EGE Russian language. Trap problems on the exam in mathematics

Pay attention!

IN " Methodical recommendations, prepared based on the analysis typical mistakes Unified State Exam participants 201 7 years in the Russian language", noted: below other tasks basic level(in the range from 54 to 65 points) is the percentage of completion of tasks that test the mastery of the following content elements : “Spelling -N- and -NN- in various parts speech ( task 14 ); "Punctuation marks in complex sentence With different types connections" ( task 19 ), “Functional and semantic types of speech” ( task 21 ).

Task 14

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in different parts speeches

Short Communion

Short adjective

Answer questions what? what? what?

Formed from full passive participles ( decided - decided, decided, decided)

Formed from full adjectives

(valuable – valuable, valuable, valuable)

One N is always written

As many Ns are written as in the adjective from which it is derived.

Semantic and grammatical features, separating adjectives and participles

Short Communion

Short adjective

1. It has a dependent word in the instrumental case, which denotes the producer of this action (i.e. action is performed by someone or something): The icons are written ( by whom?) Andrey Rublev. Residents of the house are outraged (how?) court decision.

2. Denotes an action that can be replaced with a verb: Legends told old-timers. – Legends told old-timers.

1. Usually refers to a noun and means "native", permanent item attribute: The friend is smart and educated (The friend is characterized by mind And education) .

2. This constant attribute (quality) is combined with the adverb “very”: Girlfriend is smart and Very educated.

3. You can replace the short form with a synonym in the same short form : Their views are very limited (i.e. narrow , not far away )

4. Short forms (except for the form masculine) adjectives with a qualitative value, coinciding in form with passive participles past tense written with NN , for example: brought up, brought up, brought up (from the adjective brought up “discovering the results of good upbringing”); spoiled, spoiled, spoiled (from the adjective spoiled “accustomed to fulfilling one’s whims”); sublime, sublime, sublime (from the adjective sublime “full of high content”). Such adjectives have shapes comparative degree : more educated, more spoiled, more elevated.

The most common cases of writing N and NN in short form

Full form

Short participles

 can be replaced with a verb;

 there is a dependent word or the action is performed someone or something).

Short adjectives


 character traits, human qualities);

 there is one more thing in the sentence short adjective, characterizing the subject.

Girlfriend is scared ( what?) the appearance of his brother.


The lady was confused and scared.

The decision to visit the karst caves was carefully considered ( someone).



The behavior of the parachutist is thoughtless and dangerous.

This girl is clearly spoiled ( by whom?) parents.

Her children are spoiled and capricious.

All enemy attacks were contained ( someone) on the approaches to the fortress.


Believers are reserved and taciturn.

Materials about the exploits of the scouts were collected and transferred ( someone) to the museum.


The sappers were collected, attentive and careful.

Funds have been found ( someone) from an additional expense item.

The painting on the walls was incredibly beautiful and exquisite.



The tracks in the snow are tangled ( someone).

Finally the balloons were launched ( someone) into the sky.


Relationships with relatives were confusing, unclear, and perplexing.

Expressionist paintings are scattered ( someone) around the world.


All the flower beds in the courtyard were neglected and overgrown with wild weeds.

Our school is educated ( someone) hobby groups.

Asya is absent-minded and inattentive.



The graduate student was well educated and cultured.

All the memories on the disk have been read ( by whom?) by the poet himself.

Flatterers are often exalted ( by whom?) superiors.


Those who came for the interview were well-read and smart.

Journalists are confident ( what?) in the reliability of the information.

Danko’s thoughts are sublime and beautiful.

Her gait is confident, graceful, beautiful.



Fields are limited ( how?) forest plantations.

Troops are concentrated ( someone) at the western border.


During her speech, it became clear to everyone that she was limited and stupid.

All manifestations of discontent were suppressed ( someone).


Everyone was focused and attentive while watching the new film.

The events are well organized ( someone).

After talking with the participants in the events, everyone was depressed and silent.



The group that arrived was energetic and organized.

The children are exhausted ( what?) crossing the mountains.

The accused were acquitted ( someone) due to insufficient evidence.


Their faces were exhausted and pale.

Money has been collected to help the victims ( someone) on time .

The state of emergency was necessary and justified.

The sailors are collected and decisive.

Decide for yourself

1. Indicate all the numbers replaced by one letter N.

Our chugu (1) gun was loaded with (2) buckshot and directed (3) towards the stopped (4) enemy.

2. Indicate all the numbers replaced by two letters N.

They say that the local lady is ignorant (1), ignorant (2), capricious and hostile (3) against her educated neighbors.

3. Indicate all the numbers replaced by one letter N.

The walls of the wooden (1) house were cleaned (2) and painted (3) with bright colors.

4. Indicate all the numbers replaced by two letters N.

The road is (1) long, trampled (2) with strata (3) and traveled (4) along and across.

5. Indicate all the numbers replaced by one letter N.

During the mathematics exam, schoolchildren solved (1) all the problems, checked (2) them and sorted (3) them into options.

6. Indicate all the numbers replaced by two letters N.

According to others, Yegor’s behavior is risky (1), thoughtless (2), immoral (3).

7. Indicate all the numbers replaced by one letter N.

The blinds in the untidy (1st) guest (2nd) were down (3), the chairs were arranged (4) haphazardly, the dishes were dumped (5) in a drawer.

8. Indicate all the numbers in whose place two letters N are written.

Half-awake(1) conversations with my nanny are always insightful(2)s, sparkling(3)and magical.

9. Indicate all the numbers replaced by one letter N.

Boxes displayed(1) at a traditional(2) crafts exhibition, carved(3)in wood and painted(4)by a local artist.

10. Indicate all the numbers in whose place two letters N are written.

All movements of the (1) gymnast are natural (2) and expressive, sophisticated (3) and confident (4).

Task 19

IN task 19 There is such a punctogram as a junction of conjunctions, i.e. two subordinates standing next to each other ( what if; what when, because if etc.) or creative and subordinating conjunctions (and when; but if; and so that etc.)

Pay attention!

A comma is placed at the junction of two conjunctions if the second conjunction has no continuation in the form of words That , But , So .

Comma not placed at the junction of two unions, if the second union there is a continuation in the form of words That , But , So .

Compare two sentences:

  • During high water, fish entered the lake from Belaya River, and when the water began to subside, That The Meshcheryaks blocked a narrow and shallow channel with fences.

2. I thought What , When Grandfather will die, and grandmother will probably die, because she is old and gray-haired.

In the first sentence of the union When there is a continuation in the form of a word That (When ... That), therefore at the junction of unions ( and when) there is no comma.

And in the second sentence no word continuation That , therefore, a comma is placed at the junction of conjunctions ( What , When).


sentences like this are easy to rearrange: I thought, What and grandma will probably die, When Grandfather will die because she is old and gray .

you can “remove” the internal subordinate clause without breaking the structure of the sentence: I thought that my grandmother would probably die too, because she was old and gray-haired.

Punctuation before the conjunction I in a complex sentence

IN task 19 There is another difficulty: punctuation before the conjunction I.

Let’s compare two sentences and determine which of them has a comma before the conjunction AND (punctuation marks are not placed):

1. The starlings carefully watched the sparrows (1) and (2) if they did not intend to leave the nesting boxes they had lived in during the winter (3) they watched over the impudent guests (4) and then gave them a beating.

2. In the evening we met in the park (1) and (2) when we saw each other after forty years of separation (3) everyone involuntarily thought (4) that the years had changed many of us beyond recognition.

In the first sentence the conjunction And connects homogeneous predicates (observed And were on guard) , therefore, there is no comma in place of the number 1. In place of the number 2 (junction of unions And , If) a comma is placed: in conjunction If there is no continuation in the form of a correlative word That- the second part of a compound union IfThat. Commas are also placed in place of the numbers 3 and 4, as on the border of the main and subordinate parts. Therefore, the correct answer is: 2, 3, 4 .

In the second sentence, the conjunction And connects two simple sentences as part of a complex(first grammatical stem: we met, second - every thought), therefore a comma is placed in place of the number 1. In place of the number 2 you also need to put a comma: this is the junction of conjunctions And , When and after subordinate clause there is no word for time That. There should also be commas in place of the numbers 3 and 4, as on the border of the main and subordinate parts. So the correct answer is: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Test yourself


Mother answered (1) that (2) as long as the spark of life smolders in me (3) she will not stop doing everything (4) she can (5) for my salvation.

2. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in place of which in the sentence there should be a comma(s)

Mother put me in the bath (1) poured broth into my mouth (2) rubbed my chest and back for hours bare hands(3) and (4) if this did not help (5) then she filled my lungs with her breath.

3. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in place of which in the sentence there should be a comma(s)

The first feelings of fear instilled in me the stories of the nanny (1) and (2) although my mother strictly forbade her to even talk to me (3) but she sometimes managed to tell me some news about the beech (4) about brownies and the dead.

4. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in place of which in the sentence there should be a comma(s)

I was so afraid of my late grandfather's room (1) that (2) when I passed by it (3) I always closed my eyes.

5. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in place of which in the sentence there should be a comma(s)

I also wanted to see my grandparents (1) because (2) although I saw them (3) I couldn’t remember: on my first visit to Bagrovo I was eight months old.

6. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in place of which in the sentence there should be a comma(s)

Mother smiled at my words and looked at me in such a way (1) that (2) although I could not understand the expression of this look (3) I was amazed by it.

7. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in place of which in the sentence there should be a comma(s)

The crossing of the carriage, wagon and nine horses lasted quite a long time (1) and I managed to collect a whole bunch of wonderful stones (2) but (3) when my father did not allow me to take them with me (4) I was very upset.

8. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in place of which in the sentence there should be a comma(s)

I asked permission to light a small fire (1) and (2) when I received permission (3) I began to bother about it.

9. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in place of which in the sentence there should be a comma(s)

We got up from the overnight stay so early (1) that (2) when my father got into our carriage (3) it was not quite light yet.

10. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in place of which in the sentence there should be a comma(s)

Mother (1) seeing me in such excitement (2) said (3) that (4) until I calm down (5) she would not let me go fishing.

Functional and semantic types of speech Task 21

  • In appearance speech, in its structure very much depends on the task that the speaker sets for himself. It is one thing to describe an object or phenomenon, another to talk about it, and a third to explain its causes. In each of these cases, the structure of speech will change significantly. In the process of development of thinking and speech, the most expressive, economical and accurate methods, diagrams, and verbal structures for the corresponding language tasks were developed.
  • Therefore, such components of speech are distinguished as description , narration , reasoning , which in linguistics are usually called functional-semantic types of speech, which emphasizes their dependence on the purpose of speech and its meaning.

Type of speech


Indicate the characteristics of the described object, person, place, condition

( list of permanent or temporary items)


Key issues specific to of this type speeches

Report a sequence of actions or events.

( The story of what happened first, then, then And finally )


What is the subject?

What does he look like?

What signs are characteristic of it?

Justify this or that put forward position (thesis), explain the essence, causes of this or that phenomenon, event

( The cause and effect of a phenomenon or event is proven, revealed.)

What is the sequence of actions (events)?

What happened first and what happens next?


What is the reason for this phenomenon?

What follows from this?

What are the consequences of this phenomenon?

What does it mean?

The difference between narration and description



No dynamics ; actions or

signs in the description


simultaneous, not

changing over time.

Narration dynamically ,



You can change the order

listing actions or

signs, changing


“New” in the description is

properties subject.

fragments in some places


actions V

“New” in the narrative -

This actions subject.

narration change


Pay attention!

Using text comparisons with film stills or photographs helps determine the type of text ( description - one frame, narration - several frames, and reasoning cannot be photographed).

However, the dynamic description of nature, environment, the state of a person cannot be correlated with one frame. If a student uses this technique when determining the type of text in which a dynamic description is presented, then, defining the text as a narrative, makes a common mistake.

Let's turn to the text.

Suboch was a fast-moving man. He flew into the classroom like a meteor. The tails of his coat flew apart. The pince-nez sparkled. The magazine, whistling through the air, flew along a trajectory and fell on the table. Dust swirled in swirls behind the Latinist. The class jumped up, rattling the lids of their desks, and sat down with the same roar. The glass doors rang. Sparrows outside the windows fell from the poplars and flew away with a crash into the depths of the garden.

This was the usual arrival of Suboch.

(K. Paustovsky)

Teacher Description Latin language given through transfer actions , characterizing his behavior , And indication on reaction those around. However, the verbs used here by the author are not able to show the development of action, they point to simultaneity of what is happening .

The famous linguist V.V. Vinogradov said this about dynamic description: “The imperfect past tense does not move the action. It is descriptive, not narrative. It does not determine the sequence of actions in the past, but puts them all on the same plane.”

Why is this so?

Because (since)…

Argument 1 Argument2

What follows from the above?


Training exercises

Soon they transferred me to the Caucasus:

this is my happiest time

life. I hoped that boredom wouldn't exist

wind under Chechen bullets - in the direction

sno: after a month I got so used to them

buzzing and the proximity of death, which,

right, paid more attention

on mosquitoes - and I became more bored

the same, because I lost almost

you last hope. When I see

business Belu in his house, when in the first

for the first time, holding her on my knees,

kissed her black curls, I, a fool,

thought she was an angel sent

to me by compassionate fate...

I was wrong again: savage love

few better than love noble

ladies... M. Lermontov

This valley is a wonderful place! From everyone

the sides of the mountains are inaccessible, red-

dark rocks hung with green

ivy and crowned with clumps of plane trees,

yellow cliffs streaked with promotional

inami, and there is high, high golden

fringe of snow, and below Aragva, about

having dealt with another nameless river,

noisily escaping from the black,

a gorge full of darkness, stretches

ribbed thread and sparkles like a snake

with its scales.

M. Lermontov

I closed the door of my room behind me -

you lit a candle and rushed to the post-

tel; only a dream this time forced

I'll wait for more than usual. It's already back

the current began to fade when I fell asleep,

but apparently it was written in heaven,

that I won't get enough sleep that night. At four

o'clock in the morning two fists knocked on my

window. I jumped up: what is it?.. “Get up,

get dressed!” several shouted to me

M. Lermontov

In my opinion


It is safe to say that...

I think,

I think,

I think,

In my opinion,

this statement is a description,

this statement is a narrative,

depicts a whole series distinctive features objects, phenomena or events that are presented simultaneously. There is a parallel connection between sentences.



this statement is a reasoning,

a series of actions taking place in different times, sequentially. There is a consistent connection between sentences.

a fact is explained; something is proven;

inferences, conclusions, and generalizations are made. IN

statements are clearly traceable

investigative relations.

(1) Why is my soul so dirty, why am I so broken and exhausted? (2) We were going to meet New Year- have fun, go crazy, rage! (3) This is how they greet normal people the most wonderful holiday of the year. (4) We started a highly intellectual whine all night about our Russian stupidity, about our outrages. (5) And at least there would be some benefit from it, at least they would sharpen their civic senses, replenish their reserves of courage and bravery for the coming year.

(6) After all, how was it yesterday? (7) Told different cases, one more disgusting than the other - about bureaucratic arbitrariness, about bribery and corruption - and not the slightest protest, not a single cry of indignation. (8) We got used to it, reconciled. (9) This was precisely where all the horror lay, for who had gathered, who was sitting at the table? (10) Writers, artists, scientists - in a word, those who are usually called mentors, spiritual shepherds.

(11) For a long time, all broken and exhausted, I lay in bed, over and over again turning over in my head all the details of last night, looking around the room with a sad look. (12) A massive TV in the entire corner, a polished sideboard filled with all sorts of crystal junk, dolls in national costumes that I brought from trips abroad...

(13) Where is christmas tree? (14) My wife and niece usually put a Christmas tree in my room on New Year’s Eve - fresh, frosty, almost without any decorations, in its natural attire, and by morning there was a resinous forest spirit around it.

(15) That’s why I’m not in a festive mood! (16) (I began to explain to myself in a new way the reasons for my bad mood: there is no Christmas tree in the house). (17) Yesterday my wife and niece wandered around the city for two hours - they couldn’t get it. (18) What would New Year be without a Christmas tree?

(19) The bell rang in the hallway - it must be the post office.

(20) She. (21) I recognized Olya the postwoman by her lisping, choking voice. (22) Olya congratulated her wife on the New Year, her wife also congratulated her, and then, as I understood from the further conversation, she wanted to thank her a little for her services: we have a large post office, and Olya sometimes visits us five times a day.

(23) “No, no,” I heard the hasty and lisping voice again, “this is our job, we get paid for it.” (24) You offend me...

(25) Do you offend? (26) Is she being offended? (27) Lord, he gets some pennies for such hard labor (try carrying a pound bag from house to house, from staircase to staircase every day), and even - “offend”...

(28) I went to help my wife. (29) I see: standing in the hallway, a middle-aged girl who has become familiar to me for a long time, wearing a warm scarf. (30) A cheap, worn-out coat with a worn-out rabbit collar, old boots...

(31) And now my wife and I are persuading Olya to accept a gift from both of us. (32) And again: no, no.

(33) I added more money - maybe now it will be more accommodating?

(34) - You offend me! (35) I won’t take your money! - Olya said for the third time. (36) She said it more harshly, in a firm voice, in which, however, hard-pressed tears could be discerned.

(37) I looked into her big, calm gray eyes and suddenly realized that I was really offending her. (38) I am encroaching on her most precious wealth - the honesty and incorruptibility of a working woman.

(39) I felt ashamed to the point of tears. (40) And at the same time, what light poured into my soul!

(According to F. Abramov)

Test yourself

1. faithful ? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Sentences 11,12 contain a description.

2) Sentences 37-40 contain the main idea of ​​the text.

3) Sentences 29, 30 present reasoning.

4) Sentence 27 substantiates the idea contained in sentences 25 and 26.

5) Propositions 30, 31 contain the final conclusion.

2. Which of the following statements are faithful ? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Sentences 15-18 present the reasoning.

2) The main idea of ​​the text is contained in sentence 22.

3) Sentences 6-10 present the narrative.

4) Sentences 25-27 provide a description.

5) Sentences 11 and 12 contain elements of description.

3. Which of the following statements are erroneous ? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Sentences 15-18 present the narrative.

2) Sentences 29,30 contain a description.

3) Sentences 37,38 reveal the meaning inherent in sentences 26, 27.

4) Proposition 33 proves the idea formulated in sentence 26.

5) Sentences 1-3 present the reasoning.

4. Which of the following statements are erroneous ? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Sentence 12 provides a description.

2) Sentences 9-11 contain a conclusion from what is said in sentences 6-8.

3) Propositions 11,12 contain elements of reasoning.

4) Sentences 19-22 present the narrative.

5) Sentences 16-18 substantiate the idea formulated in sentence 12.

Test yourself:

There is an opinion that with test part You can successfully pass the Unified State Exam if you remember the basic rules and regularly perform standard tasks. Indeed, many skills are easily brought to automaticity. However, it’s still not worth completing test tasks “automatically”: you can fall into a “trap” and lose precious points. Conclusion: with every single one test tasks need to work consciously. “Automation” will not help here, and “training” is useless.

Let’s look at the most common “traps” and try not to fall into them. After all, forewarned is forearmed.

Tested unstressed vowels in the root.

In order not to make a mistake in their spelling, it is necessary to select a test word (a word with the same root and the form of the word) so that the emphasis begins to fall: - herbs - tr A va. This rule is familiar even to first-graders. And yet…


"Trap" 1.

Verbs with the suffixes -YVA-, -IVA- cannot be test words!

Try to find a test word for the word oh...give me. Alas, for some of us, an insidious intuition will tell us the forms of the verb op A hello, oh A rises etc. However, the test will be related words n ABOUT rear, n ABOUT damn- which means at the root of the word op O create is written O.

Why can’t the word be late be a test word, while other similar verbs are successfully used for these purposes? Let's remember: priv...dit - priv ABOUT dit, p...sat - p AND shet.

Attention, the correct answer is: word be late The suffix -YVA- prevents it from being a check. The fact is that when forming verb forms with the suffixes -YVA- AND -IVA-, the alternation of O and A in the root occurs. Therefore, it is not worth checking the vowels in the roots with such verbs.

So, let's remember: verb with the suffix -YVA- or -WILLOW- cannot be a test word!

Op O write: test word - n O rear(and NOT op A building yva t),

coloring O It: test word cr O th(and NOT coloring A willow t),

present O yat: test word present O th(and NOT present A willow t).


"Trap" 2.

When choosing a test word, consider the meaning!

Words may sound exactly the same, but be spelled differently. It all depends on the meaning.

Compare: sp...shit (text from the board) And sleep (to class). In both words, at the place of the gap, the same vowel sound is heard - the middle one between [i] and [e]. However, we select different test words and insert different letters in place of the gaps: joint venture And sew in the first case and joint venture e sew- in the second.

In Unified State Exam tests, such words are written with a mark in brackets. For example, is developing (in the wind) or is developing (child) . Do not neglect such notes. They mean that a word can be written differently depending on its meaning. Of course, you have already selected the test words and know that in the first case you need to insert the letter e (test word - V e yat), and in the second – And (test word - development And tie).


Unverifiable unstressed vowels in the root.

It would seem, what “traps” could there be in words with unverifiable vowels? Teach them, try to remember as much as possible and as best as possible - and you will be happy. But that was not the case! There are plenty of “traps” here too.


"Trap" 3.

Don't check the spelling of vowels with words that don't exist!

One of the most common mistakes is that unverifiable vowels are often confused with verifiable vowels and even attempts are made to find test words for them.

It is impossible to check the stress of highlighted vowels in words: ign O extract, extract e small, morning A mbovat, nav A waiting. These are words with unverifiable vowels!

Vowel O in a word ign O rant can't be verified by words ignore if only for the reason that the word ignore is jargon and literary language he's not there yet.

Letter e in a word extra e small can't be verified by words extra And m. These words came into our language in different ways. It just so happens that the noun extreme borrowed from English language quite recently, much later than the word extra e small(from French extreme).

Word morning A beat has nothing to do with tr O mbom. This means that it is not worth checking it with this word. Word compact came to our language at the beginning of the 19th century from Polish, where tr a mbować Means "to trample underfoot", and in Russian it is unverifiable.

Word nav A waiting has nothing to do with V O waiting, that’s why the vowels in the roots of these words are written differently - A And O respectively. Moreover, the vowel is at the root of the word nav A waiting unverifiable, but in the word V O waiting– verifiable (test word – drives). Word obsession came to the Russian language from Old Church Slavonic - from nav A child, that is "to deceive".


Alternating unstressed vowels in the root.

Each alternating root has a strictly assigned meaning - try not to forget about this when repeating the rules.

"Trap" 4.

Roots can be homonymous!

What does it mean homonymous roots? Just like homonym words, these roots sound and are even written the same, but have completely different meanings.

Root gar//gor associated with combustion, combustion, ignition: G O howl, sg O army, prig O bark, bark A r etc. Root mountains exists in words with a different meaning, but is no longer alternating in them. In a word G O rishy unstressed O fundamentally verifiable (test word – G O ry); in a word G O roar– about is also fundamentally verified – in a word G O re.

Meaning of alternating root grow // grow // grow“that which is associated with growth, vegetation”: r A groaning, adult A puppy, water O if. In a word r O sa vowel at root verifiable ( r O sy).

Alternating root ter // shooting range associated with friction, abrasion: vyt e r, zat And army. Vowel e at the root of the word sweat e swear verifiable (sweat e rya).

Alternating root cas//kos has the meaning “touch, touch”: to touch, touch. Vowel O in a word To O sa (in any meaning) verifiable (To O sy). Checked by stress and O at the root of the word To O soy (to O co).

Very often, schoolchildren confuse the alternating root with homonymous roots world//mer, which matters "dying, fading". Do not forget that the vowels in the roots of words are verifiable, not alternating:

approx. And roar (enemies)- check with a word world,

approx. e roar (suit)- check with a word fitting,

cm And scramble- check with a word cm And rnary.

Of course, these are not all the “traps” that the compilers set for you Unified State Exam tests. “The Unified State Exam is like a minefield,” admitted one of the graduates... Perhaps he is right. But neither “mines” nor “traps” are scary for those who conscientiously prepare for the exam.

Check how well you are ready to complete task 8 on the Unified State Exam in Russian:

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

“FIPI SECRET FOLDER” Unified State Exam without “traps” and problems POLYAKOVA N.P. teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU Komsomolskaya secondary school, Tisulsky district Kemerovo region

2 slide

Slide description:

Task 4. Orthoepic norms. Stress rules for past tense forms of verbs. In forms feminine The accent falls on the ending -a. In the forms of masculine, neuter and in plural– on the first syllable: EXCEPTIONS: put, stole, sent, lived.

3 slide

Slide description:

Task 4. Orthoepic norms. For better memorization, so-called mnemonic, that is, informal, rules can be applied to some words. For example, choose rhythmic words: spruce - sorrel; birch - birch bark; visible - enviable; dialogue - directory; courts - cakes; painter - carpenter, etc.

4 slide

Slide description:

Task 4. Orthoepic norms. The correct pronunciation of some words can be explained, and therefore remembered. For example, phenomenon comes from the Greek “phainОmenon” - “appearing”. Therefore, the English “men” (“man”) is only apparent here. The adjective meager comes from the French “miser” - “poor”. And since in French the stress always falls on the last syllable, then it is necessary to pronounce meager, meager. Pullover in the speech of many people turns into a pullover and even a half-over. But this is an English word (pullover - “to put on over the head”), and they pronounce it “in English”, with the emphasis on the second syllable: pullOver.

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Task 6. Morphological norms. Morphological norms concern the right choice and the use of word forms. For example, correctly - put it down, not put it down. This is the imperative form of the verb put (put - put, write - write, but cut - cut). They often make mistakes in this form of the verb to go (drive or go - wrong; need to - go). Let us remind you that the perfect verb put is used only with a prefix. The imperfect verb paired with it has a different root - to put.

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Task 7. Grammar errors. A) a violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate. Constructions like Everyone who... Anyone who... B) a violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application. A sentence with quotation marks in the title. C) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members. A sentence with conjunctions not only, but also; both, and etc. The first predicate does not agree with the complement (Scientists wanted to delve into and learn all the secrets of nature). D) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrase. The error is associated with a discrepancy between the producer of the action, indicated by the predicate verb, and the producer of the action, designated by the gerund: Returning home, it was already completely dark. D) misuse case form noun with a preposition. Prepositions thanks to, according to, despite, in defiance of require dative case. Prepositions upon completion, upon conclusion, upon expiration require genitive case. E) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech. NGN with verbs of speech in the main clause.

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Task 8. Spelling roots. Trap #1! You cannot check the vowels in the root with a verb with the suffix -YVA-(-IVA-): good - to preen. As you can see, there is an alternation of sounds, and you can make a mistake. Trap #2! In modern Russian there are many parallel words from Old Russian and Old Slavonic languages: GATE - GUARD BURY - SECURITY GOLD - GOLD COLD - COOL Trap No. 3! If a word is of foreign origin, this does not mean that it is not stressed. For example: intellectual - intelligence.

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Task 9. Spelling prefixes. The rare prefixes pa- and pra- should not be confused with the prefixes po- and pro-. The prefix pa- is usually under stress: stepson, stepdaughter (root – daughter – daughter), pipe; The prefix great- - unstressed: foremother, great-grandmother, forefathers (= original, ancient; relative).

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Task 10. Spelling suffixes. The suffix -EV- is always unstressed, the suffix -IV- is stressed! Calico, astrakhan, bean, tear. BUT: merciful Remember the suffixes -CHIV-, -LIV-!

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Task 11. Spelling personal endings of verbs and suffixes of present participles. Trap! Determine correctly initial form verb: curtain - I sp., nesov. view (curtains) curtain - II sp., complete. view (curtain) Remember: do not change the view, do not lose it. ! It is more convenient to “try on” the verb first to the second conjugation: the choice of options is smaller.

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Task 15. Punctuation marks in a simple complicated sentence. Trap #1! A sentence may have several rows homogeneous members, therefore, distinguish between constructions with homogeneous members of a sentence connected by repeating conjunctions, and constructions with several rows of homogeneous members, which are connected within a row by a single conjunction. Trap #2! Phraseological phrases: For no reason and no reason And day and night And old and young And laughter and grief And here and there Neither back nor forward Neither yes nor no For nothing about anything Neither fish nor fowl Neither light nor dawn Neither heard nor spirit The comma is not placed inside them!

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Task 17. Punctuation marks for introductory words. Trap #1! They are not introductory and are NOT set off by commas: little by little, at first, suddenly, as if, after all, supposedly, ultimately, hardly, after all, even, hardly, exclusively, precisely, as if, almost, as if, just, besides, meanwhile, according to the proposal, simply, by decision, by decree, approximately, moreover, almost, therefore, simply, decisively, once, as if, to top it all off, since then, as if, decisively, exclusively , that's about it, even. Trap #2! The particle used to be separated by commas. Trap #3! However, it is usually introductory if it is in the middle or at the end of a sentence: I would like to note, however, that you are wrong. I should have listened to your opinion, however. However, it can be synonymous with the union but: It was already the end of September, however (= but) the trees had not yet turned yellow. Another role, however, is the interjection: However, what a frost! Like all interjections, in this case, however, it is highlighted by a comma.

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Hello, dear graduates! The sad fact is that all problems with a short answer are on the exam itself ( profile level) solves correctly only a small part of those taking the test, namely about 25 percent of schoolchildren. Unfortunately, for some reason, it was not possible to find statistics for Russia, maybe you have accurate data or an official analysis, you can write in the comments.

But the fact remains a fact, and a very unpleasant one at that. Yes! Sometimes, right after the exam, an epiphany comes - the same mistakes are realized and you want to hit someone nearby out of indignation. standing tree, but what's the point? Precious points have already been wasted...

Even trained guys make “ridiculous” mistakes, or waste an unreasonably long time on a simple example. Why? As they say, there are reasons and nuances.

Let's look at a few “tricky” tasks. Of course, in reality, the writers of the tasks did not plan any traps for you, that’s just what they are called in everyday life.

This article focuses on some of them separately. They are simple, but for some reason the guys often make mistakes when solving them. So!

26644. Income tax is 13% of wages. After withholding income tax, Maria Konstantinovna received 9,570 rubles. How many rubles is Maria Konstantinovna’s salary?

Please note that 9570 rubles is the salary after deduction of 13%. This means that by dividing 9570 by 87 we will find out how many rubles correspond to 1 percent, then all that remains is to multiply the result by 100, and we will determine wages before holding:

Many people are used to solving things through drawing up proportions.

The entire salary (and it is unknown to us) is X rubles are accepted as 100%. 9570 rubles is the salary after deduction and corresponds to 87 percent. Proportion:

9570 rubles - 87%

X rubles - 100%

We calculate:

Answer: 11000

*What is the mistake made and why?

Many people are very accustomed to the type of tasks where the value given in the condition is exactly the one that needs to be taken as 100 percent. And they begin to “come up with” proportions such as:

9570 rubles - 100%

X rubles - 87%

As a result, they get a value less than 9570 and write it down as the answer. Just estimate initially - if it is said that this is the salary after withholding, then it is clear that in the end we should get a number greater than 9750.

77349. In September, 1 kg of grapes cost 60 rubles, in October the price of grapes rose by 25%, and in November by another 20%. How many rubles did 1 kg of grapes cost after the price increase in November?

25 percent of 60 is:

This means that in October grapes began to cost 60+15=75 rubles.

20 percent of 75 is:

This means that in November it began to cost 75+15=90 rubles.

*You can solve using the following notation (the essence is the same):

Let's determine the price of a kilogram after the first price increase:

Let’s determine the price after the second price increase, and we will calculate it relative to the price of 75 rubles:

*Where do they make a mistake?

After the first price increase, it is believed that the second price increase occurs relative to the initial price of 60 rubles. And they get that the second time the price increased by

As a result, they get 75+12=87 rubles.

Guys, forget about the starting price! That's it: the second price increase is about 75 rubles. This seems understandable, but for some reason we are starting to get weird.

77368. Solve the equation

We use the formula for the square of the sum (difference) of two numbers (expressions):

We calculate:


Answer: -1.5

*What can I say?...

After the example appeared before my eyes, I just want to equate the expressions under the square signs (and some do this):

What do we get? There is no solution! Why not? This doesn’t happen... And we begin to think - how can this be? Maybe the writers of the assignments made a mistake? And then panic begins.

If you see that your expressions are squares, then immediately apply the abbreviated multiplication formulas.

By the way, such a mistake is fraught. For example, you will have a task:

Solve (2x+5) 2 = (6x+1) 2 . If an equation has more than one root, answer with the smaller one.

You equate the expressions under the roots and get 1. But the correct answer is a completely different number.

**There is another solution. You can move the expression on the right to left side and use the difference of squares formula:

77382. Solve the equation log x–5 49=2. If an equation has more than one root, answer with the smaller one.

Everything seems simple. By the property of the logarithm:

Solving the quadratic equation:

*It was possible to immediately determine that the expression under the square sign is equal to 7 or –7, since only these two numbers, when squared, give 49 and could be solved like this:

the roots are 12 and –2.

Important! Note that for x = –2 the logarithm base has negative value(it is known that its base must be positive). If you simply choose a smaller root without checking it against the condition for determining the logarithm, then write the answer as incorrect. The solution is root 12.

*Where do they make a mistake? The roots are not checked for compliance with the logarithm condition. We got two roots and chose the smaller one, and we got an error.

27437. In parallelogram ABCD sin A = (√21)/5. Find cos B.

It is known that the sines of adjacent angles are equal. This means that the sines of any two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are equal, that is:

Now from the main trigonometric identity all that remains is to find cos B. From sin 2 B+ cos 2 B=1 it follows that

*We put a “–” sign in front of the root. Why?

From the figure it can be seen that angle B is obtuse (it is more than 90 degrees). And the cosine of an angle from 90 to 180 degrees is negative (see trigonometric circle).

*Where do they make a mistake?

The minus sign is left out before the root and we get positive number. This is due to the fact that the basic trigonometric identity is often used when solving a right triangle and we get so used to having a plus in front of the root that apparently this is somehow imprinted in our consciousness.

**I see, in right triangle the angles are acute, therefore the values ​​of the trigonometric functions of the angles are positive. But you remember! When expressing a number (expression) under the square sign in front of the root there will always be “±” and as for the trigonometric identity, we get:

That is, immediately when reading the conditions, look at which trigonometric function of which angle (acute or obtuse) needs to be found.

If this is an obtuse angle, then the cosine, tangent and cotangent should be negative.

If it's an acute angle, then that's it trigonometric functions must be positive.

*Another solution

Answer: –0.4

There are no tricks in the next task, but it raises questions. Don't panic! Remember that almost everything logarithmic equations are solved through the application of the basic properties of the logarithm.

315121. Find the root of the equation

Tell me how many of you know this property:

If you are familiar, then great! You can use it safely:

*Just don’t forget that the expression under the logarithm sign is greater than zero, that is, check the root.

But what if you don’t know this property? Let’s solve it step by step using “ordinary” properties (they should be familiar to you):

Let's check the expression under the logarithm sign:

There are also a number of tasks without any “tricks”. And the likelihood that you will get them on the Unified State Exam is small, but it is there. These formulas are rarely used in school courses, so keep them in mind.

27923. Sides isosceles triangle are 40, base is 48. Find the circumradius of this triangle.

But you need to remember the formulas below!

1. Area of ​​a triangle (Heron’s formula):

2. Formula for the radius of a circumscribed circle:

3. Formula for the radius of an inscribed circle:

These tasks are included in the book “The Most Cunning Unified State Examination tasks in mathematics." There are more than 180 tasks collected there that you should pay attention to special attention. We recommend you study!

1. Where to start writing an essay for the exam.

1) Do not sign the sheet in any way. Write strictly according to the proposed text, and for this you should read with a pen, delving into the content of the text, noting the problems raised by the author, pay attention to the full name. author, author article about him.

2) Write strictly according to plan, each point from a paragraph, indent 2 cm.)

2. Introduction (2-4 sentences)- this is the topic of the text. Examples of introductions, for example, about lonely old age

A) interrogative sentence: Why are there so many elderly people living alone these days? Who is to blame for this? What needs to be done to change this situation?

b) method of silence. Lonely old age... How painful it is to watch...

c) gradation technique: Childhood. Youth. Old age.

d) quotation from the text, e) title sentence; f) rows of homogeneous members; g) proverbs and sayings. As you know... As one of the greats said...

h) rhetorical question

3. Formulation of the problems raised in the text by the author.

In the text... full name important... (current, topical) problems of our time (our time, our society) are raised. Problem..., ..., ... Why?.. How to explain?.. Can it?.. The author asks these difficult (complex) questions and tries to find the answer to them .To correctly identify the problem, you need to answer the question: What did the author of the text want to say? For example, if, after reading the text, we say that the author wanted to show how strongly, unselfishly parents love their children, then the problem is in the text: the power of parental love

4. Comment on the problem. To comment means to pass the text through yourself. (What made the author think about this?)

So that we understand how important the issues raised in the text are, the author tells us about... (which made the author think about...)

Thanks to this, we see (understand) how important it was for the author to convey his thoughts to us.

5.Author's position - the author’s attitude to the problem, the answer to the question of the topic, it is advisable to repeat the full name. author, you can use citations (Talking about..., the author draws our attention to..., calls us to..., makes us think about... It is important for him...)

6. Own position on the problem- you need to agree or disagree with the author (The text (author’s full name) cannot leave anyone indifferent, and I completely share the author’s position. The author is certainly right in believing that..., since... , Firstly,...