Autumn scenarios What's in autumn's basket Miracles in the autumn forest for junior high and high school students

Khramova Svetlana
Entertainment script “What’s in Autumn’s Basket”

Autumn fun for the 1st junior group.

Scenario: “What’s in Autumn’s Basket”

Goal: To evoke joyful emotions in children and enrich them with new vivid impressions.

Objectives: to develop the emotional responsiveness of children.

Encourage them to actively participate in the fun; create in children

cheerful, festive mood.

Children come in to the music and sit on chairs.

Autumn has come to us again, happy holiday brought,

She dressed everything up and didn’t forget about us.

Hello Autumn! It's good that you came.

Stay with us, Autumn, and listen to our song.

Song "Autumn has come to us."

1. Autumn, autumn has come to us.

Brought rain and wind.

Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip -

Brought rain and wind.

2. The green garden will turn yellow,

The yellow leaves rustle.

Shur-shur-shur, shur-shur-shur -

The yellow leaves rustle.

Autumn: - Guys, I didn’t come to you empty-handed, I have a big basket, and there’s a lot of interesting things in there. Do you want to know what I have (children's answers)

And in my basket for you there are painted autumn leaves - here they are. Let's dance with the leaves! (Hands out leaves to the children.)

Dance “Autumn Leaves”.

Presenter: Autumn, and our children know poems about you. Do you want to listen?

Children's poems:

Autumn walks along the path,

Got my feet wet in puddles.

It's raining,

And there is no light

Summer is lost somewhere.

Autumn is walking, autumn is wandering,

The wind knocked the leaves off the maple tree.

There's a new rug under your feet,

Yellow-pink maple.

Autumn: - Thank you, dear friends! You made me happy! I have a magic umbrella. I’ll twirl the umbrella, I want to start the game.

Magic music sounds.

Presenter: - The sun is shining in the morning, which means it’s time for us to go for a walk.

Game "Sunshine and Rain".

The soundtrack of rain sounds.

So the drops of capital tapped on the palm of my hand,

The clouds are gathering, the rain is starting.

Children run under an umbrella.

Song "Rain".

The blue cloud has arrived


Brought rain to the kids


2. Rain drips into your hands,

(showing palm)

Children are dancing along the path.


Autumn: - Well done guys! And in my basket there are bells for you - here they are. Let's play with them. (Rattles are handed out.)

Game "Dance with bells"

Ding-ding, di-ding-ding! The bells are ringing.

The bells are ringing.

Ding-ding, ding-ding-ding!

They want to dance.

Ding-ding, di-ding-ding!

We raise our hands. We raise our hands up and lower them down.

Ding-ding, ding-ding-ding!

We lower the handles.

Ding-ding, di-ding ding!

We run with the bell. They run with bells and ring them.

Ding-ding, di-ding-ding!

We are ringing very cheerfully.

Ding-ding, di-ding ding! Place the bells on the floor.

The bells are lying.

Ding-ding, di-ding-ding! They jump.

The kids all want to jump.

Autumn: I'll look in the basket again. Oh, there are vegetables here, they want to play.

Game “Collect vegetables in a basket”

Presenter: - Oh, how much fun we have, it’s time for us all to start dancing.

Dance “Squat” (Estonian folk melody to lyrics by J. Entin, arrangement by A. Roomer).

1. Start dancing

And bow to my friend. La-la...

2. We will all squat:

Sit down together! Stand up together! La-la...

3. The guys are waving their hands -

These are birds flying. La-la...

4. Foot top, foot top,

Once again, top yes top. La-la...

5. Handles - clap, handles - clap,

Once again, clap and clap. La-la...

6. So the dance is over,

Bow down again. La-la...

My basket is big and it is not empty.

There are treats in it for all the kids. (Gives the basket to the presenter, the children thank.)

Presenter: - And now Autumn and I will say goodbye and say goodbye to her! (Autumn is leaving.)

Publications on the topic:

Scenario for the autumn holiday for the second junior group “What does Autumn have in her basket?”

Summary of educational activities “What’s in autumn’s basket?” Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten“Sun”, Surazh, Bryansk region Synopsis of the immediate.

Entertainment scenario “Sounds of Autumn” Autumn entertainment “Sounds of Autumn” for children of the middle group Introduction: children enter the hall to the song “Autumn” and stand scattered. Presenter.

Autumn festival in the second junior group “What’s in autumn’s basket”“WHAT’S IN AUTUMN’S BASKET” 2nd junior group Presenter. (with an autumn leaf) A yellow leaf on the palm. It was once green, in our window.

Scenario for the autumn holiday “What does autumn have in its basket?” Scenario for the autumn holiday for the 2nd junior group “What does Autumn have in her basket?” Under MUS 1, one after another, the guys enter the hall and sit down.

Scenario of an autumn holiday for children in the nursery group. "What's in Foxy's Basket" Goal: To create a festive mood in children. Objectives: 1. Create conditions for children to display positive emotions. 2. Contribute.

Scenarioautumn holiday for 2 junior and middle groups

« What's in Autumn's basket?

To the music, one after another, the guys enter the hall and sit on chairs.

HOST: The breeze sweeps the paths and swirls the golden foliage.

What happened in nature, guys, tell me... I don’t understand!

GUYS: Autumn has arrived, everything around is gilded!

HOST: Autumn comes every year,

The holiday brings with it.

Sings his songs,

He invites you to dance with you.

CHILD: Autumn has come, CHILD: Autumn is beginning,

Our garden has turned yellow. The leaves are falling off.

Leaves on a birch tree Their cheerful round dance

They burn with gold. The wind swirls and sings.

REB: The autumn leaves are quietly whirling, REB: The autumn wind is whirling the leaves

The leaves fall quietly under our feet. And they keep flying and flying.

And they rustle and rustle underfoot, as if in warm lands

As if they want to get dizzy again. Together with the birds

They want to warm up before spring.

SONG – ROUND DANCE “Multi-colored sheets” (middle group)

REB: Autumn walks through the gardens, REB: In the summer everything was green,

He walks and smiles. Well, now look around:

Just like in a fairy tale, here and there the maple leaves turned yellow,

All colors change. How the lanterns lit up.

REB: Along forest paths, REB: Cranes are flying south,

Autumn walks and wanders. Hello, hello, Autumn!

How many fresh buds Come to our holiday,

By the green pines. Autumn, please.

And a leaf from a birch tree Here we are a joyful holiday

Golden bee. Have fun.

It curls and flies, come, we are waiting for you,

Above the green tree. Autumn Golden!

SONG “Autumn is coming to visit us” (2nd junior group)

(After the song accompanied by music, Autumn enters the hall)

AUTUMN: Hello, my dears! Elegant, completely different from each other! I am very glad to meet you.

HOST: We are also very glad to see you, Autumn. Really, guys?!

AUTUMN: Do you like that Autumn comes to you and pleases you with its beauty?

(guys' answers)

I come to visit the guys, I don’t forget, every year,

When the birch and aspen trees, spinning, start a round dance!

HOST: Yes, Autumn, a glorious time! Children love Autumn.

Plums, pears, grapes - everything is ripe for the guys.

And in the garden there is a harvest, whatever you want, collect it!

Cucumbers and tomatoes, there are carrots and lettuce,

There are onions in the garden, sweet peppers, and a whole row of cabbage!

AUTUMN: That's right. In the fall, the harvest ripens, and people and animals make provisions for the winter. Guys, let’s go on a trip and find out where each crop grew. Do you agree? (guys' answers)

HOST: And here the train is ready, make yourself comfortable…. Let's go!

Phonogram “We are on the train” (the guys are sitting on chairs and tapping their legs)

AUTUMN: Where have we come? (house, garden)

HOST: And we came to our grandmother - an old woman, a cheerful talker. Let's call her! (everyone calls in unison: Ba - Bushka!) (Granny comes out of the house)

GRANDMOTHER: I'm coming, I'm coming! Who is that calling me there?! Oh, it's you guys! Hello my dears! Hello my dears! Did you come to visit me? (guys' answers)

AUTUMN: Grandmother and I are traveling with the guys, and we want to find out where what crops grew!

GRANDMOTHER: Come in, come in, look at my garden! Here's my harvest!

HOST: Look, guys, how many different vegetables are growing in Granny’s garden, and in the garden, the fruits are already ripe. What guys? Of course, apples and pears!

GRANDMOTHER: Yes, this year the harvest is very good! Or maybe you guys can help me collect my harvest?

HOST: Of course, we will help, Grandma!

Game-relay race: “Collect vegetables and fruits”

GRANDMOTHER: Thank you, guys, for your help!

AUTUMN: (listening to the basket) Oh, who is arguing like that and about what? Not clear.


GRANDMOTHER: Oh, guys, my vegetables all quarreled, what should I do?

AUTUMN: Maybe you guys know some song about vegetables?

HOST: Of course, we know, and now we’ll sing it!

“SONG about VEGETABLES” (middle group)

GRANDMOTHER: Oh, and a nice song! Well done guys! Now everyone get up and play gardening!

SONG – GAME “Vegetable Garden - Round Dance”.

GRANDMOTHER: Thank you, guys, for your help, for the poems, for the song. Here's an autumn gift for you - a basket of vegetables!

HOST: Thank you Grandma! Well, we'll move on! Let's hitch up the wagons!

PHONOGRAM “We are on the train” (“they are going”, they are arriving in the forest)

Phonogram “Forest” (birds singing, babbling brook)

AUTUMN: Here comes my kingdom! My autumn forest.

It is full of different fairy tales and miracles!

REB: Autumn is walking along the path, REB: Gloomy weather,

Walks slowly! It's raining outside,

Under the feet of Autumn, Birds fly away

The leaves are rustling. Pack in October!

REB: In the morning we go to the yard, REB: Falling leaves, falling leaves,

Leaves are falling like rain. Yellow leaves are flying.

Yellow maple, yellow oak rustle underfoot,

And they fly, fly, fly. Yellow circle in the sky of the sun.

AUTUMN: Look how many leaves there are around! The motley blizzard spins and turns. Everything is covered with leaves, yellow, red, gold.

DANCE “Dance with autumn leaves” (2nd junior group)

REB: Autumn! It's frosty in the morning! REB: Like a red fox,

Yellow leaves are falling in the groves! Autumn walks through the forests.

Leaves near the birch tree, where he waves his fluffy tail,

They lie like a golden carpet. The leaves turned golden

In the puddles the ice is transparent blue, the gardens have become yellow,

There is white frost on the leaves. There are traces of Autumn everywhere.

SONG “Autumn Walk” (middle group)

(Laughter heard)

HOST: Who is laughing so merrily? (looks around) Don't you guys see?

AUTUMN: Yes, this is my friend Lesovichok. Wake up, Lesovichok, guests have come to us!

LESOVICHOK: (stretching) What guests? Oh, is that you guys? Oh, and I had a funny dream!

HOST: Yes, the guys and I heard you laugh merrily!

LESOVICHOK: Hello kids, girls and boys!

I am Lesovichok, Autumn’s assistant in the forest, I know every path in it.

The stump has its own little house, it’s wonderful, just like a picture!

I'm so glad you came to see me! The birds have flown away, the leaves have fallen off, the trees are falling asleep - it’s getting boring in the forest!

HOST: Don’t be sad, Lesovichok, we’ll cheer you up now! The guys will sing you a funny song!

SONG “Top boots, slap boots.” (2nd junior group)

LESOVICHOK: Thanks, guys! I really liked your song! And now, I want to play with you. The harvest in the forest is ripe. Everyone takes baskets. What do you think we will collect on the forest paths?


LESOVICHOK: That's right, mushrooms!

VEYAUSHCHA: Well, everything is ready! Here is the clearing, here are the mushrooms, the baskets are here too!

AUTUMN: It's time to go mushroom picking!

GAME “Collect mushrooms in a basket.”

LESOVICHOK: We played interestingly, we quickly collected all the mushrooms!

AUTUMN: Oh, guys, quieter, quieter, I hear something strange. Someone is running towards us here, someone is rushing here to us.

Comes out to the music of TUCHKA

TUCKA: I am an autumn cloud, blue - blue. It may be small, but very strong!

If I just want, I’ll wet you all with rain! (“sprinkles” with rain.)

HOST: Cloud, cloud, wait, remove your rains.

We know a song about rain, and we’ll give it to you!

SONG “Jolly Rain” (middle group)

TUCHKA: What a beautiful, interesting song! Thank you guys! It’s raining, raining all day, drumming on the windows. The whole earth, the whole earth was wet from the rain.

AUTUMN: Let's take umbrellas and go for a walk in the rain! Really, guys?

GAME for attention “Umbrella”.

TUCHKA: They played a lot of fun, they showed off their dexterity. Well, guys, it’s time for me to say goodbye and return to heaven!


HOST: Yes, and it’s time for us to return to kindergarten! Goodbye Lesovichok!

LESOVICHOK: Goodbye, guys! Oh, I almost forgot, here’s a gift from me – a basket of mushrooms! (gives the basket to the HOST)

HOST: Guys, these are not simple mushrooms, look! Delicious, sweet, crispy! Thank you Lesovichok for the gift!

AUTUMN: And I say goodbye to you guys, I remain in my autumn forest. Well, next year I will come to you again! Goodbye!

The curtain closes

HOST: Well, you guys and I have traveled. Did you like it? Where were we? That’s right, in the garden, in the garden, and in the forest. Everywhere we received autumn gifts. What does Autumn have in her basket? (Guys' answers) Correct! Well, it's time for us to return to kindergarten and try some treats!

PHONOGRAM “We are on the train” (the guys are going to the group)


1 Scenario autumn matinee“What does autumn have in its basket?” (second junior group) Goals: creating an emotionally positive atmosphere in the group; attracting children's attention to seasonal changes in nature. Objectives: consolidating children’s ideas about autumn (seasonal changes in nature, the nature of clothing); development of the ability to perceive and reproduce movements shown by an adult, convey familiar images, change movements in accordance with changes in the nature of the music; development of emotional responsiveness and imagery of music perception through movements; nurturing interest in music, stimulating the desire to sing along with performers and perform simple dance movements; developing a sense of empathy for the characters and a desire to help them. Preliminary work: familiarize children with seasonal changes in nature; looking at illustrations on an autumn theme; reading literary and poetic works on this topic; learning songs, poems, dances for demonstration. Materials and equipment: autumn leaves; umbrella; a basket with apples, leaves for dancing; dummies of vegetables. To the music, the children enter the music room. Presenter: Today the holiday looked into every home, Because autumn is wandering outside the window. The autumn holiday came to the kindergarten to please both adults and children. Children read poetry Autumn has come, Our garden has turned yellow. The leaves on the birch are burning golden. Do not hear the cheerful Songs of the nightingale. The birds flew away distant edges. (A. Erikeev) Autumn Autumn, autumn, don’t rush, And wait for the rains. Give us more summer, sunshine and light. (A. Teslenko) Less often the sun shines with warm rays.

2 A flock of birds flies to the south, leaving us. Frequent rain outside the window, The sky is crying like a cloud, Yellow leaves are all around: This is autumn, that means. (G. Sorenkova) Autumn song Summer has passed. Autumn has arrived. The fields and groves are empty and sad. The birds have flown away. The days have become shorter. The sun is not visible. Dark, dark nights. Children perform the song “Autumn” by muses. I. Kishko et al. Plakids Presenter: Guys, today I invite you to the autumn forest! But the way there is long, and so that our legs don’t get tired, we’ll go by train! The children stand like a train, the leader is in front. Everyone moves around the hall to the music. Host: Here we are... In the fall we go to the forest, The leaves fall like rain, They rustle under our feet, And they fly, they fly, they fly!.. There are a lot of leaves in the forest: both yellow and red - very beautiful! And who decorated our forest? Children: The sorceress Autumn did her best! Autumn enters the hall to the music of “Autumn Waltz” by R. Gutsalyuk. Autumn: I’m walking and I hear laughter, Are the kids really here! How good everyone is, Like you are peas. Everyone is so elegant and so pleasing to the eye. Hello my friends! Host: Thank you, Autumn, for being with us now. We, Autumn, glorify you with poetry! Children read poems Autumn Autumn has come - The flowers have dried up.

3 And the bare bushes look sadly. The grass in the meadows withers and turns yellow. Winter is just turning green in the fields. A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine. The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling, the waters of the Fast Stream are rustling. The birds flew away to warmer lands. (A. Pleshcheev) The rowan tassels glowed brighter. All the flowers have faded, Only the wormwood is fresh. The sky is sad, the sun is despondent. It’s a pity that the autumn is not warm for a long time! (N. Samonii) The rain is pouring, trying, Even though they don’t ask for it. The sun is hovering in the clouds, which means it’s autumn. (G. Shestakova) Autumn: Oh, thank you, guys, for your poems. Can you solve riddles? Children: Yes. Autumn: Well, listen: 1. The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears. (onion) 2. Red-cheeked and juicy. This big girl We all need her for borscht and for vinaigrettes. (beets) 3. A beautiful maiden sits in prison, And her braid is on the street. (carrots) 4. Our piglets grew up in the garden, sideways towards the sun, crocheted tails. These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us. (cucumbers) 5. A hundred clothes, all without fasteners. (cabbage)

4 Autumn: Well done, you guessed all the riddles. I have a lot of vegetables in my garden this year! I can’t cope with the harvest alone. Help me. Host: Guys, let’s help Autumn harvest? Children: Yes. Game “Harvest” (Two teams participate) Autumn: Guys, do you know how vegetables are useful? Children answer Autumn: Correct. They contain a lot of vitamins that help you grow healthy, cheerful, and strong. Autumn: We have a nice dance. What a wonderful dance. Hurry up, get up and start dancing. Presenter: Here come the drops - capitoshkas - clattering along the path. The clouds are gathering, the rain is starting. Meet the song “Rain” (music by M. Partskhaladze and lyrics by N. Sokolova) Presenter: This is what a fun rain we have! Autumn: Oh, what a great fellow, I have prepared a surprise for you and would like to play with you. If a cloud frowns and threatens to rain, Let's hide under an umbrella and wait out the rain. If the sun is shining, you can take a walk, clap, stomp having fun, play in the kindergarten. Game “Sun and Rain” Autumn: Well done guys, they played well. Guys, did you enjoy visiting me? Children: Yes. Autumn: For having fun in the forest, I give you leaves. The presenter and Autumn distribute leaves to the children. Autumn: Our leaves are good, now let’s dance with them! Dance of “Autumn Leaves” (music by A. Filippenko) Autumn: Take these leaves, keep them as a souvenir! You guys are great, you had a lot of fun! I thank you for everything and I give you apples! Host: Sweet Autumn is generous and beautiful. We will say Autumn together, Children. Thank you! Autumn: I had a lot of fun! I loved all the guys. What can I do? Things are waiting! Goodbye, friends! Children say goodbye to Autumn.

5 Autumn leaves to the music of “Autumn Waltz” by R. Gutsalyuk. Host: That's it for us magical journey finished, it's time to go back to kindergarten. The children stand like a train, the leader is in front. To the music “Autumn has come” (music and lyrics by Nasaulenko), everyone moves around the hall with a stomping step and goes into the group. Entertainment script on the theme: "GIFTS OF AUTUMN" in the middle. Entertainment script on the theme: "GIFTS OF AUTUMN" in middle group Goal: To develop musical and creative abilities; consolidate ideas about autumn phenomena nature through games, poems; involve parents in active participation in musical and theatrical play activity; create a joyful mood from joint activities. Integrated areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, Artistic creativity", "Health", " Physical culture", "Socialization" Objectives: Systematize and consolidate knowledge of seasonal changes in nature (Cognition); Continue to activate children's vocabulary on the topics “Autumn” and “Vegetables” (Communication); Continue to introduce technology fine arts painting with colored sand (artistic creativity); To develop children’s ability to listen to classical music (Artistic creativity); Contribute to the generalization of the application of knowledge in one’s own activities (Socialization); To cultivate aesthetic feelings, respect for nature (Socialization); Continue to develop children’s ability to correlate movements in accordance with the text of the work (Physical education). Methods and techniques: Practical: looking at illustrations, listening to music, performing a musical sketch, folding cut pictures, folding vegetables, drawing with colored sand; Visual: looking at illustrations about autumn on an electronic board; Verbal: game “Tell about autumn”, “The fourth odd one”. Materials and equipment: Autumn doll; play "OCTOBER" from the cycle of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons";

6 “AUTUMN” by A. Vivaldi; music center; audio recording of Mozart's works; Didactic game“A Word about Autumn” (autumn in September, October, November); hats for children with images of vegetables and fruits; vegetables (dummies); potatoes and beets (fresh vegetables); baskets; two chairs; leaves different trees for dancing; colored sand; colored plates; colored cardboard. The play “OCTOBER” from the cycle of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons". The children are greeted by a doll in a yellow outfit. It's Autumn. AUTUMN: Hello, children! Hello, dear guests! Of course you recognized me! Children, who will tell you what autumn is? What interesting things happen at this time of year? Why do we praise autumn? CHILDREN: In autumn it gets cold, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, it rains often, birds fly away warm countries, it gets dark early, children go to school, the harvest ripens, etc. Game “A Word about Autumn” (pictures on an electronic board) Teacher: Guys, let’s tell you what autumn is like? In September: ba.. (crimson), zhe.. (yellow), zo.. (golden), outfit.. (elegant), pogo (fair), su.. (dry), warm.. (warm) In October: ob.. (cloudy), rain.. (rainy), humid.. (damp), sy.. (damp). In November: mud (dirty), se.. (gray), tem.. (dark), ho.. (cold), dull.. (dull), gloomy.. (gloomy) AUTUMN: And what would a holiday be without our favorite vegetables! Let's invite them! Welcome to the holiday! Children go to the chairs and put their headbands with pictures of fruits and vegetables on their heads.

7 Child: Autumn, autumn has come to us! She brought us gifts: Yellow leaves, Delicious mushrooms, Vegetables and fruits, Bread products! Beetroot: Beetroot is needed for borscht and for vinaigrette. Eat and treat yourself! There is no better beet! Cabbage: Cabbage soup is made from cabbage. And what delicious cabbage pies! Trickster bunnies love stumps. I’ll treat the kids to sweet Kocheryzhka! Carrot The story about me is not long. Who doesn't know vitamins? Always drink carrot juice and nibble on carrots. Then, my friend, you will be strong, strong, and dexterous!

8 Tomato Don't talk, Carrot, nonsense! The healthiest tomato. And, of course, delicious and pleasant red tomato juice! Cucumber I am shiny and prickly, I am crunchy and fragrant. They eat me fresh, I am also good salted. I am both juicy and tender Beneath the green skin. Potato I'm a potato! So modest: She didn’t say a word. But everyone needs potatoes, both big and small! Zucchini I am an elongated oval, I became like this in the garden. They don't like to eat me raw. They often chop it into pieces, grate the white pulp, and bake pancakes. The sun warms our side. I'm a cheerful Zucchini! Onion

9 Seasoning in a dish, Useful to people! Did you guess it? I am your friend: Simple green onions. Pumpkin I am like the sun in the garden, my taste is tender, juicy, sweet. I am very tasty in pie and porridge, friends! And my seeds are delicious, They simply have no price! White and smooth, Tasty and sweet! Garlic They say I am caustic, evil, My smell is unpleasant. In fact, I am a good-natured person, To all diseases worst enemy! I hide under the white husk in summer and winter. As I grow up, I’ll become rounder, I’ll split into pieces. Eat, don't be shy! Who am I? Guess what! Teacher: We need all vegetables, they are useful and important. Without you, neither soup nor salad will turn out! Let's Play! Game “Sorting Vegetables” At the end of the hall, on a table (in a bucket) are mixed carrots and beets. Players, at a signal, run to the bucket, choose either beets into their basket,

10 or carrots and return to their place. The team that completes the task faster wins. The bucket contains equal amounts of beets and carrots. Game “Collect a leaf” Under the table, under the table, on colored cardboard, in envelopes, are cut-out pictures of vegetables. They collect pictures on chairs while listening to calm music. The team that assembles the fastest will win. Game “Treat the Dwarves” The gnome Vasily and the gnome Vasenka came to visit. You need to treat them with vegetables. For Vasily, cucumber, carrots, radishes, onions, for Vassenka, cucumber, carrots, radishes, onions. Game “The Fourth Wheel” An electronic presentation is offered to children: - Cucumber, turnip, raspberry, potato. - Onion, radish, tomato, mushroom. - Plant, water, weed, wash. Motor sketch “Autumn” Teacher: We told you about autumn in words, and now our fingers, hands, and gestures will be our assistants. “Tree” Right next to the garden, a tree with unusual red foliage is swaying its branches. The maple tree under the window, scorched by the autumn fire, began to glow. (Arms bent at the elbow, raised, palms facing outward, fingers spread out towards the tree branches). “Falling leaves” The wind blew, blowing stronger and stronger. One by one the leaves fly off, the leaves begin to fall. The wind blows, blows, blows, blows, tearing off fragile leaves from the tree! (Straight arms are raised above the head, palms facing each other at the beginning of the action and to the floor at the end. In accordance with the text, children smoothly swing their arms from side to side with a small amplitude; they also make sharp, jerky swings with a wide amplitude and a smooth movement straightened arms from top to bottom).

11 “Birds” The birds shouted: They gather in flocks. They have to long haul, Birds are flying south. (Palms facing yourself, thumbs the “head” of the bird is clasped together, the children “wave” their other fingers like wings; in this case, the movement is performed with the arms bent at the elbows: forward and backward). “Rain” But what is it dripping? It looks like it's starting to rain: drip-drip-drip. He came knocking on the roof, No one heard him leave. (Strike with your fingertips, moving from the open palm to the shoulder back, similarly on the other hand). Drawing vegetables on colored sand. The teacher invites the children to draw different vegetables on the colored sand together with their parents. Reflection. The children say goodbye to Autumn and leave the hall to the music. ENTERTAINMENT FOR SENIOR GROUP CHILDREN “RIDDLES FROM THE VEGETABLE BED”

12 Developed by: Naum T.I. 2014 The purpose of the planned event: to expand the understanding of the world around us; cultivate a careful attitude towards nature. Characters: leader - teacher of the group; Tanya; Carrot; Cabbage; Green onions; Beet; Turnip; Potato; Goat - children. Required attributes: wicker basket; hats for children involved in the performance; a fake turnip in which sweets are placed. Progress of the event The teacher tells the children, who are freely seated on the carpet - the “garden bed”, a fairy tale. Leading. One day, mother sent her daughter Tanya to the garden to collect various vegetables for dinner. And this is what happened in the garden.

13 Tanya gets up from her seat and looks around. She has a basket in her hands. Tanya (walking through an imaginary garden). My mother sends me to the garden. Both cabbage and carrots grow here... He points to vegetables, the role of which is played by children sitting on their chairs in imaginary beds. But I don’t know which vegetables to pick - For salad, vinaigrette and cabbage soup! How can I figure it out and find out what I need to pack for lunch? Who would help me in this difficult matter? Where are the carrots, where is the cabbage, where is the onion? He looks around again. Carrot (without getting up from your seat). I am a red maiden, a green braid! I am proud of myself: I am good for anything! And for juice and cabbage soup, For salads and borscht, For pies and vinaigrette, And... for bunnies for lunch! Leading. Guess, guys, what is the name of this beauty? Children. Carrot! Carrot quickly jumps up and bows.

14 Presenter. Well done. Now try to guess another vegetable. Cabbage (rising from its place, stands on one leg). I am white and juicy, I am healthy and tasty! I stand on a thick leg, my clothes creak. Children (guessing). And this is cabbage! Cabbage bows and stands next to Carrot. Green onions (rising and bowing). And you don’t have to guess me! I'll tell you myself who I am. They say I'm bitter, They say I'm not sweet! With a green arrow I am growing in a garden bed. I am the most useful, I give you my word on that! Eat green onions - you will be healthy! The children applaud, Onion bows gravely once again. Beets (rising from his place). And I won't tell you who I am. Try to guess for yourself! I am round and strong, Dark red sides, Very young, So sweet! I'm good for lunch, both borscht and vinaigrette! Children. You are a beet! Beet. Yeah! Look at me, how good I am! (Bows.)

15 Turnip (jumping up from his seat). Oh, and me too, please guess! I look like the sun, I grew up in the garden too, Sweet and strong, And I call myself... Children. Turnip! Turnip. Turnip, you guessed correctly, the name was named correctly! I will walk in front of you, I will bow to the ground... (Bows.) Potato (rises from his seat and walks with a proud gait in front of the audience). Look at me - just a sight for sore eyes! And I taste simply delicious! Crash-ma-lis-ta and na-va-ris-ta! Without me - no, no - There will be no lunch! Children. You are a potato! Potatoes (boastfully addressing the other characters). You see how everyone loves me! Among vegetables, only I am more important! The vegetables look at the braggart with offense and begin to be indignant. There is noise and hubbub. The presenter is hastily trying to prevent the brewing conflict. Leading. Quiet, quiet, calm down! Please, don't quarrel... You, potato, are wrong. Judge for yourself: Without cabbage, cabbage soup is tasteless. And what kind of vinaigrette is there if there is no beetroot in it?

16 And carrots, turnips, onions will cure any ailment! Everyone is important in their own way, We all need vegetables... So stop being angry, Start making peace. The potato approaches the rest of the vegetables and extends its hand to them, palm up. They take turns placing their hands on top and reciting a poem in unison. It’s not appropriate for us to swear, or to be offended at each other. Let's forget about the bad, Let's rather sing a song. Potato. And now, now let’s start dancing! Cheerful music is playing. The characters invite the other children to join them. At the end of the dance, the game “Goat in the Garden” is played. With the help of a well-known counting rhyme for children, a driver is selected. He puts on a goat mask or cap. Children dance to the music. The “goat” calmly “grazes” to the side. When the music ends, he begins a real hunt for “vegetables.” They run away in different directions. The “vegetable” player that the “goat” managed to touch is considered “eaten” by him and is eliminated from the game. At the end, the children count how many “vegetables” the “goat” managed to eat and try to drive him out of the garden. But he advances on them, shaking his beard and threatening with “sharp horns.” Goat. I won’t give you carrots, I won’t give you cucumbers, I’m ready to fight for every head of cabbage! Me-me-me! The children return to their places and sit down. The vegetable characters, hiding behind the backs of their chairs in imaginary garden beds, turn to Tanya for help. Carrot. Protect us, Tanya, protect us, you can save us from the goat! Beet. Drive him away quickly

17 Let him go his way! All together. Protect us, Tanya, protect us! You can save us from the goat! Tanya (swinging a basket at the “goat”, threatening him). You goat-goat, green eyes, go away, go away, don’t harm the garden! Don't knock your feet, don't twist your horns, go away, go away, don't harm the garden! Here I am! The children, helping Tanya, stomp their feet and scream. Finally, the “goat” runs away. The “vegetables” run up to Tanya, thank her and put their fruits in her basket. Vegetables (together or alternately). Thank you, thank you! Thank you very much! We couldn't get the goat out without you! Cabbage. Here's a head of cabbage. Carrot. Here's a bunch of carrots. Onion. Here's a fresh onion. Turnip. Here's a turnip. Beet. Here are the beets. Potato. And here are the potatoes! All together. We all shared a little with Tanyusha. In conclusion, the song “Harvest” (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko) is performed with movements. A surprise moment is introduced into the entertainment: the presenter praises the children for not only singing and dancing well, but also coping well with the roles assigned to them. He brings out a fake turnip, which contains treats for the children, candy and other sweets. Children leave the music room to cheerful music. In the group they will be treated to refreshments and tea together. 5

18 THE GOLDEN WIZARD - AUTUMN Matinee script 1st child. How nice it is to visit autumn among the golden birches. If only the gold had not been dumped longer, the forest would have stood crimson and quiet. 2nd child. More often the tired sun would stay in the golden forest, To protect the late forest beauty from the naughty wind. 3rd child. Winter, harsh beauty, Just wait, don’t rush, The trees are yellow, crimson, How festive, how beautiful! 4th child. And about you, sparkling winter, We will also sing songs, Just wait, because we still want to look at autumn! A girl appears in an Autumn costume. Autumn. Are you talking about me? Here I am!

19 Hello autumn to you, friends! We haven't seen each other whole year, After summer it’s my turn. Are you excited to meet me? Do you like the forest outfit? Autumn gardens and parks? 5th child. Yes! Your gifts are good! The trees are all so beautiful on an autumn day! Now we will sing a song about golden leaves! Autumn. Will you sing a song now? Well, I'm glad to listen to you! The song “Beautiful Autumn” is performed. Autumn. Thank you, dear singers, I praise you, you are great! Children appear in costumes of squirrels, hare, bear, and hedgehog.

20 Autumn. And here is a squirrel, and a bunny, a prickly hedgehog, brown bear! Now we will ask them to tell us how they all greet autumn. Bunny. It's time for me, the bunny, to molt, It's time for me to change my fur coat. I can’t be gray in winter. They’ll notice me in the snow. Autumn, will you find me a fur coat? Autumn. I will find it, I will find it! Then you will come. Squirrel. And I’m in a hurry, I’m in a hurry, I’m in a hurry, I’m drying mushrooms on twigs, I’m stocking up on nuts... Autumn. Well, try your best, Good luck!

21 Bear. I’ll soon go to bed in the den, Winter will follow autumn again, May I dream of honey in my dreams! I'll wake up when spring comes. Autumn (to the hedgehog). What do you want, little hedgehog? Hedgehog. I, too, will sleep like a bear! I hunted over the summer, looked for mushrooms, caught mice, I need to rest for this, I’m tired, exhausted. I'll bring myself some twigs and make an apartment in the forest. I’ll wake up, go to greet spring, and start hunting again. Autumn. Well, everything is fine with you, you are all ready for cold days! (Wants to leave) 1st child.

22 Oh, autumn, wait, wait! It's a pity to part with you. 6th child. Golden sorceress-autumn, Wait, wait to leave, Well, please, we ask you, Stay with us at least a little! We really like to admire how the leaves burn in the sun, We don’t want to part with you, We like your colorful outfit. Autumn. Thank you, my friends! I will still be with you. I’ll stay and give you some tricky riddles as a gift. (Gives the presenter a basket with hats of vegetables. The presenter asks riddles to all the children in the hall. The guessed vegetable receives a hat and remains on stage.) 1. The red nose has grown into the ground, and the green tail is outside. We don't need a green tail

23 All you need is a red nose. (Carrots) 2. My cheeks are pink, my nose is white, I sit in the dark all day long, And my shirt is green, It’s all in the sun. (Radish) 3. Unsightly, knobby, But when it comes to the table, the guys will say cheerfully: “Well, it’s crumbly, delicious!” (Potatoes) 4. In the summer in the garden they are fresh and green, and in the winter in the barrel they are yellow and salty. Guess, well done, what their names are... (Cucumbers) 5. The lady sat in the garden bed, Dressed in noisy silks. We are preparing tubs for her

24 And half a bag of coarse salt. (Cabbage) 6. Above the ground it’s green, Under the ground it’s burgundy, round side, there’s a tail! (Beets) 7. The green house is a bit cramped: Long, narrow, smooth, Round kids are sitting side by side in the house. In the fall, trouble came: The smooth house cracked, The round kids galloped in all directions. (Peas) STAGE "VEGETABLES DISPUTE" 1st presenter. Blue eggplants, red tomatoes They start a long and serious argument.

25 2nd presenter. Which vegetable is both tastier and more useful? Who is most useful in all diseases? Cucumber (perky). You will be very pleased after eating a lightly salted cucumber. And everyone will like the fresh cucumber, of course, It crunches on the teeth, crunches, I can treat you! Beets (important). Let me say a word, Listen first. You need beets for borscht and for vinaigrette. Eat and treat yourself, there is no better beet! Cabbage (interrupting beets). You beet, shut up! Cabbage soup is made from cabbage.

26 And what delicious pies cabbage! Trickster bunnies love stumps! Polka Dots (provocatively, loudly, running onto the stage). I'm such a good little green boy! If I just want, I’ll treat everyone to peas! Radish (modestly). I, ruddy radish, will bow low to you. Why praise yourself? I'm already known to everyone! Carrot (flirtatiously) The story about me is not long. Who doesn't know vitamins, always drink carrot juice and nibble on carrots. Then you will be, my friend, Strong, strong, dexterous.

27 2nd presenter. Then the tomato pouted and said sternly: Tomato (important). Don't talk, carrot, nonsense, shut up a little. The most delicious and pleasant, of course, is tomato juice. 1st presenter. Place a box by the window, water only more often! And then how true friend, will come to you green onions Onion. I am the seasoning in every dish, I am always useful to people. You guessed it, I'm your friend. I'm just a simple green onion! Potato. I, potato, am so modest, I didn’t say a word, But everyone needs potatoes, both big and small!

28 Eggplant. Eggplant caviar So tasty and healthy. The argument, friends, it's time to end, It's useless to argue! (There is a knock on the door. The vegetables look in fear at where it comes from.) 1st presenter. Someone seems to be knocking? 2nd presenter. This is Doctor Aibolit! Aibolit (entering). Well, of course it's me! What are you arguing about, friends? Radish. Which of us is the tastiest and most necessary vegetable of all? Polka dots. Who is most useful in all diseases?

29 Aibolit. In order to be healthy and strong, you must love vegetables, everyone without exception, there is no doubt about it! There is benefit and taste in everyone, And I don’t dare to decide Which of you is tastier, Which of you is more needed. I only know for sure: “You can’t grow a fruit without work!” Do you agree with me? Children (in chorus). "Yes!" Aibolit. First class! First class! Do you have any quitters? Children (in chorus). "No!" Aibolit. I like your answer, That there are no quitters among you.

30 So you, friends, are healthy! Are you ready to play with me? Aibolit and the presenter offer the children to spend fun competitions, at least between a team of girls (4 5 people) and the same team of boys. COMPETITION 1. The game of carrying and not dropping the potatoes in the spoon. 2. Game walk through the swamp without getting your feet wet. 3. Game “Who is faster?” (obstacle course: skittles, gymnastic bench, climbing into low hoops). At the end of the matinee, Dr. Aibolit awards the winners. Presenter. We, friends, are finishing the holiday. We wish all the children to always be healthy, to laugh and joke, not to be lazy, but to work hard, and for everyone to study well!

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Autumn holiday “Visiting Autumn” (group 4, 2014) Music sounds. Children, holding hands, follow the Leader, enter the hall and stand in a semicircle. Leading. Autumn is a glorious time! Children love autumn: Plums, pears,

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1st reader Autumn walks and wanders along forest paths. How many fresh leaves At the green pines! Autumn holiday. 2nd reader And a birch leaf, like a golden bee, hovering and flying above the green tree! 3rd reader. Which

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Golden Autumn Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about autumn. Develop speech, creative imagination, please and captivate with a game situation, develop rhythm in dance. Materials and equipment: Basket with apples,

Autumn holiday. (Children run into the hall with pieces of paper in their hands and build a circle). Everyone turns to face the guests. 1 child. If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow, If the birds have flown to a distant land, If the sky is gloomy,

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"Journey to the autumn forest." Children enter the hall accompanied by calm music (melody from the film “Autumn Marathon”) Hello, guys, I am the sorceress AUTUMN FAIRY. How beautiful you are today! And look how elegant it is

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“Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance to Families with Children, Promotion of Family Settlement and Post-Boarding Support for Graduates “Perspective” HOLIDAY “Autumn Kaleidoscope” 1st group (preschoolers)

“Autumn Festival” 2014 Children enter the hall and sit on chairs. Ved.: Here is an artist, so an artist, He gilded all the forests. Even the heaviest rain did not wash off this paint. We ask you to guess the riddle, Who is the artist?

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What's in autumn's basket?
(middle group)

Music sounds, children enter the hall.

Birds fly in flocks,
Sad: rain and falling leaves.
The wind carries clouds in the sky,
Because it's...autumn!

The song “Autumn” is performed

1.So autumn has come to us
The leaves have turned yellow
And to distant lands
The birds have flown away
2.We are walking under an umbrella
There are puddles on the paths
The rain is singing nearby
And until the winter cold

The birds have flown away
The days have become shorter
The sun is not visible
Dark, dark nights

Summer has passed
Autumn has come
In the fields and groves
Empty and sad

Autumn is a glorious time
Children love autumn.
Plums, pears, grapes -
Everything is ripe for the guys.

There is a harvest in the garden.
Collect whatever you want!
Cucumbers and tomatoes,
There are carrots and salad,
Onions in the garden, sweet peppers
And a whole row of cabbage.

In autumn the harvest ripens. Both people and animals make provisions for the winter. Today we will go on a journey and find out where which crops grew.
Shall we eat? Get on your horse!

Children gallop in place to the music

We rode a horse and reached the forest.
Hop, gop, gop, gop-stop! We've arrived! There is such beauty in the forest! The trees are colorful!

Along forest paths
Autumn is walking and wandering
How many fresh buds
By the green pines.
And a birch leaf
Golden bee
Curls and flies
Above the green Christmas tree.

Autumn comes every year
The holiday leads by the hand
Sings his songs
He invites you to dance with him.

Yellow leaves dance in circles
Fall on the hummocks of dried-up swamps
On flowers, on grass and on the bottom of a ditch
Covering everything around
A lush golden carpet.

Autumn follows summer
The wind sings yellow songs to her
Lays red foliage under your feet
A white snowflake flies into the blue

The song “Yellow Leaves” is performed

1.In autumn, the leaves fall from the trees
The breeze throws leaves at your feet
Leaves, leaves, yellow leaves
We will go along the path and collect leaves
2. Let's collect leaves in the park and in the woods
Yellow and red, all the leaves are different

Host: That's how many beautiful leaves we have (distribution of leaves)
(holds a piece of paper in his hands)
But a cheerful breeze wants to tear out my leaf. I offer you an interesting game with leaves.

Game “Find leaves by color” (boys give leaves and sit down)

Presenter: A song is sung by the girls (place the baskets in front of the girls)

The song “Autumn” is performed
1. Autumn festival in the forest
And light and cheerful
These are the decorations
Autumn has hung here
Every leaf is golden
Little sun
I'll put it in the basket
I'll put it on the bottom
2. I take care of the leaves
Autumn continues
Long, long time for me
The holiday doesn't end
(they give away the leaves, and with the baskets they invite the boys to dance)

Dance with baskets
Oh guys! Do you hear rustling? Someone goes into the clearing.
Shurshik appears
Shurshik: Guests have come to me! Hello!
And who are you, an unprecedented beast?

On the strongest oak branch
I was sitting in a cramped stomach.
The time has come and I'm from there
It flew onto a pile of leaves.
I rushed through the autumn leaves,
And every leaf rustled to me.
And the old oak tree laughed until he cried
He called me Shurshik.
Presenter: This is Shurshik, guys!
Shurshik: I'm so glad that you came to me! The birds have flown away, the leaves have fallen off, the trees are falling asleep - I’m the only one who’s bored!
Presenter: Don’t be upset, Shurshik, we will cheer you up!

Dance performed: “Invitation”

Shurshik: Thanks, guys! I really liked your dance! Here's an autumn gift from me - a basket of mushrooms! Hands the children a basket of mushrooms.

Thank you, Shurshik! Goodbye! And we are waiting for an interesting game “Collect mushrooms”

It's time for us to hit the road.
Then we'll go by car. Sit down guys!
Children sit on chairs and ride in the car to music.
We were driving a car and arrived at the garden. Stop! U-turn! Come out people!
We arrived at the Hostess's garden.
Hello, dear guests! Have you come to see my garden? Come on in and guess the riddles: what’s growing in my garden.
Like in our garden
Mysteries have grown -
Strong, green,
Good - salty! (cucumbers)
There are yellow riddles in this garden bed.
Round side, yellow side,
A bun grows in a garden bed.
He is rooted firmly into the ground
What is this? (turnip)
And in this garden bed there are bitter mysteries.
Thirty-three clothes, all without fastening,
Whoever undresses them sheds tears! (onion)
On the outermost bed there are long riddles.
Above the ground is an orange head.
Very smooth to the touch
Tastes like sugar, sweet. (carrot)

You solved all the riddles, well done! And now I need helpers to help me select vegetables to cook borscht

Game "Cooking borscht"
And our children also know a lot of poems, listen to them, Mistress.

What's growing in our garden bed?
Cucumbers, sweet peas,
Tomatoes and dill
For seasoning and for testing.
There are radishes and salad -
Our garden bed is a treasure!

Children wearing vegetable masks

We are mother's boys -
Cheerful brothers.
Summer in the garden
We are fresh and green.
And in winter in a barrel -
Strong and salty!

I grow in the garden,
And when I mature,
They cook a tomato out of me,
They put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that!

I am a ruddy radish
I bow to you low, low,
Why praise yourself?
I'm already known to everyone!

I'm big like a soccer ball
When ripe, everyone is happy,
I taste so good.
And my name is watermelon

Zucchini lies in the sun
They like to warm themselves up, good-natured people.
We have matured in the summer
We'll love the color!

Hostess: Good poetry. Well done! And for songs and poems, you will receive an autumn gift - a basket of vegetables!
Presenter: Thank you, Hostess, and we will continue to eat. Hitch the trailers!

(children ride on a train)
We rode by train and arrived at Karina’s garden. The locomotive is unlucky, get out - we've arrived!
Guys, we ended up in the garden of the girl Karina. Her apples are ripe!
(a girl comes out and the children sit on chairs)

Karina planted an apple tree
And watered it with water. (Waters the apple tree)

So autumn has come,
The apples were gilded.
I will pick apples
To treat the kids!
Guys, I’ll go get the basket, and you take care of my apple tree: so that they don’t hurt you, so that the apples don’t get picked. (leaves, the bear appears)

What kind of miracle am I seeing?
Beautiful apple tree!
Let's eat an apple now -
Misha will love it!

Don’t tear it up, honey, wait for Karina, she’ll definitely treat you to an apple
What kind of miracle am I seeing?
Beautiful apple tree!
Let's eat an apple now -
Foxy will love it!
Don’t tear it up, little fox, wait for Karina, she’ll definitely treat you to an apple
What kind of miracle am I seeing?
Beautiful apple tree!
Let's eat an apple now -
Bunny will love it!
Don’t tear it up, little bunny, wait Karina, she’ll definitely treat you to an apple

I invite everyone today
I'll treat you to apples!
(pretends to pick apples into a basket and treats everyone)
Presenter: Thank you, Karina! Goodbye! Guys, we have been everywhere: in the forest, in the garden, and in the garden. Everywhere we received autumn gifts. What does autumn have in its basket? (shows three baskets: with mushrooms, with vegetables, with apples)
What is she rich in? (Children's answers) Correct! Now it’s time for us to return to the group and try the treats!