The holiday season in Bali - when is the best time to go on vacation. Holiday season in Bali - weather conditions during the year Bali rainy season when

It attracts tourists from all over the world. Bali is a mesmerizing place with a pleasant warm climate where relaxation is excellent. However, it should be understood that the weather even in Bali can be changeable and changeable. Before the trip, you should study the features of the weather, as well as read the tips from experienced travelers.

Bali climate - monthly weather

Every season shows up here differently. To be ready for the trip, you need to carefully study the weather.


If you are planning a trip to winter time, it must be taken into account that in Bali there are monsoons that bring heavy rains.

The air temperature can reach +30 degrees. The humidity level rises several times.

Consider the weather in more detail:

  • . Average air temperature: 28 degrees during the day and 23 degrees at night. Humidity level 80%. The water temperature in the sea is 27 degrees. December is characterized by rain and cloudy weather ;
  • . The air temperature does not fall below 27 degrees. At night it is at around 20 degrees. Humidity levels are still high: 82%. Average water temperature in the sea: 25 degrees. In January, the wind is strong, the sun appears a little more often than in December. Rains short, showers are becoming less frequent;
  • . The air is getting warmer: 30 degrees during the day and 23 degrees at night. The humidity level is 78%. The water in the sea is warm, the temperature does not fall below 25 degrees. Continues in February rain season, although cloudy days are much less than in December. The wind is still strong.


The weather is sunny, warm days. However, at the beginning of spring it often rains, they disappear only at the end of March. Each month has the following features:

  1. . The rainy season is ending. They happen less and less, the wind subsides. The average air temperature is 30 degrees during the day and 21 degrees at night. The humidity level becomes slightly lower: 75%. Sea water temperature: 25 degrees. In March it becomes much more sunny days;
  2. . This is warm month rain is rare. The wind becomes weak. The air temperature during the day reaches +31 degrees, at night 23 degrees. The humidity level drops to 70%. The water in the sea is warm, equal to 27 degrees. April attracts tourists warm weather. There is little rain, there are more and more sunny days, although cloudiness is often observed;
  3. . Start tourist season. There is no rain, they happen very rarely. Sunny weather pleases travelers, the wind is warm and weak. average temperature air 32 degrees during the day with a plus sign and 23 degrees at night. Humidity level: 60%. Sea water temperature: 27 degrees. May is suitable for beach holiday.


Summer in Bali is hot, the sun is shining, there is no rain. Each summer month has certain features:

  • . The air temperature during the day reaches 32 degrees, at night 25 degrees. The humidity level is 60%. Sea water temperature: 28 degrees. This month beach season at it's peak. The weather is warm, every day is sunny, the wind is light;
  • . The air temperature during the day is 31 degrees Celsius, at night it drops to 27 degrees. Humidity level short: 60%. The water in the sea is very warm, does not fall below 27 degrees;
  • The weather is sunny every day, clouds are rarely observed. July is great for boat trips and beach holidays.

  • . The average air temperature is +30 degrees, at night the mark is 25 degrees. Humidity reaches 65%. The water in the sea is still warm: 27-28 degrees. The weather is sunny but periodically it rains. They are short, and they do not interfere with tourists. In August, you can also sunbathe, swim in the sea, enjoy the sunny weather.
  • Autumn

    With the onset of autumn, the weather becomes a little less warm, it becomes more rainy. The wind gets a little stronger. To learn more about the weather in autumn, you should familiarize yourself with each month:

  1. . The average air temperature during the day reaches 31 degrees, at night 25 degrees above zero. The humidity level remains the same: 65%. The water in the sea does not cool down, does not fall below 27 degrees. Beach season in September ends. Sunny days are frequent, but rains remind of themselves. The wind is getting stronger;
  2. . The air temperature is slightly declining: 29 degrees Celsius, at night it reaches 23 degrees. The humidity level becomes slightly higher: 75%. The sea water is warm: 27 degrees. The amount of rain increases, cloudiness is observed. Sunny days are getting rarer. The wind is getting stronger;
  3. . The air temperature during the day is 28 degrees, at night it drops to 21 degrees. The humidity level rises to 80%. The sea remains warm, water temperature: 25 degrees. It rains almost everyday, clouds are observed. There is little sun, the wind is gusty. Beach holidays are not developed at this time. It's better to go on excursions.

So, we can conclude that the temperature in Bali changes very little throughout the year.

When is the best time to go on vacation?

Each month in Bali comes with certain advantages and disadvantages. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with them before your trip.

High season

It happens high season in Bali from June to September.

During this time, there is a very large influx of tourists, which can cause problems finding hotels upon arrival.

Tickets sell out quickly. Enjoys high season by some benefits:

  • The weather happens sunny and warm;
  • rain almost can not be;
  • A bunch of recreational activities;
  • Hotels spend show programs;
  • Tours are carried out daily.

But in all this splendor there are certain limitations:

  1. Queues to excursion objects;
  2. The restaurant needs book in advance table;
  3. Hot weather might please not everyone;
  4. The cost goes up for hotels and entertainment.

At this time, in addition to tourists who want to soak up the warm sand and see the locals, there are many tourists on the island. surfers, since it is these months that are considered the best for doing this water view sports.

rainy season

Despite the tropical rainy season, Bali is still very popular during the New Year and Christmas. But the number of Russian tourists in winter is noticeably less, since at this time there is no direct communication with the capital of Russia. More often in winter period in Bali you can meet New Zealanders and Australians.

Tourists should know that the rainy season in Bali is from November to March. This time has both pluses and minuses. Benefits include:

  • The cost of entertainment and hotels declining;
  • There are no queues on excursions, to museums;
  • Restaurants and cafes free, tables do not need to be booked;
  • The weather is comfortable.

From shortcomings worth highlighting:

  1. Rain is almost everyday;
  2. Strong wind, the waves in the sea are getting high;
  3. Sunbathe on the beach Not sure it's going to happen;
  4. Little entertainment.

beach holiday

The beach season in Bali begins in May and ends in September.

This time in the best way suitable for swimming in the sea, relaxing on the beach. There are many entertainments.

The best beaches are:

  • Geger. Located in Savangan. There are no high waves here, they are hindered coral reef. There is no heat, there is a fresh, slightly cool wind. The beach stretches for many kilometers. The descent is gentle, and the bottom is shallow. Here are beautiful, bewitching landscapes;
  • Sanur Beach. From the capital of the island to the beach ten kilometers. There is always a lot of entertainment here. Picturesque landscapes will appeal to everyone. The beach is large, so there is enough space for everyone;
  • Jimbaran Beach. The beach is very well maintained, covered with white sand. It is located twenty minutes from Kuta. The water in the sea is calm, and the descent is gentle. It is calm on the beach, you can enjoy the silence, measured rest.

In winter, a beach holiday is not entirely comfortable due to rain, and in February, winds from the southwest blow at all, which causes frequent storms. As a result, the water becomes dirty, and algae and debris wash up on the shore.

The best time to surf

There is a surfing season from April to October. Waves at this time are average. In October they become very high and can be dangerous for beginners. Recommended learn to surf when the waves are small: June-August.

Surfers choose the southwestern part of the island, for example, Uluwatu and Kutu. In winter, it is better to do this water sport in the east.

AT summer period Padang Padang Beach hosts the world's biggest surfer contest "Rip Curl Cup Padang Padang". No one can name a specific day, since everything depends on nature. The organizers are waiting for the sea "curls" to be more than 3 meters high.

This island has a lot of surf schools. During your vacation, you can attend surfing lessons and learn the basic rules.


Experts say that Bali is best suited for diving, because the water temperature even in winter does not fall below 25 degrees. Diving is possible all year round . The place is suitable for both beginners and professionals.

Diving schools are located throughout the island. First, tourists are instructed, get acquainted with the basic rules, and later practice their knowledge at sea.

Experienced guides and instructors will teach you the basics of diving pretty quickly. For professionals, there are also classes that allow a person to advance on new level to achieve even greater success. Active tourists diving will be very interesting.

Fishing on the island

Fishing in Bali always brings excellent results. Here exists and freshwater fishing in rivers and lakes, and maritime. There are a lot of fish in the reservoirs, you can catch:

  1. mahi-mahi;
  2. Tuna;
  3. sea ​​bass;
  4. Spanish markel;
  5. horse mackerel;
  6. barracuda and many other varieties.

Fishing is excellent for both lure and live bait. There are centers where you can rent a fishing rod. You can fish on a variety of beaches. There are no most famous and popular places, fish is found literally everywhere.


Many tourists come to Bali to celebrate their wedding. A beautiful island with warm weather suits this in the best way. On Bali wedding season runs from June to September. The weather is sunny, the holiday will not be spoiled by rain. And the sacrament of wedding ceremonies is distinguished by its special beauty and fabulousness.

To accurately celebrate the most important day in life, you should find an organizer in 6-7 months until the desired date. If you start preparing for the wedding later, then you can simply miss your day, because there are a lot of people who want to.

Best times for excursions

If a tourist loves history very much, studies new cultures for him, you should go to Bali from October to May.

The air temperature drops a little no hot weather. The sun does not bake so much, so walks are tolerated quite easily, the likelihood of getting a sunstroke is reduced.

At this time you should visit:

  • Temple Tanah Lot;
  • rice terraces Zhatiluvih;
  • Holy spring Tirta Empul;
  • monkey forest in Ubud;
  • bird park;
  • Volcano Batur.

At this time, there are not many tourists, which means that you do not have to stand in lines, and you can fully enjoy the cultural values ​​of the island.

Vacation with treatment

If we talk about wellness season , then it happens from September to May, although wellness procedures most are available all year round. The weather is warm but not hot. Works a large number of health centers, beauty salons. There are no queues, so you can attend wellness treatments from morning to evening. This will allow not only to take a break from work, relax, the tourist will strengthen various systems body to store vitamins.

Very popular are:

  1. Thermal baths near crater lake Batur;
  2. Hot Springs Air Panas located one kilometer from the village of Banjare.


Adherents of various faiths flock here, although Bali has its own religion - hindu dharma. Here they believe in evil spirits and daily make offerings to them in the form of baskets of rice and flowers.

Sometimes tourists who witness Balinese rituals are left in complete shock from their conduct.

For example, on the beach you can stumble upon a crowd of dancing and having fun Balinese, who have just spent last way relative.

Usually pilgrimage season begins at the end of summer - the beginning. It lasts quite a long time. It happens during the rainy season, when there are fewer sunny days, and the island is empty, because the tourists are leaving. At this time, many people gather together, say prayers, enter a special state of consciousness. Hikes are made to the sacred mountains and places of the island.

It is difficult to determine the exact beginning of the pilgrimage, because locals or experts in this field know about it.

It's time for the holidays

It is difficult to say in which month there are more holidays on. Almost every month there is significant days for local residents when there are festive events on the island:

  • Balinese New Year. Happens on a new moon in March or April. This is a day of meditation, the island is quiet and calm. You can not work and have fun;
  • The day after the Bali New Year is fun and happy holiday. At this time, there are many people on the island, various festivals are held;
  • Happens in June-July Art Festival. There are many exhibitions, performances, dances, entertainment events;
  • Jazz Festival. It takes place in November in Kuta. There is a lot of music, talented musicians come from all over the island, as well as from other countries.

To save money during your holiday in Bali, you should remember some important recommendations:

  1. It's better to buy a ticket in advance, for several months. You can choose a more profitable hotel option, the most convenient location;
  2. It is better to visit not restaurants for tourists, but local cafes. They have a lot of delicious local dishes, and their cost is much less than in tourist places;
  3. Central, most famous more expensive. There are lesser known, but incredibly comfortable resorts a little further from the center. Accommodation in such places is much more profitable.

In fact, the island of Bali is a place where you can come all year round, it is always warm here. The only point is that there are two distinct seasons here. The rainy season which lasts from November to March and the dry season from November to April. As for the rainy season, let me explain, this does not mean that during all this time the rain does not stop on the island, not at all. It’s just that during this period it most often happens and, as a rule, at night, the humidity of the air is 95%. However, despite heavy showers, within 15 minutes everything around instantly dries up and there are no signs that a huge amount of precipitation has recently fallen. Many tourists are not embarrassed by this phenomenon, but on the contrary, it stimulates them to fly to rest at this particular time, because due to the rainy season, trips to the island of Bali become somewhat more economical than in the high season. The best time to visit Bali is July and August. average temperature air is 30 degrees, and the humidity is 60%.

Bali island.

Weather in Bali for months.

November is the start of the rainy season. Often there is cloudiness, high humidity - 80%. This month, insects are most active due to the change in weather, so you should take all kinds of insect repellents - mainly mosquitoes - with you on a trip. The average air temperature is about +30 degrees.

December- It is in this month that the lowest prices for vouchers. This is where the monsoon season begins. The average air temperature is about 32 degrees. In December, the largest amount of precipitation falls, and the sky is almost always covered with clouds. Therefore, lovers of sunbathing here can be very uncomfortable.

January- the rainy season continues, as well as high humidity - 85%. At the same time, in daytime strong winds and cloudiness are possible. The average air temperature is about +29 degrees. Going here at this particular time, you will constantly feel closeness and lack of oxygen.

February- as well as the previous months it is very windy and rainy. The average air temperature is around +30 degrees. The humidity is still the same.

March the month when the rainy season ends. You may be lucky here, or you may not. Most of the time, the weather improves. The clouds are dissipating, the wind is not as strong as it was in winter months. However, it can still rain at night. The night air temperature is +25, and during the day it is about +30 degrees.

April This month marks the start of the dry season. The rains stop and the weather becomes favorable for a beach holiday. The average temperature during the day will be +33 degrees. And the humidity will drop from 85% to 60%. At this time, it is very comfortable to relax here, the warm sea, bright sun.

May- the average temperature during the day is about +34 degrees, this month is considered the hottest. Sometimes there are small rains, after which it becomes very humid and unbearable again. However, the month of May is considered the high season in Bali.

June- this month is considered the coolest, at night the air temperature drops to +23, but during the day the weather is still quite hot, about +30 degrees. June usually does not bring any unpleasant surprises, on the contrary, the flow of tourists begins to increase.

July- it is in this month that the main flow of tourists is surfers. The weather here is very comfortable, the sea is like fresh milk. And the average temperature during the day is +32 degrees. It usually doesn't rain at this time.

August- in Bali this month is considered cool, at night +23, in the daytime +30 degrees. This is the peak of the tourist season, the air humidity is 60%. Great time for a comfortable stay.

September- The weather begins to change, the air temperature during the day becomes +32 degrees, and at the end of the month there are not strong winds, indicating that the rainy season will soon begin.

October- It is also a comfortable month for a holiday in Bali, the air temperature during the day is +33 degrees, but the humidity of the air rises - 75%, light rains are possible, of a temporary nature.

The first thing you need to know about Bali is that there is approximately the same temperature of water and air all year round: 27-30 degrees Celsius. Real summer 365 days a year. That is why tourists come to Bali throughout the year and there is no clearly defined tourist seasonality. But at the same time, in the weather itself there is big difference between, say, January and July. More on this below in the article.

By the way, the answers to many FAQ about Bali, as well as a guide to the island, is in the new Bali application for iphone and ipad. More on .

Climate in Bali

The climate in Bali is called equatorial monsoon. What does it mean? And the fact that Bali lies near the equator, so there are no sharp temperature changes from season to season, here even the sun rises and sets almost always at the same time: it rises at 6 in the morning and starts to set at 6 in the evening. During the day, the temperature also does not change much, although it drops at night, you can still walk in summer clothes even at night. There are not four seasons in Bali, as we are usually used to, but only two: dry season(April-October) and rain season(November-March).

By the way, in detail about the weather in each month, see below!


In those months when it is winter in Russia, the rainy season in Bali, its main peak (when it rains quite often) falls on December and January. Yes, the New Year in Bali often has to be celebrated in a raincoat :-) The dry season falls on April-October, with the most pleasant weather in July-August, at this time Bali is not as hot and stuffy as in all other months.

What is the rainy season in Bali?

The rainy season in Bali is not as severe as in some other Asian countries. Although it rains often, it starts quickly and ends just as quickly, immediately after the rain the sun comes out and it becomes dry and pleasant again. Most often, rains during the rainy season come only at night, and by morning everything has time to dry up, sometimes it can rain during the day, usually it lasts an hour or two, and the rest of the time there is no rain.

But nature is an unpredictable thing, and for more than five years of living in Bali, I also came across relatively “light” rainy seasons, when there were a maximum of one or two rainy days a week, and extremely severe rainy seasons, when there are more rainy days in a month than sunny ones; and when most of the time it is overcast and it rains alternately all day. Rainy season in Bali rainy autumn in St. Petersburg, when it’s better not to leave the house without an umbrella, although it happens that you carry an umbrella for weeks, but it doesn’t come in handy :-) In general, it’s hard to predict whether a rainy week or a dry one will fall on your week, you can only hope for good luck :-) Or come during the dry season when there is not much rain.

The rainiest months are usually January-February.

In addition to rain and clouds in the sky, if there are a couple of minuses in the rainy season. The first negative is the very high humidity, due to which the weather is perceived as hotter than it is. Quite stuffy and hot, especially during the day and especially if there are no clouds in the sky. For those who do not tolerate heat well, the rainy season may seem too hot. The second disadvantage of the rainy season is dirty beaches. The beach in Kuta is considered the dirtiest, and so are the beaches in Canggu. The cleanest beaches in Nusa Dua and in Sanur, as they are better cleansed there. But from plastic waste no one is safe in the ocean. :(About the dirty ocean in the rainy season, I did video release You can watch it for more details.

The benefits of the rainy season are warm weather and the water is warm like fresh milk. Warm day and night, you can walk around in summer clothes around the clock. Well, one more minus, at this time there are a little less tourists than, say, in July-August and there are more chances to book accommodation on the spot. But of course, not on New Year's Eve and not on Catholic Christmas.

If you came to Bali to rest and you were caught by prolonged rains, then try to escape from them on - these are the islands neighboring Bali, they are far enough away for there to be completely different - usually very sunny - weather, but at the same time close enough for in order to get there by speedboat in a few hours.

The dry season in Bali is for those who don't like extreme heat.

The dry season begins around April, when the rains are less and less felt, the humidity drops and there is a feeling of such pleasant freshness - thanks to light breezes.

The peak of the dry season in Bali falls on July-August, and in the evenings it even gets a little cool, at least if you go somewhere on a scooter late at night, you will need a sweater, and sometimes jeans, which you have already forgotten about during the season rain. And also in summer months there is often a breeze during the day, so it is often fresh and pleasant and does not feel as hot as in winter. For those who do not like heat and stuffiness, BaliBlogger recommends coming to Bali during these months.

Of the minuses of the dry season: at this time there are most tourists, especially in July-August, and often housing prices rise and good options you have to book well in advance. Another minus: the water is a little colder than in the rainy season, it drops to 26-27 degrees. Which is still of course warm, but if you plan to surf, especially early in the morning or in the evening, and you are cold, then it is better to stock up on a 2mm wetsuit. A short one is enough.

Current weather forecast

I am endlessly asked questions from the category “what is the weather like in Bali right now” :-)

I recommend using forecast sites, they usually show quite clearly for the next week how things will be with rains and cloudy days. In my experience, pretty clear forecasts (even hourly for the next day) on the WunderGround and AccuWeather sites. You can even download the application on your phone and watch the forecast for Bali. Ideally, look at the area where you plan to stay (or the nearest one), there are slight differences in different parts of Bali.

Click for weather forecast

What is the weather like in Bali in a particular month?


Air: 29-32°C | water: 28 °C

January is a wet and rainy month, the probability of rain in Bali is the highest. If this is your first trip to southeast asia, then perhaps January at the most the best time for Bali. There is a chance to spoil the impression!

How often will it rain? At night (and sometimes in the morning) it will rain almost every day, plus a couple of days a week it can be completely cloudy and very rainy: when it rains all day with short breaks. On “lucky” days, it will likely rain for 2-3 hours a day. The rains in January are usually heavy, real downpours, when you get soaked to the skin in a minute. And although when there is no rain, everything is sunny and beautiful, but quite often there are cloudy days, even if it does not rain. Blue sky in January is not always :-)

Well, the main disadvantage: there is a lot of garbage in the ocean and on the beach, which is carried out by rains. I made a separate video about garbage in the ocean, you can watch it. It’s especially bad on the beaches of Kuta, Seminyak, Canggu: (And it’s also very hot and stuffy during the rainy season. It feels like a steam room and it’s like 35 degrees in the sun :-) The sun, by the way, is very harsh at this time, don’t forget to use it. You burn in Bali during the rainy season (and not only) even from the fact that you rode a bike for half an hour with bare shoulders or legs.

If you come for 2 weeks, then you may be lucky and it will rain only at night and maybe a day or two very rainy, or you may not be lucky and completely rainy days will fall on half of your vacation.


Air: 29-32°C | water: 28 °C

February by the rules last month rainy season. And usually it is not as severe as January, although, on the contrary, there were years when more rain fell in February. It's the weather and it's unpredictable :-)

Usually the number of days with rain is small, it rains at night or an hour or two early in the morning (while you are still sleeping), and it is sunny during the day. February in Bali is quite hot and the air is still humid. If there is no rain, then it is sunny and warm, as befits a tropical summer.

What does a “bad” rainy week look like in Bali in February? It can rain during the day, usually an hour or two, and then everything dries up and the sun is bright. But the beaches (especially in Kuta) can still be filthy due to the garbage that the ocean brings out.

It is believed that in February there is a slight decline in tourists, so many people choose this month. But there is a very high risk of rain, I usually advise you to come to Bali from March-April if the prospect of rain scares you.


Air: 29-31°C | water: 29 °C

March in Bali is a border month in terms of weather. It seems that the rainy season is over, but the real “dry” season has not yet begun either. The weather this month is very unpredictable. One year March is dry, the other year, on the contrary, it is slightly rainy. But rains are still rare and almost never protracted, as in January-February. Usually for the whole of March there are no more than 5-7 very rainy days (when it rains almost round the clock). On other days, it can sometimes rain for half an hour or an hour, and even then not in all areas of Bali, but it’s sunny and hot, but still humid. This means that at the sunniest lunchtime it will fry and soar :-) Do not forget to look for shade and use sunscreen, otherwise you will burn yourself.

In March, it is so warm that you will not need anything other than summer clothes - as in almost other months of the year. It's eternal summer in Bali :-)


Air: 28-30°C | water: 29 °C

April to October is the dry season in Bali. April is one of my favorite months in Bali. The high season and the bustle around the May holidays have not yet begun, but the rainy season has already ended and it is becoming noticeably drier. The temperature of water and air is almost the same, the water is like fresh milk, it is pleasant to swim and surf. At the same time, it is not as hot and stuffy as during the months of the rainy season - December, January and February.

The weather in April is very pleasant and if you are coming to Bali for the first time, then any month from April (to the end of October) is a great choice for a holiday in Bali. Plus, starting from April, the problem of dirty beaches and the ocean disappears, when the garbage is carried out by rains. No rain, no trash. Another argument in favor of going to Bali in the dry season.


Air: 28-30°C | water: 28 °C

May in Bali is a good time to travel to Bali. In May there is no more rain, the ocean is warm and pleasant, the air temperature is warm and summery. It is not as humid as during the rainy season, so the heat is not as badly tolerated. In May, it is sunny almost every day, you can swim and sunbathe, and really enjoy the hot tropical weather.

It is thanks to the good weather in Bali in May that this is the high season for Russian tourists, a lot of people come to May holidays. If you want to avoid the high season and higher prices in Bali, plan on the second half of May, which is even more pleasant in terms of weather than the first half.


Air: 27-30°C | water: 27 °C

Starting in June, a real dry season begins in Bali. What does this mean for us? In June-August, the most pleasant and coolest weather in Bali. Yes, it is still the tropics and it rarely falls below 28 degrees - both air and water temperatures. But this month, daytime breezes begin to kick in, making the hot midday weather a little more pleasant. There is no rain this month, every day is sunny, blue sky with almost no clouds and a nice warm ocean. The ocean in Bali, however, is warm all year round. At night, the air temperature is a little “cooler” - up to as much as 25 degrees :-)

Toward the end of June, the highest season in Bali begins - this is July and August. So if you want to catch dry season weather but don't want to overpay for high season prices, then June is a great choice.

July August

Air: 26-28°C | water: 27 °C

July and August are the busiest months in Bali. Prices for air tickets and accommodation are jumping up, but the number of tourists is not decreasing. It is understandable: in these months, in my opinion, the most pleasant summer weather in Bali. There is no humidity and stuffiness like the months of the rainy season. The heat is greatly brightened up by daily light prizes. The ocean is pleasantly warm and refreshing in summer. From clothing, take with you all light summer.

In general, July and August are the peak of the dry season in Bali. If you are visiting Bali for the first time and wondering when is the best time, then July and August are definitely the most pleasant “dry” months in Bali. Every day is sunny, but at the same time the least hot of all the other months in Bali.

By the way, if you are a surfer, take a short wetsuit 1-2mm, many do without it, but we who live in Bali are especially cold in the mornings without a wetsuit, so it’s better to take it if you have it. In addition, if you are riding a bike late at night or at dawn, it is better to have a shirt or a light sweatshirt with you, as it is a little bit chilly. Although experience shows that those who are in Asia for the first time are cool in Bali even at night. The temperature in the south of the island rarely falls below 25 degrees.


Air: 27-29°C | water: 27 °C

September in Bali is another lucky month in terms of weather and seasons. The insane flow of tourists in July-August is already subsiding a little, while the weather is still “dry” without rain and pleasant summer. There is no suffocating heat, but there are no summer winds either, so it’s a real warm summer.

It’s good in Bali in September that there are no longer inflated prices for housing and tickets, a little less tourists and more opportunities to explore the island without being in traffic jams :-) I remember that my first trip to Bali was in the second half of September and I I liked the weather very much. Compared to Russia, it certainly seemed hot, but the subsequent experience of life in Bali proved that it was not the hottest yet, and not at all as stuffy as it happens during the months of the rainy season in December or January.


Air: 27-29°C | water: 27 °C

October in Bali is similar to September, so you can just re-read everything I said above. October is still the dry season, though almost one of its last months.

But still, October is unlikely to rain. And even if there are several rainy days in a month, then at most they will go for a couple of hours at night or at dawn, and the rest of the time there will be sunny weather and a blue clear sky.

October is a great month for trips to Bali, usually not so expensive tickets, as it is a relative off-season (although there are enough tourists in Bali in all months).


Air: 29°C | water: 28 °C

In Bali in November, the rainy season begins to slowly begin. What does this mean? Although it is hardly worth waiting for the rains exactly on November 1, most likely there will be the same clear and sunny weather as in the same November. But gradually it becomes hotter and wetter, because of this humidity, the heat during the day is perceived as more stuffy. In November, the rains can be towards the end of the month, when there are rainy nights (but everything dries up by morning) or maybe another day will be overcast.

But from the pros - this is a real off-season, it's worth catching. Tourists are becoming a little less, while for fans of the heat - this is the best time. Like the fresh milk of the ocean, hot weather even at night. You can walk around in a T-shirt and shorts around the clock.

But still, you need to understand that November in Bali is a month on the border of the dry season and the rainy season. And in fact, this is one of the most unpredictable months in terms of rain. One year is quite dry, and then the next, on the contrary, is rainy and often cloudy or it's raining several times a week. But still, usually not every day and not all day.


Air: 29-20°C | water: 29 °C

And although December in Bali and new year holidays- this is another high season in Bali, I still think that this is the worst time to travel here. Besides the fact that everything is expensive and there are many tourists, the weather is quite wacky and unpredictable. December is the first month of the rainy season, which will last until February. Don't expect the sun to shine and the sky to be blue throughout your trip. There is a very high chance of rain in a day or two.

rain during wet season in Bali, it's not just little drizzling rain. These are real tropical showers. And although during the day they usually pass in half an hour or an hour, and then everything dries up instantly, but during the rain itself, you most likely do not want to be on the street - the chance of getting wet to the skin in a couple of minutes is about 100%. :-)

You may be lucky with December and there will be few rainy days: for example, they will only go at night or an hour or two a day. But it can also be an unsuccessful December, when the sky is overcast all day and it rains alternately for days. On such days I usually sit at home, with tea with lemon and do not go out anywhere. But when you're a tourist, you don't really want to stay at home, do you? Again, I do not want to say that this will be your entire vacation, but there is a risk that there will be many such days. If this is your first trip to Southeast Asia, it may not be worth spoiling the impression by coming during the rainy season. Moreover, under New Year also insanely expensive in Bali.

Another argument is not to come to Bali during the rainy season (which means in December). Every year it becomes in Bali. Five years ago, only Kuta was a dirty beach during the rainy season. Now it is even such clean and beautiful beaches as Nusa Dua or Bukit. And I think every year it will get worse. If you want to spend every day on the beach, don't come during the rainy season. Otherwise you will hate Bali :-)

seasons for

You can surf in Bali all year round, but be aware that depending on the seasons, some surf spots may be unsuitable for surfing.

For example, during the rainy season (namely, from December to March), the surf spots in southwest Bali are not very suitable for surfing: Kuta, Seminyak, Canggu, Prerenan, Balangan, Uluwatu and so on. And Kuta itself at the peak of the rainy season (especially in January-February) is not the most the best place for surfing: the beaches get quite dirty, as during the rainy season garbage from the village rivers is carried into the ocean. But in the rainy season, the surf spots of the southeast coast begin to “work”: from Nusa Dua and Greenball and further north - Serangan, Keramas and others.

In the dry season - more precisely from March to November - the most suitable spots for surfing are Kuta, Canggu, and the Bukit Peninsula: Jimbaran, Balangan, Dreamland, etc. - and all the spots on southwest coast who did not work in winter - Canggu and so on.

The information above is more for independent and advanced surfers, because if you are just a learning surfer, sometimes it’s just better to go to poorly working and off-season spots: the waves there will not be ideal, but there will be an order of magnitude fewer people and it will be easier for you to ride, since no one will interfere.

The peak of the surfing season begins in May and lasts until the end of August - beginning of September. At this time they often come big waves, there are a lot of tourists in Bali, which also affects the situation on the water: most lineups become very crowded and in order to catch a lot of waves, you will need good skills. In this sense, the rainy season is also more suitable for training, since the waves are more suitable for training in terms of size and quality.

Surfing training in Bali is conducted all year round, most often beginners are taught at surf spots on the beach in Kuta, and “advanced” ones, depending on the season, are taken on surf trips (special surf trips for half a day or one day) to those places where this moment there are waves of the required size and quality - these are often Batu Bolong and Serangan.

Bali has fairly warm water all year round, but if you come in June-August and don’t feel particularly hardened, BaliBlogger advises taking a light short wetsuit or wetsuit with you (even a thin 2mm thick is enough), as in summer the water seems a little cool, if you spend 2 hours or more in it. However, many people continue to ride at this time without any wetsuits.

High season in Bali: when to expect the most big flow tourists?

In Bali, the two main peaks of the influx of tourists are the Christmas and New Year holidays (that is, the period from mid-December to mid-January) and July-August. At this time, ticket prices jump, prices for hotels / villas in Bali rise, there are a lot of cars and scooters on the roads. In general, a real full house. And of course, we must not forget about the May holidays, when a large number Russian tourists rushes to various resorts, including Bali.

So if you come to Bali during the high season, don't wait low prices for tickets and accommodation, and if you go, get ready for the fact that there will be many other students besides you.

If you do not like noisy flows of tourists and prefer a little more quiet time, then choose the off-season in Bali: March-April or October-November. These are very pleasant months in terms of weather and not so "crazy" in terms of crowds of tourists and prices for tourist services.

Video about the rainy season in Bali:

The first lasts from May to October, it is considered that it is better suited for recreation, and the second - from November to April, at which time the likelihood of bad weather increases. In practice, visitors come to this Indonesian island all year round because the temperature remains comfortable for both sunbathing and swimming.

High, dry season

Already in May, dry, hot weather sets in Bali, the winds subside, and the sun shines constantly. At the beginning of the season it rains from time to time, but they are rare and not too strong. By the middle of summer, the precipitation stops completely, but it can be too hot. If in the first month of summer it is comfortable for tourists not only to relax on the beach, but also to get acquainted with the sights, then by the second half of July, excursions can be perceived hard.

In September, the strong stuffiness subsides, a pleasant breeze appears, this is an ideal time for traveling with children, in addition, surfers are happy to ride the waves.

When planning a trip, it is worth considering that in the southern part of the island it is always much hotter than in the north.

During the dry season, hotel prices rise, and the number of tourists increases: the beaches are crowded, it is better to come to the sights early in the morning to enjoy them in silence.

See more about the weather in Bali by months: air and water temperature, rainfall, length daylight hours and much more.

Rain season

The wet period is called the low season in Bali, but this does not mean that from November to April it is impossible to swim or sunbathe, just be prepared for the wind and showers. The ideal time to travel is November or March: there are few tourists, prices are falling, and the weather is summer by the standards of Russian travelers. It will turn out to sunbathe and see temples and monuments. But in the period from December to February, swimming can be difficult: it blows strong wind bringing with it high waves.

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There are as many vacationers on New Year's holidays as in the high season, and accommodation prices soar.

Locals call the rainy period "Russian" - a large number of travelers from Russia and the CIS countries come to the resorts at this time.

Many people are worried about how the climate is transferred to Bali. Everyone is individual: some say that due to the combination of high humidity and heat they feel unwell, others, on the contrary, say that periodic showers refresh and relieve stuffiness.

We talk about the seasons in Bali: when is the beach holiday season, the rainy season, and when is the best time for surfing? We also find out what the weather is like in Bali in each of the months and how prices change depending on the season.

There are two seasons in Bali - the dry season and the rainy season. The island reigns tropical climate, which is characterized high humidity air 70-80% most time. The coast is warmer than the mountains, and there is more rainfall. The water in the ocean is always warm + 28 ° C, and average monthly temperatures air temperature is approximately the same from month to month and is +30°С during the day and +23°С at night. Let's figure out when is the best time to go to Bali for a beach holiday.

Rainy season in Bali

The rainy season in Bali lasts five months. (November - March), of which only three can be distinguished as the rainiest in terms of the amount of precipitation - December, January and February. Rains of varying intensity last from a couple of hours to several days in a row. Largest number precipitation falls in the south and west of the island.

Sometimes clear "windows" pop up when installed good weather with occasional intermittent rain. The most unusual thing about the weather in Bali is that if it rains on one part of the island, then it can be dry at a distance of 20-30 km from this place.

During the rainy season it is difficult to plan any excursions. You can spend time on the beach, but the unrest on the ocean causes storms, due to which the water becomes cloudy, a lot of garbage and algae are washed ashore. But there are almost no tourists, and the prices for holidays during this period are loyal, the cost of tours is also attractive. Some tourists believe that it is better to relax in Bali during the low season, and they specially go to soak up the local spa centers.

According to tourists, the main drawback low season- this is high humidity (85% and above). Against the background of the heat, it is difficult to endure it out of habit, the stuffiness at night is especially debilitating, and it is simply impossible to do without an air conditioner indoors.

(Photo © Chugy / / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

When is beach season in Bali?

Tourists in the reviews clearly write that it is best to relax in Bali during the dry season in order to spend as much time as possible on the beach. Dry season starts at April, but the high tourist season in Bali begins in May and continues until until the end of October. At that time ideal conditions for excursions, sports and beach holidays - there is no excess humidity, it almost never rains. Before traveling, we recommend choosing a resort on the island that suits you.

The surfing season in Bali, in principle, lasts all year round, just each of the months has its own characteristics. In general, it coincides with the tourist season. Surfers love July and August most of all - the monsoons operate on the island, carrying dry cool air, due to which the correct waves are formed.

The negative point of the beach holiday season in Bali is the financial side of the issue. At this time, many tourists come from different parts light, and prices for services are rising, including for tours. The best time in terms of weather conditions and the adequacy of prices is the beginning of the season - May or June. Therefore, if you are going to the island, it is better to buy a tour in advance.

(Photo © Mayer 8 / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Weather in Bali by months


April is the transition to the dry season. It rains mostly at night, during the day it is clear and sunny. Humidity reaches comfortable values ​​of 65%, and the water becomes the warmest of the year.


In May, the tourist season begins in Bali. Rest on the island at this time is preferred by many because of the still not too high prices. The weather is good: during the day +32°С, at night +22°С, water temperature +28°С. Rains are short-term, most often fall at night, air humidity drops to a comfortable 60%. This is active time. beach activities and surfing. lovers nightlife prefer rest in Seminyak, surfers - the beaches of Kuta and Uluwatu.

June - September

The sun becomes very active, so without sunscreen It's best not to go outside. It rains very rarely, the humidity is 60%, the feeling of stuffiness at night disappears. The least amount of precipitation in August is 15 mm.

When is the best time to visit Bali? Right at this time! The weather conditions are excellent: during the day +31°С, the sea is fresh milk. These months are great for trips around the island, beach and nightlife. You can watch dolphins and others marine life, surfing, diving and fishing, water skiing and jet skiing.


October completes the tropical winter - the dry period on the island. This month is still good to rest in Bali. Most high temperatures air in the south and on the Bukit peninsula. A little cooler in Ubud, in the mountains and on the north coast.

In October there are several public holidays, are competitions in surfing in Kuta. Good waves form on the beaches of Uluwatu and Kuta. The water temperature in the ocean is +27°С, clean and transparent, ideal for diving.

(Photo © TheTimeTraveler! / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)


November - transition month in Bali from dry season to rainy season. The nature of the weather changes, it rains half the time, often lingering, the nights become hot and stuffy. You should not go for a walk without a raincoat. Usually it rains for an hour or two, after which the sun appears, and you can again go to the beach or go on an excursion.

December - February

In Bali, the weather in December is damp and warm: 2/3 of the time it is cloudy, there are very few sunny days. The amount of precipitation reaches its maximum, the air humidity rises to 80%.

In January it is hot during the day, the air can warm up to +34°С, at night +24°С, water +29°С. Relative Humidity air rises to 85%, as it rains most of the time.

In February, the conditions are similar, there are more rainy days than clear ones. The ocean is often rough, which makes swimming in the ocean impossible, and professional surfers prefer the eastern part of the island, where the correct waves form.

Nevertheless, the vagaries of the weather do not weaken the tourist demand, at Christmas and many holidaymakers from Europe, where during this period it is much colder. The resorts of Nusa Dua, Sanur and the Gili Islands are very popular. new year's eve the most lively place are the beaches of Kuta. Ubud is suitable for those who are looking for a spa and want to do yoga.


According to tourists, it is better to go to Bali in March if you want to catch the celebration of the local New Year. As for the weather, precipitation in March falls mainly at night, the number of sunny days increases. In general, there are 17 cloudy days in March, the humidity drops to 75%, but against the backdrop of a 33-degree heat, it is still hot and stuffy. Strong winter winds subside, and at the end of the month, surfer spots begin their work. For lovers of a relaxing holiday, the beaches of Nusa Dua are preferable.

(Photo © Aaron Toth / / Licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0)

Intro image source: © kjd / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.