Admission to universities after secondary specialized education. Is it possible to go to university after college?

From the article you will learn how to enter a higher education institution after college: whether you need to take the Unified State Exam, why to apply and all the features of this process

Students who have graduated from specialized colleges have the right to enroll in a university under an accelerated study program for full-time, part-time, part-time, full-time training. You can enroll in any of the currently existing areas of study at universities. Moreover, the admission process after college is much easier than after 11th grade. Entrance tests are based on the Unified State Exam and are similar in terms of difficulty.

Continue studying at higher education educational institution after college or not, the graduate of the secondary vocational education decides. However, when making a decision, you need to take into account a number of features of the current labor market.

Do I need to go to university after college?

In order to make a decision about continuing your studies at a higher level, you must weigh the pros and cons, taking into account the specifics of your situation. It is important! You can read on the Internet that you must do so. However, take into account the current situation. Are you going to work in your specialty? Does getting a college degree have a big impact on your future salary? Do you want to proceed further?

That is, as a rule, you need to enroll, since in most areas of the labor market, higher education leads to an increase in your wages. However, this does not apply to all areas. If we talk about a number of non-standard ones, then, for example, your success in the IT field will not depend on the number of diplomas. Here everything is decided by your skills, which can be acquired in many places: by getting a job as an intern in a web studio, taking paid courses, using tons of information on the Internet. And if you have finished honey. college and want to become a good, highly paid specialist, then you can’t do without a university. Think. And don’t forget that, of course, the depth of knowledge gained at a university is much higher than at a college.

Do I need to take the Unified State Exam after college when applying to a university in 2018?

Article 70 Federal Law"On education in Russian Federation" means that the admission of graduates of secondary vocational education entering bachelor's and specialty programs at a university is carried out based on the results entrance examinations. The university has the right to independently establish the form and list of these tests.

In short, it is not necessary to take the Unified State Exam. You can go to college after graduation without the Unified State Exam. However, pass the United State exam you can be on par with 11th grade graduates, there is no ban on this. And perhaps taking the Unified State Exam is not the worst idea.

Yes, entrance tests are convenient, but there are also disadvantages. If you take entrance exams, you are unlikely to have more than 2 attempts (that is, 2 different universities) to pass them. Considering that graduates of secondary vocational education can also take the Unified State Exam and apply to 5 universities for 3 directions in each based on its results. Everything is individual. If you are targeting a specific university and don’t want to go anywhere else, then admissions tests are a priority.

The deadline for submitting documents is determined between June 20 and July 10, since you must have time to submit documents before the start of the entrance exams. The entrance exams themselves begin on July 11 and end on July 26.

Universities conduct preparatory courses for graduates of secondary vocational education. You can sign up for them and prepare for the entrance test at the university.

Choose a university after college

We have a huge number of higher educational institutions on our website. Come in and choose.

The Unified State Exam is the basis for obtaining a certificate of secondary education and further admission to a university. It has become mandatory since 2009. The essence of the Unified State Exam is that each 11th grade graduate gains a certain number of points in two compulsory disciplines (mathematics and Russian language) and additional ones that he himself chooses. These results are counted as an entrance exam at a college, institute, or university.

Attention! Unified State Examination data valid for 1 year only.

However, it happens that a person who wants to become a student, for some reason, does not have USE results. Does he have the right to enter a university? The legislation provides for this possibility, but only for certain categories of citizens. During admission to study (both full-time and part-time) at a university, the results of the unified state exam should not be required:

  1. If a person has a disability or physical limitations. It happens that an applicant simply for health reasons cannot take the Unified State Exam in the form in which it is provided: in writing, on special printed forms. In this case, his knowledge will still be tested, but only in a way that is convenient for him. For example, they will offer to draw a ticket and answer verbally. Based on this, the graduate will be issued a certificate of maturity.
  2. Citizens of foreign countries who graduated from school in their country. A certain number of places is provided for them (quotas for the education of foreigners established by the Government).

Attention! Applicants who fall into these two categories will be required to take entrance exams to be admitted to their chosen faculty. The list of disciplines must be clarified with the admissions committees of the universities themselves.

Just a few years ago it was possible to enter creative fields without a single state exam. The determining factor was the competition, which revealed the talents and abilities of the future student. However, now school graduates who are going to become singers, actors, artists, musicians take the Unified State Exam in the same way as other applicants. Creative competition is still playing main role upon admission, but without the results of the unified state examination, they will not be allowed to take part in it.

Additional options for entering a university without passing the Unified State Exam

If a student is going to try to enter an institute or university that interests him without passing the Unified State Exam, he can work towards this goal in advance. Let's give examples.

  • While studying at school, actively participate in international tournaments: Olympiads (the All-Russian level is also suitable, the main thing is that the event is approved by the Ministry of Education) or competitions in Olympic sports. Boys and girls who received gold, silver or bronze medals in these competitions have the right to enter any profile without exams, i.e. sports university.

Advice. Intellectual competitions for future students are often organized by universities themselves, for example, Moscow State University. Tournament winners get a chance to become students without the Unified State Exam.

  • After 9th grade, go to college, and then to a specialized university. True, instead of 2 years in high school (grades 10-11), you will have to study for 3 years before entering university. However, there are universities that allow you to skip the first year and get a bachelor's degree after studying at your alma mater for 3 years. But not everyone state institute or the university considers applicants without the Unified State Exam, even if they graduated from college. A future student who graduated from a college at the university itself has the opportunity to enroll without a single exam. You need to inquire about the rules of a particular institute in advance.
  • Get a certificate from a foreign school. You can do with it as in Russian university, and in foreign. Secondary educational institutions abroad conduct their own exams and test future applicants using a system that has been developed over many years. But as a rule, such graduates continue their studies in foreign country. Hence the method for those who do not expect to pass the Unified State Exam with flying colors.

  • Enroll in a foreign university. Usually the results of the Russian Unified State Examination in such educational institutions are not taken into account. Many foreign universities have internal entrance exams. Therefore, although you will have to take the Unified State Exam to obtain a matriculation certificate, its results will not have much influence on your admission. Russian school education does not always provide the opportunity to immediately become a student at a foreign university. Sometimes applicants study additionally for a year in a special program that prepares them for a foreign university.

In addition, those who already have a diploma and are planning to get a second higher education, as well as students who are transferring from one university to another, are admitted without the Unified State Exam. Some institutes and universities are ready to accept without the Unified State Exam those who graduated from school before 2009 (before the introduction of the unified state exam). However, this is relevant for applicants entering evening and correspondence courses. In addition, the list of such universities is shrinking, so you must first inquire about this opportunity from the admissions office.

How to enter a university without the Unified State Exam: video

Why even go to university after college?

College graduates have a good chance of finding work in their specialty, but they will only be able to work in entry-level positions. Having a higher education diploma makes career growth much easier and gives you the opportunity to occupy higher and better paid positions.

To verify this, just look at the popular resource HeadHunter ( All five first vacancies for “human resources manager” contain the requirement “higher education is required.” The same situation is with translators, lawyers, psychologists... That is, you can be a paralegal with a college diploma, but not a lawyer, the law does not allow it.

A university diploma is valued by employers more highly than college and technical school diplomas also because higher education allows you to gain more in-depth knowledge in your chosen field.

If a college graduate is already working in his specialty, he can choose a correspondence course or training according to an individual plan, which will allow him to combine work and study at a university.

Can a college graduate only enroll in a bachelor's degree?

For bachelor's and specialty degrees. To enter other levels of higher education (master's, postgraduate) you must already have a bachelor's or specialist's degree.

Bachelor's and specialist's programs for which RosNOU is accepting admissions in 2018 >>>

Do college graduates need to take the Unified State Exam?

Not necessary. College graduates can enroll based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the university independently. Or they can take the Unified State Exam and apply based on its results. And they can even mix university entrance exams and the Unified State Examination.

But this can only be done at the application stage, indicating for which subjects you will provide Unified State Exam results, and which ones you will use to take entrance exams at the university.

Entrance tests and programs>>>

How many years do college graduates study at university?

The same as school graduates - 4 years for a bachelor's degree, 5 years for a specialty degree (for full-time study) - if they do not take advantage of the opportunity to switch to accelerated training on an individual basis curriculum. When drawing up an individual plan, it will be taken into account what disciplines you have already mastered in college.

If there are more than seven such students, a group is organized. If there are less than seven students, an individual schedule is developed for them: the student studies the list of disciplines indicated in individual plan, with different groups.

Can a college graduate go on a budget?

Yes. There are no restrictions on admission to the budget for college graduates.

How much does paid training cost?

Tuition fees for college graduates are the same as for school graduates. However, with accelerated training, the cost of training per year will be higher.

Tuition fees for applicants entering the 2018/19 academic year>>>

Daria Rozhkova

Today, obtaining higher education is considered compulsory, even though most of University graduates go to work outside their acquired profession.

College is an ideal basis for further admission to a university or institute. This is justified by the fact that completed education will be an advantage and will provide the student with a choice: improve their qualifications or go to work.

Who can go to university

Based on the results of entrance exams conducted for a bachelor's or specialist's degree, the following can be entered:

  • persons who graduated from secondary specialized educational institutions;
  • applicants who decided to enroll already having a higher education diploma;
  • persons who have citizenship of another state;
  • persons, residents or non-residents of the country, who have passed final certification V educational institution, but not the unified state exam, during the entrance campaign, but no later than one year after passing the exams.

These categories of applicants for admission take entrance examination tests determined by the higher education institution, the names of which correspond to the names of the entrance examinations based on the results of the unified state examination.

Advantages of entering a university after graduating from a secondary specialized educational institution

Most employers have certain requirements for applicants, and having a document of graduation from a higher educational institution will be an advantage. Especially if the applicant decided to choose the same specialty as he had in college. Graduate with higher education More vacancies are open on the labor market.

Choosing a form of training

Obtaining a higher education after college gives you the opportunity to choose the form and schedule of your studies. So, if a student prefers to devote all his time to knowledge, then he can choose full-time study. If he prefers to combine study with work, he can choose a correspondence course.

Full-time education:

  • requires the student to be present at all lectures and practical classes;
  • the student actively participates in the life of the educational institution;
  • more on full-time basis budget places than by correspondence, so there is also the opportunity to receive a scholarship.

Part-time higher education after college:

  • lectures for students are usually organized separately from full-time lectures; it happens that classes are held on weekends;
  • The student has full control over his free time from studying, i.e. can combine study with work;
  • There are significantly fewer budget places;
  • Part-time studies are always cheaper.

Unified State Exam or entrance exams?

After college, you can get a higher education without taking the Unified State Exam. Graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions have the opportunity to enroll based on the results of entrance exams conducted by the university. If this is important, they may also take the state exam or prefer to take all exams together. It depends on the choice of further specialty.

All this is done when the applicant submits an application for admission, indicating the subjects in which he passed the Unified State Exam and in which he will take the entrance exams.

An indulgence in obtaining higher education after college can be obtained if the applicant chooses the same specialty that he had in college. Often, for admission, it is enough to pass the internal entrance exam, and only school graduates entering the university will take the Unified State Exam. But if you choose a specialty other than the one you received in college, you will still have to go through all aspects of the admissions process. For this reason, all the details and subtleties of entering a university must be learned from the admissions officers of the institution.

Submission of documents

How to get higher education after college? The admissions campaign begins with the submission of documents to the admissions committee. Documents can be submitted in several ways:

  • in person to the admissions committee;
  • through post offices;
  • through local internet net;
  • through a trusted person.

But you need to pay attention that not all universities accept documents in one way or another. To avoid mistakes, the details need to be clarified with the institution’s admissions committee.

Documents for admission:

  • application for admission to the selected university (written according to a sample; each educational institution may have a different form from other universities, and in some places you don’t even need to write the application by hand - just fill out the electronic form);
  • applicant's passport;
  • diploma of completed education or certificate;
  • four photographs (on the back of each photograph you must write the applicant’s full name);
  • medical certificate and vaccination card.

Some universities provide a pre-registration program for applicants by filling out a special electronic form, into which the applicant independently enters all the necessary data. Further selection committee reviews the submitted form and makes a decision on the applicant’s admission to the university.

Duration of study during the period of higher education after college

The applicant has the right to choose the duration of study, but it still remains within certain limits. Students study for a bachelor's degree for four years, and for a specialty degree for five years on a full-time basis. If a student chooses to take part-time courses, the time it takes to obtain higher education after college may be shortened. When drawing up a special personal training order, those subjects that the student has already completed in college will be taken into account.

If students in a special manner There will be more than seven people training, then a group will be formed. If there are fewer of them, then a group is not formed, but an individual schedule is drawn up for each student. Thus, each of them is trained according to their own program, only in different groups.

The exception is the period of obtaining higher education after medical college. Thus, nurses and paramedics receive education in two and a half and three and a half years, respectively; dentists study for five years; other medical higher education can be obtained in six years. And one more difference medical university is that extramural produces only pharmaceutical specialties.

After ninth grade, many students enter colleges or schools. After all, after graduating from such an educational institution, they receive not only a full-fledged secondary education, but also a sought-after working profession.

After studying, you can immediately get a job - at modern market vacancies now there is a shortage of mid-level specialists vocational education. But many of the graduates are in no hurry to go to work - they plan to continue their studies in higher educational institutions. There has been a tendency among schoolchildren to enroll in colleges in order to gain advantages when entering a university and not have to take the Unified State Exam, which for many is quite difficult.

Why go to university after college/technical school?

So is it worth continuing your education after graduating from college? The answer here is clear - it’s worth it. Moreover, college graduates have the opportunity to enter a university without the Unified State Exam. They can combine work and study by choosing part-time or evening courses, or they can study according to an individual schedule. It all depends on the student’s abilities and the rules of the educational institution itself. For perspective career growth and improving your skills, without higher education it will be difficult to achieve good results. For many positions, the presence of a higher education diploma is required at the legislative level. If theoretical knowledge is also confirmed by practical skills, which is typical for college graduates, then the chances of finding a prestigious and well-paid job increase significantly.

How to choose a university and do you need to take the Unified State Exam?

After graduating from college, a natural question arises: where can you go next? Graduates have the right to choose any higher education institution. They can continue to study in the specialty they have already chosen, or they can choose a diametrically opposite one. After all, this often happens - as they grow up and learn, young people come to the understanding that this is not their calling and that their soul is not in the profession that they chose before.

If a university applicant chooses a specialty that is not similar to the one he studied in college, then he will be admitted on the same basis as ordinary school graduates. Passing the Unified State Exam in this case it will be mandatory.

Previously, college graduates enjoyed greater advantages over school graduates when entering college. In 2015, all of them were abolished - school and college graduates now enter university on equal terms. This radical step is due to the fact that there is a growing shortage of mid-level specialists in the labor market, and the state bears large costs for their training, while a very small percentage of graduates actually go to work. Admission to a university after college in 2016 will take place in the form chosen by the educational institution itself (traditional exams, interviews, tests). But the benefits, although limited, remained.

The following have the right to enter college after college without the Unified State Exam:

  • graduates who wish to continue their studies in a specialized specialty (this benefit has temporary restrictions and is valid only for a year);
  • people with disabilities (disabled children);
  • graduates who received secondary education before 2009.

Many colleges practice concluding agreements with universities on the further education of their graduates or are branches of higher education institutions. In such cases, admission to a university after college will be carried out in accordance with the agreement.

What course do you enroll in after college/technical school?

According to the innovations of 2015, all applicants enter the first year of university, whether they are a school or college graduate. But each institute or university reserves the right to take an individual approach to this issue. Because the educational process in the last years of college corresponds to the first years of university, then at the request of the student, the option of individual training is possible.

Many universities provide in their education system the option of a shortened program for those students who have excellent academic performance and pass all the required additional exams. When entering an institute after college, you must find out whether there is a possibility of taking classes in a shortened training program, and indicate in the application about your desire to study in such a program.

Some universities practice the “Weekend Classes” form of education, which is very beneficial for those who plan to combine study and work.

How long does the training last?

According to the new legislation, the duration of study at the institute for school and college graduates corresponds to its curriculum:

  • 4 years - bachelor's degree;
  • 5 years - specialty;
  • 6 years - master's degree.

Why is it easier for college graduates to study at a university?

For college graduates, especially if they continue specialized education, studying at a higher educational institution is indeed much easier. After all, they are already familiar with the basics future profession, while studying in college, they completed an internship in production and are familiar with many subjects not only theoretically. They have real ideas about the conditions and features of work, which are often not as ideal as in textbooks.

From this we can conclude that using college education as an intermediate link between secondary and higher education is completely justified and has many significant advantages.