Icon of all saints in the church. Chernigov Icon of the Mother of God. Icons of all saints photos and their meaning

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In different everyday situations, people pray to saints. It is very important to understand that different icons associated with a variety of situations. In my opinion, this division is conditional, because By praying to God's messengers, they intercede with the Almighty for us. Let us consider the main icons of saints and their significance in prayerful veneration.

“Archangel Michael or Archangel Michael” presides over all angels. Orthodox Christians pray to him in all kinds of troubles, needs and sorrows, also when entering a new home.

“Guardian Angel” is given by the Lord to every Christian. He protects a person’s entire earthly life; he protects against misfortunes and misfortunes, warns against committing sins, protects in moments possible death. The Guardian Angel helps with any illness and human needs.

“John the Baptist (John the Baptist)” - he preached repentance, so they pray to him to bestow this feeling. During times Ancient Rus' They prayed to him for fertility and improvement of crops when the beehouse was consecrated.

“Alexander Nevsky” is the holy Prince Alexander, who was nicknamed Nevsky for his victory over the Swedes. He put all his strength into defending the Russian land. He needs to pray during a natural disaster, an attack by enemies, for the good disposition of rulers and authorities.

Holy Martyr “Bonifatius” - they pray to him for gluttony and deliverance from drunkenness.

The holy martyrs “Gury, Samon and Aviv” - patronize the family hearth, good and kind relationships in the family.

Holy Great Martyr "George the Victorious". He is the patron saint of the Russian land, the state, its military power. Helps in case of danger of attack by wild animals. They also pray to him as the patron saint of children and families; he helps in sorrow and adversity and protects livestock.

Prophet of God "Elijah". You need to pray to him during a drought or, conversely, during rain, so that the weather changes for the better for you. Also during difficult material and life circumstances, in case of famine, for successful trading.

Holy Righteous “John of Kronstadt” - you need to pray to him in cases where education is poorly given to a child, the saint helps with his studies. They also pray to John in case of serious illnesses. Through his prayers, miracles of healing occurred many times.

Holy blessed "Xenia of Petersburg". Helps in family matters, everyday circumstances. People also get rid of diseases and troubles.

Saint Nicholas. Perhaps he is one of the most revered saints in Rus'. God gave him miracles of healing and miracles. He needs to pray for help in various troubles and misfortunes, in need, in resolving the fate of children, for help on the way.

Saint Spyridon of Trimythous. He healed the sick and helped the suffering. During the times of Rus', Saint Spyridon was venerated equally with Saint Nicholas.

Venerable "Seraphim of Sarov" wonderworker. He was a great healer and is an ambulance for everyone who needs his help.

Venerable Sergius of Radonezh. They pray to the saint to make it easier for children who have difficulty learning. They also pray so that pride will go away and humility will come.

Great martyr, healer, doctor “Panteleimon”. They pray to him in all illnesses, he healed ailments and wounds.

Holy Great Martyr "Anastasia the Pattern Maker". They pray to her for the healing of various diseases and ailments, also for liberation from imprisonment and captivity.

Saints Supreme Apostles"Peter and Paul". The Apostle Peter needs to pray for healing from illnesses, as well as for success in fishing. Both need to pray to increase faith.

Blessed "Matrona of Moscow". It is customary to pray to Matronushka in a variety of everyday circumstances and in case of serious illnesses.

Holy Great Martyr "Barbara". She is the patroness against sudden death, so that people before death can repent and receive communion. You also need to pray to the saint for children, in cases of illness and sadness. You can wait for Varvara’s help to console you in your sadness.

Venerable "Sergius and Herman" Valaam wonderworkers. After the death of the elders, miracles and healings of various ailments began to occur many times at their tomb.

The article describes only a small part of the saints through whose prayers help can be provided. All icons depicting the faces of saints are freely posted on the Internet and you can look at them and pray. Or go to the temple and buy an icon with a saint that is closer to you. The most important thing is that the prayer comes from the heart, and then the saint will definitely help and intercede before the Lord on your behalf.

I recommend purchasing the Orthodox “Akathist Book”. It contains the main akathists to the Savior, the Mother of God and the saints. But akathists can also be downloaded from the Internet, where they are all posted in the public domain. After the akathists there are prayers to the saints, which must be read. I would like to note that in the morning you should definitely read the morning prayer rule, and before bed in the evening.

Especially many icons are written with images Holy Mother of God, which also help, if there are health problems, in many urgent situations. And each icon has its own akathist. God bless you!

However, in Orthodox iconography there are images deep meaning which are not so easy to understand right away.

One such example is the icon of the Holy Trinity. Not only are there several various options this image, it is still not always clear who exactly is depicted on it. Let's try to understand this difficult theological issue.

Who is the Holy Trinity and what are its icons?

The dogma of the unity of the Holy Trinity is one of the most complex and at the same time fundamental postulates of the Orthodox faith. According to him, we believe in One God, who is represented in three persons or hypostases - God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Each of the hypostases is God, and God inextricably contains all three persons. There is no hierarchy in the Trinity; God the Son is God to the same extent as God the Father or God the Holy Spirit.

Icon Holy Trinity

It is beyond the power of a simple layman to fully understand this teaching; the best theologians in the world are racking their brains over this. Christendom. For an ordinary ordinary person who believes in our Lord Jesus Christ, it is enough to understand that the One God has three persons, each of which is equally God. Canonically, icons can only depict what was revealed to people. Thus, a great miracle was revealed to humanity to see the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, therefore we have large number icons with his holy face.

About the icons of Jesus Christ:

As for God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, apparently they never appeared to people. There are places in the Bible where the Lord sent his voice from Heaven, and also the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove. These are all physical manifestations of the other two hypostases that humanity has. In this regard, there is no icon that natural form would depict the Holy Trinity (as, for example, there are icons of Christ that reliably replicate His appearance).

All images of the Trinity are deeply symbolic and carry a great theological load. One of the most famous images is “The Hospitality of Abraham.” It depicts a scene from the book of Genesis when the Lord appeared to Abraham in the guise of three angels. It was then that one of the angels announced to Abraham about the imminent birth of his son.

In this image we see three angels sitting at a table and Abraham and Sarah serving them. In the background you can see the Oak of Mamre, the home of Abraham himself, and the mountains. The essence of this image is that symbolically the secret of the Trinity Lord was revealed to Abraham and Sarah in the guise of three angels.

Appearance of the Holy Trinity to Abraham

Icon of St. Andrei Rublev

The essence of the Trinitarian Divine nature is most fully revealed in the image St. Andrew Rublev. Perhaps this is the most famous and revered icon of the Holy Trinity in our church. The artist abandons the images of Abraham and Sarah, the angels sit alone at the table. They no longer eat the food, but seem to bless it. And there is no food as such on the table anymore - only one cup remains, which symbolizes communion and the Holy Gifts.

Many researchers have tried to unravel the order in which the Monk Andrei Rublev depicted each hypostasis of the Lord. Most experts agreed that in order to emphasize the unity of the Trinity, the artist did not indicate where anyone is depicted.

By by and large, for a simple Christian believer there is no difference where each entity is located. We still pray To the One God, and it is impossible to pray to the Son without also praying to the Father or the Holy Spirit. Therefore, when looking at an icon, it is best to perceive the image as a whole, without dividing it into three different figures.

Even the image itself seems to emphasize the unity of all the characters - the figures of all three angels fit into an invisible circle. In the middle is the Cup, which symbolically points to Christ's Sacrifice for all mankind.

It is necessary to mention that there are various non-canonical attempts to depict the three hypostases of God. The mystery of the Christian understanding of God has always attracted many researchers, and they did not always coordinate their views with the canons of Orthodoxy. Therefore, believers should carefully avoid being carried away by such images. You cannot find such icons in churches; you don’t need to have them at home either.

Icon of the Most Holy Trinity by St. Andrei Rublev

Where should the icon of the Holy Trinity be located and how to pray in front of it

If we talk about temples, then in most of them you can find this holy image. If the temple is consecrated in honor of the Holy Trinity, then the main icon will be on the lectern, in a prominent place. Any Christian believer can come to such a temple and venerate the shrine.

Before the image, prayers can be served, and water can be blessed. Such small services give great consolation to the Orthodox who pray at them for what concerns their souls. You can submit notes with the names of relatives and friends, then the priest will offer petitions to God and for them.

Important! The basis of any prayer service is not the fact of submitting a note with names, but a sincere appeal to God by a believer. Therefore, it is very advisable to attend the prayer service in person.

You can have the icon of the Holy Trinity at home, so that in your personal home prayer turn to the Lord. For this purpose, houses can be equipped special shelves for images - home iconostasis. All the icons in the family are placed on it. It is worth remembering that when decorating the iconostasis, the central place should be occupied by the icons of the Lord and the Blessed Virgin Mary, followed by the saints revered in the family.

According to Christian tradition, it is customary to equip all iconostases with east wall or corner of the house. However, if for some objective reasons this cannot be done (for example, the eastern side is occupied by a large window or door), then there is no sin in placing home shrines in any other suitable place.

The main rule is that the attitude towards the place where the images are stored should be reverent. You need to keep it clean, wipe off dust in a timely manner, and change napkins. It is completely unacceptable when the owners maintain order, for example, in the kitchen, but at the same time the sacred corner looks neglected and unkempt.

Icon of the Holy Trinity

What does an icon help with?

In near-Christian circles one can often come across the opinion that one can pray in front of certain shrines strictly on certain issues. You can often hear such advice even in front of experienced parishioners and old-timers of churches. This approach does not entirely correctly reflect the essence of the Orthodox faith.

About other famous Orthodox icons:

In all troubles and sorrows in which we ask for spiritual help, only the Lord God can give us an answer. The saints are our helpers who, together with us, can ask the Lord to give us everything we need for our lives. It’s just that a tradition has developed that prayers in front of certain images help in a given situation. But this is not a strict rule, and a person in front of any icon can ask for anything.

Important! The belief that help comes precisely from the icon in front of which a person prays is a pagan approach and distorts the essence of the Orthodox faith.

Therefore, praying in front of the icon of the Holy Trinity at home or in church, a person can ask for everything that lies in his soul. You just have to remember that you cannot go to the Lord with sinful thoughts, dishonest or obviously bad requests.

Most of the holy fathers of the church say that real prayer is one that does not ask for anything, but only thanks God and entrusts His concern for human life. The Gospel says that not even a hair will fall from a person’s head unless he is God's Will. Therefore, it is best to stand before the shrine with a repentant heart, humility, and the desire to correct your life according to God’s will. Such an appeal will always be heard and a person will feel grace and spiritual help in life.

Video about the icon of the Holy Trinity by Andrei Rublev

What distinguishes the Orthodox faith from other branches of Christianity? This is the veneration of holy icons. Although they are not rejected in Catholicism and some other denominations, they are so widely recognized only in the Byzantine tradition. By the numerous faces that look out from each wall and decorate the altar, it is easy to distinguish an Orthodox church from any other.

There are thousands of officially recognized images; the Mother of God alone has more than 600, and there are also non-canonical ones. But how to navigate in such diversity? This material dedicated to icons and their meaning will help.

What are icons for?

Officially, the dogma (a truth that cannot be doubted) about the veneration of icons was established in 787, at the 2nd Council of Nicaea. Before this time, the use of images had long been practiced in churches. The first images of the Lord Jesus Christ, saints and the Mother of God have been known since the 2nd century.

  • According to church tradition, the first icon painter was one of the evangelists, namely St. Luke.

Famous Church Fathers - Basil the Great, John Chrysostom, John of Damascus - encouraged painters to depict the exploits of martyrs for the faith. But not everything was so simple. For example, Eusebius of Caesarea believed that man is not able to reflect the divine nature of Christ.

Who is depicted in consecrated images:

  • Trinity (in the form of angels);
  • Lord Jesus Christ in his human incarnation;
  • Mother of God;
  • Angels and other heavenly powers;
  • Righteous people, martyrs, saints, etc.

Church icons have a very specific purpose. This is not a decoration at all, not a reminder of eternal torment for sinners. Looking at them, believers should remember the prototypes and cultivate in their souls a feeling of love for the Creator and the saints.

About how icons were painted

The Orthodox tradition knows hundreds of variants of images of the Virgin Mary. How could icon painters who lived long after Christ’s earthly life know what it looked like? Church historians wrote about this.

The appearance of the Most Pure One completely reflected her spiritual purity: she spoke with caution, in an even and pleasant voice, anger and indignation were alien to her. Humility shone in her eyes, her heart thought only about God, strove for Him day and night. Of average height, with dark eyes, a slightly elongated face, an elongated nose and blooming lips, long fingers hands But the main thing that all the authors note is that Mary was truly a living receptacle of the Holy Spirit, the Divine palace, the city of God.

  • Icons of the Mother of God are intended, first of all, not to reflect a portrait likeness, but to describe in colors her role in the theology of Christianity, high mission in the matter of saving people from eternal damnation. And even more so, they are not intended to fulfill certain human desires. This should be remembered when purchasing another shrine.

The Most Pure Virgin Mary is mostly depicted in identical robes:

  • omophorion - a wide quadrangular cape covering the shoulders and head, they were worn married women in Judea, usually purple;
  • tunic - elongated dress with long sleeves, blue.

Maforium is decorated with three stars; they symbolize Mary’s ever-virginity: before Christmas, after Christmas and during the birth of Christ. Assignments, like those of the clergy, signify service to Christ.

Each consecrated image has own story, often wonderful. In fact, it doesn’t matter which image you read the prayer in front of. The Lord penetrates into the very heart of a person and sees every movement of the soul. Therefore, it is important what thoughts come from there, and not how many times bows are made and prayers are read.

The most revered icons of the Mother of God in Orthodoxy, their names, a short history, a description of the composition and theological meaning can be found below.

Meaning and interpretation of the Icons of the Mother of God


Closely connected with the fate of the Russian state. The discovery took place in Kazan, on the city’s ashes, at the insistence of a local girl. The Queen of Heaven appeared to her in a dream and ordered her to find her image. This happened in the 16th century. Miracles began to happen immediately after the shrine was transferred to the temple - two blind men regained their sight. The local bishop Hermogenes, later the All-Russian Patriarch, compiled a story about miraculous phenomena.

It was this pious man who subsequently blessed the militia for the battle with the invaders. The revered image was sent into battle along with the people's army. Then the Kazan intercessor gained national fame. It is believed that the original was stolen from the monastery in Kazan, where it was kept, at the beginning of the 20th century. The thieves claimed that they destroyed the shrine. But it is quite possible that it was sold and many believe that the Mother of God will still show her face to the Russian people.

  • It is a slightly smaller version of “Hodegetria” - the Mother of God is depicted only up to the shoulders. She slightly bowed her head towards Christ, who is depicted from the front, his right hand blesses those praying.

The Kazan Mother of God is used to bless the newlyweds after the wedding; the Kazan Mother of God is also often included in triptychs along with the face of the Savior and St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God - meaning

One of the compositions, whose author was the Apostle Luke (not literally, meaning a copy of the original, which was once made by the evangelist). Came to Russia from Byzantium, like many other miraculous faces. At first it was in a convent near Kyiv, then Andrei Bogolyubsky moved it to Vladimir (1115), and that’s how the name appeared.

The shrine was solemnly transported to the capital at the end of the 14th century. All the townspeople came out to meet her, and in this place there is now Sretensky Monastery(candlemas - meeting). Moscow was threatened by Tamerlane's troops. But completely unexpectedly they turned around before reaching their destination. This was considered a manifestation of the intercession of the Mother of God.

But even before these events, Vladimirskaya was considered miraculous; it is not for nothing that it has several days of memory - all testify to heavenly protection from enemies. Nowadays the relic can be seen in the temple-museum at the Tretyakov Gallery. It's a rare case when such ancient artifact managed to save, despite wars and revolutions.

They pray for deliverance from illnesses, for reconciliation with neighbors, Vladimirskaya helps to get pregnant and feed the child.

Icon "Blessed Sky"

It appeared in Russia at the end of the 17th century, brought from Lithuania by the wife of one of the Moscow princes. Unusual composition - the Mother of God is depicted in full height, people surround her sun rays, on the left hand is the divine Child. On the heads of Mary and Christ are royal crowns. Heavenly forces in the form of Angels are hovering around.

Helps with mental anguish, alleviates physical suffering. If a loved one goes astray true path, come to pray in front of the “Gracious Sky”. It is especially revered in the capital of Russia, since it has long been in one of the Kremlin cathedrals.

"Recovery of the Dead"

Dates from the 17th century. She became famous thanks to the story of a certain monk Theophilus, who made a deal with the devil, but later repented and was forgiven by the Queen of Heaven. True, for this he had to pray relentlessly.

There is also a known case when a certain peasant got lost during a snowstorm. He was about to die when he was discovered local residents. The horse took the unfortunate man straight to the gate, and people heard a voice in the house calling to meet the guest.

The composition is interesting in that the Divine Infant is depicted in full growth, His bare feet resting on the Mother’s thigh. He is dressed in white shirt(a symbol of the purity of the soul), the Child tightly hugs the Mother of God by the neck. She gently bowed to the face of her Son. The Mother of God sits on the throne. The prayer is overcome by a feeling of tenderness when he sees the tender love that binds Mary and Christ.

Before the “Recovery of the Lost,” sinners, drunkards, and drug addicts are prayed for. It helps with headaches, alleviates the condition of epileptics, and saves children from serious illnesses.

"The Tsaritsa"

The famous image from the Vatopedi monastery on Mount Athos became famous in the 17th century. One young man, who was fond of witchcraft, came to test his “strength”. But the Queen of Heaven threw him away. When the young man came to his senses, he immediately repented.

“Vsetsaritsa” is also known for providing assistance to cancer patients, especially children. In Russia there is a list specially made on Mount Athos. He stays in Moscow, in the church of the Alekseevsky Monastery, and is sometimes transported to the chapel at the children's cancer center (Kashirskoye Highway). Those who are carried away by sorcery, black magic, and fortune-telling are begged before the “Tsaritsa of All.” This is very terrible sins, today, unfortunately, many people are addicted to them.

The composition goes back to “Hodegetria” - here the Mother of God also points to Jesus Christ. She sits on a throne in royal robes. Christ is wearing a scarlet cape and a green shirt. He holds a scroll in his left hand and blesses the believers with his right. Angels circle behind the throne, one folds his hands in prayer, the other raises them in a gesture of greeting.


The background to its appearance remains a mystery - scientists believe that the shrine is at least half a thousand years old. In 1830, it was found in the temple, where it served as a step to the bell tower. During the cholera epidemic, she managed to protect the residents of Vologda from mass death. Many received healing from illnesses and relief from mental suffering from the Mother of God.

Enough rare species images where the Virgin Mary is shown alone. It is believed that this is the moment before the birth of the Savior. Seven blades are aimed at her heart. 7 is a symbolic image of completeness, that is, the Mother of God knew suffering and pain to the fullest. The swords represent the mental anguish of Mary in those moments when Christ went to Way of the Cross, then died for human sins.

Reconciles warring parties; it is necessary to pray near the “Semistrelnaya” before starting an important task. It is believed that if you hang it near front door, it will protect the home from robbers and unkind people. Clears your thoughts and lifts your spirits.

"Helper of Sinners"

She became famous for her miracles at the end of the 19th century, but the icon from the Oryol province was painted long before this event. After the prayer service, a seriously ill boy received healing. Was sent to Moscow exact copy, which began to flow myrrh, then exude healing. The owners transferred the shrine to the temple, believing that everyone should have access to it.

It is very important for a Christian spiritual health. When despondency seizes the soul, the consequences will be a lack of strength, a reluctance to work and even just to live. The Queen of Heaven will help you get out of this dangerous state. They also turn to the “Helper of Sinners” to solve family difficulties and illnesses.

Holy Virgin depicted here from the waist up, the Infant God holds his mother's hand. This indicates the close connection between God and the entire human race. The Virgin Mary and Christ have royal crowns on their heads - this shows the influence of Western style, since the “Support of Sinners” comes from Ukraine or Belarus.

"Assistant in childbirth"

The revered face resides in Serpukhov. Where and when the image appeared is unknown. The image is rare in composition - it belongs to the Immaculata type. On it, the Child is depicted in front of the Mother of God, he is enclosed in a certain aura, over which Mary stretches out her hands. The Virgin herself is shown with her head uncovered, her hair loose over her shoulders - just as is customary during childbirth.

The name itself refers to situations in which women seek help from the Holy Virgin. Each expectant mother asks for relief from suffering during the release of the fetus. In addition, many during these hours are tormented by fear of sudden death and worry about the child. How will the birth go, will the baby be okay? All this is in the hands of God, so women turn to their Intercessor. When the baby appears, they pray for a sufficient amount of breast milk and the health of the newborn.

"Burning bush"

The oldest example can be seen today in the Armory; it dates back to the 17th century.

A bush is a bush of thorns; one of the Bible chapters tells how the Lord appeared to Moses in a fiery bush. Symbolically, the fireproof bush represents the Queen of Heaven, who was able to maintain spiritual purity in the midst of a sinful world.

The composition is very complex, containing many symbols designed to reveal all the prophecies about the Virgin Mary and the Savior. In the center is Our Lady Hodegetria. On her chest is depicted the ladder leading to heaven that Jacob saw. The evangelists are symbolically shown as an Angel, an Eagle, a Leo and a Taurus. There are also Archangels, biblical scenes and other symbols. Above all this, the Lord Jesus Christ, seated on the throne, hovers.

“The Burning Bush” patronizes firefighters, they ask her to protect the home from fire, attacks by thieves, and unfriendly visitors. They also pray that the soul does not descend into hellfire.

Icon “Inexhaustible Chalice” - meaning

It is of Byzantine origin. Exact time spelling unknown. To this day, only copies have survived, which are stored in the monasteries of the city of Serpukhov. It was there that he turned at the end of the 19th century. a soldier dying from the sin of drinking wine. He dreamed of an elder and ordered him to go to the monastery. Although the man’s legs were already giving out, he trudged to the monks with the last of his strength. He managed to find an image of the Most Pure One. After the prayer service the soldier received complete liberation because of his thirst for wine, his legs were healed.

Since then, the sufferers have flocked to Serpukhov. And today many men and women prone to alcoholism or drug addiction come to the monastery. Many receive healing, return to their families, find work and arrange their lives.

There is a cup in front of the Virgin Mary, with Christ in it. The Mother of God prays with raised hands, both looking directly at the believers. The composition is very beautiful, completely symmetrical and reminiscent of the perfection of the Lord, of His sacrifice for the whole world. Most often, before the “Inexhaustible Chalice” they ask for deliverance from obsession with alcohol, drugs and other addictions.

"Eternal Color"

A very beautiful composition in which the Virgin Mary holds white flowers. On one of the Greek islands there is a tradition - on the day of the Annunciation, parishioners bring bouquets of fresh lilies to the temple. They remain in the temple until the end of summer, when another great feast of the Mother of God is celebrated - the Assumption. On this day, a miracle happens - dried lilies bloom again! In memory of wonderful events it was written “ Everlasting color».

In Russia, a copy of the Greek image appeared between the 17th and 18th centuries. The iconography is most likely of Western origin. The Blessed Virgin tenderly holds the Christ Child. He raises his right hand in a gesture of blessing. The Most Pure One bowed her head slightly towards her Son. In her right hand, the Queen of Heaven holds white flowers (sometimes grapes or scarlet roses are depicted, but it was the white lily that Archangel Gabriel presented to Mary on the day of the Annunciation).

“Fadeless color” especially patronizes the female gender:

  • girls ask for a good husband;
  • married - about the gift of healthy children;
  • the Most Pure One helps to restore joy in life;
  • restores peace of mind.

The Blessed Virgin protects families from strife, wards off temptations, and helps girls maintain purity before marriage.

Icon "The Sign"

The first well-known miracle was helping the residents of Novgorod during the siege (1170). The miraculous icon is still kept in the Novgorod Cathedral. It shows the type of image “Oranta” - the Mother of God raised her hands to the sky in prayer, her palms are visible. In this gesture, the Most Pure One opens her soul to meet the Savior. Christ is depicted at the level of the Virgin Mary's chest, he is written in a medallion, and the Lord is wearing priestly robes.

There are many known cases where healing from eye diseases was given through the “Sign”. Helps during long journeys, protects against enemies, during conflicts.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

Revealed in one of Athos monasteries at the turn of the 10th and 11th centuries. It is believed that the face of the Most Pure One originally appeared on the board thanks to a miracle - the Virgin Mary washed herself and applied her face. This print was sent to Georgia along with the Apostle Andrew - hence the name (Iveria is Georgia). The Athos image was revealed in a pillar of fire. He for a long time protected the monks from enemy raids.

One of the most common types is Hodegetria. The Mother of God with her right hand points to Christ as the only path to salvation. The image is half-length; Mary has a crown on her head.

Grants relief from bodily ailments. Helps to gain strong faith, returns the lost to the righteous path. She protects the houses in which she is located - it is not without reason that she is also called the Goalkeeper. It will protect against fires and prevent theft.

"The Bread Wrangler"

A very unusual spelling of the Mother of God - she sits on a cloud, blessing the grain field below. This image was blessed by Elder Ambrose (Optina Pustyn), the date of creation is said to be 1890. The lists quickly spread throughout the area - that year turned out to be a lean year and the people asked for the intercession of heavenly powers.

The Holy Synod tried to ban the unconventional image, but it was very popular among the population. In 1993, Patriarch Alexy officially included the icon in church calendar. They ask the “Sporitelnitsa” for help in getting rid of the drought and for a rich harvest.

The meaning of other important icons

Holy Trinity

The most famous composition was written by the righteous Andrei Rublev. He was able to express the most complex theological dogma about the Triune God, using images, perspective, various small details. Each of them has its own deep meaning. Even the position of the hands, the tilt of the head of each Angel is not accidental.

Such a shrine should be in a place of honor in any home where there are baptized people. The Lord is the source of life, our existence depends on Him. Daily prayers are read before the faces, and any request can be addressed to Jesus Christ, God the Father or the Holy Spirit:

  • about the success of good undertakings;
  • about the health and well-being of loved ones;
  • about solving everyday problems;
  • about the forgiveness of sins and the granting of salvation to the soul.

The hypostases of Almighty God are depicted in the form of three Angels. Rublev captured the Trinity at the moment of the council, where the plan of Redemption is discussed. In the center, according to the church fathers, is the Father, according to left side from those praying - the Son, on the right - the Holy Spirit. On the table is a bowl, where the atoning Sacrifice is symbolically depicted.

Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

The image of the beautiful young man in a cloak can be found in any Orthodox church. Who is this young man? During his life, he was a doctor - he healed human bodies, and after his righteous martyrdom he became a saint. By his example, he inspired many to embrace Christianity. So the physical doctor became a spiritual doctor. But until now, believers throughout Russia and beyond its borders pray near the image in moments when they are burdened by illness.

  • You can ask for healing from any ailment, not only physical, but also spiritual.

Great Martyr Panteleimon refused brilliant career court physician - he was admitted to the imperial palace. All for the sake of helping prisoners and the poor for free - in the name of Christ. Envious people reported him, the young doctor was arrested, interrogated, and then brutally tortured. But the saint joyfully endured all the torment, glorifying the name of God. He voluntarily lowered his head on the block, his executioners cried. Having joyfully departed to the heavenly abodes, from there he continues to pray for us sinners.

The healer is depicted with a spoon in his hand - it contains medicine. He wears a blue robe (a sign of the innocence of the soul) and a red cloak - a symbol of martyrdom. Panteleimon can be easily recognized by his light curly hair.

About the icon.

Blessed Matrona of Moscow

One of the favorite saints in the capital, in last decades became known throughout Russia. In the image, the old woman stands against the background of the city walls and receives a blessing from Christ, which is sent to her from heaven. All my hard life Matrona spent time in prayer. She had the gift of predicting the future and knew how to heal physical ailments. I never took money for my help.

The blessed old woman herself constantly suffered from various ailments - she was blind, her legs did not obey well, and over time they completely failed. The woman did not have her own corner; she ate whatever she could find. But she never became discouraged or complained about God, who sent these trials. Her love for people only grew. Today the relics of the righteous woman are in the Intercession Monastery in Moscow. What do they ask the blessed Matronushka for?

  • About help in conceiving and having children.
  • About a successful marriage.
  • On resolving financial difficulties.
  • About physical health for yourself and your loved ones.

There are no and cannot be any restrictions on requests. Help will be provided in any righteous matter that a person cannot cope with on his own.

Venerable Seraphim of Sarov

A famous elder of the Russian land, who during his lifetime was honored with a visit from the Mother of God. He was not educated, did not write works and did not preach sermons. But everyone knew and loved Father Seraphim. With wise spiritual eyes, he saw through each visitor. But he never condemned, but only instructed with kind words.

The monk said that the purpose of human existence is to find the Holy Spirit. For this, the main thing is consistency and faith. Father even drew up a special prayer rule for those who work hard throughout the day. He himself communicated with the heavenly inhabitants a lot, interceding for the human race.

When the elder was alive, many looked to him for support and consolation. This continues even after his departure to another world. It will help disperse the darkness of despair, gain spiritual strength, and get rid of serious temptations. The Monk Seraphim is capable of driving away physical ailments. Helps to successfully conduct trading business - but only for those people who do not try to “cheat” their neighbor.

The miracle worker is depicted in monastic robes, this is a cassock, a black robe. Gray hair and beard, a collected, attentive look. In his left hand he holds a rosary - an indispensable attribute of monks. The right hand is raised in blessing.

Peter and Fevronia

A pious married couple who lived in the city of Murom. Peter was a prince, Fevronia once healed him of a serious illness and became his faithful wife. Tales about the couple have been preserved in church history. Today the righteous serve as examples to the younger generation. They had patience, wisdom, humility. They raised their children in the Christian faith, and when life began to decline, both devoted themselves to God.

Of course, they are asked for help in marriage: to find mutual understanding, to build relationships based on biblical truths, to raise children so that they become good people. Girls can ask for a worthy spouse, married ladies can ask for a long-awaited heir.

Usually the couple is depicted together, they are in clothes befitting their rank during life. Peter and Fevronia raise their heads to the sky, above them is the image of the Savior.

Saint Nicholas

The image of an elder in the robe of a bishop can be seen in any Orthodox church, so great is the people’s love for him. In his hometown the young priest was famous for his kind heart. He quickly responded to any trouble and helped everyone. Over time, he was elected bishop. And then the saint continued to intercede for the poor, unjustly condemned. He built churches and brought the Good News to people.

On the holy face is depicted an old man with gray hair. His eyes express both severity and mercy. Bishop Myra of Lycia carefully holds the Gospel, his right hand sends a blessing to those praying.

Nikolai Ugodnik supports in any good deeds, but especially patronizes sailors and those who travel - it’s not for nothing that his face is often placed in cars. Helps to successfully marry daughters, stop discord, and heals illnesses.

Images are an integral part of Orthodoxy. They are found in temples, homes and even in car interiors. You should not give in to the desire to buy as many icons as possible and cover your entire apartment with them. The faces of the Savior, the Mother of God and several saints are enough. The number of shrines does not affect the quality of prayer. It is very good if images of the righteous direct thoughts to heaven and strengthen faith - this is their main task.

"HOLY TRINITY"- written by Andrey Rublev. The symbol of the “Trinity” is God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Or - wisdom, reason, love. One of three main icons that should be in every home. In front of the icon they pray for forgiveness of sins. It is considered confessional.

"Iverskaya MOTHER OF GOD"- keeper hearth and home. She is considered the patroness of all women, their helper and intercessor before the Lord. An icon used to remove the “crown of celibacy” from both men and women. In front of the icon they also pray for the healing of physical and mental illnesses, for consolation in troubles.

"MOTHER OF GOD OF KAZAN"- the main icon of Russia, intercessor of the entire Russian people, especially in difficult times troubled times. All the main events in life take place with her, starting with baptism. The icon gives a blessing for marriage, it is also an assistant in
work. An icon that stops fire and helps those with vision problems. Before the icon they pray for help in various everyday needs.

"MOTHER OF GOD OF VLADIMIR"- written by the evangelist Luke. The icon is considered one of the most revered images of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Rus'. Tsars were crowned and high priests were elected in front of this icon. Before her they pray for the humility of those at war, for softening evil hearts, about the healing of physical and mental weakness, as well as about the healing of the possessed.

"TIKHVIN MOTHER OF GOD"- written by the evangelist Luke. The icon is considered a child’s icon; it is also called a “guidebook”. She helps children in illness, calms the restless and disobedient, helps them choose friends, and protects them from the bad influence of the street. It is believed that it strengthens the bond between parents and children, that is, children do not abandon their parents in old age. Helps women during childbirth and pregnancy. Those who have problems also turn to her.

"SEMISHTRELNAYA"- this is the strongest icon in protecting the house and any premises, as well as the person on whom it is located, from evil, envious

People, from the evil eye, damage and curses. She reconciles warring parties, brings peace and harmony, and is also hired for important matters. At home, she should be in front of the front door so that she can see the eyes of the person entering. Before installing the icon, you need to read a prayer, and then observe who stops coming to your house.

"QUICK TO HEAR"- the image was painted in the 10th century. They pray in front of the icon when they need quick and urgent help, for the healing of mental and physical ailments, including paralysis, blindness, cancer, and also ask for the birth of healthy children
and the release of prisoners.

"HEALER"- the icon is one of the most ancient and revered. In front of the icon they pray for healing of the soul and body; it protects from various misfortunes, troubles, sorrow, eternal condemnation, and takes care of liberation from imprisonment. Childbirth assistant.

"INEXHAIBLE CHALICE"- The Mother of God prays for all sinners and calls for an inexhaustible source of spiritual joy and consolation, proclaiming that an inexhaustible cup of heavenly help and mercy is prepared for those who ask with faith. It brings prosperity to the home, and also helps to heal from bad habits, drunkenness, drug addiction, and gambling.

"UNBREAKABLE WALL"- located in the main altar of the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral. For more than ten centuries this miraculous icon remained undamaged. That's probably why it's named like that. In front of the icon for every need: healing for the sick, consolation for the grieving, admonition for the lost, protect babies, educate and teach the young, encourage and instruct husbands and wives, support and warm the old, deliver from all misfortunes.

"THREE-HANDED"- miraculous image Mother of God was written in the eighth century in honor St. John Damascene - a church hymnal, innocently slandered. In front of the icon they pray for healing from pain in the hands or their injuries, from deliverance from a fire, as well as from illness, grief and sadness.

"UNEXPECTED JOY"- an icon about forgiveness of sins and grateful healing. Before the icon they pray for the conversion of the lost, for the health and well-being of children, for the healing of deafness and ear diseases, for the preservation of marriage in love and harmony.

"BLESSED MATRONA"- a very strong saint of our time. People turn to her for any difficult issue. She is our “first helper” and intercessor, intercessor for us before the Lord. The relics are located in the Intercession Monastery on Taganka,
where countless people come every day and turn to her for help.

"NICHOLAS THE WONDERWORKER"- beloved saint of the Russian people. He protects from poverty and need: when his icon is in the house, he makes sure that there is prosperity in the house, and protects from the need for anything. In addition, he is the patron saint of all travelers, drivers, sailors, pilots and just people who are on the road and worship St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The relics of St. Nicholas the Pleasant are located in Italy.

"HOLY GREAT MARTYR PANTELEMON"- a great healer, patron of doctors. During his lifetime he brought healing to many people from serious illnesses. And now people receive a charge for miraculous healing from the icon with the face of St. Panteleimon.

"GEORGE THE VICTORIOUS"- patron of Moscow, as well as an assistant to those people whose work involves weapons and risks to life - military, police, firefighters, rescuers. In addition, these include athletes and people starting a new business.

"SERGY OF RADONEZH"- founder of the Sergius Trinity Lavra in the 14th century. He is the patron saint of all students. They take the icon with them when taking exams and tests. It is very good for the icon to always be in the pocket of your purse or briefcase every day when the child is walking to study.

"SERAPHIM OF SAROV"- one of the beloved and revered saints of Russia. He devoted his entire life to serving our Lord, founded Diveyevo convent in the Nizhny Novgorod province. Prayer to Holy Father Seraphim of Sarov helps very well with diseases musculoskeletal system, spine, joints.

"GUARDIAN ANGEL"- they pray to him: for help with headaches; about your protection, from insomnia, in grief, about happiness in marriage, about driving away evil spirits, about getting rid of harm from wizards and sorcerers. About the intercession of widows and orphans in despair, about deliverance from sudden or sudden death, about the expulsion of demons. Those going to bed pray to him for deliverance from prodigal dreams.

Orthodox icons

The icon is a completely unique phenomenon in medieval culture. There are hundreds of them in churches, try to figure out which one you need. This is where questions arise: which icons should we pray to? Who should I pray to? Which saint? Let's try to figure out which icon is for what.

VIRGIN OF KAZAN - the most revered icon in Rus', for several centuries she has been revered as the Patroness and Intercessor of the Russian land and the Russian people. All the main events in life take place with her, starting with baptism. The icon gives a blessing for marriage, and it is also an assistant in work. It is used to bless young people who are getting married; they ask the icon for family well-being and happiness; in addition, the icon is hung near children’s cribs. An icon that stops fire and helps those with vision problems. The image of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God helps in various troubles, misfortunes, and illnesses

MOTHER OF GOD OF VLADIMIR - one of the most revered, since it was used to crown kings and elect high priests. Before her they pray for the softening of evil hearts, the healing of infirmity, the humility of those at war, the healing of the possessed. She especially protects mothers and their children, gives pregnant women easy childbirth and healthy babies, relieves infertility and diseases of the reproductive organs. The image of a mother as an intercessor in all troubles and sorrows.

Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary of DESPERATE ONE HOPE -Despite the fact that this icon is little known, one of the believers (and this is not prohibited by the church) composed an akathist for it. They pray before the icon in various sorrows and when a person is despondent. Those whose faith has weakened ask the Mother of God to return to their former state of mind and bestow spiritual vigor. They pray to the icon for deliverance from enemies, for the admonition of quarreling people (especially neighbors), for the eradication of envy. She is an assistant in the treatment of modern diseases - alcoholism, smoking, gaming and computer addiction.

VIRGIN OF POCHAYEV - Pochaev icon The Mother of God is one of the most revered shrines of the Russian Church. When turning to the Mother of God "Pochaevskaya" they pray for protection from internecine enmity, from enemy invasion, for healing from blindness, both physical and spiritual, for liberation from captivity, they pray for the granting of health and miracles of help in need.

Quick to Hear


Everlasting color

Recovery of the dead

QUICK TO HEAR - they pray, when quick and urgent help is needed, for the healing of mental and physical ailments, including paralysis, blindness, cancer, and also ask for the birth of healthy children and the release of prisoners.

Iverskaya MOTHER OF GOD - Keeper of the home. She is considered the patroness of all women, their helper and intercessor before the Lord. An icon used to remove the “crown of celibacy” from both men and women. In front of the icon they also pray for the healing of physical and mental illnesses, for consolation in illness.

ENDLESS COLOR -When turning to the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color,” they pray for the preservation of a righteous life and the resolution of family troubles. Prayers to this icon help not to make a mistake in choosing a spouse. The flower in the hands of the Mother of God affirms the purity of the Mother of God and symbolizes the unfading of virginity.

Icon of the Mother of God SEEKING THE LOST - seriously ill patients and their relatives make requests. It helps to get rid of vices, alcohol addiction. Repentant sinners who have turned away from God go to these icons. Women ask for happy marriage and children's health, helps with eye diseases, fever, headaches. You can contact the Blessed Mother with simple in sincere words that come from the heart.

Icon of the Mother of God QUEEN MY SORROWS - pray for deliverance from various illnesses, both physical and mental.

Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos merciful - or “It is worthy to eat”, they pray during mental and physical illnesses, at the end of any business, during epidemics, for happiness in marriage, during accidents..

Feodorovskaya icon of the Mother of God - has long been revered by believers not only as miraculous, but also as especially protective of family well-being, the birth and upbringing of children, and helping in difficult childbirths. Tradition connects her with the calling of the founder of the dynasty, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, to the kingdom in 1613. Kept in the Epiphany Cathedral in the city of Kostroma.

JERUSALEM Icon of the Mother of God - they pray in grief, sadness and despondency, for healing from blindness, eye diseases and paralysis, during a cholera epidemic, for deliverance from the death of livestock, from fire, during relaxation, and also during an attack by enemies..

TIKHVINSKAYA- The icon is considered a child’s icon; it is also called a “guidebook”. She helps children in illness, calms the restless and disobedient, helps them choose friends, and protects them from the bad influence of the street. It is believed that it strengthens the bond between parents and children, that is, children do not abandon their parents in old age. Helps women during childbirth and pregnancy.

Our Lady of Pochaevskaya - they pray for protection from internecine hostility, from enemy invasion, for healing from blindness, both physical and spiritual, for liberation from captivity., they pray for the granting of health and miracles of help in need.

KOZELSHANSKAYA icon of the Mother of God- pray for the healing of orthopedic diseases, especially helping girls who came to her with a prayer to arrange family happiness.

THREE HANDLE - in front of the miraculous image of the Mother of God, they pray for healing from pain in the hands and feet or their injuries, from fire, as well as from illness, grief and sadness. .

Softening Evil Hearts


Icon of the Mother of God LOOK AT HUMILITY - pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for the granting of humility and repentance both for themselves and for sinners who do not want to repent, for relief afterlife deceased, about protection from false and crafty teachings. Prayers in front of the icon also help in solving housing issues.

Icon of the Mother of God GRACEFUL SKY - helps women get married, find happiness in marriage and motherhood. They pray to the icon for deliverance from drunkenness and other addictions. If you have a cherished desire, pray in front of the “Blessed Heaven” icon, and it will come true. It is believed that the icon provides patronage to paratroopers (Airborne Forces) and helps them in their service.

Icon of the Mother of God SOFTENING EVIL HEARTS - in front of the icon they ask for a family truce or that there is no hostility between neighbors, as well as for peace between entire states. In our culture, the image of the Mother of God, whose chest is pierced by arrows, is one of the most emotional and expressive in icon painting. It makes it possible to feel mercy and compassion. Before her, they pray to soften the hearts of those who come to you with evil thoughts.

Our Lady of Tenderness - the icon is an intercessor both in national disasters and in life ordinary people. Mothers pray for the successful marriage of their daughters, for happiness and prosperity.




Affectionate mother

Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary of SMOLENSK - called “Hodegetria-Smolensk” has been known in Rus' since ancient times. "Hodegetria", translated from Greek language means "Guide". The icon for all Orthodox Christians is a guide to eternal salvation; the Mother of God of Smolensk helps everyone who turns to her with prayers for healing from incurable diseases, in search of family peace and in other difficult and insoluble situations, as the first intercessor for us before God.

BARSKIY icon of the Mother of God - pray for good relations in the family, for children and health, she shows miracles of healing and God’s mercy to all those who suffer, who resort to her in their sorrows and prayers.

Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos ZHIROVITSKAYA - they pray in case of persecution of Orthodoxy, in case of doubts, for deliverance from fires, in case of any bodily weakness, they also pray for the arrangement of a girl’s destiny, for a happy marriage.

Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary TENDER MOTHER - pray for children, so that children will be a support in life.

Unexpected joy

Three joys

Holy Trinity


UNEXPECTED JOY - they pray for the conversion of the lost, for the health and well-being of children, for the healing of deafness and ear diseases, for the preservation of marriage in love and harmony, they pray for the granting of spiritual insight.

Icon of the Mother of God of the THREE JOYS - They pray for the return of what was lost, for salvation from enemies, for release from captivity, for healing and for the successful resolution of any matter. People who came to the icon noticed that after fervent prayer, joy came to their house threefold, for which the icon received its modern name.

HOLY TRINITY - The symbol of the “Trinity” is God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, or wisdom, reason, love. One of the three main icons that should be in every home. In front of the icon they pray for forgiveness of sins. It is considered confessional.

SEMISTRELLNAYA - This is the strongest icon in protecting the house and any premises, as well as the person on whom it is located, from evil, envious people, from the evil eye, damage and curses. She reconciles warring parties, brings peace and harmony, and is also hired for important matters. At home, she should be in front of the front door so that she can see the eyes of the person entering.


Inexhaustible Chalice

Unbreakable Wall

Mother of God of the Intercession

HEALER - they pray for healing of the soul and body, it protects from various misfortunes, troubles, sorrow, eternal condemnation, and takes care of liberation from imprisonment. Childbirth assistant.

INEXHAIBLE CHALICE - they pray for all sinners, the icon calls for an inexhaustible source of spiritual joy and consolation, proclaims that an inexhaustible cup of heavenly help and mercy is prepared for those who ask with faith. It brings prosperity to the home, and also helps to heal from bad habits, drunkenness, drug addiction, and gambling.

UNBREAKABLE WALL- In front of the icon for every need: healing for the sick, consolation for the grieving, admonition for the lost, protect babies, educate and teach the young, encourage and instruct husbands and wives, support and warm the old, deliver from all misfortunes. For more than ten centuries, this miraculous icon remained intact. That's probably why it's called that

Our Lady of Intercession - they pray for deliverance from troubles, for the protection of the country from enemies...

BLESSED MATRONA - A very strong saint of our time. People turn to her for any difficult issue. She is our “first helper” and intercessor, intercessor for us before the Lord. The relics are located in the Intercession Monastery on Taganka, where every day countless people come and turn to her for help.

NICHOLAY THE PLEASER THE WONDERWORKER - This is the most revered saint in the world. He protects from poverty and need: when his icon is in the house, he makes sure that there is prosperity in the house, protects from need for anything, patronizes women, children, the poor, innocently convicted people and animals. In addition, he is the patron saint of all travelers, drivers, sailors, pilots and just people on the road.

HOLY GREAT MARTYR PANTELEMON - they pray for healing from serious illnesses, he is the patron saint of warriors, since warriors, who receive wounds more often than others, are the ones in greatest need of a doctor-healer.

SERGY OF RADONEZH - Founder of the Sergievo-Trinity Lavra in the 14th century. He is the patron saint of all students. They take the icon with them when taking exams and tests. It is very good for the icon to always be in the pocket of your purse or briefcase every day when the child goes to school.

GUARDIAN ANGEL - pray: for help with headaches; about your protection, from insomnia, in grief, about happiness in marriage, about driving away evil spirits, about getting rid of harm from wizards and sorcerers. About the intercession of widows and orphans in despair, about deliverance from sudden or sudden death, about the expulsion of demons. Those going to bed pray to him for deliverance from prodigal dreams. The task of the guardian angel is to contribute to the salvation of the ward, intercede for them during their earthly life, pray to God for them, do not abandon them, finally, after death and take the souls of those who have ended earthly life into eternity.

SAVIOR PANTOCRANT - often simply “Savior” or “Savior” is the central image in the iconography of Christ, representing Him as the Heavenly King. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end,” says the Lord, “Who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” The Chief Physician of souls and bodies, who knows about everything, and to whom our prayer appeal should first of all be directed. According to the rules, this icon is placed at the head of the iconostasis.

SAVIOR NOT MADE BY HANDS - they pray for guidance on the true path, for the salvation of the soul, deliverance from bad thoughts and healing. According to church tradition, the first icon was the image of the Savior - the Savior Not Made by Hands.

Icon– not a portrait or a genre painting, but a prototype of ideal humanity. Therefore, the icon provides only a symbolic image of him. Physical movement on the icon is reduced to a minimum or completely absent. But the movement of the spirit is conveyed by special means - the pose of the figure, hands, folds of clothing, color and most importantly - the eyes. All the power of moral achievement, all the power of the spirit and its power over the body are concentrated there.

Clothes on icons- not a means to cover bodily nudity, clothing is a symbol. She is a fabric from the deeds of a saint. One of important details– folds. The nature of the arrangement of folds on the clothes of the saints indicates the time of painting of the icon. In VIII – XIV centuries folds were drawn frequent and small. They talk about strong spiritual experiences and a lack of spiritual peace. In XV – 16th centuries folds are drawn straight, long, and sparse. All the elasticity of spiritual energy seems to break through them. They convey the fullness of ordered spiritual forces.

Around your head The Savior, the Mother of God and the holy saints of God are depicted on icons with a radiance in the shape of a circle, which is called a halo. A halo is an image of the radiance of light and Divine glory, which transforms a person who has united with God.

There are no shadows on the icons. This is also due to the peculiarities of the worldview and the tasks that faced the icon painter. The heavenly world is the kingdom of spirit, light, it is incorporeal, there are no shadows there. The icon shows things created and produced by Light, and not illuminated by Light.

Symbolism of gestures

HAND pressed to the chest - heartfelt empathy.
A HAND raised up is a call to repentance.
A HAND extended forward with an open palm is a sign of obedience and submission.
TWO HANDS raised up - a prayer for peace.
HANDS raised forward - a prayer for help, a gesture of request.
HANDS pressed to the cheeks - a sign of sadness, grief.