Scientific social science. Social science. Topic: Science. types of sciences. Is social science a science?

Science and education. Workshop

1. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts in the series presented below. Write down this word (phrase).

educational institutions

educational goals

functions of education in society

educational programs

2. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, are trends in development modern education. Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in your answer.

2) dogmatization

3) humanization

4) internationalization

5) informatization

6) ideologization

3. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of “science”. Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in your answer.

2) experiment

3) evidence

4) rationality

5) sensuality

6) theory

7) concepts

8) subjectivity

4. Find in the list below the characteristics of the process of humanitarization of education and circle the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) taking into account the individual characteristics of schoolchildren

2) reduction of teaching time by music education

3) computerization educational process

4) teaching the course “Political Science” at faculties of technical specialties

5) increasing attention to learning foreign languages

6) introduction of an additional course on cultural history

5. The development of science has made it possible to create new, frost-resistant varieties of fruit plants. What functions of science are manifested in this fact? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) social

2) prognostic

3) ideological

4) educational

5) production

6) educational

6. Select the correct judgments about science as a branch of spiritual life and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Results scientific research depend on the researcher’s attitude to society, nature and spiritual life in general.

2) Science provides a theoretical basis for the laws of development of nature and society.

3) The basis of scientific activity is the collection of facts, their constant updating and systematization.

4) Science not only describes natural or social phenomena, but also allows us to build cause-and-effect relationships between them.

5) Scientific conclusions are based on conviction and faith.

7. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and functions of education: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) formation of the intellectual and moral potential of society and the state

B) reproduction of professional personnel

B) development of skills, abilities, interests

D) mastering scientific knowledge, acquiring experience and skills

D) transmission and dissemination of culture in society

1) social

2) personal

8. Match characteristics and levels general education: For each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) mastery of reading, writing, counting, basic skills of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking

B) mastering educational programs is not accompanied by intermediate certifications And final certification students

C) based on individualization and professional orientation of educational content

D) students who have not mastered the basic educational program previous level of general education

D) formation of prerequisites for educational activities, preservation and strengthening of children’s health

1) preschool education

2) secondary general education

3) primary general education

9. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“The _______(A) system can be considered on a national scale, at the level of an individual region or city. IN modern conditions it is an open, continuously developing system, which is characterized by a number of ____ (B). ____ (B) – orientation of the educational system towards the development and establishment of relations of mutual respect between students and teachers, based on the recognition of the rights of each person, the preservation and strengthening of health, feelings self-esteem, formation of personal potential. ____ (D) – increase in teaching time allocated to the study of social and humanitarian disciplines; free communication with people of different nationalities, all professions and ____ (D); good knowledge native language and fluency foreign; knowledge of national and world history and culture; economic and ____ (E) human literacy.

The words in the list are given in nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap.

Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

2) sign

3) elitist

4) legal

5) interest

6) humanization

7) specialty

8) education

9) humanitarization

Working with text

Education in society

Education has become widespread during the last two or three centuries. Why did this happen for so long?..

The first of the fundamental changes was the democratic revolution. As can be seen from the example of the French Revolution of the late 18th century, it was caused by the growing desire of the non-aristocratic classes ... to participate in political affairs. In response to this demand, educational opportunities were first of all expanded: after all, new actors on the political stage should not represent “ignorant masses" Therefore, in the 30s. XIX century Education reformers in the United States were concerned about the problem of increasing the literacy of future voters, their awareness of social issues and the ability to make an intelligent decision when voting... The ideal of a society of equal opportunity represents another aspect of the democratic revolution... Equal social opportunity has become almost synonymous with equal educational opportunity...

The most important event...became industrial revolution... The development of industry on a large scale required the expansion of the education system to prepare qualified workers who could perform new, more complex species activities... Countries competing with each other for the world market quickly realized that superiority in industrial development closely related to more high level education...

An important change... was associated with the development of the educational institution itself. When a social institution strengthens its position, its members usually form a group united by common legitimate interests and make demands on society - for example, regarding the maintenance of their prestige or material support from the state... [Additionally] Americans have always tended to believe: The higher their level of education, the more likely they are to succeed in life.

N. Smelser

10. With what three changes in public life the author connects the formation modern system education?

11. The text mentions or characterizes three tasks that education was designed to solve in the 19th-20th centuries. Name them.

12. The author characterizes the education system as a social institution. Based on your knowledge of the social science course, name any four social institutions (besides the institute of education). What are the two features social groups, emerging around social institutions, he mentions?

13. The text states that Americans tend to believe that education increases a person's chances of "success in life." What concept should be used to characterize a person’s movement towards “success in life”? What function of education are these hopes associated with? Give a term you know from a social studies course and name any two other social institutions that perform this function.

14. Using three examples, show the role of education in human life.

  1. 1. Social studies Section 4. Topic 4.1. Science. Types of sciences. Scientific knowledge is rational knowledge
  2. 2. The origins of science The origins of science go back to ancient times. Science arose in the 6th century BC. e. in Ancient Greece. Science destroyed the mythological worldview. The process of forming science into a social institution began in the 17th-18th centuries. – the first scientific societies and academies arose, publication began scientific journals. In the XIX - XX centuries. new forms of scientific organization are emerging: large scientific laboratories, institutes, research centers
  3. 3. The purpose of science: description, explanation and prediction of processes and phenomena of reality, i.e. its theoretical reflection Science is complex Trends social phenomenon, modern science: a special sphere of human Differentiation of sciences * activity, during which knowledge is created about the surrounding world and its laws. Integration of sciences* Science is specialized knowledge of reality
  4. 4. Types of sciences: humanities, social, natural, technical, applied
  5. 5. Two levels of scientific knowledge 1. Empirical knowledge - knowledge of facts 2. Theoretical knowledge - explanation of empirical facts Theory is a logically coherent system of concepts and statements that has significance only in its correlation with empirical facts Empirical facts have value only together with the one that explains them theory
  6. 6. Features of scientific knowledge: Systematicity, logical derivability of some knowledge from others.. The object of scientific knowledge is not only objects and phenomena, but also objects of the microworld, megaworld, past and future. Striving for objectivity…. Focus on obtaining knowledge necessary in the future... Has certain methods and forms of cognition. The purpose of scientific knowledge is to obtain new, deeper knowledge.
  7. Science as a social institution A social institution is a system of social relations that organizes relationships between people. This feature is essential for science. Involved in scientific activities large number people who allow certain problems
  8. What do you need to know about science as a social institution? There is a hierarchy between people involved in science: candidate of sciences, doctor, academician - scientific titles, the higher, the more authority the scientist has; Each specialist works in a specific field in which he is an expert; A scientist works not for himself but for science; A scientist acts as an expert in resolving issues that cannot be resolved by a person without special knowledge.
  9. 9. Stages of scientific knowledge... Theory - a constructed system Hypothesis - an assumption, interconnected statements, guesswork of the laws of science Methods that are determined by the characteristics of the object of study depend on the goals, the nature of the problem. General scientific: analysis - General: observation Special: for synthesis, experiment description, measurement of every science
  10. 10. Methods of cognition Observation*: direct and indirect Measurement provides a quantitative characteristic of the object being studied Experiment - changing the object, reproducing it in special conditions in order to obtain information about its properties, connections, relationships.
  11. 11. The role of scientific knowledge. Science Life (ideas, theories, axioms) (technology, books, textbooks..) Science influences all major spheres of social life The role of science increases in the course of historical development humanity
  12. 12. Social features science 1. cultural and worldview..(science explains aspects of reality, forms a worldview) 2. Science is closely related to technical progress (Science of becoming productive force, a stable connection with production is formed) 3. Helps create forecasts for the development of society and develop programs. 4. Science is becoming more and more fragmented; more and more scientific disciplines are appearing (about 10,000 disciplines), but at the same time interdisciplinary research is also emerging (integration of sciences)
  13. 13. Ethical Standards in science 1. Universal requirements and prohibitions (plagiarism - theft of scientific ideas, results obtained by someone) 2. Ethical standards (disinterested search for truth) 3. Moral rules, “Plato is my friend, but concerning the truth is more valuable” than the relationship between science and Aristotle scientist with society
  14. 14. Non-scientific knowledge Art * - There are people with artistic knowledge, oriented aesthetic attitude towards science, they are human activity, characteristic of reality, Myth * - a kind of internal independence, modeling openness, human behavior. perceive Main feature myth new experience- can explain everything Folk wisdom– a set of other “recipes” for behavior aimed at different cases non-scientific pictures Parascience* (lat. para - about) of the world, interest in explaining mysterious mysterious... phenomena, information...
  15. 15. At home Prepare messages What role does science play in modern society? How science and society influence each other. Examples of practical activities that gave rise to various sayings and proverbs (Folk wisdom) The role of parascience in human life. (examples of parascience: astrology, palmistry....)

Greetings to all blog readers!

In this post we will cover another topic - “Science”. In order not to miss other posts on social studies, I highly recommend Subscribe to new articles and add this site to your bookmarks!

So what is science? Science is a form of human activity aimed at producing knowledge about nature, society and knowledge itself, with the immediate goal of comprehending the truth.

The main task of science is to identify the objective laws of reality, and its immediate goal is objective truth.

Sciences are divided into:

1) Natural - study the natural world;

2) Technical - study the world of technology;

3) Humanities - study the human world;

4) Social - study the world of society;

Science is understood as: a form of activity, a system of knowledge and a social institution. Let's look at each of these forms separately.

1. Science as a form of activity is aimed at factually verified and logically ordered knowledge of objects and processes of the surrounding reality.

2. Science as a system of knowledge acts as a body of knowledge that meets the criteria of objectivity, adequacy, and truth.

3. And, science as a social institution is a certain system of relationships between scientific organizations, members of the scientific community, a system of norms and values.

Science as a social institution determines certain functions.

Functions of science:

1) Cultural and worldview - since science creates certain values ​​and norms. It performs the function of transferring knowledge from generation to generation;

2) Acts as a productive force, because the knowledge obtained by science is later used in production;

3) The function of social force, for example, the scientific and technological revolution of the 20th century changed many aspects of social life;

So we can see what science is playing huge role in the life of society and requires the use of such features as objectivity, internal consistency, evidence and reliability of conclusions.

This is such a small and extremely informative post. I recommend studying it with some textbook on social studies and thematic Unified State Exam test on the topic "Science". By the way, soon online consultations on history and society will be launched on my website, a page in the VK group with practical tests and much more, so Subscribe to new articles and bookmark this site! See you in the next posts!

© Ivan Nekrasov 2014

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Science- sphere research activities, aimed at obtaining knowledge about man, society and the environment through scientific research. The object of science is a set of phenomena that science studies. The subject of science is what interests science in a particular object of study.

The beginnings of scientific thought can be found in the history of ancient civilizations, but the birthplace of science is considered to be Ancient Greece. In the Middle Ages, science developed very slowly, as it depended on religion. In the 17th century a scientific revolution began, during which the formation of classical science took place. The discoveries of N. Copernicus, I. Kepler, G. Galileo laid the foundation for a mechanistic picture of the world. Modern science (nuclear physics, molecular biology) begins its countdown with Newton.

Depending on the object of science, they distinguish three main sections: natural sciences (physics, chemistry, etc.); social sciences ( social science): philosophical sciences(philosophy). Also distinguished additional sections sciences that are at the junction of the main sections, but are not included in them: technical sciences, mathematics, psychology, biology, legal sciences.

Functions of science: knowledge of the surrounding world and people, explanation of the laws of development and structure, formation of a worldview, forecasting the development and consequences of phenomena and processes.

Methods of Science– a set of research techniques used in science. Depending on the branches of science, different methods are used:

1) general scientific methods are used at individual stages of scientific knowledge, with their help they determine the approach to the study of objects as a whole: observation, analysis (decomposition), synthesis (unification), deduction (deduction), induction (generalization), historicism (chronology), functional method (determination of functions );

2) system-logical methods cover all branches of scientific knowledge and are used by all sciences:

materialism uses theoretical method knowledge and is based on deduction and the laws of dialectics (nothing can be considered true until it becomes clear and simple; in the study of something, the movement should begin from simple to complex; each problem must be divided into individual tasks). Main source knowledge in materialism – theory (thoughts and concepts);

idealism relies on the inductive method (generalization of individual facts in general provisions). The main source of knowledge in idealism is observation, comparison and experiment;

3) private scientific methods are used by specific sciences based on their needs: sociological, comparative, statistical, modeling (image creation), experiment (experience).

Types of experiments: research (research, search for information about new phenomena, processes and properties of the surrounding world); analytical (analysis of a hypothesis, verification of truth through comparison with other hypotheses or theories).

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Test in Unified State Exam format on the topic: “Science. Scientific knowledge. Education".

Classification tasks by establishing correspondence (task 5)

1. Establish a correspondence between the functions of science and those illustrating them concrete examples: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) environmentalists warned about the pollution of Baikal waters that is dangerous for living organisms

B) scientists have developed new design fighter and organized its mass production

B) financial analysts made assumptions about trends in the development of the banking system in the coming years

D) the fields of the agricultural company were sown with corn, which, as a result of the work of genetic engineering specialists, became inaccessible to pests

D) meteorologists have suggested that as a result of climate change, spring is practically disappearing in mid-latitudes; after winter cold, summer heat immediately sets in

E) pharmaceutical scientists monitor the quality of the drug produced


1) production

2) prognostic

2. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and functions of education: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

3. Match characteristic features and levels of scientific knowledge: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

4. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and levels of scientific knowledge (research): for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

5. Establish a correspondence between the characteristic features and levels of scientific knowledge: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

6. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and functions of the sciences: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

7. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and levels of general education: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) mastery of reading, writing, counting, basic skills of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking

B) mastering educational programs is not accompanied by intermediate certifications and final certification of students

C) based on individualization and professional orientation of educational content

D) students who have not mastered the basic educational program of the previous level of general education are not allowed to study

D) formation of prerequisites for educational activities, preservation and strengthening of children’s health



1) preschool education

2) secondary general education

3) primary general education

8. Establish a correspondence between philosophical disciplines and their distinctive features: For each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

9. Establish a correspondence between the methods and the levels of scientific knowledge that they illustrate: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

10. Establish a correspondence between the methods and the levels of scientific knowledge that they illustrate: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Tasks for selecting items from a list (task 6,7)

11. A student is working on an essay about the cognitive activity of a schoolchild. Which of the following distinguishing characteristics might he consider in his work? (Write down the numbers under which these characteristics are indicated.)

1) focus on obtaining knowledge new to all humanity

2) focus on developing one’s own strong-willed qualities

3) focus on acquiring new knowledge

4) focus on developing physical capabilities

5) focus on mastering certain skills

6) focus on sharing the experience of humanity

12. Find in the list the features that distinguish scientific knowledge from other types of knowledge of the world. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) theoretical basis

2) experimental verification

4) use of special concepts

5) difficulty of learning

13. A student is working on an essay “Features of modern science.” Which of the following features can he consider in his work? (Write down the numbers under which these features are indicated.)

1) Its development cannot yet outstrip the development of material production.

2) Its influence on the development of the entire society becomes less pronounced.

3) Material production continues to change with the logic of its development.

4) In connection with her research, new models of social development arise.

5) Its social function is becoming more and more obvious.

6) The question is urgent social responsibility scientists.

14. Members of the “Club of Antiquities Lovers”, having visited the excavations of a number of ancient settlements, put forward their own version of their origin. However, the professional community of archaeologists and historians recognized this version as unscientific. Which of the following grounds could become the basis for such an assessment by scientists?

1) the version refuted the provisions accepted in science

2) the conclusions of the club members had no logical basis

3) the assumptions of antiquity lovers have not received practical confirmation

4) the version contained provisions based on faith and without evidence

5) excavation participants, archaeologists and historians, are not members of the club

6) the developers of the version recognize the intervention of unearthly intelligence

15. Scientists study social structure modern society. What methods distinguish scientific knowledge from other types of cognitive activity, can they be used?

1) modeling the processes of social differentiation in conditions of economic instability

2) putting forward and testing hypotheses about directions social policy to mitigate income inequality

3) collection of statistical data through questionnaires

4) development and implementation of a set of measures state support low-income families

5) description of cases of social differentiation of the population

6) assessment of the facts of social stratification of society from the standpoint of the ideals of equality and justice

16. Pythagorean theorem is one of the fundamental theorems of Euclidean geometry, establishing the relationship between the sides right triangle. On what grounds can it be considered scientific knowledge? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Its discovery was based on observations.

2) Its truth was established by summarizing folk wisdom.

3) To describe it, the method of theoretical explanation was used.

4) It is presented in the special language of mathematics.

5) It is difficult to study on your own.

6) To confirm its truth, a proof based on experimentally established data is proposed.

17. The student was doing a biology project. What signs indicate that he used empirical methods of knowledge? Select these methods of cognition from the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) developed an ecosystem model

2) conducted observations in the field

3) studied the literature on the research problem

4) used the school laboratory to conduct experiments

5) before the start of the study put forward working hypothesis which received confirmation

6) described a number of cases that had not previously appeared in the literature

18. Education reform is being carried out in country Z. What facts indicate that the reform is aimed at humanizing education? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) increase in the number of educational subjects

2) reducing the time spent studying natural sciences

3) focus on the interests and inclinations of the student

4) use of health-saving technologies

5) giving special attention moral education

6) computerization of the educational process

19. Vladimir works in biological research institute. Which of the following facts indicate that he is engaged in scientific activities? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) regularly visits the library

2) heads the commission for certification of institute employees

3) analyzes publications on problems of developmental biology

4) conducts an experiment in the field of molecular biology

5) is a member of the trade union organization of the institute

6) made a report on the results of his activities at a symposium of scientists

20. Laboratory scientists conduct research in the field of physics solid. What features distinguish scientific knowledge from other types of cognitive activity? Select the required items from the list provided and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) reliance on observational data

2) experimental confirmation of the conclusions

3) taking into account accumulated experience

4) use of forms of rational knowledge

5) development of grounded theories

6) application of strictly defined concepts

21. Medical scientists conducted a number of studies and found means to combat invisible enemies human health - various viruses and pathogenic bacteria that cause infectious diseases. These drugs have become part of the practice of treating infectious diseases. What functions of science are illustrated by this example? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) ideological 2) social 3) cognitive

4) productive force 5) prognostic 6) epistemological

22. Scientists have unraveled the mysteries of many diseases, establishing that infectious diseases are caused by various viruses and pathogenic bacteria. This made it possible to develop effective medicines and prevent massive epidemics of many diseases. What functions of science are illustrated by this example? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) ideological 2) cognitive 3) social

4) production 5) prognostic 6) educational

23. Scientist biologist Petrov studies the role poisonous mushrooms in the life of the forest. Select from the list below the empirical research methods used by Petrov. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) He put forward a hypothesis about the protective functions of poisonous mushrooms in relation to certain plant species.

2) Installed in the laboratory chemical composition several types of poisonous mushrooms in the Moscow region.

3) Made a model of the development of mycelium in various natural conditions.

4) Prepared a list of basic literature on the problem being studied.

5) Prepared an illustrated atlas describing the most common types of poisonous mushrooms.

6) Using video recording, I recorded the distribution area of ​​the main types of poisonous mushrooms in the Moscow region.

24. Student Pyotr Ivanov is preparing to take the exam. Select from the proposed list of situations in which he acted as a subject of cognitive activity. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Selected teaching aids for preparation.

2) I was very worried the night before the exam.

3) Forgot to come to the pre-exam consultation.

4) Prepared brief notes on basic issues.

5) I spoke out loud the key points of each answer with my classmates.

6) To relieve stress, I listened to light instrumental music on the eve of the exam.