a candle at home too. This is done in several situations:

  • when you pray;
  • when you do not have the opportunity to visit a temple and light a candle there;
  • when you want to show respect Orthodox holiday or an important event.

When you pray, you can hold the candle in your hands or place it next to any icon. The exception is when you want to ask for something specific in front of a specific icon:

  • icon “Inexhaustible Chalice” - for prayers for health, against alcoholism, against drug addiction, against bad habits;
  • “Seven-arrow Icon of the Mother of God” - for prayers for the well-being of the family, for reconciliation, for happiness;
  • “Kazan Icon of the Mother of God” - universal miraculous icon, before which you can pray for everything;
  • « Life-giving Trinity"- needed for prayers for strengthening faith in God, for health, well-being;
  • “Sovereign” - an icon for prayers for unity and mutual understanding;
  • "Kozelshchanskaya Mother of God"—an icon for prayers for consolation;
  • “Quench my sorrows” - to find peace and tranquility, strengthen faith.

There are many icons in front of which you can pray for anything, but the main thing is to believe that God can give you his mercy.

When lighting a candle at home, you can use incense. It is not necessary to do this every time - everyone prays in their own way, but the main rules are worth following. Read prayers for the coming sleep, in the morning, and not just in moments of sadness or trouble. After all, faith is not only requests, but also gratitude. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.08.2016 03:20

Every year, on September 17, believers celebrate a holiday dedicated to the icon of the Virgin Mary, which is called the “Burning Bush”. U...