Organizations within the UN. UN: general characteristics

The central place among international organizations is occupied by the United Nations (UN).

The United Nations system is composed of principal and subsidiary organs, specialized organizations and agencies, and autonomous organizations that are integral part in the UN system.

The principal organs are: the General Assembly (GA); Security Council (SC); International Court of Justice and Secretariat. Subsidiary bodies, as deemed necessary, shall be established in accordance with the Constitution.

The UN system includes a number of programs, councils and commissions that carry out the functions assigned to them.

Consider the internal structure of international economic organizations UN system.

The General Assembly is its main body. It is authorized to resolve any issues within the framework of the Charter of the organization. The General Assembly passes resolutions which, although not binding on its members, still have a marked effect on world politics and development international law. During its existence, 10,000 resolutions have been adopted. The General Assembly finally approves all international conventions on economic issues. In its structure, economic problems are dealt with by:
1) The Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs, which develops resolutions for the plenary meetings of the General Assembly;
2) UN Commission on Law international trade- UNSIT-RAL, engaged in the harmonization and unification of legal norms in international trade;
3) the Commission on International Law, working on the development and codification of international law;
4) Investment Committee, which assists in the placement of investments from funds under the control of the UN.

The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is the most important UN body responsible for the economic, social, cultural and humanitarian aspects of UN policy.

The functions of ECOSOC include:
conducting research and writing reports on international issues in the field of economic and social spheres, culture, education, health and the presentation of recommendations on these issues to the General Assembly, the members of the Organization and the specialized agencies concerned;
discussion of international economic and social problems of a global and cross-sectoral nature and the development of policy recommendations on these problems for Member States and the UN system as a whole;
monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the overall policy strategy and priorities set by the General Assembly in the economic, social and related fields;
ensuring harmonization and consistent practical operational implementation on integrated basis relevant policy decisions and recommendations adopted at UN conferences and other forums within the UN system, after their approval by the Assembly and/or ECOSOC;
ensuring the overall coordination of the activities of the organizations of the UN system in the economic, social and related fields in order to implement the priorities established by the General Assembly for the system as a whole;
conducting comprehensive policy reviews of operational activities throughout the UN system.

ECOSOC has commissions, committees, special groups that deal with economic issues. It:
six functional commissions and subcommissions - social development, drug control, science and technology for development, sustainable development, statistics, transnational corporations;
five regional commissions - Europe, Asia and Pacific Ocean, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, West Asia;
two standing committees - for programs and coordination, for direct organizations;
seven expert bodies - the Planning Development Committee, the Ad Hoc Group of Experts on International Cooperation in Taxation, the Committees on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, on National Resources, on New and Renewable Energy Sources and the Use of Energy and Purposes development, as well as meetings of experts in public administration and finance.

The objectives of the regional commissions are to study the economic and technological problems of the respective regions of the world, to develop measures and means to assist the economic and social development of regional members by coordinating their actions and pursuing a coordinated policy aimed at solving the cardinal tasks of developing economic sectors and intraregional trade.

In addition to the direct bodies of the UN, its system includes specialized agencies and intergovernmental organizations, including:
1) UN funds and programs;
2) UN specialized agencies;
3) autonomous organizations associated with the UN. Let us dwell on the most important organizations of the first group.

1. The Investment Development Fund assists developing countries by supplementing existing sources financing through aid and loans. The resources of the fund are formed from voluntary contributions and are estimated at $40 million.
2. The PLO Development Program (UNDP) is the most large organization UN system funding multi-sectoral economic and technical assistance. Its resources are estimated at $1 billion and are constantly replenished by donor countries, which include most developed and large developing countries. UNDP deals with key aspects of sustainable development and major global issues: eradication of poverty, restoration of the environment, employment, etc. It organizes global forums on these issues, such as the Forum on Environment (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), Population and Development (Cairo, 1994), Social Development (Copenhagen, 1995) . The program currently covers more than 150 countries with over 6,500 projects.
3. The PLO Environment Program (UNEP) constantly monitors the environment and is responsible for coordinating all international projects in this area. Its activities are aimed at solving global environmental problems.
4. The World Food Program (WFP) coordinates the provision of international food assistance in cases of emergencies. The WFP budget is over $1.2 billion and is formed mainly from contributions from the US ($500 million), the EU ($235 million) and others developed countries.

The specialized organizations associated with the UN include the following.
1. World Organization intellectual property(WIPO) brings together 18 intergovernmental organizations to protect intellectual property.
2. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) brings together 168 countries to promote the introduction of new industrial technologies, the industrialization of developing countries, especially African countries, and the provision of technical assistance. UNIDO has established an industrial and technological information bank and a system for the exchange of scientific and technical information. A significant part of the information arrays has access to the Internet at All organizations of the UN system are sources of free information on the Internet. Their addresses almost always coincide with the abbreviation.
3. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) promotes investment in agriculture, transfer the latest technologies developing countries, agrarian reforms. at there is information about the agro-industrial complex of all countries.
4. International Foundation Development Fund (IFAD) lends to agriculture in developing countries.
5. The Universal Postal Union (UPU) is the oldest organization in the UN system, established in 1865. It is engaged in the development and modernization of postal services.
6. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) coordinates international efforts in the development of meteorological observations.
7. The World Health Organization (WHO) is bringing together 190 countries to solve human health problems.
8. International Labor Organization (ILO) - established in 1919 according to the Treaty of Versailles, it includes 171 countries. The ILO has developed an International labor Code. It deals with the problems of employment and the growth of living standards of the population, social and economic reforms in the field of work.
9. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is one of the most authoritative international organizations. Engaged in development international cooperation in the fields of information, knowledge, culture, communications, etc.

Among the autonomous organizations associated with the UN, we note International Agency for Atomic Energy (IAEA), whose functions include:
encouraging and facilitating the development of nuclear energy and the practical application of atomic energy for peaceful purposes, as well as research in this field;
provision of materials, services, equipment and technical means in order to meet the needs of research work in the field of atomic energy and its practical use for peaceful purposes;
promoting the exchange of scientific and technical information;
encouraging the exchange of scientists and specialists and their training.

Other organizations of the UN system were discussed to varying degrees in other sections of the textbook, in particular, those devoted to the regulation of trade and financial international relations.

United Nations (UN) - the largest international intergovernmental organization of a universal nature, created to maintain and strengthen international peace and security, develop cooperation between states.

History of the UN

For the first time, the idea of ​​institutionalizing the collective efforts of the allied states aimed at ensuring a lasting and lasting peace was put forward (in general view) in the Declaration of the Government of the Soviet Union and the Government of the Polish Republic on friendship and mutual assistance of December 4, 1941.

On October 30, 1943, the Moscow Conference of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain adopted the Four-State Declaration (it was also signed by the representative of China) on the issue of universal security, which contained a decision to create a new international organization. This decision was confirmed on December 1, 1943, at the Tehran Conference of the leaders of the three allied powers - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain.

At the Conference of Experts, held in August-September 1944 in Dumbarton Oaks (USA), representatives of the USSR, USA and Great Britain developed basically a draft charter future organization in the form of "Preliminary Proposals for the Establishment of a General International Organization for the Maintenance of Peace and Security". The project was later approved by China. At the Conference, however, a number of issues (on the procedure for voting in the Security Council, the fate of mandated territories, the content of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, etc.) remained unresolved. These issues were resolved at the Crimean (Yalta) Conference of the leaders of the three Allied Powers in February 1945.

At the San Francisco Conference, held in April-June 1945, the Charter of the Organization was finalized and signed on June 26, 1945 by 50 states - the original members of the Organization. Poland, which did not participate in the work of the Conference, was left a place (in alphabetical order) among the signatures of the original members. The organization was named the United Nations (UN). The term "United Nations" itself appeared during the formation of the anti-Hitler coalition of states and found its consolidation in the Declaration of the United Nations (26 states), signed in Washington on January 1, 1942.

On October 24, 1945, the UN Charter came into force, and this day began to be celebrated annually as United Nations Day.

Purposes and principles of the United Nations

According to Article 1 of the UN Charter, the objectives of the organization are:

(i) to maintain international peace and security and to that end take collective action against those who disturb the peace;

(ii) develop friendly relations among all nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples;

(iii) to carry out international cooperation in resolving international problems of an economic, social, cultural and humanitarian nature;

(iv) to be a center for coordinating the actions of nations in the pursuit of these common goals.

To achieve these goals, the UN acts in accordance with the following principles:

(i) sovereign equality UN members;

(ii) conscientious performance their obligations under the UN Charter;

(iii) settling international disputes by peaceful means; renunciation of the threat or use of force in any case inconsistent with the UN Charter;

(iv) UN interference in the internal affairs of states;

(v) to render every possible assistance to the UN by each of its members in actions consistent with the UN Charter and to refrain from assisting states against which the UN is taking preventive or enforcement measures;

(vi) ensuring by the Organization that non-Member States act, if necessary, in accordance with its Charter (Art. 2).

Membership in the Organization

Members of the UN may be peace-loving states that will accept the obligations contained in the Charter, and which, in the opinion of the Organization, are able and willing to fulfill these obligations (Article 4).

The admission of new UN members is carried out by the General Assembly by a 2/3 majority vote on the recommendation of the Security Council, subject to the principle of unanimity of its permanent members. Since the UN is based on the principle of universality, since the goals and subject of its activities are of general interest, any peace-loving state, regardless of its socio-economic system, can be a member of the UN.

In Art. 6 of the Charter provides for the possibility of exclusion from the UN of states that systematically violate this act, in Art. 5 - suspension of the exercise of the rights and privileges of a UN member in relation to states against which the Security Council has taken measures of a preventive or coercive nature. The provisions of these articles have not yet been applied.

In connection with the successes of the national liberation movement and the emergence of a significant number of sovereign states in the international arena, the number of UN members has sharply increased. There are currently 192 states in the UN.

Organs of the Organization

The organizational structure of the UN has its own specifics, which lies in the fact that the bodies of the Organization are divided into two types: main and auxiliary. The charter provides for six main organs. About 300 subsidiary bodies have been created by the main bodies since the existence of the UN.

Main organs:

  • General Assembly,
  • Security Council,
  • Economic and Social Council,
  • Guardian Council,
  • International Court,
  • Secretariat.

Although all these bodies belong to the same category - the main bodies, they are different in their meaning and legal status.

The most important are the General Assembly and the Security Council.

The Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council work under the leadership of the General Assembly, presenting the results of their activities for its final approval, but this circumstance does not change their status as the main bodies.

General Assembly is the only body in which all Member States are represented. Each of them has an equal position, regardless of its size, power and significance. The General Assembly has broad competence. According to Art. 10 of the UN Charter, it can discuss any issue, except for those that are under consideration by the Security Council.

The General Assembly is supreme body UN in ensuring international cooperation of states in the economic, social, cultural and humanitarian fields. It encourages the progressive development of international law and its codification (Article 13). The General Assembly has a number of powers related to inner life UN: elects non-permanent members of the Security Council, members of the Economic and Social Council, appoints the Secretary General (on the recommendation of the Security Council), elects members of the International Court of Justice together with the Security Council, approves the UN budget and controls the financial activities of the Organization, etc.

As for the powers of the General Assembly on matters of international peace and security, they are significantly limited in favor of the Security Council. The General Assembly considers, first of all, general principles cooperation in the maintenance of international peace and security, including the principles governing disarmament and arms regulation. But any question on which it is necessary to take action of a military or non-military nature is referred by the General Assembly to the Security Council (Article 11).

The General Assembly has a sessional order of work. It may hold regular, special and emergency special sessions.

The Annual Regular Session of the Assembly opens on the third Tuesday of September and operates under the direction of the President of the General Assembly (or one of his 21 Vice-Presidents) in plenary meetings and in Main Committees until the agenda is exhausted.

At the request of the Security Council or a majority of the Members of the Organization, special or emergency special sessions may be convened.

Each member of the UN may send a delegation to the session, consisting of not more than five delegates and five substitutes, as well as the required number of advisers, experts, etc. Each state has one vote.

The official and working languages ​​of the General Assembly are: English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, French.

The work of each session of the General Assembly takes place in the form of plenary meetings and committee meetings. There are six main committees:

  • Disarmament and International Security Committee (First Committee)
  • Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs (Second Committee)
  • Committee on Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs (Third Committee)
  • Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee)
  • Administration and Budget Committee (Fifth Committee)
  • Committee on legal matters(Sixth Committee).

All UN members are represented on the Main Committees.

There is also a General Committee and a Credentials Committee.

The General Committee is composed of the President of the General Assembly; vice-presidents, chairmen of the main committees, who are elected taking into account the principle of equitable geographical representation of the five regions (districts): Asia, Africa, Latin America, Western Europe(including Canada, Australia and New Zealand) and of Eastern Europe. General Committee - makes recommendations to the Assembly regarding the adoption of the agenda, the distribution of agenda items and the organization of work. The Credentials Committee submits reports to the Assembly on the credentials of State representatives.

Decisions of the General Assembly on important issues are taken by a 2/3 majority of the members of the Assembly present and voting. These issues include recommendations regarding the maintenance of international peace and security, budgetary issues, the admission of new members to the Organization, etc. Decisions on other issues are taken by a simple majority of those present and voting (Article 18 of the Charter).

The decisions of the General Assembly are in the nature of recommendations.

Decisions relating to organizational, administrative and budgetary matters are binding. In UN practice, these decisions are called resolutions.

The General Assembly has a number of subsidiary bodies: the International Law Commission, the Disarmament Commission, the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, etc.

Security Council- the most important body of the UN, consisting of 15 members: 5 of them are permanent members - Russia, Great Britain, China, the USA and France and 10 are non-permanent, elected by the General Assembly for a two-year term (5 members annually), taking into account the degree of participation of the members of the Organization in maintaining international peace and security and in achieving other objectives of the Organization, as well as in accordance with the principle of fair geographical distribution. I will establish the following plan for the distribution of ten non-permanent seats among the geographical regions of the world: five from the States of Africa and Asia, two from the States of Latin America and the Caribbean, two from the States of Western Europe and other States (meaning Canada, Australia and New Zealand), one - from the states of Eastern Europe.

Recently, the issue of reorganizing the Security Council has been actively discussed, in particular, it is proposed to increase the number of members of the Security Council, the number of its permanent members, and change the decision-making procedure.

The Security Council is entrusted with the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security (Article 24 of the Charter). It can make decisions binding on member states (Art. 25).

The Security Council determines the existence of any threat to the peace, any breach of the peace or act of aggression, and makes recommendations or decides what measures should be taken to maintain or restore international peace and security (Article 39). The Security Council has the right to decide on coercive measures against a state that has violated the peace or committed an act of aggression. These are measures both not related to the use of armed forces (complete or partial interruption of economic relations, rail, sea, air, postal telegraph, radio or other means of communication, severance of diplomatic relations - Art. 41), and related to the use of armed forces, t .e. such action by air, sea or land forces as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security. These actions may include demonstrations, blockades and other military operations (art. 42).

The application of coercive measures is the exclusive competence of the Security Council. For the application of coercive measures with the use of armed forces, the member states undertake to place armed forces at the disposal of the Security Council (Article 43). The UN Charter for the exercise of strategic leadership of the armed forces provides for the creation of a special subsidiary body, the Military Staff Committee, which should consist of the chiefs of staff of the permanent members of the Security Council (it was formed in 1946).

In practice, the provisions of the Charter concerning the formation and use of the armed forces for a long time are generally not followed. Serious violations of the UN Charter were also committed in the use of UN forces in Korea in 1950, in the Middle East in 1956 and in the Congo in 1960.

The situation changed in 1990, when, in connection with Iraq's aggression against Kuwait, the five permanent members of the Security Council showed unity regarding the actions of the Council against the aggressor. The Security Council adopted resolution No. 661 (1990) imposing economic and financial sanctions against Iraq, resolution No. 670 (1990) providing for additional sanctions, and resolution No. 678 (1990) on using all necessary means to restore peace and security in the Persian Gulf .

Currently, the UN armed forces are located, in particular, in Cyprus, the Middle East, Kosovo; a group of military observers in India and Pakistan.

In addition to the use of coercive measures, the duties of the Security Council include the peaceful resolution of interstate disputes. According to ch. VI of the UN Charter, the parties to a dispute, the continuation of which could threaten the maintenance of international peace and security, must first of all try to resolve this dispute using appropriate peaceful means (Article 33), and in case of failure to reach an agreement, refer it to the Security Council (Article 37).

In accordance with Art. 27 of the UN Charter, decisions of the Security Council on questions of procedure are considered adopted when they are voted for by any nine members of the Security Council. Decisions on matters of substance require a majority of nine votes, including five votes of the permanent members of the Council (principle of unanimity of the permanent members of the Security Council). Therefore, if at least one of the five permanent members votes against a proposal on a non-procedural issue, the proposal cannot be accepted. This is the so-called "right of veto". Abstention from voting by one or more permanent members of the Security Council shall not preclude the adoption of a decision.

When the Security Council takes decisions on the peaceful settlement of disputes under Ch. VI of the UN Charter, nine votes are required, including the votes of the permanent members of the Security Council, but at the same time, the state participating in the dispute, if it is a member of the Council, is obliged to abstain from voting.

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) carries out specific tasks in the field of international economic and social cooperation and works under the direction of the General Assembly. ECOSOC undertakes studies on issues of economic and social cooperation, draws up reports on the results of studies and makes recommendations on these issues to the General Assembly and the specialized agencies. He is also authorized to prepare draft international conventions for submission to the General Assembly for approval, to convene international conferences on issues within his competence, to coordinate the activities of specialized agencies, concluding cooperation agreements with them.

ECOSOC consists of 54 members, which are states elected by the General Assembly for three years, with one-third renewed annually. An outgoing Council member may be re-elected for a new term immediately.

By tradition, the permanent members of the Security Council are elected to ECOSOC for each regular term. Elections to the Council are held in accordance with the principle of fair geographical representation: from Africa - 14 states, from Asia - 11, from Latin America - 10, from Western Europe and other states - 13, from Eastern Europe - 6.

Regular sessions of the Council are held twice a year. Special sessions may be convened. Decisions in the Council are taken by a simple majority of votes of the members present and voting.

The Council during its activity created a significant number of subsidiary bodies: sessional committees (economic, social and coordinating); standing committees (Committee for Program and Coordination, Committee for non-governmental organizations and etc.); functional commissions and subcommissions (statistical, on population and development, on narcotic drugs, on human rights, on the status of women, on crime prevention and criminal justice, etc.). A special place in the system of the Council belongs to the regional economic commissions.

Trusteeship Council under the direction of the General Assembly, was to supervise the fulfillment of the duties that the administering authorities (states) had in relation to the territories under trusteeship. The main objectives of the trusteeship system were to promote the improvement of the situation of the population of the trust territories and their progressive development towards self-government or independence.

The Trusteeship Council is composed of the five permanent members of the Security Council - China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States. The aims of the trust system were achieved when all of the trust territories achieved self-government or independence, either as separate states or through association with neighboring independent countries.

The Trusteeship Council suspended its work on 1 November 1994 after the last remaining UN Trust Territory, Palau, gained independence on 1 October 1994.

By means of a resolution adopted on 25 May 1994, the Council amended its rules of procedure to remove the obligation to hold annual meetings and agreed to meet as needed, by its own decision or that of its President, or at the request of a majority of its members or the General Assembly, or Security Council.

International Court is the main judicial organ of the United Nations. The Court is composed of 15 permanent independent judges elected by the Security Council and the General Assembly, acting in their personal capacity and not representing the state. The court has two functions:

  1. deals with disputes between states and
  2. gives advisory opinions on legal matters to UN bodies and its specialized agencies.

Secretariat consists of the General Secretary and the required number of staff.

The Secretary General is appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council for a term of five years, with the possibility of reappointment in the same manner. The Secretary-General is the chief administrative officer of the Organization, overseeing the work of the staff of the Secretariat in servicing UN bodies.

The functions of the Secretary General are very diverse and are of great importance for the activities of the UN. Every year the Secretary-General submits to the General Assembly a report on the work of the Organization. As a representative of the UN, he participates in the work of international conferences convened under the auspices of the UN.

The secretariat provides technical support for the work of the sessions of all bodies, publication and distribution of reports, storage of archives, publication official documents Organizations and information materials. It registers and publishes international treaties concluded by members of the UN.

The staff of the Secretariat is divided into three categories:

  1. senior administrative officials (Secretary General and his deputies);
  2. international officials of the professional class;
  3. technical staff (secretaries, typists, couriers).

Recruitment to the service is carried out on a contractual basis, provided for by the system of permanent and fixed-term contracts. The staff is selected by the Secretary General, in accordance with the rules laid down by the General Assembly. When selecting, it must be ensured high level efficiency, competence and integrity of the staff of the Secretariat. The selection is carried out on the widest possible geographical basis. The responsibilities of the Secretariat and its staff are international in nature.

This means that neither the Secretary-General nor any other member of the Secretariat may seek or receive instructions from any government or authority outside the Organization. International officials enjoy privileges and immunities of a functional nature.

The UN headquarters is located in New York. The offices of the UN Secretariat are located in Geneva.

Main activities of the UN

There are four main areas of UN activity:

  1. maintaining international peace and security;
  2. development of international cooperation in the socio-economic field and in the field of human rights protection;
  3. the fight against colonialism, racism and apartheid;
  4. codification and progressive development of international law.

Despite the fact that the period after the Second World War until the mid-1980s was mainly a period of " cold war”and the confrontation of the states of the two socio-economic systems, the UN managed to make a useful contribution in all these areas of its activity.

Proceeding from the fact that disarmament is the most important means of ensuring international peace and security, the UN pays considerable attention to these issues. Thus, in 1978, 1982, 1988, three special sessions of the General Assembly were held on disarmament issues. In accordance with the decision of the XXXI of its session in 1977, the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Means of Impact on the Environment was opened for signature.

Over the 60-year period of its existence, the UN has played a certain positive role in solving a number of problems of international economic and social cooperation. In this area, many new bodies have appeared and their competence has expanded. Subsidiary bodies of the General Assembly were formed, having the structure of international organizations, such as UNCTAD, the Development Program

United Nations (UNDP), which are directly related to the economic needs and interests of developing countries. In 1974, the 6th special session of the UN General Assembly was held, dedicated to the restructuring of international economic relations. The same issues were considered at the XXIX regular session of the General Assembly. The sessions adopted two important documents: Declaration on the Establishment of a New International economic order and the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States.

The adoption on December 14, 1960, at the initiative of the Soviet Union, of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples stimulated the activities of the UN in the field of decolonization. Was established new organ— The Special Committee on Questions on the Implementation of the 1960 Declaration sharply increased the proportion of questions related to the liquidation of the colonies. The Security Council adopted decisions to apply sanctions against the colonial and racist regimes of Southern Africa. In 1980, in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, it was noted that during this period 59 trust and non-self-governing territories with a population of 140 million people gained independence.

The activities of the UN in the field of codification and progressive development of international law are carried out primarily with the help of a subsidiary body of the General Assembly - the International Law Commission, whose task is to codify and progressively develop international law. In addition, a number of other subsidiary bodies, such as the Human Rights Council, the Outer Space Committee, the Commission on Women's Rights, are involved in this normative work, including temporary subsidiary bodies. Draft international treaties developed by the subsidiary bodies are adopted either by the General Assembly itself or by conferences convened by its decision.

The great creative potential of the UN, laid down in its Charter, can be used in the new millennium for the benefit of all peoples, if universal values ​​and interests become more and more influential in the policies of states, and if the desire of states to maintain international peace and security intensifies.


Created in 1945 at a conference in San Francisco(cm.). Its charter came into force on October 24, 1945. The UN included all 50 countries participating in the San Francisco conference and Poland. In addition, in November - December 1946 Afghanistan, Iceland, Siam and Sweden were accepted, in September - October 1947 - Yemen and Pakistan, in April 1948 - Burma, in May 1949 - Israel.

The UN was created to maintain and strengthen international peace and security, develop friendly relations between states, and implement international cooperation in the economic, social, cultural and other fields.

The UN is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its members, who have undertaken to resolve their international disputes by peaceful means, to refrain "in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or any other in a manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations" (Article 2, Clause 4 of the Charter).

The Charter does not, however, give the UN "the right to intervene in matters that are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state, and does not require members of the United Nations to submit such cases for resolution in accordance with the present Charter" (Article 2, paragraph 7 of the Charter ).

In addition to the countries that have signed the charter, admission to membership in the UN "is open to all other peace-loving states that will accept the obligations contained ... in the charter and which, in the judgment of the Organization, are able and willing to fulfill these obligations" (Article 4, para. one).

Admission to the UN membership "is carried out by a decision of the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council" (Article 4, paragraph 2). For such recommendations to be approved by the Security Council, the unanimity of all the permanent members of the Security Council is required.

I. Structure of the United Nations

The main organs of the UN are: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice and the Secretariat.

1. The GENERAL ASSEMBLY consists of all members of the UN. It may discuss all matters within the limits of the UN Charter or relating to the powers and functions of any of the organs of the UN, except for matters on the agenda of the Security Council. It may make recommendations on matters under consideration to UN Member States or UN bodies.

The General Assembly meets annually in ordinary session, which opens on the third Tuesday of September, and also in special sessions, if circumstances so require. Each member of the General Assembly has one vote. Decisions on important political issues "are taken by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Assembly present and voting" (Article 18 of the Charter). These issues include: recommendations regarding the maintenance of international peace and security, election of non-permanent members of the Security Council, members of the Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council, admission of new members to the UN, exclusion from the UN, suspension of the rights and privileges of UN members, issues related to the functioning of the guardianship system, and budgetary matters (art. 18). Other questions are adopted by a simple majority of votes.

The General Assembly has 6 main committees: 1) Political and Security Committee (including arms regulation); 2) Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs; 3) Committee on social, humanitarian and cultural issues; 4) Guardianship Committee; 5) Administration and Budget Committee; and 6) Legal Affairs Committee. All delegations are members of these six Main Committees.

The General Assembly establishes, in addition, a General Committee of 14 members, consisting of the President of the General Assembly, 7 Vice-Chairmen and 6 Chairmen of the Main Committees, and a Credentials Committee of 9 members.

The Chairman of the General Assembly and his deputies are elected at the plenary meeting of the Assembly, and the chairmen of the main committees are elected at the meetings of the committees themselves.

2. The Security Council consists of I members, including 5 permanent members (USSR, USA, England, France and China) and 6 non-permanent members elected by the General Assembly for 2 years.

States whose term of office on the Council has expired cannot be immediately re-elected for a new term.

During the first elections in January 1946, Australia, Brazil, Poland, Egypt, Mexico, and Holland were elected non-permanent members of the Security Council. At the second session of the Assembly in 1947, the Ukrainian SSR, Canada, and Argentina were elected instead of Australia, Brazil, and Poland.

The election of the Ukrainian SSR was preceded by fierce resistance from the United States of America, which, however, suffered defeat. Opposing the election of the Ukrainian SSR to replace Poland, whose term of office in the Council had expired, the United States acted contrary to the provisions of Art. 23 of the Charter, which provides that, in the selection of non-permanent members of the Council, attention should be paid "in the first place to the degree of participation of the Members of the Organization in the maintenance of international peace and security ... as well as to equitable geographical distribution".

The term of office of non-permanent members of the Security Council, as well as members of the Economic and Social Council and the Council of Trustees, begins on 1. I of the year following their election and ends on 31. XII of the year when their successors are elected.

In addition, if the Security Council is considering the use of military forces placed at its disposal by a state that is not a member of the Council, that state may take part in the meetings of the Council with the right to vote when the Council considers the question of the use of these forces.

The Security Council is in continuous session. It is chaired monthly by all its members in turn.

The Security Council is the main political organ of the United Nations, which, according to the charter, bears "primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security.

The decisions of the Security Council fall into two categories: decisions and recommendations. Decisions taken by the Security Council based on Chapter VII charter are binding on all members of the UN.

Organs of the Security Council. The Security Council has the following bodies: the Military Staff Committee, the Atomic Energy Control Commission and the Conventional Arms Commission.

1. The Military Staff Committee consists of the chiefs of staff or representatives of the chiefs of staff of states that are permanent members of the Security Council, that is, the USSR, the USA, Britain, France and China. It shall assist the Security Council "in all matters relating to the military requirements of the Security Council for the maintenance of international peace and security, the use and command of the troops placed at its disposal, and the regulation of armaments and possible disarmament" (art. 47 of the charter).

2. The Commission for the Control of Atomic Energy was established on January 24, 1946 by a decision of the General Assembly at the proposal of the delegations of the USSR, the USA, Britain, France, China and Canada, agreed upon at the Moscow Conference of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, the USA and England in December 1945. The commission consists of representatives of all states that are represented on the Security Council, and the representative of Canada.

3. The Commission on Conventional Arms, established by a resolution of the Security Council of 13.II.1947, consists of representatives of all states that are members of the Security Council. The Commission should prepare proposals: a) for the general regulation and reduction of armaments and armed forces, and b) for practical and effective guarantees in connection with the general regulation and reduction of armaments.

3. The ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL consists of 18 members elected by the General Assembly for three years. States whose term of office on the Council has expired may be immediately re-elected for a new term of three years.

The Economic and Social Council should study international issues in the fields of: economic, social, culture, education, health, etc., draw up reports on them and make recommendations to the General Assembly, UN members and interested specialized agencies, provide the Security Council with the necessary information and assistance . According to the rules of procedure, the Economic and Social Council has at least three sessions per year.

The Economic and Social Council has the following permanent commissions: 1) for the economy and employment, 2) for transport and communications, 3) for statistics, 4) social, 5) for human rights, 6) for the protection of women's rights, 7) tax, 8) demographic (by population), and four temporary commissions: economic commission for Europe, an economic commission for Asia and Far East, an economic commission for Latin America and a drug commission.

4. A TRUSTEE COUNCIL is established to administer the territories that are included in the trusteeship system by subsequent agreements. The goals of this system are defined in Ch. XII of the UN Charter (cf. Guardianship international).

5. INTERNATIONAL COURT. The main judicial body of the UN is the International Court of Justice, consisting of 15 judges elected in parallel by the General Assembly and the Security Council for 9 years; Judges may be re-elected after this period.

During the first elections (6 February 1946), representatives of the USSR, Canada, Poland, Egypt, China, Mexico, Yugoslavia, Norway, Belgium, the USA, France, El Salvador, Brazil, England and Chile were elected as international judges.

All UN members are parties to the statute of the International Court of Justice.

6. The UN SECRETARIAT is headed by the Secretary General, elected by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council for a term of 5 years. After this period, he may be re-elected. When the Security Council decides on the nomination of a candidate for the post of Secretary General, the unanimity of all its permanent members is required. Trygve elected first UN Secretary General Lee(see), former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway.

The staff of the Secretariat is appointed by the General Secretary.

The Secretariat has 8 departments: 1) for the affairs of the Security Council; 2) economic; 3) social; 4) on guardianship and collection of information on non-self-governing territories; 5) public information; 6) on legal matters; 7) Conference and General Services; and 8) Administration and Finance. These departments are headed by assistant secretaries general.

7. OTHER PERMANENT BODIES OF THE UN. In addition to the above main UN bodies, the following are also established:

1) The International Law Commission was established by decision of the 2nd session of the General Assembly. It consists of 15 members - experts in the field of international law, elected by the General Assembly for a three-year term. The Commission should deal with the progressive development of international law and its codification.

2) The Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions consists of 9 members elected by the General Assembly for 3 years.

3) The Committee on Contributions consists of representatives of ten countries elected by the General Assembly for 3 years. Committee in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 17 of the charter prepares a scale of contributions for members of the UN, i.e., establishes what proportion of the costs of the UN should be borne by each member state of the UN.

4) The Auditing Board consists of representatives of three member countries United Nations, elected by the General Assembly for 3 years.

8. AD HOC BODIES. In addition to permanent bodies, ad hoc bodies can also be created.

At the second session of the General Assembly (IX-XI 1947), the Anglo-American bloc achieved, contrary to the provisions of the UN Charter, the establishment of the so-called. intersessional committee, as well as the ad hoc committee on the Greek question and the temporary commission on Korea.

a) The Intersessional Committee of the General Assembly (the "Small Assembly") was established for the period between the second and third sessions of the Assembly from representatives of all UN member countries. At the third session of the Assembly, the existence of this illegal body was extended for another year. The creation of this body is in direct contradiction to the provisions of the charter and is an attempt by the Anglo-American bloc to belittle the significance and role of the Security Council. Since the creation of an intersessional committee is a violation of the principles of the charter, the USSR, the Ukrainian SSR, the Byelorussian SSR, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia refused to participate in its work.

b) A special committee on the Greek question has been set up consisting of Australia, Brazil, China, France, Mexico, Holland, Pakistan, England, the USA, the USSR and Poland. The delegations of the USSR and Poland declared that they would not participate in the work of this body, since the creation of such a committee violates the sovereignty of Bulgaria, Albania and Yugoslavia and is gross violation UN principles.

c) The Provisional Commission for Korea has been set up as part of Australia, Canada, Chile, El Salvador, France, India, the Philippines, Syria, and the Ukrainian SSR. Since the proposal of the USSR delegation to invite representatives of the Korean people to participate in the discussion of the issue of Korea was rejected, the USSR, the Ukrainian SSR, the BSSR, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia refused to participate in the voting on this issue. The Ukrainian SSR, elected to the temporary commission on Korea, refused to participate in the work of this commission.


Specialized institutions are organizations "created by Intergovernmental Agreements and endowed with broad international, defined in their constituent acts, responsibility in the field of economic, social, culture, education, health and similar areas" (Article 57 of the charter). Such specialized agencies are: 1) World Health Organization, 2) International Labor Organization (or Bureau), 3) Food and Agriculture Organization, 4) Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 5) International Civil Aviation Organization, 6) International monetary fund, 7) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 8) International Telecommunication Union, 9) Universal Postal Union, 10) International Refugee Organization, I) Intergovernmental Advisory Organization for Maritime Transport. The USSR is a member of the International Telecommunication Union and the Universal Postal Union.

II. UN activities

During their existence, the UN bodies have dealt with many major political, economic and other issues in the field of international relations. The most important of these issues are: 1) the establishment of control over atomic energy, 2) the regulation and reduction of armaments and armed forces, 3) the fight against propaganda for a new war, 4) the principle of unanimity of the permanent members of the Security Council, 5) the Greek question, 6) the Spanish question, 7) Indonesian question, 8) Corfu incident, 9) Palestinian question.

I. Control of atomic energy. 24. I 1946 The General Assembly established a commission "to consider the problems that have arisen in connection with the discovery of atomic energy, and other related questions."

The first meeting of the Commission for the Control of Atomic Energy took place on June 14, 1946. At this meeting, the representative of the United States, Baruch, proposed the establishment of an international authority (Authority), with broad powers and almost unlimited right to interfere in the economy of any country, in the work of any industries, and even the right to make laws binding on all countries of the world. At the next meeting of the commission, on June 19, 1946, the representative of the USSR, on behalf of the Soviet government, proposed to conclude a convention on the prohibition of the production and use of weapons based on the use of atomic energy for the purpose of mass destruction of people.

II. VI 1947 The Soviet government, in addition to and in development of its proposal for the conclusion of a convention on the prohibition of atomic weapons, submitted to the commission for consideration the main provisions that should form the basis of an international agreement on the control of atomic energy. These provisions provided for the establishment within the framework of the Security Council of the International Control Commission for the implementation of measures to control nuclear enterprises. Conditions and organizational principles international control over atomic energy, the composition, rights and duties of the International Commission shall be determined by a special convention concluded in accordance with the convention for the prohibition of atomic weapons. The International Control Commission should consist of representatives of the member countries of the Atomic Commission, established on January 24, 1946.

On June 17, 1947, the Atomic Energy Control Commission, the majority of which supported the US representative, decided not to consider the Soviet proposal, but to discuss this proposal in passing with the questions in the commission's work plan drawn up at the direction of the USA.

Six so-called. "working groups" in which the representative of the USSR did not participate. These groups produced six "working papers" on the functions of an international monitoring body.

These documents provided for the provision of international control body broad rights, including the right to own and operate all nuclear plants throughout the world; ownership of all stocks of atomic raw materials (uranium, thorium, etc.), all chemical and metallurgical enterprises processing atomic raw materials, all enterprises capable of using "nuclear fuel" (this is how uranium, thorium and other fissile materials are called) for the production of power energy (eg electricity); the right to issue licenses for the construction and operation of nuclear enterprises and the right to withdraw these licenses; the right to carry out geological surveys of stocks of atomic raw materials in any part of the world, including military and restricted areas, etc.

The granting of such rights to the control body is incompatible with the principles of the sovereignty of states and the principles of the UN Charter, and is also contrary to the resolution of the General Assembly of 24 January 1946 on the prohibition of atomic weapons.

The USSR representative in the Atomic Commission objected to these unacceptable proposals. However, US representatives, relying on the majority of the commission, managed to get them adopted and included in the second report of the Atomic Commission to the Security Council.

On 10. IX 1947 this second report was approved by the majority of the commission and sent to the Security Council.

18. In 1948, the US government, having rejected for two years all proposals of the Soviet Union to ban atomic weapons, relying on the obedient majority of the members of the Atomic Commission, achieved a decision to suspend its work for an indefinite period, allegedly because the Soviet Union did not agree to the establishment of t n. "international control".

At the third session of the Assembly, the USSR proposed to recommend that the Security Council and the Atomic Commission continue their work and prepare draft conventions for the prohibition of atomic weapons and a convention for the establishment of effective international control over atomic energy so that these conventions would be signed and put into effect simultaneously. This proposal aims to find an agreed solution to such important issue, was rejected by the majority of the Assembly, following in the footsteps of US policy, seeking to retain freedom of action in the production of atomic weapons. The United States and Britain achieved the adoption by the Assembly of a resolution that pleased them, authorizing the actual disruption of the work of the Atomic Commission.

2. General reduction and regulation of armaments. On October 29, 1946, at a plenary session of the General Assembly, the head of the USSR delegation, V. M. Molotov, submitted a proposal for a general reduction in armaments.

Despite the resistance offered by representatives of the United States, Great Britain and a number of other states, the discussion of the issue of arms reduction was crowned with a victory for Soviet diplomacy.

14. XII 1946 The General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution on "Principles governing the general regulation and reduction of armaments", in which it recommended that the Security Council begin to develop practical measures essential for establishing a general regulation and reduction of armaments and armed forces; The Atomic Commission is to fulfill the duties entrusted to it by the resolution of the General Assembly of 24. I 1946 "as an essential step towards achieving the urgent goal of prohibiting and withdrawing atomic weapons from national armaments." "In order to ensure that the general prohibition, regulation and reduction of armaments affect the main types of weapons of modern warfare", within the framework of the Security Council, international system acting through special bodies.

28. XP 1946, the representative of the USSR in the Security Council, through the Secretary General on behalf of the government of the USSR, proposed that the Security Council "begin to develop practical measures to implement the decision of the General Assembly ... on the general regulation and reduction of armaments and armed forces ..." and establish a commission, which "to charge within one or two months, but no later than three months, to prepare and submit to the Security Council their proposals..." related to atomic weapons.

Due to the sabotage of the delegations of the countries of the Anglo-American bloc, the commission did not plan any practical measures during the year.

So that the General Assembly resolution on the reduction of armaments and the prohibition of atomic weapons would not remain only on paper, the government of the USSR submitted in September 1948 at the third session of the Assembly a proposal to reduce by one third within one year the armaments and armed forces of all five permanent members of the Security Council and to prohibit nuclear weapons as weapons of aggression. To monitor the implementation of these measures, the USSR proposed the establishment of an international monitoring body within the framework of the Security Council.

This proposal of the USSR met the aspirations and hopes of all the peace-loving peoples of the world. However, representatives of the United States and Britain took a completely opposite position. They sought to drag out and frustrate the solution of the question of banning atomic weapons and reducing armaments and armed forces. Relying on the majority of the Assembly obedient to him, the Anglo-American bloc succeeded in rejecting the Soviet proposal.

3. The fight against the instigators of a new war. On September 18, 1947, the head of the USSR delegation at the second session of the General Assembly, A. Ya. Vyshinsky, made a proposal on behalf of the USSR government to combat the instigators of a new war. It was proposed to condemn "the criminal propaganda of a new war carried out by reactionary circles in a number of countries, and especially in the United States of America, Turkey, Greece", to point out that the admission and even more support of this kind of propaganda of a new war is a violation of the duty assumed by the members of the UN , and "call on the governments of all countries to ban, under pain of criminal punishment, any form of war propaganda... as a socially dangerous activity that threatens the vital interests and well-being of peace-loving peoples." Further, it was proposed to reaffirm the need for the speediest implementation of the decisions of the Assembly of 14 October 1946 on the reduction of armaments and of 24 January 1946 on the exclusion from national armaments of atomic weapons and all other main types of weapons.

The proposal of the USSR was discussed for 6 days (22-27 October).

The US and British delegations opposed this proposal. US representative Austin called for "killing the Soviet proposal" because it allegedly contradicts freedom of speech and information. However, under pressure public opinion the US delegation was forced to vote for a resolution condemning the warmongers. The adoption of this resolution was a major political victory for the Soviet Union.

4. The principle of unanimity of the permanent members of the Security Council. provided by Art. 27 of the charter, the principle of unanimity of the permanent members of the Security Council in resolving political issues by the latter, or providing the permanent members of the Security Council with the so-called. "veto rights" means that a decision on any issue other than procedural can only be taken if at least 7 votes are cast for this decision, including the concurring votes of all the permanent members of the Council. It depends on the observance of this principle whether the UN will cope with the tasks entrusted to it. “Can one count on the fact,” said I. V. Stalin in his report on 6.XI 1944, “that the actions of this international organization will be effective enough? Nazi Germany will continue to act in the spirit of unanimity and concord. They will not be effective if this necessary condition is violated."

The need to observe the principle of unity of the great powers was recognized during the war politicians and other countries.

At the San Francisco conference, the principle of unanimity of the permanent members of the Security Council was approved and set forth in Art. 27 of the statute. This principle was guaranteed further in Art. 108 and 109 of the statutes, which indicate that amendments to the statutes adopted by a two-thirds vote of the Assembly or the General Conference convened on the basis of Art. 109 for the revision of the charter, and ratified by two-thirds of the members of the UN, cannot enter into force unless all permanent members of the Security Council have ratified these amendments.

Soon, however, after the entry into force of the UN charter, the principle of unanimity of the permanent members of the Council began to be subjected to fierce attacks from a number of powers that were co-sponsors of the charter. England and the USA sought to undermine the principle of unanimity with the help of small countries subordinate to them.

At the second part of the first session of the Assembly, Cuba proposed to include in the agenda the issue of convening on the basis of Art. 109 of the Charter of the General Conference of UN Members with the aim of "amending paragraph 3 of Article 27 of the Charter in order to eliminate the provision known as the right of veto." Australia also proposed that the issue of the application of Art. 27 of the statute.

The Soviet delegation resolutely opposed the restriction of the rights of the permanent members of the Council. The head of the USSR delegation, V. M. Molotov, in his speech at the plenary meeting of the Assembly on 29.X.1946, pointed out that "the rejection of the principle of unanimity of the great powers - which, in essence, is hidden behind the proposal to cancel the" veto "- would mean liquidation of the United Nations, since this principle is the foundation of this organization." Those "people and entire influential groups ... who do not want to put up with less than the obedience of all peoples to their dictate, their gold bag" are striving to eliminate the principle of unanimity of the great powers.

A proposal by Australia to state in an Assembly Resolution that "in a number of cases the use and threat of use of the power of veto" was inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the charter was rejected. The delegations of all five Great Powers voted against this clause.

The proposal to convene a General Conference was also rejected. The Assembly adopted a resolution in which it recommended that the permanent members of the Council consult among themselves, and the Council "to adopt a procedure and procedure that does not violate the provisions of the Charter", but contributes to the rapid performance of the Council's functions, and in adopting this procedure and procedure, take into account the views expressed by UN members . The USSR delegation voted against this resolution, the US and British delegations voted in favor of the resolution, the French and Chinese delegations abstained.

At the second session of the Assembly, Argentina and Australia again proposed that a General Conference be convened to revise the statutes. In his speech at the plenary session of the Assembly on 18. IX 1947, the head of the USSR delegation, A. Ya. consistent and unconditional observance of one of the most important principles of the organization of the United Nations - the principle of coordination and unanimity of the great powers in solving the most important issues of maintaining international peace and security.This is in full accordance with the special responsibility of these powers for the preservation of world peace and is a guarantee of protecting the interests of all countries - Members of the United Nations, large and small.

The Soviet Union considers it its duty to resolutely fight against any attempt to shake this principle, no matter what motives these attempts may be covered with.

The US delegation proposed that the question of the principle of unanimity of the permanent members of the Security Council be referred to an intersessional committee, the very creation of which is contrary to the provisions of the charter. The delegations of England, France and China supported this proposal, and it was adopted by the Assembly.

The USSR delegation voted against this resolution. The head of the Soviet delegation declared at the plenary session of the Assembly on 21.XI.1947 that this resolution "is a direct attack on the rule of unanimity, which in turn is one of the most important and fundamental principles of the UN, one of the most powerful and real means of ensuring the unity of the great powers, the basis of cooperation peace-loving peoples. This resolution completes a certain stage of the campaign against the principle of unanimity, a campaign led by the government of the United States of America, on which the entire responsibility for the consequences that the adoption and implementation of this resolution will inevitably entail must lie.

At the third session of the Assembly, the United States, Britain, France and China introduced and secured the Assembly's approval of a resolution recommending that the Security Council resolve a number of important political issues by procedural vote. The approval of this project is a direct violation of the UN Charter.

5. Greek question. In February 1946, the government of the USSR proposed to discuss the need for the withdrawal of British troops from Greece. The representative of the USSR A. Ya. Vyshinsky, in his letter, noting the extremely tense situation in Greece, pointed out that the presence of British troops in Greece was not necessary, that it had actually turned into a means of pressure on the internal political situation in the country and was used by reactionary elements in Greece against democratic forces countries. The Soviet government demanded the withdrawal of British troops from Greece.

In view of the opposition rendered by Great Britain, the USA, China, Australia and a number of other members of the Security Council to the proposal of the USSR, the Council did not take any decision.

On 4.XII 1946 the Greek government filed a complaint with the Security Council against its northern neighbors (Albania, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria), accusing them of helping the Greek partisans. The Security Council considered this issue for almost 8 months. A special commission was sent to the Balkans, in which all members of the Security Council were represented, to study the situation on the ground.

Having failed to achieve its goals in the Security Council, the US government decided to take the issue to the General Assembly.

At the second session of the Assembly, the US delegation introduced a draft resolution in which Albania, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria were responsible for the situation in Greece. The US proposal further provided for the establishment of an ad hoc committee on the Balkans to oversee the implementation of the Assembly resolution and to recommend, if it considered it necessary, the convening of a special session of the Assembly.

The USSR delegation objected to the US delegation's proposal, since it only worsened the situation in the Balkans and violated the sovereignty of Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania. The USSR delegation submitted a draft resolution, which proposed: a) the Greek government should put an end to border incidents on the northern borders of Greece; b) withdraw from Greece foreign troops and foreign military missions; c) create a special committee to oversee that the foreign economic aid provided to Greece is used only in the interests of the Greek people, etc.

The US Delegation, relying on a mechanical majority, achieved acceptance of its proposal. The head of the USSR delegation, A. Ya. Vyshinsky, declared that the functions and powers of the committee being created were incompatible with the sovereignty of UN members and contradicted the UN charter, that the USSR would therefore not participate either in the elections of the committee on the Balkans, or in the work of this committee. Similar statements were made by the delegates of Poland, the BSSR, the Ukrainian SSR, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.

The internal situation in Greece, due to the increased interference of the United States and England in its affairs, worsened. The activities of the Special Committee, aimed at facilitating the suppression of the people's liberation struggle in Greece and reinforcing the artificial accusations leveled by the Greek monarcho-fascists against Greece's northern neighbors, only aggravated the situation in the Balkans.

At the third session of the Assembly, the USSR delegation proposed to withdraw foreign troops and military personnel from Greece and to abolish the Balkan Commission. Under pressure from the Anglo-American bloc, this proposal was rejected by the Assembly. The Anglo-American majority thereby demonstrated its unwillingness to ensure a normal situation in Greece and to achieve the establishment of good neighborly relations between Greece and its northern neighbors.

6. Spanish question. On April 9, 1946, the Government of Poland asked the Secretary General to include the question of Spain on the agenda of the Security Council. The letter stated that the activities of the Franco regime had already caused international friction and posed a threat to international peace and security.

The Security Council discussed the Spanish question from 17. IV to 26. VI 1946. The representative of Poland proposed to the Security Council to adopt a resolution obliging all members of the UN to immediately break off diplomatic relations with Franco. The representative of the USSR supported this proposal, but under pressure from the United States, the majority of the members of the Security Council rejected the proposal of Wormwood.

In October 1946, at the proposal of the delegations of Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Norway, and Venezuela, the Spanish question was put before the Assembly. The General Assembly adopted a resolution stating that "the fascist government of Franco in Spain, forcibly imposed on the Spanish people with the help of the Axis powers and having provided significant assistance to the Axis powers in the war, does not represent the Spanish people", and recommended "to deprive the Franco government of the right to enter international institutions established by or associated with the United Nations" and all UN members "to immediately recall their ambassadors and envoys from Madrid".

In implementation of this resolution, the UN members who had their ambassadors and envoys in Spain recalled them. Only Argentina, contrary to the decision of the Assembly, appointed its ambassador to Spain.

At the second session of the Assembly, the Spanish question was again discussed. The delegations of the United States, Argentina and a number of other countries, primarily Latin American, achieved that the 2nd paragraph of the resolution of the first session of the Assembly on depriving the Franco government of the right to join international institutions created by the UN, and on the recall of ambassadors and envoys of member states from Madrid UN - was excluded from the resolution. By this, the United States and the countries following in the wake of American policy have shown their interest in preserving the hotbed of fascism in Europe.

7. The question of Indonesia. On January 21, 1946, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR, D.Z. local population military operations in which both regular British troops and enemy Japanese troops take part armed forces", and that "this situation creates a state of threat to the maintenance of international peace and security", requested the Security Council to investigate the situation and take appropriate measures.

Representatives of England (Bevin) and Holland (Van Kleffens), without denying the existence of hostilities in Indonesia, blamed the Indonesians for this and declared that hostilities were being waged against "terrorists".

The representative of the USSR A. Ya. Vyshinsky, demonstrating the groundlessness of the arguments of Bevin and Van Cleffens, pointed out that the events in Indonesia internal affairs Holland, because they threaten international peace and security, and proposed the creation of a commission to investigate the situation in Indonesia from representatives of the USSR, the USA, England, China and Holland.

U.S. Representative Stettinius objected to this proposal; he was supported by the representative of Brazil. During the voting, the proposal of the USSR was rejected.

In July 1947 the Indonesian question again arose in the Security Council, but in a different context. Military operations in Indonesia carried out by Holland against the Indonesian Republic, despite Lingajat Agreement(see), did not stop. Australia and India have asked the Security Council to look into the matter and recommend an immediate cessation of hostilities. The representative of the USSR supported this proposal and recommended that a representative of the Indonesian Republic be invited to the meeting of the Soviet. 31 . VII 1947 The Security Council began to consider the Indonesian question.

1. VIII 1947 The Security Council decided to invite Holland and Indonesia to immediately cease hostilities.

This decision of the Security Council was brought to the attention of the Dutch Government and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. But it didn't give any results. The committee elected by the Security Council, consisting of Australia, Belgium and the United States, did not help the cause either.

At the end of September 1947, the Council received from Batavia a report from the consuls on the situation in Indonesia. This report was discussed by the Council throughout October. The proposal of the USSR delegation to withdraw the Dutch and Indonesian troops to their original positions was rejected.

1. The XI Security Council adopted by 7 votes to 1 (Poland) with 3 abstentions (USSR, Syria, Colombia) the proposal of the representative of the United States, according to which the Netherlands and Indonesia were called for immediate consultations between themselves on the question of the implementation of the Security Council resolution of 1. VIII 1947 This decision essentially only encouraged the aggressive actions of Holland in Indonesia.

17. I 1948 was signed Renville Agreement(see), which legitimized the capture by the Dutch of areas with important economic and military value. But this agreement, too, was systematically violated by the Dutch. They shied away from negotiations with the Republicans, increased their armed forces in Indonesia and were preparing to create the so-called. United States of Indonesia, subject to the Dutch crown. The violations of the Renville Agreement by the Dutch were so obvious that even the impartial "Committee of Good Offices" in its report to the Security Council dated 12.XII 1948 was forced to admit that the actions of the Dutch "may create serious anxiety in Indonesia", which armed conflict large scale.

On December 14, 1948, the government of the Indonesian Republic addressed the Security Council with a statement in which it indicated that the situation in Indonesia posed a threat to peace, and asked the Security Council to take measures to ensure, firstly, that the situation did not worsen and, secondly, secondly, to resume negotiations between the Netherlands and the Indonesian Republic on the basis of the Renville Agreement. On 17.XII 1948, the Dutch government presented an ultimatum to the Indonesian Republic, in which it demanded that the government of the Republic declare its unconditional consent to the decree on the inclusion of the Indonesian Republic in the so-called. United States of Indonesia.

The answer to this ultimatum was to be given by the republican government by 10 a.m. on the morning of December 18, 1948. On the night of December 19, 1948, Dutch troops began hostilities and, taking advantage of their military superiority, captured all the important centers of the republic within a few days. At the same time, the Dutch authorities deprived the members and employees of the Good Offices Committee who were in Batavia of the means of communication. Only on December 21, 1948, the committee was able to inform the Security Council about the outbreak of hostilities.

On December 22, 1948, at a meeting of the Security Council, the representative of the USSR proposed condemning the Dutch aggressors, demanding an immediate cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of Dutch troops to their original positions. To monitor the implementation of this decision, the representative of the USSR suggested establishing a commission of representatives of all members of the Security Council. The proposal of the USSR was rejected by the Council on the grounds that this issue was supposedly an internal affair of Holland. The Council limited itself to calling on both sides to stop hostilities. The Dutch government ignored this call.

On December 27, 1948, the representative of the Ukrainian SSR in the Security Council proposed that the Dutch troops be withdrawn to the borders established by the Renville Agreement. On the same day, the representative of the USSR proposed that hostilities be stopped within 24 hours. The US and other patrons of the Dutch aggressors in the Security Council rejected these proposals.

Despite the occupation by the Dutch troops of almost the entire territory of Indonesia, the Indonesian people did not lay down their arms. Most of the armed forces of Indonesia went into the forests and mountains. A guerrilla war broke out.

28. I 1949 The Security Council, at the proposal of the United States, Norway and Cuba, adopted a resolution on the Indonesian question, in which, in particular, it “calls on the government of the Netherlands to ensure the immediate cessation of all military operations, calls on the government of the republic to order its armed adherents to stop the guerrilla war and calls on both sides cooperate in restoring peace..." The Soviet proposal to withdraw the Dutch troops in Indonesia to their original positions was again rejected by the Soviet. The Council's resolution does not contain a single word of condemnation of the Dutch aggressors.

The Dutch government did not respond to this appeal of the Council either and continued the war.

One of the reasons for such a policy of the Dutch colonialists and their unleashing an aggressive war in Indonesia is the fact that the Security Council, which is entrusted with the main responsibility for maintaining international peace and security, did not fulfill its duties due to the policy of the USA, England, France and other patrons of the Dutch colonialists. . The creation by the Soviet of a "Committee of Good Offices" only made it easier for the ruling circles of Holland to prepare for a new aggression against the peoples of Indonesia.

8. Incident in the Strait of Corfu (Albanian issue). 10.1.1947 England raised before the Security Council the question of the incident that occurred on 22.X.1946 in the Corfu Strait, when two British destroyers, passing in the territorial waters of Albania, were blown up by wandering mines. The British blamed Albania for laying the mines. The Security Council discussed this question from 28. I to 9. IV. Representatives of the United States, China, France, Belgium, Colombia and Brazil supported the British accusations against Albania. The representatives of Poland and Syria pointed out that the Security Council had no direct evidence of Albania's guilt and recommended that the issue be referred to the International Court of Justice.

The representative of the USSR came out in defense of Albania, demonstrating the groundlessness of the British accusation. The majority of votes were cast for the English draft resolution of the Security Council. Representatives of the USSR and Poland voted against. The resolution was rejected because the unanimity of the permanent members of the Security Council was not reached.

9. IV The Security Council adopted a resolution recommending that England and Albania refer the dispute to the International Court of Justice. Representatives of the USSR and Poland abstained from voting.

9. Palestinian question. After the Second World War, England, taking into account the military-strategic importance of Palestine, its position on the world's sea and air routes, as well as at the exit of Middle Eastern oil to mediterranean sea, tried at all costs to maintain its dominance over this country. At the same time, the United States sought to oust England from its dominant positions and establish its control over Palestine. At the same time, England relied, starting in 1939, mainly on Arab feudal circles, and the United States, on Jewish bourgeois nationalists - Zionists.

On April 30, 1946, the report of the Anglo-American Commission on the Palestine Question was published, which was set up without the knowledge of the UN. The Commission recommended that the English mandate be maintained indefinitely. On this basis, it was developed in July 1946, the so-called. "Morrison plan" (cf. on the Palestinian question>>), which, however, was rejected not only by Arabs and Jews, but also by the US government, which disavowed its experts. Truman's refusal to accept the "Morrison Plan" led to a sharp controversy between the statesmen of England and the United States. After the failure of this plan, British policy in Palestine reached a dead end. England was forced to refer the Palestinian question to the UN for discussion. For this purpose, a special session of the UN General Assembly was convened, which took place in New York from 28. IV to 15. V 1947.

Under pressure from the United States and Britain, the agenda of the session was limited to a procedural question: the creation and instructions of a special UN commission to prepare for consideration of the Palestinian question during the next session of the General Assembly. An instruction was adopted defining the functions and powers of this commission, and the United States succeeded in rejecting the proposal of the Soviet delegation to include in the instruction a clause that would oblige the commission to prepare proposals for the immediate creation of an independent state in Palestine.

The Soviet delegate A. A. Gromyko, in his speech at the extraordinary session of the UN (May 14, 1947), stated the bankruptcy of the mandate system, the impossibility of resolving the Palestinian question on the basis of a mandate, and the need to cancel the mandate and declare the independence of Palestine. He pointed out that the legitimate interests of the Arab and Jewish peoples of Palestine could be duly protected by the establishment in Palestine of an independent dual democratic Arab-Jewish state. However, in case of impossibility - due to the deteriorated relations between Jews and Arabs - to implement this decision, A. A. Gromyko suggested considering the second option: the project of dividing Palestine into two independent democratic states - Jewish and Arab.

The UN Commission, which completed its work on 1. IX 1947, came to the unanimous conclusion that the Mandate for Palestine should cease to be valid as soon as possible. Palestine after transition period must gain independence and maintain its economic integrity.

In addition to these unanimously adopted recommendations, the majority of the UN commission spoke in favor of dividing Palestine into two independent states - Arab and Jewish, with the allocation of Jerusalem and some of the surrounding areas to a special district under the tutelage and control of the UN. The minority of the commission spoke in favor of the creation in Palestine of a federal state (republic) consisting of the Arab and Jewish states.

Soviet Union and countries People's Democracy pointed out that the recommendations of the minority have a number of advantages and advantages, but in the current situation, in view of the deteriorated relations between Arabs and Jews, they are practically unrealizable. Therefore, the delegations of these countries supported as the only feasible decision in the given situation the decision of the majority of the UN Commission, pointing out that the creation in Palestine of two democratic independent states, along with the abolition of the mandate and the withdrawal of British troops from the country, would provide the peoples of Palestine with the possibility of self-determination, national equality and peaceful coexistence.

The United States and a number of states dependent on them supported the recommendations of the majority and advocated the division of Palestine into two states, but by no means insisted on the elimination of the colonial regime.

The Arab states categorically objected to the report of the UN commission and insisted on the formation of a "unitary state" in Palestine.

As for England, its representatives at the 2nd session of the UN verbally declared their readiness to cancel the mandate, but these statements were accompanied by numerous reservations, indicating the actual unwillingness of England to cooperate with the UN and comply with its decisions.

29. XI 1947 The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution based on the recommendations of the majority of the UN Commission.

After the second session, England began to seek to disrupt the decisions of the Assembly, provoking for this purpose a series of new armed clashes between Arabs and Jews. British diplomats put forward a secret plan for the annexation of Palestine to Transjordan (or the division of Palestine between the Arab states).

In turn, the United States changed its position and put forward a proposal to transfer Palestine under the trusteeship of the UN. To consider this proposal, a special session of the UN General Assembly was convened, which took place in New York from April 16 to May 14, 1948. At the session, representatives of the USSR showed that the United States wanted to preserve the colonial regime in Palestine under the guise of guardianship.

Trying to save the American plan, the representative of England made a proposal to establish a so-called. "temporary regime", or "neutral authority". The Soviet delegation showed that the new English sentence essentially no different from the American one.

The proclamation of the Jewish State of Israel in Palestine (14 May 1948) showed that the plans of England and the United States were unrealistic. While the American delegate to the UN was still trying to defend the British proposal, it became known that Truman had taken a new turn in US Palestinian policy and recognized the de facto state of Israel.

The session adopted only one decision: to appoint Count Folke Bernadotte, connected with the Anglo-American ruling circles, to Palestine as a UN mediator.

After the formation of the State of Israel, it was recognized by the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia, Finland, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Venezuela and the Union of South Africa. England and under its influence France and the Benelux countries refused to recognize the state of Israel.

The question of the war that broke out in Palestine between the Arab states and the State of Israel was brought up for discussion by the Security Council. Under British pressure, the Security Council adopted on 22.V an ineffective resolution containing only a call for a truce, without reference to Art. 39 of the UN Charter (which provides for the application of sanctions in case of a threat to the peace and violation of the peace).

The Arab states rejected the call of the Security Council, and on May 26 a British proposal was accepted to call on the belligerents to establish a four-week truce on the terms proposed by the Arab states. After lengthy negotiations, this truce came into force (11. VI 1948).

To control the fulfillment of the terms of the truce, the UN mediator Bernadotte invited American, French and Belgian military observers to Palestine. The demand of the Soviet Union for the appointment of military observers also from other member states of the Security Council was rejected by the Security Council.

In May-June 1948, secret negotiations were held between the United States and Britain, as a result of which a common Anglo-American policy on the Palestinian question was again outlined.

On the basis of the Anglo-American conspiracy, Bernadotte handed the following proposals on 28 June 1948 to the governments of the Arab states and the state of Israel: an alliance is created consisting of the Arab (including the Arab part of Palestine and Transjordan) and the Jewish states; the union should coordinate not only economic activities, but also foreign policy and defense issues. In addition, significant territorial changes were envisaged.

6. VII 1948 Bernadotte's proposals were rejected by both the State of Israel and the Arab states.

The representative of the USSR in the Security Council A. A. Gromyko and the representative of Ukraine D. Z. Manuilsky sharply criticized Bernadotte’s proposals, pointing out that he exceeded his authority by developing a plan that contradicted the UN resolution on Palestine of 29. XI 1947.

9. VII 1943, after the expiration of the truce, the Arab states resumed hostilities, but under the threat of sanctions, agreed to extend the truce for an indefinite period. 19. VII military operations were formally painted over. Nevertheless, in the future there were repeated cases of violation of the truce, as a result of which in August - December 1948 the Security Council more than once returned to discussing the situation in Palestine.

17. IX 1948, on the eve of the opening of the third session of the UN, Bernadotte was assassinated in Jerusalem. His new proposals on the Palestinian question were published after his death. This time the question of a "union" of Israel and Transjordan was not raised, but, as in the previous draft, it was proposed to annex the Arab part of Palestine and the Negev to Transjordan, i.e., in essence, to place these regions under the actual control of England. The United States, while agreeing to the annexation of the Arab part of Palestine to Transjordan and supporting England in this matter, at the same time insisted on keeping the Negev within the state of Israel. In December 1948, the third session of the UN General Assembly rejected Britain's proposal to annex the Arab part of Palestine and the Negev to Transjordan.

In order to achieve the implementation of the Bernadotte plan and the disruption of those that began on 13. I 1949 on about. Rhodes peace talks between Egypt and Israel, England transferred large military reinforcements to the Aqaba region (Transjordan) and tried to provoke a military clash with Israel in January 1949.

The Anglo-American contradictions that aggravated as a result were partially settled by an agreement under which England (January 29, 1949) and other states of the "Western bloc" recognized the state of Israel de facto, and the United States recognized Israel and Transjordan de jure, and the state of Israel received an American loan in $100 million on terms that make him dependent on the United States. In February - April 1949, Israel concluded agreements on the cessation of hostilities with Egypt, Transjordan, Lebanon and Syria.

On April 26, 1949, a conference was opened in Lausanne with the participation of Israel, the four indicated Arab states and members of the Conciliation Commission, formed by decision of the third session of the UN. The conference was unable to resolve issues related to a peaceful settlement and which were the object of contradictions between Britain and the United States (territorial issues, the problem of refugees, etc.). These issues are referred to the discussion of the fourth session of the UN General Assembly. 11. V 1949 Israel is admitted to membership in the United Nations.

III. Evaluation of the activities of the UN

There are serious shortcomings in the work of the UN. "These shortcomings," said the head of the Soviet delegation, A. Ya. basis of the organization, and in some cases in direct violation of a number of important decisions of the General Assembly.

These shortcomings are largely the result of the desire of such influential member states of the United Nations as the United States, as well as Great Britain, to use the organization in their narrow group interests, neglecting the interests of international cooperation on the basis of the principles expressed in the charter. The policy of using the organization by individual states in their selfish, narrowly understood interests leads to the undermining of its authority, just as it happened with the sad memory of the League of Nations.

On the other hand, the unsatisfactory state of affairs in the United Nations organization, which negatively affects its authority, was the result of ignoring the organization on the part of the above-mentioned states, which are trying to implement a number of practical measures outside and bypassing the United Nations organization.

The most important shortcomings are the unsatisfactory progress in the implementation of the decision of the Assembly of December 14, 1946 on the general reduction of armaments and the unsatisfactory state of affairs with the prohibition of atomic weapons and other basic means of mass destruction. Vivid examples of violations of the principles of the UN and ignoring it are the so-called. Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan. It is abnormal that foreign armed forces continue to be present on the territories of UN member states, being a means of political interference in their internal affairs. The events in Indonesia cannot be qualified otherwise than as an act of aggression committed against the Indonesian people by Holland, a UN member state. Not showing due attention to eliminating the unsatisfactory state of affairs in resolving these issues, some influential powers (the United States, Britain) are showing particular interest in the Iranian issue, which continued to be on the agenda of the Security Council long after it was completely settled, and also after the appeal of the Iran with a request to remove this item from the agenda of the Council.

The unsatisfactory position in the United Nations is not accidental, but is a consequence of the attitude towards the organization on the part of a number of countries - members of this organization - and primarily the United States and Great Britain. Such an attitude does not help strengthen the United Nations and does not serve the cause of international cooperation. On the contrary, it leads to the weakening and loosening of the United Nations organization, which undoubtedly corresponds to the plans and intentions of the reactionary circles in the above countries, under whose influence the corresponding policy is being pursued.

Diplomatic Dictionary. - M.: State publishing house of political literature. A. Ya. Vyshinsky, S. A. Lozovsky. 1948 .

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How the system evolved over a fairly long period. The birth of the UN began more than a hundred years ago. It was created as a mechanism for the effective management of the UN, the history of creation went in stages.

The first intergovernmental and international organizations began to form in the middle of the nineteenth century. This phenomenon was caused by the formation after the revolutions of states striving for independence, as well as by the success of scientific and technological development, which led to the interconnection of states. The history of the creation of the UN is largely determined by these factors.

They began to penetrate the economies of the most developed countries in Europe. In this regard, such a new form of interstate relations as intergovernmental organizations arose.

The UN history of creation has many mysteries. Many questions about its origin remain controversial to this day. The history of the twentieth century began with wars, including two world wars. This led to the desire of countries to create an international organization no longer of an economic, but of a political orientation in order to prevent possible wars in the future. The first draft of such a plan was implemented during the creation of the League of Nations (1919). However, it has not been proven to be effective. This became evident with the outbreak of World War II. This war gave a strong impetus to the public and government initiative to organize security and peace.

Until now, they argue about which of the allies was the first to propose the creation of the UN. The history of the creation of the UN from the point of view of Western historians began with Roosevelt and Churchill, signed in 1941, on August 14th. Soviet scientists reasonably refer to such a document as the Soviet-Polish Declaration of 1941, dated 04 December.

There is no disagreement about the fact that 1943 was the most important stage in the creation of the UN. On October 30 of the same year, a declaration was signed by representatives of the United States, the USSR, China and Great Britain. The declaration proclaimed the recognition of the need to establish a universal international organization, the purpose of which is to maintain security and peace on an international scale. The declaration spoke of the equality of all peace-loving states and their right to participate in the creation of an international union of countries.

The very decision to create the UN was made in the Crimea by the leaders of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. It was signed by Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt, and it was at this conference, held on February 4-11, 1945, that the basic principles of the UN were formulated, its structure and functions were determined.

The UN history of creation and structure developed gradually. Already under the UN Charter, the main bodies of the world organization were established. These are the General Assembly, the Trusteeship Council, the Security Council, the Secretariat and the International Court of Justice, the Economic and Social Councils.

In addition, the charter allowed, with the consent of the General Assemblies, to establish other self-governing organizations. Under this item, the Security Council has established a peacekeeping force.

In April 1945, a United Nations conference was held in San Francisco to draft a charter. Delegates from 50 countries took part in it. The charter officially came into force on October 24, 1945, which is why this date is considered the birthday of the UN.

Since 1946, a special body has been operating - UNESCO ( world organization United Nations for Science, Culture and Education), which is located in Paris.

In 1948, the General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which spelled out all the rights of every person, including the fundamental rights to life, liberty, inviolability of the person, private property etc.

In 1948, the UN created a special Commission for the Protection of Endangered Animals and Plants, which began the history of the creation of the Red Book.

Today, the UN includes 192 countries.

The creation of the UN was an important historical milestone - the United Nations became the guarantor of peace and the ability to resolve conflicts without global military action. It also became a response to the Second World War.

How and when was the UN created?

The year of the end of the last world war and the year of the creation of the UN coincide - this is 1945. Then representatives of fifty countries of the world gathered in San Francisco to create a special organization. This conference was preceded by a meeting in Dumbarton Oaks, when representatives of Great Britain, China, the United States of America and the Soviet Union worked out proposals for the charter of this organization. The Dumbarton Oaks meeting took place from April to October 1944, and already on June 26, the developed charter was signed by representatives of 50 powers. This day is considered the date of the creation of the UN.

Rice. 1. The signing ceremony of the UN Charter.

Poland was not present at the signing ceremony, but later also signed the document and became one of the founding states, which, therefore, became 51.

The main reason for the creation of the United Nations can be called the prevention of another world war, which could lead to even more significant human casualties than the first and second.

Purposes of the United Nations

They are enshrined in the Charter and mainly relate to the maintenance of peace and security. That is, the main goal of the UN is the settlement of international conflicts exclusively by peaceful means and the prevention of threats to peace.

In addition, the UN deals with issues of cooperation on an international scale and in a variety of fields, from social and economic to cultural.

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Rice. 2. UN meeting.

To date, 193 states have already received membership in the UN. South Sudan (14 July 2011) was the latest state to be admitted to the organization.

Structure of the United Nations

The main body of the UN is the General Assembly, in which all member states of the organization are represented (strictly by 1 vote).

But the primary responsibility for peacekeeping rests with another body, the Security Council. It includes five permanent representatives - from Russia, China, America, Britain and France, as well as 10 non-permanent representatives, who change every two years. They are elected by the general assembly. Thus, there are fifteen members of the Security Council in total.

It also has a number of other bodies and a Secretary General. This person is elected for five years and can be re-elected an unlimited number of times, however, to date, no Secretary General has held this position for more than 10 years. Briton Gladwyn Jebb became the first UN Secretary-General, who served less than a year. After that, representatives of Norway, Sweden, Burma, Austria, Peru and Egypt, as well as Ghana were elected to the post. Today, the duties of the UN Secretary-General are performed by Ban Ki-moon from South Korea.

Rice. 3. Ban Ki-moon.

The headquarters of the United Nations is located in New York.

What have we learned?

When and for what reasons the United Nations was created, that is, the history of the creation of the UN was briefly outlined. We learned what the goals of this organization are - it was created in order to maintain peace and contribute to the settlement of conflicts between states through peaceful means. We learned what its structure is: that the two main bodies are the General Assembly and the Security Council, and the important figure is the Secretary General. Where is the headquarters of this organization and what other important issues of international scale does it deal with.