Valeria - name, origin of the name. The meaning of the male name Valery

The meaning of the name Valery may be of interest to people who wear it or those who want to name a child that way. The name can be translated from Latin as “strong” and “healthy”. This is exactly what can be said about girls who are called that, because they really rarely get sick, have a strong-willed character and perform well in sports.

The origin of the name Valery dates back to the Roman era. It appeared from the generic name Valerius, and eventually acquired its current form. By the way, at first there was only a male version of the name Valery, but nowadays there is also a female version. Now it is even more common.

Having understood what the name Valery means, he will certainly be interested in the fate of the people who are called that, and their character. girls with early age different unpredictability. Almost everything depends on their mood, so others can only hope that it will be good.

The bearers of the name Valeria do not differ in special constancy, so they can often change friends and hobbies. This can be accurately attributed to her negative traits, from which it is difficult to get rid of until old age.

The owners of the name Valery are narcissistic natures who are kind to themselves, but at the same time easily forgive insults. They quite often have bouts of melancholy, in which they do not want to see anyone.

However, such a condition in women with the name Valeria quickly passes and is replaced good mood. It is highly desirable that loved ones do not cause anger in her., as it will be difficult to extinguish. And in this state, she is able to spoil the mood of anyone and say a lot of bad things.

The characteristic of the name Valery suggests that a woman who is called that is a complex and contradictory nature. It is extremely undesirable for her to remain alone in this life, since there must always be a person nearby who will guide you on the right path and help you accept the right decision contrary to emotion. She herself does not always cope with this task, which is why it is important to have a wise friend or spouse.

Despite the fact that in the head of a girl named Valeria it is often not clear what is happening, exceptional order reigns in the house. All items are laid out in their places, everywhere is clean and beautiful.

It is very important for her to live in comfort in order to maintain a good mood.

That is why she will not be able to exist with people who make a mess. At the very least, they will have to listen to regular scandals about their uncleanliness, which will soon begin to annoy. For the rest, the name Valery is inherent in women who are pleasant both externally and in communication.

They tend to take care of their loved ones even more than themselves. And friends can be proud that they are friends with such a person, because they can always count on help and support.


A woman named Valeria cannot imagine her life without love. About Us adolescence shows a strong interest in persons of the opposite sex, but at the same time is quite picky and does not start a relationship with just anyone.

She is looking for herself strong man who boasts intelligence and good looks.

He must be able to suppress all conflicts that arise with a girl named Valeria. Otherwise, the couple will quickly break up, as scandals will be inevitable.

A family

The owners of the name Valeria are not one of those whose marriage happens once in a lifetime and forever. They are often married twice or more, since the first time they rarely manage to find a suitable partner. Perhaps this is due to the fact that not every man is able to take on a grumpy and fickle character. That is why the bearers of the name Valery need to better monitor their behavior.

Such a woman has nothing against children, although she does not particularly strive for a mother. She believes that everything has its time and in this matter you should not rush.

As a rule, she has children either because of the desire of her husband, or when she meets a person whom she can completely trust. She makes a good mother, because she knows how and loves to raise kids. For her children, she is ready for a lot and wants them to have all the best. In this, she seeks support from her husband, and if she does not receive it, then she begins to look for a man who will be ready to provide for her and the children.


Work for a girl named Valeria can be an outlet, as there she is able to fully express herself. This may be an area associated with frequent travel or communication with people.

Valeria Yurievna Perfilova (Russian pop singer. People's Artist of Russia)

  • For example, journalism is suitable for, as it is able to get to the bottom of the truth and interesting light present events.
  • However, with all this, she can also make a good office worker.
  • The sphere of jurisprudence or real estate is able to give the bearer of the name Valery what she wants. Namely enough money, self-pride and confidence in the future.
  • The name Valeria is inherent in girls who know how to find mutual language with colleagues. It will not be difficult for them to maintain a good relationship with anyone and even be friends.
  • They are ready to listen to any of the employees, to help, but all this is usually done for personal gain.
  • They like to feel needed and to be sure that other people in difficult times will help them too. It's hard to say whether it's good or bad, because it all depends on the situation and the attitude of other people to this.


The meaning of the name Valery on the girl's health is quite large. Women who are so named rarely complain of health problems.

They are quite hardy and endowed with good immunity. Even in childhood, they rarely catch a cold, and in adulthood they live without this disease at all.

However, Lera may have mental problems. All this is due to the fact that such girls are very vulnerable, quick-tempered and prone to mood swings. If life is not calm, then nervous breakdowns are possible. That's why recommended to avoid stressful situations , less conflict with others and, if necessary, take a sedative.

Physical health can remain good until old age, especially if Valeria takes good care of herself.

  • Regular physical activity is useful for her: running, gymnastics, swimming and more.
  • It also does not hurt to eat right so that the body receives all the necessary elements.
  • And if any sores appear, they should be treated immediately. This is the only way to be sure that they will not develop into something dangerous.
  • If Valeria herself does not want to visit a doctor if necessary, then close people should push her to do so.

name day Valeria

Saints: The Holy Martyr Valeria died for her faith in Christ in the 4th century.

What does

Valeria means "to be healthy".


Name mystery analysis Valeria it makes sense to start with the origin. Name history Valeria has Latin roots. It comes from the Latin word valeo, and is translated "to be healthy."

What does the name Valery mean according to D.N. Zima

The character is such that in her character there is an imprint of a sort of kidding. After all, this name is most often called boys. Although in this situation, the masculine sound of the name only emphasizes femininity and gives it a certain charm. At the same time, the same cheerfulness, purposefulness, and sometimes unpredictability are noticeable in her character.

In fact, already from childhood, Valera is distinguished from her peers by a sufficient restiveness of nature. She is a cheerful person with a sense of humor, at the same time, easily excitable and quick-tempered. Valeria is wayward. She can get angry over a trifle, although in her eyes this will be a significant reason.

This temper makes Valeria a very vulnerable and at the same time a mysterious person. In fact, it is often amazing that she is able to be so agile and sentimental at the same time.

In accordance with the interpretation according to D. Zima, Valeria feels comfortable with calm people who love and know how to listen to her.

Characteristics according to E. Grushko and Yu. Medvedev.

By nature, Valeria is a difficult and unpredictable nature. It is often contradictory both in the assessment of events and in the assessment of people, changeable in their desires. But those who tolerate it acquire a faithful comrade. She is sensitive - this is the basis of her wary attitude towards life and people. According to the description of the name Valery, her gentlemen, as a rule, do not withstand her capricious nature. Each time it's a big blow for her, but she soon captivates the next one.

AT family life Valery also expects surprises. Leaving her husband after several scandals, she does everything to mix him with dirt. And, only remarried, calms down.


Variants of the name Valeria: Valerie.

Diminutive affectionate names Valeria: Valera, Lera, Lerunya, Lerusya, Valya, Valesha, Valyunia, Valyusya, Valyukha, Valyusha, Vava.

Different languages:

  • Spanish: Valeria
  • Danish: Valeria
  • French: Valérie
  • in English: Valerie
  • Polish: Waleria
  • Czech: Valérie

Famous Valerias:

  • Valeria Tsvetaeva (1883–1966) daughter of Ivan Tsvetaev, a scholar and specialist in ancient history, epigraphy and art, from her first marriage, sister of the poetess Marina Tsvetaeva.
  • Valeria Barsova (1892–1967) Russian opera singer
  • Valeria Gerasimova (1903–1970) Russian Soviet writer
  • Valeria (1969) modern pop singer.
  • Lera Kozlova (1988) singer, soloist of the Ranetki group.

Valeria, usually outwardly seems tough and self-confident. She persistently achieves her goal. Climbing up quickly career ladder. Basically, it shows male character traits.

Translated from Latin, Valeria means “strong”, “healthy”.

Origin of the name Valeria:

The name Valeria comes from male name Valery, which, in turn, comes from the name of the famous Roman family - Valeriev.

The nature and interpretation of the name Valery:

As a child, Valeria is unpredictable. If she got up on the wrong foot in the morning, then the whole day may be out of sorts - pout and be offended by one of her relatives for no reason, get angry and freak out at the slightest flaws - the TV is loud or quiet, the toy is not lying like that, not so they looked at her ... And the next day she can wake up joyful and carefree.

AT school years, Lera will often try to impose her opinion on others. Even if she turns out to be wrong, it will be impossible to convince her of this. Lera loves to study, but she always lacks perseverance. Valeria is a sociable person, she makes friends easily, but she will communicate openly and frankly with only a few of them - those whom she considers her reliable rear. In fact, this seemingly strong and persistent girl is very vulnerable and sensitive. Be wary of strangers.

Valeria hates disorder, carelessness and insincerity. She takes care of herself, everything in her house should be in its place. If for some reason Lera did not like the person, then, in communication with him, she will try to show it in every possible way. And if the hints are not understood, he will say so directly. Often such frankness offends people, but Lera will never apologize if she considers herself completely right.

The main features of the adult Valeria are diligence and diligence. Everything has to be on schedule. She is a great speaker, not shy of the public. She is suitable for any profession related to public speaking. Valeria can do brilliant career as a politician, journalist, TV presenter, actress. The professions of a translator, psychologist, teacher, fashion designer or designer are just as good for Lera. She will be a strict and demanding leader.

Usually, she gets married, having already received an education and started working. Early marriages are not for her. In marriage, Valeria prefers to continue working in order to be financially independent. But her work does not prevent her from being an excellent hostess. All her free time she is engaged in restoring absolute cleanliness and order in the house, preserving preparations, preparing gourmet dishes, even for an ordinary family dinner. Lera does not like guests very much and she prefers not to visit. She likes to stay at home, raise children and communicate with her husband. Looks soberly at relations with the opposite sex, will not dissolve in a man. She will never adapt to the interests of her husband, on the contrary, she will try to correct his tastes and habits so that they meet her requirements. Valeria is very jealous, any woman from her husband's entourage will arouse her suspicions about his infidelity.

Having become a mother, Valeria will try to start working again as soon as possible, now to provide for the child, not relying on her husband. But all the free time will play and engage with your child. In education, he will try to take the main authoritarian position. He loves children very much, but he will bring them up in severity.

Rigidity, exactingness and jealousy of Valeria often leads to the collapse of even the most successful and strong, at first, relationships. Unwillingness to seek compromises is usually the reason for quarrels and scandals in the family, which, in turn, can lead to divorce ...

Girls with the name Valeria, most often, have a tendency to be overweight. Therefore, sport for Valeria is a priority.

All parents want their children to grow up healthy, and therefore, from the most ancient times, they gave them “guardian” names, which were supposed to attract health, happiness or wealth to the younger generation. And one of these names is the male name Valery and its female version.

The meaning of the name Valeria is the same as that of the male version of it: in Latin, valeo means "to be healthy." But the Latin root of the name had several meanings, so the name Valery in translation means not only “healthy”, but also “strong”, “strong”, “influential” and even “powerful”. It is believed that this name is derived from the kind of Roman patricians. First, the male name Valery spread around the world, and much later his “partner” appeared.

Unusualness and novelty female version name, as well as its origin, have contributed to the fact that girls are now much more often called them. And not only in Russia - in European countries names such as Valerie or Valerian are very popular. They have the same meaning, only their sound is due to the peculiarities of different languages.

Valeria as complete woman's name abbreviated most often sounds like Valya, Leka, Lera. There are also various affectionate derivatives of these names - Lerunya, Lerochka, Valunya. Of course, this is most often called Valeria in childhood.

So what does the name Valeria mean, what will her character be like, what should the parents of the girl they named by this name pay attention to? The main feature of little Lera is emotionality and sensitivity.

It may seem that her character is unstable: just now she almost cried, but is already laughing. But the secret is just in the impressionability of the girl. Often even parents cannot predict how their daughter will react to a particular event.

For Lerochka to learn the necessary and useful information, you need to genuinely interest her in what you want to convey to her. Her character is such that she will only learn well what has a bright emotional coloring for her. Valeria's learning abilities are above average, but she will study well only with those teachers who cause her sympathy and positive emotions.

The character of the girl makes it difficult for her to make any significant changes in life: getting used to her peers and educators in kindergarten, the beginning of school lessons and so on. In any such situation, little Valeria simply needs the moral support of her parents.

"Mysterious stranger"

Of course, the name continues to influence a person as he grows up. In doing so, the following key questions need to be answered:

  • How does the name Valery affect the character of a girl and an adult woman?
  • How will Lera's personal life develop?
  • What professions would be most suitable for her?
  • How can Valeria maintain her health reserve until her advanced age?
  • When can she celebrate her birthday?

In adolescence, Valeria is often "closed" - after all, not everyone is able to understand the intricacies of emotional experiences. Because of this, many believe that such a girl is secretive, and maybe insincere. But Lera's few friends know that her character is not at all like that: she is straightforward, she cannot stand liars and deceivers, and her external "armor" is from excessive vulnerability.

Sometimes Valeria treats people much stricter than they deserve, but the origin of such an attitude is also from her “thin skin”. Her trust is difficult to win, but if someone manages to do this, then he will see a sincere and passionate nature in front of him, and besides - true friend on the long years.

In high school and after it, Valeria studies much more diligently than in primary school. She learns to control herself, manage her emotions, and her stubborn nature is manifested in full force in obtaining the knowledge she needs. In the "minus" there is one thing - relationships with guys, because feelings always come second after her interests.

Valeria's hard work and responsibility can only be envied, but how her fate and career will turn out depends on how much she learns to manage her emotions. Great value for Valeria, it is how the results of her work are perceived by colleagues and friends. And the most difficult moment for her - to learn to perceive constructive criticism not as a personal insult.

Despite the seeming detachment and isolation, Valeria is able to perceive as her own troubles those with whom her fate has brought her. Despite this, she has very few friends - this is also a consequence of her unwillingness to be disappointed in people.

Her impregnability and at the same time her innate sense of style, her ability to be elegant creates one impression in men: often Valeria seems to them mysterious and enigmatic, unattainable and therefore even more desirable.

"Imperfect" do not worry!

Despite such an attitude on the part of the fans, the fact that her potential boyfriend matches her ideal will matter to Valeria. It happens that she chooses one of the applicants for this role for a long time and gets married quite late. It is very difficult for an “imperfect” man to interest her even in the light of a short romance - this should also be remembered by someone who wants to win the girl’s heart.

In order for Valeria to agree to marry a potential groom, there is one, but a very important condition. Both she herself and her chosen one should have the most sincere and ardent feelings for each other.

This origin of her family can manifest itself in two forms: on the one hand, she does a good housekeeping and supports her husband in everything. But on the other hand, she uses any, even the slightest reason for jealousy. The fate of Valeria's husband, who looks at the oncoming beauties, will be very unenviable - his wife can bring down a whole hurricane of emotions on him.

If a woman has the prospect of a career take-off, then the value of the family for Valeria may decrease, and she will primarily be engaged in her own professional growth. Fate family union will depend on how much the spouse will be ready to provide her with moral support.

Valeria's emotionality also determines the most favorable professional sphere for her. And it is very wide - it's all that causes positive emotions and interest. They are best manifested in the field of the humanities and communications with people in any of their manifestations - whether it be pedagogy or organizing your own catering point.

The meaning of the name Valeria has a direct impact on her health. But at the same time, she needs to follow a diet and give herself a decent physical activity. By the way, regular classes sports will help to make the emotional background more stable, which will positively affect relationships in the family and with colleagues.

Despite the seeming "foreign" sound, the name Valery for a child can be given at baptism. According to the Orthodox church calendar her name day will fall on 7 days a year - in March (31), April (28), May (6), June (6, 7, 20) and December (9). Who will become the patron saint of the child, it is worth deciding on the calendar - the day of veneration of which saint is closer to the date of birth of the child, or which of them is closer in spirit to the family in which the girl Valeria was born. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

Forms of the name Valery

Short form of the name Valery. Valera, Lera, Lerunya, Lerusya, Lerukha, Lerusha, Leka, Valya, Valyunya, Valyusya, Valyukha, Valyusha, Valechka, Vaka, Vava, Leria, Vale. Synonyms for the name Valery. Valerie, Valerie, Valerie, Valerie, Valerian, Valerian.

Name Valeria in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 瓦萊里婭 (Wǎ lái lǐ yà). Japanese: ヴァレリア (Vu~areria). Korean: 발레 (balle). Hindi: वेलेरिया (Vēlēriyā). Ukrainian: Valeriya. Greek: Βαλέρια (Valéria). English: Valeria (Valeria).

origin of the name Valeria

The name Valeria is the feminine form, which is a Roman generic name. Translated from Latin, "valeo" has several translations and meanings. The most commonly used translations are “to be strong, strong”, as well as “health”, “to be healthy”. But this Latin word also has other translation options, for example, “to be powerful, strong”, “to have an advantage”, “to be influential, to have influence”, “to have meaning, to have meaning”. There are also other interpretations, of which there are many more. Related name - , . The diminutives of Lera and Rian (from) are also independent names.

In some European countries, the name Valery sounds a little different. In England, the name Valery is pronounced as Valerie, Valery, in France - Valer (Valera), Valerian (Valerian), the name Valerian is also used in Spain, Italy, Greece.

The nature of the name Valeria

As a child, Valeria is completely unpredictable. The expression "got up on the wrong foot" completely suits her. For no reason at all, she can be very offended over any trifle and then be rather out of sorts. for a long time. After a while, she is again cheerful and carefree, as if nothing had happened. And how quickly such changes occur remains a mystery.

In adulthood, becoming a woman, Valeria is still just as complex and unpredictable. It is characterized by inconstancy: it quickly and often changes its plans, after some time it can evaluate the same person in a completely different way. It is very difficult to adapt to the character of Valeria. But such a changeable behavior of Valeria directly depends on her hypersensitivity and vulnerability.

The impulsive nature of Valeria does not prevent her from building a career. If Valeria strives to achieve success at work, while avoiding problems in the family, she can always accustom herself to order in work. And she tries to show her impulsiveness in some kind of personal hobby, for example, in creativity. She sees the team as her family. Valeria always wants to be a responsible person, so she strives to get a leadership position. And she often succeeds.

The secret of the name Valery

Such a woman has a contradictory and complex character. She is unpredictable and difficult to understand. It is very difficult for Valeria to please and win her trust, but if a person succeeds, he will find a devoted and faithful friend for many years. Outwardly, Valeria is self-confident and strong, but internally she is vulnerable and emotional. Valeria notices a lot that other people do not notice.

In her house, such a woman is very caring and economic. She always has order and comfort. Valeria likes to spend her free time in her house, and not in noisy companies. She is very jealous and often suspects her husband of infidelity. Often it is her jealousy that destroys the marriage.

Valeria is strong in spirit, she is purposeful and strong-willed. This woman can endure all the difficulties that come her way, courageously bears all the hardships and sorrows with which life punishes her. In the company of Valery, he is a leader and amazes everyone with his cheerfulness. She can easily give everyone around her a good mood.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Color name: blue
Radiation: 97%
Planet: Jupiter
Stone-mascot: jasper
Plant: peony
Totemic animal: scarab
Main character traits: unpredictable, economic, caring

Additional characteristic of the name

Vibration: 75,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 92%
Psyche: extrovert
Health Valeria: colds, blood diseases.

Numerology Of The Name Valery

The owners of the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. "Twos", as a rule, have a very fine mental organization, it is better not to disturb them and not to disturb them over trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, go away from problems. However, the "twos" are excellent team players. Any joint actions, in a work team or in a family, are easy for them and reveal all their most strengths. Twos are patient but need a secure environment. Holders of the number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.


Planet: Moon.
Element: Water, cold, damp.
Zodiac: .
Color: White, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Metal: Silver.
Mineral: Selenite, marcasite, beryl, white coral.
Plants: Lily, water lily, cabbage, cornflower, melon, cucumber, calamus, pansies.
Beasts: Owl, goose, duck, crab, toad, doe.

The name Valeria as a phrase

In Vedi
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
L People
Ye Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
AND AND (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
I (YA = A) Az

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Valery

Sexuality of the name Valery

Valeria has a complex, sometimes unpredictable character, she is jealous, eccentric, it is impossible to keep track of her change of mood. This is how it is in relationships with men: almost after the first minutes of meeting, it can offer to go to the bedroom, or it can torment, keep it for a long time in front of closed doors.

She is stimulated by a variety of sexual partners, and she does not consider it something obscene - she wants to experience the whole gamut of sensations, and she does not deny herself her desire. Valeria is rarely abandoned, more often she herself leaves her lover. When Valeria's ardent passion turns into an even feeling and the atmosphere of novelty, joy disappears, she is looking for something new, or even can return to her old affection.

Getting acquainted with a man, she becomes lively, strives to please him, she cares about everything that precedes intimacy: a love whisper, full values glances, unequivocal compliments. Words, gestures, a look, an image of a man - everything becomes the subject of her analysis, she tries to penetrate into the inner world of her partner in advance in order to understand his capabilities. Valeria does not like to make mistakes, she needs a strong, sexually active man, and she wants to see in him not only a sexual partner suitable for her, but also a true friend who can protect her from everyday adversity. Therefore, Valeria's chosen ones are often much older than her in age, with worldly and sexual experience.

"Summer" Valeria is cunning, curious, cautious, she wants to try everything, but what she likes, she will not let go of her hands. Excessive jealousy of Valeria often destroys her initially happily developing marriage.

Characteristics of the name Valery according to B. Khigir

Translated from Latin - "strong, healthy."

Little Valeria has an unpredictable character. Her behavior depends on which foot she got up from. Without apparent reason can be offended by something and be out of sorts for a long time. After some time, she will become cheerful and carefree, and it is difficult to understand what caused such a change.

Growing up, Valeria remains the same complex and unpredictable. He constantly changes his plans, evaluates the same people differently after a while. It is difficult to adapt to such a character. At the heart of this changeable behavior of Valeria lies slight vulnerability and increased sensitivity.

It is enough for Valeria's husband to take a fleeting glance at a woman passing by, and Valeria's mood may already deteriorate, she will begin to do incomprehensible acts. FROM strangers is wary and distrustful. But a person who will patiently win her favor or unexpectedly like her will become for her most devoted friend in which Valeria will see only the good, even if he does not deserve it.

Valeria is a good hostess, everything is in perfect order at her house. Prefers a quiet home environment, communication with family and friends. He does not like to go to visits and parties. Jealous, the most harmless communication of a husband with another woman causes her many suspicions.

Characteristics of the name Valery according to P. Rouge

Character: 83%

Radiation: 88%

Vibration: 94,000 vibrations/s

Color: blue.

Main traits: will - susceptibility - excitability - intuition.

Type of: women named Valeria often intrigue. You never know if they will explode or sing. From childhood, you need to keep them in your hands.

Psyche: they can hardly sit still, they need to move, dance and sing all the time. Such women lack balance and stability. Often, for greater courage, they show their anger in order to impress others. Strive for active public life. Overconfident.

Will: strong, sometimes just despotic.

Excitability: so strong that it makes them irritable and nervous. They express their feelings extremely violently, after which a long depression sets in.

Speed reactions: very fast, especially if we are talking about loved ones. They are ready to defend them with teeth and claws. However, they are also active in public life.

Activity: depends on circumstances. They expect sincerity from friends, and if one of them deceives, they are able to take revenge.

Intuition: associated with their impressionability. They are charming and charming, perfectly able to use these qualities to their advantage.

Intelligence: they have a synthetic mindset, they have a lively, well-developed imagination and excellent figurative memory, they remember for a long time what struck or alarmed them.

Susceptibility: although they try to keep a distance, but behind this there is a highly developed sensitivity and susceptibility. Too restless.

Moral: they are equally pleased with both their own and other people's successes.

Health: good, but they tend to be overweight. Possible disorders of the genitourinary system. You should lead a healthy and active lifestyle, play sports, especially water sports. They tend to abuse drugs, especially tranquilizers.

Sexuality: strong and manifests itself early. However, they are sentimental and more loyal friends than it might seem. Family and social taboos can contribute to the emergence of their sexual complexes.

Field of work: more interested in their inner world than work. The best thing for them is the improvement of their own hearth. These girls love to help, they can be allowed to cook and do other things early. homework. Most of all, they are suitable for professions that require communication with people - in the field Catering, trade, education.

Sociability: they like to receive guests, these are ideal hostesses. They adapt well and feel light and free everywhere. They sparkle with the joy of life. They achieve some success not so much in the professional sphere as in the realization of their own personality.

Additionally: these interesting women as charming as their totem - cherry blossoms, the tree of wisdom and happiness.

Positive traits of the name

Cheerfulness, confidence in achieving the goal are combined with impulsiveness. Often this leads to unpredictable actions of Valeria, which she herself cannot explain. This excitability makes Valeria very sensitive and at the same time mysterious person: cheerfulness is combined in it with sentimentality, wit with melancholy, practicality with short-sightedness. Valeria is proud, but not touchy. She is happy to make contact, she has many friends.

Negative traits of the name

Some eccentricity and irascibility make Valeria's character capricious and unpredictable. Sometimes Valeria herself does not know where dissatisfaction with someone's behavior can take her - perhaps she will become overly caustic, and perhaps she will be overcome by anger. It is difficult to find any universal key to her, since Valeria herself does not know what she will be happy or sad in a minute.

Choosing a profession by name

Valeria has a strong, decisive, ambitious character, capable of the best way prove yourself in unexpected situations when you need fast, decisive action; she is strong mentally and physically and does not know the word "fear". By nature, she is prone to adventure, travel, even adventure, always ready to take risks.

The impact of the name on business

Valeria is usually happy in money matters thanks to a successful marriage, profitable sales, and bold financial transactions.

The impact of the name on health

Valeria does not care about her health and can undermine it by being overloaded with all sorts of things, so usually after 50 years, health declines. Accidents associated with car accidents, plane crashes and animal attacks are possible.

Name psychology

As a rule, Valeria feels good in communicating with balanced people who willingly respond to her proposed topics, but at the same time remain just listeners. When a person in a conversation picks up the topic too actively, then Valeria may simply lose interest in the conversation.

Famous people named Valeria

Valeria Messalina (third wife of the Roman emperor Claudius (1st century AD))
Valeria Gai Germanika (at the birth of Valeria Dudinskaya, Russian film director)
Valeria of Milan (early Christian martyr of the 1st-2nd centuries, Saint of the Catholic Church)
Valeria Novodvorskaya ((born 1950) social and political figure)
Valeria Perfilova (popular Russian singer, Honored Artist of Russia)
Valeria Barsova ((1892 - 1967) Russian opera singer (lyric-coloratura soprano), singer of the Bolshoi Theater, professor at the Moscow Conservatory, People's Artist of the USSR)
Valeria Gerasimova ((1903 - 1970) Russian Soviet writer)
Valeria Zaklunnaya (Soviet and Ukrainian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1979))
Valeria Pride (pseudonym, real name- Udalova; Russian public figure, member of the Coordinating Council of the Russian Transhumanist Movement, sociologist, futurist. One of the founders and CEO"KrioRus" - the first cryogenic company created outside the USA)
Valeria Potemkina (Russian short track skater, master of sports of international class, member of the Russian Olympic team at the winter Olympic Games in Vancouver (2010))
Valeria Churganova ((1931 - 1998) Russian linguist)
Valeria Gyenes ((1879 - 1978) the founder of free dance and modern dance in Hungary, has a Ph.D.; she published two books on psychology, thus becoming at the origins of this science in Hungary)
Valeria Beskova (nee - Vasilyeva, Soviet actress)
Valeria (Lera) Averbakh (Auerbakh) (composer and concert pianist, poet and writer; one of the most frequently performed composers of the new generation)
Valeria Korotenko (one of the best Azerbaijani volleyball players, player of the Azerbaijani national team and the Baku club Azerrail)
Valeria Golubtsova (organizer of science, rector of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute from 1943 to 1952)
Valeria Kasamara (Russian political scientist and sociologist; "Person of the Year" for 2005 in the "Analytics" nomination according to
Valeria "Lera" Kudryavtseva (Russian TV presenter, film actress)
Valeria Boguslavskaya (Ukrainian translator and poet)
Valeria Vrublevskaya ((born 1938) Ukrainian Soviet writer and playwright)
Valeria Mukhina ((born 1935) a leading Russian psychologist with a worldwide reputation, teacher, philosopher, writer; Academician of the Russian Academy of Education and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor psychological sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation; founder and head of the scientific school "Phenomenology of development and being of personality")
Valeria Tsenova (Russian music theorist, professor at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, Doctor of Arts, member of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation)
Valeria Pustovaya (Russian literary critic)
Valeria Golino (Italian film actress, film producer)
Valeria Lanskaya ( Russian actress theater and cinema)
Valeria Borts ((1927 - 1996) underground worker of the Great Patriotic War, member of the anti-fascist organization "Young Guard")
Valeria Larina (Soviet artist, painter, member of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists, representative of the Leningrad school of painting)
Valeria Varchenko (Russian drama theater and film actress)
Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi (Italian-French actress and film director)
Valeria Tsvetaeva ((1883 - 1966) daughter of a scientist and specialist in the field of ancient history, epigraphy and art Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev from his first marriage, sister of the poetess Marina Tsvetaeva)