Voronezh State University of Architecture and Construction. Voronezh Construction University: faculties, admissions committee, reviews

Faculties: construction, mechanical and road, construction and technological, engineering systems and structures, architectural, social and humanitarian

VGASU - Voronezh State Architectural and construction university founded in 1930, is one of the leading specialized universities in Russia. The university trains future architects, civil engineers, as well as 29 other types of specialists. At 41 departments scientific work is carried out by 45 academicians, corresponding members of the academies. Of the 550 teachers of VGASU, 80 are doctors of science and professors, more than 250 candidates of science and associate professors.

VGASU graduates often occupy top positions in major Russian construction companies, in departments, ministries and administrations of cities and regions. The high level of training of specialists only confirms the prestigious status of VGASU. Of course, the cost of studying at VGASU is usually high.

Official website of VGASU, unfortunately, contains information that is too exhaustive for a quick review, so the Voronezh website has prepared a capacious and informative material about VGASU. Of course, up-to-date information, such as the schedule of VGASU classes or the results of the annual competition for applicants of VGASU Passing score, will best be conveyed to you by the VGASU website.

VGASU Voronezh makes it attractive to international students. From 30 countries from all continents, young people come here not just to see the new VGASU pool, but to learn how to build.

At the Voronezh Civil Engineering University, specialists are trained not only in full-time education, but there is also extramural. There is also military department, which graduates students already in the officer rank.

Various faculties of VGASU are waiting for future students:

Faculty of secondary vocational education

· Road transport faculty

Construction and technological

· Architecture faculty

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Faculty of engineering systems and structures

Economics, management and information technologies

International faculty

· Faculty distance learning

Faculty of distance learning

Participation in research work is accepted by both teachers and students, whose outstanding work often come first in the results of competitions and scientific conferences.

On the this moment the rector of VGASU Voronezh is still Surovtsev Igor Stepanovich, who concurrently holds the position of a deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma. However, he has already announced that he is leaving the post and very soon the new rector of VGASU will become the head of the university.

VGASU address: 394006, Voronezh, street 20 years of October, 84
Phone: 271-53-15; 271-52-12

Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Mentioning the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (VGASU), it should be noted that this educational institution is one of the leaders in the construction education in Russia. The university trains architects, civil engineers and other specialists in 25 specialties.

The educational process is conducted by 500 teachers, of which more than 60 people are holders of the title of doctors of science and professors, and 45 academicians work here, along with 200 candidates of science and associate professors.

The structure of VGASU University includes:

Faculty of Architecture
· road transport faculty;
· international faculty;
building and technology faculty;
Faculty of engineering systems and structures;
building faculty;
Faculty of distance learning;
Faculty of Economics, Management and Information Technologies;
Faculty of Public Professions.

The prestige of the educational institution is due high level the quality of training of specialists, therefore, it is not by chance that many graduates manage to become heads of the largest construction organizations and architectural workshops throughout Russia, work in the structure of ministries, and also prove useful in the activities of regional and city administrations.

Among the students studying at the Voronezh Civil Engineering University, you can meet representatives of 25 European countries, Latin America, Africa and Asia. Training of specialists is carried out not only at faculties with full-time education, but also at the correspondence faculty.

Scientific work VGASU

Voronezh Construction University great attention is given to research work, in which students actively participate. Student research has repeatedly been awarded prizes at olympiads and competitive competitions at various levels.

results scientific research VGASU was repeatedly awarded with commemorative signs and diplomas of various international and all-Russian exhibitions, and many university scientists were awarded the title of "Honored Scientist".

The Voronezh University of Architecture and Civil Engineering has an extensive educational and laboratory base, consisting of seven compactly located buildings.

Organization educational process VGASU in Voronezh

The total area of ​​the educational and laboratory territory is 50,758 square meters. University laboratories are equipped with modern equipment that allows them to carry out research activities at a high technical level. The educational institution has assembly hall and an innovative business incubator, where it is customary to hold social and political events.

VGASU Voronezh has created a sports base suitable for conducting the training process in almost all sports, where there is the possibility of holding sports competitions of various sizes.

The university is located in the central part of the city. Thanks to the compact placement of educational buildings and dormitories, as well as good equipment of the educational process in the form of:

sports grounds,
sanatorium and preventive services,
sports camp,
health center,
dining room and buffets located in all buildings,
Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering has created all conditions for the implementation of a full-fledged educational activities and leisure.

The campus of the university has six dormitories designed to accommodate 1600 people, the remoteness of which from educational complex buildings is measured in just a few steps.

The structure of the campus is represented by a nine-story sectional dormitory and five four- and five-story corridor-type dormitories. Dorm rooms are designed for two or three people.

Each hostel is equipped with kitchens, washrooms, showers and toilets.
The official website of VGASU tells about technical equipment university dormitories. For example, there are sports rooms equipped with modern fitness equipment. In addition to everything on campus, there is access to the global computer network Internet.

VGASU is one of the leading construction universities Russia.

These Rules for Admission to the Voronezh GASU (hereinafter -
University) regulate the admission of citizens Russian Federation,
foreign citizens, stateless persons, including
compatriots (hereinafter - citizens, Foreign citizens, faces,
applicants, applicants) to the University for training in educational
programs higher education- undergraduate programs, programs
specialist, master's programs for 2014/15 academic year at the expense
the following funding sources:
- at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the federal budget, funds
subsidies allocated for the implementation of state tasks;
- to places under education agreements concluded upon admission to
training at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities(Further -
contracts for the provision of paid educational services)
2. The rules for admission of citizens to the University are developed in part, not
regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated December 29, 2012. No. 273,
Law of the Russian Federation "On Amendments to Article 108 of the Federal Law" on
education” from 03.02.2014” No. 11-FZ, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1 dated
09.01.2014 "On approval of the list entrance examinations at
admission to study educational programs- programs
bachelor's degree, specialist's programs", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 3
from 09.01.2014 "On the approval of the procedure for admission to training in
educational programs of higher education - programs
bachelor's degree programs, specialist's programs, master's programs in
2014/15 academic year" (hereinafter referred to as the Admission Procedure), other federal
laws, the Charter of the University, model regulations on the University.
3. Admission to the University is carried out separately according to the programs
training: bachelor's, specialist and master's degree.
4. Admission to study in master's programs is carried out according to
personal statements of citizens with higher professional
education, based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by
University independently in accordance with the Regulations on Admission to
5. Admission to the second and subsequent courses by these Rules
admission is not regulated. Persons with secondary vocational or
higher education, as well as expelled from organizations of higher
education, are accepted to the University for 1 course with subsequent
training in individual plan including accelerated.
6. Admission of citizens to the University for study programs
bachelor's degree (duration of study 4 years or more) and specialist's programs
(term of study 5 or more years) is carried out only for the first year at
based on the results of entrance examinations conducted in
in accordance with the List of entrance examinations for admission to training,
approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian
Federations, according to the following forms of their conduct: 3

6.1. Based on the entrance examinations, the results of which
USE results in general education subjects are recognized,
corresponding to the direction of training (specialty), received not
earlier than 4 years before the date of completion of acceptance of documents and admissions
tests inclusive and valid on the date of entry into force
federal law for persons with secondary general education;
6.2. Based on entrance examinations for general education
subjects, the form of which is determined by the University itself,
the following categories of citizens (at their request) in the absence of
USE results of the current year:
a) persons with handicapped health, children with disabilities,
disabled people;
b) foreign citizens;
c) persons who before January 1, 2009 received a document from the state
sample about the level of education or about the level of education and qualifications,
confirming the receipt of the secondary (full) general education, if
they did not take the exam for 1 year before the deadline for accepting documents and
entrance examinations inclusive;
d) persons who have received secondary general education in special
educational institutions of a closed type, as well as in
institutions executing punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty, if
these persons received a document on secondary general education within
1 year before the date of completion of acceptance of documents and entrance examinations
inclusive and did not pass the exam during this period;
e) citizens of the Russian Federation and stateless persons who have
secondary general education, confirmed by a document of a foreign
state on education, - if the said persons have received the said
document within 1 year before the date of completion of acceptance of documents and
f) persons receiving (received) secondary general education in
as part of the development of educational programs of secondary vocational
education, including educational programs of secondary
vocational education integrated with the main
educational programs of the basic general and secondary general
education, - if these persons have passed the state final
certification for educational programs of secondary general education
not in USE form within 1 year before the date of completion of acceptance of documents and
entrance examinations inclusive and did not pass the exam during this
6.3. The persons specified in paragraph 6.2 of these rules, in their own way
discretion pass all general education entrance examinations for
certain categories applicants, or pass one or more
of the specified entrance examinations along with the presentation of the results
Unified State Examination as the results of other general educational entrance exams
tests. 4

6.4. Reception of citizens with disabilities
carried out both on the basis of the results of the exam, and on the basis of
results of entrance examinations conducted by the University
independently (in the absence of USE results), features of the
which are established by paragraph VI of these Admission Rules.
7. The University has the right to conduct the following types additional
entrance examinations for admission to the first year:
7.1. Additional entrance tests of creative and (or)
professional orientation in areas of training
(Architecture, Design architectural environment, Reconstruction and restoration
architectural heritage, Journalism), requiring
incoming persons certain creativity, are held according to
subjects for which there is no exam.
7.2. Additional entrance tests profile
orientations at the University are not carried out.
8. The results of the exam, recognized as the results of the entrance
tests in general subjects corresponding to
areas of training (specialty) for which
reception, cannot be lower than the set Federal Service on
supervision in the field of education and science of the minimum number of points in
USE results in general subjects such as
confirming the development of the general education program of secondary
general education in accordance with the requirements of the federal
state educational standard.
9. University for each area of ​​training (specialty):
- has the right to set a minimum number of points based on the results
USE, entrance examinations conducted by the University
independently, confirming the successful completion of the entrance examinations
tests in general subjects, exceeding
established by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and
science the minimum number of points confirming the development
general education program of secondary (complete) general education;
- sets the minimum number of points that confirms
successful completion of additional entrance examinations
creative and (or) professional orientation.
The established minimum number of points cannot be
changed by the University prior to completion of the enrollment procedure.
10. Categories of citizens who have special rights to enter
University without entrance examinations, when enrolled within
quotas subject to successful completion of entrance examinations,
priority right to enroll for education at the expense of budget
appropriations are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation in
Reception order.
11. In accordance with clause 10 of the Admission Procedure, applicants for training
have the right to provide information about their individual achievements,
the results of which are taken into account when applying for training. Accounting procedure 5

individual achievements of applicants are established in paragraph II
Clause 26 of these Admission Rules.
12. As part of the admission control digits (KTsP), the following are distinguished:
12.1. 10% quota for admission to study programs
bachelor's degree programs, specialist's programs at the expense of budgetary appropriations
disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled since childhood, disabled
due to military injury or illness received during the period
passing military service, which, according to the conclusion of the federal
institutions of medical and social expertise is not contraindicated training in
relevant educational organizations, orphans and children,
left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and
children left without parental care (hereinafter referred to as the admission quota for persons
having a special right);
12.2. Target enrollment quota for training (hereinafter referred to as target admission quota)
reception). Quotas for targeted admission to the University are set
designated federal authorities executive power annually by
agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
13. The University transfers, processes and provides
received in connection with the admission of citizens to the Personal Data University
coming in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian
Federations in the field of personal data with the consent of these persons
to the processing of their personal data, recorded in the application
the applicant's signature, or the signature of his authorized representative.

Year of foundation: 1930
Number of students studying at the university: 9837
University tuition fees: 4 - 56 thousand rubles.

The address: 394006, Voronezh region, Voronezh, 20th anniversary of October, 84


Email: [email protected]
Website: www.vgasu.vrn.ru

About the university

Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (VGASU) is one of the leading specialized universities in Russia, founded in 1930. Architects, civil engineers and other specialists are being trained in 29 specialties. The training of specialists is carried out by 41 departments, in whose teams there are 45 academicians and corresponding members of various academies, in total, the educational process is conducted by 550 teachers, including more than 80 doctors of sciences, professors, over 250 candidates of sciences, associate professors. The prestige of the university is determined high quality training of specialists. It is no coincidence that many VGASU graduates head the largest construction organizations throughout Russia, work in federal ministries and departments, as well as in the administrations of many regions and cities.

Foreign students from 30 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America study at the university. Training of specialists is carried out not only at the faculties of full-time (full-time) education, but also on the job at the faculty of distance learning.

VGASU has a military department. Students who successfully complete their studies at this department are awarded an officer rank.

The university conducts a large scientific - research in which students take an active part. Student work regularly wins prizes at scientific conferences and competitions at various levels.

The results of scientific developments were awarded with medals and diplomas of major international and all-Russian exhibitions, many VGASU scientists have state awards, titles: "Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation", "Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation", "Honorary Builder of the Russian Federation", "Honorary Road Worker of the Russian Federation", etc. .

The university is located in the central part of the city. Compactly placed educational buildings and dormitories, good educational and material and sports bases, the presence of a sanatorium, a sports camp, a health center, a student canteen and buffets in all buildings create all the amenities for full-fledged study and recreation.

All non-resident students are provided with places to stay in hostels. A large number of sports sections, a well-known KVN team, a student theater of variety miniatures, vocal and dance groups allow students to reveal all the facets of their talents.

The university is a member of the European Association construction faculties, in 2004 in Geneva (Switzerland) was awarded an international prize for quality. In 2005 VGASU was awarded national award"Golden Chariot" in the nomination "Leader of transport science and education".

This educational institution is presented in the following sections:

Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering(Voronezh GASU) - a higher educational institution of the city of Voronezh that existed independently until the summer of 2016. It is currently merged with the Voronezh State Technical University.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 1

    ✪ VGASU diploma defense 2012 summer.



The prestige of the university is due to the high quality of training. It is no coincidence that many graduates of the Voronezh State Academies of Civil Engineering lead the largest construction organizations and architectural workshops throughout Russia, work in ministries, as well as in regional and city administrations, and are university professors..

Students from 25 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America study at the university. The training of specialists is carried out not only at the faculties of full-time education, but also on the job at the correspondence faculty.

The university conducts extensive research work, in which students take an active part. Student research works have repeatedly won prizes at olympiads and competitions at various levels.

The results of scientific developments have been repeatedly awarded with medals and diplomas at major international and all-Russian exhibitions, many VGASU scientists have state awards, the title of "Honored Scientist".

The university is located in the central part of the city. The compact placement of all educational buildings and dormitories, good equipment for the educational process, the presence of sports halls, a sanatorium, a sports camp, a health center, a student canteen and buffets in all buildings create all the conditions for full-fledged study and recreation.

All those who wish are provided with places to stay in hostels.

A large number of sports sections, the 25th KVN team, the theater of miniatures allow students to reveal all the facets of their talents.

VGASU has an international certificate that allows our graduates to work in engineering positions in 140 countries around the world, the university is a member of the European Association of Civil Engineering Faculties, in 2004 it was awarded an international prize for quality.