Runes interpretation meaning. Interpretation of the meaning of runes in fortune telling. The spiritual power of rune signs

Gratitude and love are innate qualities inherent in each of us from about 3 years of age, and even the youngest children sincerely want to please their mothers and show them their love. And International Women's Day on March 8 is the best occasion for both kindergarteners and schoolchildren to do nice for mom, sister and grandmother, reading them beautiful short children's poems on March 8 with sincere and good congratulations. And it doesn’t matter at all that the mother will most likely choose a quatrain with congratulations for the child - the child will happily learn the verse and read it with such sincere love that everyone will understand how strongly the baby is attached to his mother. Here are a selection of poems for March 8 for children aged 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-10 years old, which are suitable for writing in greeting cards, and for memorizing and reading at children's matinees.

Short and beautiful poems for March 8 from children

March 8 - Public Holiday, in honor of which in schools, and in kindergartens, and in most state and commercial organizations This day is a day off. Therefore, on the eve Women's Day, March 6 or 7 at educational institutions Matinees and special events are held at which children congratulate teachers, educators and, of course, their mothers and grandmothers on the bright spring holiday of March 8th.

Children aged 5-7 years (older kindergarteners and first-graders) traditionally congratulate their relatives by reciting short and beautiful poems for March 8, playing funny scenes or singing children's songs about mothers. Children's poems for March 8th are usually easy to learn, so every child can remember them. But at the same time, these short poems are especially touching and sincere, because in them the most in simple words and simple rhymes convey all those warm and pure feelings and emotions that little children experience for their mothers, grandmothers and beloved teachers (educators).

A selection of beautiful poems on March 8 for a children's party

Below is a small selection of short and very beautiful poems for March 8 from children. These 4-line rhymes will be easy to remember even for a child aged 4 or 5 years. Such poems are also suitable for congratulating mothers, educators and teachers at a matinee in kindergarten/school, and for reciting by heart at the festive table at home as a surprise to all guests of the fair sex.

The sun is knocking on the window,

Flowers are blooming,

I congratulate all women,

All the best and beauty!

I wish women happiness

After all, without happiness there is nowhere,

I know this for sure!

A small bouquet - from the heart,

May all holidays be good!

We wish you health and goodness!

The air smelled like mimosa,

We congratulate everyone and wish you

May every day be good.

Spring has come, flowers are blooming,

You are the best in this world,

Congratulations on the eighth of March,

I wish you all the best.

Poems for March 8th for mother from daughter or son

The most important values ​​and moral principles children are vaccinated from the very beginning early age Therefore, it is natural that in kindergartens and schools teachers approach the organization of the March 8 holiday with special responsibility. This holiday in honor of women is an excellent occasion to instill in children respect for all women and love and gratitude for their mother. At a matinee dedicated to Women's Day, children are often given the task of learning beautiful poems on March 8 for mother from daughter (for boys - mother from son) and then reading them expressively at the event.

Despite the fact that some part of society claims that looking for beautiful poems for a matinee in honor of March 8 for children is extra work for mothers, in fact, heartfelt and sincere words poems from a son or daughter can touch a mother’s heart and bring tears of joy to her eyes. Beautiful, funny and cool poems for mom, told by a small child with all the sincerity and spontaneity inherent in children - these are some of the most best words that every mother dreams of hearing.

Beautiful and touching poems for mom

Here you will find touching and beautiful poems on March 8th to mother from daughter / from son for children aged 4 years - 6 years. Such poems will be an excellent congratulation for mothers at a matinee in kindergarten.

I congratulate mommy

I'll give you flowers.

Because mommy

Loves his daughter.

Help with toys

I'll put things in order.

It will be my mommy

I'm very happy about the holiday!

The snowdrop will bloom,

I'll give it to my mom

This flower is delicate.

Let him make you happy

My dear mother.

I give you a bouquet of snowdrops,

And, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you,

Because mom - you are mine,

Because you love me!

We wish our mothers

Lots of happiness and warmth

Women's Day is joy

After all, spring has come for you.

The sun is shining, the birds are in the sky,

The gentle sun in my mother's eyes.

I congratulate my mother on the spring holiday,

I will give you a smile, bright flowers!

Poems for March 8th for grandmother from granddaughter or grandson

In our culture, grandmothers often replace nannies, teachers, and educators. While the mother is at work, the grandmother will sit with the child, and walk with him in the park and on the playground, and listen to stories about all the events that happened in kindergarten, and talk about the meaning of the letters in the Primer. Therefore, on March 8, it is important for children not to forget to congratulate their grandmothers - not yet old women who are ready to devote everything free time to your grandchildren.

Since people become more sentimental with age, beautiful poems on March 8 to a grandmother from a grandson or granddaughter can move a grandmother to tears. Therefore, the grandmother, who takes care of the baby with such warmth and love, must be invited to a matinee at school or kindergarten. She will be very pleased to hear poems learned and read by heart especially for her from her granddaughter or grandson.

Collection of congratulatory poems on March 8 for grandmother

On the website we have posted a collection of cute poems with congratulations on March 8 for grandmothers from their grandchildren. Every grandmother will be happy to hear the children's poems presented below from the lips of her grandson.

Grandma, granny,

You are my beauty,

Beloved, dear,

My dear you!

I congratulate you

Very sincerely, lovingly,

Be happy and healthy

And, of course, fun!

My dear grandmother,

The best in the world.

The most beautiful,

All over the big planet.

Today I am a grandma

Gently congratulations,

And I wish her happiness!

Better than my grandmother

Can't find it in life.

We bake pancakes with her,

We learn poetry with her.

I'll tell her today

The truth is not hidden.

That you are better on earth,

My grandmother!

This is my grandmother

The most beautiful,

I love her very much

And - she is happy!

I'll give her flowers

Unprecedented beauty

Let grandma smile

And quietly - he will laugh!

Grandma has a kind smile

And very beautiful eyes,

Grandma reads fairy tales

And it always helps me.

Grandma cooks delicious food

Sometimes he sings loudly,

Grandma is very beautiful

He gives me wise advice.

I congratulate my grandmother,

I adore grandma

I wish you happiness and goodness!

Poems for March 8th in kindergarten for children 5-6 years old

Children aged 5-6 years are just discovering the world and learning the rules and traditions adopted in adulthood. Therefore, it is very important and interesting for them to participate in “adult” holidays and congratulate women they know on March 8 on equal terms with adults. And poems for March 8th for children 5-6 years old are a wonderful way to give a child the opportunity to beautifully congratulate his favorite teacher and nanny in kindergarten, as well as to please the women he knows - aunts, neighbors and mother's friends.

Collection of short poems from March 8 for memorization

Here you will find short and easy-to-learn poems for March 8th for children 5-6 years old. These poems can be learned with your child so that he can beautifully congratulate the teacher and friends in kindergarten.

Mom, grandma, sister

And, of course, all the girls

We sincerely congratulate you,

We wish you happiness and joy.

You are beautiful, just class!

And today we are for you

Let's dance, let's sing a song

And congratulations on women's day!

I'm on a beautiful spring day

Congratulations to the women.

I wish them all happiness and goodness

I wish it from the bottom of my heart.

So that everyone is healthy,

They just smiled.

Tender, beautiful

Remained forever.

How wonderful it is to be a girl

With a fashionable dress and skirt,

With a fashionable hat and bows,

And beautiful eyes...

Today we are all the girls,

Congratulations on Spring Day,

We want to be obedient

Happy Eighth of March!

Today the sun is brighter,

Softer than the breeze

And it’s joyful on the lawn

The stream sparkles.

Spring is naughty and naughty

Sweeps snow from the fields,

And congratulates you on the holiday

All women on earth!

On a spring day,

On a great day,

We congratulate everyone - personally!

Happy Women's Day,

To you: let's dance and sing!

Poems with congratulations on March 8 for children 9-10 years old

Poems for March 8 for children 9-10 years old are longer and more complex than quatrains for five-year-olds. Pupils of 3-4 grades primary school are able to learn such poems and read them beautifully at a matinee or other special event in honor of March 8th.

If guests are expected for the celebration of March 8, or vice versa, the whole family with children will go to visit friends or relatives, beautiful or kindly funny poems with congratulations, told by children, will be a pleasant surprise for all representatives of the fair sex. After all, who else can read poetry so sincerely, directly and beautifully as children?

Long and beautiful poems from March 8 to school

Here are beautiful poems for children 9-10 years old with congratulations on March 8th. These poems perfectly complement the script of any school matinee in honor of March 8 and will be an excellent congratulation for the women present at the event.

Spring is knocking on our doors.

Streams are flowing, which means

It's time to congratulate all women.

Mommy, dear grandmother,

Sister, dear aunt,

The girls in the class are naughty,

We love them all, of course.

We want you to

They were healthy and blooming.

And so that a warm spring,

She brought joy with her.

Flowers bloom, streams flow,

And the snowdrops bloom,

And dreams come true!

Today, I congratulate the women,

I wish you happiness and goodness,

You are so kind, sweet, wonderful,

And you are always beautiful.

I wish you happy days,

I wish you joy, flowers,

So that all the bad things are forgotten,

More actions, less words!

There are so many lovely ladies around:

Sisters, grandmothers and mothers,

Girlfriends, aunties, girls.

I am happy to congratulate everyone on the holiday!

Happy International Women's Day!

Let there be fun in it,

Life will become bright like spring,

Any dream will come true!

Our women are beautiful

Blooming every day

And we want to congratulate everyone

You are like fairy fairies

You're wasting warmth

You make me believe

Into a beautiful and colorful world.

And without you everyday life turns grey,

And the cold comes

No matter how difficult it is for you:

Don't lose the sparkle in your eyes!

Amazing question:

What did the spring day bring?

Well, of course, “women’s holiday”,

Any prankster will tell you!

It's true, believe me

If you don't believe me, check it out:

Red calendar day

Here it is, marked for me!

On this day all our mothers,

Aunts, grandmothers and ladies -

Celebrate spring day

Warm, extraordinary!

Poems for March 8 for children 3-4 years old: short funny quatrains

3 and 4 years are the ages at which children develop very quickly, and at this age it is very important to train the child's memory. And perhaps children are not yet able to understand the whole essence of International Women’s Day, but poems for March 8 for children 3-4 years old are quatrains that will help develop the child’s memory and give the first knowledge about this bright spring holiday.

For a child, congratulating his mother, grandmother, sister or teacher on March 8th with a rhyme is a whole event. At 3 years old, a child is already able to memorize 4-6 lines of a simple rhyme, and he will recite the memorized poem with such importance and intonation as older children do not recite.

A selection of poems from March 8 for the little ones

Quatrains for March 8, available for memorization for the youngest children, you will find below.

Happy Eighth of March, dear ones:

Mothers, grandmothers, relatives,

Let everything be fine

And it’s always warm in the soul!

Flowers are blooming outside the window,

The streams are already running,

Spring has come to visit us,

Today is mother's holiday!

I haven't cried all day
Didn't tease the dog.
Didn't carry the kitten
I'm not a prankster:
Today is mother's holiday!

Women's Day is an important occasion

Women's Day is an important occasion
Give a paper bouquet,
Mom, grandmother, sister,
After all, I have been a man since the cradle!

The eighth of March is a good day!

The eighth of March is a good day!
He is there to congratulate women!
Both adults and little girls,
We wish them all the best.

Happy spring holiday!
In this bright hour,
Dear mothers,

May the sun shine brightly for you,
Let the birds chirp outside your window!
So that not only the day of March 8 -
Every day was considered your day!

I love my mother very much
I'll give her a gift:
A ray of sunshine in the window
And snowdrops in a basket!

I'm not a prankster today,
Mommy is surprised
After all, today is women's holiday,
Let her smile!

Mother's day
Elena Blaginina

I keep walking, I keep thinking, I look:
“What will I give my mother tomorrow?
Maybe a doll? Maybe some sweets?"
Here's to you, dear, on your day
Scarlet flower - light!

Tatiana Gusarova

We were so prepared for Women's Day!
Dad and I made our own menu,
We bought groceries, baked a cake,
We tried our best for mom.

We even licked the whole apartment!!!
And mom... was called to work.

Dad and I decided a long time ago
Boris Zakhoder

Dad and I decided a long time ago
Surprise mom on holiday.
Washed, ironed, cooked
And, of course, we were surprised
What can I say about this!

Mom praised us
And... I started cleaning.


Kids congratulate mom

Mironova L.

That's how smart it is
Kindergarten -
It's mom's holiday
The guys.

We are for mom
Let's sing a song
We are for mom
Let's start a dance.

Mommy's beloved

Mommy, beloved, dear,
Sunshine, chamomile, cornflower,
I don’t know what I should wish for you
On this wonderful day.

I wish you joy and happiness,
Peace and good luck for your lifetime,
So that the heart doesn't break into pieces,
My dear, my dear man!

Congratulations for mom.

There are many poems about this holiday,
But I really won’t get tired of congratulating him.
Let the voices of children, merging into a choir,
Our dear mothers will congratulate you!

Health, happiness and great love
We wish all women today.
Oh, if only nightingales sang in March
Or the lilacs were blooming, like in warm May.

Dad brought mom a cake,
Candy for grandma
And a whole cart of toys
For little sister Sveta.

I was so upset
Little brother
Why in the calendar
There is no boy's day.

Today is March 8th,
We congratulate all women,
Let their smile never fade away
And the ringing laughter never stops!

All mothers, grandmothers and aunts
We wish you a sea of ​​happiness,
To your soul warmth, fun,
Love, peace of mind!

Happy Women's Day to you, our ladies:
Aunts, grandmothers and mothers,
Sisters, teacher,
Nannies, girl friends!

Happiness, joy, goodness
May spring bring you more
The sun warms the soul,
Accompanies you everywhere!

The sun shines brighter

I cooked semolina for breakfast
My mother was simply in shock.
And in addition, early in the morning
The festive one read a poem.

On the eighth of March I congratulate
Neighbor, grandmother and mother,
And even Murka, our cat -
She's a bit of a woman.

I’ll pick it and give it to them from the garden
An armful of the most beautiful flowers.
I'll take it and make a pie:
Yes, yes, I baked it myself!

Mommy and grandma

Mommy and grandma
I will say “I love you” 100 times
And I will kiss you tenderly,
I'll give you bouquets.

Let it be on this holiday
Flowers bloom for them,
Let them smile
Heavenly beauty.

Marina Druzhinina

Happy holiday to grandmothers, mothers, sisters,
Aunts, girlfriends and just girls!
I wish you to always be happy,
Strong, kind, very beautiful!

May the sun always smile on you!
Let your dreams come true soon!
But I want to wish for myself:
Make you happy and help you in everything!

On the Eighth of March

On the Eighth of March
I'll draw it for mom
Blue sea,
Sky with clouds.

Next to this sea
Dressed in foam,
I'll draw my mom
With a festive bouquet.


Something strange is happening:
Mom is sleeping, but dad is not.
He woke up very early,
As soon as dawn came.

I quickly ran for flowers,
And he brought a delicious cake.
And in his hands is a colored bag.
He was something very proud.

Dressed me up in a shirt
And he handed me a piece of paper.
Congratulations on March 8!
Tell your mom a poem!

Why March Eighth
They call it "mother's holiday"?
Is it really just mom?
Congratulations in the morning?

Well, what about Aunt Masha,
What about your grandmother and sister?
Congratulations to them too
I really want it in the morning!

I'll prepare congratulations
Mom, grandmother, sister,
Teacher, friend,
To all the girls in the yard...

Then everyone will be happy!
It will be very good!
I hope they will be pleased
This holiday poem!

On this day, March 8th
The shops are crowded!
They buy all the gifts.
What am I going to do?

I still can't do everything
I'm still a little old.
But I don't regret it at all
That there is no money in your pocket.

Since neither grandmother nor mother
I can't buy a gift,
I can do anything with my hands
Make, cut, mold.

Let it be with candies and flowers
Congratulations to dear ladies,
I'm my grandmother and mother
I'll give all my love!

Congratulations to grandma

Finally everyone fell asleep
They won't spy on my secret
Because for grandma
I'll draw a bouquet.

Roses, asters, daisies
They will flash brightly on the postcard.
I'll write to grandma
How I love her
What are her pancakes
I always praise.

It's good that everyone fell asleep
It's already dawn outside the window.
I love you grandma
And I give you a bouquet!

Valentin Berestov

The eighth of March, Mother's Day,
Knock Knock! - knocking on our doors.
He only comes to that house,
Where they help mom.

We'll sweep the floor for mom,
We'll set the table ourselves.
We'll cook lunch for her
We will sing and dance with her.

We paint her portrait
We'll draw you as a gift.
- They are unrecognizable! Wow! -
Then mom will tell people.

And we always
And we always
We will always be like this!


On mother's day
Gaida Lagzdyn

I got up earlier today.
Why? There are a hundred reasons.
First of all, I am the oldest,
After dad, from men!

I washed my face, combed my hair,
I made my own bed,
I dressed for three minutes and went,
But don't go for a walk!

I went to the store to buy bread,
And also for milk
Played with three-year-old Gleb,
Knocked out the rug with his fist,

Ate all the porridge at breakfast:
For yourself and for Natasha!
Nat told me quietly:
- I love such a brother!

And then dad and I deftly
We baked a pie in the oven.
But! First y neighbor
Before lunch there was a conversation:

How much milk do you need?
Where's the vanilla? And where is the flour?
And what kind of jam should I get?
What's in the pie? What's in the cookies?

My dad and uncle Pavel
We studied a lot of rules:
Everyone was leafing through the manual
Under the name "Housekeeping".

Mom's holiday
V. Orlov

Month of March.
Number eight.
There is no peace for me and dad.
What should I give my mother?
What should I buy her for the holiday?

We bought her some sweets
And a bouquet of snowdrops.
We came home with a bouquet
We laughed, drank tea,
Sweets with mom
We ate casually.

And then a pile of dishes
The three of us washed it.
Wash all the dishes
And then they polished the floor.

Mom said this evening:
- I'm not at all tired.
So little to do today!
I'm just younger.
What an event!
I'm lucky today.
It's a pity that tomorrow is not the eighth,
And the ninth number.

We answered her directly:
- We are not too lazy to help you,
We agree that mom
Looking younger every day.

Spring Festival
Anna Alferova

The sun was having fun in the sky
And caressed all passersby...
Faces beamed with joy -
People are like flowers:
Forget-me-nots and tulips,
Chrysanthemums and mimosas,
From Ekibana daffodils,
Lilies, carnations, roses...

Cute little girls
They fluttered like butterflies.
In the tenderness of the old lady
They sighed over the gifts.
Take a closer look!.. You will find:
How majestic the ladies are -
This is from ordinary aunts
Our mothers have transformed!

Glitter - in the eyes, charm
In every word, in every look...
Confessions were heard everywhere
From relatives and uncles...
Like, a special case now...
We didn't forget anything
And to the fair half
They even opened the doors.

The sun was having fun in the sky,
Delighting the little girls with light,
And smoothed it out on their faces
All the wrinkles are on old ladies.
And divine ladies,
They cooed like doves...
Grandmothers, girls, mothers
On a spring day they rejoiced.

A wonderful day - the eighth of March!
How mysterious nature is!
From spring excitement
The bad weather has subsided.
If only all dads were good
Let's put it together - that time
Every day would be the same
For the spring women's holiday!

Children's poems for March 8th for teachers:

The eighth of March - sun and flowers,
Everything that warms the heart!
And may the love of the students always
Helps you be even happier!

To my favorite teacher

To my students
You give your heart!
Thank you for everything,
Good luck in your work,

Spring and warmth,
Smiles, understanding,
Let your dreams come true
Wishes will come true!

Spring Festival

On this joyful spring holiday
We rush to the classroom with congratulations -
I wish you success, good luck,
We love and appreciate you very much!

May the spring be good, happy,
Will bring many new victories!
Thank you for your support and sensitivity!
Have a bright, bright and creative year!

Let the sun shine

May the sun always shine for you,
May your work always bring you joy.
May great happiness come to your home,
Let tears, sadness and trouble pass by.

Happy Women's Day to you! Blossoming spring to you,
There are fewer problems in a teacher's everyday life.
Always be bright, cheerful, lucky.
Set a great example for us all.

On this day March 8
We want to tell you everything
What is a teacher
You can't find it anywhere in the world!

We value and respect you,
We express our gratitude
For your care, for your work.
You are like our best friend!

May everything bloom for you,
Let spring reign in your soul.
We wish you happiness and joy
And, of course, kindness.

Happy holiday of spring and light to you

Happy holiday of spring and light to you
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Let there be summer in your heart,
And the days will all be good.

You teach us to be kinder
Look for beauty in everything,
Be more educated, smarter,
Science is difficult to understand.

Thank you! Health and happiness!
Happy International Women's Day!
Thanks to your efforts
We will gain a lot of knowledge.

Children's poems for mother on March 8:

Mom, I love you so much
That I don’t really know!
I'm a big ship
I'll give you the name "MOM"

Our dear mother
Olga Vysotskaya

Mother's day! Mother's day!
Wear your best dress!
Get up early in the morning
Clean up the house
Something good
Give it to your mom.

Gift for mom
O. Chusovitina

I love my mom
I'll give her a gift.
I made the gift myself
From paper with paints.
I'll give it to my mom
Hugging tenderly.

I'll collect a bouquet for mom

I'll collect a bouquet for my mother,
The most lush, the most fragrant.
Happy March 8th, I congratulate her
And I wish you well:

Don't get sick, don't be sad, smile,
Have more fun, laugh.
Darling, I hug you
And congratulations on the beginning of spring!

I'll sing to mom in the morning

I'll sing to mom in the morning
A song like this
To immediately understand
How I love her.

I cherish my mother’s work
N. Grozovsky

I take care of my mother’s work,
I help as much as I can.
Mom's out for lunch today
I made cutlets

And she said, “Listen,
Help me out, eat!”
I ate a little
Isn't it help?

Gift for mom
O. Chusovitina

From colored paper
I'll cut out a piece.
I will make it out of him
Little flower.

Gift for mom
I'll cook.
The most beautiful
I have mom!

I won't be capricious
I won't upset my mother.
If there is no appetite -
I'll finish lunch anyway.

I'll put it in order
I'm on the book shelf
I'll sit you on the sofa
Tiger, bunny, bear.

I'm not too lazy to work -
After all, today is mother's day!

Everyone loves mom

Mom is loved by everyone in the world,
Mom's first friend.
Not only children love their mothers,
Loved by everyone around.

If anything happens
If suddenly there is trouble,
Mommy will come to the rescue
It will always help.

Mom has a lot of strength and health
Gives to all of us.
So, really, there is no
Better than our mothers.

Mom's holiday

Mother's holiday is coming,
Mother's day is coming
I know my mother loves me very much
Roses, poppies and lilacs

Only in March there are no lilacs,
You can't get roses and poppies...
But it’s possible on a piece of paper
Draw all the flowers

I'll pin this picture
I'm above my mother's table.
I'll kiss my mom in the morning,
And congratulations on Women's Day.

Gift for mom
Peter Sinyavsky

What a gift for mom
Will we give on Women's Day?
There is a lot for this
Fantastic ideas.

After all, prepare a surprise for mom -
It is very interesting…
We'll knead the dough in the bathtub
Or wash the chair...

Well, I'm a gift to my mother
I'll paint the closet with flowers,
It would be nice if the ceiling...
It's a pity I'm not tall.

How much light there is in the house!
How much beauty!
Flowers glow on the table for mom.
I love my mother so much -
I can't find the words!

I'll kiss you tenderly,
I'll sit you in a chair
I'll wash the bowl
I'll pour her some tea,
I'll cover her shoulders
I'll sing songs.

Don't let mom know
Grief and worries!
May the Eighth of March
Lasts a whole year!

Multicolored gift
P. Sinyavsky

I am a colorful gift
I decided to give it to my mother.
I tried, I drew
Four pencils.

But first I'm on the red
Pressed too hard
And then, right after the red one
Purple broke,

And then the blue one broke,
And the orange one broke...
Still a beautiful portrait
Because it's mom!


The star is shining brightly in the sky.
It shines, but does not warm - mom says.
I will stretch a ladder to the sky from the balcony.
I’ll pick up a star for mom from the sky.

Mom will light this star on her chest.
And he will warm you with warmth and sing a song.
Mom is my star, my bright one!
Darling, good one, I love you!

I'll quietly approach my mother,
I'll hug my mom tightly
I congratulate her on the holiday,
And I’ll thank her!

Oh no easy task
Congratulations to my mother,
You need to make the bed too,
And collect all the toys,

Don't pull the cat's ears
Eat porridge and drink juice,
Here, mommy, you’re obedient,
Your son has become today!

On Women's Day my mom
I'll hug you tightly,
I’ll spread my arms to the sides -
That's how much I love you!

Be cheerful, smile
And sing songs in the kitchen,
Never be upset
Know that I am always with you!

Better than my beloved mother
Not in the whole wide world,
I give her a ray of sunshine
And a big hello to spring,

And a bouquet of first flowers,
Warm rain at dawn
Mommy, I love you,
And I give you the whole world!

There is no dearer in this world,
Man for me
You are the closest to me in the world,
And I live for you!

Accept, on March 8th
All the gifts and flowers!
Happiness, joy, fun,
Dreams come true!

Be an example on the way
And don’t let him get off.
I love you, dear!
Mom - you can't find anything better!

Gift for mom

Here comes the Eighth of March,
Happiness bursts the chest,
I need to give it to my mother
Something this holiday.

I will wash my face for her as a gift,
I'll comb her hair as a gift,
I'll fit into a pair of the best slippers
And I’ll put on perfume!

Bouquet of flowers

Let's go to the flower shop.
Here is the beauty and brilliance of shop windows.

Straightening the rose leaves
Yellow-eyed mimosas,
The scents of petals
A sea of ​​festive flowers.

We will buy a bouquet
At the very best holiday mom's

Dear mother

My dear mother
Congratulations and appreciation!
Let the smile shine
And he doesn’t leave his face!

You are the best

There are quite a few good women in the world,
But you are the best, my dear mother.
You are gentle, sensitive, kind, nice
And in life you will always be the most important.

May the spring holiday give you warmth,
With you, my soul is both light and light.
I trust you with all my secrets,
As a child, I believe and trust you.

May your days be filled with happiness and light
It doesn’t matter whether it’s winter outside or summer.
And in your eyes, mother, there will be spring,
And in the house the weather is warm and clear.

To Mommy
N. Maidanik

On the Eighth of March
To my beloved mom
I'll give you the sun
Golden-maned ray!

Let the ray touch
Mom's head
Kiss on the cheek
Tender and awkward!

Straight through the clouds
My playful ray
Warms mom
golden mane,

It will tickle your eyes,
Having fun playing
And mom will wake up
Smiling at the sun!

To mom
Vera Shugraeva

I'll plant a sprout in a pot,
I'll put it on the window.
Hurry, sprout,
Open the flower -
I really need him.

The winds will rush outside the window
With a snowy winter,
But it will be higher
Every day
Grow my flower.

When according to the calendar
The time of spring will come,
Eighth of March
I'll give it to you
I give my mother my flower!

I wish you on Women's Day, Mommy

On Women's Day I wish you, mommy,
So that our dad can fly like a bullet,
Cooked dinner like a pressure cooker
Better than a real cook.

To give you a ring, a car,
And in your huge growth flowers basket,
To carry in your arms from morning to night,
And may I love you very much!

Children's poems for March 8th for girls:

International Women's Day
Tatyana Moroz

Today is a holiday all over the world -
International Women's Day!
It already smells like spring outside
And the first lilac wants to bloom!

I want to wish you good luck,
Be the first and the best in your studies!
Let your cherished wishes come true,
You can reach heights without hindrance!

Long live girls

Long live girls
With or without braids!
Let the sun smile
They're from the blue heavens!

Long live the skinny ones,
Long live the fatties
Those with earrings
And there are freckles on my nose.

We congratulate you all
And please don't be angry:
Not everyone succeeds
To be born boys!

Fragrant mimosas

I'm taking it to school today
Fragrant mimosas,
Bouquet wrapped in cellophane
From light frost.

At first I couldn't understand
- Oh, I'm such a bungler!
- Why congratulate the girls?
But my dad explained to me:

Each one must grow
Stubborn capricious
Someone's faithful wife
And affectionate mother!

Mart is already laughing loudly.

Mart is already laughing loudly.
Cheers to all of you.
Congratulations, girls,
Happy spring holiday.

Everyone - smile more often,
Don't be sad at your desk,
Everyone wants to meet the prince.
Happy March 8th!

The girls are lovely

Happy spring holiday to you,
The girls are lovely.
You are so different -
Lovely, wonderful.

Sometimes they are funny
But always beautiful
Stay, the main thing is
The happiest!

What kind of ponytails are they?

What kind of pigtails are these?
Have the bow flower beds bloomed?
You are like sisters today.
We came to congratulate you.

Let it happen that we argue with you
And we don’t want to communicate
But as soon as we don’t see you,
We are very sad.

Congratulations on March 8
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts,
So that you, like today,
They were always good!

Children's poems for grandmother on March 8:

Wishes for grandma

Dear Grandmother,
The most beautiful!
Golden hands
The eyes are young.

Be always happy
Wise and beautiful.
Happy holiday, dear!
Congratulations again!


I'll give my grandmother flowers today,
A postcard with funny cats.
And I’ll hug you tighter and smile quietly -
I undertake to be your gift on this holiday.
You are the best, beautiful and very young,
Darling, good one, I adore you.

Smiles of grandmothers and mothers

Spring holiday in the yard -
Cheerful, warmest.
They smile at us brightly
All grandmothers and mothers.

Perky streams are ringing -
Goodbye, goodbye winter.
Spring will come to us on Women's Day
Celebrate yourself.

To my beloved granny

You will always understand me
And you'll save me from being thrashed.
How much did yours do?
Golden hands!

There is no kinder grandmother.
I wish you:
Be cheerful, don't be sick.
Happiness! Congratulations.

Dear Grandma, you are my best friend

Dear grandmother, you are my best friend,
There is no one kinder than you around.
You will always forgive me any prank,
You can safely protect me from sorrows and troubles!

I will say thank you, grandma, to you,
May everything work out perfectly in your destiny.
Happy March 8th, I tenderly congratulate you
And I wish you good health from the bottom of my heart.

Let kind eyes shine with joy,
Let no bitter tears touch them.
Remember, with all my soul I love you so much.
Happy holiday, dear grandmother my!

History of the holiday March 8

The history of the March 8 holiday begins from the times of the Roman Empire. The Romans celebrated a holiday that was dedicated to the goddess Juno, wife supreme god Jupiter. They believed that Juno controlled the weather, that she was responsible for the well-being of the family; this goddess acted as the patroness of women during childbirth. Rich gifts were brought to Juno on the days when marriages took place and a child was born.

The holiday in honor of Juno was called Matronalia and was held on March 1. It is noteworthy that only married women- matrons. For all other girls and women, the holiday was prohibited. In the ancient Roman calendar, Matronalia coincided with the New Year.

The matrons received gifts from their husbands and children, then put wreaths on their heads and went to the temple of Juno Lucina. Along the way, they glorified the goddess and asked her to family life was happy. Slaves, although they did not celebrate Matronalia, were freed from their daily work - it was performed by... men.

In the history of the Jewish people there is an analogue of the women's holiday called Purim.

In 480 BC, all Jews freed from Babylonian captivity were given the opportunity to return to their homeland. However, there were not very many such people willing. Surprisingly, during the period of being under occupation, many Jews settled their lives well.

Not many people liked this state of affairs. Thus, one high-ranking courtier of King Artaxerxes turned the monarch against the Jewish population. He motivated this by the fact that the Jews do not comply with the laws of the empire, live by their own rules and do not honor the Persian gods.

This led to Artaxerxes passing a law that demanded the destruction of the Jews as a people. However, the king's wife was a Jewish woman named Esther. Having learned about this law, she arranged a feast for the king. This pleased the ruler of the country so much that he allowed Esther to destroy all her enemies. Thanks to this cunning of the king's wife, the Jews exterminated their enemies and appropriated their property.

IN XIX century the holiday got its due further development. On March 8, 1857, women demonstrated in New York City demanding:

  • reduction of the working day from 16 hours to 10;
  • creation of normal, humane working conditions;
  • the equation wages with the one that men receive.

On March 19, 1911, workers went on strike in Denmark, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. They demanded compliance equal rights for all. In 1913, another demonstration took place in St. Petersburg: its participants wanted to achieve equal rights for women in the economic and political spheres.

In memory of these historical events March 8 was declared International Women's Day. This decision was made by a conference of socialist women held in Copenhagen.

The United Nations officially recognized March 8 as International Women's Day in 1976. In our time, this holiday has ceased to carry political connotation and is perceived as a day of beauty and femininity.

As a rule, people turn to the help of runes on “male” issues, considering issues of career, business, and personal growth. Expert Astro7 suggests getting acquainted with the features of runes in fortune telling for relationships and love.

It's no secret that most often people turn to an expert for advice about relationships. Loves or doesn’t love, will he marry or not, will we stay together or separate - these are the questions I am asked most often. At the beginning of my acquaintance with runes, I read from some researchers ( for the most part men) that the runic oracle is a harsh system that is mainly intended for counseling on career and business issues, or, in extreme cases, on issues related to personal and spiritual growth. And that fortune telling about love using runes is inappropriate. In most books on the mantle of runes, among the meanings most often given are those associated with the “solar”, masculine nature - self-realization in work and achievements of the external sphere.

A little history of runes

This one-sided approach immediately struck me as suspicious. Of course, in the Scandinavian pantheon there are such gods as Wodan (also known as Odin), who patronizes poets, warriors, occultists - it was he who became the archetype of the magician, in popular culture such characters as, for example, Gandalf and Dumbledore appeared. The image of Thor has been replicated so much that it needs no introduction. No wonder it became the most popular of all Scandinavian gods, since he traditionally patronized the “proletariat” - workers, peasants, and more early time- to slaves. As a matter of fact, Thor is the main defender of Midgard, the habitat of people, so such popular love is quite understandable. Modern neo-pagans also worship such gods as Tyr - the keeper of law and order, Freyr - god summer sun and fertility, Njord - the god of the sea and wealth, the “shining ace” - Heimdall - the guardian of the rainbow bridge, Ull - the god of winter, the werewolf god - the insidious deceiver Loki. Despite such an abundance of masculine characters, the Scandinavian pantheon is not deprived of beautiful ladies; it is represented by such goddesses as the prophetic Frigga - the wife of Odin - she has knowledge of the destinies of all people and gods, the goddess of love, passion, seith (female witchcraft). Also known are Freya, Idunn the goddess - the keeper of apples that give to the gods eternal youth, Hel is the “minister” of the kingdom of the dead, the goddess of winter Skadi, Siv is the wife of Thor, the patroness of ripe ears of grain, the harvest, as well as Saga, the goddess of memory. So, logically speaking, one can understand that such a magical tool as runes was probably used by both men and women. Moreover, history has preserved evidence that among the runic shamans there were representatives of both sexes. Having studied runes for many years and keeping runic diaries, I noticed that runes perfectly tell about relationships between people and their various nuances. The only thing is that very often the meaning of runes for relationships differs from those given in manuals and books on “fortune telling by runes.” Therefore, in this article I want to share my observations with you.

Rune Fehu - meaning in the upright position

The traditional meaning of this rune is wealth, livestock (the main “currency” in ancient times), money. Fehu, the first Futhark rune, it says that the relationship began recently, or resumed after a breakup and separation. Sometimes this rune appears if one of the partners has a mercantile interest. Some researchers believe that this rune is associated with harmony in the lower mental centers; I have not seen this in my practice; rather, it is the rune of the “candy-bouquet” period, the beauty and romance of relationships. Lovers receive a kind of loan from higher powers in the form of free energy to show themselves with best sides and charm your partner.

Rune Fehu - inverted position

In some cases, it’s just a partner - a cheapskate, “Here’s your ring, you cheapskate!” Where’s the box?” Or she says that the relationship cannot be saved. It may also be a harbinger of quarrels and disagreements in the family regarding financial issues.

Uruz - upright position

A favorable sign, this is the rune responsible for “physics” and sexual desire, since it is more than any other rune associated with the body, health, and libido. It says that a person is ready to do a lot for the sake of such a relationship, especially if it comes from the “male” side of the alignment. Not good good sign, if a woman comes out in the position of “obstacles to building relationships.” Practice shows that most often in such cases the woman puts too much pressure on the man, trying to force the relationship. Or he pays too much active attention to him, and the man enters autopilot mode, deciding that in this relationship, even without him, “everything is done on its own.” As an obstacle for a man, it means a person who is too authoritarian - “I said to my mother, that means to my mother,” who does not take into account the opinions of others.

Uruz - inverted position

The situation is bad - the union is losing strength, one partner has lost physical attraction to the other, or serious problems with health. Sometimes it says that there is power, but it is not used very smartly and not where it is needed.

Turisaz - straight position

This is one of the heaviest Futhark runes, it is associated with Thor and is graphically similar to his main weapon - the hammer Mölnir. In relationships, it speaks of the possibility of conflicts, quarrels, and scandals. Especially if the Hagalaz or Isa rune is present in the same scenario. Sometimes this rune comes out if one of the partners tries too persistently to convince the other that “I am what you need.”

Turisaz - inverted position

Not the easiest rune to interpret in any scenario. Very often indicates a psychologically squeezed, complex person who does not share negative emotions and experiences with anyone. She keeps everything inside and compacts it, which naturally creates serious obstacles to building relationships. Sometimes it indicates a “man in a case”, conservative, leading an overly secluded lifestyle.

Ansuz - upright position

The word rune speaks of good communication, mutual understanding between partners, especially if the Mannaz rune is present in the same scenario. If a couple has problems, it indicates the need to turn to an outsider with knowledge - a consultant, a priest, a psychologist - to solve problems. It is better not to use this rune in runic talismans if you do not plan to get married, because this is a serious application higher powers that you want to spend the rest of your life with this person.

Ansuz - inverted position

A bad sign - they are deceiving you, or rather, they are telling lies, lying. Oracle's advice: don't trust this man. Sometimes it speaks of a person’s reluctance to communicate.

Raido - straight position

This is the rune of the path, the wheel, and most often speaks of travel, travel, and is associated with signing contracts and obtaining information. In relationship plans, it simply means that everything is going as it should. If there were quarrels, there is an opportunity to make peace and restore relationships. This rune is the return of love.

Raido - inverted position

Relationships have lost their positive dynamics, the possibility of quarrels, conflicts, and misunderstandings is increasing. If this has already happened, reconciliation is unlikely.

Kenaz - straight position

The rune of fire speaks of passion, sexual desire, and the revelation of one’s nature in relationships. Psychologically, it means the onset of a period of sincerity, clarity in relationships, and heart-to-heart conversations. If you are in love, this is the oracle's advice not to hide your feelings. Your confessions will be received favorably. There is a belief that if you give your loved one an object with the image of the Kenaz rune applied to it, it will arouse a reciprocal passion in him.

Kenaz - inverted position

“One should expect that the light will dim in any situation, in any relationship. Perhaps a certain friendship will fade, a partnership will end, a marriage will break up,” writes Ralph Blum. There's probably no better way to say it. The fire went out, the passion passed, the cold, the indifference.

Gifu - irreversible rune

A good prognosis for any relationship - strong union, partnership, engagement, marriage. Relationships are harmonious - in them you both give and receive love. If it comes out in the “obstacle” position, it means that the person is not free - he is married, married, or he has other relationships that are significant to him.

Vunyo - straight position

Relationships make all your dreams come true, everything is like in a fairy tale! It’s not for nothing that the graphic appearance of this rune is compared to with a magic wand, topped with a magic crystal. If there are difficulties and contradictions in a relationship, they will be resolved in the best possible way. Joy, happiness, apotheosis - these are the main meanings of this rune. It appears in readings infrequently, so this rune is a real gift of fate.

Vunyo - inverted position

Disappointment in a loved one, conflicts, crisis situations. Sometimes it means that " love boat broke up in everyday life,” the partners are too bogged down in the drab everyday life, they need to shake themselves up, spend more time together, add beauty and romance to the relationship.

Hagalaz - irreversible rune

Rune of hail, elemental forces, destruction. I do not share the opinion that this rune is always a sign that everything is lost and nothing can be done. If the rune begins the alignment, this most often indicates that people broke up after a heated quarrel, or are far from each other, but does not mean that they cannot be together. Sometimes quarrels help to throw out accumulated negative emotions and cleanse relationships of lies and secrecy. A brilliant example of this is shown in the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", when, after a stormy quarrel (and the explosion of their own house), the heroes again come to love, passion and mutual understanding. If it comes out as an obstacle, then it speaks of accumulated anger that needs to be worked with psychological methods(write “letters of anger”, beat a pillow, etc.). It should be remembered that there is nothing wrong with the fact that you experience anger, because sometimes it is he who will suggest a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation. Sometimes we expect some miracles in relationships from which it is high time to escape, and the Hagalaz rune clearly speaks of this. If the rune completes the alignment, then, unfortunately, this indicates that this relationship will end, and the chances of preventing this are small. Especially if the layout contains runes such as inverted Kenaz, Isa, Thurisaz or Nautiz.

Nautiz - upright position

“Need, coercion, suffering” (Ralph Blum) - these are the main meanings of this rune. It doesn’t sound too optimistic, but, nevertheless, relationships are perhaps the only area where the Nautiz rune has some relatively positive meaning. The appearance of this rune in a reading may indicate that a person passionately strives to be close to his partner. Most often in such cases I hear “I immediately realized that it was him”, “we should be together”, “she is my only one”. It must be remembered that such passionate intensity can be both constructive and destructive. Other meanings of this rune are not so optimistic - the relationship is going through a difficult period, some of the partners may have financial difficulties, conflicts at work, a lot of stress and nervous exhaustion, and he (or she) generally now “has no time for fat, if only I were alive.” That is, love fades into the background. Sometimes it says that people are still together for reasons far from the sensual - emotional sphere - they cannot exchange an apartment and are forced to live together, pay off a loan, or one partner is economically dependent on the other.

Nautiz - inverted position

“I don’t love you, I don’t need you” - the words of this hit song are the best illustration of this situation. One partner left the relationship and will not return, and he himself explained this unambiguously, as an option - the divorce has already been filed, and the other is still hoping for something. Psychologists call this condition “love addiction.” The Oracle says - you are not needed here, move on, develop. It’s not for nothing that the Nautiz rune is called “the great teacher” (Ralph Blum).

Isa - irreversible rune

The ice rune says that things in a relationship are “not ice” - one partner has lost interest in the other, or has simply disappeared and stopped communicating. On the “male” side, the alignment indicates that there is no passion, or it has passed, infidelity is also possible, especially if Laguz or Berkano are nearby. Also in men it speaks of unexperienced negative emotions in past relationships, childhood psychotraumas, which now “came out” when he fell in love and began to build relationships. Practice also shows that from the “female” side of the alignment, the rune speaks of accumulated grievances against a partner; usually it also means that the relationship lasts quite a long time, although there are some “lucky ones” who manage to cause such “ice” in two to three months communication. Isa is also associated with the fear of failure in relationships. In the very best case scenario The Ice rune advises taking a time out and taking a little break from each other, this is “winter” in a relationship, after which spring will come, especially if this rune is not final, and the layout contains runes such as Sovelu or Yero.

Yero - irreversible rune

The traditional meanings of this rune are year, harvest, harvest, completion. She does not always talk about the end of the relationship, but rather says that it lasted a long time and continues to this day. If the rune completes the alignment, this indicates that the partners will not “scatter”, the relationship will continue for at least a year. In the “obstacle” position it says that the querent (questor) is trying to “run ahead of the locomotive” and is rushing things. In relationships, haste is inappropriate; all phases of relationship development must be completed so that people can find a way to each other’s hearts. The Oracle says that all attempts to force events are inappropriate and will not lead to anything good.

Eyvaz - irreversible rune

One of the most difficult Futhark runes to interpret. In a relationship, this is a situation of suspension and uncertainty. Often comes out in case love triangle when a man rushes between two or even three women, he cannot decide who to be with. It also speaks of great doubts - “is this my person”, “maybe it’s better for us to part.” Sometimes it appears as advice to settle legal formalities, for example, a couple separated several years ago, but the divorce has not yet been filed, which, of course, prevents both from organizing their lives. The oracle says - stop wasting energy on doubts, tossing, running around - it’s time to make a decision and act in accordance with it.

Pertro - straight position

The most mysterious rune, its exact translation has not been discovered to this day. Most often it is called the rune of Mystery. It is connected like no other with the concept of karma. It often happens when partners from the past, the so-called “ex”, return. If you have something to hide, then be careful - the secret may become apparent.

Pertro - inverted position

Hiding some information from you, the partner is closed and, most likely, he has something to hide. You will most likely be disappointed in him, quarrels and disagreements are possible due to insincerity.

Algiz - straight position

Nothing pleases the eye more than the rune of Protection from the “male” side of the layout. She says that a man is ready to give his protection, respect, understanding, wants to take care of a woman, protect her. Translated into “female” language - loves. Most often it comes out when a man starts talking about a wedding or at least thinks that “everything is serious with her,” if the rune comes out at the subconscious level. On the “feminine” side, it says that the woman is happy in the relationship - she feels protected and, as a result, loved. Practice shows that most often this happens when a woman is happily married or is preparing for a wedding. By the way, oddly enough, the rune does not appear if people simply live together; it is associated specifically with the “formalization of relationships” - legal marriage.

Algiz - inverted position

Feeling of insecurity, vulnerability. Most often, the rune comes out if the partner cheats. This is also advice to stay away from the person the Oracle is asking about, he may be dangerous. There is a person in your circle who is weaving intrigues and plotting against you.

Sovelo - irreversible rune

The Sun Rune is a wonderful sign! The sun in almost all cultures was associated with the Divine; it is a sign of warm, trusting relationships, undoubted success. Even if the layout contains inverted runes, Sovelo “extinguishes” all the negativity, promising the overcoming of differences and the onset of a period of happiness and love. It speaks of a person’s readiness to move forward, make efforts and acquire the knowledge necessary to build relationships. The person being asked about can be trusted.

Teyvaz - straight position

Rune of Tyr, the one-armed god of war and justice. It is also called the Warrior rune and the Victory rune. In relationship scenarios, it is usually favorable on the “male” side of the layout and speaks of such qualities as responsibility, determination, perseverance, enthusiasm, and willpower. It means that the man is interested in the relationship and is ready to make efforts to ensure that everything works out. the best way. If there are any obstacles, he wants and can overcome them. In general, we can say that this is the same “knight on a white horse”, ready to fight for his love. This also suggests that the man seeks the attention of the woman he loves, and not vice versa, that is, the woman behaves correctly in the relationship, provoking the active interest of the man. On the “female” side of the alignment, the rune is less favorable, especially in the “obstacle” position; it very often appears in women with a masculine type of behavior - a kind of punchy, purposeful woman, like Scarlett O'Hara. Such qualities are highly valued at work, but in relationships with men they are inappropriate. This is advice to be more feminine, soft, diplomatic and even a little cunning, especially if there are Ansuz and Laguz runes nearby. Sometimes it simply says that the man about whom the woman asks the Oracle is very important and dear to her.

Teyvaz - inverted position

Not the most pleasant sight in love scenarios is a sluggish, inert man with no initiative. It often occurs in a relationship at the “half-life stage,” when the man decided that he no longer needed this relationship, the woman became uninteresting to him and he decided to leave. But not through quarrels and conflicts (this is Hagalaz), but simply to slowly “merge.” Often, runes such as inverted Algiz, Kenaz, Eyvaz are nearby. Unfortunately, if the questioner is a woman, then this is a sign that this man will disappear from her life.

Berkano - upright position

Rune of growth, development, femininity, motherhood, family. A good sign in relationship scenarios - it indicates that the couple has a future, marriage and the birth of children are possible. It often occurs in pregnant women or those who already have children. A wonderful talisman for women and girls. The only not very pleasant meaning of this rune is a rival. Practice shows that if the rune comes out from the “male” side of the layout, and even in the “obstacle” position, this indicates that the man is married and, most likely, he has children.

Berkano - inverted position

Not a very good omen - the growth of relationships, their transition from one stage to another has encountered obstacles, such as - you need to look at the neighboring runes. For example, if Isa is nearby, it can talk about aggravated problems from the past, unprocessed childhood psychotraumas of one of the partners. Reversed Uruz says that one partner puts too much pressure on the other, rushes, and so on. If the questioner is a man, then the rune speaks of the presence in his life of a woman who is a problem, unsuitable for starting a family, and sometimes speaks of problems with his mother.

Evaz - straight position

The rune of movement, horses, speaks of wonderful harmony between people. She also talks about physical attractiveness, excellent sexual compatibility, especially if there is Pertro or Laguz nearby. Relationships move forward, develop, bringing joy and pleasure. If the questioner is lonely, he won’t stay that way for long, this rune speaks of the possibility of finding his “soul mate” in the near future.

Evaz - inverted position

The main advice of the rune in this position is that now is not the time or place. The advice is to pause a little and think about whether you are going in the right direction, whether everything in the relationship suits you, or whether you are fooling yourself by inventing something that is not there. This especially applies to women. “I know that he loves me, and when he says that he doesn’t love me, then he is just testing me” or “He loves me, but he hasn’t called me for six months” - this is what I usually hear from people under the influence of this rune . The Oracle says that before you rush headlong towards a person who “only says he doesn’t love you,” stop and think a little - is this exactly what you want? Especially if Isa or Sovelu are nearby - both runes help you gain clarity and understanding of the true nature of what is happening to you, and separate reality from “mind games.”

Mannaz - straight position

Rune of the human race, communication, integration in society. In relationships, it speaks of harmony in the upper mental centers and intellect, which, in general, is an excellent foundation for building any relationship, including love ones. Especially if the rune comes out at the beginning of the layout. If Mannaz completes the alignment, and there are no runes talking about love and passion, then this indicates that the relationship will be simply friendly. This rune is also associated with communication, in upright position indicates that people are doing well in this area - they talk often, for a long time, and with pleasure, and also that they are open and sincere with each other.

Mannaz - inverted position

Things are bad - you have a group of ill-wishers, perhaps your loved one’s entourage believes that you are not suitable for each other. If there is an Othala rune nearby, then these are relatives. The rune speaks of difficulties in communication, understanding each other, lack of common interests and topics for discussion.

Laguz - straight position

Rune of the lake, flowing water, intuitive comprehension of the world. This is a female rune, therefore, if the questioner is a man, then this is a sign that this woman is loved and dear to him. If the question is whether he loves you or not, then the answer is yes. General value- relationships move, develop, overcome obstacles, reach new level. If the questioner is a woman, the rune speaks of good health, intuition and the reserve of female “lunar” energy. The appearance of this rune on the “male” side of the layout is not a very good sign - it is a rival.

Laguz - inverted position

If the questioner is a single woman, this most often indicates that she is in disharmony with her nature: she lives only by achievements, that is, on the “sunny”, masculine side. We urgently need to take action to come into line with natural rhythms and gain strength to build relationships. For the male questioner it is also a bad sign: the woman is not suitable for him, brings him only problems and troubles (just like the inverted Berkano). Practice also shows that if the inverted Laguz appears as an “obstacle” on the “male” side of the layout, this indicates that in the past there is a woman whom he loved very much and perhaps still loves. That is, he is “fixated” on the past and does not want to live in the present.
500 rub.

Ingvaz - irreversible rune

The rune of the god of fertility indicates that one stage of the relationship has ended and the next one begins. Usually, partners feel that they have passed the period of awkwardness and stiffness, their relationship becomes warmer and more open, trusting, there is the possibility of starting a family, conceiving and giving birth to a child, especially if there are Kenaz or Berkano runes nearby. If the questioner is lonely, then the Oracle says that he has the opportunity to meet a person with whom he will get involved romantic relationship, especially if the Uruz and Fehu runes are present in the same scenario.

Dagaz - irreversible rune

“Breakthrough, transformation, day” (Ralph Bloom) - here keywords to understanding this rune. Talking about serious changes in relationships, most often for the better (dawn replacing the darkness of night), however, I always draw clarifying runes, she causes too strong and drastic changes. It often happens in people whose relationships are based on strong passion. “She blows my mind,” they usually say in such cases. I also noticed that, like Sovelo, it comes out on the male side if the woman is very bright - a model, actress, or much younger than him. Despite its inconsistency, this is rather a good sign for relationships; perhaps the time has come for change and there is no need to cling to the old. For myself, I call this rune “firebird”; if it has arrived, quickly catch luck by the tail, Dagaz does not tolerate delays and requires you to quickly make decisions and implement them.

Otala - straight position

A rune associated with concepts such as family, clan, clan. It even graphically resembles a house. Talks about good, stable relationships, opportunities cohabitation, marriage. If people are already married, sometimes, surrounded by negative runes, they say that the relationship is “stagnant”, that they need to pour fresh water into it, add romance and bright colors.

Otala - inverted position

This position indicates that two people’s paths in life are diverging and it’s time to part. Sometimes he talks about a “swamp” situation: the relationship has long since reached a dead end, people broke up, then got back together without solving old problems, and again everything goes in the same vicious circle. In general, in meaning this rune is reminiscent of Hagalaz - parting, breaking of relations. Only it happens without quarrels and conflicts. Sometimes, as in the case of Hagalaz, it says that the partners are far from each other geographically - they live in different cities or even countries.