How to get into special forces by conscription: tips. How to get into the Airborne Forces and Special Forces: who will not be accepted into the elite troops Requirements for admission to the Airborne Forces

People enter the army not only by mobilization, but also by vocation. How many boys freeze in front of their TV screens when military exercises with the participation of airborne or airborne troops are shown. Strength and agility, determination and resourcefulness distinguish the fighters of this famous group of troops. Tall guys in camouflage and blue berets are the embodiment of the dreams of boys from school. “If you’re going to join the army, then only join the Airborne Forces,” say many future recruits. Who has a real chance of getting into the valiant Airborne Forces?

A little history about the creation of military landing forces

In our country and a number of countries, former union republics of the USSR, August 2 is celebrated Air Force. It is celebrated widely and on a grand scale like no other holiday related to military themes, not counting, of course, Victory Day. Why do paratroopers have such privileges?

These privileges are not conferred, but earned through suffering. Nothing brings people together more than difficulties. There are plenty of difficulties in the life of a paratrooper even in peaceful life, let alone war.

At the end of 1930, the first Soviet airborne unit was created near Voronezh. This event marked the beginning of the creation of the current Airborne Forces. True, the path was long, through the 2nd World War, through events in Hungary and Czechoslovakia, through Afghanistan and through another 1,000 events that remained in the memory of the paratroopers and united them until the end of their lives.

The Airborne Forces are a rapid reaction force, an airborne landing behind enemy lines, sabotage and subversive activities deep behind enemy lines.

And the first landing operation was carried out in 1929 in the city of Garm in Tajikistan. The landing force, delivered by airplane, defeated the Basmachi gangs carrying out raids from the neighboring state.

It's simple short excursion history, I think that there is no need to agitate anyone in the Airborne Forces. There are many more people who want to join these glorious troops than are needed in each draft. But desire alone is not enough.

Selection criteria for the Airborne Forces

How to get into the Airborne Forces by conscription? Let's try to shed some light on this issue.

  1. Verdict medical commission must be “absolutely healthy.” The slightest deviation from the norm in terms of health will make your dream unfulfilled. The loads on the fighters of these troops are too great.
  2. The applicant's height should be between 175 and 190 cm. Weight should be between 75-85 kg. Well, with growth everything is clear, as much as there is, there is as much, but it’s a shame not to lose weight, especially since it can be corrected. You just need to take care of this issue in advance.
  3. Physical training is very important. Sports categories are welcome, especially in athletics and martial arts. Applicants will be required to demonstrate their endurance by performing quite difficult tasks. Therefore, long before the call, you need to work on yourself to realize your dreams.
  4. An important point is the mental balance of the applicant. Recruits walk through the line psychological tests, and the results of such testing may be disappointing. The ability to control oneself and speed of reaction are very important for a special forces soldier, and primarily influence the decision of the selection committee.
  5. Education must be at least secondary. Higher and secondary special education is welcome; you can be useful in these troops if you have special knowledge.

Here in general outline requirements for recruits in the Airborne Forces.

What must an applicant do to get into the Airborne Forces?

You can often read on forums that boys want to serve in special forces, go on reconnaissance missions, and jump with a parachute. Everything is wonderful, but desire alone is not enough. If you want to bring your dream closer, then you need:

  1. Submit a report to the military commissar at the place of conscription. And when you appear before the credentials committee, do not forget to once again make a statement about your desire to serve in the Airborne Forces.
  2. Once at the assembly point of the military registration and enlistment office, try to get in touch with the representative of the Airborne Forces who arrived for the recruits. And in a personal conversation, try to attract attention to yourself and convince them of the seriousness of your intentions to serve in the Airborne Forces.
  3. Once you become a candidate for service in the Airborne Forces, you will have to pass physical fitness tests, which include cross-country, leg pull-ups, push-ups and a number of other exercises. To pass this test successfully, good physical preparation is necessary, and this should be thought about in advance and prepared long and hard.
  4. If you are accepted into these troops, you will have an interesting, but difficult service. Therefore, not only physical but also psychological preparation is necessary. Understanding this, you should be prepared for any difficulties and trials.

An alternative way to get into the Airborne Forces

We have figured out how you can get into the Airborne Forces by conscription. It turns out that this is not the only way become a valiant warrior in the ranks of the Airborne Forces. You can still enroll in Ryazan School Airborne Forces To do this, before April 1, you need to submit a report on your desire to enter this school, provide a package of documents required for admission and pass physical fitness tests. You have to run a distance of 3 km; 100 m distance running; pull-ups and swimming. All tests are completed within 1 day. And then, based on the test results, admission.

As you can see, the dream is feasible, of course, in the absence of objective reasons preventing enrollment in the Airborne Forces.

The question of how to get into the Airborne Forces is of interest to men who are already being drafted into the army or are just beginning to think about choosing a military direction. Service in the airborne forces is prestigious and promising. This explains why strong interest conscripts by airborne troops and selection criteria for this unit.

People of military age who want to know how to get into the Airborne Forces should prepare well for the selection. Because great value has physical fitness, then young people should exercise regularly. It is advisable to start doing this not after being drafted into the army, but several years earlier.

Following these recommendations will help increase your chances of entering the Airborne Forces:

  1. You need to pay attention to exercises on the horizontal bar and running. Ideally, a conscript should have awards for participation in combat sports. This will be a big plus for him.
  2. It is advisable to learn the theory of skydiving, and even better, do several training sessions.
  3. It is worth enrolling in a driving course.
  4. If there are military-patriotic clubs in the city, then, if possible, it is recommended to enroll in one of them.
  5. The conscript must take care of his own health in order to successfully pass the medical examination.

The conscript must be completely confident in the correct choice of unit. Air landing troops Russian Federation- This is not only a responsible, but also a very dangerous service. Due to the fact that they are considered the most elite in the army, special requirements are placed on young people, which are an order of magnitude higher than in other units. Airborne service will only be possible for those men who have a strong position and good physical training.

Key criteria for selecting recruits

You can join the airborne troops only if you have category A1 on your military ID.

The selection of conscripts for service in the Airborne Forces is carried out according to several main categories. Young people must fully comply with them if they plan to join the airborne troops.

A special commission checks a conscript who wishes to enter such service. The recruit should answer questions asked of him honestly, while avoiding lies and concealment. important facts from his biography.

If a conscript has close relatives with a criminal record, then he is unlikely to be able to get into the Airborne Forces. Under such circumstances, the man will have to serve in other units.

Health status

The main condition for enlistment in the Airborne Forces is the presence of good health indicators. When passing a medical commission, it is necessary to obtain a conclusion from doctors on suitability for the army. Only after this can you think about airborne troops Oh.

The complex selection and the presence of a huge number of special requirements have a logical explanation. This is a kind of test that recruits who have entered the airborne forces can withstand heavy loads. Military personnel train for several hours every day, soldiers jump with a parachute. All this is a lot of stress. If a person is sick, then he will not be able to adequately fulfill the tasks assigned to him.

Even minor illnesses can affect a person’s ability to serve in the Airborne Forces. Therefore, you should not try to get here if you have acute or chronic pathologies.

Another serious factor is mental health conscript Only men who are characterized by balance and strong self-control can enter the Airborne Forces. All conscripts in mandatory undergo special tests, with the help of which experts identify their certain features psyche. Based on the results of this testing a decision is made about the suitability of the young man for such a responsible and complex service.

Physical data

To get into the airborne troops, you need to have excellent physical health

The physical characteristics of the conscript are also important. If the man does not meet certain standards, he will not be allowed to serve in the airborne forces. Such requirements for recruits are completely justified. Even with a slight deviation from the existing height and weight restrictions, a young man may have problems in the process of performing combat missions.

Recruits who are 175-195 cm tall are suitable for airborne service. Their weight should be in the range of 75-85 kg.

The parameters of a soldier are of significant importance. Soldiers with short stature are not able to fully withstand the loads that are placed on them while serving in the Airborne Forces. Men who are taller than normal also have their own difficulties. They usually concern the standards of performing a parachute jump.

For people whose height exceeds the permissible norms, the opportunity to pass military service limited in airborne troops. Men with inappropriate weight parameters who wish to enlist in military service face less serious difficulties. To meet the basic criteria, they only need to adhere to a diet to bring themselves into correct form. An overweight recruit should think about losing weight in advance and start taking necessary measures. Then, by the time he is drafted, he will be ready to undergo selection for the Airborne Forces.

Physical training

A prerequisite for conscripts upon admission to military service is compliance with physical fitness standards. A young person who has passed the initial tests must demonstrate his/her proficiency in the basic exercises. Eligible recruits are those who can cope with the following tasks:

  • Do 20 push-ups;
  • Perform 20 pull-ups on the horizontal bar;
  • Run a distance of 3 km with an additional load of 15 kg in a certain time.

For military personnel who enter under a contract, the same requirements are put forward.

The recruitment committee carefully checks the correctness of the exercises. If a conscript fails to complete any of them, he will not be allowed to serve.


Higher education is not necessary for admission to the Airborne Forces

It is not so difficult to cope with the selection process according to this criterion. A conscript must have at least a secondary education in order to be suitable for service in a prestigious place. Any other diploma is welcomed by military commanders. Apply for education documents special attention, if the knowledge acquired by the conscript during the training process can be useful to him in the service.

Additional factors

For any commander, it is preferable to take into his unit a soldier who has sports awards. It is customary in the army to hold various competitions, so such young people will always be in demand.

Men with different sporting achievements Those who are determined to serve in the Airborne Forces are recommended to provide management with confirmation of their successes during the draft board. It is also worth taking a document that indicates that the conscript has previously jumped with a parachute.

To get into the Airborne Forces, you must prove your suitability for such service. It is advisable to begin preparations for selection into prestigious troops in advance in order to meet all the basic criteria by the time of conscription.

The airborne troops are the pride of the Russian army, and every guy who wants to become a man dreams of getting into the Airborne Forces. This is an elite branch of the military, and only the strongest young people are accepted there.

If you are thinking about how to get into the Airborne Forces, then the fastest and easiest way is to say so directly. At all medical examinations, at the military registration and enlistment office, wherever you can, directly say that you want to serve in the airborne troops.

Characteristics of the future paratrooper

Among other things, you need to know what characteristics a conscript should have if he wants to join the airborne troops.

  1. Excellent health. Airborne troops are designed for quick landing behind enemy lines, that is, they are a rapid reaction detachment, the best military training. In order to become a worthy paratrooper, you need to have excellent physical and mental health. There cannot be any flat feet, myopia or heart murmurs.
  2. Physical data. An indicator of health is appearance. Therefore, the future paratrooper must be 175-190 cm tall and weigh 75-85 kg.
  3. Sports training. In the army, of course, soldiers are trained, but preference is always given to those who are already physically prepared for service. Therefore all kinds sports sections and martial arts classes will only benefit you.

How to prepare for service in the Airborne Forces

In addition to natural data, there are some things you can improve yourself.

  1. Weight. If you are underweight or, conversely, overweight, it is better to get your body in shape.
  2. Skydiving. The main method of landing paratroopers is parachute landing, and therefore several years of training parachuting will increase your chances.
  3. Push-ups. This is the most favorite way to train in the army, and therefore it is best to prepare in advance. Learn to do push-ups from the floor with your hands, fists and fingers, and do push-ups on the uneven bars. Also try doing push-ups based on speed, duration of tension, and quantity.
  4. Forced marches. Long runs are also an important part of military training. Get busy morning jogging to increase endurance and lung capacity.

How to get into the Airborne Forces- a question that is relevant for many future and current conscripts. Service in the airborne forces is one of the most prestigious, but the requirements for the fighters of such units are also strict. Read more about the criteria for selecting paratroopers and how to increase your chances of being assigned to the airborne troops in this article.

How to get into the Airborne Forces by conscription: what to do

By virtue of subparagraph “d” of paragraph 4 of the Regulations on the conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service, approved by Decree of the Government of Russia No. 663 of November 11, 2006, recommendations on the distribution of a conscript to a particular branch of the military are presented to the draft commission by the head of the territorial department of the military commissariat.

The wishes of the future soldier are taken into account, therefore, when reporting to the military registration and enlistment office, it is necessary to declare the intention to serve in the Airborne Forces, especially since conscripts, as a rule, are asked about this at the stage of initial military registration.

However, in order for the question of how to get into the Airborne Forces to be resolved positively, desire alone is not enough: it is no coincidence that the airborne troops received the title of elite of the Russian army - this is the main reserve of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the selection criteria for service in this branch of the military are the strictest, especially when it comes to special forces units.

How to get into the Airborne Forces: selection criteria

Health status

The main condition for assigning a conscript to service in the Airborne Forces is excellent health. Doctors of the military medical commission must evaluate him to category “A1”, which corresponds to the meaning “fit without restrictions, pathologies, and did not have and does not have any deviations.”

Such stringent requirements are due to the specifics of the service - Airborne Forces soldiers are subjected to the most severe conditions every day. physical activity: long hours of training, parachute jumping, powerful overloads from long stays in flights, etc. A weakened body is not able to withstand all this without negative consequences.

Therefore, even minor health impairments - for example, flat feet or low-grade myopia (up to 0.5 diopters) can serve as grounds for refusal to enlist in the Airborne Forces.

Mental health is also of no small importance: balance and restraint are integral qualities of a paratrooper. Therefore, before joining the Airborne Forces, a conscript will have to undergo several specialized tests that will help determine the characteristics of his psyche and character.

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Physical data

In addition, the paratrooper must meet certain anthropometric parameters:

  • height not lower than 175 and not higher than 195 cm;
  • body weight from 75 to 85 kg.

The limits are set for a reason - overweight or, on the contrary, its deficiency, contribute little to the fulfillment of combat missions assigned to the “blue berets”. In addition, lack or excess of body weight almost always indicates the presence of health problems.

With growth, everything is not so clear. But the fact is that service in the Airborne Forces is always associated with atmospheric overloads, and too tall young man it will be difficult to withstand them - people of this type are most susceptible to hypotension, that is, low blood pressure. A short fighter, in turn, is unlikely to cope with power loads.

Physical training

Endurance and good physical fitness- constant companions of the paratrooper throughout his entire service. Therefore, before asking yourself the question of how to get into the Airborne Forces, you should answer another question for yourself: “Can I run a 3-kilometer cross-country race with equipment weighing 15 kg, do push-ups and pull-ups at least 20 times?” All this will have to be demonstrated to the draft board.


A future military officer must have at least completed secondary education. This requirement has been valid at all times, and it is still relevant today. It is not necessary to be an excellent student - a certificate of completion of 11 classes with good grades is enough.

How to get into the Airborne Forces: increasing your chances

The leaders of military units are interested in well-trained fighters - various sports and military competitions, exercises, etc. are often held between units. No one will refuse to have an athlete in their service - track and field athletes and martial artists are especially valued.

Therefore, future soldiers for whom the question of how to get into the Airborne Forces is relevant, first of all should inform the draft commission about the presence of sports ranks - provided that they really have them, otherwise the deception will be revealed immediately after the conscript is asked to present the corresponding documents.

The most powerful argument for assignment to the Airborne Forces, if all the requirements are met, is experience in parachute jumping.

Thus, the sooner the desire to become a paratrooper arose, the better - if there is time left before conscription, it can be used to combat excess weight or, conversely, gain weight, play sports and other useful activities.

If a young man is about to serve in the Airborne Forces, he should urgently take care of his physical fitness. For a future paratrooper, not only strength is important, but also endurance. It's best to start with martial arts, which will ideally prepare you for this difficult service. You can also work out in the section athletics. When the military registration and enlistment office selects candidates for the Airborne Forces, they are interested in the presence of a sports category and other achievements. Therefore, there is no need to feel sorry for yourself. Training must be complete in order to achieve the highest possible level. And the greatest chance of ending up in the Airborne Forces is with parachuting specialists.

Contract service in the Airborne Forces

If you are interested in service under an Airborne Forces contract, then you need to take care of your health. Forget about bad habits from a young age. You must have ideal health corresponding to fitness category “A”. Without this, you will not be able to serve in the airborne forces. It is necessary to independently take care of regular medical examinations and hardening of the body.

Don't neglect questions psychological preparation. It is necessary to have serious motivation to serve in the airborne forces. You need to have a serious view of things and forget about romantic illusions. Service in any branch of the military, and especially in this one, is associated, first of all, with hard work and constant psychological pressure.

Get regular physical training, but don't forget about school. Without good knowledge of precise and humanities it will be extremely difficult to serve. It is necessary to have real knowledge, and not the minimum course required for passing the Unified State Exam. This is especially true for applicants to the Ryazan Military School, which trains top-level specialists for the Airborne Forces.

Contract service in the Airborne Forces is impossible for those young people whose relatives have been convicted. It is useless to hide this fact in the military registration and enlistment office or in admissions committee. The entire range of information provided by conscripts or future contract soldiers is scrupulously checked.

From a conversation with the commander of the Airborne Forces, Hero of Russia, Lieutenant General Vladimir Shamanov, it became known that there are more and more people wishing to serve in the Airborne Forces every year. But because low level conscripts' health and poor physical fitness, many of them have to be rejected. Although the requirements for recruits are not strict, these two indicators are unshakable. For this reason, the recruitment of airborne forces faces certain difficulties.

As Shamanov said, the requirements for future paratroopers are higher than the requirements for conscripts of other branches of the military. It's not for nothing that they call paratroopers winged infantry. Although there are a lot of airborne forces in motorized rifle units modern technology, and soldiers have to ride much more than walk, but without physical training there is nothing to do in the landing force. According to the commander of the Airborne Forces, the task is considered completed only after the soldier’s foot stands on the edge of the enemy’s trench.

Daily routine in the Airborne Forces

The daily routine in the Airborne Forces is so complex and intense that even healthy recruits have an extremely difficult time coping with it at first. This is especially true for skydiving. A conscript soldier is required to perform twelve jumps in the first year, six for each training period. Without parachute training, service in the airborne troops is impossible. All military personnel, from privates to generals, must parachute. General Shamanov himself also regularly jumped with a parachute until he got into an accident. Once the restrictions are lifted, he plans to resume his parachute practice.

The Russian army became professional precisely with the airborne troops. Now in the Airborne Forces urgent service only thirty percent of all personnel will face it. Every third soldier and sergeant has a diploma of higher, secondary special education or document about unfinished higher education. According to Shamanov, in the future Russian army should be formed on the basis of a mixed principle. 70 percent of contract soldiers and 30 percent of conscripts must serve in airborne units. This will be the optimal combination.

Conscript service in the Airborne Forces today

The fact is that, in accordance with the current conscription service period, fifteen percent of the personnel are completely replaced every year in the spring and fall. Based on a scientifically established criterion, we can talk about the combat effectiveness of a unit or military unit when it is at least seventy percent staffed. According to the existing rotation of personnel, staffing levels should not be lower than eighty percent. It is also necessary to take into account the illness of a certain number of military personnel, absence from various reasons. In any case, in this situation the combat effectiveness of the units will be maintained.

Today, 15 percent of conscripts in their region complete compulsory service in the Airborne Forces. When they are fired, they become a mobilization resource in the republics, territories and regions. The country is constantly preparing and renewing emergency reserves. The conscription is absolutely necessary; no one plans to refuse it. The implementation of such ideas is happening today in the Airborne Forces.

Vladimir Shamanov was asked what positions the contract service is focused on in the Airborne Forces, and what positions are intended for conscripts. According to the commander of the Airborne Forces, junior commanders should already be contract soldiers, who must be selected in advance and trained. The same is true for a number of positions in logistics, technical, repair and airborne support. Previously, only officers served in these positions, but today they are often replaced by contract soldiers and professional sergeants.

Options for recruiting airborne forces in the foreseeable future

In yet another category we cannot do without contract soldiers. It's about about specialists in one or another weapon or equipment, the operation of which requires not only general education, but also specialized knowledge. The Airborne Forces today cannot do without a professional squad commander, driver and gunner-operator. They not only monitor technical condition, but also the survivability of the combat vehicle.

IN BMD crew seven fighters, of whom three must be contract soldiers, and four (grenade throwers, riflemen) can be conscripts. To train the driver high level, it will take two to three years. And three months in training center clearly not enough. By recruiting a contract soldier, we help reduce the burden of conscription. Under the first contract, a professional must serve for three years. During this time, six calls for military service take place.

The daily routine of a paratrooper is complex and very busy, and even for a contract soldier it will seem too busy at first. But thanks to one professional, five young people manage to avoid conscription by concentrating on studying or mastering a civilian profession. There are still not enough professionals in the Airborne Forces. In the Ulyanovsk brigade alone, 60 percent of contract soldiers serve as soldiers and sergeants. The region of the country influences the desire to serve in the army under a contract. The higher the salary level, the less desire to serve in the army. But this trend is changing in lately, after increasing salaries for military personnel.