Triangle on the line of the mind on the left hand. Triangles on the line of life: easy money or working off karma?

Triangle in palmistry quite an interesting sign. Everyone wants to know what the triangle sign means in the palm of your hand. The triangle sign on the hand is usually a good mark, but the interpretation of the triangle depends on the location on the hand.

What are the triangles in the palm of your hand?
In palmistry, there is the concept of a large triangle and small sign triangle.

First of all, the triangle on the hand symbolizes POWER - and therefore it is very important to pay attention to where the sign is located - so that this power does not turn against you. A separate triangle on a hill under the fingers is a sign of a "master" and, having learned the meaning of this finger, it will become clear in what area a person can achieve great success.

Big Triangle in the palm of your hand consists of the main lines of the hand, which are its constituent sides. A large triangle is formed by the lines of the Head, Mercury and the line of Fate. Sometimes the triangle in the palm of your hand is incredibly clear and deep, so much so that the rest of the lines become invisible. If you meet a person with such a triangle on his hand, it is safe to say that he will achieve great success.

Triangle on the line (mind) of the head means in palmistry the power of knowledge with the help of which the owner of the hand can establish himself in life. The appearance of a triangle on the line of the head in a certain place indicates the time of insight, life upsurge, implementation of the hatched idea.

It is important to pay attention to upper corner triangle - in the direction of which finger he points and additional strokes that will reveal the details. For example, if the top of the triangle is directed to the ring finger, then with the help of their talents, often in art, the idea will be introduced. Women often indicate a successful marriage.

If the line of the mind is damaged near the triangle, the sign can carry a negative load that destroys thinking, leads to a stupor. With additional details, the triangle sign may indicate a blow to the head, since the head league is responsible, on the other hand, for the human physical organ itself - the head.

Money Triangle in the palm of your hand also consists of the main lines of the hand that are its constituent sides, the money triangle, the so-called sign of wealth, see the proposed section, is formed by the lines of the Head, Mercury and fate - yes, without brains and luck in fate, there is no way to do here and money can not be earned.

Palmistry triangle on the line of life pretty dangerous sign. When the line of life on the hand passes through a triangle, this is an intervention in the life of a strong element, often it is fire, a fire that will make its own adjustments at a certain stage of life. A triangle on the line of life means to suffer from the elements, but if the triangle stands separately from the line on the hill of Venus, then trouble will not bring significant damage. A triangle adjacent to one side on the line of life, which is directed to the side with its apex thumb is a sign of good luck in life. Pay attention to the time the triangle is located on the line of life - this will indicate how many years this or that event will occur.

big triangle

A large triangle is formed by the line of life, head and fate, in some cases the third side is the line of health. A large triangle is on the palms of most people.

Ideally, it should be clear and even, which indicates the integrity of nature, broad views and self-confidence. How larger size triangle, the stronger the listed qualities are manifested.

A small triangle indicates selfishness and too high ambitions. These people usually don't have friends. They are so absorbed in their own self that they are simply unable to see the desires and needs of others.

A clearly marked upper corner is a sign good taste and sophistication. The large triangle should be immediately noticeable, because otherwise the questioner is a weak person.

According to Indian palmists, the clearly marked angles of the triangle indicate thrift. A thin upper corner indicates incredulity and secrecy. Most likely, such a person has repeatedly faced betrayal. The lines of life and fate can merge at the base of a large triangle, which indicates independence and generosity.

It should be borne in mind that a large triangle shows whether a person will succeed. If, as a result of hard work, a person gets what he wants, this will certainly be reflected in a large triangle shortly before the event. The big triangle shows the potential of a person. A sharp high angle speaks of an inquisitive mind and high intelligence. Such people never rest on their laurels and strive to gain new knowledge and skills, being sure that they will be needed sooner or later.

In some cases, the triangle is so clear and deep that the rest of the lines become invisible. If you meet a person with such a triangle on his hand, it is safe to say that he will achieve tremendous success. A high clear and sharp triangle indicates a high position in society and material well-being.

Almost all fine lines on the hand appear as a result of stress and anxiety. If you look at the hand nervous person, there will be many small, barely visible lines. On the hand of a calm, balanced person there will be only a few of them.

It should be borne in mind that all signs formed by small lines can be explained from the point of view of palmistry. For example, during periods of depression and nervousness, the hand may be a large number of stars. As soon as things go smoothly, the stars will begin to fade and gradually disappear. The most common small signs are squares. They are of two types: protective and restrictive. Both protecting and limiting squares can be on the same hand.

Protective squares protect a person and appear at the moment when he needs protection. In most cases, they surround breaks in the life line. it good sign, indicating that a person will cope with a dangerous situation. In the absence of a square, the threat to life and health would be stronger. Squares on other lines indicate that the person has overcome difficulties in the area for which the line is responsible.

A square on the life line that does not surround the gap is limiting. This sign of temporary restriction of freedom and in most cases symbolizes imprisonment. However, in practice, there are cases when people with bounding squares were trapped by circumstances and did not know how to live on. In this case, it is worth considering the accompanying signs that will help determine the causes of the difficult situation.

Bounding boxes may disappear. This usually happens when a person changes their lifestyle and system. life values. Squares on the Mount of Venus that do not cross the line of life indicate emotional limitations and distrust. This phenomenon occurs in people who have experienced a painful break in relations with a loved one. If there are several such squares and they form a chain, this indicates self-doubt and the need to hide your true feelings.

teacher's square

The teacher's square consists of four minor lines on the hill of Jupiter or just below. This sign indicates pedagogical abilities and the ability to explain. Such a person can become a good teacher and speaker.

If you remember school years, then you will surely find at least one teacher who you remember as the best. Most likely, he has a teacher's square in his palm. Most teachers do not have this square, since many of them became teachers not by vocation, but by coincidence.

Often, the teacher's square can be seen in the hands of those who have never worked in the field of education. However, the ability to explain and convince will definitely play a role at some point. Such people start teaching activities at the level of passion, explaining to others what is interesting to them. There are many spiritual teachers and mentors among such people.

Lattices are formed as a result of the intersection of secondary lines and are usually most visible on hills. Regardless of the location, the grill is a bad sign. The lattice indicates reckless actions, unwillingness to consider the consequences.

Such people often ask for advice, but do the opposite. A grille on a normal-sized hill suppresses positive and reinforces negative qualities for which this hill is responsible. The lattice on the hill of Venus indicates a strong passion and a person's inability to restrain his desires. People with bars on the hill of the moon make too high demands on others, so it is almost impossible to please them. The lattice on the hill of Jupiter enhances selfishness and self-confidence. Such people often consider themselves better than others and are always dissatisfied with the attitude of others.

The lattice on the hill of Saturn is a sign of pessimists. It enhances the negative mood and gloom of a person. Such people see everything in black and are not able to truly enjoy life.

The lattice on the hill of Apollo encourages its owner to strive for recognition and glory. Such a person should always be in the center of attention, everyone should love and admire him. The lattice on the hill of Mercury is a sign of deceit and secrecy. Such people are rarely frank, do not complain about life. Their motto is "I'm fine." To appear more successful and prosperous, they often invent interesting stories about my own life.

When reading the hand, you will often see when the main line crosses the secondary and forms a small cross. The cross is a sign of change, the nature of which can be judged by analyzing the outlines on the main line.

It should be borne in mind that only clear and noticeable crosses carry essential information. A cross next to a break in the main line indicates trouble and disappointment.

The cross can be formed by two secondary lines. Pay attention only to bright and deep signs, because on the hands of emotional people there can be many different lines that are not of fundamental importance in fortune-telling.

Crosses, consisting of secondary lines, carry negative information, they can be considered a warning of danger. a cross located near the line of fate, or touching it, speaks of the danger of an accident. The location of the cross next to the line of life warns of imminent personal troubles. Crosses on the health line indicate an imminent illness.

Of course, you should pay attention to the accompanying signs. Often, crosses warn against a rash step or mistake. Thus, crosses warn situations that a person can prevent by making the right decision in time. For example, if the cross is located on the health line, you need to undergo an examination and pay more attention to your physical condition. If you accept necessary measures, you will soon notice that the cross has disappeared.

However, there are exceptions to every rule, and there are two options in which crosses are considered a good sign. The cross, enclosed in a quadrangle and touching the line of fate, portends a major success achieved by hard work. This cross usually means career and improving well-being. Despite its positive value the cross indicates that a person will have to make a lot of effort to get what he wants.

The cross, located on the hill of Jupiter and formed by two minor lines, symbolizes major changes for the better. Usually this is a change professional activity or new romantic relationship. In addition, such a cross can mean a change in the value system and outlook on life. A large cross on the hill of Jupiter portends spiritual growth and self-realization.


Crosses on other hills speak of small obstacles that a person has to overcome. In this case, you need to consider the cross in accordance with the characteristics of the hill on which it is inscribed.

The island is a small hollow oval formed on the main line. As a rule, there are several islands in one line. By appearance they are like a chain.

A chain of islands on the line of life indicate ups and downs. Such people, as a rule, try to work in many areas and then choose the one they like the most. Islands on the line of the heart speak of emotional experiences. On the other lines, they mean experiences and excitement. Sometimes the islands symbolize a short illness and depression.

A line forming an island and passing through the entire palm from the hill of Venus predicts failure in personal life. Such people often change partners and are quickly disappointed. If at the same time there are several lines of affection in the palm of your hand, this means several marriages.

An island on any hill renders negative impact per person. An island on the hill of Jupiter weakens pride and ambition, on the hill of Saturn - portends difficulties in communicating with people. The island on the hill of the Sun weakens Creative skills and hinders spiritual growth. An island on the hill of Mercury indicates that it will be difficult for a person to succeed, on the hill of Mars it speaks of excessive gullibility. An island on the hill of the moon means weakness and lack of willpower. An island on the hill of Venus indicates that a person does not know how to fight for what he wants and gives up halfway.

Several secondary lines may intersect and form a pattern resembling a star. If the star is located on a hill, this is a good sign. This arrangement of the star indicates that a person has every opportunity to succeed in the area for which the hill is responsible. The ideal option is a star on the hill of Jupiter. In this case, the work of a person will be paid, and achievements will be recognized and appreciated.

Stars in other areas of the palm predict troubles and situations that will be difficult for a person to cope with. Stars on the heart line indicate a divorce or a painful separation from a loved one. A star on the line of life speaks of danger. A star on the line of the mind indicates that for some time a person will not develop spiritually.

Like other signs, the star should be considered not only by its location, but also by the accompanying symbols.

In general, the circle is considered an unfavorable sign, but this applies only to the part of the hand on which it is located. If this sign is located on the hill of the Sun, this means that a person will occupy a high position in society. Besides, he will be lucky.

A circle on the hill of the moon indicates the danger associated with an accident. The circle symbolizes infinity and indicates a return to the past. For example, if the circle is located on the line of life, the person is likely to return to the old relationship.

Dot. Spot

Dots and spots tend to appear on the main lines and are a sign of blocked energy. It should be borne in mind that these signs carry information only if they are clearly visible in the palm of your hand.

A dot or spot on the line of life portends an imminent illness. On the line of the heart - a deep emotional experience. Please note that if the dot on this line is white, this indicates a strong and strong love, which was preceded by difficulties in personal life.

A dot or spot on the head line indicates a negative period, apathy and fatigue, which can lead to a nervous breakdown. Dots and spots on the line of fate speak of difficult periods and reassessment of values. This is a good sign, since introspection and self-improvement contribute to spiritual growth. In some cases, points on the life line mean a change in professional activity and an improvement in well-being.

When reading by hand, keep in mind that all the signs described should be analyzed only in conjunction with others. In this case, both main and secondary lines should be taken into account. In addition, be sure to consider the clarity of the signs. As we have already said, almost imperceptible lines and signs do not carry significant information, while bright and pronounced ones are essential.

The central and main line on the hand is the line of life. She serves open leadership fate from birth to old age. It surrounds the hill of Venus, located at the base of the thumb, in a ring. A pronounced, continuous line is a wonderful sign. For every person there is his own interpretation of the line of life. Anyone who learns to read by hand will receive a lot of useful information.

c It is formed at the intersection of several lines, including the line of the Head, one of the lines is necessarily the line of life. However, there are exceptions to everything. Fate lines are often found near the thumb and little finger.

You need to concentrate on the central top of the money triangle. It is important to understand in which direction she "looks". When the top is turned to the thumb, directly to the hill of Venus, this is a great happiness for a person. Fate will favor you literally at every step: recognition as the heir to a huge fortune, a very well-paid job, winning the lottery or other gambling, and the like. If a triangle is present at the end of the life line, but its top is not directed to the hill of Venus, this means that the person’s karma needs to be cleansed. You need to realize your mistakes, account for your mistakes. At this time, it is very easy to catch a serious illness, life will overtake a streak of failures, it will be difficult to make ends meet. There is a high probability of trouble and strife in the family, conflicts, salary delays at work and other vicissitudes of fate.

How to correctly interpret the dates of events

Do not rejoice if the money triangle is located at the end of the Head line. This means the turn has come for a long and painstaking work above oneself. By itself, the sign of fate cannot guarantee an easy, carefree life. Everyone will have to repent of their sins.

This sign is one of the most powerful symbols that can model the fate of a person.

To correctly interpret its meaning, you should carefully examine your palm.

On the right palm hid the answer to the most intriguing question. First, determine where the beginning and end of the life line. Its beginning starts from the index and thumb, and the end is at the foot of the palm. In the case when the end of the line of the Head crosses the hill of Venus entirely and covers it, ending at the foot of the palm, one can determine the approximate life expectancy of a person. As a rule, it is equivalent to 70 years.

It is worth carefully considering the sign itself. On which palm it starts, what type it is, its shape, where it is located. If a happy triangle is located on the hand, then it is easy to find out about the time of sudden financial income. This period is usually short. You need to take a closer look at exactly where in the palm of your hand it is and find out the period.

A remarkable sign is several triangles on the right or left hand. This means the blessing of fate, success in all areas of life from birth to old age.

To compose accurate forecast palmistry advises to look at your fate not only in the lines. It is very important to be able to interpret minor signs in the palm of your hand (moles, birthmarks). Such signs help to discover the good and bad sides of the characters, help get rid of fears and a series of failures.

Triangle Meanings

When the small triangle merges with the Head line, you can calculate the period in which you should expect changes for the worse, the time for debt settlement. Top of sign - start black stripe bad luck. The end of a series of failures must be sought at the junction of one side of the triangle with a life line.

Play the role and size of the triangle. Often, the whole meaning of the sign depends on them. Palmistry says the larger the triangle, the longer the losing streak of its owner. The small size of the figure indicates the transience of troubles and the normalization of the situation.

The life line of fate sometimes includes several triangles at once. In this case, a person is doomed to trouble throughout his life. He will forever be dragged into all sorts of alterations, recovering from one disease, he will fall ill again with something else. Things will go upside down. Such a person should not count on money that will come easily. Fate will be very stingy with gifts and encouragement.

The meanings of a triangle on the line of life and the same sign, but located separately from this line, are completely different, which means that their interdependence is almost completely excluded.

Moles in the area of ​​the triangle

Palmistry pays much attention to moles on the left and on right hand. Often they suddenly appear in the palm of your hand, then also suddenly disappear. It is recommended to take a closer look at moles located between the main lines and hills.

You can learn a lot from the shape of moles:

  • Round, large and convex - you need to be careful. There is a high probability of problems of various kinds.
  • Oval - failures in life, low self-esteem. Often such a person cannot find a way out of the simplest situation.

A mole on the right hand between the hills of Venus and the Moon is located among those who are the master of their own life and its creator. This person himself chooses a profession, a place of work, he is happy in family life, knows how to plan his time. A mole on the left hand on the line of the Head tells about the fate destined from the moment of birth. Fate will be very difficult to change, it will take a lot of strength and outside help.

A mole on the hand in the middle of the triangle means a strong-willed person, gifted with numerous talents that will lead him to success and fame. A mole at the end of the line forming a triangle enhances the meaning of the triangle itself, increases the number of victories, or, on the contrary, predicts difficult times.

Special cases of the appearance of a triangle

palmistry examines special cases finding a triangle in the palm of your hand between different lines.

The triangle at the end of the life line is located on the inside. The owner is 40 years old. The probability of material collapse (loss of property as a result of a fire) is very high if:

  • The triangle is inverted, its apex is below on the hill of Venus. There is an additional triangle under the Apollo Hill.
  • There are 4 or more points on the Apollo hill.
  • The line of Fate is interrupted.

The triangle on the hand merges with the line of life, rare meanings:

  • Risk of fire, burns. Often signifies the presence of fire. If the base of the triangle is the line of life from the inside, the property will burn, if from the outside, then the owner of the sign will die.
  • A robbery by a group of people or a car accident - the symbol touches the life line and is located next to the fate line.

Triangle on the arm at the age of 30. High chance of burns:

  • Over 4 points on the hill of Apollo, Upper Mars.
  • An image of a square or cross between Inferior Mars and the Moon.
  • Upper Mars and the Moon without a single line. To make sure that there is a high risk of suffocation or multiple burns, you should find a circle on the hill of Mercury.

When the lines of fate form a triangle together with the line of life, this means a meeting with criminal gangs. Palmistry makes it possible to track the degree of risk by symbols:

  • At the beginning there is no line of Fate.
  • The papillary pattern is indistinct or irregular.
  • Upper Mars and the Moon without a single line. From the first day I had a personal money talisman financial affairs began to improve by themselves. My husband got a better paying job, and I got a profitable project.

The life line is one of the main signs on any hand. It encircles the hill of Venus in a semicircle, which is located under thumb. A good life line is quite deep, clear, has no gaps. But how many hands - so many different lines! And each difference carries new information.

A very interesting sign that can sometimes be found on the line of life is a triangle. Usually triangles are arranged so that part of the life line becomes one of the sides of the triangle. The other two sides of the triangle form an angle that can look at the tip of the thumb, or, on the contrary, on the edge of the palm towards the little finger.

If the top of the triangle is directed to the thumb and to the hill of Venus, this indicates that easy money awaits a person: an inheritance, an unexpected large material reward at work, etc.

If the triangle is located on the line of life outside the hill of Venus, this is a sign that the time has come to answer for karmic debts. It could be a period prolonged illness, chronic lack of money, big troubles at work or in personal life.

How to determine the time of occurrence of events

The presence of triangles on the line encircling the hill of Venus does not mean at all that the whole life of a person will pass under the sign of easy money or working off karmic debts. The life line starts from the edge of the palm in the gap between the large and index fingers. This is where the countdown begins. Reaching the base of the palm, the line indicates the age of 65-70 years. If it continues and goes around the bottom of the hill of Venus, this indicates a life expectancy far beyond 70 years. Pay attention to where this or that triangle begins on the line, roughly calculate how old the person will be when this or that event, indicated by the triangle, occurs.

Working off the karmic debt will begin at the top of the triangle. And it will end at the bottom point, where the inner triangle ends. The smaller this triangle, the less time you will need to work off the debt. Conversely, the larger the triangle, the longer the trouble will be. Having carefully examined the line of life and the location of the triangle on it, it is possible to calculate with an accuracy of 2-3 years when the “black bar” associated with working off karma will end.

But the triangle of easy money is usually small. After all, such gifts of fate are always unexpected and short-lived. You can also find out when unexpected wealth or just some unplanned profit will fall on you by also calculating the years along the line of life. If you have several triangles of easy money, you are lucky!

What are triangles?
How to interpret them?
What semantic load do they carry?
Differences between triangles?
What does the triangle on the line of life mean?
What does the triangle on the line of the heart mean?
What does the triangle on the head line mean?
Triangle of talent?

And so what kind of sign is this - a TRIANGLE. In many sources on palmistry, it is interpreted in different ways:
The triangle is one of the few signs found on the hand that has positive associations. Their presence expresses the concentration of mental faculties and the power of the brain. Source: mini-encyclopedia, palmistry

Like the linga in Indian mythology, the triangle is primarily a symbol of the creative male power, in other words - the creative power of God. And vice versa, a triangle, the top of which is turned down, is a sign of the feminine, a fertile womb.

For European alchemists, the triangle with its apex up meant the tongue of flame, "male" fire, and the triangle with its apex down meant water, which runs down from the mountain peaks, from the clouds down to the Earth.
The triune nature of the universe: Heaven, Earth, Man; father, mother, child; man as body, soul and spirit; mystical number three; three, the first flat figures. Hence the symbol of the surface in general. "The surface consists of triangles" (Plato). The equilateral triangle symbolizes completion. The triangle with its apex up is solar and has the symbolism of life, fire, flame, heat (hence the horizontal line symbolizing air), masculinity, lingam, shakta, spiritual world; it is also the trinity of love, truth and wisdom. Means royal majesty and has a red color as a symbol. The downward facing triangle is lunar and has the symbolism of the feminine, uterus, water, cold, nature, body, yoni, shakti. Symbolizes Great Mother like a parent.

The triangle in a circle means the world of forms enclosed in the circle of eternity. "The area within such a triangle is the common center of them all and is called the "Plain of Truth", on which are the cause, forms and images of everything that was and that will be; they are there in peace, which cannot be disturbed, and Eternity surrounds them; and hence time, like a jet of a fountain, flows down into the worlds" (Plutarch). Three connected triangles denote the inviolable unity of the three persons of the Trinity. The double triangle, the six-pointed star, the Seal of Solomon, Mogun David, says that "every true analogy must be used in reverse", "as above, so below". This is a union of opposites, male and female, positive and negative, with the upper triangle white and the lower black, fire and water, evolution and involution, interpenetration, everything is an image of the other, hermaphrodite, a perfect balance of complementary forces, an androgynous manifestation of a deity, a person peering into its own nature, the dual forces of creation, the synthesis of all the elements, with the triangle turned upwards as a heavenly symbol, and downwards - as a symbol of the earth, and together - a symbol of man, as uniting these two worlds. As the Seal of Solomon is the image of the Keeper; it gives spiritual power over matter and is the master of the jinn. Two triangles lying horizontally and touching the tops are the lunar symbol, the waxing and waning moon, eternal return, death and life, dying and resurrection. The point of contact is the new moon and death.

Two closing triangles - the union of opposites, which become "liquid fire" or "fiery water". Buddhists have a pure flame and the Three Jewels of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Among the Chinese, a triangle with hanging swords symbolizes restoration. For Christians, an equilateral triangle or a triangle formed by three intersecting circles symbolizes the Trinity in unity and equality of its three constituent persons. Triangular radiance is an attribute of God the Father. For the Egyptians, the triangle symbolizes the Triad. "They compare the vertical side (of a right-angled triangle) with a man, the horizontal side with a woman, and the hypotenuse with their descendant: Oziri as the beginning, Isis as the middle or repository, and Horus as the completion" (Plutarch). The hand of the Egyptians is the union of fire and water, man and woman. The figure of three double triangles, surrounded by concentric circles, symbolizes Khui, the Land of Spirits. Among the Greeks, the delta symbolizes the door of life, the feminine, fertility. The Indians have triangles with their vertices up and down - these are shakta and shakti, lingam and yoni, Shiva and his Shakti. Among the Pythagoreans, the equilateral triangle symbolizes Athena as the goddess of wisdom.

In Judaism and Christianity, the triangle is a sign of God. The God of the Christian Trinity is sometimes represented by an eye within a triangle or a figure with a triangular halo. The alchemists used triangles with their vertices pointing up and down as signs of fire and water. In more general sense linear triangles or triangle-shaped compositions may represent triads of gods or other tripartite concepts.

Having read the above interpretations of the triangle, we can now move on to the interpretation of the triangles on the hand. What if there are a lot of triangles on the hand (each sign - a triangle is interpreted differently), for this we need to select 4 areas on the hand:
1. Hill of Venus (in the figure it is shown in the LOVE area): responsible for feelings for other people, both of the opposite sex and his own. Most often, love relationships are interpreted along this hill.
2. Plain of the Moon (in the figure it is shown in the ABILITY area): is responsible for the hidden possibilities of a person, his craving in one direction or another, whether a man is a businessman, a craving for the ability to earn money or a sorcerer, his beyond his ability. Most often, on this hill, you can determine the inclinations of a person to a particular industry.
3. Talent Triangle, Careers(in the figure it is shown in the Talents and Careers area): responsible for human development public life, its ups and downs by career ladder, his ability to manage people, his talents, predisposition to a particular job. Most often, this triangle can be used to determine what is prescribed for a person by fate, at what job he will become an ace and where he will succeed.
4. The Plain of Emotions (in the figure it is shown in the area of ​​Feelings and Emotions): is responsible for the inner world of a person, his feelings, experiences, for a split personality, for acting talents, for playing through life. It may also be responsible for heart disorders. Most often, on this plain, one can trace what a person is like in life, whether he plays or not, and how he relates to him.

After you have divided your palm into 4 parts, it will now become easier for you to interpret the signs on your hand. And you will not be confused with the interpretation of signs. A triangle located on any part of the palm is interpreted directly in the area in which it is located. But it must also be taken into account that human hand divided into 3 lines (every person has these lines), this life line, head line and heart line. These lines are not subject to the 4 areas. All the figures located on them are treated especially.

Life line: a triangle on the line of life, speaks of a person’s emotional breakdown, if he is turned towards the hill of the moon, if he is turned towards the thumb, then this is somehow connected with the genitals, venereal disease or problems with sexual life are possible.
There are also 3 types of triangles: rectangular, equilateral, isosceles, each type of triangle carries its own semantic load.
- right triangle on the line of life - sudden exacerbation of the disease (possible operation)
- isosceles triangle on the line of life - sluggish disease (it hurts, it hurts and it will pass)
- equilateral triangle on the line of life - most often this triangle turns into a square, since it has, as it were, mirror base, speaks of the prevention of the disease, the fact that you caught yourself in time and cured the disease at the initial stage.
It also happens when triangles look like an hourglass and connect two lines - the head line or the life line, they are only at the beginning of the palm (in adolescence), this sign indicates your distance from your parents, due to quarrels between them, your an attempt to bring them together.
head line: a triangle on the head line, the beginning of a triangle, speaks of the beginning of a career, this is characterized by the fact that you have found yourself in this area and work tirelessly to improve yourself, the angle of the triangle indicates your achievement, if the triangle is declining, then you have stopped this area for yourself find interesting, in it you have reached the limit.
- right triangle on head line - the gradual achievement of the goal, the beginning of a career and a sharp bummer, it could be a dismissal, maybe due to illness, maybe because of prison.
- isosceles triangle on the line of the head - having this triangle, these are people who are gifted, they can do various things, be professionals in them, but they cannot do one thing, they constantly need something new, which they have not tried yet, these people have a life constantly in haste, only at the end of their lives do they find themselves.
- equilateral triangle on the line of the head - most best sign if you have this triangle, then you will achieve everything at work and become an ace in it, most often such a triangle is found in the hands of masters, they say about such people "a man with golden hands"
Heart line: a triangle on the line of the heart, the most difficult interpretation of these triangles, because you need to take into account the angle of the triangle to which hill it is directed (if you have been doing palmistry for a long time, you should know that there are 4 planets to which this or that finger belongs, since the little finger is personified with Mercury, the ring finger is personified by the sun / Apollo, the index finger is personified by Jupiter, the middle finger is personified by Saturn, each planet has its own psychological characteristics Let's look at just a few of them:
- right triangle on the line of the heart directed to the little finger - most often one side of it passes, as if through the marriage line, not very auspicious sign, says your quarrelsome character, you will become a sadist for your half and will constantly bake it. This sign indicates the difficulty in relationships with people you love.
- a right triangle on the line of the heart directed to the nameless - sharp outbursts of anger (irritation, jealousy)
- right triangle on the line of the heart directed to the middle - a sign of an artistic nature, but the game is too rough
- right triangle on the line of the heart directed to the index - very rare sign, speaks of a deep understanding of people with people with this sign, in communication you feel maternal warmth and care, people with this sign achieve little in life, but they have a lot of friends.
- isosceles triangle on the line of the heart directed to the little finger - means harmony with one's inner feelings, a person knows what he wants from life and slowly moves towards it, most often people who have this sign are bachelors, they feel good only with themselves.
- isosceles triangle on the line of the heart directed to the nameless - a tendency to heal, people with this sign are good doctors, they feel the patient and skillfully make a diagnosis.
- isosceles triangle on the line of the heart directed to the middle - skillful manipulation of people, excellent actors, can transform on the fly and play the role that is required.
- isosceles triangle on the line of the heart directed to the index - a very rare sign, a sign of a hermit, a person who is unsociable, cannot find a language with other people and therefore he is lonely.
- equilateral triangle on the line of the heart directed to the little finger - the most successful sign that portends a happy family life, both spouses will achieve great heights in business and they will not have problems with money,
- an equilateral triangle on the line of the heart directed to the nameless - a person with this sign is "not a fish, not a meat" in life this person as if floating, leaving fate to decide how to happen at one time or another.
- an equilateral triangle on the line of the heart directed to the middle - a person who knows how to maneuver between two fires, a person with this sign loves risk and wins by risking.
- equilateral triangle on the line of the heart directed to the index - a very rare sign, a person who has this sign is constantly in search, he is looking for himself and cannot find himself, tries himself in various cases, but does not bring them to the end.

Along with triangles directed upwards (on the fingers), there are triangles directed downwards (on the bottom of the hand), these triangles carry negative energy.
- Triangle on the line of the head directed to the bottom of the palm - means that a person is marking time, and everything that he has achieved will be wasted, that is, if a person earns something, then this earned will be thrown away by him, without bringing him any satisfaction, but only a headache.
- Triangle on the line of the heart directed to the bottom of the palm - means emptiness in the heart of a person, this is facilitated by some kind of emotional breakdown, whether it is a break with a loved one, the loss of a large amount of money, or just apathy.

Triangle of giftedness: this triangle is formed by 3 lines (see picture):
1. life line
2. head line
3. line of intuition to money
If this triangle is clearly visible in your palm and it closes on all sides, then congratulations, you are a very gifted person, you can try yourself in any activity, and you will succeed in all industries. Wherever you put your hand, you will make a profit. You don't have to look for yourself universal man you have golden hands. By old age, such people have good capital and live only for themselves, but do not forget to help their relatives.
Do not judge me sternly, this is my personal interpretation of the sign on my hand - TRIANGLE. I will be grateful if you give comments about the confirmation or refutation of my methodology. With detailed explanation.
Article author: Kolesov Denis Yurievich