What does Alena Gavrilova do. Who is Alena Gavrilova: a little closer. Wedding video of Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova

Young people very often envy such a famous person as Emin Agalarov. The man is handsome, rich, his biography is rich and besides, he sings beautifully. Not deprived of attention, Emin is often in the circles of power. The army of his fans is simply huge, they are interested in every little thing associated with the idol. The first wife of Emin Agalarov, Leyla Aliyeva, broke up with him, so many wondered who would become the next wife and whether he would soon have a second wife.

In 2016, Alena Gavrilova appeared among the singer's entourage and mass media they immediately started talking about the fact that a new couple had appeared, although it seems that the reason for the divorce is also being discussed ex-wife, and personal life has already begun to develop rapidly anew. Agalarov's ex-wife was a real beauty, not without reason has not yet been forgotten by fans.

Emin Agalarov famous person

This name is heard by fans and viewers, the first album of Emin Agalarov was released in 2006. It is impossible to tell about the huge amount of music, he plays and participates in various concerts, career developed very quickly. Emin is not only the son of one of the richest people in our country, but also a businessman whose business is developing successfully. Agalarov Vice President of Crocus Group Corporation. Thousands of fans are watching not only his work, but also the fact that Emin Agalarov divorced his wife. The singer's popularity is not only in Russia and Azerbaijan, but also in other countries.

Emin Agalarov's wife photo

The new wife of the singer Emin Agalarov has already learned what fame is, her model appearance has allowed her to move forward on the path to success, this is a reward from her parents. Emin tries not to talk much about Alena, and if ex-wife was in the spotlight, then he hides the Saransk girl from the eyes of the public. After the beauty contest, Alena Gavrilova became "Miss Saransk" and took part in other events, after preparation she learned how to behave on stage and worked with a famous choreographer. To the delight of relatives and friends, Emin's wife became the best and most beautiful girl in Mordovia, after which she took part in the All-Russian competition and left for Moscow.

metropolitan life

At the Miss Russia contest, Alena Gavrilova entered the top ten finalists, she was noticed in the modeling business and was immediately invited to work by several agencies. There were a lot of shootings for glossy magazines and other projects, the girl participated in the shows of Valentin Yudashkin. During the competition Special attention she was given by Rustam Tariko, who was already on the verge of a divorce. After some time, they began to live together, although he was 25 years older, but she never received an offer, but gave him a son, Ruslan. Tarikov spoiled the girl and even bought her an expensive orchid in Madagascar when Natalia Vodianova's charity ball was held.

The relationship ended in 2009, journalists attributed to Ruslan Tariko new novel with Sofia Rudyeva. In 2016, Alena met Emin Agalarov. At first, there was no question of the seriousness of the relationship. Emin Agalarov and his wife played a gorgeous wedding. Everything became known about the intentions immediately, because Emin immediately introduced future wife with her father and children, Alena's birthday passed in the family circle at the highest level.

Gavrilova a year later starred in Agalarov's video called Good love. These were memorable shootings by Alan Badoev, the neighbors even called the police. The touching and tender anniversary of Alena was excellent, she appeared in three different dresses.

The wedding of Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova took place in 2018, there were many stars and invited famous people. The bride was in a beautiful puffy dress with a delicate veil, and Emin traditionally dressed in a tuxedo. Agalarov hopes that children will soon be born in his second marriage, but so far his current wife is not pregnant.

Alena Gavrilova is a Russian model and beauty queen from Mordovia, whose biography has interested the public in connection with novels with famous businessman and a singer.

Childhood and youth

Alena Gavrilova was born on August 7, 1987 in Saransk, the capital of Mordovia. According to the sign of the zodiac, the girl is Leo, which later affected her character.

Ambitious plans and a craving for beauty have become a guiding star for the girl in life path. Alena received her secondary education in a regular school, until an unprecedented event happened in her life. At the age of seventeen, she entered the Miss Mordovia 2004 contest and won it, taking first place.


Such a bright start immediately opened the way for the girl to model business, nature endowed her with the appropriate data: beautiful forms, a slender figure, high stature and low weight. With a height of 180 cm, the weight of the model did not exceed 57 kg. Alena, without thinking twice, went to conquer the capital, deciding to start new page his biography from a career as a professional model.

The next stage took place in the capital all-Russian competition- "Miss Russia". A native of Saratov failed to win the main title, but she entered the top ten most beautiful finalists and attracted the attention of potential employers.

In Moscow, the girl was immediately loaded with work. Although she did not manage to break out into the top model, many agencies noted natural data and charm.

Alena participated in regular photo shoots, starred in commercials and walked the catwalk at fashion shows of collections and other famous designers.

Personal life

At that competition, Alena Gavrilova met Russian billionaire Rustam Tariko, an ethnic Tatar, owner of the Russian Standard vodka concern and co-founder of beauty contests.

The girl was not embarrassed by the age difference: the businessman was a quarter of a century older than the young model. Surprisingly, this misalliance turned out to be strong union. For the sake of Alena, Rustam left the family. The businessman divorced his official wife Tatyana Osipova. The divorce came out noisy and scandalous, as Tatyana sued ex-husband. Rustam won this process, and the court awarded him custody of two common daughters and forced Osipova to pay alimony.

Soon former spouses decided to conclude a truce, the children returned to their mother, and Rustam agreed to allocate a tidy sum for their maintenance. In 2007 Alena and Rustam became parents. They were born The only son. Meanwhile, the businessman was in no hurry to re-tie the knot. Gavrilova remained in the status of his civil wife. The vodka magnate allocated a large sum for the maintenance of his son, born in union with Alena.

There are several interesting facts that have slipped through the press with this pair. They wrote that the billionaire laid out several hundred thousand euros in order to again open view orchid was named after his beloved. Once Alena fell into the hands of customs officers, who discovered undeclared jewelry imported by her from abroad.

The couple appeared everywhere together, it seemed that their numerous joint photos. However, in the summer of 2016, rumors leaked to the press that the billionaire and the model broke up, having lived in civil marriage 9 years. As it turned out, this information was reliable.

Alena does not lose heart, her personal life is still in full swing, as clearly evidenced by the pictures and posts of the model in "Instagram". Since 2016, Gavrilova has been dating, the singer and the richest heir to the Crocus empire. Until recently, Emin was married to the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan, but in 2015 the couple divorced. As Emin himself told reporters, they met Alena by accident. The singer liked the girl from the first moments, and the artist simply approached her and started a conversation. At the time of their acquaintance, both did not know anything about each other.

Alena and Emin spent a joint vacation in Italy, then went to St. Tropez. Officially, the public met with new sweetheart musician at a gala event held at Crocus City Hall in honor of Emin's birthday. Emin later arranged joint trip with Alena and sons Ali and Mikail. The boys managed to make friends with the chosen one of their father and communicated with her warmly.

In many vacation photos that the model posts on Instagram, she looks even more beautiful and more natural than in the 2004 contest in a swimsuit. Perhaps the reason lies in mutual love. about plastic and cosmetic procedures Alena does not mention.

Alena Gavrilova now

In 2017, the girl starred in Agalarov's video for his hit "Good Love". On the screen, Alena appeared in her usual role - fatal beauty, which is able to remove all obstacles on the way to reunion with your loved one.

Emin and Alena Gavrilova in the clip "Good Love"

In August, the billionaire gave his passion a magnificent celebration of her 30th birthday. At the celebration, Alena Gavrilova appeared in a magnificent lilac-colored dress; she held a photo shoot in this outfit in front of a stand decorated with rose flowers. The guests happily posed next to the birthday girl. After the solemn part of the evening, Alena changed this outfit to a light dress of golden tones. The culmination of the evening was a festive fireworks display in honor of the hero of the occasion. Dinner was not without a multi-tiered cake.

Contrary to popular belief that the relationship between Emin and Alena will be as shaky as her previous civil marriage, the young do not part. And in 2018 on ring finger girls appeared wedding ring.

The girl continues to please Instagram subscribers with personal pictures from the beaches in the Maldives, demonstrating an impeccable figure that has not changed at all in a decade.

And in March 2018, Alena Gavrilova launched own project– multidisciplinary beauty laboratory “Beautylab7” in Moscow mall Vegas Kuntsevo. The opening took place in a solemn atmosphere in the presence of eminent guests. The first visitors to the beauty salon were Yasmina Muratovich, with her son Semyon,. The list of laboratory services includes manicure, pedicure, appointment with a stylist and makeup artist.

On July 14, 2018, Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova got married. The wedding ceremony took place in Moscow, in the estate of the Agalarovs. Among the guests were colleagues in the stage and business.

The wedding of Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova

Perhaps the most luxury wedding this summer is now thundering in the Agalarov Estate golf club near Moscow - Emin Agalarov took his beloved girl Alena down the aisle, to whom he proposed in early June. The newly-made spouses did not advertise the celebration, inviting only their closest friends - Grigory Leps, Valery Meladze, Alexander Serov, Zara, Timati.

The place of the ceremony was decorated by the best decorators with snow-white flowers - peonies and roses, and candles were placed on the tables. Andrey Malakhov became the host of the celebration, who uttered the cherished words - "we declare you husband and wife."

Vladimir Kuzmin, the childhood idol of Alena and Emin, will entertain the newlyweds and guests this evening.

Recall that rumors about the artist's new romance appeared two years ago, when he appeared at a social event with his lover. The fact that between young people is not a fleeting flirtation, but a serious relationship, it became clear when Emin introduced Alena to his relatives - father and sons.

This is not the first serious relationship for both the 38-year-old singer and the 30-year-old model. Previously, Alena was in a civil marriage with billionaire Rustam Tariko, to whom she gave birth to a son, but the owner of the Russian Standard holding never married the mother of his child.

Emin was married to the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan, Leyla Aliyeva. Two years after the wedding, Leila gave birth to twins - the boys were named Ali and Mikail. But the spouses increasingly spent time separately - she is in London, he is in Moscow and Baku. Their marriage became formal and in May 2015 they announced their separation.

Emin's new wife is from Saransk. On the eve of release from high school the girl took part in the city beauty contest and won it, and then became the most beautiful girl in the Republic of Mordovia, which allowed her to be among the finalists of "Miss Russia-2004".

Later, Alena participated in the fashion shows of Valentin Yudashkin, and at one of the evenings she met her future husband.

The celebration took place at Agalarov Estate, a businessman's estate near Moscow. Famous guests, fabulous atmosphere and chic organization. The wedding of the billionaire and model Alena Gavrilova is already being called the "wedding of the century."

Alena Gavrilova married a billionaire

The news of the marriage of one of the richest people in Russia, moreover famous singer Emina Agalarova quickly scattered across the Internet. His chosen one, Alena Gavrilova, is also not a little-known person in the world of show business.

It is reported that specially for this day the estate was decorated with fresh flowers, a wedding tent was built, and the guests at the celebration were Russian stars. As they say, celebrated in a big way. Nothing less was expected from a man who shakes hands with Donald Trump, and at the same time boasts friendly relations with many Russian pop celebrities.

A video of one of the guests from the wedding ceremony has already appeared on the Web. It clearly shows the outfits of Emin and Alena. Everything is “on the level”, the groom has a classic suit and a simple but elegant White dress bride.

Photo: Instagram freedom__international

Netizens couldn't resist the sometimes poignant comments. Someone claimed that the billionaire had no other choice but to call the girl to marry, because she is pregnant. Some, knowing about the past of the model, believed that they were not a couple to each other. The rest simply wished happiness to the young and joked that Emin was a little shorter than his wife: “Good luck .. good luck in everything ... and a bird in your hands .. a bird of happiness ..”, “I reached out and took off my veil, God forgive me.”, “Hospadi, I barely reached my aunt, take off the veil. Scream.” (Spelling and paragraphs of the authors are preserved, approx. Ed.).

Who is Alena Gavrilova

Alena Gavrilova began her career as a model. At the age of 17, she won the Miss Mordovia 2004 beauty contest. The girl managed to break into the fashion world and become a professional model in Moscow.

But it was not the merit of work that brought Gavrilova wild popularity, but an affair with a Russian billionaire. Rustam Tariko became her first billionaire. Almost 25 years of age difference did not get in the way of the lovers. The media has repeatedly noted how strong their relationship is. Rustam even divorced his official wife and left two children for Alena.

Soon Tariko and Gavrilova had a son. And, despite this, the billionaire left the girl in the role of a common-law wife. After almost 9 years life together they broke up.

New relationship

About the novel of Alena and her new chosen one, also a billionaire and, moreover, the singer Emir Agalarov, there were rumors three years ago, in 2015. History repeated itself again. After all, Emin also divorced his official wife, by the way, the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan.

More than once, the media noticed two lovers in luxury resorts together. Then, Alena Gavrilova became the heroine of the video, which was shot by Agalarov. At that time, suspicions arose about serious relationship young people. Soon, it became known that Emin introduced Alena to his parents. After that, the public realized - "the case is moving towards the wedding." And I was not mistaken.

By the way, none of the lovers have yet pleased their subscribers in in social networks pictures from the wedding. It seems to be the first thing public figures like them should have done. But, apparently, the newlyweds enjoy each other's company and are in no hurry to share their happiness with others. Alena and Emin have already tried married life to taste. Given past experience, we hope they will not repeat their mistakes, and their feelings will help to cope with difficulties.

It is interesting that not only sings, but also helps other stars to cope with extra pounds. For example, everyone famous singer Valeria owes him her balanced diet and healthy eating. Earlier it was reported that the restaurant owner helped the artist create a personal menu.

Photo: Instagram @agavrilova777, @eminofficial