How many years to study to become a paramedic after 11. All about the profession of a paramedic. Who is the profession suitable for?

Studying at a medical college increases your chances of successfully applying to medical school. Experts note that approximately 95% of medical college graduates become students of medical institutes, and more than half of them enter government-funded places.

Admission to medical college becomes possible after completing 9th grade secondary school. On the basis of incomplete secondary education, training lasts three years and 10 months, then students can take tests for admission to a medical university on a simplified basis. Most of these colleges cooperate with medical higher education institutions or are part of the structure of medical universities.

Submission of documents

Acceptance of documents lasts until August 1. If the required number of students is not recruited, the period may be extended even until the end of September. You will need to provide:

  1. Certificate 086/у.
  2. Application addressed to the director of the college.
  3. Six 3x4 photos.
  4. Certificate of completion of 9th grade.
  5. Passport. If not yet issued, then any other identity card.
  6. Characteristics from your previous place of study (if required).

Very important point upon admission, a decent result on the Unified State Exam and high scores in specialized disciplines: chemistry and biology. For any college, a sufficient level of knowledge of the rules of the Russian language is required. In some faculties the requirements are stricter and knowledge of mathematics may be required.

Main specialties

To know how to enter medical college, you should decide on the direction of training. Medical colleges implement training programs in the following specialties:


You shouldn’t fall into extreme anxiety and constantly wonder how to get into medical college. It is better to prepare thoroughly for entrance examinations. To begin with, ensure yourself a high GPA school certificate and fill gaps in knowledge of the Russian language and biology. Most likely, upon admission you will need to pass a written exam in the Russian language and an interview in biology. For some majors, biology may include an interview in chemistry or a written exam in algebra.

According to the innovations, applicants entering after the 9th grade are enrolled based on the State Examination results, and graduates of the 11th grade are admitted based on the final Unified State Examination estimates. But the management of most medical colleges provides their applicants with the opportunity to undergo the admission procedure by passing entrance exams. If you are not sure about the results of the Unified State Exam and State Examination, it is safer to prefer the exam option.

Graduates of the 9th grade study on average for 3 years and 10 months, graduates of the 11th grade - one year less.

Studying at preparatory courses at your chosen college will provide effective assistance in admission. Typically the duration of such courses is from six months to a year. If you have chosen the option of admission by Unified State Exam results and GIA, but did not manage to pass the competition, do not despair. Organization is practiced in medical colleges special days, when everyone can take the entrance exams.

Get medical education in one of the educational institutions of the capital is still prestigious. This is evidenced by huge competitions for admission to medical universities in Moscow and other cities of Russia, as well as a huge number of secondary school applicants who have chosen medicine as their defining field of activity for the rest of their lives.

During times Soviet Union and at the end of the last century the word “college” was just settling in the consciousness of our compatriots. Medical schools covered the entire segment of secondary education special education with a medical bias. With separation educational institutions middle level schools and colleges, the list of specialties that graduates of medical secondary educational institutions receive has expanded, the approach to educational process, the technical potential of institutions and the qualification level of teaching staff have increased significantly.

It has been integrated into Russian healthcare since the 40s of the last century. unified system secondary medical education. Today it is still possible to enter medical college after 9th grade. Even having a certificate of completed secondary education with high grades in subjects does not in all cases guarantee admission to a higher educational level. If you are not confident in your abilities, start by studying at one of the medical colleges in Moscow, which today train nurses and paramedics, obstetricians and massage therapists, laboratory assistants and dental technicians, and other specialists.

A few words about the content of education

The image of a medical school graduate in a white robe and with a syringe in his hands has sunk into oblivion. The knowledge of a person who has graduated from a medical secondary school is quite extensive, as evidenced by the list of subjects taught. Physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, histology, cytology, biophysics - after graduating from college, you will have access to the knowledge gained in these and other specialties.

Studying at medical college is not only interesting. The responsibility that comes with the opportunity to give people health requires enormous mental effort and time. Study of pharmacology, pediatrics, surgery and others medical directions is carried out in modern laboratories, where optimal conditions are created for working with people suffering from various pathologies. Graduates of medical colleges in Moscow and other cities are given military ID cards along with their graduation document, since the scope of their work is not limited to everyday medical practice, but also covers full list activities carried out in emergency situations.

What to choose: medical college or school

The Russian system of secondary medical education is represented by 2 types of educational institutions:

  • technical schools (schools);
  • colleges.

The fundamental difference between the options lies in the educational level: most schools provide people only with a basic education, while colleges provide the opportunity to gain the most in-depth knowledge in most subjects. Graduating from college opens the doors to many medical universities in Moscow, and beyond. Many medical colleges conduct educational activities at institutes, clinics, other departments, for example:

  • Medical College of MIIT at Moscow State University Ways of Communication;
  • at the Moscow Department of Health, etc.

Upon graduation from one of the medical colleges opened on the basis of the institute, the graduate receives benefits in the form of automatic enrollment in the 2nd or 3rd year of a capital university. Persons who studied at the expense of the capital's budget, for example, are guaranteed employment in public medical institutions in Moscow.

(Secondary Vocational Education): health section

A complete list of areas in which training is conducted in medical colleges and schools in Moscow is given in the classifier of specialties of secondary vocational education, in the section “Healthcare”:

Specialty in secondary education Number Medical profession
Midwifery 60102 obstetrician, midwife
Laboratory diagnostics 60640 medical laboratory technician qualification
General Medicine 60101 paramedic
Medical and preventive care 60105 sanitary paramedic
Medical optics 60606 Optical technician (manufacture and repair of glasses, lenses, and other corrective devices)
Medical massage 60502 masseur
Nursing 60501 nurse.
Orthopedic dentistry 60203 dentist
Preventive dentistry 60205 dental hygienist
Pharmacy 60301 pharmacist

Rules for admission to medical colleges in Moscow

Students of the capital's medical colleges can become:

  • citizens of Russia;
  • citizens foreign country;
  • stateless persons;
  • Russian citizens living abroad.

Training in medical colleges in Moscow is provided on a free (budgetary) and paid (contractual) basis. To enter the college you must have one of the following documents:

  • certificate of general education(9 classes);
  • certificate of secondary (general) education (11 grades);
  • diploma of primary, secondary or higher professional education (issued upon completion of a medical school, college, university).

The basis for a person’s admission to the Moscow Medical College is an application filled out in the form established by the educational institution. In the direction of the State Employment Service, citizens of the Russian Federation are given the right to repeatedly enroll and study at a vocational educational institution, if circumstances so require, namely:

  • in the absence of the opportunity to work in a previously acquired profession;
  • in the presence of occupational diseases;
  • when assigning disability.

Documents for admission to Moscow Medical College

Applications from applicants entering the medical school for full-time Trainings are accepted until August 25th. Acceptance of documents begins on June 1st. Applications to the college for full-time and part-time (evening) studies are also accepted until August 25, however, if there are free places in the college after enrollment in the 1st year, documents are accepted until December 25 of the current year.

The list of documents presented to the admissions committee includes:

  • identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation);
  • educational document (original and copy);
  • photo: 6 pcs, size 3.5 x 2.5;
  • medical certificate (form 086у);
  • medical insurance certificate (copy);
  • documents certifying the right to benefits.

All documents state standard are presented in Russian.

Exams for admission to medical college

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, for admission to medical colleges and schools, it is necessary to pass examination tests in the following subjects:

Usually the number of applicants to the best medical colleges in Moscow exceeds the number of allocated budget places. In such cases admissions committee takes into account the GPA, rounded to the nearest hundredth. If several applicants have the same indicator, they look at the grades in the certificate in specific subjects - Russian language, biology, as well as the score earned when passing the Unified State Exam in biology.

Some educational institutions they are inventing additional methods for selecting applicants, such as in Moscow, where in addition to the above entrance exams, applicants are asked to undergo psychological testing.

Attention: students studying at medical colleges in Moscow are entitled to a deferment from the army until they reach the age of 20.

Duration of study at medical colleges in Moscow

Having chosen one of the medical specialties for yourself, you should pay attention to the fact that some medical colleges in Moscow offer training in the same area for different time periods. This is justified by the level of training of specialists, which involves mastering basic knowledge (training period of about 2 years) and in-depth study of specialties (up to 4 years).

The main requirement for the rules for admission and enrollment of applicants to the 1st year is strict compliance with the standards set out in the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In addition to the established rules, medical schools and colleges establish their own admission regulations, which do not run counter to the law. All you have to do as an applicant is to fully mobilize yourself - follow the news, ask questions to the admissions committee and read the materials posted on our website.

Passing score for admission to medical college

As already mentioned, the prestige of medical education in modern Russia raised to the highest high level. Enroll in one of the medical universities in Moscow for the majority of graduates domestic schools, gymnasiums, lyceums are considered practically impossible. Secondary specialized education is relatively accessible. According to the results of the 2013 intake, the average Unified State Examination score in the majority medical institutes was set at 200 points or more. You can become a student at one of the medical colleges after the 9th grade or with a complete secondary education with a minimum or average number of points (based on the results of the Unified State Exam, State Examination).

Famous medical colleges in Moscow

Medical College No. 8, or former medical school No. 23, in next year turns 40 years old. Zelenograd clinics and the city hospital are largely staffed by its graduates. What and how are they taught in college today, where do nurses and paramedics go to practice and what do they go to work for, about the talent of a “light hand” and that the tact and sensitivity of a health worker is a subject for several special courses, Olga Ryzhova told the site in the studio, college career guidance specialist.

Nursing and medical care for “nine- and eleven-year-olds”

— Olga Vladimirovna, at what age do you enroll students in college and for what specialties?

— For school graduates in our college there are two specialties: nursing and medical science. Nursing prepares a generalist nurse. Students in grades 9 and 11 can enroll in this department. General medicine trains paramedics - only on the basis of 11th grade.

— Is college tuition free? Is there a paid training?

— We are a budget educational institution under the auspices of the Moscow Department of Health, so our education is free. Paid training exists only for foreigners, that is, for those who are not Russians. Russians also study with us for a fee - only those who receive a second secondary specialized education.

— How many budget places do you hold receptions for?

“It is not yet known how many places the Department of Health will allocate to us this year due to the crisis. But usually every year we accept 240 people: 120 people based on nine grades, 60 people based on grade 11 for nursing and 60 people based on grade 11 for paramedics. If we talk about the competition, then according to the results of last year, we had 1.8 ninth-graders per place for nursing, and 2 people per place for paramedics. Our students do extremely poorly in nursing after the eleventh grade; there is practically no competition. This is probably due to the fact that our training periods are quite long: nurses in the 9th grade and paramedics study for three years and ten months, nurses study in the 11th grade for two years and ten months.

— Are 11th-graders better able to study to become paramedics?

— In general, they are doing much better, because the program is completely different. Paramedics are people who work in ambulances, and this probably attracts students. A lot of boys come to us, because after graduating from our college they can work not only in the ambulance, they are hired by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, they become firefighters, where these skills are needed. Or they go into the army already trained, not just as soldiers, but as military doctors.

— Does studying at college give you a deferment from the army or not?

- From this year, those who come on the basis of 11th grade - no longer. They are taken away, but they return to us. But those of our guys who enroll in 9th grade have not yet been taken away by the military registration and enlistment office.

— How does the profession of a paramedic differ from the profession of a nurse?

— In the American standard, a paramedic is a paramedic: para is Latin for “similar,” and medicus is “doctor,” that is, a person similar to a doctor. A specialist who can make a diagnosis and prescribe some medicines, that is, who provides emergency first aid. And we train a nurse with a wide profile - she can work anywhere, from a school office to a surgical nurse, but this is a completely different profile. This is also a doctor's assistant, but she works only under the direction of a doctor and carries out only the doctor's orders.

— How do schoolchildren determine their future specialty? Are boys more likely to become paramedics and girls more likely to become nurses?

- You know, as experience and my surveys show, and I have been working as a career guidance counselor for a very long time, for some reason boys all want to be pathologists, and girls want to be cosmetologists, when they come to us. But in the process, when they go into practice, when they begin to study clinical and paraclinical disciplines, of course, everything changes. And with age, of course, they grow up, get smarter, and begin to understand a lot in this life.

“I would never have thought that school graduates might want to become pathologists.” Maybe this is due to the fact that all boys want to know how something works inside?

- May be.

— I read on the college website that your nurses can also work as midwives?

- Only after retraining. The fact is that we train generalist nurses, but in Moscow there are colleges that train nurses with a narrow focus - for example, the Clara Zetkin Medical College trains midwives, School No. 1 trains dentists. And our nurses can only be midwives if they undergo retraining after receiving our diploma, which takes about a year.

— How does your education differ between 9th grade and 11th grade graduates?

- Well, probably, our “nine-year-olds” are attracted by the fact that already in the first year our students begin to study clinical and paraclinical disciplines, for example, anatomy - that is, close to medicine. Moreover, they pass school curriculum tenth and eleventh grade in one year. We do not give a separate certificate of maturity, but in their diploma, in the insert, these general education disciplines are listed in a separate line, indicating the hours. This makes it possible for our graduates to enter not only medical universities, but generally any other state and non-state universities. That is, our diploma does not end with our education.

— Do eleventh-graders come to you based on the results of the Unified State Exam? What subjects do they need to pass?

— Russian language and biology. And for the “nine-year-old”, the Russian language is in the form of the State Academic Examination, and biology is at the choice of the student; he can take it at school or in our exam.

— Those who come to you after the ninth grade, then from Unified State Exam is already don't collide?

- No, why, they may face the Unified State Exam if they go further to university, because universities have completely different admission rules. Therefore, we already have preparation for the Unified State Exam in the last year. Department of Education determines locations passing the Unified State Exam- as a rule, for us this is school 229, - and our students go there and pass the Unified State Exam, mostly always successfully. We have practically no “D” marks in these exams.

Scholarships, internships, employment: “38% of graduates go to work in city medical institutions, but there are few vacancies there”

— How many Zelenograd and nonresident residents study at college?

- You know, fifty to fifty, these shares fluctuate literally within a few percent. We accept Zelenograd residents, Klin, Solnechnogorsk district, Klin district. Moscow doesn't come to us

— Do you have a dormitory or do the guys go to study from where they live?

- No, there is no hostel.

- Do you have paid training, how much does it cost?

— Foreigners and those who receive a second specialized education study with us for a fee. Its cost is 21,600 rubles per year. But this does not apply to our Russian students. If earlier residents of Moscow and the Moscow region were admitted for free, and Russians studied with us on a paid basis, then in recent years three Russians also study for free.

— What does the other side of students’ financial well-being look like—a scholarship? Figures from the college website: academic level - scholarship for “A” grades is 315 rubles, for “B’s” and “A’s” with an advantage of “A’s” 263 rubles. Are these the real numbers the guys are getting?

- Now they are no longer real, but real ones are also far from the needs of our students. The so-called basic scholarship, which is received by those who study without “C” grades, is 400 rubles. As in everyone government institutions, with “C” grades, we don’t get a scholarship at all. The scholarship for those who get "A" grades is 500 rubles, and excellent students receive 600. In addition, 3rd-5th year students also receive money for food at the rate of 90 rubles per day - that's about 1,500 rubles per month. Our canteen has the ability to feed only first and second course students; they receive a hot lunch for free.

— So, in the best possible scenario, you can receive a scholarship of about 2,000 rubles?

- Yes. We also have social scholarship for those considered to be poor. That's probably all.

— Every student has the right to receive financial assistance once a semester, taking into account his family financial circumstances — such information is available on the website. Is this often used by students?

- Almost always when we have money. As a rule, our centralized accounting department sums up the results in about three months, but students actually receive money. Financial assistance, there are some incentives.

— Are there any other sources of income for students? Say, do they get paid separately for clinical practice? Or are your parents mostly supportive?

- Mainly parents, and then work. There is no salary for practice, because they are not specialists. Students can get jobs as junior medical staff, orderlies, then they start work book, coming work experience. But not many students resort to this method of earning money.

— Is it hard to study and work?

- Yes, it’s hard to combine. And then, we somehow don’t really welcome the work of those who study poorly, because they then stop studying altogether. And if someone succeeds in everything, then we only encourage his work, because this is experience.

— How is your clinical practice going at City Hospital No. 3? What are the guys doing?

- I'm not a clinician, but general outline I can tell you. Students there work under the guidance of doctors, senior nurses, under the guidance of our teachers, and perform some manipulations that are allowed to them. In addition, we have preclinical practice: before testing their theoretical knowledge on patients, students undergo practical training on models at the school.

— Does the practice take place in all departments of the hospital, with real patients? Or do students, say, work at the reception desk?

“Of course, they also work at the reception desks, they carry cards - not without this, and the nurses are even glad that our students come, because it’s help. But, nevertheless, since last year, students even have practice diaries, where they must receive marks for each manipulation.

— Assessments from real working specialists?

- Yes, from our specialists. That is, the student must be able to place an IV, and do internal injections, and muscle injections, and change and care for patients, and give an enema. That is, they are obliged to carry out everything that is included in the program. Outpatient practice is also required.

— Does practice happen, say, in first-aid posts of kindergartens or schools?

- No. Senior students are already being invited to practice at children's sanatoriums at a job fair, where our interns are looked at by the heads of medical institutions who are interested in future personnel. That is, trainees must prove themselves and choose a place for themselves, and the head of any medical institution can choose for himself those whom he wants to see in his team.

— Based on the results of this practice, can the clinic invite graduates to work?

- Undoubtedly. The guys, finishing their fourth year, bring requests from clinics or hospital departments. Now this has become more difficult; there are not many vacancies for our students due to the crisis. The turnover that was previously observed in hospitals and clinics has ended.

— I also wanted to ask about the internship of students at the Zelenograd hospice. You don't work with him in any way?

- You know, we have such a circle, it’s called “Mercy”. And our guys from it go to a hospice and to the homes of lonely old people. We have such a program, but it is voluntary.

— Let’s move on to the employment of graduates, which we have already touched upon. Are you saying that demand has now ceased to exceed supply in your personnel market?

- Yes. I know that lawyers and psychologists are not in demand at all in Zelenograd, and somehow they don’t talk about doctors, but, as far as I know, there are currently no vacancies in the third city hospital. Nevertheless, our students still get settled because their field of activity is not only Zelenograd. Departmental medical institutions are also being established in Moscow. We have 50% of regional students - they go to work in their own place of residence. It's easier in the area of ​​work.

In the spring we have a job fair, people come to us from Moscow and hospitals. You can’t say that someone wants to work in medicine, but they can’t—they don’t hire it. Last year we graduated 151 people: 25 people in the emergency department, with a specialty in general medicine, and 126 people with a specialty in nursing. 38% of our graduates went to work in municipal institutions (58 people). 11% (17 people) continue their studies at the next level, and it is not a fact that these are medical schools, although I know that our graduates are well accepted by the Tver Academy and the Sechenov Academy. We finally made our way to the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy - one of our graduates is studying there in his sixth year, he will be a military medic. That is, those who want to receive a higher medical education receive it. And 13% do not work in their specialty.

— What proportion of graduates go to budgetary medical institutions and what share prefers commercial ones? Some time ago we talked with representatives of the Health Administration - they complained that there are medical graduates in Zelenograd, but they are not going into the public sector, but into commercial medicine. Does this situation continue now?

— You know, judging by the fact that there are no vacancies in the third city hospital, the situation probably continues. Of course, “the fish look where it’s best” - of course, they go into commerce. However, 58 of the 151 graduates are those who work in urban health care institutions. 35 people went to health care institutions of other departments. Here is the ratio - 38% and 23%.

— On the website, the college promises all graduates employment in medical institutions of the Department of Health upon completion. Is this really true? Are you helping everyone?

— Until today, yes. It's always been like this.

— Is it possible to roughly estimate how many of your graduates are among health workers in Zelenograd today?

— It’s hard to say, we don’t keep such statistics. But we meet familiar faces in medical institutions very often.

“A light hand is talent, we will teach you the rest”

— At the end of 2008, your medical school became medical college. What did this change in status give, what really changed in a year? Some new ones have appeared training programs?

— Most likely, it is more correct to talk not about what the change of status gave us, but about what allowed us to change our status - this was the opening of our third department, the advanced training department. Doctors, like teachers, must confirm their qualifications every five years. And if earlier Zelenograd nurses went to Moscow to take this qualification exam, now they take it at the college. For our students or those who work in the healthcare system, we make this exam free, and for those who work in the commercial sector, it is paid.

— What is the college dropout rate during your studies? Medicine is a special field of activity; perhaps some of the guys, after starting their college studies, understand that they cannot and do not want to become a doctor. Are there any?

- Of course there is. But, unfortunately, there is also a 7% barrier, which the Department of Health does not allow us to “jump” beyond. This is difficult, because we have double subordination - both health care and education. In addition, we have a “nine-year-old” student studying here, and we cannot put minors on the street. I agree that, of course, those who can and deserve it should work in medicine. But that’s the whole difficulty: to teach, to convince.

— Is convincing one to become a doctor also part of the learning process?

— Both to teach and to educate, that’s why we have a class management instead of a curator status.

— You have a nurse’s oath on your website, is it taken by students? Is this something like the Hippocratic oath?

— Yes, in October we have “initiation as students” - when the guys have already adapted a little, understood what educational institution they came to, and “broke away” from school. It is from initiation that they are allowed to wear a medical gown. And they really take this oath, this is the oath of Florence Nightingale. Already from the first year, we teach students to wear and respect their future uniform.

“In addition, the website contains the college’s charter, and it contains quite strict measures of enforcement against students who violate it. Up to and including withdrawal from the scholarship or expulsion. Let me explain for readers: such violations as smoking in the college building, using obscenities, fighting and disrespectful attitude towards teachers are considered gross.

— Our measures are really strict for the simple reason that we teach people who will then work not with tools, not with inanimate objects, but with other people. This leaves a certain imprint and requirements.

— Are there really deductions? For example, were you there last year?

— I constantly quote your website, and I note that it is quite good and detailed. Do you somehow use the Internet and computers in teaching students?

— We have two computer classes, one for the “nine-year-old”, for the first year - they are taught the very basics of working on a computer. And in the second year, the guys are already really seriously studying computers. We often use presentations in lessons, we have interactive whiteboards, that is, our learning process is technically equipped.

— What do you think about the introduction of electronics into healthcare? We are promised in the near future electronic patient records, maintaining all information in computer form, electronic insurance policies. After all, it is the nurses who will probably be doing this? Do you somehow prepare your graduates for this?

- No, for now, as I understand it, these are only projects. They still need to be brought to perfection and personnel trained. Yes, our students are slowly learning technology, but so far this has not been a question for us. When medical institutions have a need for this kind of personnel, some kind of retraining will certainly begin. I think that our graduates will cope with this. Because now, probably, there is no child who would not be familiar with electronics - this is more difficult for us adults.

— The college is hosting a city competition for the best nurse — please tell us about it.

— If you mean a hospital competition for the best nurse in the city of Zelenograd, in which specialists participate, then we only provide our base for it, assembly hall. We also provide dummies and our students as extras; they depict the dead and wounded who need to be given some kind of assistance. But within our college, and then throughout the city, there is also a competition for the best nurse among senior fourth-year graduates. It tests the knowledge of graduates with whom they go “in life,” that is, to work. Last year our girl took third place in the city in this competition.

— In the “Best Nurse” competition, when performing tasks, the professionalism of nurses is considered not only correct execution some actions, but also, for example, tactfulness - this was especially emphasized there. Tell me, aren’t your future nurses taught some kind of course like the psychology of the patient or the psychology of a sick child?

- We don’t just teach a course, we teach a lot of psychology - we have a course in general psychology, medical psychology, and in senior years we also teach psychiatry. In terms of tactfulness of the health worker there is general psychology and medical psychoethics

- So, you are counting not only on personal qualities, but also on training in tact, psychological approaches to the sick?

— Of course, both for training and knowledge.

— It happens that some nurses work with children, they are “sorceresses” for children, while others, on the contrary, know how to care for the elderly?

- It’s up to who chooses which direction for themselves. We are preparing a general nurse, and we teach courses for everyone: for example, we have a pediatrics course for those who like to work with children, and there is a gerontology course for nurses who will work with the older generation. And when they graduate, they decide for themselves where they will go.

- There is such an expression - “ light hand" Can you teach it, or does it have to be an innate talent?

- It seems to me that this is still talent, as in any business. It must be some kind of natural data. Yes, of course, everything can be taught. You can teach accuracy, some well-practiced skills, but what I, for example, as a patient, associate with a “light hand” - it still seems to me that this is a special gift given by nature. This is from God.

— Do you get many such students, or is it very rare?

— It’s hard to say, because students don’t practice on me. And then, there are people who know how to study well, but when they come to work, they turn out to be very mediocre specialists. But it happens on the contrary, students show very average knowledge, but, nevertheless, when they come to work at the hospital, they do well. And the patients are always happy, and they even send letters of gratitude addressed to the director of the college.

Open days and training courses

— For high school students — tell us about the Day open doors in college and about preparatory courses. Do you have them?

— Yes, our preparatory courses begin every two months, the last entry is April, May, their cost is 4,500 rubles. Classes in the courses are held in Russian language and biology, twice a week in the afternoon, so that schoolchildren have time to come to us after school. What do the courses provide? Firstly, we consider the children who attend them to already be “ours”, because if a child comes to our courses, it means he is already professionally oriented, and he will receive 0.5 points from us as a bonus to his grades on the entrance exams. We also have two Open Days - on the last Saturday of March and the last Saturday of April, at 12 o'clock - but we hold them not for the schoolchildren and applicants themselves, but for their parents, so that they can also come on Saturday with their children to us. Twice a year we also participate in Alumni Day, which is organized by the Interdistrict Center “Street Children” in the Palace of Creativity. And we invite guys to our place throughout the year. For example, I love no more general days open doors. When a lot of people come, we have less opportunity to show anything. After all, we need to take into account our specifics, we have very small groups of students - when they practice, ten people study, five people go to practice. It’s interesting to see all this with your own eyes, walk around the classrooms, and see how students study. And the large crowd of people that we gather on Open Days is very difficult to organize. And that’s why I’m always for people to come to us separate classes schools, which is what we actually practice and call it small Open Days.

School classes do they come based on requests from schools?

- Yes, they call us, we come to an agreement, and the children come to us in small groups. And then we take them through all the audiences, they see ours live educational process, our students, we let them touch everything with their hands, walk everywhere, see everything, give them an idea of ​​where they will study. We give them leaflets where everything is written down: when to come, what to bring with you, when the admissions committee starts working, what exams to take. And we organize big open days for parents, because when we have a “nine-year-old”, in most cases it is the parents’ choice. “Eleven-year-olds” - yes, they come to us consciously, they are already adults.

— In order for a schoolchild interested in medicine to come to you on such an excursion, do you need to take the initiative and ask the school to organize it? Or do schools themselves offer such excursions to their children?

— There are schools where even our stands are decorated, schools with which we have been friends for a very long time - for example, school 1151. In general, in every school there is a person who is engaged in career guidance work, and he contacts us. And I always tell the guys on Alumni Day: contact the school, get together as a group of two or three people and come to us - we will accept you. You just need to call in advance, because you can’t just walk in to us - we are located on the territory of the hospital, we have security. And sometimes teachers without children come to us to be curious - for example, class teachers or biology teachers who prepare children for our exam. And they are also interested in what they are actually trying for.

— Thank you for the conversation and good luck to you in this year’s enrollment, more “light hands” for your students. And to all Zelenograd graduates or ninth-graders who are now choosing their future: pay attention to medicine.

Elena Panasenko


It is customary that a medical worker is a specialist with higher education. This means that to become a doctor, you will have to graduate full school and go to university. But some people also know that the list of specialties in colleges and schools also includes medical professions after the 9th grade. What kind of professions are these? Let's find out.

Many young people after 9th grade choose not 10-11th grades, but vocational education. The reasons may be different, someone is lazy and does not want to spend another 2 years at school acquiring “useless” knowledge, someone wants to start earning money faster, someone really realizes that his calling is not a university, but a specific profession and already chose this profession. The choice, admittedly, is justified. Sometimes it is better to immediately take the path of mastering a profession than to study at school for another 2 years plus 5-6 years at a university and still, in the end, there is no guarantee that this knowledge will be useful later in life. professional activities when leaving for work.

Even if you have chosen the difficult profession of a medical worker, the path to secondary specialized educational institutions is open to you. It must be borne in mind that the period of study will be longer than for those who have completed 11th grade, due to the fact that the program will also include general education subjects.

Is it possible to study medical professions after 9th grade?

Of course you can. What specialties are there in medical secondary specialized educational institutions?

First up is nursing, one of the most common health professions after 9th grade. Graduates have the qualification “Nurse/brother”. They can work in any medical institutions, there are not enough such personnel everywhere. This is a very popular and in demand profession. But it requires a certain altruism and love for people. It’s a rather difficult profession and, unfortunately, not very well paid yet.

You can also choose the specialty General Medicine - another medical profession after 9th grade. A graduate of a secondary school in this specialty will have the qualification “paramedic”. The paramedic provides first medical care and can work in a variety of areas. Paramedics also work in pediatrics, therapy, surgery, and ambulance services. Typically, the duration of their training is slightly longer than that of a nurse, about 4 years. This is one of the most responsible among secondary specialized medical professions.

Another medical profession after 9th grade is the specialty of Orthopedic Dentistry. You can become an orthopedist by obtaining the qualification “Dental Technician”. From the name of the specialty it is clear that these medical workers are dental assistants and are engaged in the manufacture of dentures. They are studying various ways fastenings, types of materials, types of equipment, are able to work on various devices used in orthopedics. This is a very promising specialty, since now this side of dentistry is actively developing and new, progressive types of prosthetics are appearing.

Also, after graduating from college, you can start working as a laboratory assistant. To do this, you need to enroll in the specialty Laboratory Diagnostics. Graduates are qualified as medical laboratory technicians. They are engaged in laboratory research in various, as you might guess, laboratories. Biochemical, clinical studies, blood tests, etc. - all this is done by laboratory assistants. They are also required at blood transfusion centers. It is also now possible to conduct research using computer equipment. All this is studied by future laboratory assistants. To obtain an accurate diagnosis, their help is invaluable.

What other medical professions can you master after 9th grade?

Obstetrics - a medical profession after 9th grade is mastered no worse than after 11th. Experienced obstetricians are very valuable specialists. They are engaged in such necessary work as helping women during childbirth. Also, obstetricians observe and accompany the pregnancy process. Sometimes their help is also needed in gynecology.

Pharmaceuticals. Pharmacy workers must have pharmaceutical education. They won’t hire a person from the street to work in a pharmacy. Even though pharmacists now do not compose the medications themselves, as they once did, they must understand them, know how they affect a person, and be able to recommend the best option. A very necessary profession.

If you decide to enroll in medical colleges, you need to contact special attention in biology and chemistry, their results are usually taken into account first. Upon admission, you must present a passport, a certificate of incomplete secondary education, State Examination results, several photographs, a medical insurance policy, and a medical certificate in form No. 086/u.

As you can see, the list of possible medical professions after 9th grade is quite diverse and wide. You can easily choose something interesting and suitable for yourself. In any case, studying at a college is just the first step in medical practice. If desired, you can continue your studies at a university. Once you have practical work experience, it will be even easier to enter a university, and you will already have a good idea of ​​what you will have to do. Therefore, go to college and get medical profession after 9th grade is good option for those who want to quickly acquire a profession.