Educational portal. Pedagogical characteristics of outdoor games

Characteristics of outdoor games in connection with the age characteristics of children

A specialist in physical education should be able to navigate in accordance with outdoor games according to the patterns of age development of children. The characteristic is considered for several age groups: primary school age (7-9 years old), middle school age (10-12, 13-14 years old), and high school students (15-16 years old).

It is important to provide for some differences in the content and form of outdoor games for children of different age groups, as well as skillfully select them based on specific conditions. In the hands of a teacher, they can become an excellent means of improving the processes of growth, morphological and functional development of the body, helping to increase the level of general physical fitness of those involved, etc.

Features of outdoor games for children of primary school age

Age group 7-10 years old, grades 1-4.

Children of primary school age (grades 1-4) are still not good enough at all types of natural movements (walking, running, jumping, throwing), so outdoor games associated with natural movements should occupy a large place in them.

It must be remembered that the mastery of skills and abilities at this age is more effective at the level of involuntary memorization (in the game) than voluntary.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics of children of this age.

Anatomical and physiological features in children aged 7-10 years there is a great compliance of the body to various influences environment and rapid fatigue. This is due to the fact that the heart, lungs and cardiovascular system are lagging behind in development, and the muscles are still weak, especially the muscles of the back and abdominals. At this age, we are going through the process of forming posture. The strength of the supporting apparatus is still low, and consequently, the possibility of damage and violation of posture increases.

Given these features, outdoor games with running and jumping should be short-term and alternate with rest, the most suitable games of rushing (“Wolf in the Ditch”, “Two Frosts”) or games with alternate participation of players in motion (“To their flags”, “Hare without lair", "Empty place"). Given that the muscles and ligaments in children. This age is not yet strong enough, it is impossible to give games with great strong tensions.

During this period, it is still difficult for children to isolate individual movements and precisely regulate their individual parameters. Children quickly get tired and just as quickly restore readiness for movement. They are especially tired of monotonous movements.

Children of primary school age are fascinated by games in which they can show their speed, dexterity, movement accuracy, coordination and accuracy. The content of such games is limited only to the exact execution of a certain movement (games with ropes and jumps).

Psychological features. The attention of children at primary school age is not stable enough. The child is often distracted by this moment he seems more interested. In this regard, outdoor games should not require long concentrated attention from them. Otherwise, the children stop following the rules, the course of the game is disrupted and they lose interest in the game.

Will and inhibitory functions in children are poorly developed. Therefore, the number of rules in the game should be small (2-3) and it should be simple. Rules can be given gradually as they are mastered by students.

Thinking in children 7-9 years old is dominated by object-shaped. By grades 3-4, the ability to compare and compare observed phenomena appears. Opportunities arise for the manifestation of great consciousness in play actions. The ability to think abstractly, critically, and consciously control movements appears, which makes it possible to master more complex games with a large number of rules.

In grades 1-2, role-playing games are mainly used, which help to satisfy the creative imagination of children, their inventions and creativity (“Owl”, “Geese-swans”, “Cosmonauts”). Characteristic for children of this age are games with elements of surprise and mystery (“Zhmurki”, “Guess whose voice”).

The level of development of the speech of young schoolchildren allows them together, in a certain rhythm, coordinating words and movements, to pronounce recitatives that are required in many games (“October”, etc.), which gives children great pleasure.

Games with musical accompaniment, costumed characters are used mainly after school hours. school holidays("Birds and cages", "Musical snakes"). These games and games with recitative contribute to the development of speech, the education of rhythm and musicality.

Starting from this age, it is good to popularize folk games among children.

Outdoor games should occupy a large place in the lives of children of primary school age, as this corresponds to their age characteristics.

Exemplary games for children of primary school age: “Two frosts”, “Empty place”, “Jumping sparrows”, “Class!”, “Attention”, “Relay race - animals”.

Story games. Games of this type are built on the basis of the experience of children who have
their ideas and knowledge about the surrounding life, professions (pilot, fireman,
driver, etc.), means of transport (car, train, plane), natural phenomena,
lifestyle and habits of animals and birds.
Some features of animal behavior (the cunning of the fox, the habits of predators -
wolf, pike, speed of movement of hares, birds, caring mother hen, etc.), the most
characteristic moments of the performance of labor actions by people of different professions,
features of the movement of various Vehicle serve as the basis for
unfolding the plot and setting the rules of the game.
The plot of the game and the rules determine the nature of the movements of the players. In one
case, kids, imitating horses, run, raising their knees high, in another -
they jump like bunnies in the third - they need to be able to climb the stairs like firefighters, etc.
e. B story games ah, so the movements performed are mostly
imitative nature.
Children start, stop or change movements according to the rules
games that are usually closely related to the plot and determine the behavior and
the relationship of the players. In some story games, the actions of the players
are defined by the text ("At the bear in the forest", "Geese", "Hares and the wolf", etc.).
One of the features of mobile games with stories is the ability to
influence on children through images, the roles they perform, through rules,
obedience to which is obligatory for all.
Narrative outdoor games are predominantly collective, the number
players can be different (from 5 to 25), and this allows for a wide use of games
in different conditions and for different purposes.
In story games, usually the bulk of children depict, for example, birds,
bunnies, and one child or caregiver becomes the performer of a responsible role -
wolf, fox, cat. The actions of children are closely interrelated. So, the activity of the child,
playing the role of a wolf, encourages the rest of the participants in the game - hares - to move
faster, more energetic. This is what children play. However, every child
playing, shows independence, initiative, speed and dexterity to the best of his
Since in the games of this group, a team of children acts, obeying the rules,
this largely determines their behavior and relationships. Toddlers are learning to
coordinated collective action under certain conditions, learn to change
the way and nature of movements according to signals and in accordance with the rules. For example: children
depicting a train, moving one after another, try not to run into
walking in front: the car slows down and stops at a red light (swing
red flag) planes land at the verbal signal of the educator; birdies
they quickly fly away to their nests as soon as it rains, etc.
Narrative outdoor games are widely used in all ages.
kindergarten groups. However, in the younger preschool age especially popular.
Games are held under the direct supervision of an adult, which creates
favorable conditions for pedagogical impact on children.
In story games, children are very spontaneous, transforming into characters
games, being carried away by it, they repeatedly repeat such movements as walking, running, jumping
(jumping in place and moving forward, jumping off low objects,
jumping over a cord, a line, a small cube), crawling, crawling. These species
movements are most often included in the content of kids' games, they are based on game
actions necessary to solve game problems.
Fewer opportunities in story-driven outdoor games are available for exercise
children of primary preschool age in such movements as throwing and catching the ball,
rolling balls, balls in a certain direction and at a target, climbing
gymnastic stairs. Younger preschoolers are still poorly versed in these
movements, so game situations not only do not create favorable conditions for their
performance, but, on the contrary, make it even more difficult for children. Therefore, learning
It is most expedient for babies to carry out these movements in the form of exercises.
Building games for kids has its own characteristics. So, doing more
complex movements in them should occur in a calm environment, when attention
children are not distracted by any additional signals. Then the kids act
calmly and can perform the movement without undue haste, for example: hares
jumping on the lawn when the wolf is not; mice run easily while the cat sleeps. Sending a signal to
change of action, the appearance of a catcher are strong irritants, distracting
children's attention on the quality of the movements. In this case, children should not
require accurate reproduction of the movement of the character depicted by them.
In the most favorable conditions for performing movements, which develop in
during the game, you can draw the child's attention to their correct implementation by
showing, explaining, using images that children imitate, and present already
certain requirements for their reproduction. In other conditions, children just run away
and little attention is paid to the accuracy of movements in such cases.
In story games for kids, there are also responsible roles. Most often they
performed by the educator.
Plotless games. Plotless games such as traps, dashes are very close to
plot - they just do not have images that children imitate, all the rest
the components are the same: the presence of rules, responsible roles (traps, tags),
interconnected game actions of all participants. These games, like story games,
based on simple movements, most often running in combination with catching and hiding, etc.
Such games are available to both younger and older preschoolers.
However, it should be noted that plotless games require more
independence, speed and dexterity of movements, orientation in space than
plot. This is due to the fact that game actions in them are not connected with playing
plot, where a combination is possible different movements and their alternation, and with the implementation
specific motor task. The conditions for performing such a task are determined
Since the rules require the participants to be fairly quick and nimble,
Plotless games are most common in middle and senior preschool
age, only the most elementary forms of games of this
The basis of such games is the performance of certain motor tasks in
according to the simplest rules.
The first plotless games for children 2-3 years old are games such as
"Catch me", "Catch me". They offer children the task of moving in one
direction behind the teacher or from him to a predetermined place - a "house", where
the teacher should not catch them. Each child, completing the task independently, at the same
time works together with other children. Gradually, the games become more difficult. Once
kids will learn to walk, run in subgroups and the whole group in one direction, teacher
during the game can change direction, contributing to the formation of skills
movements, the ability to navigate in space. At the same time, children are taught to
the elementary rule is to move without bumping into each other.
Then games are introduced that have more difficult tasks for attention, for
orientation in space. So, for example, children should move to where
there is a flag corresponding to the color of the flask in the hands of the child, or where
the bell rings ("Find your child", "Where does the bell ring?"). Such games require
from children knowledge of primary colors, determining by ear the place where the sound comes from, and in
according to this ability to regulate their actions.
In games such as "Take care of the object", "Do not be late", children are presented with
requirements: perform actions as quickly as possible, find your place, save your
object (cube, ring, rattle). In these simplest games already takes place
task, forcing the child to show speed and dexterity.
In plotless games (skittles, ring toss, "Ball School"), children perform more
complex movements: throwing, rolling at a target, throwing and catching. Children of the younger
of preschool age, such movements are poorly mastered, therefore they are widely used at first.
used in game exercises, for example: "Roll the ball", "Hit the gate",
"Throw it higher", etc. Practicing in these movements, children gradually master
skills and abilities to act with various objects (balls, spheres,
rings), they develop an eye, coordination of movements, dexterity. Participating in
With these games, kids acquire many useful skills.
Despite the fact that plotless games are used in working with kids not so
widely, as a story, children participate in them with great pleasure. This is explained
the fact that in such games the educator is an active participant. He shows the children
how to perform certain tasks, he himself performs a responsible role, directs
the whole course of the game, emotionally sets up children, helping them to perform various tasks.
Timofeeva E.A. Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age: a guide for the educator / E.A. Timofeev. – M.: Enlightenment, 1986. – 67 p.

There are several classifications of outdoor games. Traditionally, games are distinguished by the presence of the absence of equipment, by the number of participants, by the degree of intensity and specifics of physical training, the presence of the absence of a leader, the venue, by the elements of space marking, by the scoring system, by game preludes and punishment, by the general plot, etc. .Considering outdoor games based on the organization of players, we can distinguish the following:

  • a) without dividing the team into teams (games based on the simplest relationships between participants);
  • b) with the division of the team into teams (games aimed at educating collective actions).

Games can take place in various combinations:

  • a) games where active martial arts take place;
  • b) games, without contact with an opponent;
  • c) relay race games, in which the actions of each participant are equally directed, are associated with the performance of individual tasks.

Games can be divided into outdoor games and sport games(basketball, hockey, football, etc.).

The classification of mobile games can be considered according to the following criteria:

  • 1. By age
  • 2. By content (simple, elementary, complex, with rules and games with elements of sports games);
  • 3. According to the predominant type of movement (games with running, jumping, climbing and crawling, rolling, throwing and catching, throwing);
  • 4. By physical qualities (games for the development of dexterity, speed, strength, endurance, flexibility);
  • 5. By sports (games leading to basketball, badminton, football, hockey; games with skis and skis, in the water, on a sled and with a sled, on the ground);
  • 6. On the basis of the relationship of the players (games with contact with the enemy and games without contact);
  • 7. According to the plot (plot and non-plot);
  • 8. By organizational form(for physical education, outdoor activities, physical culture and health work);
  • 9. By mobility (small, medium and high intensity mobility);
  • 10. At the place of employment (for the gym, sports ground; for the area, premises);
  • 11. According to the way the players are organized: team and non-team (with division into teams, relay games; games without team division - each player acts independently in accordance with the rules of the games).

One of the main tasks of physical education is the development and improvement of the physical qualities of those involved. Games for the development of physical qualities are:

To develop dexterity.

Games, on switching from one action to another; requiring focus on several actions at the same time - running, jumping, dodging actions.

To develop speed.

Games that encourage timely responses to visual, sound signals with short runs; over short distances in the shortest time; running at speed in changing conditions

To develop strength.

Games with short-term muscle tension of a dynamic and statistical nature

To develop endurance

Games with repeated repetitions of active, vigorously performed actions associated with continuous intensive movements, in which active actions alternate with short pauses for rest, transitions from one type of movement to another

To develop flexibility.

As a means of developing flexibility, exercises are used that can be performed with maximum amplitude, these are stretching exercises: swing or spring movements such as tilts, hangs or lunges and stretching movements performed with a partner or on simulators

  • - If the task of developing strength is being solved, then auxiliary and leading games are used, associated with short-term speed-strength stresses and the most diverse forms of overcoming the opponent's muscular resistance in direct contact with him. The main content components of such games include various pulls, pushes, holds, pushes, etc. Effective for solving this problem are motor operations with weights available to children, tilts, squats, push-ups, lifts, turns, rotations, running or jumping.
  • - If the task of developing the quality of speed is being solved, games that require instant responses to visual, sound or tactile signals should be selected. These games should include physical exercises with periodic accelerations, sudden stops, rapid jerks, instantaneous delays, sprinting in the shortest possible time and other motor acts aimed at consciously and purposefully getting ahead of the opponent.
  • - If the task of developing dexterity is being solved, it is necessary to use games that require the manifestation of precise coordination of movements and the rapid coordination of their actions with teammates, the possession of a certain physical dexterity.
  • - If the task of developing endurance is being solved, it is necessary to find games associated with a large expenditure of strength and energy, with frequent repetitions of compound motor operations or with prolonged continuous motor activity, due to the rules of the game used.

The content of an outdoor game is its plot, theme, idea, rules and motor actions. The plot of the game determines the purpose of the actions of the players, the nature of the development of the game conflict. It is borrowed from the surrounding reality and figuratively reflects its actions (for example, hunting, labor, military, household) or is created specifically, based on the tasks of physical education, in the form of a confrontation scheme with various interactions of the players.

The plot of the game not only enlivens the integral actions of the players, but also gives purposefulness to individual techniques and elements of tactics, making the game exciting.

Rules are mandatory requirements for game participants. They determine the location and movement of the players, clarify the nature of the behavior, the rights and obligations of the players, determine the methods of playing the game, the methods and conditions for accounting for its results.

Motor actions in outdoor games are very diverse. They can be, for example, imitative, figuratively creative, rhythmic; performed in the form of motor tasks that require the manifestation of agility, speed, strength and other physical qualities. All motor actions can be performed in various combinations and combinations.

My document contains:

  1. The value of outdoor games in preschool age.
  2. Characteristics of outdoor games for different age groups.
  3. Classification of outdoor games.






1.1 The value of outdoor games in preschool age.

Outdoor play is one of the important means of comprehensive education of preschool children. Its characteristic feature is the complexity of the impact on the body and on all aspects of the child's personality: physical, mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education is simultaneously carried out in the game.

Active motor activity of a gaming nature and the positive emotions it causes intensify all physiological processes in the body, improve the functioning of all organs and systems. Unexpected situations that arise in the game teach children to use the acquired motor skills appropriately.

In outdoor games, the most favorable conditions for the development of physical qualities are created. For example, in order to dodge a "trap", you need to show dexterity, and fleeing from it, run like

as quickly as possible. Fascinated by the plot of the game, children can perform with interest and, moreover, many times the same movements without noticing fatigue. And this leads to the development of endurance.

During the game, children act in accordance with the rules that are binding on all participants. The rules regulate the behavior of the players and contribute to the development of mutual assistance, collectivism, honesty, discipline. At the same time, the need to follow the rules, as well as to overcome the obstacles that are inevitable in the game, contributes to the development of strong-willed qualities - endurance, courage, determination, and the ability to cope with negative emotions.

In outdoor games, the child has to decide for himself how to act in order to achieve the goal. Rapid and sometimes unexpected change of conditions forces more and more new ways of solving emerging problems. All this contributes to the development of independence, activity, initiative, creativity, ingenuity. Games help the child to expand and deepen their understanding of the surrounding reality.

Performing various roles, depicting a variety of actions, children practically use their knowledge about the habits of animals, birds,

insects, about natural phenomena, about vehicles, about modern technology. In the process of games, opportunities are created for the development of speech, exercises in counting, etc.

Outdoor games are also of great importance for moral education. Children learn to act in a team, obey general requirements. Children perceive the rules of the game as a law, and their conscious implementation forms the will, develops self-control, endurance, the ability to control their actions, their behavior. Honesty, discipline, justice are formed in the game. An outdoor game teaches sincerity, camaraderie. Obeying the rules of the game, children practically practice moral deeds, learn to be friends, empathize, help each other. Skillful, thoughtful guidance of the game by the teacher contributes to the education of active creative personality. In outdoor games, the aesthetic perception of the world is improved. Children learn the beauty of movements, their imagery, they develop a sense of rhythm. They master poetic figurative speech.

1.2 Characteristics of outdoor games for different age groups.

Outdoor games are also distinguished: by the complexity of movements; according to the content of the plot; by the number of rules and roles; by the nature of the relationship between the players; by the presence of competitive elements and verbal accompaniment.

Fun games are held with children of the first year of life (“Hide and Seek”, “Horned Goat”, White-sided Magpie”, “Let's go, let's catch up”, etc.), causing sounds, movements, laughter, joy in children, pleasure. In the second year of life, plotless games are used (“Bring a ball, a toy”, “Raise your legs higher”, Pass the ball”, “Roll down the hill”, “Catch up with the dog”, “Hurry up to me”, “Crawl to the rattle”, “ Who is next”, “Hide the toy”, “Birds flap their wings”, “Catching butterflies”, Trees sway”, “Steam locomotive”, “Bear”, etc.). In these games, children perform one movement (walking, throwing) at an individual pace, but gradually they move from individual actions to joint ones.

In the future, more complex movements are included in the games and the number of movements increases.

The plots of the games are also getting more complicated. Outdoor games for kids are characterized by a simple plot (for example, birds fly and return home, cars drive and stop).

Number of roles in children's games younger age slightly

(1-2). main role the teacher performs, and the kids portray the same characters, for example, the cat teacher, all the children are mice (“Cat and Mice”). In the games of older children, the number of roles increases (up to 3-4). Here, for example, there is already a shepherd, a wolf, geese (“Swan Geese”), in addition, the roles are distributed among all the children. Gradually, the number of rules increases, the relationship between children becomes more complicated. AT junior groups are very simple and suggestive in nature, their number is small (1-2), they are connected with the plot, they follow from the content of the game. Compliance with the rules comes down to actions on a signal: on one signal, the children run out of the house, on the other they return to their places. Over time, restrictions on actions are introduced: run away in a certain direction; caught to step aside.

In games with elements of competition, at first everyone acts for himself (whoever manages to bring the object before everyone else), then collective responsibility is introduced: the competitors are divided into groups, the result of the entire team is taken into account (whose group will hit the target more times); competitions are held for the quality of performance (whose column is better built; who will never drop the ball), as well as for speed (who will run to the flag).

Outdoor games of young children are often accompanied by words-poems, songs, recitative, which reveal the content of the game and its rules: explain what movement and how to perform; serve as signals for beginning and ending; suggest rhythm and tempo (“On a flat path”, “Horses”, etc.). Games, accompanied by text, are also given in older groups, and the words are often pronounced in chorus (“We are funny guys”, etc.)

The text sets the pace for the movement. The end of the text serves as a signal to stop the action or to start new movements. At the same time, pronunciation of words is a rest after intense movements.

1.3 Classification of outdoor games.

The origins of outdoor games are rooted in ancient times.

The history of the emergence of games allows us to understand their educational value.

Many types of folklore confirm the assumption of scientists that the origins of outdoor games are laid in the primitive communal system, but there is almost no information about this. On this occasion, E. A. Pokrovsky wrote that, unfortunately, there is little information about the children's games of primitive peoples. Data on the development and life of the child, his games at the early stages of the development of society are extremely poor. Practically none of the ethnographers set themselves the task of such a study at all. Only in the 30th years of the 20th century appeared special studies by Margaret Mead devoted to the children of the tribe of New Guinea, in which there are materials about the way of life of children and their games.

The game has been a companion of man since time immemorial. It has culture different peoples show similarities and great diversity. E. A. Pokrovsky argued that games at all times and among all peoples were indispensable. Many of the games were of great originality, depending on the properties and way of life of the people. Many games of different peoples were very similar to each other, for example, games with a ball, dice, etc. The opinion of N. S. Volovik that the purpose of ancient games is not entertaining, but practical is also fair. By the actions of the game and the words of the song, people tried to ensure their future success in the upcoming works. There is an ancient game magical ritual, in which the desired is depicted as valid, the present is projected onto the future. Since a person depended on nature, the animal and plant world became the main subject of the image in the game songs.

A deep analysis of the pedagogical and psychological literature on the historical origin of the game was carried out by D. B. Elkonin, who noted that “the question of the historical origin of the game is closely related to the nature of the upbringing of the younger generations in societies that stand on lower levels development of production and culture”.

In the earliest historical periods life of society, children lived with adults a common life. The educational function was not yet singled out as a special social function, and all members of society, raising children, sought to make them participants in socially productive labor, to pass on the experience of this labor to them, gradually including children in forms of activity accessible to them.

Already in the earliest ethnographic and geographical descriptions of Russian travelers there are indications of teaching young children to perform job duties and including them in productive labor adults.

So, G. Novitsky in the description of the Ostyak people (dating back to 1715) wrote that catching birds, fish, and hunting animals were common in all games. To feed themselves, children learned to shoot from a bow, catch birds and fish.

The employment of mothers and the early inclusion of children in the work of adults led to the fact that in primitive society there was no sharp line between adults and children, and children very early became really independent. This is emphasized by almost all researchers. With the increasing complexity of the means and methods of labor and with its redistribution, there was a natural change in the participation of children in various types labor. Children have ceased to take a direct part in complex and inaccessible forms labor activity. The younger children were left with only certain areas of household work and the most simple shapes production activity.

With regard to the most important areas of labor, but inaccessible to children, they are faced with the task of mastering the complex tools of such labor as early as possible. Reduced tools of labor appear, specially adapted to children's capabilities, with which children practice under conditions approaching the conditions of the real activity of adults, but not identical with them. The tools depended on which branch of labor was the main one in a given society.

For example, A.N. Reinson-Pravin wrote that very tiny "doll" skis in the toys of children of the peoples of the North are very rare to find. There is no need for them, since the child receives skis as soon as he learns to walk. Children's skis are considered the best toy for children. Children arrange ski competitions, many hunting games are held on skis. Mothers decorate skis with small patterns, even paint them.

Here we should agree with the assumptions of D.B. Elkonin about the appearance of elements of a game situation: a knife and an ax, a bow and arrows, fishing rods, needles and similar tools are tools that are necessary for the child to take part in the work of adults. Children, of course, cannot independently discover how to use these tools, and adults teach them this.

So, for example, a little Evenk, a future hunter, learns to wield a bow and arrow not in the forest, but by participating in a real hunt together with adults. Children learn to throw a lasso or shoot from a bow, first on a stationary object, then gradually move on to shooting at moving targets, and only after that they move on to hunting birds and animals, etc. Mastering the methods of using the tools of labor and at the same time acquiring the abilities necessary for participating in the labor of adults, children are gradually included in the productive labor of adults. It can be assumed that in these exercises with reduced tools there are some elements of the game situation. Firstly, this is some convention of the situation in which the exercise takes place. The tree stump sticking out in the clearing is not a real animal, and the target the boy is shooting at is not a real bird. Secondly, when performing an action with reduced tools, the child performs an action similar to that performed by an adult, and, consequently, there is reason to assume that he compares, and perhaps even identifies himself with an adult hunter, with his father or older brother. Thus, these exercises may implicitly contain elements of the game.

The requirements that society puts before children in relation to mastering and using the skills necessary, for example, for a future hunter, cattle breeder, fisherman or farmer, lead to an integral system of exercises. It is on this basis that the ground for various kinds of competitions is created. There is no fundamental difference in the content of these competitions between adults and children. A number of authors point to the identity of the actions of adults and children in games with competitions or outdoor sports games with rules.

Interesting research on the origin of the game was carried out by N. Filitis. He believed that not so long ago the theory of rest, adopted by Guts-Muts, Lazarus and Schaller, enjoyed great popularity. According to this theory, games exist in order for the child to rest in the usual, joyful, light, not requiring much effort, exercises that allow you to restore forces of a different order, necessary to maintain life. The game is a rest from serious work to recuperate. N. Filitis notes that Guts-Muts made a mistake that is often made by adults when they judge children's play: the psyche of an adult organism

transferred to the psyche of the developing organism of the child. If we often observe that an adult plays after work, then, on the other hand, we daily see healthy children who have just rested after a long sleep, who play full of energy, without needing any rest.

One cannot but agree with N. Filitis that no matter how witty this theory is in itself, it does not explain games to us in their entirety. Again, let us look at the games of children, who can indulge in them without interruption to complete exhaustion. It seems that the child no longer has the strength; he barely moves, but still exerts his last efforts to continue the game; he had just fallen ill, was bedridden by illness, but as soon as he got the opportunity to move freely, he immediately takes up the game. In these cases, it should be noted that the child exercises the accumulated forces through play. We can agree with N. Filitis that this theory does not fully explain the origin of the game.

According to the theory developed by K. Gross, games serve as a means for exercising various physical and mental forces. If one observes the games of young animals and the games of children, then this fact appears with complete clarity: everywhere games serve as a means for the exercise and development of the organs of movement, the sense organs - especially vision, and at the same time for the development of attention, observation, often thinking. Childhood lasts until we are fully prepared to independently fight for existence, and if this preparation, this development of all physical and mental forces is carried out with the help of games, then games belong not only to a very important, but also central place… Gross rightly characterizes his game theory as theological.

Consideration should also be given to reflections on the emergence of P. F. Kapterev’s outdoor game: first of all, it must be remembered that the game is a very wide phenomenon; not only children play, but also adults; not only people play, but also animals. Young animals - puppies, kittens, cubs - love the game just as passionately as our children: it gives them no less pleasure than children.

P. F. Kapterev believes that all human activity stems from sources of two kinds: natural-organic and socio-cultural. Man is a complex organism, consisting of many organs with peculiar functions. Each body requires a corresponding activity. Failure to meet this requirement entails disorder and destruction of the whole organism.

The natural demands of human activity are simple and relatively easy to satisfy, but the socio-cultural needs are complex and difficult to satisfy. So, for example, the organic demand for food and drink, and at the same time for activity, is relatively small and leaves a lot of energy unused. However, the socio-cultural needs in relation to the same objects are very significant and require exhausting labor from a person, leaving him neither time nor energy for pleasant activities.

Children live much more by natural-organic needs than by socio-cultural ones. They are taught to the latter through education. Left to their own devices, children willingly shed their cultural shell and become closer to nature. The very satisfaction of organic needs and demands is very easy for children, since, as a rule, they are provided by their parents with everything necessary. Until the age of majority, children must be provided for in all their needs, otherwise they cannot develop normally. As a result, children have a lot of free forces and energy that is not spent on labor to meet their needs. These forces and energy require an outlet, encourage activity, and cause a variety of exercises. This children's activity has the character of a game, i.e. immediately pleasant activity.

Mobile games are divided into elementary and complex. Elementary, in turn, are divided into plot and plotless, fun games, attractions.

Story games have a ready-made plot and firmly fixed rules. The plot reflects the phenomena of the surrounding life (the labor actions of people, the movement of vehicles, the movements and habits of animals, birds, etc.), game actions are associated with the development of the plot and with the role played by the child. The rules determine the beginning and end of the movement, determine the behavior and relationships of the players, and clarify the course of the game. Obedience to the rules is mandatory for everyone.

Narrative outdoor games are mostly collective (in small groups and the whole group). Games of this kind are used in all age groups, but they are especially popular at a younger age.

Plotless outdoor games such as traps, dashes (“Traps”,

"Running") do not have a plot, images, but are similar to the plot, the presence of rules, roles, the interdependence of the game actions of all participants. These games are associated with the performance of a specific motor task and require great independence, speed, dexterity, orientation in space from children. At preschool age, outdoor games with elements of competition (individual and group) are used, for example: “Which link is more likely to assemble”, “Who is the first through the hoop to the flag”, etc. Elements of the competition encourage great activity in the performance of motor tasks. In some games (“Change the subject”, “Who is faster to the flag”), each child plays for himself and tries to complete the task as best as possible. If these games are divided into teams (relay games), then the child seeks to complete the task in order to improve the result of the team.

Plotless games also include games using objects (skittles, serso, ring toss, grandmas, "School of the ball", etc.). Motor tasks in these games require certain conditions, so they are carried out with small groups of children (two, three, etc.). The rules in such games are aimed at the order of arrangement of objects, their use, the sequence of actions of the players. In these games, elements of competition are observed in order to achieve the best results. In fun games, attractions, motor tasks are performed in unusual conditions and often include an element of competition, with several children performing motor tasks (running in bags, etc.), the rest of the children are spectators. Fun games, attractions, give the audience a lot of joy.

Complex games include sports games (towns, badminton, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, football, hockey). At preschool age, elements of these games are used, and children play according to simplified rules.

Outdoor games also differ in their motor content: games with running, jumping, throwing, etc. According to the degree of physical activity that each player receives, games of high, medium and low mobility are distinguished. High mobility games include those in which the whole group of children participate at the same time and they are built mainly on such movements as running and jumping. Games of medium mobility are those in which the whole group also actively participates, but the nature of the movements of the players is relatively calm (walking, passing objects) or the movements are performed at a slow pace, and their intensity is insignificant.



Development of mental qualities in game activity.

According to scientists - the game is not just fun, but a very important activity. little man. In the game, he can do everything: ride a horse, ride a train, fly into the sky on an airplane, etc.

“Only for fun,” we think. But for a child in every game, even for a short time, there is real world in which the baby lives and acts.

Children perceive the plot and partners as reality, and it does not matter that they use ordinary toys in this. The child tries to imagine himself as a bird, a ball, hides under an umbrella from a “real” umbrella.

In order for the plot of the game to be accepted by the kid, the teacher must give a characteristic to the depicted image, the “silent” toy must speak. Thus, a true game situation is created.

In order to preserve this game situation during the game, it is necessary to explain what is happening, direct the actions of children, change the intonation of the voice, and use it to highlight the main thing that the baby needs to learn. For example; “Semyon, you didn’t pour grains for a cockerel on your palm. Katya, you forgot to start your car. Anton, your car is moving slowly. Are you driving a truck that carries a heavy load?”

The emotional and educational methodology of the teacher's guidance gradually forms a positive attitude towards game characters in children. “Who are you playing with so much fun right now? Who chased you?" Children remember that it was a big ball. "What did you forget to tell the ball?" The kids come up to him, looking, say thank you, say goodbye, promise to come back soon and play with the ball again.

It is noted that the activities of children of the third year of life become more purposeful.

Watch the child: when repeating a familiar game, his actions are often in the nature of an experiment: he “drives his car” in a different way, she goes along a new path. "Little Sparrow"

learned a lot: he not only “flies, pecks grains and drinks water”, but he already knows how to “clean feathers, warm his nose in the sun”, is not afraid of cars and does not hide in a nest, but “flies from bush to bush” (the baby moves from one bench to another).

Perception in children becomes more detailed, more accurate, they are able to establish logical connections between separate actions, between immediately perceived and past experience. They have a well-developed recreative imagination.

As an example of such an imagination, consider the outdoor game "Beads". In the first version of the game, children - "big beads" run around, showing that they "rolled" around the hall. When repeating the game, the teacher draws the attention of the pupils to the fact that small beads first fall to the floor, and then roll on it. While the children are stringing the collected beads, the teacher in the conversation once again specifies the sequence of actions.

During the game, the "big beads" - Olya and Alena - lay down on the floor and rolled like real beads, other children followed suit. When repeated, this game took place only in this version. During the game, impromptu on the part of the teacher is possible. Such moments can be caused emotional state children, the desire to express themselves in motion. Impromptu gives the opportunity to develop their own creative abilities in kids. So, while playing, the child is not only able to reproduce the movement shown by an adult, but is also able, with the content of the game, to give actions imaginary properties that exist in memory in the form of representations, concepts.

Only with the systematic repetition of outdoor games, the acquired methods of action are consolidated and improved. Children develop good orientation in the game situation. Children quickly lose interest in games repeated without changes: it is necessary to modify the content and complicate motor tasks, which contribute to the development of mental abilities.

One of the features of outdoor games is that they are infinitely diverse in their content, which contains a lot of educational material. Game actions and the rules correspond to the age characteristics of the kids, their knowledge and ideas about the world around them. Children know that they are very fast, they ran away from the bear and did not catch up with them; it turns out that the rain has a cheerful song, and raindrops sing it; and the goose, when angry, hisses and may pinch; bells ring in different ways: large ones are very loud, and

small ones are very quiet.

Motor tasks in outdoor games also vary: depending on the situation, children perform the same movement in different ways, in different constructions. It has great importance for development in babies.

The game is accompanied from birth, remains with him in childhood, adolescence, until the transition to adolescence. The game reflects the world of thoughts and feelings of children, leads them along the path of cognition of reality.

There are a lot of games, they can be very different, but mobile ones occupy a special place among them. These games are considered universal and indispensable means of physical education. The comprehensive influence of outdoor games on the development of the child is difficult to overestimate. With the skillful guidance of adults, these games can work wonders.

The main goal of the educator is to expand for the child the world to help realize today's opportunities and create conditions for further development.

The kid comes to kindergarten to make friends, to express himself in activities that are interesting to him. It is the mobile game that makes the process of education enjoyable and useful not only for the child himself, but also for the adults around him.

The game for children is an important means of self-expression, a “test of strength”. It must enter the life of a small person, skillfully combined with his other activities. The game is appropriate in many cases: if the kids are tired of the same actions and they need relaxation; if they are naughty and need to be reassured; if it is necessary to make some regime moment or an individual motor task interesting; raise the mood and activity of the children after a daytime sleep. Children quickly get used to new conditions for them if the teacher is able to focus their attention on active motor activity. This will allow the teacher to involve closed and shy pupils in the game, help to know their character and find the most correct ways of influencing each of them. The game is an indispensable assistant to the educator. But the main thing is that it brings together the teacher and the child. The kid feels that the adult believes in him, trusts him, includes him in solving more and more difficult problems and tasks.

Many games, mobile and inactive, as well as game exercises, have existed for a long time. Time makes changes to their plots, fills them with new content. Games enrich, improve.

Most of the proposed games and all game exercises are developed by the author. Their advantage is that they are quite diverse in terms of coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space, and contributes to the education of activity and independence.

Watch the actions of children in outdoor games, they are made up of homogeneous movements, but each time the child performs them in different combinations, taking into account new conditions.

There is always a basic, nodal movement in the game, most often it is walking or running. During the game, children change pace, direction, alternating walk. There are complex games based on several types of movements, for example: while walking, you need to step over objects, crawl or climb over, perform jumps, etc.

So, in the game “Children are sitting in the house”, kids are forced, imitating the characters, to master various activities: walk like cockerels, raising your knees high; walk in short steps, slowly, waddling from side to side, like geese; jump like horses. If the “house” of the children is behind the bench, then they crawl under it or climb over it.

Games are often accompanied by poems and songs. The poetic text determines the course of the game, regulates the activities of children, their behavior. Kids listen to the words of the text, focus on the content. Poetic syllables set the rhythm of movements, the educator, focusing on the nature and quality of the actions: the cockerel walks, raising its legs high, its winged arms are laid back; geese stretch their necks and hiss.

The role of outdoor play in the mental education of a child is great: children learn to act, master spatial terminology in accordance with the rules, act consciously in a changed game situation and learn about the world around them. During the game, memory, ideas are activated, thinking, imagination develop. Children learn the meaning of the game, memorize the rules, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively apply motor skills, learn their own actions and the actions of their comrades. Outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting rhymes, game beginnings. Such games fill vocabulary enrich children's speech.

It is extremely important to take into account the role of growing tension, joy, strong feelings and undying interest in the results of the game that the child experiences. The child's interest in play is not only

mobilizes his physiological resources, but also improves the effectiveness of movements. The game is an indispensable means of improving movements, developing them, contributing to the formation of speed, strength, endurance, and coordination of movements. In mobile play, as a creative activity, nothing fetters the child's freedom of action, in it he is more relaxed and free.

The role of outdoor play in the mental education of a child is great: children learn to act in accordance with the rules, master spatial terminology, act consciously in a changed game situation and learn about the world around them. During the game, memory, ideas are activated, thinking, imagination develop. Children learn the meaning of the game, memorize the rules, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively apply the existing motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and the actions of their comrades. Outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting rhymes, game beginnings. Such games replenish vocabulary, enrich children's speech.

Outdoor games are also of great importance for moral education. Children learn to act in a team, to obey the general requirements. Children perceive the rules of the game as a law, and their conscious implementation forms the will, develops self-control, endurance, the ability to control their actions, their behavior. Honesty, discipline, justice are formed in the game. An outdoor game teaches sincerity, camaraderie. Obeying the rules of the game, children practically practice moral deeds, learn to be friends, empathize, help each other. Skillful, thoughtful management of the game by the teacher contributes to the education of an active creative personality.

In outdoor games, the aesthetic perception of the world is improved. Children learn the beauty of movements, their imagery, they develop a sense of rhythm. They master poetic figurative speech.

An outdoor game prepares a child for work: children make game attributes, arrange and put them away in a certain sequence, improve their motor skills necessary for future work.

Thus, an outdoor game is an indispensable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, developing thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, and valuable moral and volitional qualities. When conducting a mobile game, there are unlimited

the possibility of complex use of various methods aimed at shaping the personality of the child. During the game, there is not only an exercise in existing skills, their consolidation and improvement, but also the formation of new ones. mental processes, new qualities of the child's personality.

The influence of outdoor games on the development of physical qualities in children of different age groups.

Mobile games have a beneficial effect on general state health of children, improving appetite, strengthening the nervous system, increasing the body's resistance to various diseases. Outdoor games are most effective, as a result of which the work of the heart and lungs is enhanced, and, consequently, the supply of oxygen to the blood increases.

A variety of games allows you to select them, taking into account the time of day, conditions, age and preparedness of children and in accordance with the tasks.

Strengthening and improving the body, forming the necessary movement skills, creating conditions for joyful emotional experiences of children, educating them in friendly relations and elementary discipline, the ability to act in a team of peers, developing speech and enriching the vocabulary - these are the main tasks that the educator can carry out with the help of various game tasks.

Outdoor games are an obligatory part of physical education classes. They are held after exercises in the main movements in order to increase the physiological load and emotionality of the participants. For this, games are selected that require active action all children at the same time. Due to the fact that the time is somewhat limited by the scope of the lesson, it is better to select games that do not require a long explanation or are already familiar to children so as not to spend a lot of time waiting for the action to begin. Two games can be included in one physical education lesson for younger preschoolers. One, more mobile - in the main part, the second, more calm - in the final; the purpose of the latter is to calm the children, somewhat reduce the physiological load they received in the main part.

Outdoor games included in health-improving physical culture classes undoubtedly influence the development and improvement of the functional capabilities of the child's body.

An outdoor game is an indispensable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, developing thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, and valuable moral and volitional qualities. When conducting an outdoor game, there are unlimited possibilities for the complex use of various methods aimed at shaping the child's personality. During the game there is not only an exercise in existing skills, their consolidation, improvement, but also the formation of new personality traits.

Looking for ways harmonious development many scientists of Russia were engaged in children. According to P.F. Lesgaft, harmonious development is possible only with a scientifically based system of physical education and upbringing, in which the principle of consciousness prevails. Consciousness of movements provides an opportunity to use them rationally and economically, to perform them with the least expenditure of effort and with the greatest effect, and it also contributes to the spiritual development of a person.

Numerous studies have proven that the character, thoughts, feelings of a person are reflected in the form of a “Muscular shell” on the body, therefore, in order to achieve the tasks of the harmonious development of children, it is important to understand how our body “acts”. The teacher must teach children to move naturally, gracefully, in accordance with the constitution of their body and individual abilities.

Harmonious development occurs with a holistic, comprehensive, balanced realization of all the potential capabilities of a person, and one-sided development is detrimental to the individual, often bordering on a psychological or physical illness.

An outdoor game can be called the most important educational institution, contributing both to the development of physical and mental abilities, and the development of moral norms, rules of conduct, and ethical values ​​of society.

Stop - the exercise is at the same time an exercise for will, attention, thought, for feeling and movement. Being an important means of physical education, an outdoor game at the same time has a healing effect on the child's body.

In the game, he practices a wide variety of movements: running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, catching, dodging, etc. A large number of movements activates breathing, blood circulation

and exchange processes. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on mental activity. The healing effect of outdoor games is enhanced when they are held outdoors.

An outdoor game prepares a child for work: children make game attributes, arrange and put them away in a certain sequence, improve their motor skills necessary for future work.

During preschool childhood, a child lays the foundations of health, longevity, comprehensive motor fitness and harmonious physical development. That is why the problem of health should be considered in a broad sense. social aspect. To date, each educational institution should become a "school of a healthy lifestyle" for children, where any of their activities will have a health-improving and pedagogical orientation, and the ability to educate, the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Based on the definition of a worldwide organization

health care, distinguish the following components of health: physical health, mental health, moral health and social health.

Social health is a measure of social activity, the active attitude of a human individual to the world. Pedagogical definition: this is moral self-control, an adequate assessment of one's "I"; self-determination of the individual in optimal conditions of the micro- and macroenvironment (family, kindergarten, school, social group).

Thus, social activity is manifested in behavior aimed at maintaining the implementation of its rules, in an effort to help these rules to their peers.

Socially insecure, having inadequate self-esteem, children tend to find insurmountable obstacles in every case, and I react to them with inappropriate behavior. High level internal anxiety does not allow them to adapt first to the children's group, then to school life; then the same problem passes into adulthood.

Overcoming the difficulties that arise is the result of a social life in which children see and reproduce everything in the game. The transition from individual to socially oriented life activity occurs because children's relationships arise in the process of activity itself and are played out in connection with it.

Thus, the first experience of a socially oriented

life the child receives in kindergarten with

interactions with peers. It is very important during this period to create

a positive experience of sharing with other existences, as the child evaluates himself through the “eyes” of society. And what is his self-esteem?

reflected assessment of society, such is its social status,

the ability to interact with society, as well as the ability to

adapt to the environment.

An outdoor game is an indispensable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, developing thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, and valuable moral and volitional qualities.

When conducting a mobile game, there are unlimited

the possibility of complex use of various methods,

aimed at shaping the personality of the child. During the game there is not only an exercise in existing skills, their consolidation and improvement, but also the formation of new ones.

mental processes, new qualities of the child's personality.

In preschool pedagogy, the game is considered as a historically established social phenomenon, special kind activities of the child, where phenomena of the surrounding reality are creatively or indirectly reflected (work and life of people, imitation of animal movements, etc.). Games in which the role of movements is clearly revealed have a common conditional name of outdoor games.

The concept of "game" is extremely multifaceted and that is why the game acts as an independent type of developmental activity of children. different ages, the principle and method of their life activity, the method of cognition of the child, the method of organizing her life and non-play activities.

Outdoor games are one of the important means of physical education for children of different ages. The game, like any activity, is carried out with a specific purpose, purpose. Target setting and the motor activity of its participants are determined by the plot (plot) of the game. The plot is the idea (theme) and the order of motor actions that reveal this idea or theme.

The plot is summary motor activity, in which motor actions are presented in serial connection. According to the plot of the game, the child is introduced into a certain image, into a certain role, being in which he has the right to perform some motor actions and not to perform others.

Performing this or that role, the child plunges into the world of fantasy, which gives him new impressions of imaginary activity. And this captures the child, contributes to the satisfaction of his biological natural need for constant activity, development mental functions(representations), in new impressions, in emotional potential.

That is why children love to be cats, mice, bunnies, wolves, hunters, astronauts, etc. This is the integrity of the image, role, and, consequently, the plot.

The plot is revealed with the help of rules. Rules are a provision that reflects the essence of the game, the ratio of all their components. The rules specify the rights and obligations of the players, determine the ways of playing the game and its results. Frolov V. G. Physical education games and exercises on a walk. - M.: Education, 2013. - 158 p.

The result of the game is always aimed at winning, winning. Winning is a constant component of the structure new game. Where there is a win, there is a desire to win, there is a competitive activity. So, the basis of the game is competition, which is carried out in accordance with the plot of the game and is determined by its rules.

It is worth noting that the competition in the game is specific, as it allows the improvisation of motor actions to achieve victory.

Improvisation implies a sudden change in the situation, the need to show the players the creative initiative of motor actions. But such improvisation is limited by the rules of the game. The ability to improvise diversifies gaming activity, satisfies the natural needs of the child to create, the need for new experiences. Improvisation makes the process of the game attractive, and not just its result.

Consequently, the main components of motor activity in the game are the plot, competitions and improvisation. The game is a plot-competitive activity, the rules of which determine the improvisation of motor actions.

The value of outdoor games:

  • 1. Contribute to the formation and improvement of vital movements, comprehensive physical development and health promotion, education of positive moral and volitional qualities.
  • 2. Positively affect all body systems.
  • 3. Stimulate appetite and promote sound sleep.
  • 4. Satisfy the need of the growing body of the child in movement, contribute to the enrichment of his motor experience.
  • 5. Improve technique exercise.
  • 6. Promote the development of physical qualities in children.
  • 7. Effectively affect mental development, help clarify ideas about the world around, various phenomena nature, broaden their horizons.
  • 8. They create positive conditions for the development of attention, perception, clarification of certain concepts, creative imagination, memory.
  • 9. Promote the development of language, speed of thinking, creativity and ingenuity.
  • 10. Games are a means of aesthetic education.

However, an outdoor game as a means of physical education is useful only when the teacher is familiar with the anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics of preschoolers of each age group, with the methodology for conducting games and takes care of the appropriate sanitary and hygienic conditions.

Classification of outdoor games:

  • 1. Plot.
  • 2. Game exercises (non-plot).
  • 3. Games with elements of sports (towns, table tennis, badminton, basketball, football, hockey).

The plot of outdoor games is based on the life dawn of the child, his idea of ​​the world around him. During the game, children reproduce the movements characteristic of a particular image (how a bunny jumps, how it hides from a fox). The movements that children perform during the game are closely related to the plot. For example, hares jump in the forest, and hunters hunt them. Most story games are collective. In them, the child learns to coordinate his actions with the actions of other players, and not to be capricious, to act in an organized manner, as required by the rules.

Game exercises (non-plot games) are characterized by the specificity of motor tasks in accordance with age characteristics and physical training children. The content of task games provides actions available to children (run first to the conditional lane, hit the target with the ball, etc.). In games with a clear task, due to the contrast of the content, the actions of children acquire a purposeful, meaningful character. Multiple repetition of movements in such games under the supervision of a teacher contributes to the improvement of motor skills and the intensive development of the corresponding motor qualities. The dosage of exercises in these games, unlike story games, is determined specifically, which is one of their positive aspects.

From non-plot games, games with the use of various objects are very popular among children. The motor tasks in these games are specific: hit the pin with the ball, throw the ring on the stick, etc. They are often carried out in a competitive form between individual children or subgroups. These games can be played as fun during walks, on sports festival when children demonstrate their skills, dexterity, speed in performing various motor tasks. Gumenyuk S.V. Vihovannija humane yakost uchnіv osnovanї skol'ko pri tsessі to take up physical culture: abstract of the thesis. dis... cand. ped. Sciences. - T., 2009. - 19 p.

Optimal conditions for achieving positive results in the development of movements of preschoolers are created by combining specific motor tasks in the form of game exercises, aimed mainly at the precise execution of certain motor actions and story games. Under such conditions, the movements learned by children earlier are improved under various conditions.

Conducting games with elements of sports requires a clear explanation of the rules that determine the process of competition between individual children or teams. It is obligatory for each child to possess motor skills (movement technique), which determine the result of the competition.

The effectiveness of outdoor games for solving problems of physical development largely depends on the conditions for their implementation - emotional saturation, contrast of motor content, the presence of a spacious room and a sufficient number of items necessary for children.

Classification of outdoor games according to the degree of physical activity:

  • 1. Games great intensity.
  • 2. Games of average intensity.
  • 3. Games of low intensity.

High-intensity games include those based on intense movements: jumping, running in combination with throwing, overcoming obstacles. The intensity of the load ranges from 155-180 beats / min.

Games of average mobility provide for the active participation of children in them. The nature of the motor activity of the participants in the game is relatively calm (throwing objects at the target, walking in combination with other movements: crawling under the arc, stepping over objects). The heart rate during games of medium intensity is 130-154 beats / min.

During games of low mobility, not all children perform movements at the same time. Sometimes only a part of them are actively moving, the rest are in a static position and observe the actions of those who play. The movements that make up the content of the game are performed at a slow pace with an intensity of up to 130 beats / min.

Characteristics of the content of exercises of a game nature: fun, entertainment, relay race, confrontation.

Motor activity in which one of the listed components is missing cannot be considered a game. These are play exercises. These include: entertainment, fun, relay race, confrontation. Kuzmicheva E.V. Outdoor games for children of primary school age: a tutorial. - Physical culture, 2008. - 112 p.

Entertainment is an impromptu activity in which motor actions are not limited by rules.

Fun is a plot activity, the rules of which allow improvisation of motor actions.

Relay is a plot-competitive activity, the rules of which prohibit the improvisation of motor actions. Outdoor games: Textbook for students of universities and colleges of physical culture / Ed. THEM. Korotkova and L.V. Byleeva. - M.: SportAcademPress, 2012. - 229 p.

Confrontation is a competitive activity, the rules of which determine the improvisation of motor actions (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1 Features of the content of types of mobile activities

The value of play exercises for the development of the body of children.

Having fun helps:

  • study of the technique of physical exercises;
  • Satisfaction of natural needs in movement;
  • education of beauty, smoothness, ease of movement;
  • development of a sense of rhythm.

The relay race contributes to:

  • Improving the technique of physical exercises;
  • Development of speed, dexterity;
  • development of volitional qualities;
  • development of moral qualities.

Conducting confrontations contributes to:

  • Constant mobilization (concentration of attention)
  • Development of strength, dexterity;
  • manifestation of volitional effort. Dubogay A.D. Psychological and pedagogical bases for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of younger schoolchildren / A.D. Dubogay. - Diss. ... doc. ped. Sciences. - K., 1991. - 350 p.