Why did Alexander Demyanenko not have children. Life after love: How did the fate of the ex-spouses of domestic celebrities. Height, weight, age. Years of life of Alexander Demyanenko

The popular favorite and charming wit, Alexander Demyanenko lived half his life in the shadow of his hero Shurik from the comedies of Leonid Gaidai. However, the actor was not only an ideal humorous character: in his biography there are romantic roles, and fatal images, and filming in festival films.

Sverdlovsk. Youth

Alexander Demyanenko was born on May 30, 1937 in Sverdlovsk. His father was a graduate of GITIS, a member of the famous theatrical and propaganda group Blue Blouse, which toured the USSR in the 1920s. Therefore, the artistic path of the son was largely predetermined - the authority of the father was enormous.

Alexander Demyanenko with his mother. Photo: izbrannoe.com

Alexander Demyanenko, university years. Photo: izbrannoe.com

In his youth, Alexander Demyanenko not only often went to performances (his father worked as a director at the opera house), but also studied in the amateur art circle at the Palace of Culture. Here, in the "people's theater", the actor played his first roles. Also, young Demyanenko studied piano at a music school and studied vocals: in high school he sang in a beautifully set low baritone.

In 1954, she worked in Sverdlovsk selection committee Moscow Art Theater. Seventeen-year-old Alexander tried to pass the exam, but failed from excitement. Therefore, he stayed in his hometown and entered the law faculty of Sverdlovsk University. However, a year later, Demyanenko and his friends went to Moscow to enter the theater again. At the entrance exams, he read the poem " good girl Lida" by Yaroslav Smelyakov - the very one that he later declared in the short story "Obsession" ().

Demyanenko's parents received a telegram from Moscow: "Victory! Admitted to GITIS and Shchukinskoye. I remain in GITIS ". So Alexander Demyanenko became a Muscovite for a short time and an actor - already for life.

Moscow. GITIS

Diligence in studies Demyanenko did not differ. Two unique features of his character made themselves felt - extreme unsociableness and eccentricity. Together, they formed a person who, while remaining closed to others, was always capable of insolence and a rash act. Alexander often went to his native Sverdlovsk or Leningrad, where in theater institute studied his classmate and friend in the theater circle Marina Sklyarova. Nevertheless, Demyanenko was not expelled. Accepting the difficulty of his student, GITIS professor Iosif Raevsky limited himself to a personal request: do not miss classes in which they taught acting.

Alexander Demyanenko. Photo: dayonline.ru

Alexander Demyanenko. Photo: kp.ru

Alexander Demyanenko. Photo: yaokino.ru

Fate was favorable to the young Demyanenko. Already in his second year, he made his debut in a big movie, playing a role in the film by Alexander Alov and Vladimir Naumov "Wind". So his first on-screen role appeared - a fragile, intelligent young man capable of a feat.

In 1959, Demyanenko graduated from GITIS and began acting at the Vladimir Mayakovsky Theatre. He often received filming offers and in two years starred in films that the audience loved - Everything Starts on the Road (1959) and Dima Gorin's Career (1961). The work of the actor in the film by Alov and Naumov "The World to the Incoming" (1961) was also appreciated outside the USSR - the film received a special jury prize at the Venice Film Festival.

At the peak of his romantic role, Demyanenko was very popular: he was recognized on the streets, in every Soyuzpechat kiosk they sold acting postcards with a photograph of Alexander (then still a natural brunette). Nevertheless, everyday and personal disorder, which Demyanenko was burdened with all his life, took their toll. He decided to leave the Mayakovsky Theater and move to northern capital: in "Lenfilm" the actor was offered an apartment. In addition, Marina Sklyarova lived in Leningrad - future wife Demyanenko.

Alexander subsequently regretted the decision to leave a good Moscow theater for the sake of an apartment and a film career. "He was bad, bad," the actor's widow recalled his words. Demyanenko no longer had serious theatrical roles: in his mature years, he participated only in comedy and entreprise performances.

Leningrad. Shurik

In the early sixties, Demyanenko was in great demand in the cinema. The very first "Leningrad" film with his participation - "Empty Flight" (1962) - received second prize at the Moscow Film Festival. At this time, the actor played two or three big film roles a year.

Fateful in the career and life of Alexander Demyanenko was 1964. The whole color of Soviet comedy was auditioned for the role of Edik, a student working at construction sites, in the film “Not Serious Stories”: Sergei Nikonenko, Alexander Zbruev, Valery Nosik, and even young Yevgeny Petrosyan. Negotiations were also held with Andrey Mironov. But Leonid Gaidai, who always trusted his intuition, hesitated. It was said that the director remembered the guy who played in "Dima Gorin's Career" and he went by train to Leningrad. Eccentric and sparkling in public, but closed and silent in life, Gaidai found in Demyanenko more than a suitable artist - his second "I". So Edik became Shurik and the shooting of the film began, which was to become Demyanenko's calling card - Operation Y and Shurik's Other Adventures.

Alexander Demyanenko as Shurik and Natalya Selezneva as Lida in feature film"Operation" Y "and other adventures of Shurik" (1965)

Alexander Demyanenko as Shurik in the feature film " Caucasian captive» (1967)

Alexander Demyanenko as Shurik in the feature film Operation Y and Shurik's Other Adventures (1965)

The actor recalled that he immediately believed both in the success of the picture and in the director's distribution. “I didn’t have to play Shurik, he said, simply existed in the proposed circumstances. Shurik and I were similar in relation to life, to people ...» However, Demyanenko did not experience much joy from the new role. On the site, his unsociableness, a critical look at new people, interfered with the common work: “I avoided communication with Alexei Smirnov, who played the thug Fedya. He seemed to me a man uncontrollable, capricious, even envious, with a very specific understanding of kindness. We did not assemble with Morgunov either. Contact with Nikulin and Vitsin also did not work, because they are much older, they have other interests, a look at acting "- said Demyanenko.

The comedy "Operation" Y "and other adventures of Shurik" was released in 1965 and became the leader of the Soviet box office. In cinemas, the film was watched by 69.6 million viewers, that is, every fourth inhabitant of the USSR. Even more successful was the following teamwork Demyanenko and Gaidai - "Prisoner of the Caucasus" (1967). The comedy was seen by 76.5 million people.

Tickets for the sessions were sold out a few days in advance, and Alexander Demyanenko became not just famous actor, and a popular favorite - he was treated like an old acquaintance, they always put papers for autographs, treated him in pubs and cafes. In the year of the release of "Prisoner of the Caucasus" Demyanenko turned 30 years old.

An unofficial screen continuation of the image of Shurik was the comedy "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession" (1973), where Demyanenko again played a determined eccentric, a kind of eternal student.

After the resounding success of Alexander Demyanenko, something broke in him: unsociableness became almost painful, he was more and more burdened by going out in public. hard period He also brought personal changes: Demyanenko left Marina Sklyarova and married Lyudmila Nevolina, a dubbing assistant from Lenfilm, with whom he lived until the end of his life. The third "wife" for Demyanenko was a car - he always spent time in the garage with great pleasure.

Petersburg. Retirement from big cinema

In the late 80s, Alexander Demyanenko left the Lenfilm studio. For some time, dubbing became his main activity. Donatas Banionis, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Omar Sharif and Robert de Niro spoke in his voice at the box office.

Alexander Demyanenko. Photo: vm.ru

In the nineties, Demyanenko began to have heart problems. Colleagues explained them by the very suspiciousness and the habit of experiencing life's hardships deeply and for a long time. His theatrical partner, Mikhail Svetin, recalled that Demyanenko was often forced to take nitroglycerin right during performances.

At the insistence of the doctors, Alexander Demyanenko was preparing for coronary angiography, but he did not live to see the heart operation. He died on August 22, 1999 at the age of 62.

During his life, Alexander Demyanenko played more than 300 roles.

His Shurik was loved and known by the whole country. But Alexander Sergeevich Demyanenko really knew, probably, only his second wife, Lyudmila, with whom he lived for almost a quarter of a century. It was she who was able to make him happy and give that peace of mind and peace that the actor dreamed of.

Personal drama of the great actor

The famous Shurik.

Alexander Sergeevich Demyanenko, playing the role of Shurik, turned out to be a hostage of the situation. Everyone saw in him an absurd and awkward bespectacled student who constantly gets into difficult situations and then heroically overcomes them. He was so organic in this role that the viewer completely identified the popular hero Gaidai with the actor who played him. In fact, Alexander Demyanenko was the complete opposite of Shurik. A deep, thoughtful, serious and very vulnerable actor really disliked his character, which essentially ruined his life.

He was an unusually reserved and very reserved person. If in the cinema and on the stage his characters were seething with emotions, then in life it was very difficult to bring him to any outbursts.

"I'm in love!"

Alexander Sergeevich met his first wife Marina Sklyarova back in school years. They worked together in a drama circle and dreamed of a big stage and national fame. Common interests, common goals eventually led to marriage. But a full-fledged family they didn't succeed. No. They didn't quarrel. He just called one day and said that he would never come home again. It's just that at the age of 37 he met someone who understood him.

Ludmila Demyanenko.

Alexander Sergeyevich met Lyusya, as friends called Lyudmila Akimovna, at a dubbing studio. They had to spend a lot of time together at work. Of course, we had to communicate.

Alexander Demyanenko was silent throughout life. Very modest, tactful, very restrained in the manifestation of emotions and feelings. And he talked to Lyudmila. She somehow immediately endeared him to her. This amazing woman she never associated him with Shurik, she saw in front of her a deep, serious and very lonely person.

Their communication was exclusively business, but they both already knew that they were connected by something more. When Alexander was especially sad one day, she advised him to fall in love. And he simply, without fanfare, replied that he was already in love. Into her.

Happy to be yourself

Alexander and Lyudmila Demyanenko.

They just started living together. He affectionately called his beloved Lyudochka or Ludonishche and served her sandwiches in bed. He was able to build a relationship with the daughter of Lyudmila Akimovna in such a way that she still remembers him only in a positive way. Angelica Nevolina tries not to give interviews about him, remembering that Alexander Sergeevich really did not like publicity. Lyudmila's daughter was not very interesting to him in childhood, and he simply did not try to interfere in her life. But when she became an actress, they became unusually close.

Future actress Anzhelika Nevolina with her mother.

He felt warm and comfortable in his new home. He could just live, be himself, do what he loves and love. They were so good together that they simply forgot that they were not scheduled. Only sometimes in hotels they did not want to settle in one room, citing the lack of a stamp in their passport.

Only 12 years later, he was able to go through the entire painful divorce procedure and breathe easy. True, immediately after that, he finally led his beloved down the aisle.
He had very few friends. Alexander Sergeevich loved solitude. And he could not stand his enduring popularity. He did not like being recognized on the streets, he tried to go unnoticed everywhere. He was offended by the recognition of him as Shurik, and the unwillingness to remember the amazing dramatic work in the films "Gloomy River" or "Peace to the Incoming".

Lyudmila Akimovna perfectly understood the emotional experiences of her husband, and therefore simply tried to be there. When he locked himself in his office for a long time, she ran to him every 15 minutes just to see his own face. Or ask something completely unimportant. And hear his absent-minded reply.
Quarter of a century of love

Only next to her he was happy.

He suffered from his own lack of demand. But he never gave up. He dubbed films and cartoons, participated in theatrical performances, dreamed of new film roles.
The most important thing is that Alexander Sergeevich was happy with the woman who once received him with one small suitcase. All the acquaintances noted his transformation. A closed, even unsociable person in the presence of his wife was touchingly gentle, often hugging her, casually touching her hand.

When friends and girlfriends of Lyudmila Akimovna came to their house, who did not look at him as at Shurik, but saw in him an intelligent man and an interesting interlocutor, Alexander Sergeevich fully revealed himself. He was comfortable in everything that his beloved, his Lyudochka, had to do with.

Actor on vacation with his wife Lyudmila.

He could not be called a cheerful or sociable person. It was too deep. He read a lot, it was almost impossible to see him without a book. But when Lyudochka entered his room, he blossomed. He smiled and beamed with happiness. She made him forget about problems, creative throwing, doubts. She was there. And it gave him the strength to live.

Alexander Demyanenko with his beloved wife Lyudmila.

No one even knew that he had heart problems. He really did not want to attract attention to himself, he did not want to burden anyone. He treated the ulcer, but before each performance he stuck a heart patch and secretly put nitroglycerin under his tongue.

When he was persuaded to go to the hospital, it turned out that he had suffered a heart attack. And even in this situation, he did not show Ludochka his pain in any way. He simply and casually said that he had a heart attack. And he continued to read his book.

He left in August 1999, just days before his scheduled surgery. There is no photograph on his grave. Lyudochka, who understood him like no one else, said that he was always under the sights of his eyes, so let him take a break from them. She survived her beloved by only six years and followed him to a place where nothing could separate them.

The famous actor became the meaning of life for two women who loved him very much. But Demyanenko made his choice in favor of one.

Private life"Shurik", as Alexander Demyanenko was invariably called after the release of Gaidai's famous comedy and then its sequel, was always left behind the scenes. He preferred to keep a lot in himself, and problems, and joys, and pain - mental and physical. Even the fact that his heart hurts, the actor did not tell anyone - or did not give it of great importance. Alexander Sergeevich died on August 22, 1999, he passed away at the age of 62, shortly before the operation prescribed by the doctors.

Shurik's hostage

more on the topic

After the release, and many believed that the artist was conceited. Alexander Demyanenko walked around Leningrad in sunglasses, shunned people, but the actor, a very modest and shy person by nature, was simply embarrassed by his popularity. He could not stand familiarity, that which is completely strangers approached him on the street, patted him on the shoulder, offered: “Hey, Shurik, let's have a drink,” he was offended and upset. It was even harder for him to go through the fact that the directors saw in him only "Shurik", but he could play - and played - roles of a very different plan.

From the very first days creative way Demyanenko next to him was his wife Marina. They met back in their school years, went to the drama club together, dreamed of the stage together. Leaving his native Sverdlovsk for Leningrad, he called the girl with him. Subsequently, Marina Sklyarova became a playwright, but the main meaning of her life was her husband. She is - businesswoman, the "getter" of the deficit, the keeper hearth, he is a person completely unadapted to everyday life, something really reminiscent of the eccentric Shurik.

I just packed my suitcase

The couple have been together for almost twenty years. They didn't have children. Many years later, Marina Danilovna will tell that her husband did not need them, so she had abortions.

When one day the actor packed his suitcase and left, leaving her an apartment and everything acquired over the years of marriage, she did not make scandals for him, did not hold him back. Alexander Demyanenko did not explain his act to anyone. “Probably love is over,” thought later the wife of Leonid Gaidai, Nina Grebeshkova, who knew their family well.

The actor met his second wife Lyudmila in 1975, she was younger actor for three years, worked as an assistant director at Lenfilm. Feelings did not flare up immediately - both were already quite mature people, Lyudmila raised her daughter. For a while they looked at each other, then Demyanenko began to show signs of attention to Lyudmila, drove her home ...

They already lived together, and the actor could not divorce his first wife, according to Lyudmila, he could not force himself to cross the threshold of court. Perhaps he also did not want to apply ex-wife another injury: many years later, a friend of Demyanenko told how Marina, shortly after Alexander left, tried to stage a suicide, hoping that a family friend and her ex-husband would rush to “save” her.

The actor divorced only after 12 years. Almost immediately, they signed with Lyudmila. The couple were happy all the years life together, almost a quarter of a century, they never even quarreled, said Lyudmila Akimovna. Demyanenko was a silent man, he loved solitude, and she did not interfere with him, she was simply there.

Not all the acquaintances of the actor immediately accepted his second marriage, however, this was not the only misunderstanding from the outside. One of the colleagues did not understand why he did not love himself so much famous hero, Shurika, because thanks to him Alexander Demyanenko became famous. And when in the 90s he began acting in the series "Strawberry", many reproached the actor that he had stooped to such a "second-rate". And Alexander Sergeevich simply could not sit without work, from the Comedy Theater, which long years was his "vent", had to leave due to disagreements with the new leadership, and the money that could be earned by scoring films was not enough. But the actor preferred to keep all this to himself.

Alexander Demyanenko with his second wife Lyudmila. Shot from the program "Let them talk"

I'm dying of fear...

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Favorite actors of Leonid GaidaiGreat Soviet comedy director Leonid Iovich Gaidai for a long time Worked with an established cast. the site remembered some of Gaidai's favorite artists who appeared in several of the director's films

The summer of 1999 was very hot, and Alexander Sergeevich began to periodically complain about his health. At first, he managed with a “heart patch”, which the doctors advised him, his wife barely persuaded him to go to the doctor. And in the clinic it turned out that the actor had a heart attack, he was immediately sent to intensive care. Alexander Sergeevich did not understand the seriousness of his situation. He even joked, saying that he would die, like Evstigneev, from fear.

Doctors were preparing Alexander Demyanenko for coronary angiography, a test used to diagnose heart disease, and said that he would most likely need a bypass. But Demyanenko did not live to see the operation. On the morning of August 22, he had pulmonary edema - he was provoked by coronary heart disease. They could not pump out the actor. Then the pathologist said that he had never seen "such a spent heart."

Women who loved him

"Peace to the incoming" (1961) is one of the few dramatic roles of Alexander Demyanenko. Film frame

Lyudmila Akimovna outlived her husband by six years, having passed away in 2005. She was buried next to her husband's grave. There is no photograph of him on the monument to Alexander Demyanenko. So the widow decided, explaining that during his lifetime too many curious eyes looked at him - let him rest even after death.

One of the main tragedies of the actor was that he, who had been in sight for many years, last years life was not in demand in the profession. Although many thought that the artist had stopped communicating with his first wife, many years later Marina Sklyarova told how he came to her - and suffered. “He came, sat in a chair and sobbed,” she recalled.

A frame from the film "Old songs about the main thing-3" is one of recent roles Demyanenko.

The first wife of Alexander Demyanenko died at the end of 2017. After the divorce, she never got married, she lived alone in the very apartment that the actor left her. They said that she was like that neither with the fact that he left her, nor with his death. Sklyarova talked to few people, she had no relatives. In the last years of her life, she experienced serious financial difficulties, sometimes she did not have money for food, but she did not change her apartment. She carefully kept all the gifts of Demyanenko, cherished her memory of him, called the toys and dolls donated by her ex-husband her only friends - along with the living crow Grisha, whom her friends gave her.

Alexander Demyanenko is more familiar to everyone, as Shurik always causes a kind smile on his lips when remembering this image. His hero was quoted by the audience and laughed at it. The actor made a great contribution to his profession, his talent was appreciated by all directors of the country. It was one of the sought-after and beloved actors, who was remembered for his originality.

Alexander Demyanenko died nineteen years ago, but all fans still wear flowers to his burial place as a token of gratitude and respect. it great actor, an infinitely kind person who will remain in my memory forever.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Alexander Demyanenko

There is no person who does not know the great actor and does not bow before him. acting skills. It is known that many people worshiped his work and looked at his paintings with pleasure. The viewer was interested to know the same he is in life, humorous and cheerful, or vice versa. No less interesting is his height, weight, age, years of life of Alexander Demyanenko.

The man was short stature 170 cm and weighed at the same time 70 kg, his appearance was the most ordinary, but when communicating, everything changed radically. He was a very interesting conversationalist and kind person. He was born before the war in 1937 and died at the age of sixty-two in 1999. He would live and live, but fate decreed otherwise.

Biography and personal life of Alexander Demyanenko

Alexander grew up in a family where the boy's father worked in the theater, so all his early years he spent backstage. He was fascinated by this atmosphere, and he grew up as a creative child. Sasha took part in various circles, where he could show his talent, studied, in addition to the usual school, in music and dreamed of acting.

When it came time to choose where to enter, he went without hesitation to the exams at the Moscow Art Theater, but failed. Therefore, his choice fell on the law institute, where he did not even finish it, and literally a year later he tried his luck in admission, but already at GITIS. As a student, they were invited to the pictures, where his character was unlike anyone else and therefore interesting. His whole future life was dedicated professional career and two women to whom he dedicated his fate.

The biography and personal life of Alexander Demyanenko was interesting and eventful. When the actor worked in the theater, he fell in love with the most beautiful woman named Marina, he courted her and proposed to marry him. The couple signed and lived together for sixteen years.

But love passed when he met another woman - Lyudmila, they worked together on scoring the picture and suddenly became close. Demyanenko thought for a long time about his choice, but nevertheless left his wife, marrying his beloved. They lived together until the death of the actor. Recently, he often complained about his heart. He was offered surgical treatment and even set a date. But he did not live just a week. He died in 1999, and a few years later his wife, Lyudmila Demyanenko, died.

Filmography: films starring Alexander Demyanenko

When the actor studied at GITIS, his first role was in the film "Wind", after which he attracted the attention of both viewers and directors. He was immediately noticed unusual appearance, a new image and a great game did their job. He was invited to star in the film "The World to the Incoming", after which he was recognized not only in our country, but also abroad. After Demyanenko worked for several years in the Moscow theater, but he was more captured by the world of cinema, so he moved to Leningrad, where he worked for the rest of his life at a film studio.

He has a very rich filmography, films with the participation of Alexander Demyanenko in leading role do not leave anyone indifferent. Such pictures as "Caucasian Captive", "Shurik's New Adventures", "Ivan Vasilievich Changes His Profession" the audience knows by heart. For many years, every year the public has been watching, and every time they laugh, as if watching for the first time.

After comedy roles, it was difficult to imagine Demyanenko with serious roles, but the audience saw a completely different image, which they believed from the first minutes of watching films, in the films “Empty Flight”, “State Criminal”.

Family and children of Alexander Demyanenko

The actor had two marriages, but none of the women bore him a child. Whether he did not want to, maybe there were circumstances. As his sister recalls, the brother did not really like children and did not even know how to communicate with them. Therefore, the family and children of Alexander Demyanenko consisted of his wife and adopted daughter.

The actor was a very responsible person and sincerely worried about everyone. After a divorce from his first wife, he even ended up in the hospital only because he understood that he was betraying a woman. At first, he gave her money every month, but Marina was a proud woman and refused to help. Then Alexander in an envelope left her finances in mailbox feeling responsible for his ex-wife.

Demyanenko also treated all members of his family, he took care of his mother when she was ill with cancer. I got her medicine and did everything possible so that she lived for some more time.

He cared for his adopted daughter, loved and respected his wife, and was a worthy man. His relatives remember him as a wonderful person with a kind heart.

Adopted daughter of Alexander Demyanenko - Angelica Nevolina

The actor did not have any children throughout his life, but stepdaughter Alexandra Demyanenko - Angelica Nevolina became a part of his life for him. Angelica remembers her stepfather with warmth in her soul, and admits that she owes him a lot. She recalls that it was he who reconciled her with his own father. Alexander acted very nobly, inspired the girl that it was impossible to hold grudges and that it was necessary to take a step forward.

Angelica Nevolina became famous actress, and in this, according to her, again, the merit of Demyanenko. It was he who infected the girl with his example, and she decided to achieve on her own and become famous.

The ex-wife of Alexander Demyanenko - Marina Sklyarova

The actor met his first wife when he was twenty-one years old. He immediately fell in love with the girl and proposed to her. The couple entered into a legal relationship, and lived together for many years.

Ex-wife Alexandra Demyanenko - Marina Sklyarova in one of the interviews shares that she had more than one abortion from her husband, after which she greatly repented. They had no children, and after sixteen years of marriage, Alexander, having collected his things, left Marina alone forever. After such a blow, Marina could not recover for a long time, she never built a new relationship, having fallen in love with one person all her life - Demyanenko. She still has gifts from ex-husband- the memory of a past love.

Wife of Alexander Demyanenko - Lyudmila Demyanenko

The actor met his second wife on the set, where a spark broke out between them. Both sides were not free, but this did not prevent them from building their strong and serious relationship. Alexander left his first wife, his beloved also left the family. The wife of Alexander Demyanenko - Lyudmila Demyanenko became a legal wife.

Lyudmila had a daughter from her first marriage, but Alexander accepted her as his own. They developed friendly relations, and harmony and harmony reigned in the family. Lyudmila Demyanenko was all the time for her husband true friend and caring wife. She survived the actor for only a few years and in 2005 she died.

Cause of death of Alexander Demyanenko

Demyanenko had a sick heart and his close circle knew about it. He was examined for a long time, and the doctors strongly recommended that he undergo an operation in the near future. Alexander made up his mind, realizing that this is a hopeless situation that needs to be solved only in an operational way. But he did not have time, and died in the hospital, where the doctors could not help him.

The cause of death of Alexander Demyanenko was due to the fact that heart disease led to pulmonary edema. He was treated for a long time, diagnosed and prescribed supportive therapy. But he died and on August 22, 1999, the heart of the beloved actor of the whole country stopped beating. The death of the actor was shocking news for all fans of his work.

Many grew up on his films and when Demyanenko is remembered, only positive emotions from his heroes remain. When the funeral took place, many people came to say goodbye, his grave was strewn with a mountain of flowers. Everyone came to say goodbye and express their condolences. Alexander Demyanenko is buried at the Serafimovsky cemetery.

Wikipedia Alexander Demyanenko

To find out more detailed information about the work and life of the actor, welcome to a page such as Wikipedia Alexander Dmyanenko. Here is verified information that will tell all the details of interest. The actor was outstanding person, in honor of his memory, programs were released in which they told and discussed him life path. You can also find out what awards he received in his life, and what kind of monuments he was awarded. Demyanenko was talented actor and a respectable person who remained in the memory of viewers of different generations.

Alexander Demyanenko won the hearts of millions of viewers with the role of Shurik in Gaidai's comedies. The whole country laughed heartily at the adventures of a resilient, mischievous student, and he suffered terribly from his popularity ... The actor's first wife, playwright Marina Sklyarova, almost hanged herself after a divorce. She still keeps the memory of her beloved Sashenka. We tracked her down in St. Petersburg, and for the first time in 40 years, she spoke about Demyanenko's difficult character, drunkenness, and loneliness.

We met Sasha in Yekaterinburg, in a drama circle in the Palace of Pioneers. I was in 7th grade and he was in 9th. Faced at the door, met eyes ... It was love at first sight. They dated for a long time, then it came to the wedding.

After leaving school, Demyanenko tried to enter the Moscow Art Theater, but failed the exams from excitement. He was taken to the Sverdlovsk Law Institute. Alexander Sergeevich understood that his creative nature was not adapted to the study of the dry letter of the law, and soon left there, went to conquer the capital. He was accepted into GITIS. During this critical period, there was loving woman Marina. She gave strength, inspired faith in success. Already in the second year of student Demyanenko was invited to act in the film "Wind". In this optimistic drama, he created new type hero - a modest, intelligent young man, capable of exploits. It was this film that opened the way for the actor to the world of cinema. But all-Union fame came to him after the release of the comedies "Operation" Y "and other adventures of Shurik", "Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession", "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

It was only on the screen that he was so cheerful, but in real life - gloomy. I hated the role of Shurik, - says Marina Sklyarova. - Sasha could not even go to the store calmly, he was not allowed to pass. It was some kind of natural disaster. Fame always got in the way.

A creative alliance with comedy maestro Leonid Gaidai brought Alexander Demyanenko wild popularity. In 1993, Leonid Iovich died, and the famous Shurik did not even come to the director's funeral.

Sasha was Lenya's favorite actor, says Gaidai's widow, actress Nina Grebeshkova. - Demyanenko listened to him in everything, quickly learned. It seems to me that Sasha played Lenya in his youth. With glasses, so awkward ... I know that he was unhappy with popularity. Once we met with him at some reception in the Kremlin. Demyanenko said: "Nina, you know, I'm already 60, and I'm Shurik for everyone. But I have many other roles." I didn’t understand why he was so distressed - it’s wonderful, what amazing paintings! Until now, the whole country is watching these comedies, laughing heartily. After filming, Lenya and Sasha practically did not communicate, Shurik avoided contact, worried that Gaidai would invite him again to act in some kind of comedy. He was not at Lenya's funeral, but, by the way, that's his business...

Few people knew what experiences the famous actor had to experience and what was going on in his personal life. During the next crisis, Demyanenko decided to leave the family, leaving his wife after 20 years of marriage.

He called one day and said, "I'm not coming home anymore, don't wait." He returned only for things, ”recalls Marina Danilovna. - We had a cat, his name was Kotobas, he was madly in love with her husband, and after his departure he literally cried at the door and kept waiting for Sasha to return. Did not wait and died. And I survived.

A year ago we published an interview with best friend actor and dacha neighbor Oleg Belov: “Somehow my friend Sklyarova calls me:“ Oleg, come urgently. I came to Marinka, and she hanged herself." I rush, the living Marina opens the door. They have a bottle of vodka on the table ... She later repented: "Olezhek, forgive me, you fool. I was hoping that you would call Sasha and you would come together. I can't live without him."

The brilliant actor was absolutely not adapted to life. Marina worked hard for both the woman and the man in their family.

In our apartment, in the country, I did everything with my own hands. He couldn't even hammer a nail. At the same time, the husband demanded that everything in the house be beautiful. I remember that I really wanted antique furniture - our friends gave us a beautiful oval table. He stood in the living room. Behind him sat Bulat Okudzhava, Vladimir Vysotsky, Alexander Galich. They communicated with me more, Sasha was generally closed, he talked to few people. Everything in the apartment reminds me of him. I keep his gifts, they are now my only friends ... I have Andryushka, this is a man in pants and a shirt. Sasha gave it to me when I was in school. Karkusha is also a donkey that Sasha brought from Germany. You know, in spite of everything, I was happy in marriage, I dedicated poems to my husband. Recent times He began to drink a lot, literally flooded with alcohol. I tried to talk, but it's no use.

In 1957 famous actor married for the second time to dubbing director Lyudmila. He was with her last days.

I don’t know if they managed to build happiness, but I can say one thing for sure: nobody needed him for the last years of his life. He came to me, sat in a chair and sobbed. He loved to visit here, he knew that this was his native nest, everything here was done for him with love. Sasha died in 1999, they say he suffered two heart attacks. I didn't go to the funeral, there were strangers there. But the memory of Sasha is still alive, as if everything happened yesterday.

Now Marina Sklyarova is a believer, she worked in an Orthodox magazine. In church she prays for her very terrible sin- abortion.

Sasha never wanted children, for some reason he did not like them. When she became pregnant for the first time, she asked: "Will we give birth?" - he replied: "As you wish." He didn't need it, and I did something stupid... There was more than one abortion. I took on a great sin, now I beg forgiveness from the Lord.

The ex-wife of Shurik, beloved by millions, has been living alone in the center of St. Petersburg for 40 years. After breaking up with Demyanenko, she never got married, she has no children.

The owner of my house is little crow Grisha. Friends gave it to me. Grishka and I have been together for ten years. And I will never forget Sasha, he is my life.

Zinchenko Denis