Tunisia - holiday season by months. Holiday season Tunisia: when and where to go? When and where is it better to go to Tunisia

Every year, Russians ask themselves the question: where to spend their holidays. And often in their search for a suitable place arises hot country Tunisia. When is it better to go on vacation to the Tunisian coast, what to do there and which resort to choose? Let's talk about all the features of recreation in this country.

Geographical position

In the north-east African continent situated Tunisian Republic or, as it is popularly called, Tunisia. When is the best time to visit this country? It depends on the purpose of the trip. The state is located on the coast mediterranean sea and has a very long history of human settlement. Therefore, it can offer tourists a varied holiday.

Tunisia is bordered by Libya and Algeria, and by water it is adjacent to Italy. The northern part of the country occupied the spurs of the African mountain system Atlas, coastal areas are characterized by a flat landscape. The famous Sahara desert is located in the south of the state. And the middle of the country is occupied by a series of salty picturesque lakes.

The capital of the state is the city of Tunis, this is the largest settlement. In addition to it, here you can visit about 15 more fairly large cities. The coastal part of the country is the most populated; the most attractive cities for tourists are located here.


In the ratings of countries favorite by Russians for beach holiday not least is Tunisia. When is the best time to visit this state? This question can be answered by evaluating local climate. The country is located in two natural areas: Mediterranean subtropical and tropical desert. The weather in the state is influenced by two main factors: the Mediterranean Sea, which softens and humidifies the air along the coast, and the Sahara desert, which contributes to a significant increase in temperature in summer.

Tourists mainly come to the coast, where a mild Mediterranean climate prevails with long and short rainy winters. In summer, the thermometer rises on average from 22 to 32 degrees, and in winter it stays around 7-15 degrees Celsius.

best season

The main question for those who are going to go to Tunisia: when is the best time to go on vacation? It depends on why the tourist is going to this interesting country. For those who want to swim and sunbathe, but not much "roast" in the sun, the best time- from April to June and September-early October. In July-August, quite strong heat sets in here up to plus 40-45. But sea ​​breeze greatly facilitates the existence in such heat. Therefore, these months are also referred to as the "high" tourist season, which affects prices, which rise by 30-40%.

But for those who want to get acquainted with the culture and history of this ancient country March-April and October-November are perfect. The rainiest months are January-February, and traditionally at this time the flow of tourists drops to a minimum. This is instantly reflected in the prices of hotels and meals, so those who want to see Tunisia and save a lot come here during this period. Therefore, there is no unequivocal answer to the question: in Tunisia, what is the best time of the year to relax? It all depends on the needs and possibilities.

Recreation features

When going to Tunisia, you need to soberly weigh the pros and cons. Compared to the usual "beach" destinations, entertainment and animation services are much less developed in this country. State religion- Islam, and this is reflected in many areas of life, including tourism. In non-resort cities, it is not customary to walk in a beach form, that is, with bare arms, chest, and legs. Therefore, it is important to decide when going to Tunisia where it is better to go on vacation - to small non-tourist cities or popular resort places.

The state has a low standard of living, so the prices here are not very high. But far from the tourist routes, one can see almost glaring poverty. The country has a very long history, so the excursion program here is rich and varied.

The hotel base of Tunisia cannot be compared with the same Turkey and Egypt, there are few modern buildings. State long time was a French colony, so the main language of international communication here is French, although the service sector speaks English well. But the Russian language is not in use here.


Thinking about which part of Tunisia is better to go on vacation, you should again evaluate your desires and interests. The most famous and popular resorts in the country are Sousse, Monastir, Mahdia, Hammamet. The latter is the most prestigious and fashionable vacation spot. Compete with him in a luxurious vacation can only be the island of Djerba, where best hotels luxury class. The prices in these places are above average, but the service is excellent.

Sousse is a gathering place for young people, there are many nightclubs, pubs, restaurants and discos under open sky, the largest and most famous of them - "Voga-Voga". Hammamet can be called a universal resort, which harmoniously combines opportunities for both relaxing and youth recreation.

Monastir can be called calm and quite economical, but you need to be prepared for the fact that tourist The infrastructure here has long been in need of modernization. The capital of the country is a real eastern metropolis, so it is better to come here on an excursion, but not to stay for a long time, since it is difficult to relax here.

One of the youngest and developing resorts is El Kantaoui, where you can find fairly modern hotels and good infrastructure for tourists, but the prices here cannot be called low.


He has been documented since the 9th century BC. e., when in place modern country The city of Carthage was founded. And today the remnants of it ancient city are the most important tourist attraction in the country.

The second most important place that tourists need to see is the Sahara desert. Also, having arrived in Tunisia, you need to visit the blue and white city of Sidi Bou Said, which allows you to see the traditional way of life of the Tunisians.

Interesting sights also include the UNESCO-protected Colosseum in El Jem, the Sidi Uqba Mosque in Kairouan, the Berber city of Matmata.

Things to do

For many tourists, Tunisia becomes synonymous with the beach. Recreation, the season for which is limited in cold Russia, of course, is the main entertainment in this country. However, in Tunisia, even without this, there is something to do.

The second most popular pastime, after the beach, is an excursion to the Sahara. It's worth seeing this famous place, you don't have to think that it's just endless sands. As part of the traditional two-day tour, tourists ride camels and ATVs, visit Bedouin dwellings, sightseeing: Mount Tembain, Fort Tisawar, oases, try local dishes, meet magnificent sunsets and sunrises.

Another attraction for tourists are excellent opportunities for thalassotherapy. Medicinal algae grow off the coast of the country, which help to improve the condition of the body and skin. In Tunisia, you can find chic spa centers and small beauty parlors with reasonable prices, but in each place the services will be of decent quality.

Tourists are also offered to visit crocodile farms, go diving and fishing, and take a trip on a yacht. In addition, numerous clubs, cafes, discos, water parks are at the service of vacationers.

Vacation with children

There are many reasons to visit Tunisia. When is the best time to go on vacation with a child to this wonderful country? For this, time is perfect with a soft warm temperature regime April-June, September-October.

With children, it is better to choose quieter cities, for example, Sousse, Hammamet, Tabarka, Nabeul. In each of them you can find zoos, water parks, amusement parks, playgrounds, museums and entertainment centers. For families with children, Tunisia is quite safe and comfortable, you just have to take the usual safety measures, for example, wash your hands, do not drink tap water, and do not get carried away with spicy street food.

Tunisia is a state with the capital of the same name. Hot Arabian country, which is famous among tourists as an excellent hot resort with sun and sea. But many questions arise about whether the sun also shines brightly in winter, when the swimming season ends and, accordingly, when is the best time to go to this city. After all, we are very unfamiliar with their climate. It is very different from ours, and the temperature in different months you will be surprised. But this once again suggests that this is a country with a completely different fauna, it is located in the northern part of Africa, which makes it very picturesque. If you even have no idea where Tunisia is located on the map, then you will be surprised, but the sea that washes it is the Mediterranean, and on the other side of its land is adjacent to the Sahara Desert.

Such diversity determines the nature of nature. Closer to the sea, you will meet real tropics, nature in all its glory, and closer to the desert, heat and drought. Of course, the weather is completely different because of this location. These are the main factors that determine climatic conditions Why is the rainy season in Tunisia. Which many tourists, of course, would not want to get, as heavy rain can ruin their plans. Therefore, it is very important to familiarize yourself with what season for Tunisia you are going on a trip, and when it would be right to go on vacation. Here we will tell you in detail what exactly awaits you in the cold seasons. And all that remains for you is just to choose the most suitable season for you to travel.

Rainy season in Tunisia

Tunisia is a very hot country, the heat in the summer helps soften the sea breeze, so it is still suitable for relaxation. Yes, and the season for swimming and relaxation falls, as in other resort areas. Winter is still very cold, and it will be impossible to swim. But good for lovers active rest. After all, from the coolness and wind there will be strong waves that are ideal for surfing. The holiday season starts in April and always ends in autumn. the Velvet season. But during the rains it will be impossible to fully enjoy the rest. The rains are not so heavy, but accompanied by a cold wind, which makes it very difficult to enjoy this wonderful country. And so you probably want to know when the rainy season is in Tunisia. And what awaits you in this cold weather. The rainy season takes place in cold weather. Therefore, if you decide to rest at this time and you want to spend time in cool sea water, then still try not to get into the rain, because even diving, wind and rain can make it difficult for you.

In addition, it is worth knowing what season you eat and what weather are waiting for you, because, obviously, travel companies will lower prices this season. Therefore, in order not to fall into such a trap, be sure to check the forecast in advance. And if you see cheaper tickets, it's also worth looking to see if the prices are so tempting because of the weather.


The velvet season ends and the temperature drops to 21 degrees, and sea ​​water becomes about 18. The approach of winter in Tunisia begins to be felt through such changes. The wind often rises and the air becomes more humid. This month is no longer suitable for swimming. But for outdoor activities, the sea becomes ideal, the waves rise and it is constantly restless.


For us, winter in Tunisia is more like autumn. However, greenery and flowers will still bloom in all their glory. What makes nature very colorful, even if the temperature is about 20 degrees, it is even warm for our country. Toward evening it drops to 16. The water temperature will be only 15 degrees. And only real extreme people will climb into the sea. But nature and walks can also be enjoyed. December is the rainy season. If you are familiar with this, then you can roughly imagine how it goes. The weather is changing dramatically, and only the salt lick will shine on you, and in a minute going strong rain.


In January, nature is calmer, but the air and water temperatures remain December. The rains begin to leave and go less and less. It's citrus season.


The temperature is quite low. You will not be able to sunbathe, walks can be difficult due to harsh rains and cold winds.

Resorts in Tunisia are not as popular as vacations in Egypt or Turkey, but this stunning Arab country has no less rich history, gorgeous beaches and one of the most the best centers thalassotherapy in the world. The unique charm of the East is read here in every corner, shimmering with bright colors of the golden desert and spicy spices, emerald tropics and the azure coast.

The borders of Tunisia run from the snow-white beaches of the Mediterranean Sea to the very depths of the sultry Sahara, forming two climatic zones. A tropical Mediterranean climate prevails in the north and northeast, while a desert climate prevails in the south. Mountain peaks in the west of the country winter period covered with snow. AT summer months a more moderate temperature regime prevails there than in the northern regions of Tunisia.


In December, holidays in Tunisia are focused on recovery and relaxation. in thalassotherapy centers and balneological procedures. Most spa hotels have indoor swimming pools and water parks, where you can combine swimming and entertainment with healing rituals of beauty and youth. The weather in Tunisia during this period is not conducive to a beach holiday, as the air temperature varies at around 16-18 degrees.

To climb the mountains you need to be prepared for sub-zero temperatures, as well as for strong winds and cold nights in the desert, when the thermometer reaches only 8 degrees. Therefore, the excursion part of the holiday in Tunisia may not be available until spring.

In the north of the country, due to the abundance of precipitation, all the streets are covered with lush greenery of citrus and almonds, and the harvest of olives ripens. At the beginning of winter, international festivals dedicated to ancient customs and culture are held in Duza and Tozeur local population. Despite the abundance of storms, in winter in Tunisia you can find closed beaches and get a great tan.


Starting from March excursion tours to Tunisia. The temperature at the resort does not drop below 20 degrees, so trips to attractions and daytime desert safaris will take place in comfortable conditions. By the end of spring, many brave travelers open the swimming season, as the water warms up to 19 degrees, and the air temperature reaches 26 degrees.

For connoisseurs of everything ancient, in April you can visit the archaeological festival in Tataouine, dedicated to culture and art southern regions countries. In May, a holiday in Tunisia with children is considered the most optimal in terms of budget and weather conditions. On the beaches become available water sports sports, including yachting and fishing.


Despite the fact that the air at the beginning of summer warms up to 30 degrees, the water remains at around 21 degrees. Holidays in Tunisia in June are suitable for the elderly, children and those who do not tolerate the heat, as the winds in the seas cool and refresh the air. Thanks to the 10 hour daylight hours you can devote more time to excursions in the desert and historical regions of the country. In addition to the attractions of Tunisia, tourists can visit the famous horse races in Sidi Thabet and Meknessi, as well as enjoy jazz compositions at the music festival in Tabarka.

Holidays in Tunisia in July can only be overshadowed by the season, which will last until September and winds. The air temperature can warm up to 33 degrees, and the water in the sea rises to a comfortable 26 degrees. July-August in the desert may be as uncomfortable as during the day when outside unbearable stuffiness and at night, when the temperature approaches zero. In the resorts of Tunisia, El-Jem and Hammamet, music and theater festivals are held during this period.

In August, beach holidays in Tunisia reach their peak. Water does not fall below 28 degrees, and the air can warm up to 35 degrees. Tourists at the end of summer are better off choosing northern resorts countries and more to be in the shadows. No less popular during this period are the spa resorts of thalassotherapy, where you can not only freshen up, but also relax. In a desert increased risk of strong sandstorms , so exotic safaris may not be safe. All music lovers can spend the calendar summer in Tunisia with the music festival in Tabarka.


Tunisia in September pleases travelers with long-awaited freshness and comfortable temperatures for sightseeing trips. All amateur photographers can demonstrate their talent at the underwater photography competition in Tabarka at the beginning of autumn. Therefore, a holiday in Tunisia in September attracts many creative people from all over the world.

In October, Tunisia is suitable for a beach holiday, because the water and air temperatures are kept at around 25 degrees. Evenings can be chilly due to wind and occasional rainfall, so it's best to bring appropriate clothing. For connoisseurs of cinema in Korfagen, an international festival of creativity opens, and extreme lovers will appreciate the Shott's Steps marathon, which takes place right in the desert.

The weather in Tunisia in October is suitable for families with children. At the end of autumn, the resorts of the country are closed beach season and offer indoor water activities in hotels. The air warms up to 20 degrees, and it often rains, but during this period you can buy profitable last-minute tours to Tunisia and great savings on wellness holidays.

The smallest of the Maghreb countries - Tunisia - stretches in a narrow strip along the Mediterranean coast, capturing the northern part of the Sahara. Exactly geographical position caused two climatic zones that differ in weather - the northern part of the country and the south. What time of the year is better to relax in Tunisia in 2018?

Climatic features of Tunisia

Africa is not necessarily hot. In winter, the northern part of Tunisia is quite cool, and there are even frosts in the mountains. The north of the country is located in the subtropical Mediterranean climate zone with mild rainy winters and hot summers.

South of Tunisia is Sahara with its merciless sun and arid tropical climate. Here, even in winter, the temperature does not fall below 17 ° C, although nights in the desert can be quite cold.

Winter weather is not conducive to a beach holiday. At this time in Tunisia begins health season . Tourists go to the centers thalassotherapy. Also the time from November to April is suitable for excursion trips around the country - there is something to see in Tunisia. Weather by months at the main resorts of the country (range for the north and south of the country):

Tall tourist season opens at June and ends at September. He is replaced velvet the season that lasts two months- until the end of October. Low is considered a season late fall, winter and spring. At this time, a beach holiday is not possible due to the cold sea and strong unpleasant winds blowing on the coast.

Russian tour operators launch charter flights to Tunisia at the end of April, and close the season in October.

During the summer months, the weather is hot, but the sea breeze makes it quite acceptable for relaxing on the beaches. Most warm resort Tunisia - island Djerba, there all year round you can sunbathe. True, you will have to swim in heated indoor pools.

The season when it is better to relax in Tunisia is September and October when the heat subsides and the sea remains warm. This time is suitable for the elderly and families with small children.

beach holiday season

The sea becomes comfortable for swimming in June. In the northern resort towns, the water is still cool. In the south - in Gabes, Sfax and Djerba - the temperature is always 2-3 degrees higher. Therefore, the beginning of the swimming season here comes a little earlier than in the north.

The height of a beach holiday is July. At this time it is necessary the largest number tourists. The sea is already well warmed up, and the hot weather is not very conducive to long excursions. Temperature fluctuations can reach 10 degrees, so in the summer months it is good for young people and those who easily tolerate the heat to relax here.

August in Tunisia is not the best suitable month for swimming in the sea - the season of jellyfish begins at the main resorts.

Their greatest number appears off the coast of Sousse, Hammamet and Monastir. Despite the fact that the most comfortable weather in the summer months is in Hammamet, it is not worth going there in August.

The northern resort is considered the center of thalassotherapy and is famous for its snow-white beaches with powder-fine sand. The temperature in June and July does not rise above 30°C. bathing season opens at the end of May. The main influx of tourists is observed in the first summer months and in the velvet season.

Weather in Djerba

Djerba as the most southern resort has its own characteristics. The end of the season is here October. Unlike the mainland of Tunisia, the most comfortable stay on the island is in May and June and in September and October. July and August meet tourists with scorching heat.

Despite the rather rainy first autumn months, the tourist flow here does not subside. Even in November in large numbers cloudy days the temperature here does not fall below 23°C.

The Velvet season

In September, the temperature begins to drop, the heat leaves, leaving the evening coolness. Noisy youth companies and families with children are leaving - the academic year. The resorts become quiet, and pensioners and Tunisians themselves come here.

If you are going to Tunisia in October, stock up on a warm jacket or windbreaker - the evenings are already getting cool.

Velvet season is the best time to relax. The weather allows you to combine a beach holiday with active excursion trips. The September Sea will also please diving enthusiasts. Summer season diving for them continues, in September the sea is still calm and transparent.

Wellness season

In November, the rains begin, and with them comes the end tourist season. But this does not mean that the hotels are empty. The place of lovers of summer entertainment is occupied by people who need recovery or rehabilitation. Ladies also come here in search of anti-aging treatments.

Thalassotherapy centers in winter and spring months significantly lower prices for services, and hotels for accommodation. Europeans consider Tunisian health centers to be the best. And since they are located mainly at hotels, their owners, in addition to improving their health, try to provide guests with the maximum interesting vacation- Excursions, sports and entertainment programs.

Spring is the best time for educational tours

Spring in Tunisia it is very beautiful - roses begin to bloom, the rains gradually stop, it becomes warmer. This is the time to explore the country's natural beauties. And there are many of them here. In the north is one of the most beautiful cities - Tabarka. In the spring there are very few people here, and you can enjoy the beauty of the coastal cliffs and local attractions as much as you like.

April- the best time to get acquainted with the capital of the country and go on excursions to the continental part of Tunisia. In summer it is too hot there, and in winter it is colder than on the coast. Whatever the weather in Tunisia, this country is open for recreation all year round.

When to go on vacation to Tunisia, so as not to burn out under the burning African sun, not to freeze and not to catch jellyfish? Find out about the best time to travel in 2019 with our overview of seasons and weather by month. Water and air temperature, weather conditions, tips and reviews from tourists.

The climate of Tunisia is subtropical Mediterranean: hot and dry in summer, warm and rainy in winter, and the temperature indicators of the resorts of the south and north differ by no more than 1-2 degrees.


Water and air temperature. In January, it is warm and rainy in Tunisia: during the day + 15 ° С, at night + 8 ° С, the water in the sea is + 15 ° С.

Weather. The weather often changes - sometimes rain, sometimes wind. There is nothing to dream about relaxing by the sea, but you can ride through historical sights.

Do you want to sunbathe in winter? In many countries, this is the beach season. Choose a convenient direction: , .


Water and air temperature. In February, the first trees timidly bloom, fresh grass turns green: during the day + 18 ° С, at night + 9 ° С, the sea + 15 ° С.

Weather. Overcast weather sometimes gives way to the sun, the rains are still pouring, but not as often as in January.

Reviews of tourists. In February, it is better to go on vacation to Tunisia for those who care about health. Thalassotherapy is possible at any time of the year! True, the hotels are filled with European pensioners who have come for wellness treatments.

(Photo © khowaga1 / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0)


Water and air temperature. At the beginning of spring, +20°С during the day, +11°С at night, +15°С at sea.

Weather. March is the flowering period in Tunisia: during the day the sun warms pleasantly, but at night it is still quite cool.

Reviews of tourists. At this time, it is good to go on excursions and spend time in thalassotherapy centers.


Water and air temperature. April in Tunisia strikes with a riot of colors: during the day + 23 ° С, at night + 12 ° С, the sea + 16 ° С.

Reviews of tourists. It is still too early for swimming, and tourists are happy to visit the excavation sites, receive treatment in thalassotherapy centers and sunbathe. At the end of the month, the first lovers of short swims appear.


Water and air temperature. The weather in May is changeable: +25°С during daylight hours, +16°С at night, +16°С at sea.

Weather. During the day, the sun bakes well, but after sunset, I want to put on something warm. A few daredevils open the beach season.

Reviews of tourists. If you do not like the heat, it is better to relax in Tunisia in May. At the end of the month, you can already talk about a beach holiday, however, it is better to choose the resorts of southern Tunisia, where the water is warmer.

(Photo © crsan / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0)


Water and air temperature. Perfect time for: +27°C during the day, +20°C at night, +20°C at sea.

Weather. In the first half of the month the sea is cool for swimming. Starting from the second half of June, you can safely swim.

Reviews of tourists. It is best to relax in Tunisia in June: it is still not very hot, it is pleasantly cool in the evening, there are few tourists. Hotels are gradually filling up with vacationers.


Water and air temperature. In the middle of summer, heat comes to Tunisia: during the day + 31 ° С, at night + 21 ° С, the sea + 23 ° С.

Weather. Hot sand caresses the skin, juicy fruits delight the eye, the sea is getting warmer every day.

Reviews of tourists. Most tourists go to rest in Tunisia in July - many believe that this is the best time. The weather is perfect, the sea is warm. In July, everything thunders - nightclubs and discos work.


Water and air temperature. In August, the weather in Tunisia is dry and hot: during the day + 35 ° С, at night + 23 ° С, the sea + 28 ° С.

Weather. During the day it gets so hot that not everyone can stand it, but the nights are mild and warm. Elderly people and vacationers with children should refrain from traveling during this period.

Reviews of tourists. August is a controversial month for holidays. On the one hand, the sea warms up to the temperature of fresh milk, and on the other hand, warm water attracts hundreds of jellyfish to the shores of Tunisia, which makes swimming uncomfortable.

(Photo © nivea-cream / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


Water and air temperature. Autumn in Tunisia is mild and warm: +31°С during the day, +22°С at night, +26°С at sea.

Weather. This is one of best periods for a holiday in Tunisia for everyone - the water is warm, there are no jellyfish, only sometimes in the afternoon a breeze comes up and the sea is slightly worried.


Water and air temperature. No more in October extreme heat: day +29°С, night +18°С, sea +26°С.

Weather. A good time for trips around Tunisia and a beach holiday. The weather is nice. The sea is still warm enough for swimming, but the air is not so hot anymore.