Evaluation criteria for OGE Russian language. Criteria for evaluating the entire OGE. texts for writing a concise summary

– a concise presentation of the text, which is listened to twice in an audio recording. You will have to not only “switch on” your memory, but also demonstrate the ability to process the information received, highlighting the most important and essential things in it.

What is a summary?

Concise presentation - the text is abbreviated, without small details and secondary information. This is something like a well-written note (very good, by the way, if you were taught how to write notes correctly in literature, history or geography lessons).

Text shortened by 1/3 is considered compressed. However, the requirements for the OGE are somewhat different. IN demo versions of the OGE 2015, the listening text contains 152 words, and the required volume of presentation is 70 words (this is slightly more than a third of the original text).

The optimal number of words in the presentation of the OGE is 70-90 (function words and interjections are also included in the count). Many expert teachers believe that a larger presentation is no longer concise and mercilessly reduce points for work with too many words. So don't take risks - write 70 to 90 words, no more and no less.

How to write a concise presentation in OGE format?

The presentation must be written in accordance with the approved criteria, since it is by these criteria that experts evaluate the work. The criteria for evaluating a concise presentation can be found in the demo version on the FIPI website, and how and who checks exam papers, read.

Let's look at each criterion separately.

Criterion 1. Content.

You are required to state the main content of the text you listened to. Try not to miss anything; you shouldn’t add anything “on your own” either. The expert looks at whether you managed to reflect the main micro-topics of the text and assigns an appropriate score.

What is a microtheme?

Sentences of the text are combined into one common theme(remember, the topic is what the text is about). A large topic, as a rule, is revealed through several small subtopics - microtopics. It is no coincidence that the text is usually divided into several parts - paragraphs. It can be said that microtheme is the main idea paragraph . (Do not confuse the terms “paragraph” and “microtopic” - these are different concepts, and another criterion for assessing presentation is devoted to paragraph division).

The expert’s logic is as follows: if you have reflected all the important micro-topics of the text in your work, then the content of the text is conveyed correctly, which means you can give the highest score according to the first criterion.

Needed specific example? There is such an example in one of the articles on our website - by clicking on the link, you can.

To highlight in text main information, you need to understand it correctly. Try to understand what the text says the first time you listen.

Criterion 2. Text compression.

When checking the presentation, experts count the number of words (there should be, as we have already said, no less than 70 words). However, the main thing that attention is paid to when evaluating work according to the second criterion is the use of compression techniques.

What are text compression techniques?

When compressing text, the information contained in it will need to be processed. This information is “filtered” - you leave the main thing and cut off the unimportant.

The text is abbreviated according to the rules. One of them is the use of certain actions called compression techniques (also called linguistic techniques for text compression). If you know these techniques, it will not be difficult for you to present the content of the text in a concise and understandable form.

But remember: no matter how you “compress” the text you listen to, try not to “lose” the main information it contains.

Basic text compression techniques:

1. Exception.

This technique is associated with exclusion, “crossing out” secondary information, and some students consider it the easiest. Indeed, is it really difficult to cross out some words or even sentences in the text?

However, not all so simple. Under no circumstances should you exclude the main information - you risk losing points. Only non-essential information is cut off!

What can be excluded from the text when presenting it concisely?

We exclude repetitions. Example: Need to educate children have conscientiousness, needs to be educated Children have the capacity for compassion.It is necessary to cultivate in children conscientiousness and the ability to compassion.

Synonyms can be excluded (one or more) . Example: Boy's eyes shone, sparkled, sparkled. – The boy’s eyes shone.

We exclude clarifications and explanations: My sister lived nearby on nearby street. - My sister lived nearby.

Maybe eliminating parts of a sentence or even several proposals, containing irrelevant information. It is important here not to confuse secondary information with the main information that is essential for the disclosure of the topic.

2. Generalization.

We replace homogeneous members general word or a phrase. Example: We picked daisies, bells, cornflowers. - We picked colors(different colors).

We summarize the information by replacing a fragment of text synonymous (close in meaning) expression. Example: Man studying correct behavior from that very age when the first steps are taken, the first habits are laid, the first words are spoken. – A person learns correct behavior since the early childhood.

3. Simplification.

This compression technique involves structural simplification of a text fragment. To do this you can combine several offers in one. Example: The years go by. The writer goes further and further into history; only his works do not age. – The years go by, but the writer’s books do not age (in this example, along with simplification, exclusion is also used).

Possible replacing a complex sentence with a simple one : Aircraft models, which have electric motors, participate in sports competitions. – Aircraft models, equipped with electric motors, participate in sports competitions.

Direct speech better in a concise way replace with indirect . This is another kind of simplification. Example: The driver said: « I'll take you to the station in fifteen minutes" - The driver said, that will take us to the station in fifteen minutes.

Spring is a busy time for graduates of grades 9 and 11, because they will have to take exams. Ninth-graders take the OGE - Basic State exam, in order to move on to high school. 11th graders take the Unified State Exam (USE) in order to enter a university and receive higher education.

Passing the OGE by ninth-graders also provides an opportunity to enter technical schools and colleges, as it also serves as an entrance exam to institutions of secondary vocational education.

The main state exam is held to control the knowledge acquired by students over 9 years of schooling. At the end of 9th grade, students take the OGE in four subjects, 2 of which are compulsory and 2 more are optional. Mandatory OGE are established in the subjects Russian language and mathematics.

The following subjects are available for selection: social studies, physics, chemistry, biology, history, literature, computer science, geography, English, French, German, Spanish.

The OGE takes place in 3 periods. The early period is one of the first. A certain category of students is allowed to join it, these are athletes who will soon go to competitions, students who have taken part in olympiads and other competitions, students who are going for treatment, as well as those who travel abroad to study, or those who studied abroad.

The main period is surrender OGE by students 9 classes not included in the list of criteria for early completion.

An additional period is held for those who good reason could not appear for the OGE in the main one, as well as for those who studied abroad and for students who did not pass the OGE in previous periods.

OGE how many points are given for an essay: criteria for assessing the exam in the Russian language

For each of the subjects for which the OGE is taken, its own maximum point mark has been established. For the Russian language the maximum is 39 points. A special scale is used to convert points into assessment using a 5-point system.

So, if the examinee scored from 0 to 14 points in the Russian language, this is 2, 15-24 points - 3, 25-33 points with the definition of literacy criteria and actual speech accuracy of 4 points will bring 4. In order to get a 5 in the OGE in the Russian language, you need to score from 34 to 39 points, with literacy criteria of 6 points.

The essay in the exam is an important part of it; without the essay, the exam will be considered failed. Writing an essay belongs to the 3rd part of the OGE and is performed in several versions. This is either writing an essay-argument on a linguistic topic, or expressing your opinion or answer to one of the proposed questions.

The essay is assessed according to the criteria of literacy and actual accuracy of speech. For it you can get a maximum of 9 points, plus an additional 10 points for parts 1 and 3, taking into account literacy and accuracy of speech.

The assessment includes:

Availability of a reasonable answer;

Availability of examples of arguments;

Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of the essay;

Compositional harmony of the work.

These criteria include theoretical reflection, written without errors or at most 1, giving reasoned examples indicating their role, verbal coherence of the text and the sequence of its presentation with established paragraphs, orderliness and logical conclusion of the presentation.

1. First, study the criteria for assessing concise presentation.

Criteria for evaluating concise presentation



The examinee accurately conveyed the main content of the text he listened to, reflecting all the micro-topics that were important for his perception.



missed or added 1 micro-topic


The examinee conveyed the main content of the text he listened to,


missed or added more than 1 microtheme



Source text compression

The examinee used 1 or more text compression techniques, using them throughout the text


The examinee applied 1 or more text compression techniques, using them to compress 2 text microtopics


The examinee applied 1 or more text compression techniques, using them to compress 1 micro-topic of text


The examinee did not use text compression techniques



Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation

The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation:

- there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken;

- there are no violations of paragraph division of the text in the work


The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation,


1 logical error was made,


there is 1 violation of paragraph division of the text in the work


The examinee’s work reveals a communicative intent,


more than 1 logical error was made,


there are 2 cases of violation of paragraph division of the text




2. Secondly, remember that the volume of presentation should not be less than 70 words, and the number of microtopics should correspond to the number of paragraphs (there are always three).
3. Third, learn ways to compress text.
-Exclusion: you can exclude details, secondary facts, fragments with descriptions, repetitions, synonyms, clarifying constructions, etc.
-Generalization: when generalizing, homogeneous members of the sentence should be replaced with a generalizing word, etc.
- Simplification: when simplifying, you should replace a complex sentence with a simple one, combine several sentences, break a complex sentence into simple ones, replace direct speech with indirect speech.
Each paragraph should use one or more text compression methods.
4. Fourthly, read 35 texts from the FIPI website. One of these texts will come across to you real OGE in 2018.

35 texts for writing a concise summary.

No. 1 About friendship

Listen to the text

Friendship always faces challenges. The main one today is the changed way of life, a change in the way and routine of life. With the acceleration of the pace of life, with the desire to quickly realize oneself, came an understanding of the importance of time. Previously, it was impossible to imagine, for example, that hosts were burdened by guests. Now that time is the price of achieving your goal, relaxation and hospitality have ceased to be significant. Frequent meetings and leisurely conversations are no longer indispensable companions of friendship. Due to the fact that we live in different rhythms, meetings of friends become rare.

But here’s a paradox: previously the circle of communication was limited, today a person is oppressed by the redundancy of forced communication. This is especially noticeable in cities with high population density. We strive to isolate ourselves, to choose a secluded place in the subway, in a cafe, in the reading room of a library.

No. 2 About friendship

Listen to the text

What is friendship? How do you become friends? You will most often meet friends among people with a common destiny, the same profession, and common thoughts. And yet it cannot be said with confidence that such a community determines friendship, because people of different professions can become friends.

Can two opposite characters be friends? Certainly! Friendship is equality and similarity. But at the same time, friendship is inequality and dissimilarity. Friends always need each other, but friends do not always receive equal amounts from friendship. One is friends and gives his experience, the other is enriched by experience in friendship. One, helping a weak, inexperienced, young friend, learns his strength and maturity. Another, weak one, recognizes in a friend his ideal, strength, experience, maturity. So, one gives in friendship, the other rejoices in gifts. Friendship is based on similarities, but manifests itself in differences, contradictions, and dissimilarities.

A friend is someone who asserts that you are right, your talent, your merits. A friend is one who lovingly exposes you in your weaknesses, shortcomings and vices.

No. 3 About friendship

Listen to the text

Friendship is not something external. Friendship lies deep in the heart. You cannot force yourself to be a friend to someone or force someone to be your friend.

Friendship requires a lot, first of all mutual respect. What does it mean to respect your friend? This means taking into account his opinion and recognizing it positive features. Respect is shown in words and deeds. A friend who is respected feels that he is valued as a person, his dignity is respected and he is helped not only out of a sense of duty. In friendship, trust is important, that is, confidence in the sincerity of a friend, that he will not betray or deceive. Of course, a friend can make mistakes. But we are all imperfect. These are the two main and main conditions for friendship. In addition, common moral values ​​are important for friendship, for example. People who have different views on what is good and what is evil will have a hard time being friends. The reason is simple: can we show deep respect and, perhaps, trust to a friend if we see that he commits actions that are unacceptable, in our opinion, and considers this the norm. Strengthen friendships and common interests or hobbies. However, for a friendship that has existed for a long time and has been tested by time, this is not important.

Friendly feelings do not depend on age. They can be very strong and bring a person many experiences. But life is unthinkable without friendship.

No. 4 About friendship

Listen to the text

When I was at school, it seemed to me that my adulthood will take place in some other setting, as if in another world, and I will be surrounded by other people. But in reality everything turned out differently. My peers stayed with me. The friends of youth turned out to be the most faithful. The circle of acquaintances has grown unusually. But true friends, old, true friends, are made in youth. Youth is a time of bonding.

Therefore, take care of your youth until old age. Appreciate all the good things you acquired in your younger years, don’t lose friends. Nothing acquired in youth passes without a trace. Good youth skills to make life easier. The bad ones will complicate it and make it difficult. Remember the Russian proverb: “Take care of your honor from a young age”? All the actions committed in youth remain in memory. The good ones will make you happy. The bad ones won't let you sleep.

No. 5 About friendship

Listen to the text

What really lies in this seemingly familiar concept of friendship? Scientifically speaking, friendship is a selfless relationship between people that is based on common likes, interests and hobbies. A true friend is always there, whether we feel bad or good. He will never try to take advantage of your weakness for his own purposes and will always come to the rescue when you need him so much. He will not only help you in trouble, but will also sincerely rejoice in moments of happiness with you.

But, unfortunately, such relationships are gradually fading away. Selfless friendship is gradually becoming a relic of the past. Friends now for us are people who can help in this or that matter, or those with whom we can have a good time. In fact, if one of the supposedly close friends has a crisis, the friends disappear somewhere until this crisis passes. This situation is familiar to almost everyone. In a word, beneficial friendship is rapidly replacing selfless friendship.

We must remember that many problems that seem grandiose and frightening can be solved without much difficulty if you have reliable friends nearby. Friendship gives confidence tomorrow. It makes a person bolder, freer and more optimistic, and his life warmer, more interesting and multifaceted. True friendship spiritually unites people, contributing to the development in them of a desire for creation rather than destruction.

No. 6 About friendship

Listen to the text

There are values ​​that change, are lost, disappear, becoming the dust of time. But no matter how society changes, eternal values ​​that have great importance for people of all generations and cultures. One of these eternal values, of course, is friendship.

People very often use this word in their language, they call certain people their friends, but few people can formulate what friendship is, who a real friend is, what he should be. All definitions of friendship are similar in one thing: friendship is a relationship based on mutual openness of people, complete trust and constant readiness come to each other's aid at any time.

The main thing is that friends have the same life values, similar spiritual guidelines. Then they will be able to be friends, even if their attitudes to certain life phenomena are different. And then on true friendship not affected by time and distance. People can talk to each other only occasionally, be separated for many years, and still remain very close friends. Such constancy distinguishing feature true friendship.

No. 7 About toys

Listen to the text

Each of us once had favorite toys. Perhaps every person has bright and tender memories associated with them, which he carefully keeps in his heart. A favorite toy is the most vivid memory from every person’s childhood.

In the century computer technology real toys no longer attract as much attention as virtual ones, but despite all the emerging new products, such as phones and computer technology, the toy still remains unique and irreplaceable of its kind. After all, nothing teaches and develops a child better than a toy with which he can communicate, play and even gain life experience.

A toy is the key to the consciousness of a little person. To develop and strengthen it positive traits, to make him mentally healthy, to instill love for others, to form a correct understanding of good and evil, you need to carefully choose a toy, remembering that it will bring into his world not only its image, but also behavior, attributes, as well as a system of values ​​and worldviews. It is impossible to raise a full-fledged person with the help of negative toys.

No. 8 About books

Listen to the text

When I was ten years old, someone’s caring hand gave me a volume of “Hero Animals.” I consider it my “alarm clock”. I know from other people that for them the “wake-up call” of the feeling of nature was a month spent in the village in the summer, a walk in the forest with a person who “opened his eyes to everything,” the first trip with a backpack. There is no need to list everything that can awaken in human childhood interest and reverent attitude towards the great mystery of life.

Growing up, a person must comprehend with his mind how complexly everything in the living world is intertwined and interconnected, how this world is strong and at the same time vulnerable, how everything in our lives depends on the wealth of the earth, on the health of living nature. This school is a must have.

And yet, at the beginning of everything is Love. When awakened in time, it makes learning about the world interesting and exciting. With it, a person also finds a certain point of support, an important point of reference for all the values ​​of life. Love for everything that turns green, breathes, makes sounds, sparkles with colors - this is the love that brings a person closer to happiness.

No. 9 About precious books

Listen to the text

No matter how interesting home and school life If a child does not read precious books, he will be deprived. Such losses are irreparable. Adults can read a book today or in a year - the difference is small. In childhood, time is counted differently; here every day there are discoveries. And the acuteness of perception in childhood is such that early impressions can later influence the rest of one’s life.

Childhood impressions are the most vivid and lasting impressions. This is the foundation of future spiritual life, a golden fund. In childhood, the seeds are sown. Not everyone will germinate, not everyone will bloom. But biography human soul- This is the gradual germination of seeds sown in childhood.

Subsequent life is complex and varied. It consists of millions of actions, determined by many character traits and, in turn, forming this character. But if you trace and find the connection between phenomena, it will become obvious that every character trait of an adult, every quality of his soul and, perhaps, even every action of his were sown in childhood, and since then have had their own germ, their own seed.

No. 10 About books

Listen to the text

What's happened good book? Firstly, the book should be exciting and interesting. After reading the first pages there should be no desire to put it on the shelf. We are talking about books that make us think and express emotions. Secondly, the book should be written in rich language. Thirdly, she must bear deep meaning. Original and unusual ideas also make the book useful.

You should not get carried away by any one genre or type of literature. Thus, a passion for the fantasy genre alone can turn young readers into goblins and elves who know the way to Avalon much better than the way home.

If you haven't read the books from school curriculum or read them in abbreviated form, you should start with them. Classical literature is a must-have foundation for every person. Great works contain disappointment and joy, love and pain, tragedy and comedy. They will teach you to be sensitive, emotional, help you see the beauty of the world, understand yourself and people. Naturally, read popular science literature. It will expand your horizons, form knowledge about the world, help you determine your path in life, and provide an opportunity for self-development. We hope that these reasons for reading will make the book your best friend.

No. 11 About literature

Listen to the text

It only seems to us that when something happens to us, it is unique phenomenon, one of a kind. In fact, there is not a single problem that has not already been reflected in world literature. Love, loyalty, jealousy, betrayal, cowardice, the search for the meaning of life - all this has already been experienced by someone, changed their mind, reasons, answers were found and captured on the pages fiction. It’s just a matter of little things: take it and read it and you’ll find everything in the book.

Literature, revealing the world with the help of words, creates a miracle, doubles, triples our inner experience, infinitely expands our view of life, of man, and makes our perception more subtle. In childhood, we read fairy tales and adventures to experience the excitement of search and intrigue. But the hour comes when we feel the need to open a book in order to delve deeper into ourselves with its help. This is the hour of growing up. We are looking for an interlocutor in the book who enlightens, ennobles, and teaches.

So we picked up the book. What is happening in our soul? With every book we read, which opens up storehouses of thoughts and feelings before us, we become different. With the help of literature, a person becomes a Human. It is no coincidence that the book is called a teacher and a textbook of life.

No. 12 About reading

Listen to the text

What are the benefits of reading? Is it true that reading is useful? Why do so many people continue to read? After all, not only to relax or occupy free time.

The benefits of reading books are obvious. Books broaden a person’s horizons, enrich his inner world, and make him smarter. It is also important to read books because it increases lexicon person, develops clear and clear thinking. Everyone can verify this by their own example. One has only to thoughtfully read some classical work, and you will notice how easier it has become to express your own thoughts with the help of speech, to select the right words. A person who reads speaks more competently. Reading serious works makes us constantly think, it develops logical thinking. Don't believe me? And you read something from the classics of the detective genre, for example, “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” by Conan Doyle. After reading, you will think faster, your mind will become sharper and you will understand that reading is useful and beneficial.

It is also useful to read books because they have a significant influence on our moral guidelines and on our spiritual development. After reading one or another classic work, people sometimes begin to change for the better.

No. 13 About education

Listen to the text

We often talk about the difficulties associated with raising a person just starting out in life. And the biggest problem is the weakening of family ties, the diminishing importance of the family in raising a child. And if in early years If nothing strong in a moral sense was instilled into a person by his family, then society will have a lot of trouble with this citizen.

The other extreme is excessive parental care of the child. This is also a consequence of the weakening of the family principle. Parents did not give enough to their child warmth and, feeling this guilt, they strive in the future to pay off their internal spiritual debt with belated petty care and material benefits.

The world is changing, becoming different. But if the parents could not establish internal contact with the child, shifting the main worries to grandparents, or public organizations, then one should not be surprised that some children acquire cynicism and disbelief in selflessness so early that their life becomes impoverished, becomes flat and dry.

No. 14 About family

Listen to the text

Having a family and children is as necessary and natural as it is necessary and natural to work. The family has long been held together by the moral authority of the father, who was traditionally considered the head. The children respected and obeyed their father. He was engaged in agricultural work, construction, logging and firewood. The entire burden of peasant labor was shared with him by his adult sons.

The management of the household was in the hands of the wife and mother. She was in charge of everything in the house: she looked after the livestock, took care of food, and clothing. She did not do all this work alone: ​​even children, having barely learned to walk, little by little, along with play, began to do something useful.

Kindness, tolerance, mutual forgiveness of insults grew into mutual love in a good family. Grumpiness and quarrelsomeness were considered a punishment of fate and evoked pity for their bearers. One had to be able to give in, forget the offense, respond kindly or remain silent. Love and harmony between relatives gave rise to love outside the home. It is difficult to expect respect for other people from a person who does not love and respect his family.

No. 15 About finding yourself

Listen to the text

Every person is looking for a place in life, trying to establish their self. It `s naturally. But how does he find his place? What paths does it take to get there? Which moral values have weight in his eyes? The question is extremely important.

Many of us cannot admit to ourselves that due to a misunderstood, inflated feeling self-esteem, because of the reluctance to appear worse, we sometimes take rash steps, do not act very correctly: we don’t ask again, we don’t say “I don’t know”, “I can’t” - there are no words. Selfish people evoke feelings of condemnation. However, those who exchange their dignity like small coins are no better. In the life of every person, there are probably moments when he is simply obliged to show his pride, to affirm his self. And, of course, this is not always easy to do.

The true worth of a person is revealed sooner or later. And the higher this price, the more people loves not so much himself as others. Leo Tolstoy emphasized that each of us, the so-called little ordinary person, is in fact a historical person who is responsible for the fate of the whole world.

No. 16 About sincerity

Listen to the text

Many people think that being sincere means openly and directly saying what you think and doing what you say. But here’s the problem: a person who immediately voices what first came into his head risks being branded not only natural, but also ill-mannered, and even stupid. Rather, a sincere and natural person is one who knows how to be himself: to take off his masks, step out of his usual roles and show his true face.

The main problem is that we don’t know ourselves well, we are chasing illusory goals, money, fashion. Few people consider it important and necessary to direct the vector of attention to their inner world. You need to look into your heart, stop and analyze your thoughts, desires and plans in order to understand what is truly mine and what is imposed, dictated by friends, parents, society. Otherwise, you risk spending your whole life on goals that you really don’t need at all.

If you look inside yourself, you will see a whole world, endless and multifaceted. You will discover your characteristics and talents. You just need to study. And, of course, it won’t become easier or simpler for you, but it will become more interesting. You will find yours life path. The only way to become sincere is to know yourself.

No. 17 About growing up

Listen to the text

Some people believe that a person matures at a certain age, for example, at 18, when he becomes an adult. But there are people who remain children even at an older age. What does it mean to be an adult?

Adulthood means independence, that is, the ability to do without anyone’s help or care. A person with this quality does everything himself and does not expect support from others. He understands that he must overcome his difficulties himself. Of course, there are situations when a person cannot cope alone. Then you have to ask for help from friends, relatives and acquaintances. But in general, it is not typical for an independent, adult person to rely on others.

There is an expression: the hand should expect help only from the shoulder. An independent person knows how to be responsible for himself, his affairs and actions. He plans his own life and evaluates himself, without relying on anyone else's opinion. He understands that much in life depends on himself. Being an adult means being responsible for someone else. But for this you also need to become independent, be able to make decisions. Adulthood does not depend on age, but on life experience, on the desire to live life without nannies.

No. 18 About childhood and growing up

Listen to the text

In childhood, a person is happy, as they say now, by default. By nature, a child is a creature instinctively predisposed to happiness. No matter how difficult and even tragic his life may be, he still rejoices and constantly finds new and new reasons for this. Perhaps because there is nothing to compare life with yet. He does not yet suspect that it could be somehow different, but most likely, it is still because the soul has not yet had time to become covered with a shell and is more open to goodness and hope than the soul of an adult.

And with age, everything seems to turn inside out. No matter how calm and prosperous life may be, we will not calm down until we find some thorn in it, a clumsiness, a problem, we cling to it and feel deeply unhappy. And we believe in the drama we have invented, we sincerely complain about it to our friends, we waste time, health, and mental strength on worries.

Only when a truly real tragedy happens do we understand how absurd imaginary suffering is and how trivial the reason for it is. Then we grab our heads and say to ourselves: “Lord, what a fool I was when I suffered because of some nonsense. No, to live for your own pleasure and enjoy every minute.”

No. 19 About choice

Listen to the text

There is simply no universal recipe for how to choose the right, the only true, destined path in life. And the final choice always remains with the person. We make this choice already in childhood, when we choose friends, learn to build relationships with peers, and play.

But we still make most of the most important decisions that determine our life path in our youth. According to scientists, the second half of the second decade of life is the most crucial period. It is at this time that a person, as a rule, chooses the most important thing for the rest of his life: his closest friend, his circle of main interests, his profession.

It is clear that such a choice is a responsible matter. It cannot be brushed aside, it cannot be put off until later. You shouldn’t hope that the mistake can be corrected later: you’ll have time, your whole life is ahead! Some things, of course, can be corrected and changed, but not everything. And wrong decisions will not remain without consequences. After all, success comes to those who know what they want, make decisive choices, believe in themselves and persistently achieve their goals.

No. 20 About a cultured person

Listen to the text

What does it mean to be a cultured person? A person who is educated, well-mannered, and responsible can be considered cultured. He respects himself and others. A cultured person is also distinguished by creative work, striving for high things, the ability to be grateful, love of nature and homeland, compassion and empathy for one’s neighbor, and goodwill.

A cultured person will never lie. He will maintain composure and dignity in any situation. life situations. He has a clearly defined goal and achieves it. The main goal of such a person is to increase goodness in the world, to strive to ensure that all people are happy. The ideal of a cultured person is true humanity.

Nowadays people devote too little time to culture. And many people don’t even think about it throughout their lives. It’s good if a person’s process of familiarization with culture occurs from childhood. The child gets acquainted with traditions passed down from generation to generation, absorbs the positive experience of the family and his homeland, and learns cultural values. As an adult, he can be useful to society.

No. 21 About culture

Listen to the text

The word "culture" is multifaceted. What, first of all, does true culture contain? It carries the concept of spirituality, light, knowledge and true beauty. And if people understand this, then our country will become prosperous. And therefore it would be very good if every city and town had its own cultural center, a creative center not only for children, but also for people of all ages.

True culture is always aimed at upbringing and education. And such centers should be headed by people who understand well what real culture is, what it consists of, and what its significance is.

The key note of culture can be such concepts as peace, truth, beauty. It would be good if honest and selfless people, selflessly devoted to their work, and respecting each other, were involved in culture. Culture is a huge ocean of creativity, there is enough space for everyone, there is something for everyone. And if we all begin to participate together in its creation and strengthening, then our entire planet will become more beautiful.

No. 22 About morality

Listen to the text

One man was told that an acquaintance had spoken about him in unflattering terms. "Are you kidding! - the man exclaimed. “I didn’t do anything good for him...” Here it is, the algorithm of black ingratitude, when good is answered with evil. In life, one must assume, this man has more than once met people who have mixed up the guidelines on the moral compass.

Morality is a guide to life. And if you deviate from the road, you may well wander into a windfall, thorny bushes, or even drown. That is, if you behave ungratefully towards others, then people have the right to behave the same towards you.

How should we approach this phenomenon? Be philosophical. Do good and know that it will surely pay off. I assure you that you yourself will receive pleasure from doing good. That is, you will be happy. And this is the goal in life - to live it happily. And remember: sublime natures do good.

No. 23 About youthful love

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Times are changing, new generations are coming, for whom, it would seem, everything is different from the previous ones: tastes, interests, life goals. But intractable personal issues, meanwhile, for some reason remain unchanged. Today's teenagers, like their parents in their time, are concerned about the same thing: how to attract the attention of the one you like? How to distinguish infatuation from true love?

A youthful dream of love is, no matter what they say, first of all, a dream of mutual understanding. After all, a teenager definitely needs to realize himself in communication with peers: to demonstrate his ability to sympathize and empathize. And just to show his qualities and abilities to those who are friendly towards him, who are ready to understand him.

Love is the unconditional and boundless trust of two people in each other. Trust, which reveals in everyone the best that a person is capable of. Real love certainly includes friendships, but is not limited to them. It is always greater than friendship, since only in love do we recognize another person’s full right to everything that makes up our world.

No. 24 About self-doubt

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Self-doubt is an ancient problem, but it attracted the attention of doctors, teachers and psychologists relatively recently - in the middle of the 20th century. It was then that it became clear: ever-increasing self-doubt could cause a lot of trouble - even serious illnesses, not to mention everyday problems.

What about psychological problems? After all, self-doubt can serve as the basis for constant dependence on the opinions of others. Let’s imagine how uncomfortable it is to feel dependent: other people’s assessments seem more important and meaningful to him than his own. He sees his every action primarily through the eyes of those around him. And most importantly, he wants approval from everyone: from loved ones to passengers on the tram. Such a person becomes indecisive and cannot correctly assess the life situation.

How to overcome self-doubt? Some scientists are looking for an answer to this question based on physiological processes, others rely on psychology. One thing is clear: self-doubt can be overcome only if a person is able to correctly set goals, relate them to external circumstances and positively evaluate their results.

No. 25 About power

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The essence of the concept of “power” lies in the ability of one person to force another to do something that he would not do of his own free will. A tree, if not disturbed, grows straight up. But even if it fails to grow evenly, then, bending under obstacles, it tries to get out from under them and stretch upward again. So is man. Sooner or later he will want to disobey. Submissive people usually suffer, but if once they have managed to throw off their “burden,” they often turn into tyrants themselves.

If you command everywhere and everyone, then loneliness awaits a person as the end of life. Such a person will always be lonely. After all, he does not know how to communicate on equal terms. Inside he has a dull, sometimes unconscious anxiety. And he feels calm only when people unquestioningly carry out his orders. The commanders themselves are unhappy people, and they breed misfortune, even if they achieve good results.

Commanding and managing people are two different things. The one who manages knows how to take responsibility for actions. This approach preserves mental health both the person himself and those around him.

No. 26 About art

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Is it possible alone exhaustive formula define what art is? Of course not. Art is charm and witchcraft, it is the identification of the funny and the tragic, it is morality and immorality, it is the knowledge of the world and man. In art, a person creates his image as something separate, capable of existing outside of himself and remaining after him as his trace in history.

The moment a person turns to creativity is perhaps the greatest discovery, unparalleled in history. After all, through art everyone individual and the people as a whole comprehend their characteristics, their life, their place in the world. Art allows us to come into contact with personalities, peoples and civilizations that are distant from us in time and space. And not just touch, but recognize and understand them, because the language of art is universal, and it is this that makes it possible for humanity to feel itself as a single whole.

That is why, since ancient times, an attitude towards art has been formed not as entertainment or amusement, but as a powerful force capable of not only capturing the image of time and man, but also passing it on to descendants.

No. 27 About art

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IN modern world There is no person who does not come into contact with art. Its significance in our life is great. Books, cinema, television, theater, music, painting have firmly entered our lives and have a huge influence on it. But fiction has a particularly strong impact on a person.

Contact with the world of art gives us joy and selfless pleasure. But it would be wrong to see in the works of writers, composers, and artists only a means of obtaining pleasure. Of course, we often go to the cinema, sit down to watch the TV, and pick up a book to relax and have fun. And the artists, writers, and composers themselves structure their works in such a way as to maintain and develop the interest and curiosity of viewers, readers, and listeners. But the importance of art in our lives is much more serious. It helps a person to see and understand better the world and himself.

Art has the power to preserve character traits era, giving people the opportunity to communicate with each other across decades and centuries, becoming a kind of memory repository for subsequent generations. It imperceptibly shapes a person’s views and feelings, character, tastes, and awakens a love of beauty. That is why, in difficult moments of life, people often turn to works of art, which become a source of spiritual strength and courage.

The place of a mother in our lives is special, exceptional. We always bring our joy and pain to her and find understanding. Mother's love inspires, gives strength, inspires deeds. In difficult life circumstances we always remember our mother, and at this moment we only need her. A man calls his mother and believes that no matter where she is, she hears him, has compassion and is in a hurry to help. The word “mother” becomes equivalent to the word life.

How many artists, composers, and poets have created wonderful works about mothers. "Take care of mothers!" - the famous poet Rasul Gamzatov proclaimed in his poem. Unfortunately, we realize too late that we forgot to say a lot of good and kind words to our mothers. To prevent this from happening, you need to give them joy every day and hour, because grateful children are the best gift for them.

No. 31 About mutual assistance and mutual assistance

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In a society where the idea of ​​individualism is cultivated, many have forgotten about such things as mutual assistance and mutual assistance. And human society was formed and continues to exist thanks to a common cause and helping the weak, thanks to the fact that each of us complements each other. And how can we now support the completely opposite point of view, which says that there are no other interests other than our own?

And the point here is not even that it sounds selfish. The fact is that it is in this issue that personal and public interest. Do you understand how much deeper this is than it seems? After all, individualism destroys society, and, therefore, weakens us. And only mutual support can preserve and strengthen society.

And experience confirms that good feelings must have their roots in childhood. If they are not brought up in childhood, you will never raise them, because they are acquired simultaneously with the knowledge of the first and most important truths, the main of which is the value of life, someone else’s, your own, life of fauna and plants. Humanity, kindness, goodwill are born in excitement, joy and sorrow.

Good feelings, emotional culture are the focus of humanity. Today, when there is already enough evil in the world, we should be more tolerant, attentive and kind towards each other, towards the living world around us and do the most brave deeds in the name of good. Following the path of goodness is the most acceptable and only path for a person. It is tested, it is true, it is useful both to the individual and to society as a whole.

Not only children, but also adults need a dream. It causes excitement, a source of high feelings. She does not allow us to calm down and always shows us new sparkling distances, a different life. It disturbs and makes you passionately desire this life. This is its value.

Only a hypocrite can say that we need to calm down and stop. To fight for the future, you need to be able to dream passionately, deeply and effectively. You need to cultivate in yourself a continuous desire for what is meaningful and beautiful.

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The greatest anxiety among ninth-graders is caused by the first exams in their lives. The main state exam is a test of students’ knowledge of the basic school course, after which the question is decided: whether to continue studying in grades 10 and 11 or enter a secondary vocational institution. One of the main compulsory subjects in 9th grade (along with mathematics) is the Russian language. All graduates of the current 2018-2019 academic year will have to take the OGE in the Russian language of the 2019 academic year. To successfully cope with this exam, you need to sit down with your textbooks now and start preparing.

News about the OGE in Russian language

The developers of test and measurement materials for the Russian language exam have not made any changes to the structure and content for the last few years.

Oral part

The only innovation that arose in 2017-2018 academic year, is . Last year, this type of exam was approbation and did not affect the admission of ninth-graders to take other exams.

The graduate is given 15 minutes to give an oral answer, during which he must complete 4 tasks:

  1. Expressively read the proposed text about any outstanding person RF.
  2. Retell this text and include a quote appropriately.
  3. Choose one of the tasks and create a text constructed as one of the types of speech (description of a photograph, a narration about a real-life incident, a discussion on the topic given on the ticket).
  4. Enter into a dialogue with the teacher-examiner and answer the questions posed by him.

In the current 2019, the guys must try and successfully cope with a new type of certification for them. Moreover, there are retake stages:

  1. On the second working Wednesday in March.
  2. First working Monday in May.

The total number of points for completing all the work is 19.

The examinee receives credit if he scores 10 or more points for completing the work. Assessment criteria are included with the demo version.

Structure of the OGE in the Russian language

The structure of the tickets includes tasks covering testing of all types of language skills:

  • first, the student will need to write a statement based on the audio text;
  • then solve 13 more tasks, giving a short answer;
  • in the last part, as in the first, there is only one task - an essay, for which you need to choose one topic from three proposed in the ticket.

However, ninth-graders have the opportunity to write their answers as correctly as possible - they will be given spelling dictionaries.

Concise presentation

The children will be asked to listen to the audio text twice with a five-minute break to write a concise summary.

Advice for ninth graders.

  1. When writing down the text in a draft, make large indents between the lines so that later there is room for adding the rest of the thoughts of the text.
  2. When listening to the text for the first time, try to write down the main ideas of each paragraph. Shorten words to the extent of intelligibility.
  3. During the break between listening, restore more fully the thoughts that you managed to write down.
  4. On the second listen, write down any missing thoughts in your draft that will help you create a coherent text.
  5. Read what you got and rewrite the text on another sheet.
  6. Check if all three paragraphs are logically connected.
  7. Re-read the text for speech errors.
  8. Check your presentation for spelling errors.
  9. Check your punctuation and grammar.
  10. Re-read the result again and only then proceed to copy it into a clean copy - into a form.

Don't forget that you are allowed to use it during the exam. spelling dictionary !

Test part

In Russian language 13 test tasks. It consists of tasks in the following sections of the Russian language:

Job No. Subject
2 Ability to extract information from read text
3 Expressive means of language
4 Spelling of prefixes
5 Spelling suffixes
6 Replacement spoken word stylistically neutral synonym
7 Replacing a phrase of one type of connection with another
8 and 11 Working with the grammatical basis of a sentence
9 Separate members of the sentence
10 Addresses and introductory words
12 Coordinating and subordinating connections in a complex sentence
13 Types of subordination of subordinate clauses in a complex sentence
14 Kinds complex sentences with different types of communication

Essay on the OGE

Creative work involves writing a short essay. Volume – at least 70 words.

The student will be asked to choose one type of task:

  • 1 – linguistic essay.
  • 2 – an essay requiring the meaning of the quotation to be revealed.
  • 3 – work in which it is necessary to answer a moral question.

Performance evaluation

The maximum score for the entire work is 39.

This includes test scores (1 point for each correct answer).

Points for presentation and essay are summed up. This includes assessment for the content of the work and its literacy.

  • “3” can be obtained by scoring 15 – 24 points;
  • “4” – 25 – 33 points (provided that the graduate scored at least 4 points for the GK1–GK4 criteria, that is, for literacy);
  • “5” – 34 – 39 points (provided that the graduate scored at least 6 points for the GK1–GK4 criteria, that is, for literacy).

How to prepare for the OGE in Russian?

Success comes to those who work! Moreover, systematically and systematically. Therefore, the student must:

  1. Get acquainted with the demo version of the exam.
  2. On the FIPI website in the “OBZ” section there is an open bank of tasks - listen to audio recordings and practice writing a concise summary.
  3. There you can also find examples of test tasks that make up the tasks for the real exam.
  4. Write essays on a chosen topic.
  5. You can prepare either independently or with a tutor, if required. real help by subject.

Collections of I.P. can serve as a supplement to preparation. Tsybulko - head of the federal subject commission on the Russian language.

A video about essay 15.3 in the OGE in Russian can be viewed here: