System analysis and fit management. Specialty "System Analysis and Management": who to work with, training features and reviews

27.03.03 System analysis and management profile: System analysis and management of economic processes

"Systems analysis in economics is one of the most popular scientific areas in Russia, as well as one of the most unexplored"

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the collection of Frequently Asked Questions regarding the direction 03/27/03 System Analysis and Management (collected and edited from questions asked by students and their parents during the "Days open doors", V social network"In Contact" and calls to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Economics).

What is systems analysis?
Based on the scientific definition, this is a method of cognition, which is a sequence of actions to establish structural connections between the variables of the system under study, and which is based on a complex of general scientific, experimental, natural science, mathematical, economic, and statistical methods. To put it simply, system analysis is an applied derivative of a scientific direction that originated at the beginning of the twentieth century (one of the founders is the outstanding domestic economist A.A. Bogdanov), based on the fact that the whole world is a collection of complexly organized systems different types(technical, economic, social, physical, chemical, etc.), the approach and principles of working with which should be different from those that were used before the beginning of the twentieth century. In the USSR, the closest thing to this concept is “cybernetics,” but unlike Western countries, in the USSR there was an emphasis on technical rather than socio-economic systems. System analysis and management is the next stage in the development of management theory, which Russia is trying to adopt and learn to use to solve its own problems (including economic ones).

And the profile: “System analysis and management of economic processes”?
At its core, systems analysis and management as a method of cognition can be applied everywhere. IN technical systems, in mathematical, in economic, in social, etc. The Russian understanding (different from the Western) tends to perceive the “system” directly as technical, which is at odds with the world experience accumulated in this direction. The name of the profile means that the main object of study of the bachelor is precisely economic processes and systems, and not technical, engineering, chemical, etc. The remaining training profiles (if the relevant faculties are interested in their implementation) will be taught at the corresponding faculties. The Faculty of Economics of the FSBEI HPE "KubSU" trains specialists in the field of system analysis and management of economic processes.

It turns out that I will only have economic disciplines?
No. There is a single list of disciplines for all system analysis and management. In accordance with it, the student is taught a set set of exact, natural science and humanities disciplines (the full list can be found below) which are by no means always economic (history, foreign, philosophy, etc.). But the specialized disciplines, the nature of practice, the topics of writing final qualification (diploma) works, etc. will be on economic topics, using the tools of system analysis and management. Thus, the student receives, in fact, a double qualification. On the one hand, he is studying formally in engineering, on the other hand, the field of application is economics. In the USSR, this was called an engineer-economist, although it was artificially narrowed towards technical systems. In the West, the qualification closest to this direction is called “economic cybernetics” or “economic engineering”.

So will I be an engineer? I am told that all areas starting with the numbers 27 (innovation, quality management and systems analysis and management) are engineering. Is that so?
Yes and no. You will be an engineer, but in the Western, not the Russian sense. Literally, the word engineer is translated from French as “ability, ingenuity.” The concept that one can only invent in the field of technology is a Russian understanding that is different from the foreign one. IN Western countries"engineer" is a broader concept. An engineer (or, more correctly, engineering) abroad is used in all branches of science and knowledge when you begin to invent new methods, be it technology, economics, sociology, qualimetry, psychology, physics, chemistry or philology. Therefore, yes, you will be an engineer in the Western sense, in the way that the structure of the Bologna process (bachelor's degree + master's degree) to which we have switched requires of us. On the old Soviet understanding of an engineer as a person who makes inventions technical means, and only with this, you can forget. The concept of engineer is becoming much broader. So yes, you will be an engineer in the Western sense, but you will not be an engineer as it was practiced in the Soviet Union (this is a completely natural confusion during the radical restructuring of the entire education system, the most active stage of which we are now in).

What will be written on my diploma? Is my diploma as complete as other bachelor's degrees? Can I get a red diploma?
Your diploma will say: Bachelor in 03/27/03 System Analysis and Management. Profile: System analysis and management of economic processes. Plus, a student in the field of 03/27/03 System Analysis and Management is awarded the special title “Bachelor of Engineer” (not to be confused with a qualification). Of course, your diploma is absolutely complete, the university has all the appropriate licensing support (otherwise the Ministry of Education will not provide budget places). There are no differences in the form of diploma in different areas of bachelor's degree. You can receive a red diploma if you fulfill the appropriate requirements during your studies (no “satisfactory” grades for the entire period of study, the percentage of “good” grades is less than 25 of the total number of grades, state exams passed with an “excellent” grade).

Why is system analysis needed in economics?
Most modern economic and management methods are based on a cybernetic nature. In fact, the methods currently used in modern economic practice (SWOT and PEST analyses, Porter’s model (simple and modified), EFAS, Omae diagrams, balance matrices life cycles, values ​​and goals, opportunities, BCG matrices, McKinsey, Thompson and Strickland, business screens by Ansoff and Konstantinov, three-dimensional Abel models, Delphi methods, quantitative assessment, RAS, morphological matrices) are methods developed Western science in the twentieth century, and simply “adopted” into modern economic practice in Russia. Where are systems analysis and management tools used in Russia? It is used everywhere. But due to the fact that Russia, in fact, did not participate in the development of these methods, systems analysis as a discipline remains undervalued. Is it needed now? It depends on how quickly and efficiently Russia’s integration with the outside world will take place, and how capable we will be of developing our own methods of managing economic processes, adapted to our needs, and not adopting others’.

Give at least one example of how system analysis can help in the life of, for example, a city.
The simplest example that comes to mind is the public transport system in particular, or the entire system of roads and communications in general. What is public transport if you look at it through the eyes of a systems analyst? This is a complexly organized system with multifactorial influence. Why in developed countries With more traffic on the roads and fewer territories, the problem with traffic jams is not as acute as in individual cities and regions of Russia? These things are formalized, calculated, and checked for stability in advance, based on simulator models specially developed for the conditions of each city/system. Their development is one of professional competence Bachelor of System Analysis and Management. This is exactly what systems analysts are for. Problems encountered in Russia (both at enterprises and at the city or country level) have long been solved by countries developed in this area using systems analysis tools, and not by the “scientific poking method.” The direction 03.27.03 System analysis and management is engaged in mastering the tools for solving them.

Why shouldn't I become a physicist, an engineer, or an ordinary economist?
Who you want to be is up to you to decide. System analysis is a special, innovative direction, not only in Russia, but also in the world (just look at who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics and for what in recent years - these are all applications of system analysis in economic sciences ah, but not pure economics). Of course, being “at the forefront” both scientifically and curriculum is fraught with difficulties. Major scientific discoveries, promising jobs and earning opportunities arise, as a rule, in new, “unexplored” branches of scientific knowledge. Just 4 years ago, the position “System Analyst” did not exist. And now it exists. It’s just that an economist uses in real life methods developed by cybernetic economists, and in Russian conditions on at the moment– foreign cybernetic economists. The potential demand in the market for these specialists is extremely high. How quickly it will become real is a question of the speed of Russia’s integration into the system of world economic relations. But it is inevitable that this need will manifest itself.

If we compare the direction 03.27.03 System analysis and management at KubSU and other universities in Krasnodar - why is it better at KubSU?
It’s difficult to answer, because KubSU is the only university in the southern federal and North Caucasus federal district(except for Southern Federal University in Rostov-on-Don), providing training in this direction.

Here short film about the Department of World Economics and Management

Where will I do my internship? I have no acquaintances in this area (or indeed in the economic sphere in general).
The practice is completed by students in the 3rd and 4th year. The Faculty of Economics has a large package of agreements for educational and practical training with leading banks, insurance and commercial organizations, administrations of municipal districts of Krasnodar and Krasnodar region. The issue of internship location is not a problem for the Faculty of Economics. The problem is the return of students after their employment (after completing an internship, a student (if he has shown himself well) may be offered to remain working) back to study.

What is an "applied" bachelor's degree? And how does it differ from a simple bachelor's degree?
As part of the next stage of harmonization with the foreign education system, an experiment is now being conducted in Russia to introduce the so-called. "applied bachelor's degree" (what used to be just a bachelor's degree is now called "academic bachelor's degree"). Since now the Russian education system is in the process of reforms, and the process of introducing “applied bachelor’s degree” is experimental (in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education, KubSU is an experimental platform for the introduction of applied bachelor’s degree in our country), clear boundaries and, most importantly, regulatory documents, who would install them - no. We can say that in the applied bachelor's degree there is a larger volume of industrial and educational practice, but at the moment the differences between the academic and applied bachelor's degrees are extremely insignificant. In the coming years, after the release of relevant regulatory documentation, the situation will change.

I want to read more about system analysis and management. What links can you recommend?
Institute for Systems Analysis Russian Academy Sciences -
Institute of Management Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences -
Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences -
These are the most authoritative existing sites covering the topics of system analysis and management.

Is it difficult to study?
If you came to study, then no. There are no situations when a person attends classes, does homework, maintains discipline and receives bias in an exam or test. From the experience of communicating with students, I can say that if a student really works, then he does not have any problems at all. If a student does not go to classes, does not complete homework, does not complete homework assignments, problems during the session are quite natural. Then such a student begins to shout louder than anyone else that he was unfairly offended. There are no cases when a student has a normal attitude towards studying and does not get an adequate result.

German/French was studied at school. In the Economics direction it is said that I can choose any language to continue my studies. Can I do this in System Analysis and Management?
Of course. The rules are the same for the entire Faculty of Economics. You can choose to study your main foreign language (the most popular choice, although other options are possible): English/German/French/Spanish. The educational process is carried out by teachers from the faculty of Romano-Germanic philology, and the corresponding departments (English, German, French philology, etc.).

Everywhere it says that I can receive large number scholarships. Is this only for the Economics and Management major, or is it possible everywhere?
This is possible within any direction of the Faculty of Economics. For the Faculty of Economics there is no division into “first” and “second” class students - each student can apply for personal scholarships issued different organizations. Moreover, seasoned System analysts for 2012-2013 showed some of the best results (in percentage terms) in winning various competitions, receiving prizes and cash incentives. Thus, a student of the System Analysis and Management direction Grigory Bulin took 2nd place in the International Student Olympiad on Taxes 2013, surpassing special students. Taxes and taxation, and student Maxim Makarov received greatest number certificates and incentives in the regional Olympiad on financial markets. Students Grigory Bulin, Irina Kachaeva and Maria Lastovetskaya are recipients of a scholarship from the Government of the Russian Federation. This is in addition to all sorts of small victories, like the international conference “Science, creativity, innovations of young scientists of KubSU”, where students of the System Analysis and Management direction in one of the sections took all the prizes (Maxim Makarov - 1st place, Roman Fisenko - 2nd place, Victoria Gerich - III place).

After graduation, can I enroll in a master's program in another direction? Or will I have to study only through System Analysis until the end?
Of course you can. The procedure for admission to the master's program is the same for everyone, and is determined by passing the exam. You can enroll in Economics, Management, Commerce or any other specialty (not necessarily an economic or technical one). This is the meaning of the implementation of the Bologna process (bachelor's + master's degrees). But first, finish your bachelor's degree.

Where to work? In general, where do graduates work?
Graduates in the direction of 03.27.03 System analysis and management work in a very wide range of areas, from analytical departments of large corporations to logistics departments and IT departments. The list of companies is very wide, ranging from large retail chains to commercial banks and public services. Graduated students are currently working in the following companies: Bosch Thermotechnics, METRO Cash&Carry, Philip Morris International, Laboratory Gemotest, 1C, Tander, Armavir Oil Refinery, Rosneft, Yota, Alfa-Bank, VTB 24, Uralsib Bank, Kubanenergo, Administration of the Krasnodar Municipal District, Administration of the Krasnodar Territory, RosTechNadzor, etc. The list of companies is constantly expanding and updating. Students who have chosen a scientific career continue their studies in master's and postgraduate studies (including KubSU, St. Petersburg State University, LETI, etc.).

What about graduate school? Can I become a candidate or doctor of economic sciences?
There are no formal barriers for you to continue your studies in graduate school, and, eventually, in doctoral studies. Moreover, the passport of scientific specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission (Higher Attestation Commission) contains a separate scientific code that perfectly suits the topic of system analysis and management: 00.08.13 - Economic and mathematical methods and models. But you can choose absolutely any direction of study, both within the framework of economics and within the framework of other sciences. Your undergraduate major does not play any role here - only your desire and scientific interests. But first, complete your bachelor's and master's degrees.

What subjects will I study when enrolling in the System Analysis and Management major?
Subjects are divided into three cycles. The 2014 intake will study the following disciplines:
Foreign language
Life safety
Mathematics, including:
Linear algebra and analytical geometry
Discrete mathematics and mathematical logic
Mathematical analysis
Probability theory and mathematical statistics
Linear programming
Game theory and operations research

Russian language and speech culture
Theoretical mechanics
Engineering and computer graphics
Theory information systems
Metrology, standardization and certification
Materials Science
Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering and electronics
Automatic control theory
Computational mathematics
System Modeling
System analysis, optimization and decision making
Programming theory and technology
Management in organizational systems
Intelligent technologies and knowledge representation
History and concepts of economic systems management
Concepts modern natural science
Innovation economy
Architecture of electronic computers
Mathematical Economics
Financial mathematics
Finance and credit
Taxes and taxation
Business planning
Economic analysis
Controlling in economic systems
Corporate information systems
Cryptography and information security
Financial analysis
Methods and tools for designing information systems
Economic cybernetics
Business Analysis
Project management
Theory of system analysis and management
Psychology and pedagogy
History of Kuban
Application packages in engineering calculations
Information technology in systems analysis
System analysis in economics
Economic and mathematical methods and models
Optimal control of dynamic systems
Financial Market Analysis
Financial management
Web programming

There are physics and chemistry. They weren't very good at school. Plus, the abundance of mathematics scares me. Will I not be expelled?
As practice shows, results at school are by no means an indicator for a student’s studies at a university. There are many examples when a student studied averagely at school, but began to study excellently at university, and vice versa. The university has a completely different system of presenting information, requirements, and, incl. the level of teachers implementing these disciplines. Based on the experience of past courses, I can say that students, as a rule, are expelled not for physics or chemistry, but for professional disciplines that provide the appearance of a future specialist, and the mastery of which is possible only thanks to a general culture of thinking developed, including thanks to the natural sciences cycle. Well, as for mathematics, it is present in any economic or management specialty. If you look at the biographies of great economists, there was a whole galaxy of them who were mathematicians by education, but who chose economics as their field of activity. It is appropriate to recall two mutually exclusive quotes from great scientists: “I began to study physics because economics seemed too complicated to me” (Max Planck, founder quantum physics); “I was thinking about studying economics, but it seemed too easy to me” (Bertrand Russell, eminent mathematician and philosopher, laureate Nobel Prize). Similar quotes (though their accuracy is not guaranteed) are attributed to the eminent economist John M. Keynes and genius physicist A. Einstein. So the main thing here is not to be afraid and work.

Who will teach me?
The direction of System Analysis and Management is assigned to the department (head of the department - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Economist of the Russian Federation, Dean of the Faculty of Economics Shevchenko Igor Viktorovich). Of course, for training they involve best teachers from related faculties, for example, teaching physics is carried out by leading associate professors and professors of the Faculty of Physics and Technology, chemistry - the Faculty of Chemistry and high technology, Mathematics - Faculty of Mathematics, Programming - Faculty computer technology and applied mathematics, etc. The profile of the faculties is fully respected. A situation where you have a philologist teaching economics and an economist teaching physics will not arise.

Among the teachers (incomplete list for all cycles of the curriculum):

Alenikov Alexander Sergeevich, Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. economics and management of innovation systems (KubSU, NN);
Andrafanova Natalya Vladimirovna, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. information educational technologies (RSU, mathematics);
Bekirova Seviliya Zaurovna, Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. world economy and management (KubSU, labor economics);
Bible Galina Nikolaevna, Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. mathematical and computer methods (SSU, applied computer science);
Bondarev Dmitry Gennadievich
Borisov Sergey Alekseevich, Candidate of Economics Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. economics of organization, regional and personnel management (KubSU, jurisprudence);
Vukovich Galina Grigorievna, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Head. department organizational economics, regional and personnel management (KubSU, industrial planning);
Gaidenko Stanislav Viktorovich, Ph.D. physics and mathematics Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Computational Mathematics and Informatics (MSU, mathematics);
Darmilova Zhenni Davletovna, Doctor of Economics Sciences, professor of the department. world economy and management (Stavropol polytechnic institute, economics and organization of road transport);
Dolgov Alexander Petrovich, Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. World Economy and Management (MIEI, engineer-economist);
Drobyshevskaya Larisa Nikolaevna
Zharkova Oksana Mikhailovna, Ph.D. physics and mathematics Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. theoretical physics and computer technology (TomSU; physics, optics and spectroscopy);
Zaretsky Alexander Dmitrievich, Doctor of Economics Sciences, professor of the department. world economy and management (Higher School of the KGB of the USSR);
Zasyadko Olga Vladimirovna, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. information educational technologies (KubSU, mathematics);
Kalaidin Evgeniy Nikolaevich, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, professor of the department. theoretical economics (MSU, applied mathematics);
Kalaidina Galina Veniaminovna, Ph.D. physics and mathematics Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. applied mathematics (MSU, mechanics);
Kasyanov Valery Vasilievich, Dr. History Sciences, Doctor of Sociol. Sciences, Professor, Head. Cafe of Russian History (Rostov-on-Don state university, story);
Katryukhina Anna Borisovna, teacher of the department world economy and management (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften);
Kachanova Irina Aleksandrovna, Ph.D. physics and mathematics Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. mathematical and computer methods (Donetsk national university, applied mathematics);
Kizim Anatoly Alexandrovich, Doctor of Economics Sciences, professor of the department. world economy and management (KubSU, industrial planning);
Kiseleva Anna Alexandrovna, Ph.D. watered Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. economics and management of innovation systems (KubSU, political science);
Kochieva Anna Kazbekovna, Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. world economy and management (KubSAU, State Medical University);
Kuter Mikhail Isaakovich, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Head. department accounting, audit and automated data processing (MESI, organization of mechanical processing of economic information);
Kuznetsova Svetlana Lvovna, Ph.D. chem. Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. general, inorganic chemistry and IVT (KubSU, chemistry);
Lezhnev Viktor Grigorievich, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, professor of the department. mathematical and computer methods (MSU, applied mathematics);
Lutsenko Evgeniy Veniaminovich, Doctor of Economics Sciences, professor of the department. information educational technologies (KubSU, theoretical physics);
Miroshnikova Nadezhda Ivanovna, Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. economic analysis, statistics and finance (RINH, finance and credit);
Mileta Valentin Ivanovich, Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. world economy and management (KubSU, industrial planning);
Nikolaeva Natalia Alexandrovna, Ph.D. chem. Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. analytical chemistry (KubSU, standardization and certification);
Pavlenko Irina Anatolevna, Candidate of Economics Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. economics of organization, regional and personnel management (KubSU, geography);
Pismenskaya Natalia Dmitrievna, Dr. Chem. Sciences, professor of the department. physical chemistry(KubSU, chemistry);
Ponomarenko Irina Nikolaevna, Dr. Philol. Sciences, professor of the department. modern Russian language (KubSU, philology);
Ponomorenko Lyudmila Viktorovna, Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. world economy and management (KubSU, marketing);
Popova Galina Ivanovna, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Educational Technologies (KubSU, mathematics);
Sidorenko Natalia Sergeevna, Ph.D. Philosopher Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy (KubSU, Oriental Studies);
Svistunov Yuri Anatolievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences Sciences, professor of the department. economics and management of innovation systems (CACI, hydromelioration);
Stepanenko Evgeniy Antonovich, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. intelligent information systems (Military engineering academy them. F.E. Dzerzhinsky);
Tumaev Evgeniy Nikolaevich, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, Professor, Head. department theoretical physics and computer technology (KubSU, physics);
Tyufanov Valery Alexandrovich, Ph.D. econ. Sciences, teacher of the department. economic analysis, statistics and finance (KubSU, finance and credit);
Foshan Galina Ivanovna, Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. theoretical economics (KubSU, mathematics);
Yankovskaya Larisa Konstantinovna, Ph.D. physics and mathematics Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. mathematical and computer methods (Bauman MSTU);

I still have questions. How should I ask them?
You can ask the person responsible for the System Analysis and Management direction at Faculty of Economics, deputy head Department of World Economy and Management Alexander Sergeevich Alenikov: Address “In Contact”.

IN lately majority large organizations began to modify their internal work, including new systems and principles. The implementation of ERP and MRP systems is associated with the automation and optimization of all business processes. Along with the introduction of new techniques, the need for a qualified business analyst, who increasingly began to be called a systems analyst, increased.

There are positive reviews about the specialty “Systems Analysis and Management”; students who chose the faculty on their own, and did not succumb to the persuasion of parents or teachers, like to study and, in the future, work as a systems analyst, consultant, or engineer.

Which universities in the country teach specialties?

In the constantly developing technical and information space, this area is in great demand; most universities in the country include the specialty “Systems Analysis and Management” in the lists of their main electives. Higher education in this area you can get, for example, at universities such as:

  1. National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI".
  2. Institute of International Law and Economics named after A.S. Griboedova.
  3. International Institute of Economics and Law (MIEL).
  4. SSTU "Information systems and technologies".

“Systems analysis and management”, what job should a university graduate with such a specialty have? Former students who have successfully completed their studies will find vacant positions in large IT companies both in Russia and abroad.

What is required for admission to the specialty “Systems Analysis and Management”

Enrollment in this specialty is possible only on the basis of eleven school classes, i.e. complete general education. You can study in full-time, part-time (distance) and full-time and part-time forms. Duration of training for full-time is four years, in absentia - five years. Mixed or evening education - also 5 years.

The average score on the Unified State Exam for admission to the specialty in the discipline “Systems Analysis and Management” should be from 120-300 points.

The applicant must successfully pass entrance exams in the following disciplines:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics (exclusively specialized level);
  • physics;
  • computer science and ICT.

Some universities that work under the UNESCO program and implement with foreign colleagues can also add a foreign language as an entrance test.

For admission and further successful education, it is necessary to have the ability to quickly assimilate a large flow of technical data and, of course, the applicant’s own desire to develop and implement at the Faculty of “System Analysis and Management”. By the way, who to work in your specialty will become clear during your studies - during numerous practices and internships.

What will students study as part of their specialty?

At the first stage, students of the direction will study basic information technology training. The applicant will discover higher mathematics, study computer graphics, and will understand terms and concepts such as IT software, system and software architecture, and mathematical modeling. Until the third year of study, the list of subjects includes mainly general disciplines that will help the student cover the entire amount of information necessary to obtain higher education.

Special disciplines begin from the third year. Future bachelors are taught to plan the documentation of an IT system, set tasks for the development and testing of functional programs, talk about the capabilities of digital electronics, and learn to apply knowledge in everyday practical activities, including when creating completely new and maintaining existing software systems.

What disciplines will students be introduced to?

Studying such a narrow technical specialty is by no means a boring task; the applicant will encounter such types of disciplines as:

  • information and computer graphics;
  • intelligent technologies and knowledge representation;
  • creation and implementation of systems;
  • foundations of modern theoretical mechanics;
  • programming theory and technology;
  • understanding of information systems;
  • management and control in organizational systems.

Students begin their internship upon completion of their first year of study at the faculty. In practice, the student will provide technical assistance in work in organizations where it is necessary to support systems after they have been put into operation, using various IT and software tools to monitor the implementation of design and technological work at a distance. There is also the opportunity to undergo an internship directly at the department of your dean’s office and in modernly equipped information classrooms of the universities themselves.

Protection of student educational practice can be research work and its defense at

Completion of studies at the faculty

The final stage of a student's four or five year course of study will be final certification, which includes:

  • state exam;
  • defense of the thesis.

It's especially good if thesis the student will reflect modern technical problems of his own region.

Upon successful completion last stage the student receives the following qualification: bachelor in the field of training “System Analysis and Management”. Along with the qualification “bachelor”, the student receives the special title “bachelor engineer”.

What can a student who graduates from this specialty become?

After completing their studies at the university, the student will be faced with vacancies related to the systematic work and administration of such work systems. It can be noted that a student who has completed the course “System Analysis and Management” is an information systems specialist who is fully ready to become an employee of an IT company developing information systems.

Results of training in the specialty

Throughout the entire training, the student gains knowledge and skills that will help him adapt to the constantly changing surrounding reality and successfully conduct professional activities.

  1. The student can quickly determine the requirements of a system or management and their priority, as well as convey information about technical problems and their impact on the business, and suggest ways to minimize or eliminate the influence of negative factors.
  2. May be guided by accepted methodology and document forms. Skills in using the proper software are also important.
  3. Can interact fruitfully with other specialists in the field if a team is working on a project.

Advantages of enrolling in a master's program in your specialty

Most students who receive a bachelor's degree do not stop there, seeking to continue their studies. Admission to a master's program offers a number of prospects. Continuing education provides an opportunity to lead research activities in various universities across the country.

Master's degree and fluency foreign language will be advantages when professional activity abroad.

Where can I find a job after graduation?

If the specialty is "System Analysis and Management", who should I work with? Despite the fact that this discipline is highly specialized, a student, after graduating from a university, can choose a number of professions to suit his taste. Of course, graduates of the Faculty of System Analysis and Management will be in demand in economic and industrial fields.

Specialty "System Analysis and Management", senior year or graduate? The graduate will be able to successfully find employment in large banks and other financial institutions, consulting companies, software companies.

Already during the period of practical summer and winter internships, the student will become familiar with work in specialized companies and research centers, both in Russia and in other countries. There are many programs that offer the opportunity to send an outstanding student to continue their studies abroad. Depending on the profile and specialization, students may be responsible for various areas of work: optimal management of IT systems, software monitoring, dynamic design of system functionality through its stabilization.

Specialty "System analysis and management", who to work for? Examples of professions that await a university graduate:

  1. An ERP systems specialist is a person who administers planning systems at a particular enterprise.
  2. A specialist in the field of systems analysis (systems analyst), solving complex organizational and technical problems of an interdisciplinary nature. In his work he uses the principles general theory systems and methods of system analysis.
  3. Software engineer. Here you will need all the acquired programming skills, because you will have to adjust programs on the computer, and sometimes write your own for the system.
  4. IT systems expert. This specialist administers all working system organizations, and also creates and maintains a number of information systems.

The specialty “System Analysis and Management” is equally accessible to both girls and boys. How should a girl with this profile work? All of the listed positions can be held by a representative of the fair sex, the main thing is to do her job well.

Great prospects in professional activity

Today we can say with confidence that a graduate of the specialty “System Analysis and Management” is the right worker in most IT companies. Students very often face the problem that they are not hired due to lack of experience, but there is always a way out. Information-oriented internships are carried out already during practical training at the university.

Today this is a popular direction - “System analysis and management”. Where to work, salary - this is what interests not only applicants, but also final year students. For example, the salary of a systems analyst in Moscow is from 40 thousand rubles, in the regions - from 20 thousand.

A specialist in this profile can start his career path by monitoring the system at an enterprise, then go through all the stages from an elementary foreman to a chief for the development or implementation of information systems. The next position is the project manager for the implementation of an information system, and finally, the creator of information systems.

I am creating this post for those who want to choose systems analysis as their profession and want to understand what awaits them.
Not long ago I moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Working in small company, performed very diverse tasks, but when looking for a job as a systems analyst in the capital, I realized that the requirements for the same profession are, in fact, very different. How more company and project, the fewer tasks will have to be performed, and as a result, the narrower the specialization will be. A broad profile is only possible on small projects where the resources of one systems analyst are sufficient.

This is what his responsibilities are (in general) in redundant form:

Systems Analyst. Actually, there is no single definition as such. However, a systems analyst is mainly concerned with analyzing data and making decisions about how the system will work, what methods will be used (the key difference between the work depends on the service sector: b-2-c, b-2-b and b -2-g), as well as writing basic technical documents (for example, according to GOST 19, 34 or Microscope 5 for Western Customers). An important part of the work is functional analysis, which results in a list of functions that the system must perform (for example, based on IDEF0), as well as determining system requirements.

Architect. Breaks the designed system into modules, thinks through the class diagram, connections between modules, etc.

Integrator. Engaged in development integrated solutions to automate technological and business processes of an enterprise, when implementing a system, it processes data that “passes” between various subsystems, including at the junctions of the system being implemented and the existing one.

Business Analyst. The main function is analysis of business processes, examination of the subject area. The output is processes in “large strokes”, business process diagrams (UML, BPMN, etc.).

UI designer. Interface design occurs from a usability point of view with a focus on the target audience. The designer's product is the construction of layouts of the created system, taking into account the ease of use (roughly speaking, this is the transformation of the functions described in the technical specifications into toolbars, buttons, fields, tables, etc. sees and with what interacts end user), as well as specifications - a document that provides comments on all screens in general and on each element in particular, with full map transitions.

UX Designer. UX is user experience, experience of use. Basically, such designers are involved in web projects (usually when creating websites). They define the basic concept - colors, clarity, ease of perception, in general, everything that will allow the user to easily use the product.

Designer. As a rule, a systems analyst very rarely does design, but this also happens. The designer consistently works through all the elements of the system layout, determining the shape, colors, and size of the elements. If some group of controls needs to be highlighted, he can decide on a method: group them more closely, highlight them with color, add animation, or use any other suitable option.

Copywriter. Forms are filled with text by a copywriter, as a rule, at the stage of preparing the product for marketing. This is text, slogans, key phrases, which also fill the pages of the system.

The personnel structure in IT companies is usually divisional-matrix. That is, there is an analytical department, there is its head, but the systems analyst reports to the project manager. At the same time, he can participate in several projects and report not to his line manager, but to several managers.

Let me remind you of the main idea of ​​the post - in different companies the range of responsibilities can vary greatly. Certain functions can be performed by different specialists, which is why there is no universal definition of a systems analyst. The main thing you definitely have to do is analyze the data and try to find the most effective way to complete your task. In any case, my personal opinion is that this work is always very interesting and varied. Often you have to act in completely unknown areas, study them, improve them and produce a product that will subsequently be used by a lot of people.

Career prospects can also be almost anything - such as growth to a senior, leading systems analyst, and then head of a department, or in the field of management - good analysts, as a rule, make good project managers.

Perhaps someone has a different opinion, I will be happy to discuss this in the comments (which sometimes also contain a lot of useful information)

Future systems analysts, go for it! Good luck!

System analysis is a scientific method of cognition, which is a sequence of actions to establish structural connections between variables or elements of the system under study. Based on a complex of general scientific, experimental, natural science, statistical, mathematical methods.

Speaking in simple words- a systems analyst is a specialist in solving information, organizational, technical and management problems. He finds out “why something is wrong”, justifies “what and how to do”, shows “what should happen” and “what to do with it later”.

The area of ​​professional activity of such a specialist includes a set of systems, tools, methods and methods human activity, aimed at modeling, analysis, synthesis, production and operation of systems, instruments and devices for various purposes to improve the design efficiency and comfort of managing complex objects.

Specialist in the field of systems analysis and management in information technology capable of solving such professional tasks how to: use Web technologies for remote access in distributed computing systems; system-analytical formulation of problems of mathematical, physical and other types of modeling of processes and objects, their management; carrying out preliminary feasibility and system-analytical justification of design and engineering solutions; design and construction of systems, devices and databases using modern design technologies.

Students of the “System Analysis and Management in Information Technology” profile receive excellent mathematical training during their studies; master modern information technologies, as well as hardware and software automation.

Graduates of the profile have a wide range of competencies. They are able to develop models of objects and processes of various physical natures; create algorithmic and software for automation and control systems; lead a team of performers.

Where to work (employment)

Graduates of the “System Analysis and Management in Information Technology” profile are in demand in prestigious areas of industry and economics (oil and gas production, mechanical engineering, telecommunications). They also successfully find employment in large banks and other financial organizations, consulting companies, and software integrator companies.

Master's degree

After completing a bachelor’s degree, education can be continued in the master’s program in the “Management in Technical Systems” program (profile: “Computer modeling and information processing in technical systems”).

Participation in real projects

TUSUR organizes practice-oriented training (GPO).

Students of the “System Analysis and Management in Information Technology” profile participate in a number of interesting developments:

  • Development of a multi-level model of an adaptive suspension for a passenger car, taking into account the road terrain. The development will improve the adaptability and reliability of the suspension, reduce wear on its chassis, and improve the overall handling of the vehicle.
  • Development of a multi-level model of a boiler heating system with temperature control. This development will increase the level of automation of residential heating, and therefore reduce the cost of time and money when achieving optimal temperature regime.
  • Development of a desktop model of a non-volatile system street lighting, working offline. The system being developed consists of a miniature solar battery and a wind propeller. Through the solar and wind channel, the incoming energy is converted into constant voltage on the battery. The development can be used as an element of urban lighting and as an economical source of table light.

This is far from full list GPO projects of the profile “System analysis and management in information technology”. In addition, any student can propose his own project and, together with a group of like-minded people, bring it to life.

Plan educational process areas of training 03/27/03 "System analysis and management", profile "System analysis and management in technical systems"

1 semester
Disciplines Ex. Zach. KrR / KrPr Total hours Audi. watch Myself. Job
Foreign language - + - 180 104 76
Physical culture and sports - - - 72 70 2
Mathematics + - - 468 216 252
Physics - + - 432 180 252
Programming + - - 216 108 108
Informatics + - - 144 54 90
Information Technology - + - 72 36 36
Engineering graphics - + - 108 72 36
2nd semester
Disciplines Ex. Zach. KrR / KrPr Total hours Audi. watch Myself. Job
Story + - - 108 44 64
Foreign language + - - 180 104 76
Physical culture and sports - + - 72 70 2
Mathematics + - - 468 216 252
Physics + - - 432 180 252
Russian language and speech culture - + - 72 26 46
Computers, systems and networks - + - 180 88 92
Introduction to the profession - + - 108 54 54
Professional English - + - 72 36 36
Practice in obtaining primary professional skills, including primary skills and skills in research activities - + - 108 - -
3rd semester
Disciplines Ex. Zach. KrR / KrPr Total hours Audi. watch Myself. Job
Mathematics + - - 468 216 252
Physics + - - 432 180 252
Economy - + - 108 46 62
Computer graphics - + - 108 54 54
Databases + - + 216 90 126
Discrete mathematics - + - 144 72 72
- - - 328 280 48
4th semester
Disciplines Ex. Zach. KrR / KrPr Total hours Audi. watch Myself. Job
Philosophy - + - 108 44 64
Cultural studies - + - 108 44 64
Mathematical logic and theory of algorithms + - - 144 74 70
Probability theory and mathematical statistics + - - 108 64 44
Elective disciplines in physical culture and sports - + - 328 280 48
Application packages - + - 216 102 114
Information and control systems in technological processes (GPO-1) - + - 216 102 114
Protection and transfer of intellectual property - + - 72 36 36
Patenting - + - 72 36 36
Research work - + - 108 - -
Electrical engineering, electronics and circuit engineering + - - 144 80 64
5th semester
Disciplines Ex. Zach. KrR / KrPr Total hours Audi. watch Myself. Job
Metrology and technical measurements + - - 108 46 62
Theoretical mechanics + - - 108 54 54
Microprocessor devices - + - 144 72 72
System software + - - 108 54 54
Mathematical foundations of systems theory + - - 216 108 108
Elective disciplines in physical culture and sports - - - 328 280 48
Management in organizational systems - + - 216 108 108
Analysis and optimization of technical devices and systems (GPO-2) - + - 216 108 108
6th semester
Disciplines Ex. Zach. KrR / KrPr Total hours Audi. watch Myself. Job
Jurisprudence - + - 108 44 64
Management - + - 72 26 46
Sociology + - - 108 46 62
Automatic control theory + - - 252 144 108
Ecology - + - 72 34 38
Elective disciplines in physical culture and sports - + - 328 280 48
Fundamentals of system and control design + - - 108 54 54
Reliability of software and hardware systems + - - 108 54 54
Practice to gain professional skills and experience in professional activities (technological practice) - + - 216 - -
Theory and design of information systems - + - 216 102 114
Synthesis of control programs for microcontrollers using models (GPO-3) - + - 216 102 114