Advanced - level of fluency. Intermediate level - description of English proficiency level B1

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Many people often hear the phrase: “My friend (brother, wife, etc.) speaks perfect English.” But, firstly, everyone’s concept of perfection is different, and secondly, a variety of tests will help you find out how perfect you really are in this matter. Level determination English language – this is where its study begins or continues. It is necessary to determine your language level, if only to find out how far you have progressed in this process. In addition, this will be needed if you decide to teach, so that the teacher can understand where to start learning.

How to determine your English proficiency level

  • Beginner
  • Elementary
  • Pre-Intermediate
  • Intermediate
  • Upper Intermediate
  • Advanced

So, determining the level of English begins with the level “ Beginner ", or zero. This is exactly the level that those who have never studied English have. This is the level that will give you an idea of ​​the English language and equip you with basic knowledge. By the way, many course teachers determine exactly how much time you will need to master the English language. If you hear exact deadlines, leave immediately. To master a language means to embrace the immensity. You can master a language to some extent, but you cannot acquire something that is beyond your control - a living organism. After all, language is a living organism that is constantly growing and constantly changing.

Elementary - you can explain yourself on the most basic topics, but, alas, with little. If you have received this level in testing after many months of study, do not despair. The rule applies: spend little, get little! And if this level is a reward, then you are getting closer to the next level...

There are certain difficulties in determining the level of English Pre-Intermediate . Like everything in the world, this level is relative. The reason for this is that the line between this level and the next is too thin, but, nevertheless, it is believed that students with this level should not only adequately use English in familiar situations, but also should not get lost in unfamiliar ones.

Intermediate . You can understand English and communicate effectively in real-life situations, but still sometimes have difficulty doing so.

Upper-Intermediate . You will be able to use English more or less successfully in different situations. This level of knowledge is for those who plan to start working or studying abroad.

Level Advanced involves using English almost to the same extent as Russian, but sometimes making minor errors.

On our website you can determine your level of language proficiency by passing the following tests:

  • A comprehensive test to determine the level of English on our school website

Surely many have heard about the international system of English language levels, but not everyone knows what it means and how to classify it. The need to find out your level of English proficiency may arise in some life situations. For example, if you need to pass an interview at work or at the embassy, ​​if you need to pass some kind of international exam (IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, CPE, BEC, etc.), when entering a foreign educational institution, when getting a job in another country, and also for personal purposes.

International system Definitions of knowledge of the English language can be divided into 7 levels:

1. Beginner – Initial (zero). At this level, the student knows practically nothing in English and begins to study the subject from scratch, including the alphabet, basic reading rules, standard greeting phrases and other tasks this stage. At the Beginner level, students can usually answer questions easily when meeting new people. For example: What is your name? How old are you? Do you have brothers and sisters? Where are you from and where do you live? etc. They can also count to one hundred and spell out their name and personal information. The latter in English is called spelling (pronouncing words by letter).

2. Elementary. This level immediately follows zero and implies knowledge of some basics of the English language. The Elementary level allows students to use previously learned phrases in a more free form, and also instills a whole range of new knowledge. At this stage, students learn to briefly talk about themselves, about their favorite colors, dishes and seasons, about the weather and time, about the daily routine, about countries and customs, etc. In terms of grammar, at this level there is an initial acquaintance with the following tenses: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple(will, to be going to) and Present Perfect. Some are also considered modal verbs(can, must), different types pronouns, adjectives and degrees of comparison, categories of nouns, forms of simple questions. Having firmly mastered the Elementary level, you can already take part in the KET (Key English test).

3. Pre-Intermediate – Below average. The level following Elementary is called Pre-Intermediate, literally translated as Pre-Intermediate. Having reached this level, students already have an idea of ​​how many sentences and phrases are constructed and can speak briefly on many topics. The Pre-Intermediate level adds confidence and expands learning potential. There are longer texts, more practical exercises, new grammar topics and more complex structures proposals. Topics found at this level may include difficult questions, Time Past Continuous, different forms of the future tense, conditional sentences, modal verbs, infinitives and gerunds, repetition and consolidation of Past Simple tenses (regular and irregular verbs) and Present Perfect, and some others. In terms of oral skills, having completed the Pre-Intermediate level, you can safely go on a journey and look for every opportunity to use your knowledge in practice. Also, a solid command of English at the Pre-Intermediate level makes it possible to participate in the PET (Preliminary English Test) test and the BEC (Business English Certificate) Preliminary exam.

4. Intermediate - Average. At the Intermediate level, the knowledge acquired at the previous stage is consolidated, and a lot of new vocabulary, including complex ones. For example, personal characteristic people, scientific terms, professional vocabulary and even slang. The object of study becomes active and passive voices, direct and indirect speech, participial and participial phrases, phrasal verbs and prepositions, word order in complex sentences, varieties of articles, etc. From grammatical tenses, the difference between Present Simple and Present Continuous, Past Simple and Present Perfect, Past Simple and Past Continuous, as well as between various forms of expressing the future tense is examined in more detail. Texts at the Intermediate level become longer and more meaningful, and communication becomes easier and freer. The advantage of this stage is that in many modern companies employees with knowledge of the Intermediate level are highly valued. This level is also ideal for avid travelers, as it makes it possible to freely understand the interlocutor and express himself in response. Among the international exams, after successfully passing the intermediate level, you can take the following exams and tests: FCE (First Certificate in English) grade B/C, PET Level 3, BULATS (Business Language Testing Service), BEC Vantage, TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication), IELTS (International English Language Testing System) for 4.5-5.5 points and TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) for 80-85 points.

5. Upper Intermediate - Above average. If students reach this level, it means that they can freely understand fluent English and communicate without difficulty using the vocabulary they have already acquired. At the Upper-Intermediate level, it becomes possible to use English much more in practice, since there is a little less theory, and if there is, it basically repeats and consolidates the Intermediate level. Among the innovations, we can note Narrative Tenses, which includes such difficult times as Past Continuous, Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous. Future Future times Continuous and Future Perfect, use of articles, modal verbs of assumptions, verbs indirect speech, hypothetical sentences, abstract nouns, causative voice and much more. The Upper-Intermediate level is one of the most in demand both in business and in the educational sphere. People who are fluent in English at this level can easily pass any interviews and even enter the foreign universities. At the end of the Upper-Intermediate course, you can take exams such as FCE A/B, BEC (Business English Certificate) Vantage or Higher, TOEFL 100 points and IELTS 5.5-6.5 points.

6. Advanced 1 – Advanced. Advanced 1 level is required for professionals and students who want to achieve high fluency in English. Unlike the Upper-Intermediate level, many interesting phrases appear here, including idioms. Knowledge of tenses and other grammatical aspects previously studied is only deepened and examined from others unexpected angles. Topics of discussion become more specific and professional, for example: environment And natural disasters, legal processes, literary genres, computer terms, etc. After the Advanced level, you can take a special academic exam CAE (Cambridge Advanced English), as well as IELTS with 7 and TOEFL with 110 points, and you can qualify for prestigious job V foreign companies or a place in Western universities.

7. Advanced 2 – Super advanced (native speaker level). The name speaks for itself. We can say that there is nothing higher than Advanced 2, because this is the level of a native speaker, i.e. a person born and raised in an English-speaking environment. With this level you can pass any interviews, including highly specialized ones, and pass any exams. In particular, the highest test of English proficiency is the academic exam CPE (Cambridge Proficiency Exam), and as for the IELTS test, with this level you can pass it with the highest score of 8.5-9.
This gradation is called the ESL (English as a Second Language) or EFL (English as a Foreign Language) level classification and is used by the ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe) association. The level system may vary depending on the country, school or organization. For example, some organizations reduce the 7 levels presented to 5 and call them a little differently: Beginner (Elementary), Lower Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, Lower Advanced, Upper Advanced. However, this does not change the meaning and content of the levels.

Another similar system of international examinations under the acronym CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) divides the levels into 6 and has other names:

1. A1 (Breakthrough)=Beginner
2. A2 (Waystage)=Pre-Intermediate – Below average
3. B1 (Threshold)=Intermediate – Average
4. B2 (Vantage)=Upper-Intermediate – Above average
5. C1 (Proficiency)=Advanced 1 – Advanced
6. C2 (Mastery)=Advanced 2 – Super advanced

In order to get a job in an international company or organization engaged in foreign economic activity, knowledge of a foreign language is required. Today, the most common and in demand are English, German, French, and Chinese.

Language skills on resume

In order to get a job in an international company, you must indicate your level of proficiency in a particular language when filling out your resume. To do this, specify the level in a separate section. Most often, standard options are used, from which you need to choose the most suitable one.

Russified classification:

  • base,
  • colloquial,
  • "I own it freely"
  • “I am fluent.”

European classification:

  • Beginner,
  • Advanced,
  • Pre-Intermediate,
  • Intermediate,
  • Basic
  • Elementary level
  • Upper-Intermediate.

How should I indicate my level of language proficiency on my resume?

Naturally, your resume must indicate your actual level of knowledge. foreign languages. Another question is how to define it correctly.

For example, Intermediate assumes that a person can not only clearly and clearly express his thoughts and understand his interlocutor, but also write informational articles, conduct business correspondence, fill out declarations and other important documents.

To find out your level of English proficiency, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. When completing training, the level of knowledge is usually indicated, which must be shown by the student.
  2. Take the online test.
  3. To confirm the level, starting from Intermediate and higher, the following relevant tests must be taken.

Levels of language knowledge (Russified classification)

On at the moment, there is the most accurate and official classification of different levels of English proficiency.

According to it, they are divided into those listed below, which we will now examine in more detail:

  • Advanced is the highest level of English proficiency. Moreover, it is taken into account as oral speech, and so is the letter.
  • Upper-intermediate(in modern TOEFL texts, you can achieve a score of 550 to 600 points). At the same time, a person at this level can calmly communicate, watch movies and fully understand them. With this level of language knowledge, it is possible to freely find a job in any company - both large and relatively small organizations.
  • Intermediate— in order to get this level you need to score from 400 to 550 points on the TOEFL text. This indicates that a person can communicate as competently and freely on certain topics as possible. Knows all the basic rules and features of the English language. Can conduct business negotiations at the proper level.
  • Pre-intermediate represents the level of knowledge of a person who can freely perceive what is said (read) and delve into the essence.
  • Elementary is it elementary or basic level knowledge of English. Having proficiency in English at this level, a person can freely quickly read various texts in English, as well as pronounce words most correctly. In addition to this, knowledge of the most basic and simple grammatical and spelling structures must also be present.
  • Beginner- Beginner level of English proficiency. It represents the simplest level of language proficiency. A person receives the most basic level at school. A person with these English language skills can talk about himself and at the same time talk on various topics.

Level of language proficiency according to the European scale

Most countries in the world have adopted the Common European System (CEFR), which is used to determine the level of English language proficiency. Thanks to this scale, standards have been established that are used throughout the world for the most comprehensive definition of language competence.

This system is used to recognize their qualifications, which have been acquired in a wide variety of educational systems and have a direct impact on academic and labor migration not only in European countries, but throughout the world.

This rating scale can be used for any language. This is due to the fact that the ALTE association developed and implemented a special formula “Sai Mo”. The division is made into general educational and working aspects.

According to the pan-European scale, the level of foreign language proficiency is divided into the following:

  • A1 - initial - Breakshowj.
  • A2 - level 1 (Pre-intermediate and Elementary).
  • B1 - Intermediate.
  • B2 - Upper-intermediate.
  • C1 - Advanced.
  • C2 - “Profi”

Each level is confirmed by passing the corresponding exam (Cambridge).

Valuable addition to your resume:

When filling out your resume, you must indicate not only your level of English proficiency, but also the availability of an appropriate certificate, as well as information about passing certain exams: B1, B2, C1 and C2.

It is also a good idea to include the full name of the detailed institution.

Certificates confirming the level of English language

International certificates are issued to candidates and serve as documentary evidence of their level of knowledge of the English language.

They are divided:

  1. IELTS. This certificate is recognized in almost 130 countries around the world. First of all, these are most countries of the European continent, as well as New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the USA. This certificate is issued for two years, after which it must be reconfirmed.
  2. TOEFL. Required for applicants upon admission to educational institutions, where the MBA program is taught, as well as for employment. This certificate is recognized in Canada and the USA (over 2400 colleges), The TOEFL Certificate is recognized in 150 countries. Its validity period is 2 years.
  3. GMAT. This international certificate is required for admission to Western universities, business schools, educational institutions where MBA programs are taught, as well as for employment in large international companies. The validity period of this certificate is currently 5 years.
  4. GRE. This international certificate is required for admission to graduate school at most American universities. Its validity period is 5 years.
  5. TOEIK.This certificate is required for applicants and students, including linguistic universities. Often, a TOEIK certificate is required when applying for a job in a variety of English-speaking companies. Validity period: 2 years. But you can take it for five years at once. But for this, you need to pay 50 dollars (standard fee).

Exams confirming language skills and level of English (international scale)

Today, the most common throughout the world are the Cambridge tests (exams that are taken annually by tens of millions of people from different regions globe- Cambridge COP).

This system is developed for various levels of English language proficiency and makes it possible to obtain preliminary assessment own knowledge. Each test confirms the level of knowledge and makes an assessment.

CAM (pr SEFR for Intermediate) with outputs to Elementary (A1 and A2), PET (Intermediate B1), FSE - Upper-intermediate (B2), CAE - Advanced (C1), CPE - Pre-intermediate (C2). In addition, there are a number of others - highly specialized exams.

English proficiency test

A huge number of different tests have now appeared on the Internet, which make it possible to test your level of language knowledge. But here it is important to remember that not all of them are reliable, since most of them are just dummies that have nothing to do with official tests and calculation criteria.

It’s easier to call them simulators or applications. The most popular and popular is This is due to the fact that it was released by Cambridge specialists and all the data obtained in it is reliable.

Quite often on forums dedicated to learning foreign languages, there are questions about English proficiency levels - “How can I tell if I have Beginner or Elementary?”, “What do you need to know to start with Pre-Intermediate?”, “How to correctly indicate the level of language proficiency on your resume? or “I once studied English at school, am I Intermediate?” To avoid problems with your English, you need not only to choose the right school, but also to have a good understanding of what level you should start learning the language at. Let's try to figure it out together. Shall we?

English proficiency levels

If you have ever wondered about the levels of English proficiency, you may get the impression that there is complete confusion here. But in reality this is not the case. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) was specifically designed to describe levels of English proficiency and is international standard. Consists of the following levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2.

What then should we do with the Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate and Advanced levels that are so well known to us and dear to us from school? And besides, these names can be found with various additional words, such as False, Low, Very, etc. Why all these difficulties? Let's explain. This classification was invented by the creators of basic textbooks such as “Headway”, “Cutting Edge”, “Opportunities”. For what? These levels divide the CEFR scale into passages for better language acquisition. And it is precisely this division of levels that schools and language courses usually focus on.

You can't do this without the help of a pivot table. We invite you to carefully consider which widely known levels of English proficiency correspond to those on the CEFR scale.

English Level Table
LEVELDescriptionCEFR level
Beginner You don't speak English ;)
Elementary You can say and understand some words and phrases in English A1
Pre-Intermediate You can communicate in “plain” English and understand the other person in a familiar situation, but have difficulty A2
Intermediate You can speak quite well and understand speech by ear. Express yourself using simple sentences but have difficulty with more complex ones grammatical structures and vocabulary B1
Upper-Intermediate You speak and understand English well by ear, but you can still make mistakes B2
Advanced You speak English fluently and have full listening comprehension C1
Proficiency You speak English at the level of a native speaker C2

A few words about False, Low, Very and other prefixes to standard level names. Sometimes you can find such formulations as False Beginner, Low Intermediate or Very Advanced, etc. This can be called division into sublevels. For example, the False Beginner level corresponds to a person who previously studied English, but for a very short time, and who remembers practically nothing. Such a person will need less time to complete the beginner course and move to the next level, so he cannot be called a full Beginner. It's a similar story with Low Intermediate and Very Advanced. In the first case, the person has already passed full course Pre-Intermediate and began to study Intermediate, but at the same time he mastered and uses in speech only a few grammatical structures and vocabulary of this level. A speaker in English with a Very Advanced level is already halfway to the coveted Proficiency. Well, you get the idea.

Now let's look at the specific skills of English learners at different levels.

Beginner level of English, also known as Starter

Initial, zero level. This course begins with a phonetics course and learning the rules of reading. Vocabulary is studied, which makes it possible to communicate on everyday topics (“Acquaintance”, “Family”, “Work”, “Leisure”, “In the store”), and basic grammar is also analyzed.

After completing the Beginner course:

  • Vocabulary is about 500-600 words.
  • Listening comprehension: phrases and sentences spoken slowly, with pauses, very clearly (for example, simple questions and instructions).
  • Conversational speech: you can talk about yourself, your family, friends.
  • Reading: simple texts with familiar words and previously encountered phrases, as well as studied grammar, simple instructions(for example, an assignment for an exercise).
  • Writing: single words, simple sentences, fill out a form, write short descriptions.

English level Elementary

Basic level. A student at this level has all the basic skills of the English language. Such everyday topics as: “Family”, “Recreation”, “Travel”, “Transport”, “Health” are studied.

After completing the Elementary course:

  • The vocabulary is about 1000-1300 words.
  • Listening comprehension: sentences that relate to the most common topics. When listening to the news, watching movies, there is an understanding of the overall theme or plot, especially with visual support.
  • Colloquial speech: expressing opinions, requests, provided that the context is familiar. When greeting and goodbye, talking on the phone, etc. "blanks" are used.
  • Reading: short texts with a small amount of unfamiliar vocabulary, advertisements and signs.
  • Writing: describing people and events, composing simple letters using familiar clichés.

English level Pre-Intermediate

Conversational level. A listener who is confident in everyday vocabulary and basic grammar is able to express opinions on everyday topics.

After completing the Pre-Intermediate course:

  • The vocabulary is 1400-1800 words.
  • Listening comprehension: dialogue or monologue in everyday themes, when viewing, for example, the news, you can catch all the key points. When watching films, a listener at this level may not understand individual phrases and sentences, but follows the plot. He understands films with subtitles well.
  • Conversation: you can evaluate and express your opinion regarding any event, maintain a fairly long conversation on familiar topics (“Art”, “Appearance”, “Personality”, “Movies”, “Entertainment”, etc.).
  • Reading: complex texts, including journalistic articles.
  • Letter: written expression of one’s opinion or assessment of a situation, compilation of one’s biography, description of events.

English Intermediate level

Average level. The listener is confident in the language and can use it in a variety of situations. Usually the Intermediate level is enough to work in a foreign company. A person who speaks English at the Intermediate level can conduct negotiations and business correspondence in English, and give presentations.

After completing the Intermediate course:

  • The vocabulary of a listener at this level is about 2000-2500 words.
  • Listening comprehension: not only captures general meaning, but also specific details, understands films, interviews, videos without translation and subtitles.
  • Conversational speech: expresses a point of view, agreement/disagreement on almost any non-isolated topic. Can actively participate in discussion or debate on non-specific topics without preparation.
  • Reading: understands complex texts not related to familiar topics and areas of life, unadapted literature. Can understand the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context (fiction, information sites, dictionary entries).
  • Writing: Can compose letters in formal and informal styles, can use written English proficiently, can write long descriptions of events and history, and make personal comments.

English level Upper-Intermediate

Above average level. An Upper-Intermediate level listener knows and skillfully uses complex grammatical structures and a variety of vocabulary.

After completing the Upper-Intermediate course:

  • The vocabulary consists of 3000-4000 words.
  • Listening comprehension: understands well even linguistically complex speech on unfamiliar topics, almost completely understands videos without translation or subtitles.
  • Conversational speech: can freely give his assessment of any situation, make comparisons or contrasts, uses different speech styles.
  • The conversation is conducted in both formal and informal style. Speaks competently with a small number of errors, can catch and correct his mistakes.
  • Reading: proficient vocabulary for understanding unadapted English texts.
  • Writing: Can independently write articles, formal and informal letters. Can know and use different styles when creating written text.

English Advanced level

Advanced level. Students at the Advanced level have a very confident command of the English language and make only minor mistakes in their speech, which do not in any way affect the effectiveness of communication. Students of this level can study special disciplines in English.

After completing the Advanced course:

  • The vocabulary is about 4000-6000 words.
  • Listening comprehension: understands speech that is not clearly pronounced (for example, announcements at a train station or at the airport), perceives complex information in detail (for example, reports or lectures). Understands up to 95% of information on video without translation.
  • Speaking: Uses English very effectively for spontaneous communication, using both conversational and formal communication styles depending on the situation. speech situation. Uses phraseological units and idioms in speech.
  • Reading: easily understands non-adapted fiction and non-fiction literature, complex articles on specific topics (physics, geography, etc.)
  • Writing: Can write formal and informal letters, narratives, articles, essays, scientific papers.

Level of English Proficiency

Fluency in English. The last level according to the CEFR classification C2 describes a person who speaks English at the level of an educated native speaker. The only problems such a person may encounter are cultural problems. A person may, for example, not understand a quote if it refers to some popular program or book that is known to almost all native speakers, but may be unknown to a person who did not grow up in the environment.


It should be remembered that the level of language proficiency is assessed by a set of skills and there is no universal recipe for achieving a particular level. You can't say, "You should learn 500 more words or 2 more grammar topics and voila, you're at the next level."

By the way, you can check your level of English on our website: comprehensive English language test.

There are a great many ways to achieve one level or another - these are all kinds of courses and language schools, tutors, tutorials, newsletters, online lessons, and of course English via Skype. Which one to go with is up to you. The main thing is that it is useful.

There are also many additional services to improve the language. This and social media, created specifically for learning foreign languages, and various discussion clubs, and resources that provide films with and without subtitles in the original language, audio recordings, adapted and non-adapted literature. You can find out about all these aids and how exactly and at what levels to use them in the blog on our website. Stay tuned for new articles.

By the way, as you read this article, 700 million people around the world are learning English. Join us!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom