Catfish is a dietary fish. Catfish: description, benefits and harm to the body

The catfish (lat. Anarhinchas) is also called the “sea wolf” for its impressive size and wide mouth with large and strong teeth, with which it bites through sea shells. This large fish grows up to one and a half meters and sometimes weighs up to thirty kilograms. There are five species of catfish of the order Perch, which live in various seas and oceans of the world and swim mainly at a depth of 300-500 meters. Interestingly, this fish grows new teeth every year. And its skin is used for the production of handbags and book binding. In Greenland, it was used to make containers for collecting berries.

Catfish meat

The main advantage is that the pulp has virtually no bones. In addition, the meat of this monster is unexpectedly tender, very fatty, slightly sweet - in general, delicious! It is a source of various vitamins, amino acids, and microelements. There are no carbohydrates in it, and the ratio of fats and proteins is one to four.

Use in cooking

If you are thinking about how to cook catfish, don’t rack your brains in vain. A lot of different dishes are made from it. Fish stores sell frozen catfish steak, already cut into portions. It is good smoked, fried, boiled, stewed. Fish cutlets are also made from this meat. It must be remembered that the flesh of catfish is very loose, so you need to use various tricks so that it does not fall apart during cooking and does not “spread” over the pan when frying. For these purposes they use salt water, and batter. Well, now, actually, the recipes.


How to cook catfish? You can make very tender and sweet-tasting fish cutlets. We will need: catfish fillet - one kilogram, a couple of onions, two cloves of garlic, a teaspoon of potato starch, half a glass of milk, salt and pepper - to taste. We pass all the solid ingredients through a meat grinder, add starch and milk to the resulting mass, add salt and pepper. Mix until the raw material is homogeneous. Form cutlets (small, flat). Roll in breadcrumbs or flour. It is better to bake such cutlets at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. How to cook catfish in the oven? We place our semi-finished culinary products on a baking sheet, pre-greased with vegetable oil, and into the oven. Bake until done (usually 20-30 minutes, depending on the “character” of the oven). It is important that a golden crust forms on our cutlets. To flip or not? This process may cause the product to fall apart, so it's best not to. When the cutlets are ready, carefully, maintaining their shape, remove them from the oven with a spatula and serve with sour cream and mashed potatoes. This is one of the popular ways to cook catfish. The result is tender and flavorful meat in a tasty crust.


How to cook catfish? You can make a delicious casserole with vegetables and cheese. For this we will need: fish fillet - one kilogram, half a kilo of potatoes, half a kilo of onions, two or three small carrots, hard cheese - 200 grams, a couple of tablespoons of sour cream, a little vegetable oil, “fish spices” - to taste. Place pieces of fish fillet in a deep baking dish, greased with vegetable oil. Cut the potatoes and carrots into cubes and lay them out in the next layer (for those who like to “grat” the vegetables, three on a grater). The third layer is onion. Sprinkle with spices and salt. Next is a layer of catfish. Again - vegetables and onions, spices. Spread sour cream on top. Three cheese on a coarse grater, sprinkle on top. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. After 20-30 minutes, the dish is usually ready to eat. Fast and tasty!

How to cook catfish steak

Now cut frozen catfish steaks have begun to appear in stores and supermarkets. They are relatively inexpensive. Plus they fry very quickly and are delicious. However, not all housewives prefer to deal with this fish: some people end up with catfish porridge instead of fried in a frying pan.


Now is the time to talk about some of the subtleties in preparing this wonderful fatty fish (meaning the frying process). How to cook delicious catfish? First, the catfish pieces need to be completely thawed. Secondly, for frying you need a good batter or a sufficient amount of flour to generously coat the pieces (by the way, they should also not be too large, but rather small). Thirdly, fry this fish in a deep fryer in a large amount of vegetable oil, almost brought to a boil. You can take a large frying pan with a thick bottom and edges, coated with Teflon or natural stone (the fish will not burn). And then the problem of how to cook catfish in a frying pan will be successfully solved by us.

Steamed with vegetables

This recipe is for lovers of steamers and multicookers, which are believed to retain most of the nutrients lost when frying or baking in the oven. It turns out to be an excellent dietary dish for those who are watching their weight. How to cook catfish? We will need: catfish fillet - half a kilogram, two or three medium potatoes, two onions, two carrots, cauliflower- 200 grams, juice of one lemon, salt and pepper to taste. First we make the marinade: lemon juice, pepper, salt. Marinate the fillet pieces for half an hour. At this time, prepare the vegetables: peel, wash, cut into large pieces. Cut the onion into half rings, also large. We wrap each piece of marinated fish in foil and place it on a steamer tray. Set it to “Steam” and cook for 15-20 minutes. Steam vegetables separately (20 minutes). Place vegetables on a plate. Unfold the foil. We take out the pieces of fish and pour the juice on top of the vegetables. Serve with fresh herbs.


From pieces of catfish fillet - 500 grams, a glass of rice, onions- 2 heads, 2 carrots, and spices you can prepare a very tasty fish pilaf. Cook in a large deep frying pan. We warm it up thoroughly. Chop the onions and carrots and fry them in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Wash the rice, dry it, pour it into a frying pan and lightly fry. Pour the fish on top, season with spices, and pour in about three glasses of water (ratio to rice: one to three). Let's not interfere! Cook over low heat for half an hour. After about fifteen minutes, the rice will swell, and then in the middle of the mass you can make a hole for the outflow of water: we should get pilaf - grain to grain, and not rice porridge. The pilaf is ready. Serve it hot. You can sprinkle fresh herbs on top.

In foil

We will need: catfish fillet - 500 grams, a glass of rice, half a kilo of tomatoes, 200 grams of sour cream, 200 grams of cheese, 200 grams of onions, spices and salt - to taste. This dish is portioned. First, boil the rice separately. It should turn out crumbly.

On double foil measuring approximately 20 by 20 centimeters, place a few spoons of rice, a couple of chopped onion rings, a couple of pieces of fillet, sprinkle with spices, and coat with sour cream. Cut the tomatoes into slices. The design is completed by a circle of tomato. Sprinkle grated cheese on top. We wrap the foil on all sides to make a kind of pot. We make several servings this way. Place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Before cooking, open the foil on top to form a crust. Serve in portions, directly in foil, placed on plates. Bon appetit everyone!

Catfish (catfish) (lat. Anarhichadidae) is common name a whole family of fish, including 2 genera and 5 species. The family Catfish itself belongs to the order Perciformes. Catfish live in cold and temperate zones all oceans and seas Northern Hemisphere. Many species of catfish are valuable objects of commercial and recreational fishing.

The common thing that characterizes them outside, - elongated body and rather large sizes. But the most important thing hallmark, put in the name of these fish, are large front teeth, which are very similar to those of a dog. There are also crushing teeth in the mouth, in the back, and on the roof of the mouth.

So, Catfishes are represented by 2 genera: 1) the genus Anarhichas and 2) the genus Anarhichthys. The first genus includes 4 species:

  • Far Eastern catfish (lat. Anarhichas orientalis), lives in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean;
  • Striped catfish (lat. Anarhichas lupus), lives in the North Atlantic, including the North Norwegian, Baltic and Barents Seas, as well as in the White Sea (the Arctic Ocean basin);
  • Spotted catfish (lat. Anarhichas minor), lives in the North Atlantic;
  • Blue catfish (lat. Anarhichas denticulatus), also lives in the North Atlantic.

The genus Anarhichthys is monotypic, that is, it is represented by only one species - the Eel-like catfish (lat. Anarhichthys ocellatus), living in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean.

Description of catfish

The common thing that characterizes all types of catfish from the outside is an elongated body and fairly large size. But the most important distinguishing feature included in the name of these fish is the large front teeth, which are very similar to those of a dog. There are also crushing teeth in the mouth, in the back, and on the roof of the mouth. In addition, they have powerful jaws, thanks to which catfish can crush mollusk shells. Teeth are renewed annually. In addition to mollusks, catfish also feed on echinoderms, jellyfish, crustaceans and more. small fish, that is, they are predators.

Adult specimens reach a length of 1.1-2.4 m and weigh 20-32 kg. Although catfish do not go out into the open ocean, they prefer to stay near the bottom (at depths of up to 300-1700 m).

Cooking catfish

In a store or market, catfish can be found either fresh frozen or chilled or in other forms. Preference, of course, should be given to fresh catfish. And the point here is not even that fresh fish always contains more nutrients. Catfish is a special product! The fact is that after defrosting it will release so much water that its mass will be halved!

You should also take into account that this fish is quite fatty, and its flesh is gelatinous. Therefore, if you do not follow some of the cooking nuances, the dish can be ruined: the fish will boil over and the dish will lose its attractive appearance.

If smoked catfish is sold, it can be purchased to make a variety of fish salads. However, if you care about your health, then it is better not to buy such catfish, since smoked fish contains carcinogens.

In general, catfish is a very “democratic” fish in culinary terms. You can cook fish soup from it, prepare main courses (boil, fry, bake, etc.), make pates and cold appetizers from it, and use it as a filling for pies.

Let's look at a few traditional ways cooking catfish.

Boiled catfish

After cleaning (gutting and trimming the head and fins), the fish carcass must be cut into steaks. Dissolve 3-4 tablespoons of table salt in a liter of water, place the fish in brine and leave at room temperature for at least two hours. In this brine, you can also put it in the refrigerator overnight.

After this, the catfish should be removed from the brine and washed cold water. Rub the pieces of fish with pepper and wrap each of them in several layers of cling film.

The water in which the fish will be cooked must first be heated to a temperature of 70 o C. If you do not have a thermometer, then you first need to boil the water, then turn off the heat, and after an hour put it back on the fire, but this time weak.

Place the fish pieces in water and cook for 20-30 minutes. After this, the catfish needs to be removed from the broth, unwrapped and placed on heated plates. If you do not do the last manipulation, it will stick to the bottom of the plate and will fall apart while eating. Before serving, it can be topped with sauce, which is best suited to yogurt or sour cream mixed with dill, garlic and lemon juice. A sauce made from a mixture of soy sauce, lime juice, hot pepper and cilantro will also be very good. The easiest option: mix mayonnaise with dill, garlic and lemon juice.

You can use catfish to make fish soups - potato, vegetable or rice.

Here is one of the recipes:

  • sauté vegetables in butter or vegetable oil, cover them with water, adding diced potatoes or washed cereals (rice, pearl barley);
  • cook potatoes or cereals until fully cooked;
  • add the deboned catfish pieces and cook for another 10 minutes.

If fish soup or fish soup is prepared simultaneously from several types of fish, then the catfish is placed last, as otherwise it will fall apart due to the softness of its meat.

Fried catfish (for 4 persons)

Take 1 kg of frozen catfish (if you bought fresh, freeze it a little), remove all the bones and skin and thus get a fillet, which is then placed in salted water (4 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Immediately add a couple more lemon slices. Marinate the fish in this brine for 2 hours. After this, remove the fillet and dry it.

In three different plates we will prepare: 1) flour, 2) breadcrumbs, 3) beaten eggs with one tablespoon of milk (beat everything with a fork and lightly salt).

First roll the fish fillet in flour, then in the egg and milk, and finally in breadcrumbs. Place the breaded fillet on a dry surface (for example, a cutting board).

Take a deep thick-walled pan and heat it in it vegetable oil or fat. Place the fish in oil and fry until golden brown.

You can serve fish fried in this way with potatoes or rice, flavoring the dish with any of the sauces suggested above. Curry seasoning, cilantro, dill and garlic also go well with fried catfish.

Baked catfish

It is best to bake catfish together with other ingredients that will have a binding effect on it. In this regard, the following are suitable: potatoes, rice, semolina, couscous, flight, etc. This can also be done in a thick sauce such as bechamel.

Catfish fillet should be cut into slices, sprinkled with salt and rolled in flour. Place sliced ​​potatoes or semi-cooked cereals (rice, etc.) on the bottom of the pan, and sprinkle fried onions on top. Then place a layer of breaded fish, and then again a layer of potatoes or cereal. After this, pour everything over the eggs, beaten with cream, pepper and salt.

If the catfish is cooked with potatoes, then the surface of the dish can also be sprinkled with grated cheese before placing it in the oven.

Bake at a temperature of 180-200 o C for 30-40 minutes.

Baked catfish is served on warm plates, first sprinkled with herbs.

Alternatively, the catfish can be baked in a pot along with mushrooms, poured with dry white wine.

Another option: catfish baked in foil with tomatoes. The acidity of the tomatoes will make the fish flesh more elastic.

Catfish cutlets

Catfish cutlets baked in the oven will also be a very tasty dish. To obtain minced meat, fish along with onions soaked in milk and squeezed bread, eggs, spices and salt are passed through a meat grinder. The cutlets are molded and placed in a baking dish greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs or flour. The surface of the cutlets can also be brushed with beaten eggs. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Cool and serve with vegetable salad.

Catfish cabbage rolls are prepared in the same way, only boiled rice is added to the minced meat instead of bread. In this case, it is no longer necessary to beat in the egg. before placing in the oven the cabbage rolls are poured tomato sauce or cream.

Steamed catfish

Bake with vegetables. Pieces of fish are pre-salted (2 hours in brine - 4 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water), then rinsed with water and dried. The fish is placed on the top rack of the steamer, and potatoes, broccoli, green pea pods, carrots, and zucchini are placed on the bottom rack. Cook for 25 minutes. Serve with white sauce, for the preparation of which the flour is sautéed, low-fat cream is added, salt to taste, pepper, and bay leaf are added. Stir the sauce until it thickens. It is used to water fish and vegetables.

Nutritional value of spotted catfish (per 100 g)

Nutritional value



Useful properties of catfish

The nutritional value of this fish is very high. Its calorie content is approximately the same as that of chicken. However, unlike the latter, catfish contains very few saturated fatty acids in its composition, and therefore can be classified as a dietary food.

It contains a lot of vitamins and mineral elements. Of particular note is the high potassium content, which restores water and electrolyte balance in the body. Catfish is the record holder among fish for iodine and cobalt content.

Indications for eating catfish are:

  • increased blood cholesterol, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • edema, including cardiac origin;
  • impaired blood microcirculation, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • obesity, metabolic disorders;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • mental and physical exhaustion, neuroses;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduced immunity.

Harm to catfish

Catfish should be consumed very carefully if you have hyperthyroidism, as it contains a lot of iodine.

In case of individual intolerance to fish and seafood, allergic reactions are possible.

The benefits of sea fish for the human body are undeniable. And the taste and variety of dishes prepared from its meat deserve special praise! One of the inhabitants of the seas that deserves our attention is catfish. The benefits and harms of this fish should be known to everyone who is going to go to the store to buy it and cook it with catfish in leading role hearty and original dishes.

Catfish, or “sea wolf” - what kind of fish is this?

This inhabitant depths of the sea is a representative of the order Perciformes. The photo of the catfish is impressive. It is distinguished by a powerful body reaching 1-1.5 m, a weight exceeding 30 kg, thick skin and small scales. Another feature that explains the name is powerful teeth that are renewed annually.

« Sea wolf» lives at a depth of 600 m, in clean water, which guarantees the production of meat free of any harmful impurities.

Nutritional value of catfish

Fish is one of the indispensable components of many diets. The minimum fat content in combination with proteins and a whole complex of vitamins and microelements provides it with nutritional value and extreme ease of absorption. In addition, unlike river sea ​​fish not infected with helminths.

Thanks to such features of a fish called catfish, the benefits and harms of this product are of interest to everyone every year larger number specialists in the field proper nutrition and dietetics. 100 grams of its meat contains about 120-126 kcal, 19.6 grams of protein, 5.3 grams of fat and zero carbohydrates. Such characteristics make it possible to use catfish as a component of any carbohydrate-free diet.

On the other hand, according to nutritionists, this fish should be introduced with caution into the diet of a person trying to lose weight due to its high nutritional value. In such cases, mainly boiled or steamed catfish meat is used. But it fully justifies itself as part of the diet of athletes and other people who, day after day, withstand maximum physical activity. Easy-to-digest catfish meat will provide the body with the energy necessary for full functioning.

The benefits of catfish for human health

If you buy fish called catfish, the benefits and harms of this product should be known to you. Its meat contains the following substances:

  • vitamins A, B12, E and D;
  • riboflavin, lysine, thiamine, pyridoxine;
  • acids: glutamic, pantothenic, aspartic, nicotinic;
  • minerals and trace elements;
  • Omega-3 fatty acids.

Sulfur ensures the activity of metabolic processes, chlorine ensures the normalization of water-salt balance. Potassium helps get rid of swelling and changes in blood pressure. In addition, in combination with magnesium, it restores the full functioning of the cardiovascular system. Calcium and phosphorus guarantee the strengthening of bone tissue, and vitamin PP improves blood supply internal organs. This process occurs due to the dilation of blood vessels. Vitamin D ensures optimal blood clotting and normal functioning nervous system and hearts.

Catfish meat should enrich the diet of people suffering from the following diseases:

  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • destabilization of metabolic processes;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypertension;
  • ischemic heart diseases and others.

Can catfish be harmful?

Like any other product, “sea wolf” is useful only when making the right choice, proper preparation and consumption in reasonable quantities. By including this fish in your menu too often, especially in unlimited quantities, you risk getting poisoned.

If you are allergic to seafood or have an individual intolerance to catfish, you should completely exclude it from your diet.

Selection rules

Catfish can be sold with or without the head. In the first case, you should pay attention to the eyes of the fish. A fresh “specimen” will have an unclouded and shiny iris.

If you are offered a headless carcass or fillet, gently press on it - fresh meat is elastic, it will immediately restore the same form. Its shade should be light.

When purchasing frozen sea wolf, avoid pieces of meat with a lot of ice crystals. This sign indicates repeated defrosting and freezing of the product. Its usefulness is very doubtful.

Once you purchase fresh fish, you can store it in the refrigerator, under freezer, maximum 1-2 days. The shelf life of frozen fillets is 2 months.

Using "sea wolf" in cooking

If you have catfish at your disposal, how to prepare this product? The choice can be made to your taste. Use any methods heat treatment: frying, boiling, stewing, use the grill and steamer.

Catfish can be served without “companions” or included in combined dishes - fish soup from several types of fish, salads and other dishes. The delicate, sweetish taste of “sea wolf” guarantees its optimal combination with vegetables, cereals, and dough.

Catfish recipes

Fried catfish

This is one of the easiest ways to use catfish. Simply cut the fillet into large pieces and lightly boil it in salted water. Then roll the fish in flour and fry in a heated sunflower oil until golden brown. With this preparation, the pieces will retain their elasticity and juiciness.

Catfish with cabbage, celery and miso sauce


  • 200 g catfish fillet;
  • 150 grams of white cabbage;
  • 115 g soy sauce;
  • 10 grams each of olive and green oil;
  • 100 grams of pineapple juice, honey, sugar;
  • 50 grams each of celery and miso paste.


  1. If you choose this dish, you will be provided with tasty and juicy catfish, the calorie content of which will remain low and the nutritional value will be maximum.
  2. To make miso sauce, combine honey, juice, soy sauce, sugar and miso paste. Melt these products in a saucepan, stirring constantly. After 10 minutes the sauce is ready. Use it to marinate fish fillets.
  3. After an hour, place it on a baking sheet with parchment paper and bake at 180 degrees for about 12 minutes.
  4. Add soy sauce to the fried cabbage. Simmer this vegetable over low heat, covered with a lid, until it is ready. Then fry it until delicious golden brown.
  5. Green oil is obtained by beating olive oil with the addition of salt and chopped parsley. Use a blender for this purpose.

Well, celery puree is prepared as follows:

  • the prepared root is cut into pieces;
  • fried in olive oil;
  • stewed with 300 grams of water and a pinch of salt;
  • beat in a blender bowl.

When serving, celery puree, a little green butter and baked fish fillet with fried cabbage are laid out on a portioned dish.

Catfish is not as common a fish in the diet of our compatriots as some of its other marine “relatives”. But this does not mean that “sea wolf” is worse - you just need to know how to choose and prepare it. Competence in these matters will ensure that catfish dishes taste wonderful. Well, nature itself took care that they would benefit the body, giving the meat of these sea ​​creatures numerous valuable components. However, it is important to remember that excessive consumption can make catfish an enemy of our body.

“Sea wolf” or catfish, although it lives in the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, has long become a familiar food product for many who monitor their health. Catfish meat is extremely healthy, containing not only essential vitamins and minerals, but also sufficient amounts of amino acids and polyunsaturated fats, without which it is impossible to imagine correct work body.

This fish has a slightly unusual appearance, which is due to wide jaws and large teeth, one of the subspecies is also blue. The meat is white, tender, does not contain small bones, and is quite fatty. In Europe, this product is most often found in frozen form (steak or briquette).

Calorie content of catfish meat (100 g)

Catfish meat is low-calorie and extremely healthy, which is why it is often used in sports nutrition for the correct construction of dietary days. Meat contains fats, but these are polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are vital and do not lead to obesity. It should be remembered that the calorie content of catfish also depends on the method of preparation: boiled catfish will have approximately 114 kcal, but fried catfish will already add 204 kcal or more. Therefore, during the diet period it is necessary to give preference to boiled or steamed fish.


Vitamins: A, B, C, D

Minerals: potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, iodine

Active ingredients: protein, omega fats, amino acids

The benefits of catfish fish for the body

Fish contains a sufficient amount of animal protein, which is necessary for timely metabolic processes and building material for new cells. This product is very valuable for athletes and people in general who are underweight because protein will help increase the amount of muscle.

Catfish is not only a delicious fish, but is also considered a fairly dietary product. By using it when losing weight, you can maintain the body in the right tone. This will allow you to saturate with the necessary minerals and vitamins, without losing the health of your teeth, nails and hair, which is also important.

Catfish meat is beneficial for the presence of omega fats, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system; timely intake of these fats will help prevent atherosclerosis and increase the quality mental work, will increase resistance to stress, improve sleep. Omega fats also cleanse the blood of harmful cholesterol and cleanse the walls of blood vessels.

This fish brings invaluable benefits to the gastrointestinal tract. Without having large quantity fat, it does not burden the stomach and pancreas, is easily digestible, and can be included in the diet of children. Fiber cleanses the intestinal walls, helps normalize its functioning, and improve peristalsis.

Catfish meat contains a sufficient amount of iodine, which will help the thyroid gland. This is a vital organ that is responsible for the production of hormones throughout the body. With insufficient iodine consumption, a decrease in its functions can be observed, and as a result can lead to serious malfunctions. Frequent consumption of such fish will help normalize and improve thyroid function.

The minerals contained in fish have a positive effect on the integrity of the entire musculoskeletal system, as well as teeth.

Positive Impact fish oil extends to vision. A pattern has been noticed between regular use and proper metabolic processes in the eyeball. Visual acuity improves.

Contraindications and harm to the body

Contraindicated for use by people with allergies to seafood.

Eating catfish during pregnancy can harm the baby's nervous system. Therefore, expectant mothers should consult a doctor before including such a product in their diet.

It is not advisable to include catfish meat in children under 4 years of age, for the reasons stated above.

Uncontrolled consumption can harm the health of an adult; you should always remember the norm.

How to cook catfish meat

There are many ways to cook catfish meat as tasty and healthy as possible, but most often they settle on several options: steaming, in a slow cooker or oven.

First of all, before any method, the fish must be thawed (if you purchased a frozen product) and marinated in herbs. Let it soak in the aromas for about 30-40 minutes. It is very important to remove excess moisture from defrosted fish so that you don’t end up with “porridge.”

Steam fish for no more than 30 minutes, just like in a slow cooker.

In order to bake catfish in the oven, it is better to place it in foil or a sleeve; you can add various vegetables, which during cooking will be saturated with the aromas and juices of the fish. The result is an extremely tasty, healthy and low-calorie dish. In this case, it is recommended to use a minimal amount of salt.

If you are not on a diet, catfish meat can be eaten with various side dishes, fried in breading, batter, cooked with cheese and much more.

Blue catfish

This is one of the subspecies of fish of the perciform family, which is considered commercial. It has a characteristic color, which is why it got its name; the fish also has large jaws with huge teeth, which are not typical for this species (it is with them that the catfish carefully grinds food, as it feeds on various mollusks and crustaceans). The meat is white and has no small bones. The fish itself can reach large sizes and weigh up to 40 kg, so don't be put off by the large frozen steaks on supermarket shelves.

Catfish meat has many beneficial properties due to the high amount of vitamins, minerals and amino acids in its composition. All this has a positive effect on all systems of the body, and can even prolong youth. If women want to have beautiful, tight and fresh skin; strong nails and thick hair - you need to include this fish in your diet. But it is always worth remembering the consumption rate so that the benefit does not turn into harm.

Traditional medicine is not only the use of flora for self-treatment, but also fauna objects or their components. The benefits of seafood and fish for the human body are enormous; many facts have been said and proven about them. But there are controversial cases, such as eating catfish, which can bring enormous benefits but also poses a health threat.

Content of valuable components in catfish, nutritional benefits and energy value of fish

Catfish- this is the view predatory fish, the place of distribution of which is Quiet and atlantic oceans. It got its name because of its huge, terrifying jaw with conical teeth.

The protein-rich composition of catfish is very attractive to athletes. All the beneficial substances in fish are antioxidants, vitamins, trace elements and minerals. Their complex has a beneficial effect on the condition of human internal organs, the appearance and health of skin, hair, tone and mood. More detailed composition of the fish:

Amino acids are substances responsible for the stable and normal functioning of the heart and the healthy state of blood vessels;

Potassium is an element that helps remove excess salts from the body; its presence helps prevent tissue swelling;

Phosphorus is a macronutrient that seafood is rich in and has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine system;

Vitamin E is responsible for maintaining the youth of the body;

Vitamin A or carotene improves vision, prevents the occurrence of eye diseases, strengthens the immune system and significantly increases the body's defenses;

Vitamin D is the main component for normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system; it is also responsible for maintaining the integrity and strength of bone tissue;

Vitamin PP – helps the body recover faster, which is especially important in postoperative periods; thanks to its regenerating and restorative effects, the body quickly returns to its normal state after illness;

B vitamins support the health of the whole body, help all internal systems and organs stay in good shape;

Vitamin C is a natural antibiotic that can independently stop internal inflammatory processes in the body and increase immunity;

Magnesium is an element that takes part in fat, protein and energy processes in the body;

Minerals such as cobalt, selenium, zinc, fluorine, iron, copper can also be found in small quantities;

There are unsaturated fatty acids in the composition - these are Omega 3 and Omega 6;

Water and ash.

Per 100 g of product there are 19.6 g of protein, 5.3 g of fat, 80 mg of cholesterol and minimal carbohydrate content. The calorie content in the raw product is 96 kcal per 100 g. Catfish is a low-calorie type of fish, although during the cooking process energy value it increases: boiled fish - 114 kcal, baked - 137 kcal, fried - 220 kcal.

Eating catfish and the beneficial properties of fish

Catfish – species commercial fish, which is highly valued for its excellent gourmet meat and delicious caviar. Sea wolf skin and teeth are also used in the production of accessories, jewelry, and souvenirs.

Most specialists and nutritionists are confident in the invaluable benefits of fish meat for the human body, because it is perfectly digestible, full of useful substances, antioxidants, and vitamins. Low-calorie, but nutritious dishes are recommended for consumption by athletes and people in the recovery stage of life after operations or serious illnesses. The most beneficial for the body will be the delicacy of boiled catfish.

What are the beneficial properties of catfish:

1. Saturation of the body's cells with protein necessary for their restoration and structure.

2. Removing excess salts from the body and getting rid of swelling, for example, in the morning.

3. Increasing immunity and body resistance to viral and infectious diseases.

4. Normalization of the functioning of the nervous system, improvement of the condition of the skeletal system.

5. Strengthening effect on the thyroid gland.

6. Removing harmful cholesterol from the body.

7. Establishing the activity of the cardiovascular system.

8. Bringing the pH balance in the body to the required value.

9. Restoration of metabolic processes in the body.

10. Improving memory and the processes of memorizing materials by saturating the brain with useful components.

11. Lowering blood pressure and preventing atherosclerosis.

12. Effective fat burning - catfish is suitable for inclusion in a diet for weight loss, and will also help remove toxins from the body.

Like most other representatives of ocean and marine fauna, catfish is an easily digestible and low-calorie product that is healthy for the body.

Can catfish be harmful: a list of main contraindications

As for the benefits and harms of catfish already long time There is debate among nutritionists and scientists. Its composition, rich in valuable substances and low calorie content, undoubtedly add advantages to the product and prove that it cannot pose a health hazard. However, contraindications for catfish are not excluded. The main ones:

1. Pacific fish meat is full of allergens that are so strong that even after heat treatment their strength does not decrease. Because of this, meat can cause negative consequences in the form of an allergic reaction or even poisoning.

2. People with a known intolerance to seafood should not eat fish.

4. During pregnancy and lactation period, catfish should also be avoided due to negative impact to the emerging nervous system child.

5. Young children should not be given catfish for the same reasons, at least until they are 4 years old.

It should be remembered that, given the existing contraindications, catfish can cause harm to the body only in significant quantities. Small portions of fish will cause minimal or no damage, but it’s better not to take any unnecessary risks.

How to choose the right catfish - the benefits of purchased fish

When purchasing catfish fish for home consumption, health improvement and prevention, you need to know the basic rules of choice. They will help you buy tasty, healthy, and most importantly, healthy fish.

1. You should immediately pay attention to the eyes - the look should be clean, bright, and in no case cloudy, because this indicates that the fish is not fresh.

2. Fish meat is another indicator of freshness. It is worth buying fish with elastic, light and bright meat.

3. Frozen fish is not best option. Most likely, it was re-frozen many times and lost its taste and beneficial properties.

4. Fresh fish can be stored in the refrigerator; its beneficial qualities will last for exactly one day.

It is best to freeze fish yourself. This way you will be sure that the fish was fresh when you purchased it. But it can be stored in this way for no more than a couple of months.