Incorrect agreement of the predicate with the subject. Methodological development in the Russian language (grade 11) on the topic: lesson on stylistics, coordination of the predicate with the subject

Spelling five minutes

  • K..lite, cr..crumpy, pr..slides, feeling..
  • Presentation, envious, place..ness
  • Bezdo(n,nn) y, k..captain, express..say
  • Make up the SS according to the scheme: “noun + noun”

"adj + noun"

Explanatory dictation

  • Indicate the grammatical basis of the sentences :

1) We lived with him on the same street.

2) Milky Way spread across the sky like a silvery fabric.

3) The trees stood motionless, their white branches lowered, the thickets of lilac on both sides of the balcony staircase bent under the snow.

4) Wake me up early tomorrow O my patient mother!

  • What is the subject? How can the subject be expressed?
  • What is a predicate? What questions does the predicate answer?
  • How is the lexical and grammatical meaning expressed in a simple verbal predicate?
  • How do the subject and the predicate agree?

  • How to coordinate the predicate with the subject if the subject is expressed:
  • 1)abbreviation
  • 2) noun general kind
  • 3) An indeclinable noun

  • 1) The Unified State Exam in our school (passed, passed) successfully.
  • 2) She is a (terrible, terrible) bully.
  • 3) The rally (was, was) exemplary in the full sense, starting with the preparation of the route and the level of safety.
  • 4) The final communique of today's meeting (agreed, agreed) and already (distributed, distributed).

  • The predicate is correlated in meaning with the subject, an expressed noun of a general kind : This poor thing lost all his things. (about a male person) – This poor thing was late for the cinema (about a female person)
  • With subjects expressed by abbreviation, the predicate is used in the same gender as these words have when fully expressed : The traffic police (inspectorate) checked the condition of the highways.

The predicate is used in the singular

  • 1) With the words MUCH, LITTLE, LITTLE, MUCH, HOW MUCH, SO MUCH.

Several bullets squealed over my head.

  • 2) With the words MAJORITY, MINORITY, SERIES, PART, if the subject denotes an inanimate object.

Most books published quite recently.

The predicate is used in the plural

if the subject includes:

  • 1) numerals TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, etc. + noun in Rodit. case.
  • 3) the words FEW, MANY, MOST, PLENTY + a noun in the gender case and the subject names living beings.

1) Three houses they're calling for the evening.

2) Three guys hit the road.

3) Most guys prepared well for the lesson.

  • Most children are vaccinated against measles, whooping cough and other diseases.
  • Three new world records were set.
  • After all three had laughed, they began to drink tea from saucers, eat cranberries and honey.
  • Three skiers were approaching the finish line.
  • Forty-two machines hummed incessantly...
  • Moscow State University announced... a competition.
  • The complex includes... five algorithms for solving the problem.

    The predicate must be in the same form as the subject, so that it does not work:

    The children are grateful to the bosses for the gift.

    Children is a singular noun, therefore, grateful, but children are grateful.

    With a subject that contains words set, number, part, majority, minority and a controlled noun in the genitive case (such as most students, a number of schools), the predicate can be either plural or singular.

    Singular is used if
    - noun means inanimate objects (there was a row of tables...);
    - activity is not emphasized actors ( most students were absent).

    The plural is used for highlighting activity actions of persons ( Some students passed the exams).

    With a subject expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination ( seven hours, several people...), the predicate can be in the singular form and in the form plural.

    Shape plural emphasized activity characters: And thirty beautiful knights// In succession clear waters emerge(A.S. Pushkin).

    Form singular the predicate is used:

    When underlined passivity characters: Twenty people stood aside;

    If a noun that is part of the subject means inanimate object or animal: A hundred years have passed - and what remains// Of these strong, proud men// So full of willful passions?(A.S. Pushkin);

    At compound numeral ending in one (Thirty-three heroes come out, and thirty-one heroes come out).

    The predicate is placed in the only one number, if the subject includes words a lot, a little, a little, only, just: Many students have already visited this exhibition.

    The predicate of a subject like brother and sister can be placed in either the singular or the plural. Plural number underlines equality, activism characters: And the weaver with the cook, // With her matchmaker Babarikha // They want to kill her(A.S. Pushkin).

    The only thing the number indicates that one character is The main thing: An old man lived with his old woman(A.S. Pushkin).

    The subject may have an application, but this does not affect the agreement. The predicate agrees with the word it defines: At the last competition, the Zhiguli car came first. But: "Zhiguli" came first(here “Zhiguli” is no longer an application); School principal Frolova went to a meeting.

    The difficulty is in coordinating a predicate with several subjects.

    At direct order words, the predicate is put in the form plural numbers, with reverse the predicate agrees with closest of the subjects.

    Compare: Her fate, her end // Impenetrable darkness // Closed from us. And Both the feeder and the swimmer died(A.S. Pushkin).

Agreement between predicate and subject

  • The predicate must be in the same form as the subject, so that it does not work:The children are grateful to the bosses for the gift. Kids is a singular noun, therefore grateful, but children are grateful.
  • With a subject that contains wordsset, number, part, majority, minorityand a controlled noun in the genitive case (such asmost students, a number of schools), the predicate can be either plural or singular.Singularis used if
    - noun means
    inanimate objects (there was a row of tables...);
    - activity is not emphasizedactors (most students were absent).

    The plural is used for

    highlighting activity actions of persons ( Some students passed the exams).
  • With a subject expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination (seven hours, several people...), the predicate can be in singular or plural form.


    plural activity is emphasized characters:And thirty beautiful knights // Sequence from the waters come out clear (A.S. Pushkin).


    singularthe predicate is used:

    When underlined

    passivity characters:Twenty people stood aside ;

    If a noun that is part of the subject means

    inanimate object or animal: Passed a hundred years - and what remains// Of these strong, proud men// So full of willful passions?(A.S. Pushkin); compound numeralending in one ( Thirty-three heroes - come out , and thirty-one heroes - comes out).
  • The predicate is placed in the only one number, if the subject includes wordsa lot, a little, a little, only, only: There are already many students visited this exhibition.
  • Predicate with subject type brother and sister can be placed in both singular and plural. Plural number underlinesequality, activismcharacters:And the weaver with the cook, // With the matchmaker Babarikha // Let her know want (A.S. Pushkin). The only thing the number indicates that one character is main thing: Lived old man with his old woman(A.S. Pushkin).
  • The subject may have an application, but this does not affect the agreement.The predicate agrees with the word it defines: At the last competitions, a Zhiguli car came first. But: "Zhiguli" came first (here "Zhiguli" - no longer an application);Director of the Frolov school went to the meeting.
  • The difficulty is in coordinating a predicate with several subjects. direct order words, the predicate is put in the form plural, with reverse the predicate agrees withclosest of the subjects.


    Her fate, her end // Impenetrable darkness // From us closed and Died both feeder and swimmer(A.S. Pushkin).

Subject and predicate agreement


1. The predicate in a sentence is put in the same form as the subject,i.e. the same gender, person and number.

For example: The children frolicked merrily on the lawn (but it was not the children who frolicked); The scissors were on the table; Petya's coat has become old.

2. With a subject that includes the words set, row, part, majority, minority and a controlled noun in the genitive case(type most students, a number of enterprises), the predicate can be either singular or plural.

The predicate has a singular form if the noun in the subject denotes inanimate objects.

For example: A row of tables stood in the audience, and also if the sentence does not emphasize the activity of the characters. For example: Most of the students were absent.The predicate has a plural form if the noun in the subject denotes animate objects.

For example: Most students passed the test.The plural of the predicate in such constructions indicates the activity of the characters.

3. With a subject expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination(like ten years, forty people),the predicate can have both singular and plural forms. In such cases, the predicate agrees with the subject according to the rule from paragraph 2.

Compare: Twenty people came for the exam. - Five years have passed.

4. For a subject with a cardinal number ending in one, the predicate is put in singular form.

For example: Twenty-one students from our institute are members of the city's volleyball team.

5. With a subject containing the numeral two, three or four or a numeral ending in two, three, four(twenty-two, forty-three, sixty-four, etc.),The predicate is usually put in the plural form.

For example: There are three textbooks on the table; Thirty-two students worked in the construction team during the summer. The singular form of the predicate is acceptable in cases where the message records a particular fact, result, or when the message is given an impersonal character.

For example: Twenty-two suits sold; Three or four students will be transferred to another class.

6. With the subject expressed by a borrowed indeclinable noun or abbreviation, the predicate agrees in accordance with its gender(or the gender of the leading word in the abbreviation).

For example: The highway passed through a deserted area; The USA has great military potential.

REMEMBER : when the subject is a foreign abbreviation, the predicate is usually put in the neuter form, but can also be consistent in meaning.

For example: UNESCO has announced its decision or UNESCO (the organization) has announced its decision.

7. With the subject expressed relative pronoun Who(as a conjunctive word in a subordinate clause),the predicate is usually put in the singular form.

For example: Everyone who did not lose their heads was against it (Sergeev-Tsensky); Those who did not make it to the door rushed in joyful panic to the windows (Makarenko).

Particular difficulties arisewhen agreeing the predicate with the subject, which has an application(type sofa bed, newspaper "Trud"). In such cases, the following rules must be followed:

1. If the noun is expressed compound word (cloak-tent), then the predicate agrees with the word that expresses the generic, more general concept.

For example: a sofa bed was purchased, a library-museum was purchased, a letter and postcard was delivered.

REMEMBER : as a rule, the main, broader name is usually in first place in the combination.

2. If a noun has an attachment expressed by a proper noun(surnames, geographical names, names of means mass media etc.), thenthe predicate agrees with common noun noun.

For example: Lake Baikal is the deepest in the world; The Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper published sensational material.

REMEMBER : if the subject is expressed by a conventional name, the predicate agrees with it according to the grammatical principle.

For example: Izvestia reports; Elbrus has been conquered.

Violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate is an error that often needs to be determined in.

Most often, an error appears in a sentence as follows:

  • the number of subject and predicate does not match;
  • The gender of the subject and predicate does not match.

To find an error, you need to be able to determine the subject and predicate in a sentence, as well as know the basic rules:

  • The predicate must be consistent with the subject, and not with minor members offers.
  • If the subject is a noun masculine, denoting a position or profession, then the type of the predicate is determined from the context. If there is an indication of female gender, the predicate must be feminine, otherwise it must be masculine.
  • If the subject is a compound word, the gender of the predicate is determined by the main word from the phrase.
  • The pronoun “who” is used with a singular and masculine verb.
  • The isolated phrase does not affect the form of the predicate.
  • If the numeral is the subject and ends in one, then the predicate must be singular.

Disruption of the connection between subject and predicate: example sentences

Let's look at several sentences containing the error “Broken connection between subject and predicate” and correct them.


Those who arrive later will take empty seats.

The sentence is complex, consisting of 2 parts: main and subordinate. The basis of the main part: those will occupy (subject and predicate in the plural). The basis in the subordinate clause: who will come (who is singular, who will come is plural). The connection between the subject and the predicate is broken, so you need to put the predicate “will come” in the singular.

Correct option:

Those who arrive later will take empty seats.


A dispute is a way of collectively solving a problem, in which each side claims to establish the truth.

The sentence is complex, consisting of 2 parts: main and subordinate. The basis of the main part: dispute is a method (subject and predicate in the singular). The basis is in the subordinate clause: each claim (each is singular, claim is plural). And although in the subordinate clause we're talking about about the parties, of which there are several, the word “parties” in the genitive case is not the subject. Instead, the subject is the word “each”. Therefore, the predicate “claim” must be put in the singular.

Correct option:

A dispute is a way of collectively solving a problem, in which each side claims to establish the truth.


A team of ornithologists from several universities have developed a method for studying rare birds.

The basis of the sentence: the team developed (team is singular, developed is plural). Although the sentence talks about ornithologists, of which there are several, the subject is the word “team” (since the team in nominative case, and ornithologists are in the genitive case). Therefore, the predicate “developed” must be put in the singular.

Correct option:

A team of ornithologists from several universities has developed a method for studying rare birds.


The press, in particular youth magazines, pay a lot of attention to cultural issues.

The basis of the sentence: the seal is given (the seal is in the singular, the seal is given in the plural). Although the sentence has a separate part “in particular youth magazines” in the plural, it does not affect the number of the predicate. The connection between the subject and the predicate is broken, so you need to put the predicate “pay” into the singular.

Correct option:

The press, in particular youth magazines, pays a lot of attention to cultural issues.


Fifty-one construction projects were completed last year.

Basis of the proposal: fifty-one objects have been delivered. Since the subject has a numeral ending in one, the predicate must be singular, although the sentence refers to several objects. Therefore, you need to put the predicate “passed” in the singular.

Correct option:

Fifty-one construction projects were completed last year.


Sukhumi is located on the very shore of the sea.

The basis of the sentence: Sukhumi is spread out (Sukhumi is a city, that is, the word is masculine, spread out - feminine). Therefore, you need to put the predicate “spread out” in the masculine gender.

Correct option:

Sukhumi is located on the very shore of the sea.

Other types of errors can be studied in task 7 from the Unified State Exam in Russian for grade 11. More detailed examples for task 7 can be found in the section

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Agreement of the predicate with the subject

Predicate with a subject containing a collective noun

With a subject containing a collective noun with a quantitative meaning ( majority, minority, number, part etc.), the predicate can be in the singular (grammatical agreement) or in the plural (agreement in meaning).

1. The predicate is put in the singular if the collective noun does not have controlled words with it,

The placement of the predicate in the plural form in this case can be dictated by the conditions of the context or stylistic task,

For example: Many guests arrived at the Slavic Congress; long before the meeting, the majority took the seats allocated for them(form occupied is in accordance with the subsequent plural form for them); Protsenko quite clearly imagined that most would obviously die here...(Simonov).

2. The predicate is placed in the singular if the collective noun has a controlled word in the genitive singular

For example: The overwhelming majority of the population went to the polls.

The predicate can be in the plural with the so-called reverse agreement, i.e. agreement of the copula not with the subject, but with the nominal part of the compound predicate, for example: Most of the group were visitors.

3. The predicate is put in both singular and plural form if the collective noun has a controlled word in the genitive plural.

Compare: There were a lot of people in the yard... having lunch, sitting without hats near the brotherly cauldron(Pushkin). – Many hands are knocking on all the windows from the street, and someone is breaking in the door(Leskov).

Setting the predicate in the plural is preferable if the following conditions are met:

1) if the main members of the sentence are separated from each other, for example: The majority of meeting participants at the preliminary discussion of the draft new regulation on housing and construction cooperation expressed their agreement with its basic principles; a number of delegates from different organizations proposed to outline the procedure for the commission's work;

2) if with a prepositive subject (standing in front of the predicate) there is a participial phrase or a defining subordinate clause with the conjunctive word which, and the participle or word which is in the plural, for example: The majority of first-year students who entered universities immediately after graduation high school, successfully passed the winter examination session.

3) if with a collective noun there are several controlled words in the form genitive case plural, which reinforces the idea of ​​the plurality of action producers,

For example: Most progressive public figures, writers, scientists all over the world advocate the rapprochement of peoples and their cultures; Most he didn't like my habits and tastes(L. Tolstoy);

4) if the subject has homogeneous predicates, for example: Most correspondence students completed everything on time tests, successfully passed the tests and were well prepared for the exams.

5) if the activity and separateness of the actions of each actor is emphasized,

For example: A number of department employees said they did not agree with the administration's position; But: A number of issues on the agenda were not discussed due to lack of time(the subject denotes an inanimate object). Therefore, the predicate in the passive phrase is usually put in the singular, since the subject denotes the object of the action, and not its subject,

For example: Most of the competition participants are accommodated in boarding houses; A number of young businessmen have been sent abroad;

6) in case of reverse agreement, if the nominal part of the compound predicate has a plural form,

For example: Most of the countries represented at the conference became participants in a major scientific forum; A number of athletes from our institution became prize-winners of city competitions. This form of agreement is common for predicates expressed short form adjective or relative adjective, for example: A number of scenes in the play are truthful and interesting; Most of the houses on our street are panel houses. Wed: Most of the people I met here were ragged and half-naked...(L. Tolstoy); ...Most of the doors were too short for his height(L. Andreev).

Predicate with subject - quantitative-nominal combination (counting turnover)

In the construction under consideration, the predicate can have either a singular or a plural form.

Compare: Seven people in pursuit entered... (Leskov). – The next morning, fifty-seven immigrants submitted applications with a request to be admitted to the collective farm (Sholokhov).

The choice of number form, in addition to the above conditions for agreement of the predicate with the subject - a collective noun, is also influenced by a number of other conditions.

1. The singular form of the predicate indicates a joint action, the plural form indicates a separate action.

Compare: Five soldiers went on reconnaissance (in a group). – Five soldiers went on reconnaissance (each with independent task); Ten students showed up for the exam. – Ten students graduated from the institute with honors. Compare also different matching homogeneous predicates in the same sentence: About one and a half hundred soldiers poured out of the forest and rushed to the rampart with a scream (Pushkin) (in the first case, the action is characterized by a joint action, in the second - by separateness).

2. The singular form of the predicate indicates a collection of objects, the plural form indicates individual objects.

Compare: Five social and cultural facilities are being built in the city(a single undivided idea of ​​action). – IN largest cities five more social and cultural facilities are being built across the country(dissected idea of ​​action). Therefore, with a subject denoting large number objects and perceived as one whole, the predicate is usually placed in the singular,

For example: One hundred people sat in the canteen during one shift (Makarenko); Six hundred track students arrived (N. Ostrovsky).

3. The singular form of the predicate is used to denote measures of weight, space, time etc., since in this case we mean a single whole,

For example: It took twenty kilograms of drying oil to paint the roof; There were fifteen kilometers left to the end of the journey; It will take six months to complete all the work.

4. Predicate verbs (usually with the meaning of the passage of time) are put in the singular if the quantitative-nominal combination (usually a phrase) contains the words years, months, days, hours etc.,

For example: A hundred years have passed (Pushkin); However, it seems that eleven o’clock has already struck (Turgenev); Here are two years of my life crossed out (Gorky). But with someone else lexical meaning the verb can have a plural predicate form,

For example: Ten seconds seemed like a whole hour to me (L. Tolstoy).

5. With the numerals two, three, four, two, three, four, the predicate is usually put in the plural form,

For example: Two soldiers with knapsacks looked indifferently at the windows of the train... (A.N. Tolstoy); Thirty-two people... breathed with one spirit (Sholokhov. But predicate verbs with the meaning of being, presence, existence, position in space, etc. (i.e. with the meaning of a state, not an action) are usually used in these cases in singular form,

For example: Three kingdoms stood before her (Nekrasov); ...There were two people at the hospital (Turgenev); Three more people died from the blow (L. Tolstoy); The room had two windows with wide window sills (Kaverin).

6. For compound numerals ending in one, the predicate, as a rule, is put in singular form,

For example: Twenty-one delegates attended the meeting; ...thirty-one applications were submitted at once (Sholokhov). The plural form of this construction may be determined by the context,

For example: Twenty-one delegates met for round table (the predicate-verb met indicates a mutual action, which is expressed in the plural form); Twenty-one boxes of dishes that were delivered to the base ended up there by mistake.(influence subordinate clause with the conjunction word which is in the plural form); Paid 231 rubles for everything(with the formal role of the subject of the countable phrase, the circumstances of the measure in the passive construction matter); Twenty-one students did not appear for the exam(emotionally charged colloquial version, emphasizing the number of absentees).

7. In the words thousand, million, billion, the predicate usually agrees according to the rules of agreement with subject nouns(in gender and number),

For example: A thousand books entered the school library; A million demonstrators filled the squares and streets of the capital.

8. If in a counting phrase there are the words all, these or others, as a definition, then the predicate is put in the plural,

For example: These seven houses were also recently built; All twenty-one pages have been rewritten; There are five packages on the table ready for shipment.

If the subject contains the words only, only, only (with the meaning of limitation), the predicate is usually put in the singular form,

For example: Only seven people signed up for the chess club; Only twelve employees of our department took part in the competition.

9. If the subject is a numeral without a noun , i.e. in the meaning of an abstract number, then the predicate is in the singular ,

For example: Twenty is divisible by four without a remainder. But if the idea of ​​a specific figure is associated with the numeral, then the plural form of the predicate is used, for example: And again there are twelve, behind the shoulders of the gun... (Block).

10. When indicating an approximate quantity (by placing a numeral in front of a noun or by inserting words about, over, more, less, etc.) the predicate can be in both singular and plural form (the second method of agreement is increasingly common in our time),

For example:
A) About two dozen people rose from there (A.N. Tolstoy); No more than four guys could fit under the canopy...(Makarenko);
b) About five people began to wash themselves in a cold mountain stream (Gorky); At least twenty ladies... were sitting on green benches and constantly looking towards the bay(Sergeev-Tsensky);

11. If there is a word in a quantitative-nominal combination, it is somewhat possible to state the predicate in both singular and plural form.

For example:
A) There were several sleighs behind the fence... (Pushkin); Several people looked back... (Gorky);

b) Several ladies walked quickly back and forth across the site... (Lermontov); What a few young students could do! (Herzen).

Compare the different agreements of homogeneous predicates in the same sentence, depending on whether they mean active action or passive state, joint or separate action: There were several people behind the door and it was as if someone was being pushed away (Dostoevsky); The lock of the bathhouse was broken, several people squeezed into the doors and almost immediately crawled out (Gorky).

12. If the subject contains the words many, few, few, many, how many, so much, the singular form of the predicate predominates, however in lately, due to the general tendency towards agreement in meaning, the plural form is becoming increasingly widespread.

For example:
A) And many other similar thoughts passed through my mind... (Lermontov); How many more fairy tales and memories remain in her memory! (Bitter);

b) Many completely unchildish impressions became somehow terribly accessible to me (Dostoevsky); Many lights, both before and after, attracted more than one me with their proximity (Korolenko).

13. If the subject noun contains a noun with the meaning of a certain quantity (three, hundred, pair, etc.) the predicate is put in singular form,

For example: Seven cyclists rushed forward, a hundred guys scattered in all directions.

14. In the singular, a predicate is placed on nouns with the meaning of an indefinite quantity (mass, lot, abyss, abyss, etc.). In this case, variants of agreement in gender are possible;

compare: An abyss of people came running... (L. Tolstoy). – He had a lot of things to do... (Chernyshevsky). Usually the prepositive predicate is in the neuter form, and the postpositive predicate agrees with the indicated nouns; compare: In my story there was an abyss of tension (Herzen) - A lot of difficulties were experienced... (V. Panova).

Coordination of the predicate with the subject, which has an application

1. By general rule the predicate agrees with the subject, and the presence of latest application in the form of a different gender or number does not affect the agreement,

For example: The girl pilot skillfully drove the car, Roast meat - canned meat - was met with sour mines (Stanyukovich).

In some cases, the predicate agrees in meaning - not with the subject, but with a more specific application in meaning, closer to the predicate,

For example: Dolly sighed involuntarily. best friend her sister was leaving (L. Tolstoy); ...Only greatest art– music – can touch the depths of the soul (Gorky).

2. When a generic name and a specific name are combined, the function of the subject is performed by the first, denoting a broader concept, and the predicate is consistent with this word,

For example: The baobab tree spread its mighty branches; The secretary bird destroyed the snake; St. John's wort grass grew throughout the clearing.

3. When a common noun is combined with a person’s own name, the latter acts as the subject, and the predicate agrees with it,

for example: Foreman on duty Oksana Litovchenko pushed her way towards Zakharov (Makarenko); ...The sanitary inspector Frosya (P. Pavlenko) asked confidentially.

Other proper names(names of animals, geographical names, names of media, etc.) are applications, and the predicate agrees with the common noun,

For example: Trezor the dog barked loudly; Lake Baikal is deep and full; The magazine “Literary Heritage” published new materials about the work of M. Bulgakov.

4. The form of agreement of the predicate is not affected by the presence of clarifying or explanatory words, connecting structures, or comparative phrases with the subject etc.,

For example: Everything, apparently, and even nature itself, armed itself against Mr. Golyadkin (Dostoevsky); Logical form, i.e. communication method components the content in both conclusions is the same.

The agreement of the predicate not with the subject, but with the constructions that explain it, is used for