Animals of our region names. Animals of our region are interesting facts about the world around us (grade 1) on the topic. Japanese green pigeon

Animals of our region

About bears.

A bear prepares a winter bed for itself from moss and tree bark. In places where it is not very cold, the bear builds a hut from young fir trees, bending their tops above him. And where the winter is cold, he digs a hole under the root of a fallen tree and covers it with brushwood, branches, and moss. In winter (January, February) the female bear gives birth to cubs. They are very small, palm-sized, and blind. The mother takes care of them, feeds them with her milk, warms them with her breath, and covers them with her paws.The largest of modern predatory animals lives in the Altai taiga - bear . Weight brown bear often reaches 750 kg, and body length - 2.5 m. Typically, the brown bear's habitats are dense forests with windbreaks, interspersed with swamps, clearings, and ponds. Only the connecting rod bear (which has not had time to fatten up and has not settled down in a den for the winter) becomes dangerous to humans.


The squirrel lives in band burs, cedar and mixed forests our region.

Its food consists of tree seeds, pine nuts, mushrooms, berries, buds, shoots, bark, as well as animal food: insects, small invertebrates, bird eggs, small rodents and lizards.

This interesting animal stores up to 150-300 g of mushrooms for the winter in the dark coniferous taiga, and in the belt forests, where feeding conditions much worse than in the taiga, even up to 1.5-2 kg, mostly oily.


The wolf is a cautious and intelligent animal. Wolves live in pairs or families. They sleep under open air. Wolves create a hole - a den - only for breeding offspring.

Wolf cubs are born early spring blind and deaf. First, the mother wolf feeds them with her milk. When the wolf cubs grow up, the parents bring them meat in their stomachs and, regurgitating it, feed the babies.

The wolf cubs are taught hunting skills by their father wolf.

Young wolves live with their parents for two years. Therefore, in the spring, puppies crawl around their parents and one-year-old young wolves run around, who also take care of younger brothers: they bring them food, and when they grow up, they play with them and take them for walks.

The wolf feeds mainly on large and not very large large mammals: moose, deer, roe deer, wild boars, hares. But its menu may include mice and small birds. Doesn't refuse gray predator and from berries.

White hare and brown hare.

The white hare got its name because it dresses up in a white fur coat in winter. In summer he wears a reddish-brown fur coat. But at all times of the year, his tail remains white, and the tips of his ears remain black. Hare all year round wears gray clothes. True, by winter he still decorates his fur coat: by this time his belly and sides become white.

The brown hare is larger than its brother. It weighs 4-6 kg, and sometimes 7, while the white hare weighs 2.5-5.5 kg.

The hare's ears and tail are shorter than those of the hare, and its paws are wider, which allows it to easily move through loose snow.

The white hare produces offspring only in warm time year, and for the hare - not only in the warm, but also in the cold. This happens in March, when the snow has not yet melted from the fields.

The white hare lives in the dense thickets of the forest. Rusak – resident open spaces. He prefers forest edges, fields, copses.

Despite significant differences, the hare and the hare have a lot in common. Both of them are rodents.

In summer they feed on grass, in winter on bark and branches of trees. Both are especially partial to apple, rowan, linden, willow, and aspen. But they also eat the bark of birch and young pine trees.

Hares lead night look life. During the day they prefer to rest. Before settling down to rest, hares try to confuse their tracks.


The common red fox- an animal, unlike wolves, with a long and more squat body, an elongated sharp muzzle, large pointed ears, with vertical oval pupils of the eyes. The fox can be found in almost all regions of the region, as it feeds on a wide variety of foods.

IN large quantities eats insects, voles, catches hares, attacks roe deer cubs, and occasionally abducts poultry. Foxes' food also includes plant foods (berries, stems of some plants). Fox enemy harmful rodents and insects.

Solve the Chinaword together with your children using riddles (the keyword will open in the highlighted cells)

  1. This cat is unusual

He lives in the steppe with us.

The fur coat is thick,

His paws are rather thick.

Ours purred and fell asleep,

Guess who (Manul).

  1. Gray, toothy

Prowls the lands

Looking for someone to eat (Wolf).

  1. The tail is fluffy,

Golden fur,

Lives in the forest

And in the village (Fox) steals chickens.

  1. This case is very rare,

Two branches grow on the head.

They are reset every year

That beast lives in our forests (Moose)

  1. In summer he wanders without a road

Between pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

From the frost, hiding your nose (Bear).

  1. Jumping along the branches, but not a bird,

Red but not a fox (Squirrel).

  1. A ball of fluff, a long ear.

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots (Hare).


Everyone knows the common squirrel. The idea of ​​it is quite consistent with general outline and for the remaining 54 species of this genus. The body length of squirrels is 20-32 cm, the tail length is 19-31 cm. Weight is from 180 to 1000 g. Color varies not only from species to species, but also within one species depending on the area, season, age or simply on the individual animal. It is enough to point out that the common squirrel can be red, ashen, almost black, etc. Most species do not have tufts on their ears. Only the common squirrel has them and the North American temperate squirrel molts twice a year, but the tail sheds only once during this period. The winter fur of squirrels from cold areas is very different from the summer fur. All squirrels feed on a variety of plant foods: tree seeds, berries and fruits, nuts, mushrooms, buds and shoots, bark and lichens. Animal food is added to plant food: insects and other small invertebrates, eggs of birds, lizards and snakes, chicks and even small rodents and lizards. Common squirrel, like other species of this genus, is a typically arboreal animal. She climbs branches perfectly and easily jumps from one tree to another. If necessary, the squirrel can jump from the top without harm to itself tall tree to the ground. She makes a nest in hollows or tree branches. The nest of branches has the shape of a ball with a side entrance. The inside of such a nest (gain) is lined with soft plant material.


Most small animal of all predators. She has a thin, elongated, amazing flexible body with a short tail without a black end. In summer, the weasel is light brown above, white or yellowish below, in winter in the north of its range it is entirely snow-white. Body length - 13-28 cm, tail no more than 9 cm, weight - 40-100 g. Weasel is distributed almost throughout the entire territory of Russia and former USSR, with the exception of some areas of the Far North, deserts Central Asia. It is found throughout Europe, North Africa, most of Asia, in North America. The weasel is found where mouse-like rodents are especially numerous - in fields, among weeds, bushes, in overgrown clearings, along forest edges, on the outskirts of villages, in stacks of straw, haystacks, but only in the absence of its competitor - the ermine. In the north of its range it is a significantly less numerous ermine, but in the south, on the contrary, it predominates. With amazing dexterity and energy, the weasel destroys mice and voles, chasing them even in burrows and shelters and, on occasion, killing more than it can eat. This kindness brings invaluable benefits. The biology of reproduction has not been sufficiently studied. Pregnant females and newborns are observed both in summer and winter. The duration of pregnancy is unknown. There are from 3 to 10 cubs in a brood. Their number increases in years of abundance of rodents.


All appearance This predator testifies to its power and excellent adaptability to tireless running, chasing and attacking its victims. By size seasoned wolf larger than a large shepherd. Body length is on average 105-160 cm, tail - 35-50 cm, shoulder height 80-85 cm and up to 100 cm. Weight is usually 32-50 kg. The literature mentions wolves that allegedly weighed more than 90 kg, but among the many hundreds of accurately weighed wolves from different parts of the world, there was not a single one heavier than 79 kg. The color and size of wolves are subject to strong individual and geographic variability. In Russia alone there are almost 8-9 subspecies of wolves, and there are even more of them in North America. The most large animals live on Far North, small ones - in the south. The first ones are painted in very light colors, and in winter they turn almost completely white. The forest zone is characterized by wolves of the most intensely colored subspecies, while in the south, in the deserts, they are replaced by animals of a dull sandy color. The wolf is quite widespread.


The mole is similar in appearance and lifestyle to other real moles. Its body length is 12-16 cm, tail - 2-4 cm. Most animals inhabiting middle lane In Europe, in front of the very small eye, like a poppy seed, there is a narrow slit of skin about 0.5-1 mm long, although there are no movable eyelids or eyelashes. Most Caucasian moles have eyes hidden under the skin. On Ukrainian Carpathians and in the Caucasus there were moles in which one eye was covered with skin, and there was a small slit opposite the other. The mole (this one word is used to describe only the European, or ordinary, mole) is a typical inhabitant of deciduous forests and river valleys with meadows and deciduous trees. Along river valleys, the mole penetrates north to the middle taiga, and to the south - to typical steppes, although it is rare in the watershed areas of the taiga and dry steppes, and is not found at all in semi-deserts, deserts, forest-tundras and tundras. The mole spends its entire life in dark passages not connected to the surface, laid in different soil horizons. In loose and moist forest soil, horizontal near-surface passages are laid, located at a depth of 2-5 cm.

Siberian chipmunk

The Siberian chipmunk is a typical representative of the chipmunk genus. Its body length is 14-15 cm, the length of its fluffy tail is 9-10 cm. On the back and sides, there are 5 longitudinal dark stripes on a light gray or reddish background, characteristic of all chipmunks. The Siberian chipmunk is distributed throughout almost the entire eastern part of Russia, Northern Mongolia, Central China and Japan. Chipmunks live in coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests, preferring edges, cleared areas, windfalls and litter. The nest is placed under the blown wind big tree, in voids among roots or stones, less often - in tree hollows and birdhouses (in protected forests). Chipmunks climb trees well, but in case of alarm they hide in their underground or above-ground shelters. They are active during daylight hours. Chipmunks feed on seeds, coniferous forests prefer seeds coniferous trees, on the harvest of which their well-being depends. Chipmunks also eat berries, mushrooms, lichens, insects and other invertebrates. Up to 5 kg of selected seeds are stored for the winter. In winter, the Siberian chipmunk falls into a shallow hibernation. Soon after spring awakening the rut is passing. In a single litter of a year there are from 2 to 10 (usually 4-6) cubs.

White hare

The white hare is a relatively large animal, its body length varies somewhat depending on different parts its range. The largest white hare live in the tundra Western Siberia, their body length is up to 70 cm, and their weight is up to 5.5 kg. The smallest race of white hare inhabits the taiga of Yakutia, the weight of such a hare is 2.5-3 kg. The hare's ears are not very long and are bent forward; they only reach the end of the nose or protrude slightly beyond it. The tail is completely white or with a slight admixture dark hair above; it is relatively short and round in shape. The paws are relatively wide, the feet are covered with a thick brush of hair. This provides better support on snow. In summer, the color of the fur on the back is brownish-brown with blackish ripples, the sides are lighter, and the belly is white. In winter, the white hare fully lives up to its name. At this time, he is dressed in pure white fur and only the tips of his ears are black. The white hare is of significant importance as an object of fur trade and sport hunting. Extraction methods are very diverse. Commercial harvesting is carried out mainly using wire loops installed on hare paths and pens. In some places, hunting is common, in which the hunter, having found the night trail of a hare, tries to find it on the bed. Hunting for hare, especially with hounds, is of exceptional sporting interest, and its fishing in taiga regions allows one to bring a lot of meat and fur into economic circulation.

Gray gopher

The gray ground squirrel is medium-sized: body length up to 23.5 cm. Tail of moderate length: up to 7 cm. The soles of the hind legs are covered with hair almost to the calluses at the base of the toes. The color of the upperparts is uniform brownish-ocher, often with noticeable light spots. Distributed in the south of Western and Central Europe. This gopher settles in flat and mountain landscapes of forest-steppe and steppe zones, on pastures, virgin lands and places inconvenient for cultivation (for example, very rocky). On arable lands, it makes only temporary burrows, which are destroyed later during plowing. Before hibernation, adult gophers emerge less frequently and in different times light half of the day. Gray gopher burrows can be temporary or permanent.

Forest ferret

The forest ferret is very rare. The steppe ferret's main diet consists of gophers, hamsters, and pikas. Steppe ferrets, living near rivers and lakes, hunt water voles and birds. When there is an excess of prey, all ferrets make reserves. Ferrets belong to the important fur animals, this especially applies to the steppe ferret. However, its fishing has to be limited, given the role of this predator in the extermination of harmful rodents. In some cases, ferrets cause known damage to poultry farming, but ideas about this are usually greatly exaggerated. Outside settlements ferrets are certainly useful, or at least neutral


The hamster is very beautiful. Most readers will agree with this after looking at the color image of the beast. It is the size of a very large Pasyuk (body length 25-30 cm). Sometimes almost black or black and white specimens are found. Hamsters live in steppe and forest-steppe regions of southern Europe, Western Siberia, Northern Kazakhstan and east to the Yenisei. In isolated spots they penetrate further north. They readily inhabit agricultural lands along the borders of fields and bushes. The hamster behaves like a zealous owner, loving thoroughness and solidity in everything. It builds high-quality and complex burrows with numerous storage holes, tunnels and nesting chambers. The depth of the burrows reaches 2.5 m. Closer to autumn, the animal diligently fills its bins with various supplies: grain, potatoes, corn, carrots and other similar products. Total weight such reserves usually reach 10-20 kg, but even information is provided about hamster storerooms with grain up to 90 kg. Animals feed on these reserves in the winter, when they are temporarily distracted from hibernation and fill their stomachs with a new portion of food, and also in the spring until the required amount of food appears. In summer, animals also eat green grass, various seeds and roots, insects and other small animals (occasionally he can even eat a mouse). Hamsters are active at night. If an enemy (for example, a fox, a dog or a person) unexpectedly cuts off the animal’s path to a hole, the animal boldly rushes at the enemy and can bite him painfully, making his way home. From April to October, the female feeds numerous offspring twice or even three times. In one litter there are most often about 10 cubs, but in some cases even up to 20. The hamster in many places noticeably damages fields and has to be exterminated. Its skins are used as cheap furs.

Authors: Khochesheva Irina Ladimirovna, Gadyatskaya Anastasia Evgenievna
Job title: educator, educator
Educational institution: MADOU No. 105 " Kindergarten combined type"
Locality: Kemerovo region, Kemerovo
Name of material: ecology lesson notes
Subject:"Wild animals of our region"
Publication date: 10.09.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Educators of MADOU No. 105 in Kemerovo

Khochesheva I.L.

Gadyatskaya A.E.

Summary of a lesson on ecology in the senior group

"Wild animals of our region."

Goal: expand and consolidate ideas about the features appearance And

vital activity of predatory mammals of our region.

Educational: reinforce the idea of ​​the forest as a habitat

d/animals. Introduce species little known to children, but common

our fauna. Show the simplest connections between plants and animals,

introduce the concept of “food chain”.

Educational: to cultivate a love for nature, a desire to protect and provide

give her all possible help.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures of wild animals,

illustrations of forests, taiga, reading stories about animals, asking riddles.

Methodical techniques: surprise moment, showing illustrations of animals,

conversation questions for children, didactic and word games, finger and eye games

gymnastics, thinking games practical work. Summary of the lesson (application

introduction of animals into the forest).

Material and equipment: illustrations of a bear, wolf, fox, ermine,

wolverine, lynx, badger and wild boar. Illustrations of a taiga forest, a fire in the forest.

Pictures: bark, wild berries, fish, acorns, hare, chicken, meat, mushrooms, silhouettes

animals for food chick. Keywords: carnivores, omnivores, food

Organizational moment: We woke up with the sun,

Stretched and smiled

Hold your hands tightly

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, a monkey has flown to us from Africa and wants to make friends with

animals of our region, and find out everything about them, where they live, what they eat. you want her

help? (Yes). Then you and I are going on another environmental

journey. Let's take the monkey with us and invite our guests.

Do you agree? (Yes). But before we set off on our journey, we need to remember

what we study for ecology class.

Children: we study the world of living and non-living nature.

Educator: What applies to living nature?

Children: humans, plants, animals, birds, insects, fish, reptiles.

Vosp.: What refers to non-living nature? Children (sun, moon, stones, sand, water.

Well done guys, you know everything. The place where you and I will go on a trip, you

You'll find out when you solve the riddle:

“This city is not empty, it is dense and dense.” Children (Forest).

Vosp: Correct. What is a forest? (children's answer where there are a lot of trees and plants). A

You can call a forest a home for plants and animals. (children's answer is Yes). Guys, and in

In our Kuzbass region the forest is called taiga. Taiga - where they mostly grow

coniferous trees (I exhibit illustrations of forests and taiga). Now close your eyes

and our journey begins (forest music sounds). Imagine that you and I

found themselves in the forest. What do you hear? (children: noise of trees, singing, birds, screams

animals). Open your eyes and tell me why people like to be in the forest?

(children: because it’s beautiful there, clean air, a lot of berries, mushrooms, flowers grow and sing

birds). Yes, guys, the forest is a wonderful place - it is an extraordinary world of secrets and mysteries.

There are also predatory animals in the taiga that you know well. What does the word mean

"predator"? (Children's answers).

I’ll just make riddles about them: The owner of the forest woke up in the spring,

And in winter, under the blizzard howl

He sleeps in a snow hut. (bear).

How did you guess that this riddle is about a bear? (Children's answers). Brown bear -

most dangerous predator in the taiga. A person needs to be afraid of him. He's armed

impressive claws and teeth, has great strength. Bear can

run fast and jump well. He also loves to swim and is good at swimming and catching

fish. In autumn, when the first snow falls, bears go to bed. In winter at the bear's

One or two tiny bear cubs are born, about the size of a mitten. Until spring

they suck milk and grow. When it gets warm, the mother bear and her cubs will come out

from the den, and will begin to teach the cubs to hunt. Bears are omnivorous animals. Who

guess what the word “omnivore” means? (Children's answers).

Guess another riddle: Who wanders around angry and hungry in the cold winter? (wolf).

(short story for children - lives in a den and eats meat). (d/ il).

Cunning cheat, red head, fluffy tail - beauty!

And her name is... fox. (illustration demonstration)

(Short story for children --- lives in the hole it feeds on small animals, mice

can eat bird eggs and even berries). (d/il).

Guys, listen to another riddle: about an animal you know.

An angry touch-me-not lives in the depths of the forest,

There are a lot of needles, but not one thread. (Hedgehog). (d/il).

(a short story by children ---- Hedgehog --- eats various insects that it can

catch, as well as lizards, frogs, can catch a snake).

Well done guys, you told everything correctly about animals. And now I'll tell you

about other animals of our region. Among the predatory animals of the forest, one can name the LYNX.

This is a large spotted cat with a short, stubby tail. Ears with

tassels. (Illustration shown). The eyes are green. Will lie down on a thick branch and

waits for prey: deer, hares, birds. Can hunt mice.

No wonder they call it a forest cat.

WOLVERINE lives in the taiga. Medium sized beast(d/il), the head looks like

bear She has a big bushy tail. The beast is very cautious and hidden.

Hunts various small animals. Guys there is still an amazing predatory

an animal that looks like a cat is an ERMAN (d/il). The stoat eats mice. Body

it is long and flexible. The ears are small, flexible, and round. The ermine changes its

fur coat In summer it is brown and in winter it is white, only the tip of its tail is black.

Wild BOAR is also found in the foothills of the Kuznetsk Alatau. Boar refers to

omnivorous animals. (d/il).

Physical exercise.

Let's get up, we need to rest, shake our fingers,

Raise your hands up and move your fingers.

This is how little gray bunnies move their ears.

We sneak quietly on tiptoes, like foxes wandering through a forest

The wolves look around and we turn our heads

Now we sit down more quietly, let’s be quiet in our holes like mice.

Play: Carnivorous and herbivorous animals are related to each other. (Lost on the board

food chain samples, animals). Look, if you destroy the grass, what

will the animals be the first to die? (Herbivores). But after them they will begin to die

predators. This means that plants on Earth are the basis of life. Without plants everything is on our

the planet will die.

“Grass - deer - wolf” is a food chain where the links are connected to each other.

If you destroy one, another will suffer, a third will die. Now let's play.

Close your eyes, I will remove the links in the chains, and you can guess which ones. Guys on

On everyone’s table there are pictures of animals and pictures of what they eat. Need to

select several pictures and arrange them into a food chain. (independent

children's work).

Food chain options:




Grass - hare - wolf,

Grass-roe deer-lynx,



Children's story about food chains. Now let’s play the game “Guess what I’m like”

beast". (A picture of an animal is attached to the child’s back, the teacher asks

questions that children must answer “yes” or “no.” Child listening

questions and answers, must guess the hidden animal.

Questions for the game: Does this animal live in the forest? Is this beast big? Does he sleep in winter? This

is the animal a herbivore? Etc. Guys, while we were playing in the taiga, a fire occurred.

(I post illustrations of a fire in the forest). Where do you think it came from?

fire? (children's answer - people did not put out the fire, or the forest caught fire from a strong

heat). What will happen to plants and animals now? (the children's answer is that they will die,

in order to survive they leave their home.) (showing pictures animals run away from

fire). The fire destroys nests and animals' homes and food. Look people

They are trying to put out the fire by any means possible, but it is very difficult. (show


The guys lost their families during the fire. Let's help them find

each other. (game assemble a family of animals: dad - mom - cub).

Guys, people managed to put out the fire, but will animals be able to live there? (children's answer

– no) I suggest making a gift for our rescued animals.

Populate them in our ecologically clean forest, which we will plant with you.

(children glue pre-cut pictures of trees and

  • The hare can lie in place for a long time, even when it sees an approaching enemy. And only as a last resort does he jump up and run away. Some can reach speeds of up to fifty kilometers per hour. When he runs away, he is cunning: if the predator is far away, the hare returns and covers his tracks, and then makes a long jump to the side.
  • The hare changes the color of its coat. It is gray in summer and white in winter. Whites live where the climate is warm.
  • The hare eats grass, winter crops, grains and vegetables from the garden, and sometimes tree bark.

  • The badger lives in a dense forest and digs holes on the slope of a hill or ravine. The burrow of these animals can be both a primitive structure and a very complex one.
  • Badgers dig easily. They have a dense, wedge-shaped, muscular body, a pointed head and paws with long, sharp claws. With these claws they loosen the ground, dig up roots and eat them. Badgers also eat insects and rodents, but do not attack large animals. By autumn they become very fat and fill the pantries with roots, seeds, and acorns.

  • The life of beavers is strongly connected with water. They feel better in water than on land and build houses on the water. Beavers dig holes reaching eight to ten meters.
  • When the house is ready they build the platinum. Platinum is very important for beavers. Firstly, thanks to platinum, the water level rises, reliably closing the entrances to the home, and secondly, the animals have somewhere to swim. Beavers are animals (solid): their length is more than a meter, and their weight reaches thirty kilograms.

  • You can see him in the taiga - he is not particularly shy and is very curious. And in the spring you can also hear a chipmunk (singing).
  • The chipmunk makes its burrow on the ground and is quite long. Sometimes in a hollow. In the middle of summer, the family breaks up and everyone prepares supplies for the winter. He collects: nuts, acorns. In two to three months, a chipmunk collects five, or even ten kilograms.
  • It spends most of the winter hibernating.

  • This is a predatory animal. Body length: on average one hundred five to one hundred and sixty centimeters (plus tail thirty-five to fifty centimeters).
  • Shoulder height: from eighty to one hundred centimeters.
  • Weight: usually thirty-five to fifty kilograms.
  • Speed ​​of movement: at short distances - eighty-five kilometers per hour, at a speed of thirty-five - forty kilometers I can run for several hours, but I do 20 - 25 kilometers, and runs without stopping for many hours.
  • The wolf has excellent eyesight, keen hearing, and amazing sense of smell.

  • It belongs to the order of insectivorous animals. It feeds on all sorts of beetles, caterpillars, and worms. It can also catch a mouse or a vole, and occasionally a viper. The needles help him defend himself from enemies. His back is covered with needles and therefore the viper's venom has almost no effect on him.
  • In summer, the hedgehog sleeps wherever he can. By autumn the family breaks up. They spend the winter alone, climbing into a hole and hibernating.

  • RACCOON RACCOON one of typical representatives families. He's as tall as a dog average size. The body of the striped raccoon is stocky, on short legs with long movable toes. The head is wide, with a short thin muzzle and large ears. The coat is thick, long, and its color is brownish-gray. The muzzle is characterized by a black mask with a white trim. The tail has 5-7 wide black or brown rings. It climbs trees well, but usually feeds on the ground, in swamps and shallow waters. Its food includes frogs, crayfish, fish, rodents (even young muskrats), as well as all kinds of berries, acorns, nuts, and fruits. Before eating prey, the raccoon rinses it in water, which gave rise to the name it is a gargle.

  • This beast of prey. She lives only in the forest.
  • Her body is slender, strong, her tail is long, her fur is fluffy, thick and very beautiful, dark brown in color. And there is also a yellowish-white spot on the throat and chest.
  • She often makes nests in trees, in hollows. She climbs trees well and jumps better than a squirrel.

  • The sense of smell and keen hearing help the fox to hunt. Especially in winter.
  • In the spring she dances - rises to hind legs and walks in small steps.
  • She eats mice, voles and hares.

  • He has club feet and loves honey very much. The bear is not very dangerous. But he is not always good-natured and peaceful. If you make a bear angry, he may attack.
  • The bear has great strength. He can drag a load of four hundred to five hundred kilograms through the forest. He can run more than one kilometer at the speed of a racehorse and more than one kilometer.
  • At the bear's poor vision, but hearing and sense of smell are perfectly developed, and this greatly helps him in hunting. He often hunts smaller animals.
  • The bear's main food is various roots and nuts, berries and mushrooms, young shoots, small rodents and insects.

  • In the European part of Russia, sable was completely destroyed; very little of it remained in Siberia. Now there are about eight hundred thousand of them.
  • The sable is very attached to one place. He very rarely runs away from his place. The sable lives sedentary, constantly walking around its territory, the area of ​​which can be 3 thousand hectares. The sable climbs trees well, but lives and hunts on the ground. Sometimes he dives into the snow and catches mice. Only in winter does he live in a hollow tree.

  • Write a description of the insects of our region.
  • Sketch several representatives.

Municipal educational institution"Average secondary school No. 27 "Animals of our region Teacher of the 1st qualification category Loginova Lyudmila Afanasyevna Berezniki 2008

Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest, walking boldly and easily, with his horns spread wide. Elk

ELK (elk) – artiodactyl mammal animal. Most major representative a family of deer with huge, massive antlers. Elk length is up to 3 m, height is up to 2.5 m, body weight is up to 600 kg. Elk lives in forests. Favorite food is leaves, shoots of bushes and trees. Moose live alone or in small groups.

Grayish, toothy, prowls the field, looking for prey. Wolf

WOLF is the largest representative of the wolf family. Predator. Body length – 100-150 cm, Height at withers up to 90 cm, Weight – up to 75 kg. Has a keen sense of smell. The wolf is active at night and feeds on any small animals. Wolves keep in packs (6 – 10 individuals) and have a leader.

In summer he walks without a path near pine and birch trees, and in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost. Bear

BEAR is a mammal of the carnivorous order. The largest representative of all predatory animals. Length – 110 – 130 cm, Height of the bear at the withers up to 135 cm, Weight up to 700 kg. Bears stay alone or in families. Active around the clock. These are omnivorous animals: they love berries, nuts, insects, as well as fish and small animals.

A cunning cheat, red head, fluffy tail - beauty! And her name is... Fox

FOX - carnivorous mammal wolf family. The RED FOX is more common. Length of a fox up to 90 cm, Height up to 60 cm, Weight up to 50 kg Likes to feast on rodents, hares, birds, plants, fish.

What kind of forest animal is this that stands like a column under a pine tree? And stands among the grass - its ears are larger than its head. Hare

HARE is a mammal. In our forests there are hares: BELYAK and RUSAK. Hares lead an active, solitary lifestyle. They breed 4 times a year. Delicacies for hares: bark and foliage of trees and shrubs. They are also frequent “guests” of fields and vegetable gardens.

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest. In a hollow in an old oak tree I gnaw nuts. Squirrel

SQUIRREL is a rodent of the squirrel family. Length up to 30 cm, squirrel weight up to 1 kg. It makes spherical nests in tree hollows, sometimes on the branches of pine and spruce trees. Animal food: sweet berries, acorns, nuts, mushrooms, tree seeds. For the winter, the squirrel prepares supplies (mushrooms, nuts, etc.).

Questions: An angry touch-me-not lives in the depths of the forest. There are a lot of needles, but not just one thread. 2. Which forest dweller is called a cheat? Name an animal that caught large and small fish with its tail. House for a squirrel. Crown of trees. Valuable furry animal, inhabited in water. In spring it cheers, in summer it cools, in autumn it nourishes, in spring it warms. Did you guess the keyword? Try creating your own crossword puzzle. w o l k l i s a d u p l o l i s t i o n y o u d r a l e s

Did you know... Baby animals?

Did you know... Every animal's house?

Do you know... Every animal's favorite food?


Game “Cloud, Sun” Rules of the game If you agree with the statement, then raise the signal card with the image of the sun. If you do not agree with the statement, then raise the signal card with the image of the cloud. The winner is the one who raises the signal card correctly the most times.

Be careful!

Are animals covered in feathers?

Does a hedgehog hibernate in winter?

Does a squirrel eat fish?

Is the wolf a herbivore?

Can a moose walk through a swamp?

Is a hare larger than a wolf?

Literature: Egupova V.A. I study the world around me. Elkina N.V., Tarabarina T.I. 1000 riddles. Pleshakov A.A. What surrounds me. Kasatkina N.A. I will experience the world. Markin V.A. I'm exploring the world. Animals . Perepelkina A.V., Grinin L.G. Meeting animals. Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius (electronic) Natural history. (electronic manual)