Makarsky Anton and Victoria about that. Anton Makarsky and Victoria Morozova: “This love was destined in the stars. - You couldn’t get pregnant for many years...

HANDSOME Anton Makarsky, who plays Prince Dolgoruky in “Poor Nastya” and so soulfully sings his part “Belle” in famous musical, you can admire and admire.

THERE ARE COUPLES who talk about high feelings in newspapers and on television, but at home they communicate exclusively “on the mat.” The Makarskis do everything sincerely, I can confirm this. About two years ago we went to the AiF festival in the glorious city of Yaroslavl, and among the concert participants was singer Victoria Morozova. All the performers arrived at the bus sleepy and lonely, and only Morozov’s beloved husband Anton Makarsky came to see him off at six o’clock in the morning (!). They said goodbye and kissed, delaying the departure, then Anton waved his hand to the departing bus for a long time, and Vika, during the day of our communication, buzzed all her ears about “what a wonderful husband she has and how much she misses him.” We met two years later - nothing has changed. The Makarskys still looked happy and in love.

Bride in jeans and groom in bandana

VIKA: Anton fell in love with me as soon as he saw me, but I didn’t notice him at all. He still remembers what I was wearing when I entered the audience for the casting of the musical “Metro.”

ANTON: Not true. I didn't fall in love, I just had a crush.

- What does “fuse” mean?

A.: So, I just liked the girl. And I fell in love with her later... three days later.

- Do you really remember what Vika was wearing?

A.: In such a short T-shirt with an open belly, in a skirt, also not long at all, and in shoes with a fifteen-centimeter platform.

V.: We had a party for those who passed the casting, and Anton suddenly began to court Evelina Bledans and Katya Korneychuk. I was offended. We didn’t have anything with him yet, we didn’t even really communicate, but for some reason I felt offended. Some people stayed with Masha Katz, and I said: “Guys, who wants to continue

me, let’s go to my place.” I then lived in a huge three-room apartment of my teacher in a house near the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, which was being prepared for demolition. I saw that Makarsky abandoned his girls and came with us. After all, men have iron instincts - they are hunters, so they should be given a chance to hunt. Sveta Svetikova, Pasha Maikov and the others went to bed, and Makarsky went to the servants' room. The house is very old, so there was such a tiny little light for the servants. I came to tell Anton “ Good night“... To be honest, I didn’t have any plans for him.

A.: Absolutely untrue. Firstly, before this I did my signature trick - I went to the bathroom and came out wearing only a towel. Then he came to the kitchen, where the celebration was going on, sat down next to Vika, began giving her a massage, after which he said that my shoulders hurt and asked me to massage them. In general, it was a banal square dance, and, what is most surprising, it gave results. And she says that she came without a second thought... Come on, don’t trust women.

V.: I remember the moment when I entered Anton’s room like a still from a movie. So I open the door, and a completely different life begins for me... This was from June 10 to 11 five years ago. And we never parted for a second. We were kicked out of Metro rehearsals because we were holding hands all the time. They laughed at us and jokingly called us rabbits. And no one could believe it - how is this possible?

Only on the fifth day did Anton ask for my phone number, because he needed to go get a razor from a friend with whom he was living at the time. He stands in the corridor and hesitates: “Can I get your phone number?” And this was after he proposed to me on the second day! True, at first there was a long prelude about how he was a beggar and had nothing but jeans and two T-shirts. I said, “None of this matters. Even if you take me to Siberia and order me to quit my career, I will go with you.” After that, Anton told me: “You will have everything. I will make sure that you have a house, a fur coat, and all the very best.” We stood with him on the balcony

in a house on Tsvetnoy Boulevard and were incredibly happy!

- Anton, remember how you proposed?

A.: There was no “marry me” as such. There were words of love, conversations about the future... A year after we met, we got married in a church, where there were only Vika and I and our close friends Sasha and Tanya. We got married and went to Gorky Park to ride the carousel. We bought one kebab for two with the last 90 rubles and ate it joyfully. And the next day they hung a big notice in the office of the musical “Metro”, in which they announced our wedding and invited everyone to celebrate... in the forest. It was crazy cool. We still look at those photos - what an amazing atmosphere! We drank beer, ate barbecue, swam in the river. The guys gave us our first dishes. At that time we had two forks and one teaspoon, which are still in use. And what clothes we were wearing! Vika is wearing a pink veil, pink glasses, jeans, sandals and a blue T-shirt. I’m also wearing jeans, a T-shirt with the sleeves torn off, a bandana and a red groom’s flower on my chest. Cars stopped and people asked if they could take a photo with us.

“So this is what he is, Morozov!”

- BUT did you arrive at the official registration in full dress?

V.: I gave Anton a colossal surprise. He thought that I would come to the registry office in jeans, and he himself was also not going to show off just to put a stamp in my passport. Secretly from my husband, I ordered a limousine and an incredible blue wedding dress, which I hid with a friend. In the morning she said: “Antosh, I need to get myself in order, I’ll come straight to the registry office,” and asked my friend to call Anton and tell him to put on a tuxedo. "For what? “I want it in a denim suit,” he objected. - Yes, and Vika...” “She will also wear something decent. They’ll take pictures of you there for posterity,” my friend tried to persuade him and finally convinced him.

I got out of the car in a blue cloud of a veil. When Anton saw it... I thought he would laugh, since I always called the veil a symbol of innocence. But he was happy and hugged me: “You are my beauty!”

After reg

stratus, we drove to Red Square, to Vorobyovy Gory, changed clothes in the car and - to Sheremetyevo. The day before they called us and said that on the evening of July 3 we were flying to France on the Fort Bayard. After the game we went to our friends in Vermont and spent several wonderful days there. So our honeymoon took place in France.

- You had a church marriage, and only three years later you were ripe for a civil marriage... Why did you delay?

A.: We decided to register the relationship so that there would be no more civil problems.

V.: All this is nonsense. Makarsky wanted me to become Makarska. There was such a case. When my videos were already airing on MTV, the crowd, naturally, knew the singer Vika Morozova, but had not yet heard of Anton Makarsky. Anton and I came to the same party. Suddenly Lion Izmailov flies towards us and shouts: “So that’s what he is, Morozov! Finally we saw him! Anton simply turned white. And then I realized that according to my passport I would inevitably have to become Makarska. But Anton was never jealous of my creativity. The only thing was that he didn’t like the fact that I earned a lot. I brought thousands of dollars, put them in a box, but Anton never took a cent from there. He rode the subway, wore only jeans, but never took my money. He had a very small salary as a musical artist. And when, almost simultaneously, Khotinenko did not take Anton to star in his film “72 Meters” and he was refused at Notre Dame de Paris, he simply got up and left. Said: “You are a star. You need a rich man who will help you,” and disappeared. I didn't know where to look for him.

- And where were you, Anton?

A.: I went to Sashka Golubev (performer of the role of a priest in the musical. - Author). We drank a little, talked about life... When a woman feeds her family, a man develops a certain complex. It took a lot of effort not to flare up or fall into depression. Then I didn’t have “Belle” yet, much less “Poor Nastya”.

- How long did your separation from Vika last?

A.: A week. We met at Leshka Makarov's.

V.: Lesha Makarov had a birthday, and his mother, Lyubov P

Olishchuk, organized a chic table. I then looked at Anton and realized that I had to somehow drag him home. Because he no longer reacted to anything.

A.: Come on, you were the same yourself.

V.: Of course, I cried for a week, didn’t sleep or eat. First she asked him: “Take me home, please.” He: “I’ll see you off and leave.” Then I say: “Anton, sit with me, I haven’t slept for a week because I can’t sleep without you.” “Just remember, I’ll sit and leave,” he says. And, of course, I didn’t let him go anywhere else. And the next day he was approved to sing the song “Belle”. So I'm lucky with him.

A.: All successes of men in one way or another depend on women. Would I have done this or that if it weren’t for Vika? Of course not.

V.: Can I tell you? Makarsky, when he gets incredibly tired, when he only sleeps on trains and planes, sometimes breaks down: “Why the hell do I need all this?!” If it weren't for you, I would be working in the theater, doing what I love. Why do I need this money?

Makarsky is a homeless person

A.: EVERYTHING changed after the song “Belle”. They didn’t know me by sight, but they said: “We want this tenor to come to us and sing. Let's bash."

V.: I was shocked - they started calling me and offering me any money. Anton quietly ensured that I became Makarska, then he began to earn more than me.

A.: Not so quiet and not so slow.

V.: Once we went on tour with Anton. And he asks: “Who is being greeted like this?!” Really me?! Why do rooms with swimming pools and saunas give us?” I often came across how artists arrived and began: “They didn’t meet me in a Mercedes!” I’m flying away!” So Anton doesn’t care. He will be met at a penny, and he will be happy.

A: Why am I like this? Yes, because I will never forget how I ate one oatmeal for a year and a half while studying in Shchuk and living in a dormitory. There was no money even to buy salt and sugar. I filled the rolled oats with water and ate this biomass. After a year and a half, he howled and switched to buckwheat.

I remember how as a child (we are four children in the family, and I am the eldest) we received food stamps as a large and low-income family.

had breakfast and lunch at school for free. I remember how, as a student, I worked as a rabbit in a store, jumping in this foam suit in 30-degree heat. And now, when they give me a room with a sauna and “all inclusive” so that I can go on stage and sing two songs, I don’t understand this. And I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

-Have you already acquired your own home?

A.: For now we are renting an apartment on the old Arbat. And, of course, I really want my own corner. I've been homeless for 11 years now. I checked out of my native Penza while I was living in a hostel, there was a temporary registration, then they registered with Metro for five years, but it will end soon. But there is no registration. Look: there’s a blank page in my passport, and this is for the police (takes out the “Notre Dame” disc) - I always carry it with me. But, I hope, we will soon resolve the housing issue.

Once they had already made the first contribution to the construction of their apartment in installments, but then the idea of ​​the play “Arshin Mal Alan” arose. Every penny was taken and invested in it.

V.: Anton is primarily a theater actor. By the way, that's why I made this for him theater project. The filming of “Poor Nastya” ended at 8 o’clock in the evening, and at 9 o’clock rehearsals for our play began. After filming, he came dead, and after the performance - at one in the morning! - returned rested and cheerful. Because theater is living energy, it is impossible to get tired in it.

Are you hitting her?

VIKA, you were a singer, you showed promise... And suddenly you gave up your career and became your husband’s producer. Is this due to ligament surgery?

V.: My voice has recovered, everything is fine now. Ira Dubtsova, whom everyone recognized after the Star Factory, wrote an album for Anton a year ago. She sat at our house, and she was born very beautiful song, where there is this line: “I call happiness by your name...” We sing it in a duet. And to do a solo project... Today the singers are mainly those whom I call “look, country, the one I have.” What I'm doing now is nicer to me. When Anton decided to record a solo album, I completely produced it. Unexpectedly for myself. Then she began to deal with Anton’s contracts with

foreign companies, produced her husband’s second album and finally produced the entire production - from purchasing copyrights to production. Sometimes, when Anton doesn’t want to be in a project for one reason or another, he says this: “Vikochka, please make sure that I don’t participate in this.” And I do. And then everyone starts yelling: “What a bitch! She makes decisions for him!” In fact last word always behind Anton. And he signs the documents and puts a seal. And I'm a housewife. There was already a moment when Anton left... I don’t want that anymore.

-What are you quarreling about?

A.: Because of everything. We swear a lot at work, argue in a raised voice, and people who watch us at such moments get scared: “Well, I came and destroyed the family.” Nothing of the kind. We're both just very emotional.

- I see that Vicky has a small scar on her face. Anton, are you hitting her?

A.: No, what are you talking about? You can't hit women. When a woman is already crossing some boundaries of a quarrel, you can grab her and crush her a little. Then she will cry, and then you have to feel sorry for her. This is the system. What about hitting? No. The scar is a dog that bit her when she was a child, and it was so bad that half her cheek fell off. But the doctors did a great job, leaving only a small scar.

- We are all about love and love, but we have completely forgotten about everyday life...

A.: But we don’t have it in our family. If you want to eat, you can go to the store and buy yourself something instant cooking. I am very picky about food, I can eat buckwheat or rolled oats.

V.: When I start cooking, Makarsky yells: “Stay with me! Stop cooking!” On one of the programs he said: “My wife is my beloved woman, not a cook.” In general, I cook delicious food, but I don’t have time to do it.

- But do you have time to have children?

V.: Of course. We will begin to multiply very much when we have our own corner. Although, if God sends them now, it will be great...

A.: We will have a lot of boys. And I will play football with them in the yard.

V.: You are my joy! (And the loving spouses kissed. - From the author.

I remember before the wedding, my mother told me: “I beg you, even if Anton cheats on you, don’t leave him.” But the moment came when I told my husband: “I’m leaving to live with my mother in Minsk. I will not divorce you, we are married. But I can’t live with you anymore either...” - his wife Victoria openly talks about life with Anton Makarsky for the first time.

Not long ago, Anton had a nasal septum operated on in Israel.

The surgeon came out to me: “Listen, I have the impression that I just operated on an old boxer. His whole nose is broken. How can you manage to do this?” - “Oh, this is long history! - I answered.

Usually after the New Year we have a free week. These days he manages to relax, meet with friends, forget about all his worries, but... Anton relaxes in his own way - in such a way that sometimes he has to eliminate the consequences. But when at our “Live Concerts” with him I say in a reprise that my husband likes to drink, everyone laughs and is sure that this is a joke. Until Anton admits himself: “I don’t drink when I work. And I work a lot, that is, I hardly drink at all. And in general, I drink little, only 150 grams is enough for me... But when I drink them, I turn into a completely different person.

And the other one drinks a lot!” So, when Anton drinks, he finds the tallest and strong man in the area and offers to box. It is clear that compared to her husband, a major rival most often looks like Valuev. I’m running around, clucking like a chicken: “Antosha, you’re filming, take care of your face, take care of your nose!” No use. And the remaining days of vacation we heal bruises, insert teeth...

I believe that a husband has every right to drink his wife’s blood, and she should give it to him not just in buckets, but even in baths. But sometimes my patience comes to an end. It happens that we reach the boiling point, one of us is about to explode, and then our love will break into a hundred small fragments. At such moments, Anton suddenly stops, picks up a guitar, plays a gypsy romance and commands: “Dance, Morozova, burn!”

This has been our custom since the days when I performed under my maiden name. And now - attention! Main secret our family happiness: no matter how offended I was at that moment, I always dance!

Naked son-in-law on the doorstep

Fifteen years ago, after my call with the news that I was going to marry a handsome but still unknown actor Anton Makarsky, my mother lost her nerve in the night and went to Moscow on the first train. I think it was the word “beautiful” that scared my mother the most. After all, she herself once - against the will of her parents - married my father, because he was incredibly handsome: blond with blue eyes, an officer of a real White Guard aristocratic bearing.

It is clear that women, as in that movie, “fell in stacks right and left” from his charm. “Galya, come to your senses,” her parents told her. “He’s a womanizer, he’ll walk away from you, women like that flock in droves!” Of course, mom didn’t listen. And I regretted it literally two weeks after the wedding. She told me: “The horror is that even then I realized that I would never be happy with this person.” But pride did not allow me to return to my parents. There have never been divorces in our family! She and dad fought all the time. I remember that I myself begged my mother many times to divorce him. We lived in a military garrison in Lithuania, my father and mother served there, and at that time Makarsky’s future mother-in-law was a sergeant major, a military paramedic. I remember how everyone respected and loved her. And that’s where she decided to file for divorce for the first time.

But I realized that I was pregnant and the term was already serious. My mother was so desperate that she decided not to give birth to a second child from her father. When she came to the doctor, she told him in good spirit that she was going to leave her husband, that it would be hard with two children on her own! She was asked: “Are you Lithuanian?” Mom nodded her head: “Yes, yes! My father is Lithuanian!” She thought it would help. But the doctor sent her home: “We Lithuanians are few, please, go and give birth.” Thank God that everything turned out exactly this way and my only and beloved sister was born, whom we named Monika, in honor of our great-grandmother Monika Adamovna Shervyaliskite.

Another child did not change anything in the parents' relationship. Dad continued to offend mom, and after a year and a half she filed a complaint. For a small military town, this was an event that was discussed on every corner and condemned as a terrible shame.

I will never forget how I performed on the stage of the House of Officers and heard from the audience. “Look how the girl sings well, but her mother kicked out her husband. And the second little child remained. Poor things...” God, so embarrassing! Well, as for my mother... She remained in pain for the rest of her life, she devoted herself to her children, and in the thirty years after her divorce from her father, in my opinion, she had no relationship with anyone. How many times have I convinced her: “Mommy, you and Monica are so beautiful, so young, try to fall in love again! You can’t live alone!” But she doesn’t even want to hear about it, she doesn’t trust men anymore.

All my childhood and most of When I was young, I was absolutely sure that I would not get married. At the age of 17, when all my girlfriends dreamed of a wedding dress, I wrote in my diary: “Never!

Never! Never!" I know that I would not have gotten married. If I hadn’t met Anton...

I still remember the silent scene when my mother came to us to snatch me from the clutches of a “terrible” man, to prevent me from committing the greatest stupidity - marriage to a handsome actor. She rang the doorbell at six in the morning, and a practically naked Anton answered her. He walked out of the bathroom, his only clothing a towel around his hips. After that, they talked for almost a day in the kitchen, after which my mother called me and said: “Marry him! He is a decent and integrity person." Now in my mother’s prayer book, among the relatives for whom she prays, Anton is listed first, and only then come I, Monica, and grandchildren... It happened that my mother’s attitude towards my husband saved our marriage.

Anton and I tried to separate several times. In the first years, Anton left home and disappeared for weeks, drinking with friends. This was only due to his complexes about the fact that he could not provide for me and a woman like me deserves better. Fortunately, this period has long passed. Then it was my turn to pack my bags. We had a serious crisis three years ago, I was ready to leave not only home, but Moscow and Russia in general. She told him: “I’m going to live with my mother in Minsk. I will not divorce you, we are married. But I can’t live with you anymore either...” Halfway to the station she suddenly stopped: “And what will I tell my mother, who adores Anton more than her own children?” She gathered her pride into a fist and turned home to her husband. I love him, and he loves me too. He loves it so much!

“Wait, woman, where they put you, and be silent!”

I remember before the wedding, my mother told me: “I beg you, even if Anton cheats on you, don’t leave him.” Of course I'm in tears. Wow blessing! But, apparently, my mother simply realized earlier than I that Anton was a monogamist. His fans have even stopped calling me and posing as his mistresses. Although in the first three years they called every day. “I'm very happy for you. “I know that my Anton is an amazing man,” I told them. - But why are you calling me? You need Anton, so call him.” My great-grandmother taught me this technique. One day a neighbor came to her and said: “But yours is coming to see me.” I thought there would be a fight. But the great-grandmother looked pitifully at the woman: “What are you talking about?

Are you telling?

This is a shame. It turns out that you are ordinary...” And she inserted a strong Russian folk word. My great-grandmother also taught me: “Vika, don’t be jealous of your husband and don’t follow him. If you want to be happy, let him be jealous of you. It’s the husband who has to think and worry about where you are, who you’re with.” It was as if she foresaw what my Anton would turn out to be like. I never checked his phone or went into his pockets or his personal nightstand. But as soon as he enters the house, he will sniff me, rummage through all my bags, check all my SMS and email. And he justifies himself: “I’m not jealous, but fair!” How jealous! We rarely went to parties, but everything happened the same way - Anton put me in a corner and didn’t let anyone closer than three meters. I laughed: “Well, did you put it in a corner so that no one would drag it away? Antosh, what are you afraid of, I’m your wife, I love only you, why are you driving me into a corner?”

And he: “Stop, woman, where they put you, and be silent!” He has Caucasian roots. "My woman!" After all, Anton’s own grandmother, his father’s mother, is Georgian, and the most amazing thing is that right now, in Israel, we met all his relatives from Tbilisi, who also live here. And I understood where many of the traits in my husband came from. For example, generosity. After all, Anton often comes home without half of his things, because someone liked his jacket and gave it to him. An empty wallet in the evening is our usual story. Watches, belts, caps - I don’t count these at all. His generosity is Georgian, but so is his jealousy. And also - a special male restraint that does not allow him to praise me or say a kind word. I can’t stand it, I ask: “Antosha, why are you constantly scolding me? Praise me please! I need this so much, I have a million complexes!

Do you know how I will blossom if you say a kind word to me?” And he: “What’s good, there’s no need to talk about it. We must talk about what is bad and correct the shortcomings!” And it can be so offensive! At the same time, I know that he constantly praises me behind my back! You arrive somewhere, and people run to you: “Oh, Vika, your husband was with us, he told us so many good things about you, we want to meet you.” And ours mutual friends They also say: “Anton is already annoying everyone, no matter what they talk about, he makes you an example: “But my Vika!..” But I have never heard anything like that from him in all our 15 years!

And his boyish stubbornness? This is a separate topic! For example, on a certain day of the week Antosha likes fish for lunch. I don't mind pleasing him. But the main thing here is not to say: “Antosha, let me fry the fish!”

He will refuse on principle. What does your husband think? A thing is only right if he says it. And if his woman speaks about her first, then what kind of woman is she? the right thing? I often specifically say the opposite of what I think - this is the only way to achieve something from Anton. For example, when I'm going to cook fish, I talk out loud about meat. I listen to everything and, hiding a smile, go to prepare what I was going to do. And when Masha was born, I stopped arguing with Anton altogether. I ordered myself: no matter what was bubbling in my soul, no matter how he shook my nerves, accept it, a child should not see his parents swearing! I'd rather do something against own desire and pride, than I will allow Masha to suffer, as I did in childhood, because of the scolding of my parents...

Anton forced him to find his father

I haven't seen my father for almost thirty years, since he and my mother divorced.

He left me at 11 years old and never once asked how I was doing without him. He didn’t even send Monica and me birthday gifts. And so, when I gave birth to Masha, Anton suddenly began to insist that I call my father. Straight from the maternity hospital in Jerusalem! “Why would I call a person who disappeared from my life thirty years ago and did nothing to come back?” - I tried to convince Anton. But he stood his ground: “Your father must find out that his granddaughter was born. Not from the newspapers, but from you personally!” And I, not yet recovering from anesthesia, from another country spent several hours on the phone through address desks looking for my father’s contacts. Found it. It turns out that he returned to Vitebsk, where lived before my mom. I dialed the number...

“Hello, dad! This is Vika." He was not surprised at all, he spoke as if we had broken up yesterday. I have noticed this effect more than once when strangers They communicate with you as with a loved one. This is understandable: people read your interviews, see you on the screen, and it seems to them that they know everything about you. Dad had exactly the same reaction. He began to talk about life, about his house, about the garden and delicious jam which he had prepared for the winter. I found out that I have a half-brother, Valentin, who lives in Moscow, and my dad helps him. This shocked me a little. Not that dad has another child. And the fact that his father sends him money and is proud of it. Suddenly I remembered how I went to work when I was 13, because we lived very hard. For pennies, I weeded the beds in the Botanical Garden, glued boxes, worked as a nanny, helped at the post office... No, this is not a grudge against my father.

I would like to believe that in this way, by taking care of his son, he will compensate for what he did not give to Monica and me. But to convince me of this version, one of his phrases was not enough: “Would you like, Vika, for me to give you a jar of my jam?” Nevertheless, Anton insists that we should go to visit our father in Vitebsk and introduce him to Masha. I'm not ready yet. And I don’t know how my mother will react to this. She doesn’t know about my call to my father yet. This interview will be a big surprise for her. However, she herself forbade me to complain about my father’s inattention. She said: “You are his daughter and you have no right to condemn him.” In this regard, mom and Anton also think alike...

I wanted to quit my profession

Even before Masha was born, two years ago, something terrible began to happen to Anton. It began to seem to him that everything he was doing was something unworthy, bringing only money.

Anton was terribly fraying my nerves, refusing all offers, interviews, they called him from Channel One, he refused best projects. I didn’t know how to explain to the heads of leading TV channels that Makarsky did not want to become their face. And all this despite the fact that our concerts were sold out and any appearance of Anton in public or on the screen does not go unnoticed. But then he had the idea to leave everything and go to the village. Knowing that it was useless to argue, I began to mentally prepare to radically change my life. I already imagined how we would live in the village, open a rural music school, start a farm, eat potatoes and mushrooms collected in the forest. We would really find happiness in all this!

I love the countryside and farming; since childhood, spent in military garrisons, I can survive in any conditions and with any money. But what about our profession, to which we have devoted so many years, what is our purpose, finally? These reflections coincided with our ordeals about childlessness - I already told how Anton and I for many years we couldn’t become parents, we underwent numerous examinations, tried to do IVF... We went near Kazan to the amazing father Vladimir Golovin, who has the gift of revealing God’s will to people. He predicted that Mashenka would soon be born. But there was one more question. Should successful actor Anton Makarsky quit his profession? We knew that Father Vladimir once gave exactly this advice to one of Anton’s acquaintances - a very rich man, an oil tycoon.

He could not sleep at night, he was tormented by nightmares. And the priest said: “Drop everything, return to the village to your parents, there you will get married and be happy.” This is what this man did, now he is a doctor, he has a wonderful family, and he believes that if he had not changed his life - with easy money, with women who changed every day - he would no longer be alive. And so Anton asked Father Vladimir if we should do the same. Father didn’t even listen to him, he said: “You’re in the right place. Go and make people happy." I timidly asked: “Father, what should I do?” The answer was short: “Sing!” The question was removed, and Anton and I calmed down. But they didn’t abandon the idea of ​​moving from Moscow. Instead of a house, we bought a spacious townhouse in Sergiev Posad. God willing, someday we will settle there with children - we dream of having a son, or maybe we will take a child from an orphanage.

I admit, we asked the priest for his blessing for adoption until we received it. We were told that we must first give birth and raise our own children in order to fully understand what it means to be parents.

So we are trying. Training on Masha. We may be making a lot of mistakes. It seems to me that Anton is going too far in his strictness, and he thinks that I spoil Mashenka, fulfilling all her whims. But if he had been given free rein, he would have raised his daughter in spartan conditions. From the first months, Masha is already getting fit, playing sports, sleeping naked in the open air, swimming in the sea in any weather... And this is a sore point for me. Let's say we put Masha to bed. It’s already November, the daytime in Israel is still hot, but the nights are cool.

Anton believes that his daughter needs to be toughened up; he puts Masha in a sleeveless jumpsuit with short pants. This means that you will have to act according to the circumstances. It’s better that I stay up all night, slowly cover Masha with a blanket and remove it before Anton wakes up. In a word, as our friend, a child psychologist, says: “The weak link in this family is Vikochka!” And Masha, too, has already realized that her mother is a “weasel”; she can make ropes out of her. It’s with her dad that she’s a well-mannered girl, she obeys in everything, doesn’t get capricious, and walks on her own two feet. And when dad leaves for filming, Masha literally rides on mom: she doesn’t get off her hands. And again she becomes an ordinary girl, and not a champion. Before dad arrives. How he scolds me for her! But thanks to Masha, I hear something kind from my husband. No, Anton still doesn’t talk openly about his feelings.

But he sends messages through his daughter! I often hear him say something like: “Masha, your eyes are green, like your mother’s. Cool!" Or: “Masha, you smell so good like mom...” And I listen and am afraid to move, to scare away happiness...

Throughout the 15 years of my marriage, women have approached me: “Vikochka, how lucky you are, how we envy you, you have such an ideal husband. But here's mine! He drinks, walks, lies in front of the TV for days, never says a kind word. What can be done to make him like Makarsky?” And I answer: “Dear girls, don’t look at others, don’t compare, and most importantly, don’t rush to get a divorce. Everything you talk about is also found in those you consider ideal.” Marriage is hard work. Anton, for his part, does this work when he picks up a guitar and says: “Burn, dance, Morozova!”

But I have to dance every time, no matter what is going on in my soul. Because I know: in a minute my husband and I will laugh, and everything will return to normal. Passion passes quickly, but for love to live long, at least one of the spouses must be wise. And let the man think that he is the wise one. We women don't feel sorry!

We can say with confidence that Anton Makarsky is a real favorite of women, because he not only has beautiful appearance and acting talent, but also a wonderful voice that soothes the ear. The actor considers one of his main successes to be the fact that he was able to combine work and family. And this seems to be true, because for the last eighteen years Anton has been happy with his wife. And I must say that for fans their family is a real role model.

In addition to acting, Makarsky, as one might guess, also sings. And it’s not even surprising that he alone can do so much, because there are already several generations of artists in his family.

Most of his fans are, of course, women. Which, except beautiful face this man and his talents, also interested in his height, weight, age. How old Anton Makarsky is is no secret. Currently he is already 42.

And his height of 179 centimeters and, accordingly, his weight of 68 kilograms make the appearance of this popular actor and, undoubtedly, handsome man even more colorful and attractive. Photos of Anton Makarsky in his youth and now show us that he has not changed much since his youth.

Biography of Anton Makarsky

Anton was born in Penza, November 26, 1975. As mentioned earlier, his family is the next generation of artists. Makarsky’s grandfather worked all his life in the drama theater, and even in Soviet era was awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist. Stepfather - Alexander Makarsky - was an actor puppet theater, like his mother, Elena Makarskaya, although later she became a teacher at a music school. Anton also has a sister.

Makarsky was involved in art since early age. He developed both acting and musical talents. That’s why it takes a long time to decide future profession Anton didn't have to.

It is noteworthy that Anton Makarsky’s biography as an actor began when he was still just a child. More precisely, at the age of 8 years. It was then that he began to appear before the audience on the stage of the drama theater in his hometown. After graduating from school, Anton went to Moscow to go to college. It was luck or really great talent, but the applicant was accepted into several acting universities at once.

Anton decided to choose one of the most famous - Shchukin University. Very often, student Makarsky took an active part in all institute projects, showing himself advantageously not only talented actor, but also a skilled singer. Anton Makarsky graduated from the institute in 1997, after which he was accepted into the theater troupe “At the Nikitin Gate”. Although he did not start there as an actor, he was called to serve the theater within a matter of months. He proved himself as an actor in the best possible way, so soon enough he was transferred to the Academic Ensemble. In addition to performing songs independently, Makarsky is also trusted with holding concerts.

After serving in the army, Anton felt all the difficulties of finding a job. In his own words, he could not find a job for six months. But most likely, the reason lies precisely in the fact that precisely during that period, namely the end of the 90s, cinema and theater were not going through their best times. The streak of failures for Makarsky ended when he passed the next casting and was accepted into the musical “Metro”.

In 2002, he was lucky enough to play one of the key roles in the famous production of Notre Dame de Paris. And the very next year he was accepted into the cast of the series “Poor Nastya,” where he played Prince Andrei Dolgoruky. As you know, the series gained enormous popularity, as did many of its actors.

Filmography: films starring Anton Makarsky

Anton Makarsky's filmography includes over fifty films, performances and musicals. Anton made his debut as a film actor in 2002, playing in the film “Drilling,” which was filmed on a real drilling rig.

By the way, the title song of the already mentioned series “Poor Nastya” was created by Anton Makarsky, in collaboration with Sergei Lee.

The talent of this actor seems to be truly limitless, because he was lucky enough not to become a hostage to just one role or genre. And on the screen, Makarsky embodied a variety of images, from a car thief to a spy.

One cannot help but recall that the actor took part in one of the episodes of the once popular program “Fort Boyard”.

Personal life of Anton Makarsky

We can say that Anton Makarsky’s personal life began when, at a casting for the musical “Metro,” the guy met Victoria Morozova, who later became his wife. The couple's family life has lasted for eighteen years. Interestingly, for the sake of filming the show “Fort Boyard”, the couple canceled their honeymoon.

The first-born, daughter Masha, was born thirteen years later family life. And almost three years later, my son Vanya was born. According to the spouses themselves, their marriage was “made in heaven” because of their opinions on what should be family relationships, are completely identical.

In the last few months, you can sometimes find news on the Internet that Anton Makarsky allegedly left his wife. This news sparked rumors that their marriage was not as happy as they made it out to be from the beginning. It was rumored that Makarsky abandoned his family several times because his wife was more successful at work than he was. But these news sources cannot be considered completely truthful, and the spouses themselves have so far neither confirmed nor denied such rumors.

“Anton Makarsky and Victoria Morozova children, photo” - a similar request can now often be found on the Internet. Especially among the actor’s fans - some want to look at the kids, while others just want to make sure that everything is fine with their idol on the personal front.

Family of Anton Makarsky

It was previously mentioned that Anton Makarsky’s family consists of several generations of actors and simply people associated with the world of art. It is known that the surname Makarsky Anton received from his stepfather Alexander when his mother remarried. The boy was only 10 at the time. Initially, the future actor’s last name was Shagov.

His entire family lived in Penza. Now he himself, with his beloved wife and small children, now lives in Moscow, and his parents and sister moved to Israel.

Children of Anton Makarsky

Very for a long time Makarsky and his wife were seriously concerned that they were unable to have children. Doctors were guilty of infertility, although both future parents were completely healthy. But after thirteen long years, the unrest was over, and the Makarsky couple had a girl. It is noteworthy that the baby was born in Jerusalem, so the parents did not think for a long time about choosing a name, and named their daughter Maria. And a little over a couple of years later, Victoria gave birth to her husband also a son, who was given the name Ivan.

The children of Anton Makarsky helped save the family, because it is known how often couples get divorced due to the fact that they cannot have children. According to Victoria, patriarchy reigns in their family - if necessary, dad will scold, and mom will care. Anton also recently admitted that he and his wife are starting to think about having another baby.

Son of Anton Makarsky - Ivan

It’s interesting that Anton and Vika chose names for their babies even before they were born. And the choice is related to the religious beliefs of the couple. The son of Anton Makarsky, Ivan, was born in May 2015, in Jerusalem, like his older sister. He will soon be 3 years old. The celebrity couple often arranges cute photo shoots with their kids.

When Vanechka was at most three weeks old, Victoria Makarskaya published pictures from the hospital on her Instagram. It turned out that both mother and baby had increased high temperature, the cause of which was an enterovirus, the epidemic of which was then in Israel. But thanks to the timely help of doctors, everything worked out.

Daughter of Anton Makarsky - Maria

The daughter of Anton Makarsky, Maria, as already mentioned, was born in Jerusalem in September 2012. She became such a long-awaited first-born for her parents. This year the girl will turn 6. According to her parents, she is beginning to develop her talent as a singer.

Admirers star couple We were truly delighted when Victoria published a short video on her Instagram in which Mashenka enthusiastically sings a song from the cartoon “The Flying Ship.” There is no doubt that the talent was inherited by the baby.

Anton Makarsky's wife - Victoria Makarskaya

Anton Makarsky's wife, Victoria Makarskaya, was born in Vitebsk. She is a couple of years younger than her husband. It’s interesting that Victoria Morozova (that’s her name) maiden name) is reluctant to discuss his life before marriage with journalists. On the contrary, she always talks about her marriage with Anton with a smile on her face. Let us remember that they met at the casting of the musical “Metro”.

It is known that Victoria was previously a circus performer. Presumably an acrobat. She has nearly ninety performances behind her. One of which almost took her life due to a serious staff error.

It is also interesting that at the first meeting Victoria did not fall in love with Anton at first sight. She was going through a difficult time in her life, and she simply had no time for sympathy and flirting. She met Makarsky more closely already at the party to mark the end of the casting. Around the same time, their romantic relationship began to develop.

At first, their family and friends only talked about how they wouldn’t make a normal family, and Vika’s friends even didn’t hesitate to mock Anton. But, despite such details, the couple got married, and the wedding took place three years later. Instead of honeymoon the couple went to film the program “Fort Boyard”, where they had a great time. Victoria herself claims that, despite all the chatter of those around her, she does not regret anything and has been happy with Anton for almost twenty years.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anton Makarsky

Instagram and Wikipedia of Anton Makarsky are the very first pages that fans study in search of some new information about your pet. In the Internet encyclopedia you can read a little about the actor’s childhood and youth, as well as his personal life, see full list films in which he played.

And Anton’s Instagram is filled with photographs happy family, pictures and short videos from the film sets, which allows fans to always be aware of almost all the details of the life of their favorite actor and his family.

The creative couple spoke about the difficulties that had haunted Anton and Victoria for thirteen years preceding

Anton and Victoria Makarsky tried unsuccessfully to have a child for 13 years. And now they are happy parents. They say that in their case there was a miracle. This is true?

A. Tatarinova, Saratov

Victoria: The doctors called it a miracle when they found out that we got pregnant on our own, without any procedures. Such a gift at 38 years old! For years we went to doctors who said that we were healthy. But nothing worked. As a result, I calmed down and realized that everything is God’s will, a person appears in this world when necessary. And six months before pregnancy, we received a call from the monastery and conveyed the words of the elder. He said that we would soon have a child and explained how to prepare for this. We began to receive parcels from there with food, drink, tinctures, prayers and icons. We began to receive communion regularly and generally reconsidered a lot in our lives. Mashenka is a begged child. It is also significant that I became pregnant on Christmas Day. During this period, I was just the producer of an international charity Christmas project to help disabled children.

“TV Guide”: - Your path to the birth of your daughter was long, difficult and even dangerous. Why couldn't the doctors help you?

Victoria: A person is much more than just a body. The best and most educated doctors know this very well and even advise in inexplicable terms official medicine cases, turn to God for help. For many years, doctors shrugged their shoulders and could not explain why we don’t have children. Our attempt to do IVF almost turned into a tragedy; they barely pumped me out: hyperstimulation syndrome began, and I began to die. After this, we turned to Israeli specialists, and after examining us, they advised us not to resort to further medical intervention. The doctor said that we would definitely get pregnant on our own. And so it happened.

Anton: I have my own explanation for our ordeals. All this long time we tried to achieve our will at any cost. But, despite all our efforts, luck was not with us. We became pregnant only when we had found something like humility - we had almost reached the point of despair and had already begun to think about adoption. Each person is sent, for his own benefit, what he needs to experience right now.

Victoria: And although numerous studies did not help us much, in the course of them we learned a lot of interesting things. For example, at the Institute of Genetics on Ordynka they announced a relationship to us - Anton and I had the same genes and phenotype... by 50%! We are practically related. There is nothing surprising in this - our ancestors are from Belarus, from towns that are very close: mine are from David-Gorodok, Antoshina’s are from Svetilovichi.

“TV Guide”: - Now, perhaps, you believe in the theory of two halves that are inevitably drawn to each other?

Anton: I don’t know what about “stretching”, but the fact that my other half is very stubborn and argues too much is for sure...

Victoria: In our family everything happens that happens in all families. It’s strange for me to hear people present us as a sweet couple without problems. There were difficulties, tears, and even partings.

Anton: True, we were separated for a short time. After all, despite all the disagreements, Vika and I have an understanding that we are one whole. Being apart is unacceptable for us.

Victoria: Happy marriage- it's always spiritual feat. His obligatory companions are forgiveness and humility. Almost all divorces occur due to pride and inability to forgive. Few people are able to completely devote their lives to serving another person, forgetting about ambition and selfishness.

Anton: I think a lot about love now. And thanks to my daughter, I am convinced in practice that this is an absolutely sacrificial feeling! Those relationships in which everything is aimed at maximizing self-satisfaction, in my opinion, are doomed to failure.

Girl from a dream

“TV Guide”: - Your baby is one month old. What is she like, who does she look like?

Victoria: This month is the happiest time for our family! All previous life It now seems like a preface and a series of wonderful events that ultimately led to the most important thing - the birth of Mashenka.

Anton: When my beloved mother-in-law first saw Masha on Skype, she enthusiastically stated: “Wonderful mix!”

Victoria: The ears are grandma’s, the eyes are blue, like my father, a Siberian, everything else is Antoshino! Mashenka was born a brunette, but now her hair is rapidly... turning red! Perhaps this is a temporary phenomenon, but so far it’s turning out very nicely.

Anton: All these are details, but overall something global has happened, as if the orbit has changed, and everything is now revolving around this little man, who has radically changed the lives of all members of our family and gives a huge amount of joy to everyone around!

“TV Guide”: - Is it true that you chose a name for your unborn child a long time ago? You had a dream in which a little girl introduced herself as your daughter and said that her name was Masha.

Anton: Vika had a dream when we first met. She woke me up and asked me what we would name our daughter when she was born. I answered, half asleep: “Masha!”

Victoria: Imagine my shock! This dream is still before my eyes, as if everything was real. I dreamed of a girl in long clothes, a copy of Anton, only with bright blue eyes. She very seriously asked to name her Maria when she was born.

There are no other people's children!

“TV Guide”: - I know that you had a period when you seriously thought about adoption. But instead of one child, you now have 12 children under your care...

Anton: It was a matter of Palm Sunday. We were driving our car to visit our mother-in-law in Minsk and at the 354th km of the Minsk highway we saw the very beautiful St. Nicholas Church. We decided to stop by and take some blessed willow. Entering the temple, we met the priest and children of different ages. The guys recognized us and invited us to a neighboring hut to drink tea. It turned out that the father took all the children from the boarding school. Getting to know each other better Orthodox family, as they call themselves, we were shocked by the real feat of Father Sergius, his spiritual strength, which helps to educate the most best qualities and maintain love and harmony in the family, despite difficult living conditions, broken destinies and different characters Guys.

Victoria: We saw absolute great happiness in a hut with a toilet on the street and beds arranged one above the other due to lack of space in the house, which an old parishioner grandmother left as a legacy to the priest and her children. It immediately became clear that we would not just leave - our souls were attached to this family. We were shocked at how versatile the creative, spiritual and family education Through the efforts of Father Sergius, Mother and local Cossacks, these children receive! We became very good friends. And... they became part of this family. Then we met the local Cossacks, parishioners of the temple, who help the priest in raising and placing grown-up children in educational institutions, and Ataman Garry Yuryevich accepted Anton and me, according to all Cossack rules, into his “hundred”. And then I thought: how can children be strangers? We began to use every opportunity to come to Smogiri. On one of our visits, the children and Father Sergius ran out to meet us, shouting vyingly: “Right before your arrival, the storks got two little storks! So, you too will soon have children!” Father Sergius said then: “The children loved you very much and are praying that God will give you children, and the prayer of orphans is the most powerful!” We asked for blessings, together with the guys, to shoot a video for the song “Church on the Road,” which was written by Gosha Barykin (son of Alexander Barykin), and also to make the soundtrack for “Korsunskaya” ( miraculous icon, from whom they most often pray for the birth of children). Father Sergius again accurately predicted then: “When the frame for the icon is completed, you will have a new addition to your family.” And so it happened.

“TV Guide”: - How did your wards react to the news of your pregnancy?

Victoria: While I live in Israel, we only communicate by phone. When we called them with the good news, so many happy exclamations came from the receiver! When we arrive in Russia, Masha and I will immediately go to thank our little beloved prayer books and venerate the Korsun Icon.

Jewish mom

“TV Guide”: - How are the responsibilities for caring for Masha distributed between you?

Victoria: Anton, who delivered the baby, still won’t give it to anyone. In Israel they jokingly call him “Jewish mam.” I have to literally win Masha back just to hold her in my arms. Anton’s main argument is: “I’ll leave for filming - then you’ll be with Masha!” But the shooting was postponed to January, and he still won’t give Masha to me.

Anton: My daughter and I have an amazing connection! I feel everything that she wants, but she can’t tell us yet, or almost everything... And I’m also a born physical teacher, so physical development Masha is ahead of schedule. And I understand that with all the love, neither my mother, nor my grandmother, nor my great-grandfather, who cannot look at her without tears of happiness, will do the exercises that we do with her.

“TV Guide”: - What can you wish for couples who are desperate and no longer believe in miracles?

Anton: Miracles happen to those who believe in them. Don’t miss anything that happens to us and around us, repeating after John Chrysostom: “Glory to God for everything!”

Victoria: There are so many disadvantaged people and children in our country! If God does not give us what we want, think: someone has a much harder time than you, and try to help them. Regardless of your financial status, you can give each other the most important thing every day - love.

About pregnancy

Anton: I am so much scary stories I heard enough about the whims of pregnant women that I was ready for anything, but Vika did not justify my fears! How could she ask me to mix pickled squash with ice cream for her? I became much more capricious - I constantly muttered: “don’t do this”, “don’t go there”. It seems like I’m saying everything correctly, but sometimes because of my tediousness I’m disgusted with myself...

About work

Anton: Our “Live Concert” has become very popular. Now there is one problem - to arrange tour schedules so as not to fly away from Masha for a long time. Our first tour of Israel took place 11 days after giving birth! Vika didn’t even have to change her concert dresses; she’s smart and in great shape.

Victoria: Only my doctor was very worried about me - the repertoire is very complex, and I don’t know how to “save” myself. I categorically forbade dancing, but every time I was on stage I forgot about it. Now is the time when I can maximize my full potential. Motherhood changes a woman a lot. With the advent of Mashenka, everything came completely new stage in my life - I want to sing so that the whole world can hear! Such gentle intonations appeared in my voice that I could not even dream of before.

Long-awaited happiness

Halle Berry I couldn't get pregnant for many years. She even started collecting negative tests. There were 35 of them in total. The thirty-sixth was happy: at 41, the actress gave birth to a daughter.

Julia Roberts Became a mother for the first time at 37 years old. After repeated and unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant without medical intervention, the actress decided to undergo IVF. And she was right: today she is the mother of charming twins.

When actor Anton Makarsky (Phoebus in the musical Notre Dame de Paris, Prince Dolgoruky in Poor Nastya) met singer Victoria Morozova (songs “Hug Me” and “Someone”), this spectacular blonde was much more famous than He. So, Anton Makarsky and Victoria Morozova.

“I left Vicky several times! - Anton said in one of the interviews. - In the first year of our life together she was a star in the full sense of the word: a professional high level, clips, rotation on the radio... And I was an actor in “Metro”, like “the third boy from the right in red. And, of course, when Vika brought good sums of money from concerts, I had a complex. But after the first incredibly difficult year, we took a very important step - we got married. After that my withdrawals stopped. I realized that no matter what trials fate sends us, we are still together.” Their love is already seven years old, but it is still bright and emotional. Today they themselves tell the readers of “Cleo” the story of their novel.

At first sight

Brief questionnaire:

Do you consider yourself an ideal couple?
Anton: In my understanding, " perfect couple“These are two people who understand each other and do not express themselves at the expense of each other. Of course, we are the perfect couple.
Victoria: I absolutely agree with Anton.

Who is the leader in your family?
Anton: I!
Victoria: Of course, Anton is a leader.

What do you admire most about each other?
Anton: I admire Vika in general. Because she... Woman, woman and again woman.
Victoria: I admire Antoshina’s decency.

Is there jealousy in your relationship?
Anton: I believe that jealousy is the stupidest thing. Jealousy kills love; you need to drive it away if you love a person.
Victoria: If I were jealous of Anton for all the actresses with whom he had to play, for all the fans, then I would have gone crazy a long time ago.

“I was participating in the casting for the musical “Metro,” when a girl wearing a short T-shirt and miniskirt, wearing shoes with a huge platform, entered the audience. She was like two peas in a pod like my grandmother... And it was love at first sight.” - This is how Anton Makarsky talks about the first meeting with his future wife, Victoria Morozova.

But Victoria was young and then no one had yet famous actor I didn't like Anton Makarsky right away. She didn't think about family at all and serious relationship Then. Her career came first.

Victoria was already a popular singer then, her videos were played on music channels. And this, as it seemed to her then, was only the beginning of her creative path. The only harbinger future love became a prediction for her famous astrologer Pavel Globa.

“It was right before the start of the casting for the musical “Metro,” recalls Victoria. “I decided to find out what awaits me in the future. Pavel Globa then predicted to me that I would soon meet the love of my life. He said that I would have such a husband that I would not want to sing and would devote myself entirely to family life. Then I treated this prediction with a bit of sarcasm and did not attach any significance to it.”

A date of a lifetime

On the occasion of the end of numerous castings for the musical “Metro,” a party was held for all the actors who got the roles. It took place in a huge three-room apartment, which Morozova was then renting. Anton wanted to impress the “lady of his heart,” which Victoria had already become for him, and decided to use his “crown number.”

“I went to the bathroom and came out wearing just a towel. - Anton remembers. “Then he came to the kitchen, where the celebration was going on, sat down next to Vika, started giving her a massage, after which he said that my shoulders hurt and asked her to massage them. In general, I openly “showed” Vika and, oddly enough, it had an effect.”

Then everyone went to bed: the girls in one bedroom, the boys in the other, and Anton in a separate small room. Victoria decided to wish good night to Anton... Since then they have not parted.

The wedding sang and danced...

A year after they met, Anton asked Victoria to marry him. And she agreed. Soon they got married in one of the Moscow churches in the presence of their two best friends. The next day, Anton and Vika decided to celebrate their wedding on a grand scale. And they invited all the actors involved in the musical “Metro” to the forest for a barbecue. Victoria was dressed in regular jeans and a T-shirt. True, there was a pink veil on her head. The groom matched the bride: jeans, a T-shirt with the sleeves torn off, a bandana and a red flower on his chest, the kind that “proper” grooms usually pin on.

Do your tastes match?
Anton: Sometimes they don't match.
Victoria: Anton, for example, loves listening to Ramstein and Linkin Park, and I adore the group Adeemus. Anton also really loves rap, Eminem, for example. But I absolutely can’t listen to it, rap makes me laugh. And I also laugh when Anton begins to imitate Decl, Eminem: he walks around the apartment and says: “Yo, Yo!” We start laughing together. But we have never disagreed about Anton’s repertoire.

“That day, everyone who met our cheerful group asked us to take a photo with them, but not because we were actors in the musical “Metro.” We just looked very cheerful and perky then,” says Anton.

Stamp in passport

And only three years after the wedding, Anton and Vika decided to enter into an official marriage. And then, this was done solely so that Victoria from Morozova would turn into Makarskaya-Morozova.

“For Anton it was important at that time,” recalls Victoria. - The thing was that I was more popular than Anton then. And at one of the social gatherings, Leon Izmailov came up to us and called Anton Morozov... He just didn’t know that his husband had a different last name. Anton then turned completely white with anger. And I realized: I can’t hesitate any longer. We need to officially register our relationship.”

Before the wedding, Victoria decided to surprise Anton. He thought that she would come to the registry office in jeans, and he himself was also not going to “show off” just to put a stamp in the passport. In secret from Anton, Victoria ordered a limousine and an incredible blue wedding dress, which she hid with a friend. In the morning she said: “Antosh, I need to get myself in order, I’ll come straight to the registry office,” and asked her girlfriend to call Anton and tell him to put on a tuxedo.

"For what? “I want to be in a denim suit,” he objected. “And Vika will also wear jeans!” “She’ll wear something decent,” the friend insisted. “They will take photographs of you there for posterity.” And yet she convinced the groom to wear a suit.

What are the most memorable gifts you have received from each other?
Anton: My best gift from fate and from God is Vika!
Victoria: And for me the best gift from Anton was a bag. One day I was walking past a shop window and just looked at a very funny furry handbag. And I moved on because there was no money. I thought Anton didn’t even notice it. And it was a revelation for me that Anton somehow caught my gaze and felt that I liked this thing. And when he gave me this handbag, I just couldn’t believe it. It was very touching.

What are your dreams?
Anton: ABOUT football team, in which Vika and my children would play!
Victoria: And I won't even argue with that!

“I came out of the car in a blue cloud of a veil,” recalls Victoria. - When Anton saw it, I thought he would laugh, because I myself have always called the veil a symbol of innocence. But he was happy, hugged me and said: “You are my beauty!”

Family happiness

The family lived in rented apartments for two years, after which they purchased a two-room apartment in Moscow, not far from the Belorusskaya metro station. Victoria was in charge of decorating the apartment.

Anton recently released a solo album. And his girlfriend played a role in the new musical “Perfume”. True, study solo career She's not serious about it. “For me now, my husband’s career is more important than my own,” says Victoria herself. “So, one might say, the astrologer’s prediction came true.”

But the main thing is that it’s not an apartment or even a job, but the fact that Anton Makarsky and Victoria Morozova still together and still loving each other as they did seven years ago.